[cig-commits] r11779 - cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Tue Apr 8 22:16:07 PDT 2008

Author: leif
Date: 2008-04-08 22:16:07 -0700 (Tue, 08 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 11779

Incorporated Vala's plot_wig_map.

Modified: cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/gmt.py
--- cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/gmt.py	2008-04-09 01:06:43 UTC (rev 11778)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/gmt.py	2008-04-09 05:16:07 UTC (rev 11779)
@@ -164,6 +164,432 @@
     return jpg
+def wiggleMap(cmt,
+              stationList,
+              opt_a=None,
+              opt_A=None,
+              opt_B=None,
+              opt_c=None,
+              opt_D=None,
+              opt_G=None,
+              opt_l=None,
+              opt_L=None,
+              opt_e=None, opt_m=None,
+              opt_M=None,
+              opt_R=None,
+              opt_s=None,
+              opt_S=None,
+              opt_t=None,
+              opt_W=None,
+              opt_V=None,
+              ):
+    # Based on:
+    #  plot_wig_map.pl
+    #  Vala Hjorleifsdottir
+    #  Feb 27 2003
+    # align_phase -- one of o,p,s,r,l,number, aligns phase with station loc.
+    align = None
+    if opt_a is not None:
+        if opt_a in "opsrl":
+            align = opt_a
+        else:
+            try:
+                align = float(opt_a)
+            except ValueError:
+                assert False, "Align on o,p,s,r,l or number, not: %r" % opt_a
+    # plot antipode [useful for global map]
+    if opt_A and not opt_R:
+        plot_antipode = True
+    elif not opt_A and not opt_R:
+        plot_antipode = False
+        arc_min = -1
+        arc_max = 90
+    # plot both sides of globe [also for global maps]
+    if opt_B:
+        nr_of_plots = 2
+    else:
+        nr_of_plots = 1
+    # cut0/cut1 -- plot data from cut1 to cut2 relative to align_phase [no cut]
+    if opt_c:
+        cut_option = "-C%s/%s" % opt_c
+    else:
+        cut_option = ""
+    # xshift/yshift -- shifts trace by these amounts of MEASURE_UNIT [no shift]
+    if opt_D:
+        shift_option = "-D%s" % opt_D
+    else:
+        shift_option = "-D0/0"
+    # plot great circle path
+    if opt_G:
+        plot_greatcircle = True
+    else:
+        plot_greatcircle = False
+    # tscale -- seconds/inch, controls length of trace [3600]
+    if opt_l:
+        tscale = opt_l
+    else:
+        tscale = "3600"
+    # Landscape
+    if opt_L:
+        landscape = True
+    else:
+        landscape = False
+    # Lat/Lon -- give either -e or -m to determine center of map
+    if not opt_m and not opt_e:
+        assert False, "You have to specify either -e Lat/Lon or -m CMTFILE"
+    if opt_e:
+        plot_mecha = False
+    # CMT-file -- CMT-file in HVD format, plots mechanism on map
+    if opt_m:
+        plot_mecha = True
+    # scale -- scale for seismograms, type pssac2 for options
+    if opt_M:
+        wig_scale = opt_M
+    else:
+        wig_scale = "N/A"
+    # lon1/lon2/lat1/lat2/tick_x/tick_y/width/x/y - regional map. Width of map and x and y of lower left corner [in inches].
