[cig-commits] commit: MADDs-1 compiles but pressure field is wrong

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Wed Dec 9 20:51:07 PST 2009

changeset:   94:204cfefa3897
user:        Marc Spiegelman <mspieg at ldeo.columbia.edu>
date:        Sat Dec 05 15:29:38 2009 -0500
files:       MADDs-1/cpp/Div.form MADDs-1/cpp/Div.h MADDs-1/cpp/Div.ufl MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_AQP2_P1.form MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_P2P1.form MADDs-1/cpp/main.cpp
MADDs-1 compiles but pressure field is wrong

diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/Div.form
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/Div.form	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c)2008 Marc Spiegelman
-# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1
-# First added:  2008
-# Last changed: 2008
-# The Functional Div(u) for calculating the global Divergence
-# Compile this form with FFC: ffc -l dolfin Div.form
-P2= VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
-u = Function(P2)
-n = FacetNormal("triangle")
-a = dot(u,n)*ds
diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/Div.h
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/Div.h	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ b/MADDs-1/cpp/Div.h	Sat Dec 05 15:29:38 2009 -0500
@@ -1635,1304 +1635,6 @@ public:
     case 1:
       return new div_0_finite_element_0_1();
-      break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-/// This class defines the interface for a finite element.
-class div_0_finite_element_1_0: public ufc::finite_element
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_finite_element_1_0() : ufc::finite_element()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_finite_element_1_0()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the finite element
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "FiniteElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0)";
-  }
-  /// Return the cell shape
-  virtual ufc::shape cell_shape() const
-  {
-    return ufc::triangle;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int space_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Return the rank of the value space
-  virtual unsigned int value_rank() const
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the value space for axis i
-  virtual unsigned int value_dimension(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis(unsigned int i,
-                              double* values,
-                              const double* coordinates,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Reset values
-    *values = 0;
-    // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-    const unsigned int dof = i;
-    // Generate scalings
-    const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_a
-    const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_bs
-    const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-    // Compute basisvalues
-    const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-    // Table(s) of coefficients
-    static const double coefficients0[1][1] = \
-    {{1.41421356237309}};
-    // Extract relevant coefficients
-    const double coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-    // Compute value(s)
-    *values = coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_all(double* values,
-                                  const double* coordinates,
-                                  const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives(unsigned int i,
-                                          unsigned int n,
-                                          double* values,
-                                          const double* coordinates,
-                                          const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Compute number of derivatives
-    unsigned int num_derivatives = 1;
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      num_derivatives *= 2;
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array that holds combinations of derivatives and initialise
-    unsigned int **combinations = new unsigned int *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      combinations[j] = new unsigned int [n];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-        combinations[j][k] = 0;
-    }
-    // Generate combinations of derivatives
-    for (unsigned int row = 1; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int num = 0; num < row; num++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int col = n-1; col+1 > 0; col--)
-        {
-          if (combinations[row][col] + 1 > 1)
-            combinations[row][col] = 0;
-          else
-          {
-            combinations[row][col] += 1;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    const double Jinv[2][2] =  {{J_11 / detJ, -J_01 / detJ}, {-J_10 / detJ, J_00 / detJ}};
-    // Declare transformation matrix
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array and initialise
-    double **transform = new double *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      transform[j] = new double [num_derivatives];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < num_derivatives; k++)
-        transform[j][k] = 1;
-    }
-    // Construct transformation matrix
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-          transform[row][col] *= Jinv[combinations[col][k]][combinations[row][k]];
-      }
-    }
-    // Reset values
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1*num_derivatives; j++)
-      values[j] = 0;
-    // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-    const unsigned int dof = i;
-    // Generate scalings
-    const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_a
-    const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_bs
-    const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-    // Compute basisvalues
-    const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-    // Table(s) of coefficients
-    static const double coefficients0[1][1] = \
-    {{1.41421356237309}};
-    // Interesting (new) part
-    // Tables of derivatives of the polynomial base (transpose)
-    static const double dmats0[1][1] = \
-    {{0}};
-    static const double dmats1[1][1] = \
-    {{0}};
-    // Compute reference derivatives
-    // Declare pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-    double *derivatives = new double [num_derivatives];
-    // Declare coefficients
-    double coeff0_0 = 0;
-    // Declare new coefficients
-    double new_coeff0_0 = 0;
-    // Loop possible derivatives
-    for (unsigned int deriv_num = 0; deriv_num < num_derivatives; deriv_num++)
-    {
-      // Get values from coefficients array
-      new_coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-      // Loop derivative order
-      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      {
-        // Update old coefficients
-        coeff0_0 = new_coeff0_0;
-        if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 0)
-        {
-          new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats0[0][0];
-        }
-        if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 1)
-        {
-          new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats1[0][0];
-        }
-      }
-      // Compute derivatives on reference element as dot product of coefficients and basisvalues
-      derivatives[deriv_num] = new_coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-    }
-    // Transform derivatives back to physical element
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-      {
-        values[row] += transform[row][col]*derivatives[col];
-      }
-    }
-    // Delete pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-    delete [] derivatives;
-    // Delete pointer to array of combinations of derivatives and transform
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      delete [] combinations[row];
-      delete [] transform[row];
-    }
-    delete [] combinations;
-    delete [] transform;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives_all(unsigned int n,
-                                              double* values,
-                                              const double* coordinates,
-                                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis_derivatives() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functional for dof i on the function f
-  virtual double evaluate_dof(unsigned int i,
-                              const ufc::function& f,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // The reference points, direction and weights:
-    static const double X[1][1][2] = {{{0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333}}};
-    static const double W[1][1] = {{1}};
-    static const double D[1][1][1] = {{{1}}};
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    double result = 0.0;
-    // Iterate over the points:
-    // Evaluate basis functions for affine mapping
-    const double w0 = 1.0 - X[i][0][0] - X[i][0][1];
-    const double w1 = X[i][0][0];
-    const double w2 = X[i][0][1];
-    // Compute affine mapping y = F(X)
-    double y[2];
-    y[0] = w0*x[0][0] + w1*x[1][0] + w2*x[2][0];
-    y[1] = w0*x[0][1] + w1*x[1][1] + w2*x[2][1];
-    // Evaluate function at physical points
-    double values[1];
-    f.evaluate(values, y, c);
-    // Map function values using appropriate mapping
-    // Affine map: Do nothing
-    // Note that we do not map the weights (yet).
