[cig-commits] r13394 - long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk

echoi at geodynamics.org echoi at geodynamics.org
Tue Nov 25 10:16:45 PST 2008

Author: echoi
Date: 2008-11-25 10:16:44 -0800 (Tue, 25 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 13394

Updated to migrate to ParaView as a postprocessing tool: 1. The new snac2vtk writes .vts (VTK XML data file format for structured grids) and .pvts (its parallel counter part). 2. The original was renamed to snac2vtk_legacy.c.

Modified: long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk.c
--- long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk.c	2008-11-25 18:14:55 UTC (rev 13393)
+++ long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk.c	2008-11-25 18:16:44 UTC (rev 13394)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time );
+void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time, int gnode[3], int rank_array[3], const int rankI, const int rankJ, const int rankK );
 char		path[PATH_MAX];
 FILE*		strainRateIn;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 FILE*		apsIn;
 FILE*		viscIn;
-unsigned int	elementGlobalSize[3];
+unsigned int	elementLocalSize[3];
 int 			doTemp = 1;
 int 			doForce = 1;
 int 			doAps = 1;
@@ -74,13 +74,29 @@
 	unsigned int	dumpIteration;
 	double		time;
 	double		dt;
+	int		gnode[3];
+	int		rank_array[3];
+	unsigned int	rankI,rankJ,rankK;
-	/* TODO, get from arg 1 */
-	sprintf( path, "./" );
-	rank = 0;
-	while( 1 ) {
+	if( argc != 7 && argc != 9 ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: snac2vtk gnodex gnodey gnodez nprocx nprocy nprocz [time1 time2]\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	/* TODO, get from arg list */
+	sprintf( path, "." );
+	gnode[0] = atoi(argv[1]);
+	gnode[1] = atoi(argv[2]);
+	gnode[2] = atoi(argv[3]);
+	rank_array[0] = atoi(argv[4]);
+	rank_array[1] = atoi(argv[5]);
+	rank_array[2] = atoi(argv[6]);
+	for( rankK=0; rankK < rank_array[2]; rankK++ )
+	for( rankJ=0; rankJ < rank_array[1]; rankJ++ )
+	for( rankI=0; rankI < rank_array[0]; rankI++ ) {
+		rank = rankI + rankJ*rank_array[0] + rankK*rank_array[0]*rank_array[1]; 
 		/* open the input files */
 		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/sim.%u", path, rank );
 		if( (simIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
@@ -143,18 +159,18 @@
 		/* Read in simulation information... TODO: assumes nproc=1 */
-		fscanf( simIn, "%u %u %u\n", &elementGlobalSize[0], &elementGlobalSize[1], &elementGlobalSize[2] );
+		fscanf( simIn, "%u %u %u\n", &elementLocalSize[0], &elementLocalSize[1], &elementLocalSize[2] );
 		/* Read in loop information */
 		dumpIteration = 0;
 		while( !feof( timeStepIn ) ) {
 			fscanf( timeStepIn, "%16u %16lg %16lg\n", &simTimeStep, &time, &dt );
-			if( argc == 3 )
-				if( simTimeStep < atoi(argv[1]) || simTimeStep > atoi(argv[2]) ) {
+			if( argc == 9 )
+				if( simTimeStep < atoi(argv[7]) || simTimeStep > atoi(argv[8]) ) {
-			ConvertTimeStep( rank, dumpIteration, simTimeStep, time );
+			ConvertTimeStep( rank, dumpIteration, simTimeStep, time, gnode, rank_array, rankI, rankJ, rankK );
@@ -185,159 +201,221 @@
 		/* do next rank */
 	return 0;
-void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time ) {
-	char		tmpBuf[PATH_MAX];
+void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time, int gnode[3], int rank_array[3], const int rankI, const int rankJ, const int rankK ) {
+	char		tmpBuf[PATH_MAX], tmpBuf1[PATH_MAX];
 	FILE*		vtkOut;
-	unsigned int	elementGlobalCount = elementGlobalSize[0] * elementGlobalSize[1] * elementGlobalSize[2];
-	unsigned int	nodeGlobalSize[3] = { elementGlobalSize[0] + 1, elementGlobalSize[1] + 1, elementGlobalSize[2] + 1 };
-	unsigned int	nodeGlobalCount = nodeGlobalSize[0] * nodeGlobalSize[1] * nodeGlobalSize[2];
+	FILE*		vtkOut1;
+	unsigned int	elementLocalCount = elementLocalSize[0] * elementLocalSize[1] * elementLocalSize[2];
+	unsigned int	nodeLocalSize[3] = { elementLocalSize[0] + 1, elementLocalSize[1] + 1, elementLocalSize[2] + 1 };
+	unsigned int	nodeLocalCount = nodeLocalSize[0] * nodeLocalSize[1] * nodeLocalSize[2];
 	unsigned int	node_gI;
 	unsigned int	element_gI;
 	/* open the output file */
-	sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/snac.%i.%06u.vtk", path, rank, simTimeStep );
+	sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/snac.%i.%06u.vts", path, rank, simTimeStep );
 	if( (vtkOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) {
 		assert( vtkOut /* failed to open file for writing */ );
 	/* Write out simulation information */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nSnac simulation output\nASCII\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "<VTKFile type=\"StructuredGrid\"  version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" compressor=\"vtkZLibDataCompressor\">\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "  <StructuredGrid WholeExtent=\"%d %d %d %d %d %d\">\n",
+		rankI*elementLocalSize[0],(rankI+1)*elementLocalSize[0],
+		rankJ*elementLocalSize[1],(rankJ+1)*elementLocalSize[1],
+		rankK*elementLocalSize[2],(rankK+1)*elementLocalSize[2]);
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "    <Piece Extent=\"%d %d %d %d %d %d\">\n",
+		rankI*elementLocalSize[0],(rankI+1)*elementLocalSize[0],
+		rankJ*elementLocalSize[1],(rankJ+1)*elementLocalSize[1],
+		rankK*elementLocalSize[2],(rankK+1)*elementLocalSize[2]);
-	/* Write out node information ... TODO: assumes nproc=1 */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\nDATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\nDIMENSIONS %u %u %u\nPOINTS %u float\n", 
-		nodeGlobalSize[0], nodeGlobalSize[1], nodeGlobalSize[2], nodeGlobalCount );
-	fseek( coordIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
-	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
-		float		coord[3];
-		fread( &coord, sizeof(float), 3, coordIn );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", coord[0], coord[1], coord[2] );
