[cig-commits] commit:

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 24 11:58:33 PST 2008

changeset:   51:577011c64801
user:        KathleenHumble
date:        Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
files:       Geometry/src/BlockGeometry.meta Geometry/src/Delaunay.meta Geometry/src/GeometryClass.meta Geometry/src/IrregGeometry.meta Geometry/src/ParallelDelaunay.meta Geometry/src/RefinedRegionsGeometry.meta Geometry/src/ShellGeometry.meta Mesh/src/CommTopology.meta Mesh/src/Decomp.meta Mesh/src/DecompTransfer.meta Mesh/src/Decomp_Sync.meta Mesh/src/MeshAdaptor.meta Mesh/src/MeshClass.meta Mesh/src/MeshGenerator.meta Mesh/src/MeshTopology.meta Mesh/src/SurfaceAdaptor.meta Swarm/src/GaussParticleLayout.meta Swarm/src/UnionParticleLayout.meta Utils/src/DofLayout.meta Utils/src/Remesher.meta Utils/src/SemiRegDeform.meta Utils/src/TimeIntegratee.meta
commiting quite a lot of meta file content
from Damien's previous work.
Some of this may no longer be relevant or may be
slightly outdated

diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/BlockGeometry.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/BlockGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/BlockGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,19 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Geometry</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Defines points inside a block of a regular mesh.</param>
+<param name="Description">BlockGeometry assigns points in a regular arrangement over a defined area of a mesh.  It assumes you are using a regular, Cartesian block in two or three dimensions.
+To use BlockGeometry, pass it the coordinates of opposing corners of the block, and also the number of mesh points to include for each dimension.
+In the nomenclature of BlockGeometry, the number of points along each axis is known as its size.  In this context, size  should not be confused with the difference between max values and min coordinates.  For example, a block where the size is 4 high (sizeJ=4) would feature four nodes along the Y axis.
+Use the component interface to set the values of sizeI, sizeJ and sizeK.
+Conversely, BlockGeometry searches in the Root Directory for (minX, minY, minZ) and (maxX ,maxY, maxZ), so set those values in the Root Directory.
+For a two-dimensional mesh, minX and minY coordinates refer to the bottom-left corner, while maxX and maxY refer to the top-right corner.  Meanwhile, Z coordinates are set to 0 and ignored for a 2D BlockGeometry mesh.
+The spaces between points along an axis of a BlockGeometry mesh are always equal.  For example, the vertical distance between points = maxY–minY/sizeJ-1.
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
@@ -56,6 +67,27 @@
 <!-- Add an exmaple XML if possible -->
-<param name="Example">...</param>
+<param name="Example">
+<struct name="components" mergeType="merge">
+  <struct name="geometry">
+    <param name="Type">BlockGeometry</param>
+    <param name="sizeI"> elementResI </param>
+    <param name="sizeJ"> elementResJ </param>
+    <param name="sizeK"> elementResK </param>
+    <param name="sizeShift">+1</param>
+  </struct>
+  <struct name="elementTopology">
+    <param name="Type">IJK26Topology</param>
+    <param name="sizeI"> elementResI </param>
+    <param name="sizeJ"> elementResJ </param>
+    <param name="sizeK"> elementResK </param>
+  </struct>
+  <struct name="elementLayout">
+    <param name="Type">ParallelPipedHexaEL</param>
+    <param name="Topology">elementTopology</param>
+    <param name="Geometry">geometry</param>
+  </struct>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/Delaunay.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/Delaunay.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/Delaunay.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
 <param name="License">https://csd.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/Stgermain/SoftwareLicense</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">The Constrained Delaunay Algorithm performs Delaunay triangulation on a set of 2D points.  It also generates a dual graph (Voronoi diagram) and a Convex Hull.<br>Single-processor version - good for small data sets or where speed is not critical.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>Delaunay works on a set of 2D points.  It uses the Constrained Delaunay Algorithm to generate a  network between these points.</p><p>Once that step is complete it generates a dual graph, a Voronoi Diagram, based on the Delaunay Triangulation.</p><p>Delaunay can also generate a Convex Hull based on the set of points.</p><p>This is a single-processor implementation of Delaunay.  Use ParallelDelaunay on a multi-processor system for large data sets, speed-critical applications or where memory resources are limited.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/GeometryClass.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/GeometryClass.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/GeometryClass.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Sets the position of points on a mesh.</param>
