[cig-commits] r13449 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults: . data

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Wed Dec 3 11:38:24 PST 2008

Author: brad
Date: 2008-12-03 11:38:24 -0800 (Wed, 03 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 13449

Removed duplicate tests (duplicates bc/TestBoundary).

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/Makefile.am	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/Makefile.am	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsQuad4.cc \
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsTet4.cc \
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsHex8.cc \
-	TestBoundary.cc \
@@ -72,8 +71,7 @@
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsTri3.hh \
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsQuad4.hh \
 	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsTet4.hh \
-	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsHex8.hh \
-	TestBoundary.hh
+	TestFaultCohesiveKinSrcsHex8.hh
 # Source files associated with testing data
 testfaults_SOURCES += \
@@ -130,12 +128,7 @@
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataTri3.cc \
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataQuad4.cc \
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataTet4.cc \
-	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataHex8.cc \
-	data/BoundaryData.cc \
-	data/BoundaryDataTri3.cc \
-	data/BoundaryDataQuad4.cc \
-	data/BoundaryDataTet4.cc \
-	data/BoundaryDataHex8.cc
+	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataHex8.cc
 noinst_HEADERS += \
 	data/CohesiveData.hh \
@@ -191,12 +184,7 @@
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataTri3.hh \
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataQuad4.hh \
 	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataTet4.hh \
-	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataHex8.hh \
-	data/BoundaryData.hh \
-	data/BoundaryDataTri3.hh \
-	data/BoundaryDataQuad4.hh \
-	data/BoundaryDataTet4.hh \
-	data/BoundaryDataHex8.hh
+	data/CohesiveKinSrcsDataHex8.hh

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "TestBoundary.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "pylith/utils/sievetypes.hh" // USES PETSc Mesh
-#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES int_array, double_array
-#include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
-#include "data/BoundaryDataTri3.hh" // USES BoundaryDataTri3
-#include "data/BoundaryDataQuad4.hh" // USES BoundaryDataQuad4
-#include "data/BoundaryDataTet4.hh" // USES BoundaryDataTet4
-#include "data/BoundaryDataHex8.hh" // USES BoundaryDataHex8
-#include <Selection.hh> // USES submesh algorithms
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::faults::TestBoundary );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test createBoundary() with 2-D triangular elements.
-{ // testCreateBoundaryTri3
-  BoundaryDataTri3 data;
-  _testCreateBoundary(data);
-} // testCreateBoundaryTri3
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test createBoundary() with 2-D quadrilateral elements.
-{ // testCreateBoundaryQuad4
-  BoundaryDataQuad4 data;
-  _testCreateBoundary(data);
-} // testCreateBoundaryQuad4
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test createBoundary() with 3-D tetrahedral elements.
-{ // testCreateBoundaryTet4
-  BoundaryDataTet4 data;
-  _testCreateBoundary(data);
-} // testCreateBoundaryTet4
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test createBoundary() with 3-D hexahedral elements.
-{ // testCreateBoundaryHex8
-  BoundaryDataHex8 data;
-  _testCreateBoundary(data);
-} // testCreateBoundaryHex8
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test createBoundary().