+	/* Start the node section */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      <PointData Vectors=\"velocity\">\n");
+	/* Write out the velocity information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"velocity\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+	fseek( velIn, dumpIteration * nodeLocalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeLocalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+		float		vel[3];
+		fread( &vel, sizeof(float), 3, velIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] );
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	/* Write out the force information */
+	if( doForce ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"force\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+		fseek( forceIn, dumpIteration * nodeLocalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeLocalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+			float		force[3];
+			fread( &force, sizeof(float), 3, forceIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", force[0], force[1], force[2] );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	}
+	/* Write out the temperature information */
+	if( doTemp ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"temperature\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+		fseek( tempIn, dumpIteration * nodeLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeLocalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+			float		temperature;
+			fread( &temperature, sizeof(float), 1, tempIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", temperature );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      </PointData>\n");
 	/* Start the element section */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "CELL_DATA %u\n\n", elementGlobalCount );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      <CellData Scalars=\"strainRate\">\n");
 	/* Write out the strain rate information */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS strainRate float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-	fseek( strainRateIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"strainRate\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+	fseek( strainRateIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
 		float		strainRate;
 		fread( &strainRate, sizeof(float), 1, strainRateIn );
 		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", strainRate );
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
 	/* Write out the stress information */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS stress float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-	fseek( stressIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"stress\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+	fseek( stressIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
 		float		stress;
 		fread( &stress, sizeof(float), 1, stressIn );
 		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", stress );
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	/* Write out the phase information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"phase\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+	fseek( phaseIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(unsigned int), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		unsigned int		phaseIndex;
+		fread( &phaseIndex, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, phaseIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%u ", phaseIndex );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
 	/* Write out the plastic strain information */
 	if( doAps ) {
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS plStrain float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-		fseek( apsIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"plStrain\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+		fseek( apsIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
 			float		plStrain;
 			fread( &plStrain, sizeof(float), 1, apsIn );
 			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", plStrain );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
 	/* Write out the pressure information */
 	if( doHPr ) {
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS pressure float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-		fseek( pisosIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"pressure\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+		fseek( pisosIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
 			float		pressure;
 			fread( &pressure, sizeof(float), 1, pisosIn );
 			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", pressure );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
-	/* Write out the phase information */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS phase float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-	fseek( phaseIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(unsigned int), SEEK_SET );
-	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
-		unsigned int		phaseIndex;
-		fread( &phaseIndex, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, phaseIn );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "%u ", phaseIndex );
-	}
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
 	/* Write out the pressure information */
 	if( doVisc ) {
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS viscosity float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-		fseek( viscIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"viscosity\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+		fseek( viscIn, dumpIteration * elementLocalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementLocalCount; element_gI++ ) {
 			float		viscosity;
 			fread( &viscosity, sizeof(float), 1, viscIn );
 			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", viscosity );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      </CellData>\n");