-    // Take directional components
-    for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
-      result += values[k]*D[i][0][k];
-    // Multiply by weights
-    result *= W[i][0];
-    return result;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functionals for all dofs on the function f
-  virtual void evaluate_dofs(double* values,
-                             const ufc::function& f,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Interpolate vertex values from dof values
-  virtual void interpolate_vertex_values(double* vertex_values,
-                                         const double* dof_values,
-                                         const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Evaluate at vertices and use affine mapping
-    vertex_values[0] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[1] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[2] = dof_values[0];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub elements (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_elements() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Create a new finite element for sub element i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::finite_element* create_sub_element(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return new div_0_finite_element_1_0();
-  }
-/// This class defines the interface for a finite element.
-class div_0_finite_element_1_1: public ufc::finite_element
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_finite_element_1_1() : ufc::finite_element()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_finite_element_1_1()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the finite element
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "FiniteElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0)";
-  }
-  /// Return the cell shape
-  virtual ufc::shape cell_shape() const
-  {
-    return ufc::triangle;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int space_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Return the rank of the value space
-  virtual unsigned int value_rank() const
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the value space for axis i
-  virtual unsigned int value_dimension(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis(unsigned int i,
-                              double* values,
-                              const double* coordinates,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Reset values
-    *values = 0;
-    // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-    const unsigned int dof = i;
-    // Generate scalings
-    const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_a
-    const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_bs
-    const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-    // Compute basisvalues
-    const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-    // Table(s) of coefficients
-    static const double coefficients0[1][1] = \
-    {{1.41421356237309}};
-    // Extract relevant coefficients
-    const double coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-    // Compute value(s)
-    *values = coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_all(double* values,
-                                  const double* coordinates,
-                                  const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives(unsigned int i,
-                                          unsigned int n,
-                                          double* values,
-                                          const double* coordinates,
-                                          const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Compute number of derivatives
-    unsigned int num_derivatives = 1;
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      num_derivatives *= 2;
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array that holds combinations of derivatives and initialise
-    unsigned int **combinations = new unsigned int *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      combinations[j] = new unsigned int [n];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-        combinations[j][k] = 0;
-    }
-    // Generate combinations of derivatives
-    for (unsigned int row = 1; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int num = 0; num < row; num++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int col = n-1; col+1 > 0; col--)
-        {
-          if (combinations[row][col] + 1 > 1)
-            combinations[row][col] = 0;
-          else
-          {
-            combinations[row][col] += 1;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    const double Jinv[2][2] =  {{J_11 / detJ, -J_01 / detJ}, {-J_10 / detJ, J_00 / detJ}};
-    // Declare transformation matrix
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array and initialise
-    double **transform = new double *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      transform[j] = new double [num_derivatives];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < num_derivatives; k++)
-        transform[j][k] = 1;
-    }
-    // Construct transformation matrix
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-          transform[row][col] *= Jinv[combinations[col][k]][combinations[row][k]];
-      }
-    }
-    // Reset values
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1*num_derivatives; j++)
-      values[j] = 0;
-    // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-    const unsigned int dof = i;
-    // Generate scalings
-    const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_a
-    const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-    // Compute psitilde_bs
-    const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-    // Compute basisvalues
-    const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-    // Table(s) of coefficients
-    static const double coefficients0[1][1] = \
-    {{1.41421356237309}};
-    // Interesting (new) part
-    // Tables of derivatives of the polynomial base (transpose)
-    static const double dmats0[1][1] = \
-    {{0}};
-    static const double dmats1[1][1] = \
-    {{0}};
-    // Compute reference derivatives
-    // Declare pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-    double *derivatives = new double [num_derivatives];
-    // Declare coefficients
-    double coeff0_0 = 0;
-    // Declare new coefficients
-    double new_coeff0_0 = 0;
-    // Loop possible derivatives
-    for (unsigned int deriv_num = 0; deriv_num < num_derivatives; deriv_num++)
-    {
-      // Get values from coefficients array
-      new_coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-      // Loop derivative order
-      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      {
-        // Update old coefficients
-        coeff0_0 = new_coeff0_0;
-        if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 0)
-        {
-          new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats0[0][0];
-        }
-        if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 1)
-        {
-          new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats1[0][0];
-        }
-      }
-      // Compute derivatives on reference element as dot product of coefficients and basisvalues
-      derivatives[deriv_num] = new_coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-    }
-    // Transform derivatives back to physical element
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-      {
-        values[row] += transform[row][col]*derivatives[col];
-      }
-    }
-    // Delete pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-    delete [] derivatives;
-    // Delete pointer to array of combinations of derivatives and transform
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      delete [] combinations[row];
-      delete [] transform[row];
-    }
-    delete [] combinations;
-    delete [] transform;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives_all(unsigned int n,
-                                              double* values,
-                                              const double* coordinates,
-                                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis_derivatives() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functional for dof i on the function f
-  virtual double evaluate_dof(unsigned int i,
-                              const ufc::function& f,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // The reference points, direction and weights:
-    static const double X[1][1][2] = {{{0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333}}};
-    static const double W[1][1] = {{1}};
-    static const double D[1][1][1] = {{{1}}};
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    double result = 0.0;
-    // Iterate over the points:
-    // Evaluate basis functions for affine mapping
-    const double w0 = 1.0 - X[i][0][0] - X[i][0][1];
-    const double w1 = X[i][0][0];
-    const double w2 = X[i][0][1];
-    // Compute affine mapping y = F(X)
-    double y[2];
-    y[0] = w0*x[0][0] + w1*x[1][0] + w2*x[2][0];
-    y[1] = w0*x[0][1] + w1*x[1][1] + w2*x[2][1];
-    // Evaluate function at physical points
-    double values[1];
-    f.evaluate(values, y, c);
-    // Map function values using appropriate mapping
-    // Affine map: Do nothing
-    // Note that we do not map the weights (yet).
