[cig-commits] r13808 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Wed Jan 7 20:28:29 PST 2009

Author: willic3
Date: 2009-01-07 20:28:29 -0800 (Wed, 07 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 13808

Incomplete files for power-law material.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.cc	2009-01-08 04:28:29 UTC (rev 13808)
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "PowerLaw3D.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES double_array
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include "petsc.h" // USES PetscLogFlops
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    namespace _PowerLaw3D{
+      /// Number of entries in stress/strain tensors.
+      const int tensorSize = 6;
+      /// Number of entries in derivative of elasticity matrix.
+      const int numElasticConsts = 21;
+      /// Number of physical properties.
+      const int numProperties = 7;
+      /// Physical properties.
+      const Material::PropMetaData properties[] = {
+	{ "density", 1, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "mu", 1, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "lambda", 1, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "viscosity_coeff", 1, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "power_law_exponent", 1, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "total_strain", 6, OTHER_FIELD },
+	{ "viscous_strain", 6, OTHER_FIELD },
+      };
+      /// Indices (order) of properties.
+      const int pidDensity = 0;
+      const int pidMu = pidDensity + 1;
+      const int pidLambda = pidMu + 1;
+      const int pidViscosityCoeff = pidLambda + 1;
+      const int pidPowerLawExp = pidViscosityCoeff + 1;
+      const int pidStrainT = pidPowerLawExp + 1;
+      const int pidVisStrain = pidStrainT + tensorSize;
+      /// Values expected in spatial database
+      const int numDBValues = 5;
+      const char* namesDBValues[] = {"density", "vs", "vp" , "viscosity_coeff",
+				     "power_law_exponent"};
+      /// Indices (order) of database values
+      const int didDensity = 0;
+      const int didVs = 1;
+      const int didVp = 2;
+      const int didViscosityCoeff = 3;
+      const int didPowerLawExp = 4;
+      /// Initial state values expected in spatial database
+      const int numInitialStateDBValues = tensorSize;
+      const char* namesInitialStateDBValues[] = { "stress_xx", "stress_yy",
+                                                  "stress_zz", "stress_xy",
+                                                  "stress_yz", "stress_xz" };
+    } // _PowerLaw3D
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::PowerLaw3D(void) :
+  ElasticMaterial(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::numElasticConsts,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::namesDBValues,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::namesInitialStateDBValues,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::numDBValues,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::properties,
+		  _PowerLaw3D::numProperties),
+  _calcElasticConstsFn(&pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_calcElasticConstsElastic),
+  _calcStressFn(&pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_calcStressElastic),
+  _updatePropertiesFn(&pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_updatePropertiesElastic)
+{ // constructor
+  _dimension = 3;
+  _visStrain.resize(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize);
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute properties from values in spatial database.
+					    double* const propValues,
+					    const double_array& dbValues) const
+{ // _dbToProperties
+  assert(0 != propValues);
+  const int numDBValues = dbValues.size();
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::numDBValues == numDBValues);
+  const double density = dbValues[_PowerLaw3D::didDensity];
+  const double vs = dbValues[_PowerLaw3D::didVs];
+  const double vp = dbValues[_PowerLaw3D::didVp];
+  const double viscosityCoeff = dbValues[_PowerLaw3D::didViscosityCoeff];
+  const double powerLawExp = dbValues[_PowerLaw3D::didPowerLawExp];
+  if (density <= 0.0 || vs <= 0.0 || vp <= 0.0 || viscosityCoeff <= 0.0
+      || powerLawExp < 1.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Spatial database returned illegal value for physical "
+	<< "properties.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n"
+	<< "viscosityCoeff: " << viscosityCoeff << "\n"
+	<< "powerLawExp: " << powerLawExp << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  const double mu = density * vs*vs;
+  const double lambda = density * vp*vp - 2.0*mu;
+  if (lambda <= 0.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Attempted to set Lame's constant lambda to nonpositive value.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert(mu > 0);
+  propValues[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity] = density;
+  propValues[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu] = mu;
+  propValues[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda] = lambda;
+  propValues[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff] = viscosityCoeff;
+  propValues[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp] = powerLawExp;
+  PetscLogFlops(6);
+} // _dbToProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_nondimProperties(double* const values,
+							 const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _totalPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  // **** NOTE:  Make sure scaling is correct for viscosity coefficient.
+  const double powerLawExp = _PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp;
+  const double viscosityCoeffScale = timeScale *
+    pressureScale^(1.0/powerLawExp);
+  const double powerLawExpScale = 1.0;
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity],
+				   densityScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu],
+				   pressureScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda],
+				   pressureScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff],
+				   viscosityCoeffScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp],
+				   powerLawExpScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(8);
+} // _nondimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_dimProperties(double* const values,
+						      const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _totalPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  // **** NOTE:  Make sure scaling is correct for viscosity coefficient.
