[cig-commits] r12393 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex

alessia at geodynamics.org alessia at geodynamics.org
Tue Jul 8 04:34:27 PDT 2008

Author: alessia
Date: 2008-07-08 04:34:27 -0700 (Tue, 08 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 12393

updated manual for beta test release

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/README
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/README	2008-07-08 09:57:07 UTC (rev 12392)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/README	2008-07-08 11:34:27 UTC (rev 12393)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Alessia, 16-March-2008
-* Alessia: 
-    + write concluding paragraph to introduction
-    + add envelopes to Figure 1 
-    + write concluding paragraph to discussion
-* Min+Carl:
-    + please add your time-dependent functions to appendix A
-    + what would you like to see in the discussion section?
-* Carl:
-    + please check the results section to make sure I have not changed your meaning too much with my edits and re-arrangement of figures
-Alessia Maggi, 24-march-2008
-* Alessia: 
-    + finish introduction with description of what is to follow
-    + add envelopes to Figure 1 
-    + finsih first draft of discussion
-    + write abstract
-* Min+Carl:
-    + please check the results section to make sure I have not changed your meaning too much with my edits and re-arrangement of figures
-    + please add your time-dependent functions to appendix A
-    + what would you like to see in the discussion section?
-* Min:
-    + you seem to be missing the start of the P-wave on the long-period records.  Could you lower the w_E earlier for this period range? 
-    + I have combined three of your figures into one (Figure 15) by some rather ugly pdf hacks.  Could you please make a decent version of something like this figure?
-Carl Tape, 07-March-2008
-This file: /automeasure/latex/figures/socal/README
-To compile from Caltech, use pdflatex.
-Convert eps figures to pdf using epstopdf.
-I have finally added my figures and text, but I have not made substantial changes to other sections.  The bulleted numbered lists follow the format of GJI, although I am not a big fan of them.  I bulleted a few sets of notes, which will eventually turn into text.
-Min, I think the next step is for you to add your figures and text to the paper, and also the parts of the tables left for you.  If you choose to use Adobe Illustrator, then you can see my AI EPS files here, if you want to use them as templates:
-These were made on a Mac using CS3.  The outlines guaranteed that related figures were exactly the same size, but we can get rid of the lines in the end if we want to.
-Alessia, it sounds like Min can get her edits committed within one week, hopefully sooner.  Then perhaps you can take another run-though at the text, then we can quickly, and then we can send it to Jeroen.
-I think it is going to be a great paper.  I think if we all focus our efforts now, we can submit it within a couple weeks.

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/REFERENCES.bib
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/REFERENCES.bib	2008-07-08 09:57:07 UTC (rev 12392)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/REFERENCES.bib	2008-07-08 11:34:27 UTC (rev 12393)
@@ -1,4830 +0,0 @@
-%   Carl Tape, 30-May-2005
-%   Geophysics related references
-%      statistics
-%      Japan
-%      plate models and plate tectonics
-%      OMS
-%      SoCal studies
-%      time-reversed acoustics
-%      adjoint methods and optimization methods
-%      GPS proposition
-%      helioseismology
-%      physics of earthquakes
-%      seismology papers (Woodhouse)
-%      books
-%      spherical-hexagonal grids (Oxford thesis)
-      "\def \agu{Am.~Geophys.~Un.} "
-    # "\def \acha{Applied Comput. Harmonic Anal.} "
-    # "\def \amsci{Am.~Sci.} "
-    # "\def \angeo{Annals.~Geophy.} "
-    # "\def \areps{Annu.~Rev. Earth Planet.~Sci.} "
-    # "\def \aa{Astron.~Astophys.} "
-    # "\def \ag{Astron.~Geophys.} "
-    # "\def \aj{Astrophys.~J.} "
-    # "\def \araa{Annu.~Rev. Astron.~Astrophys.} "
-    # "\def \bssa{Bull.~Seismol.~Soc.~Am.} "
-    # "\def \beri{Bull.~Earthq. Re.~Inst.} "
-    # "\def \cse{Comp.~Sci.~Eng.} "
-    # "\def \dao{Dynamics~Atmos.~Oceans} "
-    # "\def \eps{Earth~Planets~Space} "
-    # "\def \esr{Earth-Sci.~Rev.} "
-    # "\def \epsl{Earth~Planet. Sci.~Lett.} "
-    # "\def \eos{EOS~Trans. Am.~Geophys.~Union} "
-    # "\def \geol{Geology} "
-    # "\def \gsab{Geol.~Soc.~Am.~Bull.} "
-    # "\def \geop{Geophysics} "
-    # "\def \ggg{Geochem.~Geophy.~Geosyst.} "
-    # "\def \gji{Geophys.~J.~Int.} "
-    # "\def \grl{Geophys.~Res.~Lett.} "
-    # "\def \gjras{Geophys.~J. R.~Astron.~Soc.} "
-    # "\def \gml{Geo-Marine~Lett.} "
-    # "\def \gms{Geophys.~Monogr.~Series} "
-    # "\def \gp{Geophys.~Prosp.} "
-    # "\def \ia{Island~Arc} "
-    # "\def \ieee{IEEE~Trans.~Vis.~Comp.~Graphics} "
-    # "\def \igr{International Geology Review} "
-    # "\def \jaes{J.~Asian Earth~Sci.} "
-    # "\def \jasa{J.~Acoust.~Soc.~Am.} "
-    # "\def \jcp{J.~Comp.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \jgr{J.~Geophys.~Res.} "
-    # "\def \jg{J.~Geodynam.} "
-    # "\def \jgeop{J.~Geophys.} "
-    # "\def \jmp{J.~Math.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \jota{J.~Optim. Th.~App.} "
-    # "\def \jrssb{J.~R.~Statist.~Soc.~B} "
-    # "\def \mg{Marine~Geology} "
-    # "\def \mi{Math.~Intelligencer} "
-    # "\def \mnras{Mon.~Not. R.~Astron.~Soc.} "
-    # "\def \mwr{Monthly Weather Review} "
-    # "\def \nat{Nature} "
-    # "\def \nathaz{Natural~Hazards} "
-    # "\def \nzjgg{New.~Zealand J.~Geol.~Geophys.} "
-    # "\def \numa{Num.~Algor.} "
-    # "\def \pt{Phys.~Today} "
-    # "\def \pepi{Phys.~Earth Planet.~Inter.} "
-    # "\def \ptrsl{Phil.~Trans. R.~Soc.~Lond.} "
-    # "\def \ptrsA{Phil.~Trans. R.~Soc.~A.} "
-    # "\def \pag{Pure~App.~Geophys.} "
-    # "\def \qjrms{Q.~J.~R.~Meteorol.~Soc.} "
-    # "\def \rpp{Rep.~Prog.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \rgsp{Rev.~Geophys.~Space.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \rgp{Rev.~Geophys.} "
-    # "\def \rmp{Rev.~Mod.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \sa{Sci.~Am.} "
-    # "\def \sci{Science} "
-    # "\def \scipro{Science~Progress} "
-    # "\def \srl{Seis.~Res.~Lett.} "
-    # "\def \sp{Sol.~Phys.} "
-    # "\def \sirev{SIAM~Rev.} "
-    # "\def \sjna{SIAM~J.~Num.~Anal.} "
-    # "\def \sjsc{SIAM~J.~Sci.~Comp.} "
-    # "\def \tec{Tectonics} "
-    # "\def \tecphy{Tectonophysics} "
-% Statistics
- at article{,
-     AUTHOR = {},
-     JOURNAL = {},
-     PAGES = {},
-     TITLE = {{}},
-     VOLUME = {},
-     NUMBER = {},
-     YEAR = {}
- at article{Akaike70,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Akaike},
-     TITLE = {{Statistical predictor identification}},
-     JOURNAL = {Ann.~Inst. Statist.~Math.},
-     PAGES = {203--217},
-     VOLUME = {22},
-     YEAR = {1970}
-% ACM118 paper
- at article{galapagos,
-     AUTHOR = {M. P. Johnson and P. H. Raven},
-     TITLE = {{Species number and endemism: The Gal\'apagos Archipelago revisited}},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {893--896},
-     VOLUME = {179},
-     YEAR = {1973}
- at book{Hansen98,
-     TITLE = {Pank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems},
-     AUTHOR = {P. C. Hansen},
-     ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Penn.},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at article{Cook77,
-     AUTHOR = {R. D. Cook},
-     TITLE = {{Detection of influential observations in linear regression}},
-     JOURNAL = {Technometrics},
-     PAGES = {15--18},
-     VOLUME = {19},
-     YEAR = {1977}
- at article{Golub79,
-     AUTHOR = {G. H. Golub and M. Heath and G. Wahba},
-     TITLE = {{Generalized cross-validation as a method for choosing a good ridge parameter}},
-     JOURNAL = {Technometrics},
-     PAGES = {215--223},
-     VOLUME = {21},
-     YEAR = {1979}
- at book{Golub,
-     TITLE = {Matrix computations},
-     AUTHOR = {G. H. Golub and C. F. {{Van Loan}}},
-     PUBLISHER = {Johns Hopkins U.~Press},
-     ADDRESS = {Baltimore, U.S.A.},
-     EDITION = {2},
-     YEAR = {1989}
- at article{Schneider01,
-     AUTHOR = {T. Schneider},
-     TITLE = {{Analysis of incomplete climate data: Estimation of mean values and covariance matrices and imputation of missing values}},
-     JOURNAL = {J.~Climate},
-     PAGES = {853--971},
-     VOLUME = {14},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at book{Sakamoto,
-     TITLE = {Akaike Information Criterion Statistics},
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Sakamoto and M. Ishiguro and G. Kitagawa},
-     ADDRESS = {Dordrecht, The~Netherlands},
-     PUBLISHER = {Reidel},
-     YEAR = {1987}
- at article{Shao93,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Shao},
-     TITLE = {{Linear model selection by cross-validation}},
-     JOURNAL = {J.~Am.~Stat.~Assoc.},
-     PAGES = {486--494},
-     VOLUME = {88},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Shao97,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Shao},
-     TITLE = {{An asymptotic theory for linear model selection}},
-     JOURNAL = {Statist.~Sinica},
-     PAGES = {221--242},
-     VOLUME = {7},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at book{Wahba90,
-     TITLE = {Spline Models for Observational Data},
-     AUTHOR = {G. Wahba},
-     ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Penn.},
-     YEAR = {1990}
-% ACM118 text
- at book{Weisberg,
-     TITLE = {Applied Linear Regression},
-     AUTHOR = {S. Weisberg},
-     ADDRESS = {Hoboken, New~Jersey},
-     PUBLISHER = {Wiley},
-     EDITION = {5},
-     YEAR = {2005}
-% Japan
- at article{Zhao92,
-     AUTHOR = {D. Zhao and S. Horiuchi and A. Hasegawa},
-     TITLE = {{Seismic velocity structure of the crust beneath the Japan Islands}},
-     JOURNAL = {\tecphy},
-     PAGES = {289--301},
-     VOLUME = {212},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at article{Zhao94,
-     AUTHOR = {D. Zhao and A. Hasegawa and H. Kanamori},
-     TITLE = {{Deep structure of Japan subduction zone as derived from local, regional, and teleseismic events}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {22,313--22,329},
-     VOLUME = {99},
-     NUMBER = {B11},
-     YEAR = {1994},
-     note={doi:10.1029/2000JB000073}
- at article{LebedevNolet03,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Lebedev and G. Nolet},
-     TITLE = {{Upper mantle beneath Southeast Asia from S velocity tomography}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {108},
-     YEAR = {2003},
- at article{Chen07,
-     AUTHOR = {M. Chen and J. Tromp and D. Helmberger and H. Kanamori},
-     TITLE = {{Waveform modeling of the slab beneath Japan}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {112},
-     YEAR = 2007,
-     note={doi:10.1029/2006JB004394}}
- at article{SmithSandwell97,
-     AUTHOR = {W. H. F. Smith and D. T. Sandwell},
-     TITLE = {{Global seafloor topography from satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings}},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1957--1962},
-     VOLUME = {277},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at misc{Jennings94,
-     AUTHOR = {C. W. Jennings},  
-     TITLE = {{Fault activity map of California and adjacent areas, with locations and ages of recent volcanic eruptions}}, 
-     HOWPUBLISHED = {Calif.~Div. Mines~and~Geology},  
-     NOTE = {{Geologic Data Map No. 6, map scale 1:750,000}},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at misc{sedthick_Divins,
-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Divins},  
-     TITLE = {{NGDC Total Sediment Thickness of the World's Oceans $\&$ Marginal Seas}},  
-     NOTE = {{http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/sedthick/sedthick.html}},
- at inproceedings{sedthick_Laske,
-     AUTHOR = {G. Laske and G. Masters},
-     TITLE = {{A Global Digital Map of Sediment Thickness}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {\eos},
-     VOLUME = {78},
-     NOTE = {{F483}},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{MorganMorgan07,
-     AUTHOR = {W. J. Morgan and J. P. Morgan},
-     TITLE = {{Plate velocities in the hotspot reference frame}},
-     JOURNAL = {xxx},
-     PAGES = {xxx},
-     VOLUME = {xxx},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{GordonStein90,
-     AUTHOR = {R. G. Gordon and S. Stein},
-     TITLE = {{Global tectonics and space geodesy}},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {333--342},
-     VOLUME = {256},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{Oneill05,
-     TITLE = {{On the uncertainties in hot spot reconstructions and the significance of moving hot spot reference frames}},  
-     AUTHOR = {C. O'Neill and D. M\"{u}ller and B. Steinberger}, 
-     JOURNAL = {\ggg},
-     VOLUME = {6}, 
-     PAGES = {1--35},
-     NOTE = {{Q04003, doi:10.1029/2004GC000784}},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Bird03,
-     TITLE = {{An updated digital model of plate boundaries}},  
-     AUTHOR = {P. Bird}, 
-     JOURNAL = {\ggg},
-     VOLUME = {4}, 
-     PAGES = {1--52},
-     NOTE = {{1027, doi:10.1029/2001GC000252}},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Kreemer00,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Kreemer and J. Haines and W. E. Holt and G. Blewitt and D. Lavallee},
-     TITLE = {{On the determination of a global strain rate model}},
-     JOURNAL = {\eps},
-     PAGES = {765--770},
-     VOLUME = {52},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Kreemer03,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Kreemer and W. E. Holt and A. J. Haines},
-     TITLE = {{An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {8--34},
