[cig-commits] r12913 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Wed Sep 17 12:37:13 PDT 2008

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2008-09-17 12:37:13 -0700 (Wed, 17 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 12913

suppressed some old routines that used to be called for Cuthill-McKee sorting in previous versions

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_jacobian_boundaries.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_jacobian_boundaries.f90	2008-09-17 19:17:36 UTC (rev 12912)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_jacobian_boundaries.f90	2008-09-17 19:37:13 UTC (rev 12913)
@@ -426,91 +426,3 @@
   end subroutine compute_jacobian_2D
-subroutine sort_arrays_for_cuthill (ispecb,xstore,ystore,zstore,ibelm,normal,jacobian2D,nspec2D,NGLL1,NGLL2,nspec)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ispecb,nspec2D,NGLL1,NGLL2,nspec,ispec_tmp,dummy_var,i
-  integer ibelm(nspec2D)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) jacobian2D(NGLL1,NGLL2,NSPEC2D)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) normal(NDIM,NGLL1,NGLL2,NSPEC2D)
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
-  double precision ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
-  double precision zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
-! arrays for sorting routine
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind,ninseg,iglob,locval,iwork
-  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: work
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xstore_selected,ystore_selected,zstore_selected
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: perm
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_tmp
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: normal_tmp
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: jacobian2D_tmp
-! get permutation
-  allocate (xstore_selected(ispecb))
-  allocate (ystore_selected(ispecb))
-  allocate (zstore_selected(ispecb))
-  allocate(ind(ispecb))
-  allocate(ninseg(ispecb))
-  allocate(iglob(ispecb))
-  allocate(locval(ispecb))
-  allocate(ifseg(ispecb))
-  allocate(iwork(ispecb))
-  allocate(work(ispecb))
-  allocate(perm(ispecb))
-  do ispec_tmp=1,ispecb
-    xstore_selected(ispec_tmp) = xstore(1,1,1,ibelm(ispec_tmp))
-    ystore_selected(ispec_tmp) = ystore(1,1,1,ibelm(ispec_tmp))
-    zstore_selected(ispec_tmp) = zstore(1,1,1,ibelm(ispec_tmp))
-    perm(ispec_tmp) = ispec_tmp
-  enddo
-  call sort_array_coordinates(ispecb,xstore_selected,ystore_selected,zstore_selected, &
-          perm,iglob,locval,ifseg,dummy_var,ind,ninseg,iwork,work)
-  deallocate (xstore_selected)
-  deallocate (ystore_selected)
-  deallocate (zstore_selected)
-  deallocate(ind)
-  deallocate(ninseg)
-  deallocate(iglob)
-  deallocate(locval)
-  deallocate(ifseg)
-  deallocate(iwork)
-  deallocate(work)
-! permutation of ibelm
-  allocate(ibelm_tmp(ispecb))
-  ibelm_tmp(1:ispecb) = ibelm(1:ispecb)
-  do i = 1,ispecb
-    ibelm(i) = ibelm_tmp(perm(i))
-  enddo
-  deallocate(ibelm_tmp)
-! permutation of normal
-  allocate(normal_tmp(NDIM,NGLL1,NGLL2,ispecb))
-  normal_tmp(:,:,:,1:ispecb) = normal(:,:,:,1:ispecb)
-  do i = 1,ispecb
-    normal(:,:,:,i) = normal_tmp(:,:,:,perm(i))
-  enddo
-  deallocate(normal_tmp)
-! permutation of jacobian2D
-  allocate(jacobian2D_tmp(NGLL1,NGLL2,ispecb))
-  jacobian2D_tmp(:,:,1:ispecb) = jacobian2D(:,:,1:ispecb)
-  do i = 1,ispecb
-    jacobian2D(:,:,i) = jacobian2D_tmp(:,:,perm(i))
-  enddo
-  deallocate(jacobian2D_tmp)
-  deallocate(perm)
-end subroutine sort_arrays_for_cuthill

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_perm_cuthill_mckee.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_perm_cuthill_mckee.f90	2008-09-17 19:17:36 UTC (rev 12912)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/get_perm_cuthill_mckee.f90	2008-09-17 19:37:13 UTC (rev 12913)
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 0
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
-!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
-! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
-!                            February 2008
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-! implement reverse Cuthill-McKee (1969) ordering, introduced in
-! E. Cuthill and J. McKee. Reducing the bandwidth of sparse symmetric matrices.
