[cig-commits] r13107 - in seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab: . MISFIT_in_development

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Mon Oct 20 19:46:27 PDT 2008

Author: carltape
Date: 2008-10-20 19:46:27 -0700 (Mon, 20 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 13107

Updated output file capabilities for tabulating misfit values and values of the Hessian for the subspace method.  Moved development scripts for misfit comparisons into MISFIT_in_development.

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/README
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/README	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Carl Tape, 20-Oct-2008
+These scripts are in development.  The objective is to have a way to combine synthetics and measurements from many different models into a series of plots.

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/compare_misfit.m (from rev 12980, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/compare_misfit.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/compare_misfit.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+% compare_misfit.m
+% CARL TAPE, 23-July-2008
+% printed xxx
+% This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
+% mt_measure_adj.f90, and it tabulates and plots misfit function values.
+% /cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/
+% Copied from compute_misfit.m on 23-July-2008
+% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
+Tvec = [6 2];
+    % LOWEST period used for each measurement band-pass (upper is 40 s)
+comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
+    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
+    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nper = length(Tvec);
+%DT = 0.011;     % really this is only needed because it was left out from
+                % integrating the waveforms in mt-measure_adj.f90
+iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, stations
+dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_09/';
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_m05';
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v09'];
+stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
+nevent = length(eids);
+% read in CMT solutions
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm);
+for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+strec = strec(:);
+% make list of networks
+stnet = unique(netwk);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
+imodel_min = input(' Enter minimum model index (0-5) : ');
+imodel_max = input(' Enter maximum model index (1-5) : ');
+nmodel = imodel_max - imodel_min;
+wdiff_array = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper,nmodel);
+if iread == 1
+    % range of events
+    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
+    %imin = 4; imax = 7;
+    %imin = 4; imax = imin;
+    for imod = imodel_min:imodel_max
+        stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
+        disp('====================================');
+        disp(['MODEL ' stmod]);
+        k2 = 0;
+        meas_array = [];
+        %for tt = 1:1
+        for tt = 1:nper
+            Tper = Tvec(tt);
+            sTper = sprintf('%3.3i',Tper);
+            if imod <= 2, sTper2 = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); else sTper2 = sTper; end   % CHT
+            disp('-----------------------------------------');
+            for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
+                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
+                dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_T' sTper '/'];
+                mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper2 '_window_chi'];
+                filename = [dir1 mfile];
+                if ~exist(filename,'file')
+                    disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
+                else
+                    % read the window_chi file
+                    [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
+                    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+                    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+                    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+                    wind2,wins2,win_chi0,windur, recd2,recs2,rec_chi0,recdur,...
+                    tr_chi,am_chi] = read_window_chi(filename);
+                    % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
+                    win_chi = win_chi0 ./ wind2;
+                    rec_chi = rec_chi0 ./ recd2;
+                    nwin = length(strec0);
+                    disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
+                    % assign the string network an integer index
+                    index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for inet = 1:nnet
+                        ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
+                        index_net(ind_net) = inet;
+                    end
+                    % assign the string receiver an integer index
+                    index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for irec = 1:nrec
+                        ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
+                        index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
+                    end
+                    % assign the string component an integer index
+                    index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+                    for icomp = 1:ncomp
+                        ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
+                        index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
+                    end
+                    % measurement indices
+                    k1 = k2+1;
+                    k2 = k1+nwin-1;
+                    kinds = [k1:k2]';
+                    meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin ...
+                        iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA  measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
+                    %  1  kinds
+                    %  2  index_T
+                    %  3  index_event
+                    %  4  index_network
+                    %  5  index_rec
+                    %  6  index_comp
+                    %  7  iwin
+                    %  8  iker
+                    %  9  measCC_dT
+                    % 10  sigmaCC_dT
+                    % 11  measCC_dA
+                    % 12  sigmaCC_dA
+                    % 13  measMT_dT
+                    % 14  sigmaMT_dT
+                    % 15  win_chi
+                    % 16  rec_chi                
+                    % 17  tr_chi
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        for tt = 1:nper
+            for ii = imin:imax
+                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+                for jj = 1:nrec
+                    for kk = 1:ncomp
+                        imatch = find( and( and( meas_array(:,2)==tt, meas_array(:,3)==ii), ...
+                                            and( meas_array(:,5)==jj, meas_array(:,6)==kk) ));
+                        if ~isempty(imatch)
+                            % take the first only
+                            wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imod+1) = meas_array(imatch(1),16);
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    save('wdiff_array.mat','wdiff_array');
+   load('wdiff_array.mat'); 
+whos wdiff_array
+% total number of windows
+N = length(meas_array);
+% for each record for each model (m0, m1) that has at least one window picked,
+% we save the integrated waveform difference as the purest measure of misfit
+% between the data and synthetics
+[m1,m2,m3,m4,m5] = size(wdiff_array)
+if 0==1
+    ratio_array = []; ll = 0;
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        for ii = imin:imax
+            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+            for jj = 1:nrec
+                for kk = 1:ncomp
+                    % check that there is a measurement for all models
+                    if prod(wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,:)) > 0
+                        ll = ll+1;
+                        rat = wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_max+1) / wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_min+1);
+                        ratio_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj kk rat];
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    %ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,5);
+    ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,[-1 5]);
+    hmax = length(ratio_sort);
+    hmax = 100;
+    for hh = 1:hmax
+        tt = ratio_sort(hh,1);
+        ii = ratio_sort(hh,2);
+        jj = ratio_sort(hh,3);
+        kk = ratio_sort(hh,4);
+       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %6.3f',char(eids{ii}),...
+           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),char(comps{kk}),ratio_sort(hh,5) ));
+    end
+    %------------------------
+    rec_array = []; ll = 0;
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        for ii = imin:imax
+            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
+            for jj = 1:nrec
+                    % check that there is a measurement for all components for all models
+                    if prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,:) ) > 0
+                        ll = ll+1;
+                        rat = prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_max+1) ./ wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_min+1) );
+                        rec_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj rat];
+                    end
+                end
+        end
+    end
+    rec_sort = sortrows(rec_array,[-1 4]);
+    for hh = 1:length(rec_sort)
+        tt = rec_sort(hh,1);
+        ii = rec_sort(hh,2);
+        jj = rec_sort(hh,3);
+       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %10.6f',char(eids{ii}),...
