[cig-commits] r12642 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta: setup src

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Thu Aug 14 20:35:20 PDT 2008

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2008-08-14 20:35:19 -0700 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 12642

added codes to visualise AVS/OpenDX meshes;
fixed a small bug when calling attenuation;
added code to debug second sorting of ibool;
added MESHER_ONLY option

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/setup/constants.h
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/setup/constants.h	2008-08-15 00:52:09 UTC (rev 12641)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/setup/constants.h	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -171,6 +171,9 @@
   logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_CMB = .true.
   logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_ICB = .true.
+! flag to only create the mesh but not start the solver (for instance to check the mesh obtained)
+  logical, parameter :: MESHER_ONLY = .true.
 !----------- do not modify anything below -------------

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/combine_AVS_DX.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/combine_AVS_DX.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/combine_AVS_DX.F90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,1207 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! combine AVS or DX global data files to check the mesh
+! this is done in postprocessing after running the mesh generator
+  program combine_AVS_DX
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! threshold for number of points per wavelength displayed
+! otherwise the scale is too large and we cannot see the small values
+! all values above this threshold are truncated
+  double precision, parameter :: THRESHOLD_GRIDPOINTS = 12.
+! non-linear scaling factor for elevation if topography for Earth model
+  double precision, parameter :: SCALE_NON_LINEAR = 0.3
+! maximum polynomial degree for which we can compute the stability condition
+  integer, parameter :: NGLL_MAX_STABILITY = 15
+  integer iproc,nspec,npoin
+  integer ispec
+  integer iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4
+  integer ipoin,numpoin,numpoin2,iglobpointoffset,ntotpoin,ntotspec
+  integer numelem,numelem2,iglobelemoffset,idoubling,maxdoubling
+  integer iformat,ivalue,icolor,itarget_doubling
+  integer imaterial,imatprop,ispec_scale_AVS_DX
+  integer nrec,ir,iregion_code
+  integer ntotpoinAVS_DX,ntotspecAVS_DX
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) vmin,vmax,deltavp,deltavs
+  double precision xval,yval,zval
+  double precision val_color,rnorm_factor
+  logical threshold_used
+  logical USE_OPENDX
+! for source location
+  integer yr,jda,ho,mi
+  double precision x_target_source,y_target_source,z_target_source
+  double precision r_target_source
+  double precision x_source_trgl1,y_source_trgl1,z_source_trgl1
+  double precision x_source_trgl2,y_source_trgl2,z_source_trgl2
+  double precision x_source_trgl3,y_source_trgl3,z_source_trgl3
+  double precision theta,phi,delta_trgl
+  double precision sec,t_cmt,hdur
+  double precision lat,long,depth
+  double precision moment_tensor(6)
+! for receiver location
+  integer irec,ios
+  double precision r_target
+  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: stlat,stlon,stele,stbur
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: station_name
+  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME), allocatable, dimension(:) :: network_name
+  character(len=150) dummystring
+  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x_target,y_target,z_target
+! for the reference ellipsoid
+  double precision reference,radius_dummy,theta_s,phi_s
+! processor identification
+  character(len=150) prname
+! small offset for source and receiver line in AVS_DX
+! (small compared to normalized radius of the Earth)
+! for full Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: small_offset_source_earth = 0.025d0
+  double precision, parameter :: small_offset_receiver_earth = 0.0125d0
+! for oceans only
+  logical OCEANS_ONLY
+  integer ioceans
+  integer above_zero,below_zero
+! for stability condition
+  double precision, dimension (:), allocatable :: stability_value,gridpoints_per_wavelength,elevation_sphere
+  double precision, dimension (:), allocatable :: dvp,dvs
+  double precision, dimension (:), allocatable :: xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,vmincoord,vmaxcoord
+  double precision stability_value_min,stability_value_max
+  double precision gridpoints_per_wavelength_min,gridpoints_per_wavelength_max
+  integer iloop_corners,istab,jstab
+  integer ipointnumber1_horiz,ipointnumber2_horiz
+  integer ipointnumber1_vert,ipointnumber2_vert
+  double precision distance_horiz,distance_vert
+  double precision stabmax,gridmin,scale_factor
+  integer NGLL_current_horiz,NGLL_current_vert
+  double precision :: percent_GLL(NGLL_MAX_STABILITY)
+! for chunk numbering
+  integer :: iproc_eta,iproc_xi,iprocnum,ichunk
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ichunk_slice
+! parameters read from parameter file
+          NER_80_MOHO,NER_220_80,NER_400_220,NER_600_400,NER_670_600,NER_771_670, &
+          ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso
+          RMOHO,R80,R120,R220,R400,R600,R670,R771,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,RCMB,RICB, &
+  character(len=150) OUTPUT_FILES,MODEL
+! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
+  integer NPROC,NPROCTOT,NEX_PER_PROC_XI,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA,ratio_divide_central_cube
+! for all the regions
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_REGIONS) :: NSPEC2D_XI,NSPEC2D_ETA, &
+               NSPEC2D_BOTTOM,NSPEC2D_TOP, &
+               NSPEC1D_RADIAL,NGLOB1D_RADIAL, &
+               nglob
+  integer region_min,region_max
+  double precision small_offset_source,small_offset_receiver
+  integer proc_p1,proc_p2
+! computed in read_compute_parameters
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: ner,ratio_sampling_array
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: doubling_index
+  double precision, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: r_bottom,r_top
+  logical, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: this_layer_has_a_doubling
+  double precision, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: rmins,rmaxs
+! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
+  print *
+  print *,'Recombining all AVS or DX files for slices'
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'reading parameter file'
+  print *
+! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters
+          NER_80_MOHO,NER_220_80,NER_400_220,NER_600_400,NER_670_600,NER_771_670, &
+          RMOHO,R80,R120,R220,R400,R600,R670,R771,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,RCMB,RICB, &
+          NSPEC, &
+          NSPEC2D_XI, &
+          NSPEC2D_ETA, &
+          ratio_sampling_array, ner, doubling_index,r_bottom,r_top,this_layer_has_a_doubling,rmins,rmaxs,CASE_3D, &
+          USE_BINARY_FOR_LARGE_FILE,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso,.false.)
+  if(.not. SAVE_MESH_FILES) stop 'AVS or DX files were not saved by the mesher'
+! get the base pathname for output files
+  call get_value_string(OUTPUT_FILES, 'OUTPUT_FILES', 'OUTPUT_FILES')
+  print *,'1 = create files in OpenDX format'
+  print *,'2 = create files in AVS UCD format'
+  print *,'any other value = exit'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter value:'
+  read(5,*) iformat
+  if(iformat<1 .or. iformat>2) stop 'exiting...'
+  if(iformat == 1) then
+    USE_OPENDX = .true.
+  else
+    USE_OPENDX = .false.
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'1 = edges of all the slices only'
+  print *,'2 = edges of the chunks only'
+  print *,'3 = surface of the model only'
+  print *,'any other value = exit'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter value:'
+  read(5,*) ivalue
+  if(ivalue<1 .or. ivalue>3) stop 'exiting...'
+! warning if surface elevation
+  if(ivalue == 3) then
+    print *,'******************************************'
+    print *,'*** option 7 to color using topography ***'
+    print *,'******************************************'
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'1 = color by doubling flag'
+  print *,'2 = by slice number'
+  print *,'3 = by stability value'
+  print *,'4 = by gridpoints per wavelength'
+  print *,'5 = dvp/vp'
+  print *,'6 = dvs/vs'
+  print *,'7 = elevation of Earth model'
+  print *,'8 = by region number'
+  print *,'9 = focus on one doubling flag only'
+  print *,'any other value=exit'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter value:'
+  read(5,*) icolor
+  if(icolor<1 .or. icolor >9) stop 'exiting...'
+  if((icolor == 3 .or. icolor == 4) .and. ivalue /= 2) &
+    stop 'need chunks only to represent stability or gridpoints per wavelength'
+  if(icolor == 9) then
+    print *
+    print *,'enter value of target doubling flag:'
+    read(5,*) itarget_doubling
+  endif
+! for oceans only
+  OCEANS_ONLY = .false.
