[cig-commits] r8985 - in short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic: . reversenog reversenog/figs reversenog/meshes

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Thu Jan 3 19:03:16 PST 2008

Author: brad
Date: 2008-01-03 19:03:16 -0800 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 8985

Added reversenog (figs and hex8 cubit scripts).

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/plot_geometry.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/plot_geometry.py	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/plot_geometry.py	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ======================================================================
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# {LicenseText}
+# ======================================================================
+from enthought.mayavi.app import Mayavi
+import vtk_geometry
+from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
+class PlotScene(Mayavi):
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def run(self):    
+    self._setupScene(showFaultTaper=True)
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _setupScene(self,
+                  showFault=True,
+                  showMaterials=True,
+                  showFaultTaper=False):
+    """
+    Plot axes, fault surface, and materials.
+    """
+    from enthought.mayavi.modules.outline import Outline
+    from enthought.mayavi.modules.axes import Axes
+    from enthought.mayavi.modules.surface import Surface
+    # Create rendering scene
+    script = self.script
+    script.new_scene()
+    script.engine.current_scene.scene.background = (1,1,1)
+    script.engine.current_scene.scene.foreground = (0,0,0)
+    vtk_geometry.setCamera(script.engine.current_scene.scene.camera)
+    # Domain (axes and outline)
+    script.add_source(VTKDataSource(data=vtk_geometry.domain()))
+    script.engine.current_object.name = "Domain"
+    outline = Outline()
+    script.add_module(outline)
+    outline.actor.property.opacity = 0.2
+    axes = Axes()
+    axes.axes.x_label = "X (km)"
+    axes.axes.y_label = "Y (km)"
+    axes.axes.z_label = "Z (km)"
+    axes.axes.label_format = "%-0.1f"
+    script.add_module(axes)
+    # Fault surface
+    if showFault:
+      srcs = vtk_geometry.fault(showTaper=showFaultTaper)
+      for src in srcs:
+        script.add_source(VTKDataSource(data=src['object']))
+        script.engine.current_object.name = "Fault %s" % src['name']
+        surf = Surface()
+        script.add_module(surf)
+        surf.actor.property.color = (1,0,0)
+        if src['name'] == "taper":
+          surf.actor.property.opacity = 0.1
+        else:
+          surf.actor.property.opacity = 0.3
+    # Materials
+    if showMaterials:
+      srcs = vtk_geometry.materials()
+      for src in srcs:
+        script.add_source(VTKDataSource(data=src['object']))
+        script.engine.current_object.name = "Material %s" % src['name']
+        surf = Surface()
+        script.add_module(surf)
+        surf.actor.property.opacity = 0.1
+        if src['name'] == "elastic":
+          surf.actor.property.color = (1,1,0)
+        elif src['name'] == "viscoelastic":
+          surf.actor.property.color = (0,1,1)
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  app = PlotScene()
+  app.main()
+# End of file

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/plot_geometry.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/vtk_geometry.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/vtk_geometry.py	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/figs/vtk_geometry.py	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ======================================================================
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# {LicenseText}
+# ======================================================================
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+import numpy
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def domain():
+    l = 24.0
+    domain = tvtk.CubeSource()
+    domain.set_bounds(0, l, 0, l, -l, 0.0)
+    return domain.get_output()
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def fault(showTaper=False):
+    vertices = numpy.array(
+        [ [4.0,  0.0,   0.0], # 0
+          [4.0, 12.0,   0.0], # 1
+          [4.0, 16.0,   0.0], # 2
+          [16.0,  0.0, -12.0], # 3
+          [16.0, 12.0, -12.0], # 4
+          [20.0,  0.0, -16.0], # 5
+          [20.0, 12.0, -16.0], # 6
+          [20.0, 16.0, -16.0] ], # 7
+        dtype=numpy.float32)
+    # Setup VTK vertices
+    if not showTaper:
+        polys = numpy.array(
+            [ [0, 3, 1],
+              [1, 3, 4],
+              [3, 5, 4],
+              [4, 5, 6],
+              [1, 6, 2],
+              [2, 6, 7] ],
+            dtype=numpy.int32)
+        # Setup VTK simplices
+        data = [{'name': "fault",
+                 'object': tvtk.PolyData(points=vertices, polys=polys)}]
+    else:
+        polys = numpy.array(
+            [ [0, 3, 1],
+              [1, 3, 4] ],
+            dtype=numpy.int32)
+        polysTaper = numpy.array(
+            [ [3, 5, 4],
+              [4, 5, 6],
+              [1, 6, 2],
+              [2, 6, 7] ],
+            dtype=numpy.int32)
+        data= [{'name': "fault",
+                'object': tvtk.PolyData(points=vertices, polys=polys)},
+               {'name': "taper",
+                'object': tvtk.PolyData(points=vertices, polys=polysTaper)}]
+    return data
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def materials():
+    l = 24.0
+    elastic = tvtk.CubeSource()
+    elastic.set_bounds(0, l, 0, l, -l/2.0, 0.0)
+    viscoelastic = tvtk.CubeSource()
+    viscoelastic.set_bounds(0, l, 0, l, -l, -l/2.0)
+    return [{'name': "elastic",
+             'object': elastic.get_output()},
+            {'name': "viscoelastic",
+            'object': viscoelastic.get_output()}]
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def setCamera(camera):
+    dist = 67.0
+    angle = 40.0
+    elev = 30.0
+    azimuth = 35.0
+    clipRange = numpy.array( [5, 100] )
+    ptTo = numpy.array( [6.0, 12.0, -19] )
+    ptFrom = ptTo + numpy.array( [0.0, -dist, 0.0])
+    camera.view_angle = angle
+    camera.view_up = (0,0,1)
+    camera.focal_point = ptTo
+    camera.position = ptFrom
+    camera.elevation(elev)
+    camera.azimuth(azimuth)
+    camera.clipping_range = clipRange
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def setWindow(maya):
+    return