+<param name="Description">Geometry sets the spatial location of every component in a mesh.  It does this by operating on the geometry in terms of points, not higher-order elements such as faces.  More complex shapes can be built-up later from these atomic points.  Geometry defines position of each point during construction of a mesh. It uses (x, y, z) coordinates and works on a regular or irregular mesh.</param>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/IrregGeometry.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/IrregGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/IrregGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Geometry</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Imports mesh coordinates from a file and applies them to a mesh.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>IrregGeometry reads in a set of arbitrary points from a file and applies them to the geometry of a mesh.  This makes it ideal for importing mesh data produced by another tool, such as a third-party application.  As the name of this Code implies, the geometry of this mesh can be irregular.</p>
+<p>IrregGeometry retrieves ListName from the Root Directory.  This lets it locate an XML file containing listing of (x, y, z) points in a simple format, typically inside an <asciidata> element.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/ParallelDelaunay.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/ParallelDelaunay.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/ParallelDelaunay.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,18 @@
 <param name="License">https://csd.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/Stgermain/SoftwareLicense</param>
 <param name="Parent">Delaunay</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">The Constrained Delaunay Algorithm performs Delaunay triangulation on a set of 2D points.  It also generates a dual graph (Voronoi diagram) and a Convex Hull.<br> Multi-processor version, good for large data sets or where speed is critical.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>Delaunay works on a set of 2D points.  It uses the Constrained Delaunay Algorithm to generate a  network between these points.</p>
+<p> Once that step is complete it generates a dual graph, a Voronoi Diagram, based on the Delaunay Triangulation.</p>
+<p>Delaunay can also generate a Convex Hull based on the set of points.</p>
+<p>This is a multi-processor implementation of Delaunay, useful on multi-processor system for large data sets, speed-critical applications or where memory resources are limited.</p>
+<p>Parallel processing of Delaunay is done by dividing the 2D set into equally-sized regions along the x-axis, then assigning each area to a different processor.  The parallel approach is quicker and more efficient than the single-processor version because the memory required by the recursive, divide-and-conquer Delaunay Algorithm increases nonlinearly as the number of data-points scales-up.  The algorithm is no longer constrained by the memory resources of a single processor because each processor manages only a discrete, longitudinal slice of the graph.</p>
+<p>Dividing the set introduces boundary-cases where triangles overlap regions handled by two adjacent processors.  These triangles are detected then mirrored on both processors.  This repeated data imposes a minimal overhead and is superimposed when recombining the slices to form the final output diagram.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/RefinedRegionsGeometry.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/RefinedRegionsGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/RefinedRegionsGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Geometry</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Inserts additional points in a region of interest of a mesh.</param>
+<param name="Description">RefinedRegionsGeometry helps you use a refined geometry in regions of interest.  It does this by adding more points, allowing you to decompose the mesh to a higher degree.</param>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Geometry/src/ShellGeometry.meta
--- a/Geometry/src/ShellGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Geometry/src/ShellGeometry.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,15 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Geometry</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Meshes points onto the surface of a sphere.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>ShellGeometry creates a regular mesh of points and distorts them into the shape of a cap on a sphere.  This is useful when meshing the surface sphere of a large radius.</p>
+<p>ShellGeometry requires information on the internal and external radius of the mesh.  The minR and maxR parameters are analogous to the “floor” and “ceiling” of the mesh prior to its topology getting distorted to conform to the shape of a sphere.  Likewise, the bounds of the shell along the two primary axes of the “flat” version of the grid are defined by points the minTheta to meshadaMaxTheta and minPhi to maxPhi.  An important difference is that these points are spherical coordinates, given as angles of rotation from the axes.</p>
+<p>ShellGeometry retrieves the  minTheta, minPhi, minR, maxTheta, maxPhi and maxR parameters from the Root Directory.</p>
