[cig-commits] r13921 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/trunk/USER_MANUAL

sue at geodynamics.org sue at geodynamics.org
Thu Jan 22 13:32:01 PST 2009

Author: sue
Date: 2009-01-22 13:32:01 -0800 (Thu, 22 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 13921

added sesame manual in latex

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/trunk/USER_MANUAL/manual_SPECFEM3D.tex
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/trunk/USER_MANUAL/manual_SPECFEM3D.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/trunk/USER_MANUAL/manual_SPECFEM3D.tex	2009-01-22 21:32:01 UTC (rev 13921)
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+\noindent \includegraphics[width=0.75\paperwidth]{figures/specfem_3d_basin-cover}
+\textbf{User Manual}}
+\author{© California Institute of Technology (U.S.) and\\
+University of Pau (France)\\
+Version 1.4.3}
+The software package SPECFEM3D simulates southern California seismic
+wave propagation based upon the spectral-element method (SEM). Effects
+due to lateral variations in compressional-wave speed, shear-wave
+speed, density, a 3D crustal model, topography and bathymetry are
+included. For a detailed introduction to the SEM as applied to regional
+seismic wave propagation, please consult \citet{KoVi98,KoTr99} and
+in particular \citet{KoLiTrSuStSh04}. If you use the 3D southern
+California model, please cite \citet{SuSh03} (LA), \citet{lovelyetal06}
+(Salton Trough), and \citet{hauksson2000} (southern California).
+The Moho map was determined by \citet{zhu&kanamori2000}. The 1D SoCal
+model was developed by \citet{DrHe90}. The package can accommodate
+full 21-parameter anisotropy (see~\citet{ChenTr07}) as well as lateral
+variations in attenuation. Adjoint capabilities and finite-frequency
+kernel simulations are included \citep{Liu06a}.
+All SPECFEM3D software is written in Fortran90, and conforms strictly
+to the Fortran95 standard. It uses no obsolete or obsolescent features
+of Fortran77. The package uses parallel programming based upon the
+Message Passing Interface (MPI) \citep{GrLuSk94,Pac97}.
+If you use SPECFEM3D for your own research, please cite at least one
+of the following articles: \cite{KoLiTrSuStSh04,KoTr99} or \cite {KoVi98}.
+The corresponding Bib\TeX{} entries may be found in file \texttt{USER\_MANUAL/bibliography.bib}
+or in comments at the beginning of file \texttt{specfem3D.f90}.
+This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science
+Foundation under Grants No. EAR-0406751 and EAR-0711177, by the French
+CNRS, French INRIA Sud-Ouest MAGIQUE-3D, French ANR NUMASIS under
+Grant No. ANR-05-CIGC-002, and European FP6 Marie Curie International
+Reintegration Grant No. MIRG-CT-2005-017461. Any opinions, findings,
+and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
+those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
+U.S. National Science Foundation, CNRS, INRIA, ANR or the European
+Marie Curie program.
+\chapter{\label{cha:Getting-Started}Getting Started}
+The SPECFEM3D software package comes in a gzipped tar ball. In the
+directory in which you want to install the package, type 
+{\small tar~-zxvf~SPECFEM3D\_V1.4.3.tar.gz}{\small \par}
+The directory \texttt{\small SPECFEM3D\_V1.4.3} will then contain
+the source code. To configure the software for your system, run the
+\texttt{configure} shell script. This script will attempt to guess
+the appropriate configuration values for your system. However, at
+a minimum, it is recommended that you explicitly specify the appropriate
+command names for your Fortran90 compiler and MPI package:
+To compile a serial version of the code for small meshes that fit
+on one compute node and can therefore be run serially, run \texttt{configure}
+with the \texttt{-{}-without-mpi} option to suppress all calls to
+A summary of the most important configuration variables follows.
+\item [{\texttt{F90}}] Path to the Fortran90 compiler. 
+\item [{\texttt{MPIF90}}] Path to MPI Fortran90. 
+\item [{\texttt{MPI\_FLAGS}}] Some systems require this flag to link to
+MPI libraries. 
+\item [{\texttt{FLAGS\_CHECK}}] Compiler flag for non-critical subroutines. 
+\item [{\texttt{FLAGS\_NO\_CHECK}}] Compiler flag for creating fast, production-run
+code for critical subroutines. 
+The \texttt{Makefile} contains a number of suggested entries for various
+compilers, e.g., Portland, Intel, Absoft, NAG, and Lahey. The software
+has run on a wide variety of compute platforms, e.g., various PC clusters
+and machines from Sun, SGI, IBM, Compaq, and NEC. Select the compiler
+you wish to use on your system and choose the related optimization
+flags. Note that the default flags in the \texttt{Makefile} are undoubtedly
+not optimal for your system, so we encourage you to experiment with
+these flags and to solicit advice from your systems administrator.
+Selecting the right compiler and optimization flags can make a tremendous
+difference in terms of performance. We welcome feedback on your experience
+with various compilers and flags.
+Now that you have set the compiler information, you need to select
+a number of flags in the \texttt{constants.h} file depending on your
+\item [{\texttt{LOCAL\_PATH\_IS\_ALSO\_GLOBAL}}] Set to \texttt{.false.}
+on most cluster applications. For reasons of speed, the (parallel)
+mesher typically writes a (parallel) database for the solver on the
+local disks of the compute nodes. Some systems have no local disks,
+e.g., BlueGene or the Earth Simulator, and other systems have a fast
+parallel file system, in which case this flag should be set to \texttt{.true.}.
+Note that this flag is not used by the mesher or the solver; it is
+only used for some of the post-processing. 
+The package can run either in single or in double precision. The default
+is single precision mode because this requires exactly half as much
+memory. Select your preference by selecting the appropriate setting
+in the \texttt{constants.h} file: 
+\item [{\texttt{CUSTOM\_REAL}}] Set to \texttt{SIZE\_REAL} for single precision
+and \texttt{SIZE\_DOUBLE} for double precision. 
+In the \texttt{precision.h} file: 
+\item [{\texttt{CUSTOM\_MPI\_TYPE}}] Set to \texttt{MPI\_REAL} for single
+precision and \texttt{MPI\_DOUBLE\_PRECISION} for double precision. 
+On a new system, it is definitely worth experimenting with single
+versus double precision simulations to determine which is faster.
+Note that on many current processors (e.g., Intel, AMD, IBM Power),
+single precision calculations are often significantly faster; the
+difference can typically be 10\% to 25\%. It is therefore often worth
+using single precision if you can. We recommend running the same calculation
+once in single precision and in double precision on your system and
+comparing the seismograms. If they are identical, you should probably
+select single precision for your future runs.
+When running on an SGI add ``\texttt{setenv TRAP\_FPE OFF}'' to your
+.cshrc file \textit{before} compiling in order to turn underflow trapping
+Finally, before compiling make sure that the subdirectories \texttt{obj}
+and \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} exist within the directory with the source
+code (\texttt{SPECFEM3D\_V1.4.3}). The \texttt{go\_mesher} script
+discussed in Chapter~\ref{cha:Running-the-Mesher} automatically
+takes care of creating the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} directory.
+Note that if you run very large meshes on a relatively small number
+of processors, the memory size needed on each processor might become
+greater than 2 gigabytes, which is the upper limit for 32-bit addressing;
+in this case, on some compilers you may need to add \char`\"{}\texttt{-mcmodel=medium}\char`\"{}
+to the compiler options otherwise the compiler will display an error
+\chapter{\label{cha:Running-the-Mesher}Running the Mesher \texttt{xmeshfem3D}}
+\noindent \begin{flushleft}
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+\caption{\label{fig:For-parallel-computing}For parallel computing purposes,
+the model block is subdivided in $\nprocxi\times\nproceta$ slices
+of elements. In this example we use $5^{2}=25$ processors. }
+You are now ready to compile the mesher. In the directory with the
+source code type `\texttt{make meshfem3D}'. If all paths and flags
+have been set correctly, the mesher should now compile and produce
+the executable \texttt{xmeshfem3D}.
+Input for the mesher (and the solver) is provided through the parameter
+file \texttt{Par\_file}, which resides in the subdirectory \texttt{DATA}.
+Before running the mesher, a number of parameters need to be set in
+the \texttt{Par\_file}. This requires a basic understanding of how
+the SEM is implemented, and we encourage you to read \citet{KoVi98,KoTr99}
+and \citet{KoLiTrSuStSh04}.
