[cig-commits] r11487 - cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src

luis at geodynamics.org luis at geodynamics.org
Wed Mar 19 12:00:31 PDT 2008

Author: luis
Date: 2008-03-19 12:00:30 -0700 (Wed, 19 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 11487

These I/O classes are still on hold. Need to update usage of the
underlying reader/writer classes.

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "CompareCmd.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-#include "MeshPart.h"
-#include "Tet.h"
-#include "Hex.h"
-#include "Numeric.h"
-#include "AnnLocator.h"
-#include "HdfReader.h"
-#include "VtkReader.h"
-#include "VtkWriter.h"
-#include "Timer.h"
-#include "Misc.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    name = "compare";
-    // integrating mesh
-    mesh = 0;
-    quadrature = 0;
-    qr = 0;
-    // fields
-    field_a = 0;
-    field_b = 0;
-    // residuals
-    residuals = new ResidualField();
-    // parameters
-    verbose = false;
-    output_frequency = 0;
-    /* XXX: for now, don't delete
-    if (qr != 0)
-    {
-        delete qr; // XXX
-    } // */
-    if (residuals != 0) delete residuals;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cigma::CompareCmd::setupOptions(AnyOption *opt)
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::CompareCmd::setupOptions()" << std::endl;
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    /* setup usage */
-    opt->addUsage("Usage:");
-    opt->addUsage("   cigma compare [options]");
-    opt->addUsage("     -a  --first      First field location");
-    opt->addUsage("     -b  --second     Second field location");
-    opt->addUsage("     -r  --rule       Quadrature rule location");
-    opt->addUsage("     -o  --output     Output file");
-    /* setup flags and options */
-    opt->setFlag("help", 'h');
-    opt->setFlag("debug"); // XXX: uses specific defaults
-    // options for mesh
-    opt->setOption("mesh");
-    opt->setOption("mesh-coordinates");
-    opt->setOption("mesh-connectivity");
-    // options for quadrature
-    opt->setOption("rule",'r');
-    opt->setOption("rule-order");
-    opt->setOption("rule-points");
-    opt->setOption("rule-weights");
-    // options for first field, in the form /path/to/file:/path/to/dset
-    opt->setOption("first",'a');
-    opt->setOption("first-mesh");
-    opt->setOption("first-mesh-coordinates");
-    opt->setOption("first-mesh-connectivity");
-    // option for second field, in the form /path/to/file:/path/to/dset
-    opt->setOption("second",'b');
-    opt->setOption("second-mesh");
-    opt->setOption("second-mesh-coordinates");
-    opt->setOption("second-mesh-connectivity");
-    // options for output
-    opt->setOption("output",'o');
-    // other options
-    opt->setFlag("verbose",'v');
-    opt->setOption("output-frequency",'f');
-void cigma::CompareCmd::configure(AnyOption *opt)
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::CompareCmd::configure()" << std::endl;
-    string field_prefix;
-    std::string inputstr;
-    char *in;
-    /* Check if --verbose was enabled */
-    verbose = opt->getFlag("verbose");
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        output_frequency = 1000;
-    }
-    /* Determine the --output-frequency option */
-    in = opt->getValue("output-frequency");
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        inputstr = in;
-        string_to_int(inputstr, output_frequency);
-    }
-    if (output_frequency == 0)
-    {
-        // XXX: emit warning, or quit?
-        if (opt->getValue("output-frequency") != 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "compare: Warning: ignoring option --output-frequency" << endl;
-        }
-        verbose = false;
-    }
-    /* Determine the --output option */
-    in = opt->getValue("output");
-    if (in == 0)
-    {
-        if (opt->getFlag("debug"))
-        {
-            // XXX: provide default name when in debug mode
-            in = (char *)"foo.vtk";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            cerr << "compare: Please specify the option --output" << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-    }
-    output_path = in;
-    /*
-     * Initialization order:
-     *  Load First field
-     *      If FE_Field
-     *          Load DofsA
-     *          Load MeshA if req'd
-     *          Load RuleA if req'd
-     *      Else
-     *          Load Analytic Field
-     *  Load Second field
-     *      If FE_Field
-     *          Load DofsB
-     *          Load MeshB if req'd
-     *          Load RuleB if req'd
-     *      Else
-     *          Load Analytic Field
-     *  Load Integration mesh
-     *  Load Quadrature rule
-     */
-    /* Gather up the expected command line arguments */
-    load_args(opt, &meshIO, "mesh");
-    load_args(opt, &quadratureIO, "rule");
-    load_args(opt, &firstIO, "first");
-    load_args(opt, &secondIO, "second");
-    /* Validate these arguments and complain about missing ones */
-    if (opt->getFlag("debug"))
-    {
-        // 
-        // assign defaults if we're in debug mode. this overrides
-        // the command line settings from load_args()
-        //
-        if (firstIO.field_path == "")
-            firstIO.field_path = "./tests/strikeslip_tet4_1000m_t0.vtk:displacements_t0";
-        if (secondIO.field_path == "")
-            secondIO.field_path = "./tests/strikeslip_hex8_1000m_t0.vtk:displacements_t0";
-    }
-    validate_args(&firstIO, "compare");
-    validate_args(&secondIO, "compare");
-    validate_args(&meshIO, "compare");
-    validate_args(&quadratureIO, "compare");
-    /* Load the datasets into memory */
-    firstIO.load();
-    field_a = firstIO.field;
-    assert(field_a != 0);
-    //field_a->fe = new FE();
-    //field_a->fe->set_cell(field_a->meshPart->cell);
-    cout << "first field path = " << firstIO.field_path << endl;
-    cout << "first field dimensions = "
-         << field_a->meshPart->nel << " cells, "
-         << field_a->meshPart->nno << " nodes, "
-         << field_a->meshPart->cell->n_nodes() << " dofs/cell, "
-         << "rank " << field_a->n_rank() << endl;
-    secondIO.load();
-    field_b = secondIO.field;
-    assert(field_b != 0);
-    //field_b->fe = new FE();
-    //field_b->fe->set_cell(field_b->meshPart->cell);
-    cout << "second field path = " << secondIO.field_path << endl;
-    cout << "second field dimensions = "
-         << field_b->meshPart->nel << " cells, "
-         << field_b->meshPart->nno << " nodes, "
-         << field_b->meshPart->cell->n_nodes() << " dofs/cell, "
-         << "rank " << field_b->n_rank() << endl;
-    /* XXX: if no --mesh option was specified, get mesh from the
-     * first field. if the first field has no mesh, (e.g. specified
-     * by an analytic soln), then try using the second field's mesh.
-     * if we still don't have a mesh that we can use for the integration,
-     * then exit with an error suggesting the user to specify the --mesh
-     * option.
-     */
-    meshIO.load();
-    mesh = meshIO.meshPart;
-    if (mesh == 0)
-    {
-        mesh = firstIO.field->meshPart;
-    }
-    assert(mesh != 0);
-    residuals->set_mesh(mesh);
-    /* Now load the quadrature rule. If no rule is specified on the
-     * command line, a default rule is assigned based on the type of
-     * the cell. Also, an exception is thrown if the specified a rule
-     * does not conform geometrically to the interior of the cell.
-     */
-    quadratureIO.load(mesh->cell);
-    quadrature = quadratureIO.quadrature;
-    assert(quadrature != 0);
-    //field_a->fe->set_quadrature(quadrature); // XXX: eliminate need for this statement
-    field_a->fe = new FE();
-    field_a->fe->set_mesh(field_a->meshPart);
-    //field_a->fe->set_quadrature_points(field_a->meshPart->cell->default_quadrature_points);
-    field_a->fe->set_quadrature_points(quadrature); // XXX
-    field_b->fe = new FE();
-    field_b->fe->set_mesh(field_b->meshPart);
-    //field_b->fe->set_quadrature_points(field_b->meshPart->cell->default_quadrature_points);
-    // XXX: if field_a has a quadrature rule, reuse it
-    // XXX: however, this complicates our destructor...
