[cig-commits] r16115 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard: la_3D_high_res la_3D_medium_res

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Tue Dec 29 09:30:00 PST 2009

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2009-12-29 09:29:59 -0800 (Tue, 29 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 16115

renamed two files in order to have a consistent convention

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_HR.f90 (from rev 16113, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_highres.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_HR.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_HR.f90	2009-12-29 17:29:59 UTC (rev 16115)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+  program read_gocad_block_extract
+! when compiling this code on a PC, use "pgf90 -byteswapio " to byte-swap
+! the original binary file, which was created on an SGI
+  implicit none
+  include "../../../constants.h"
+! new hi-res Voxet Peter July 29, 2002
+! be careful: fictitious velocity is different in this high-res block
+!  (-99999. km/s  instead of +20. km/s)
+! AXIS_O 371052.25 3774000 400
+! AXIS_U 46000 0 0
+! AXIS_V 0 -48750 0
+! AXIS_W 0 0 -9900
+! AXIS_MIN 0 0 0
+! AXIS_MAX 1 1 1
+! AXIS_N 185 196 100
+  real vp_block_gocad_sngl(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
+  double precision vp_block_gocad(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
+  logical iflag_point(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
+  integer ipoin_store(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
+! use integer array to store topography values
+  integer itopo_bathy_basin(NX_TOPO,NY_TOPO)
+  integer iclosestlong,iclosestlat
+  double precision elevation,max_error
+  double precision lat,long
+  integer ix,iy,iz,iz_found,ipoin,ispec,npoin,nspec
+  integer icount_undefined,imaterial
+  double precision vpmin,vpmax
+  double precision xcoord,ycoord,zcoord
+  double precision zsedim_found
+  integer irecord
+  print *
+  print *,'reading velocity block from Gocad voxet'
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'number of points in block NX_GOCAD_HR,NY_GOCAD_HR,NZ_GOCAD_HR = ',NX_GOCAD_HR,NY_GOCAD_HR,NZ_GOCAD_HR
+  print *,'total points in block NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR = ',NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR
+  print *,'size of block in bytes = ',4*NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR
+  print *
+!--- read Vp
+! Gocad stores array in C-style, we read in Fortran so we need to transpose
+  open(unit=27,file='LA_HR_VINT_clean@@',status='old',access='direct',recl=4)
+  irecord = 0
+  do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+  do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    irecord = irecord + 1
+    read(27,rec=irecord) vp_block_gocad_sngl(ix,iy,iz)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  close(27)
+! convert block read to double precision
+  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = dble(vp_block_gocad_sngl(:,:,:))
+! extend basin model below threshold to bottom of the grid to make sure
+! there is no small gap between interpolated basement map and sediments
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+! determine at what depth the sediments, if any, end
+! a fictitious P velocity of -9999 km/s has been used to flag fictitious points
+      iz_found = -1
+      do iz = NZ_GOCAD_HR-1,0,-1
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 6499.) iz_found = iz
+      enddo
+! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
+      if(iz_found > -1) then
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
+! if point is below threshold, we know we honor it with the mesh,
+! therefore we can safely extend below to make sure we leave no small gap
+! between our mesh and the Gocad voxet (because we interpolate the basement
+! slightly differently from what has been done in Gocad at Harvard)
+        if(zsedim_found <= Z_THRESHOLD_HONOR_BASEMENT) then
+          do iz = max(1,iz_found-NCELLS_EXTEND),iz_found-1
+            vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+! also make sure there are no gaps between topography and sediments
+! because we also define topography slightly differently from Gocad
+  print *,'reading topography from file to fill small gaps'
+  call read_basin_topo_bathy_file(itopo_bathy_basin)
+  print *,'regional topography file read ranges in m from ', &
+             minval(itopo_bathy_basin),' to ',maxval(itopo_bathy_basin)
+  print *
+  max_error = -1000000.