+The mesher and the solver use UTM coordinates internally, therefore
+you need to define the zone number for the UTM projection (e.g., zone
+11 for Los Angeles). Use decimal values for latitude and longitude
+(no minutes/seconds). These values are approximate; the mesher will
+round them off to define a square mesh in UTM coordinates. When running
+benchmarks on rectangular models, turn the UTM projection off by using
+the flag \texttt{\small SUPPRESS\_UTM\_PROJECTION}, in which case
+all `longitude' parameters simply refer to the $x$~axis, and all
+`latitude' parameters simply refer to the $y$~axis. To run the mesher
+for a global simulation, the following parameters need to be set in
+the \texttt{Par\_file}: 
+\item [{\texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE}}] is set to 1 for forward simulations,
+2 for adjoint simulations (see Section \ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-finite})
+and 3 for kernel simulations (see Section \ref{sec:Finite-Frequency-Kernels}). 
+\item [{\texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD}}] is only set to \texttt{.true.} for a forward
+simulation with the last frame of the simulation saved, as part of
+the finite-frequency kernel calculations (see Section \ref{sec:Finite-Frequency-Kernels}).
+For a regular forward simulation, leave \texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE}
+and \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD} at their default values.
+\item [{\texttt{LATITUDE\_MIN}}] Minimum latitude in the block (negative
+for South). 
+\item [{\texttt{LATITUDE\_MAX}}] Maximum latitude in the block. 
+\item [{\texttt{LONGITUDE\_MIN}}] Minimum longitude in the block (negative
+for West). 
+\item [{\texttt{LONGITUDE\_MAX}}] Maximum longitude in the block. 
+\item [{\texttt{DEPTH\_BLOCK\_KM}}] Depth of bottom of mesh in kilometers. 
+\item [{$\nexxi$}] The number of spectral elements along one side of the
+block. This number \textit{must} be 8~$\times$~a multiple of $\nprocxi$
+defined below. Based upon benchmarks against semi-analytical discrete
+wavenumber synthetic seismograms \citep{KoLiTrSuStSh04}, determined
+that a $\nexxi=288$ run is accurate to a shortest period of roughly
+2~s. Therefore, since accuracy is determined by the number of grid
+points per shortest wavelength, for any particular value of $\nexxi$
+the simulation will be accurate to a shortest period determined by
+\mbox{shortest period (s)}=(288/\nexxi)\times2.\label{eq:shortest_period}\end{equation}
+The number of grid points in each orthogonal direction of the reference
+element, i.e., the number of Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points, is determined
+by \texttt{NGLLX} in the \texttt{constants.h} file. We generally use
+$\mbox{\texttt{NGLLX\/}}=5$, for a total of $5^{3}=125$ points per
+elements. We suggest not to change this value. 
+\item [{\texttt{\noun{UTM\_PROJECTION\_ZONE}}}] UTM projection zone in
+which your model resides, only valid when \texttt{SUPPRESS\_UTM\_}~\\
+\texttt{PROJECTION} is \texttt{.false.}.
+\item [{\texttt{SUPPRESS\_UTM\_PROJECTION}}] set to be \texttt{.false.}
+when your model range is specified in the geographical coordinates,
+and needs to be \texttt{.true.} when your model is specified in a
+cartesian coordinates. \noun{UTM projection zone in which your simulation
+region resides.}
+\item [{$\nexeta$}] The number of spectral elements along the other side
+of the block. This number \textit{must} be 8~$\times$~a multiple
+of $\nproceta$ defined below. 
+\item [{$\nprocxi$}] The number of processors or slices along one side
+of the block (see Figure~\ref{fig:For-parallel-computing}); we must
+have $\nexxi=8\times c\times\nprocxi$, where $c\ge1$ is a positive
+\item [{$\nproceta$}] The number of processors or slices along the other
+side of the block; we must have $\nexeta=8\times c\times\nproceta$,
+where $c\ge1$ is a positive integer. 
+\item [{\texttt{MODEL}}] Must be set to one of the following: 
+\item [{\texttt{SoCal}}] Isotropic, southern California layercake model
+developed by \citet{DrHe90}.
+\item [{\texttt{Harvard\_LA}}] 3D model based upon the high-resolution
+Los Angeles basin model developed by \citet{SuSh03} the Salton Trough
+model developed by \citet{lovelyetal06}, the regional tomographic
+model of \citet{hauksson2000}, and the Moho map determined by \citet{zhu&kanamori2000}. 
+\item [{\texttt{OCEANS}}] Set to \texttt{.true.} if the effect of the oceans
+on seismic wave propagation should be incorporated based upon the
+approximate treatment discussed in \citet{KoTr02b}. This feature
+is inexpensive from a numerical perspective, both in terms of memory
+requirements and CPU time. This approximation is accurate at periods
+of roughly 20~s and longer. At shorter periods the effect of water
+phases/reverberations is not taken into account, even when the flag
+is on. 
+\item [{\texttt{TOPOGRAPHY}}] Set to \texttt{.true.} if topography and
+bathymetry should be incorporated based upon model ETOPO5 \citep{Etopo5}.
+This feature adds no cost to the simulation. 
+\item [{\texttt{ATTENUATION}}] Set to \texttt{.true.} if attenuation should
+be incorporated. Turning this feature on increases the memory requirements
+significantly (roughly by a factor of~1.5), and is numerically fairly
+expensive. See \citet{KoTr99,KoTr02a} for a discussion on the implementation
+of attenuation based upon standard linear solids. 
+\item [{\texttt{USE\_OLSEN\_ATTENUATION}}] Set to \texttt{.true.} if you
+want to use the attenuation model that scaled from the velocity model
+using Olsen's empirical relation (reference).
+\item [{\texttt{ABSORBING\_CONDITIONS}}] Set to \texttt{.true.} to turn
+on Clayton-Enquist absorbing boundary conditions (see \citet{KoTr99}). 
+\item [{\texttt{RECORD\_LENGTH\_IN\_MINUTES}}] Choose the desired record
+length of the synthetic seismograms (in minutes). This controls the
+length of the numerical simulation, i.e., twice the record length
+requires twice as much CPU time. This feature is not used at the time
+of meshing but is required for the solver, i.e., you may change this
+parameter after running the mesher. 
+\item [{\texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}}] Set to \texttt{.false.}, unless you want
+to create a movie of seismic wave propagation on the Earth's surface.
+Turning this option on generates large output files. See Section \ref{sec:Movies}
+for a discussion on the generation of movies. This feature is not
+used at the time of meshing but is relevant for the solver. 
+\item [{\texttt{MOVIE\_VOLUME}}] Set to \texttt{.false.}, unless you want
+to create a movie of seismic wave propagation in the Earth's interior.
+Turning this option on generates huge output files. See Section \ref{sec:Movies}
+for a discussion on the generation of movies. This feature is not
+used at the time of meshing but is relevant for the solver. 
+\item [{\texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_FRAMES}}] Determines the number of timesteps
+between movie frames. Typically you want to save a snapshot every
+100 timesteps. The smaller you make this number the more output will
+be generated! See Section \ref{sec:Movies} for a discussion on the
+generation of movies. This feature is not used at the time of meshing
+but is relevant for the solver. 
+\item [{\texttt{CREATE\_SHAKEMAP}}] Set this flag to \texttt{.true.} to
+create a ShakeMap, i.e., a peak ground velocity map. 
+\item [{\texttt{SAVE\_DISPLACEMENT}}] Set this flag to \texttt{.true.}
+if you want to save the displacement instead of velocity for the movie
+\item [{\texttt{USE\_HIGHRES\_FOR\_MOVIES}}] Set this flag to \texttt{.true.}
+if you want to save the values at all the NGLL grid points for the
+movie frames.
+\item [{\texttt{SAVE\_MESH\_FILES}}] Set this flag to \texttt{.true.} to
+save AVS \url{www.avs.com}, OpenDX \url{www.opendx.org}, or ParaView \url{www.paraview.org}
+mesh files for subsequent viewing. Turning the flag on generates large
+(distributed) files in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} directory. See Section~\ref{sec:Mesh-graphics}
+for a discussion of mesh viewing features. 
+\item [{\texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}}] Directory in which the databases generated
+by the mesher will be written. Generally one uses a directory on the
+local disk of the compute nodes, although on some machines these databases
+are written on a parallel (global) file system (see also the earlier
+discussion of the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH\_IS\_ALSO\_GLOBAL} flag in Chapter~\ref{cha:Getting-Started}).
