[cig-commits] commit: Forgot to add these files.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 24 11:22:54 PST 2008

changeset:   53:35a6b29fa76a
user:        LukeHodkinson
date:        Thu Mar 27 23:06:19 2008 +0000
files:       config/SConfig/Node.py config/SConfig/Platform.py
Forgot to add these files.

diff -r 20a5169ced28 -r 35a6b29fa76a config/SConfig/Node.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/SConfig/Node.py	Thu Mar 27 23:06:19 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+import os
+class Node(object):
+    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
+        # Override to give a different name.
+        self.name = self.__module__.split('.')[-1]
+        # Option variables.
+        self.command_name = self.name.lower()
+        self.environ_name = self.name.upper()
+        self.option_map = {} # Maps command-line options to their environment alternatives.
+        # Override with a list of methods to run during configuration.
+        self.checks = []
+        # Will be set after configuration.
+        self.configured = False
+        self.result = False
+        # Private stuff.
+        self.env = scons_env
+        self.opts = scons_opts
+        self.required = required
+        self.deps = []
+        # Setup our option database.
+        self.setup_options()
+        self.opts.Update(self.env)
+    def setup_options(self):
+        """Setup all the options for this package."""
+        pass
+    def dependency(self, package_module, required=True):
+        """Add another package as a dependency of this package. If required is False, the
+        dependent package is not required, and thus will not cause this package to fail if
+        it cannot be found."""
+        if self.configured:
+            print 'Error: Cannot add a dependency during configuration.'
+            self.env.Exit()
+        pkg = self.env.Package(package_module, self.opts)
+        if pkg not in [d[0] for d in self.deps]:
+            self.deps += [(pkg, required)]
+        return pkg
+    def setup(self):
+        """Anything that needs to be finalised before continuing with the configuration needs
+        to go here."""
+        pass
+    def configure(self, scons_ctx):
+        """Perform the configuration of this package."""
+        # Basic setup.
+        if self.configured:
+            return
+        self.ctx = scons_ctx
+        self.process_options()
+        self.configured = True
+        # Setup basic stuff.
+        old_state = self.process_dependencies()
+        self.ctx.Message('Configuring package %s ... ' % self.name)
+        self.ctx.Display('\n')
+        result = True
+        for pkg, req in self.deps: # Check we have all dependencies.
+            if req and not pkg.result:
+                self.ctx.Display('  Missing dependency: ' + pkg.name + '\n')
+                result = False
+        # Perform as many checks as we can without failing.
+        if result:
+            for check in self.checks:
+                result = check()
+                if not result:
+                    break
+        # Handle results.
+        self.restore_state(self.env, old_state)
+        self.result = result
+        self.ctx.Display('  ')
+        self.ctx.Result(result)
+        # If this was a critical fail, try and help the user.
+        if self.required and not result:
+            self.ctx.Display('\nThe required package ' + self.name + ' could not be found.\n')
+            self.ctx.Display('The printouts above should provide some information on what went\n')
+            self.ctx.Display('wrong. To see further details, please read the \'config.log\' file.\n')
+            if len(self.option_map.keys()):
+                self.ctx.Display('You can directly specify search parameters for this package via\n')
+                self.ctx.Display('the following command line options:\n\n')
+                for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys():
+                    self.ctx.Display('  ' + opt + '\n')
+                self.ctx.Display('\nRun \'scons help\' for more details on these options.\n\n')
+            self.env.Exit()
+    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
+        """Modify the SCons environment to have this package enabled. Begin by inserting
+        all options on this node into the environment."""
+        for pkg, req in self.deps: # Enable dependencies first.
+            if pkg.result:
+                pkg.enable(scons_env, old_state)
+        for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys(): # Now add options.
+            if opt in self.env._dict:
+                scons_env[opt] = self.env[opt]
+    def backup_variable(self, scons_env, var_name, old_state):
+        if old_state is None:
+            return
+        if var_name not in old_state:
+            if var_name in scons_env._dict:
+                old_state[var_name] = scons_env[var_name]
+            else:
+                old_state[var_name] = None
+    def restore_state(self, scons_env, old_state):
+        for var_name, state in old_state.iteritems():
+            if state is None:
+                del scons_env[var_name]
+            else:
+                scons_env[var_name] = state
+    def process_options(self):
+        """Do any initial option processing, including importing any values from
+        the environment and validating that all options are consistent."""
+        cmd_opts = False
+        for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys():
+            if opt in self.opts.args:
+                cmd_opts = True
+                break
+        if cmd_opts:
+            return
+        for cmd, env in self.option_map.iteritems():
+            if cmd not in self.opts.args and env in self.env['ENV']:
+                self.env[cmd] = self.env['ENV'][env]
+    def process_dependencies(self):
+        """Ensure all dependencies have been configured before this package."""
+        old_state = {}
+        for pkg, req in self.deps:
+            pkg.configure(self.ctx)
+            if pkg.result:
+                pkg.enable(self.env, old_state)
+        return old_state
+    def compile_source(self, source):
+        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
+        so we should be able to compile some source code."""
+        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryCompile, source, '.c')
+        return [result[0], result[1]]
+    def link_source(self, source):
+        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
+        so we should be able to build and run the application."""
+        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryLink, source, '.c')
+        return [result[0], result[1]]
+    def run_source(self, source):
+        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
+        so we should be able to build and run the application."""
+        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryRun, source, '.c')
+        return [result[0][0], result[0][1], result[1]]
+    def run_scons_cmd(self, cmd, *args, **kw):
+        old_log = self.ctx.sconf.logstream
+        self.ctx.sconf.logstream = open('sconfig.log', 'w') # Capture the log.
+        res = cmd(*args, **kw) # Execute the command.
+        try:
+            self.ctx.sconf.logstream.close() # Make sure the file is closed.
+        finally:
+            pass
+        self.ctx.sconf.logstream = old_log # Replace the old log.
+        # Return results.
+        log_file = open('sconfig.log', 'r')
+        log = log_file.read()
+        log_file.close()
+        os.remove('sconfig.log')
+        old_log.write(log)
+        return [res, log]
+    def push_state(self, state, append=False):
+        old = {}
+        copy = dict(state)
+        for k, v in copy.iteritems():
+            if not v:
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(v, list):
+                copy[k] = [v]
+            else:
+                copy[k] = v
+            old[k] = self.env.get(k, [])
+        if append:
+            self.env.AppendUnique(**copy)
+        else:
+            self.env.PrependUnique(**copy)
+        return old
+    def pop_state(self, old):
+        self.env.Replace(**old)
diff -r 20a5169ced28 -r 35a6b29fa76a config/SConfig/Platform.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/SConfig/Platform.py	Thu Mar 27 23:06:19 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import platform
+import SCons.Script
+import SConfig
+class Platform(SConfig.Node):
+    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
+        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
+        # Will be set after successful configuration.
+        self.system = ''
+        self.bits = 0
+        # We need to do these now.
+        self.check_system()
+        self.check_bits()
+    def setup_options(self):
+        self.opts.AddOptions(
+            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_32bit', 'Generate 32bit code', 0),
+            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_64bit', 'Generate 64bit code', 0)
+            )
+    def check_system(self):
+        self.system = platform.system()
+        if not self.system or self.system in ['Linux', 'Unix']:
+            self.system = '*ix'
+    def check_bits(self):
+        if (platform.platform().find('x86_64') != -1 or \
+                platform.platform().find('ppc64') != -1 or \
+                platform.architecture()[0].find('64') != -1 or \
+                self.env['with_64bit']) and \
+                not self.env['with_32bit']:
+            self.bits = 64
+        else:
+            self.bits = 32

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