-    // Take directional components
-    for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
-      result += values[k]*D[i][0][k];
-    // Multiply by weights
-    result *= W[i][0];
-    return result;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functionals for all dofs on the function f
-  virtual void evaluate_dofs(double* values,
-                             const ufc::function& f,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Interpolate vertex values from dof values
-  virtual void interpolate_vertex_values(double* vertex_values,
-                                         const double* dof_values,
-                                         const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Evaluate at vertices and use affine mapping
-    vertex_values[0] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[1] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[2] = dof_values[0];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub elements (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_elements() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Create a new finite element for sub element i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::finite_element* create_sub_element(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return new div_0_finite_element_1_1();
-  }
-/// This class defines the interface for a finite element.
-class div_0_finite_element_1: public ufc::finite_element
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_finite_element_1() : ufc::finite_element()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_finite_element_1()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the finite element
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "VectorElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0, 2)";
-  }
-  /// Return the cell shape
-  virtual ufc::shape cell_shape() const
-  {
-    return ufc::triangle;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int space_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Return the rank of the value space
-  virtual unsigned int value_rank() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the value space for axis i
-  virtual unsigned int value_dimension(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis(unsigned int i,
-                              double* values,
-                              const double* coordinates,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Reset values
-    values[0] = 0;
-    values[1] = 0;
-    if (0 <= i && i <= 0)
-    {
-      // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-      const unsigned int dof = i;
-      // Generate scalings
-      const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_a
-      const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_bs
-      const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-      // Compute basisvalues
-      const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-      // Table(s) of coefficients
-      static const double coefficients0[1][1] =   \
-      {{1.41421356237309}};
-      // Extract relevant coefficients
-      const double coeff0_0 =   coefficients0[dof][0];
-      // Compute value(s)
-      values[0] = coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-    }
-    if (1 <= i && i <= 1)
-    {
-      // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-      const unsigned int dof = i - 1;
-      // Generate scalings
-      const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_a
-      const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_bs
-      const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-      // Compute basisvalues
-      const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-      // Table(s) of coefficients
-      static const double coefficients0[1][1] =   \
-      {{1.41421356237309}};
-      // Extract relevant coefficients
-      const double coeff0_0 =   coefficients0[dof][0];
-      // Compute value(s)
-      values[1] = coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Evaluate all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_all(double* values,
-                                  const double* coordinates,
-                                  const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of basis function i at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives(unsigned int i,
-                                          unsigned int n,
-                                          double* values,
-                                          const double* coordinates,
-                                          const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Extract vertex coordinates
-    const double * const * element_coordinates = c.coordinates;
-    // Compute Jacobian of affine map from reference cell
-    const double J_00 = element_coordinates[1][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_01 = element_coordinates[2][0] - element_coordinates[0][0];
-    const double J_10 = element_coordinates[1][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    const double J_11 = element_coordinates[2][1] - element_coordinates[0][1];
-    // Compute determinant of Jacobian
-    const double detJ = J_00*J_11 - J_01*J_10;
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    // Get coordinates and map to the reference (UFC) element
-    double x = (element_coordinates[0][1]*element_coordinates[2][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[0][0]*element_coordinates[2][1] +\
-                J_11*coordinates[0] - J_01*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    double y = (element_coordinates[1][1]*element_coordinates[0][0] -\
-                element_coordinates[1][0]*element_coordinates[0][1] -\
-                J_10*coordinates[0] + J_00*coordinates[1]) / detJ;
-    // Map coordinates to the reference square
-    if (std::abs(y - 1.0) < 1e-14)
-      x = -1.0;
-    else
-      x = 2.0 *x/(1.0 - y) - 1.0;
-    y = 2.0*y - 1.0;
-    // Compute number of derivatives
-    unsigned int num_derivatives = 1;
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-      num_derivatives *= 2;
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array that holds combinations of derivatives and initialise
-    unsigned int **combinations = new unsigned int *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      combinations[j] = new unsigned int [n];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-        combinations[j][k] = 0;
-    }
-    // Generate combinations of derivatives
-    for (unsigned int row = 1; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int num = 0; num < row; num++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int col = n-1; col+1 > 0; col--)
-        {
-          if (combinations[row][col] + 1 > 1)
-            combinations[row][col] = 0;
-          else
-          {
-            combinations[row][col] += 1;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Compute inverse of Jacobian
-    const double Jinv[2][2] =  {{J_11 / detJ, -J_01 / detJ}, {-J_10 / detJ, J_00 / detJ}};
-    // Declare transformation matrix
-    // Declare pointer to two dimensional array and initialise
-    double **transform = new double *[num_derivatives];
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_derivatives; j++)
-    {
-      transform[j] = new double [num_derivatives];
-      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < num_derivatives; k++)