+           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),rec_sort(hh,4) ));
+    end
+    %------------------------
+%     % loop over all stations
+%     tarray = []; ll = 0;
+%     for jj = 1:nrec
+%         imatch = find( ratio_array(:,3)==jj);
+%         if length(imatch)==6
+%             ll = ll+1;
+%            tarray(ll,:) = [jj prod(ratio_array(imatch,5)) ];
+%         end
+%     end
+%     tarray_sort = sortrows(tarray,2);
+%     for hh = 1:20
+%         jj = tarray_sort(hh,1);
+%        disp(sprintf('%7s %6.3f',char(strec{jj}),tarray_sort(hh,2) ));
+%     end
+    figure; N = plot_histo(ratio_array(:,end),[0:0.2:5]);
+    figure; N = plot_histo(log(ratio_array(:,end)),[-4:0.2:4]);
+    break

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/compare_misfit.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+% misfit_gmt.m
+% CARL TAPE, 03-Sept-2008
+% printed xxx
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function norms = misfit_gmt(odir,Tmin,Tmax,smodel1,smodel2,eid,stnm,netwk)
+disp('running misfit_gmt.m...');
+ifigure = 0;
+Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
+ssuffix1 = ['semd.sac.d.' Ttag '.' smodel1];
+ssuffix2 = ['semd.sac.d.' Ttag '.' smodel2];
+dsuffix = ['sac.d.' Ttag];
+comps = {'Z','R','T'};
+%chans = {'HL','BL','HN','BN','HH','BH'};
+chans = {'HH','BH'};
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nchan = length(chans);
+%dir0 = pwd;
+%odir = [dir0 '/OUTPUT_MISFIT/EVENTS/' eid '/' stnm '.' netwk '/'];
+fhits = zeros(ncomp,3);
+ffiles = repmat(cellstr(''),ncomp,3);
+for icomp = 1:ncomp
+    for ichan = 1:nchan
+        comp = [chans{ichan} comps{icomp}];
+        dfile = [odir eid '.' netwk '.' stnm '.' comp '.' dsuffix];
+        sfile1 = [odir stnm '.' netwk '.' comp '.' ssuffix1];
+        sfile2 = [odir stnm '.' netwk '.' comp '.' ssuffix2];
+        if exist(dfile,'file')
+            fhits(icomp,1) = fhits(icomp,1)+1;
+            ffiles{icomp,1} = dfile;
+        end
+        if exist(sfile1,'file')
+            fhits(icomp,2) = fhits(icomp,2)+1;
+            ffiles{icomp,2} = sfile1;
+        end
+        if exist(sfile2,'file')
+            fhits(icomp,3) = fhits(icomp,3)+1;
+            ffiles{icomp,3} = sfile2;
+        end
+    end
+fhits_sum = sum(fhits,2);
+if ifigure==1
+    figure; nr=5; nc=3;
+    st1 = ['syn(' smodel1 ')'];
+    st2 = ['syn(' smodel2 ')'];
+norms = zeros(9,ncomp);
+for icomp = 1:ncomp
+%for icomp = 3   
+    if fhits_sum(icomp) == 3
+        dfile  = ffiles{icomp,1};
+        sfile1 = ffiles{icomp,2};
+        sfile2 = ffiles{icomp,3};
+        [seisD,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeD] = readsac(dfile,0,'l');
+        [seisS1,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeS1] = readsac(sfile1,0,'l');
+        [seisS2,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeS2] = readsac(sfile2,0,'l');
+        ti = timeD(:);
+        n = length(ti);
+        % interpolate synthetics exactly onto the data time vector
+        % (In theory, they should already be within two time-steps at this point.)
+        s1 = interp1(timeS1,seisS1,ti,'linear','extrap');
+        s2 = interp1(timeS2,seisS2,ti,'linear','extrap');
+        % residuals for the two models; also perturbation to seismogram
+        res1 = s1 - seisD;
+        res2 = s2 - seisD;
+        spert = s2 - s1;
+        ymax = 1.05*max(abs([seisD' s1' s2' res1' res2']));
+        tmin = min(ti); tmax = max(ti);
+        ax0 = [tmin tmax -ymax ymax];
+        % compute nine different norms -- IS THIS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT?
+        norms(1,icomp) = norm(seisD);
+        norms(2,icomp) = norm(s1);
+        norms(3,icomp) = norm(s2);
+        norms(4,icomp) = norm(res1);
+        norms(5,icomp) = norm(res2);
+        norms(6,icomp) = norm(s2-s1);
+        norms(7,icomp) = norm(res1)^2 / norm(seisD)^2;             % chi^2
+        norms(8,icomp) = norm(res2)^2 / norm(seisD)^2;             % chi^2
+        norms(9,icomp) = 100*(1 - (norm(res2)^2 / norm(res1)^2));  % VR
+        if ifigure==1
+            subplot(nr,nc,icomp);
+            plot(ti,s1,'r',ti,seisD,'b'); legend(st1,'data'); axis(ax0);
+            subplot(nr,nc,nc*1+icomp);
+            plot(ti,res1,'k'); legend([st1 ' - data']); axis(ax0);
+            subplot(nr,nc,nc*2+icomp);
+            plot(ti,s2,'r',ti,seisD,'b'); legend(st2,'data'); axis(ax0);
+            subplot(nr,nc,nc*3+icomp);
+            plot(ti,res2,'k'); legend([st2 ' - data']); axis(ax0);
+            subplot(nr,nc,nc*4+icomp);
+            plot(ti,spert,'k'); legend([st2 ' - ' st1]); axis(ax0);
+        end
+        filename = [odir 'GMT_time_series_' Ttag '_' comps{icomp} '.dat'];
+        fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+        for ii = 1:n
+            fprintf(fid,[repmat('%12.4e',1,7) '\n'],...
+                ti(ii),seisD(ii),s1(ii),s2(ii),res1(ii),res2(ii),spert(ii) );   
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
+        filename = [odir 'GMT_axes_' Ttag '_' comps{icomp} '.dat'];
+        fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,[repmat('%12.4e',1,4) '\n'],...
+                ax0(1),ax0(2),ax0(3),ax0(4) );   
+        fclose(fid);
+        filename = [odir 'GMT_norms_' Ttag '_' comps{icomp} '.dat'];
+        fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+        for kk = 1:9, fprintf(fid,'%12.4e\n',norms(kk,icomp) ); end
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+if ifigure == 1 
+    orient tall, wysiwyg, fontsize(6)
+% if all three components exist, then compute additional time series for plots
+if sum(fhits_sum) == 9
+    % compute the time vector to use for all components
+    mint = zeros(ncomp,3);
+    maxt = zeros(ncomp,3);
+    for icomp = 1:ncomp
+        dfile  = ffiles{icomp,1};
+        sfile1 = ffiles{icomp,2};
+        sfile2 = ffiles{icomp,3};
+        [seisD,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeD] = readsac(dfile,0,'l');
+        [seisS1,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeS1] = readsac(sfile1,0,'l');
+        [seisS2,HdrData,tnu,pobj,timeS2] = readsac(sfile2,0,'l');
+        mint(icomp,1) = min(timeD);
+        mint(icomp,2) = min(timeS1);
+        mint(icomp,3) = min(timeS2);
+        maxt(icomp,1) = max(timeD);
+        maxt(icomp,2) = max(timeS1);
+        maxt(icomp,3) = max(timeS2);
+    end
+    tmin = max(mint(:));
+    tmax = min(maxt(:));
+    ti = [tmin:0.05:tmax]';

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt_run.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt_run.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/misfit_gmt_run.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% misfit_gmt_run.m
+% CARL TAPE, 03-Sept-2008
+% printed xxx
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+Tmin = 6;
+Tmax = 40;
+smodel1 = 'm00';
+smodel2 = 'm07';
+%stnm = 'USC'; netwk = 'CI';
+ncomp = 3;
+nper = 1;
+nmodel = 2;
+dir0 = pwd;
+dir1 = [dir0 '/OUTPUT_MISFIT/EVENTS/'];
+stations_file = [dir1 'STATIONS'];