-    qr = field_a->fe;
-    assert(field_a->meshPart == mesh); // XXX
-    /* XXX: when neither field_a or field_b have a mesh, need own QuadratureRule instance
-    assert(mesh != 0);
-    assert(field_a->meshPart == 0);
-    assert(field_b->meshPart == 0);
-    qr = new QuadratureRule();
-    qr->set_mesh(mesh);
-    qr->set_quadrature_points(quadrature);
-    // */
-    return;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void compare(CompareCmd *env, MeshPart *mesh, FE_Field *field_a, FE_Field *field_b)
-    assert(env != 0);
-    const int output_frequency = env->output_frequency;
-    const bool verbose = env->verbose;
-    // XXX: remove need for this assert stmt ...
-    assert(mesh == field_a->meshPart);
-    // XXX: remove need for env...consider moving this function back to run() 
-    ResidualField *residuals = env->residuals;
-    // XXX: we need need to initialize qr much earlier, so we avoid
-    // assuming that we can load the quadrature points from field_a->fe object
-    //QuadraturePoints *quadrature = field_a->fe->quadrature;
-    //QuadratureRule *qr = new QuadratureRule();
-    //qr->meshPart = mesh;
-    //qr->set_quadrature_points(quadrature);
-    QuadratureRule *qr = env->qr;   // XXX: replace MeshPart fn arg by QuadratureRule
-    assert(qr != 0);
-    assert(qr->points != 0);
-    // dimensions
-    int nel = qr->meshPart->nel;
-    int nq = qr->points->n_points();
-    int valdim = field_a->n_rank();
-    // field values at quadrature points
-    Points phi_a, phi_b;
-    double *values_a = new double[nq * valdim];
-    double *values_b = new double[nq * valdim];
-    phi_a.set_data(values_a, nq, valdim);
-    phi_b.set_data(values_b, nq, valdim);
-    // reset error accumulator
-    residuals->zero_out();
-    // start timer
-    Timer timer;
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        cout << std::setprecision(5);
-        timer.print_header(cout, "elts");
-        timer.start(nel);
-        timer.update(0);
-        cout << timer;
-    }
-    for (int e = 0; e < nel; e++)
-    {
-        // update cell data
-        qr->select_cell(e);
-        // ... calculate phi_a
-        //field_a->Field::eval(*(qr->points), phi_a);
-        field_a->tabulate_element(e, phi_a.data);   // XXX: call when field_b is an instance of FE_Field
-        // ... calculate phi_b
-        field_b->Field::eval(*(qr->points), phi_b);
-        //field_b->tabulate_element(e, phi_b.data); // XXX: call when field_b->meshPart, field_a->meshPart,
-                                                    //      and qr->meshPart are all identical...
-                                                    //      this will result in redundant call to get_cell_dofs().
-                                                    //      is it worth it to optimize this? it would avoid
-                                                    //      jumping around the connectivity array a second time..
-        // apply quadrature rule
-        double err = qr->L2(phi_a, phi_b);
-        // update error accumulator
-        residuals->update(e, err);
-        // debug info
-        if (verbose && ((e+1) % output_frequency == 0))
-        {
-            timer.update(e+1);
-            cout << timer;
-        }
-    }
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        timer.update(nel);
-        cout << timer << endl;
-    }
-    // report global error
-    double L2 = residuals->L2();
-    cout << setprecision(12);
-    cout << "L2 = " << L2 << endl;
-    // write out data
-    residuals->write_vtk(env->output_path.c_str());
-    // clean up
-    delete [] values_a;
-    delete [] values_b;
-/* XXX: first, time the effects of introducing branches in the main loop
-void compare(MeshPart *mesh, FE_Field *field_a, Field *field_b,
-             ResidualField *residuals, int output_frequency)
-void compare(FE_Field *field_a, Field *field_b,
-             ResidualField *residuals, int output_frequency)
-void compare(FE_Field *field_a, PointField *field_b,
-             ResidualField *residuals, int output_frequency)
-void compare(MeshPart *mesh, Field *field_a, PointField *field_b,
-             ResidualField *residuals, int output_frequency)
-// */
-//* XXX: new run() method
-int cigma::CompareCmd::run()
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::CompareCmd::run()" << std::endl;
-    // 
-    // XXX: need to fail gracefully at this point, instead of throwing
-    // a nasty assert statement whenever something unexpected happens.
-    // clean up memory management so that we can use exceptions, and
-    // verify that all resources are properly finalized.
-    //
-    // start with the obvious checks
-    assert(quadrature != 0);
-    assert(mesh != 0);
-    assert(qr != 0);
-    assert(field_a != 0);
-    assert(field_b != 0);
-    // make sure the field dimensions match
-    assert(field_a->n_dim() == field_a->n_dim());
-    assert(field_a->n_rank() == field_b->n_rank());
-    // XXX: call the appropriate compare method based on the field types
-    // XXX: enclose statements in a try-catch-finally clause
-    compare(this, mesh, field_a, field_b);
-    return 0;
-} // */
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/CompareCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __COMPARE_CMD_H__
-#define __COMPARE_CMD_H__
-#include <string>
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "MeshPart.h"
-#include "Field.h"
-#include "FE_Field.h"
-#include "QuadratureRule.h"
-#include "ResidualField.h"
-#include "Writer.h"
-#include "Reader.h"
-#include "MeshIO.h"
-#include "QuadratureIO.h"
-#include "FieldIO.h"
-namespace cigma
-    class CompareCmd;
- * Callback object for `cigma compare [args ...]'
- */
-class cigma::CompareCmd : public Command
-    CompareCmd();
-    ~CompareCmd();
-    void setupOptions(AnyOption *opt);
-    void configure(AnyOption *opt);
-    int run();
-    QuadraturePoints *quadrature;
-    MeshPart *mesh;
-    QuadratureRule *qr;
-    FE_Field *field_a;
-    FE_Field *field_b;
-    ResidualField *residuals;
-    MeshIO meshIO;
-    QuadratureIO quadratureIO;
-    FieldIO firstIO;
-    FieldIO secondIO;
-    std::string output_path;
-    bool verbose;
-    int output_frequency;

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "EvalCmd.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-#include "HdfReader.h"
-#include "VtkReader.h"
-#include "TextReader.h"
-#include "HdfWriter.h"
-#include "VtkWriter.h"
-#include "TextWriter.h"
-#include "MeshPart.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    name = "eval";
-    field = 0;
-    points = 0;
-    values = 0;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cigma::EvalCmd::setupOptions(AnyOption *opt)
-    //cout << "Calling cigma::EvalCmd::setupOptions()" << endl;
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    /* setup usage */
-    opt->addUsage("Usage:");
-    opt->addUsage("");
-    opt->addUsage("   cigma eval [args ...]");
-    opt->addUsage("       --points      Input points to evaluate on");
-    opt->addUsage("       --field       Input field to evaluate");
-    opt->addUsage("       --values      Target path for result of evaluations");
-    /* setup flags and options */
-    opt->setFlag("help", 'h');
-    opt->setFlag("verbose", 'v');
-    opt->setOption("field");
-    opt->setOption("field-mesh");
-    opt->setOption("field-mesh-coordinates");
-    opt->setOption("field-mesh-connectivity");
-    opt->setOption("points");
-    opt->setOption("values");
-    return;
-void cigma::EvalCmd::configure(AnyOption *opt)
-    //cout << "Calling cigma::EvalCmd::configure()" << endl;
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    string inputstr;
-    char *in;
-    // read verbose flag
-    verbose = opt->getFlag("verbose");
-    /* determine the output values path */
-    in = opt->getValue("values");
-    if (in == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "eval: Please specify the output option --values" << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    inputstr = in;
-    // determine the extension and instantiate the appropriate writer object
-    string values_ext;
-    parse_dataset_path(inputstr, values_loc, values_file, values_ext);
-    new_writer(&values_writer, values_ext);
-    if (values_writer == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "eval: Specified a bad extension (" << values_ext << ") for "
-             << "output file" << values_file << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if ((values_loc == "") && (values_writer->getType() == Writer::HDF_WRITER))
-    {
-        values_loc = "/values";
-    }
-    /* determine the input points path */
-    in = opt->getValue("points");
-    if (in == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "eval: Please specify the input option --points" << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    inputstr = in;
-    // determine the extension and instantiate the appropriate reader object
-    string points_ext;
-    parse_dataset_path(inputstr, points_loc, points_file, points_ext);
-    new_reader(&points_reader, points_ext);