-        transform[j][k] = 1;
-    }
-    // Construct transformation matrix
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++)
-          transform[row][col] *= Jinv[combinations[col][k]][combinations[row][k]];
-      }
-    }
-    // Reset values
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2*num_derivatives; j++)
-      values[j] = 0;
-    if (0 <= i && i <= 0)
-    {
-      // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-      const unsigned int dof = i;
-      // Generate scalings
-      const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_a
-      const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_bs
-      const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-      // Compute basisvalues
-      const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-      // Table(s) of coefficients
-      static const double coefficients0[1][1] =   \
-      {{1.41421356237309}};
-      // Interesting (new) part
-      // Tables of derivatives of the polynomial base (transpose)
-      static const double dmats0[1][1] =   \
-      {{0}};
-      static const double dmats1[1][1] =   \
-      {{0}};
-      // Compute reference derivatives
-      // Declare pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-      double *derivatives = new double [num_derivatives];
-      // Declare coefficients
-      double coeff0_0 = 0;
-      // Declare new coefficients
-      double new_coeff0_0 = 0;
-      // Loop possible derivatives
-      for (unsigned int deriv_num = 0; deriv_num < num_derivatives; deriv_num++)
-      {
-        // Get values from coefficients array
-        new_coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-        // Loop derivative order
-        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-        {
-          // Update old coefficients
-          coeff0_0 = new_coeff0_0;
-          if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 0)
-          {
-            new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats0[0][0];
-          }
-          if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 1)
-          {
-            new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats1[0][0];
-          }
-        }
-        // Compute derivatives on reference element as dot product of coefficients and basisvalues
-        derivatives[deriv_num] = new_coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-      }
-      // Transform derivatives back to physical element
-      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-        {
-          values[row] += transform[row][col]*derivatives[col];
-        }
-      }
-      // Delete pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-      delete [] derivatives;
-      // Delete pointer to array of combinations of derivatives and transform
-      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-      {
-        delete [] combinations[row];
-        delete [] transform[row];
-      }
-      delete [] combinations;
-      delete [] transform;
-    }
-    if (1 <= i && i <= 1)
-    {
-      // Map degree of freedom to element degree of freedom
-      const unsigned int dof = i - 1;
-      // Generate scalings
-      const double scalings_y_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_a
-      const double psitilde_a_0 = 1;
-      // Compute psitilde_bs
-      const double psitilde_bs_0_0 = 1;
-      // Compute basisvalues
-      const double basisvalue0 = 0.707106781186548*psitilde_a_0*scalings_y_0*psitilde_bs_0_0;
-      // Table(s) of coefficients
-      static const double coefficients0[1][1] =   \
-      {{1.41421356237309}};
-      // Interesting (new) part
-      // Tables of derivatives of the polynomial base (transpose)
-      static const double dmats0[1][1] =   \
-      {{0}};
-      static const double dmats1[1][1] =   \
-      {{0}};
-      // Compute reference derivatives
-      // Declare pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-      double *derivatives = new double [num_derivatives];
-      // Declare coefficients
-      double coeff0_0 = 0;
-      // Declare new coefficients
-      double new_coeff0_0 = 0;
-      // Loop possible derivatives
-      for (unsigned int deriv_num = 0; deriv_num < num_derivatives; deriv_num++)
-      {
-        // Get values from coefficients array
-        new_coeff0_0 = coefficients0[dof][0];
-        // Loop derivative order
-        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
-        {
-          // Update old coefficients
-          coeff0_0 = new_coeff0_0;
-          if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 0)
-          {
-            new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats0[0][0];
-          }
-          if(combinations[deriv_num][j] == 1)
-          {
-            new_coeff0_0 = coeff0_0*dmats1[0][0];
-          }
-        }
-        // Compute derivatives on reference element as dot product of coefficients and basisvalues
-        derivatives[deriv_num] = new_coeff0_0*basisvalue0;
-      }
-      // Transform derivatives back to physical element
-      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int col = 0; col < num_derivatives; col++)
-        {
-          values[num_derivatives + row] += transform[row][col]*derivatives[col];
-        }
-      }
-      // Delete pointer to array of derivatives on FIAT element
-      delete [] derivatives;
-      // Delete pointer to array of combinations of derivatives and transform
-      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < num_derivatives; row++)
-      {
-        delete [] combinations[row];
-        delete [] transform[row];
-      }
-      delete [] combinations;
-      delete [] transform;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Evaluate order n derivatives of all basis functions at given point in cell
-  virtual void evaluate_basis_derivatives_all(unsigned int n,
-                                              double* values,
-                                              const double* coordinates,
-                                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("The vectorised version of evaluate_basis_derivatives() is not yet implemented.");
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functional for dof i on the function f
-  virtual double evaluate_dof(unsigned int i,
-                              const ufc::function& f,
-                              const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // The reference points, direction and weights:
-    static const double X[2][1][2] = {{{0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333}}, {{0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333}}};
-    static const double W[2][1] = {{1}, {1}};
-    static const double D[2][1][2] = {{{1, 0}}, {{0, 1}}};
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    double result = 0.0;
-    // Iterate over the points:
-    // Evaluate basis functions for affine mapping
-    const double w0 = 1.0 - X[i][0][0] - X[i][0][1];
-    const double w1 = X[i][0][0];
-    const double w2 = X[i][0][1];
-    // Compute affine mapping y = F(X)
-    double y[2];
-    y[0] = w0*x[0][0] + w1*x[1][0] + w2*x[2][0];
-    y[1] = w0*x[0][1] + w1*x[1][1] + w2*x[2][1];
-    // Evaluate function at physical points
-    double values[2];
-    f.evaluate(values, y, c);
-    // Map function values using appropriate mapping
-    // Affine map: Do nothing
-    // Note that we do not map the weights (yet).