+    if opt_R:
+        regional = True
+        min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat, tick_x, tick_y, scale, x, y = opt_R
+        plot_antipode = False
+        arc_min = 0
+        arc_max = 180
+    else:
+        regional = False
+        min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat, tick_x, tick_y, scale, x, y = None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
+    # plot stations
+    if opt_s:
+        plot_stations = True
+    else:
+        plot_stations = False
+    # syndir,synsuff -- plot synthetics SYNDIR/*synsuff correpsonding to datafiles
+    if opt_S:
+        syn_dir, syn_suff = opt_S
+        assert os.path.isdir(syn_dir), "No such directory: %s" % syn_dir
+        plot_syn = True
+    else:
+        syn_dir, syn_suff = None, None
+        plot_syn = False
+    # title -- title of plot [no title]
+    if opt_t:
+        title = opt_t
+    else:
+        title = ""
+    # plot wiggles (give datafiles at the end)
+    if opt_W:
+        plot_wiggles = True
+    else:
+        plot_wiggles = False
+    assert not landscape or regional, "You can only use landscape for regional plots"
+    assert opt_M or not plot_wiggles, "Specify scale for wiggles"
+    if plot_wiggles and plot_syn and not '/' in opt_M:
+        assert False, "Don't use relative scale when plotting both data and synthetics -- change -M option"
+    assert plot_wiggles or not plot_syn, "Have to specify datafiles to pick corresponding synthetics"
+    # verbose
+    if opt_V:
+        if not opt_l and plot_wiggles:
+            print "Using default timescale, 1hour/inch"
+        print "Aligning on: %s" % align
+        print "Plotting antipode? %s" % plot_antipode
+        print "Cutting from/to sec: %s" % opt_c
+        #print "Moment tensor file: %s" % cmt_file
+        print "Scale for wiggles: %s" % wig_scale
+        print "Name of outputfile: %s" % PS_OUT
+        print "Plotting stations? %s" % plot_stations
+        print "Plotting synthetics? %s" % plot_syn
+        print "Title of plot: %s" % title
+        print "Plotting wiggles: %s" % plot_wiggles
+        print "Scale for wiggles: %s" % wig_scale
+        V_option=" -V "
+    else:
+        V_option = ""
+    if plot_mecha:
+        event_lat = cmt.latitude
+        event_lon = cmt.longitude
+    else:
+        event_lat, event_lon = opt_e
+    args = [
+        align, plot_antipode,
+        arc_min, arc_max,
+        cut_option, shift_option,
+        plot_greatcircle, tscale, landscape, plot_mecha,
+        wig_scale, regional,
+        min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat, tick_x, tick_y, scale, x, y,
+        plot_stations,
+        plot_syn, syn_dir, syn_suff,
+        title,
+        plot_wiggles,
+        V_option,
+        event_lat, event_lon,
+        opt_R,
+        ]
+    owd = os.getcwd()
+    workdir = mkdtemp()
+    os.chdir(workdir)
+    os.putenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/home/leif/opt/netCDF/lib")
+    PS_OUT = join(workdir, "map.ps")
+    plotWiggleMap(1, nr_of_plots, cmt, stationList, PS_OUT, *args)
+    if nr_of_plots == 2:
+        plotWiggleMap(2, nr_of_plots, cmt, stationList, PS_OUT, *args)
+    os.chdir(owd)
+    # Convert the PostScript to a JPG file.