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/createbc.jou
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/createbc.jou	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/createbc.jou	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create blocks for materials
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+block 1 volume elastic_hangingwall
+block 1 name "elastic hangingwall"
+block 2 volume elastic_footwall
+block 2 name "elastic footwall"
+block 3 volume visco_hangingwall
+block 3 name "viscoelastic hangingwall"
+block 4 volume visco_footwall
+block 4 name "viscoelastic footwall"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create nodeset for fault
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+group "fault" add node in fault_surface
+group "fault" add node in fault_surface at A
+group "fault" remove node with z_coord < -16.001e+3 or with y_coord > 16.001e+3
+nodeset 10 group fault
+nodeset 10 name "fault"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create nodeset for fixed BC
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+group "analytic_disp_xpos" add node in surface 13
+group "analytic_disp_xpos" add node in surface 32
+group "analytic_disp_xpos" add node in surface 36
+nodeset 11 group analytic_disp_xpos
+nodeset 11 name "analytic_disp_xpos"
+group "analytic_disp_xneg" add node in surface 11
+group "analytic_disp_xneg" add node in surface 17
+nodeset 12 group analytic_disp_xneg
+nodeset 12 name "analytic_disp_xneg"
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" add node in surface 23
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" add node in surface 25
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" add node in surface 33
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" add node in surface 35
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" remove node in analytic_disp_xneg
+group "analytic_disp_ypos" remove node in analytic_disp_xpos
+nodeset 13 group analytic_disp_ypos
+nodeset 13 name "analytic_disp_ypos"
+group "analytic_disp_zneg" add node in surface 2
+group "analytic_disp_zneg" remove node in analytic_disp_xneg
+group "analytic_disp_zneg" remove node in analytic_disp_xpos
+group "analytic_disp_zneg" remove node in analytic_disp_ypos
+nodeset 14 group analytic_disp_zneg
+nodeset 14 name "analytic_disp_zneg"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create nodeset for symmetry BC
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+group "symmetry_disp" add node in surface 21
+group "symmetry_disp" add node in surface 28
+group "symmetry_disp" add node in surface 31
+group "symmetry_disp" add node in surface 38
+group "symmetry_disp" remove node in analytic_disp_xpos
+group "symmetry_disp" remove node in analytic_disp_xneg
+group "symmetry_disp" remove node in analytic_disp_ypos
+group "symmetry_disp" remove node in analytic_disp_zneg
+group "symmetry_disp" remove node in fault
+nodeset 15 group symmetry_disp
+nodeset 15 name "symmetry_disp"

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/geometry.jou
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/geometry.jou	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/geometry.jou	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create block
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+brick x 24000 y 24000 z 24000
+volume 1 move x 12000 y 12000 z -12000
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create interface surfaces
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Fault surface
+create vertex 4000.0 0.0 0.0
+create vertex 4000.0 16000.0 0.0
+create vertex 20000.0 0.0 -16000.0
+create planar surface with plane vertex 10 vertex 9 vertex 11
+surface 7 name "fault_surface"
+create planar surface with plane zplane offset -12000.0
+surface 8 name "material_interface"
+#create planar surface with plane xplane offset 20000.0
+#surface 9 name "fault_auxiliary"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Divide volumes using interfaces surfaces
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+webcut volume 1 with plane surface material_interface
+webcut volume 1 with plane surface fault_surface
+webcut volume 4 with plane surface fault_surface
+volume 1 name "elastic_hangingwall"
+volume 5 name "elastic_footwall"
+volume 4 name "visco_hangingwall"
+volume 6 name "visco_footwall"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Imprint curves on volumes
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+imprint all with volume all
+merge all

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0250m.jou
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0250m.jou	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0250m.jou	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate geometry
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'geometry.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set discretization size
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+surface 21 31 23 33 28 38 25 35 scheme pave
+surface all size 250.0
+volume all size 250.0
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate the mesh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+mesh volume all
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate blocks and nodesets
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'createbc.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Export exodus file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+export mesh "reverseslip_hex8_0250m.exo" dimension 3 overwrite

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0500m.jou
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0500m.jou	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_0500m.jou	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate geometry
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'geometry.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set discretization size
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+surface 21 31 23 33 28 38 25 35 scheme pave
+surface all size 500.0
+volume all size 500.0
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate the mesh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+mesh volume all
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate blocks and nodesets
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'createbc.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Export exodus file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+export mesh "reverseslip_hex8_0500m.exo" dimension 3 overwrite

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_1000m.jou
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_1000m.jou	2008-01-03 23:00:07 UTC (rev 8984)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/reversenog/meshes/mesh_hex8_1000m.jou	2008-01-04 03:03:16 UTC (rev 8985)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate geometry
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'geometry.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Set discretization size
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+surface 21 31 23 33 28 38 25 35 scheme pave
+surface all size 1000
+volume all size 1000
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate the mesh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+mesh volume all
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate blocks and nodesets
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+playback 'createbc.jou'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Export exodus file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+export mesh "reverseslip_hex8_1000m.exo" dimension 3 overwrite

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