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+nevent = 1;
+eid = '14383980';
+dir2 = [dir1 eid '/'];
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon0,rlat0,relev0,rburial0,stnm0,netwk0] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm0);
+%for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+%strec = strec(:);
+for irec = 1:nrec
+   disp(sprintf('%i out of %i -- %s.%s',irec,nrec,stnm0{irec},netwk0{irec})); 
+nevent = 1; ievent = 1;
+VR_array = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
+for irec = 1:nrec
+    stnm = stnm0{irec};
+    netwk = netwk0{irec};
+    disp(sprintf('%i out of %i -- %s.%s',irec,nrec,stnm,netwk)); 
+    odir = [dir2 stnm '.' netwk '/'];
+    norms = misfit_gmt(odir,Tmin,Tmax,smodel1,smodel2,eid,stnm,netwk);
+    VR_array(ievent,irec,1,1) = norms(end,1);  % Z
+    VR_array(ievent,irec,2,1) = norms(end,2);  % R
+    VR_array(ievent,irec,3,1) = norms(end,3);  % T

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/plot_misfit.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/plot_misfit.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/plot_misfit.pl	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Carl Tape, 02-Sept-2008
+# plot_misfit.pl
+#    plot_misfit.pl 9818433 USC/CI 6/40
+#use Getopt::Std;
+#use POSIX;
+if (@ARGV < 3) {die("Usage: plot_misfit.pl eid sta/net Tmin/Tmax\n");}
+($eid,$stanet,$Ts) = @ARGV;
+#($sta,$net) = split(/\//,$stanet);
+($sta,$net) = split("/",$stanet);
+# bandpass range
+($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
+$sTmin = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmin);
+$sTmax = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmax);
+$Ttag = "${sTmin}_${sTmax}";
+# models to compare
+$minm = 0;
+$maxm = 7;
+$smodel_min = sprintf("m%2.2i",$minm);
+$smodel_max = sprintf("m%2.2i",$maxm);
+# base directory (contains STATIONS and eid_list)
+#$dir0 = "/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/svn/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj_work/matlab/OUTPUT_MISFIT";
+$cmtfile = "../CMTSOLUTION";
+ at cmtvals = &get_cmt($cmtfile);   # see subroutine below
+# STATIONS file
+$stafile = "../STATIONS_ADJOINT";
+# plot faults (southern California)
+$ifault = 1;
+# file to use to extract the SAC headers
+$Zsyn = "${sta}.${net}.BHZ.semd.sac.d.${Ttag}.${smodel_max}";
+$saclst = "/opt/seismo-util/bin/saclst";
+# axes positions
+$x0_title = 0.5; $y0_title = 10.5;
+$dY_under_title = 0.4;
+$dY_under_subtitle = 0.4;
+$dX_between_col = 0.2;
+$dY_under_seis = 0.3;
+# dimensions of seismogram subplots
+$xwid = 2.4;
+$ywid = 1.0;
+$J = "-JX${xwid}/${ywid}";
+# subtitles
+ at subs = ("(a)  Vertical component, Z","(b)  Radial component, R","(c)  Transverse component, T","(d)  Variance reduction for each component","(e) Source-receiver geometry");
+ at slabs = ("d and s($smodel_min)","d and s($smodel_max)","s($smodel_min) - d","s($smodel_max) - d","s($smodel_max) - s($smodel_min)");
+$nrows = 5;    # <= 5
+$x0_map = 5.0; $y0_map = 2.3 + (5-$nrows)*$ywid;
+$x0_misfit = 1.5; $y0_misfit = 2.9 + (5-$nrows)*$ywid;
+# create psmeca file from CMTSOLUTION file
+ at M[0..5] = @cmtvals[12..17];
+$year = $cmtvals[0]; $month = $cmtvals[1]; $day = $cmtvals[2];
+$elat = $cmtvals[9]; $elon = $cmtvals[10]; $edep = $cmtvals[11];
+$eid = $cmtvals[18];
+$cmtpsmeca = "temp.txt";
+#printf MIJ "$elon $elat $edep $M[0] $M[1] $M[2] $M[3] $M[4] $M[5] 1 X Y $eid";
+printf MIJ "$elon $elat $edep $M[0] $M[1] $M[2] $M[3] $M[4] $M[5] 1";
+# compute moment using Dahlen and Tromp, Eq. (5.91)
+# compute moment magnitude using Kanamori (1977) -- see Carl's Latex notes cmt.pdf
+$M0 = 1/sqrt(2) * sqrt($M[0]**2 + $M[1]**2 + $M[2]**2 + 2*($M[3]**2 + $M[4]**2 + $M[5]**2 ) );
+$k  = -11.2 + (2/3)*log(5)/log(10);
+$Mw = (2/3)*log($M0)/log(10) + $k;
+$stM0 = sprintf("M0 = %.3e dyne-cm",$M0);
+$stMw = sprintf("Mw = %.2f",$Mw);
+print "\n           moment : $stM0 \n moment magnitude : $stMw\n";
+# get the receiver location, azimuth, distance (from the $Zsyn file)
+# We want the azimuth for the file name, so that all the PDFs will be sorted by azimuth.
+(undef,$tmin0,$tmax0,$slon,$slat,$dist,$az,$Tchan) = split(" ",`$saclst b e stlo stla dist az kcmpnm f $Zsyn`);
+$edate  = sprintf("%4.4i . %2.2i . %2.2i",$year,$month,$day);
+$stedep = sprintf("depth = %.1f km",$edep);
+$strec  = "$sta . $net";
+$stdist = sprintf("dist = %.1f km",$dist);
+$staz   = sprintf("az = %.1f deg",$az);
+$fontno = 1;  # font number to use for text
+# set GMT defaults
+# name of the output files
+$azlabel = sprintf("%3.3i",$az);
+$name = "${azlabel}_${sta}_${net}_${Ttag}";
+$psfile = "$name.ps";
+$jpg_file = "$name.jpg";
+# overall title
+$title = "Event $eid,  station ${sta}.${net},  bandpass ${Tmin}-${Tmax} s,  models ${smodel_min} and ${smodel_max}";
+`pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 -N -Xa${x0_title} -Ya${y0_title} -K -P > $psfile <<EOF\n 0 0 14 0 1 LM $title \nEOF\n`;  # START (no -O)
+# subtitles
+$x0_sub = $x0_title;
+$y0_sub = $y0_title - $dY_under_title;
+for ($k = 1; $k <= 3; $k = $k+1) {
+  $x_sub = $x0_sub + ($k-1)*($xwid+$dX_between_col);
+  $origin_sub = "-Xa${x_sub} -Ya${y0_sub}";
+  `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 -N $origin_sub -K -O >> $psfile <<EOF\n 0 0 10 0 1 LM $subs[$k-1] \nEOF\n`;
+# subtitle for misfit plot
+$x0_sub2 = $x0_misfit - 0.8;
+$y0_sub2 = $y0_title - $dY_under_title - $dY_under_subtitle - $nrows*$ywid - $dY_under_seis;
+$origin_sub = "-Xa${x0_sub2} -Ya${y0_sub2}";
+`pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 -N $origin_sub -K -O >> $psfile <<EOF\n 0 0 10 0 1 LM $subs[3] \nEOF\n`;
+# subtitle for map
+$x0_sub3 = $x0_map - 0.8;
+$y0_sub3 = $y0_sub2;
+$origin_sub = "-Xa${x0_sub3} -Ya${y0_sub3}";
+`pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 -N $origin_sub -K -O >> $psfile <<EOF\n 0 0 10 0 1 LM $subs[4] \nEOF\n`;
+$x0_seis = $x0_title;
+$y0_seis = $y0_title - $dY_under_title - $dY_under_subtitle - $ywid;
+$B0 = "-Ba50f10g50:\" \":/a1f1::wesN";
+$B = "-Ba50f10g50:\" \":/a1f1::wesn";
+#$slabinfo = "-C2p -W0/255/255o,0/255/255 -G0/0/0 -N";
+$slabinfo = "-C3p -W255/255/255o,0/0/0 -G0/0/0 -N";
+ at comps = ("Z","R","T");
+for ($k = 1; $k <= 3; $k = $k+1) {
+  $comp = $comps[$k-1];
+  $Pfile = "GMT_time_series_${Ttag}_${comp}.dat";
+  $bounds = "GMT_axes_${Ttag}_${comp}.dat";
+  $Nfile = "GMT_norms_${Ttag}_${comp}.dat";
+  # if the seismograms exist, then plot them
+  if ( (-f $Pfile) && (-f $bounds) ) {
+    open(IN,"$bounds"); @lines = <IN>;
+    ($tmin,$tmax,$ymin,$ymax) = split(" ",$lines[0]);
+    $tmin = -10;
+    if($Tmin==2) {$tmax = $tmax/2;}    # USER: reduce the records for 2s
+    $R = "-R$tmin/$tmax/$ymin/$ymax";
+    # plot seismograms
+    $x_seis = $x0_seis + ($k-1)*($xwid+$dX_between_col);
+    $x_seis_lab = $x_seis + $xwid - 0.05;
+    for ($j = 1; $j <= $nrows; $j = $j+1) {
+      $y_seis = $y0_seis - ($j-1)*$ywid;
+      $originP = "-Xa${x_seis} -Ya${y_seis}";
+      $y_seis_lab = $y_seis + $ywid - 0.05;