+  if(ivalue == 3 .and. icolor == 7) then
+    print *
+    print *,'1 = represent full topography (topo + oceans)'
+    print *,'2 = represent oceans only'
+    print *
+    read(5,*) ioceans
+    if(ioceans == 1) then
+      OCEANS_ONLY = .false.
+    else if(ioceans == 2) then
+      OCEANS_ONLY = .true.
+    else
+      stop 'incorrect option for the oceans'
+    endif
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'1 = material property by doubling flag'
+  print *,'2 = by slice number'
+  print *,'3 = by region number'
+  print *,'4 = by chunk number'
+  print *,'any other value=exit'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter value:'
+  read(5,*) imaterial
+  if(imaterial < 1 .or. imaterial > 4) stop 'exiting...'
+! user can specify a range of processors here
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  print *
+  print *,'enter first proc (proc numbers start at 0) = '
+  read(5,*) proc_p1
+  if(proc_p1 < 0) proc_p1 = 0
+  if(proc_p1 > NPROCTOT-1) proc_p1 = NPROCTOT-1
+  print *,'enter last proc (enter -1 for all procs) = '
+  read(5,*) proc_p2
+  if(proc_p2 == -1) proc_p2 = NPROCTOT-1
+  if(proc_p2 < 0) proc_p2 = 0
+  proc_p1 = 0
+  proc_p2 = 0
+  if(proc_p2 > NPROCTOT-1) proc_p2 = NPROCTOT-1
+! set interval to maximum if user input is not correct
+  if(proc_p1 <= 0) proc_p1 = 0
+  if(proc_p2 < 0) proc_p2 = NPROCTOT - 1
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',NPROCTOT,' slices numbered from 0 to ',NPROCTOT-1
+  print *
+! loop on all the chunks to create global slice addressing for solver
+  write(*,*) 'creating global slice addressing'
+  write(*,*)
+  allocate(ichunk_slice(0:NPROCTOT-1))
+  ichunk_slice(:) = 0
+  do ichunk = 1,NCHUNKS
+    do iproc_eta = 0,NPROC_ETA-1
+      do iproc_xi = 0,NPROC_XI-1
+        iprocnum = (ichunk-1)*NPROC + iproc_eta * NPROC_XI + iproc_xi
+        ichunk_slice(iprocnum) = ichunk
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! define percentage of smallest distance between GLL points for NGLL points
+! percentages were computed by calling the GLL points routine for each degree
+  percent_GLL(2) = 100.d0
+  percent_GLL(3) = 50.d0
+  percent_GLL(4) = 27.639320225002102d0
+  percent_GLL(5) = 17.267316464601141d0
+  percent_GLL(6) = 11.747233803526763d0
+  percent_GLL(7) = 8.4888051860716516d0
+  percent_GLL(8) = 6.4129925745196719d0
+  percent_GLL(9) = 5.0121002294269914d0
+  percent_GLL(10) = 4.0233045916770571d0
+  percent_GLL(11) = 3.2999284795970416d0
+  percent_GLL(12) = 2.7550363888558858d0
+  percent_GLL(13) = 2.3345076678918053d0
+  percent_GLL(14) = 2.0032477366369594d0
+  percent_GLL(15) = 1.7377036748080721d0
+! convert to real percentage
+  percent_GLL(:) = percent_GLL(:) / 100.d0
+! clear flag to detect if threshold used
+  threshold_used = .false.
+! set length of segments for source and receiver representation
+  small_offset_source = small_offset_source_earth
+  small_offset_receiver = small_offset_receiver_earth
+! set total number of points and elements to zero
+  ntotpoin = 0
+  ntotspec = 0
+  region_min = 1
+  region_max = MAX_NUM_REGIONS
+! if representing surface elements, only one region
+  if(ivalue == 3) then
+    region_min = IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE
+    region_max = IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE
+  endif
+  do iregion_code = region_min,region_max
+! loop on the selected range of processors
+  do iproc = proc_p1,proc_p2
+  print *,'Reading slice ',iproc,' in region ',iregion_code
+! create the name for the database of the current slide
+  call create_name_database(prname,iproc,iregion_code)
+  if(ivalue == 1) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 2) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 3) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  endif
+  read(10,*) npoin
+  print *,'There are ',npoin,' global AVS or DX points in the slice'
+  ntotpoin = ntotpoin + npoin
+  close(10)
+  if(ivalue == 1) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 2) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 3) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  endif
+  read(10,*) nspec
+  print *,'There are ',nspec,' AVS or DX elements in the slice'
+  ntotspec = ntotspec + nspec
+  close(10)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *,'There is a total of ',ntotspec,' elements in all the slices'
+  print *,'There is a total of ',ntotpoin,' points in all the slices'
+  print *
+  ntotpoinAVS_DX = ntotpoin
+  ntotspecAVS_DX = ntotspec
+! write AVS or DX header with element data
+  if(USE_OPENDX) then
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/DX_fullmesh.dx',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',ntotpoinAVS_DX,' data follows'
+  else
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/AVS_fullmesh.inp',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) ntotpoinAVS_DX,' ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' 0 1 0'
+  endif
+! allocate array for stability condition
+  allocate(stability_value(ntotspecAVS_DX))
+  allocate(gridpoints_per_wavelength(ntotspecAVS_DX))
+  allocate(elevation_sphere(ntotspecAVS_DX))
+  allocate(dvp(ntotspecAVS_DX))
+  allocate(dvs(ntotspecAVS_DX))
+  allocate(xcoord(ntotpoinAVS_DX))
+  allocate(ycoord(ntotpoinAVS_DX))
+  allocate(zcoord(ntotpoinAVS_DX))
+  allocate(vmincoord(ntotpoinAVS_DX))
+  allocate(vmaxcoord(ntotpoinAVS_DX))
+! ************* generate points ******************
+! set global point offset to zero
+  iglobpointoffset = 0
+  do iregion_code = region_min,region_max
+! loop on the selected range of processors
+  do iproc=proc_p1,proc_p2
+  print *,'Reading slice ',iproc,' in region ',iregion_code
+! create the name for the database of the current slide
+  call create_name_database(prname,iproc,iregion_code)
+  if(ivalue == 1) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 2) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+    open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks_stability.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 3) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  endif
+  read(10,*) npoin
+  print *,'There are ',npoin,' global AVS or DX points in the slice'
+! read local points in this slice and output global AVS or DX points
+  do ipoin=1,npoin
+      read(10,*) numpoin,xval,yval,zval
+      if(ivalue == 2) then
+        read(12,*) numpoin2,vmin,vmax
+      else
+        numpoin2 = 0
+        vmin = 0.
+        vmax = 0.