-    // Take directional components
-    for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
-      result += values[k]*D[i][0][k];
-    // Multiply by weights
-    result *= W[i][0];
-    return result;
-  }
-  /// Evaluate linear functionals for all dofs on the function f
-  virtual void evaluate_dofs(double* values,
-                             const ufc::function& f,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Interpolate vertex values from dof values
-  virtual void interpolate_vertex_values(double* vertex_values,
-                                         const double* dof_values,
-                                         const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    // Evaluate at vertices and use affine mapping
-    vertex_values[0] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[2] = dof_values[0];
-    vertex_values[4] = dof_values[0];
-    // Evaluate at vertices and use affine mapping
-    vertex_values[1] = dof_values[1];
-    vertex_values[3] = dof_values[1];
-    vertex_values[5] = dof_values[1];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub elements (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_elements() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Create a new finite element for sub element i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::finite_element* create_sub_element(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    switch ( i )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return new div_0_finite_element_1_0();
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return new div_0_finite_element_1_1();
     return 0;
@@ -3521,496 +2223,6 @@ public:
-/// This class defines the interface for a local-to-global mapping of
-/// degrees of freedom (dofs).
-class div_0_dof_map_1_0: public ufc::dof_map
-  unsigned int __global_dimension;
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_dof_map_1_0() : ufc::dof_map()
-  {
-    __global_dimension = 0;
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_dof_map_1_0()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the dof map
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "FFC dof map for FiniteElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0)";
-  }
-  /// Return true iff mesh entities of topological dimension d are needed
-  virtual bool needs_mesh_entities(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    switch ( d )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      return true;
-      break;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for mesh (return true iff init_cell() is needed)
-  virtual bool init_mesh(const ufc::mesh& m)
-  {
-    __global_dimension = m.num_entities[2];
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for given cell
-  virtual void init_cell(const ufc::mesh& m,
-                         const ufc::cell& c)
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Finish initialization of dof map for cells
-  virtual void init_cell_finalize()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the global finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int global_dimension() const
-  {
-    return __global_dimension;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the local finite element function space for a cell
-  virtual unsigned int local_dimension(const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Return the maximum dimension of the local finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int max_local_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // Return the geometric dimension of the coordinates this dof map provides
-  virtual unsigned int geometric_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs on each cell facet
-  virtual unsigned int num_facet_dofs() const
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs associated with each cell entity of dimension d
-  virtual unsigned int num_entity_dofs(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-global mapping of dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                             const ufc::mesh& m,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    dofs[0] = c.entity_indices[2][0];
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping from facet dofs to cell dofs
-  virtual void tabulate_facet_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                   unsigned int facet) const
-  {
-    switch ( facet )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping of dofs on entity (d, i)
-  virtual void tabulate_entity_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                    unsigned int d, unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the coordinates of all dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates,
-                                    const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    coordinates[0][0] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][0];
-    coordinates[0][1] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][1];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub dof maps (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_dof_maps() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Create a new dof_map for sub dof map i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::dof_map* create_sub_dof_map(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return new div_0_dof_map_1_0();
-  }
-/// This class defines the interface for a local-to-global mapping of
-/// degrees of freedom (dofs).
-class div_0_dof_map_1_1: public ufc::dof_map
-  unsigned int __global_dimension;
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_dof_map_1_1() : ufc::dof_map()
-  {
-    __global_dimension = 0;
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_dof_map_1_1()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the dof map
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "FFC dof map for FiniteElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0)";
-  }
-  /// Return true iff mesh entities of topological dimension d are needed
-  virtual bool needs_mesh_entities(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    switch ( d )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      return true;
-      break;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for mesh (return true iff init_cell() is needed)
-  virtual bool init_mesh(const ufc::mesh& m)
-  {
-    __global_dimension = m.num_entities[2];
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for given cell
-  virtual void init_cell(const ufc::mesh& m,
-                         const ufc::cell& c)
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Finish initialization of dof map for cells
-  virtual void init_cell_finalize()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the global finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int global_dimension() const
-  {
-    return __global_dimension;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the local finite element function space for a cell
-  virtual unsigned int local_dimension(const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Return the maximum dimension of the local finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int max_local_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // Return the geometric dimension of the coordinates this dof map provides
-  virtual unsigned int geometric_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs on each cell facet
-  virtual unsigned int num_facet_dofs() const
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs associated with each cell entity of dimension d
-  virtual unsigned int num_entity_dofs(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-global mapping of dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                             const ufc::mesh& m,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    dofs[0] = c.entity_indices[2][0];
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping from facet dofs to cell dofs
-  virtual void tabulate_facet_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                   unsigned int facet) const
-  {
-    switch ( facet )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping of dofs on entity (d, i)
-  virtual void tabulate_entity_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                    unsigned int d, unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the coordinates of all dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates,
-                                    const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    coordinates[0][0] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][0];
-    coordinates[0][1] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][1];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub dof maps (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_dof_maps() const
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /// Create a new dof_map for sub dof map i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::dof_map* create_sub_dof_map(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    return new div_0_dof_map_1_1();
-  }
-/// This class defines the interface for a local-to-global mapping of
-/// degrees of freedom (dofs).