+      $originPlab = "-Xa${x_seis_lab} -Ya${y_seis_lab}";
+      if($j==1) {`psbasemap $J $R $B0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`}
+      else {`psbasemap $J $R $B -O -K $originP >> $psfile`}
+      if ($j==1) {
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$2}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,0/0/0   -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$3}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,255/0/0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+        `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 $slabinfo -K -O $originPlab >> $psfile <<EOF\n0 0 8 0 $fontno RT $slabs[0]\nEOF\n`;
+      } elsif ($j==2) {
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$2}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,0/0/0   -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$4}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,255/0/0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+        `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 $slabinfo -K -O $originPlab >> $psfile <<EOF\n0 0 8 0 $fontno RT $slabs[1]\nEOF\n`;
+      } elsif ($j==3) {
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$5}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,0/0/0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+        `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 $slabinfo -K -O $originPlab >> $psfile <<EOF\n0 0 8 0 $fontno RT $slabs[2]\nEOF\n`;
+      } elsif ($j==4) {
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$6}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,0/0/0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+        `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 $slabinfo -K -O $originPlab >> $psfile <<EOF\n0 0 8 0 $fontno RT $slabs[3]\nEOF\n`;
+      } elsif ($j==5) {
+	`awk \'{print \$1,\$7}\' $Pfile | psxy $J $R -W0.5p,0/0/0 -O -K $originP >> $psfile`;
+         `pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 $slabinfo -K -O $originPlab >> $psfile <<EOF\n0 0 8 0 $fontno RT $slabs[4]\nEOF\n`;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    print "seismogram files $Pfile and $bounds do not both exist\n";
+  }
+$originN = "-Xa${x0_misfit} -Ya${y0_misfit}";
+$xwid = 1.5;
+$ywid = 1.3;
+$J = "-JX${xwid}/${ywid}";
+$B = "-Ba1f1:\"Model index\":/a50f10:\"Variance reduction\":WeSn";
+$kmax = $maxm + 3;
+$R = "-R-0.5/$kmax/-50/100";
+$Zinfo = "-Sc12p -W0.5p,0/0/0 -G255 -N";
+print "J option --> $J\n";
+print "R option --> $R\n";
+print "B option --> $B\n";
+ at comps = ("Z","R","T");
+for ($k = 1; $k <= 3; $k = $k+1) {
+  $comp = $comps[$k-1];
+  $Nfile = "GMT_norms_${Ttag}_${comp}.dat";
+  # if the norms file exists
+  if ( -f $Nfile ) {
+    # reduction in the misfit
+    open(IN,"$Nfile"); @Nlines = <IN>;
+    #$yred = 100*(1.0 - $Nlines[4]/$Nlines[3]);
+    $yred = $Nlines[8]; chomp($yred);
+    print "yred --> $yred\n";
+    # plot the misfit
+    if($k==1) {`psbasemap $J $R $B -O -K $originN >> $psfile`}
+    `psxy $R $J -W1p -K -O $originN >> $psfile <<EOF\n$minm 0\n$maxm $yred\nEOF\n`;
+    `psxy $R $J $Zinfo -K -O $originN >> $psfile <<EOF\n$minm 0\nEOF\n`;
+    `psxy $R $J $Zinfo -K -O $originN >> $psfile <<EOF\n$maxm $yred\nEOF\n`;
+    `pstext $R $J -N -K -O $originN >> $psfile <<EOF\n$maxm $yred 8 0 $fontno CM $comp\nEOF\n`;
+  } else {
+    print "norm file $Nfile does not exist\n";
+  }
+# PLOT BASE MAP with stations, faults, CMT
+$originM = "-Xa${x0_map} -Ya${y0_map}";
+$proj = "-JM2.5";
+$textinfo = "-G0 -S1p,255/255/255";
+$xmin = -122; $xmax = -114;
+$ymin = 32; $ymax = 37;
+$bounds="-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax ";
+$xtick = 1; $ytick = 1;
+$cinfo="-W0.5 -Dh -A100";
+# plot the base map
+`psbasemap $bounds $proj $tick $originM -K -O >> $psfile`;
+`pscoast $bounds $proj $cinfo -S150/200/255 -W2 -G200/255/150 -N1/1p -N2/0.5p -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;
+# plot southern California faults
+if($ifault==1) {
+   $dir1 = "/home/carltape/gmt";
+   $fault_file = "$dir1/faults/jennings.xy";
+   $kcf_file   = "$dir1/faults/kcf.xy";
+   $breck_file = "$dir1/faults/breck.xy";
+   $fault_infoK = "-M -W0.5p,0/0/0";
+   `psxy $fault_file $bounds $proj $fault_infoK -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;
+   `psxy $kcf_file $bounds $proj $fault_infoK -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;
+   `psxy $breck_file $bounds $proj $fault_infoK -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;
+# plot the stations
+`awk \'{print \$4,\$3,0,4,B,C}\' $stafile | psxy $proj $bounds -M -St0.10 -W0.25p -G200/200/200 -N -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;
+# plot labels next to the map
+ at mapstrings = ($edate,$eid,$stMw,$stedep,$strec,$stdist,$staz);
+$nstrings = @mapstrings;
+$x1 = $xmin - 4*$xtick;
+for ($i=0; $i < $nstrings; $i++) {
+  $y1 = $ymax - 0.5 - $i*$ytick*0.7;
+  `pstext $bounds $proj $tick -N -K -O $originM >> $psfile <<EOF\n $x1 $y1 10 0 $fontno LM $mapstrings[$i] \nEOF\n`;
+# plot ray path, station, and CMT source
+`psxy $bounds $proj -W1p -K -O $originM >> $psfile <<EOF\n$elon $elat\n$slon $slat\nEOF\n`;  # ray path
+#$cmtfont = 10; $cmt_scale = 0.3; $cmtinfo = "-Sm${cmt_scale}/$cmtfont -L0.5p/0/0/0 -G255/0/0";
+#`psmeca $cmtpsmeca $bounds $proj $cmtinfo -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;  # CMT source
+$cmt_scale = 0.3; $cmtinfo = "-Sm${cmt_scale} -L0.5p/0/0/0 -G255/0/0";
+`psmeca $cmtpsmeca $bounds $proj $cmtinfo -O -K $originM >> $psfile`;  # CMT source
+$elat_shift = $elat + 0.6;
+`pstext $bounds $proj $textinfo -K -O $originM >> $psfile <<EOF\n $elon $elat_shift 9 0 $fontno CM $eid\nEOF\n`;  # station label
+`rm $cmtpsmeca`;
+`psxy $bounds $proj -St0.15 -W2 -G255/0/0 -K -O $originM >> $psfile <<EOF\n$slon $slat\nEOF\n`;  # red station
+$slat_shift = $slat - 0.3;
+`pstext $bounds $proj $textinfo -K -O $originM >> $psfile <<EOF\n $slon $slat_shift 8 0 $fontno CM $sta \nEOF\n`;  # station label
+`pstext -R0/1/0/1 -JX1 -N -Xa${x0_title} -Ya${y0_title} -O >> $psfile <<EOF\n 10 10 14 0 1 LM $title\nEOF\n`;  # FINISH (no -K)
+#`convert $psfile $jpg_file`; `xv $jpg_file &`;
+`ps2pdf $psfile`;
+#`rm $psfile`;       # remove PS file
+#system("xv $jpg_file &");
+sub get_cmt {
+  my ($cmtfile)=@_;
+  open(CMT,"$cmtfile") or die("Error opening cmtfile $cmtfile\n");
+  @cmt = <CMT>;
+  my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+  my(undef,undef,$eid)=split(" ",$cmt[1]);
+  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+  close(CMT);
+  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp,$eid);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/plot_misfit.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/seis_norm.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/seis_norm.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/seis_norm.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% function x = seis_norm(t,y)
+% Carl Tape, 03-Sept-2008
+% This function computes the L2 norm of a seismogram.