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+! determine at what height the sediments, if any, end
+! a fictitious P velocity of -9999 km/s has been used to flag fictitious points
+      iz_found = -1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 6499.) iz_found = iz
+      enddo
+! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
+      if(iz_found > -1) then
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_HR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_HR
+        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_HR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_HR
+        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
+! determine height of topography at this point
+  call utmgeo(long,lat,xcoord,ycoord,IZONE_UTM_LA,IUTM2LONGLAT)
+! get closest point in bathy/topo model
+  iclosestlong = nint((long - ORIG_LONG) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
+  iclosestlat = nint((lat - ORIG_LAT) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
+! avoid edge effects and extend with identical topo if point outside model
+  if(iclosestlong < 1) iclosestlong = 1
+  if(iclosestlong > NX_TOPO) iclosestlong = NX_TOPO
+  if(iclosestlat < 1) iclosestlat = 1
+  if(iclosestlat > NY_TOPO) iclosestlat = NY_TOPO
+! compute elevation at current point
+    elevation = dble(itopo_bathy_basin(iclosestlong,iclosestlat))
+! if distance is negative, it means our topo is below Gocad topo
+! compute maximum to estimate maximum error between the two surfaces
+    if(elevation - zsedim_found < 0.d0) max_error = dmax1(max_error,dabs(elevation - zsedim_found))
+! if point is not too far from topo, assume sediments should reach the surface,
+! and fill the gap and extend above topo to be safe
+    if(elevation - zsedim_found < DISTMAX_ASSUME_SEDIMENTS) then
+      do iz = iz_found+1,min(iz_found+NCELLS_EXTEND,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
+        vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
+      enddo
+    endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *,'maximum error detected between our topo and Gocad = ',max_error
+  print *
+  endif
+  icount_undefined = 0
+  vpmin = + 100000000.
+  vpmax = - 100000000.
+  ipoin = 0
+! count total number of points kept
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+! exclude points that are undefined
+! a fictitious P velocity of 6501 km/s has been used to flag these points
+!!!! DK DK UGLY CRADE   ugly to extract only one layer for AVS
+!!!! DK DK UGLY CRADE    if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 6499. .or. (iz /= 90 .and. iz /= 91)) then
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 6499.) then
+          icount_undefined = icount_undefined + 1
+          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .false.
+        else
+          ipoin = ipoin + 1
+          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz) = ipoin
+          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .true.
+          vpmin = dmin1(vpmin,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+          vpmax = dmax1(vpmax,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  npoin = ipoin
+! export model to text file for portability
+  open(unit=27,file='LA_HR_voxet_extracted.txt',status='unknown')
+! write total number of points
+  write(27,*) npoin
+! write point found to text file, ignore decimals for Vp
+! exclude points that are undefined
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+        if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) write(27,*) ix,' ',iy,' ',iz,' ',nint(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(27)
+! count total number of elements
+  ispec = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-2
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-2
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-2
+! suppress elements that are undefined
+   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) ispec = ispec + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  nspec = ispec
+  print *
+  print *,'found ',icount_undefined,' undefined points'
+  print *,'which is ',100.*icount_undefined/dble(NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR),' %'
+  print *
+  print *,'minval maxval Vp in region kept = ',vpmin,vpmax
+! create AVS file with velocity block
+! only save elements that are not fictitious
+  print *
+  print *,'creating AVS file'
+  print *,'points = ',npoin
+  print *,'elements = ',nspec
+  print *
+  open(unit=11,file='AVS_Pvelocity_block_HR.inp',status='unknown')
+! write AVS header with element data
+  write(11,*) npoin,' ',nspec,' 1 0 0'
+! output global AVS points
+! loop on all the points
+  ipoin = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+    if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_HR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_HR
+        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_HR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_HR
+        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
+        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(xcoord),' ',sngl(ycoord),' ',sngl(zcoord)
+     endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! output global AVS elements
+! loop on all the elements
+  ispec = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-2
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-2
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-2
+! suppress elements that are undefined
+   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) then
+        ispec = ispec + 1
+! use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to define material flag
+        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
+        if(zcoord <= 0.) then
+          imaterial = 1
+        else
+          imaterial = 2
+        endif
+        write(11,200) ispec,imaterial,ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz), &
+          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz), &
+          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz+1), &
+          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz+1)
+     endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ 200 format(i6,1x,i2,' hex ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)
+! output AVS header for data
+  write(11,*) '1 1'
+  write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+! output data values (P-velocity at points)
+  ipoin = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
+      if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+! use Vp to color the model
+        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+! or use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to color the model
+!       zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
+!       if(zcoord <= 0.) then
+!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 0.'
+!       else
+!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 255.'
