[cig-commits] r15508 - in seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk: . DATA

cmorency at geodynamics.org cmorency at geodynamics.org
Mon Aug 3 10:10:33 PDT 2009

Author: cmorency
Date: 2009-08-03 10:10:32 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 15508

Merging BIOT

--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# source 1
+source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
+xs                              = 1600.          # source location x in meters
+zs                              = 2900.          # source location z in meters
+source_type                     = 2              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
+time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
+f0                              = 15           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
+t0                              = 0.
+angleforce                      = 00.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
+Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+factor                          = 1.d10             # amplification factor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.adj
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.adj	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.adj	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# source 1
+source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
+xs                              = 2500.          # source location x in meters
+zs                              = 2500.          # source location z in meters
+source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
+time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
+f0                              = 3           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
+t0                              = 0.          # offset of the source, irrelevant if NSOURCE=1
+angleforce                      = 00.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
+Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+factor                          = 1.d10             # amplification factor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.regular
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.regular	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/DATA/CMTSOLUTION.regular	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# source 1
+source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
+xs                              = 1600.          # source location x in meters
+zs                              = 2900.          # source location z in meters
+source_type                     = 2              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
+time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
+f0                              = 15           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
+t0                              = 0.
+angleforce                      = 00.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
+Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+factor                          = 1.d10             # amplification factor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/README_POROELASTIC.txt
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/README_POROELASTIC.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/README_POROELASTIC.txt	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Extra README: 
+addresses the modifications to the code to run adjoint and poroelastic simulations. [09/10/08]
+updated [07/30/09]
+      NEW INPUTS IN Par_file
+In section "# geometry of model and mesh description":
+TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON, Q0, and FREQ0 deal with viscous damping in a poroelastic medium.
+Q0 is the quality factor set at the central frequency FREQ0. For more details
+see Morency & Tromp, GJI 2008.
+In section "# time step parameters":
+ISOLVER defines the type of simulations 
+(1) forward simulation
+(2) adjoint method and kernels calculation
+In section "# source parameters":
+The code now support multi sources.
+NSOURCE is the number of source.
+Parameters of the sources are displayed in the file CMTSOLUTION, which must be
+in the directory DATA.
+In section "# receiver line parameters for seismograms":
+SAVE_FORWARD determines if the last frame of a forward simulation is saved (.true.) or not (.false)
+In section "# define models....":
+Three types of models:
+I: (model_number,1,rho,Vp,Vs,0,0,Qp,Qs,0,0,0,0,0,0), for isotropic elastic/acoustic
+or II: (model_number,2,rho,c11,c13,c33,c44,Qp,Qs,0,0,0,0,0,0), for anisotropic material
+or III: (model_number,3,rhos,rhof,phi,c,kxx,kxz,kzz,Ks,Kf,Kfr,etaf,mufr,Qs),
+for isotropic poroelastic material
+rho_s = solid density
+rho_f = fluid density
+phi = porosity
+tort = tortuosity
+permxx = xx component of permeability tensor
+permxz = xz,zx components of permeability tensor
+permzz = zz component of permeability tensor
+kappa_s = solid bulk modulus
+kappa_f= fluid bulk modulus
+kappa_fr= frame bulk modulus
+eta_f = fluid viscosity
+mu_fr = frame shear modulus
+Qs = shear quality factor
+Note: for the poroelastic case, mu_s is irrelevant.
+For details on the poroelastic theory see Morency and Tromp, GJI 2008.
+First: run a forward simulation
+=> isolver = 1
+=> save_forward = .true.
+=> seismotype = 1 (we need to save the displacement fields to later on derive the
+adjoint source. Note: if the user forgets it, the program corrects it when reading the proper
+isolver/save_forward combination and a warning message appears in the ouput
+Important output files (for example, for the elastic case)
+Second: define the adjoint source
+Use adj_seismogram.f90 which is in UTILS/adjoint.
+Edit to update NSTEP, nrec, t0, deltat, and the position of the cut to pic
+any given phase if needed (tstart,tend), add the right number of stations, and
+put one component of the source to zero if needed.
+The ouput files of adj_seismogram.f90 are S****.AA.BHX.adj and S****.AA.BHZ.adj. They need to be
+kept in the OUTPUT_FILES directory together with the absorb_elastic_****.bin
+and lastframe_elastic.bin files to be read when running the adjoint simulation.
+Third: run the adjoint simulation
+Make sure that the adjoint source files absorbing boundaries and last frame files are
+in the OUTPUT_FILES directory.
+=> isolver = 2
+=> save_forward = .false.
+Output_files (for example for the elastic case)
+which are the primary moduli kernels and the phase velocities kernels respectively.
+Note: At the moment, adjoint simulations do not support anisotropy, attenuation, and viscous damping.
+               COUPLED SIMULATIONS 
+The code support acoustic/elastic, acoustic/poroelastic, elastic/poroelastic,
+and acoustic,elastic/poroelastic simulations.
+elastic/poroelastic coupling support anisotropy, but not attenuation for the
+elastic material.