+%             t2      2                  N        2      N        2
+%          INT     s(t)   dt        dt  SUM  (s_i)      SUM  (s_i)
+%   2         t1                        i=1             i=1
+%  x   =    -------------------  = ----------------  = ---------
+%               t2 - t1             dt*N                 N
+% Note that the number will not depend on the length of the time series.
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function x = seis_norm(t,y)
+x = sqrt( sum(y.^2) / length(y) );
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/setup_misfit_dir.pl (from rev 12980, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_misfit_dir.pl)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/setup_misfit_dir.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/setup_misfit_dir.pl	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Carl Tape, 03-Sept-2008
+# setup_misfit_dir.pl
+# This script xxx
+# EXAMPLE: setup_misfit_dir.pl m00 m07 6/40
+if (@ARGV < 3) {die("Usage: setup_misfit_dir.pl smodel_min smodel_max Tmin/Tmax\n")}
+($minm,$maxm,$Ts) = @ARGV;
+$pwd = $ENV{PWD};
+print "\n$pwd\n";
+# labels for bandpass-filtered data and synthetics
+($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
+$sTmin = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmin);
+$sTmax = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmax);
+$Ttag = "${sTmin}_${sTmax}";
+# directory containing all CMTSOLUTION files
+$dir_src = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_09";
+$dir_cmt = "${dir_src}/CMT_files_pre_inverted";
+if (not -e $dir_src) {die("check if dir_src $dir_src exist or not\n")}
+if (not -e $dir_cmt) {die("check if dir_cmt $dir_cmt exist or not\n")}
+# list of event IDs to use
+$file_eid0 = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_m07";
+if (not -f ${file_eid0}) {die("check if file_eid ${file_eid0} exist or not\n")}
+# FULL stations file
+$file_stations0 = "/net/denali/home2/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem";
+if (not -f ${file_stations0}) {die("check if file_stations ${file_stations0} exist or not\n")}
+# data and synthetics directories
+$dir_data0  = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/DATA/FINAL";
+$dir_syn01 = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/SYN/model_${minm}";
+$dir_syn02 = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/SYN/model_${maxm}";
+if (not -e ${dir_data0}) {die("check if dir_data ${dir_data0} exist or not\n")}
+if (not -e ${dir_syn01}) {die("check if dir_syn ${dir_syn01} exist or not\n")}
+if (not -e ${dir_syn02}) {die("check if dir_syn ${dir_syn02} exist or not\n")}
+# directory containing the output for windows, measurements, adjoint sources, etc
+$dir_run = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS";
+if (not -e ${dir_run}) {die("check if dir_run ${dir_run} exist or not\n")}
+# make the base output directory if it does not exist
+$dir0 = "OUTPUT_MISFIT";
+`mkdir -p $dir0`;
+$dir1 = "$dir0/EVENTS";
+`mkdir -p $dir1`;
+# link various files
+$file_eid = "$dir0/eid_list";
+`ln -s ${file_eid0} ${file_eid}`;
+$file_stations = "$dir0/STATIONS";
+`ln -s ${file_stations0} ${file_stations}`;
+# open EID list
+open(IN,"${file_eid}"); @eids = <IN>; close(IN);
+$nevent = @eids;
+print "\n $nevent events in the list";
+# open STATIONS file
+open(IN,"${file_stations}"); @slines = <IN>; close(IN);
+$nrec = @slines - 1;
+print "\n $nrec stations in the list";
+if (0==1) {
+  for ($ievent = 1; $ievent <= $nevent; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+  }
+  die("testing");
+#$imin = 1; $imax = $nevent;
+#$imin = 1; $imax = 100;
+$imin = 142; $imax = $imin;
+$isetup1 = 0;
+if ($isetup1 == 1) {
+  for ($ievent = $imin; $ievent <= $imax; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+    # make base directory for each event
+    $dir2 = "$dir1/$eid";
+    `mkdir -p $dir2`;
+    # link CMTSOLUTION file
+    $cmtfile0 = "${dir_cmt}/CMTSOLUTION_${eid}";
+    $cmtfile = "$dir2/CMTSOLUTION";
+    `ln -s $cmtfile0 $cmtfile`;
+    # link STATIONS file from the windowing/measurement codes (different for each period range)
+    # --> use the max model to show the stations used
+    $stafile0 = "${dir_run}/$eid/$maxm/MEASURE_${sTmin}/ADJOINT_${sTmin}/STATIONS_ADJOINT";
+    if (not -f $stafile0) {die("check if stafile0 $stafile0 exist or not\n")}
+    $stafile = "$dir2/STATIONS_ADJOINT";
+    `ln -s $stafile0 $stafile`;
+    # make a directory for each station in the STATIONS list
+    for ($irec = 1; $irec <= $nrec; $irec++) {
+      ($sta,$net,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$slines[$irec]);
+      $dir_rec = "$dir2/$sta.$net";
+      print "\n $irec out of $nrec -- $dir_rec";
+      `mkdir -p $dir_rec`;
+    }
+  }
+# NOTE: For now we are copying in all available records,
+# but really we only want BHZ,BHR,BHT (or HHZ,HHR,HHT).