-! In Proceedings of the 1969 24th national conference, pages 157-172,
-! New-York, New-York, USA, 1969. ACM Press.
-! see for instance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuthill%E2%80%93McKee_algorithm
-  subroutine get_perm(ibool,perm,limit,nspec,nglob,INVERSE,FACE)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  logical :: INVERSE,FACE
-! input
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-! output
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm
-! local variables
-  integer nspec,nglob_GLL_full
-! maximum number of neighbors of a spectral element (in principle, it could be any value)
-  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_NEIGHBORS = 100
-! global corner numbers that need to be created
-  integer, dimension(nglob) :: global_corner_number
-  integer mn(nspec*NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA),mp(nspec+1)
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ne,np,adj
-  integer xadj(nspec+1)
-! arrays to store the permutation and inverse permutation of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: invperm
-  logical maskel(nspec)
-  integer i,istart,istop,number_of_neighbors
-  integer nglob_eight_corners_only,nglob
-! only count the total size of the array that will be created, or actually create it
-  logical count_only
-  integer total_size_ne,total_size_adj,limit
-  ! total number of points in the mesh
-    nglob_GLL_full = nglob
-  !---- call Charbel Farhat's routines
-    call form_elt_connectivity_foelco(mn,mp,nspec,global_corner_number,nglob_GLL_full,ibool,nglob_eight_corners_only)
-    do i=1,nspec
-        istart = mp(i)
-        istop = mp(i+1) - 1
-    enddo
-    allocate(np(nglob_eight_corners_only+1))
-    count_only = .true.
-    total_size_ne = 1
-    allocate(ne(total_size_ne))
-    call form_node_connectivity_fonoco(mn,mp,ne,np,nglob_eight_corners_only,nspec,count_only,total_size_ne)
-    deallocate(ne)
-    allocate(ne(total_size_ne))
-    count_only = .false.
-    call form_node_connectivity_fonoco(mn,mp,ne,np,nglob_eight_corners_only,nspec,count_only,total_size_ne)
-    do i=1,nglob_eight_corners_only
-        istart = np(i)
-        istop = np(i+1) - 1
-    enddo
-    count_only = .true.
-    total_size_adj = 1
-    allocate(adj(total_size_adj))
-    call create_adjacency_table_adjncy(mn,mp,ne,np,adj,xadj,maskel,nspec,nglob_eight_corners_only,&
-    count_only,total_size_ne,total_size_adj,FACE)
-    deallocate(adj)
-    allocate(adj(total_size_adj))
-    count_only = .false.
-    call create_adjacency_table_adjncy(mn,mp,ne,np,adj,xadj,maskel,nspec,nglob_eight_corners_only,&
-    count_only,total_size_ne,total_size_adj,FACE)
-    do i=1,nspec
-        istart = xadj(i)
-        istop = xadj(i+1) - 1
-        number_of_neighbors = istop-istart+1
-        if(number_of_neighbors < 1) stop 'error: your mesh seems to have at least one element not connected to any other'
-        if(number_of_neighbors > MAX_NUMBER_OF_NEIGHBORS) stop 'error: your mesh seems to have an unlikely high valence'
-    enddo
-    deallocate(ne,np)
-! call the Cuthill-McKee sorting algorithm
-    call cuthill_mckee(adj,xadj,perm,invperm,nspec,total_size_adj,limit,INVERSE)
-    deallocate(adj)
-  else
-! create identity permutation in order to do nothing
-    do i=1,nspec
-      perm(i) = i
-    enddo
-  endif
-  end subroutine get_perm
-!  Charbel Farhat's FEM topology routines
-!  Dimitri Komatitsch, February 1996 - Code based on Farhat's original version
-!  described in his technical report from 1987
-!  modified and adapted by Dimitri Komatitsch, May 2006
-  subroutine form_elt_connectivity_foelco(mn,mp,nspec,global_corner_number, &
-                      nglob_GLL_full,ibool,nglob_eight_corners_only)
-!   Forms the MN and MP arrays
-!     Input :
-!     -------
-!           ibool    Array needed to build the element connectivity table
-!           nspec    Number of elements in the domain
-!           NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA    number of nodes per hexahedron (brick with 8 corners)
-!     Output :
-!     --------
-!           MN, MP   This is the element connectivity array pair.