+      endif
+      if(numpoin /= ipoin) stop 'incorrect point number'
+      if(ivalue == 2 .and. numpoin2 /= ipoin) stop 'incorrect point number'
+! write to AVS or DX global file with correct offset
+      if(USE_OPENDX) then
+        write(11,"(f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") xval,yval,zval
+      else
+        write(11,"(i6,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") numpoin + iglobpointoffset,xval,yval,zval
+      endif
+! save coordinates in global array of points for stability condition
+    xcoord(numpoin + iglobpointoffset) = xval
+    ycoord(numpoin + iglobpointoffset) = yval
+    zcoord(numpoin + iglobpointoffset) = zval
+    vmincoord(numpoin + iglobpointoffset) = vmin
+    vmaxcoord(numpoin + iglobpointoffset) = vmax
+  enddo
+  iglobpointoffset = iglobpointoffset + npoin
+  close(10)
+  if(ivalue == 2) close(12)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! ************* generate elements ******************
+! get source information for frequency for number of points per lambda
+  print *,'reading source duration from the CMTSOLUTION file'
+  call get_cmt(yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,t_cmt,hdur,lat,long,depth,moment_tensor,DT,1)
+! set global element and point offsets to zero
+  iglobpointoffset = 0
+  iglobelemoffset = 0
+  maxdoubling = -1
+  above_zero = 0
+  below_zero = 0
+  if(USE_OPENDX) write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 4 items ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' data follows'
+  do iregion_code = region_min,region_max
+! loop on the selected range of processors
+  do iproc=proc_p1,proc_p2
+  print *,'Reading slice ',iproc,' in region ',iregion_code
+! create the name for the database of the current slide
+  call create_name_database(prname,iproc,iregion_code)
+  if(ivalue == 1) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+    open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 2) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+    if(icolor == 5 .or. icolor == 6) &
+      open(unit=13,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks_dvp_dvs.txt',status='old',action='read')
+    open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 3) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+    open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  endif
+  read(10,*) nspec
+  read(12,*) npoin
+  print *,'There are ',npoin,' global AVS or DX points in the slice'
+  print *,'There are ',nspec,' AVS or DX elements in the slice'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+      read(10,*) numelem,idoubling,iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4
+      if(icolor == 5 .or. icolor == 6) then
+        read(13,*) numelem2,deltavp,deltavs
+        dvp(numelem + iglobelemoffset) = deltavp
+        dvs(numelem + iglobelemoffset) = deltavs
+      else
+        numelem2 = 0
+      endif
+  if(numelem /= ispec) stop 'incorrect element number'
+  if((icolor == 5 .or. icolor == 6) .and. numelem2 /= ispec) stop 'incorrect element number'
+! compute max of the doubling flag
+  maxdoubling = max(maxdoubling,idoubling)
+! assign material property (which can be filtered later in AVS_DX)
+  if(imaterial == 1) then
+    imatprop = idoubling
+  else if(imaterial == 2) then
+    imatprop = iproc
+  else if(imaterial == 3) then
+    imatprop = iregion_code
+  else if(imaterial == 4) then
+    imatprop = ichunk_slice(iproc)
+  else
+    stop 'invalid code for material property'
+  endif
+! write to AVS or DX global file with correct offset
+! quadrangles (2-D)
+      iglob1 = iglob1 + iglobpointoffset
+      iglob2 = iglob2 + iglobpointoffset
+      iglob3 = iglob3 + iglobpointoffset
+      iglob4 = iglob4 + iglobpointoffset
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+! in the case of AVS, node numbers start at one
+      if(USE_OPENDX) then
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+        write(11,"(i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)") iglob1-1,iglob4-1,iglob2-1,iglob3-1
+      else
+        write(11,"(i6,1x,i3,' quad ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)") numelem + iglobelemoffset,imatprop,iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4
+      endif
+! get number of GLL points in current element
+      NGLL_current_horiz = NGLLX
+      NGLL_current_vert = NGLLZ
+! check that the degree is not above the threshold for list of percentages
+      if(NGLL_current_horiz > NGLL_MAX_STABILITY .or. &
+         NGLL_current_vert > NGLL_MAX_STABILITY) &
+           stop 'degree too high to compute stability value'
+! scaling factor to compute real value of stability condition
+    scale_factor = dsqrt(PI*GRAV*RHOAV)
+! compute stability value
+    stabmax = -1.d0
+    gridmin = HUGEVAL
+    if(idoubling == IFLAG_CRUST) then
+! distinguish between horizontal and vertical directions in crust
+! because we have a different polynomial degree in each direction
+! this works because the mesher always creates the 2D surfaces starting
+! from the lower-left corner, continuing to the lower-right corner and so on
+    do iloop_corners = 1,2
+    select case(iloop_corners)
+      case(1)
+        ipointnumber1_horiz = iglob1
+        ipointnumber2_horiz = iglob2
+        ipointnumber1_vert = iglob1
+        ipointnumber2_vert = iglob4
+      case(2)
+        ipointnumber1_horiz = iglob4
+        ipointnumber2_horiz = iglob3
+        ipointnumber1_vert = iglob2
+        ipointnumber2_vert = iglob3
+    end select
+    distance_horiz = &
+       dsqrt((xcoord(ipointnumber2_horiz)-xcoord(ipointnumber1_horiz))**2 &
+           + (ycoord(ipointnumber2_horiz)-ycoord(ipointnumber1_horiz))**2 &
+           + (zcoord(ipointnumber2_horiz)-zcoord(ipointnumber1_horiz))**2)
+    distance_vert = &
+       dsqrt((xcoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-xcoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2 &
+           + (ycoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-ycoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2 &
+           + (zcoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-zcoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2)
+! compute stability value using the scaled interval
+    stabmax = dmax1(scale_factor*DT*vmaxcoord(ipointnumber1_horiz)/(distance_horiz*percent_GLL(NGLL_current_horiz)),stabmax)
+    stabmax = dmax1(scale_factor*DT*vmaxcoord(ipointnumber1_vert)/(distance_vert*percent_GLL(NGLL_current_vert)),stabmax)
+! compute number of points per wavelength
+    gridmin = dmin1(scale_factor*hdur*vmincoord(ipointnumber1_horiz)*dble(NGLL_current_horiz)/distance_horiz,gridmin)
+    gridmin = dmin1(scale_factor*hdur*vmincoord(ipointnumber1_vert)*dble(NGLL_current_vert)/distance_vert,gridmin)
+    enddo
+! regular regions with same polynomial degree everywhere
+  else
+    do istab = 1,4
+      do jstab = 1,4
+        if(jstab /= istab) then
+          if(istab == 1) then
+            ipointnumber1_vert = iglob1
+          else if(istab == 2) then
+            ipointnumber1_vert = iglob2
+          else if(istab == 3) then
+            ipointnumber1_vert = iglob3
+          else if(istab == 4) then
+            ipointnumber1_vert = iglob4
+          endif
+          if(jstab == 1) then
+            ipointnumber2_vert = iglob1
+          else if(jstab == 2) then
+            ipointnumber2_vert = iglob2
+          else if(jstab == 3) then
+            ipointnumber2_vert = iglob3
+          else if(jstab == 4) then
+            ipointnumber2_vert = iglob4
+          endif
+    distance_vert = &
+       dsqrt((xcoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-xcoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2 &
+           + (ycoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-ycoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2 &
+           + (zcoord(ipointnumber2_vert)-zcoord(ipointnumber1_vert))**2)
+! compute stability value using the scaled interval
+    stabmax = dmax1(scale_factor*DT*vmaxcoord(ipointnumber1_vert)/(distance_vert*percent_GLL(NGLL_current_vert)),stabmax)
+! compute number of points per wavelength
+    gridmin = dmin1(scale_factor*hdur*vmincoord(ipointnumber1_vert)*dble(NGLL_current_vert)/distance_vert,gridmin)
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+  stability_value(numelem + iglobelemoffset) = stabmax
+  gridpoints_per_wavelength(numelem + iglobelemoffset) = gridmin
+!   compute elevation to represent ellipticity or topography at the surface
+!   use point iglob1 for instance and subtract reference
+!   get colatitude and longitude of current point
+    xval = xcoord(iglob1)
+    yval = ycoord(iglob1)
+    zval = zcoord(iglob1)
+    call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(xval,yval,zval,radius_dummy,theta_s,phi_s)
+    call reduce(theta_s,phi_s)
+!   if topography then subtract reference ellipsoid or sphere for color code
+!   if ellipticity then subtract reference sphere for color code
+!   otherwise subtract nothing
+    if(TOPOGRAPHY .or. CRUSTAL) then
+      if(ELLIPTICITY) then
+        reference = 1.d0 - (3.d0*dcos(theta_s)**2 - 1.d0)/3.d0/299.8d0
+      else
+        reference = R_UNIT_SPHERE
+      endif
+    else if(ELLIPTICITY) then
+      reference = R_UNIT_SPHERE
+    else
+      reference = 0.