+    jpg = join(workdir, "map.jpg")
+    spawn("/usr/bin/convert", '-trim', '+repage', PS_OUT, jpg)
+    jpg = open(jpg, 'r')
+    shutil.rmtree(workdir)
+    return jpg
+def plotWiggleMap(plot_nr, nr_of_plots,
+                  cmt, stationList, PS_OUT,
+                  # *args
+                  align, plot_antipode,
+                  arc_min, arc_max,
+                  cut_option, shift_option,
+                  plot_greatcircle, tscale, landscape, plot_mecha,
+                  wig_scale, regional,
+                  min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat, tick_x, tick_y, scale, x, y,
+                  plot_stations,
+                  plot_syn, syn_dir, syn_suff,
+                  title,
+                  plot_wiggles,
+                  V_option,
+                  event_lat, event_lon,
+                  opt_R,
+                  ):
+    #########################
+    #Deciding on plot options
+    #########################
+    #@data_files=@data_files_original;
+    if nr_of_plots > 1:
+        landscape = True
+        if plot_nr == 1:
+            plot_antipode = False
+        elif plot_nr == 2:
+            plot_antipode = True
+        else:
+            assert False, "confusing plot_nr: $plot_nr - something broke in script"
+    if plot_antipode:
+        arc_min = 90
+        arc_max = 180
+        event_lat = -event_lat
+        if event_lon > 0:
+            event_lon = event_lon-180
+        else:
+            event_lon = event_lon+180
+    elif not regional:
+        arc_min = -1
+        arc_max = 90
+    if regional:
+        x=x+1
+        y=y+2
+        bounds="-R%s/%s/%s/%s" % (min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat)
+        proj = "-JM%s" % scale
+        tick   = "-B%s/%sSWen" % (tick_x, tick_y)
+        if max_lon-min_lon > 30:
+            resolution="-Dl -A1000"
+        elif max_lon-min_lon<=30 and max_lon-min_lon>5:
+            resolution="-Di -A100"
+        elif max_lon-min_lon<=5 and max_lon-min_lon>1:
+            resolution="-Dh -A10"
+        else:
+            resolution="-Df -A1"
+    else:
+        if nr_of_plots==1:
+            scale = 7.0
+            x=0.7
+            y=1.8
+        else:
+            scale=4.9
+            if plot_nr==1:
+                x=0.5
+                y=1.8
+            else:
+                x=5.6
+                y=1.8
+        proj = "-JA%s/%s/%s" % (event_lon, event_lat, scale)
+        bounds = "-R-180/180/-90/90"
+        tick   = "-B60/60"
+        resolution="-Dl -A1000"
+    if landscape:
+        p_option=""
+        #  l="-l4.8/-0.2/1/0.1/8"
+        if nr_of_plots==1:
+            lx=5.2-x
+            ly=1.2-y
+            time_loc=" 5.2 0.8 "
+            tit_loc=" 5.2 7.2 "
+        else:
+            lx=5.5-x
+            ly=1.9-y
+            time_loc=" 5.5 1.5 "
+            tit_loc=" 5.5 6.7 "
+        l="-l%s/%s/1/0.1/8" % (lx, ly)
+    else:
+        p_option="-P"
+        lx=4.2-x
+        ly=1.6-y
+        l="-l%s/%s/1/0.1/8" % (lx, ly)
+        time_loc=" 4.2 1.2 "
+        tit_loc=" 4.2 9.2 "
+    scale2 = 1.10*scale/3
+    scale3 = 2.12*scale/3
+    bin = gmt_bin
+    # set GMT default commands
+    os.system("%(bin)s/gmtset MEASURE_UNIT inch DEGREE_FORMAT 3 BASEMAP_TYPE plain DOTS_PR_INCH 600 PAPER_MEDIA letter+" % locals())
+    if isinstance(align, float):
+        e_label = "-En%f" % align
+        time_label = "Time-distance/%f (km/s) [s]" % align
+    else:
+        alignMap = {
+            'o': ("-Ent-3", "Time (s) from event"),
