[cig-commits] r13376 - seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts

liuqy at geodynamics.org liuqy at geodynamics.org
Sun Nov 23 14:24:03 PST 2008

Author: liuqy
Date: 2008-11-23 14:24:02 -0800 (Sun, 23 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 13376

Update plot_grid.pl to plot portrait figures
add plot_data_and_syn.pl script for plotting data and syn waveforms (in SC)

Added: seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_data_and_syn.pl
--- seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_data_and_syn.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_data_and_syn.pl	2008-11-23 22:24:02 UTC (rev 13376)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# this program plots sophisticated data and syn waveforms according to either
+# given data and syn dir
+# or flexwin output file 
+# sort by distance and then by azimuth, a regional SC map is also supplied
+use lib '/opt/seismo/lib/perl';
+use GMT_PLOT;
+#use CMT_TOOLS;
+use POSIX;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use List::Util qw[min max];
+if (@ARGV == 0) {die("Usage: plot_data_and_syn.pl -d data_dir,data_ext -s syn_dir,syn_ext -M flexwin_file -m CMTSOLUTION \n");}
+if (!getopts('d:s:m:M:')) {die("Check input options\n");}
+# data/syn dir and extension
+if ($opt_M) {
+  $flexwin=1; $mfile = $opt_M;
+} elsif ($opt_d or $opt_s) {
+  $flexwin=0;
+  if ($opt_d) {
+    ($data_dir,$data_ext) = split(/\,/,$opt_d);
+    if ($data_ext) {$data_ext = ".$data_ext";}
+    else {$data_ext="";}}
+  if ($opt_s) {
+    ($syn_dir,$syn_ext) = split(/\,/,$opt_s);
+    if ($syn_ext) {$syn_ext=".$syn_ext";}
+    else {$syn_ext="";}}
+} else {die("Input -M or -d/-s options\n");}
+if ($opt_m) {$cmt_file=$opt_m;}
+# comps
+$ncols=3; @comps=("Z","R","T");#Z R T
+# this controls the paper orientation;
+$GMT_PLOT::paper_orient = "-P";
+# *********** Modify: CONTROL PARAMETERS *************
+$nfiles=12; # this is number of files per plot
+($jx,$jy) = shift_xy("1 1","$ncols 1","7  7", \@xy,"0.95 0.95");
+print "xy = $xy[0][0], $xy[0][1], $xy[0][2]\n";
+$JX = "-JX$jx/$jy"; $B1="-B20/4"; @B=("${B1}WSN","${B1}SN","${B1}ESN");
+$Vl=3.0; # surface wave velocity to determine tend
+$bp=10; $bp2=10;# start time before t1 header and end time after tend
+$E="-Ent1"; # align by trace number and t1
+ at size_all=(0.03,0.03,0.06); # this may have to be adjusted according to Mw
+$wdata="-W3/0/0/0"; $wsyn="-W2/255/0/0"; $gwin="-G220 -W3";
+ $jxy_map="-X3 -Y8"; $JM="-JM3";
+# *****************************************************
+# loop over data files, select corresponding syn files and set up % file
+print "Matching data files with synthetics\n";%file=();
+if ($flexwin == 0) { # given data and syn dir
+  @files = glob("${data_dir}/*H?$data_ext");
+  foreach $datfile (@files) {
+    (undef,$net,$sta,$chan,$dist,$az,$t1,$stla,$stlo) = split(" ",`saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm dist az t1 stla stlo f $datfile`);
+    ($comp) = split(" ",`echo $chan | awk '{print substr(\$1,3,1)}'`);
+    $synfile = "${syn_dir}/${sta}.${net}.BH${comp}${syn_ext}";
+    if (not -f $synfile) {
+      print "**** Missing synthetic pair $synfile for $datfile ***, skipping ...\n"; } 