+  const double powerLawExp = _PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp;
+  const double viscosityCoeffScale = timeScale *
+    pressureScale^(1.0/powerLawExp);
+  const double powerLawExpScale = 1.0;
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity],
+				densityScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu],
+				pressureScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda],
+				pressureScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff],
+				viscosityCoeffScale);
+  values[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp],
+				powerLawExpScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(8);
+} // _dimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize initial state.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_nondimInitState(double* const values,
+							const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimInitState
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _PowerLaw3D::numInitialStateDBValues);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values, nvalues, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(nvalues);
+} // _nondimInitState
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize initial state.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_dimInitState(double* const values,
+						     const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimInitState
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _PowerLaw3D::numInitialStateDBValues);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->dimensionalize(values, nvalues, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(nvalues);
+} // _dimInitState
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute density at location from properties.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_calcDensity(double* const density,
+						    const double* properties,
+						    const int numProperties)
+{ // _calcDensity
+  assert(0 != density);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  density[0] = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidDensity];
+} // _calcDensity
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute viscous strain for current time step.
+// material.
+				         const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize)
+{ // _computeStateVars
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _PowerLaw3D::tensorSize;
+  const double maxwelltime = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMaxwellTime];
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double e12 = totalStrain[3];
+  const double e23 = totalStrain[4];
+  const double e13 = totalStrain[5];
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (e11 + e22 + e33)/3.0;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+  const double meanStrainT =
+    (properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT+0] +
+     properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT+1] +
+     properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT+2])/3.0;
+  // Time integration.
+  double dq = ViscoelasticMaxwell::computeVisStrain(_dt, maxwelltime);
+  const double expFac = exp(-_dt/maxwelltime);
+  double devStrainTpdt = 0.0;
+  double devStrainT = 0.0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    devStrainTpdt = totalStrain[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainTpdt;
+    devStrainT = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT+iComp] -
+      diag[iComp] * meanStrainT;
+    _visStrain[iComp] = expFac *
+      properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidVisStrain + iComp] +
+      dq * (devStrainTpdt - devStrainT);
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(8 + 7 * tensorSize);
+} // _computeStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as an elastic
+// material.
+				         double* const stress,
+					 const int stressSize,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize,
+					 const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressElastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const double mu = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu];
+  const double lambda = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double e12 = totalStrain[3];
+  const double e23 = totalStrain[4];
+  const double e13 = totalStrain[5];
+  const double traceStrainTpdt = e11 + e22 + e33;
+  const double s123 = lambda * traceStrainTpdt;
+  stress[0] = s123 + mu2*e11 + initialState[0];
+  stress[1] = s123 + mu2*e22 + initialState[1];
+  stress[2] = s123 + mu2*e33 + initialState[2];
+  stress[3] = mu2 * e12 + initialState[3];
+  stress[4] = mu2 * e23 + initialState[4];
+  stress[5] = mu2 * e13 + initialState[5];
+  PetscLogFlops(19);
+} // _calcStressElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as a viscoelastic
+// material.
+				         double* const stress,
+					 const int stressSize,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize,
+					 const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _PowerLaw3D::tensorSize;
+  const double mu = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu];
+  const double lambda = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda];
+  const double viscosityCoeff = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidViscosityCoeff];
+  const double powerLawExp = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidPowerLawExp];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double traceStrainTpdt = e11 + e22 + e33;
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = traceStrainTpdt/3.0;
+  const double meanStressTpdt = bulkModulus * traceStrainTpdt;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+  // Get viscous strains
+  if (computeStateVars) {
+    pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_computeStateVars(properties,
+							     numProperties,
+							     totalStrain,
+							     strainSize,
+							     initialState,
+							     initialStateSize);
+  } else {
+    memcpy(&_visStrain[0], &properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidVisStrain],
+	   tensorSize * sizeof(double));
+  } // else
+  // Compute new stresses
+  double devStressTpdt = 0.0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    devStressTpdt = mu2 * _visStrain[iComp];
+    // Later I will want to put in initial stresses.
+    stress[iComp] = diag[iComp] * meanStressTpdt + devStressTpdt +
+	    initialState[iComp];
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(7 + 4 * tensorSize);
+} // _calcStressViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties.