-pylith::faults::TestBoundary::_testCreateBoundary(const BoundaryData& data)
-{ // _testAdjustTopology
-  ALE::Obj<Mesh> mesh;
-  meshio::MeshIOAscii iohandler;
-  iohandler.filename(data.filename);
-  iohandler.debug(false);
-  iohandler.interpolate(false);
-  iohandler.read(&mesh);
-  // Extract submesh for "traction"
-  //mesh->setDebug(1);
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh> submesh = ALE::Selection<Mesh>::submeshV(mesh, mesh->getIntSection("traction"));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cellDim, submesh->getDimension());
-  // Check vertices
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::label_sequence>& vertices = submesh->depthStratum(0);
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::real_section_type>& coordsField =
-    mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  const int numVertices = vertices->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numVertices, numVertices);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.spaceDim, 
-		       coordsField->getFiberDimension(*vertices->begin()));
-  int i = 0;
-  const int spaceDim = data.spaceDim;
-  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator v_iter = 
-	vertices->begin();
-      v_iter != vertices->end();
-      ++v_iter) {
-    const Mesh::real_section_type::value_type *vertexCoords = 
-      coordsField->restrictPoint(*v_iter);
-    const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      if (data.vertices[i] < 1.0)
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(data.vertices[i++], vertexCoords[iDim],
-				   tolerance);
-      else
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vertexCoords[iDim]/data.vertices[i++],
-				   tolerance);
-  } // for
-  // check cells
-  const ALE::Obj<sieve_type>& sieve = submesh->getSieve();
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
-  const int numCells = cells->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCells, numCells);
-  ALE::ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<Mesh::sieve_type> pV(sieve->getMaxConeSize());
-  int iCell = 0;
-  i = 0;
-  //mesh->view(data.filename);
-  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    const int numCorners = submesh->getNumCellCorners(*c_iter, 1);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCorners[iCell++], numCorners);
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, pV);
-    const Mesh::point_type *cone = pV.getPoints();
-    for(int p = 0; p < pV.getSize(); ++p, ++i) {
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cells[i], cone[p]);
-    }
-    pV.clear();
-  } // for
-#if 0
-  // check materials
-  const ALE::Obj<Mesh::label_type>& labelMaterials = 
-    mesh->getLabel("material-id");
-  const int idDefault = -999;
-  const int size = numCells;
-  int_array materialIds(size);
-  i = 0;
-  for(Mesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter)
-    materialIds[i++] = mesh->getValue(labelMaterials, *c_iter, idDefault);
-  for (int iCell=0; iCell < numCells; ++iCell)
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.materialIds[iCell], materialIds[iCell]);
-  // Check groups
-  const ALE::Obj<std::set<std::string> >& groupNames = 
-    mesh->getIntSections();
-  int iGroup = 0;
-  int index = 0;
-  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator name=groupNames->begin();
-       name != groupNames->end();
-       ++name, ++iGroup) {
-    const ALE::Obj<int_section_type>& groupField = mesh->getIntSection(*name);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!groupField.isNull());
-    const int_section_type::chart_type& chart = groupField->getChart();
-    Mesh::point_type firstPoint;
-    for(int_section_type::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-      if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter)) {firstPoint = *c_iter; break;}
-    }
-    std::string groupType = 
-      (mesh->height(firstPoint) == 0) ? "cell" : "vertex";
-    const int numPoints = groupField->size();
-    int_array points(numPoints);
-    int i = 0;
-    for(int_section_type::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-      if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter)) points[i++] = *c_iter;
-    }
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(data.groupNames[iGroup]), *name);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(data.groupTypes[iGroup]), groupType);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.groupSizes[iGroup], numPoints);
-    for (int i=0; i < numPoints; ++i)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.groups[index++], points[i]);
-  } // for
-} // _testCreateBoundary
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * @file unittests/libtests/faults/TestBoundary.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ TestBoundary object
- *
- * NOTE: Not sure what this class is testing. It appears to duplicate
- * TestBoundaryMesh in bc. Did Matt create this in preparation for
- * creating fault meshes from face information?
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_testboundary_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_testboundary_hh
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "pylith/utils/sievefwd.hh" // USES PETSc Mesh
-/// Namespace for pylith package
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-    class TestBoundary;
-    class BoundaryData;
-  } // faults
-} // pylith
-/// C++ unit testing for Fault
-class pylith::faults::TestBoundary : public CppUnit::TestFixture
-{ // class TestBoundary
-  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestBoundary );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testCreateBoundaryTri3 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testCreateBoundaryQuad4 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testCreateBoundaryTet4 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testCreateBoundaryHex8 );
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Test createBoundary() with 2-D triangular element.