-    if (points_reader == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "eval: Specified a bad extension (" << points_ext << ") for "
-             << "input file" << points_file << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if ((points_loc == "") && (points_reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER))
-    {
-        points_loc = "/points";
-    }
-    /* determine the input field */
-    load_args(opt, &fieldIO, "field");
-    validate_args(&fieldIO, "eval");
-    fieldIO.load();
-    field = fieldIO.field;
-    assert(field != 0);
-    cout << "field path = " << fieldIO.field_path << endl;
-    cout << "field rank = " << field->n_rank() << endl;
-    //cout << (*field) << endl;
-    return;
-int cigma::EvalCmd::run()
-    //cout << "Calling cigma::EvalCmd::run()" << endl;
-    assert(field != 0);
-    assert(points != 0);
-    assert(values != 0);
-    assert(field->n_dim() == points->n_dim());
-    // indices
-    int e,i;
-    // dimensions
-    int npts = points->n_points();
-    int valdim = field->n_rank();
-    // data
-    double *phi = new double[npts * valdim];
-    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
-    {
-        double *globalPoint = (*points)[i];
-        field->eval(globalPoint, &phi[valdim*i]);
-    }
-    /*
-    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
-    {
-        double *globalPoint = (*points)[i];
-        field->meshPart->find_cell(globalPoint, &e);
-        field->meshPart->get_cell_coords(e, field->fe->cell->globverts);
-        field->eval(globalPoint, &phi[valdim*i]);
-    }
-    std::cout << "Creating file " << output_filename << std::endl;
-    VtkWriter *writer = new VtkWriter();
-    writer->open(output_filename);
-    writer->write_header();
-    writer->write_point_data("values", phi, npts, valdim);
-    writer->close();
-    //delete writer;
-    */
-    int ierr;
-    cout << "Creating file " << values_file << endl;
-    if (values_writer->getType() == Writer::HDF_WRITER)
-    {
-        HdfWriter *writer = static_cast<HdfWriter*>(values_writer);
-        ierr = writer->open(values_file);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not open (or create) the HDF5 file " << values_file << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        ierr = writer->write_coordinates(values_loc.c_str(), phi, npts, valdim);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not write values dataset " << values_loc << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        writer->close();
-    }
-    else if (values_writer->getType() == Writer::TXT_WRITER)
-    {
-        TextWriter *writer = static_cast<TextWriter*>(values_writer);
-        ierr = writer->open(values_file);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not create output text file " << values_file << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        writer->write_coordinates(phi, npts, valdim);
-    }
-    else if (values_writer->getType() == Writer::VTK_WRITER)
-    {
-        VtkWriter *writer = static_cast<VtkWriter*>(writer);
-        ierr = vtkWriter->open(values_file);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not create output VTK file " << values_file << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        writer->write_header();
-        //writer->write_points(...);
-        writer->write_point_data("values", phi, npts, valdim);
-        writer->close();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* this should be unreachable */
-        cerr << "Fatal Error: Unsupported extension in output filename?" << endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // XXX: wrap this guy inside an auto_ptr
-    delete [] phi;
-    return 0;

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/EvalCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __EVAL_CMD_H__
-#define __EVAL_CMD_H__
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "Field.h"
-#include "Points.h"
-//#include "FieldIO.h"
-//#include "PointsIO.h"
-namespace cigma
-    class EvalCmd;
- * @brief Callback object for `cigma eval [args ...]'
- *
- */
-class cigma::EvalCmd : public Command
-    EvalCmd();
-    ~EvalCmd();
-    void setupOptions(AnyOption *opt);
-    void configure(AnyOption *opt);
-    int run();
-    FieldIO fieldIO;
-    Reader *points_reader;
-    std::string points_loc;
-    std::string points_file;
-    Writer *values_writer;
-    std::string values_loc;
-    std::string values_file;
-    bool verbose;
-    Field *field;
-    Points *points;
-    Points *values;

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "ExtractCmd.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-#include "HdfWriter.h"
-#include "TextWriter.h"
-#include "VtkWriter.h"
-#include "MeshPart.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    name = "extract";
-    coordsField = 0;
-    writer = 0;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cigma::ExtractCmd::setupOptions(AnyOption *opt)
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::ExtractCmd::setupOptions()" << std::endl;
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    /* setup usage */
-    opt->addUsage("Usage:");
-    opt->addUsage("   cigma extract [options]");
-    opt->addUsage("     --help                  Display this screen");
-    opt->addUsage("     --mesh                  Input mesh file");
-    opt->addUsage("     --mesh-coordinates      Path to mesh coordinates");
-    opt->addUsage("     --mesh-connectivity     Path to mesh connectivity");
-    opt->addUsage("     --rule                  Quadrature rule");
-    opt->addUsage("     --output                Output file");
-    /* setup flags and options */
-    opt->setFlag("help", 'h');
-    opt->setFlag("verbose", 'v');
-    opt->setOption("mesh");
-    opt->setOption("mesh-coordinates");
-    opt->setOption("mesh-connectivity");
-    opt->setOption("rule", 'r');
-    opt->setOption("rule-order");
-    opt->setOption("rule-points");
-    opt->setOption("rule-weights");
-    opt->setOption("output", 'o');
-void cigma::ExtractCmd::configure(AnyOption *opt)
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::ExtractCmd::configure()" << std::endl;
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    string inputstr;
-    char *in;
-    // read verbose flag
-    verbose = opt->getFlag("verbose");
-    /* determine the output option */
-    in = opt->getValue("output");
-    if (in == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "extract: Please specify the option --output" << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    inputstr = in;
-    // determine the extension and instantiate the appropriate writer object
-    string ext;
-    parse_dataset_path(inputstr, points_path, output_filename, ext);
-    new_writer(&writer, ext);
-    if (writer == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "extract: Specified bad extension (" << ext << ") for "
-             << "output file" << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if ((points_path == "") && (writer->getType() == Writer::HDF_WRITER))
-    {
-        points_path = "/points";
-    }
-    /* gather up expected command line arguments */
-    load_args(opt, &meshIO, "mesh");
-    load_args(opt, &quadratureIO, "rule");
-    /* validate these arguments and complain about missing ones */
-    validate_args(&meshIO, "extract");
-    validate_args(&quadratureIO, "extract");
-    /* create empty field object */
-    coordsField = new FE_Field();
-    /* load mesh into memory */
-    meshIO.load();
-    if (meshIO.meshPart == 0)
-    {
-        if (!meshIO.has_paths())
-        {
-            cerr << "extract: Missing input option --mesh" << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            cerr << "extract: Invalid mesh options! Could not load mesh." << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-    }
-    coordsField->meshPart = meshIO.meshPart;
-    coordsField->meshPart->set_cell();
-    /* now, load quadrature rule */
-    quadratureIO.load(coordsField->meshPart->cell);
-    if (quadratureIO.quadrature == 0)
-    {
-        cerr << "extract: Invalid quadrature rule options!" << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    /* finite element for interpolation on mesh coordinates */
-    coordsField->fe = new FE();
-    coordsField->fe->set_mesh(meshIO.meshPart);
-    coordsField->fe->set_quadrature_points(quadratureIO.quadrature);
-    return;
-int cigma::ExtractCmd::run()
-    //std::cout << "Calling cigma::ExtractCmd::run()" << std::endl;
-    assert(coordsField != 0);
-    // local data -- destructure field object
-    FE *fe = coordsField->fe;
-    assert(fe != 0);
-    MeshPart *meshPart = coordsField->meshPart;
-    assert(meshPart != 0);
-    QuadraturePoints *quadrature = fe->points;
-    assert(quadrature != 0);
-    Cell *cell = fe->meshPart->cell;
-    assert(cell != 0);
-    // indices
-    int e,q;
-    // dimensions
-    int nel = meshPart->nel;
-    int nsd = meshPart->nsd;
-    int nq = quadrature->n_points();
-    const int cell_nno = cell->n_nodes();
-    double *global_points = new double[(nq*nel) * nsd];
-    if (verbose)
-    {
-        cout << "Extracting "
-             << (nq * nel)
-             << " points from input mesh..."