+The mesher generates the necessary databases in parallel, one set
+for each of the $\nprocxi\times\nproceta$ slices that constitutes
+the mesh (see Figure~\ref{fig:For-parallel-computing}). After the
+mesher finishes, you can log in to one of the compute nodes and view
+the contents of the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} directory to see the (many)
+files generated by the mesher. 
+\item [{\texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_INFO}}] This parameter specifies
+the interval at which basic information about a run is written to
+the file system (\texttt{timestamp{*}} files in the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES}
+directory). If you have access to a fast machine, set \texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_INFO}
+to a relatively high value (e.g., at least 100, or even 1000 or more)
+to avoid writing output text files too often. This feature is not
+used at the time of meshing. One can set this parameter to a larger
+value than the number of time steps to avoid writing output during
+the run. 
+\item [{\texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_SEISMOS}}] This parameter specifies
+the interval at which synthetic seismograms are written in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}
+directory. If a run crashes, you may still find usable (but shorter
+than requested) seismograms in this directory. On a fast machine set
+\texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_SEISMOS} to a relatively high value
+to avoid writing to the seismograms too often. This feature is not
+used at the time of meshing. 
+\item [{\texttt{PRINT\_SOURCE\_TIME\_FUNCTION}}] Turn this flag on to print
+information about the source time function in the file \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES/plot\_source\_time\_function.txt}.
+This feature is not used at the time of meshing. 
+Finally, you need to provide a file that tells MPI what compute nodes
+to use for the simulations. The file must have a number of entries
+(one entry per line) at least equal to the number of processors needed
+for the run. A sample file is provided in the file \texttt{mymachines}.
+This file is not used by the mesher or solver, but is required by
+the \texttt{go\_mesher} and \texttt{go\_solver} default job submission
+scripts. See Chapter~\ref{cha:Scheduler} for information about running
+the code on a system with a scheduler, e.g., LSF. 
+Now that you have set the appropriate parameters in the \texttt{Par\_file}
+and have compiled the mesher, you are ready to launch it! This is
+most easily accomplished based upon the \texttt{go\_mesher} script.
+When you run on a PC cluster, the script assumes that the nodes are
+named n001, n002, etc. If this is not the case, change the \texttt{tr
+-d `n'} line in the script. You may also need to edit the last command
+at the end of the script that invokes the \texttt{mpirun} command.
+See Chapter~\ref{cha:Scheduler} for information about running the
+code on a system with a scheduler, e.g., LSF.
+Mesher output is provided in the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} directory
+in \texttt{output\_mesher.txt}; this file provides lots of details
+about the mesh that was generated. Alternatively, output can be directed
+to the screen instead by uncommenting a line in \texttt{constants.h}: 
+Another file generated by the mesher is the header file \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES/values\_from\_mesher.h}.
+This file specifies a number of constants and flags needed by the
+solver. These values are passed statically to the solver for reasons
+of speed. Some useful statistics about the mesh are also provided
+in this file.
+For a given model, set of nodes, and set of parameters in \texttt{Par\_file},
+one only needs to run the mesher once and for all, even if one wants
+to run several simulations with different sources and/or receivers
+(the source and receiver information is used in the solver only).
+\section{Checking the MPI Buffers (Optional)}
+The mesher writes MPI communication tables in the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES}
+subdirectory in the files \texttt{addressing.txt}, \texttt{list\_messages\_corners.txt}
+and \texttt{list\_messages\_faces.txt}, and MPI communication buffers
+to the local disks. Use the four serial codes 
+to check that all the MPI buffers created by the mesher have been
+generated correctly. For example, typing `\texttt{make check\_buffers\_2D}'
+and then `\texttt{xcheck\_buffers\_2D}' checks the communication buffers
+between faces common to the mesh slices. 
+Please note that running these codes is optional because no information
+needed by the solver is generated.
+\section{\label{sec:quality}Checking the Mesh Quality (Optional)}
+The quality of the mesh may be inspected based upon the serial code
+\texttt{check\_mesh\_quality\_AVS\_DX.f90}. Type 
+and then use 
+to generate an AVS output file (\texttt{\small AVS\_meshquality.inp}
+in AVS UCD format) or OpenDX output file (\texttt{\small DX\_meshquality.}~\\
+\texttt{\small dx}) that can be used to investigate mesh quality,
+e.g, skewness of elements and a Gnuplot histogram (\texttt{\small mesh\_quality\_}~\\
+\texttt{\small histogram.txt}) that can be plotted with gnuplot (type
+`\texttt{\small gnuplot plot\_mesh\_quality\_histogram.gnu}'). The
+histogram is also printed to the screen. If you want to start designing
+your own meshes, this tool is useful for viewing your creations. You
+are striving for meshes with elements with `cube-like' dimensions,
+e.g., the mesh should contain no very elongated or skewed elements.
+Running this code is optional because no information needed by the
+solver is generated.
+\chapter{\label{cha:Running-the-Solver}Running the Solver \texttt{xspecfem3D}}
+Now that you have successfully run the mesher, you are ready to compile
+the solver. For reasons of speed, the solver uses static memory allocation.
+Therefore it needs to be recompiled (type `\texttt{make clean}' and
+`\texttt{make specfem3D}') every time one reruns the mesher. To compile
+the solver one needs a file generated by the mesher in the directory
+\texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} called \texttt{values\_from\_mesher.h}, which
+contains parameters describing the static size of the arrays as well
+as the setting of certain flags.
+The solver needs three input files in the \texttt{DATA} directory
+to run: the \texttt{Par\_file} which was discussed in detail in Chapter~\ref{cha:Running-the-Mesher},
+the earthquake source parameter file \texttt{CMTSOLUTION}, and the
+stations file \texttt{STATIONS}. Most parameters in the \texttt{Par\_file}
+should be set prior to running the mesher. Only the following parameters
+may be changed after running the mesher: 
+\item the simulation type control parameters: \texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE}
+and \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD}
+\item the record length \texttt{RECORD\_LENGTH\_IN\_MINUTES}
+\item the movie control parameters \texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}, \texttt{MOVIE\_VOLUME},
+\item the ShakeMap option \texttt{CREATE\_SHAKEMAP}
+\item the output information parameters \texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_INFO}
+and \texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_}~\\
+\item the \texttt{PRINT\_SOURCE\_TIME\_FUNCTION} flags
+Any other change to the \texttt{Par\_file} implies rerunning both
+the mesher and the solver.
+For any particular earthquake, the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file that
+represents the point source may be obtained directly from the Harvard Centroid-Moment Tensor (CMT) web page \url{www.seismology.harvard.edu}.
+It looks like this:
+{\small }%
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+{\small \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{figures/Hollywood_CMT} }
+\par\end{centering}{\small \par}
+\caption{\label{fig:CMTSOLUTION-file}\texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file based on the
+format from the Harvard CMT catalog. \textbf{M} is the moment tensor,
+$M_{0}${\small{} }is the seismic moment, and $M_{w}$ is the moment
+{\small \par}
+The \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} should be edited in the following way: 
+\item Set the \texttt{time shift} parameter equal to $0.0$ (the solver
+will not run otherwise.) The time shift parameter would simply apply
+an overall time shift to the synthetics, something that can be done
+in the post-processing (see Section \ref{sec:Process-data-and-syn}).
+\item For point-source simulations (see finite sources, page \pageref{To-simulate-a})
+we recommend setting the source half-duration parameter \texttt{half
+duration} equal to zero, which corresponds to simulating a step source-time
+function, i.e., a moment-rate function that is a delta function. If
+\texttt{half duration} is not set to zero, the code will use a Gaussian
+(i.e., a signal with a shape similar to a `smoothed triangle', as
+explained in \citet{KoTr02a} and shown in Fig~\ref{fig:gauss.vs.triangle})
+source-time function with half-width \texttt{half duration}. We prefer
+to run the solver with \texttt{half duration} set to zero and convolve
+the resulting synthetic seismograms in post-processing after the run,
+because this way it is easy to use a variety of source-time functions
+(see Section \ref{sec:Process-data-and-syn}). \citet{KoTr02a} determined
+that the noise generated in the simulation by using a step source
+time function may be safely filtered out afterward based upon a convolution
+with the desired source time function and/or low-pass filtering. Use
+the serial code \texttt{convolve\_source\_timefunction.f90} and the
+script \texttt{convolve\_source\_timefunction.csh} for this purpose,
+or alternatively use signal-processing software packages such as SAC \url{www.llnl.gov/sac}.
