[cig-commits] r12573 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Wed Aug 6 22:26:54 PDT 2008

Author: carltape
Date: 2008-08-06 22:26:54 -0700 (Wed, 06 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 12573

Added a Matlab script to compare the misfit values for different models.  Updated two other Matlab scripts for computing misfit values.

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2008-08-07 05:26:54 UTC (rev 12573)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+% compare_misfit.m
+% CARL TAPE, 23-July-2008
+% printed xxx
+% This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
+% mt_measure_adj.f90, and it tabulates and plots misfit function values.
+% /cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/
+% Copied from compute_misfit.m on 23-July-2008
+% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
+Tvec = [6 2];
+    % LOWEST period used for each measurement band-pass (upper is 40 s)
+comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
+    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
+    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nper = length(Tvec);
+%DT = 0.011;     % really this is only needed because it was left out from
+                % integrating the waveforms in mt-measure_adj.f90
+iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, ststions
+dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_8/';
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_m05';
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v8'];
+stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
+nevent = length(eids);
+% read in CMT solutions
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm);
+for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+strec = strec(:);
+% make list of networks
+stnet = unique(netwk);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
+imodel_min = input(' Enter minimum model index (0-5) : ');
+imodel_max = input(' Enter maximum model index (1-5) : ');
+nmodel = imodel_max - imodel_min;
+wdiff_array = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper,nmodel);
+if iread == 1
+    % range of events
+    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
+    %imin = 4; imax = 7;
+    %imin = 4; imax = imin;
+    for imod = imodel_min:imodel_max
+        stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
+        disp('====================================');
+        disp(['MODEL ' stmod]);
+        k2 = 0;
+        meas_array = [];
+        %for tt = 1:1
+        for tt = 1:nper
+            Tper = Tvec(tt);
+            sTper = sprintf('%3.3i',Tper);
+            if imod <= 2, sTper2 = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); else sTper2 = sTper; end   % CHT
+            disp('-----------------------------------------');
+            for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
+                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
+                dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_T' sTper '/'];
+                mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper2 '_window_chi'];
+                filename = [dir1 mfile];
+                if ~exist(filename,'file')
+                    disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
+                else
+                    % read the window_chi file
+                    [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
+                    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+                    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+                    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+                    wind2,wins2,win_chi0,windur, recd2,recs2,rec_chi0,recdur,...
+                    tr_chi,am_chi] = read_window_chi(filename);
+                    % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
+                    win_chi = win_chi0 ./ wind2;
+                    rec_chi = rec_chi0 ./ recd2;
+                    nwin = length(strec0);
+                    disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
+                    % assign the string network an integer index
+                    index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for inet = 1:nnet
+                        ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
+                        index_net(ind_net) = inet;
+                    end
+                    % assign the string receiver an integer index
+                    index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for irec = 1:nrec
+                        ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
+                        index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
+                    end
+                    % assign the string component an integer index
+                    index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for icomp = 1:ncomp
+                        ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
+                        index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
+                    end
+                    % measurement indices
+                    k1 = k2+1;
+                    k2 = k1+nwin-1;
+                    kinds = [k1:k2]';
+                    meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin ...
+                        iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA  measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
+                    %  1  kinds
+                    %  2  index_T
+                    %  3  index_event
+                    %  4  index_network
+                    %  5  index_rec
+                    %  6  index_comp
+                    %  7  iwin
+                    %  8  iker
+                    %  9  measCC_dT
+                    % 10  sigmaCC_dT
+                    % 11  measCC_dA
+                    % 12  sigmaCC_dA
+                    % 13  measMT_dT
+                    % 14  sigmaMT_dT
+                    % 15  win_chi
+                    % 16  rec_chi                
+                    % 17  tr_chi
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        for tt = 1:nper
+            for ii = imin:imax
+                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+                for jj = 1:nrec
+                    for kk = 1:ncomp
+                        imatch = find( and( and( meas_array(:,2)==tt, meas_array(:,3)==ii), ...