-             << endl;
-    }
-    for (e = 0; e < nel; e++)
-    {
-        double globalCellCoords[cell_nno*3];
-        meshPart->get_cell_coords(e, globalCellCoords);
-        cell->set_global_vertices(globalCellCoords, cell_nno, 3);
-        quadrature->apply_refmap(cell);
-        for (q = 0; q < nq; q++)
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; i < nsd; i++)
-            {
-                int n = (nq*nsd)*e + nsd*q + i;
-                global_points[n] = (*quadrature)(q,i);
-            }
-        }
-        /*
-        for (q = 0; q < nq; q++)
-        {
-            std::cout << (*quadrature)(q,0) << " "
-                      << (*quadrature)(q,1) << " "
-                      << (*quadrature)(q,2) << std::endl;
-        } // */
-    }
-    int ierr;
-    cout << "Creating file " << output_filename << endl;
-    if (writer->getType() == Writer::HDF_WRITER)
-    {
-        HdfWriter *hdfWriter = static_cast<HdfWriter*>(writer);
-        ierr = hdfWriter->open(output_filename);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not open (or create) the HDF5 file " << output_filename << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        ierr = hdfWriter->write_coordinates(points_path.c_str(), global_points, nq*nel, nsd);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not write points dataset " << points_path << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        hdfWriter->close();
-    }
-    else if (writer->getType() == Writer::TXT_WRITER)
-    {
-        TextWriter *txtWriter = static_cast<TextWriter*>(writer);
-        ierr = txtWriter->open(output_filename);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not create output text file " << output_filename << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        txtWriter->write_coordinates(global_points, nq * nel, nsd);
-        txtWriter->close();
-    }
-    else if (writer->getType() == Writer::VTK_WRITER)
-    {
-        VtkWriter *vtkWriter = static_cast<VtkWriter*>(writer);
-        ierr = vtkWriter->open(output_filename);
-        if (ierr < 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "Error: Could not create output VTK file " << output_filename << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        vtkWriter->write_header();
-        vtkWriter->write_points(global_points, nq * nel, nsd);
-        vtkWriter->close();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* this should be unreachable */
-        cerr << "Fatal Error: Unsupported extension in output filename?" << endl;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // XXX: wrap this guy inside an auto_ptr
-    delete [] global_points;
-    return 0;

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/ExtractCmd.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __EXTRACT_CMD_H__
-#define __EXTRACT_CMD_H__
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "FE_Field.h"
-#include "MeshIO.h"
-#include "QuadratureIO.h"
-#include "Writer.h"
-namespace cigma
-    class ExtractCmd;
- * @brief Callback object for `cigma extract [args ...]'
- *
- */
-class cigma::ExtractCmd : public Command
-    ExtractCmd();
-    ~ExtractCmd();
-    void setupOptions(AnyOption *opt);
-    void configure(AnyOption *opt);
-    int run();
-    MeshIO meshIO;
-    QuadratureIO quadratureIO;
-    std::string output_filename;
-    std::string points_path;
-    bool verbose;
-    FE_Field *coordsField;
-    Writer *writer;

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include "FieldIO.h"
-#include "AnnLocator.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-#include "Misc.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, FieldIO *fieldIO, const char *opt_prefix)
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    assert(fieldIO != 0);
-    // remember the original option name
-    fieldIO->field_option  = "--";
-    fieldIO->field_option += opt_prefix;
-    // deduce all implied command line options
-    char *in;
-    string field_name = opt_prefix;
-    string mesh_name = field_name + "-mesh";
-    in = opt->getValue(field_name.c_str());
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        fieldIO->field_path = in;
-    }
-    load_args(opt, &(fieldIO->meshIO), mesh_name.c_str());
-void validate_args(FieldIO *fieldIO, const char *cmd_name)
-    assert(fieldIO != 0);
-    assert(fieldIO->field_option != "");
-    //
-    // Check for incompatible/inconsistent options
-    //
-    if (fieldIO->field_path == "")
-    {
-        cerr << cmd_name
-             << ": Please specify the option "
-             << fieldIO->field_option
-             << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    validate_args(&(fieldIO->meshIO), cmd_name);
-    // XXX: thinking about it...maybe Quadrature should be associated
-    // with a mesh, not with FE_Field. Of course, the field->fe object should
-    // only be initialized after we know which mesh to associate with
-    //validate_args(&(fieldIO->quadratureIO), cmd_name);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    field = 0;
-    if (field != 0)
-    {
-        // XXX: traverse field structure and delete everything
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FieldIO::load()
-    //cout << "Calling FieldIO::load()" << endl;
-    int dofs_nno, dofs_valdim;
-    double *dofs;
-    string dofs_loc, dofs_file, dofs_ext;
-    if (field_path != "")
-    {
-        // 
-        // XXX: How should one decide whether we need to instantiate
-        // FE_Field, PointField, or an ExternalField?
-        //
-        // XXX: for now, assume we are instantiating an FE_Field.
-        // note that we are also assuming that dofs_loc points to a dataset.
-        // if dofs_loc points to an HDF5 group, we'll need to read its metadata
-        // to determine how the data should be interpreted. even if dofs_loc
-        // is a dataset, we should check whether it has its mesh metadata
-        // properly set. lastly, the FunctionSpace attribute should always
-        // when reading from HDF5 files.
-        parse_dataset_path(field_path, dofs_loc, dofs_file, dofs_ext);
-        new_reader(&reader, dofs_ext);
-        reader->open(dofs_file);
-        reader->get_dataset(dofs_loc.c_str(), &dofs, &dofs_nno, &dofs_valdim);
-        //reader->close();
-        if (meshIO.mesh_path == "")
-        {
-            // XXX: for now, assume that only --field-mesh is set,
-            // and that it points to a file...i think we also need to
-            // set coords_path and connect_path. lastly, don't forget
-            // about --field-mesh-coordinates and --field-mesh-connectivity.
-            meshIO.mesh_path = dofs_file;
-        }
-        meshIO.load();
-        assert(meshIO.meshPart != 0);
-        field = new FE_Field();
-        field->dim = meshIO.meshPart->nsd;
-        field->rank = dofs_valdim;
-        field->meshPart = meshIO.meshPart;
-        field->meshPart->set_cell();
-        assert(field->meshPart->cell != 0);
-        // XXX: Instantiate Locator only when necessary!
-        // XXX: Decide threshold based on number of elements?
-        // XXX: For now, use ann locator for 3D meshes only (use quadtree locator for 2D meshes?)