+to compile the code and then set the parameter \texttt{hdur} in \texttt{convolve\_source\_timefunction.csh}
+to the desired half-duration. 
+\item The zero time of the simulation corresponds to the center of the triangle/Gaussian,
+or the centroid time of the earthquake. The start time of the simulation
+is $t=-1.5*\texttt{half duration}$ (the 1.5 is to make sure the moment
+rate function is very close to zero when starting the simulation).
+To convert to absolute time $t_{\mathrm{abs}}$, set 
+$t_{\mathrm{abs}}=t_{\mathrm{pde}}+\texttt{time shift}+t_{\mathrm{synthetic}}$
+where $t_{\mathrm{pde}}$ is the time given in the first line of the
+\texttt{CMTSOLUTION}, \texttt{time shift} is the corresponding value
+from the original \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file and $t_{\mathrm{synthetic}}$
+is the time in the first column of the output seismogram.
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+\includegraphics[width=3in,bb = 0 0 200 100, draft, type=eps]{/Users/sue/specfem3d/globe/USER_MANUAL/figures/gauss_vs_triangle_mod.eps} 
+\caption{Comparison of the shape of a triangle and the Gaussian function actually
+Centroid latitude and longitude should be provided in geographical
+coordinates. The code converts these coordinates to geocentric coordinates~\citep{DaTr98}.
+Of course you may provide your own source representations by designing
+your own \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file. Just make sure that the resulting
+file adheres to the Harvard CMT conventions (see Appendix~\ref{cha:Coordinates}).
+\label{To-simulate-a}To simulate a kinematic rupture, i.e., a finite-source
+event, represented in terms of $N_{\mathrm{sources}}$ point sources,
+provide a \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file that has $N_{\mathrm{sources}}$
+entries, one for each subevent (i.e., concatenate $N_{\mathrm{sources}}$
+\texttt{CMTSOLUTION} files to a single \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file).
+At least one entry (not necessarily the first) must have a zero \texttt{time
+shift}, and all the other entries must have non-negative \texttt{time
+shift}. Each subevent can have its own half duration, latitude, longitude,
+depth, and moment tensor (effectively, the local moment-density tensor).
+Note that the zero in the synthetics does NOT represent the hypocentral
+time or centroid time in general, but the timing of the \textit{center}
+of the source triangle with zero \texttt{time shift} (Fig~\ref{fig:source_timing}).
+Although it is convenient to think of each source as a triangle, in
+the simulation they are actually Gaussians (as they have better frequency
+characteristics). The relationship between the triangle and the gaussian
+used is shown in Fig~\ref{fig:gauss.vs.triangle}. For finite fault
+simulations it is usually not advisable to use a zero half duration
+and convolve afterwards, since the half duration is generally fixed
+by the finite fault model.
+{\small }%
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+{\small \includegraphics[width=5in,bb = 0 0 200 100, draft, type=eps]{/Users/sue/specfem3d/globe/USER_MANUAL/figures/source_timing.eps} }
+\par\end{centering}{\small \par}
+\caption{Example of timing for three sources. The center of the first source
+triangle is defined to be time zero. Note that this is NOT in general
+the hypocentral time, or the start time of the source (marked as tstart).
+The parameter \texttt{time shift} in the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file
+would be t1(=0), t2, t3 in this case, and the parameter \texttt{half
+duration} would be hdur1, hdur2, hdur3 for the sources 1, 2, 3 respectively.}
+{\small \label{fig:source_timing} }
+{\small \par}
+The solver can calculate seismograms at any number of stations for
+basically the same numerical cost, so the user is encouraged to include
+as many stations as conceivably useful in the \texttt{STATIONS} file,
+which looks like this: 
+{\small }%
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+{\small \includegraphics{figures/STATIONS_basin_explained} }
+\par\end{centering}{\small \par}
+\caption{Sample \texttt{STATIONS} file. Station latitude and longitude should
+be provided in geographical coordinates. The width of the station
+label should be no more than 32 characters (see \texttt{MAX\_LENGTH\_STATION\_NAME}
+in the \texttt{constants.h} file), and the network label should be
+no more than 8 characters (see \texttt{MAX\_LENGTH\_NETWORK\_NAME}
+in the \texttt{constants.h} file).}
+{\small \par}
+Each line represents one station in the following format: 
+{\small Station~Network~Latitude~(degrees)~Longitude~(degrees)~Elevation~(m)~burial~(m)~}{\small \par}
+The mesher filters the list of stations in file \texttt{DATA/STATIONS}
+to exclude stations that are not located within the region given in
+the \texttt{Par\_file} (between \texttt{LATITUDE\_MIN} and \texttt{LATITUDE\_MAX}
+and between \texttt{LONGITUDE\_MIN} and \texttt{LONGITUDE\_MAX}).
+The filtered file is called \texttt{DATA/STATIONS\_FILTERED}.
+Solver output is provided in the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} directory
+in the \texttt{output\_solver.txt} file. Output can be directed to
+the screen instead by uncommenting a line in \texttt{constants.h}: 
+On PC clusters the seismogram files are generally written to the local
+disks (the path \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} in the \texttt{Par\_file}) and
+need to be gathered at the end of the simulation.
+While the solver is running, its progress may be tracked by monitoring
+the `\texttt{\small timestamp{*}}' files in the \texttt{\small OUTPUT\_FILES}
+directory. These tiny files look something like this: 
+The \texttt{\small timestamp{*}} files provide the \texttt{Mean elapsed
+time per time step in seconds}, which may be used to assess performance
+on various machines (assuming you are the only user on a node), as
+well as the \texttt{Max norm displacement vector U in all slices~(m)}.
+If something is wrong with the model, the mesh, or the source, you
+will see the code become unstable through exponentially growing values
+of the displacement and fluid potential with time, and ultimately
+the run will be terminated by the program. You can control the rate
+at which the timestamp files are written based upon the parameter
+\texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_OUTPUT\_INFO} in the \texttt{Par\_file}.
+Having set the \texttt{Par\_file} parameters, and having provided
+the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} and \texttt{STATIONS} files, you are now
+ready to launch the solver! This is most easily accomplished based
+upon the \texttt{go\_solver} script (See Chapter \ref{cha:Scheduler}
+for information about running through a scheduler, e.g., LSF). You
+may need to edit the last command at the end of the script that invokes
+the \texttt{mpirun} command. The \texttt{runall} script compiles and
+runs both mesher and solver in sequence. This is a safe approach that
+ensures using the correct combination of mesher output and solver
+It is important to realize that the CPU and memory requirements of
+the solver are closely tied to choices about attenuation (\texttt{ATTENUATION})
+and the nature of the model (i.e., isotropic models are cheaper than
+anisotropic models). We encourage you to run a variety of simulations
+with various flags turned on or off to develop a sense for what is
+For the same model, one can rerun the solver for different events
+by simply changing the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION} file, or for different
+stations by changing the \texttt{STATIONS} file. There is no need
+to rerun the mesher. Of course it is best to include as many stations
+as possible, since this does not add to the cost of the simulation.
+\chapter{\label{cha:Adjoint-Simulations}Adjoint Simulations}
+Adjoint simulations are generally performed for two distinct applications.
+First, they can be used for earthquake source inversions, especially
+earthquakes with large ruptures such as the Lander's earthquake \citep{WaHe94}.
+Second, they can be used to generate finite-frequency sensitivity
+kernels that are a critical part of tomographic inversions based upon
+3D reference models \citep{trompetal2005,Liu06a,Liu08}. In either
+case, source parameter or velocity structure updates are sought to
+minimize a specific misfit function (e.g., waveform or traveltime
+differences), and the adjoint simulation provides a means of computing
+the gradient of the misfit function and further reducing it in successive
+iterations. Applications and procedures pertaining to source studies
+and finite-frequency kernels are discussed in Sections~\ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-sources}
+and \ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-finite}, respectively. The two related
+parameters in the \texttt{Par\_file} are \texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE}
+(1 or 2) and the \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD} (boolean).
+\section{\label{sec:Adjoint-simulation-sources}Adjoint Simulations for Sources}
+In the case where a specific misfit function is minimized to invert
+for the earthquake source parameters, the gradient of the misfit function
+with respect to these source parameters can be computed by placing
+time-reversed seismograms at the receivers and using them as sources
+in an adjoint simulation, and then the value of the gradient is obtained
+from the adjoint seismograms recorded at the original earthquake location. 