-!                    Array MN contains the list of the element
-!                    connectivity, that is, the nodes contained in each
-!                    element. They are stored in a stacked fashion.
-!                    Pointer array MP stores the location of each
-!                    element list. Its length is equal to the number
-!                    of elements plus one.
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer nspec,nglob_GLL_full
-! arrays with mesh parameters per slice
-  integer, intent(in), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-! global corner numbers that need to be created
-  integer, intent(out), dimension(nglob_GLL_full) :: global_corner_number
-  integer, intent(out) :: mn(nspec*NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA),mp(nspec+1)
-  integer, intent(out) :: nglob_eight_corners_only
-  integer ninter,nsum,ispec,node,k,inumcorner,ix,iy,iz
-  ninter = 1
-  nsum = 1
-  mp(1) = 1
-!---- define topology of the elements in the mesh
-!---- we need to define adjacent numbers from the sub-mesh consisting of the corners only
-  nglob_eight_corners_only = 0
-  global_corner_number(:) = -1
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    inumcorner = 0
-    do iz = 1,NGLLZ,NGLLZ-1
-      do iy = 1,NGLLY,NGLLY-1
-        do ix = 1,NGLLX,NGLLX-1
-          inumcorner = inumcorner + 1
-          if(inumcorner > NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA) stop 'corner number too large'
-! check if this point was already assigned a number previously, otherwise create one and store it
-          if(global_corner_number(ibool(ix,iy,iz,ispec)) == -1) then
-            nglob_eight_corners_only = nglob_eight_corners_only + 1
-            global_corner_number(ibool(ix,iy,iz,ispec)) = nglob_eight_corners_only
-          endif
-          node = global_corner_number(ibool(ix,iy,iz,ispec))
-            do k=nsum,ninter-1
-              if(node == mn(k)) goto 200
-            enddo
-            mn(ninter) = node
-            ninter = ninter + 1
-  200 continue
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-      nsum = ninter
-      mp(ispec + 1) = nsum
-  enddo
-  end subroutine form_elt_connectivity_foelco
-  subroutine form_node_connectivity_fonoco(mn,mp,ne,np,nglob_eight_corners_only, &
-                                nspec,count_only,total_size_ne)
-!   Forms the NE and NP arrays
-!     Input :
-!     -------
-!           MN, MP, nspec
-!           nglob_eight_corners_only    Number of nodes in the domain
-!     Output :
-!     --------
-!           NE, NP   This is the node-connected element array pair.
-!                    Integer array NE contains a list of the
-!                    elements connected to each node, stored in stacked fashion.
-!                    Array NP is the pointer array for the
-!                    location of a node's element list in the NE array.
-!                    Its length is equal to the number of points plus one.
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-! only count the total size of the array that will be created, or actually create it
-  logical count_only
-  integer total_size_ne
-  integer nglob_eight_corners_only,nspec
-  integer, intent(in) ::  mn(nspec*NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA),mp(nspec+1)
-  integer, intent(out) ::  ne(total_size_ne),np(nglob_eight_corners_only+1)
-  integer nsum,inode,ispec,j
-  nsum = 1
-  np(1) = 1
-  do inode=1,nglob_eight_corners_only
-      do 200 ispec=1,nspec
-            do j=mp(ispec),mp(ispec + 1) - 1
-                  if (mn(j) == inode) then
-                        if(count_only) then
-                          total_size_ne = nsum
-                        else
-                          ne(nsum) = ispec
-                        endif
-                        nsum = nsum + 1
-                        goto 200
-                  endif
-            enddo
-  200 continue
-      np(inode + 1) = nsum
-  enddo
-  end subroutine form_node_connectivity_fonoco
-  subroutine create_adjacency_table_adjncy(mn,mp,ne,np,adj,xadj,maskel,nspec, &
-              nglob_eight_corners_only,count_only,total_size_ne,total_size_adj,FACE)
-!   Establishes the element adjacency information of the mesh
-!   Two elements are considered adjacent if they share a face.
-!     Input :
-!     -------
-!           MN, MP, NE, NP, nspec
-!           MASKEL    logical mask (length = nspec)
-!     Output :
-!     --------
-!           ADJ, XADJ This is the element adjacency array pair. Array
-!                     ADJ contains the list of the elements adjacent to
-!                     element i. They are stored in a stacked fashion.
-!                     Pointer array XADJ stores the location of each element list.