+            'p': ("-Ent1",  "Time (s) (aligned on p)"),
+            's': ("-Ent2",  "Time (s) (aligned on s)"),
+            'r': ("-En3.8", "Time-distance/3.8(km/s) (s)"),
+            'l': ("-En4.4", "Time-distance/4.4(km/s) (s)"),
+            None: (None, None)
+            }
+        e_label, time_label = alignMap[align]
+    if plot_stations or plot_wiggles:
+        if not opt_R:
+            #@data_files=sac_files_prune("gcarc",$arc_min,$arc_max, at data_files);
+            pass
+        else:
+            #@data_files=sac_files_prune("stla",$min_lat,$max_lat, at data_files);
+            #@data_files=sac_files_prune("stlo",$min_lon,$max_lon, at data_files);
+            pass
+        #foreach $file (@data_files){chomp($file);}
+        #@stlat=sac_files_get_values('stla', at data_files);
+        #@stlon=sac_files_get_values('stlo', at data_files);
+        #@stname = sac_files_get_values('kstnm', at data_files);
+        #@stnetwk = sac_files_get_values('knetwk', at data_files);
+        #@stcomp=sac_files_get_values('kcmpnm', at data_files);
+        if plot_wiggles and plot_nr==1:
+            title="$title $stcomp[0]"
+    ### PLOTTING ###
+    ##
+    #Plotting basemap (with equal distance rings)-S150/200/255 -G200/255/150 -G240/240/240 -S255/255/255
+    ##
+    if plot_nr==1:
+        O_option=""
+        output=">"
+    else:
+        O_option="-O"
+        output=">>"
+    os.system("%(bin)s/pscoast %(bounds)s %(proj)s %(tick)s %(resolution)s -W1/0/0/255 -S150/200/255 -G200/255/150  -K %(O_option)s %(V_option)s -X%(x)s -Y%(y)s %(p_option)s %(output)s %(PS_OUT)s" % locals())
+    if not regional:
+        inFile("%s %s" % (event_lon, event_lat))
+        os.system("%(bin)s/psxy %(bounds)s %(proj)s -Sc%(scale2)s -W2/0 -K -O %(V_option)s >>%(PS_OUT)s <inFile" % locals())
+    ##
+    #Plotting the event_location:
+    ##
+    if not plot_antipode and plot_mecha:
+        inFile("%f %f 0 %f %f %f %f %f %f 1 0 0" % (
+            event_lon, event_lat, cmt.Mrr, cmt.Mtt, cmt.Mpp, cmt.Mrt, cmt.Mrp, cmt.Mtp))
+        os.system("%(bin)s/psmeca %(bounds)s %(proj)s -Sm0.3 -L2 -G255/0/0 -T0 -K -O %(V_option)s >> %(PS_OUT)s <inFile" % locals())
+    else:
+        inFile("%s %s" % (event_lon, event_lat))
+        os.system("%(bin)s/psxy %(bounds)s %(proj)s -Sc0.1 -G255/255/0 -W2/0 -K -O %(V_option)s >>%(PS_OUT)s <inFile" % locals())
+    if plot_stations:
+        #Plotting the stations:
+        #open(PSXYst,"|psxy $bounds $proj -St0.1 -G255/0/0 -W2/0 -K -O $V_option >> %(PS_OUT)s");
+        #for($i = 0; $i < @data_files; $i++){print PSXYst "$stlon[$i] $stlat[$i] 8 0 4 CB  \n";}
+        #close(PSXYst);
+        #Plotting the station-names:
+        #open(PSXYstn,"| pstext $bounds $proj -D0/0.05 -N -K -O -V_option >> %(PS_OUT)s");
+        #for($i = 0; $i < @data_files; $i++){print PSXYstn "$stlon[$i] $stlat[$i]  8 0 4 CB $stname[$i] \n";}
+        #close(PSXYstn);
+        pass
+    if plot_greatcircle:
+        #open(PSXYgcarc,"|psxy $bounds $proj -W5/0 -K -M -O $V_option >> %(PS_OUT)s");
+        #for($i = 0; $i < @data_files; $i++){print PSXYgcarc ">\n$event_lon $event_lat\n$stlon[$i] $stlat[$i]\n";}
+        #close(PSXYgcarc);
+        pass
+    if plot_wiggles:
+        #print "Plotting data\n";
+        #print "$pssac2 $bounds $proj $shift_option $l -M$wig_scale -N $cut_option -W2p/0/0/0 -L$tscale  $e_label -P -O -K -V \n";
+        #open(PSSAC2, "| $pssac2 $bounds $proj $shift_option $l -M$wig_scale -N $cut_option -W2p/0/0/0 -L$tscale  $e_label -P -O -K -V >> %(PS_OUT)s;") or die "pssac2 failed";