+    endif
+!   compute elevation
+    elevation_sphere(numelem + iglobelemoffset) = &
+         (dsqrt(xval**2 + yval**2 + zval**2) - reference)
+  enddo
+  iglobelemoffset = iglobelemoffset + nspec
+  iglobpointoffset = iglobpointoffset + npoin
+  close(10)
+  close(12)
+  if(icolor == 5 .or. icolor == 6) close(13)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! saturate color scale for elevation since small values
+! apply non linear scaling if topography to enhance regions around sea level
+  if(TOPOGRAPHY .or. CRUSTAL) then
+! compute absolute maximum
+    rnorm_factor = maxval(dabs(elevation_sphere(:)))
+! map to [-1,1]
+    elevation_sphere(:) = elevation_sphere(:) / rnorm_factor
+! apply non-linear scaling
+    do ispec_scale_AVS_DX = 1,ntotspecAVS_DX
+      xval = elevation_sphere(ispec_scale_AVS_DX)
+! compute total area consisting of oceans
+! and suppress areas that are not considered oceans if needed
+! use arbitrary threshold to suppress artefacts in ETOPO5 model
+      if(xval >= -0.018) then
+        if(OCEANS_ONLY) xval = 0.
+        above_zero = above_zero + 1
+      else
+        below_zero = below_zero + 1
+      endif
+      if(xval >= 0.) then
+        if(.not. OCEANS_ONLY) then
+          elevation_sphere(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = xval ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+        else
+          elevation_sphere(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = 0.
+        endif
+      else
+        elevation_sphere(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = - dabs(xval) ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+      endif
+    enddo
+  else
+! regular scaling to real distance if no topography
+    elevation_sphere(:) = R_EARTH * elevation_sphere(:)
+  endif
+! compute absolute maximum for dvp
+    rnorm_factor = maxval(dabs(dvp(:)))
+! map to [-1,1]
+    dvp(:) = dvp(:) / rnorm_factor
+! apply non-linear scaling
+    do ispec_scale_AVS_DX = 1,ntotspecAVS_DX
+      xval = dvp(ispec_scale_AVS_DX)
+      if(xval >= 0.) then
+        dvp(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = xval ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+      else
+        dvp(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = - dabs(xval) ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+      endif
+    enddo
+! compute absolute maximum for dvs
+    rnorm_factor = maxval(dabs(dvs(:)))
+! map to [-1,1]
+    dvs(:) = dvs(:) / rnorm_factor
+! apply non-linear scaling
+    do ispec_scale_AVS_DX = 1,ntotspecAVS_DX
+      xval = dvs(ispec_scale_AVS_DX)
+      if(xval >= 0.) then
+        dvs(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = xval ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+      else
+        dvs(ispec_scale_AVS_DX) = - dabs(xval) ** SCALE_NON_LINEAR
+      endif
+    enddo
+  endif
+! ************* generate element data values ******************
+! output AVS or DX header for data
+  if(USE_OPENDX) then
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "quads"'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+    write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' data follows'
+  else
+    write(11,*) '1 1'
+    write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+  endif
+! set global element and point offsets to zero
+  iglobelemoffset = 0
+  do iregion_code = region_min,region_max
+! loop on the selected range of processors
+  do iproc=proc_p1,proc_p2
+  print *,'Reading slice ',iproc,' in region ',iregion_code
+! create the name for the database of the current slide
+  call create_name_database(prname,iproc,iregion_code)
+  if(ivalue == 1) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementsfaces.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 2) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  else if(ivalue == 3) then
+    open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementssurface.txt',status='old',action='read')
+  endif
+  read(10,*) nspec
+  print *,'There are ',nspec,' AVS or DX elements in the slice'
+! read local elements in this slice and output global AVS or DX elements
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+      read(10,*) numelem,idoubling,iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4
+      if(numelem /= ispec) stop 'incorrect element number'
+! data is either the slice number or the mesh doubling region flag
+      if(icolor == 1) then
+        val_color = dble(idoubling)
+      else if(icolor == 2) then
+        val_color = dble(iproc)
+      else if(icolor == 3) then
+        val_color = stability_value(numelem + iglobelemoffset)
+      else if(icolor == 4) then
+        val_color = gridpoints_per_wavelength(numelem + iglobelemoffset)
+!       put a threshold for number of points per wavelength displayed
+!       otherwise the scale is too large and we cannot see the small values
+        if(val_color > THRESHOLD_GRIDPOINTS) then
+          val_color = THRESHOLD_GRIDPOINTS
+          threshold_used = .true.
+        endif
+      else if(icolor == 5) then
+!     minus sign to get the color scheme right: blue is fast (+) and red is slow (-)
+        val_color = -dvp(numelem + iglobelemoffset)
+      else if(icolor == 6) then
+!     minus sign to get the color scheme right: blue is fast (+) and red is slow (-)
+        val_color = -dvs(numelem + iglobelemoffset)
+      else if(icolor == 7) then
+        val_color = elevation_sphere(numelem + iglobelemoffset)
+      else if(icolor == 8) then
+        val_color = iregion_code
+      else if(icolor == 9) then
+        if(idoubling == itarget_doubling) then
+          val_color = dble(iregion_code)
+        else
+          val_color = dble(IFLAG_DUMMY)
+        endif
+      else
+        stop 'incorrect coloring code'
+      endif
+! write to AVS or DX global file with correct offset
+      if(USE_OPENDX) then
+        write(11,*) sngl(val_color)
+      else
+        write(11,*) numelem + iglobelemoffset,' ',sngl(val_color)
+      endif
+  enddo
+  iglobelemoffset = iglobelemoffset + nspec
+  close(10)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! define OpenDX field
+  if(USE_OPENDX) then
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "connections"'
+    write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+    write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+    write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+    write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+    write(11,*) 'end'
+  endif
+  close(11)
+  print *
+  print *,'maximum value of doubling flag in all slices = ',maxdoubling
+  print *
+! print min and max of stability and points per lambda
+  if(ivalue == 2) then
+! compute minimum and maximum of stability value and points per wavelength
+    stability_value_min = minval(stability_value)
+    stability_value_max = maxval(stability_value)
+    gridpoints_per_wavelength_min = minval(gridpoints_per_wavelength)
+    gridpoints_per_wavelength_max = maxval(gridpoints_per_wavelength)
+    print *
+    print *,'stability value min, max, ratio = ', &
+      stability_value_min,stability_value_max,stability_value_max / stability_value_min
+    print *
+    print *,'number of points per wavelength min, max, ratio = ', &
+      gridpoints_per_wavelength_min,gridpoints_per_wavelength_max, &
+      gridpoints_per_wavelength_max / gridpoints_per_wavelength_min
+    print *
+    print *,'half duration of ',sngl(hdur),' s used for points per wavelength'
+    print *
+    if(hdur < 5.*DT) then
+      print *,'***************************************************************'
+      print *,'Source time function is a Heaviside, points per wavelength meaningless'
+      print *,'***************************************************************'
+      print *
+    endif
+    if(icolor == 4 .and. threshold_used) then
+      print *,'***************************************************************'
+      print *,'the number of points per wavelength have been cut above a threshold'
+      print *,'of ',THRESHOLD_GRIDPOINTS,' to avoid saturation of color scale'
+      print *,'***************************************************************'
+      print *
+    endif
+  endif
+! if we have the surface for the Earth, print min and max of elevation
+  if(ivalue == 3) then
+    print *
+    print *,'elevation min, max = ',minval(elevation_sphere),maxval(elevation_sphere)
+    if(TOPOGRAPHY .or. CRUSTAL) print *,'elevation has been normalized for topography'
+    print *
+! print percentage of oceans at surface of the globe
+    print *
+    print *,'the oceans represent ',100. * below_zero / (above_zero + below_zero),' % of the surface of the mesh'
+    print *
+  endif
+! create an AVS or DX file with the source and the receivers as well
+!   get source information
+    print *,'reading position of the source from the CMTSOLUTION file'
+    call get_cmt(yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,t_cmt,hdur,lat,long,depth,moment_tensor,DT,1)
+!   convert geographic latitude lat (degrees)
+!   to geocentric colatitude theta (radians)
+    theta=PI/2.0d0-atan(0.99329534d0*tan(dble(lat)*PI/180.0d0))
+    phi=dble(long)*PI/180.0d0
+    call reduce(theta,phi)
+!   compute Cartesian position of the source (ignore ellipticity for AVS_DX)
+!   the point for the source is put at the surface for clarity (depth ignored)
+!   even slightly above to superimpose to real surface
+    r_target_source = 1.02d0
+    x_target_source = r_target_source*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
+    y_target_source = r_target_source*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
+    z_target_source = r_target_source*cos(theta)
+! save triangle for AVS or DX representation of epicenter
+    r_target_source = 1.05d0
+    delta_trgl = 1.8 * pi / 180.