-class div_0_dof_map_1: public ufc::dof_map
-  unsigned int __global_dimension;
-  /// Constructor
-  div_0_dof_map_1() : ufc::dof_map()
-  {
-    __global_dimension = 0;
-  }
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~div_0_dof_map_1()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return a string identifying the dof map
-  virtual const char* signature() const
-  {
-    return "FFC dof map for VectorElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 0, 2)";
-  }
-  /// Return true iff mesh entities of topological dimension d are needed
-  virtual bool needs_mesh_entities(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    switch ( d )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return false;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      return true;
-      break;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for mesh (return true iff init_cell() is needed)
-  virtual bool init_mesh(const ufc::mesh& m)
-  {
-    __global_dimension = 2*m.num_entities[2];
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Initialize dof map for given cell
-  virtual void init_cell(const ufc::mesh& m,
-                         const ufc::cell& c)
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Finish initialization of dof map for cells
-  virtual void init_cell_finalize()
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the global finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int global_dimension() const
-  {
-    return __global_dimension;
-  }
-  /// Return the dimension of the local finite element function space for a cell
-  virtual unsigned int local_dimension(const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Return the maximum dimension of the local finite element function space
-  virtual unsigned int max_local_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  // Return the geometric dimension of the coordinates this dof map provides
-  virtual unsigned int geometric_dimension() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs on each cell facet
-  virtual unsigned int num_facet_dofs() const
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /// Return the number of dofs associated with each cell entity of dimension d
-  virtual unsigned int num_entity_dofs(unsigned int d) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-global mapping of dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                             const ufc::mesh& m,
-                             const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    dofs[0] = c.entity_indices[2][0];
-    unsigned int offset = m.num_entities[2];
-    dofs[1] = offset + c.entity_indices[2][0];
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping from facet dofs to cell dofs
-  virtual void tabulate_facet_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                   unsigned int facet) const
-  {
-    switch ( facet )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the local-to-local mapping of dofs on entity (d, i)
-  virtual void tabulate_entity_dofs(unsigned int* dofs,
-                                    unsigned int d, unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented (introduced in UFC v1.1).");
-  }
-  /// Tabulate the coordinates of all dofs on a cell
-  virtual void tabulate_coordinates(double** coordinates,
-                                    const ufc::cell& c) const
-  {
-    const double * const * x = c.coordinates;
-    coordinates[0][0] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][0];
-    coordinates[0][1] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][1];
-    coordinates[1][0] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][0] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][0];
-    coordinates[1][1] = 0.333333333333333*x[0][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[1][1] + 0.333333333333333*x[2][1];
-  }
-  /// Return the number of sub dof maps (for a mixed element)
-  virtual unsigned int num_sub_dof_maps() const
-  {
-    return 2;
-  }
-  /// Create a new dof_map for sub dof map i (for a mixed element)
-  virtual ufc::dof_map* create_sub_dof_map(unsigned int i) const
-  {
-    switch ( i )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return new div_0_dof_map_1_0();
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return new div_0_dof_map_1_1();
-      break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
 /// This class defines the interface for the tabulation of the
 /// exterior facet tensor corresponding to the local contribution to
 /// a form from the integral over an exterior facet.
@@ -4058,8 +2270,11 @@ public:
     const double dx1 = x[v1][1] - x[v0][1];
     const double det = std::sqrt(dx0*dx0 + dx1*dx1);
+    const bool direction = dx1*(x[facet][0] - x[v0][0]) - dx0*(x[facet][1] - x[v0][1]) < 0;
     // Compute facet normals from the facet scale factor constants
+    const double n0 = direction ? dx1 / det : -dx1 / det;
+    const double n1 = direction ? -dx0 / det : dx0 / det;
     // Array of quadrature weights
@@ -4067,27 +2282,27 @@ public:
     // Quadrature points on the UFC reference element: (0.211324865405187), (0.788675134594813)
     // Value of basis functions at quadrature points.
-    static const double FE1_f0_C0[2][3] = \
+    static const double FE0_f0_C0[2][3] = \
     {{0.45534180126148, -0.122008467928146, 0.666666666666667},
     {-0.122008467928146, 0.45534180126148, 0.666666666666667}};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc2[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+    static const unsigned int nzc1[3] = {7, 8, 9};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc3[3] = {7, 8, 9};
+    static const unsigned int nzc0[3] = {1, 2, 3};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc6[3] = {0, 1, 5};
+    static const unsigned int nzc5[3] = {6, 7, 11};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc7[3] = {6, 7, 11};
+    static const unsigned int nzc4[3] = {0, 1, 5};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc5[3] = {6, 8, 10};
+    static const unsigned int nzc2[3] = {0, 2, 4};
     // Array of non-zero columns
-    static const unsigned int nzc4[3] = {0, 2, 4};
+    static const unsigned int nzc3[3] = {6, 8, 10};
     // Number of operations to compute geometry constants: 2
     // Should be added to total operation count.