+!       endif
+      endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+  end program read_gocad_block_extract

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_highres.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_highres.f90	2009-12-29 17:20:37 UTC (rev 16114)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_high_res/read_gocad_block_extract_highres.f90	2009-12-29 17:29:59 UTC (rev 16115)
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-  program read_gocad_block_extract
-! when compiling this code on a PC, use "pgf90 -byteswapio " to byte-swap
-! the original binary file, which was created on an SGI
-  implicit none
-  include "../../../constants.h"
-! new hi-res Voxet Peter July 29, 2002
-! be careful: fictitious velocity is different in this high-res block
-!  (-99999. km/s  instead of +20. km/s)
-! AXIS_O 371052.25 3774000 400
-! AXIS_U 46000 0 0
-! AXIS_V 0 -48750 0
-! AXIS_W 0 0 -9900
-! AXIS_MIN 0 0 0
-! AXIS_MAX 1 1 1
-! AXIS_N 185 196 100
-  real vp_block_gocad_sngl(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
-  double precision vp_block_gocad(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
-  logical iflag_point(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
-  integer ipoin_store(0:NX_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_HR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
-! use integer array to store topography values
-  integer itopo_bathy_basin(NX_TOPO,NY_TOPO)
-  integer iclosestlong,iclosestlat
-  double precision elevation,max_error
-  double precision lat,long
-  integer ix,iy,iz,iz_found,ipoin,ispec,npoin,nspec
-  integer icount_undefined,imaterial
-  double precision vpmin,vpmax
-  double precision xcoord,ycoord,zcoord
-  double precision zsedim_found
-  integer irecord
-  print *
-  print *,'reading velocity block from Gocad voxet'
-  print *
-  print *
-  print *,'number of points in block NX_GOCAD_HR,NY_GOCAD_HR,NZ_GOCAD_HR = ',NX_GOCAD_HR,NY_GOCAD_HR,NZ_GOCAD_HR
-  print *,'total points in block NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR = ',NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR
-  print *,'size of block in bytes = ',4*NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR
-  print *
-!--- read Vp
-! Gocad stores array in C-style, we read in Fortran so we need to transpose
-  open(unit=27,file='LA_HR_VINT_clean@@',status='old',access='direct',recl=4)
-  irecord = 0
-  do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-  do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    irecord = irecord + 1
-    read(27,rec=irecord) vp_block_gocad_sngl(ix,iy,iz)
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-! convert block read to double precision
-  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = dble(vp_block_gocad_sngl(:,:,:))
-! extend basin model below threshold to bottom of the grid to make sure
-! there is no small gap between interpolated basement map and sediments
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-! determine at what depth the sediments, if any, end
-! a fictitious P velocity of -9999 km/s has been used to flag fictitious points
-      iz_found = -1
-      do iz = NZ_GOCAD_HR-1,0,-1
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 6499.) iz_found = iz
-      enddo
-! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
-      if(iz_found > -1) then
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
-! if point is below threshold, we know we honor it with the mesh,
-! therefore we can safely extend below to make sure we leave no small gap
-! between our mesh and the Gocad voxet (because we interpolate the basement
-! slightly differently from what has been done in Gocad at Harvard)
-        if(zsedim_found <= Z_THRESHOLD_HONOR_BASEMENT) then
-          do iz = max(1,iz_found-NCELLS_EXTEND),iz_found-1
-            vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
-          enddo
-        endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  endif
-! also make sure there are no gaps between topography and sediments
-! because we also define topography slightly differently from Gocad
-  print *,'reading topography from file to fill small gaps'
-  call read_basin_topo_bathy_file(itopo_bathy_basin)
-  print *,'regional topography file read ranges in m from ', &
-             minval(itopo_bathy_basin),' to ',maxval(itopo_bathy_basin)
-  print *
-  max_error = -1000000.