-     VOLUME = {154},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{REVEL,
-     TITLE = {{REVEL: A model for Recent plate velocities from space geodesy}},  
-     AUTHOR = {G. F. Sella and T. H. Dixon and A. Mao}, 
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {107},
-     NUMBER = {B4}, 
-     NOTE = {{2081, 10.1029/2000JB000033}},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{NUVEL1,
-     AUTHOR = {C. DeMets and R. G. Gordon and D. F. Argus and S. Stein},
-     TITLE = {{Current plate motions}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {425--478},
-     VOLUME = {101},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{NNR-NUVEL1,
-     AUTHOR = {D. F. Argus and R. G. Gordon},
-     TITLE = {{No-net-rotation model of current plate velocities incorporating plate motion model, NUVEL-1}},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {2039--2042},
-     VOLUME = {18},
-     YEAR = {1991}
- at article{NUVEL1A,
-     AUTHOR = {C. DeMets and R. G. Gordon and D. F. Argus and S. Stein},
-     TITLE = {{Effect of recent revisions to the geomagnetic reversal time scale on estimates of current plate motions}},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {2191--2194},
-     VOLUME = {21},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{NNR-NUVEL1B,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Jin and W. Zhu},
-     TITLE = {{A revision of the parameters of the NNR-NUVEL-1A plate velocity model}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jg},
-     PAGES = {85--92},
-     VOLUME = {38},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{HS2-NUVEL1A,
-     AUTHOR = {A. E. Gripp and R. G. Gordon},
-     TITLE = {{Current plate velocities relative to the hotspots incorporating the NUVEL-1 global plate motion model}},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {1109--1112},
-     VOLUME = {17},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{HS3-NUVEL1A,
-     AUTHOR = {A. E. Gripp and R. G. Gordon},
-     TITLE = {{Young tracks of hotspots and current plate velocities}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {321--361},
-     VOLUME = {150},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at book{CoxHart,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Cox and R. B. Hart},
-     TITLE = {Plate Tectonics: How It Works},
-     PUBLISHER = {Blackwell},
-     ADDRESS = {Palo Alto, Calif.},
-     YEAR = {1986}
- at article{LH50,
-     AUTHOR = {M. S. Longuet-Higgins},
-     TITLE = {{A theory of the origin of microseisms}},
-     JOURNAL = {\ptrsl},
-     PAGES = {1--35},
-     VOLUME = {243},
-     YEAR = {1950}
- at article{LH51,
-     AUTHOR = {R. I. B. Cooper and M. S. Longuet-Higgins},
-     TITLE = {{An experimental study of the pressure variations in standing water waves}},
-     JOURNAL = {\ptrsl},
-     PAGES = {424--435},
-     VOLUME = {206},
-     YEAR = {1951}
- at inproceedings{LH53,
-     AUTHOR = {M. S. Longuet-Higgins},
-     TITLE = {{Can sea waves cause microseisms?}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Symp. on Microseisms},
-     PUBLISHER = {U.S. Nat. Acad. Sci. Pub.},
-     ADDRESS = {Washington, D.C.},
-     PAGES = {74--86},
-     YEAR = {1953}
- at incollection{LH03,
-     AUTHOR = {M. S. Longuet-Higgins},
-     TITLE = {{Standing waves in the ocean}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Wind over Waves II: Forecasting and Fundamentals of Applications},
-     PUBLISHER = {Horwood Pub.},
-     ADDRESS = {Chicester, U.K.},
-     EDITOR = {S. G. Sajjadi and J. C. Hunt},
-     PAGES = {201--218},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Haubrich63,
-     AUTHOR = {R. A. Haubrich and W. H. Munk and F. E. Snodgrass},
-     TITLE = {{Comparative spectra of microseisms and swell}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {27--37},
-     VOLUME = {53},
-     YEAR = {1963}
- at article{Hasselmann63,
-     AUTHOR = {K. Hasselmann},
-     TITLE = {{A statistical analysis of the generation of microseisms}},
-     JOURNAL = {\rgp},
-     PAGES = {177--210},
-     VOLUME = {1},
-     YEAR = {1963}
- at incollection{Orcutt93,
-     AUTHOR = {J. A. Orcutt and C. S. Cox and A. C. Kibblewhite and W. A. Kuperman and H. Schmidt},
-     TITLE = {{Observations and causes of ocean and seafloor noise at ultra-low and very-low frequencies}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Natural Physical Sources of Underwater Sound},
-     PUBLISHER = {Kluwer},
-     ADDRESS = {The~Netherlands},
-     EDITOR = {B. R. Kerman},
-     PAGES = {203--232},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Cessaro89,
-     AUTHOR = {R. K. Cessaro and W. W. Chan},
-     TITLE = {{Wide-angle triangulation array study of simultaneous primary microseism sources}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {15,555--15,563},
-     VOLUME = {94},
-     NUMBER = {B11},
-     YEAR = {1989}
- at article{Cessaro94,
-     AUTHOR = {R. K. Cessaro},
-     TITLE = {{Sources of primary and secondary microseisms}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {142--148},
-     VOLUME = {84},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at misc{Kedar03,
-     TITLE = {{The use of ocean microseisms for time-dependent crustal stress monitoring}},
-     AUTHOR = {S. Kedar and F. Webb and J. Parker and E. Rodriguez and R. Glazman and R. Clayton and T. Tanimoto},
-     HOWPUBLISHED = {Jet Propulsion Lab, internal proposal},
-     NOTE = {35 pp.},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Brom02,
-     AUTHOR = {P. D. Bromirski and F. K. Duennbier},
-     TITLE = {{The near-coastal microseism spectrum: Spatial and temporal wave climate relationships}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {107},
-     NUMBER = {B8},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Schulte04,
-     AUTHOR = {V. Schulte-Pelkum and P. S. Earle and F. L. Vernon},
-     TITLE = {{Strong directivity of ocean-generated seismic noise}},
-     JOURNAL = {\ggg},
-     VOLUME = {5},
-     NOTE = {{doi:10.1029/2003GC000520}},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{ZhouStump04,
-     AUTHOR = {R.-M. Zhou and B. W. Stump},
-     TITLE = {{Rayleigh waves generated by mining explosions and upper crustal structure around the Powder River Basin, Wyoming}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {1410--1429},
-     VOLUME = {94},
-     YEAR = {2004}
-% Ge277
- at article{Lyon83,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Lyon-Caen and P. Molnar},
-     TITLE = {{Constraints on the structure of the Himalaya from an analysis of gravity anomalies and a flexural model of the lithosphere}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {8171--8191},
-     VOLUME = {88},
-     NUMBER = {B10},
-     YEAR = {2004}
-% SoCal studies
- at article{,
-     AUTHOR = {},
-     JOURNAL = {},
-     PAGES = {},
-     TITLE = {{}},
-     VOLUME = {},
-     NUMBER = {},
-     YEAR = {}
- at article{Bawden01,
-     AUTHOR = {G. W. Bawden},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {771--785},
-     TITLE = {{Source parameters for the 1952 Kern County earthquake, California: A joint inversion of leveling and triangulation observations}},
-     VOLUME = {106},
-     NUMBER = {B1},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{BenMenahem78,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Ben-Menahem},
-     JOURNAL = {\pepi},
-     PAGES = {163--181},
-     TITLE = {{Source mechanism of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {17},
-     YEAR = {1978}
- at article{PoChen07b,
-     AUTHOR = {P. Chen and L. Zhao and T. H. Jordan},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {1094--1120},
-     TITLE = {{Full 3D tomography for the crustal structure of the Los Angeles region}},
-     VOLUME = {97},
-     NUMBER = {4},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{Clinton06,
-     AUTHOR = {J. F. Clinton and E. Hauksson and K. Solanki},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {1689--1705},
-     TITLE = {{An evaluation of the SCSN moment tensor solutions: Robustness of the
-$M_{\rm w}$ magnitude scale, style of faulting, and automation of the method}},
-     VOLUME = {96},
-     NUMBER = {5},
-     YEAR = {2006}
- at article{DregerHelm90,
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- at article{DregerHelm91b,
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- at article{DregerHelm93,
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- at article{HearnClayton86a,
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- at article{HearnClayton86b,
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-     TITLE = {{Lateral velocity variations in southern California. II. Results for the lower crust from $Pn$ waves}},
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- at article{KanamoriHadley75,
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-     TITLE = {{Crustal structure and temporal velocity change in southern California}},
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-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
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-     TITLE = {{Using $S$/$P$ amplitude ratios to constrain the focal mechanisms of small earthquakes}},
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- at article{Hauksson00,
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-     TITLE = {{Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the Pacific and North America plate boundary in southern California}},
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-     TITLE = {{A three-dimensional crustal seismic velocity model for southern California from a composite event method}},
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-     TITLE = {{Velocity dispersion due to anelasticity: implications for seismology and mantle composition}},
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- at article{Liu04,
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-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     TITLE = {{Spectral-element moment tensor inversions for earthquakes in southern California}},
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- at article{LiuTromp06,
-     AUTHOR = {Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency kernels based on adjoint methods}},
-     VOLUME = {96},
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- at article{LiuTromp08,
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-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for global seismic wave propagation based upon adjoint methods}},
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-     TITLE = {{Simulations of ground motion in the Los Angeles basin based upon the spectral-element method}},
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-     TITLE = {{Broadband waveform modeling of moderate earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area to evaluate the USGS 3D seismic velocity model}},
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- at article{SavageHelm04,
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- at book{Tarantola05,
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-     ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Penn.},
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- at book{Tarantola08,
-     TITLE = {Inverse Problems: Exercises},
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-     NOTE = {in prep.},
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- at article{TC87b,
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-     YEAR = {1987},
-     TITLE = {{Variational assimilation of meteorological observations with the adjoint vorticity equation. II: Numerical results}},
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- at book{Battin64,
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- at article{Davidon68,
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- at article{Huang70,
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- at article{HullTapley77,
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- at article{Williamson75,
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-% GPS proposition, Part A: continental deformation, Japan tectonics
- at misc{Agnew05,
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-     TITLE = {{Overview of strain}},
-     NOTE = {Notes (available on-line) associated with the UNAVCO workshop: ``Working with Strainmeter and Tiltmeter Data: A Short Course for New Users Document Actions, June 14-16, 2006, UNAVCO, Boulder, Colorado''},
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-     TITLE = {{Strain and rotation rate from GPS in Tibet, Anatolia, and the Altiplano}},
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- at article{Bennett03,
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-     NOTE = {{1008, doi:10.1029/2001TC001355}},
-     TITLE = {{Contemporary strain rates in the northern Basin and Range province from GPS data}},
-     VOLUME = {22},
-     NUMBER = {2},
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- at article{Bos03,
-     AUTHOR = {A. G. Bos and W. Spakman and M. C. J. Nyst},
-     TITLE = {{Surface deformation and tectonic setting of Taiwan inferred from a GPS velocity field}},
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-     NOTE = {{2458, doi:10.1029/2002JB002336}},
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-     TITLE = {{Crustal strain in central Greece from repeated GPS measurements in the interval 1989--1997}},
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- at article{Dragert03,
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-     PAGES = {248--268},
-     TITLE = {{Constraining the extent of crust--mantle coupling in central Asia using GPS, geologic, and shear wave splitting data}},
-     VOLUME = {238},
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- at article{HainesHolt93,
-     AUTHOR = {A. J. Haines and W. E. Holt},