+                                            and( meas_array(:,5)==jj, meas_array(:,6)==kk) ));
+                        if ~isempty(imatch)
+                            % take the first only
+                            wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imod+1) = meas_array(imatch(1),16);
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    save('wdiff_array.mat','wdiff_array');
+   load('wdiff_array.mat'); 
+whos wdiff_array
+% total number of windows
+N = length(meas_array);
+% for each record for each model (m0, m1) that has at least one window picked,
+% we save the integrated waveform difference as the purest measure of misfit
+% between the data and synthetics
+[m1,m2,m3,m4,m5] = size(wdiff_array)
+if 0==1
+    ratio_array = []; ll = 0;
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        for ii = imin:imax
+            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+            for jj = 1:nrec
+                for kk = 1:ncomp
+                    % check that there is a measurement for all models
+                    if prod(wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,:)) > 0
+                        ll = ll+1;
+                        rat = wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_max+1) / wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_min+1);
+                        ratio_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj kk rat];
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    %ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,5);
+    ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,[-1 5]);
+    hmax = length(ratio_sort);
+    hmax = 100;
+    for hh = 1:hmax
+        tt = ratio_sort(hh,1);
+        ii = ratio_sort(hh,2);
+        jj = ratio_sort(hh,3);
+        kk = ratio_sort(hh,4);
+       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %6.3f',char(eids{ii}),...
+           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),char(comps{kk}),ratio_sort(hh,5) ));
+    end
+    %------------------------
+    rec_array = []; ll = 0;
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        for ii = imin:imax
+            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+            for jj = 1:nrec
+                    % check that there is a measurement for all components for all models
+                    if prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,:) ) > 0
+                        ll = ll+1;
+                        rat = prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_max+1) ./ wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_min+1) );
+                        rec_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj rat];
+                    end
+                end
+        end
+    end
+    rec_sort = sortrows(rec_array,[-1 4]);
+    for hh = 1:length(rec_sort)
+        tt = rec_sort(hh,1);
+        ii = rec_sort(hh,2);
+        jj = rec_sort(hh,3);
+       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %10.6f',char(eids{ii}),...
+           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),rec_sort(hh,4) ));
+    end
+    %------------------------
+%     % loop over all stations
+%     tarray = []; ll = 0;
+%     for jj = 1:nrec
+%         imatch = find( ratio_array(:,3)==jj);
+%         if length(imatch)==6
+%             ll = ll+1;
+%            tarray(ll,:) = [jj prod(ratio_array(imatch,5)) ];
+%         end
+%     end
+%     tarray_sort = sortrows(tarray,2);
+%     for hh = 1:20
+%         jj = tarray_sort(hh,1);
+%        disp(sprintf('%7s %6.3f',char(strec{jj}),tarray_sort(hh,2) ));
+%     end
+    figure; N = plot_histo(ratio_array(:,end),[0:0.2:5]);
+    figure; N = plot_histo(log(ratio_array(:,end)),[-4:0.2:4]);
+    break

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2008-08-07 00:53:44 UTC (rev 12572)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2008-08-07 05:26:54 UTC (rev 12573)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 % compute_misfit.m
-% CARL TAPE, 19-June-2008
+% CARL TAPE, 06-Aug-2008
 % printed xxx
 % This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 % The output files are stored within the directories generated by
 % make_dirs.pl, which must be run first.
+% See also compare_misfit.m for comparing misfit values for multiple models.
 % calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
 % called by xxx
@@ -22,7 +24,6 @@
 format compact
 dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
-ftag = '_window_chi';
 Tvec = [6 2];
     % LOWEST period used for each measurement band-pass (upper is 40 s)
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
 nper = length(Tvec);
 %DT = 0.011;     % really this is only needed because it was left out from
-                % integrating hte waveforms in mt-Measure_adj.f90
+                % integrating the waveforms in mt-measure_adj.f90
@@ -57,8 +58,11 @@
 iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
 % files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, ststions
-eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernel_' stmod '/kernels_' stmod];
-cmt_file_all = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_7/SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v7';
+dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_9/';
+eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v9'];
 stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
@@ -66,13 +70,50 @@
 % load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
 % load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
-eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
 nevent = length(eids);
-eids_num = str2num(char(eids));     % numeric version
 % read in CMT solutions
-[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+% get the indices of these events into the full list
+ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii=1:nevent
+    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),eid_cmt);
+    if ~isempty(itemp)
+        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
+    else
+        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
+    end
+disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
+% if 0==1
+%     fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n',stks{kk},' ',...