+    else {
+      $file{$sta}{dist}=$dist; $file{$sta}{az}=$az; $file{$sta}{P}=$t1;
+      $file{$sta}{"data-$comp"}=$datfile; $file{$sta}{"syn-$comp"}=$synfile;
+      $file{$sta}{stla}=$stla; $file{$sta}{stlo}=$stlo;
+    }
+  }
+} else { # given flexwin output
+#  (@files) = `grep -v '^ *-*[0-9].*$' $mfile`;
+  open(MFILE,"$mfile");
+  $nfile=<MFILE>;
+  for ($i=0;$i<$nfile;$i++) {
+    # data and syn files
+    ($datfile)=split(" ",<MFILE>); ($synfile)=split(" ",<MFILE>);
+    if (not -f $datfile or not -f $synfile){die("Check $datfile or $synfile\n");}
+    (undef,$net,$sta,$chan,$dist,$az,$t1,$stla,$stlo) = split(" ",`saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm dist az t1 stla stlo f $datfile`);
+    ($comp) = split(" ",`echo $chan | awk '{print substr(\$1,3,1)}'`);
+    (undef,$sta2,$chan2) = split(" ",`saclst kstnm kcmpnm f $datfile`);
+    ($comp2) = split(" ",`echo $chan2 | awk '{print substr(\$1,3,1)}'`);
+    if ($sta ne $sta2 or $comp ne $comp2) {die("Check data and syn pair $datfile and $synfile\n");}
+    $file{$sta}{dist}=$dist; $file{$sta}{az}=$az; $file{$sta}{P}=$t1;
+    $file{$sta}{"data-$comp"}=$datfile; $file{$sta}{"syn-$comp"}=$synfile;
+    $file{$sta}{stla}=$stla; $file{$sta}{stlo}=$stlo;
+    # windows
+    ($nwin)=split(" ",<MFILE>);
+    $file{$sta}{"nwin-$comp"}=$nwin; $file{$sta}{"win-$comp"}="";
+    for ($j=0;$j<$nwin;$j++) {
+      $tse=<MFILE>; $file{$sta}{"win-$comp"}.=$tse;}
+#    print "$datfile,$synfile,$sta,$nwin===\n";
+  }
+  close(MFILE);
+# set up files in each plot
+ at sorted_stas=sort {$file{$a}{dist} <=> $file{$b}{dist}} keys %file;
+for ($i=0;$i<@sorted_stas;$i++) {
+  if ($i == ($j+1) * $nfiles) {$j++;}
+  $plot[$j] .="$sorted_stas[$i] ";
+# loop over plots, plot data/syn files, window infomration, and maps
+for ($j=0;$j<$nplot;$j++) {
+  # sort by dist
+  @sta_dist=split(" ",$plot[$j]);
+  # sort by azimuth
+  @stas=sort {$file{$a}{az} <=> $file{$b}{az}} @sta_dist;
+  @stlas=sort {$file{$a}{stla} <=> $file{$b}{stla}} @sta_dist;
+  @stlos=sort {$file{$a}{stlo} <=> $file{$b}{stlo}} @sta_dist;
+  # min dist and max dist
+  $dist_min=$file{$sta_dist[0]}{dist}; $dist_max=$file{$sta_dist[-1]}{dist};
+  # **** CONTROL PAR ***** (tmin/tmax, rel. to t1)
+  $tmin=-1.5*$bp;
+  $tmax=${dist_max}/$Vl-$file{$sta_dist[0]}{P}+2.5*$bp2;
+  if ($tmax < 0) {die("Check $plot[$j] for tmin and tmax\n");}
+  $C="-C$tmin/$tmax"; # cutting
+  $tt1=$tmin-$bp/2; $tt2=$tmax+$bp2/2;
+  $R="-R$tt1/$tt2/-1/$nfiles"; # region
+  print "*** plot $j === @stas === $tt1/$tt2\n";
+  print BASH "# ---- Plot $j ------\n";
+  $psfile=sprintf("ds_%02d.ps",$j);
+  plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"$JX $R -K -X0 -Y0","");
+  for ($i=0;$i<$ncols;$i++) {
+    $xy = $xy[0][$i];($x,$y) = split(/\//,$xy);
+    plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"$JX -X$x -Y$y","");
+    # ***** CONTROL PAR ******
+    $size=2*$size_all[$i]/($dist_min+$dist_max);
+    $data_files="";$syn_files="";$win_files="";
+    if ($i==0) {$tex_file="";$xy_file="";$t_file="";}
+    for ($k=0;$k<@stas;$k++) {
+      $dfile=$file{$stas[$k]}{"data-$comps[$i]"};
+      $sfile=$file{$stas[$k]}{"syn-$comps[$i]"};