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_fluid.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_fluid.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_fluid.f90	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.3
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and CNRS, France.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT gps DOT caltech DOT edu
+!               Jeroen Tromp, jtromp aT gps DOT caltech DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+  subroutine compute_forces_fluid(npoin,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat,iglob_source, &
+               ispec_selected_source,ispec_selected_rec,is_proc_source,which_proc_receiver,&
+               source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs, &
+               initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON,angleforce,deltatcube, &
+               deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,poroelastic,codeabs, &
+               accelw_poroelastic,velocw_poroelastic,displw_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic,displs_poroelastic,&
+               b_accelw_poroelastic,b_velocw_poroelastic,b_displw_poroelastic,b_displs_poroelastic,&
+               density,porosity,tortuosity,permeability,poroelastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
+               jacobian,source_time_function,sourcearray,adj_sourcearrays,e11, &
+               e13,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
+               dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
+               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,&
+               phi_nu2,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
+               rx_viscous,rz_viscous,theta_e,theta_s,&
+               b_viscodampx,b_viscodampz,&
+               ibegin_bottom_poro,iend_bottom_poro,ibegin_top_poro,iend_top_poro, &
+               jbegin_left_poro,jend_left_poro,jbegin_right_poro,jend_right_poro,&
+               C_k,M_k,NSOURCE,nrec,isolver,save_forward,&
+               b_absorb_poro_w_left,b_absorb_poro_w_right,b_absorb_poro_w_bottom,b_absorb_poro_w_top,&
+               nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax,ib_xmin,ib_xmax,ib_zmin,ib_zmax)
+! compute forces for the fluid poroelastic part
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: NSOURCE, i_source
+  integer, dimension(NSOURCE) ::iglob_source,ispec_selected_source,source_type,is_proc_source
+  integer :: npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat,it,NSTEP
+  integer :: nrec,isolver,myrank
+  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec,which_proc_receiver
+  integer :: nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax
+  integer, dimension(nspec_xmin) :: ib_xmin
+  integer, dimension(nspec_xmax) :: ib_xmax
+  integer, dimension(nspec_zmin) :: ib_zmin
+  integer, dimension(nspec_zmax) :: ib_zmax
+  logical :: anyabs,initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
+  logical :: save_forward
+  double precision ::deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCE) :: angleforce
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs,jbegin_left_poro,jend_left_poro,jbegin_right_poro,jend_right_poro,&
+                                  ibegin_bottom_poro,iend_bottom_poro,ibegin_top_poro,iend_top_poro
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: poroelastic
+  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: accelw_poroelastic,velocw_poroelastic,displw_poroelastic,&
+                                            displs_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: b_accelw_poroelastic,b_displw_poroelastic,b_displs_poroelastic,&
+                                                   b_velocw_poroelastic
+  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(3,numat) :: permeability
+  double precision, dimension(numat) :: porosity,tortuosity
+  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCE,NSTEP) :: source_time_function
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCE,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nrec,NSTEP,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: adj_sourcearrays
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: C_k,M_k
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLZ,nspec_xmin,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_w_left
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLZ,nspec_xmax,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_w_right
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,nspec_zmax,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_w_top
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,nspec_zmin,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_w_bottom
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: b_viscodampx,b_viscodampz
+  integer :: N_SLS
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e11,e13
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: e11_sum,e13_sum
+  integer :: i_sls
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: &
+    dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
+! viscous attenuation
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rx_viscous,b_rx_viscous
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rz_viscous,b_rz_viscous
+  double precision :: theta_e,theta_s
+  double precision, dimension(3):: bl_unrelaxed,bl_relaxed
+! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre weights
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
+!--- local variables
+  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,jbegin,jend,irec,irec_local
+! spatial derivatives 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwx_dxi,dwx_dgamma,dwz_dxi,dwz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwx_dxl,dwz_dxl,dwx_dzl,dwz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxi,b_dux_dgamma,b_duz_dxi,b_duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxl,b_duz_dxl,b_dux_dzl,b_duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dsxx,dsxz,dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dsxx,b_dsxz,b_dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwx_dxi,b_dwx_dgamma,b_dwz_dxi,b_dwz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwx_dxl,b_dwz_dxl,b_dwx_dzl,b_dwz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwxx,dwxz,dwzz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwxx,b_dwxz,b_dwzz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigma_xx,sigma_xz,sigma_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigmap
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigma_xx,b_sigma_xz,b_sigma_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigmap
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vz,vn,vxf,vzf,vnf,rho_vpI,rho_vpII,rho_vs,tx,tz,weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1,tempx2,tempz1,tempz2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1p,tempx2p,tempz1p,tempz2p
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1,b_tempx2,b_tempz1,b_tempz2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1p,b_tempx2p,b_tempz1p,b_tempz2p
+! Jacobian matrix and determinant
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
+! material properties of the poroelastic medium
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed,lambdal_unrelaxed,lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_s,kappal_s,rhol_s
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: etal_f,kappal_f,rhol_f
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_fr,kappal_fr,phil,tortl,viscodampx,viscodampz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: permlxx,permlxz,permlzz,invpermlxx,invpermlxz,invpermlzz,detk
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: afactor,bfactor,cfactor,D_biot,H_biot,C_biot,M_biot,rhol_bar
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_G,lambdal_G,lambdalplus2mul_G
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cpIsquare,cpIIsquare,cssquare,cpIl,cpIIl,csl
+! for attenuation
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: Un,Unp1,tauinv,Sn,Snp1,theta_n,theta_np1,tauinvsquare,tauinvcube,tauinvUn
+! compute Grad(displs_poroelastic) at time step n for attenuation
+  if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) call compute_gradient_attenuation(displs_poroelastic,dux_dxl_n,duz_dxl_n, &
+      dux_dzl_n,duz_dzl_n,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+!--- poroelastic spectral element
+    if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+! get poroelastic properties of current spectral element
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+!solid properties
+    mul_s = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_s = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) -4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_s/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+!fluid properties
