[cig-commits] commit: Something went terribly wrong when John moved

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 24 11:27:44 PST 2008

changeset:   2:07515a87d26b
user:        LukeHodkinson
date:        Tue Jun 24 02:58:26 2008 +0000
files:       Configuration.py Installation.py Node.py Package.py Platform.py Project.py SConscript TerminalController.py __init__.py check_headers.py check_libraries.py checks.py packages/BlasLapack.py packages/CompilerFlags.py packages/HDF5.py packages/HGRevision.py packages/MPI.py packages/OSMesa.py packages/OpenGL.py packages/PETSc.py packages/PETScExt.py packages/PICellerator.py packages/SDL.py packages/SVNRevision.py packages/StGermain.py packages/StgDomain.py packages/StgFEM.py packages/X11.py packages/__init__.py packages/cmath.py packages/dl.py packages/libFAME.py packages/libJPEG.py packages/libPNG.py packages/libTIFF.py packages/libXML2.py packages/libavcodec.py packages/pcu.py packages/szip.py
Something went terribly wrong when John moved
things to a trunk subdirectory. Clearing everything
out and starting again.

diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Configuration.py
--- a/Configuration.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-class Configuration:
-    def __init__(self, inst):
-        # The installation this configuration uses.
-        self.inst = inst
-        # A list of configurations that are this configuration's
-        # dependencies.
-        self.deps = []
-        # The set of headers/libraries that were found to work for this
-        # configuration, or 'None' if not available.
-        self.hdrs = None
-        self.libs = None
-        # Flags whether this installation/configuration combo has
-        # static/shared libraries available.
-        self.has_static = None
-        self.has_shared = None
-    def __eq__(self, cfg):
-        if not (self.inst == cfg.inst):
-            return False
-        if len(self.deps) != len(cfg.deps):
-            return False
-        for d1, d2 in zip(self.deps, cfg.deps):
-            if not (d1 == d2):
-                return False
-        return True
-    def add_dependency(self, cfg):
-        """Add a configuration to the list of dependencies."""
-        if cfg not in self.deps:
-            self.deps += [cfg]
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None, lib_exclude=[]):
-        """Inserts this configuration's information into the provided SCons
-        environment."""
-        # First we have to enable all of our dependencies.
-        self.enable_dependencies(scons_env, old_state, lib_exclude=lib_exclude)
-        # Then call the installation's enable routine.
-        self.inst.enable(scons_env, old_state,
-                         libs=self.libs,
-                         has_shared=self.has_shared,
-                         lib_exclude=lib_exclude)
-    def enable_dependencies(self, scons_env, old_state={}, lib_exclude=[]):
-        """Enables all available dependencies."""
-        for d in self.deps:
-            d.enable(scons_env, old_state, lib_exclude=lib_exclude)
-    def flatten_dependencies(self, deps=[], pkgs={}):
-        """Return a list of configurations representing all dependencies of this
-        configuration and it's child configurations. Uniqueness is determined by
-        the package each configuration belongs to."""
-        for d in self.deps:
-            pkg = d.inst.pkg
-            # If the package alrady exists in the dictionary of packages we've
-            # already got a configuration for, then the configurations must be
-            # matching, or this is not a valid set.
-            if pkg in pkgs and pkgs[pkg] != d:
-                return None
-            deps += [d]
-            pkgs[pkg] = d
-            # Have to iterate over every child, not just children that are
-            # unique. This is because configurations for the same package can,
-            # and will, be different.
-            result = d.flatten_dependencies(deps, pkgs)
-            if result is None:
-                return None
-            deps += result
-    def __str__(self, brief=True):
-        """Convert to printable string."""
-        # Get the installation's string first.
-        txt = str(self.inst)
-        # Add information about libraries.
-        if self.has_static is not None:
-            txt += '  Static libraries: %s\n' % str(self.has_static)
-        if self.has_shared is not None:
-            txt += '  Shared libraries: %s\n' % str(self.has_shared)
-        # Now produce the dependency text.
-        dep_txt = ''
-        for dep in self.deps:
-            # If we only want brief dependency information only print the
-            # dependency's name.
-            if brief:
-                dep_txt += '    %s\n' % dep.inst.pkg.name
-            else:
-                dep_txt += '    ' + str(dep)[:-1].replace('\n', '\n    ') + '\n'
-        # If there were any dependencies, add them to the installation's
-        # text.
-        if dep_txt:
-            txt += '  Dependencies:\n'
-            txt += dep_txt
-        return txt
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Installation.py
--- a/Installation.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import os
-class Installation:
-    def __init__(self, pkg, base_dir='', hdr_dirs=[], lib_dirs=[], fwork=''):
-        # Keep a reference to the package this installation is of.
-        self.pkg = pkg
-        # The base directory of this installation. Can be empty.
-        self.base_dir = base_dir
-        # A list of header/library directory extensions to be appended
-        # to the base directory. Can be relative and absolute paths.
-        self.hdr_dirs = list(hdr_dirs)
-        self.lib_dirs = list(lib_dirs)
-        # Lists of headers and libraries to be used in addition to the
-        # package's description.
-        self.hdrs = []
-        self.libs = []
-        # A list of library names that, if appearing in the above list
-        # of libraries, should not be considered a core part of this
-        # installation, i.e. should not be checked for.
-        self.extra_libs = []
-        # The name of a framework to use instead of everything else.
-        self.fwork = fwork
-        # A list of symbols that are required by this installation and any
-        # preprocessor definitions required to identify them.
-        self.syms = None
-        self.sym_def = ''
-        # A list of pre-processor definitions to be set for this installation.
-        self.cpp_defines = []
-        # We need this flag to indicate whether this installation has
-        # been processed by it's owning package.
-        self.is_processed = False
-    def __eq__(self, inst):
-        return (self.pkg is inst.pkg and
-                self.base_dir == inst.base_dir and
-                self.hdr_dirs == inst.hdr_dirs and
-                self.lib_dirs == inst.lib_dirs)
-    def add_hdr_dirs(self, hdr_dirs):
-        dir_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(hdr_dirs)
-        self.hdr_dirs += [d for d in dir_list if d not in self.hdr_dirs]
-    def add_lib_dirs(self, lib_dirs, prepend=False):
-        dir_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(lib_dirs)
-        for d in dir_list:
-            d = os.path.normpath(d)
-            if d not in self.lib_dirs:
-                if prepend:
-                    self.lib_dirs = [d] + self.lib_dirs
-                else:
-                    self.lib_dirs += [d]
-    def add_hdrs(self, hdrs):
-        hdr_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(hdrs)
-        self.hdrs += [h for h in hdr_list if h not in self.hdrs]
-    def add_libs(self, libs):
-        lib_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(libs)
-        self.libs += [l for l in lib_list if l not in self.libs]
-    def add_extra_libs(self, libs):
-        lib_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(libs)
-        self.extra_libs += [l for l in lib_list if l not in self.extra_libs]
-    def add_cpp_defines(self, defs):
-        def_list = self.pkg.env.make_list(defs)
-        self.cpp_defines += [d for d in def_list if d not in self.cpp_defines + ['']]
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None, libs=[], has_shared=True, lib_exclude=[]):
-        """Inserts this installation's information into the provided SCons
-        environment. Any environment values that are modified are backed
-        up into 'old_state' providing there is not already a backup there."""
-        # Make sure we have lists.
-        lib_exclude = self.pkg.env.make_list(lib_exclude)
-        # Insert any pre-processor definitions.
-        if self.cpp_defines or self.sym_def:
-            cpp_def = list(self.cpp_defines)
-            if self.sym_def:
-                cpp_def += [self.sym_def]
-            self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CPPDEFINES', old_state)
-            scons_env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=cpp_def)
-        # Insert any header file search paths we may have.
-        if self.hdr_dirs:
-            self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CPPPATH', old_state)
-            # The ordering of the header search path list is important.
-            # Because we insert them into the environment one at a time we
-            # need to reverse the list to make sure the order is maintained.
-            rev_hdr_dirs = self.pkg.env.reverse_list(self.hdr_dirs)
-            # Process each path in turn.
-            for d in rev_hdr_dirs:
-                # Combine sub-directories to form the complete search path.
-                full_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, d)
-                # If this path is in a predefined list of system specific search
-                # paths, then we need to place this path at the end of the
-                # list. This way we can be sure that any default installation
-                # will not interfere with custom installations.
-                if full_dir in self.pkg.system_header_dirs:
-                    # If the path is relative, make sure SCons knows it needs
-                    # to treat it as relative to the project root.
-                    if not os.path.isabs(full_dir): full_dir = '#' + full_dir
-                    scons_env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[full_dir])
-                else:
-                    # If the path is relative, make sure SCons knows it needs
-                    # to treat it as relative to the project root.
-                    if not os.path.isabs(full_dir): full_dir = '#' + full_dir
-                    scons_env.PrependUnique(CPPPATH=[full_dir])
-        # Insert any library search paths we may have, but not if this package is in
-        # out list of exclusions.
-        if self.lib_dirs and self.pkg not in lib_exclude and has_shared:
-            self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, ['LIBPATH', 'RPATH'], old_state)
-            # The ordering of the library search path list is important.
-            # Because we insert them into the environment one at a time we
-            # need to reverse the list to make sure the order is maintained.
-            rev_lib_dirs = self.pkg.env.reverse_list(self.lib_dirs)
-            # Process each path in turn.
-            for d in rev_lib_dirs:
-                # Combine sub-directories to form the complete search path.
-                full_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, d)
-                # We need the absolute path for adding rpaths.
-                abs_dir = os.path.abspath(full_dir)
-                # If this path is in a predefined list of system specific search
-                # paths, then we need to place this path at the end of the
-                # list. This way we can be sure that any default installation
-                # will not interfere with custom installations.
-                if full_dir in self.pkg.system_library_dirs:
-                    # If the path is relative, make sure SCons knows it needs
-                    # to treat it as relative to the project root.
-                    if not os.path.isabs(full_dir): full_dir = '#' + full_dir
-                    scons_env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH=[full_dir])
-                    scons_env.AppendUnique(RPATH=[abs_dir])
-                else:
-                    # If the path is relative, make sure SCons knows it needs
-                    # to treat it as relative to the project root.
-                    if not os.path.isabs(full_dir): full_dir = '#' + full_dir
-                    scons_env.PrependUnique(LIBPATH=[full_dir])
-                    scons_env.PrependUnique(RPATH=[abs_dir])
-        # Add libraries if there are any, unless this package is part of our
-        # library exclusions.
-        if libs and self.pkg not in lib_exclude:
-            # If this package is configured to be using static libraries, then
-            # we need to specify the path to the library itself.
-            if not has_shared:
-                self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, 'STATICLIBS', old_state)
-                libs = self.find_library(libs)
-                scons_env.PrependUnique(STATICLIBS=libs)
-            else:
-                self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, 'LIBS', old_state)
-                scons_env.PrependUnique(LIBS=libs)
-        # If we have a framework, add it now.
-        if self.fwork:
-            self.pkg.backup_variable(scons_env, 'FRAMEWORKS', old_state)
-            scons_env.PrependUnique(FRAMEWORKS=[self.fwork])
-    def find_library(self, lib, static=True, shared=False):
-        """Using the search paths we know about, try and locate the files corresponding
-        to the library name(s) given."""
-        libs = self.pkg.env.make_list(lib)
-        found_libs = []
-        if static:
-            for l in libs:
-                if l in self.pkg.extra_libraries + self.extra_libs:
-                    continue
-                for lib_dir in self.lib_dirs:
-                    name = self.pkg.env.subst('${LIBPREFIX}' + l + '${LIBSUFFIX}')
-                    path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lib_dir, name)
-                    if os.path.exists(path):
-                        found_libs += [path]
-        if shared:
-            for l in libs:
-                if l in self.pkg.extra_libraries + self.extra_libs:
-                    continue
-                if self.pkg.shared_libraries is not None and l not in sef.pkg.shared_libraries:
-                    continue
-                for lib_dir in self.lib_dirs:
-                    name = self.pkg.env.subst('${SHLIBPREFIX}' + l + '${SHLIBSUFFIX}')
-                    path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, lib_dir, name)
-                    if os.path.exists(path):
-                        found_libs += [path]
-        return found_libs
-    def __str__(self):
-        """Convert to printable string."""
-        txt = 'Package: %s\n' % self.pkg.name
-        if self.base_dir:
-            txt += '  Base directory: %s\n' % self.base_dir
-        if self.hdr_dirs:
-            txt += '  Header extensions: %s\n' % self.hdr_dirs
-        if self.lib_dirs:
-            txt += '  Library extensions: %s\n' % self.lib_dirs
-        if self.libs:
-            txt += '  Libraries: %s\n' % self.libs
-        if self.fwork:
-            txt += '  Framework: %s\n' % self.fwork
-        if self.cpp_defines or self.sym_def:
-            cpp_def = list(self.cpp_defines)
-            if self.sym_def:
-                cpp_def += [self.sym_def]
-            txt += '  Exporting: %s\n' % (cpp_def)
-        return txt
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Node.py
--- a/Node.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class Node(object):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        # Override to give a different name.
-        self.name = self.__module__.split('.')[-1]
-        # Option variables.
-        self.command_name = self.name.lower()
-        self.environ_name = self.name.upper()
-        self.option_map = {} # Maps command-line options to their environment alternatives.
-        self.options_processed = False
-        self.options_result = '' # String to store the results of options processing for later
-                                 # display.
-        # Override with a list of methods to run during configuration.
-        self.checks = []
-        # If this flag is false, we need to run the setup method before
-        # continuing on to configuring.
-        self.is_setup = False
-        # Will be set after configuration.
-        self.configured = False
-        self.result = False
-        # Private stuff.
-        self.env = scons_env
-        self.opts = scons_opts
-        self.required = required
-        self.deps = []
-        # Setup our option database.