-        if (field->meshPart->nel > 1000)
-        {
-            if (field->meshPart->nsd == 3)
-            {
-                AnnLocator *locator = new AnnLocator();
-                field->meshPart->set_locator(locator);
-            }
-        }
-        field->dofHandler = new DofHandler();
-        field->dofHandler->set_data(dofs, dofs_nno, dofs_valdim);
-    }
-    return;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FieldIO::save()
-    cout << "Calling FieldIO::save()" << endl;
-    assert(field != 0);
-    assert(false);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/FieldIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __FIELD_IO_H__
-#define __FIELD_IO_H__
-#include <string>
-#include "MeshIO.h"
-#include "QuadratureIO.h"
-#include "FE_Field.h"
-class FieldIO
-    cigma::Reader *reader;
-    cigma::Writer *writer;
-    std::string field_option;
-    std::string field_path;
-    cigma::FE_Field *field;
-    MeshIO meshIO;
-    QuadratureIO quadratureIO;
-    FieldIO();
-    ~FieldIO();
-    void load();
-    void save();
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, FieldIO *fieldIO, const char *opt_prefix);
-void validate_args(FieldIO *fieldIO, const char *cmd_name);

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "MeshIO.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, MeshIO *meshIO, const char *opt_prefix)
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    assert(meshIO != 0);
-    char *in;
-    string optstr;
-    string mesh_name = opt_prefix;
-    in = opt->getValue(mesh_name.c_str());
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        meshIO->mesh_path = in;
-    }
-    optstr = mesh_name + "-coordinates";
-    in = opt->getValue(optstr.c_str());
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        meshIO->coords_path = in;
-    }
-    optstr = mesh_name + "-connectivity";
-    in = opt->getValue(optstr.c_str());
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        meshIO->connect_path = in;
-    }
-void validate_args(MeshIO *meshIO, const char *cmd_name)
-    assert(meshIO != 0);
-    if (meshIO->has_paths())
-    {
-        if (meshIO->mesh_path == "")
-        {
-            if (meshIO->coords_path == "")
-            {
-                cerr << cmd_name
-                     << ": Detected missing option --mesh-coordinates"
-                     << endl;
-                exit(1);
-            }
-            if (meshIO->connect_path == "")
-            {
-                cerr << cmd_name
-                     << ": Detected missing option --mesh-connectivity"
-                     << endl;
-                exit(1);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    meshPart = 0;
-    reader = coords_reader = connect_reader = 0;
-    writer = coords_writer = connect_writer = 0;
-    if (meshPart != 0)
-    {
-        // XXX: traverse meshPart structure and delete everything
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool MeshIO::has_paths()
-    return (mesh_path != "") || (coords_path != "") || (connect_path != "");
-bool MeshIO::has_coords_path()
-    return (mesh_path != "") || (coords_path != "");
-bool MeshIO::has_connect_path()
-    return (mesh_path != "") || (connect_path != "");
-bool MeshIO::has_valid_paths()
-    // empty state is also valid
-    if (!has_paths())
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    // require both coords and connect paths if mesh path is absent
-    return (mesh_path != "") || ((coords_path != "") && (connect_path != ""));
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool MeshIO::prepare()
-    // This function initializes the required variables
-    // for use in MeshIO::load()
-    //
-    //  precondition: all path variables need to be set
-    //                appropriately by calling load_args()
-    //
-    //  postcondition: if successful, location & file variables
-    //                 will be ready for use in load()
-    //
-    if (!(has_coords_path() && has_connect_path()))
-    {
-        // not enough information available to set location variables.
-        // top level program should use validate_args() to detect this
-        // condition ahead of time and bail out
-        return false;
-    }
-    //
-    // Note that each of coords_path and connect_path will override
-    // the corresponding component in mesh_path.
-    //
-    if (coords_path != "")
-    {
-        parse_dataset_path(coords_path, coords_loc, coords_file, coords_ext);
-    }
-    if (connect_path != "")
-    {
-        parse_dataset_path(connect_path, connect_loc, connect_file, connect_ext);
-    }
-    if (mesh_path != "")
-    {
-        parse_dataset_path(mesh_path, mesh_loc, mesh_file, mesh_ext);
-        if (coords_path == "")
-        {
-            // no coords path specified...
-            // read coords from mesh file
-            // coords_loc will have to be determined later in load()
-            coords_loc  = "";
-            coords_file = mesh_file;
-            coords_ext  = mesh_ext;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (coords_loc == "")
-            {
-                // reinterpret the meaning of --mesh-coordinates
-                coords_loc  = coords_file;
-                coords_file = mesh_file;
-                coords_ext  = mesh_ext;
-            }
-        }
-        if (connect_path == "")
-        {
-            // no connect path specified...
-            // read connectivity from mesh file
-            // connect_loc will have to be determined later in load()
-            connect_loc  = "";
-            connect_file = mesh_file;
-            connect_ext  = mesh_ext;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (connect_loc == "")
-            {
-                // reinterpret the meaning of --mesh-connectivity
-                connect_loc  = connect_file;
-                connect_file = mesh_file;
-                connect_ext  = mesh_ext;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-void MeshIO::load()
-    // 
-    // The sole purpose of this function is to initialize
-    // the meshPart member variable. Thus, failure can be detected
-    // by checking whether meshPart is 0.
-    //
-    //cout << "Calling MeshIO::load()" << endl;
-    // Skip this method if paths are empty.
-    // This behavior is necessary because the --mesh option
-    // is not required on the command line
-    if (!has_paths())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    // bail out if prepare() fails
-    bool ready = prepare();
-    if (!ready)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    //
-    // Local declarations
-    //
-    int ierr;
-    int nno, nsd;
-    double *coords = 0;
-    int nel, ndofs;
-    int *connect = 0;
-    nno = nsd = 0;
-    nel = ndofs = 0;
-    // To implement at this point:
-    //  XXX: check whether files exist if we are reading
-    //  XXX: emit warnings or bail out if we are writing an existing file?
-    //  XXX: check file's magic number and overwrite the extension if it doesn't match
-    //
-    // 
-    // Instantiate readers
-    //
-    if (mesh_file != "")
-    {
-        new_reader(&reader, mesh_ext);
-    }
-    if (coords_file != "")
-    {
-        if (coords_file == mesh_file)
-        {
-            coords_reader = reader;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            new_reader(&coords_reader, coords_ext);
-        }
-    }
-    if (connect_file != "")
-    {
-        if (connect_file == mesh_file)
-        {
-            connect_reader = reader;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            new_reader(&connect_reader, connect_ext);
-        }
-    }
-    assert(coords_reader != 0);
-    assert(connect_reader != 0);
-    //
-    // Open files
-    //
-    if (reader != 0)
-    {
-        ierr = reader->open(mesh_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-    }
-    if (coords_reader != reader)
-    {
-        ierr = coords_reader->open(coords_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-    }
-    if (connect_reader != reader)
-    {
-        ierr = connect_reader->open(connect_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-    }
-    //
-    // Last chance to determine coords_loc and connect_loc
-    //  XXX: for HDF5 files, check dataset or attribute first?
-    //  XXX: for HDF5 files, if mesh_loc is empty, does it *have* to be "/"?
-    //
-    if (coords_loc == "")
-    {
-        if (coords_reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER)
-        {
-            coords_loc = mesh_loc + "/coordinates";
-            // XXX: if at this point the coords_loc dataset doesn't exist,
-            // determine the following before bailing out:
-            //  * assert that mesh_loc is a group
-            //  * the group mesh_loc has a CoordLocation string attribute
-            //  * load the CoordLocation string attribute into coords_loc
-        }
-        else if (coords_reader->getType() == Reader::TXT_READER)
-        {
-            // XXX: not yet implemented!
-            // XXX: bail out with a better message
-            // Here we would need support for reading multiple datasets
-            // from a single text file (low priority since we can use
-            // HDF5 for this very purpose).