+    kappal_f = poroelastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec)) 
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+!frame properties
+    mul_fr = poroelastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_fr = poroelastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_bar =  (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+!Biot coefficients for the input phi
+      D_biot = kappal_s*(1._CUSTOM_REAL + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1._CUSTOM_REAL))
+      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + &
+                kappal_fr + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+      C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+      M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+!The RHS has the form : div T_f -rho_f/rho_bar div T - eta_fk^-1.partial t w
+!where T = G:grad u_s + C_biot div w I
+!and T_f = C_biot div u_s I + M_biot div w I
+      mul_G = mul_fr
+      lambdal_G = H_biot - 2._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr
+      lambdalplus2mul_G = lambdal_G + TWO*mul_G
+! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+! derivative along x and along z for u_s and w
+          dux_dxi = ZERO
+          duz_dxi = ZERO
+          dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          duz_dgamma = ZERO
+          dwx_dxi = ZERO
+          dwz_dxi = ZERO
+          dwx_dgamma = ZERO
+          dwz_dgamma = ZERO
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_dux_dxi = ZERO
+          b_duz_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_duz_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_dwx_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dwz_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dwx_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_dwz_dgamma = ZERO
+          endif
+! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+            dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            dwx_dxi = dwx_dxi + displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dwz_dxi = dwz_dxi + displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dwx_dgamma = dwx_dgamma + displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            dwz_dgamma = dwz_dgamma + displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+            b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_duz_dxi = b_duz_dxi + b_displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_duz_dgamma = b_duz_dgamma + b_displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_dwx_dxi = b_dwx_dxi + b_displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dwz_dxi = b_dwz_dxi + b_displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dwx_dgamma = b_dwx_dgamma + b_displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_dwz_dgamma = b_dwz_dgamma + b_displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          endif
+          enddo
+          xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+! derivatives of displacement
+          dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
+          dwx_dxl = dwx_dxi*xixl + dwx_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dwx_dzl = dwx_dxi*xizl + dwx_dgamma*gammazl
+          dwz_dxl = dwz_dxi*xixl + dwz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dwz_dzl = dwz_dxi*xizl + dwz_dgamma*gammazl
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_duz_dxl = b_duz_dxi*xixl + b_duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_duz_dzl = b_duz_dxi*xizl + b_duz_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_dwx_dxl = b_dwx_dxi*xixl + b_dwx_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dwx_dzl = b_dwx_dxi*xizl + b_dwx_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_dwz_dxl = b_dwz_dxi*xixl + b_dwz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dwz_dzl = b_dwz_dxi*xizl + b_dwz_dgamma*gammazl
+          endif
+! compute stress tensor (include attenuation if needed)
+! Dissipation only controlled by frame share attenuation in poroelastic (see Morency & Tromp, GJI 2008).
+! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
+! J. M. Carcione, Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media, Geophysics,
+! vol. 58(1), p. 110-120 (1993). More details can be found in
+! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
+! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
+! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
+    lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_G + mul_G) - mul_G * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+    mul_unrelaxed = mul_G * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+    lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
+! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
+    e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    e13_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+      e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+      e13_sum = e13_sum + e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+    enddo
+    sigma_xx = sigma_xx + TWO * mul_G * e11_sum
+    sigma_xz = sigma_xz + mul_G * e13_sum
+    sigma_zz = sigma_zz - TWO * mul_G * e11_sum
+  else
+! no attenuation
+    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl + lambdal_G*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigma_xz = mul_G*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*duz_dzl + lambdal_G*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+    b_sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*b_dux_dxl + lambdal_G*b_duz_dzl + C_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+    b_sigma_xz = mul_G*(b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
+    b_sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*b_duz_dzl + lambdal_G*b_dux_dxl + C_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+    b_sigmap = C_biot*(b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl) + M_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+          endif
+  endif
+! kernels calculation
+   if(isolver == 2) then
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            C_k(iglob) =  ((dux_dxl + duz_dzl) *  (b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl) + &
+                  (dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl) *  (b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl)) * C_biot
+            M_k(iglob) = (dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl) *  (b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl) * M_biot
+   endif
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+! weak formulation term based on stress tensor (non-symmetric form)
+! also add GLL integration weights
+          tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*xixl+sigma_xz*xizl)
+          tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*xixl+sigma_zz*xizl)
+          tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*gammaxl+sigma_xz*gammazl)
+          tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*gammaxl+sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          tempx1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*sigmap*xixl
+          tempz1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*sigmap*xizl
+          tempx2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*sigmap*gammaxl
+          tempz2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*sigmap*gammazl
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*xixl+b_sigma_xz*xizl)
+          b_tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*xixl+b_sigma_zz*xizl)
+          b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*gammaxl+b_sigma_xz*gammazl)
+          b_tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*gammaxl+b_sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          b_tempx1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*xixl
+          b_tempz1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*xizl
+          b_tempx2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*gammaxl
+          b_tempz2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*gammazl
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+! second double-loop over GLL to compute all the terms
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+! along x direction and z direction
+! and assemble the contributions
+! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+    accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) + ( (rhol_f/rhol_bar*tempx1(k,j) - tempx1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (rhol_f/rhol_bar*tempx2(i,k) - tempx2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+    accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) + ( (rhol_f/rhol_bar*tempz1(k,j) - tempz1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (rhol_f/rhol_bar*tempz2(i,k) - tempz2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+    b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) + ( (rhol_f/rhol_bar*b_tempx1(k,j) - b_tempx1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (rhol_f/rhol_bar*b_tempx2(i,k) - b_tempx2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+    b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) + ( (rhol_f/rhol_bar*b_tempz1(k,j) - b_tempz1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (rhol_f/rhol_bar*b_tempz2(i,k) - b_tempz2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+          endif
+          enddo
+        enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
+      enddo
+    endif ! end of test if poroelastic element
+    enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+!---- viscous damping
+! add - eta_f k^-1 dot(w)
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    etal_f = poroelastcoef(2,2,kmato(ispec)) 
+    if(poroelastic(ispec) .and. etal_f > 0.d0) then
+    permlxx = permeability(1,kmato(ispec))
+    permlxz = permeability(2,kmato(ispec))
+    permlzz = permeability(3,kmato(ispec))
+! calcul of the inverse of k
+    detk = permlxx*permlzz - permlxz*permlxz
+    if(detk /= ZERO) then
+     invpermlxx = permlzz/detk
+     invpermlxz = -permlxz/detk
+     invpermlzz = permlxx/detk
+    else
+      stop 'Permeability matrix is not inversible'
+    endif
+! relaxed viscous coef
+          bl_relaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx
+          bl_relaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz
+          bl_relaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz
+          bl_unrelaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx*theta_e/theta_s
+          bl_unrelaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz*theta_e/theta_s
+          bl_unrelaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz*theta_e/theta_s
+    endif
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+! compute the viscous damping term with the unrelaxed viscous coef and add memory variable
+      viscodampx = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(1) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(2)&
+                 - rx_viscous(i,j,ispec)
+      viscodampz = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(2) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(3)&
+                 - rz_viscous(i,j,ispec)
+     else
+! no viscous attenuation
+      viscodampx = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(1) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2)
+      viscodampz = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_relaxed(3)
+     endif
+            accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*&
+              viscodampx
+            accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*&
+              viscodampz
+          if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward)  then 
+            b_viscodampx(iglob) = wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * viscodampx
+            b_viscodampz(iglob) = wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * viscodampz
+          elseif(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+            b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - b_viscodampx(iglob)
+            b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - b_viscodampz(iglob)
+          endif
+        enddo 
+      enddo
+    endif ! end of test if poroelastic element
+    enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+!--- absorbing boundaries
+  if(anyabs) then
+    do ispecabs=1,nelemabs
+      ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+! get poroelastic parameters of current spectral element
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+!solid properties
+    mul_s = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_s = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_s/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+!fluid properties
+    kappal_f = poroelastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec))
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+!frame properties
+    mul_fr = poroelastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_fr = poroelastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_bar =  (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+!Biot coefficients for the input phi
+      D_biot = kappal_s*(1._CUSTOM_REAL + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1._CUSTOM_REAL))
+      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + kappal_fr + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+      C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+      M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+! Approximated velocities (no viscous dissipation)
+      afactor = rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f
+      bfactor = H_biot + phil*rhol_bar/(tortl*rhol_f)*M_biot - TWO*phil/tortl*C_biot
+      cfactor = phil/(tortl*rhol_f)*(H_biot*M_biot - C_biot*C_biot)
+      cpIsquare = (bfactor + sqrt(bfactor*bfactor - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*afactor*cfactor))/(TWO*afactor)
+      cpIIsquare = (bfactor - sqrt(bfactor*bfactor - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*afactor*cfactor))/(TWO*afactor)
+      cssquare = mul_fr/afactor
+      cpIl = sqrt(cpIsquare)
+      cpIIl = sqrt(cpIIsquare)
+      csl = sqrt(cssquare)
+!--- left absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+        i = 1
+        jbegin = jbegin_left_poro(ispecabs)
+        jend = jend_left_poro(ispecabs)
+        do j = jbegin,jend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+          nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = rhol_f/rhol_bar*(rhol_bar-rhol_f*phil/tortl)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpII*vnf*nx - rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpII*vnf*nz - rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz) 
+            accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_w_left(1,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_w_left(2,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_left(1,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_left(2,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
+!--- right absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+        i = NGLLX
+        jbegin = jbegin_right_poro(ispecabs)
+        jend = jend_right_poro(ispecabs)
+        do j = jbegin,jend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+          nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = rhol_f/rhol_bar*(rhol_bar-rhol_f*phil/tortl)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpII*vnf*nx - rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpII*vnf*nz - rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz) 
+            accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_w_right(1,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_w_right(2,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_right(1,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_right(2,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
+!--- bottom absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+        j = 1
+        ibegin = ibegin_bottom_poro(ispecabs)
+        iend = iend_bottom_poro(ispecabs)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+          nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = rhol_f/rhol_bar*(rhol_bar-rhol_f*phil/tortl)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpII*vnf*nx - rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpII*vnf*nz - rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz) 
+            accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_w_bottom(1,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_w_bottom(2,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_bottom(1,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_bottom(2,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
+!--- top absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
+        j = NGLLZ
+        ibegin = ibegin_top_poro(ispecabs)
+        iend = iend_top_poro(ispecabs)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+          nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(phil*rhol_bar)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = rhol_f/rhol_bar*(rhol_bar-rhol_f*phil/tortl)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpII*vnf*nx - rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpII*vnf*nz - rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz) 
+            accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_w_top(1,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_w_top(2,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_top(1,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_w_top(2,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