-     TITLE = {{A procedure for obtaining the complete horizontal motions within zones of distributed deformation from the inversion of strain rate data}},
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-     PAGES = {12,057--12,082},
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- at techreport{Haines98,
-     AUTHOR = {A. J. Haines and J. A. Jackson and W. E. Holt},
-     TITLE = {{Representing distributed deformation by continuous velocity fields}},
-     INSTITUTION = {Inst.~of~Geol. and Nuclear~Sci.},
-     ADDRESS = {Lower Hutt, New Zealand},
-     NOTE = {{Sci. Report 98/5, 110~pp.}},
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- at article{Heki97,
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-     TITLE = {{Silent fault slip following an interplate thrust earthquake at the Japan Trench}},
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- at article{Heki01,
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-     TITLE = {{Seasonal modulation of interseismic strain buildup in northeastern Japan driven by snow loads}},
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- at article{Heki04,
-     AUTHOR = {K. Heki},
-     TITLE = {{Snow load and seasonal variation of earthquake occurrence in Japan}},
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- at incollection{Heki04b,
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-     TITLE = {{Dense GPS array as a new sensor of season changes of surface loads}},
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-     PUBLISHER = {American Geophysical Union},
-     ADDRESS = {Washington, D.C.},
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-     EDITOR = {R. S. J. Sparks and C. J. Hawkesworth},
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- at article{BeavanHaines01,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Beavan and J. Haines},
-     TITLE = {{Contemporary horizontal velocity and strain rate fields of the Pacific-Australian plate boundary zone through New Zealand}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {741--770},
-     VOLUME = {106},
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- at article{Flesch00,
-     AUTHOR = {L. M. Flesch and W. E. Holt and A. J. Haines and B. Shen-Tu},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {834--836},
-     TITLE = {{Dynamics of the Pacific--North American plate boundary in the western United States}},
-     VOLUME = {287},
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- at article{Holt00,
-     AUTHOR = {W. E. Holt and N. Chamot-Rooke and X. Le Pichon and A. J. Haines and B. Shen-Yu and J. Ren},
-     TITLE = {{Velocity field in Asia inferred from Quaternary fault slip rates and Global Positioning System observations}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {19,185--19,209},
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-     AUTHOR = {H.-G. Kahle and M. Cocard and Y. Peter and A. Geiger and R. Reilinger and A. Barka and G. Veis},
-     TITLE = {{GPS-derived strain rate field within the boundary zones of the Eurasian, African, and Arabian Plates}},
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-     PAGES = {23,353--23,370},
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-     AUTHOR = {K. V. Kumar and K. Miyashita and J. Li},
-     TITLE = {{Secular crustal deformation in central Japan, based on the wavelet analysis of GPS time series data}},
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-     AUTHOR = {P. Henry and S. Mazzotti and X. Le Pichon},
-     TITLE = {{Transient and permanent deformation of central Japan estimated by GPS--1. Interseismic loading and subduction kinematics}},
-     JOURNAL = {\epsl},
-     PAGES = {443--453},
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- at article{Mazzotti01b,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Mazzotti and P. Henry and X. Le Pichon},
-     TITLE = {{Transient and permanent deformation of central Japan estimated by GPS--2. Strain partioning and arc-arc collision}},
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-     TITLE = {{Imaging of aseismic fault slip transients recorded by dense geodetic networks}},
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-     NUMBER = {B10},
-     NOTE = {{2241, doi:10.1029/2001JB000555}},
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- at article{Miyazaki03,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Miyazaki and J. J. McGuire and P. Segall},
-     TITLE = {{A transient subduction zone slip episode in southwest Japan observed by the nationwide GPS array}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
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-     NUMBER = {B2},
-     NOTE = {{2087, doi:10.1029/2001JB000456}},
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- at article{Miyazaki04,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Miyazaki and P. Segall and J. Fukuda and T. Kato},
-     TITLE = {{Space time distribution of afterslip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake: Implications for variations in fault zone frictional properties}},
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-     NOTE = {{L06623, doi:10.1029/2003GL019410}},
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-     TITLE = {{Detection and monitoring of the ongoing aseismic slip in the Tokai region, Central Japan}},
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- at article{Ozawa03,
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-     TITLE = {{Characteristic silent earthquakes in the eastern part of the Boso peninsula, Central Japan}},
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-     TITLE = {{A decade of GEONET: 1994--2003---The continuous GPS observation in Japan and its impact on earthquake studies}},
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-     TITLE = {{Strain accumulation and rotation in the Eastern California Shear Zone}},
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- at article{Seno93,
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-     TITLE = {{A model for the motion of the Philippine Sea Plate consistent with NUVEL-1 and geological data}},
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- at article{Seno96,
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-     TITLE = {{Contemporary kinematics of the western United States determined from earthquake moment tensors, very long baseline interferometry, and GPS observations}},
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- at article{ShenTu99,
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-     TITLE = {{Deformation kinematics in the western United States determined from Quaternary fault slip rates and recent geodetic data}},
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-     TITLE = {{Inversion of relative motion data for estimates of the velocity gradient field and fault slip}},
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- at article{Ward98EU,
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- at article{Bogdanova05,
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- at incollection{Castano03,
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-     PUBLISHER = {Nashboro Press},
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-     EDITOR = {A. Cohen and J.-L. Merrien and L. L. Schumaker},
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-% Castano04a
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-% Castano04b
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-     TITLE = {{Spherical wavelet transform and its discretization}},
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- at article{Hol03,
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- at article{Hol05,
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- at article{Lee97,
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- at article{Li01,
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-     TITLE = {{Estimation of global temperature fields from scattered observations by a spherical-wavelet-based spatially adaptive method}},
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- at book{Mallat,
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-     PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
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- at inproceedings{Schroder95,
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-     TITLE = {{Spherical wavelets: efficiently representing functions on the sphere}},
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-     TITLE = {{Localization of gravity and topography: constraints on the tectonics and mantle dynamics of Venus}},
-     VOLUME = {131},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{Wiaux05,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Wiaux and L. Jacques and P. Vandergheynst},
-     JOURNAL = {Astrophys.~J.},
-     PAGES = {15--28},
-     TITLE = {{Correspondence principle between spherical and Euclidean wavelets}},
-     VOLUME = {632},
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-% helioseismology papers
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-     AUTHOR = {J. G. Beck and P. Giles},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {L153--L156},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismic determination of the solar rotation axis}},
-     VOLUME = {621},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Brown78,
-     AUTHOR = {T. M. Brown and R. T. Stebbins and H. A. Hill},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {390--417},
-     TITLE = {{Long-period oscillations of the apparent solar diameter: Observations}},
-     VOLUME = {223},
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- at article{CD96,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1286--1292},
-     TITLE = {{The current state of solar modeling}},
-     VOLUME = {272},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{CD02,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Christensen-Dalsgaard},
-     JOURNAL = {\rmp},
-     PAGES = {1073--1129},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismology}},
-     VOLUME = {74},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{CD05,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and M. P. Di Mauro and H. Schlattl and A. Weiss},
-     JOURNAL = {\mnras},
-     PAGES = {587--595},
-     TITLE = {{On helioseismic tests of basic physics}},
-     VOLUME = {356},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Couvidat04,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Couvidat and A. C. Birch and A. G. Kosovichev and J. Zhao},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {554--563},
-     TITLE = {{Three-dimensional inversion of time-distance helioseismology data: Ray-path and Fresnel-zone approximations}},
-     VOLUME = {607},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{Duvall93,
-     AUTHOR = {T. L. Duvall and S. M. Jefferies and J. W. Harvey and M. A. Pomerantz},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {430--432},
-     TITLE = {{Time--distance helioseismology}},
-     VOLUME = {362},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Gough96,
-     AUTHOR = {D. O. Gough and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1296--1300},
-     TITLE = {{The seismic structure of the Sun}},
-     VOLUME = {272},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Harvey96,
-     AUTHOR = {J. W. Harvey and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1284--1286},
-     TITLE = {{The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Project}},
-     VOLUME = {272},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{LindseyBraun00,
-     AUTHOR = {C.  Lindsey and D. C. Braun},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1799--1801},
-     TITLE = {{Seismic images of the far side of the sun}},
-     VOLUME = {287},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Koso96a,
-     AUTHOR = {A. G. Kosovichev},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {L55--L57},
-     TITLE = {{Tomographic imaging of the Sun's interior}},
-     VOLUME = {461},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Koso96b,
-     AUTHOR = {A. G. Kosovichev},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {L61--L64},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismic constraints on the gradient of angular velocity at the base of the solar convection zone}},
-     VOLUME = {469},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Koso98,
-     AUTHOR = {A. G. Kosovichev and V. V. Zharkova},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {317--318},
-     TITLE = {{X-ray flare sparks quake inside Sun}},
-     VOLUME = {393},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at article{Scherrer95,
-     AUTHOR = {P. H. Scherrer and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\sp},
-     PAGES = {129--188},
-     TITLE = {{The Solar Oscillation Investigation---Michelson Doppler Imager}},
-     VOLUME = {162},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{Schou94,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Schou and J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and M. J. Thompson},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {390--417},
-     TITLE = {{On comparing helioseismic two-dimensional inversion methods}},
-     VOLUME = {433},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{Schou98,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Schou and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\aj},
-     PAGES = {390--417},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismic studies of differential rotation in the solar envelope by the solar oscillations investigation using the Michelson Doppler Imager}},
-     VOLUME = {505},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at article{SpiegelZahn92,
-     AUTHOR = {E. A. Spiegel and J.-P. Zahn},
-     JOURNAL = {\aa},
-     PAGES = {106--114},
