[cig-commits] r11475 - cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src

luis at geodynamics.org luis at geodynamics.org
Wed Mar 19 12:00:08 PDT 2008

Author: luis
Date: 2008-03-19 12:00:08 -0700 (Wed, 19 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 11475

Removed obsolete version of the CompareCmd::run() method

Modified: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:07 UTC (rev 11474)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:08 UTC (rev 11475)
@@ -459,139 +459,4 @@
 } // */
-/* XXX: old run() method
-int cigma::CompareCmd::run()
-    std::cout << "Calling cigma::CompareCmd::run()" << std::endl;
-    assert(mesh != 0);
-    assert(quadrature != 0);
-    assert(field_a != 0);
-    assert(field_b != 0);
-    // make sure the field dimensions match
-    // XXX: need graceful failure mode
-    assert(field_a->n_dim() == field_a->n_dim());
-    assert(field_a->n_rank() == field_b->n_rank());
-    Cell *cell_a = field_a->fe->cell;
-    Cell *cell_b = field_b->fe->cell;
-    assert(cell_a->n_celldim() == cell_b->n_celldim());
-    // indices
-    int e,q;
-    int i,j;
-    // dimensions
-    int nel = mesh->nel;
-    int nq = quadrature->n_points();
-    int ndofs = cell_a->n_nodes();
-    int valdim = field_a->n_rank();
-    // local data;
-    double *jxw = field_a->fe->jxw;
-    double *phi_a = new double[nq * valdim]; // XXX: not needed when using tabulation
-    double *phi_b = new double[nq * valdim];
-    // norm
-    double L2 = 0.0;
-    double *epsilon = residuals->epsilon;
-    // XXX: don't forget about the case when (mesh != field_a->meshPart)
-    // Regardless, this cell pointer needs to come from the integrating
-    // mesh object, not from field_a.
-    Cell *cell = cell_a;
-    // start timer
-    Timer timer;
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        std::cout << std::setprecision(5);
-        timer.print_header(std::cout, "elts");
-        timer.start(nel);
-        timer.update(0);
-        std::cout << timer;
-    }
-    // XXX: time to move this main loop into its own function
-    // so we can use polymorphic dispatch on the argument types
-    for (e = 0; e < nel; e++)
-    {
-        // update cell data
-        mesh->select_cell(e);
-        // obtain global points from current quadrature rule
-        quadrature->apply_refmap(cell);
-        // ... calculate phi_a[]
-        // XXX: using eval() -- applicable in general (Field obj)
-        //for (q = 0; q < nq; q++)
-        //{
-        //    field_a->eval((*quadrature)[q], &phi_a[valdim*q]);
-        //}
-        // ... calculate phi_a[]
-        // XXX: using tabulation -- applicable to FE_Field obj
-        field_a->tabulate_element(e, phi_a);
-        // ... calculate phi_b[]
-        for (q = 0; q < nq; q++)
-        {
-            field_b->eval((*quadrature)[q], &phi_b[valdim*q]);
-        }
-        // evaluate jacobian at known quadrature points
-        field_a->fe->update_jxw();  // XXX: somehow, this method needs to be attached
-                                    // to the MeshPart object, so maybe it needs its
-                                    // own FE object after all?
-        // ... apply quadrature rule
-        double err = 0.0;
-        for (q = 0; q < nq; q++)
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i < valdim; i++)
-            {
-                int qi = valdim*q + i;
-                err += jxw[q] * SQR(phi_a[qi] - phi_b[qi]);
-            }
-        }
-        epsilon[e] = err;
-        L2 += err;
-        // XXX: debug info
-        if (verbose && ((e+1) % output_frequency == 0))
-        {
-            timer.update(e+1);
-            std::cout << timer;
-        }
-    }
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        timer.update(nel);
-        std::cout << timer << std::endl;
-    }
-    L2 = sqrt(L2);
-    std::cout << std::setprecision(12);
-    std::cout << "L2 = " << L2 << std::endl;
-    // write out data
-    residuals->write_vtk(output_path.c_str());
-    // clean up
-    delete [] phi_a;
-    delete [] phi_b;
-    return 0;
-} // */
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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