+    x_source_trgl1 = r_target_source*sin(theta+delta_trgl)*cos(phi-delta_trgl)
+    y_source_trgl1 = r_target_source*sin(theta+delta_trgl)*sin(phi-delta_trgl)
+    z_source_trgl1 = r_target_source*cos(theta+delta_trgl)
+    x_source_trgl2 = r_target_source*sin(theta+delta_trgl)*cos(phi+delta_trgl)
+    y_source_trgl2 = r_target_source*sin(theta+delta_trgl)*sin(phi+delta_trgl)
+    z_source_trgl2 = r_target_source*cos(theta+delta_trgl)
+    x_source_trgl3 = r_target_source*sin(theta-delta_trgl)*cos(phi)
+    y_source_trgl3 = r_target_source*sin(theta-delta_trgl)*sin(phi)
+    z_source_trgl3 = r_target_source*cos(theta-delta_trgl)
+    ntotpoinAVS_DX = 2
+    ntotspecAVS_DX = 1
+    print *
+    print *,'reading position of the receivers'
+! get number of stations from receiver file
+    open(unit=11,file='DATA/STATIONS',iostat=ios,status='old',action='read')
+    nrec = 0
+    do while(ios == 0)
+      read(11,"(a)",iostat=ios) dummystring
+      if(ios == 0) nrec = nrec + 1
+    enddo
+    close(11)
+    print *,'There are ',nrec,' three-component stations'
+    print *
+    if(nrec < 1) stop 'incorrect number of stations read - need at least one'
+    allocate(station_name(nrec))
+    allocate(network_name(nrec))
+    allocate(stlat(nrec))
+    allocate(stlon(nrec))
+    allocate(stele(nrec))
+    allocate(stbur(nrec))
+    allocate(x_target(nrec))
+    allocate(y_target(nrec))
+    allocate(z_target(nrec))
+! loop on all the stations
+    open(unit=11,file='DATA/STATIONS',status='old',action='read')
+    do irec=1,nrec
+      read(11,*) station_name(irec),network_name(irec),stlat(irec),stlon(irec),stele(irec),stbur(irec)
+! convert geographic latitude stlat (degrees)
+! to geocentric colatitude theta (radians)
+      theta=PI/2.0d0-atan(0.99329534d0*dtan(stlat(irec)*PI/180.0d0))
+      phi=stlon(irec)*PI/180.0d0
+      call reduce(theta,phi)
+! compute the Cartesian position of the receiver (ignore ellipticity for AVS_DX)
+! points for the receivers are put at the surface for clarity (depth ignored)
+      r_target=1.0d0
+      x_target(irec) = r_target*dsin(theta)*dcos(phi)
+      y_target(irec) = r_target*dsin(theta)*dsin(phi)
+      z_target(irec) = r_target*dcos(theta)
+    enddo
+    close(11)
+! duplicate source to have right color normalization in AVS_DX
+  ntotpoinAVS_DX = ntotpoinAVS_DX + 2*nrec + 1
+  ntotspecAVS_DX = ntotspecAVS_DX + nrec + 1
+! write AVS or DX header with element data
+! add source and receivers (small AVS or DX lines)
+! duplicate source to have right color normalization in AVS_DX
+  if(USE_OPENDX) then
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/DX_source_receivers.dx',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',ntotpoinAVS_DX,' data follows'
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_target_source),' ',sngl(y_target_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source)
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source),' ', &
+      sngl(y_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source)
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source),' ', &
+      sngl(y_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source)
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) sngl(x_target(ir)),' ',sngl(y_target(ir)),' ',sngl(z_target(ir))
+      write(11,*) sngl(x_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver),' ', &
+        sngl(y_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver),' ',sngl(z_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver)
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' data follows'
+    write(11,*) '0 1'
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) 4+2*(ir-1)-1,' ',4+2*(ir-1)
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) '0 2'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "lines"'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+    write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' data follows'
+    write(11,*) '1.'
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) ' 255.'
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) ' 120.'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "connections"'
+    write(11,*) 'object "irregular connections  irregular positions" class field'
+    write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+    write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+    write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+    write(11,*) 'end'
+    close(11)
+  else
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/AVS_source_receivers.inp',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) ntotpoinAVS_DX,' ',ntotspecAVS_DX,' 0 1 0'
+    write(11,*) '1 ',sngl(x_target_source),' ',sngl(y_target_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source)
+    write(11,*) '2 ',sngl(x_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source),' ', &
+      sngl(y_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source+0.1*small_offset_source)
+    write(11,*) '3 ',sngl(x_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source),' ', &
+      sngl(y_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source),' ',sngl(z_target_source+1.3*small_offset_source)
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) 4+2*(ir-1),' ',sngl(x_target(ir)),' ',sngl(y_target(ir)),' ',sngl(z_target(ir))
+      write(11,*) 4+2*(ir-1)+1,' ',sngl(x_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver),' ', &
+        sngl(y_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver),' ',sngl(z_target(ir)+small_offset_receiver)
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) '1 1 line 1 2'
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) ir+1,' 1 line ',4+2*(ir-1),' ',4+2*(ir-1)+1
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) ir+1,' 1 line 1 3'
+    write(11,*) '1 1'
+    write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+    write(11,*) '1 1.'
+    do ir=1,nrec
+      write(11,*) ir+1,' 255.'
+    enddo
+    write(11,*) ir+1,' 120.'
+    close(11)
+  endif
+! create a file with the epicenter only, represented as a triangle
+! write AVS or DX header with element data
+  if(USE_OPENDX) then
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/DX_epicenter.dx',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 3 data follows'
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_source_trgl1),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl1),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl1)
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_source_trgl2),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl2),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl2)
+    write(11,*) sngl(x_source_trgl3),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl3),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl3)
+    write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 3 items 1 data follows'
+    write(11,*) '0 1 2'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "triangles"'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+    write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 1 data follows'
+    write(11,*) '1.'
+    write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "connections"'
+    write(11,*) 'object "irregular connections  irregular positions" class field'
+    write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+    write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+    write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+    write(11,*) 'end'
+    close(11)
+  else
+    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/AVS_epicenter.inp',status='unknown')
+    write(11,*) '3 1 0 1 0'
+    write(11,*) '1 ',sngl(x_source_trgl1),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl1),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl1)
+    write(11,*) '2 ',sngl(x_source_trgl2),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl2),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl2)
+    write(11,*) '3 ',sngl(x_source_trgl3),' ',sngl(y_source_trgl3),' ',sngl(z_source_trgl3)
+    write(11,*) '1 1 tri 1 2 3'
+    write(11,*) '1 1'
+    write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+    write(11,*) '1 1.'