+				         double* const elasticConsts,
+					 const int numElasticConsts,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const double mu = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu];
+  const double lambda = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double lambda2mu = lambda + mu2;
+  elasticConsts[ 0] = lambda2mu; // C1111
+  elasticConsts[ 1] = lambda; // C1122
+  elasticConsts[ 2] = lambda; // C1133
+  elasticConsts[ 3] = 0; // C1112
+  elasticConsts[ 4] = 0; // C1123
+  elasticConsts[ 5] = 0; // C1113
+  elasticConsts[ 6] = lambda2mu; // C2222
+  elasticConsts[ 7] = lambda; // C2233
+  elasticConsts[ 8] = 0; // C2212
+  elasticConsts[ 9] = 0; // C2223
+  elasticConsts[10] = 0; // C2213
+  elasticConsts[11] = lambda2mu; // C3333
+  elasticConsts[12] = 0; // C3312
+  elasticConsts[13] = 0; // C3323
+  elasticConsts[14] = 0; // C3313
+  elasticConsts[15] = mu2; // C1212
+  elasticConsts[16] = 0; // C1223
+  elasticConsts[17] = 0; // C1213
+  elasticConsts[18] = mu2; // C2323
+  elasticConsts[19] = 0; // C2313
+  elasticConsts[20] = mu2; // C1313
+  PetscLogFlops(4);
+} // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties
+// as an elastic material.
+				         double* const elasticConsts,
+					 const int numElasticConsts,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const double mu = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMu];
+  const double lambda = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidLambda];
+  const double maxwelltime = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMaxwellTime];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+  double dq = ViscoelasticMaxwell::computeVisStrain(_dt, maxwelltime);
+  const double visFac = mu*dq/3.0;
+  elasticConsts[ 0] = bulkModulus + 4.0*visFac; // C1111
+  elasticConsts[ 1] = bulkModulus - 2.0*visFac; // C1122
+  elasticConsts[ 2] = elasticConsts[1]; // C1133
+  elasticConsts[ 3] = 0; // C1112
+  elasticConsts[ 4] = 0; // C1123
+  elasticConsts[ 5] = 0; // C1113
+  elasticConsts[ 6] = elasticConsts[0]; // C2222
+  elasticConsts[ 7] = elasticConsts[1]; // C2233
+  elasticConsts[ 8] = 0; // C2212
+  elasticConsts[ 9] = 0; // C2223
+  elasticConsts[10] = 0; // C2213
+  elasticConsts[11] = elasticConsts[0]; // C3333
+  elasticConsts[12] = 0; // C3312
+  elasticConsts[13] = 0; // C3323
+  elasticConsts[14] = 0; // C3313
+  elasticConsts[15] = 6.0 * visFac; // C1212
+  elasticConsts[16] = 0; // C1223
+  elasticConsts[17] = 0; // C1213
+  elasticConsts[18] = elasticConsts[15]; // C2323
+  elasticConsts[19] = 0; // C2313
+  elasticConsts[20] = elasticConsts[15]; // C1313
+  PetscLogFlops(10);
+} // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_stableTimeStepImplicit(const double* properties,
+				 const int numProperties) const
+{ // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  const double maxwellTime = 
+    properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMaxwellTime];
+  const double dtStable = 0.1*maxwellTime;
+  return dtStable;
+} // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+				         double* const properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialState,
+					 const int initialStateSize)
+{ // _updatePropertiesElastic
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  const double maxwelltime = properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidMaxwellTime];
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double traceStrainTpdt = e11 + e22 + e33;
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = traceStrainTpdt/3.0;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < _PowerLaw3D::tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT+iComp] = totalStrain[iComp];
+    properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidVisStrain+iComp] =
+      totalStrain[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainTpdt;
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(3 + 2 * _PowerLaw3D::tensorSize);
+  _needNewJacobian = true;
+} // _updatePropertiesElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+						 double* const properties,
+						 const int numProperties,
+						 const double* totalStrain,
+						 const int strainSize,
+						 const double* initialState,
+						 const int initialStateSize)
+{ // _updatePropertiesViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_totalPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(_PowerLaw3D::tensorSize == initialStateSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _PowerLaw3D::tensorSize;
+  pylith::materials::PowerLaw3D::_computeStateVars(properties,
+							   numProperties,
+							   totalStrain,
+							   strainSize,
+							   initialState,
+							   initialStateSize);
+  memcpy(&properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidVisStrain],
+	 &_visStrain[0], 
+	 tensorSize * sizeof(double));
+  memcpy(&properties[_PowerLaw3D::pidStrainT],
+	 &totalStrain[0], 
+	 tensorSize * sizeof(double));
+  _needNewJacobian = false;
+} // _updatePropertiesViscoelastic
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.hh	2009-01-08 04:28:29 UTC (rev 13808)
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/materials/MaxwellIsotropic3D.h
+ *
+ * @brief C++ MaxwellIsotropic3D object
+ *
+ * 3-D, isotropic, linear Maxwell viscoelastic material. The
+ * physical properties are specified using density, shear-wave speed,
+ * viscosity, and compressional-wave speed. The physical properties are
+ * stored internally using density, lambda, mu, which are directly
+ * related to the elasticity constants used in the finite-element
+ * integration. The viscosity is stored using Maxwell Time (viscosity/mu).