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-! only count the total size of the array that will be created, or actually create it
-  logical count_only,FACE
-  integer total_size_ne,total_size_adj
-  integer nglob_eight_corners_only
-  integer, intent(in) :: mn(nspec*NGNOD_HEXAHEDRA),mp(nspec+1),ne(total_size_ne),np(nglob_eight_corners_only+1)
-  integer, intent(out) :: adj(total_size_adj),xadj(nspec+1)
-  logical maskel(nspec)
-  integer countel(nspec)
-  integer nspec,iad,ispec,istart,istop,ino,node,jstart,jstop,nelem,jel
-  xadj(1) = 1
-  iad = 1
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-! reset mask
-  maskel(:) = .false.
-! mask current element
-  maskel(ispec) = .true.
-  if (FACE) countel(:) = 0
-  istart = mp(ispec)
-  istop = mp(ispec+1) - 1
-    do ino=istart,istop
-      node = mn(ino)
-      jstart = np(node)
-      jstop = np(node + 1) - 1
-        do 120 jel=jstart,jstop
-            nelem = ne(jel)
-            if(maskel(nelem)) goto 120
-            if (FACE) then
-              ! if 2 elements share at least 3 corners, therefore they share a face
-              countel(nelem) = countel(nelem) + 1
-              if (countel(nelem)>=3) then
-                if(count_only) then
-                  total_size_adj = iad
-                else
-                  adj(iad) = nelem
-                endif
-                maskel(nelem) = .true.
-                iad = iad + 1
-              endif
-            else
-              if(count_only) then
-                total_size_adj = iad
-              else
-                adj(iad) = nelem
-              endif
-              maskel(nelem) = .true.
-              iad = iad + 1
-            endif
-  120   continue
-    enddo
-    xadj(ispec+1) = iad
-  enddo
-  end subroutine create_adjacency_table_adjncy
-  subroutine cuthill_mckee(adj,xadj,mask,invperm_all,nspec,total_size_adj,limit,INVERSE)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer, intent(in) :: nspec,total_size_adj, limit
-  integer, intent(in) :: adj(total_size_adj),xadj(nspec+1)
-  integer, intent(out), dimension(nspec) :: mask,invperm_all
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: invperm_sub
-  logical :: INVERSE
-  integer ispec,gsize,counter,nspec_sub,root,total_ordered_elts, next_root
-! fill the mask with ones
-  mask(:) = 1
-  invperm_all(:) = 0
-  counter = 0
-  nspec_sub = limit
-  root = 1
-  total_ordered_elts = 0
-  do while(total_ordered_elts < nspec)
-    ! creation of a sublist of sorted elements which fit in the cache (the criterion of size is limit)
-    ! limit = nb of element that can fit in the L2 cache
-    call Cut_McK( root, nspec, total_size_adj, xadj, adj, mask, gsize, invperm_sub, limit, nspec_sub, next_root)
-      ! add the sublist in the main permutation list
-      invperm_all(total_ordered_elts+1:total_ordered_elts+nspec_sub) = invperm_sub(1:nspec_sub)
-      total_ordered_elts = total_ordered_elts + nspec_sub
-    ! seek for a new root to build the new sublist
-    if (next_root > 0) then
-      root = next_root
-    else
-      if (total_ordered_elts /= nspec) &
-        call find_next_root(next_root,xadj,adj,total_size_adj,mask,invperm_all,total_ordered_elts,nspec)
-      root = next_root
-    endif
-  enddo
-  if (INVERSE) then
-    do ispec=1,nspec
-      mask(invperm_all(ispec)) = ispec
-    enddo
-  else
-    mask(:) = invperm_all(:)
-  endif
-  end subroutine cuthill_mckee
-! Objective: Cuthill-McKee ordering
-!    The algorithm is:
-!    X(1) = ROOT.
-!    for ( I = 1 to N-1)
-!      Find all unlabeled neighbors of X(I),
-!      assign them the next available labels, in order of increasing degree.
-!  Parameters:
-!    root       the starting point for the cm ordering.
-!    nbnodes    the number of nodes.
-!    nnz        the number of adjacency entries.
