[cig-commits] r12367 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Tue Jul 1 18:00:14 PDT 2008

Author: leif
Date: 2008-07-01 18:00:14 -0700 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 12367

This Python script has been moved to

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/pyspecfem3D
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/pyspecfem3D	2008-07-02 00:46:55 UTC (rev 12366)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/pyspecfem3D	2008-07-02 01:00:14 UTC (rev 12367)
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from pyre.applications import Script
-from os.path import dirname, exists, isdir, join
-import os, sys, stat, shutil, tarfile
-from time import sleep
-SPECFEM3D_GLOBE = dirname(__file__)
-class Specfem3DGlobe(Script):
-    name = "Specfem3DGlobe"
-    import pyre.inventory
-    import pyre.schedulers
-    import pyre.launchers
-    parFile        = pyre.inventory.str("par-file")
-    cmtSolution    = pyre.inventory.str("cmt-solution")
-    stations       = pyre.inventory.str("stations")
-    configureArgs  = pyre.inventory.str("configure-args", default="FC=mpif90")
-    scratchDir     = pyre.inventory.str("scratch-dir", default="/scratch")
-    nodes          = pyre.inventory.int("nodes", default=1)
-    scheduler      = pyre.schedulers.scheduler("scheduler", default="none")
-    job            = pyre.schedulers.job("job")
-    launchCommand  = pyre.inventory.str("launch-command", default="mpirun -np %(nodes)s")
-    context        = pyre.inventory.str(
-        name="context", default="login", validator=pyre.inventory.choice(["login", "launcher", "pre-compute", "post-compute"]))
-    progressUrl = pyre.inventory.str("progress-url")
-    def main(self, *args, **kwds):
-        context = self.context
-        if context == "login":
-            self.onLoginNode(*args, **kwds)
-        elif context == "launcher":
-            self.onLauncherNode(*args, **kwds)
-        elif context == "pre-compute":
-            self.onPreCompute(*args, **kwds)
-        elif context == "post-compute":
-            self.onPostCompute(*args, **kwds)
-        return
-    def onLoginNode(self, *args, **kwds):
-        # Redirect all output -- our journal output, and the output of
-        # our children -- to a file.
-        fd = os.open("output_build.txt", os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
-        os.dup2(fd, 1)
-        os.dup2(fd, 2)
-        os.close(fd)
-        self.prepareFiles()
-        self.build()
-        pid = os.fork()
-        if pid:
-            self.monitorProgress(pid)
-        else:
-            self.schedule(*args, **kwds)
-            self.processOutputFiles()
-        return
-    def onLauncherNode(self, *args, **kwds):
-        launchCommand = self.launchCommand % {'nodes': self.nodes}
-        launchCommand = launchCommand.split()
-        wd = os.getcwd()
-        myArgv = self.getArgv(*args, **kwds)
-        # launch ourselves
-        argv = launchCommand + [sys.executable, __file__] + myArgv + ["--context=pre-compute", "--nodes=%d" % self.nodes]
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        # launch the mesher
-        argv = launchCommand + [join(wd, "xmeshfem3D")]
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        # launch the solver
-        argv = launchCommand + [join(wd, "xspecfem3D")]
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        # launch ourselves
-        argv = launchCommand + [sys.executable, __file__] + myArgv + ["--context=post-compute", "--nodes=%d" % self.nodes]
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        return
-    def onPreCompute(self, *args, **kwds):
-        makedirs(self.scratchDir)
-    def onPostCompute(self, *args, **kwds):
-        try:
-            files = os.listdir(self.scratchDir)
-            for file in files:
-                try:
-                    os.remove(join(self.scratchDir, file))
-                except OSError:
-                    pass
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            os.rmdir(self.scratchDir)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        return
-    def prepareFiles(self):
-        self.mkdir("DATA")
-        self.mkdir("OUTPUT_FILES")
-        self.readAndCopyParFile()
-        shutil.copyfile(self.cmtSolution, "DATA/CMTSOLUTION")
-        shutil.copyfile(self.stations, "DATA/STATIONS")
-        dataSrc = join(SPECFEM3D_GLOBE, "DATA")
-        for name in os.listdir(dataSrc):
-            src = join(dataSrc, name)
-            dest = join("DATA", name)
-            if exists(dest):
-                continue
-            os.symlink(src, dest)
-        return
-    def readAndCopyParFile(self):
-        s = open(self.parFile, "r")