-	/* Start the node section */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "POINT_DATA %u\n\n", nodeGlobalCount );
-	/* Write out the velocity information */
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "VECTORS velocity float\n" );
-	fseek( velIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
-	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
-		float		vel[3];
-		fread( &vel, sizeof(float), 3, velIn );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] );
+	/* Write out coordinates. */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      <Points>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n");
+	fseek( coordIn, dumpIteration * nodeLocalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeLocalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+		float		coord[3];
+		fread( &coord, sizeof(float), 3, coordIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", coord[0], coord[1], coord[2] );
-	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "        </DataArray>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "      </Points>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "    </Piece>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "  </StructuredGrid>\n");
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "</VTKFile>\n");
+	/* Close the output file */
+	fclose( vtkOut );
+	/* Write out Parallel VTS file. Only once when rank == 0. */
+	if( rank == 0 ) {
+		int rankII, rankJJ, rankKK, rank2;
+		sprintf( tmpBuf1, "%s/snac.%06u.pvts", path, simTimeStep );
+		if( (vtkOut1 = fopen( tmpBuf1, "w" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( vtkOut1 /* failed to open file for writing */ );
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr,"Writing file %s...\n",tmpBuf1);
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" );
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "<VTKFile type= \"PStructuredGrid\"  version= \"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" compressor=\"vtkZLibDataCompressor\">\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "  <PStructuredGrid WholeExtent=\"0 %d 0 %d 0 %d\" GhostLevel=\"0\">\n",gnode[0]-1,gnode[1]-1,gnode[2]-1);
+		/* Start the node section */
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    <PPointData>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"velocity\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"/>\n");
+		if( doForce )
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"force\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"/>\n");
+		if( doTemp )
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"temperature\"/>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    </PPointData>\n");
+		/* Start the element section */
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    <PCellData>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"strainRate\"/>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"stress\"/>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"phase\"/>\n");
+		if( doAps )
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"plStrain\"/>\n");
+		if( doHPr )
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"pressure\"/>\n");
+		if( doVisc )
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "        <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"viscosity\"/>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    </PCellData>\n");
-	/* Write out the force information */
-	if( doForce ) {
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "VECTORS force float\n" );
-		fseek( forceIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
-		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
-			float		force[3];
-			fread( &force, sizeof(float), 3, forceIn );
-			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", force[0], force[1], force[2] );
+		/* Write out coordinates. */
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    <PPoints>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "      <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"/>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "    </PPoints>\n");
+		/* Write pieces that actually contains data.*/
+		for( rankII=0; rankII < rank_array[0]; rankII++ )
+		for( rankJJ=0; rankJJ < rank_array[1]; rankJJ++ )
+		for( rankKK=0; rankKK < rank_array[2]; rankKK++ ) {
+			rank2 = rankII + rankJJ*rank_array[0] + rankKK*rank_array[0]*rank_array[1]; 
+			fprintf( vtkOut1, "    <Piece Extent=\"%d %d %d %d %d %d\" Source=\"%s/snac.%d.%06u.vts\"/>\n",
+				rankII*elementLocalSize[0],(rankII+1)*elementLocalSize[0],
+				rankJJ*elementLocalSize[1],(rankJJ+1)*elementLocalSize[1],
+				rankKK*elementLocalSize[2],(rankKK+1)*elementLocalSize[2],
+				path, rank2, simTimeStep );
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
-	}
-	/* Write out the temperature information */
-	if( doTemp ) {
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS temperature float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
-		fseek( tempIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
-		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
-			float		temperature;
-			fread( &temperature, sizeof(float), 1, tempIn );
-			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", temperature );
-		}
-		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "  </PStructuredGrid>\n");
+		fprintf( vtkOut1, "</VTKFile>\n");
+		/* Close the output file. */
+		fclose( vtkOut1 );
-	/* Close the input files */
-	fclose( vtkOut );

Added: long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk_legacy.c
--- long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk_legacy.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ long/3D/SNAC/trunk/Snac/snac2vtk/snac2vtk_legacy.c	2008-11-25 18:16:44 UTC (rev 13394)
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+** Copyright (C), 2003, 
+**	Steve Quenette, 110 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3053, Australia.