+   enddo
+  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
+! --- add the source
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+    do i_source=1,NSOURCE
+! if this processor carries the source and the source element is poroelastic
+     if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. poroelastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec_selected_source(i_source)))
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) 
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) 
+    rhol_bar = (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f 
+! moment tensor
+  if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
+! add source array
+       if(isolver == 1) then  ! forward wavefield
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+          accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) + &
+            (1._CUSTOM_REAL - rhol_f/rhol_bar)*sourcearray(i_source,:,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+       else                   ! backward wavefield
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+          b_accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) = b_accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) + &
+            (1._CUSTOM_REAL - rhol_f/rhol_bar)*sourcearray(i_source,:,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+       endif  !endif isolver == 1
+  endif !if(source_type(i_source) == 2)
+     endif ! if this processor carries the source and the source element is poroelastic
+      enddo
+    if(isolver == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
+      irec_local = 0
+      do irec = 1,nrec
+!   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
+      if(myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec) .and. poroelastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
+      irec_local = irec_local + 1
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec_selected_rec(irec)))
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec_selected_rec(irec)))
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec_selected_rec(irec)))
+    rhol_bar = (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+! add source array
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
+          accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) = accelw_poroelastic(:,iglob) - &
+               rhol_f/rhol_bar*adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,:,i,j) 
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      endif ! if this processor carries the adjoint source and the source element is poroelastic
+      enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
+    endif ! isolver == 2 adjoint wavefield
+  endif ! if not using an initial field
+! implement attenuation
+! compute Grad(displs_poroelastic) at time step n+1 for attenuation
+    call compute_gradient_attenuation(displs_poroelastic,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dxl_np1, &
+      dux_dzl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+! update memory variables with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time scheme for attenuation
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+  do j=1,NGLLZ
+  do i=1,NGLLX
+  theta_n   = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_n(i,j,ispec)
+  theta_np1 = dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec)
+! loop on all the standard linear solids
+  do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+! evolution e1 ! no need since we are just considering shear attenuation
+!  Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+!  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+!  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+!  Sn   = theta_n * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  Snp1 = theta_np1 * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+!      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+!      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+!      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+!  e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+! evolution e11
+  Un = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+  Sn   = (dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) - theta_n/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Snp1 = (dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) - theta_np1/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+  e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+! evolution e13
+  Un = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+  Sn   = (dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Snp1 = (dux_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+  e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif ! end of test on attenuation
+  end subroutine compute_forces_fluid

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_solid.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_solid.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_solid.f90	2009-08-03 17:10:32 UTC (rev 15508)
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.3
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and CNRS, France.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT gps DOT caltech DOT edu
+!               Jeroen Tromp, jtromp aT gps DOT caltech DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+  subroutine compute_forces_solid(npoin,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat,iglob_source, &
+               ispec_selected_source,ispec_selected_rec,is_proc_source,which_proc_receiver,&
+               source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs, &
+               initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON,angleforce,deltatcube, &
+               deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,poroelastic,codeabs, &
+               accels_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic,velocw_poroelastic,displs_poroelastic,displw_poroelastic,&
+               b_accels_poroelastic,b_displs_poroelastic,b_velocw_poroelastic,b_displw_poroelastic,&
+               density,porosity,tortuosity,permeability,poroelastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
+               jacobian,source_time_function,sourcearray,adj_sourcearrays,e11, &
+               e13,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
+               dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
+               hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,&
+               phi_nu2,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
+               rx_viscous,rz_viscous,theta_e,theta_s,&
+               b_viscodampx,b_viscodampz,&
+               ibegin_bottom_poro,iend_bottom_poro,ibegin_top_poro,iend_top_poro, &
+               jbegin_left_poro,jend_left_poro,jbegin_right_poro,jend_right_poro,&
+               mufr_k,B_k,NSOURCE,nrec,isolver,save_forward,&
+               b_absorb_poro_s_left,b_absorb_poro_s_right,b_absorb_poro_s_bottom,b_absorb_poro_s_top,&
+               nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax,ib_xmin,ib_xmax,ib_zmin,ib_zmax)
+! compute forces for the solid poroelastic part
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: NSOURCE, i_source
+  integer, dimension(NSOURCE) :: iglob_source,ispec_selected_source,source_type,is_proc_source
+  integer :: npoin,nspec,nelemabs,numat,it,NSTEP
+  integer :: nrec,isolver,myrank
+  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec,which_proc_receiver
+  integer :: nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax
+  integer, dimension(nspec_xmin) :: ib_xmin
+  integer, dimension(nspec_xmax) :: ib_xmax
+  integer, dimension(nspec_zmin) :: ib_zmin
+  integer, dimension(nspec_zmax) :: ib_zmax
+  logical :: anyabs,initialfield,TURN_ATTENUATION_ON
+  logical :: save_forward
+  double precision :: deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCE) :: angleforce
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs,jbegin_left_poro,jend_left_poro,jbegin_right_poro,jend_right_poro,&
+                                  ibegin_bottom_poro,iend_bottom_poro,ibegin_top_poro,iend_top_poro
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: poroelastic
+  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: accels_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic,displs_poroelastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: velocw_poroelastic,displw_poroelastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: b_accels_poroelastic,b_displs_poroelastic,b_displw_poroelastic,&
+                                                   b_velocw_poroelastic
+  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(3,numat) :: permeability
+  double precision, dimension(numat) :: porosity,tortuosity
+  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCE,NSTEP) :: source_time_function