-        self.setup_options()
-        self.opts.Update(self.env)
-    def setup_options(self):
-        """Setup all the options for this package."""
-        pass
-    def dependency(self, package_module, required=True, **kw):
-        """Add another package as a dependency of this package. If required is False, the
-        dependent package is not required, and thus will not cause this package to fail if
-        it cannot be found."""
-        if self.configured:
-            print 'Error: Cannot add a dependency during configuration.'
-            self.env.Exit()
-        pkg = self.env.Package(package_module, required, **kw)
-        if pkg not in [d[0] for d in self.deps]:
-            self.deps += [(pkg, required)]
-        return pkg
-    def flatten_dependencies(self, deps=[]):
-        """Return a list of all unique dependencies this node has."""
-        for d in self.deps:
-            if d not in deps:
-                deps += [d]
-                d.flatten_dependencies(deps)
-    def setup(self):
-        """Anything that needs to be finalised before continuing with the configuration needs
-        to go here."""
-        # Set the ready flag.
-        self.is_setup = True
-        # Setup dependencies first.
-        for dep, req in self.deps:
-            dep.setup()
-        # Process options which will print out what options were found.
-        if not self.options_processed:
-            self.options_processed = True
-            self.process_options()
-    def configure(self, scons_ctx):
-        """Perform the configuration of this package."""
-        # Will need to color some stuff here.
-        import TerminalController
-        term = TerminalController.TerminalController()
-        # Basic setup.
-        if self.configured:
-            return
-        self.ctx = scons_ctx
-        self.configured = True
-        self.process_dependencies()
-        # Print opening message.
-        self.ctx.Message('Configuring package %s ... ' % self.name)
-        self.ctx.Display('\n')
-        # Display the result of options processing.
-        self.ctx.Log(self.options_result)
-        print term.render('${GREEN}%s${NORMAL}\r' % self.options_result),
-        # Check we have all dependencies.
-        result = True
-        for pkg, req in self.deps:
-            if req and not pkg.result:
-                self.ctx.Log('  Missing dependency: %s\n' % pkg.name)
-                print term.render('  ${RED}Missing dependency: %s${NORMAL}\n' % pkg.name),
-                result = False
-        # Perform as many checks as we can without failing.
-        if result:
-            for check in self.checks:
-                result = check()
-                if not result:
-                    break
-        # If everything succeeded, display configuration results.
-        if result:
-            self.display_configuration()
-        # Handle results.
-        self.result = result
-        self.ctx.Display('  ')
-        if not self.result:
-            print term.render('${RED}'),
-        self.ctx.Result(result)
-        if not self.result:
-            print term.render('${NORMAL}\r'),
-        # If this was a critical fail, try and help the user.
-        if self.required and not result:
-            self.ctx.Display('\nThe required package ' + self.name + ' could not be found.\n')
-            self.ctx.Display('To see further details, please read the ')
-            self.ctx.Display(term.render('${BLUE}\'config.log\'${NORMAL}'))
-            self.ctx.Display(' file.\n')
-            if len(self.option_map.keys()):
-                self.ctx.Display('You can directly specify search parameters for this package\n')
-                self.ctx.Display(term.render('via the following ${BLUE}command line options${NORMAL}:\n\n'))
-                for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys():
-                    self.ctx.Display('  ' + opt + '\n')
-                self.ctx.Display('\nRun \'scons help\' for more details on these options.\n\n')
-            self.env.Exit()
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        """Modify the SCons environment to have this package enabled. Begin by inserting
-        all options on this node into the environment."""
-        for pkg, req in self.deps: # Enable dependencies first.
-            if pkg.result:
-                pkg.enable(scons_env, old_state)
-        for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys(): # Now add options.
-            if opt in self.env._dict:
-                scons_env[opt] = self.env[opt]
-    def backup_variable(self, scons_env, var_name, old_state):
-        """Make a backup of one or more SCons environment variables into 'old_state'.
-        If there is already a backup of a variable it will not be overwritten."""
-        # If we havn't been given a dictionary to backup to, just return now.
-        if old_state is None:
-            return
-        # Make sure we're dealing with a list.
-        var_names = scons_env.make_list(var_name)
-        # Backup all variables.
-        for vn in var_names:
-            if vn not in old_state:
-                if vn in scons_env._dict:
-                    old_state[vn] = scons_env[vn]
-                else:
-                    old_state[vn] = None
-    def restore_state(self, scons_env, old_state):
-        for var_name, state in old_state.iteritems():
-            if state is None:
-                del scons_env[var_name]
-            else:
-                scons_env[var_name] = state
-    def process_options(self):
-        """Do any initial option processing, including importing any values from
-        the environment and validating that all options are consistent."""
-        # Search command line options.
-        cmd_opts = False
-        for opt in self.option_map.iterkeys():
-            if opt in self.opts.args:
-                if not cmd_opts:
-                    self.options_result += '  Found command line options:\n'
-                    cmd_opts = True
-                self.options_result += '    %s = %s\n' % (opt, self.opts.args[opt])
-                break
-        # We don't want to mix command line and evironment options.
-        if cmd_opts:
-            return
-        # Now go for environment options.
-        env_opts = False
-        for cmd, env in self.option_map.iteritems():
-            if cmd not in self.opts.args and env in self.env['ENV']:
-                if not env_opts:
-                    self.options_result += '  Found environment options:\n'
-                    env_opts = True
-                self.env[cmd] = self.env['ENV'][env]
-                self.options_result += '    %s = %s\n' % (env, self.env[cmd])
-    def process_dependencies(self):
-        """Ensure all dependencies have been configured before this package."""
-#        old_state = {}
-        for pkg, req in self.deps:
-            pkg.configure(self.ctx)
-#            if pkg.result:
-#                pkg.enable(self.env, old_state)
-#        return old_state
-    def compile_source(self, source):
-        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
-        so we should be able to compile some source code."""
-        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryCompile, source, '.c')
-        return [result[0], result[1]]
-    def link_source(self, source):
-        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
-        so we should be able to build and run the application."""
-        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryLink, source, '.c')
-        return [result[0], result[1]]
-    def library_source(self, source):
-        """Build a library out of some source code."""
-        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryBuild, self.env.SharedLibrary,
-                                    source, '.c')
-        return [result[0], result[1]]
-    def run_source(self, source):
-        """At this point we know all our construction environment has been set up,
-        so we should be able to build and run the application."""
-        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryRun, source, '.c')
-        return [result[0][0], result[0][1], result[1]]
-    def run_scons_cmd(self, cmd, *args, **kw):
-        # Put some space between my logs and SCons's logs.
-        self.ctx.Log('\n')
-        old_log = self.ctx.sconf.logstream
-        self.ctx.sconf.logstream = open('sconfig.log', 'w') # Capture the log.
-        res = cmd(*args, **kw) # Execute the command.
-        try:
-            self.ctx.sconf.logstream.close() # Make sure the file is closed.
-        finally:
-            pass
-        self.ctx.sconf.logstream = old_log # Replace the old log.
-        # Return results.
-        log_file = open('sconfig.log', 'r')
-        log = log_file.read()
-        log_file.close()
-        os.remove('sconfig.log')
-        old_log.write(log)
-        # Put some space between my logs and SCons's logs.
-        self.ctx.Log('\n')
-        return [res, log]
-    def display_configuration(self):
-        """Print out a brief summary of what options we found/used."""
-        pass
-    def push_state(self, state, append=False):
-        old = {}
-        copy = dict(state)
-        for k, v in copy.iteritems():
-            if not v:
-                continue
-            if not isinstance(v, list):
-                copy[k] = [v]
-            else:
-                copy[k] = v
-            old[k] = self.env.get(k, [])
-        if append:
-            self.env.AppendUnique(**copy)
-        else:
-            self.env.PrependUnique(**copy)
-        return old
-    def pop_state(self, old):
-        self.env.Replace(**old)
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Package.py
--- a/Package.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, platform, glob
-import SCons.Script
-import SConfig
-import checks
-class Package(SConfig.Node):
-    """An object to describe how to search for a package
-    that has been installed on a system. There are a lot of
-    options that can be modified to refine how the search
-    proceeds and also how results are generated."""
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        # Try and gain access to a dynamic loader in order to check for
-        # consistent shared libraries. Make sure we don't try this for
-        # the dl package.
-        if self.name != 'dl':
-            self.dl = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.dl)
-        # This will be set in the preprocessor.
-        self.have_define         = kw.get('have_define', '')
-        # Search options.
-        self.base_dirs           = [] #['']
-        self.base_patterns       = [] #['']
-        self.sub_dirs            = [] #[[[''], ['']]]
-        self.header_sub_dir      = [] #['']
-        self.system_header_dirs  = []
-        self.system_library_dirs = []
-        # Which headers do we require?
-        self.headers             = [] #[['']]
-        # Library options.
-        self.libraries           = [] #[['']]
-        self.shared_libraries    = None # Only libraries listed here will be considered
-                                        # when checking for shared libraries.
-        self.extra_libraries     = [] # These libraries are not considered locatable.
-        self.require_shared      = kw.get('require_shared', False)
-        self.frameworks          = []
-        self.symbols             = [([], '')] #[([''], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup        = ''
-        self.symbol_teardown     = ''
-        self.symbol_prototypes   = [] #['']
-        self.symbol_calls        = [] #['']
-        self.init_code           = ''
-        self.fina_code           = ''
-        self.check_code          = ''
-        # Framework options.
-        self.frameworks          = [] #[['']]
-        # Used to determine whether we've executed our default method to
-        # populate the set of candidate installations.
-        self.candidates_built = False
-        # We need this to flag whether we've been given one or more candidate
-        # installations from options.
-        self.given_candidates = False
-        # These is our set of candidate installations and configurations.
-        self.candidates = []
-        self.cand_cfgs = []
-        # Lists of all valid installations and configurations. These are
-        # populated during the configuration of the package.
-        self.installations = []
-        self.configurations = []
-        # This is set to the configuration that was selected to be used.
-        self.selected = None
-        # Need this so we can get access to information about the
-        # platform we're running on.
-        self.platform = self.dependency(SConfig.Platform, True) 
-        # We have one configuration check.
-        self.checks = [self.check_candidates]
-        # Setup search defaults for the platform we're on.
-        self.setup_search_defaults()
-    def setup_options(self):
-        """Two things need to happen here. The first is to tell SCons about
-        any options we're going to use. Do that by calling
-        'self.opts.AddOptions'. The second is to add entries to
-        'self.option_map', which maps a command-line option to it's
-        envrionment equivalent."""
-        SConfig.Node.setup_options(self)
-        self.opts.AddOptions(
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_' + self.command_name,
-                                    'Turn on/off package %s' % self.name, 1),
-            SCons.Script.PathOption(self.command_name + '_dir',
-                                    '%s installation path' % self.name,
-                                    None, SCons.Script.PathOption.PathIsDir),
-            SCons.Script.PathOption(self.command_name + '_inc_dir',
-                                    '%s header installation path' % self.name,
-                                    None, SCons.Script.PathOption.PathIsDir),
-            SCons.Script.PathOption(self.command_name + '_lib_dir',
-                                    '%s library installation path' % self.name,
-                                    None, SCons.Script.PathOption.PathIsDir),
-            (self.command_name + '_lib',
-             '%s libraries' % self.name,
-             None, None),
-            (self.command_name + '_framework',
-             '%s framework' % self.name,
-             None, None))
-        self.option_map = {'with_' + self.command_name: None,
-                           self.command_name + '_dir': self.environ_name + '_DIR'}
-    def setup_search_defaults(self):
-        """Setup the usual search paths for packages depending on the kind of system
-        we're on."""
-        if self.platform.system in ['Darwin', '*ix']:
-            self.base_dirs = ['/usr', '/usr/local']
-            self.sub_dirs = [[['include'], ['lib']]]
-            if self.platform.bits == 64:
-                self.sub_dirs = [[['include'], ['lib64']],
-                                 [['include'], [os.path.join('lib', '64')]]] + self.sub_dirs
-        # Set Darwin specific defaults.
-        if self.platform.system == 'Darwin':
-            self.base_dirs += ['/sw']
-        # Set Window specific defaults.
-        if self.platform.system == 'Windows':
-            pass # TODO
-        # Combine these guys to build default system paths. We need these to ensure specific
-        # include paths are used before generic ones.
-        for base_dir in ['/usr', '/sw']:
-            for hdr_dirs, lib_dirs in self.combine_sub_dirs(base_dir):
-                hdr_dirs = [os.path.join(base_dir, h) for h in hdr_dirs]
-                hdr_dirs = [h for h in hdr_dirs if h not in self.system_header_dirs]
-                self.system_header_dirs += hdr_dirs
-                lib_dirs = [os.path.join(base_dir, l) for l in lib_dirs]
-                lib_dirs = [l for l in lib_dirs if l not in self.system_library_dirs]
-                self.system_library_dirs += lib_dirs
-    def setup(self):
-        """Finalise everything before running the configuration checks."""
-        # Run the parent setup method.
-        SConfig.Node.setup(self)
-        # If we havn't already done so, build the list of candidates.
-        if not self.candidates_built:
-            self.candidates_built = True
-            self.setup_candidates()
-        # Now we need to traverse our set of candidate installations, looking
-        # for any that havn't been processed.
-        for inst in self.candidates:
-            if not inst.is_processed:
-                self.process_installation(inst)
-    def setup_candidates(self):
-        """Using the system specific search information currently set on
-        the package class, build a list of candidate installations in
-        the 'candidates' member."""
-        # If we've been given options directly specifying the location of this
-        # package we need to use those in place of searching for locations.