+**	Californian Institute of Technology, 1200 East California Boulevard, Pasadena, California, 91125, USA.
+**	University of Texas, 1 University Station, Austin, Texas, 78712, USA.
+** Authors:
+**	Stevan M. Quenette, Senior Software Engineer, VPAC. (steve at vpac.org)
+**	Stevan M. Quenette, Visitor in Geophysics, Caltech.
+**	Luc Lavier, Research Scientist, The University of Texas. (luc at utig.ug.utexas.edu)
+**	Luc Lavier, Research Scientist, Caltech.
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+** later version.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+/** \file
+** Role:
+**	Converts Snac's binary output to VTK format
+** $Id: snac2vtk.c 3270 2006-11-26 06:33:20Z EunseoChoi $
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+	#define PATH_MAX 1024
+void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time );
+char		path[PATH_MAX];
+FILE*		strainRateIn;
+FILE*		stressIn;
+FILE*		pisosIn;
+FILE*		coordIn;
+FILE*		velIn;
+FILE*		forceIn;
+FILE*		phaseIn;
+FILE*		tempIn;
+FILE*		apsIn;
+FILE*		viscIn;
+unsigned int	elementGlobalSize[3];
+int 			doTemp = 1;
+int 			doForce = 1;
+int 			doAps = 1;
+int 			doHPr = 1;
+int 			doVisc = 1;
+int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {
+	char		tmpBuf[PATH_MAX];
+	FILE*		simIn;
+	FILE*		timeStepIn;
+	unsigned int	rank;
+	unsigned int	simTimeStep;
+	unsigned int	dumpIteration;
+	double		time;
+	double		dt;
+	/* TODO, get from arg 1 */
+	sprintf( path, "./" );
+	rank = 0;
+	while( 1 ) {
+		/* open the input files */
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/sim.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (simIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			if( rank == 0 ) {
+				assert( simIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+			}
+			else {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/timeStep.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (timeStepIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( timeStepIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/strainRate.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (strainRateIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( strainRateIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/stress.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (stressIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( stressIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/hydroPressure.%u", path, rank );
+		if( ( pisosIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+                         printf( "Warning, no hydropressure.%u found... assuming the new context is not written.\n", rank );
+                        doHPr = 0;
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/coord.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (coordIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( coordIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/vel.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (velIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( velIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/force.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (forceIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			printf( "Warning, no force.%u found... assuming force outputting not enabled.\n", rank );
+			doForce = 0;
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/phaseIndex.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (phaseIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			assert( phaseIn /* failed to open file for reading */ );
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/temperature.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (tempIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			printf( "Warning, no temperature.%u found... assuming temperature plugin not used.\n", rank );
+			doTemp = 0;
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/plStrain.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (apsIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			printf( "Warning, no plStrain.%u found... assuming plastic plugin not used.\n", rank );
+			doAps = 0;
+		}
+		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/viscosity.%u", path, rank );
+		if( (viscIn = fopen( tmpBuf, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+			printf( "Warning, no viscosity.%u found... assuming maxwell plugin not used.\n", rank );
+			doVisc = 0;
+		}
+		/* Read in simulation information... TODO: assumes nproc=1 */
+		fscanf( simIn, "%u %u %u\n", &elementGlobalSize[0], &elementGlobalSize[1], &elementGlobalSize[2] );
+		/* Read in loop information */
+		dumpIteration = 0;
+		while( !feof( timeStepIn ) ) {
+			fscanf( timeStepIn, "%16u %16lg %16lg\n", &simTimeStep, &time, &dt );
+			if( argc == 3 )
+				if( simTimeStep < atoi(argv[1]) || simTimeStep > atoi(argv[2]) ) {
+					dumpIteration++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			ConvertTimeStep( rank, dumpIteration, simTimeStep, time );
+			dumpIteration++;
+		}
+		/* Close the input files */
+		if( apsIn ) {
+			fclose( apsIn );
+		}
+		if( viscIn ) {
+			fclose( viscIn );
+		}
+		if( tempIn ) {
+			fclose( tempIn );
+		}
+		if( forceIn ) {
+			fclose( forceIn );
+		}
+		if( pisosIn ) {
+			fclose( pisosIn );
+		}
+		fclose( phaseIn );
+		fclose( velIn );
+		fclose( coordIn );
+		fclose( stressIn );
+		fclose( strainRateIn );
+		fclose( timeStepIn );
+		fclose( simIn );
+		/* do next rank */
+		rank++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void ConvertTimeStep( int rank, unsigned int dumpIteration, unsigned int simTimeStep, double time ) {
+	char		tmpBuf[PATH_MAX];
+	FILE*		vtkOut;
+	unsigned int	elementGlobalCount = elementGlobalSize[0] * elementGlobalSize[1] * elementGlobalSize[2];