-            assert(false);
-        }
-        else if (coords_reader->getType() == Reader::VTK_READER)
-        {
-            // XXX: it is not necessary to set coords_loc for VTK files
-            // since VtkReader::get_coordinates() ignores its location argument
-        }
-    }
-    if (connect_loc == "")
-    {
-        if (connect_reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER)
-        {
-            connect_loc = mesh_loc + "/connectivity";
-            // XXX: if at this point the connect_loc dataset doesn't exist,
-            // determine the following before bailing out:
-            //  * assert that mesh_loc is a group
-            //  * the group mesh_loc has a ConnectLocation string attribute
-            //  * load the ConnectLocation string attribute into coords_loc
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // Read datasets
-    //  XXX: change these functions to return an error code
-    //  XXX: need to check return values for failure
-    coords_reader->get_coordinates(coords_loc.c_str(), &coords, &nno, &nsd);
-    connect_reader->get_connectivity(connect_loc.c_str(), &connect, &nel, &ndofs);
-    /*
-    cout << "*** "
-         << "nno = " << nno << ", "
-         << "nsd = " << nsd << ", "
-         << "nel = " << nel << ", "
-         << "ndofs = " << ndofs << endl;
-    // */
-    /* XXX: use auto_ptr for the local readers, so we can throw exceptions
-    if (coords_path != "")
-    {
-        Reader *coords_reader;
-        parse_dataset_path(coords_path, coords_loc, coords_file, coords_ext);
-        new_reader(&coords_reader, coords_ext);
-        coords_reader->open(coords_file);
-        coords_reader->get_coordinates(coords_loc.c_str(), &coords, &nno, &nsd);
-        //coords_reader->close();
-    }
-    if (connect_path != "")
-    {
-        Reader *connect_reader;
-        parse_dataset_path(connect_path, connect_loc, connect_file, connect_ext);
-        new_reader(&connect_reader, connect_ext);
-        connect_reader->open(connect_file);
-        connect_reader->get_connectivity(connect_loc.c_str(), &connect, &nel, &ndofs);
-        //connect_reader->close();
-    }
-    if ((mesh_path != "") && ((coords == 0) || (connect == 0)))
-    {
-        Reader *mesh_reader;
-        parse_dataset_path(mesh_path, mesh_loc, mesh_file, mesh_ext);
-        new_reader(&mesh_reader, mesh_ext);
-        mesh_reader->open(mesh_file);
-        if (coords == 0)
-        {
-            if (mesh_reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER)
-            {
-                coords_loc = mesh_loc + "/coordinates";
-            }
-            mesh_reader->get_coordinates(coords_loc.c_str(), &coords, &nno, &nsd);
-        }
-        if (connect == 0)
-        {
-            if (mesh_reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER)
-            {
-                connect_loc = mesh_loc + "/connectivity";
-            }
-            mesh_reader->get_connectivity(connect_loc.c_str(), &connect, &nel, &ndofs);
-        }
-        //mesh_reader->close();
-    } // */
-    if ((coords != 0) && (connect != 0))
-    {
-        meshPart = new MeshPart();
-        meshPart->nno = nno;
-        meshPart->nsd = nsd;
-        meshPart->coords = coords;
-        meshPart->nel = nel;
-        meshPart->ndofs = ndofs;
-        meshPart->connect = connect;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (coords == 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "MeshIO::load() error: "
-                 << "Could not find mesh coordinates"
-                 << endl;
-        }
-        if (connect == 0)
-        {
-            cerr << "MeshIO::load() error: "
-                 << "Could not find mesh connectivity"
-                 << endl;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/MeshIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __MESH_IO_H__
-#define __MESH_IO_H__
-#include <string>
-#include "AnyOption.h"
-#include "Reader.h"
-#include "Writer.h"
-#include "MeshPart.h"
-class MeshIO
-    std::string mesh_path;
-    std::string coords_path;
-    std::string connect_path;
-    std::string mesh_loc, mesh_file, mesh_ext;
-    std::string coords_loc, coords_file, coords_ext;
-    std::string connect_loc, connect_file, connect_ext;
-    bool prepare();
-    cigma::Reader *reader;
-    cigma::Reader *coords_reader;
-    cigma::Reader *connect_reader;
-    cigma::Writer *writer;
-    cigma::Writer *coords_writer;
-    cigma::Writer *connect_writer;
-    cigma::MeshPart *meshPart;
-    MeshIO();
-    ~MeshIO();
-    void load();
-    void save();
-    bool has_paths();
-    bool has_coords_path();
-    bool has_connect_path();
-    bool has_valid_paths();
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, MeshIO *meshIO, const char *opt_prefix);
-void validate_args(MeshIO *meshIO, const char *cmd_name);

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include "QuadratureIO.h"
-#include "StringUtils.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace cigma;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, QuadratureIO *quadratureIO, const char *opt_prefix)
-    assert(opt != 0);
-    assert(quadratureIO != 0);
-    char *in;
-    in = opt->getValue("rule-order");
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        quadratureIO->quadrature_order = in;
-    }
-    in = opt->getValue("rule");
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        quadratureIO->quadrature_path = in;
-    }
-    in = opt->getValue("rule-points");
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        quadratureIO->points_path = in;
-    }
-    in = opt->getValue("rule-weights");
-    if (in != 0)
-    {
-        quadratureIO->weights_path = in;
-    }
-void validate_args(QuadratureIO *quadratureIO, const char *cmd_name)
-    assert(quadratureIO != 0);
-    //
-    // Check for incompatible/inconsistent options
-    //
-    if ((quadratureIO->points_path == "") && (quadratureIO->weights_path != ""))
-    {
-        cerr << cmd_name
-             << ": You also need to set the option --rule-points"
-             << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if ((quadratureIO->weights_path == "") && (quadratureIO->points_path != ""))
-    {
-        cerr << cmd_name
-             << ": You also need to set the option --rule-weights"
-             << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    if ((quadratureIO->weights_path != "") && (quadratureIO->points_path != ""))
-    {
-        if (quadratureIO->quadrature_path != "")
-        {
-            cerr << cmd_name
-                 << ": Using explicit points and weights (--rule not necessary)"
-                 << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-    }
-    if ((quadratureIO->quadrature_order != "")
-            && ((quadratureIO->quadrature_path != "") 
-            || ((quadratureIO->points_path != "") && (quadratureIO->weights_path != ""))))
-    {
-        cerr << cmd_name
-             << ": Cannot use --rule-order with an explicit quadrature rule"
-             << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    quadrature = 0;
-    if (quadrature != 0)
-    {
-        delete quadrature;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QuadratureIO::load(cigma::Cell *cell)
-    //cout << "Calling QuadratureIO::load()" << endl;
-    assert(cell != 0);
-    int i,j;
-    int ierr;
-    //
-    // XXX: move these default rules into the appropriate Cell subclasses
-    //
-    // tri_qr(5)
-    const int tri_nno = 9;
-    const int tri_celldim = 2;
-    const int tri_nsd = 2; //XXX
-    double tri_qpts[tri_nno * tri_celldim] = {
-        -0.79456469, -0.82282408,
-        -0.86689186, -0.18106627,
-        -0.95213774,  0.57531892,
-        -0.08858796, -0.82282408,
-        -0.40946686, -0.18106627,
-        -0.78765946,  0.57531892,
-         0.61738877, -0.82282408,
-         0.04795814, -0.18106627,
-        -0.62318119,  0.57531892
-    };
-    double tri_qwts[tri_nno] = {
-        0.22325768,  0.25471234,  0.07758553,  0.35721229,  0.40753974,
-        0.12413685,  0.22325768,  0.25471234,  0.07758553
-    };
-    for (i = 0; i < tri_nno; i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0; j < tri_celldim; j++)
-        {
-            int n = tri_celldim * i + j;
-            tri_qpts[n] += 1;
-            tri_qpts[n] *= 0.5;
-        }
-    }
-    // quad_qr(7)
-    const int quad_nno = 16;
-    const int quad_celldim = 2;
-    const int quad_nsd = 2; //XXX
-    double quad_qpts[quad_nno * quad_celldim] = {
-        -0.86113631, -0.86113631,
-        -0.33998104, -0.86113631,