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-! determine at what height the sediments, if any, end
-! a fictitious P velocity of -9999 km/s has been used to flag fictitious points
-      iz_found = -1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 6499.) iz_found = iz
-      enddo
-! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
-      if(iz_found > -1) then
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_HR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_HR
-        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_HR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_HR
-        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
-! determine height of topography at this point
-  call utmgeo(long,lat,xcoord,ycoord,IZONE_UTM_LA,IUTM2LONGLAT)
-! get closest point in bathy/topo model
-  iclosestlong = nint((long - ORIG_LONG) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
-  iclosestlat = nint((lat - ORIG_LAT) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
-! avoid edge effects and extend with identical topo if point outside model
-  if(iclosestlong < 1) iclosestlong = 1
-  if(iclosestlong > NX_TOPO) iclosestlong = NX_TOPO
-  if(iclosestlat < 1) iclosestlat = 1
-  if(iclosestlat > NY_TOPO) iclosestlat = NY_TOPO
-! compute elevation at current point
-    elevation = dble(itopo_bathy_basin(iclosestlong,iclosestlat))
-! if distance is negative, it means our topo is below Gocad topo
-! compute maximum to estimate maximum error between the two surfaces
-    if(elevation - zsedim_found < 0.d0) max_error = dmax1(max_error,dabs(elevation - zsedim_found))
-! if point is not too far from topo, assume sediments should reach the surface,
-! and fill the gap and extend above topo to be safe
-    if(elevation - zsedim_found < DISTMAX_ASSUME_SEDIMENTS) then
-      do iz = iz_found+1,min(iz_found+NCELLS_EXTEND,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1)
-        vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
-      enddo
-    endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  print *
-  print *,'maximum error detected between our topo and Gocad = ',max_error
-  print *
-  endif
-  icount_undefined = 0
-  vpmin = + 100000000.
-  vpmax = - 100000000.
-  ipoin = 0
-! count total number of points kept
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-! exclude points that are undefined
-! a fictitious P velocity of 6501 km/s has been used to flag these points
-!!!! DK DK UGLY CRADE   ugly to extract only one layer for AVS
-!!!! DK DK UGLY CRADE    if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 6499. .or. (iz /= 90 .and. iz /= 91)) then
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 6499.) then
-          icount_undefined = icount_undefined + 1
-          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .false.
-        else
-          ipoin = ipoin + 1
-          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz) = ipoin
-          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .true.
-          vpmin = dmin1(vpmin,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-          vpmax = dmax1(vpmax,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  npoin = ipoin
-! export model to text file for portability
-  open(unit=27,file='LA_HR_voxet_extracted.txt',status='unknown')
-! write total number of points
-  write(27,*) npoin
-! write point found to text file, ignore decimals for Vp
-! exclude points that are undefined
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-        if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) write(27,*) ix,' ',iy,' ',iz,' ',nint(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-! count total number of elements
-  ispec = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-2
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-2
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-2
-! suppress elements that are undefined
-   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) ispec = ispec + 1
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  nspec = ispec
-  print *
-  print *,'found ',icount_undefined,' undefined points'
-  print *,'which is ',100.*icount_undefined/dble(NX_GOCAD_HR*NY_GOCAD_HR*NZ_GOCAD_HR),' %'
-  print *
-  print *,'minval maxval Vp in region kept = ',vpmin,vpmax
-! create AVS file with velocity block
-! only save elements that are not fictitious
-  print *
-  print *,'creating AVS file'
-  print *,'points = ',npoin
-  print *,'elements = ',nspec
-  print *
-  open(unit=11,file='AVS_Pvelocity_block_HR.inp',status='unknown')
-! write AVS header with element data
-  write(11,*) npoin,' ',nspec,' 1 0 0'
-! output global AVS points
-! loop on all the points
-  ipoin = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-    if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
-        ipoin = ipoin + 1
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_HR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_HR
-        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_HR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_HR
-        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
-        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(xcoord),' ',sngl(ycoord),' ',sngl(zcoord)
-     endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! output global AVS elements
-! loop on all the elements
-  ispec = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-2
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-2
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-2
-! suppress elements that are undefined
-   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) then
-        ispec = ispec + 1
-! use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to define material flag
-        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
-        if(zcoord <= 0.) then
-          imaterial = 1
-        else
-          imaterial = 2
-        endif
-        write(11,200) ispec,imaterial,ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz), &
-          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz), &
-          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz+1), &
-          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz+1)
-     endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
- 200 format(i6,1x,i2,' hex ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)
-! output AVS header for data
-  write(11,*) '1 1'
-  write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
-! output data values (P-velocity at points)
-  ipoin = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_HR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_HR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_HR-1
-      if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
-        ipoin = ipoin + 1
-! use Vp to color the model
-        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-! or use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to color the model
-!       zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_HR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_HR
-!       if(zcoord <= 0.) then
-!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 0.'