-!    xadj/adj   the graph
-!    mask       only those nodes with nonzero mask are considered
-!    gsize      the number of the connected component
-!    invp       Inverse permutation (from new order to old order)
-subroutine find_next_root(next_root,xadj,adj,total_size_adj,mask,invperm_all,total_ordered_elts,nspec)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-! input
-  integer, intent(in) :: total_size_adj,total_ordered_elts,nspec
-  integer, intent(in) :: adj(total_size_adj),xadj(nspec+1)
-  integer, intent(in), dimension(nspec) :: mask,invperm_all
-! output
-  integer, intent(out) :: next_root
-! variables
-  integer :: cur_node,neighbor_node,i,j
-  do i=total_ordered_elts, 1, -1
-    cur_node = invperm_all(i)
-    do j= xadj(cur_node), xadj(cur_node+1)-1
-      neighbor_node = adj(j)
-      if (mask(neighbor_node)/=0) then
-        next_root=neighbor_node
-        return
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-end subroutine find_next_root
-! Objective: Cuthill-McKee ordering
-!    The algorithm is:
-!    X(1) = ROOT.
-!    for ( I = 1 to N-1)
-!      Find all unlabeled neighbors of X(I),
-!      assign them the next available labels, in order of increasing degree.
-!  Parameters:
-!    root       the starting point for the cm ordering.
-!    nbnodes    the number of nodes.
-!    nnz        the number of adjacency entries.
-!    xadj/adj   the graph
-!    mask       only those nodes with nonzero mask are considered
-!    gsize      the number of the connected component
-!    invp       Inverse permutation (from new order to old order)
-subroutine Cut_McK( root, nbnodes, nnz, xadj, adj, mask, gsize, invp, limit, nspec_sub, next_root)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
-  integer root, nnz, nbnodes, limit, nspec_sub, next_root
-  integer xadj(nbnodes+1), adj(nnz), mask(nbnodes)
-!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
-  integer gsize
-  integer invp(nbnodes)
-!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
-  integer i, j, k, l, lbegin, lnbr, linvp, lvlend, nbr, node, fnbr
-  integer deg(nbnodes)
-! Find the degrees of the nodes in the subgraph specified by mask and root
-! Here invp is used to store a levelization of the subgraph
-  invp(:)=0
-  deg(:)=0
-  call degree ( root, nbnodes, nnz, xadj, adj, mask, gsize, deg, invp)
-  mask(root) = 0
-  IF (gsize > 1) THEN
-    !If there is at least 2 nodes in the subgraph
-    lvlend = 0
-    lnbr   = 1
-    DO while (lvlend < lnbr)
-      !lbegin/lvlend point to the begin/end of the present level
-      lbegin = lvlend + 1
-      lvlend = lnbr
-      do i= lbegin, lvlend
-        node = invp(i)
-        !Find the unnumbered neighbours of node.
-        !fnbr/lnbr point to the first/last neighbors of node
-        fnbr = lnbr + 1
-        do j= xadj(node), xadj(node+1)-1
-          nbr = adj(j)
-          if (mask(nbr) /= 0) then
-            lnbr       = lnbr + 1
-            mask(nbr)  = 0
-            invp(lnbr) = nbr
-          endif
-        enddo
-        !If no neighbors, go to next node in this level.
-        IF (lnbr > fnbr) THEN
-          !Sort the neighbors of NODE in increasing order by degree.
-          !Linear insertion is used.
-          k = fnbr
-          do while (k < lnbr)
-            l   = k
-            k   = k + 1
-            nbr = invp(k)
-            DO WHILE (fnbr < l)
-              linvp = invp(l)
-              if (deg(linvp) <= deg(nbr)) then
-                exit
-              endif
-              invp(l+1) = linvp
-              l         = l-1
-            ENDDO
-            invp(l+1) = nbr
-          enddo
-        ENDIF
-      enddo
-    ENDDO
-  if (gsize > limit) then
-    do i = limit + 1 , nbnodes
-      node=invp(i)
-      if (node /=0) mask(node) = 1
-    enddo
-    next_root = invp(limit +1)
-    nspec_sub = limit
-  else
-    next_root = -1
-    nspec_sub = gsize
-  endif
-END subroutine Cut_McK
-! Objective: computes the degrees of the nodes in the connected graph
-! Parameters:
-!    root       the root node
-!    nbnodes    the number of nodes in the graph
-!    nnz        the graph size
-!    xadj/adj   the whole graph
-!    mask       Only nodes with mask == 0 are considered
-!    gsize      the number of nodes in the connected graph
-!    deg        degree for all the nodes in the connected graph
-!    level      levelization of the connected graph
-subroutine degree( root, nbnodes, nnz, xadj, adj, mask, gsize, deg, level )
-  implicit none
-!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
-  integer root, nbnodes, nnz
-  integer xadj(nbnodes+1), adj(nnz), mask(nbnodes)
-!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
-  integer gsize
-  integer deg(nbnodes), level(nbnodes)
-!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
-  integer i, j, ideg, lbegin, lvlend, lvsize, nxt, nbr, node
-! added a test to detect disconnected subsets in the mesh
-! (in which case Cuthill-McKee fails and should be turned off)
-  if(root > nbnodes+1) stop 'error: root > nbnodes+1 in Cuthill-McKee'
-  if(root < 1) then
-    print *,'error: root < 1 in Cuthill-McKee; you probably have a mesh composed of'
-    print *,'two disconnected subsets of elements, in which case Cuthill-McKee fails and should be turned off.'