-     TITLE = {{The solar tachocline}},
-     VOLUME = {265},
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- at article{Thompson96,
-     AUTHOR = {M. J. Thompson and others},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1300--1305},
-     TITLE = {{Differential rotation and dynamics of the solar interior}},
-     VOLUME = {272},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Thompson03,
-     AUTHOR = {M. J. Thompson and J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and M. S. Miesch and J. Toomre},
-     JOURNAL = {\araa},
-     PAGES = {599--643},
-     TITLE = {{The internal rotation of the sun}},
-     VOLUME = {41},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Thompson04a,
-     AUTHOR = {M. J. Thompson},
-     JOURNAL = {\ag},
-     PAGES = {4.21--4.25},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismology and the Sun's interior}},
-     VOLUME = {45},
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- at article{Thompson04b,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Elsworth and M. J. Thompson},
-     JOURNAL = {\ag},
-     PAGES = {5.14--5.19},
-     TITLE = {{Asteroseismology of Sun-like stars}},
-     VOLUME = {45},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{Voron02,
-     AUTHOR = {S. V. Vorontsov and J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and J. Schou and V. N. Strakhov and M. J. Thompson},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {101--103},
-     TITLE = {{Helioseismic measurements of solar torsional oscillations}},
-     VOLUME = {296},
-     YEAR = {2002}
-% physics of earthquakes papers
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-     AUTHOR = {R. M. Allen and H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {786--789},
-     TITLE = {{The potential for earthquake early warning in Southern California}},
-     VOLUME = {300},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Aochi03,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Aochi and R. Madariaga and E. Fukuyama},
-     JOURNAL = {\ggg},
-     NOTE = {{1020, doi:10.1029/2001GC000207}},
-     TITLE = {{Constraint on fault parameters inferred from nonplanar fault modeling}},
-     VOLUME = {4},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Cummins97,
-     AUTHOR = {P. R. Cummins},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {2857--2860},
-     TITLE = {{Earthquake near field and W phase observations at teleseismic distances}},
-     VOLUME = {24},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{Haskell64,
-     AUTHOR = {N. Haskell},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {1811--1842},
-     TITLE = {{Total energy and energy spectral density of elastic wave radiation from propagating faults}},
-     VOLUME = {54},
-     YEAR = {1964}
- at article{Heaton90,
-     AUTHOR = {T. H. Heaton},
-     JOURNAL = {\peri},
-     PAGES = {1--29},
-     TITLE = {{Evidence for and implications of self-healing pulses of slip in earthquake rupture}},
-     VOLUME = {64},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{Kanamori93,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {1691--1694},
-     TITLE = {{W phase}},
-     VOLUME = {20},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Kanamori04,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {Proc.~Jpn.~Acad., Ser~B},
-     PAGES = {297--316},
-     TITLE = {{The diversity of the physics of earthquakes}},
-     VOLUME = {80},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{KanamoriBrodsky04,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Kanamori and E. E. Brodsky},
-     JOURNAL = {\rpp},
-     PAGES = {1429--1496},
-     TITLE = {{The physics of earthquakes}},
-     VOLUME = {67},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{KanamoriKikuchi93,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Kanamori and M. Kikuchi},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {714--716},
-     TITLE = {{The 1992 Nicaragua earthquake: a slow tsunami earthquake associated with subducted sediments}},
-     VOLUME = {361},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{KikuchiKanamori91,
-     AUTHOR = {M. Kikuchi and H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {2335--2350},
-     TITLE = {{Inversion of complex body waves---III}},
-     VOLUME = {81},
-     YEAR = {1991}
- at article{Ni05,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Ni and D. Helmberger and H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {582},
-     TITLE = {{Energy radiation from the Sumatra earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {434},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{SumatraLay05,
-     AUTHOR = {T. Lay and H. Kanamori and C. J. Ammon and M. Nettles and S. N. Ward and R. C. Aster and S. L. Beck and S. L. Bilek and M. R. Brudzinski and R. Butler and H. R. DeSchon and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and K. Satake and S. Sipkin},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1127--1133},
-     TITLE = {{The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004}},
-     VOLUME = {308},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{SumatraAmmon05,
-     AUTHOR = {C. J. Ammon and C. Ji and H.-K. Thio and D. Robinson and S. Ni and V. Hjorleifsd\'ottir and H. Kanamori and T. Lay and S. Das and D. Helmberger and G. Ichinose and J. Polet and D. Wald},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1133--1139},
-     TITLE = {{Rupture process of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {308},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{SumatraPark05,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Park and T.-R. A. Song and J. Tromp and E. Okal and S. Stein and G. Roult and E. Clevede and G. Laske and H. Kanamori and P. Davis and J. Berger and C. Braitenberg and M. Van Camp and X. Lei and H. Sun and H. Xu and S. Rosat},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1139--1144},
-     TITLE = {{Earth's free oscillations excited by the 26 December 2004 Sumatra Andaman earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {308},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{SumatraBanerjee05,
-     AUTHOR = {P. Banerjee and F. F. Pollitz and R. B\"{u}rgmann},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1769--1772},
-     TITLE = {{The size and duration of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from the far-field static offsets}},
-     VOLUME = {208},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{SteinOkal05,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Stein and E. A. Okal},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {581--582},
-     TITLE = {{Speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {434},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at misc{SumatraDeepPoster,
-     AUTHOR = {U.S.G.S.},
-     TITLE = {{M7.3 Southern Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake of 25 July 2004}},
-     NOTE = {{USGS poster, http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/poster/2004/20040725.html}},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at misc{SumatraAndamanPoster,
-     AUTHOR = {U.S.G.S.},
-     TITLE = {{M9.0 Sumatra -- Andaman Islands earthquake of 26 December 2004}},
-     NOTE = {{USGS poster, http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/poster/2004/20041226.html}},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{VenKanamori04,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Venkataraman and H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     TITLE = {{Observational constraints on the fracture energy of subduction zone earthquakes}},
-     VOLUME = {109},
-     NOTE = {{B05302, doi:10.1029/2003JB002549}},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{Xia04,
-     AUTHOR = {K. Xia and A. J. Rosakis and H. Kanamori},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1859--1861},
-     TITLE = {{Laboratory earthquakes: the sub-Rayleigh-to-supershear rupture transition}},
-     VOLUME = {303},
-     YEAR = {2004}
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-     AUTHOR = {K. Xia and A. J. Rosakis and H. Kanamori and J. R. Rice},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {681--684},
-     TITLE = {{Laboratory earthquakes along inhomogeneous faults: directionality and supershear}},
-     VOLUME = {308},
-     YEAR = {2005}
-% seismology papers
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-     AUTHOR = {},
-     JOURNAL = {},
-     PAGES = {},
-     TITLE = {{}},
-     VOLUME = {},
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-     AUTHOR = {K. Aki and A. Christoffersson and E. S. Husebye},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {277--296},
-     TITLE = {{Determination of the three-dimensional seismic structure of the lithosphere}},
-     VOLUME = {82},
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- at article{Albarede02,
-     AUTHOR = {F. Albarede and R. D. van der Hilst},
-     TITLE = {{Zoned mantle convection}},
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-     PAGES = {2569--2592},
-     VOLUME = {360},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Alex98,
-     AUTHOR = {C. M. Alex and K. B. Olsen},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {3441--3444},
-     TITLE = {{Lens-effect in Santa Monica?}},
-     VOLUME = {25},
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- at article{Askan07a,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Askan and V. Akcelik and J. Bielak and O. Ghattas},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {xxx},
-     TITLE = {{Full waveform inversion for seismic velocity and anelastic losses in heterogeneous structures}},
-     VOLUME = {xxx},
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- at article{Askan07b,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Askan and J. Bielak},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {xxx},
-     TITLE = {{Full anelastic waveform tomography including model uncertainty}},
-     VOLUME = {xx},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{Baig02,
-     AUTHOR = {F. A. Dahlen and A. M. Baig},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {440--446},
-     TITLE = {{Fr\'{e}chet kernels for body-wave amplitudes}},
-     VOLUME = {150},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Baig03,
-     AUTHOR = {A. M. Baig and F. A. Dahlen and S.-H. Hung},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {467--482},
-     TITLE = {{Traveltimes of waves in three-dimensional random media}},
-     VOLUME = {153},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Benioff61,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Benioff and F. Press and S. Smith},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {605--619},
-     TITLE = {{Excitation of the free oscillations of the Earth by earthquakes}},
-     VOLUME = {66},
-     YEAR = {1961}
- at article{Boschi02,
-     AUTHOR = {L. Boschi and G. Ekstr\"{o}m},
-     TITLE = {{New images of the Earth's upper mantle from measurements of surface-wave phase velocity anomalies}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {107},
-     NUMBER = {B4},
-     PAGES = {2059, 10.1029/2000JB000059},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Boschi04,
-     AUTHOR = {L. Boschi and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and B. Kustowski},
-     TITLE = {{Multiple resolution surface wave tomography: the Mediterranean basin}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     VOLUME = {157},
-     PAGES = {293--304},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{BS00,
-     AUTHOR = {H. Bijwaard and W. Spakman},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {71--82},
-     TITLE = {{Nonlinear global P-wave tomography by iterated linearized inversion}},
-     VOLUME = {141},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Brocher05a,
-     AUTHOR = {T. M. Brocher},
-     TITLE = {{Empirical relations between elastic wavespeeds and density in the Earth's crust}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     VOLUME = {95},
-     NUMBER = {6},
-     PAGES = {2081--2092},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Brocher05b,
-     AUTHOR = {T. M. Brocher},
-     TITLE = {{A regional view of urban sedimentary basins in northern California based on oil industry compressional-wave velocity and density logs}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     VOLUME = {95},
-     NUMBER = {6},
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-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Cap03,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Capdeville and E. Chaljub and J. P. Vilotte and J. P. Montagner},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {34--67},
-     TITLE = {{Coupling the spectral element method with a modal solution for elastic wave propagation in global earth models}},
-     VOLUME = {152},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Cap05a,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Capdeville and Y. Gung and B. Romanowicz},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {541--554},
-     TITLE = {{Towards global earth tomography using the spectral element method: a technique based on source stacking}},
-     VOLUME = {162},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Cap05b,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Capdeville},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {639--646},
-     TITLE = {{An efficient Born normal mode method to compute sensitivity kernels and synthetic seismograms in the Earth}},
-     VOLUME = {163},
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- at article{ChenTromp07,
-     AUTHOR = {M. Chen and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Theoretical and numerical investigations of global and regional seismic wave propagation in weakly anisotropic earth models}},