+    close(11)
+  endif
+  end program combine_AVS_DX

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_header_file.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_header_file.f90	2008-08-15 00:52:09 UTC (rev 12641)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_header_file.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
   call get_value_string(HEADER_FILE, 'solver.HEADER_FILE', 'OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h')
   print *
-  print *,'creating file ', trim(HEADER_FILE), ' to compile solver with correct values'
+  print *,'creating file ', trim(HEADER_FILE), ' to compile the code with correct static values'
 ! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_name_database.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_name_database.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_name_database.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  subroutine create_name_database(prname,myrank,iregion_code)
+! create the name of the database for a given processor and given mesh region
+  implicit none
+  integer myrank,iregion_code
+! name of the database file
+  character(len=150) prname
+! create the name for the database of the current slide and region
+  write(prname,"('proc',i6.6,'_reg',i1,'_')") myrank,iregion_code
+  end subroutine create_name_database

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_regions_mesh.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_regions_mesh.F90	2008-08-15 00:52:09 UTC (rev 12641)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/create_regions_mesh.F90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   xread1D_leftxi_righteta,xread1D_rightxi_righteta,yread1D_leftxi_lefteta,yread1D_rightxi_lefteta,yread1D_leftxi_righteta, &
   yread1D_rightxi_righteta,zread1D_leftxi_lefteta,zread1D_rightxi_lefteta,zread1D_leftxi_righteta,zread1D_rightxi_righteta, &
-  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso)
+  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso,SAVE_MESH_FILES)
 ! create the different regions of the mesh
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
   integer npointot
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
-  character(len=150) errmsg
+  character(len=150) errmsg,prname
 ! use integer array to store values
   integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
@@ -1291,7 +1291,12 @@
-    if(minval(ibool) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool) /= nglob_theor) call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect global numbering after sorting')
+    if(minval(ibool) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool) /= nglob_theor) then
+      print *,'Incorrect global numbering after sorting: mask_ibool ',minval(mask_ibool),maxval(mask_ibool)
+      print *,'Incorrect global numbering after sorting: ibool ',minval(ibool),maxval(ibool)
+      print *,'Incorrect global numbering after sorting: expected min/max = 1, ',nglob_theor
+      call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect global numbering after sorting')
+    endif
 ! create MPI buffers
 ! arrays locval(npointot) and ifseg(npointot) used to save memory
@@ -1315,6 +1320,28 @@
+! create AVS or DX mesh data for the slices
+  if(SAVE_MESH_FILES) then
+    call create_name_database(prname,myrank,iregion_code)
+    call write_AVS_DX_global_data(myrank,prname,nspec,ibool,idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,locval,ifseg,npointot,iregion_code)
+    call write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iMPIcut_xi,iMPIcut_eta,ibool, &
+              idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,locval,ifseg,npointot,iregion_code)
+    call write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iboun,ibool, &
+              idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,locval,ifseg,npointot, &
+!! DK DK changed for now because array rhostore is not available in v4.1 anymore
+!! DK DK      rhostore,kappavstore,muvstore,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2, &
+              nspl,rspl,espl,espl2, &
+              RICB,RCMB,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,R600,R670,R220,R771,R400,R120,R80,RMOHO, &
+              RMIDDLE_CRUST,ROCEAN,M1066a_V,Mak135_V,Mref_V,SEA1DM_V,iregion_code)
+    call write_AVS_DX_surface_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iboun,ibool, &
+              idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,locval,ifseg,npointot,iregion_code)
+  endif
 ! only create mass matrix and save all the final arrays in the second pass
   else if(ipass == 2) then
@@ -1430,7 +1457,7 @@
 !! DK DK save Brian's attenuation files to a shared disk
 !! DK DK obviously we should do this with MPI or with subroutine arguments
 !! DK DK shared by the mesher and the solver subroutines at some point
-  call attenuation_save_arrays(iregion_code, AM_V)
+  if(ATTENUATION_VAL) call attenuation_save_arrays(iregion_code, AM_V)
 ! compute volume, bottom and top area of that part of the slice
   volume_local = ZERO

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/main_program.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/main_program.F90	2008-08-15 00:52:09 UTC (rev 12641)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/main_program.F90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -416,6 +416,8 @@
+  if(.not. MESHER_ONLY) then
 !! DK DK for merged version, temporary patch for David's code to cut the superbrick
 !! DK DK which I have not fully ported to the merged version yet: I do not
 !! DK DK yet distinguish the two values of each array, therefore let me set them
@@ -482,11 +484,15 @@
+! synchronize all the processes to make sure everybody has finished
 #ifdef USE_MPI
-! synchronize all the processes to make sure everybody has finished
+  endif ! end of test if running the mesher only but not the solver
 ! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+#ifdef USE_MPI
   call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/meshfem3D.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/meshfem3D.F90	2008-08-15 00:52:09 UTC (rev 12641)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/meshfem3D.F90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -902,8 +902,8 @@
   do ichunk = 1,NCHUNKS
-    do iproc_eta=0,NPROC_ETA-1
-      do iproc_xi=0,NPROC_XI-1
+    do iproc_eta = 0,NPROC_ETA-1
+      do iproc_xi = 0,NPROC_XI-1
         iprocnum = (ichunk-1)*NPROC + iproc_eta * NPROC_XI + iproc_xi
         addressing(ichunk,iproc_xi,iproc_eta) = iprocnum
         ichunk_slice(iprocnum) = ichunk
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@
   xread1D_leftxi_righteta,xread1D_rightxi_righteta,yread1D_leftxi_lefteta,yread1D_rightxi_lefteta,yread1D_leftxi_righteta, &
   yread1D_rightxi_righteta,zread1D_leftxi_lefteta,zread1D_rightxi_lefteta,zread1D_leftxi_righteta,zread1D_rightxi_righteta, &
-  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso)
+  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso,SAVE_MESH_FILES)
   else if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
 ! outer_core
@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@
   xread1D_leftxi_righteta,xread1D_rightxi_righteta,yread1D_leftxi_lefteta,yread1D_rightxi_lefteta,yread1D_leftxi_righteta, &
   yread1D_rightxi_righteta,zread1D_leftxi_lefteta,zread1D_rightxi_lefteta,zread1D_leftxi_righteta,zread1D_rightxi_righteta, &
-  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso)
+  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso,SAVE_MESH_FILES)
   else if(iregion_code == IREGION_INNER_CORE) then
 ! inner_core
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
   xread1D_leftxi_righteta,xread1D_rightxi_righteta,yread1D_leftxi_lefteta,yread1D_rightxi_lefteta,yread1D_leftxi_righteta, &
   yread1D_rightxi_righteta,zread1D_leftxi_lefteta,zread1D_rightxi_lefteta,zread1D_leftxi_righteta,zread1D_rightxi_righteta, &
-  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso)
+  rho_vp,rho_vs,Qmu_store,tau_e_store,ifirst_layer_aniso,ilast_layer_aniso,SAVE_MESH_FILES)
     stop 'DK DK incorrect region in merged code'
@@ -1754,15 +1754,24 @@
   if(myrank == 0) then
 #ifdef USE_MPI
     tCPU = MPI_WTIME() - time_start
+    tCPU = 0
+#ifdef USE_MPI
     write(IMAIN,*) 'Elapsed time for mesh generation and buffer creation in seconds = ',tCPU
     write(IMAIN,*) 'End of mesh generation'
-    tCPU = 0
+    if(MESHER_ONLY) then
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Generation of the mesh only, not starting the solver because MESHER_ONLY is true'
+      write(IMAIN,*)
+    endif
 ! close main output file
-    if(myrank == 0 .and. IMAIN /= ISTANDARD_OUTPUT) close(IMAIN)
   end subroutine meshfem3D

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! create AVS or DX 2D data for the faces of the global chunks,
+! to be recombined in postprocessing
+  subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iboun, &
+        ibool,idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,num_ibool_AVS_DX,mask_ibool, &
+!! DK DK changed for now because array rhostore is not available in v4.1 anymore
+!! DK DK npointot,rhostore,kappavstore,muvstore,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2, &
+        npointot,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2, &
+        RICB,RCMB,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,R600,R670,R220,R771,R400,R120,R80,RMOHO, &
+        RMIDDLE_CRUST,ROCEAN,M1066a_V,Mak135_V,Mref_V,SEA1DM_V,iregion_code)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,myrank,REFERENCE_1D_MODEL,iregion_code
+  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  integer idoubling(nspec)
+  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+!! DK DK changed for now because array rhostore is not available in v4.1 anymore
+!! DK DK  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+!! DK DK  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) kappavstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+!! DK DK  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+! logical mask used to output global points only once
+  integer npointot
+  logical mask_ibool(npointot)
+! numbering of global AVS or DX points
+  integer num_ibool_AVS_DX(npointot)
+  integer ispec,idoubling_to_use
+  integer i,j,k,np
+  integer, dimension(8) :: iglobval
+  integer npoin,numpoin,nspecface,ispecface
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) vmin,vmax
+  double precision r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu
+  double precision vpv,vph,vsv,vsh,eta_aniso
+  double precision x,y,z,theta,phi_dummy,cost,p20,ell,factor
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) dvp,dvs
+! for ellipticity
+  integer nspl
+  double precision rspl(NR),espl(NR),espl2(NR)
+! processor identification
+  character(len=150) prname
+! model_1066a_variables
+  type model_1066a_variables
+    sequence
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: radius_1066a
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: density_1066a
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: vp_1066a
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: vs_1066a
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: Qkappa_1066a
+      double precision, dimension(NR_1066A) :: Qmu_1066a
+  end type model_1066a_variables
+  type (model_1066a_variables) M1066a_V
+! model_1066a_variables
+! model_ak135_variables
+  type model_ak135_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: radius_ak135
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: density_ak135
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: vp_ak135
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: vs_ak135
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: Qkappa_ak135
+    double precision, dimension(NR_AK135) :: Qmu_ak135
+  end type model_ak135_variables
+ type (model_ak135_variables) Mak135_V
+! model_ak135_variables
+! model_ref_variables
+  type model_ref_variables
+    sequence
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: radius_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: density_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: vpv_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: vph_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: vsv_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: vsh_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: eta_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: Qkappa_ref
+     double precision, dimension(NR_REF) :: Qmu_ref
+  end type model_ref_variables
+ type (model_ref_variables) Mref_V
+! model_ref_variables
+! sea1d_model_variables
+  type sea1d_model_variables
+    sequence
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: radius_sea1d
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: density_sea1d
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: vp_sea1d
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: vs_sea1d
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: Qkappa_sea1d
+     double precision, dimension(NR_SEA1D) :: Qmu_sea1d