+%         ['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(2))],'TOTAL');
+%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10i%10i%10i\n','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+%     for ii = 1:nw
+%         jj = isort(ii);
+%         fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+%     end
+%     fclose(fid);
+%     fid = fopen('eids_reduced','w');
+%     for ii=1:nevent
+%         imatch = strmatch(eids(ii),eid_cmt);
+%         slon_match = slon(imatch);
+%         slat_match = slat(imatch);
+%         if slon_match <= -117.2
+%             fprintf(fid,'%s\n',eids{ii});
+%         end
+%     end
+%     fclose(fid);
+%     break
+% end
 % read in stations file (used for synthetics)
@@ -123,14 +164,14 @@
     for tt = 1:nper
         Tper = Tvec(tt);
         sTper = sprintf('%3.3i',Tper);
-        %if imod <= 2, sTper = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); end   % CHT
+        if imod <= 2, sTper2 = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); else sTper2 = sTper; end   % CHT
         for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
             disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
             dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_T' sTper '/'];
-            mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper '_window_chi'];
+            mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper2 '_window_chi'];
             filename = [dir1 mfile];
             if ~exist(filename,'file')
@@ -178,7 +219,7 @@
                 kinds = [k1:k2]';
                 meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin ...
-                    iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
+                    iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA  measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
                 %  1  kinds
                 %  2  index_T
                 %  3  index_event
@@ -189,16 +230,17 @@
                 %  8  iker
                 %  9  measCC_dT
                 % 10  sigmaCC_dT
-                % 11  measMT_dT
-                % 12  sigmaMT_dT
-                % 13  win_chi
-                % 14  rec_chi                
-                % 15  tr_chi
+                % 11  measCC_dA
+                % 12  sigmaCC_dA
+                % 13  measMT_dT
+                % 14  sigmaMT_dT
+                % 15  win_chi
+                % 16  rec_chi                
+                % 17  tr_chi
@@ -211,80 +253,6 @@
 N = length(meas_array);
-% for each record for each model (m0, m1) that has at least one window picked,
-% we save the integrated waveform difference as the purest measure of misfit
-% between the data and synthetics
-if 0==1
-    nmodel = 2;
-    %wdiff_array = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper,nmodel);
-    mm = imod+1;
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        for ii = 1:nevent
-            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
-            for jj = 1:nrec
-                for kk = 1:ncomp
-                    imatch = find( and( and( meas_array(:,2)==tt, meas_array(:,3)==ii), ...
-                                        and( meas_array(:,5)==jj, meas_array(:,6)==kk) ));
-                    if ~isempty(imatch)
-                        % take the first only
-                        wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,mm) = meas_array(imatch(1),14);
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    ratio_array = []; ll = 0;
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        for ii = 1:nevent
-            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
-            for jj = 1:nrec
-                for kk = 1:ncomp
-                    if prod(wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,:)) > 0
-                        ll = ll+1;
-                        rat = wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,2) / wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,1);
-                        ratio_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj kk rat];
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,5);
-    tarray = []; ll = 0;
-    for jj = 1:nrec
-        imatch = find( ratio_array(:,3)==jj);
-        if length(imatch)==3
-            ll = ll+1;
-           tarray(ll,:) = [jj prod(ratio_array(imatch,5)) ];
-        end
-    end
-    tarray_sort = sortrows(tarray,2);
-    for hh = 1:20
-        jj = tarray_sort(hh,1);
-       disp(sprintf('%7s %6.3f',char(strec{jj}),tarray_sort(hh,2) ));
-    end
-    for hh = 1:20
-        tt = ratio_sort(hh,1);
-        ii = ratio_sort(hh,2);
-        jj = ratio_sort(hh,3);
-        kk = ratio_sort(hh,4);
-       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %6.3f',char(eids{ii}),...