-     VOLUME = {168},
-     PAGES = {{1130--1152}},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{Clayton77,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Clayton and B. Engquist},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
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-     TITLE = {{Absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and elastic wave equations}},
-     VOLUME = {67},
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- at inproceedings{Crust2,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Bassin and G. Laske and G. Masters},
-     TITLE = {{The current limits of resolution for surface wave tomography in North America}},
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-     VOLUME = {F897},
-     PAGES = {81},
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-     AUTHOR = {W. D. Mooney and G. Laske and G. Masters},
-     TITLE = {{CRUST-5.1: A global crustal model at $5^\circ \times 5^\circ$}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
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-     AUTHOR = {F. Deschamps and J. Trampert},
-     JOURNAL = {\epsl},
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-     TITLE = {{Towards a lower mantle reference temperature and composition}},
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-     AUTHOR = {F. A. Dahlen and I. H. Henson},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {12653--12681},
-     TITLE = {{Asymptotic normal modes of a laterally heterogeneous earth}},
-     VOLUME = {90},
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- at article{DH86,
-     AUTHOR = {I. H. Henson and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {12467--12481},
-     TITLE = {{Asymptotic normal modes of a laterally heterogeneous earth 2. Further results}},
-     VOLUME = {91},
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-     PAGES = {441~ff.},
-     TITLE = {{Free software helps map and display data}},
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-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and D. Anderson},
-     JOURNAL = {\pepi},
-     PAGES = {297--356},
-     TITLE = {{Preliminary reference Earth model}},
-     VOLUME = {25},
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- at article{Dahlen05,
-     AUTHOR = {F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {525--540},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for boundary topography perturbations}},
-     VOLUME = {162},
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- at article{DG71,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and F. Gilbert},
-     JOURNAL = {\nat},
-     PAGES = {465--466},
-     TITLE = {{Solidity of the inner core of the Earth inferred from normal
-mode observations}},
-     VOLUME = {234},
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- at article{DG72,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and F. Gilbert},
-     JOURNAL = {\gjras},
-     PAGES = {393--446},
-     TITLE = {{Observations of normal modes from 84 recordings of the Alaskan earthquake of 1964 March 28}},
-     VOLUME = {27},
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- at article{Dziewonski77,
-     AUTHOR = {A. M. Dziewonski and B. H. Hager and R. J. O'Connell},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {239--255},
-     TITLE = {{Large-scale heterogeneities in the lower mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {82},
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- at article{Dziewonski81,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and T.-A. Chou and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {2825--2852},
-     TITLE = {{Determination of earthquake source parameters from waveform data for studies of global and regional seismicity}},
-     VOLUME = {86},
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- at article{Earle99,
-     AUTHOR = {P. S. Earle},
-     TITLE = {{Polarization of the Earth's teleseismic wavefield}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     VOLUME = {139},
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- at article{Ekstrom97,
-     AUTHOR = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m and J. Tromp and E. W. F. Larson},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {8137--8157},
-     TITLE = {{Measurements and global models of surface wave propagation}},
-     VOLUME = {102},
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- at incollection{ED97,
-     AUTHOR = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. M. Dziewonski},
-     TITLE = {{Three-dimensional velocity structure of the Earth's upper mantle}},
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-     TITLE = {{The adjoint method in seismology---II. Applications: traveltimes and sensitivity functionals}},
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- at article{GD75,
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- at article{Grand02,
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- at article{LiRoman96,
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- at incollection{Nolet87,
-     AUTHOR = {G. Nolet},
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- at article{Nolet90,
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-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
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-     TITLE = {{Partitioned wave-form inversion and 2D structure under the NARS array}},
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- at article{NoletDahlen00,
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- at article{Ritsema02,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Ritsema and L. A. Rivera and D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp and H.-J. van Heijst},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     TITLE = {{Effects of crust and mantle heterogeneity on PP/P and SS/S amplitude ratios}},
-     VOLUME = {29},
-     NOTE = {{1430, doi:10.1029/2001GL013831}},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Roman90,
-     AUTHOR = {B. Romanowicz},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {11051--11071},
-     TITLE = {{The upper mantle degree 2: Constraints and inferences from global mantle wave attenuation measurements}},
-     VOLUME = {95},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{Roman95,
-     AUTHOR = {B. Romanowicz},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {12375--12394},
-     TITLE = {{A global tomographic model of shear attenuation in the upper mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {100},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{WieczorekSimons05,
-     AUTHOR = {M. A. Wieczorek and F. J. Simons},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {1--23},
-     TITLE = {{Localized spectral analysis on the sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {160},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{FSimons06,
-     AUTHOR = {F. J. Simons and F. A. Dahlen and M. A. Wieczorek},
-     JOURNAL = {\sirev},
-     PAGES = {504--536},
-     TITLE = {{Spatiospectral concentration on a sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {48},
-     NUMBER = {3},
-     YEAR = {2006}
- at article{Slepian78,
-     AUTHOR = {D. Slepian},
-     JOURNAL = {Bell~Syst.~Tech.},
-     PAGES = {1371--1430},
-     TITLE = {{Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and uncertainty. V: The discrete case}},
-     VOLUME = {57},
-     YEAR = {1978}
- at article{Siem04,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Sieminski and J.-J. L\'ev$\hat{\rm e}$que and E. Debayle},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     NOTE = {{L24614, doi:10.1029/2004GL021402}},
-     TITLE = {{Can finite-frequency effects be accounted for in ray theory surface wave tomography?}},
-     VOLUME = {31},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{Siem07,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Sieminski and Q. Liu and J. Trampert and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency sensitivity of surface waves to anisotropy based upon adjoint methods}},
-     VOLUME = {168},
-     PAGES = {{1153--1174}},
-     YEAR = {2007}
-% Utrecht papers
- at article{Spetzler01,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and J. Trampert and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {2341--2344},
-     TITLE = {{Are we exceeding the limits of the great circle approximation?}},
-     VOLUME = {28},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{Spetzler02,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and J. Trampert and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {755--767},
-     TITLE = {{The effect of scattering in surface wave tomography}},
-     VOLUME = {155},
-     YEAR = {2003},
- at article{SpetzlerSnieder01a,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {175--182},
-     TITLE = {{The formation of caustics in two- and three-dimensional media}},
-     VOLUME = {144},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{SpetzlerSnieder01b,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {786--796},
-     TITLE = {{The effect of small-scale heterogeneity on the arrival time of waves}},
-     VOLUME = {145},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{SpetzlerSnieder04,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\geop},
-     PAGES = {653--663},
-     TITLE = {{The Fresnel volume and transmitted waves}},
-     VOLUME = {69},
-     YEAR = {2004},
- at article{SpetzlerTrampert03,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Spetzler and J. Trampert},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {532--538},
-     TITLE = {{Implementing spectral leakage corrections in global surface wave tomography}},
-     VOLUME = {155},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Trampert01,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and P. Vacher and N. Vlaar},
-     JOURNAL = {\pepi},
-     PAGES = {255--267},
-     TITLE = {{Sensitivities of seismic velocities to temperature, pressure and composition in the lower mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {124},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{TrampertSnieder96,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and R. Snieder},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {1257--1260},
-     TITLE = {{Model estimations biased by truncated expansions: Possible artifacts in seismic tomography}},
-     VOLUME = {271},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Trampert04,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and F. Deschamps and J. Resovsky and D. Yuen},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {853--856},
-     TITLE = {{Probabilistic tomography maps chemical heterogeneities throughout the lower mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {306},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{TrampertSpetzler06,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and J. Spetzler},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {394--400},
-     TITLE = {{Surface wave tomography: finite-frequency effects lost in the null space}},
-     VOLUME = {164},
-     YEAR = {2006}
- at misc{Strand07,
-     AUTHOR = {L. Strand and Y. Kim and J. Tromp and D. Komatitsch and C. Tape and W. Mei and P. Olson and L. Armendariz and S. Kientz},
-     TITLE = {{CIG science gateways: Using supercomputers through a browser}},
-     NOTE = {{CIG/SPICE/IRIS Computational Seismology Workshop, October 9-11, 2007, Jackson, New Hampshire}},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{Su94,
-     AUTHOR = {W. Su and R. L. Woodward and A. M. Dziewonski},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {6945--6980},
-     TITLE = {{Degree 12 model of shear velocity heterogeneity in the mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {99},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at inproceedings{Sword86a,
-     TITLE = {{Finite-element propagation of acoustic waves on a spherical shell}},
-     AUTHOR = {C. H. Sword and J. F. Claerbout and N. H. Sleep},
-     PAGES = {43--78},
-     YEAR = {1986},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Stanford Exploration Project (SEP)},
-     VOLUME = {50}
- at inproceedings{Sword86b,
-     AUTHOR = {C. H. Sword and J. F. Claerbout and N. H. Sleep},
-     TITLE = {{Modeling global surface waves by a finite-element method}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {\eos},
-     VOLUME = {67},
-     PAGES = {1094--1095},
-     YEAR = {1986}
- at article{Tanimoto90,
-     AUTHOR = {T. Tanimoto},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {89-100},
-     TITLE = {{Modelling curved surface wave paths: membrane surface wave synthetics}},
-     VOLUME = {102},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{Tanimoto98,
-     AUTHOR = {T. Tanimoto and J. Um and K. Nishida and N. Kobayashi},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {1553--1556},
-     TITLE = {{Earth's continuous oscillations observed on seismically quiet days}},
-     VOLUME = {25},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at misc{Tape03,
-     AUTHOR = {C. H. Tape},
-     TITLE = {{Waves on a Spherical Membrane}},
-     NOTE = {{M.Sc. thesis, U. of Oxford}},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at inproceedings{TapeAGU03,
-     AUTHOR = {C. H. Tape and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{Waves on a spherical membrane}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {\eos},
-     VOLUME = {84},
-     PAGES = {xxx},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{Tape07,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Tape and Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency tomography using adjoint methods---Methodology and examples using membrane surface waves}},
-     VOLUME = {168},
-     PAGES = {1105--1129},
-     YEAR = {2007}