+<p>Topological information is provided in the form of meshSizeI, meshSizeJ and meshSizeK.  These set how many points lie along each axis – the number of “cuts” made to the mesh plus both edges.  Use the component interface to set the values of sizeI, sizeJ and sizeK.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/CommTopology.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/CommTopology.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/CommTopology.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Finds and identifies neighbours of a processor.<br>Can lead to  more elegant and efficient design.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>CommTopology is a tool that helps to find and identify the neighbours of a processor.  It is useful for hugely parallel operations, such as those distributed over thousands of processors.</p><p>Typically, a processor only needs to communicate with adjacent processors.  A global (one-to-all) operation is an example of a poorly designed operation because it calls for unnecessary communication beyond the scope of the processor's neighbourhood.  In this situation, redesigning the operation and using CommTopology would be a more elegant design and lead to improved efficiency.</p></param>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/Decomp.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/Decomp.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/Decomp.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Creates a mapping between local and global indices.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>Decomp provides a mechanism for mapping between local and global indices.  It does this by storing information on which processor owns each subset of indices.  Decomp is necessary when handling data from multiple processors as each processor takes a local view of their indices rather than a global approach.</p>
+<p>Decomp dynamically copes with indices being added to a decomposition.</p>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/DecompTransfer.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/DecompTransfer.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/DecompTransfer.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
+<param name="Summary"><p>DecompTransfer specifies a sub-problem and helps to improve the efficiency of decomposition.</p></param>
 <param name="Description">...</param>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/Decomp_Sync.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/Decomp_Sync.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/Decomp_Sync.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,14 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Combines local and remote indices into a domain set.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>Decomp_sync is a subclass of Decomp and is a conduit for shifting data between processors.</p>
+<p>Decomp_sync relies on the concept of Remote Indices, indices which are not owned by the local  processor but which contain information that may be useful for Shadowing.  Local and remote indices are combined into a domain set with no distinction made of their origins.</p>
+<p>Decomp_Sync stores other useful information, such as which processor owns an index, and which processors are interested in an index or set of indices.</p>
+<p>In an abstract sense, Decomp_sync deals in locations but it does not do any copying or transferring of data.  This is functionality is left to other Codes.  Similarly, Decomp_sync deals with indices and it doesn't matter that these indices can refer to nodes or other parts of a grid.</p>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/MeshAdaptor.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/MeshAdaptor.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/MeshAdaptor.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,23 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent"></param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A plug-in that lets you modify the output of a MeshGenerator without changing its code.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>A MeshAdaptor is a customisable component that can be inserted into the mesh generation pipeline.  An Adaptor permits you modify the output from different types of mesh generators without modifying the code of a mesh generator.  Conceptually, an adaptor can be viewed as a filter or an addition to the output stage.</p>
+<p><br>MeshGenerator --> MeshAdaptor --> Mesh</p>
+<p>Note that one or more MeshAdaptors may be inserted into the process, and there is no theoretical limit to the number of MeshAdaptors.  In practise, using more than three or four MeshAdaptors may add a prohibitive overhead and could be grounds for optimisation by removing or combining adaptors.
+This modular approach allows a small set of MeshAdaptors to be plugged-in in many combinations for a wide range of effects.</p>
+<p>SurfaceAdaptor is an example of a MeshAdaptor.  It allows you to modify the top surface without changing the underlying layers.  Presently, it's the only MeshAdaptor, but it makes for a useful case study and other MeshAdaptors can be constructed in future.</p>
+<p>Each MeshAdaptor is active on its local processor as part of that processor's pipeline.  Generally, an even mesh decomposition will lead to processor-load being balanced and processors keeping in synch with their neighbours, but there is no restriction on how a MeshAdaptor can operate.  Inserting additional steps where there are dependencies on other processors and pipelines can result in a pipeline stall.  This may be the case if there is extensive interaction between processors, as in the following example:<p>
+<p>Generating a Mesh with four processors and modifying it with two MeshAdaptors.
