[cig-commits] r16084 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc: . fault

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Tue Dec 8 01:41:47 PST 2009

Author: willic3
Date: 2009-12-08 01:41:47 -0800 (Tue, 08 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 16084

Added simple Python code to do some postprocessing on fault results,
including providing tractions and slip in global coordinates, and
computing CFF on the fault, given an effective coefficient of friction.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.cfg	2009-12-08 09:41:47 UTC (rev 16084)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Top-level info
+# Filename info
+fault_info_file = kapiti_nzdata-fault_info.vtk
+fault_results_file = kapiti_nzdata-fault_t0000000.vtk
+fault_output_file = kapiti_nzdata-fault_computed.vtu
+# Parameters
+friction_coeff = 0.2
+stress_scale_factor = 1.0e-6
+slip_scale_factor = 0.001
+shear_direction = [0.2, 1.0, 0.2]

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.py	2009-12-08 09:41:47 UTC (rev 16084)
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# <LicenseText>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file postproc/faultinfo
+## @brief Python application to compute a number of quantities on the fault
+## mesh using both the fault info file and the computed fault output from
+## PyLith. Information includes slip and stress vectors in global coordinates
+## and the CFF change using a specified value for the effective coefficient of
+## friction. Note that this application requires the output of fault tractions
+## as well as all three orientation vectors.
+import numpy
+from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
+class FaultInfo(Application):
+  """
+  Python application to compute a number of quantities on the fault mesh using
+  both the fault info file and the computed fault output from PyLith.
+  Information includes slip and stress vectors in global coordinates and the CFF
+  change using a specified value for the effective coefficient of friction.
+  Note that this application requires the output of fault tractions as well as
+  all three orientation vectors.
+  """
+  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing FaultInfo facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing FaultInfo facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b fault_info_file VTK file containing fault information.
+    ## @li \b fault_results_file VTK file containing computed fault results.
+    ## @li \b fault_output_file VTK output file.
+    ## @li \b friction_coeff Effective coefficient of friction.
+    ## @li \b stress_scale_factor Stress scale factor.
+    ## @li \b slip_scale_factor Fault slip scale factor.
+    ## @li \b shear_direction General direction associated with positive shear.
+    import pyre.inventory
+    faultInfoFile = pyre.inventory.str("fault_info_file",
+                                          default="fault_info.vtk")
+    faultInfoFile.meta['tip'] = "VTK file containing fault information."
+    faultResultsFile = pyre.inventory.str("fault_results_file",
+                                          default="fault_t00000.vtk")
+    faultResultsFile.meta['tip'] = "VTK file containing computed fault results."
+    faultOutputFile = pyre.inventory.str("fault_output_file",
+                                         default="fault_stress_t00000.vtk")
+    faultOutputFile.meta['tip'] = "VTK output file."
+    frictionCoeff = pyre.inventory.float("friction_coeff", default=0.2)
+    frictionCoeff.meta['tip'] = "Effective coefficient of friction."
+    stressScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("stress_scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    stressScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor to apply to stresses."
+    slipScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("slip_scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    slipScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor to apply to slip."
+    shearDirection = pyre.inventory.list("shear_direction",
+                                         default=[1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
+    shearDirection.meta['tip'] = "General direction associated with positive shear stress."
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="faultinfo"):
+    Application.__init__(self, name)
+    self.numVertsPerCell = 0
+    self.numCells = 0
+    self.cellsArray = numpy.array([0])
+    self.verticesArray = numpy.array([0])
+    self.normalVec = numpy.array([0])
+    self.strikeVec = numpy.array([0])
+    self.dipVec = numpy.array([0])
+    self.stressVec = numpy.array([0])
+    self.slipVec = numpy.array([0])
+    self.numVerts = 0
+    self.spaceDim = 0
+    self.cellType = ""
+    self.readMesh = False
+    return
+  def main(self):
+    # import pdb
+    # pdb.set_trace()
+    self._readVectors()
+    self._computeVectorInfo()
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Setup members using inventory.
+    """
+    Application._configure(self)
+    # Filenames
+    self.faultInfoFile = self.inventory.faultInfoFile
+    self.faultResultsFile = self.inventory.faultResultsFile
+    self.faultOutputFile = self.inventory.faultOutputFile
+    # Parameters
+    self.frictionCoeff = self.inventory.frictionCoeff
+    self.stressScaleFactor = self.inventory.stressScaleFactor
+    self.slipScaleFactor = self.inventory.slipScaleFactor
+    self.shearDirection = self.inventory.shearDirection
+    return
+  def _readVectors(self):
+    """
+    Get orientation vectors and stress vector.
+    """
+    self.normalVec = self._getVec(self.faultInfoFile, "normal_dir")
+    self.strikeVec = self._getVec(self.faultInfoFile, "strike_dir")
+    self.dipVec = self._getVec(self.faultInfoFile, "dip_dir")