+\item \textbf{Prepare the adjoint sources} \label{enu:Prepare-the-adjoint}
+\item First, run a regular forward simlation (\texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE =
+1} and \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD = .false.}). You can automatically set
+these two variables using the \texttt{\small UTILS/change\_simulation\_type.pl}
+and then collect the recorded seismograms at all the stations given
+in \texttt{DATA/STATIONS}.
+\item Then select the stations for which you want to compute the time-reversed
+adjoint sources and run the adjoint simulation, and compile them into
+the \texttt{DATA/STATIONS\_ADJOINT} file, which has the same format
+as the regular \texttt{DATA/STATIONS} file. 
+\item Depending on what type of misfit function is used for the source inversion,
+adjoint sources need to be computed from the original recorded seismograms
+for the selected stations and saved in the \texttt{SEM/} directory
+with the format \texttt{STA.NT.BH?.adj}, where \texttt{STA}, \texttt{NT}
+are the station name and network code given in the \texttt{DATA/STATIONS\_ADJOINT}
+file, and \texttt{BH?} represents the component name of a particular
+adjoint seismogram. 
+\item The adjoint seismograms are in the same format as the original seismogram
+(\texttt{STA.NT.BH?.sem?}), with the same start time, time interval
+and record length.
+\item Notice that even if you choose to time reverse only one component
+from one specific station, you still need to supply all three components
+because the code is expecting them (you can set the other two components
+to be zero).
+\item Also note that since time-reversal is done in the code itself, no
+explicit time-reversing is needed for the preparation of the adjoint
+sources, i.e., the adjoint sources are in the same forward time sense
+as the original recorded seismograms. 
+\item \textbf{Set the related parameters and run the adjoint simulation}\\
+In the \texttt{DATA/Par\_file}, set the two related parameters to
+be \texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE = 2} and \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD = .false.}.
+More conveniently, use the scripts \texttt{UTILS/change\_simulation\_type.pl}
+to modify the \texttt{Par\_file} automatically (\texttt{change\_simulation\_type.pl
+-a}). Then run the solver to launch the adjoint simulation.
+\item \textbf{Collect the seismograms at the original source location}
+After the adjoint simulation has completed successfully, collect the
+seismograms from \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}. 
+\item These adjoint seismograms are recorded at the locations of the original
+earthquake sources given by the \texttt{DATA/CMTSOLUTION} file, and
+have names of the form \texttt{S?????.NT.S??.sem} for the six-component
+strain tensor (\texttt{SNN,SEE,SZZ,SNE,SNZ,SEZ}) at these locations,
+and \texttt{S?????.NT.BH?.sem} for the three-component displacements
+(\texttt{BHN,BHE,BHZ}) recorded at these locations. 
+\item \texttt{S?????} denotes the source number; for example, if the original
+\texttt{CMTSOLUTION} provides only a point source, then the seismograms
+collected will start with \texttt{S00001}. 
+\item These adjoint seismograms provide critical information for the computation
+of the gradient of the misfit function.
+\section{\label{sec:Adjoint-simulation-finite}Adjoint Simulations for Finite-Frequency
+Kernels (Kernel Simulation)}
+Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels are computed in two successive
+simulations (please refer to \citet{Liu06a} for details).
+\item \textbf{Run a forward simulation with the state variables saved at
+the end of the simulation}
+Prepare the \texttt{\small CMTSOLUTION} and \texttt{\small STATIONS}
+files, set the parameters \texttt{\small SIMULATION\_TYPE}{\small{}
+}\texttt{\small =}{\small{} }\texttt{\small 1} and \texttt{\small SAVE\_FORWARD
+=}{\small{} }\texttt{\small .true.} in the \texttt{Par\_file} (\texttt{change\_simulation\_type
+-F}), and run the solver. 
+\item Notice that attenuation is not implemented yet for the computation
+of finite-frequency kernels; therefore set \texttt{ATTENUATION = .false.}
+in the \texttt{Par\_file}. 
+\item We also suggest you modify the half duration of the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION}
+to be similar to the accuracy of the simulation (see Equation \ref{eq:shortest_period})
+to avoid too much high-frequency noise in the forward wavefield, although
+theoretically the high-frequency noise should be eliminated when convolved
+with an adjoint wavefield with the proper frequency content. 
+\item This forward simulation differs from the regular simulations (\texttt{\small SIMULATION\_TYPE}{\small{}
+}\texttt{\small =}{\small{} }\texttt{\small 1} and \texttt{\small SAVE\_FORWARD}{\small{}
+}\texttt{\small =}{\small{} }\texttt{\small .false.}) described in
+the previous chapters in that the state variables for the last time
+step of the simulation, including wavefields of the displacement,
+velocity, acceleration, etc., are saved to the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}
+to be used for the subsequent simulation. 
+\item For regional simulations, the files recording the absorbing boundary
+contribution are also written to the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} when \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD
+= .true.}. 
+\item \textbf{Prepare the adjoint sources}
+The adjoint sources need to be prepared the same way as described
+in the Section \ref{enu:Prepare-the-adjoint}. 
+\item In the case of travel-time finite-frequency kernel for one source-receiver
+pair, i.e., point source from the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION}, and one station
+in the \texttt{STATIONS\_ADJOINT} list, we supply a sample program
+in \texttt{UTILS/xcut\_velocity} to cut a certain portion of the original
+displacement seismograms and convert it into the proper adjoint source
+to compute the finite-frequency kernel. 
+where \texttt{t1} and \texttt{t2} are the start and end time of the
+portion you are interested in, \texttt{ifile} denotes the component
+of the seismograms to be used (0 for all three components, 1 for East,
+2 for North, and 3 for vertical, 4 for transverse, and 5 for radial
+component), \texttt{E/N/Z-ascii-files} indicate the three-component
+displacement seismograms in the right order, and \texttt{baz} is the
+back-azimuth of the station. Note that \texttt{baz} is only supplied
+when \texttt{ifile} = 4 or 5.
+\item \textbf{Run the kernel simulation}
+With the successful forward simulation and the adjoint source ready
+in \texttt{SEM/}, set \texttt{SIMULATION\_TYPE = 3} and \texttt{SAVE\_FORWARD
+= .false.} in the \texttt{Par\_file(change\_simulation\_type.pl -b),}
+and rerun the solver. 
+\item The adjoint simulation is launched together with the back reconstruction
+of the original forward wavefield from the state variables saved from
+the previous forward simulation, and the finite-frequency kernels
+are computed by the interaction of the reconstructed forward wavefield
+and the adjoint wavefield. 
+\item The back-reconstructed seismograms at the original station locations
+are saved to the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} at the end of the kernel simulations,
+and can be collected to the local disk. 
+\item These back-constructed seismograms can be compared with the time-reversed
+original seismograms to assess the accuracy of the backward reconstruction,
+and they should match very well. 
+\item The arrays for density, P-wave speed and S-wave speed kernels are
+also saved in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} with the names \texttt{proc??????\_rho(alpha,beta)\_kernel.bin},
+where \texttt{proc??????} represents the processor number, \texttt{rho(alpha,beta)}
+are the different types of kernels.
+In general, the three steps need to be run sequentially to assure
+proper access to the necessary files. If the simulations are run through
+some cluster scheduling system (e.g., LSF), and the forward simulation
+and the subsequent kernel simulations cannot be assigned to the same
+set of computer nodes, the kernel simulation will not be able to access
+the database files saved by the forward simulation. Solutions for
+this dilemma are provided in Chapter~\ref{cha:Scheduler}. Visualization
+of the finite-frequency kernels is discussed in Section~\ref{sec:Finite-Frequency-Kernels}.
+Use the serial code \texttt{combine\_AVS\_DX.f90} (type `\texttt{make
+combine\_AVS\_DX}' and then `\texttt{xcombine\_AVS\_DX}') to generate
+AVS \url{www.avs.com} output files (in AVS UCD format) or OpenDX \url{www.opendx.org}
+output files showing the mesh, the MPI partition (slices), the $\nchunks$
+chunks, the source and receiver location, etc. Use the AVS UCD files
+\texttt{AVS\_continent\_boundaries.inp} and \texttt{AVS\_plate\_boundaries.inp}
+or the OpenDX files \texttt{DX\_continent\_boundaries.dx} and \texttt{DX\_plate\_boundaries.dx}
+for reference.