-        base_dir = self.env.get(self.command_name + '_dir', '')
-        inc_dir = self.env.get(self.command_name + '_inc_dir', '')
-        lib_dir = self.env.get(self.command_name + '_lib_dir', '')
-        if inc_dir or lib_dir:
-            if not (inc_dir and lib_dir):
-                print '   Error: must specify both of'
-                print '      ' + self.command_name + '_inc_dir'
-                print '      ' + self.command_name + '_lib_dir'
-                env.Exit()
-            self.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(self, '', [inc_dir], [lib_dir]))
-            self.given_candidates = True
-            return
-        # Combine all possible base directories.
-        if not base_dir:
-            base_dirs = list(self.base_dirs)
-            for dir in self.base_dirs:
-                for ptrn in self.base_patterns:
-                    base_dirs += glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, ptrn))
-        else:
-            base_dirs = [base_dir]
-        # Make sure there are no symbolic links in the base directories. If there are
-        # any in there, expand them and make sure there are no duplicates.
-        new_base_dirs = []
-        for d in base_dirs:
-            d = os.path.realpath(d)
-            if d not in new_base_dirs:
-                new_base_dirs += [d]
-        base_dirs = new_base_dirs
-        # Traverse the list of base directories and form each
-        # installation.
-        for dir in base_dirs:
-            for hdr, lib in self.combine_base_dir(dir):
-                self.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(self, dir, hdr, lib))
-        # If we have any frameworks to try, create candidates for them now.
-        for fw in self.frameworks:
-            self.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(self, fwork=fw))
-        # If we were given a base directory we need to set the 'given_candidates' flag
-        # so that other candidate entries are ignored.
-        if base_dir:
-            self.given_candidates = True
-    def combine_base_dir(self, base_dir):
-        """Yields combinations of the provided base directory and possible sub-
-        directories in the form of a [header sub-directory, library sub-
-        directory] list. We use a list so that it can be modified in place."""
-        # If the path doesn't exist or isn't a directory, don't yield anything.
-        if not (os.path.exists(base_dir) and os.path.isdir(base_dir)):
-            return
-        # Combine the sub-directories.
-        for hdr, lib in self.combine_sub_dirs(base_dir):
-            # Yield the immediate results.
-            yield [hdr, lib]
-            # Also try all combinations of header sub-directories, if they
-            # were given.
-            for sub in self.combine_header_sub_dir(base_dir, hdr):
-                yield [sub, lib]
-    def combine_sub_dirs(self, base_dir):
-        """Take a base directory and combine it with the set of header and library
-        subdirectories. Yields (['header_dirs'], ['lib_dirs'])."""
-        for hdr, lib in self.sub_dirs:
-            loc_okay = True
-            hdr_dirs = []
-            lib_dirs = []
-            # Combine header subdirectories.
-            for h in hdr:
-                dir = os.path.join(base_dir, h)
-                if not (os.path.exists(dir) and os.path.isdir(dir)):
-                    loc_okay = False
-                    break
-                hdr_dirs += [h]
-            if not loc_okay:
-                continue
-            # Combine library subdirectories.
-            for l in lib:
-                dir = os.path.join(base_dir, l)
-                if not (os.path.exists(dir) and os.path.isdir(dir)):
-                    loc_okay = False
-                    break
-                lib_dirs += [l]
-            if not loc_okay:
-                continue
-            yield (hdr_dirs, lib_dirs)
-    def combine_header_sub_dir(self, base_dir, hdr_dirs):
-        if not self.header_sub_dir or not hdr_dirs:
-            return
-        for sub_dir in self.header_sub_dir:
-            cand = [os.path.join(h, sub_dir) for h in hdr_dirs if h]
-            for d in cand:
-                path = os.path.join(base_dir, d)
-                if not (os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path)):
-                    return
-            yield cand
-    def add_candidate(self, inst):
-        """Add a unique candidate installation. Note that if candidate(s) were
-        given via options, this method will ignore additional candidates."""
-        if not self.given_candidates and inst not in self.candidates:
-            self.candidates += [inst]
-            self.is_setup = False
-    def process_installation(self, inst):
-        """This method gives us a chance to modify any of the details of this
-        installation before moving on to checking it's validity. Here we can
-        also determine which, if any, other dependant installations are given
-        by this installation's package config (or any other means)."""
-        inst.is_processed = True
-    def check_candidates(self):
-        """Runs a sequence of tests to confirm the validity of candidate
-        installations. All that pass are moved to the 'installations'
-        member."""
-        # Combine all of the available candidate installations with the
-        # available dependencies to build a set of candidate configurations.
-        self.setup_configurations()
-        # If we have no candidates, report the problem.
-        if not self.candidates:
-            self.ctx.Display('  No candidate installations found.\n')
-            return False
-        if not self.cand_cfgs:
-            self.ctx.Display('  No candidate configurations found.\n')
-            return False
-        # Try out all candidates.
-        cur = 1 # Keep track of which one we're currently trying.
-        for cfg in self.cand_cfgs:
-            # Print current status.
-            self.ctx.Log('  Trialing candidate %d of %d ...\n' % (cur, len(self.cand_cfgs)))
-            self.ctx.Log('    ' + cfg.__str__(False)[:-1].replace('\n', '\n    ') + '\n')
-            print '  Trialing candidate %d of %d ...\r' % (cur, len(self.cand_cfgs)),
-            cur = cur + 1
-            # Check for the headers and libraries.
-            if self.check_headers(cfg) and self.check_libraries(cfg):
-                # If the checks passed, include the 'have_define' if there and add
-                # this installation to the list.
-                if self.have_define:
-                    cfg.inst.add_cpp_defines(self.have_define)
-                self.configurations += [cfg]
-        # Print results.
-        if len(self.configurations) == 1:
-            self.ctx.Display('\n  Found %d valid configuration.\n' % len(self.configurations))
-        else:
-            self.ctx.Display('\n  Found %d valid configurations.\n' % len(self.configurations))
-        # Log the valid configurations.
-        for cfg in self.configurations:
-            self.ctx.Log(cfg.__str__(False))
-        # If we couldn't find a valid installation return negative.
-        if len(self.configurations) == 0:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def setup_configurations(self):
-        """Copies each of the candidate installations and includes all
-        permutations of dependent packages."""
-        for deps in self.combine_dependencies():
-            for inst in self.candidates:
-                cfg = SConfig.Configuration(inst)
-                cfg.deps = list(deps)
-                self.cand_cfgs += [cfg]
-    def combine_dependencies(self, deps=[], pkgs={}, cur_index=0):
-        """Each combination of dependent installations represents a
-        unique installation of this package. This method generates sets
-        of unique dependency combinations."""
-        # The dictionary 'pkgs' is to map packages to installations. This is
-        # needed to prevent multiple installations being used for the same
-        # packages.
-        if cur_index == len(self.deps):
-            yield deps # Complete permutation.
-        else:
-            cur_dep, required = self.deps[cur_index]
-            # If the dependency isn't actually required by this package, include
-            # a combination that doesn't use it.
-            if not required:
-                for d in self.combine_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                    yield d
-            # We can only iterate over installations if we're dealing with a package.
-            if isinstance(cur_dep, Package):
-                # Check if we already have this package selected.
-                if cur_dep in pkgs:
-                    deps += [pkgs[cur_dep]]
-                    for d in self.combine_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                        yield d
-                    del deps[-1]
-                elif len(cur_dep.configurations):
-                    # Try each installation.
-                    for dep_cfg in cur_dep.configurations:
-                        # Traverse the dependency and collect any sub-dependencies
-                        # into a copied package list.
-                        new_pkgs = dict(pkgs)
-                        rem = [dep_cfg]
-                        while len(rem):
-                            cur = rem.pop()
-                            if cur.inst.pkg not in new_pkgs:
-                                new_pkgs[cur.inst.pkg] = cur
-                            rem += cur.deps
-                        # Set dependency and recurse.
-                        deps += [dep_cfg]
-                        for d in self.combine_dependencies(deps, new_pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                            yield d
-                        del deps[-1]
-                elif required:
-                    # There are no installations for this dependency. If it's
-                    # a required dependency then something has gone very wrong.
-                    # Throw an error here.
-                    # TODO
-                    sys.exit()
-            else:
-                for d in self.combine_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                    yield d
-    def get_check_headers_fail_reason(self, fail_logs):
-        return ''
-    def get_check_symbols_fail_reason(self, fail_logs):
-        return ''
-    def configure(self, scons_ctx):
-        # If this package is deslected just return now.
-        if not self.required and not self.env['with_' + self.command_name]:
-            return
-        # Run the configuration.
-        SConfig.Node.configure(self, scons_ctx)
-    def check_headers(self, cfg):
-        """Determine if the required headers are available with the current construction
-        environment settings."""
-        # If there are no headers to check, automatically pass.
-        if not self.headers:
-            return True
-        # Try and find a functional set of headers.
-        for cfg.hdrs in self.headers:
-            # Add any installation specific headers.
-            cfg.hdrs += [h for h in cfg.inst.hdrs if h not in cfg.hdrs]
-            # Run the check.
-            if checks.check_headers(cfg):
-                return True
-        # If we failed to find anything, set the headers entry to 'None'.
-        cfg.hdrs = None
-        return False
-    def check_libraries(self, cfg):
-        """Check if the currently selected location is a valid installation of the
-        required package. At this stage we know that the paths given in the location
-        actually exist and we need to confirm that the libraries in 'libs' exist."""
-        # If there are no libraries or frameworks to check, automatically pass.
-        if not self.libraries:
-            return True
-        # Try and find a functional set of libraries.
-        for cfg.libs in self.libraries:
-            # Add any installation specific libraries.
-            cfg.libs += [l for l in cfg.inst.libs if l not in cfg.libs]
-            # Run the check.
-            if checks.check_libraries(cfg):
-                return True
-        # If we failed to find anything, set the libraries entry to 'None'.
-        cfg.libs = None
-        return False
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Node.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        if self.selected:
-            self.selected.enable(scons_env, old_state)
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Platform.py
--- a/Platform.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import os, platform
-import SCons.Script
-import SConfig
-class Platform(SConfig.Node):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.checks = [self.print_results]
-        # Will be set after successful configuration.
-        self.system = ''
-        self.bits = 0
-        # We need to do these now.
-        self.check_system()
-        self.check_bits()
-        self.check_CC()
-    def setup_options(self):
-        self.opts.AddOptions(
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_32bit', 'Generate 32bit code', 0),
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_64bit', 'Generate 64bit code', 0),
-            )
-    def check_system(self):
-        self.system = platform.system()
-        if not self.system or self.system in ['Linux', 'Unix']:
-            self.system = '*ix'
-        # Need to modify building shared libraries when on Mac OS X.
-        if self.system == 'Darwin':
-            self.env.AppendUnique(SHLINKFLAGS=['-flat_namespace',
-                                          '-single_module',
-                                          '-undefined', 'suppress'])
-            import SCons.Util # And fix RPATHs.
-            self.env['LINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('')
-            self.env['RPATHPREFIX'] = ''
-            self.env['RPATHSUFFIX'] = ''
-            self.env['_RPATH'] = ''
-            # Use 'install_name' instead.
-            self.env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS=['-install_name', '${_abspath(TARGET)}'])
-            self.env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=['SHLINKFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS',
-                                              'RPATHPREFIX', 'RPATHSUFFIX', '_RPATH'])
-    def check_bits(self):
-        if (platform.platform().find('x86_64') != -1 or \
-                platform.platform().find('ppc64') != -1 or \
-                platform.architecture()[0].find('64') != -1 or \
-                self.env['with_64bit']) and \
-                not self.env['with_32bit']:
-            self.bits = 64
-        else:
-            self.bits = 32
-    def check_CC(self):
-        if 'CC' in self.env['ENV']:
-            self.env['CC'] = self.env['ENV']['CC']
-            self.CC = self.env['CC']
-    def print_results(self):
-        self.ctx.Display("  Building on a %s platform\n" % self.system)
-        self.ctx.Display("  Building for %d bit architecture\n" % self.bits)
-        if hasattr(self, 'CC'):
-            self.ctx.Display("  Using environment specified C compiler: %s\n" % self.CC)
-        return True
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b Project.py
--- a/Project.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys
-import SCons.Script
-import SConfig
-from Package import Package
-from Installation import Installation
-from Configuration import Configuration
-class Project(SConfig.Node):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.checks += [self.check_libs, self.select_config, self.print_results]
-    def setup_options(self):
-        self.opts.AddOptions(
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_debug',
-                                    'Generate debugging symbols', 1),
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('static_libraries',
-                                    'Build static libraries', 1),
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('shared_libraries',
-                                    'Build shared libraries', 1),
-            ('build_dir', 'Temporary build directory', 'build')
-            )
-    def check_libs(self):
-        if not self.env['static_libraries'] and not self.env['shared_libraries']:
-            self.ctx.Display("      Both static and shared libraries disabled!\n")
-            return False
-        return True
-    def select_config(self):
-        """Decide which set of dependencies to select as the desired
-        configuration."""
-        # Don't know why, but I need to do the following lengthy thing because
-        # this doesn't work: deps = [d for d in self.reduce_dependencies()]
-        deps = []
-        clashes = []
-        for d in self.reduce_dependencies():
-            if isinstance(d, tuple):
-                clashes += [d]
-            else:
-                cur = [s for s in d]
-                if cur:
-                    deps += [cur]
-        # If there were no valid configurations found, then we're pretty much
-        # screwed. Display the clashes so the user knows why.
-        if not len(deps):
-            self.ctx.Display('  There are no valid combinations of the required packages.\n')
-            self.ctx.Display('  This means that one or more packages have conflicting\n')
-            self.ctx.Display('  dependencies.\n\n')
-            if not len(clashes):
-                raise 'Error: Should be clashes!'
-            # Need to process the list of clashes and construct some useful information.