+  end type sea1d_model_variables
+  type (sea1d_model_variables) SEA1DM_V
+! sea1d_model_variables
+! writing points
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks.txt',status='unknown')
+  open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointschunks_stability.txt',status='unknown')
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+  nspecface = 0
+! mark global AVS or DX points
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iboun(1,ispec) .or. iboun(2,ispec) .or. &
+              iboun(3,ispec) .or. iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(1)=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(2)=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(3)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(4)=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iboun(1,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(1)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(4)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iboun(2,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(2)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(3)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iboun(3,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(1)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(2)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(4)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(3)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! count global number of AVS or DX points
+  npoin = count(mask_ibool(:))
+! number of points in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) npoin
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+! output global AVS or DX points
+  numpoin = 0
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iboun(1,ispec) .or. iboun(2,ispec) .or. iboun(3,ispec) .or. iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(1)=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(2)=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(3)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(4)=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+! doubling array is not created in the outer core to save memory because it is useless
+! therefore impose the doubling flag manually if needed
+      idoubling_to_use = IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL
+    else
+      idoubling_to_use = idoubling(ispec)
+    endif
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iboun(1,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(1))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(1)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,1,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,1,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,1,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,1,1,ispec)/rhostore(1,1,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,1,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,1,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(4))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(4)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(8))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(5))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(1)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(4)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iboun(2,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(2))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(2)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(3))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(3)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(7))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)+ &
+!!       4.*muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(6))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(2)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(3)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iboun(3,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(1))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(1)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,1,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,1,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,1,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,1,1,ispec)/rhostore(1,1,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,1,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,1,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(2))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(2)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(6))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(5))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(1)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(2)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(4))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(4)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(3))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(3)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)+4.*muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(7))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)+ &
+!!  4.*muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(8))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmax = 333 !! sqrt((kappavstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)+4.*muvstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+      vmin = 333 !! sqrt(muvstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)/rhostore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+! particular case of the outer core (muvstore contains 1/rho)
+  if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+    r = dsqrt(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2 + zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)**2)
+    call prem_display_outer_core(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use)
+    vmax = vp
+    vmin = vp
+  endif
+      if(vmin == 0.0) vmin=vmax
+      write(11,*) numpoin,vmin,vmax
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(4)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(3)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of global points output is okay
+  if(numpoin /= npoin) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of global points in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+  close(11)
+! output global AVS or DX elements
+! writing elements
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks.txt',status='unknown')
+    open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementschunks_dvp_dvs.txt',status='unknown')
+! number of elements in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) nspecface
+  ispecface = 0
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iboun(1,ispec) .or. iboun(2,ispec) .or. &
+              iboun(3,ispec) .or. iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(1)=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(2)=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(3)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(4)=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! include lateral variations if needed
+!   pick a point within the element and get its radius
+    r=dsqrt(xstore(2,2,2,ispec)**2+ystore(2,2,2,ispec)**2+zstore(2,2,2,ispec)**2)
+    if(r > RCMB/R_EARTH .and. r < R_UNIT_SPHERE) then
+!     average over the element
+      dvp = 0.0
+      dvs = 0.0
+      np =0
+      do k=2,NGLLZ-1
+        do j=2,NGLLY-1
+          do i=2,NGLLX-1
+            np=np+1
+            x=xstore(i,j,k,ispec)
+            y=ystore(i,j,k,ispec)
+            z=zstore(i,j,k,ispec)
+            r=dsqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
+!           take out ellipticity
+            if(ELLIPTICITY) then
+              call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(x,y,z,r,theta,phi_dummy)
+              cost=dcos(theta)
+              p20=0.5d0*(3.0d0*cost*cost-1.0d0)
+              call spline_evaluation(rspl,espl,espl2,nspl,r,ell)
+              factor=ONE-(TWO/3.0d0)*ell*p20
+              r=r/factor
+            endif
+    if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+! doubling array is not created in the outer core to save memory because it is useless
+! therefore impose the doubling flag manually if needed
+      idoubling_to_use = IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL
+    else
+      idoubling_to_use = idoubling(ispec)
+    endif
+            if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_IASP91) then
+              call model_iasp91(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use,ONE_CRUST, &
+                .true.,RICB,RCMB,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,R771,R670,R400,R220,R120,RMOHO,RMIDDLE_CRUST)
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_PREM) then
+              call prem_iso(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use, &
+                R600,R670,R220,R771,R400,R80,RMOHO,RMIDDLE_CRUST,ROCEAN)
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_1066A) then
+              call model_1066a(r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use,M1066a_V)
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_AK135) then
+              call model_ak135(r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use,Mak135_V)
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_REF) then
+              call model_ref(r,rho,vpv,vph,vsv,vsh,eta_aniso,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use,CRUSTAL,Mref_V)
+              vp = vpv
+              vs = vsv
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_JP1D) then
+              call model_jp1d(myrank,r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use, &
+              .true.,RICB,RCMB,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME, &
+               R670,R220,R771,R400,R80,RMOHO,RMIDDLE_CRUST)
+            else if(REFERENCE_1D_MODEL == REFERENCE_MODEL_SEA1D) then
+              call model_sea1d(r,rho,vp,vs,Qkappa,Qmu,idoubling_to_use,SEA1DM_V)
+            else
+              call exit_MPI(myrank,'unknown 1D reference Earth model in writing of AVS/DX data')
+            endif
+            dvp = 333 !! dvp + (sqrt((kappavstore(i,j,k,ispec)+ &
+!!  4.*muvstore(i,j,k,ispec)/3.)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)) - sngl(vp))/sngl(vp)
+            dvs = 333 !! dvs + (sqrt(muvstore(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)) - sngl(vs))/sngl(vs)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      dvp = dvp / np
+      dvs = dvs / np
+    else
+      dvp = 0.0
+      dvs = 0.0
+    endif
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iboun(1,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(1)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(4)),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5))
+    if(ISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE) write(11,*) ispecface,dvp,dvs
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iboun(2,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(2)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(3)),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6))
+    if(ISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE) write(11,*) ispecface,dvp,dvs
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iboun(3,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(1)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(2)),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5))
+    if(ISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE) write(11,*) ispecface,dvp,dvs
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iboun(4,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(4)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(3)),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8))
+    if(ISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE) write(11,*) ispecface,dvp,dvs
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of surface elements output is okay
+  if(ispecface /= nspecface) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of surface elements in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+  if(ISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE) close(11)
+  end subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_chunks_data

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_data.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_data.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_data.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! create AVS or DX 3D data for the slice, to be recombined in postprocessing
+  subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_data(myrank,prname,nspec,ibool,idoubling, &
+                 xstore,ystore,zstore,num_ibool_AVS_DX,mask_ibool,npointot,iregion_code)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,myrank
+  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  integer idoubling(nspec)
+  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+! logical mask used to output global points only once