-           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),char(comps{kk}),ratio_sort(hh,5) ));
-    end
-    figure; N = plot_histo(ratio_array(:,end),[0:0.2:5]);
-    figure; N = plot_histo(log(ratio_array(:,end)),[-4:0.2:4]);
-    break
 % check some of the output window rows
 if 0==1
     itestvec = [1 2];
@@ -293,9 +261,9 @@
         itest = itestvec(ii);
-        meas_array(itest,12)
+        meas_array(itest,14)
         0.5 * meas_array(itest,9)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
-        0.5 * meas_array(itest,11)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
+        0.5 * meas_array(itest,13)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
@@ -334,6 +302,18 @@
+% tally stations by event (and period)
+nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,3);
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    imatch1 = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==1) );
+    imatch2 = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==2) );
+    imatch = find(meas_array(:,3)==ii);
+    nrec_all_event(ii,1) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch1,5)));
+    nrec_all_event(ii,2) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch2,5)));
+    nrec_all_event(ii,3) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
 if iwrite == 1
     stks = {'event','network','receiver','component'};
     for kk = 1:length(stks)
@@ -359,6 +339,18 @@
+    % write out the number of stations for each event
+    [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-4);
+    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receiver_picks_by_event'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n','event',' ',...
+        ['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(2))],'TOTAL');
+    for ii = 1:nevent
+        jj = isort(ii);
+        fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
+    end
+    fclose(fid);
@@ -389,7 +381,7 @@
 dnorm_sq = zeros(nevent,1);
 for ii = 1:nevent
     imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
-    Sval = meas_array(imatch,15);
+    Sval = meas_array(imatch,17);
     if sum(isnan(Sval)) > 0
         disp(sprintf('i = %i, eid %s',ii,eids{ii}));
         error('Sval has at least one NaN data entry');
@@ -410,27 +402,86 @@
 if iwrite == 1
     % display sorted from greatest to least norm
-    data_norms = [eids_num Ns dnorm_sq dnorm ws];
-    dsort = sortrows(data_norms,5);
-    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort.txt'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'%12s%8s%12s%12s%12s\n','eid','Nwin','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
-    fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+    data_norms = [eids_num Ns nrec_all_event dnorm_sq*nevent dnorm_sq dnorm ws];
+    % list only records that fit criteria
+    if 0==1
+        eid_reject = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernels_exclude');
+        X1 = 20;
+        X2 = 40;
+        D1 = 3;
+        isave = find( or(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X2, and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1)) );
+        [eids_save,ijunk] = setdiff( eids_num(isave), eid_reject );
+    else
+        eids_save = eids_num;
+    end
+    klabs = {'dnorm','nrec'};
+    kind = [-6 -5];
+    for kk=1:2
+        dsort = sortrows(data_norms,kind(kk));
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort_by_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,'%12s%8s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n','eid','Nwin',...
+            ['Nrec' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Nrec' num2str(Tvec(2))],'Nrec','dnorm2*E','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
+        fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.2f%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        for ii = 1:nevent
+            if any(dsort(ii,1)==eids_save)
+                fprintf(fid,'%12i%8i%6i%6i%6i%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n',dsort(ii,:));
+            end
+        end
+        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    fid1 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_save.txt'],'w');
+    fid2 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_exclude.txt'],'w');
     for ii = 1:nevent
-       fprintf(fid,'%12i%8i%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n',dsort(ii,:));
+        if any(eids_num(ii)==eids_save)
+            fprintf(fid1,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        else
+            fprintf(fid2,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        end
-    fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
-    fclose(fid);
+    fclose(fid2);
+    %km04 = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernel_m04/kernels_m04');
+    %km05 = load('OUTPUT/m05/window/m05_window_eid_save.txt');
+    %eid_5_not_in_4 = setdiff(km05,km04)
+    %eid_4_not_in_5 = setdiff(km04,km05)
     % save variables (for wave2d_subspace_3D.m)
     save([odir ftag '_data_norms'],'idatacov','dcov_fac_e',...
-        'eids','eids_num','Ns','dnorm','ws','dmisfit','N');
+        'eids','eids_num','Ns','dnorm','ws','dmisfit','N','nrec_all_event');
+    % write out all stations that have at least one measurement (for GMT)
+    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_rec,2) > 0);
+    write_station_SPECFEM([odir 'STATIONS_' stmod],rlon(iuse),rlat(iuse),...