-            clash_dict = {}
-            for clash in clashes:
-                if clash[2].inst.pkg != clash[3].inst.pkg:
-                    raise 'Error: Inconsistent clash report!'
-                cause = clash[2].inst.pkg
-                top_pkgs = (clash[0].inst.pkg, clash[1].inst.pkg)
-                if cause not in clash_dict:
-                    clash_dict[cause] = {}
-                top_pkg_dict = clash_dict[cause]
-                for top_pkg, useable in zip(top_pkgs, clash[2:]):
-                    if top_pkg == useable.inst.pkg:
-                        continue
-                    if top_pkg not in top_pkg_dict:
-                        top_pkg_dict[top_pkg] = []
-                    if useable not in top_pkg_dict[top_pkg]:
-                        top_pkg_dict[top_pkg] += [useable]
-            for cause_pkg, useable_dict in clash_dict.iteritems():
-                self.ctx.Display('  There were conflicts with package \'%s\':\n' % cause_pkg.name)
-                for useable_pkg, useable_list in useable_dict.iteritems():
-                    self.ctx.Display('    %s can use:\n' % useable_pkg.name)
-                    for useable in useable_list:
-                        self.ctx.Display('      %s\n' % useable.inst.base_dir)
-            return False
-        # Decide which selection of dependencies to use. For the moment base
-        # it entirely on the number of packages in the set.
-        selected = []
-        for d in deps:
-            if len(d) > len(selected):
-                selected = d
-        # Set the 'selected' member of each package with configurations.
-        done = []
-        rem = list(selected)
-        while len(rem):
-            cur = rem.pop()
-            if isinstance(cur, Configuration):
-                if cur.inst.pkg not in done:
-                    cur.inst.pkg.selected = cur
-                    rem += cur.deps
-                    done += [cur.inst.pkg]
-        return True
-    def reduce_dependencies(self, deps=[], pkgs={}, cur_index=0):
-        """Each combination of dependent installations represents a
-        unique installation of this package. This method generates sets
-        of unique dependency combinations."""
-        # The dictionary 'pkgs' is to map packages to installations. This is
-        # needed to prevent multiple installations being used for the same
-        # packages.
-        # Once we're at the end of the list of dependencies we can
-        # yield a result.
-        if cur_index == len(self.deps):
-            yield deps
-        else:
-            cur_dep, required = self.deps[cur_index]
-            # If the dependency isn't actually required by this package, include
-            # a combination that doesn't use it.
-            if not required:
-                for d in self.reduce_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                    yield d
-            # 'Package's are the only kind of object to have installations.
-            if isinstance(cur_dep, Package):
-                # If we've already included an installation of this package
-                # in this set of dependencies we must use the same one in
-                # every other dependency.
-                if cur_dep in pkgs:
-                    deps += [pkgs[cur_dep]]
-                    for d in self.reduce_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                        yield d
-                    del deps[-1]
-                # If we havn't already foudn this dependency anywhere, try
-                # out all of it's installations, if it has any.
-                elif len(cur_dep.configurations):
-                    for dep_cfg in cur_dep.configurations:
-                        # We have to keep the current state of 'pkgs' clean,
-                        # so copy it to a new one.
-                        new_pkgs = dict(pkgs)
-                        # Traverse the dependency tree for this installation,
-                        # adding each dependent installation to the 'new_pkgs'
-                        # mapping.
-                        rem = [dep_cfg]
-                        okay = True
-                        while len(rem):
-                            cur = rem.pop()
-                            # If the installation doesn't exist in the mapping, just
-                            # add it in and continue.
-                            if cur.inst.pkg not in new_pkgs:
-                                new_pkgs[cur.inst.pkg] = (cur, dep_cfg)
-                            # If we've already got a version of this dependency
-                            # in the mapping, it means the version we're currently
-                            # looking at must be the same or we can't use this
-                            # combination.
-                            else:
-                                entry = new_pkgs[cur.inst.pkg]
-                                if entry[0] != cur:
-                                    # Report conflicts using a tuple of both the
-                                    # conflicting installations.
-                                    yield (dep_cfg, entry[1], cur, entry[0])
-                                    okay = False
-                                    # Get out of this loop, we can't use this
-                                    # dependency combination now. Move on to the
-                                    # next installation.
-                                    break
-                            # Add the dependencies of the current installation to be
-                            # checked.
-                            rem += cur.deps
-                        # If we were able to match up all previous installations with
-                        # this one, continue recursing for every other dependency.
-                        if okay:
-                            deps += [dep_cfg]
-                            for d in self.reduce_dependencies(deps, new_pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                                yield d
-                            del deps[-1]
-                # There are no installations for this dependency. If it's
-                # a required dependency then something has gone very wrong.
-                elif cur_dep.required:
-                    # Throw an error here.
-                    # TODO
-                    raise 'Error: Should be a valid configuration.'
-                else:
-                    # There are no installations for this package but it's also not required,
-                    # so we can safely ignore it and continue on our merry way.
-                    for d in self.reduce_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                        yield d
-            else:
-                deps += [cur_dep]
-                for d in self.reduce_dependencies(deps, pkgs, cur_index + 1):
-                    yield d
-                del deps[-1]
-    def print_results(self):
-        self.ctx.Display("  Static libraries: %s\n" % str(bool(self.env['static_libraries'])))
-        self.ctx.Display("  Shared libraries: %s\n" % str(bool(self.env['shared_libraries'])))
-        self.ctx.Display("  Using build directory: %s\n" % self.env['build_dir'])
-        self.ctx.Display("  Debugging symbols: %s\n" % str(bool(self.env['with_debug'])))
-        return True
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Node.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        # Setup debugging flags.
-        if self.env['with_debug']:
-            d = scons_env.ParseFlags('-g')
-            self.backup_variable(scons_env, d.keys(), old_state)
-            scons_env.MergeFlags(d)
-        else:
-            d = scons_env.ParseFlags('-DNDEBUG')
-            self.backup_variable(scons_env, d.keys(), old_state)
-            scons_env.MergeFlags(d)
-        # Setup the include paths.
-        inc_dir = self.env.get_build_path('include')
-        self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CPPPATH', old_state)
-        scons_env.PrependUnique(CPPPATH=[inc_dir])
-        # Setup LIB_DIR.
-        lib_dir = self.env.get_build_path('lib')
-        self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'LIBPATH', old_state)
-        scons_env.PrependUnique(LIBPATH=[lib_dir])
-        # Setup the RPATH.
-        self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'RPATH', old_state)
-        scons_env.PrependUnique(RPATH=[scons_env.Dir(lib_dir).abspath])
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b SConscript
--- a/SConscript	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys, platform, pickle, shutil
-import glob as pyglob
-import SConfig
-from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
-# Setup the Package system.
-def Package(env, pkg_module, required=True, **kw):
-    """Create a new package to be configured."""
-    if not hasattr(env, 'package_options'):
-        env.package_options = Options()
-    if not hasattr(env, 'packages'):
-        env.packages = {}
-        env.package_list = []
-    if not pkg_module in env.packages:
-        pkg = pkg_module(env, env.package_options, required, **kw)
-        for attr, val in kw.iteritems():
-            if not hasattr(pkg, attr):
-                print 'Package does not have attribute!'
-                sys.exit()
-            setattr(pkg, attr, val)
-        env.packages[pkg_module] = pkg
-        env.package_list += [pkg]
-    return env.packages[pkg_module]
-def CheckPackages(ctx, pkg_list):
-    for pkg in pkg_list:
-        pkg.configure(ctx)
-def configure_packages(env):
-    # If we have 'help' given as a target, use that to generate help.
-    if 'help' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
-        env.Alias('help', '.')
-        print env.package_options.GenerateHelpText(env)
-        return
-    # Get rid of the temporary directory to make sure we're building
-    # from scratch.
-    if os.path.exists('.sconsign.dblite'):
-        os.remove('.sconsign.dblite')
-    # Run the setup method for all nodes.
-    is_setup = False
-    while not is_setup:
-        is_setup = True
-        for n in env.package_list:
-            # If any node is not ready, we need to loop through them
-            # all again.
-            if not n.is_setup:
-                n.setup()
-                is_setup = False
-    # Update dependencies and requirements.
-    pkgs_rem = list(env.package_list)
-    while len(pkgs_rem):
-        pkg = pkgs_rem.pop()
-        if pkg.required:
-            for d, r in pkg.deps:
-                if r and not d.required:
-                    d.required = True
-                    pkgs_rem += [d]
-    # Call the packages checker.
-    sconf = Configure(pkg.env, custom_tests={'CheckPackages': CheckPackages})
-    sconf.CheckPackages(env.package_list)
-    sconf.Finish()
-    # Print package results.
-    print '\n*****************************************'
-    print "*               Results                 *"
-    print '*****************************************\n'
-    for pkg in env.package_list:
-        if isinstance(pkg, SConfig.Package):
-            if pkg.selected:
-                print str(pkg.selected),
-    # Print out build message.
-    print '\n*****************************************'
-    print "* Now run 'scons' to build the project. *"
-    print '*****************************************\n'
-def save_config(env, filename='config.cfg'):
-    # Put the results on this environment.
-    for pkg in env.package_list: 
-        if pkg.result:
-            pkg.enable(env)
-    # Update config variables.
-    env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=['CC', 'CFLAGS', 'CCFLAGS',
-                                 'CPPPATH', 'CPPDEFINES',
-                                 'LIBPATH', 'LIBS', 'STATICLIBS',
-                                 'RPATH', 'INTLIBS',
-                                 'FRAMEWORKS'])
-    env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=env.package_options.keys())
-    # Dump to file.
-    d = {}
-    for a in env['CONFIGVARS']:
-        if a in env._dict:
-            d[a] = env[a]
-    f = file(filename, 'w')
-    import pickle
-    pickle.dump(d, f)
-    f.close()
-def load_config(env, filename='config.cfg'):
-    if not os.path.exists(filename):
-        print "\nError: project hasn't been configured!"
-        print '*******************************************************'
-        print "* Run 'scons config' to configure the project.        *"
-        print "* Run 'scons help' to see what options are available. *"
-        print '*******************************************************'
-        env.Exit()
-    f = file(filename, 'r')
-    import pickle
-    d = pickle.load(f)
-    f.close()
-    for k, v in d.iteritems():
-        env[k] = v
-    for script in env.get('CONFIGSCRIPTS', []):
-        env.SConscript(script, 'env')
-    if 'build_dir' in env._dict:
-        env.Default(env['build_dir'])
-def write_pkgconfig(env, filename, name, desc='', version=0):
-    """Write out a pkgconfig file."""
-    # Make sure the directory structure exists.
-    filename = File(filename).abspath
-    dirs = os.path.dirname(filename)
-    if not os.path.exists(dirs):
-        os.makedirs(dirs)
-    # Write the pkgconfig file.
-    f = open(filename, 'w')
-    build_path = env.get('build_dir', '')
-    if build_path:
-        f.write('prefix=%s\n' % build_path)
-        f.write('exec_prefix=%s\n' % os.path.join(build_path, 'bin'))
-        f.write('libdir=%s\n' % os.path.join(build_path, 'lib'))
-        f.write('includedir=%s\n' % os.path.join(build_path, 'include'))
-        f.write('\n')
-    f.write('Name: %s\n' % name)
-    f.write('Description: %s\n' % desc)
-    f.write('Version: %s\n' % version)
-    f.write('Requires:\n')
-    # Unfortunately SCons leaves hashes in paths after calling the
-    # subst command, so we'll need to expand these manually.
-    old_state = {'LIBPATH': env['LIBPATH'], 'CPPPATH': env['CPPPATH']}
-    env['LIBPATH'] = [Dir(p).abspath for p in env['LIBPATH']]
-    env['CPPPATH'] = [Dir(p).abspath for p in env['CPPPATH']]
-    f.write(env.subst('Libs: ${_LIBDIRFLAGS} ${_LIBFLAGS}') + '\n')
-    f.write(env.subst('Cflags: ${_CPPINCFLAGS}') + '\n')
-    env.Replace(**old_state)
-    f.close()
-SConsEnvironment.Package = Package
-SConsEnvironment.configure_packages = configure_packages
-SConsEnvironment.save_config = save_config
-SConsEnvironment.load_config = load_config
-SConsEnvironment.write_pkgconfig = write_pkgconfig
-# Useful utilities.
-def copy_file(env, dst, src):
-    dst = File(dst).abspath
-    if os.path.exists(dst):
-        return
-    dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
-    if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
-        os.makedirs(dst_dir)
-    shutil.copy(src, dst)
-def get_build_path(env, prefix):
-    if os.path.isabs(env['build_dir']):
-        bld_dir = env['build_dir']
-    else:
-        bld_dir = '#' + env['build_dir']
-    if prefix:
-        return os.path.join(bld_dir, prefix)
-    else:
-        return bld_dir
-def get_target_name(env, source, extension=''):
-    """Return the destination name for a source file with suffix 'suffix'. This
-    is useful for building files into the correct build path. Returns the full
-    path to the built source without extension."""
-    if extension:
-        src = source[:-len(extension)]
-    else:
-        src = source
-    return env.get_build_path(src)
-def glob(env, pattern):
-    if not os.path.isabs(pattern):
-        old = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath)
-        res = pyglob.glob(pattern)
-        os.chdir(old)
-    else:
-        res = pyglob.glob(pattern)
-    return res
-def path_exists(env, path):
-    if not os.path.isabs(path):
-        old = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath)
-        res = os.path.exists(path)
-        os.chdir(old)
-    else:
-        res = os.path.exists(path)
-    return res
-def strip_dir(env, path, subdir):
-    offs = path.find(os.path.sep + subdir + os.path.sep)
-    if offs != -1:
-        return path[:offs] + path[offs + len(subdir) + 1:]
-    offs = path.find(os.path.sep + subdir)
-    if offs != -1:
-        return path[:-(len(subdir) + 1)]
-    return path
-def make_list(self, var):
-    """Convert anything into a list. Handles things that are already lists,
-    tuples and strings."""