+  integer npointot,iregion_code
+  logical mask_ibool(npointot)
+! numbering of global AVS or DX points
+  integer num_ibool_AVS_DX(npointot)
+  integer ispec,idoubling_to_use
+  integer iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4,iglob5,iglob6,iglob7,iglob8
+  integer npoin,numpoin
+! processor identification
+  character(len=150) prname
+! writing points
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpoints.txt',status='unknown')
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+! mark global AVS or DX points
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+  enddo
+! count global number of AVS or DX points
+  npoin = count(mask_ibool(:))
+! number of points in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) npoin
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+! output global AVS or DX points
+  numpoin = 0
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob1)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob2)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob3)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob4)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob5)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob6)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob7)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob8)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+  enddo
+! check that number of global points output is okay
+  if(numpoin /= npoin) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of global points in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+! writing elements
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelements.txt',status='unknown')
+! number of elements in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) nspec
+! output global AVS or DX elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+! doubling array is not created in the outer core to save memory because it is useless
+! therefore impose the doubling flag manually if needed
+      idoubling_to_use = IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL
+    else
+      idoubling_to_use = idoubling(ispec)
+    endif
+    write(10,*) ispec,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8)
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+  end subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_data

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! create AVS or DX 2D data for the faces of the slice,
+! to be recombined in postprocessing
+  subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iMPIcut_xi,iMPIcut_eta, &
+        ibool,idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,num_ibool_AVS_DX,mask_ibool, &
+        npointot,iregion_code)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,myrank,iregion_code
+  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  integer idoubling(nspec)
+  logical iMPIcut_xi(2,nspec)
+  logical iMPIcut_eta(2,nspec)
+  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+! logical mask used to output global points only once
+  integer npointot
+  logical mask_ibool(npointot)
+! numbering of global AVS or DX points
+  integer num_ibool_AVS_DX(npointot)
+  integer ispec,idoubling_to_use
+  integer iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4,iglob5,iglob6,iglob7,iglob8
+  integer npoin,numpoin,nspecface,ispecface
+! processor identification
+  character(len=150) prname
+! writing points
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointsfaces.txt',status='unknown')
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+  nspecface = 0
+! mark global AVS or DX points
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec) .or. &
+              iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! count global number of AVS or DX points
+  npoin = count(mask_ibool(:))
+! number of points in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) npoin
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+! output global AVS or DX points
+  numpoin = 0
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec) .or. &
+              iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob1)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob4)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob8)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob5)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob2)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob3)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob7)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob6)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob1)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob2)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob6)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob5)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglob1) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob2) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob6) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob5) = .true.
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob4)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob3)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob7)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob8)) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglob4) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob3) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob7) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglob8) = .true.
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of global points output is okay
+  if(numpoin /= npoin) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of global points in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+! output global AVS or DX elements
+! writing elements
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementsfaces.txt',status='unknown')
+! number of elements in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) nspecface
+  ispecface = 0
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+! only if on face
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec) .or. &
+              iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec) .or. iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    iglob1=ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob2=ibool(NGLLX,1,1,ispec)
+    iglob3=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob4=ibool(1,NGLLY,1,ispec)
+    iglob5=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob6=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob7=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglob8=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+! doubling array is not created in the outer core to save memory because it is useless
+! therefore impose the doubling flag manually if needed
+      idoubling_to_use = IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL
+    else
+      idoubling_to_use = idoubling(ispec)
+    endif
+! face xi = xi_min
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(1,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5)
+  endif
+! face xi = xi_max
+  if(iMPIcut_xi(2,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6)
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_min
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(1,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob1), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob2),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob6), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob5)
+  endif
+! face eta = eta_max
+  if(iMPIcut_eta(2,ispec)) then
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob4), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob3),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob7), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglob8)
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of surface elements output is okay
+  if(ispecface /= nspecface) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of surface elements in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+  end subroutine write_AVS_DX_global_faces_data

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_surface_data.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_surface_data.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/version41_beta/src/write_AVS_DX_surface_data.f90	2008-08-15 03:35:19 UTC (rev 12642)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! create AVS or DX 2D data for the surface of the model
+! to be recombined in postprocessing
+  subroutine write_AVS_DX_surface_data(myrank,prname,nspec,iboun, &
+     ibool,idoubling,xstore,ystore,zstore,num_ibool_AVS_DX,mask_ibool,npointot,iregion_code)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer nspec,myrank,iregion_code
+  integer ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  integer idoubling(nspec)
+  logical iboun(6,nspec)
+  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+  double precision zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
+! logical mask used to output global points only once
+  integer npointot
+  logical mask_ibool(npointot)
+! numbering of global AVS or DX points
+  integer num_ibool_AVS_DX(npointot)
+  integer ispec,idoubling_to_use
+  integer, dimension(8) :: iglobval
+  integer npoin,numpoin,nspecface,ispecface
+! processor identification
+  character(len=150) prname
+! writing points
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXpointssurface.txt',status='unknown')
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+  nspecface = 0
+! mark global AVS or DX points
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if at the surface (top plane)
+  if(iboun(6,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! element is at the surface
+    nspecface = nspecface + 1
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+  endif
+  enddo
+! count global number of AVS or DX points
+  npoin = count(mask_ibool(:))
+! number of points in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) npoin
+! erase the logical mask used to mark points already found
+  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+! output global AVS or DX points
+  numpoin = 0
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+! only if at the surface
+  if(iboun(6,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+! top face
+  if(iboun(6,ispec)) then
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(5))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(6))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(7))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    if(.not. mask_ibool(iglobval(8))) then
+      numpoin = numpoin + 1
+      num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8)) = numpoin
+      write(10,*) numpoin,sngl(xstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)), &
+              sngl(ystore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)),sngl(zstore(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))
+    endif
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(5)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(6)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(7)) = .true.
+    mask_ibool(iglobval(8)) = .true.
+  endif
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of global points output is okay
+  if(numpoin /= npoin) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of global points in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+! output global AVS or DX elements
+! writing elements
+  open(unit=10,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'AVS_DXelementssurface.txt',status='unknown')
+! number of elements in AVS or DX file
+  write(10,*) nspecface
+  ispecface = 0
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+! only if at the surface
+  if(iboun(6,ispec)) then
+    iglobval(5)=ibool(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(6)=ibool(NGLLX,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(7)=ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    iglobval(8)=ibool(1,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec)
+    if(iregion_code == IREGION_OUTER_CORE) then
+! doubling array is not created in the outer core to save memory because it is useless
+! therefore impose the doubling flag manually if needed
+      idoubling_to_use = IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL
+    else
+      idoubling_to_use = idoubling(ispec)
+    endif
+! top face
+    ispecface = ispecface + 1
+    write(10,*) ispecface,idoubling_to_use,num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(5)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(6)),num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(7)), &
+                  num_ibool_AVS_DX(iglobval(8))
+  endif
+  enddo
+! check that number of surface elements output is okay
+  if(ispecface /= nspecface) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect number of surface elements in AVS or DX file creation')
+  close(10)
+  end subroutine write_AVS_DX_surface_data

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