-    print *,'please set PERFORM_CUTHILL_MCKEE = .false. in constants.h and recompile.'
-    print *,'please also doublecheck that you indeed want to run two separate meshes simultaneously,'
-    print *,'which is extremely unusual (but formally not incorrect).'
-    stop 'fatal error in Cuthill-McKee'
-  endif
-! The sign of xadj(I) is used to indicate if node i has been considered
-  xadj(root) = -xadj(root)
-  level(1)   = root
-  nxt        = 1
-  lvlend     = 0
-  lvsize     = 1
-  DO WHILE (lvsize > 0)
-    ! lbegin/lvlend points the begin/end of the present level
-    lbegin = lvlend + 1
-    lvlend = nxt
-    ! Find the degrees of nodes in the present level and generate the next level
-    DO i= lbegin, lvlend
-      node  = level(i)
-      ideg  = 0
-      do j= ABS( xadj(node) ), ABS( xadj(node+1) )-1
-        nbr = adj(j)
-        if (mask(nbr) /= 0) then
-          ideg = ideg + 1
-          if (xadj(nbr) >= 0) then
-            xadj(nbr)  = -xadj(nbr)
-            nxt        = nxt  + 1
-            level(nxt) = nbr
-          endif
-        endif
-      enddo
-      deg(node) = ideg
-    ENDDO
-    !Compute the level size of the next level
-    lvsize = nxt - lvlend
-  !Reset xadj to its correct sign
-  do i = 1, nxt
-    node       = level(i)
-    xadj(node) = -xadj(node)
-  enddo
-  gsize = nxt
-END subroutine degree
-  subroutine permute_elements_real(array_to_permute,temp_array,perm,nspec)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer, intent(in) :: nspec
-  integer, intent(in), dimension(nspec) :: perm
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(inout), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: array_to_permute,temp_array
-  integer old_ispec,new_ispec
-! copy the original array
-  temp_array(:,:,:,:) = array_to_permute(:,:,:,:)
-  do old_ispec = 1,nspec
-    new_ispec = perm(old_ispec)
-    array_to_permute(:,:,:,new_ispec) = temp_array(:,:,:,old_ispec)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine permute_elements_real
-! implement permutation of elements for arrays of integer type
-  subroutine permute_elements_integer(array_to_permute,temp_array,perm,nspec)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer, intent(in) :: nspec
-  integer, intent(in), dimension(nspec) :: perm
-  integer, intent(inout), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: array_to_permute,temp_array
-  integer old_ispec,new_ispec
-! copy the original array
-  temp_array(:,:,:,:) = array_to_permute(:,:,:,:)
-  do old_ispec = 1,nspec
-    new_ispec = perm(old_ispec)
-    array_to_permute(:,:,:,new_ispec) = temp_array(:,:,:,old_ispec)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine permute_elements_integer
-! implement permutation of elements for arrays of double precision type
-  subroutine permute_elements_dble(array_to_permute,temp_array,perm,nspec)
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer, intent(in) :: nspec
-  integer, intent(in), dimension(nspec) :: perm
-  double precision, intent(inout), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: array_to_permute,temp_array
-  integer old_ispec,new_ispec
-! copy the original array
-  temp_array(:,:,:,:) = array_to_permute(:,:,:,:)
-  do old_ispec = 1,nspec
-    new_ispec = perm(old_ispec)
-    array_to_permute(:,:,:,new_ispec) = temp_array(:,:,:,old_ispec)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine permute_elements_dble

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