+      # station name, dist, az
+      if ($i==0) {
+	$kt1=$k+0.2; $tt3=$tmin; $kt2 = $k-0.2;
+	$dist=sprintf("%5.2f",$file{$stas[$k]}{dist});
+	$az=sprintf("%5.2f",$file{$stas[$k]}{az});
+	$tex_file.="$tt3 $kt1 8 0 4 LM $stas[$k] $dist\n$tt3 $kt2 8 0 4 LM $az\n";
+	$stla=$file{$stas[$k]}{stla}; $stlo=$file{$stas[$k]}{stlo};
+	$stla2=$stla+0.1;
+	$xy_file.="$stlo $stla\n";
+	$t_file.="$stlo $stla 7 0 4 CB $stas[$k]\n";
+      }
+      if (defined $dfile and defined $sfile) {
+	$data_files.="$dfile 0 $k\n"; $syn_files.="$sfile 0 $k\n";
+	# windows
+	if ($flexwin) {
+	  @wins=split("\n",$file{$stas[$k]}{"win-$comps[$i]"});
+	  for ($jj=0;$jj<@wins;$jj++) {
+	    ($tstart,$tend)=split(" ",$wins[$jj]);
+	    $tstart-=$file{$stas[$k]}{P}; $tend-=$file{$stas[$k]}{P}; #align t1
+	    $k1=$k-0.5; $k2=$k+0.5;
+	    $win_files.="$tstart $k1\n$tend $k1\n$tend $k2\n$tstart $k2\n>\n";}
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    chomp($data_files); chomp($syn_files);
+    # plot windows
+    if ($flexwin) {
+      chomp($win_files);chomp($win_files);
+      plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"$JX $R $B[$i] -L -M $gwin ","$win_files");}
+    # plot data/syn
+    plot_pssac2_raw(\*BASH,$psfile,"$JX $R $B[$i] $E $C -M$size/0 $wdata -N","$data_files");
+    plot_pssac2_raw(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JX -R -B $E $C -M$size/0 $wsyn -N","$syn_files");
+    if ($i==0) { 
+      chomp($tex_file); chomp($t_file); chomp($xy_file);
+      plot_pstext(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JX -R -B","$tex_file");}
+    # add window properties
+#    if (defined $mdir) {}
+    plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JX -X-$x -Y-$y","");
+  } # end of components
+# add basin map here
+  $rlat0=$file{$stlas[0]}{stla}-0.1; $rlat1=$file{$stlas[-1]}{stla}+0.1; 
+  $rlon0=$file{$stlos[0]}{stlo}-0.1; $rlon1=$file{$stlos[-1]}{stlo}+0.1;
+  $region="$rlon0/$rlon1/$rlat0/$rlat1";
+  plot_sc_all(\*BASH,$psfile,"$JM -W1 -w0.5 -R$region $jxy_map -B2/2WesN","");
+  if (defined $opt_m) {
+    plot_psmeca(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JM -R -Sm0.2 ","$cmt_file");}
+#  plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JM -R -St0.06 -W1 -G0/0/255","$xy_file");
+  plot_pstext(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JM -R -B -G0/0/255","$t_file");
+  plot_psxy(\*BASH,$psfile,"-JX -O","");
+} # end of each plot
+print BASH "ps2pdf.csh ds_??.ps\npdcat -r ds_??.pdf ds_all.pdf\n";
+#system("chmod a+x plot_ds.bash; plot_ds.bash");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_data_and_syn.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_grid.pl
--- seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_grid.pl	2008-11-22 01:06:06 UTC (rev 13375)
+++ seismo/3D/GRD_CMT3D/scripts/plot_grid.pl	2008-11-23 22:24:02 UTC (rev 13376)
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
 # specify the grid search parameter range
 if (@ARGV == 0) {die(" plot_grid.pl grid-output-files\n");}
+# this controls the paper orientation;
+$GMT_PLOT::paper_orient = "-P";
 # global plotting pars
 $nrows= 6;
 $ncols= 3;

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