+$isetup2 = 0;
+if ($isetup2 == 1) {
+  for ($ievent = $imin; $ievent <= $imax; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+    # data and synthetics directories for each event
+    $dir_data  = "${dir_data0}/$eid/PROCESSED/PROCESSED_${Ttag}";
+    $dir_syn1  = "${dir_syn01}/$eid/PROCESSED/PROCESSED_${Ttag}";
+    $dir_syn2  = "${dir_syn02}/$eid/PROCESSED/PROCESSED_${Ttag}";
+    if (not -e ${dir_data}) {die("check if dir_data ${dir_data} exist or not\n");}
+    if (not -e ${dir_syn1}) {die("check if dir_syn ${dir_syn1} exist or not\n");}
+    if (not -e ${dir_syn2}) {die("check if dir_syn ${dir_syn2} exist or not\n");}
+    $dir2 = "$dir1/$eid";
+    for ($irec = 1; $irec <= $nrec; $irec++) {
+    #for ($irec = 128; $irec <= 128; $irec++) {
+      cd_directory($pwd);
+      ($sta,$net,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$slines[$irec]);
+      $station = "$sta.$net";
+      $dir_rec = "${dir2}/${sta}.${net}";
+      print "\n $irec out of $nrec -- ${dir_rec}";
+      # link plotting script
+      $plotfile0 = "${pwd}/plot_misfit.pl";
+      $plotfile = "${dir_rec}/plot_misfit.pl";
+      `rm $plotfile`;
+      `ln -s $plotfile0 $plotfile`;
+      $dtags = "${dir_data}/*$net.$sta*"; @dfiles = glob($dtags); `cp @dfiles ${dir_rec}`;
+      $stags1 = "${dir_syn1}/$sta.$net*"; @sfiles1 = glob($stags1); #`cp @sfiles1 ${dir_rec}`;
+      cd_directory($dir_rec);
+      `cp @sfiles1 .`;
+      `mv_files.pl -x "*semd.sac.d.${Ttag}" "*semd.sac.d.${Ttag}.$minm"`;
+      $stags2 = "${dir_syn2}/$sta.$net*"; @sfiles2 = glob($stags2); #`cp @sfiles2 ${dir_rec}`;
+      `cp @sfiles2 .`;
+      `mv_files.pl -x "*semd.sac.d.${Ttag}" "*semd.sac.d.${Ttag}.$maxm"`;
+    }
+  }
+# NOW RUN MATLAB CODE misfit_gmt_run.m
+$isetup3 = 0;
+if ($isetup3 == 1) {
+  for ($ievent = $imin; $ievent <= $imax; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+    $dir2 = "$dir1/$eid";
+    for ($irec = 1; $irec <= $nrec; $irec++) {
+    #for ($irec = 104; $irec <= 104; $irec++) {
+      cd_directory($pwd);
+      ($sta,$net,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$slines[$irec]);
+      $station = "$sta.$net";
+      $dir_rec = "${dir2}/${sta}.${net}";
+      print "\n $irec out of $nrec -- ${dir_rec}";
+      cd_directory($dir_rec);
+      @datfiles = glob("*.dat");
+      $ndat = @datfiles;
+      if($ndat > 0) {
+        `plot_misfit.pl $eid $sta/$net $Ts`;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+$isetup4 = 0;
+if ($isetup4 == 1) {
+  for ($ievent = $imin; $ievent <= $imax; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+    $dir2 = "$dir1/$eid";
+    for ($irec = 1; $irec <= $nrec; $irec++) {
+      ($sta,$net,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$slines[$irec]);
+      $station = "$sta.$net";
+      $dir_rec = "${dir2}/${sta}.${net}";
+      print "\n $irec out of $nrec -- ${dir_rec}";
+      @pdffiles = glob("${dir_rec}/*${Ttag}.pdf");
+      $nfile = @pdffiles;
+      #$pdffile = "${dir_rec}/${sta}_${net}_${Ttag}.pdf";
+      if($nfile == 1) {
+         $pdffile = $pdffiles[0]; chomp($pdffile);
+         `cp $pdffile $dir2`;
+      }
+    }
+    # concatenate into a single pdf
+    $outfile = "$dir1/${eid}_${Ttag}_waveform_az.pdf";
+    `rm $outfile`;
+    @pdfall = glob("${dir2}/*${Ttag}.pdf");
+    print "\n /home/carltape/bin/pdcat -r @pdfall $outfile\n";
+    `/home/carltape/bin/pdcat -r @pdfall $outfile`;
+    `rm @pdfall`;
+  }
+$iclean = 0;
+if ($iclean == 1) {
+  for ($ievent = $imin; $ievent <= $imax; $ievent++) {
+    $eid = $eids[$ievent-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "\n $ievent : $eid";
+    $dir2 = "$dir1/$eid";
+    for ($irec = 1; $irec <= $nrec; $irec++) {
+      #for ($irec = 128; $irec <= 128; $irec++) {
+      ($sta,$net,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$slines[$irec]);
+      $station = "$sta.$net";
+      $dir_rec = "${dir2}/${sta}.${net}";
+      print "\n $irec out of $nrec -- ${dir_rec}";
+      `rm ${dir_rec}/*pdf`; `rm ${dir_rec}/*ps`;
+    }
+  }
+print "\n done with setup_misfit_dir.pl\n\n";
+sub cd_directory {
+    my($new) = @_;
+    my $old = `pwd`;
+    chomp($old);
+    check_directory($new);
+    #print "$prog: cd $new\n";
+    chdir $new;
+    return($old);
+sub check_directory {
+    if(! -e $_[0] ) {
+        print "Directory not found: $_[0]\n";
+        exit(-1);
+    }

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/MISFIT_in_development/setup_misfit_dir.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2008-10-21 01:21:15 UTC (rev 13106)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-% compare_misfit.m
-% CARL TAPE, 23-July-2008
-% printed xxx
-% This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
-% mt_measure_adj.f90, and it tabulates and plots misfit function values.
-% /cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/
-% Copied from compute_misfit.m on 23-July-2008
-% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
-% called by xxx
-close all
-format compact
-dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
-Tvec = [6 2];
-    % LOWEST period used for each measurement band-pass (upper is 40 s)
-comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
-    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
-    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
-ncomp = length(comps);
-nper = length(Tvec);
-%DT = 0.011;     % really this is only needed because it was left out from
-                % integrating the waveforms in mt-measure_adj.f90
-iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, ststions
-dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_8/';
-%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
-eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_m05';
-cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v8'];
-stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
-% read in list of event IDs and sources
-% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
-% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
-eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
-eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
-%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
-nevent = length(eids);
-% read in CMT solutions
-[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
-% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
-[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
-nrec = length(stnm);
-for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
-strec = strec(:);
-% make list of networks
-stnet = unique(netwk);
-nnet = length(stnet);
-iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
-imodel_min = input(' Enter minimum model index (0-5) : ');
-imodel_max = input(' Enter maximum model index (1-5) : ');
-nmodel = imodel_max - imodel_min;
-wdiff_array = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper,nmodel);
-if iread == 1
-    % range of events
-    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
-    %imin = 4; imax = 7;
-    %imin = 4; imax = imin;
-    for imod = imodel_min:imodel_max
-        stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
-        disp('====================================');
-        disp(['MODEL ' stmod]);
-        k2 = 0;
-        meas_array = [];
-        %for tt = 1:1
-        for tt = 1:nper
-            Tper = Tvec(tt);
-            sTper = sprintf('%3.3i',Tper);
-            if imod <= 2, sTper2 = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); else sTper2 = sTper; end   % CHT
-            disp('-----------------------------------------');
-            for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
-                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
-                dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_T' sTper '/'];
-                mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper2 '_window_chi'];
-                filename = [dir1 mfile];
-                if ~exist(filename,'file')
-                    disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
-                else
-                    % read the window_chi file
-                    [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
-                    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
-                    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
-                    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
-                    wind2,wins2,win_chi0,windur, recd2,recs2,rec_chi0,recdur,...