-    const double G0 = det*w[1][1];
-    const double G1 = det*w[1][0];
+    const double G0 = det*n1;
+    const double G1 = det*n0;
     // Compute element tensor using UFL quadrature representation
     // Optimisations: ('simplify expressions', True), ('ignore zero tables', True), ('non zero columns', True), ('remove zero terms', True), ('ignore ones', True)
@@ -4109,8 +2324,8 @@ public:
         // Total number of operations to compute function values = 12
         for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
-          F0 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc2[r]];
-          F1 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc3[r]];
+          F0 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc0[r]];
+          F1 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc1[r]];
         }// end loop over 'r'
         // Number of operations to compute ip constants: 4
@@ -4140,8 +2355,8 @@ public:
         // Total number of operations to compute function values = 12
         for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
-          F0 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc4[r]];
-          F1 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc5[r]];
+          F0 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc2[r]];
+          F1 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc3[r]];
         }// end loop over 'r'
         // Number of operations to compute ip constants: 4
@@ -4171,8 +2386,8 @@ public:
         // Total number of operations to compute function values = 12
         for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
-          F0 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc6[r]];
-          F1 += FE1_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc7[r]];
+          F0 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc4[r]];
+          F1 += FE0_f0_C0[ip][r]*w[0][nzc5[r]];
         }// end loop over 'r'
         // Number of operations to compute ip constants: 4
@@ -4264,7 +2479,7 @@ public:
   /// Return a string identifying the form
   virtual const char* signature() const
-    return "Form([Integral(IndexSum(Product(Indexed(Function(VectorElement('Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 2, 2), 0), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2})), Indexed(VectorConstant(Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 2, 1), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2}))), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2})), Measure('exterior_facet', 0, None))])";
+    return "Form([Integral(IndexSum(Product(Indexed(FacetNormal(Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2))), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2})), Indexed(Function(VectorElement('Lagrange', Cell('triangle', 1, Space(2)), 2, 2), 0), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2}))), MultiIndex((Index(0),), {Index(0): 2})), Measure('exterior_facet', 0, None))])";
   /// Return the rank of the global tensor (r)
@@ -4276,7 +2491,7 @@ public:
   /// Return the number of coefficients (n)
   virtual unsigned int num_coefficients() const
-    return 2;
+    return 1;
   /// Return the number of cell integrals
@@ -4300,31 +2515,13 @@ public:
   /// Create a new finite element for argument function i
   virtual ufc::finite_element* create_finite_element(unsigned int i) const
-    switch ( i )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return new div_0_finite_element_0();
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return new div_0_finite_element_1();
-      break;
-    }
-    return 0;
+    return new div_0_finite_element_0();
   /// Create a new dof map for argument function i
   virtual ufc::dof_map* create_dof_map(unsigned int i) const
-    switch ( i )
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return new div_0_dof_map_0();
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return new div_0_dof_map_1();
-      break;
-    }
-    return 0;
+    return new div_0_dof_map_0();
   /// Create a new cell integral on sub domain i
@@ -4364,49 +2561,6 @@ namespace Div
 namespace Div
-class CoefficientSpace_n: public dolfin::FunctionSpace
-  CoefficientSpace_n(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh):
-      dolfin::FunctionSpace(dolfin::reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh),
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::FiniteElement>(new dolfin::FiniteElement(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::finite_element>(new div_0_finite_element_1()))),
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::DofMap>(new dolfin::DofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map>(new div_0_dof_map_1()), mesh)))
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  CoefficientSpace_n(dolfin::Mesh& mesh):
-    dolfin::FunctionSpace(dolfin::reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh),
-                          boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::FiniteElement>(new dolfin::FiniteElement(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::finite_element>(new div_0_finite_element_1()))),
-                          boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::DofMap>(new dolfin::DofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map>(new div_0_dof_map_1()), mesh)))
-  {
-    // Do nothing
-  }
-  CoefficientSpace_n(boost::shared_ptr<dolfin::Mesh> mesh):
-      dolfin::FunctionSpace(mesh,
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::FiniteElement>(new dolfin::FiniteElement(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::finite_element>(new div_0_finite_element_1()))),
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::DofMap>(new dolfin::DofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map>(new div_0_dof_map_1()), *mesh)))
-  {
-      // Do nothing
-  }
-  CoefficientSpace_n(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh):
-      dolfin::FunctionSpace(mesh,
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::FiniteElement>(new dolfin::FiniteElement(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::finite_element>(new div_0_finite_element_1()))),
-                            boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::DofMap>(new dolfin::DofMap(boost::shared_ptr<ufc::dof_map>(new div_0_dof_map_1()), *mesh)))
-  {
-      // Do nothing
-  }
-  ~CoefficientSpace_n()
-  {
-  }
 class CoefficientSpace_u: public dolfin::FunctionSpace
@@ -4452,68 +2606,62 @@ public:
 typedef CoefficientSpace_u Form_0_FunctionSpace_0;
-typedef CoefficientSpace_n Form_0_FunctionSpace_1;
 class Form_0: public dolfin::Form
   // Constructor
   Form_0(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh);
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
   // Constructor
-  Form_0(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh, const dolfin::GenericFunction& u, const dolfin::GenericFunction& n):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+  Form_0(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh, const dolfin::GenericFunction& u):
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh);
     this->u = u;
-    this->n = n;
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
   // Constructor
-  Form_0(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> u, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> n):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+  Form_0(const dolfin::Mesh& mesh, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> u):
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh);
     this->u = *u;
-    this->n = *n;
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
   // Constructor
   Form_0(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = mesh;
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
   // Constructor
-  Form_0(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh, const dolfin::GenericFunction& u, const dolfin::GenericFunction& n):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+  Form_0(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh, const dolfin::GenericFunction& u):
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = mesh;
     this->u = u;
-    this->n = n;
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
   // Constructor
-  Form_0(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> u, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> n):
-    dolfin::Form(0, 2), u(*this, 0), n(*this, 1)
+  Form_0(boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::Mesh> mesh, boost::shared_ptr<const dolfin::GenericFunction> u):
+    dolfin::Form(0, 1), u(*this, 0)
     _mesh = mesh;
     this->u = *u;
-    this->n = *n;
     _ufc_form = boost::shared_ptr<const ufc::form>(new div_form_0());
@@ -4527,8 +2675,6 @@ public:
     if (name == "u")
       return 0;
-    else if (name == "n")
-      return 1;
     dolfin::error("Invalid coefficient.");
     return 0;
@@ -4541,8 +2687,6 @@ public:
     case 0:
       return "u";
-    case 1:
-      return "n";
     dolfin::error("Invalid coefficient.");
@@ -4551,11 +2695,9 @@ public:
   // Typedefs
   typedef Form_0_FunctionSpace_0 CoefficientSpace_u;
-  typedef Form_0_FunctionSpace_1 CoefficientSpace_n;
   // Coefficients
   dolfin::CoefficientAssigner u;
-  dolfin::CoefficientAssigner n;
 // Class typedefs
diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/Div.ufl
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/Div.ufl	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ b/MADDs-1/cpp/Div.ufl	Sat Dec 05 15:29:38 2009 -0500
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ P2= VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 
 P2= VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)
 u = Function(P2)
-n = VectorConstant(triangle)
+n = P2.cell().n # facet normal for divergence
 a = inner(u,n)*ds
diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_AQP2_P1.form
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_AQP2_P1.form	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Anders Logg
-# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1
-# First added:  2005
-# Last changed: 2007-04-23
-# The bilinear form a(v, u) for the block preconditioning matrix [ A Q ]
-# equations using a mixed formulation (Taylor-Hood elements).