- at article{Tape08gps,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Tape and P. Muse and M. Simons},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Multiscale estimation of GPS velocity fields}},
-     NOTE = {{sumbitted}},
-     YEAR = {2008}
- at article{Tak04,
-     AUTHOR = {N. Takeuchi and M. Kobayashi},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Improvement of seismological earth models by using data weighting in waveform inversion}},
-     YEAR = {2004},
-     VOLUME = {158},
-     PAGES = {681--694}
- at article{Tromp05,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp and C. Tape and Q. Liu},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Seismic tomography, adjoint methods, time reversal, and banana-doughnut kernels}},
-     YEAR = {2005},
-     VOLUME = {160},
-     PAGES = {195--216}
- at article{Thomson82,
-     AUTHOR = {D. J. Thomson},
-     JOURNAL = {IEEE~Proc.},
-     TITLE = {{Spectrum estimation and harmonic analysis}},
-     YEAR = {1982},
-     VOLUME = {70},
-     PAGES = {1055--1096}
- at article{Trefethen82,
-     AUTHOR = {L. N. Trefethen},
-     JOURNAL = {SIAM Review},
-     PAGES = {113--136},
-     TITLE = {{Group velocity in finite difference schemes}},
-     VOLUME = {24},
-     YEAR = {1982}
- at article{Tromp94a,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {141--152},
-     TITLE = {{Surface-wave propagation on a rotating, anisotropic earth}},
-     VOLUME = {117},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{Tromp94b,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {153--162},
-     TITLE = {{A coupled local-mode analysis of surface-wave propagation in a laterally heterogeneous waveguide}},
-     VOLUME = {117},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{TD90,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {527--533},
-     TITLE = {{Summation of the Born series for the normal modes of the Earth}},
-     VOLUME = {100},
-     YEAR = {1990}
- at article{TD93,
-     AUTHOR = {J.  Tromp and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {512--528},
-     TITLE = {{Maslov theory for surface wave propagation on a laterally heterogeneous earth}},
-     VOLUME = {115},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{TDI,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {581--598},
-     TITLE = {{Variational principles for surface wave propagation on a laterally heterogeneous Earth---I. Time-domain JWKB theory}},
-     VOLUME = {109},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at article{TDII,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {599-619},
-     TITLE = {{Variational principles for surface wave propagation on a laterally heterogeneous Earth---II. Frequency-domain JWKB theory}},
-     VOLUME = {109},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at article{TDIII,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Tromp and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {195--209},
-     TITLE = {{Variational principles for surface wave propagation on a laterally heterogeneous Earth---III. Potential representation}},
-     VOLUME = {112},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Tsuboi03,
-     AUTHOR = {S. Tsuboi and D. Komatitsch and C. Ji and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\pepi},
-     PAGES = {305--312},
-     TITLE = {{Broadband modeling of the 2002 Denali fault earthquake on the Earth Simulator}},
-     VOLUME = {139},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at article{UmDahlen92,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Um and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {1575--1578},
-     TITLE = {{Source phase and amplitude anomalies of long-period surface waves}},
-     VOLUME = {19},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at article{vanderLeeNolet97,
-     AUTHOR = {S. van der Lee and G. Nolet},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {22,815--22,838},
-     TITLE = {{Upper mantle $S$ velocity structure of North America}},
-     VOLUME = {102},
-     NUMBER = {B10},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{Vidale86,
-     AUTHOR = {J. E. Vidale},
-     TITLE = {{Complex polarization analysis of particle motion}},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     VOLUME = {76},
-     PAGES = {1393--1405},
-     YEAR = {1986}
- at article{WaldHeaton94,
-     AUTHOR = {D. J. Wald and T. H. Heaton},
-     JOURNAL = {\bssa},
-     PAGES = {668--691},
-     TITLE = {{Spatial and temporal distribution of slip for the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake}},
-     VOLUME = {84},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{Wang93,
-     AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and F. A. Dahlen and J. Tromp},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {311--324},
-     TITLE = {{Surface wave caustics}},
-     VOLUME = {114},
-     YEAR = {1993}
- at article{Wang94,
-     AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {381--401},
-     TITLE = {{JKWB surface-wave seismograms on a laterally heterogeneous earth}},
-     VOLUME = {119},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{Wang95,
-     AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {3099--3102},
-     TITLE = {{Spherical-spline parameterization of three-dimensional Earth}},
-     VOLUME = {22},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{WangDahlen95,
-     AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and F. A. Dahlen},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {757--773},
-     TITLE = {{Validity of surface-wave ray theory on a laterally heterogeneous Earth}},
-     VOLUME = {123},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{Wang98,
-     AUTHOR = {Z. Wang and J. Tromp and G. Ekstr\"{o}m},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {207--210},
-     TITLE = {{Global and regional surface-wave inversion: A spherical-spline parameterization}},
-     VOLUME = {25},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at article{Widmer92,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Widmer and G. Masters and F. Gilbert},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {559--576},
-     TITLE = {{Observably split multiplets---data analysis and interpretation in terms of large-scale aspherical structure}},
-     VOLUME = {111},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at phdthesis{Wong89,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. K. Wong},
-     TITLE = {{Upper Mantle Heterogeneity from Phase and Amplitude Data of Mantle Waves}},
-     SCHOOL = {Harvard University},
-     YEAR = {1989}
- at article{WuLevshin94,
-     AUTHOR = {F. T. Wu and A. Levshin},
-     JOURNAL = {\pepi},
-     PAGES = {59--77},
-     TITLE = {{Surface wave group velocity tomography of East Asia}},
-     VOLUME = {94},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at article{WuAki85,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Wu and K. Aki},
-     JOURNAL = {\geop},
-     PAGES = {582--595},
-     TITLE = {{Scattering characteristics of elastic waves by an elastic heterogeneity}},
-     VOLUME = {50},
-     YEAR = {1985}
- at article{Zhao00,
-     AUTHOR = {L. Zhao and T. H. Jordan and C. H. Chapman},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {558--576},
-     TITLE = {{Three-dimensional Fr\'{e}chet differential kernels for seismic delay times}},
-     VOLUME = {141},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Zhao06,
-     AUTHOR = {L. Zhao and T. H. Jordan},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     TITLE = {{Structural sensitivities of finite-frequency seismic waves: a full-wave approach}},
-     VOLUME = {165},
-     PAGES = {981--990},
-     YEAR = {2006}
- at article{Zhou04,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Zhou and F. A. Dahlen and G. Nolet},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {142--168},
-     TITLE = {{Three-dimensional sensitivity kernels for surface wave observables}},
-     VOLUME = {158},
-     YEAR = {2004}
- at article{Zhou05,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Zhou and F. A. Dahlen and G. Nolet and G. Laske},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {1087--1111},
-     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency effects in global surface-wave tomography}},
-     VOLUME = {163},
-     YEAR = {2005}
- at article{Zhou06,
-     AUTHOR = {},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {},
-     TITLE = {{}},
-     VOLUME = {},
-     YEAR = {}
- at article{Zurn00,
-     AUTHOR = {W. Z\"{u}rn and G. Laske and R. Widmer-Schnidrig and F. Gilbert},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {113--118},
-     TITLE = {{Observation of Coriolis coupled modes below 1 mHz}},
-     VOLUME = {143},
-     YEAR = {2000}
-% Woodhouse papers
- at article{Woodhouse74,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gjras},
-     PAGES = {461--490},
-     TITLE = {{Surface waves in a laterally varying layered structure}},
-     VOLUME = {37},
-     YEAR = {1974}
- at incollection{DW83book,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{Studies of the seismic source using normal-mode theory}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Earthquakes: observation, theory and interpretation: notes from the International School of Physics ``Enrico Fermi'' (1982: Varenna, Italy)},
-     PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Pub.},
-     ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
-     EDITOR = {H. Kanamori and E. Boschi},
-     PAGES = {45--137},
-     VOLUME = {LXXXV},
-     YEAR = {1983}
- at article{DW83,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{An experiment in the systematic study of global seismicity: centroid-moment tensor solutions for 201 moderate and large earthquakes of 1981}},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     VOLUME = {88},
-     PAGES = {3247--3271},
-     YEAR = {1983}
- at article{WD84,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse and A. M. Dziewonski},
-     JOURNAL = {\jgr},
-     PAGES = {5953--5986},
-     TITLE = {{Mapping the upper mantle: Three-dimensional modeling of Earth structure by inversion of seismic waveforms}},
-     VOLUME = {89},
-     YEAR = {1984}
- at article{WW86,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse and Y. K. Wong},
-     JOURNAL = {\gjras},
-     PAGES = {753--773},
-     TITLE = {{Amplitude, phase and path anomalies of mantle waves}},
-     VOLUME = {87},
-     YEAR = {1986}
- at article{Woodhouse86,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse and D. Giardini and X.-D. Li},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {1549--1552},
-     TITLE = {{Evidence for inner core anisotropy from free oscillations}},
-     VOLUME = {13},
-     YEAR = {1986}
- at article{DW87,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Dziewonski and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{Global images of the Earth's interior}},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     VOLUME = {236},
-     PAGES = {37--48},
-     YEAR = {1987}
- at article{WD89,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse and A. M. Dziewonski},
-     TITLE = {{Seismic modelling of the Earth's large-scale three-dimensional structure}},
-     JOURNAL = {\ptrsl},
-     VOLUME = {328},
-     PAGES = {291--308},
-     YEAR = {1989}
- at article{RobertsonWoodhouse95,
-     AUTHOR = {G. S. Robertson and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{Evidence for proportionality of $P$ and $S$ heterogeneity in the lower mantle}},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     VOLUME = {123},
-     PAGES = {85--116},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{TW95,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {675--690},
-     TITLE = {{Global phase velocity maps of Love and Rayleigh waves between 40 and 150 seconds}},
-     VOLUME = {122},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{TW96,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\grl},
-     PAGES = {21--24},
-     TITLE = {{High resolution global phase velocity distribution}},
-     VOLUME = {23},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{TW01,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {165--174},
-     TITLE = {{Assessment of global phase velocity models}},
-     VOLUME = {144},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{TW03,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Trampert and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {154--165},
-     TITLE = {{Global anisotropic phase velocity maps for fundamental mode surface waves between 40 and 150 s}},
-     VOLUME = {154},
-     YEAR = {2003}
- at incollection{Woodhouse96,
-     AUTHOR = {J. H. Woodhouse},
-     TITLE = {{Long period seismology and the Earth's free oscillations}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Seismic Modelling of Earth Structure},
-     PUBLISHER = {Editrice Compositori},
-     ADDRESS = {Bologna, Italy},
-     EDITOR = {E. Boschi and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. Morelli},
-     PAGES = {31--80},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{HeijstWoodhouse97,
-     AUTHOR = {H. J. van Heist and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {209--230},
-     TITLE = {{Measuring surface-wave overtone phase velocities using a mode-branch stripping technique}},
-     VOLUME = {131},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{SharrockWoodhouse98,
-     AUTHOR = {D. S. Sharrock and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\eps},
-     PAGES = {1013--1018},
-     TITLE = {{Investigation of the time dependent inner core structure by the analysis of free oscillation spectra}},
-     VOLUME = {50},
-     YEAR = {1998}
- at article{SelbyWoodhouse00,
-     AUTHOR = {N. D. Selby and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {933--940},