-    if isinstance(var, str):
-        return [var]
-    elif isinstance(var, (list, tuple)):
-        if not var:
-            return []
-        return list(var)
-    elif var is None:
-        return []
-    else:
-        return [var]
-def reverse_list(self, _list):
-    """Return a reversed copy of a list."""
-    rev = list(_list)
-    rev.reverse()
-    return rev
-SConsEnvironment.strip_dir = strip_dir
-SConsEnvironment.copy_file = copy_file
-SConsEnvironment.get_build_path = get_build_path
-SConsEnvironment.get_target_name = get_target_name
-SConsEnvironment.glob = glob
-SConsEnvironment.path_exists = path_exists
-SConsEnvironment.make_list = make_list
-SConsEnvironment.reverse_list = reverse_list
-# Customize the created base environment.
-def _interleave(int_libs, env):
-    txt = ''
-    first = True
-    for paths, libs in int_libs:
-        env['MYLIBPATHS'] = paths
-        env['MYLIBS'] = libs
-        if first:
-            first = False
-        else:
-            txt += ' '
-        txt += env.subst('$_MYLIBPATHS $_MYLIBS')
-    return txt
-env['_abspath'] = lambda x: File(x).abspath # Needed by Darwin.
-env['_interleave'] = _interleave
-env['_INTLIBS'] = '${_interleave(INTLIBS, __env__)}'
-env['LINKCOM'] += ' $STATICLIBS $_INTLIBS' # Needed for static libs. Thanks SCons. :(
-env['SHLINKCOM'] += ' $STATICLIBS $_INTLIBS' # Needed for static libs. Thanks SCons. :(
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b TerminalController.py
--- a/TerminalController.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-import sys, re
-class TerminalController:
-    """
-    A class that can be used to portably generate formatted output to
-    a terminal.  
-    `TerminalController` defines a set of instance variables whose
-    values are initialized to the control sequence necessary to
-    perform a given action.  These can be simply included in normal
-    output to the terminal:
-        >>> term = TerminalController()
-        >>> print 'This is '+term.GREEN+'green'+term.NORMAL
-    Alternatively, the `render()` method can used, which replaces
-    '${action}' with the string required to perform 'action':
-        >>> term = TerminalController()
-        >>> print term.render('This is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL}')
-    If the terminal doesn't support a given action, then the value of
-    the corresponding instance variable will be set to ''.  As a
-    result, the above code will still work on terminals that do not
-    support color, except that their output will not be colored.
-    Also, this means that you can test whether the terminal supports a
-    given action by simply testing the truth value of the
-    corresponding instance variable:
-        >>> term = TerminalController()
-        >>> if term.CLEAR_SCREEN:
-        ...     print 'This terminal supports clearning the screen.'
-    Finally, if the width and height of the terminal are known, then
-    they will be stored in the `COLS` and `LINES` attributes.
-    """
-    # Cursor movement:
-    BOL = ''             #: Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
-    UP = ''              #: Move the cursor up one line
-    DOWN = ''            #: Move the cursor down one line
-    LEFT = ''            #: Move the cursor left one char
-    RIGHT = ''           #: Move the cursor right one char
-    # Deletion:
-    CLEAR_SCREEN = ''    #: Clear the screen and move to home position
-    CLEAR_EOL = ''       #: Clear to the end of the line.
-    CLEAR_BOL = ''       #: Clear to the beginning of the line.
-    CLEAR_EOS = ''       #: Clear to the end of the screen
-    # Output modes:
-    BOLD = ''            #: Turn on bold mode
-    BLINK = ''           #: Turn on blink mode
-    DIM = ''             #: Turn on half-bright mode
-    REVERSE = ''         #: Turn on reverse-video mode
-    NORMAL = ''          #: Turn off all modes
-    # Cursor display:
-    HIDE_CURSOR = ''     #: Make the cursor invisible
-    SHOW_CURSOR = ''     #: Make the cursor visible
-    # Terminal size:
-    COLS = None          #: Width of the terminal (None for unknown)
-    LINES = None         #: Height of the terminal (None for unknown)
-    # Foreground colors:
-    # Background colors:
-    BOL=cr UP=cuu1 DOWN=cud1 LEFT=cub1 RIGHT=cuf1
-    BLINK=blink DIM=dim REVERSE=rev UNDERLINE=smul NORMAL=sgr0
-    HIDE_CURSOR=cinvis SHOW_CURSOR=cnorm""".split()
-    def __init__(self, term_stream=sys.stdout):
-        """
-        Create a `TerminalController` and initialize its attributes
-        with appropriate values for the current terminal.
-        `term_stream` is the stream that will be used for terminal
-        output; if this stream is not a tty, then the terminal is
-        assumed to be a dumb terminal (i.e., have no capabilities).
-        """
-        # Curses isn't available on all platforms
-        try: import curses
-        except: return
-        # If the stream isn't a tty, then assume it has no capabilities.
-        if not term_stream.isatty(): return
-        # Check the terminal type.  If we fail, then assume that the
-        # terminal has no capabilities.
-        try: curses.setupterm()
-        except: return
-        # Look up numeric capabilities.
-        self.COLS = curses.tigetnum('cols')
-        self.LINES = curses.tigetnum('lines')
-        # Look up string capabilities.
-        for capability in self._STRING_CAPABILITIES:
-            (attrib, cap_name) = capability.split('=')
-            setattr(self, attrib, self._tigetstr(cap_name) or '')
-        # Colors
-        set_fg = self._tigetstr('setf')
-        if set_fg:
-            for i,color in zip(range(len(self._COLORS)), self._COLORS):
-                setattr(self, color, curses.tparm(set_fg, i) or '')
-        set_fg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setaf')
-        if set_fg_ansi:
-            for i,color in zip(range(len(self._ANSICOLORS)), self._ANSICOLORS):
-                setattr(self, color, curses.tparm(set_fg_ansi, i) or '')
-        set_bg = self._tigetstr('setb')
-        if set_bg:
-            for i,color in zip(range(len(self._COLORS)), self._COLORS):
-                setattr(self, 'BG_'+color, curses.tparm(set_bg, i) or '')
-        set_bg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setab')
-        if set_bg_ansi:
-            for i,color in zip(range(len(self._ANSICOLORS)), self._ANSICOLORS):
-                setattr(self, 'BG_'+color, curses.tparm(set_bg_ansi, i) or '')
-    def _tigetstr(self, cap_name):
-        # String capabilities can include "delays" of the form "$<2>".
-        # For any modern terminal, we should be able to just ignore
-        # these, so strip them out.
-        import curses
-        cap = curses.tigetstr(cap_name) or ''
-        return re.sub(r'\$<\d+>[/*]?', '', cap)
-    def render(self, template):
-        """
-        Replace each $-substitutions in the given template string with
-        the corresponding terminal control string (if it's defined) or
-        '' (if it's not).
-        """
-        return re.sub(r'\$\$|\${\w+}', self._render_sub, template)
-    def _render_sub(self, match):
-        s = match.group()
-        if s == '$$': return s
-        else: return getattr(self, s[2:-1])
-# Example use case: progress bar
-class ProgressBar:
-    """
-    A 3-line progress bar, which looks like::
-                                Header
-        20% [===========----------------------------------]
-                           progress message
-    The progress bar is colored, if the terminal supports color
-    output; and adjusts to the width of the terminal.
-    """
-    BAR = '%3d%% ${GREEN}[${BOLD}%s%s${NORMAL}${GREEN}]${NORMAL}\n'
-    HEADER = '${BOLD}${CYAN}%s${NORMAL}\n\n'
-    def __init__(self, term, header):
-        self.term = term
-        if not (self.term.CLEAR_EOL and self.term.UP and self.term.BOL):
-            raise ValueError("Terminal isn't capable enough -- you "
-                             "should use a simpler progress dispaly.")
-        self.width = self.term.COLS or 75
-        self.bar = term.render(self.BAR)
-        self.header = self.term.render(self.HEADER % header.center(self.width))
-        self.cleared = 1 #: true if we haven't drawn the bar yet.
-        self.update(0, '')
-    def update(self, percent, message):
-        if self.cleared:
-            sys.stdout.write(self.header)
-            self.cleared = 0
-        n = int((self.width-10)*percent)
-        sys.stdout.write(
-            self.term.BOL + self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
-            (self.bar % (100*percent, '='*n, '-'*(self.width-10-n))) +
-            self.term.CLEAR_EOL + message.center(self.width))
-    def clear(self):
-        if not self.cleared:
-            sys.stdout.write(self.term.BOL + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
-                             self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
-                             self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL)
-            self.cleared = 1
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b __init__.py
--- a/__init__.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-from Node import Node
-from Package import Package
-from Installation import Installation
-from Configuration import Configuration
-from Platform import Platform
-from Project import Project
-import packages
-from TerminalController import TerminalController
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b check_headers.py
--- a/check_headers.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-def get_all_headers(cfg, hdrs):
-    """For the provided configuration, return a list of all the
-    headers required by it's dependencies."""
-    # Process the dependencies first, to maintain the correct order.
-    for dep in cfg.deps:
-        get_all_headers(dep, hdrs)
-    # Add the current set of headers, making sure we don't include
-    # any duplicates.
-    cfg_hdrs = cfg.inst.pkg.env.make_list(cfg.hdrs)
-    for h in cfg_hdrs:
-        if h in hdrs: continue
-        if cfg.inst.fwork:
-            hdrs += ['%s/%s' % (cfg.inst.fwork, h)]
-        else:
-            hdrs += [h]
-def get_header_source(cfg):
-    """From the provided configuration, return a string to use to check
-    that the headers are compatible with a C compiler."""
-    # Begin with standard ansi C headers.
-    src = '#include<stdlib.h>\n#include<stdio.h>\n#include<string.h>\n'
-    # To be safe, we have to include all the required headers from all
-    # our dependencies before including any from this installation.
-    hdrs = []
-    get_all_headers(cfg, hdrs)
-    # Now convert the list of headers into strings to be appended to the
-    # source string and return.
-    for h in hdrs:
-        src += '#include<' + h + '>\n'
-    return src
-def check_headers(cfg):
-    """Determine if the required headers are available by using the
-    current settings in the provided configuration."""
-    # Alias the installation and package for easy access.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    # If there are no headers to check, automatically pass.
-    if not cfg.hdrs:
-        return True
-    # We need to be able to locate the header files themselves before
-    # trying any sanity tests. This helps make sure we're not getting
-    # false positives from headers being found automatically in default
-    # compiler locations.
-    if not inst.fwork:
-        for hdr in cfg.hdrs:
-            found = False
-            for hdr_dir in inst.hdr_dirs:
-                # Combine the header sub-directories with the base directory
-                # and header file.
-                path = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, hdr_dir, hdr)
-                # Check if the path exists.
-                if os.path.exists(path):
-                    # If so, we can break out of the directory loop and move
-                    # on to the next header.
-                    found = True
-                    break
-            # If we couldn't find this header, the configuration is invalid.
-            # We can return negative straight away.
-            if not found: return False
-    # If we're here, we were able to locate all the header files.
-    # Now we try to compile a piece of source code to ensure the headers
-    # are compatible with a compiler. First we need the source code
-    # to compile.
-    src = get_header_source(cfg)
-    # We'll need to backup the existing environment state when we enable
-    # the current configuration.
-    old_state = {}
-    cfg.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-    # Try compiling the source and revert the environment.
-    result = pkg.compile_source(src)
-    pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-    # Return the results.
-    return result
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b check_libraries.py
--- a/check_libraries.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-import os, shutil
-import SConfig
-import check_headers
-def get_symbols_source(cfg):
-    """Build the source code required to check that a set of symbols is
-    present in a package installation. We produce two sets of source code:
-    the first is the code to build a library with a 'main-like' function
-    call. The second is a 'runner' that calls the library's function. We
-    do this because we need to check that we can build a library out of
-    the symbols, which ensures any cross-dependencies are compatible."""
-    # Alias the instance and package.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    # Begin with header inclusions and symbol prototypes.
-    src = check_headers.get_header_source(cfg)
-    for sym, proto in zip(inst.syms, pkg.symbol_prototypes):
-        src += (proto % sym) + '\n'
-    # Setup the main function call.
-    src += 'int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {\n'
-    # Setup any code required for the symbol check.
-    if pkg.symbol_setup:
-        src += pkg.symbol_setup + '\n'
-    # Unpack all the symbols.
-    for sym, call in zip(inst.syms, pkg.symbol_calls):
-        src += (call % sym) + '\n'
-    # Include any teardown code.
-    if pkg.symbol_teardown:
-        src += pkg.symbol_teardown + '\n'
-    # Finish it off and return.
-    src += 'return 0;\n}\n'
-    return src
-def generate_library_paths(cfg, lib):
-    lib_name = cfg.inst.pkg.env.subst('${SHLIBPREFIX}' + lib + '${SHLIBSUFFIX}')
-    if cfg.inst.lib_dirs:
-        for d in cfg.inst.lib_dirs:
-            path = os.path.join(cfg.inst.base_dir, d, lib_name)
-            yield os.path.abspath(path)
-    else:
-        yield lib_name
-def check_shared_exist(cfg):
-    """Run a sanity check on shared libraries to see if they exist."""
-    # Alias the instance and package.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    pkg.ctx.Log('  Checking for existence of shared libraries:\n')
-    # If we're configuring the dynamic linker, just return True.
-    if pkg.name == 'dl':
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    No need for the \'dl\' package.\n')
-        return True
-    # If we don't have any libraries to check, return True.
-    if not cfg.libs:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    No libraries to check!\n')
-        return True
-    # If this package is shared, it should have a configuration of the
-    # 'dl' package as one of it's dependencies.