-# Compile this form with FFC: ffc -l dolfin Stokes.form
-P2 = VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
-P1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
-TH = P2 + P1
-(v, q) = TestFunctions(TH)
-(u, p) = TrialFunctions(TH)
-# alpha is scaling constant (L/h)^2 where L^2=\eta\U_0/\delta\rho g
-alpha = Constant("triangle") 
-#a = (alpha*dot(grad(v), grad(u)) + q*p)*dx
-a = (alpha*dot(grad(v), grad(u)) - div(v)*p + q*p)*dx
diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_P2P1.form
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/Stokes_P2P1.form	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Anders Logg
-# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1
-# First added:  2005
-# Last changed: 2007-04-23
-# The bilinear form a(v, u) and Linear form L(v) for the Stokes
-# equations using a mixed formulation (Taylor-Hood elements).
-# Compile this form with FFC: ffc -l dolfin Stokes.form
-P2 = VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
-P1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
-TH = P2 + P1
-(v, q) = TestFunctions(TH)
-(u, p) = TrialFunctions(TH)
-# alpha is scaling constant (L/h)^2 where L^2=\eta\U_0/\delta\rho g
-alpha = Constant("triangle") 
-f = Function(P2)
-a = (alpha*dot(grad(v), grad(u)) - div(v)*p + q*div(u))*dx
-L = dot(v, f)*dx
diff -r d80d53c357e0 -r 204cfefa3897 MADDs-1/cpp/main.cpp
--- a/MADDs-1/cpp/main.cpp	Sat Dec 05 08:23:03 2009 -0500
+++ b/MADDs-1/cpp/main.cpp	Sat Dec 05 15:29:38 2009 -0500
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ using namespace dolfin;
   // Function for Top velocity boundary condition for velocity
-  class TopVelocity : public Function
+  class TopVelocity : public Expression
-    TopVelocity(double U0, double lambda) :  U0(U0), lambda(lambda) {}
+    TopVelocity(double U0, double lambda) : Expression(2), U0(U0), lambda(lambda) {}
-    void eval(double* values, const double* x) const
+    void eval(double* values, const std::vector<double>& x) const
       //values[0] = U0*tanh(x[0]/lambda);
       values[0] = U0*erf(x[0]/lambda);
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ using namespace dolfin;
   // Function for Evaluating analytic corner flow
-  class CornerFlowVelocity : public Function
+  class CornerFlowVelocity : public Expression
-    CornerFlowVelocity(double U0) : U0(U0) {}
+    CornerFlowVelocity(double U0) : Expression(2), U0(U0) {}
-    void eval(double* values, const double* x) const
+    void eval(double* values, const std::vector<double>& x) const
       double X = x[0];
       double Z = 1. - x[1]; //transformed z coordinate
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   //Create Function space and subspaces
-  Stokes_P2P1FunctionSpace W(mesh);
+  Stokes_P2P1::FunctionSpace W(mesh);
   SubSpace W0(W, 0);  //velocity P2
   SubSpace W1(W, 1);  //pressure P1
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // set forms
   printf("Using P2_P1 mixed elements\n");
-  Stokes_P2P1BilinearForm a(W, W);
+  Stokes_P2P1::BilinearForm a(W, W);
   a.alpha = alpha;
-  Stokes_P2P1LinearForm L(W);
+  Stokes_P2P1::LinearForm L(W);
   L.f = f;
   //preconditioner matrix
-  Stokes_AQP2_P1BilinearForm pca(W,W);
+  Stokes_AQP2_P1::BilinearForm pca(W,W);
   pca.alpha = alpha;
   // Solve PDE and time
@@ -174,15 +174,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   //calculate global divergence
-  FacetNormal n;
-  DivFunctional Div;
-  Div.u = u;
-  Div.n = n;
+  Div::Functional Div(mesh,u);
   double divU = assemble(Div);
   //get corner pressures
-  const double x_corner[] = { 1., 1.}, x_center[]={ 0., 1.};
+  std::vector<double> x_corner (2,1.), x_center(2,1.);
+  x_center[0] = 0.;
   double p_center, p_corner;
@@ -206,9 +204,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   pfile << p.vector();
   // Save solution in VTK format
-  File ufile_pvd(output_dir+mesh_filename+"_velocity.pvd");
+  File ufile_pvd(output_dir+mesh_filename+"_velocity.pvd","compressed");
   ufile_pvd << u;
-  File pfile_pvd(output_dir+mesh_filename+"_pressure.pvd");
+  File pfile_pvd(output_dir+mesh_filename+"_pressure.pvd","compressed");
   pfile_pvd << p;
   //plot fields

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