+To make a surface or volume movie of the simulation, set parameters
+\texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}, \texttt{MOVIE\_VOLUME}, and \texttt{NTSTEP\_BETWEEN\_FRAMES}
+in the \texttt{Par\_file}. Turning on the movie flags, in particular
+\texttt{MOVIE\_VOLUME}, produces large output files. \texttt{MOVIE\_VOLUME}
+files are saved in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} directory, whereas \texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}
+output files are saved in the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} directory. We
+save the velocity field. The look of a movie is determined by the
+half-duration of the source. The half-duration should be large enough
+so that the movie does not contain frequencies that are not resolved
+by the mesh, i.e., it should not contain numerical noise. This can
+be accomplished by selecting a CMT \texttt{HALF\_DURATION} > 1.1 $\times$
+smallest period (see figure \ref{fig:CMTSOLUTION-file}). When \texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}
+= .\texttt{true.}, the half duration of each source in the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION}
+file is replaced by 
+\textbf{NOTE:} If \texttt{HDUR\_MOVIE} is set to 0.0, the code will
+select the appropriate value of 1.1 $\times$ smallest period. As
+usual, for a point source one can set \texttt{HALF\_DURATION} in the
+\texttt{Par\_file} to be 0.0 and \texttt{HDUR\_MOVIE} = 0.0 to get
+the highest frequencies resolved by the simulation, but for a finite
+source one would keep all the \texttt{HALF\_DURATIONs} as prescribed
+by the finite source model and set \texttt{HDUR\_MOVIE} = 0.0.
+\subsection{Movie Surface}
+When running \texttt{xspecfem3D} with the \texttt{MOVIE\_SURFACE}
+flag turned on, the code outputs \texttt{moviedata??????} files in
+the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES} directory. The files are in a fairly complicated
+binary format, but there are two programs provided to convert the
+output into more user friendly formats. The first one, \texttt{create\_movie\_AVS\_DX.f90},
+outputs data in ASCII, OpenDX, AVS, or ParaView format. Run the code
+from the source directory (type `\texttt{make} \texttt{create\_movie\_AVS\_DX}'
+first) to create an input file in your format of choice. The code
+will prompt the user for input parameters. The second program \texttt{create\_movie\_GMT.f90}
+outputs ascii xyz files, convenient for use with GMT. This code uses
+significantly less memory than \texttt{create\_movie\_AVS\_DX.f90}
+and is therefore useful for high resolution runs. 
+The \texttt{SPECFEM3D} code is running in near real-time to produce
+animations of southern California earthquakes via the web; see Southern California ShakeMovie \url{www.shakemovie.caltech.edu}.
+\section{\label{sec:Finite-Frequency-Kernels}Finite-Frequency Kernels}
+The finite-frequency kernels computed as explained in Section \ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-finite}
+are saved in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH} at the end of the simulation.
+Therefore, we first need to collect these files on the front end,
+combine them into one mesh file, and visualize them with some auxilliary
+\item \textbf{Create slice files}
+We will only discuss the case of one source-receiver pair, i.e., the
+so-called banana-doughnut kernels. Although it is possible to collect
+the kernel files from all slices on the front end, it usually takes
+up too much storage space (at least tens of gigabytes). Since the
+sensitivity kernels are the strongest along the source-receiver great
+circle path, it is sufficient to collect only the slices that are
+along or close to the great circle path. 
+A Perl script \texttt{UTILS/slice\_number.pl} that calls MATLAB can
+help to figure out the slice numbers that lie along the great circle
+path (both the minor and major arcs), as well as the slice numbers
+required to produce a full picture of the inner core if your kernel
+also illuminates the inner core. 
+\item On machines where you have MATLAB access, copy the \texttt{CMTSOLUTION}
+file, \texttt{STATIONS\_ADJOINT}, and \texttt{Par\_file}, and run:
+{\small UTILS/slice\_number.pl~Par\_file~output\_solver.txt~slice\_file}{\small \par}
+which will generate a \texttt{slices\_file}.
+\item For cases with multiple sources and multiple receivers, you need to
+provide a slice file before proceeding to the next step.
+\item \textbf{Collect the kernel files}
+After obtaining the slice files, you can collect the corresponding
+kernel files from the given slices. 
+\item You can use or modify the script \texttt{UTILS/copy\_databases.pl}
+to accomplish this:
+{\small UTILS/copy\_database.pl~slice\_file~lsf\_machine\_file~filename~{[}jobid]}{\small \par}
+where \texttt{\small lsf\_machine\_file} is the machine file generated
+by the LSF scheduler, \texttt{\small filename} is the kernel name
+(e.g., \texttt{\small rho\_kernel}, \texttt{\small alpha\_kernel}
+and \texttt{\small beta\_kernel}), and the optional \texttt{\small jobid}
+is the name of the subdirectory under \texttt{\small LOCAL\_PATH}
+where all the kernel files are stored. 
+\item After executing this script, all the necessary mesh topology files
+as well as the kernel array files are collected to the local directory
+of the front end.
+\item \textbf{Combine kernel files into one mesh file}
+We use an auxilliary program \texttt{combine\_paraview\_data.f90}
+to combine the kernel files from all slices into one mesh file. 
+\item Compile it in the global code directory:
+{\footnotesize make~combine\_paraview\_data~}{\footnotesize \par}
+{\footnotesize xcombine\_paraview\_data~slice\_list~filename~input\_dir~output\_dir~high/low-resolution~}{\footnotesize \par}
+where \texttt{input\_dir} is the directory where all the individual
+kernel files are stored, and \texttt{output\_dir} is where the mesh
+file will be written. 
+\item Use 1 for a high-resolution mesh, outputting all the GLL points to
+the mesh file, or use 0 for low resolution, outputting only the corner
+points of the elements to the mesh file. 
+\item The output mesh file will have the name \texttt{filename\_rho(alpha,beta).mesh}
+\item \textbf{Convert mesh files into .vtu files}
+\item We next convert the \texttt{.mesh} file into the VTU (Unstructured
+grid file) format which can be viewed in ParaView, for example:
+\item Notice that this Perl script uses a program \texttt{mesh2vtu} in the
+\texttt{UTILS/mesh2vtu} directory, which further uses the VTK \url{http://www.vtk.org/}
+run-time library for its execution. Therefore, make sure you have
+them properly set in the script according to your system.
+\item \textbf{Copy over the source and receiver .vtk file}
+In the case of a single source and a single receiver, the simulation
+also generates the \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES/sr.vtk} file to describe
+the source and receiver locations, which can also be viewed in Paraview
+in the next step. 
+\item \textbf{View the mesh in ParaView}
+Finally, we can view the mesh in ParaView \url{www.paraview.org}.
+\item Open ParaView.
+\item From the top menu, \textsf{File} $\rightarrow$\textsf{Open data},
+select \texttt{file.vtu}, and click the \textsf{Accept} button.
+\item If the mesh file is of moderate size, it shows up on the screen; otherwise,
+only the bounding box is shown.
+\item Click \textsf{Display Tab} $\rightarrow$ \textsf{Display Style} $\rightarrow$
+\textsf{Representation} and select \textsf{wireframe of surface} to
+display it. 
+\item To create a cross-section of the volumetric mesh, choose \textsf{Filter}
+$\rightarrow$ \textsf{cut}, and under \textsf{Parameters Tab}, choose
+\textsf{Cut Function} $\rightarrow$ \textsf{plane}. 
+\item Fill in center and normal information given by the \texttt{global\_slice\_number.pl}
+script (either from the standard output or from \texttt{normal\_plane.txt}
+\item To change the color scale, go to \textsf{Display Tab} $\rightarrow$
+\textsf{Color} $\rightarrow$ \textsf{Edit Color Map} and reselect
+lower and upper limits, or change the color scheme.
+\item Now load in the source and receiver location file by \textsf{File}
+$\rightarrow$ \textsf{Open data}, select \texttt{sr.vt}k, and click
+the \textsf{Accept} button. Choose \textsf{Filter} $\rightarrow$
+\textsf{Glyph}, and represent the points by `\textsf{spheres}'.
+\item For more information about ParaView, see the ParaView Users Guide \url{www.paraview.org/files/v1.6/ParaViewUsersGuide.PDF}.