-    dl = None
-    for dep in cfg.deps:
-        if dep.inst.pkg.name == 'dl':
-            dl = dep
-            break
-    if not dl:
-        raise 'Error: No dynamic linker as a dependency!'
-    # Build a binary to try and dynamically open all the libraries that are
-    # indicated to be shared.
-    result = [1, '', '']
-    src = check_headers.get_header_source(dl)
-    src += """
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-  void* lib[%d];
-""" % len(cfg.libs)
-    # Need to reverse the list of libraries to account for potential global
-    # run-time loading bindings.
-    libs = pkg.env.reverse_list(cfg.libs)
-    for l in libs:
-        if pkg.shared_libraries and l not in pkg.shared_libraries:
-            continue
-        if l in inst.extra_libs:
-            continue
-        offs = ''
-        for p in generate_library_paths(cfg, l):
-            offs += '  '
-            src += '%slib[%d] = dlopen("%s", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);\n' % (offs, cfg.libs.index(l), p)
-            src += '%sif( !lib[%d] ) {\n' % (offs, cfg.libs.index(l))
-        src += offs + '  printf( "%s", dlerror() );\n'
-        src += offs + '  return 1;\n'
-        src += offs + '}\n'
-        while len(offs) > 2:
-            offs = offs[:-2]
-            src += offs + '}\n'
-    src += '  return 0;\n}\n'
-    old_state = {}
-    dl.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-    result = cfg.inst.pkg.run_source(src)
-    pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-    if not result[0]:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Failed.\n')
-        return False
-    pkg.ctx.Log('    Success.\n')
-    return True
-def run_dependency_check(cfg, dep_cfg, dl, use_dep=False):
-    # Alias some stuff.
-    pkg = cfg.inst.pkg
-    dep_pkg = dep_cfg.inst.pkg
-    # Setup the source code for the initialisation library.
-    lib1_src = check_headers.get_header_source(cfg)
-    lib1_src += '\nvoid init( int argc, char* argv[] ) {\n'
-    lib1_src += dep_pkg.init_code + '\n'
-    lib1_src += '}\n\nvoid fina() {\n'
-    lib1_src += dep_pkg.fina_code + '\n'
-    lib1_src += '}\n'
-    # Enable the main package for building the initialisation library. We need to
-    # skip enabling the dependency package; that's the point of this check, to see
-    # if the main package already has a connection to a shared library of this
-    # dependency.
-    old_state = {}
-    if use_dep:
-        cfg.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-    else:
-        cfg.enable(pkg.env, old_state, lib_exclude=dep_pkg)
-    # Build the initialisation library and grab it's path.
-    result = pkg.library_source(lib1_src)
-    if not result[0]:
-        raise 'Broken'
-    init_lib = pkg.ctx.sconf.lastTarget.abspath
-    # Disable the main package for building the check library.
-    pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-    # Setup the source code to check if this dependency has been
-    # initialised.
-    lib2_src = check_headers.get_header_source(dep_cfg)
-    lib2_src += '\nint check() {\n'
-    lib2_src += dep_pkg.check_code + '\n}\n'
-    # Enable the dependency package for building the check library.
-    old_state = {}
-    dep_cfg.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-    # Build the check library and grab it's path.
-    result = pkg.library_source(lib2_src)
-    if not result[0]:
-        raise 'Broken'
-    check_lib = pkg.ctx.sconf.lastTarget.abspath
-    # Disable the secondary package for building the loader binary.
-    pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-    # Setup the code for the loader.
-    ldr_src = """#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
-   void* lib1;
-   void* lib2;
-   void (*init)( int, char** );
-   void (*fina)();
-   int (*check)();
-   lib1 = dlopen( \"""" + init_lib + """\", RTLD_NOW );
-   if( !lib1 ) {
-      printf( "lib1 open failed\\n" );
-      printf( "Error: %s\\n", dlerror() );
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }
-   init = dlsym( lib1, "init" );
-   if( !init ) {
-      printf( "init sym failed\\n" );
-      printf( "Error: %s\\n", dlerror() );
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }
-   fina = dlsym( lib1, "fina" );
-   if( !fina ) {
-      printf( "fina sym failed\\n" );
-      printf( "Error: %s\\n", dlerror() );
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }
-   lib2 = dlopen( \"""" + check_lib + """\", RTLD_NOW );
-   if( !lib2 ) {
-      printf( "lib2 open failed\\n" );
-      printf( "Error: %s\\n", dlerror() );
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }
-   check = dlsym( lib2, "check" );
-   if( !check ) {
-      printf( "check sym failed\\n" );
-      printf( "Error: %s\\n", dlerror() );
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }
-   init( argc, argv );
-   if( check() )
-      printf( "Connected.\\n" );
-   else
-      printf( "Disconnected.\\n" );
-   fina();
-   if( lib1 )
-      dlclose( lib1 );
-   if( lib2 )
-      dlclose( lib2 );
-   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-    # Enable the dynamic linker package for the loader.
-    old_state = {}
-    dl.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-    # Build and run the loader. Unfortunately, because of the way
-    # SCons works, I think we need to rebuild this everytime.
-    result = pkg.run_source(ldr_src)
-    # Disable the main package.
-    pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-    return result
-def check_shared_dependencies(cfg):
-    # Alias the instance and package.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    pkg.ctx.Log('  Check the shared library dependencies:\n')
-    # Don't check for shared libraries if we're currently checking the
-    # dynamic linker package.
-    if pkg.name == 'dl':
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    No need for the \'dl\' package.\n')
-        return True
-    # If this package is shared, it should have a configuration of the
-    # 'dl' package as one of it's dependencies.
-    dl = None
-    for dep in cfg.deps:
-        if dep.inst.pkg.name == 'dl':
-            dl = dep
-            break
-    if not dl:
-        raise 'No dynamic linker as a dependency!'
-    # Check every dependency to see if it works.
-    for dep_cfg in cfg.deps:
-        # Alias the dependency's package.
-        dep_pkg = dep_cfg.inst.pkg
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Checking dependency \'%s\'\n' % dep_pkg.name)
-        # Make sure the dependency needs to be checked.
-        if not (dep_pkg.init_code and dep_pkg.fina_code and dep_pkg.check_code):
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      No code for dependency check, skipping.\n')
-            continue
-        # Run the test without the dependent package.
-        result = run_dependency_check(cfg, dep_cfg, dl)
-        # If the link failed, we have a bug.
-        if not result[0]:
-            raise 'Error: This link should not have failed.\n'
-        # Check if we were able to open the initialisation library.
-        if result[1].find('lib1 open failed') != -1:
-            # If not, we need to know why.
-            error = result[1].split('\n')[1]
-            # If we can find any of the symbols we were trying to link in the
-            # error output, this means the main library is not connected to
-            # any library that satsifies the dependency. Theoretically, this
-            # means we can link against any dependency installation, however
-            # this is not really true. So, the answer is to just try it with
-            # the current dependency to see if it works.
-            if error.find('undefined') != -1: # TODO: search for symbols
-                pkg.ctx.Log('      Symbols not present, trying again with dependency enabled.\n')
-                # Yep, bogus. Try it with the dependency thrown in.
-                result = run_dependency_check(cfg, dep_cfg, dl, use_dep=True)
-                # If it failed for any reason, we can't use this combination.
-                if not result[0] or \
-                        result[1].find('Error') != -1 or \
-                        result[1].find('Disconnected') != -1:
-                    pkg.ctx.Log('      Failed: Incompatible libraries.\n')
-                    return False
-        # If the libraries are disconnected, it means this configuration is
-        # invalid. We need to use one with a different dependency.
-        if result[1].find('Disconnected') != -1:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Failed: Shared libraries are not connected.\n')
-            return False
-        pkg.ctx.Log('      Success: Shared libraries are connected.\n')
-    return True
-def check_files(cfg):
-    """Check for the existence of static and shared library files. Return results
-    as a tuple of two booleans, the first for static and the second for shared."""
-    # Alias the installation and package for easy access.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    pkg.ctx.Log('  Checking for existence of files:\n')
-    # Set the result flag to false just in case none of the libraries are
-    # in our standard set.
-    static_found = False
-    # Check each library in the current set.
-    for lib in cfg.libs:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Looking for static %s:\n' % lib)
-        # Don't check for the existance of a library if it's considered
-        # an extra library. This is because extra libraries can often exist
-        # in only compiler known locations.
-        if lib in pkg.extra_libraries + inst.extra_libs:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Is an auxilliary library, skipping.\n')
-            continue
-        # Check each library directory for the files.
-        static_found = False
-        for lib_dir in inst.lib_dirs:
-            # Combine the library sub-directories with the base directory
-            # and both the static and shared library names.
-            name = pkg.env.subst('${LIBPREFIX}' + lib + '${LIBSUFFIX}')
-            path = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, lib_dir, name)
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Trying %s ... ' % path)
-            # Check if either of the paths exist.
-            static_found = os.path.exists(path)
-            # If so, we can break out of the directory loop and move
-            # on to the next library.
-            if static_found:
-                pkg.ctx.Log('found.\n')
-                break
-            pkg.ctx.Log('not found.\n')
-        # If we couldn't find this library, the configuration is invalid.
-        # We can return negative straight away.
-        if not static_found: break
-    # Set the result flag to false just in case none of the libraries are
-    # in our standard set.
-    shared_found = False
-    # Check each library in the current set.
-    for lib in cfg.libs:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Looking for shared %s:\n' % lib)
-        # Don't check for the existance of a library if it's considered
-        # an extra library. This is because extra libraries can often exist
-        # in only compiler known locations.
-        if lib in pkg.extra_libraries + inst.extra_libs:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Is an auxilliary library, skipping.\n')
-            continue
-        # Don't check for libraries that are known to not be shared.
-        if pkg.shared_libraries is not None and lib not in pkg.shared_libraries:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Is not required to be a shared library.\n')
-            continue
-        # Check each library directory for the files.
-        shared_found = False
-        for lib_dir in inst.lib_dirs:
-            # Combine the library sub-directories with the base directory
-            # and both the static and shared library names.
-            name = pkg.env.subst('${SHLIBPREFIX}' + lib + '${SHLIBSUFFIX}')
-            path = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, lib_dir, name)
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Trying %s ... ' % path)
-            # Check if either of the paths exist.
-            shared_found = os.path.exists(path)
-            # If so, we can break out of the directory loop and move
-            # on to the next library.
-            if shared_found:
-                pkg.ctx.Log('found.\n')
-                break
-            pkg.ctx.Log('not found.\n')
-        # If we couldn't find this library, the configuration is invalid.
-        # We can return negative straight away.
-        if not shared_found: break
-    # Return results.
-    return (static_found, shared_found)
-def check_libraries(cfg):
-    # Alias the installation and package for easy access.
-    inst = cfg.inst
-    pkg = inst.pkg
-    pkg.ctx.Log('Checking libraries: %s\n' % str(cfg.libs))
-    # If there are no libraries to check, automatically pass, but store
-    # unknown values for results.
-    if not cfg.libs and not inst.fwork:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('  No libraries to check!\n')
-        cfg.has_static = None
-        cfg.has_shared = None
-        return True
-    # Try and locate files that look like the library files we need.
-    if not inst.fwork:
-        cfg.has_static, cfg.has_shared = check_files(cfg)
-    # If we couldn't find either, we're broken and should return immediately.
-    if not inst.fwork and not (cfg.has_static or cfg.has_shared):
-        pkg.ctx.Log('  Could not find files for either static or shared libraries.\n')
-        return False
-    # Now we need to find a valid set of symbols by trying to build a test
-    # program. The symbol type required for any configuration is dependent on
-    # the installation, not in it's dependencies. So, if we've already
-    # found the right set of symbols for this installation, just use those,
-    # don't bother searching.
-    pkg.ctx.Log('  Checking for symbols:\n')
-    if inst.syms is not None:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Installation already has symbols defined.\n')
-        pre_exist = True
-        symbols = [(inst.syms, inst.sym_def)]
-    else:
-        pre_exist = False
-        #If there aren't any symbols defined in the package,
-        # use an empty set.
-        if not pkg.symbols:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('    No symbols given, using an empty set.\n')
-            symbols = [([], '')]
-        else:
-            pkg.ctx.Log('    Searching package defined symbols.\n')
-            symbols = pkg.symbols
-    # Try out each set of symbols.
-    for inst.syms, inst.sym_def in symbols:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('    Trying symbol set: %s\n' % str(inst.syms))
-        # Build the source required for the symbols check.
-        src = get_symbols_source(cfg)
-        # Enable the environment and build the source.
-        old_state = {}
-        cfg.enable(pkg.env, old_state)
-        result = pkg.run_source(src)
-        pkg.env.Replace(**old_state)
-        # Check the results.
-        if result[0]:
-            # In addition to the results indicating success, we need to check
-            # the output for any warnings that may indicate failure.
-            if result[1].find('skipping incompatible') != -1 or \
-                    result[2].find('skipping incompatible') != -1:
-                # The library path specified wasn't actually used, instead the
-                # libraries in there were incompatible and the compiler was
-                # able to make use of libraries in default search paths.
-                pkg.ctx.Log('      Failed: compiler reported incompatible libraries.\n')
-                result[0] = 0
-                continue
-            # We're done, break out of the symbols search.
-            pkg.ctx.Log('      Success.\n')
-            break
-        pkg.ctx.Log('      Failed.\n')
-    # If we couldn't find a valid set of symbols we need to clear the symbols
-    # stored on the installation only if they had not been found before.
-    if not result[0]:
-        if not pre_exist:
-            inst.syms = None
-            inst.sym_def = ''
-        # TODO: We need to set the correct error here.
-        return False
-    # Check for the existence of shared libraries if we were able to find shared
-    # library-like files.