-         0.33998104, -0.86113631,
-         0.86113631, -0.86113631,
-         0.86113631, -0.33998104,
-         0.86113631,  0.33998104,
-         0.86113631,  0.86113631,
-         0.33998104,  0.86113631,
-        -0.33998104,  0.86113631,
-        -0.86113631,  0.86113631,
-        -0.86113631,  0.33998104,
-        -0.86113631, -0.33998104,
-        -0.33998104, -0.33998104,
-         0.33998104, -0.33998104,
-        -0.33998104,  0.33998104,
-         0.33998104,  0.33998104
-    };
-    double quad_qwts[quad_nno] = {
-        0.12100299,  0.22685185,  0.22685185,  0.12100299,  0.22685185,
-        0.22685185,  0.12100299,  0.22685185,  0.22685185,  0.12100299,
-        0.22685185,  0.22685185,  0.4252933 ,  0.4252933 ,  0.4252933 ,
-        0.4252933
-    };
-    // tet_qr(3)
-    const int tet_nno = 8;
-    const int tet_celldim = 3;
-    const int tet_nsd = 3;
-    double tet_qpts[tet_nno * tet_celldim] = {
-        -0.68663473, -0.72789005, -0.75497035,
-        -0.83720867, -0.85864055,  0.08830369,
-        -0.86832263,  0.13186633, -0.75497035,
-        -0.93159441, -0.4120024 ,  0.08830369,
-         0.16949513, -0.72789005, -0.75497035,
-        -0.39245447, -0.85864055,  0.08830369,
-        -0.50857335,  0.13186633, -0.75497035,
-        -0.74470688, -0.4120024 ,  0.08830369
-    };
-    double tet_qwts[tet_nno] = {
-        0.29583885,  0.12821632,  0.16925605,  0.07335544,  0.29583885,
-        0.12821632,  0.16925605,  0.07335544
-    };
-    for (i = 0; i < tet_nno; i++)
-    {
-        for (j = 0; j < tet_celldim; j++)
-        {
-            int n = tet_celldim * i + j;
-            tet_qpts[n] += 1;
-            tet_qpts[n] *= 0.5;
-        }
-    }
-    // hex_qr(3)
-    const int hex_nno = 8;
-    const int hex_celldim = 3;
-    const int hex_nsd = 3;
-    double hex_qpts[hex_nno * hex_celldim] = {
-        -0.57735027, -0.57735027, -0.57735027,
-         0.57735027, -0.57735027, -0.57735027,
-         0.57735027,  0.57735027, -0.57735027,
-        -0.57735027,  0.57735027, -0.57735027,
-        -0.57735027, -0.57735027,  0.57735027,
-         0.57735027, -0.57735027,  0.57735027,
-         0.57735027,  0.57735027,  0.57735027,
-        -0.57735027,  0.57735027,  0.57735027
-    };
-    double hex_qwts[hex_nno] = { 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1. };
-    int nq,nd;
-    double *qx, *qw;
-    nq = 0;
-    nd = 0;
-    qx = 0;
-    qw = 0;
-    if ((points_path != "") && (weights_path != ""))
-    {
-        Reader *points_reader;
-        string points_loc, points_file, points_ext;
-        parse_dataset_path(points_path, points_loc, points_file, points_ext);
-        new_reader(&points_reader, points_ext);
-        ierr = points_reader->open(points_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-        cout << "quadrature points file = " << points_file << endl;
-        points_reader->get_dataset(points_loc.c_str(), &qx, &nq, &nd);
-        assert(nq > 0);
-        assert(nd > 0);
-        //points_reader->close();
-        int wtdims[2];
-        Reader *weights_reader;
-        string weights_loc, weights_file, weights_ext;
-        parse_dataset_path(weights_path, weights_loc, weights_file, weights_ext);
-        new_reader(&weights_reader, weights_ext);
-        ierr = weights_reader->open(weights_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-        cout << "quadrature weights file = " << weights_file << endl;
-        weights_reader->get_dataset(weights_loc.c_str(), &qw, &wtdims[0], &wtdims[1]);
-        assert(wtdims[0] == nq);
-        assert(wtdims[1] == 1);
-        //weights_reader->close();
-    }
-    else if (quadrature_path != "")
-    {
-        int ierr;
-        string quadrature_loc, quadrature_file, quadrature_ext;
-        parse_dataset_path(quadrature_path, quadrature_loc, quadrature_file, quadrature_ext);
-        new_reader(&reader, quadrature_ext);
-        ierr = reader->open(quadrature_file);
-        assert(ierr == 0);
-        cout << "quadrature file = " << quadrature_file << endl;
-        if (reader->getType() == Reader::HDF_READER)
-        {
-            string points_loc = quadrature_loc + "/points";
-            cout << "quadrature points = " << points_loc << endl;
-            reader->get_dataset(points_loc.c_str(), &qx, &nq, &nd);
-            int wtdims[2];
-            string weights_loc = quadrature_loc + "/weights";
-            cout << "quadrature weights = " << weights_loc << endl;
-            reader->get_dataset(weights_loc.c_str(), &qw, &wtdims[0], &wtdims[1]);
-            assert(wtdims[0] == nq);
-            assert(wtdims[1] == 1);
-        }
-        else if (reader->getType() == Reader::TXT_READER)
-        {
-            int rows, cols;
-            double *wxdata;
-            reader->get_dataset(0, &wxdata, &rows, &cols);
-            nq = rows;
-            nd = cols - 1;
-            assert(nq >= 1);
-            assert(nd >= 1);
-            qx = new double[nq*nd];
-            qw = new double[nq];
-            for (i = 0; i < nq; i++)
-            {
-                qw[i] = wxdata[cols*i + 0];
-                for (j = 0; j < nd; j++)
-                {
-                    qx[nd*i + j] = wxdata[cols*i + (j+1)];
-                }
-            }
-            delete [] wxdata;
-        }
-        else if (reader->getType() == Reader::VTK_READER)
-        {
-            assert(false); // XXX: VtkReader not supported!
-        }
-    }
-    else if (quadrature_order != "")
-    {
-        int order;
-        string_to_int(quadrature_order, order);
-        if (order > 0)
-        {
-            /* call FiatProxy
-            //fiat->set(quadrature);
-                int npts,dim;
-                double *qx,*qw;
-                fiat->quadrature(geometry, order, &qx, &qw, &npts, &dim);
-                quadrature->set_quadrature(qx, qw, nno, nsd);
-                delete [] qx;
-                delete [] qw;
-            // */
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // assign reasonable defaults
-        switch (cell->geometry())
-        {
-        case Cell::TRIANGLE:
-            quadrature = new QuadraturePoints();
-            quadrature->set_quadrature(tri_qpts, tri_qwts, tri_nno, tri_celldim);
-            quadrature->set_globaldim(tri_nsd);
-            break;
-        case Cell::QUADRANGLE:
-            quadrature = new QuadraturePoints();
-            quadrature->set_quadrature(quad_qpts, quad_qwts, quad_nno, quad_celldim);
-            quadrature->set_globaldim(quad_nsd);
-            break;
-        case Cell::TETRAHEDRON:
-            quadrature = new QuadraturePoints();
-            quadrature->set_quadrature(tet_qpts, tet_qwts, tet_nno, tet_celldim);
-            quadrature->set_globaldim(tet_nsd);
-            break;
-        case Cell::HEXAHEDRON:
-            quadrature = new QuadraturePoints();
-            quadrature->set_quadrature(hex_qpts, hex_qwts, hex_nno, hex_celldim);
-            quadrature->set_globaldim(hex_nsd);
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((qx != 0) && (qw != 0))
-    {
-        quadrature = new QuadraturePoints();
-        quadrature->set_quadrature(qx, qw, nq, nd);
-        quadrature->set_globaldim(3); // XXX: how to treat 2D case?
-    }
-    assert(quadrature != 0);
-    assert(quadrature->n_points() > 0);
-    assert(quadrature->n_refdim() > 0);
-    assert(quadrature->n_globaldim() > 0);
-    cout << "quadrature rule = "
-         << quadrature->n_points() << " points, "
-         << "celldim " << quadrature->n_refdim() << ", "
-         << "dim " << quadrature->n_globaldim()
-         << endl;
-    // 
-    // XXX: now we need to ensure that every point in our
-    // quadrature rule is indeed contained inside our cell.
-    //
-    bool all_contained = true;
-    for (i = 0; i < quadrature->n_points(); i++)
-    {
-        double refpt[3] = {0,0,0};
-        for (j = 0; j < quadrature->n_refdim(); j++)
-        {
-            refpt[j] = quadrature->point(i,j);
-        }
-        if (!cell->interior(refpt[0], refpt[1], refpt[2]))
-        {
-            all_contained = false;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!all_contained)
-    {
-        // XXX: add more information here (e.g., actual reference cell used,
-        // such as tri3, quad4, tet4, hex8, ...)
-        cerr << "QuadratureIO::load() error: "
-             << "Not all points provided lie inside required reference cell"
-             << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    //
-    // XXX: emit warning if there are any negative quadrature weights?