-        d = open("DATA/Par_file", "w")
-        for line in s:
-            tokens = line.split()
-            if len(tokens) >= 3:
-                var = tokens[0]
-                if var == "NCHUNKS":
-                    NCHUNKS = int(tokens[2])
-                elif var == "NPROC_XI":
-                    NPROC_XI = int(tokens[2])
-                elif var == "NPROC_ETA":
-                    NPROC_ETA = int(tokens[2])
-                elif var == "LOCAL_PATH":
-                    print >>d, "LOCAL_PATH =", self.scratchDir
-                    continue
-            print >>d, line,
-        self.nodes = NCHUNKS * NPROC_XI * NPROC_ETA
-        return
-    def build(self):
-        # configure
-        configure = join(SPECFEM3D_GLOBE, "configure")
-        configureArgs = self.configureArgs.split()
-        argv = [configure] + configureArgs
-        print ' '.join(argv)
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        # make
-        self.mkdir("obj")
-        argv = ['make']
-        print ' '.join(argv)
-        status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
-        if status != 0:
-            sys.exit("%s: exit %d" % (argv[0], status))
-        return
-    def schedule(self, *args, **kwds):
-        argv = self.getArgv(*args, **kwds)
-        # initialize the job
-        job = self.job
-        job.nodes = self.nodes
-        job.executable = sys.executable
-        job.arguments = [__file__] + argv + ["--context=launcher", "--nodes=%d" % self.nodes]
-        # schedule
-        self.scheduler.schedule(job)
-        return
-    def mkdir(self, name):
-        if not isdir(name):
-            os.mkdir(name)
-        return
-    def processOutputFiles(self):
-        archiveOut = open("specfem3dglobe.tar.gz", 'w')
-        tgzOut = tarfile.open(archiveOut.name, 'w:gz', archiveOut)
-        for name in os.listdir("OUTPUT_FILES"):
-            pathname = join("OUTPUT_FILES", name)
-            arcname = pathname
-            tgzOut.add(pathname, arcname)
-        tgzOut.close()
-        archiveOut.close()
-        for filename in ["output_mesher.txt", "output_solver.txt"]:
-            pathname = join("OUTPUT_FILES", filename)
-            if exists(pathname):
-                shutil.copyfile(pathname, filename)
-        return
-    def monitorProgress(self, pid):
-        progress = None
-        wpid, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
-        while wpid == 0:
-            newProgress = self.checkProgress()
-            if newProgress != progress:
-                progress = newProgress
-                self.postProgress(progress)
-            sleep(60)
-            wpid, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
-        return
-    def checkProgress(self):
-        try:
-            s = open("OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt", 'r')
-        except IOError:
-            return None
-        progress = 0.0
-        for line in s:
-            if line.startswith(" We have done"):
-                progress = float(line.split()[3]) / 100.0
-        return progress
-    def postProgress(self, progress):
-        import urllib, urlparse
-        scheme, host, path = urlparse.urlparse(self.progressUrl)[0:3]
-        fields = { 'progress': "%.2f" % progress }
-        body = urllib.urlencode(fields)
-        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
-                   "Accept": "text/plain"}
-        import httplib
-        if scheme == "http":
-            conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
-        elif scheme == "https":
-            conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
-        else:
-            assert False # not scheme in ["http", "https"]
-        conn.request("POST", path, body, headers)
-        response = conn.getresponse()
-        data = response.read()
-        conn.close()
-        return data
-def makedirs(name, mode=0777):
-    """Like os.makedirs(), but multi-{thread,process} safe."""
-    import os.path as path
-    from os import curdir, mkdir
-    head, tail = path.split(name)
-    if not tail:
-        head, tail = path.split(head)
-    if head and tail and not path.exists(head):
-        makedirs(head, mode)
-        if tail == curdir:           # xxx/newdir/. exists if xxx/newdir exists
-            return
-    try:
-        mkdir(name, mode)
-    except OSError, error:
-        # 17 == "File exists"
-        if hasattr(error, 'errno') and error.errno == 17:
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise
-    return
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    script = Specfem3DGlobe()
-    script.run()
-# end of file

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