+        relev(iuse),rburial(iuse),stnm(iuse),netwk(iuse));
+    % write out a psmeca file for all events used (for GMT)
+    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_event,2) > 0);
+    inds = ievent_full(iuse);
+    writeCMT_psmeca([odir 'socal_tomo_' stmod],date(inds),slat(inds),slon(inds),...
+        dep(inds),M(inds,:),eid_cmt(inds));
+% list the events that use at least 15 stations
+fid = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_good.txt'],'w');
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    if nrec_all_event(ii,3) > 15
+        fprintf(fid,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        disp([eids_num(ii) nrec_all_event(ii,:)])
+    end
+% find records that meet particular criteria
-% find records that meet particular criteria
 DT_MIN = 5;
 %icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,9) >= DT_MIN, meas_array(:,10) <= DT_SIGMA_MIN) )
@@ -439,31 +490,20 @@
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-% find records that meet particular criteria
+DA_MIN = -0.8;
+DA_MAX = 3.0;
+icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,11) <= DA_MIN, meas_array(:,11) >= DA_MAX) );
+%[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 11 );
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 CHI_MIN = 100;
 DT_SIGMA_MIN = 0.19;
-icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,15) >=  CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,10) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -13 );
+icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,17) >=  CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,10) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -15 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 ebads = unique( eids_num(meas_array(icheck,3)) )
-% tabulate results by different categories
-% (1) shortest period in bandpass
-% (2) event
-% (3) receiver
-% (4) component
-% (5) type of measurement (MT or CC)
-disp('  ');
-disp(['Tabulating results for ' num2str(nevent) ' selected events']);
-disp('  Binning by bandpass group:');
-for ii = 1:nper
-    inds = find( meas_array(:,2) == ii );
-    disp(sprintf('    %i out of %i -- Tshort = %.2f s -- %i windows',ii,nper,Tvec(ii),length(inds)));

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2008-08-07 00:53:44 UTC (rev 12572)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2008-08-07 05:26:54 UTC (rev 12573)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 X = meas_array;
 [m,n] = size(X);
-if n ~= 15, error(' should be 15 columns in the input matrix'); end
+if n ~= 17, error(' should be 17 columns in the input matrix'); end
 %  1  kinds
 %  2  index_T
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
 %  8  iker
 %  9  measCC_dT
 % 10  sigmaCC_dT
-% 11  measMT_dT
-% 12  sigmaMT_dT
-% 13  win_chi
-% 14  rec_chi                
-% 15  tr_chi
+% 11  measCC_dA
+% 12  sigmaCC_dA
+% 13  measMT_dT
+% 14  sigmaMT_dT
+% 15  win_chi
+% 16  rec_chi                
+% 17  tr_chi
 index_win    = X(:,1);
 index_per    = X(:,2);
@@ -41,18 +43,21 @@
 iker         = X(:,8);
 measCC_dT    = X(:,9);
 sigmaCC_dT   = X(:,10);
-measMT_dT    = X(:,11);
-sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,12);
-win_chi      = X(:,13);
-rec_chi      = X(:,14);
-tr_chi       = X(:,15);
+measCC_dA    = X(:,11);
+sigmaCC_dA   = X(:,12);
+measMT_dT    = X(:,13);
+sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,14);
+win_chi      = X(:,15);
+rec_chi      = X(:,16);
+tr_chi       = X(:,17);
 disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');
 for ii = 1:m
-   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %3i -- %6.2f +- %6.2f -- chi %6.2f -- %i',char(eids{index_event(ii)}),...
-       Tvec(index_per(ii)),char(strec{index_rec(ii)}),char(comps{index_comp(ii)}),isub_win(ii),...
-       measCC_dT(ii),sigmaCC_dT(ii),tr_chi(ii),index_win(ii) ));
+   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %3i DT = %6.2f +- %6.2f DA = %6.2f chi = %6.2f -- %i',...
+       char(eids{index_event(ii)}),Tvec(index_per(ii)),char(strec{index_rec(ii)}),...
+       char(comps{index_comp(ii)}),isub_win(ii),...
+       measCC_dT(ii),sigmaCC_dT(ii),measCC_dA(ii),tr_chi(ii),index_win(ii) ));
 disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');

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