-!       else
-!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 255.'
-!       endif
-      endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(11)
-  end program read_gocad_block_extract

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_MR.f90 (from rev 16113, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_mediumres.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_MR.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_MR.f90	2009-12-29 17:29:59 UTC (rev 16115)
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+  program read_gocad_block_extract
+! when compiling this code on a PC, use "pgf90 -byteswapio " to byte-swap
+! the original binary file, which was created on an SGI
+  implicit none
+  include "../../../constants.h"
+! new Voxet Peter July 29, 2002
+  real vp_block_gocad_sngl(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
+  double precision vp_block_gocad(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
+  logical iflag_point(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
+  integer ipoin_store(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
+! use integer array to store topography values
+  integer itopo_bathy_basin(NX_TOPO,NY_TOPO)
+  integer iclosestlong,iclosestlat
+  double precision elevation,max_error
+  double precision lat,long
+  integer ix,iy,iz,iz_found,ipoin,ispec,npoin,nspec
+  integer icount_undefined,imaterial
+  double precision vpmin,vpmax
+  double precision xcoord,ycoord,zcoord
+  double precision zsedim_found
+  integer irecord
+  print *
+  print *,'reading velocity block from Gocad voxet'
+  print *
+  print *
+  print *,'number of points in block NX_GOCAD_MR,NY_GOCAD_MR,NZ_GOCAD_MR = ',NX_GOCAD_MR,NY_GOCAD_MR,NZ_GOCAD_MR
+  print *,'total points in block NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR = ',NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR
+  print *,'size of block in bytes = ',4*NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR
+  print *
+! initialize Vp to fictitious value
+  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = 20000.d0
+!--- read Vp
+! Gocad stores array in C-style, we read in Fortran so we need to transpose
+  open(unit=27,file='LASFB_MR_VINT@@',status='old',access='direct',recl=4)
+  irecord = 0
+  do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+  do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    irecord = irecord + 1
+    read(27,rec=irecord) vp_block_gocad_sngl(ix,iy,iz)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  close(27)
+! convert block read to double precision
+  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = dble(vp_block_gocad_sngl(:,:,:))
+! extend basin model below threshold to bottom of the grid to make sure
+! there is no small gap between interpolated basement map and sediments
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+! determine at what depth the sediments, if any, end
+! a negative P velocity has been used to flag fictitious points
+      iz_found = -1
+      do iz = NZ_GOCAD_MR-1,0,-1
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 1.) iz_found = iz
+      enddo
+! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
+      if(iz_found > -1) then
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
+! if point is below threshold, we know we honor it with the mesh,
+! therefore we can safely extend below to make sure we leave no small gap
+! between our mesh and the Gocad voxet (because we interpolate the basement
+! slightly differently from what has been done in Gocad at Harvard)
+        if(zsedim_found <= Z_THRESHOLD_HONOR_BASEMENT) then
+          do iz = max(1,iz_found-NCELLS_EXTEND),iz_found-1
+            vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  endif
+! also make sure there are no gaps between topography and sediments
+! because we also define topography slightly differently from Gocad
+  print *,'reading topography from file to fill small gaps'
+  call read_basin_topo_bathy_file(itopo_bathy_basin)
+  print *,'regional topography file read ranges in m from ', &
+             minval(itopo_bathy_basin),' to ',maxval(itopo_bathy_basin)
+  print *
+  max_error = -1000000.
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+! determine at what height the sediments, if any, end
+! a negative P velocity has been used to flag fictitious points
+      iz_found = -1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 1.) iz_found = iz
+      enddo
+! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
+      if(iz_found > -1) then
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_MR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_MR
+        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_MR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_MR
+        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
+! determine height of topography at this point
+  call utmgeo(long,lat,xcoord,ycoord,IZONE_UTM_LA,IUTM2LONGLAT)
+! get closest point in bathy/topo model
+  iclosestlong = nint((long - ORIG_LONG) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
+  iclosestlat = nint((lat - ORIG_LAT) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
+! avoid edge effects and extend with identical topo if point outside model
+  if(iclosestlong < 1) iclosestlong = 1
+  if(iclosestlong > NX_TOPO) iclosestlong = NX_TOPO
+  if(iclosestlat < 1) iclosestlat = 1
+  if(iclosestlat > NY_TOPO) iclosestlat = NY_TOPO
+! compute elevation at current point
+    elevation = dble(itopo_bathy_basin(iclosestlong,iclosestlat))
+! if distance is negative, it means our topo is below Gocad topo
+! compute maximum to estimate maximum error between the two surfaces
+    if(elevation - zsedim_found < 0.d0) max_error = dmax1(max_error,dabs(elevation - zsedim_found))
+! if point is not too far from topo, assume sediments should reach the surface,
+! and fill the gap and extend above topo to be safe
+    if(elevation - zsedim_found < DISTMAX_ASSUME_SEDIMENTS) then
+      do iz = iz_found+1,min(iz_found+NCELLS_EXTEND,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
+        vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
+      enddo
+    endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *,'maximum error detected between our topo and Gocad = ',max_error
+  print *
+  endif
+  icount_undefined = 0
+  vpmin = + 100000000.