-  void testCreateBoundaryTri3(void);
-  /// Test createBoundary() with 2-D quadrilateral element.
-  void testCreateBoundaryQuad4(void);
-  /// Test createBoundary() with 3-D tetrahedral element.
-  void testCreateBoundaryTet4(void);
-  /// Test createBoundary() with 3-D hexahedral element.
-  void testCreateBoundaryHex8(void);
-  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Test createBoundary().
-   *
-   * @param fault Fault for cohesive elements.
-   * @param data Cohesive element data.
-   */
-  void _testCreateBoundary(const BoundaryData& data);
-}; // class TestBoundary
-#endif // pylith_faults_testboundary_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#include "BoundaryData.hh"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-pylith::faults::BoundaryData::BoundaryData(void) :
-  numVertices(0),
-  spaceDim(0),
-  numCells(0),
-  cellDim(0),
-  vertices(0),
-  numCorners(0),
-  cells(0),
-  filename(0)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryData.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_boundarydata_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_boundarydata_hh
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-     class BoundaryData;
-  } // pylith
-} // faults
-class pylith::faults::BoundaryData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Constructor
-  BoundaryData(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~BoundaryData(void);
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  int numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  int spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  int numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  int cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  double* vertices; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  int* numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  int* cells; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  char* filename; ///< Filename for input mesh
-#endif // pylith_faults_boundarydata_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-/* Original mesh
- *
- * Cells are 0-1 and vertices are 2-13.
- *
- *       2,3,4,5 -------- 6,7,8,9 -------- 10,11,12,13
- *
- *                        ^^^^^^^ Vertices forming fault
- *
- * Taking the boundary
- *
- */
-#include "BoundaryDataHex8.hh"
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_numVertices = 12;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_numCells = 10;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_cellDim = 2;
-const double pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_vertices[] = {
-  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0,  1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0, -1.0,  1.0,
-  -2.0,  1.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,  1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,  1.0,
-   2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-   2.0,  1.0, -1.0,
-   2.0, -1.0,  1.0,
-   2.0,  1.0,  1.0,
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_numCorners[] = {
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4,
-  4
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_cells[] = {
-  4,  5,  3,  2,
-  3,  7,  6,  2,
-  6,  8,  4,  2,
-  5,  9,  7,  3,
-  8,  9,  5,  4,
-  7, 11, 10,  6,
- 10, 12,  8,  6,
-  9, 13, 11,  7,
- 12, 13,  9,  8,
- 11, 13, 12, 10,
-const char* pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8::_filename = 
-  "data/hex8traction.mesh";
-{ // constructor
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  vertices = const_cast<double*>(_vertices);
-  numCorners = const_cast<int*>(_numCorners);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataHex8.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_boundarydatahex8_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_boundarydatahex8_hh
-#include "BoundaryData.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-     class BoundaryDataHex8;
-  } // pylith
-} // faults
-class pylith::faults::BoundaryDataHex8 : public BoundaryData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  BoundaryDataHex8(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~BoundaryDataHex8(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const double _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _numCorners[]; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of input mesh
-#endif // pylith_faults_boundarydatahex8_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-/* Original mesh
- *
- * Cells are 0-1, vertices are 2-7.