-     TITLE = {{Controls on Rayleigh wave amplitudes: attenuation and focusing}},
-     VOLUME = {142},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Deuss00,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Deuss and J. H. Woodhouse and H. Paulssen and J. Trampert},
-     JOURNAL = {\gji},
-     PAGES = {67--73},
-     TITLE = {{The observation of inner core shear waves}},
-     VOLUME = {142},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at article{Deuss01,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Deuss and J. H. Woodhouse},
-     JOURNAL = {\sci},
-     PAGES = {354--357},
-     TITLE = {{Seismic observations of splitting of the mid-transition zone discontinuity in earth's mantle}},
-     VOLUME = {294},
-     YEAR = {2001}
-% books
- at book{,
-     TITLE = {},
-     AUTHOR = {},
-     PUBLISHER = {},
-     ADDRESS = {},
-     YEAR = {}
- at book{AkiRichards80,
-     ADDRESS = {San Francisco, Calif.},
-     AUTHOR = {K. Aki and P. G. Richards},
-     PUBLISHER = {W. H. Freeman},
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- at book{AkiRichards02,
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-     PUBLISHER = {University Science Books},
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- at book{Claerbout,
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-     PUBLISHER = {Cambridge~U. Press},
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-     TITLE = {Seismicity of the Earth and Associated Phenomena},
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- at book{GRe2,
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-     PUBLISHER = {Princeton U. Press},
-     TITLE = {Seismicity of the Earth and Associated Phenomena},
-     EDITION = {2},
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- at book{Hansen,
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-     AUTHOR = {P. C. Hansen},
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- at book{Malvern,
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-     ADDRESS = {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey},
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- at book{Edmonds60,
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- at book{Gubbins90,
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-     ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
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-     PUBLISHER = {British Association for the Advancement of Science},
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- at book{Love27,
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-     PUBLISHER = {Cambridge~U. Press},
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-     TITLE = {Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory},
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-     PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
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-     title = {{Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing}},
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-     ADDRESS = {Chichester, New~York},
-     PUBLISHER = {John Wiley},
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- at book{Shearer99,
-     TITLE = {Introduction to Seismology},
-     AUTHOR = {P. M. Shearer},
-     ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
-     PUBLISHER = {Cambridge~U. Press},
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- at book{TS,
-     TITLE = {Geodynamics},
-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Turcotte and G. Schubert},
-     ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
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- at unpublished{Trefethen96,
-     TITLE = {Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations},
-     AUTHOR = {L. N. Trefethen},
-     NOTE = {{available at http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/nick.trefethen/ pdetext.html}},
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- at book{Trefethen00,
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-     AUTHOR = {L. N. Trefethen},
-     ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Penn.},
-     YEAR = {2000}
-% Latex sources
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-     TITLE = {\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System},
-     AUTHOR = {L. Lamport},
-     ADDRESS = {Reading, Mass.},
-     PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley},
-     YEAR = {1994},
-     EDITION = {2}
- at book{Goossens94,
-     TITLE = {The \LaTeX\ Companion},
-     AUTHOR = {M. Goossens and F. Mittelback and A. Samari},
-     ADDRESS = {Reading, Mass.},
-     PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley},
-     YEAR = {1994}
- at misc{LatexProject,
-     TITLE = {LaTeX -- A document preparation system},
-     NOTE = {\verb+http://www.latex-project.org/+},
- at misc{prosper,
-     TITLE = {prosper},
-     NOTE = {\verb+http://prosper.sourceforge.net/+},
-% articles related to spherical-hexagonal grids (Oxford thesis)
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-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Williamson},
-     JOURNAL = {Tellus},
-     PAGES = {642--653},
-     TITLE = {{Integration of the barotropic vorticity equation on a spherical geodesic grid}},
-     VOLUME = {20},
-     YEAR = {1968}
- at article{Williamson69,
-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Williamson},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {885--895},
-     TITLE = {{Numerical integration of fluid flow over triangular grids}},
-     VOLUME = {97},
-     YEAR = {1969}
- at article{Williamson70,
-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Williamson},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {512--520},
-     TITLE = {{Integration of the primitive barotropic model over a spherical geodesic grid}},
-     VOLUME = {98},
-     YEAR = {1970}
- at article{Sadourny68,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Sadourny and A. Arakawa and Y. Mintz},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {351--356},
-     TITLE = {{Integration of the non-divergent barotropic vorticity equation with an icosahedral-hexagonal grid for the sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {96},
-     YEAR = {1968}
- at article{Sadourny69,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Sadourny and P. Morel},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {439--445},
-     TITLE = {{A finite-difference approximation of the primitive equations for a hexagonal grid on a plane}},
-     VOLUME = {100},
-     YEAR = {1969}
- at article{Sadourny72,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Sadourny},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {136--144},
-     TITLE = {{Conservative finite-difference approximations of the primitive equations on quasi-uniform spherical grids}},
-     VOLUME = {100},
-     YEAR = {1972}
- at article{Cullen74,
-     AUTHOR = {M. J. P. Cullen},
-     JOURNAL = {\qjrms},
-     PAGES = {555--562},
-     TITLE = {{Integration of the primitive equations on a sphere using the finite element method}},
-     VOLUME = {100},
-     YEAR = {1974}
- at article{Augenbaum85,
-     AUTHOR = {J. M. Augenbaum and C. S. Peskin},
-     JOURNAL = {\jcp},
-     PAGES = {177--192},
-     TITLE = {{On the construction of the Voronoi mesh on a sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {14},
-     YEAR = {1985}
- at article{BF85,
-     AUTHOR = {J. R. Baumgardner and P. O. Frederickson},
-     JOURNAL = {\sjna},
-     PAGES = {1107--1115},
-     TITLE = {{Icosahedral discretization of the two-sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {22},
-     YEAR = {1985}
- at inproceedings{Masuda87,
-     AUTHOR = {Y. Masuda and H. Ohnishi},
-     ORGANIZATION = {Japan Meteorological Society},
-     PAGES = {317--326},
-     TITLE = {{An integration scheme of the primitive equation model with an icosahedral-hexagonal grid system and its application to the shallow-water equations}},
-     BOOKTITLE = {Short- and Medium-Range Numerical Weather Prediction},
-     EDITOR = {T. Matsumo},
-     YEAR = {1987}
- at article{Heikes95a,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Heikes and D. A. Randall},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {1862--1880},
-     TITLE = {{Numerical integration of the shallow-water equations on a twisted icosahedral grid. Part I: Basic design and results of tests}},
-     VOLUME = {123},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{Heikes95b,
-     AUTHOR = {R. Heikes and D. A. Randall},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {1881--1887},
-     TITLE = {{Numerical integration of the shallow-water equations on a twisted icosahedral grid. Part II: A detailed description of the grid and an analysis of numerical accuracy}},
-     VOLUME = {123},
-     YEAR = {1995}
- at article{Williamson92,
-     AUTHOR = {D. L. Williamson and J. B. Drake and J. J. Hack and R. Jakob and P. N. Swarztrauber},
-     JOURNAL = {\jcp},
-     PAGES = {211--224},
-     TITLE = {{A standard test for numerical approximations to the shallow water equations in spherical geometry}},
-     VOLUME = {102},
-     YEAR = {1992}
- at article{Stuhne96,
-     AUTHOR = {G. R. Stuhne and W. R. Peltier},
-     JOURNAL = {\jcp},
-     PAGES = {58--81},
-     TITLE = {{Vortex erosion and amalgamation in a new model of large scale flow on the sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {128},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Ronchi96,
-     AUTHOR = {C. Ronchi and R. Iacono and P. S. Paolucci},
-     JOURNAL = {\jcp},
-     PAGES = {93--114},
-     TITLE = {{The ``cubed sphere'': A new method for the solution of partial differential equations in spherical geometry}},
-     VOLUME = {124},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Rancic96,
-     AUTHOR = {M. Rancic and R. J. Purser and F. Mesinger},
-     JOURNAL = {\qjrms},
-     PAGES = {959--982},
-     TITLE = {{A global shallow-water model using an expanded spherical cube: Gnomic versus conformal coordinates}},
-     VOLUME = {122},
-     YEAR = {1996}
- at article{Thuburn97,
-     AUTHOR = {J. Thuburn},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {2328--2347},
-     TITLE = {{A PV-based shallow-water model on a hexagonal-icosahedral grid}},
-     VOLUME = {125},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{Saff97,
-     AUTHOR = {E. B. Saff and A. B. J. Kuijlaars},
-     JOURNAL = {\mi},
-     PAGES = {5--11},
-     TITLE = {{Distributing many points on a sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {19},
-     NUMBER = {1},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{Swarz97,
-     AUTHOR = {P. N. Swarztrauber and D. L. Williamson and J. B. Drake},
-     JOURNAL = {\dao},
-     PAGES = {679--706},
-     TITLE = {{The Cartesian method for solving partial differential equations in spherical geometry}},
-     VOLUME = {27},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at article{CuiFreeden97,
-     TITLE = {{Equidistribution on the sphere}},
-     AUTHOR = {J. Cui and W. Freeden},
-     JOURNAL = {\sjsc},
-     PAGES = {595--609},
-     VOLUME = {18},
-     NUMBER = {2},
-     YEAR = {1997}
- at techreport{Ringler99,
-     AUTHOR = {T. D. Ringler and R. P. Heikes and D. A. Randall},
-     INSTITUTION = {Colorado State U. Dept. of Atmospheric Science},
-     PAGES = {1--59},
-     TITLE = {{Modeling the atmospheric general circulation using a spherical geodesic grid: A technical report on a new class of dynamical cores}},
-     YEAR = {1999}
- at article{Stuhne99,
-     AUTHOR = {G. R. Stuhne and W. R. Peltier},
-     JOURNAL = {\jcp},
-     PAGES = {23--58},
-     TITLE = {{New icosahedral grid-point discretizations of the shallow water equations on the sphere}},
-     VOLUME = {148},
-     YEAR = {1999}
- at article{Ringler00,
-     AUTHOR = {T. D. Ringler and R. P. Heikes and D. A. Randall},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {2471--2489},
-     TITLE = {{Modeling the atmospheric general circulation using a spherical geodesic grid: A new class of dynamical cores}},
-     VOLUME = {128},
-     YEAR = {2000}
- at book{Boyd,
-     ADDRESS = {Mineola, New York},
-     AUTHOR = {J. P. Boyd},
-     PUBLISHER = {Dover},
-     TITLE = {Chebyschev and Fourier Spectral Methods},
-     EDITION = {2},
-     YEAR = {2001}
- at article{Randall02,
-     AUTHOR = {D. A. Randall and T. D. Ringler and R. P. Heikes and P. Jones and J. Baumgardner},
-     JOURNAL = {\cse},
-     PAGES = {32--41},
-     TITLE = {{Climate modeling with spherical geodesic grids}},
-     VOLUME = {3},
-     MONTH = {September/October},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Ringler02a,
-     TITLE = {{A potential enstrophy and energy conserving numerical scheme for solution of the shallow-water equations on a geodesic grid}},
-     AUTHOR = {T. D. Ringler and D. A. Randall},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {1397--1410},
-     VOLUME = {130},
-     YEAR = {2002}
- at article{Ringler02b,
-     TITLE = {{The ZM grid: An alternative to the Z grid}},
-     AUTHOR = {T. D. Ringler and D. A. Randall},
-     JOURNAL = {\mwr},
-     PAGES = {1411--1422},
-     VOLUME = {130},
-     YEAR = {2002}

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/flexwin_manual.pdf
(Binary files differ)

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@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@
 \title{FLEXWIN: An automated time-window selection algorithm for seismic tomography}
@@ -22,10 +25,8 @@

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@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 the algorithm was designed for use in 3D-3D adjoint tomography, its inherent
 flexibility should make it useful in many data-selection applications.
-For a detailed introduction to FLEXWIN as applied to seismic tomography, please consult \cite{MaggiEtal2008}.