+  vpmax = - 100000000.
+  ipoin = 0
+! count total number of points kept
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+! exclude points that are undefined
+! a negative P velocity has been used to flag these points
+        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 1.) then
+          icount_undefined = icount_undefined + 1
+          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .false.
+        else
+          ipoin = ipoin + 1
+          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz) = ipoin
+          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .true.
+          vpmin = dmin1(vpmin,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+          vpmax = dmax1(vpmax,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  npoin = ipoin
+! export model to text file for portability
+  open(unit=27,file='LA_MR_voxet_extracted.txt',status='unknown')
+! write total number of points
+  write(27,*) npoin
+! write point found to text file, ignore decimals for Vp
+! exclude points that are undefined
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+        if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) write(27,*) ix,' ',iy,' ',iz,' ',nint(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(27)
+! count total number of elements
+  ispec = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-2
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-2
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-2
+! suppress elements that are undefined
+   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) ispec = ispec + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  nspec = ispec
+  print *
+  print *,'found ',icount_undefined,' undefined points'
+  print *,'which is ',100.*icount_undefined/dble(NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR),' %'
+  print *
+  print *,'minval maxval Vp in region kept = ',vpmin,vpmax
+! create AVS file with velocity block
+! only save elements that are not fictitious
+  print *
+  print *,'creating AVS file'
+  print *,'points = ',npoin
+  print *,'elements = ',nspec
+  print *
+  open(unit=11,file='AVS_Pvelocity_block_MR.inp',status='unknown')
+! write AVS header with element data
+  write(11,*) npoin,' ',nspec,' 1 0 0'
+! output global AVS points
+! loop on all the points
+  ipoin = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+    if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
+        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_MR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_MR
+        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_MR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_MR
+        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
+        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(xcoord),' ',sngl(ycoord),' ',sngl(zcoord)
+     endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! output global AVS elements
+! loop on all the elements
+  ispec = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-2
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-2
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-2
+! suppress elements that are undefined
+   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
+      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) then
+        ispec = ispec + 1
+! use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to define material flag
+        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
+        if(zcoord <= 0.) then
+          imaterial = 1
+        else
+          imaterial = 2
+        endif
+        write(11,200) ispec,imaterial,ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz), &
+          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz), &
+          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz+1), &
+          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz+1)
+     endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ 200 format(i6,1x,i2,' hex ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)
+! output AVS header for data
+  write(11,*) '1 1'
+  write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+! output data values (P-velocity at points)
+  ipoin = 0
+  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
+    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
+      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
+      if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+! use Vp to color the model
+        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
+! or use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to color the model
+!       zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
+!       if(zcoord <= 0.) then
+!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 0.'
+!       else
+!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 255.'