+        #for($i = 0;$i<@data_files;$i++){print PSSAC2 "$data_files[$i] $stlon[$i] $stlat[$i] 0.5p/0/0/0\n";}
+        #close(PSSAC2);
+        pass
+    if plot_syn:
+        #print "Plotting synthetics \n";
+        #my(@syn_files);
+        #for($i=0; $i<@data_files; $i++){
+        #  $syn_file="${syn_dir}/$stname[$i].$stnetwk[$i].$stcomp[$i]$syn_suff";
+        #  if(-e $syn_file){
+        #    push @syn_files, $syn_file;
+        #  }
+        #}
+        #@sylat=sac_files_get_values('stla', at syn_files);
+        #@sylon=sac_files_get_values('stlo', at syn_files);
+        #open(PSSAC2, "| $pssac2 $bounds $proj $shift_option  -M$wig_scale -N $cut_option -W2p/0/0/0 -L$tscale $e_label -P -O -K -V >> $PS_OUT") or die "pssac2 failed";
+        #for($i = 0;$i<@syn_files;$i++){print PSSAC2 "$syn_files[$i] $sylon[$i] $sylat[$i] 0.5p/255/0/0\n";}
+        #close(PSSAC2);
+        pass
+    if plot_wiggles or plot_syn:
+        #system("echo $time_loc 16 0 5 CM \"$time_label\" | pstext -R0/10/0/10 -Jx1 -X-$x -Y-$y -K -O $V_option>>%(PS_OUT)s");
+        #x=0
+        #y=0
+        pass
+    #Plotting title:
+    inFile('%s 24 0 5 CM "%s"' % (tit_loc, title))
+    os.system("%(bin)s/pstext -R0/10/0/10 -Jx1 -O %(V_option)s -X-%(x)s -Y-%(y)s >>%(PS_OUT)s <inFile" % locals())
+    return
 def spawn(*argv):
     status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
     if status != 0:

Modified: cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/views.py
--- cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/views.py	2008-04-09 01:06:43 UTC (rev 11778)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/seismo/SeismoWebPortal/views.py	2008-04-09 05:16:07 UTC (rev 11779)
@@ -1153,8 +1153,11 @@
     return HttpResponseRedirect(postTrashRedirect)
-def img(src):
-    return '<img src="%s">' % src
+def img(src, width=None, height=None):
+    wh = ''
+    if width is not None:
+        wh = 'width=%d height=%d' % (width, height)
+    return '<img src="%s"%s>' % (src, wh)
 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 # Events
@@ -1198,6 +1201,7 @@
     navtree = gui.Directory("events", "Events", [
         gui.Directory("seismograms", "Seismograms", [], url = url),
+        gui.File("map", "Map", url = url + "map/"),
         gui.File("settings", "Settings", url = url + "settings/"),
         gui.File("properties", "Properties", url = url + "properties/"),
@@ -1213,6 +1217,24 @@
     if name == "sources":
         return configSources(workspace, url, request, path, appWindow, desktop)
+    if name == "map":
+        if path:
+            name = path.pop(0)
+            if path or name != "map.jpg": raise Http404
+            from gmt import wiggleMap
+            import shutil
+            stream = wiggleMap(event.singleSource, workspace.stations, opt_m=True)
+            response = HttpResponse(mimetype='image/jpeg')
+            shutil.copyfileobj(stream,  response)
+            stream.close()
+            return response
+        appWindow.path.append(navtree.index['map'])
+        map = gui.ChildWindow(url + "map/", "Map")
+        map.content = gui.StaticContent(img(url + "map/map.jpg"))
+        desktop.activeWindow.selectWindow(map)
+        return desktop
     if name == "settings":
         settings = gui.ChildWindow(url + "settings/", "Settings")
@@ -1800,7 +1822,7 @@
     if name == "map":
-        map.content = gui.StaticContent(img(url + "map.jpg"))
+        map.content = gui.StaticContent(img(url + "map.jpg", width=547, height=657))
         return desktop

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