[cig-commits] r14166 - cs/portal/trunk/northridge/backend

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Thu Feb 26 18:08:44 PST 2009

Author: leif
Date: 2009-02-26 18:08:44 -0800 (Thu, 26 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 14166

DRY:  prepareModel() is now part of SPECFEM.

Modified: cs/portal/trunk/northridge/backend/specfem3D.py
--- cs/portal/trunk/northridge/backend/specfem3D.py	2009-02-27 02:05:50 UTC (rev 14165)
+++ cs/portal/trunk/northridge/backend/specfem3D.py	2009-02-27 02:08:44 UTC (rev 14166)
@@ -166,84 +166,9 @@
             os.symlink(src, dest)
-        self.prepareModel()
-    def prepareModel(self):
-        import tarfile
-        from os.path import basename, dirname, splitext
-        from itertools import chain
-        tgz = tarfile.open(self.model, 'r:gz')
-        path = "model"
-        directories = []
-        fortranSourceFiles = []
-        cSourceFiles = []
-        for tarinfo in tgz:
-            if tarinfo.isdir():
-                # Extract directory with a safe mode, so that
-                # all files below can be extracted as well.
-                try:
-                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name), 0777)
-                except EnvironmentError:
-                    pass
-                directories.append(tarinfo)
-            elif tarinfo.name.endswith(".f90") or tarinfo.name.endswith(".c"):
-                pathname = os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name)
-                if tarinfo.name.endswith(".f90"):
-                    fortranSourceFiles.append(pathname)
-                else:
-                    cSourceFiles.append(pathname)
-                thisDir = dirname(tarinfo.name) # see bcast_model.c
-                s = tgz.extractfile(tarinfo)
-                f = open(pathname, "w")
-                # Preprocess.
-                for line in s.readlines():
-                    line = line.replace('@THIS_DIR@', thisDir)
-                    f.write(line)
-            else:
-                tgz.extract(tarinfo, path)
-        # Reverse sort directories.
-        directories.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.name, b.name))
-        directories.reverse()
-        # Set correct owner, mtime and filemode on directories.
-        for tarinfo in directories:
-            path = os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name)
-            try:
-                tgz.chown(tarinfo, path)
-                tgz.utime(tarinfo, path)
-                tgz.chmod(tarinfo, path)
-            except tarfile.ExtractError, e:
-                pass
-        # Generate the make include file.
-        s = open("model.mk", "w")
-        print >>s
-        print >>s, "model_OBJECTS = \\"
-        for sourceFile in chain(fortranSourceFiles, cSourceFiles):
-            base = splitext(basename(sourceFile))[0]
-            print >>s, "\t$O/%s.o \\" % base
-        print >>s, "\t$(empty)"
-        print >>s
-        for sourceFile in fortranSourceFiles:
-            base = splitext(basename(sourceFile))[0]
-            print >>s, "$O/%s.o: constants.h %s" % (base, sourceFile)
-            print >>s, "\t${MPIFCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/%s.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} %s" % (base, sourceFile)
-            print >>s
-        for sourceFile in cSourceFiles:
-            base = splitext(basename(sourceFile))[0]
-            print >>s, "$O/%s.o: config.h %s" % (base, sourceFile)
-            print >>s, "\tmpicc $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $O/%s.o %s" % (base, sourceFile)
-            print >>s
-        return
     def readAndCopyParFile(self):
         s = open(self.parFile, "r")
         d = open("DATA/Par_file", "w")
@@ -270,7 +195,7 @@
         # configure
         configure = join(SPECFEM3D_GLOBE, "configure")
         configureArgs = self.configureArgs.split()
-        argv = [configure] + configureArgs
+        argv = [configure] + configureArgs + ["MODEL=%s" % self.model]
         print ' '.join(argv)
         status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, argv[0], argv)
         if status != 0:

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