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCE,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nrec,NSTEP,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: adj_sourcearrays
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: mufr_k,B_k
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLZ,nspec_xmin,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_s_left
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLZ,nspec_xmax,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_s_right
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,nspec_zmax,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_s_top
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,nspec_zmin,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_poro_s_bottom
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: b_viscodampx,b_viscodampz
+  integer :: N_SLS
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e11,e13
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: e11_sum,e13_sum
+  integer :: i_sls
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: &
+    dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
+! viscous attenuation (poroelastic media)
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rx_viscous,b_rx_viscous
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rz_viscous,b_rz_viscous
+  double precision :: theta_e,theta_s
+  double precision, dimension(3):: bl_unrelaxed,bl_relaxed
+! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre weights
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
+!--- local variables
+  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,jbegin,jend,irec,irec_local
+! spatial derivatives
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwx_dxi,dwx_dgamma,dwz_dxi,dwz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwx_dxl,dwz_dxl,dwx_dzl,dwz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxi,b_dux_dgamma,b_duz_dxi,b_duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxl,b_duz_dxl,b_dux_dzl,b_duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dsxx,dsxz,dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dsxx,b_dsxz,b_dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwx_dxi,b_dwx_dgamma,b_dwz_dxi,b_dwz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwx_dxl,b_dwz_dxl,b_dwx_dzl,b_dwz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dwxx,dwxz,dwzz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dwxx,b_dwxz,b_dwzz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigma_xx,sigma_xz,sigma_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigmap
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigma_xx,b_sigma_xz,b_sigma_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigmap
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vz,vn,vxf,vzf,vnf,rho_vpI,rho_vpII,rho_vs,tx,tz,weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1,tempx2,tempz1,tempz2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1p,tempx2p,tempz1p,tempz2p
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1,b_tempx2,b_tempz1,b_tempz2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1p,b_tempx2p,b_tempz1p,b_tempz2p
+! Jacobian matrix and determinant
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
+! material properties of the poroelastic medium
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed,lambdal_unrelaxed,lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_s,kappal_s,rhol_s
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: etal_f,kappal_f,rhol_f
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_fr,kappal_fr,phil,tortl,viscodampx,viscodampz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: permlxx,permlxz,permlzz,invpermlxx,invpermlxz,invpermlzz,detk
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: afactor,bfactor,cfactor,D_biot,H_biot,C_biot,M_biot,rhol_bar
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_G,lambdal_G,lambdalplus2mul_G
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cpIsquare,cpIIsquare,cssquare,cpIl,cpIIl,csl
+! for attenuation
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: Un,Unp1,tauinv,Sn,Snp1,theta_n,theta_np1,tauinvsquare,tauinvcube,tauinvUn
+! compute Grad(displs_poroelastic) at time step n for attenuation
+  if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) call compute_gradient_attenuation(displs_poroelastic,dux_dxl_n,duz_dxl_n, &
+      dux_dzl_n,duz_dzl_n,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+!--- poroelastic spectral element
+    if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+! get poroelastic parameters of current spectral element
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+!solid properties
+    mul_s = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_s = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_s/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+!fluid properties
+    kappal_f = poroelastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec)) 
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+!frame properties
+    mul_fr = poroelastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_fr = poroelastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_bar =  (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+!Biot coefficients for the input phi
+      D_biot = kappal_s*(1._CUSTOM_REAL + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1._CUSTOM_REAL))
+      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + &
+                kappal_fr + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+      C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+      M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+!The RHS has the form : div T -phi/c div T_f + phi/ceta_fk^-1.partial t w
+!where T = G:grad u_s + C_biot div w I
+!and T_f = C_biot div u_s I + M_biot div w I
+      mul_G = mul_fr
+      lambdal_G = H_biot - 2._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr
+      lambdalplus2mul_G = lambdal_G + TWO*mul_G
+! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+! derivative along x and along z for u_s and w
+          dux_dxi = ZERO
+          duz_dxi = ZERO
+          dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          duz_dgamma = ZERO
+          dwx_dxi = ZERO
+          dwz_dxi = ZERO
+          dwx_dgamma = ZERO
+          dwz_dgamma = ZERO
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_dux_dxi = ZERO
+          b_duz_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_duz_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_dwx_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dwz_dxi = ZERO
+          b_dwx_dgamma = ZERO
+          b_dwz_dgamma = ZERO
+          endif       
+! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+            dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            dwx_dxi = dwx_dxi + displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dwz_dxi = dwz_dxi + displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dwx_dgamma = dwx_dgamma + displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            dwz_dgamma = dwz_dgamma + displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+            b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_duz_dxi = b_duz_dxi + b_displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_duz_dgamma = b_duz_dgamma + b_displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_dwx_dxi = b_dwx_dxi + b_displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dwz_dxi = b_dwz_dxi + b_displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            b_dwx_dgamma = b_dwx_dgamma + b_displw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+            b_dwz_dgamma = b_dwz_dgamma + b_displw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          endif
+          enddo
+          xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+! derivatives of displacement
+          dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
+          dwx_dxl = dwx_dxi*xixl + dwx_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dwx_dzl = dwx_dxi*xizl + dwx_dgamma*gammazl
+          dwz_dxl = dwz_dxi*xixl + dwz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dwz_dzl = dwz_dxi*xizl + dwz_dgamma*gammazl
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_duz_dxl = b_duz_dxi*xixl + b_duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_duz_dzl = b_duz_dxi*xizl + b_duz_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_dwx_dxl = b_dwx_dxi*xixl + b_dwx_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dwx_dzl = b_dwx_dxi*xizl + b_dwx_dgamma*gammazl
+          b_dwz_dxl = b_dwz_dxi*xixl + b_dwz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          b_dwz_dzl = b_dwz_dxi*xizl + b_dwz_dgamma*gammazl
+          endif
+! compute stress tensor (include attenuation or anisotropy if needed)
+! Dissipation only controlled by frame share attenuation in poroelastic (see Morency & Tromp, GJI 2008).
+! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
+! J. M. Carcione, Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media, Geophysics,
+! vol. 58(1), p. 110-120 (1993). More details can be found in
+! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
+! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
+! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
+    lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_G + mul_G) - mul_G * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+    mul_unrelaxed = mul_G * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+    lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
+! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
+    e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    e13_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+      e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+      e13_sum = e13_sum + e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+    enddo
+    sigma_xx = sigma_xx + TWO * mul_G * e11_sum
+    sigma_xz = sigma_xz + mul_G * e13_sum
+    sigma_zz = sigma_zz - TWO * mul_G * e11_sum
+  else
+! no attenuation
+    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl + lambdal_G*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigma_xz = mul_G*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*duz_dzl + lambdal_G*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+    sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+    b_sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*b_dux_dxl + lambdal_G*b_duz_dzl + C_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+    b_sigma_xz = mul_G*(b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
+    b_sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*b_duz_dzl + lambdal_G*b_dux_dxl + C_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+    b_sigmap = C_biot*(b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl) + M_biot*(b_dwx_dxl + b_dwz_dzl)
+          endif
+  endif
+! kernels calculation
+   if(isolver == 2) then
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            dsxx =  dux_dxl
+            dsxz = HALF * (duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+            dszz =  duz_dzl
+            dwxx =  dwx_dxl
+            dwxz = HALF * (dwz_dxl + dwx_dzl)
+            dwzz =  dwz_dzl
+            b_dsxx =  b_dux_dxl
+            b_dsxz = HALF * (b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
+            b_dszz =  b_duz_dzl
+            b_dwxx =  b_dwx_dxl
+            b_dwxz = HALF * (b_dwz_dxl + b_dwx_dzl)
+            b_dwzz =  b_dwz_dzl
+            B_k(iglob) = (dux_dxl + duz_dzl) *  (b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl) * (H_biot - FOUR_THIRDS * mul_fr)
+            mufr_k(iglob) = (dsxx * b_dsxx + dszz * b_dszz + &
+                  2._CUSTOM_REAL * dsxz * b_dsxz - &
+                 1._CUSTOM_REAL/3._CUSTOM_REAL * (dux_dxl + duz_dzl) * (b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl) ) * mul_fr
+   endif
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+! weak formulation term based on stress tensor (non-symmetric form)
+! also add GLL integration weights
+          tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*xixl+sigma_xz*xizl)
+          tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*xixl+sigma_zz*xizl)
+          tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*gammaxl+sigma_xz*gammazl)
+          tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*gammaxl+sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          tempx1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*sigmap*xixl
+          tempz1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*sigmap*xizl
+          tempx2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*sigmap*gammaxl
+          tempz2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*sigmap*gammazl
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+          b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*xixl+b_sigma_xz*xizl)
+          b_tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*xixl+b_sigma_zz*xizl)
+          b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*gammaxl+b_sigma_xz*gammazl)
+          b_tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*gammaxl+b_sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          b_tempx1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*xixl
+          b_tempz1p(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*xizl
+          b_tempx2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*gammaxl
+          b_tempz2p(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*b_sigmap*gammazl
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+! second double-loop over GLL to compute all the terms
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+! along x direction and z direction
+! and assemble the contributions
+! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+    accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - ( (tempx1(k,j) - phil/tortl*tempx1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (tempx2(i,k) - phil/tortl*tempx2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+    accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - ( (tempz1(k,j) - phil/tortl*tempz1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (tempz2(i,k) - phil/tortl*tempz2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation
+    b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - ( (b_tempx1(k,j) - phil/tortl*b_tempx1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (b_tempx2(i,k) - phil/tortl*b_tempx2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+    b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - ( (b_tempz1(k,j) - phil/tortl*b_tempz1p(k,j)) &
+           *hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + (b_tempz2(i,k) - phil/tortl*b_tempz2p(i,k))*hprimewgll_zz(k,j) )
+          endif
+          enddo
+        enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
+      enddo
+    endif ! end of test if poroelastic element
+    enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+!---- viscous damping
+! add + phi/tort eta_f k^-1 dot(w)
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    etal_f = poroelastcoef(2,2,kmato(ispec)) 
+      if(poroelastic(ispec) .and. etal_f >0.d0) then 
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+    permlxx = permeability(1,kmato(ispec))
+    permlxz = permeability(2,kmato(ispec))
+    permlzz = permeability(3,kmato(ispec))
+! calcul of the inverse of k
+    detk = permlxx*permlzz - permlxz*permlxz
+    if(detk /= ZERO) then
+     invpermlxx = permlzz/detk
+     invpermlxz = -permlxz/detk
+     invpermlzz = permlxx/detk
+    else
+      stop 'Permeability matrix is not inversible'
+    endif
+! relaxed viscous coef
+          bl_relaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx
+          bl_relaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz
+          bl_relaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz
+          bl_unrelaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx*theta_e/theta_s
+          bl_unrelaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz*theta_e/theta_s
+          bl_unrelaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz*theta_e/theta_s
+    endif
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+! compute the viscous damping term with the unrelaxed viscous coef and add memory variable
+      viscodampx = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(1) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(2)&
+                  - rx_viscous(i,j,ispec)
+      viscodampz = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(2) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_unrelaxed(3)&
+                  - rz_viscous(i,j,ispec)
+     else
+! no viscous attenuation
+      viscodampx = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(1) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2)
+      viscodampz = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2) + velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)*bl_relaxed(3)
+     endif
+     accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) + phil/tortl*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*&
+              viscodampx
+     accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) + phil/tortl*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*&
+              viscodampz
+! if isolver == 1 .and. save_forward then b_viscodamp is save in compute_forces_fluid.f90
+          if(isolver == 2) then ! kernels calculation      
+        b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) + phil/tortl*b_viscodampx(iglob)
+        b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) + phil/tortl*b_viscodampz(iglob)
+          endif
+        enddo 
+      enddo
+    endif ! end of test if poroelastic element
+    enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+!--- absorbing boundaries
+  if(anyabs) then
+    do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
+      ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+! get poroelastic parameters of current spectral element
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+!solid properties
+    mul_s = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_s = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_s/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+!fluid properties
+    kappal_f = poroelastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec)) 
+    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+!frame properties
+    mul_fr = poroelastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
+    kappal_fr = poroelastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+    rhol_bar =  (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+!Biot coefficients for the input phi
+      D_biot = kappal_s*(1._CUSTOM_REAL + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1._CUSTOM_REAL))