-    if not inst.fwork and cfg.has_shared:
-        cfg.has_shared = check_shared_exist(cfg)
-    # Also check if we know of a dependency for which the package was linked
-    # against for each dependency listed.
-    if not inst.fwork and cfg.has_shared:
-        cfg.has_shared = check_shared_dependencies(cfg)
-    # If we've gotten this far and we're using a framework, we know we have
-    # the right stuff.
-    if inst.fwork:
-        cfg.has_static = True
-        cfg.has_shared = True
-        cfg.libs = None
-    # If we don't have all the necessary libraries, return negative.
-    if pkg.require_shared and not cfg.has_shared:
-        pkg.ctx.Log('  Failed: shared libraries are required.\n')
-        return False
-    pkg.ctx.Log('  Success.\n')
-    return True
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b checks.py
--- a/checks.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from check_headers import check_headers
-from check_libraries import check_libraries
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/BlasLapack.py
--- a/packages/BlasLapack.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class BlasLapack(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.cmath = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.cmath)
-        self.libraries = [['lapack', 'blas'],
-                          ['flapack', 'fblas'],
-                          ['flapack', 'fblas', 'gfortran'],
-                          ['clapack', 'cblas'],
-                          ['mkl_lapack', 'mkl']]
-        self.shared_libraries = ['lapack', 'blas']
-        self.extra_libraries = ['gfortran']
-        self.frameworks = ['Accelerate']
-        self.symbols = [(['dgeev'], 'FORTRAN_NORMAL'),
-                        (['dgeev_'], 'FORTRAN_SINGLE_TRAILINGBAR'),
-                        (['dgeev__'], 'FORTRAN_DOUBLE_TRAILINGBAR'),
-                        (['DGEEV'], 'FORTRAN_UPPERCASE')]
-        self.symbol_setup = '''char jobVecLeft='N';
-char jobVecRight='N';
-int dim=1;
-double* arrayA=NULL;
-double* outputReal=NULL;
-double* outputImag=NULL;
-double* leftEigenVec=NULL;
-double* rightEigenVec=NULL;
-int leadDimVL=1;
-int leadDimVR=1;
-double* workSpace=NULL;
-int dimWorkSpace;
-int INFO=0;
-memset(arrayA, 0, dim*dim*sizeof(double));
-memset(outputReal, 0, dim*sizeof(double));
-memset(outputImag, 0, dim*sizeof(double));
-memset(leftEigenVec, 0, leadDimVL*dim*sizeof(double));
-memset(rightEigenVec, 0, leadDimVR*dim*sizeof(double));
-        self.symbol_teardown = '''free(arrayA);
-        self.symbol_prototypes = ['void %s(char*,char*,int*,double*,int*,double*,double*,double*,int*,double*,int*,double*,int*,int*);']
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&jobVecLeft, &jobVecRight, &dim, arrayA, &dim, outputReal, outputImag, leftEigenVec, &leadDimVL, rightEigenVec, &leadDimVR, workSpace, &dimWorkSpace, &INFO );']
-    # Thanks to there not being a C version of Blas/Lapack on edda, we need
-    # to be able to search for that installation specifically.
-    def process_installations(self, inst):
-        lib_dir = ['/usr/local/IBM_compilers/xlf/9.1/lib64',
-                   '/opt/ibmcmp/lib64']
-        use_dir = True
-        for d in lib_dir:
-            if not os.path.exists(d):
-                use_dir = False
-                break
-        if use_dir:
-            inst.add_lib_dirs(lib_dir)
-    def generate_libraries(self, inst):
-        lib_dir = '/usr/local/IBM_compilers/xlf/9.1/lib64'
-        if lib_dir in inst.lib_dirs:
-            old_libs = list(inst.extra_libs)
-            inst.extra_libs += ['xlf90', 'xlfmath', 'xl']
-            yield ['blas', 'lapack', 'xlf90', 'xlfmath', 'xl']
-            inst.extra_libs = old_libs
-        else:
-            for libs in SConfig.Package.generate_libraries(self, inst):
-                yield libs
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/CompilerFlags.py
--- a/packages/CompilerFlags.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import os, platform
-import SCons.Script
-import SConfig
-class CompilerFlags(SConfig.Node):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.checks = [self.check_bit_flags,
-                       self.check_architecture]
-    def setup_options(self):
-        SConfig.Node.setup_options(self)
-        self.opts.AddOptions(
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_32bit', 'Generate 32bit code', 0),
-            SCons.Script.BoolOption('with_64bit', 'Generate 64bit code', 0)
-            )
-    def check_architecture(self):
-        if (platform.platform().find('x86_64') != -1 or \
-            platform.platform().find('ppc64') != -1 or \
-            platform.architecture()[0].find('64') != -1 or \
-            self.env['with_64bit']) and \
-            not self.env['with_32bit']:
-            self.bits = 64
-            if self.flag_64bit:
-                self.env.MergeFlags(self.flag_64bit)
-                if self.env.subst('$CC') == self.env.subst('$LINK'):
-                    self.env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=[self.flag_64bit])
-        else:
-            self.bits = 32
-            if self.flag_32bit:
-                self.env.MergeFlags(self.flag_32bit)
-                if self.env.subst('$CC') == self.env.subst('$LINK'):
-                    self.env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS=[self.flag_32bit])
-        return True
-    def check_bit_flags(self):
-        if self.try_flag('-m32')[0]:
-            self.flag_32bit = '-m32'
-        elif self.try_flag('-q32')[0]:
-            self.flag_32bit = '-q32'
-        else:
-            self.flag_32bit = ''
-        if self.try_flag('-m64')[0]:
-            self.flag_64bit = '-m64'
-        elif self.try_flag('-q64')[0]:
-            self.flag_64bit = '-q64'
-        else:
-            self.flag_64bit = ''
-        return True
-    def try_flag(self, flag):
-        state = self.env.ParseFlags(flag)
-        old = self.push_state(state)
-        result = self.run_scons_cmd(self.ctx.TryCompile, '', '.c')
-        self.pop_state(old)
-        if result[0] and (result[1].find('not recognized') != -1 or
-                          result[1].find('not recognised') != -1 or
-                          result[1].find('unknown option') != -1):
-            result[0] = 0
-        return [result[0], result[1], '']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/HDF5.py
--- a/packages/HDF5.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class HDF5(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.base_patterns = ['*hdf5*', '*HDF5*']
-        self.headers = [['hdf5.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['hdf5'],
-                          ['hdf5', 'pthread'],
-                          ['hdf5', 'pthread', 'z'],
-                          ['hdf5', 'pthread', 'z', 'sz']]
-        self.require_parallel = False
-    def process_installation(self, inst):
-        SConfig.Package.process_installation(self, inst)
-        inst.parallel_support = False
-        extra_lib_dirs = []
-        extra_libs = []
-        for lib_dir in inst.lib_dirs:
-            set_file = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, lib_dir, 'libhdf5.settings')
-            if os.path.exists(set_file):
-                f = open(set_file, 'r')
-                for line in f.readlines():
-                    if line.find('Extra libraries') != -1:
-                        dict = self.env.ParseFlags(line.split(':')[1])
-                        extra_lib_dirs = dict.get('LIBPATH', [])
-                        extra_libs = dict.get('LIBS', [])
-                    if line.find('Parallel support') != -1:
-                        psup = line.split(':')[1].strip()
-                        inst.parallel_support = (psup == 'yes')
-        disabled = """
-        inst.add_lib_dirs(extra_lib_dirs)
-        inst.add_extra_libs(extra_libs)"""
-        # Do we need the math library?
-        if 'm' in extra_libs:
-            self.cmath = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.cmath)
-        # Do we need to include the library for szip or pthread?
-        if 'pthread' in extra_libs: inst.add_extra_libs('pthread')
-        if 'z' in extra_libs: inst.add_extra_libs('z')
-        if 'sz' in extra_libs: inst.add_extra_libs('sz')
-        # If we have parallel support or we require parallel support,
-        # add in MPI requirements.
-        if inst.parallel_support or self.require_parallel:
-            self.mpi = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.MPI)
-            self.symbols = [(['H5Pset_dxpl_mpio', 'H5Pset_fapl_mpio'], '')]
-            self.symbol_calls = ['%s(dxpl_props, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);',
-                                 '%s(fapl_props, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL);']
-            self.symbol_setup = """hid_t dxpl_props, fapl_props;
-MPI_Comm comm_world;
-MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_world);
-dxpl_props = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
-fapl_props = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
-            self.symbol_teardown = """H5Pclose(dxpl_props);
-        return
-    def get_check_symbols_fail_reason(self, fail_logs):
-        for log in fail_logs:
-            if log.find('_mpio\''):
-                return 'Not a parallel HDF5 implementation.'
-        return ''
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/HGRevision.py
--- a/packages/HGRevision.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class HGRevision(SConfig.Node):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.checks = [self.extract_revision]
-        self.define_name = 'VERSION'
-        # Will be set after configuration.
-        self.revision = ''
-    def extract_revision(self):
-        import commands
-        result = commands.getstatusoutput('hg identify')
-        if result[0]:
-            return False
-        self.revision = result[1].split()[0].strip()
-        return True
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Node.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CPPDEFINES', old_state)
-        ver = scons_env['ESCAPE']('"' + self.revision + '"')
-        scons_env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=[(self.define_name, ver)])
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/MPI.py
--- a/packages/MPI.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class MPI(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.CompilerFlags)
-        self.base_patterns = ['mpich*', 'MPICH*']
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['mpi']
-        self.headers = [['mpi.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['mpich'],
-                          ['mpich', 'pmpich'],
-                          ['mpich', 'rt'],
-                          ['mpich', 'pmpich', 'rt'],
-                          ['mpich', 'pvfs2'],
-                          ['mpich', 'pmpich', 'pvfs2'],
-                          ['mpich', 'rt', 'pvfs2'],
-                          ['mpich', 'pmpich', 'rt', 'pvfs2'],
-                          ['mpi'],
-                          ['lam', 'mpi']]
-        self.shared_libraries = ['mpich', 'pmpich', 'mpi', 'lam']
-        self.extra_libraries = ['rt', 'pvfs2']
-        self.symbols = [(['MPI_Init', 'MPI_Comm_dup', 'MPI_Finalize'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = 'MPI_Comm comm_world;\n'
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv);',
-                             '%s(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_world);',
-                             '%s();']
-        self.init_code = 'MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);'
-        self.fina_code = 'MPI_Finalize();'
-        self.check_code = """int is_ready;
-return is_ready;"""
-    def process_installation(self, inst):
-        SConfig.Package.process_installation(self, inst)
-        # MPICH sometimes stores it's shared libraries in prefix/lib/shared.
-        for lib_dir in inst.lib_dirs:
-            shared_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'shared')
-            path = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, shared_dir)
-            if os.path.exists(path):
-                inst.add_lib_dirs(shared_dir, prepend=True)
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/OSMesa.py
--- a/packages/OSMesa.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class OSMesa(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.OpenGL)
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['GL']
-        self.headers = [['osmesa.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['OSMesa']]
-        self.symbols = [(['OSMesaCreateContext', 'OSMesaDestroyContext'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = 'void* ctx;'
-        self.symbol_calls = ['ctx = %s(OSMESA_RGBA, NULL);', '%s(ctx);']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/OpenGL.py
--- a/packages/OpenGL.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class OpenGL(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['GL']
-        self.headers = [['gl.h', 'glu.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['GL', 'GLU']]
-        self.frameworks = ['OpenGL']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/PETSc.py
--- a/packages/PETSc.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-import os, re
-import SConfig
-class PETSc(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.mpi = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.MPI)
-        self.blas_lapack = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.BlasLapack)
-        self.base_patterns = ['petsc*', 'PETSC*', 'PETSc*']
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['petsc']
-        self.headers = [['petsc.h',
-                         'petscvec.h', 'petscmat.h',
-                         'petscksp.h', 'petscsnes.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['petscsnes', 'petscksp',
-                           'petscdm', 
-                           'petscmat', 'petscvec',
-                           'petsc',]]
-        self.symbols = [(['PetscInitialize', 'MPI_Comm_dup', 'PetscFinalize'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = 'MPI_Comm comm_world;\n'
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL);',
-                             '%s(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &comm_world);',
-                             '%s();']
-    def process_installation(self, inst):
-        SConfig.Package.process_installation(self, inst)
-        # Read the PETSc architecture.
-        inst.arch = self.get_arch(inst.base_dir)
-        if not inst.arch:
-            return
-        # Add the bmake/arch include directory.
-        hdr_dir = os.path.join('bmake', inst.arch)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inst.base_dir, hdr_dir)):
-            return
-        inst.add_hdr_dirs(hdr_dir)
-        # Add the lib/arch library directory.
-        lib_dir = os.path.join('lib', inst.arch)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inst.base_dir, lib_dir)):
-            return
-        inst.add_lib_dirs(lib_dir)
-        # Parse extra libraries.
-        extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs = self.get_extra_libraries(inst)
-        inst.add_lib_dirs(extra_lib_dirs)
-        inst.add_extra_libs(extra_libs)
-        # There seems to be some extra library paths we'll need that get stored
-        # in SL_LINKER_LIBS.
-#        extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs = self.get_sl_linker_libs(inst)
-#        inst.add_lib_dirs(extra_lib_dirs)
-#        inst.add_libs(extra_libs)
-        # Everything's okay.
-        return
-    def get_arch(self, base_dir):
-        petscconf = os.path.join(base_dir, 'bmake',
-                                 'petscconf')
-        if not os.path.exists(petscconf):
-            return None
-        f = file(petscconf, 'r')
-        arch = f.readline().split('=')[1][:-1]
-        f.close()
-        return arch
-    def get_extra_libraries(self, inst):
-        """Read 'petscconf' and extract any additional dependencies/extra
-        libraries we may need."""