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_maxwellisotropic3d_hh)
+#define pylith_materials_maxwellisotropic3d_hh
+#include "ElasticMaterial.hh"
+/// Namespace for pylith package
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    class MaxwellIsotropic3D;
+    class TestMaxwellIsotropic3D; // unit testing
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+/// 3-D, isotropic, linear Maxwell viscoelastic material.
+class pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D : public ElasticMaterial
+{ // class MaxwellIsotropic3D
+  friend class TestMaxwellIsotropic3D; // unit testing
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Default constructor
+  MaxwellIsotropic3D(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MaxwellIsotropic3D(void);
+  /** Set current time step.
+   *
+   * @param dt Current time step.
+   */
+  void timeStep(const double dt);
+  /** Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+   *
+   * @param flag True to use elastic, false to use inelastic.
+   */
+  void useElasticBehavior(const bool flag);
+  /** Get flag indicating whether material implements an empty
+   * _updateProperties() method.
+   *
+   * @returns False if _updateProperties() is empty, true otherwise.
+   */
+  bool usesUpdateProperties(void) const;
+  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  /** Compute properties from values in spatial database.
+   *
+   * Order of values in arrays matches order used in dbValues() and
+   * parameterNames().
+   *
+   * @param propValues Array of property values.
+   * @param dbValues Array of database values.
+   */
+  void _dbToProperties(double* const propValues,
+		       const double_array& dbValues) const;
+  /** Nondimensionalize properties.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of property values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _nondimProperties(double* const values,
+			 const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Dimensionalize properties.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of property values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _dimProperties(double* const values,
+		      const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Nondimensionalize initial state.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of initial state values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _nondimInitState(double* const values,
+			const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Dimensionalize initial state.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of initial state values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _dimInitState(double* const values,
+		     const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Compute density from properties.
+   *
+   * @param density Array for density.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   */
+  void _calcDensity(double* const density,
+		    const double* properties,
+		    const int numProperties);
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties. If the state variables
+   * are from the previous time step, then the computeStateVars flag
+   * should be set to true so that the state variables are updated
+   * (but not stored) when computing the stresses.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _calcStress(double* const stress,
+		   const int stressSize,
+		   const double* properties,
+		   const int numProperties,
+		   const double* totalStrain,
+		   const int strainSize,
+		   const double* initialState,
+		   const int initialStateSize,
+		   const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConsts(double* const elasticConsts,
+			  const int numElasticConsts,
+			  const double* properties,
+			  const int numProperties,
+			  const double* totalStrain,
+			  const int strainSize,
+		          const double* initialState,
+		          const int initialStateSize);
+  /** Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+   *
+   * @returns Time step
+   */
+  double _stableTimeStepImplicit(const double* properties,
+				 const int numProperties) const;
+  /** Update properties (for next time step).
+   *
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _updateProperties(double* const properties,
+		    const int numProperties,
+		    const double* totalStrain,
+		    const int strainSize,
+		    const double* initialState,
+		    const int initialStateSize);
+  // PRIVATE TYPEDEFS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Member prototype for _calcStress()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::*calcStress_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const bool);
+  /// Member prototype for _calcElasticConsts()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::*calcElasticConsts_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int);
+  /// Member prototype for _updateProperties()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::*updateProperties_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int);
+  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+/** Compute viscous strains (state variables) for the current time step.
+   *
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _computeStateVars(const double* properties,
+			 const int numProperties,
+			 const double* totalStrain,
+			 const int strainSize,
+			 const double* initialState,
+			 const int initialStateSize);
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties as an elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at locations.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at locations.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated state vars.
+   */
+  void _calcStressElastic(double* const stress,
+			  const int stressSize,
+			  const double* properties,
+			  const int numProperties,
+			  const double* totalStrain,
+			  const int strainSize,
+			  const double* initialState,
+			  const int initialStateSize,
+			  const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties as an viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at locations.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at locations.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated state vars.