-                    tr_chi,am_chi] = read_window_chi(filename);
-                    % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
-                    win_chi = win_chi0 ./ wind2;
-                    rec_chi = rec_chi0 ./ recd2;
-                    nwin = length(strec0);
-                    disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
-                    % assign the string network an integer index
-                    index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                    for inet = 1:nnet
-                        ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
-                        index_net(ind_net) = inet;
-                    end
-                    % assign the string receiver an integer index
-                    index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                    for irec = 1:nrec
-                        ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
-                        index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
-                    end
-                    % assign the string component an integer index
-                    index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                    for icomp = 1:ncomp
-                        ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
-                        index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
-                    end
-                    % measurement indices
-                    k1 = k2+1;
-                    k2 = k1+nwin-1;
-                    kinds = [k1:k2]';
-                    meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin ...
-                        iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA  measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
-                    %  1  kinds
-                    %  2  index_T
-                    %  3  index_event
-                    %  4  index_network
-                    %  5  index_rec
-                    %  6  index_comp
-                    %  7  iwin
-                    %  8  iker
-                    %  9  measCC_dT
-                    % 10  sigmaCC_dT
-                    % 11  measCC_dA
-                    % 12  sigmaCC_dA
-                    % 13  measMT_dT
-                    % 14  sigmaMT_dT
-                    % 15  win_chi
-                    % 16  rec_chi                
-                    % 17  tr_chi
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        for tt = 1:nper
-            for ii = imin:imax
-                disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
-                for jj = 1:nrec
-                    for kk = 1:ncomp
-                        imatch = find( and( and( meas_array(:,2)==tt, meas_array(:,3)==ii), ...
-                                            and( meas_array(:,5)==jj, meas_array(:,6)==kk) ));
-                        if ~isempty(imatch)
-                            % take the first only
-                            wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imod+1) = meas_array(imatch(1),16);
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    save('wdiff_array.mat','wdiff_array');
-   load('wdiff_array.mat'); 
-whos wdiff_array
-% total number of windows
-N = length(meas_array);
-% for each record for each model (m0, m1) that has at least one window picked,
-% we save the integrated waveform difference as the purest measure of misfit
-% between the data and synthetics
-[m1,m2,m3,m4,m5] = size(wdiff_array)
-if 0==1
-    ratio_array = []; ll = 0;
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        for ii = imin:imax
-            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
-            for jj = 1:nrec
-                for kk = 1:ncomp
-                    % check that there is a measurement for all models
-                    if prod(wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,:)) > 0
-                        ll = ll+1;
-                        rat = wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_max+1) / wdiff_array(ii,jj,kk,tt,imodel_min+1);
-                        ratio_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj kk rat];
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    %ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,5);
-    ratio_sort = sortrows(ratio_array,[-1 5]);
-    hmax = length(ratio_sort);
-    hmax = 100;
-    for hh = 1:hmax
-        tt = ratio_sort(hh,1);
-        ii = ratio_sort(hh,2);
-        jj = ratio_sort(hh,3);
-        kk = ratio_sort(hh,4);
-       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %6.3f',char(eids{ii}),...
-           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),char(comps{kk}),ratio_sort(hh,5) ));
-    end
-    %------------------------
-    rec_array = []; ll = 0;
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        for ii = imin:imax
-            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i',ii,nevent));
-            for jj = 1:nrec
-                    % check that there is a measurement for all components for all models
-                    if prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,:) ) > 0
-                        ll = ll+1;
-                        rat = prod( wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_max+1) ./ wdiff_array(ii,jj,:,tt,imodel_min+1) );
-                        rec_array(ll,:) = [tt ii jj rat];
-                    end
-                end
-        end
-    end
-    rec_sort = sortrows(rec_array,[-1 4]);
-    for hh = 1:length(rec_sort)
-        tt = rec_sort(hh,1);
-        ii = rec_sort(hh,2);
-        jj = rec_sort(hh,3);
-       disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %10.6f',char(eids{ii}),...
-           Tvec(tt),char(strec{jj}),rec_sort(hh,4) ));
-    end
-    %------------------------
-%     % loop over all stations
-%     tarray = []; ll = 0;
-%     for jj = 1:nrec
-%         imatch = find( ratio_array(:,3)==jj);
-%         if length(imatch)==6
-%             ll = ll+1;
-%            tarray(ll,:) = [jj prod(ratio_array(imatch,5)) ];
-%         end
-%     end
-%     tarray_sort = sortrows(tarray,2);
-%     for hh = 1:20
-%         jj = tarray_sort(hh,1);
-%        disp(sprintf('%7s %6.3f',char(strec{jj}),tarray_sort(hh,2) ));
-%     end
-    figure; N = plot_histo(ratio_array(:,end),[0:0.2:5]);
-    figure; N = plot_histo(log(ratio_array(:,end)),[-4:0.2:4]);
-    break

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2008-10-21 01:21:15 UTC (rev 13106)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -25,17 +25,22 @@
 dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
-Tvec = [6 2];
-    % LOWEST period used for each measurement band-pass (upper is 40 s)
+% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
+Tminvec = [2 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30];
+%Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
 comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
     % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
     % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
 ncomp = length(comps);
-nper = length(Tvec);
+nper = length(Tminvec);
-%DT = 0.011;     % really this is only needed because it was left out from
-                % integrating the waveforms in mt-measure_adj.f90
+% strings for labeling
+sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
+for tt = 1:nper
+    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
@@ -53,16 +58,16 @@
 stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
 ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
-odir = ['OUTPUT/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
 iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, ststions
-dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_9/';
+% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, stations
+dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_10/';
 eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
-eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
-cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v9'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v10'];
 stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
@@ -93,7 +98,7 @@
 % if 0==1
 %     fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
 %     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n',stks{kk},' ',...
-%         ['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(2))],'TOTAL');
+%         ['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(2))],'TOTAL');
 %     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10i%10i%10i\n','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
 %     for ii = 1:nw
 %         jj = isort(ii);
@@ -162,16 +167,17 @@
     meas_array = [];
     %for tt = 1:1
     for tt = 1:nper
-        Tper = Tvec(tt);
-        sTper = sprintf('%3.3i',Tper);
-        if imod <= 2, sTper2 = sprintf('%2.2i',Tper); else sTper2 = sTper; end   % CHT
+        Tmin = Tminvec(tt);
+        Tmax = Tmaxvec(tt);
+        Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
+        %Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i',Tmin);   % old version
         for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
             disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
-            dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_T' sTper '/'];
-            mfile = [eids{ii} '_T' sTper2 '_window_chi'];
+            dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_' Ttag '/'];
+            mfile = [eids{ii} '_' Ttag '_window_chi'];
             filename = [dir1 mfile];
             if ~exist(filename,'file')
@@ -260,7 +266,7 @@
         itest = itestvec(ii);
-        display_meas(meas_array(itest,:),Tvec,eids,strec,comps);
+        display_meas(meas_array(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
         0.5 * meas_array(itest,9)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
         0.5 * meas_array(itest,13)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
@@ -273,28 +279,28 @@
 % (2) network
 % (3) station
 % (4) component
-nwin_all_event = zeros(nevent,2);
+nwin_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper);
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nevent
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-nwin_all_net = zeros(nnet,2);
+nwin_all_net = zeros(nnet,nper);
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nnet
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-nwin_all_rec = zeros(nrec,2);
+nwin_all_rec = zeros(nrec,nper);
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nrec
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-nwin_all_comp = zeros(ncomp,2);
+nwin_all_comp = zeros(ncomp,nper);
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:ncomp
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
@@ -303,18 +309,24 @@
-% tally stations by event (and period)
-nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,3);
+% tally stations for each event (and period)
+nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper+1);
 for ii = 1:nevent
-    imatch1 = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==1) );
-    imatch2 = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==2) );
+    % matches, considering each bandpass set separately
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nrec_all_event(ii,tt) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
+    end
+    % matches, considering all bandpass sets together
     imatch = find(meas_array(:,3)==ii);
-    nrec_all_event(ii,1) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch1,5)));
-    nrec_all_event(ii,2) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch2,5)));
-    nrec_all_event(ii,3) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
+    nrec_all_event(ii,nper+1) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
 if iwrite == 1
+    sTfmti = repmat('%10i',1,nper);
+    sTfmts = repmat('%10s',1,nper);
+    sTdash = repmat(cellstr('--'),1,nper);
     stks = {'event','network','receiver','component'};
     for kk = 1:length(stks)
         switch kk
@@ -326,29 +338,27 @@
         nw = length(nwin_out);
         ntot_1 = sum(nwin_out, 1);
         ntot_2 = sum(nwin_out, 2);
-        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nwin_out ntot_2],-4);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
         % write out the file
         fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n',stks{kk},' ',...