+      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + kappal_fr + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_fr/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+      C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+      M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+! Approximated velocities (no viscous dissipation)
+      afactor = rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f
+      bfactor = H_biot + phil*rhol_bar/(tortl*rhol_f)*M_biot - TWO*phil/tortl*C_biot
+      cfactor = phil/(tortl*rhol_f)*(H_biot*M_biot - C_biot*C_biot)
+      cpIsquare = (bfactor + sqrt(bfactor*bfactor - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*afactor*cfactor))/(TWO*afactor)
+      cpIIsquare = (bfactor - sqrt(bfactor*bfactor - 4._CUSTOM_REAL*afactor*cfactor))/(TWO*afactor)
+      cssquare = mul_fr/afactor
+      cpIl = sqrt(cpIsquare)
+      cpIIl = sqrt(cpIIsquare)
+      csl = sqrt(cssquare)
+!--- left absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+        i = 1
+        jbegin = jbegin_left_poro(ispecabs)
+        jend = jend_left_poro(ispecabs)
+        do j = jbegin,jend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+          nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpI*vn*nx + rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpI*vn*nz + rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+            accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_s_left(1,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_s_left(2,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_left(1,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_left(2,j,ib_xmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
+!--- right absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then 
+        i = NGLLX
+        jbegin = jbegin_right_poro(ispecabs)
+        jend = jend_right_poro(ispecabs)
+        do j = jbegin,jend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+          nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpI*vn*nx + rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpI*vn*nz + rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+            accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_s_right(1,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_s_right(2,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_right(1,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_right(2,j,ib_xmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
+!--- bottom absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+        j = 1
+        ibegin = ibegin_bottom_poro(ispecabs)
+        iend = iend_bottom_poro(ispecabs)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+          nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpI*vn*nx + rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpI*vn*nz + rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+            accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_s_bottom(1,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_s_bottom(2,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_bottom(1,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_bottom(2,i,ib_zmin(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
+!--- top absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
+        j = NGLLZ
+        ibegin = ibegin_top_poro(ispecabs)
+        iend = iend_top_poro(ispecabs)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+          jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+          nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+          nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+          rho_vpI = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIl
+          rho_vpII = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*cpIIl
+          rho_vs = (rhol_bar - phil/tortl*rhol_f)*csl
+          if(poroelastic(ispec)) then
+            vx = velocs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vz = velocs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vxf = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            vzf = velocw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+            vnf = nx*vxf+nz*vzf
+            tx = rho_vpI*vn*nx + rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx) 
+            tz = rho_vpI*vn*nz + rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+            accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+            accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - tz*weight
+            if(isolver == 1 .and. save_forward) then
+              b_absorb_poro_s_top(1,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),it) = tx*weight
+              b_absorb_poro_s_top(2,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),it) = tz*weight
+            elseif(isolver == 2) then
+              b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(1,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_top(1,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+              b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(2,iglob) - &
+                                              b_absorb_poro_s_top(2,i,ib_zmax(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1) 
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
+    enddo
+  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
+! --- add the source
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+      do i_source=1,NSOURCE
+! if this processor carries the source and the source element is poroelastic
+     if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. poroelastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
+    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec_selected_source(i_source)))
+    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec_selected_source(i_source)))
+! moment tensor
+  if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
+! add source array
+       if(isolver == 1) then  ! forward wavefield
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+          accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) + &
+          (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil/tortl)*sourcearray(i_source,:,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+       else                   ! backward wavefield
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+          b_accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) = b_accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) + &
+          (1._CUSTOM_REAL - phil/tortl)*sourcearray(i_source,:,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1)
+        enddo
+      enddo 
+       endif  !endif isolver == 1
+  endif !if(source_type(i_source) == 2)
+     endif ! if this processor carries the source and the source element is poroelastic
+      enddo
+    if(isolver == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
+      irec_local = 0
+      do irec = 1,nrec
+!   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
+      if(myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec) .and. poroelastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
+      irec_local = irec_local + 1
+! add source array
+      do j=1,NGLLZ
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
+          accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) = accels_poroelastic(:,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,:,i,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      endif ! if this processor carries the adjoint source and the source element is poroelastic
+      enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
+    endif ! isolver == 2 adjoint wavefield
+  endif ! if not using an initial field
+! implement attenuation
+! compute Grad(displs_poroelastic) at time step n+1 for attenuation
+    call compute_gradient_attenuation(displs_poroelastic,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dxl_np1, &
+      dux_dzl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin)
+! update memory variables with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time scheme for attenuation
+! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+  do j=1,NGLLZ
+  do i=1,NGLLX
+  theta_n   = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_n(i,j,ispec)
+  theta_np1 = dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec)
+! loop on all the standard linear solids
+  do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+! evolution e1 ! no need since we are just considering shear attenuation
+!  Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+!  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+!  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+!  Sn   = theta_n * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  Snp1 = theta_np1 * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+!  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+!      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+!      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+!      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+!  e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+! evolution e11
+  Un = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+  Sn   = (dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) - theta_n/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Snp1 = (dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) - theta_np1/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+  e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+! evolution e13
+  Un = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+  tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+  tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+  Sn   = (dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Snp1 = (dux_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+  Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+      twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+      fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+      deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+  e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  endif ! end of test on attenuation
+  end subroutine compute_forces_solid

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