+!       endif
+      endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+  end program read_gocad_block_extract

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_mediumres.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_mediumres.f90	2009-12-29 17:20:37 UTC (rev 16114)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/tags/v1.4.4_last_BASIN/DATA/la_3D_block_harvard/la_3D_medium_res/read_gocad_block_extract_mediumres.f90	2009-12-29 17:29:59 UTC (rev 16115)
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-  program read_gocad_block_extract
-! when compiling this code on a PC, use "pgf90 -byteswapio " to byte-swap
-! the original binary file, which was created on an SGI
-  implicit none
-  include "../../../constants.h"
-! new Voxet Peter July 29, 2002
-  real vp_block_gocad_sngl(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
-  double precision vp_block_gocad(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
-  logical iflag_point(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
-  integer ipoin_store(0:NX_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NY_GOCAD_MR-1,0:NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
-! use integer array to store topography values
-  integer itopo_bathy_basin(NX_TOPO,NY_TOPO)
-  integer iclosestlong,iclosestlat
-  double precision elevation,max_error
-  double precision lat,long
-  integer ix,iy,iz,iz_found,ipoin,ispec,npoin,nspec
-  integer icount_undefined,imaterial
-  double precision vpmin,vpmax
-  double precision xcoord,ycoord,zcoord
-  double precision zsedim_found
-  integer irecord
-  print *
-  print *,'reading velocity block from Gocad voxet'
-  print *
-  print *
-  print *,'number of points in block NX_GOCAD_MR,NY_GOCAD_MR,NZ_GOCAD_MR = ',NX_GOCAD_MR,NY_GOCAD_MR,NZ_GOCAD_MR
-  print *,'total points in block NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR = ',NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR
-  print *,'size of block in bytes = ',4*NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR
-  print *
-! initialize Vp to fictitious value
-  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = 20000.d0
-!--- read Vp
-! Gocad stores array in C-style, we read in Fortran so we need to transpose
-  open(unit=27,file='LASFB_MR_VINT@@',status='old',access='direct',recl=4)
-  irecord = 0
-  do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-  do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    irecord = irecord + 1
-    read(27,rec=irecord) vp_block_gocad_sngl(ix,iy,iz)
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-! convert block read to double precision
-  vp_block_gocad(:,:,:) = dble(vp_block_gocad_sngl(:,:,:))
-! extend basin model below threshold to bottom of the grid to make sure
-! there is no small gap between interpolated basement map and sediments
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-! determine at what depth the sediments, if any, end
-! a negative P velocity has been used to flag fictitious points
-      iz_found = -1
-      do iz = NZ_GOCAD_MR-1,0,-1
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 1.) iz_found = iz
-      enddo
-! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
-      if(iz_found > -1) then
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
-! if point is below threshold, we know we honor it with the mesh,
-! therefore we can safely extend below to make sure we leave no small gap
-! between our mesh and the Gocad voxet (because we interpolate the basement
-! slightly differently from what has been done in Gocad at Harvard)
-        if(zsedim_found <= Z_THRESHOLD_HONOR_BASEMENT) then
-          do iz = max(1,iz_found-NCELLS_EXTEND),iz_found-1
-            vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
-          enddo
-        endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  endif
-! also make sure there are no gaps between topography and sediments
-! because we also define topography slightly differently from Gocad
-  print *,'reading topography from file to fill small gaps'
-  call read_basin_topo_bathy_file(itopo_bathy_basin)
-  print *,'regional topography file read ranges in m from ', &
-             minval(itopo_bathy_basin),' to ',maxval(itopo_bathy_basin)
-  print *
-  max_error = -1000000.
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-! determine at what height the sediments, if any, end
-! a negative P velocity has been used to flag fictitious points
-      iz_found = -1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) > 1.) iz_found = iz
-      enddo
-! if some sediments are detected on this vertical line in Voxet
-      if(iz_found > -1) then
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_MR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_MR
-        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_MR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_MR
-        zsedim_found = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz_found*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
-! determine height of topography at this point
-  call utmgeo(long,lat,xcoord,ycoord,IZONE_UTM_LA,IUTM2LONGLAT)
-! get closest point in bathy/topo model
-  iclosestlong = nint((long - ORIG_LONG) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
-  iclosestlat = nint((lat - ORIG_LAT) / DEGREES_PER_CELL) + 1
-! avoid edge effects and extend with identical topo if point outside model
-  if(iclosestlong < 1) iclosestlong = 1
-  if(iclosestlong > NX_TOPO) iclosestlong = NX_TOPO
-  if(iclosestlat < 1) iclosestlat = 1
-  if(iclosestlat > NY_TOPO) iclosestlat = NY_TOPO
-! compute elevation at current point
-    elevation = dble(itopo_bathy_basin(iclosestlong,iclosestlat))
-! if distance is negative, it means our topo is below Gocad topo
-! compute maximum to estimate maximum error between the two surfaces
-    if(elevation - zsedim_found < 0.d0) max_error = dmax1(max_error,dabs(elevation - zsedim_found))
-! if point is not too far from topo, assume sediments should reach the surface,
-! and fill the gap and extend above topo to be safe
-    if(elevation - zsedim_found < DISTMAX_ASSUME_SEDIMENTS) then
-      do iz = iz_found+1,min(iz_found+NCELLS_EXTEND,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1)
-        vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) = vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz_found)
-      enddo
-    endif
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  print *
-  print *,'maximum error detected between our topo and Gocad = ',max_error
-  print *
-  endif
-  icount_undefined = 0
-  vpmin = + 100000000.