+    self.stressVec = self._getVec(self.faultResultsFile, "traction_change")
+    self.slipVec = self._getVec(self.faultResultsFile, "cumulative_slip")
+    return
+  def _getVec(self, vtkFile, vecName):
+    """
+    Function to read a vector from a file and store it in a numpy array.
+    """
+    from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_file_reader import VTKFileReader
+    from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+    reader = VTKFileReader()
+    reader.initialize(vtkFile)
+    data = reader.outputs[0]
+    # Get vertex and cell info if it hasn't already been done
+    if not self.readMesh:
+      cellVtk = data.get_cells()
+      self.numVertsPerCell = cellVtk._get_max_cell_size()
+      self.numCells = cellVtk.number_of_cells
+      cellArray = cellVtk.to_array()
+      self.cells = tvtk.CellArray()
+      self.cells.set_cells(self.numCells, cellArray)
+      self.vertArray = data._get_points().to_array()
+      self.cellType = data.get_cell_type(0)
+      (self.numVerts, self.spaceDim) = self.vertArray.shape
+      self.readMesh = True
+    # Get vertex fields and extract the requested vector.
+    vertData = data._get_point_data()
+    numArrays = vertData._get_number_of_arrays()
+    gotArray = False
+    for vertDataArray in range(numArrays):
+      arrayName = vertData.get_array_name(vertDataArray)
+      if (arrayName == vecName):
+        vector = vertData.get_array(vertDataArray).to_array()
+        gotArray = True
+      if gotArray:
+        break
+    else:
+      raise IOError("Unable to find vector '%s'." % vecName)
+    return vector
+  def _computeVectorInfo(self):
+    """
+    Function to compute vectors in global coordinates and CFF.
+    """
+    from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+    # Compute stress vectors in global coordinates.
+    strikeStress = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.stressVec[:,0], 1), (1,3))
+    strikeStressArr = self.stressScaleFactor * self.strikeVec * strikeStress
+    strikeStressVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='left_lateral_shear')
+    strikeStressVec.from_array(strikeStressArr)
+    dipStress = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.stressVec[:,1], 1), (1,3))
+    dipStressArr = self.stressScaleFactor * self.dipVec * dipStress
+    dipStressVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='up_dip_shear')
+    dipStressVec.from_array(dipStressArr)
+    normalStress = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.stressVec[:,2], 1), (1,3))
+    normalStressArr = self.stressScaleFactor * self.normalVec * normalStress
+    normalStressVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='normal_stress')
+    normalStressVec.from_array(normalStressArr)
+    shearStressArr = strikeStressArr + dipStressArr
+    shearStressVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='in_plane_shear')
+    shearStressVec.from_array(shearStressArr)
+    # Compute slip vectors in global coordinates.
+    strikeSlip = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.slipVec[:,0], 1), (1,3))
+    strikeSlipArr = self.slipScaleFactor * self.strikeVec * strikeSlip
+    strikeSlipVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='left_lateral_slip')
+    strikeSlipVec.from_array(strikeSlipArr)
+    dipSlip = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.slipVec[:,1], 1), (1,3))
+    dipSlipArr = self.slipScaleFactor * self.dipVec * dipSlip
+    dipSlipVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='up_dip_slip')
+    dipSlipVec.from_array(dipSlipArr)
+    normalSlip = numpy.tile(numpy.expand_dims(self.slipVec[:,2], 1), (1,3))
+    normalSlipArr = self.slipScaleFactor * self.normalVec * normalSlip
+    normalSlipVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='normal_slip')
+    normalSlipVec.from_array(normalSlipArr)
+    slipArr = strikeSlipArr + dipSlipArr
+    slipVec = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='in_plane_slip')
+    slipVec.from_array(slipArr)
+    # Compute CFF
+    shearMag = self.stressScaleFactor * \
+               numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(self.stressVec[:,0]) + \
+                          numpy.square(self.stressVec[:,1]))
+    shearDirVec = numpy.array(self.shearDirection, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    shearDirMat = numpy.tile(shearDirVec, (self.numVerts,1))
+    shearSlipDot = shearStressVec * shearDirMat
+    shearSlipSign = numpy.sign(numpy.sum(shearSlipDot, axis=1))
+    CffArr = shearSlipSign * shearMag + \
+             self.stressScaleFactor * self.frictionCoeff * self.stressVec[:,2]
+    CFF = tvtk.DoubleArray(name='CFF')
+    CFF.from_array(CffArr)
+    # Set up mesh info for output VTK file
+    mesh = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=self.vertArray)
+    mesh.set_cells(self.cellType, self.cells)
+    # Add computed values to mesh object.
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(strikeStressVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(dipStressVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(normalStressVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(shearStressVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(strikeSlipVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(dipSlipVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(normalSlipVec)
+    mesh.point_data.add_array(slipVec)
+    mesh.point_data.scalars = CFF
+    # Write results to VTK file
+    w = tvtk.XMLDataSetWriter(file_name=self.faultOutputFile, input=mesh)
+    w.write()
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  app = FaultInfo()
+  app.run()
+# End of file

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/fault/faultinfo.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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