-        # Make sure the file exists before trying anything.
-        petscconf = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, 'bmake', inst.arch, 'petscconf')
-        if not os.path.exists(petscconf):
-            return
-        # Read all the lines, which are of the form 'something = something else'.
-        f = file(petscconf, 'r')
-        line_dict = {}
-        for line in f.readlines():
-            sides = line.split('=')
-            line_dict[sides[0].strip()] = sides[1].strip()
-        f.close()
-        # Try and locate any possible dependent installations
-        # PETSc knows about.
-        name_map = {'MPI': self.mpi,
-                    'BLASLAPACK': self.blas_lapack}
-        for name_base, pkg in name_map.iteritems():
-            name = name_base + '_INCLUDE'
-            if name not in line_dict: continue
-            string = self.subst(line_dict[name], line_dict).strip()
-            for sub in string.split(' '):
-                if sub[:len(self.env['INCPREFIX'])] == self.env['INCPREFIX']:
-                    base_dir = os.path.normpath(sub[len(self.env['INCPREFIX']):])
-                    # Try the base directory on it's own; sometimes
-                    # the libraries will be placed there.
-                    pkg.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(pkg, base_dir))
-                    # Try combining with sub-directories.
-                    base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_dir)
-                    for hdr, lib in pkg.combine_base_dir(base_dir):
-                        pkg.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(pkg, base_dir, hdr, lib))
-            name = name_base + '_LIB'
-            if name not in line_dict: continue
-            string = self.subst(line_dict[name], line_dict).strip()
-            for sub in string.split(' '):
-                if sub[:len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX'])] == self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']:
-                    base_dir = os.path.normpath(sub[len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']):])
-                    # Try the base directory on it's own; sometimes
-                    # the libraries will be placed there.
-                    pkg.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(pkg, base_dir, [], ['']))
-                    # Try combining with sub-directories.
-                    base_dir = os.path.dirname(base_dir)
-                    for hdr, lib in pkg.combine_base_dir(base_dir):
-                        pkg.add_candidate(SConfig.Installation(pkg, base_dir, hdr, lib))
-        # Hunt down all the libraries and library paths we may need.
-        names = ['PACKAGES_LIBS', 'SL_LINKER_LIBS']
-        for name in names:
-            if name not in line_dict: continue
-            lib_string = line_dict['PACKAGES_LIBS']
-            lib_string = self.subst(lib_string, line_dict)
-            extra_lib_dirs = []
-            extra_libs = []
-            for string in lib_string.split(' '):
-                if string[:len(self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX'])] == self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX']:
-                    extra_libs += [string[len(self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX']):]]
-                elif string[:len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX'])] == self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']:
-                    extra_lib_dirs += [string[len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']):]]
-        return (extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs)
-    def get_sl_linker_libs(self, inst):
-        petscconf = os.path.join(inst.base_dir, 'bmake', inst.arch, 'petscconf')
-        if not os.path.exists(petscconf): return ([], [])
-        f = file(petscconf, 'r')
-        line_dict = {}
-        for line in f.readlines():
-            sides = line.split('=')
-            line_dict[sides[0].strip()] = sides[1].strip()
-        f.close()
-        if 'SL_LINKER_LIBS' not in line_dict: return ([], [])
-        lib_string = line_dict['SL_LINKER_LIBS']
-        lib_string = self.subst(lib_string, line_dict)
-        extra_lib_dirs = []
-        extra_libs = []
-        for string in lib_string.split(' '):
-            if string[:len(self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX'])] == self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX']:
-                extra_libs += [string[len(self.env['LIBLINKPREFIX']):]]
-            elif string[:len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX'])] == self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']:
-                extra_lib_dirs += [string[len(self.env['LIBDIRPREFIX']):]]
-        return (extra_lib_dirs, extra_libs)
-    def subst(self, line, line_dict):
-        inp = [w.strip() for w in line.split()]
-        out = []
-        while len(inp):
-            w = inp[0]
-            inp = inp[1:]
-            if self.is_macro(w):
-                new_line = self.expand_macro(w, line_dict)
-                new_words = [nw.strip() for nw in new_line.split()]
-                inp = new_words + inp
-            else:
-                out += [w]
-        return ' '.join(out)
-    def expand_macro(self, macro, line_dict):
-        if macro[:2] == '${' and macro[-1:] == '}':
-            macro = macro[2:-1]
-        elif macro[0] == '$':
-            macro = macro[1:]
-        if macro not in line_dict: return ''
-        return line_dict[macro]
-    def is_macro(self, word):
-        if (word[:2] == '${' and word[-1:] == '}') or word[0] == '$':
-            return True
-        return False
-    def get_check_headers_fail_reason(self, fail_logs):
-        for log in fail_logs:
-            if log.find('MPI_') != -1:
-                return 'Selected MPI implementation incompatible.'
-        return ''
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/PETScExt.py
--- a/packages/PETScExt.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class PETScExt(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.petsc = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.PETSc)
-        self.base_patterns = ['petscext*', 'PETSCEXT*', 'PETScExt*']
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['petsc']
-        self.headers = [['petscext.h',
-                         'petscext_vec.h', 'petscext_mat.h',
-                         'petscext_ksp.h', 'petscext_snes.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['petscext_snes', 'petscext_ksp', 'petscext_pc',
-                           'petscext_mat', 'petscext_vec',
-                           'petscext_utils']]
-    def process_installation(self, inst):
-        # Have to get the architecture using this garbage...
-        archs = os.listdir(os.path.join(inst.base_dir, 'lib'))
-        for arch in archs:
-            if arch[0] != '.':
-                inst.arch = arch
-        # Add the bmake/arch include directory.
-        hdr_dir = os.path.join('bmake', inst.arch)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inst.base_dir, hdr_dir)):
-            return False # Can't continue without bmake include directory.
-        inst.add_hdr_dirs(hdr_dir)
-        # Add the lib/arch library directory.
-        lib_dir = os.path.join('lib', inst.arch)
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(inst.base_dir, lib_dir)):
-            return False # Must have correct library path.
-        inst.add_lib_dirs(lib_dir)
-        return True
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/PICellerator.py
--- a/packages/PICellerator.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class PICellerator(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.StgFEM)
-        self.base_patterns = ['PICellerator*']
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('PICellerator', 'PICellerator.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['PICellerator']]
-        self.symbols = [(['PICellerator_Init', 'PICellerator_Finalise'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = '''MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StGermain_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StgDomain_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StgFEM_Init(&argc, &argv);'''
-        self.symbol_teardown = '''StgFEM_Finalise();
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv);', '%s();']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/SDL.py
--- a/packages/SDL.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class SDL(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['SDL']
-        self.headers = [['SDL.h'],
-                        ['SDL/SDL.h']] # For framework.
-        self.libraries = [['SDL']]
-        self.frameworks = [['SDL', 'Cocoa']]
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/SVNRevision.py
--- a/packages/SVNRevision.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class SVNRevision(SConfig.Node):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Node.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.checks = [self.extract_revision]
-        self.define_name = 'VERSION'
-        self.checkout_path = os.getcwd()
-        # Will be set after configuration.
-        self.revision = 0
-    def extract_revision(self):
-        svn_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.svn', 'entries')
-        if not os.path.exists(svn_path):
-            return [0, '', 'Could not find .svn directory']
-        f = file(svn_path, 'r')
-	all_lines = f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-	for l in all_lines:
-            ind = l.rfind('revision=')
-            if ind != -1:
-                self.revision = int(l[ind + 10:l.rfind('"')])
-                return True
-        self.revision = int(all_lines[3])
-        return True
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Node.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CPPDEFINES', old_state)
-        ver = scons_env['ESCAPE']('"' + str(self.revision) + '"')
-        scons_env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=[(self.define_name, ver)])
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/StGermain.py
--- a/packages/StGermain.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class StGermain(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.cmath)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.libXML2)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.MPI)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.SVNRevision)
-        self.base_patterns = ['StGermain*']
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('StGermain', 'StGermain.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['StGermain']]
-        self.symbols = [(['StGermain_Init', 'StGermain_Finalise'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = 'MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);'
-        self.symbol_teardown = 'MPI_Finalize();'
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv);', '%s();']
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Package.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        if self.base_dir:
-            script = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'script', 'pcu', 'scons.py')
-            if os.path.exists(script):
-                self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CONFIGSCRIPTS', old_state)
-                scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=['CONFIGSCRIPTS'])
-                scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGSCRIPTS=[script])
-                env = scons_env
-                scons_env.SConscript(script, 'env')
-            script = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'script', 'StGermain', 'scons.py')
-            if os.path.exists(script):
-                self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CONFIGSCRIPTS', old_state)
-                scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=['CONFIGSCRIPTS'])
-                scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGSCRIPTS=[script])
-                env = scons_env
-                scons_env.SConscript(script, 'env')
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/StgDomain.py
--- a/packages/StgDomain.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class StgDomain(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.StGermain)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.BlasLapack)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.HDF5, False)
-        self.base_patterns = ['StgDomain*']
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('StgDomain', 'StgDomain.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['StgDomain']]
-        self.symbols = [(['StgDomain_Init', 'StgDomain_Finalise'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = '''MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StGermain_Init(&argc, &argv);
-        self.symbol_teardown = '''StGermain_Finalise();
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv);', '%s();']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/StgFEM.py
--- a/packages/StgFEM.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class StgFEM(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.StgDomain)
-        petsc = self.dependency(SConfig.packages.PETSc)
-        petsc.have_define = 'HAVE_PETSC'
-        self.base_patterns = ['StgFEM*']
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('StgFEM', 'StgFEM.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['StgFEM']]
-        self.symbols = [(['StgFEM_Init', 'StgFEM_Finalise'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = '''MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StGermain_Init(&argc, &argv);
-StgDomain_Init(&argc, &argv);'''
-        self.symbol_teardown = '''StgDomain_Finalise();
-        self.symbol_calls = ['%s(&argc, &argv);', '%s();']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/X11.py
--- a/packages/X11.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class X11(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.base_dirs += ['/usr/X11R6']
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['X11']
-        self.headers = [['Xlib.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['X11', 'Xmu']]
-        self.symbols = [(['XOpenDisplay'], '')]
-        self.symbol_setup = 'void* display;'
-        self.symbol_calls = ['display = %s(NULL);']
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/__init__.py
--- a/packages/__init__.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from CompilerFlags import CompilerFlags
-from libXML2 import libXML2
-from MPI import MPI
-from PETSc import PETSc
-from PETScExt import PETScExt
-from cmath import cmath
-from SVNRevision import SVNRevision
-from HGRevision import HGRevision
-from BlasLapack import BlasLapack
-from StGermain import StGermain
-from StgDomain import StgDomain
-from StgFEM import StgFEM
-from PICellerator import PICellerator
-from dl import dl
-from OpenGL import OpenGL
-from OSMesa import OSMesa
-from SDL import SDL
-from libPNG import libPNG
-from libJPEG import libJPEG
-from libTIFF import libTIFF
-from libFAME import libFAME
-from libavcodec import libavcodec
-from HDF5 import HDF5
-from X11 import X11
-from pcu import pcu
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/cmath.py
--- a/packages/cmath.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class cmath(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.CompilerFlags)
-        self.libraries = [['m']]
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/dl.py
--- a/packages/dl.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class dl(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.CompilerFlags)
-        self.headers = [['dlfcn.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['dl']]
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libFAME.py
--- a/packages/libFAME.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libFAME(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.headers = [['fame.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['fame']]
-        self.have_define = 'HAVE_FAME'
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libJPEG.py
--- a/packages/libJPEG.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libJPEG(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.headers = [['jpeglib.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['jpeg']]
-        self.have_define = 'HAVE_JPEG'
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libPNG.py
--- a/packages/libPNG.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libPNG(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.headers = [['png.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['png']]
-        self.have_define = 'HAVE_PNG'
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libTIFF.py
--- a/packages/libTIFF.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libTIFF(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.headers = [['tiff.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['tiff']]
-        self.have_define = 'HAVE_TIFF'
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libXML2.py
--- a/packages/libXML2.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libXML2(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.CompilerFlags)
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['libxml2']
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('libxml', 'parser.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['xml2']]
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/libavcodec.py
--- a/packages/libavcodec.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class libavcodec(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.header_sub_dir = ['ffmpeg']
-        self.headers = [['avcodec.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['avcodec']]
-        self.have_define = 'HAVE_AVCODEC'
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/pcu.py
--- a/packages/pcu.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class pcu(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required)
-        self.dependency(SConfig.packages.MPI)
-        self.headers = [[os.path.join('pcu', 'pcu.h')]]
-        self.libraries = [['pcu']]
-        self.checks += [self.check_scons_script]
-        self.scons_script = ''
-    def check_scons_script(self):
-        if self.base_dir:
-            script = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'script', 'pcu', 'scons.py')
-            if os.path.exists(script):
-                self.scons_script = script
-                self.ctx.Display('      Found SCons builder script.\n')
-        return True
-    def enable(self, scons_env, old_state=None):
-        SConfig.Package.enable(self, scons_env, old_state)
-        if self.scons_script:
-            self.backup_variable(scons_env, 'CONFIGSCRIPTS', old_state)
-            scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGVARS=['CONFIGSCRIPTS'])
-            scons_env.AppendUnique(CONFIGSCRIPTS=[self.scons_script])
-            env = scons_env
-            scons_env.SConscript(self.scons_script, 'env')
diff -r 3aba6671e2c9 -r 07515a87d26b packages/szip.py
--- a/packages/szip.py	Mon Jun 23 04:52:53 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import SConfig
-class szip(SConfig.Package):
-    def __init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required=False, **kw):
-        SConfig.Package.__init__(self, scons_env, scons_opts, required, **kw)
-        self.headers = [['szlib.h']]
-        self.libraries = [['sz']]

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