[cig-commits] commit: Updating StgSCons to better handle hierarchical

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 24 11:30:45 PST 2008

changeset:   65:2c74b4c94da0
user:        LukeHodkinson
date:        Mon Mar 03 04:53:01 2008 +0000
files:       StgSCons
Updating StgSCons to better handle hierarchical
builds, which we need to be able to handle for
the virtual repositories.

diff -r 4ff52d5f7e38 -r 2c74b4c94da0 StgSCons
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StgSCons	Mon Mar 03 04:53:01 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+import os, glob as pyglob, platform, pickle
+from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
+# Setup some basic path utilities.
+# Globbing for hierarchical SCons scripts.
+def glob(env, ptrn):
+    if not os.path.isabs(ptrn):
+        old = os.getcwd()
+        os.chdir(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath)
+        res = pyglob.glob(ptrn)
+        os.chdir(old)
+    else:
+        res = pyglob.glob(ptrn)
+    return res
+# Normalise an SCons path to the project root.
+def norm_path(env, path):
+    cur_dir = env.Dir('.').srcnode().path
+    if path[0] != '#':
+        path = os.path.join(cur_dir, path)
+    else:
+        path = path[1:]
+    return path
+# Copy a file immediately.
+def copy_file(env, dst, src):
+    dst = env.norm_path(dst)
+    old = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(env.GetLaunchDir())
+    if not File(os.path.abspath(dst)).current():
+        src = env.norm_path(src)
+        dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
+        if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
+            Execute(Mkdir(dst_dir))
+        Execute(Copy(dst, src))
+        os.chdir(old)
+# Add to the SCons main class.
+SConsEnvironment.glob = glob
+SConsEnvironment.norm_path = norm_path
+SConsEnvironment.copy_file = copy_file
+# Setup the hierarchical build stuff.
+def hbuild(env, builder, hpath, store=True, *args, **kw):
+    if kw['target'] == 'build/StGermain/Base/Automation/src/CompositeVC-meta':
+        import pdb
+        pdb.set_trace()
+    nodes = builder(*args, **kw)
+    if store:
+        if builder not in env.hnodes:
+            env.hnodes[builder] = {}
+        place = env.hnodes[builder]
+        if '.' not in place:
+            place['.'] = []
+        place['.'].append(nodes)
+        for h in hpath.split(os.path.sep):
+            if h not in place:
+                place[h] = {}
+            place = place[h]
+            if '.' not in place:
+                place['.'] = []
+            place['.'].append(nodes)
+    return nodes
+def get_hnodes(env, builder, hpath=None):
+    place = env.hnodes[builder]
+    if hpath:
+        for h in hpath.split(os.path.sep):
+            place = place[h]
+    return place['.']
+def hclear(env):
+    env.hnodes = {}
+SConsEnvironment.hbuild = hbuild
+SConsEnvironment.get_hnodes = get_hnodes
+SConsEnvironment.hclear = hclear
+# Helper functions.
+def copy_includes(env, files, dst, inc_nodes, force=False):
+    files = files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]
+    dst = os.path.join(env['buildPath'], dst)
+    for i in files:
+        node = env.Install(dst, i)
+        inc_nodes.append(node)
+        if force:
+            dst_path = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(i))
+            env.copy_file(dst_path, i)
+# Builder helpers.
+def get_target_name(env, src, suffix='.c'):
+    return os.path.join(env['buildPath'], env.project_name, src[:-len(suffix)])
+def build_defines(env, files, dst):
+    copy_includes(env, files, os.path.join('include', dst), 
+                  env.def_nodes, True)
+def build_headers(env, files, dst, force_copy=False):
+    copy_includes(env, files, os.path.join('include', dst),
+                  env.hdr_nodes, force_copy)
+def build_xmls(env, files, dst, force_copy=False):
+    copy_includes(env, files, os.path.join('lib', dst),
+                  env.hdr_nodes, force_copy)
+def build_objects(env, files, hpath, store=True):
+    files = files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]
+    nodes = []
+    name = env.project_name + ''.join(hpath.split(os.path.sep))
+    mod = [('CURR_MODULE_NAME', env['ESCAPE']('"' + name + '"'))]
+    for src in files:
+        tgt = get_target_name(env, src)
+        cur_node = env.hbuild(env.SharedObject, hpath, store,
+                              target=tgt, source=src,
+                              CPPDEFINES=env['CPPDEFINES'] + mod)
+        nodes.append(cur_node)
+    return nodes
+def build_metadata(env, files, hpath):
+    files = files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]
+    nodes = []
+    for m in files:
+        tgt = get_target_name(env, m, '.meta')
+        src = env.Meta(target=tgt, source=m)
+        tgt = get_target_name(env, src[0].path)
+        cur_node = env.hbuild(env.SharedObject, hpath,
+                              target=tgt, source=src)
+        nodes.append(cur_node)
+    return nodes