+	unsigned int	nodeGlobalSize[3] = { elementGlobalSize[0] + 1, elementGlobalSize[1] + 1, elementGlobalSize[2] + 1 };
+	unsigned int	nodeGlobalCount = nodeGlobalSize[0] * nodeGlobalSize[1] * nodeGlobalSize[2];
+	unsigned int	node_gI;
+	unsigned int	element_gI;
+	/* open the output file */
+	sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/snac.%i.%06u.vts", path, rank, simTimeStep );
+	if( (vtkOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) {
+		assert( vtkOut /* failed to open file for writing */ );
+	}
+	/* Write out simulation information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nSnac simulation output\nASCII\n" );
+	/* Write out node information ... TODO: assumes nproc=1 */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\nDATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\nDIMENSIONS %u %u %u\nPOINTS %u float\n", 
+		nodeGlobalSize[0], nodeGlobalSize[1], nodeGlobalSize[2], nodeGlobalCount );
+	fseek( coordIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+		float		coord[3];
+		fread( &coord, sizeof(float), 3, coordIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", coord[0], coord[1], coord[2] );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
+	/* Start the element section */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "CELL_DATA %u\n\n", elementGlobalCount );
+	/* Write out the strain rate information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS strainRate float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+	fseek( strainRateIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		float		strainRate;
+		fread( &strainRate, sizeof(float), 1, strainRateIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", strainRate );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	/* Write out the stress information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS stress float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+	fseek( stressIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		float		stress;
+		fread( &stress, sizeof(float), 1, stressIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", stress );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	/* Write out the plastic strain information */
+	if( doAps ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS plStrain float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+		fseek( apsIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+			float		plStrain;
+			fread( &plStrain, sizeof(float), 1, apsIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", plStrain );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	}
+	/* Write out the pressure information */
+	if( doHPr ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS pressure float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+		fseek( pisosIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+			float		pressure;
+			fread( &pressure, sizeof(float), 1, pisosIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", pressure );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	}
+	/* Write out the phase information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS phase float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+	fseek( phaseIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(unsigned int), SEEK_SET );
+	for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+		unsigned int		phaseIndex;
+		fread( &phaseIndex, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, phaseIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%u ", phaseIndex );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	/* Write out the pressure information */
+	if( doVisc ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS viscosity float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+		fseek( viscIn, dumpIteration * elementGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( element_gI = 0; element_gI < elementGlobalCount; element_gI++ ) {
+			float		viscosity;
+			fread( &viscosity, sizeof(float), 1, viscIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", viscosity );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	}
+	/* Start the node section */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "POINT_DATA %u\n\n", nodeGlobalCount );
+	/* Write out the velocity information */
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "VECTORS velocity float\n" );
+	fseek( velIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+	for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+		float		vel[3];
+		fread( &vel, sizeof(float), 3, velIn );
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] );
+	}
+	fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
+	/* Write out the force information */
+	if( doForce ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "VECTORS force float\n" );
+		fseek( forceIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float) * 3, SEEK_SET );
+		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+			float		force[3];
+			fread( &force, sizeof(float), 3, forceIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g %g %g\n", force[0], force[1], force[2] );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n" );
+	}
+	/* Write out the temperature information */
+	if( doTemp ) {
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "SCALARS temperature float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n" );
+		fseek( tempIn, dumpIteration * nodeGlobalCount * sizeof(float), SEEK_SET );
+		for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < nodeGlobalCount; node_gI++ ) {
+			float		temperature;
+			fread( &temperature, sizeof(float), 1, tempIn );
+			fprintf( vtkOut, "%g ", temperature );
+		}
+		fprintf( vtkOut, "\n\n" );
+	}
+	/* Close the input files */
+	fclose( vtkOut );

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