+\noindent \begin{centering}
+\caption{(a) Top Panel: Vertical source-receiver cross-section of the S-wave
+finite-frequency sensitivity kernel $K_{\beta}$ for station GSC at
+an epicentral distance of 176 km from the September 3, 2002, Yorba
+Linda earthquake. Lower Panel: Vertical source-receiver cross-section
+of the 3D S-wave velocity model used for the spectral-element simulations
+\citep{KoLiTrSuStSh04}. (b) The same as (a) but for station HEC at
+an epicentral distance of 165 km \citep{Liu06a}.}
+\chapter{\label{cha:Scheduler}Running through a Scheduler}
+The code is usually run on large parallel machines, often PC clusters,
+most of which use schedulers, i.e., queuing or batch management systems
+to manage the running of jobs from a large number of users. The following
+considerations need to be taken into account when running on a system
+that uses a scheduler: 
+\item The processors/nodes to be used for each run are assigned dynamically
+by the scheduler, based on availability. Therefore, in order for the
+mesher and the solver (or between successive runs of the solver) to
+have access to the same database files (if they are stored on hard
+drives local to the nodes on which the code is run), they must be
+launched in sequence as a single job. 
+\item On some systems, the nodes to which running jobs are assigned are
+not configured for compilation. It may therefore be necessary to pre-compile
+both the mesher and the solver. A small program provided in the distribution
+called \texttt{\small create\_header\_file.f90} can be used to directly
+create \texttt{\small OUTPUT\_FILES/values\_from\_mesher.h} using
+the information in the \texttt{\small DATA/Par\_file} without having
+to run the mesher (type \texttt{\small `make}{\small{} }\texttt{\small create\_header\_}~\\
+\texttt{\small file}' to compile it and `\texttt{\small xcreate\_header\_file}'
+to run it; refer to the sample scripts below). The solver can now
+be compiled as explained above. 
+\item One feature of schedulers/queuing systems is that they allow submission
+of multiple jobs in a ``launch and forget'' mode. In order to take
+advantage of this property, care needs to be taken that output and
+intermediate files from separate jobs do not overwrite each other,
+or otherwise interfere with other running jobs. 
+We describe here in some detail a job submission procedure for the
+Caltech 1024-node cluster, CITerra, under the LSF scheduling system.
+We consider the submission of a regular forward simulation. The two
+main scripts are \texttt{\small run\_lsf.bash}, which compiles the
+Fortran code and submits the job to the scheduler, and \texttt{\small go\_mesher\_solver\_lsf}~\\
+\texttt{\small .bash}, which contains the instructions that make up
+the job itself. These scripts can be found in \texttt{\small UTILS/}
+directory and can straightforwardly be modified and adapted to meet
+more specific running needs. 
+This script first sets the job queue to be `normal'. It then compiles
+the mesher and solver together, figures out the number of processors
+required for this simulation from the \texttt{DATA/Par\_file}, and
+submits the LSF job.
+This script describes the job itself, including setup steps that can
+only be done once the scheduler has assigned a job-ID and a set of
+compute nodes to the job, the \texttt{run\_lsf.bash} commands used
+to run the mesher and the solver, and calls to scripts that collect
+the output seismograms from the compute nodes and perform clean-up
+\item First the script directs the scheduler to save its own output and
+output from \texttt{stdout} into \texttt{\small OUTPUT\_FILES/\%J.o},
+where \texttt{\%J} is short-hand for the job-ID; it also tells the
+scheduler what version of \texttt{mpich} to use (\texttt{mpich\_gm})
+and how to name this job (\texttt{go\_mesher\_solver\_lsf}).
+\item The script then creates a list of the nodes allocated to this job
+by echoing the value of a dynamically set environment variable \texttt{LSB\_MCPU\_HOSTS}
+and parsing the output into a one-column list using the Perl script
+\texttt{UTILS/remap\_lsf\_machines.pl}. It then creates a set of scratch
+directories on these nodes (\texttt{\small /scratch/}~\\
+\texttt{\small \$USER/DATABASES\_MPI}) to be used as the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}
+for temporary storage of the database files. The scratch directories
+are created using \texttt{shmux}, a shell multiplexor that can execute
+the same commands on many hosts in parallel. \texttt{shmux} is available
+from Shmux \url{web.taranis.org/shmux/}. Make sure that the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}
+parameter in \texttt{DATA/Par\_file} is also set properly.
+\item The next portion of the script launches the mesher and then the solver
+using \texttt{run\_lsf.bash}.
+\item The final portion of the script collects the seismograms and performs
+clean up on the nodes, using the Perl scripts \texttt{collect\_seismo\_lsf\_multi.pl}
+and \texttt{cleanmulti.pl}.
+\chapter{Post-Processing Scripts}
+Several post-processing scripts/programs are provided in the \texttt{UTILS/}
+directory, and most of them need to be adjusted when used on different
+systems, for example, the path of the executable programs. Here we
+only list the available scripts and provide a brief description, and
+you can either refer to the related sections for detailed usage or,
+in a lot of cases, type the script/program name without arguments
+for its usage.
+\section{Collect Synthetic Seismograms}
+The forward and adjoint simulations generate synthetic seismograms
+in the \texttt{LOCAL\_PATH}. For the forward simulation, the files
+are named \texttt{STA.NT.BH?.semd} for two-column time series, or
+\texttt{STA.NT.BH?.semd.sac} for ASCII SAC format, where STA and NT
+are the station name and network code, and \texttt{BH?} stands for
+the component name. The adjont simulations generate synthetic seismograms
+with the name \texttt{S?????.NT.S??.sem} (refer to Section \ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-sources}
+for details). The kernel simulations output the back-reconstructed
+synthetic seismogram in the name \texttt{STA.NT.BH?.semd}, mainly
+for the purpose of checking the accuracy of the reconstruction. Refer
+to Section \ref{sec:Adjoint-simulation-finite} for further details. 
+To collect the synthetics onto the frontend, you can use the \texttt{UTILS/collect\_seismo.pl}
+machines script:
+\section{Clean Local Database}
+After all the simulations are done, the seismograms are collected,
+and the useful database files are copied to the frontend, you may
+need to clean the local scratch disk for the next simulation. This
+is especially important in the case of 1- or 2-chunk kernel simulation,
+where very large files are generated for the absorbing boundaries
+to help with the reconstruction of the regular forward wavefield.
+A sample script is provided in \texttt{UTILS/}:
+\section{Process Data and Synthetics\label{sec:Process-data-and-syn}}
+In many cases, the SEM synthetics are calculated and compared to data
+seismograms recorded at seismic stations. Since the SEM synthetics
+are accurate for a certain frequency range, both the original data
+and the synthetics need to be processed before a comparison can be
+made. We generally use the following scripts:
+This script cuts a given portion of the original data, filters it,
+transfers the data into a displacement record, and picks the first
+P and S arrivals. For more functionality, type `\texttt{process\_trinet\_data.pl}'
+without any argument. An example of the usage of the script:
+{\footnotesize process\_trinet\_data.pl~-m~CMTSOLUTION~-l~0/180~-t~2/40~-i~dir~-p~-x~bp~~9703873{*}.BH?.SAC}{\footnotesize \par}
+which has cut all the sac files between 0 and 180 seconds, filtered
+them between 2 and 40 seconds, transfered them into displacement records
+using the polezero files in \texttt{dir} directory, picked the first
+P and S arrivals, and added suffix `\texttt{bp}' to the file names.
+Note that all of the scripts in this section actually use the SAC
+and/or IASP91 to do the core operations; therefore make sure that
+the SAC and IASP91 packages are installed properly on your system,
+and that all the environment variables are set properly before running
+these scripts.
+This script converts the synthetic output from the SEM code from ASCII
+to SAC format, and performs similar operations as `\texttt{process\_trinet\_data.pl}'.
+An example of the usage of the script:
+{\footnotesize process\_trinet\_syn.pl~-m~CMTSOLUTION~-a~STATIONS~-l~0/180~-t~2/40~-p~-x~bp~syn/{*}.BH?.semd}{\footnotesize \par}
+which will convert the synthetics into SAC format, add event and station
+information into the SAC headers, cut the SAC files between 0 and
+180 seconds, filter them between 2 and 40 seconds, pick the first
+P and S arrivals, and add the suffix `\texttt{bp}' to the file names.
+More options are available for this script, such as adding time shift
+to the origin time of the synthetics, convolving the synthetics with
+a triangular source time function with a given half duration, etc.