-    //
-    bool some_neg_wts = false;
-    for (i = 0; i < quadrature->n_points(); i++)
-    {
-        if (quadrature->weight(i) < 0)
-        {
-            some_neg_wts = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (some_neg_wts)
-    {
-        // 
-        // XXX: only emit warning. exit(1) is not necessary...
-        //
-        cerr << "QuadratureIO::load() warning: "
-             << "Some weights are negative"
-             << endl;
-    }
-    // 
-    // Clean up any local allocations
-    //
-    if (qx != 0) delete [] qx;
-    if (qw != 0) delete [] qw;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/QuadratureIO.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __QUADRATURE_IO_H__
-#define __QUADRATURE_IO_H__
-#include <string>
-#include "AnyOption.h"
-#include "Reader.h"
-#include "Writer.h"
-#include "QuadraturePoints.h"
-#include "Cell.h"
-class QuadratureIO
-    cigma::Reader *reader;
-    cigma::Writer *writer;
-    std::string quadrature_order;
-    std::string quadrature_path;
-    std::string points_path;
-    std::string weights_path;
-    cigma::QuadraturePoints *quadrature;
-    QuadratureIO();
-    ~QuadratureIO();
-    void load(cigma::Cell *cell);
-    void save();
-void load_args(AnyOption *opt, QuadratureIO *quadratureIO, const char *opt_prefix);
-void validate_args(QuadratureIO *quadratureIO, const char *cmd_name);

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.cpp
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.cpp	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "VtkXmlReader.h"
-#include "vtkCellArray.h"
-#include "vtkPointData.h"
-#include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
-#include "vtkFloatArray.h"
-using namespace std;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    reader = 0;
-    grid = 0;
-    //close();  // XXX: make sure this call resets both reader and grid
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-open(std::string filename)
-    reader = vtkXMLStructuredGridReader::New();
-    reader->SetFileName(filename.c_str());
-    reader->Update();
-    //cout << "Reading " << filename << endl;
-    //reader->PrintSelf(cout, 4)
-    grid = reader->GetOutput();
-    //cout << endl << endl;
-    //grid->PrintSelf(cout, 4);
-    return 0;
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-    // XXX: don't forget to reset values of reader and grid
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-get_dataset(const char *loc, double **data, int *num, int *dim)
-    assert(grid != 0);
-    assert(loc != 0);
-    int size = 0;
-    int dims[2] = {0, 0};
-    double *array = 0;
-    vtkPointData *pointData = grid->GetPointData();
-    if (pointData->HasArray(loc) == 1)
-    {
-        vtkDataArray *dataArray = pointData->GetArray(loc);
-        assert(dataArray != 0);
-        dims[0] = dataArray->GetNumberOfTuples();
-        dims[1] = dataArray->GetNumberOfComponents();
-        size = dims[0] * dims[1];
-        array = new double[size];
-        int dataType = dataArray->GetDataType();
-        if (dataType == VTK_DOUBLE)
-        {
-            double *ptr = static_cast<double*>(dataArray->GetVoidPointer(0));
-            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-            {
-                array[i] = ptr[i];
-            }
-        }
-        else if (dataType == VTK_FLOAT)
-        {
-            float *ptr = static_cast<float*>(dataArray->GetVoidPointer(0));
-            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-            {
-                array[i] = ptr[i];
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            assert(false); // XXX: throw exception instead
-        }
-    }
-    *data = array;
-    *num = dims[0];
-    *dim = dims[1];
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-get_coordinates(const char *loc, double **coordinates, int *nno, int *nsd)
-    get_coordinates(coordinates, nno, nsd);
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-get_connectivity(const char *loc, int **connectivity, int *nel, int *ndofs)
-    get_connectivity(connectivity, nel, ndofs);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-get_coordinates(double **coordinates, int *nno, int *nsd)
-    assert(grid != 0);
-    vtkPoints *points = grid->GetPoints();
-    //points->PrintSelf(cout, 0);
-    // XXX: need to know if we're loading 2D cells, so we can
-    // recalculate size & nsd....if 3D, we leave things alone
-    int dims[2];
-    dims[0] = points->GetNumberOfPoints();
-    //dims[1] = 3;
-    dims[1] = 2;    // XXX: for now, assume 2D grid of quadrangles
-    int size = dims[0] * dims[1];
-    double *coords = new double[size];
-    int dataType = points->GetDataType();
-    if (dataType == VTK_DOUBLE)
-    {
-        double *ptr = static_cast<double*>(points->GetVoidPointer(0));
-        for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
-        {
-            coords[2*i + 0] = ptr[3*i + 0];
-            coords[2*i + 1] = ptr[3*i + 1];
-        } /*
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-        {
-            coords[i] = ptr[i];
-        } // */
-    }
-    else if (dataType == VTK_FLOAT)
-    {
-        float *ptr = static_cast<float*>(points->GetVoidPointer(0));
-        for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
-        {
-            coords[2*i + 0] = ptr[3*i + 0];
-            coords[2*i + 1] = ptr[3*i + 1];
-        } /*
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-        {
-            coords[i] = ptr[i];
-        } // */
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        assert(false); // XXX: throw exception instead
-    }
-    *coordinates = coords;
-    *nno = dims[0];
-    *nsd = dims[1];
-void cigma::VtkXmlReader::
-get_connectivity(int **connectivity, int *nel, int *ndofs)
-    // 
-    // XXX: for now, assume 2D grid of quadrangles
-    //
-    int nx, ny;
-    int ex, ey;
-    int *connect = 0;
-    int ndofs_per_cell;
-    int num_cells;
-    int extent[6];
-    num_cells = grid->GetNumberOfCells();
-    ndofs_per_cell = 4;
-    grid->GetExtent(extent);
-    nx = extent[1] + 1;
-    ny = extent[3] + 1;
-    ex = nx - 1;
-    ey = ny - 1;
-    connect = new int[ex * ey * ndofs_per_cell];
-    for (int j = 0; j < ny-1; j++)
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < nx-1; i++)
-        {
-            int e = i + j*ex;
-            connect[4*e + 0] =  i    +  j*nx;
-            connect[4*e + 1] = (i+1) +  j*nx;
-            connect[4*e + 2] = (i+1) + (j+1)*nx;
-            connect[4*e + 3] =  i    + (j+1)*nx;
-        }
-    }
-    *connectivity = connect;
-    *nel = num_cells;
-    *ndofs = ndofs_per_cell;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deleted: cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.h
--- cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.h	2008-03-19 19:00:29 UTC (rev 11486)
+++ cs/benchmark/cigma/trunk/src/VtkXmlReader.h	2008-03-19 19:00:30 UTC (rev 11487)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __VTK_XML_READER_H__
-#define __VTK_XML_READER_H__
-#include <string>
-#include "Reader.h"
-#include "vtkXMLStructuredGridReader.h"
-#include "vtkStructuredGrid.h"
-namespace cigma
-    class VtkXmlReader;
-class cigma::VtkXmlReader : public Reader
-    typedef enum {
-        VTK_FILE_NONE,
-        // XXX: others...
-    } VtkXmlFileType;
-    ReaderType getType()
-    {
-        return VTK_READER;
-    }
-    VtkXmlFileType getFileType()
-    {
-        if (reader != 0)
-        {
-            // XXX: assume structured grid for now
-            return VTK_FILE_STRUCTURED_GRID;
-        }
-        return VTK_FILE_NONE;
-    }
-    VtkXmlReader();
-    ~VtkXmlReader();
-    int open(std::string filename);
-    void close();
-    void get_dataset(const char *loc, double **data, int *num, int *dim);
-    void get_coordinates(const char *log, double **coordinates, int *nno, int *nsd);
-    void get_connectivity(const char *log, int **connectivity, int *nel, int *ndofs);
-    void get_coordinates(double **coordinates, int *nno, int *nsd);
-    void get_connectivity(int **connectivity, int *nel, int *ndofs);
-    void get_vector_point_data(const char *name, double **vectors, int *num, int *dim);
-    void get_scalar_point_data(const char *name, double **scalars, int *num, int *dim);
-    vtkXMLStructuredGridReader *reader;
-    vtkStructuredGrid *grid;

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