+MeshGenerator1 --> MeshAdaptor1a --> MeshAdaptor1b --> Mesh1
+MeshGenerator2 --> MeshAdaptor2a --> MeshAdaptor2b --> Mesh2
+MeshGenerator3 --> MeshAdaptor3a --> MeshAdaptor3b --> Mesh3
+MeshGenerator4 --> MeshAdaptor4a --> MeshAdaptor4b --> Mesh4</p>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/MeshClass.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/MeshClass.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/MeshClass.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,15 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A high-level interface that provides access to geometry and topology of a discretised domain.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>Mesh is an abstraction that gives access to geometry and topology of a discretised domain.  It describes how the space is split into discrete regions and not, for example, how data is stored in nodes.  It can assist with functions acting on data such as searching, or locating a particle in the domain.</p>
+<p>Mesh presents a consistent, high-level interface with many ways of entering information and one standardised means of output.  It interfaces with other Codes and acts independently of  the underlying structure of the mesh (a grid, triangles, etc).  This lets it represent any shape of mesh or topology.</p>
+<p>Mesh exhibits the common trade-off between memory utilisation and performance: more memory affords better performance.  It also offers better performance on a regular grid.</p>
+<p>Mesh is implicitly parallel.  Some aspects may be local or global, but this is generally handled automatically.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/MeshGenerator.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/MeshGenerator.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/MeshGenerator.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 <param name="Parent"></param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
 <param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Description">MeshGenerator is an internal mechanism for building a mesh of up to three dimensions.  Later, the Mesh component may hold  holds information.
+MeshGenerator takes a list of meshes as its targets.  It is an abstract class and gets inherited by other classes such as CartesianGenerator.</param>
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/MeshTopology.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/MeshTopology.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/MeshTopology.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
 <param name="License">https://csd.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/Stgermain/SoftwareLicense</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Stores topological information about a mesh and useful for Shadowing.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>MeshTopology stores topological information about a mesh but manages no geometric information.</p><p>MeshTopology is used when Shadowing.  Shadowing is a process by which some data pertaining to a section of the mesh gets duplicated and assigned to a processor managing adjacent decomposition regions.  Shadowing is managed automatically by MeshTopology and can be performed to a specified depth.</p><p>No assumptions are made about how the data is stored.  MeshTopology merely stores and indexes data as requested, per algorithmic demands.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Mesh/src/SurfaceAdaptor.meta
--- a/Mesh/src/SurfaceAdaptor.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Mesh/src/SurfaceAdaptor.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,15 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent"></param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A type of MeshAdaptor that lets you modify the top surface of a mesh without altering the underlying layers.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>SurfaceAdaptor is a type of MeshAdaptor.  It allows you to selectively change the top surface of a mesh without altering the underlying layers. </p>
+<p>SurfaceAdaptor is an example of a MeshAdaptor.  It allows you to modify the top surface without changing the underlying layers.  Presently, it's the only MeshAdaptor, but it makes for a useful case study and other MeshAdaptors can be constructed in future.</p>
+<p> <br>Questions: Is SurfaceAdaptor useful when dealing with conditions with highly stratified materials?  
+Where forces acting on material being modelled only affect the surface and don't penetrate the bulk of the material?
+Useful as a quick approximation because you're interested only in examining the surface?
+TODO: Does it stricktly deal with the top layer only, or can you set the depth to which the SurfaceAdaptor goes?  This has implications for mesh deformation, level of detail, size of “cells” etc.