+Type \texttt{process\_trinet\_syn.pl} without any argument for a detailed
+The original data and synthetics have three components: vertical (BHZ),
+north (BHN) and east (BHE). However, for most seismology applications,
+transverse and radial components are also desirable. Therefore, we
+need to rotate the horizontal components of both the data and the
+synthetics to the transverse and radial direction, and \texttt{\small rotate.pl}
+can be used to accomplish this:
+where the first command performs rotation on the SAC data obtained
+through Seismogram Transfer Program (STP) \url{http://www.data.scec.org/STP/stp.html},
+while the second command rotates the processed SEM synthetics.
+\section{Plot Movie Snapshots and Synthetic Shakemaps}
+With the movie data saved in \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES/} at the end of
+a movie simulation (\texttt{\small MOVIE\_SURFACE=.true.}), you can
+run the \texttt{`create\_movie\_GMT}' code to convert these binary
+movie data into GMT xyz files for futher processing. A sample script
+\texttt{movie2gif.pl} is provided to do this conversion, and then
+plot the movie snapshots in GMT, for example:
+which for the first through the 40th movie frame, converts the \texttt{moviedata}
+files into GMT xyz files, interpolates them using the 'nearneighbor'
+command in GMT, and plots them on a 2D topography map. Note that `\texttt{-2}'
+and `\texttt{-p}' are both optional.
+With the shakemap data saved in \texttt{OUTPUT\_FILES/} at the end
+of a shakemap simulation (\texttt{CREATE\_SHAKEMAP=.true.}), you can
+also run \texttt{`create\_movie\_GMT}' code to convert the binary
+shakemap data into GMT xyz files. A sample script \texttt{plot\_shakemap.pl}
+is provided to do this conversion, and then plot the shakemaps in
+GMT, for example:
+where \texttt{type=1} for a displacement shakemap, \texttt{2} for
+velocity, and \texttt{3} for acceleration.
+\section{Map Local Database}
+A sample program \texttt{remap\_database} is provided to map the local
+database from a set of machines to another set of machines. This is
+especially useful when you want to run mesher and solver, or different
+types of solvers separately through a scheduler (refer to Chapter~\ref{cha:Scheduler}).
+where \texttt{old\_machines} is the LSF machine file used in the previous
+simulation, and \texttt{150} is the number of processors in total.
+\chapter*{\label{cha:Bug-Reports-and}Bug Reports and Suggestions for Improvements}
+To report bugs or suggest improvements to the code, please send an
+e-mail to the CIG Computational Seismology Mailing List \url{cig-seismo at geodynamics.org}
+or Jeroen Tromp \url{jtromp-AT-gps.caltech.edu}, and/or use our online
+bug tracking system Roundup \url{www.geodynamics.org/roundup}.
+\chapter*{Notes \& Acknowledgments}
+In order to keep the software package thread-safe in case a multithreaded
+implementation of MPI is used, developers should not add modules or
+common blocks to the source code but rather use regular subroutine
+arguments (which can be grouped in ``derived types'' if needed for
+The Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre subroutines in \texttt{gll\_library.f90}
+are based in part on software libraries from Massachusetts Institute
+of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+The non-structured global numbering software was provided by Paul
+F. Fischer. 
+OpenDX \url{http://www.opendx.org} is open-source based on IBM Data
+Explorer, AVS \url{http://www.avs.com} is a trademark of Advanced
+Visualization Systems, and ParaView \url{http://www.paraview.com}
+is an open-source visualization platform. 
+The main developers of the \texttt{SPECFEM3D} source code are Dimitri
+Komatitsch, Jeroen Tromp, and Qinya Liu. The following individuals
+(listed in alphabetical order) have also contributed to the development
+of the source code: Min Chen, Vala Hjörleifsdóttir, Brian Savage,
+and Leif Strand. The following individuals (listed in alphabetical
+order) contributed to this manual: Min Chen, Vala Hjörleifsdóttir,
+Sue Kientz, Dimitri Komatitsch, Qinya Liu, Alessia Maggi, Brian Savage,
+Carl Tape, and Jeroen Tromp. The manual's cover graphic was created
+by Santiago Lombeyda from Caltech's Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR) \url{http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/}.
+Please e-mail your feedback, questions, comments, and suggestions
+to Jeroen Tromp \url{jtromp-AT-gps.caltech.edu} or to the CIG Computational Seismology Mailing List \url{cig-seismo at geodynamics.org}. 
+Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, U.S.,
+and University of Pau, France
+© California Institute of Technology and University of Pau, November
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation (see Appendix \ref{cha:License}).
+\chapter{\label{cha:Coordinates}Reference Frame Convention}
+The code uses the following convention for the Cartesian reference
+\item the $x$ axis points East 
+\item the $y$ axis points North 
+\item the $z$ axis points up 
+Note that this convention is different from both the \citet{AkRi80}
+convention and the Harvard Centroid-Moment Tensor (CMT) convention.
+The Aki \& Richards convention is 
+\item the $x$ axis points North 
+\item the $y$ axis points East 
+\item the $z$ axis points down 
+and the Harvard CMT convention is 
+\item the $x$ axis points South 
+\item the $y$ axis points East 
+\item the $z$ axis points up 
+\chapter{\label{cha:License}License }
+\textbf{GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991. Copyright
+(C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite
+330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA} \\
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
+license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom
+to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License
+is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software
+-- to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General
+Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software
+and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other
+Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General
+Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.
+When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.
+Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have
+the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces
+of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone
+to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These
+restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you
+have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+We protect your rights with two steps:
+\item Copyright the software, and 
+\item Offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
+and/or modify the software.
+Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on,
+we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original,
+so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the
+original authors' reputations.
+Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program
+will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program
+proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent
+must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. 
+The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification
+\item[0.]This License applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The ``Program''
+below refers to any such program or work, and a ``work based on the
+Program'' means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright
+law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of
+it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation
+in the term ``modification.'') Each licensee is addressed as ``you.''\\
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running
+the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is
+covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program
+(independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether
+that is true depends on what the Program does. 
+\item You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously
+and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice
+and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer
+to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other
+recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. 
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for
+a fee. 
+\item You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute
+such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided
+that you also meet all of these conditions: 
+\item You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating
+that you changed the files and the date of any change. 
+\item You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole
+or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof,
+to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under
+the terms of this License. 
+\item If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive
+use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement
+including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there
+is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that
+users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling
+the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program
+itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement,
+your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) 
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
+sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be
+reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves,
+then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when
+you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the
+same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program,
+the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License,
+whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole,
+and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. 
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is
+to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program. 
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume
+of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work
+under the scope of this License. 
+\item You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under
+Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections
+1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: 
+\item Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source
+code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and
+2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, 
+\item Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years,
+to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically
+performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of
+the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange;
+\item Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to
+distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed
+only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program
+in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with
+Subsection b above.) 
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
+compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special
+exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that
+is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the
+major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system
+on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access
+to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to
+copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of
+the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy
+the source along with the object code. 
+\item You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except
+as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to
+copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will
+automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
+who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will
+not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain
+in full compliance. 
+\item You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed
+it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute
+the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited
+by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying
+or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you
+indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms
+and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program
+or works based on it. 
+\item Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program),
+the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor
+to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and
+conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients'
+exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for
+enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 
+\item If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement
+or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions
+are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise)
+that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse
+you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute
+so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License
+and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license
+would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all
+those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended
+to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity
+of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by
+public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions
+to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance
+on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor
+to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any
+other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. 
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed
+to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 
+\item If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain
+countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original
+copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as
+if written in the body of this License. 
+\item The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions
+will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
+detail to address new problems or concerns. 
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+``any later version,'' you have the option of following the terms
+and conditions either of that version or of any later version published
+by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a
+version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+\item If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs
+whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to
+ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software
+and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. 
+\subsection*{NO WARRANTY }
+\subsection*{How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs}
+If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make
+it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under
+these terms. 
+To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+For example:
+One line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.
+Copyright {\footnotesize © (}year) (name of author) 
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version. 
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details. 
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like
+this when it starts in an interactive mode: 
+Gnomovision version 69, Copyright © year name of author Gnomovision
+comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This
+is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
+conditions; type `show c' for details. 
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use
+may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could
+even be mouse-clicks or menu items -- whatever suits your program. 
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
+your school, if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program,
+if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: 
+Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. 
+(signature of Ty Coon)\\
+1 April 1989 \\
+Ty Coon, President of Vice 
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library,
+you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications
+with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library
+General Public License instead of this License.

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