-            ['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(2))],'TOTAL');
-        fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10i%10i%10i\n','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],'TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
         for ii = 1:nw
             jj = isort(ii);
-            fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+            fprintf(fid,['%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
     % write out the number of stations for each event
-    [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-4);
-    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receiver_picks_by_event'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n','event',' ',...
-        ['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tvec(2))],'TOTAL');
+    [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-[2+nper]);
+    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receivers_used_by_event'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],'event',' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
     for ii = 1:nevent
         jj = isort(ii);
-        fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
+        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
@@ -417,16 +427,17 @@
     klabs = {'dnorm','nrec'};
-    kind = [-6 -5];
-    for kk=1:2
+    kind = -([4 3]+nper);   % columns to sort
+    for kk = 1:2
         dsort = sortrows(data_norms,kind(kk));
         fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort_by_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,'%12s%8s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n','eid','Nwin',...
-            ['Nrec' num2str(Tvec(1))],['Nrec' num2str(Tvec(2))],'Nrec','dnorm2*E','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
-        fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.2f%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        fprintf(fid,['%12s%8s' sTfmts '%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n'],'eid','Nwin',...
+            sTbp{:},'Nrec','dnorm2*E','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
+        fprintf(fid,['%12s%8i' sTfmts '%10s%10.2f%10.4f%10s%10s\n'],...
+            'TOTAL',sum(Ns),sTdash{:},'--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
         for ii = 1:nevent
             if any(dsort(ii,1)==eids_save)
-                fprintf(fid,'%12i%8i%6i%6i%6i%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n',dsort(ii,:));
+                fprintf(fid,['%12i%8i' sTfmti '%10i%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n'],dsort(ii,:));
@@ -488,7 +499,7 @@
 icheck = find( abs(meas_array(:,9)) >= DT_MIN )
 [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -9 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 DA_MIN = -0.8;
 DA_MAX = 3.0;
@@ -496,14 +507,14 @@
 %[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 11 );
 [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 3 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 CHI_MIN = 100;
 DT_SIGMA_MIN = 0.19;
 icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,17) >=  CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,10) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
 [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -15 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 ebads = unique( eids_num(meas_array(icheck,3)) )

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_misfit_dir.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_misfit_dir.pl	2008-10-21 01:21:15 UTC (rev 13106)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_misfit_dir.pl	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Carl Tape, 03-Sept-2008
-# setup_misfit_dir.pl
-# This script xxx
-# EXAMPLE: setup_misfit_dir.pl m00 m07 2/40
-if (@ARGV < 3) {die("Usage: setup_misfit_dir.pl smodel_min smodel_max Tmin/Tmax\n")}
-($minm,$maxm,$Tpers) = @ARGV;
-$dir0 = "OUTPUT_MISFIT";
-`mkdir -p $dir0`;
-# TO DO --->

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_subspace_dir.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_subspace_dir.pl	2008-10-21 01:21:15 UTC (rev 13106)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/setup_subspace_dir.pl	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
 # This should be run prior to running subspace_specfem.m.
-# EXAMPLE: setup_subspace_dir.pl 10
+#    setup_subspace_dir.pl 0 10
+#    setup_subspace_dir.pl 11 11
-if (@ARGV < 1) {die("Usage: setup_subspace_dir.pl smodel\n")}
-($maxm) = @ARGV;
+if (@ARGV < 2) {die("Usage: setup_subspace_dir.pl smodel_min smodel_max\n")}
+($minm,$maxm) = @ARGV;
 # possible labels for choice of data covariance
 @dcov_tags = ("event","window","none");
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@
 #$dir1 = "$dir0/$smodel";
 #`mkdir -p $dir1`;
-for ($h = 0; $h <= $maxm; $h = $h+1) {
+for ($h = $minm; $h <= $maxm; $h = $h+1) {
   $smodel = sprintf("m%2.2i",$h);
   $dir1 = "${dir0}/${smodel}";

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2008-10-21 01:21:15 UTC (rev 13106)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2008-10-21 02:46:27 UTC (rev 13107)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 % subspace_specfem.m
-% CARL TAPE, 16-June-2008
+% CARL TAPE, 16-Oct-2008
 % printed xxx
 % This program assumes you have FIRST run compute_misfit.m, and also have
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
 stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
 ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
-odir0 = ['OUTPUT/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+odir0 = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
 load([odir0 ftag '_data_norms']);
 nsrc = length(eids);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
         % When we computed the kernels, we did not include the
         % normalization factor based on the number of windows picked
         % that is included within the data covariance (and used in computing Ws).
-        % Thus, we compute the MATRIX Cd_fac above to account for this.
+        % Thus we compute the MATRIX Cd_fac above to account for this.
         H = H ./ Cd_fac;
         % put the matrix onto order-1 values for computation purposes
@@ -152,6 +152,13 @@
         dtemp_sort1 = sortrows(dtemp,-6);   % sort by relative importance of bulk-to-shear
         dtemp_sort2 = sortrows(dtemp,-5);   % sort by diagonal
+        % sort all entries of the Hessian -- note that some are negative
+        % we take the upper traingular elements, excluding the diagonal
+        Htri = triu(H,1); itri = triu(i_ind,1); jtri = triu(j_ind,1);
+        Hcols = [Htri(:) itri(:)  jtri(:) ];
+        [Hsort,iHsort_good] = sortrows(Hcols, -1);
+        [Hsort,iHsort_bad] = sortrows(Hcols, 1);
         if iwrite == 1
             filename = [dir1 'hessian_bulk-shear_' stlab];
             fid = fopen(filename,'w');
@@ -170,6 +177,28 @@
+            % make a list of the largest N positive and negative Hessian elements
+            nprint = 100;      % must be less than nsrc*nsrc
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_good_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Largest positive non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
+            for ix = 1:nprint
+                iH = iHsort_good(ix);
+                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_bad_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Largest negative non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
+            for ix = 1:nprint
+                iH = iHsort_bad(ix);
+                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
         disp(' gradient balance for the Hessian (subspace) inversion (mean of last column) :');
@@ -196,12 +225,13 @@
     % plot H
+    Hfac = 0.5;    % adjust to saturate the color scale as you wish
     figure; pcolor(i_ind,j_ind,H); shading flat;
     xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
     title({['Hessian (symmetric matrix) for ' stkerlab],stH1,stH2});
-    %caxis([0 1e-10])
-    map = colormap('gray'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
+    caxis([-1 1]*max(H(:))*Hfac), colormap('jet'), colorbar;
+    %map = colormap('seis'); colormap(flipud(map));
+    axis equal; axis tight; 
     fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
     % sort the diagonal values of H

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