+   */
+  void _calcStressViscoelastic(double* const stress,
+			       const int stressSize,
+			       const double* properties,
+			       const int numProperties,
+			       const double* totalStrain,
+			       const int strainSize,
+			       const double* initialState,
+			       const int initialStateSize,
+			       const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties as an
+   * elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConstsElastic(double* const elasticConsts,
+				 const int numElasticConsts,
+				 const double* properties,
+				 const int numProperties,
+				 const double* totalStrain,
+				 const int strainSize,
+			         const double* initialState,
+			         const int initialStateSize);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties as a
+   * viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic(double* const elasticConsts,
+				      const int numElasticConsts,
+				      const double* properties,
+				      const int numProperties,
+				      const double* totalStrain,
+				      const int strainSize,
+			              const double* initialState,
+			              const int initialStateSize);
+  /** Update state variables after solve as an elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _updatePropertiesElastic(double* const properties,
+			   const int numProperties,
+			   const double* totalStrain,
+			   const int strainSize,
+			   const double* initialState,
+			   const int initialStateSize);
+  /** Update state variables after solve as a viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialState Initial state values.
+   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   */
+  void _updatePropertiesViscoelastic(double* const properties,
+				const int numProperties,
+				const double* totalStrain,
+				const int strainSize,
+			        const double* initialState,
+			        const int initialStateSize);
+  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Not implemented
+  MaxwellIsotropic3D(const MaxwellIsotropic3D& m);
+  /// Not implemented
+  const MaxwellIsotropic3D& operator=(const MaxwellIsotropic3D& m);
+  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Viscous strain array.
+  double_array _visStrain;
+  /// Method to use for _calcElasticConsts().
+  calcElasticConsts_fn_type _calcElasticConstsFn;
+  /// Method to use for _calcStress().
+  calcStress_fn_type _calcStressFn;
+  /// Method to use for _updateProperties().
+  updateProperties_fn_type _updatePropertiesFn;
+}; // class MaxwellIsotropic3D
+#include "MaxwellIsotropic3D.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_materials_maxwellisotropic3d_hh
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/PowerLaw3D.icc	2009-01-08 04:28:29 UTC (rev 13808)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_maxwellisotropic3d_hh)
+#error "MaxwellIsotropic3D.icc can only be included from MaxwellIsotropic3D.hh"
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+#include "pylith/utils/macrodefs.h" // USES CALL_MEMBER_FN
+// Set current time step.
+pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::timeStep(const double dt) {
+  // Jacobian needs to be reformed if the time step size changes.
+  if (_dt > 0.0 && dt != _dt)
+    _needNewJacobian = true;
+  _dt = dt;
+} // timeStep
+// Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::useElasticBehavior(const bool flag) {
+  if (flag) {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_calcStressElastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_calcElasticConstsElastic;
+    _updatePropertiesFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_updatePropertiesElastic;
+  } else {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_calcStressViscoelastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_calcElasticConstsViscoelastic;
+    _updatePropertiesFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_updatePropertiesViscoelastic;
+  } // if/else
+} // useElasticBehavior
+// Get flag indicating whether material implements an empty
+pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::usesUpdateProperties(void) const {
+  return true;
+} // usesUpdateProperties
+// Compute stress tensor from parameters.
+pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_calcStress(double* const stress,
+						   const int stressSize,
+						   const double* parameters,
+						   const int numParams,
+						   const double* totalStrain,
+						   const int strainSize,
+						   const double* initialState,
+						   const int initialStateSize,
+						   const bool computeStateVars) {
+  assert(0 != _calcStressFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _calcStressFn)(stress, stressSize, 
+				       parameters, numParams,
+				       totalStrain, strainSize,
+				       initialState, initialStateSize,
+				       computeStateVars);
+} // _calcStress
+// Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from parameters.
+						 double* const elasticConsts,
+						 const int numElasticConsts,
+						 const double* parameters,
+						 const int numParams,
+						 const double* totalStrain,
+						 const int strainSize,
+						 const double* initialState,
+						 const int initialStateSize) {
+  assert(0 != _calcElasticConstsFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _calcElasticConstsFn)(elasticConsts, numElasticConsts,
+					      parameters, numParams,
+					      totalStrain, strainSize,
+					      initialState, initialStateSize);
+} // _calcElasticConsts
+// Update state variables after solve.
+pylith::materials::MaxwellIsotropic3D::_updateProperties(double* const parameters,
+						    const int numParams,
+						    const double* totalStrain,
+						    const int strainSize,
+						    const double* initialState,
+						    const int initialStateSize) {
+  assert(0 != _updatePropertiesFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _updatePropertiesFn)(parameters, numParams,
+					     totalStrain, strainSize,
+					     initialState, initialStateSize);
+} // _updateProperties
+// End of file 

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