+For a detailed introduction to FLEXWIN as applied to seismic tomography, please consult \cite{MaggiEtal2008} ({\tt flexwin/latex/flexwin\_paper.pdf}).  If you use FLEXWIN for your own research, please cite \cite{MaggiEtal2008}.
-If you use FLEXWIN for your own research, please cite \cite{MaggiEtal2008}.

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/manual_other.tex
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@@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
-\chapter*{Bug reports and suggestions for improvements}
+\chapter{More stuff\ldots}
+\section{Bug reports and suggestions for improvements}
 To report bugs or suggest improvements to the code, please send an email to the CIG Computational Seismology Mailing List (cig-seismo at geodynamics.org) or Alessia Maggi (alessia at sismo.u-strasbg.fr), and/or use our online bug tracking system Roundup (www.geodynamics.org/roundup).
-\chapter*{Notes and Acknowledgments}
+\section{Notes and Acknowledgments}
 [FIXME]  The filtering routines used in {\tt seismo\_subs.f90} are based on the SacLib libraries constructed by Brian Savage from the original source code of SAC (developed at Lawrence Livermore).  What about SAC licences??
 The main developers of the FLEXWIN source code are Alessia Maggi and Carl Tape.  The following individuals (listed in alphabetical order) have also contributed to the development of the source code: Daniel Chao, Min Chen, Jeroen Tromp.  The following individuals (listed in alphabetical order) contributed to this manual: Sue Kientz, Alessia Maggi, Carl Tape \ldots
 Copyright XXX 2008, by the California Institute of Technology (U.S.) and University of Strasbourg (France).  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  U.S. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged.
-Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology.  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations.  By accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. export las and regulations, including the International Traffic and Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R 120-130 and the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. 730-744.  User has the responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export authority as may be required before exporting such information to foreign countries or providing access to foreign nationals.  In no event shall the California Institute of Technology be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the California Institute of Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
+Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology Transfer at
+the California Institute of Technology.  This software may be subject to U.S.
+export control laws and regulations.  By accepting this software, the user
+agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. export las and regulations, including
+the International Traffic and Arms Regulations, 22 C.F.R 120-130 and the Export
+Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. 730-744.  User has the responsibility to
+obtain export licenses, or other export authority as may be required before
+exporting such information to foreign countries or providing access to foreign
+nationals.  In no event shall the California Institute of Technology be liable
+to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
+damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and
+its documentation, even if the California Institute of Technology has been
+advised of the possibility of such damage.
-The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any warranties, included the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The software and documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the California Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications.
\ No newline at end of file
+The California Institute of Technology specifically disclaims any warranties,
+included the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular
+purpose.  The software and documentation provided hereunder is on an `as is'
+basis, and the California Institute of Technology has no obligations to provide
+maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications.

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/latex/manual_technical.tex
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@@ -7,49 +7,179 @@
 In order to install and run, FLEXWIN requires:
 \item UNIX operating system (Linux, Solaris, MacOS \ldots)
-\item Other code : SAC / SacLib / libtau )
+\item a fortran compiler (gfortran, ifort, etc...) 
+\item other packages : (SAC, Seismic Analysis Code, available from IRIS)
-SAC - more specifically the SAC library libsac.a - is required in order to for FLEXWIN to be able to read and write sac seismogram files.  Note that the bare bones of the code is not dependent on any input or output format for the data.  Should you prefer to use another seismogram format, you can write your own versions of {\tt read\_sac\_files(file\_s,file\_o)} in {\tt seismo\_subs.f90} and {\tt write\_lp\_sac(basename)} in {\tt io\_subs.f90}.
+FLEXWIN requires the following libraries external to the package in order to
+compile and run: libsacio.a and libSacLib.a.  Eventually, both libraries
+will be distributed by IRIS as part of the SAC package (at the moment only
+libsacio is distributed this way).  For the time being, you should compile
+libSacLib.a using the source code in the SacLib directory that accompanies
-The filtering and enveloping functionality used in this code comes from
-SacLib - {\bf should this be distributed with the code or made available separately?}
+{\bf Important note}: The SacLib directory is a temporary fix.  The SAC source code
+from which the SacLib library is compiled is proprietary and should not be
+distributed by anyone other than IRIS.  Brian Savage - the author of SacLib -
+is currently working on a new version of the library that will be distributed
+with future versions of SAC.  The official release of flexwin will require
+linkage to this new library.
-Travel-time prediction using IASPEI91 (not an essential feature of the code, but it can be useful for setting time-dependence of user parameters) requires libtau - {\bf should this be distributed with the code or made available separately?}
 \section{Obtaining the code}
 [TODO] Write this better once structure of code (and packages that will be
 delivered) is finalised.
-The code is available as a gzipped tarball from CIG (Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, {\tt http://www.geodynamics.org}). The tarball is unpacked using the follwing command 
+The code is available as a gzipped tarball from CIG (Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, {\tt http://www.geodynamics.org}). The tarball is unpacked by typing {\tt tar xvzf flexwin.tgz}.
+The package contains the flexwin code and documentation, as well as a set of
+test data, examples of user files for different scenarios, and a set of utility
+scripts that may be useful for running flexwin on large datasets.
+The contents of the flexwin directory are as follows:
-tar xvzf flexwin.tgz
+|-- Makefile.in
+|-- TODOs
+|-- configure
+|-- configure.ac
+|-- distaz.f
+|-- flexwin.f90
+|-- io_subs.f90
+|-- latex
+|-- make_gfortran
+|-- make_intel
+|-- make_intel_caltech
+|-- maxima.f90
+|-- measure_windows_xcorr.f90
+|-- measurement_module.f90
+|-- scripts
+|-- seismo_subs.f90
+|-- select_windows_stalta2.f90
+|-- test_data
+|-- travel_times.f90
+|-- ttimes_mod
+|-- user_files
+|-- user_functions.f90
+|-- user_parameters.f90
+`-- xcorr-measure.f90
-to obtain a {\tt FLEXWIN} directory containing the Fortran90 source code ({\tt
-.f90} files), a pdf copy of this manual ({\tt flexwin\_manual.pdf}), {\tt
-INSTALL} and {\tt README} text files with a bare bones instruction set to
-install and run the code, and a {\tt test\_data} directory containing a test
-data set to run the code on.
-[TODO] - Write this when you have cleaned up the distribution
-FLEXWIN is made up of a library of the subroutines which actually do the work,
-and an example front-end program which strings the relevant subroutines
-together into a full program.  This front-end program is only an example, showing the correct order of operations.  Feel free to make your own front-end.  
+[TODO] - Rewrite this for the official release.
-The makefiles contain the basic compilation instruction for the basic code
-(using sac i/o).  It is straightforward to modify them.
+{\bf Note}: Do NOT use the configure script for beta test compilation.  It will not
-make -f makefile clean
-make -f makefile executablename
+If your compiler of choice is gfortran, then you should be able to use the
+{\tt make\_gfortran} makefiles with only minor modifications (notably you may need to
+change the search path for the {\tt libsacio.a} library).  If you prefer another
+compiler, you should modify the OPT and FC lines in the makefiles accordingly.   
+{\bf Important note}: All the code is compiled with the -m32 option, which makes
+32bit binaries.  This option is currently required to enable compatibility with
+SAC.  Future versions of the SAC distribution may no longer require this
+compatibility flag.
+Steps to compile the flexwin package:
+\item Compile {\tt libSacLib.a}.  In the {\tt SacLib} directory (which is outside the {\tt flexwin}
+directory) type: {\tt make -f make\_gfortran}.
+\item Compile {\tt libtau.a} and create {\tt iasp91.hed} and {\tt iasp91.tbl}.  In the
+{\tt flexwin/ttimes\_mod} directory type: {\tt make -f make\_gfortran}.  This will compile
+{\tt libtau.a}, and two programs, {\tt remodl} and {\tt setbrn}.  The makefile will also run
+{\tt remodl} and {\tt setbrn} to create the {\tt iasp91.hed} and {\tt iasp91.tbl} files.  You should
+then type {\tt make -f make\_gfortran install} to install the iasp91 files in the
+root directory.
+\item Compile {\tt flexwin}.  Edit the {\tt make\_gfortran} file in the root directory to ensure the {\tt SACLIBDIR} variable points to the location of your SAC libraries (by default {\tt /opt/sac/lib}).  Then type {\tt make -f make\_gfortran}.
+You should end up with the {\tt flexwin} executable.  The program requires the iasp91
+files (or links to them) to be present in the directory from which the code is
 \section{Running the Test case}
+You should test your compiled code on the {\tt test\_data} dataset provided.  In the
+{\tt flexwin/test\_data} directory, type {\tt ./flexwin < input.test}.  The results of your
+run will be found in the {\tt MEASURE} subdirectory, and
+should match those found in the {\tt MEASURE.orig}
+You can also test the basic plotting script by running {\tt ./plot\_seismos\_gmt.sh
+MEASURE/ABKT.II.LHZ}, whose output will be
+{\tt MEASURE/ABKT.II.LHZ.seis.eps} and a corresponding .pdf
+file.  Your result should be identical to that shown in Figure~\ref{fg:test_data}.
+\center \includegraphics[width=4in]{../test_data/MEASURE.orig/ABKT_II_LHZ_seis.pdf}
+Windowing results for the test data set, plotted using the {\tt ./plot\_seismos\_gmt.sh} script.
+\section{Running FLEXWIN}
+In general, flexwin is run as follows: {\tt ./flexwin < input} where the {\tt input} file is formatted as follows:
+i.e. the number of traces to be measured, followed by (in order) the path to
+the raw data sac file, the path to the synthetic sac file and the path and
+basename for the (many!) output files for that trace. 
+\section{Output files}
+Most output files are in ascii.  All file names start with the basename given
+in the input file for that trace:
+\item[basename.obs]	ascii observed seismogram (filtered) 
+\item[basename.syn]	ascii synthetic seismogram (filtered)
+\item[basename.obs\_lp.sac] sac observed seismogram (filtered)
+\item[basename.syn\_lp.sac] sac synthetic seismogram (filtered)
+\item[basename.env.obs]	ascii envelope of observed seismogram (filtered)
+\item[basename.env.syn]	ascii envelope of synthetic seismogram (filtered)
+\item[basename.win]		list of windows with theoretical phase arrival times
+\item[basename.win.qual]	list of windows with Tshift,CC,dlnA values 
+\item[basename.phases]		theoretical arrival times of phases
+\item[basename.stalta]		STA:LTA timeseries used to select the windows, and
+the time-dependent values of the STA:LTA water level, the cross-correlation
+limit $CC_0$, the time-lag limit $\Delta\tau_0$, amplitude ratio limit
+$\Delta\ln{A}_0$ and the window signal to noise limit $r_0$.
+\item[basename.info]	information on the path and some statistics
+For more details about the file formats, read the {\tt write\_}
+subroutines in {\tt io\_subs.f90}.
+Several plotting routines ({\tt plot\_*.sh}) are provided as examples for
+plotting seismograms, measurements and adjoint sources.  All plotting is
+done in gmt.  These scripts will need to be modified to suit your
+particular plotting needs.
+The script {\tt extract\_event\_windowing\_stats.sh} extracts statistical
+information on the window selection process, on the measurements.  Again,
+you can use use this script as a template for your own information
+extraction needs.

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