-  vpmax = - 100000000.
-  ipoin = 0
-! count total number of points kept
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-! exclude points that are undefined
-! a negative P velocity has been used to flag these points
-        if(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz) < 1.) then
-          icount_undefined = icount_undefined + 1
-          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .false.
-        else
-          ipoin = ipoin + 1
-          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz) = ipoin
-          iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) = .true.
-          vpmin = dmin1(vpmin,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-          vpmax = dmax1(vpmax,vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  npoin = ipoin
-! export model to text file for portability
-  open(unit=27,file='LA_MR_voxet_extracted.txt',status='unknown')
-! write total number of points
-  write(27,*) npoin
-! write point found to text file, ignore decimals for Vp
-! exclude points that are undefined
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-        if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) write(27,*) ix,' ',iy,' ',iz,' ',nint(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-! count total number of elements
-  ispec = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-2
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-2
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-2
-! suppress elements that are undefined
-   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) ispec = ispec + 1
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  nspec = ispec
-  print *
-  print *,'found ',icount_undefined,' undefined points'
-  print *,'which is ',100.*icount_undefined/dble(NX_GOCAD_MR*NY_GOCAD_MR*NZ_GOCAD_MR),' %'
-  print *
-  print *,'minval maxval Vp in region kept = ',vpmin,vpmax
-! create AVS file with velocity block
-! only save elements that are not fictitious
-  print *
-  print *,'creating AVS file'
-  print *,'points = ',npoin
-  print *,'elements = ',nspec
-  print *
-  open(unit=11,file='AVS_Pvelocity_block_MR.inp',status='unknown')
-! write AVS header with element data
-  write(11,*) npoin,' ',nspec,' 1 0 0'
-! output global AVS points
-! loop on all the points
-  ipoin = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-    if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
-        ipoin = ipoin + 1
-! define Gocad grid, shift of Voxet is taken into account
-        xcoord = ORIG_X_GOCAD_MR + ix*SPACING_X_GOCAD_MR
-        ycoord = ORIG_Y_GOCAD_MR + iy*SPACING_Y_GOCAD_MR
-        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
-        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(xcoord),' ',sngl(ycoord),' ',sngl(zcoord)
-     endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! output global AVS elements
-! loop on all the elements
-  ispec = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-2
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-2
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-2
-! suppress elements that are undefined
-   if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1) .and. &
-      iflag_point(ix,iy+1,iz+1)) then
-        ispec = ispec + 1
-! use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to define material flag
-        zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
-        if(zcoord <= 0.) then
-          imaterial = 1
-        else
-          imaterial = 2
-        endif
-        write(11,200) ispec,imaterial,ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz), &
-          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz), &
-          ipoin_store(ix,iy,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix+1,iy,iz+1), &
-          ipoin_store(ix+1,iy+1,iz+1),ipoin_store(ix,iy+1,iz+1)
-     endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
- 200 format(i6,1x,i2,' hex ',i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)
-! output AVS header for data
-  write(11,*) '1 1'
-  write(11,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
-! output data values (P-velocity at points)
-  ipoin = 0
-  do ix = 0,NX_GOCAD_MR-1
-    do iy = 0,NY_GOCAD_MR-1
-      do iz = 0,NZ_GOCAD_MR-1
-      if(iflag_point(ix,iy,iz)) then
-        ipoin = ipoin + 1
-! use Vp to color the model
-        write(11,*) ipoin,' ',sngl(vp_block_gocad(ix,iy,iz))
-! or use Z > 0 and Z < 0 to color the model
-!       zcoord = ORIG_Z_GOCAD_MR + iz*SPACING_Z_GOCAD_MR
-!       if(zcoord <= 0.) then
-!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 0.'
-!       else
-!         write(11,*) ipoin,' 255.'
-!       endif
-      endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(11)
-  end program read_gocad_block_extract

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