- *
- *       3 -------- 5 -------- 7
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       |          |          |
- *       2 -------- 4 -------- 6
- *
- * Taking the boundary
- *
- *       3 -------- 5 -------- 7
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       |                     |
- *       2 -------- 4 -------- 6
- */
-#include "BoundaryDataQuad4.hh"
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_numVertices = 6;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_numCells = 6;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_cellDim = 1;
-const double pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_vertices[] = {
-  -2.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   2.0, -1.0,
-   2.0,  1.0,
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_numCorners[] = {
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_cells[] = {
-  3,  2,
-  2,  4,
-  5,  3,
-  4,  6,
-  7,  5,
-  6,  7,
-const char* pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4::_filename = 
-  "data/quad4traction.mesh";
-{ // constructor
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  vertices = const_cast<double*>(_vertices);
-  numCorners = const_cast<int*>(_numCorners);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataQuad4.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_boundarydataquad4_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_boundarydataquad4_hh
-#include "BoundaryData.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-     class BoundaryDataQuad4;
-  } // pylith
-} // faults
-class pylith::faults::BoundaryDataQuad4 : public BoundaryData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  BoundaryDataQuad4(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~BoundaryDataQuad4(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const double _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _numCorners[]; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of input mesh
-#endif // pylith_faults_boundarydataquad4_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-/* Original mesh
- *
- * Cells are 0-1, vertices are 2-6.
- *
- * 2   3,4,5  6
- *
- *     ^^^^^ Face in x-y plane
- *
- * After adding cohesive elements
- *
- * Cells are 0-1,10, vertices are 2-9.
- *
- * 2   3,4,5  7,8,9   6
- *
- *     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cohesive element in x-y plane.
- */
-#include "BoundaryDataTet4.hh"
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_numVertices = 5;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_numCells = 6;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_cellDim = 2;
-const double pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,  1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
-   1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_numCorners[] = {
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_cells[] = {
-  3,  4,  2,
-  2,  5,  3,
-  4,  5,  2,
-  6,  4,  3,
-  3,  5,  6,
-  5,  4,  6,
-const char* pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4::_filename = "data/tet4traction.mesh";
-{ // constructor
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  vertices = const_cast<double*>(_vertices);
-  numCorners = const_cast<int*>(_numCorners);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTet4.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_boundarydatatet4_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_boundarydatatet4_hh
-#include "BoundaryData.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-     class BoundaryDataTet4;
-  } // pylith
-} // faults
-class pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTet4 : public BoundaryData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  BoundaryDataTet4(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~BoundaryDataTet4(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const double _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _numCorners[]; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of input mesh
-#endif // pylith_faults_boundarydatatet4_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.cc	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.cc	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-/* Original mesh
- *
- * Cells are 0-1, vertices are 2-5.
- *
- *              3
- *             /|\
- *            / | \
- *           /  |  \
- *          /   |   \
- *         2    |    5
- *          \   |   /
- *           \  |  /
- *            \ | /
- *             \|/
- *              4
- *
- *  The boundary is
- *
- *              3
- *             / \
- *            /   \
- *           /     \
- *          /       \
- *         2         5
- *          \       /
- *           \     /
- *            \   /
- *             \ /
- *              4
- */
-#include "BoundaryDataTri3.hh"
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_numVertices = 4;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_numCells = 4;
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_cellDim = 1;
-const double pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_vertices[] = {
- -1.0,  0.0,
-  0.0,  1.0,
-  0.0, -1.0,
-  1.0,  0.0,
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_numCorners[] = {
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2
-const int pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_cells[] = {
-  3,  2,
-  2,  4,
-  5,  3,
-  4,  5,
-const char* pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3::_filename = "data/tri3traction.mesh";
-{ // constructor
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  vertices = const_cast<double*>(_vertices);
-  numCorners = const_cast<int*>(_numCorners);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.hh	2008-12-03 19:22:50 UTC (rev 13448)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/faults/data/BoundaryDataTri3.hh	2008-12-03 19:38:24 UTC (rev 13449)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_faults_boundarydatatri3_hh)
-#define pylith_faults_boundarydatatri3_hh
-#include "BoundaryData.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace faults {
-     class BoundaryDataTri3;
-  } // pylith
-} // faults
-class pylith::faults::BoundaryDataTri3 : public BoundaryData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  BoundaryDataTri3(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~BoundaryDataTri3(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const double _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _numCorners[]; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of input mesh
-#endif // pylith_faults_boundarydatatri3_hh
-// End of file

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