+def build_library(env, objs, name, libs=[], force_name=False):
+    objs = objs if isinstance(objs, list) else [objs]
+    dst = os.path.join(env['buildPath'], 'lib', name)
+    if force_name:
+        cur_node = env.library_builder(
+            dst, objs,
+            SHLIBPREFIX='',
+            LIBPREFIXES=[env['LIBPREFIXES']] + [''],
+	    LIBS=libs + env.get('LIBS', []))
+    else:
+        cur_node = env.library_builder(dst, objs, LIBS=libs + env.get('LIBS', []))
+    env.lib_nodes.insert(0, cur_node)
+def build_tests(env, files, name, sup_objs=[], libs=None):
+    if not libs:
+        libs = env.lib_nodes
+    files = files if isinstance(files, list) else [files]
+    sup_objs = [sup_objs] if isinstance(sup_objs, str) else sup_objs
+    nodes = env.test_nodes
+    mod = [('CURR_MODULE_NAME', env['ESCAPE']('"' + name + '"'))]
+    l = libs if isinstance(libs, list) else [libs]
+    for src in files:
+        dst = os.path.join(env['buildPath'], 'tests',
+                           os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src))[0])
+        cur_node = env.Program(dst, [src] + sup_objs,
+                               CPPDEFINES=env['CPPDEFINES'] + mod,
+                               LIBS=l + env.get('LIBS', []))
+        nodes.append(cur_node)
+def build_directory(env, dir, extra_objs=[],
+                    test_libs=None, build_lib=True):
+    if not test_libs:
+        test_libs = env.lib_nodes
+    test_libs = [test_libs] if isinstance(test_libs, str) else test_libs
+    extra_objs = [extra_objs] if isinstance(extra_objs, str) else extra_objs
+    srcDir = os.path.join(dir, 'src')
+    tstDir = os.path.join(dir, 'tests')
+    hdrDir = os.path.join(env.project_name, dir)
+    mod = ''.join(hdrDir.split(os.path.sep))
+    env.build_defines(env.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, '*.def')), hdrDir)
+    env.build_headers(env.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, '*.h')), hdrDir)
+    env.build_metadata(env.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, '*.meta')), dir)
+    env.build_objects(env.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, '*.c')), dir)
+    if build_lib:
+        objs = env.get_hnodes(env.SharedObject, dir)
+        env.build_library(objs + extra_objs, mod)
+    if os.path.exists(tstDir):
+        tst_files = env.glob(os.path.join(tstDir, 'test*.c'))
+        sup_gen = env.glob(os.path.join(tstDir, '*.c'))
+        sup_files = [f for f in sup_gen if f not in tst_files]
+        sup = env.build_objects(sup_files, dir, False)
+        env.build_tests(tst_files, mod,
+                        sup_objs=sup,
+                        libs=test_libs + [mod])
+def build_plugin(env, dir, hpath, prefix=True):
+    name = hpath.split(os.path.sep)
+    if prefix:
+        name = [env.project_name] + name
+    name = '_'.join(name) + 'module'
+    hdr_dir = os.path.join(env.project_name, hpath.split(os.path.sep)[-1])
+    env.build_headers(env.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.h')), hdr_dir)
+    objs = env.build_objects(env.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*.c')),
+                         hpath, False)
+    env.build_library(objs, name, [env.project_name], True)
+def clear_all(env):
+    env.hclear()
+    env.def_nodes = []
+    env.hdr_nodes = []
+    env.lib_nodes = []
+    env.test_nodes = []
+SConsEnvironment.build_defines = build_defines
+SConsEnvironment.build_headers = build_headers
+SConsEnvironment.build_xmls = build_xmls
+SConsEnvironment.build_objects = build_objects
+SConsEnvironment.build_metadata = build_metadata
+SConsEnvironment.build_library = build_library
+SConsEnvironment.build_tests = build_tests
+SConsEnvironment.build_directory = build_directory
+SConsEnvironment.build_plugin = build_plugin
+SConsEnvironment.clear_all = clear_all
+# Custom builders.
+# Builder for generating meta files (courtesy of Walter Landry).
+def create_meta(target, source, env):
+    output_file = file(str(target[0]),'wb')
+    output_file.write("#define XML_METADATA \"")
+    xml_file = file(str(source[0]))
+    xml_lines = xml_file.readlines()
+    for l in xml_lines:
+        output_file.write(l.replace('\"','\\\"')[:-1])
+    output_file.write("\"\n#define COMPONENT_NAME ")
+    for l in xml_lines:
+        start=l.find('<param name="Name">')
+        if start!=-1:
+            end=l.find('<',start+19)
+            if end==-1:
+                raise RunTimeError('Malformed XML file.  The file '
+                                   + str(source[0])
+                                   + ' does not close off <param name="Name"> on the same line.')
+            output_file.write(l[start+19:end])
+            output_file.write("\n")
+            break
+    template_file=file("meta-template.c")
+    output_file.write(template_file.read())
+def gen_meta_suffix(env, sources):
+    return "-meta.c"
+                                suffix=gen_meta_suffix,single_source=True)

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