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Swarm/src/GaussParticleLayout.meta
--- a/Swarm/src/GaussParticleLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Swarm/src/GaussParticleLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">PerCellParticleLayout</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">Lays out particles on points optimised for integrating over a cell. This layout also sets the particle weights as well. See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Legendre-GaussQuadrature.html</param>
+<param name="Summary">...</a></param>
+<param name="Description">Lays out particles on points optimised for integrating over a cell. This layout also sets the particle weights as well. See <a HREF=”http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Legendre-GaussQuadrature.html”>http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Legendre-GaussQuadrature.html</a><l</param>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
 <list name="Params">
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Swarm/src/UnionParticleLayout.meta
--- a/Swarm/src/UnionParticleLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Swarm/src/UnionParticleLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <param name="License">https://csd.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/Stgermain/SoftwareLicense</param>
 <param name="Parent">GlobalParticleLayout</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A particle layout that sequentially combines many particle layouts.<br>When one particle layout finishes initialising all its particles then the next one begins.</param>
 <param name="Description">This is a particle layout that simply combines many particle layouts together into one. When one particle layout finishes initialises all its particles, then the next one begins.</param>
 <list name="Params">
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Utils/src/DofLayout.meta
--- a/Utils/src/DofLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Utils/src/DofLayout.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,13 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">Maps between the spatial domain of a mesh and variables.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>DofLayout (Degrees of Freedom Layout) prescribes how particular chunks of data are attached to specified parts a mesh.  A mesh describes a divided domain, and you need to know where values lie in the domain when solving for a variable over the domain.</p>
+<p>DofLayout maps between the spacial domain and one or more Variables.  Briefly, a Variable is a block of memory which is indexed so it can be associated with part of a mesh.  This can be a vertex, face or some other topological feature.   See the StGermain component, Variable, for more information.</p>
+<p>DofLayout refers to scalar variables only, not vectors, though a wrapper can be applied later to convert vectors.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Utils/src/Remesher.meta
--- a/Utils/src/Remesher.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Utils/src/Remesher.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
 <param name="License">https://csd.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/Stgermain/SoftwareLicense</param>
 <param name="Parent"></param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">An abstract class that helps to transform a mesh into a regular, well-formed format.</param>
+<param name="Description">Remesher assists with rearranging a mesh into a more regular, ordered format.  Giving a mesh a simplified form results in it being easier to deal with.
+For example, Remesher is useful when a mesh has been advected to such an extent that it is no longer well-formed.  A malformed mesh is slower to process and not as representative as a well-formed mesh.
+Remesher is an abstract interface to classes, and therefore does not perform any remeshing.  Other classes may be instructed to do the remeshing using a variety of remesheing methods.</param>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Utils/src/SemiRegDeform.meta
--- a/Utils/src/SemiRegDeform.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Utils/src/SemiRegDeform.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,15 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
-<param name="Description">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A remeshing tool that performs a  semi-regular deformation.  It used linear interpolation and can operate in one, two or three dimensions.</param>
+<param name="Description"><p>SemiRegDeform is a method for remeshing. It performs a semi-regular deformation.</p>
+<p>To use it, pass SemiRegDeform a set of two points on the  mesh you wish to deform.  SemiRegDeform will construct a straight line between these points and evenly redistribute any nodes that lie along that line.   When moving nodes, SemiRegDeform does a linear interpolation on the contents of those features to preserve the accuracy of their data.</p>
+<p>Running SemiRegDeform on a large mesh is moderately time-consuming for a single-processor system, though the process is faster when parallelised.  SemiRegDeform has been designed to automatically run in parallel, and although this process is non-trivial internally, the mechanism is accessible from the same simple interface.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, you can remesh at a higher resolution by using more than one linear set of points.  To do this, define a number of lines via the two-point interface.  You can build-up a remeshing procedure with SemiRegDeform that works in two or three dimensions, and the order of operations is unimportant.</p>
 <!--Now the interesting stuff-->
diff -r 46a08fb61bb1 -r 577011c64801 Utils/src/TimeIntegratee.meta
--- a/Utils/src/TimeIntegratee.meta	Wed Mar 05 01:52:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/Utils/src/TimeIntegratee.meta	Wed Mar 05 06:18:36 2008 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <param name="License">The Gnu Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html</param>
 <param name="Parent">Stg_Component</param>
 <param name="Reference">...</param>
-<param name="Summary">...</param>
+<param name="Summary">A general class which integrates each element in a Variable through time.</param>
 <param name="Description">A general class which integrates each element in a Variable through time. It does this through a TimeDerivative method which it calls for each element in the Variable. This happens every time the TimeIntegrator that this object is attached to executes (This should happen on the AbstractContext_EP_Step EntryPoint.</param>
 <list name="Params">

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