[cig-commits] r13970 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Tue Jan 27 17:35:54 PST 2009

Author: brad
Date: 2009-01-27 17:35:54 -0800 (Tue, 27 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 13970

Added missing Field files.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.cc	2009-01-28 01:35:54 UTC (rev 13970)
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "Field.hh" // implementation of class methods
+#include "Mesh.hh" // HASA Mesh
+#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES double_array
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+pylith::topology::Field::Field(const Mesh& mesh) :
+  _mesh(mesh)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get spatial dimension of domain.
+pylith::topology::Field::spaceDim(void) const
+{ // spaceDim
+  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _mesh.coordsys();
+  return (0 != cs) ? cs->spaceDim() : 0;
+} // spaceDim
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create seive section.
+{ // newSection
+  _section = new MeshRealSection(_mesh.comm(), _mesh.debug());  
+} // newSection
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create sieve section and set chart and fiber dimesion.
+			  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& points,
+			  const int fiberDim)
+{ // newSection
+  if (fiberDim < 0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Fiber dimension (" << fiberDim << ") for field '" << _name
+      << "' must be nonnegative.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  _section = new MeshRealSection(_mesh.comm(), _mesh.debug());
+  const SieveMesh::point_type pointMin = 
+    *std::min_element(points->begin(), points->end());
+  const SieveMesh::point_type pointMax = 
+    *std::max_element(points->begin(), points->end());
+  _section->setChart(MeshRealSection::chart_type(pointMin, pointMax+1));
+  _section->setFiberDimension(points, fiberDim);  
+} // newSection
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create sieve section and set chart and fiber dimesion.
+pylith::topology::Field::newSection(const DomainEnum domain,
+				    const int fiberDim)
+{ // newSection
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh.sieveMesh();
+  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence> points;
+  if (VERTICES_FIELD == domain)
+    points = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0);
+  else if (CELLS_FIELD == domain)
+    points = sieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  else {
+    std::cerr << "Unknown value for DomainEnum: " << domain << std::endl;
+    assert(0);
+  } // else
+  newSection(points, fiberDim);
+} // newSection
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create section given chart.
+pylith::topology::Field::newSection(const MeshRealSection::chart_type& chart,
+				    const int fiberDim)
+{ // newSection
+  if (_section.isNull())
+    newSection();
+  _section->setChart(chart);
+  const MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator chartEnd = chart.end();
+  for (MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
+       c_iter != chartEnd;
+       ++c_iter)
+    _section->setFiberDimension(*c_iter, fiberDim);
+  allocate();
+} // newSection
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create section with same layout as another section.
+pylith::topology::Field::newSection(const Field& src)
+{ // newSection
+  _vecFieldType = src._vecFieldType;
+  const ALE::Obj<MeshRealSection>& srcSection = src.section();
+  if (!srcSection.isNull() && _section.isNull())
+    newSection();
+  if (!_section.isNull()) {
+    _section->setAtlas(srcSection->getAtlas());
+    _section->allocateStorage();
+    _section->setBC(srcSection->getBC());
+  } // if
+} // newSection
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Clear variables associated with section.
+{ // clear
+  if (!_section.isNull())
+    _section->clear();
+  _scale = 1.0;
+  _vecFieldType = OTHER;
+  _dimensionsOkay = false;
+} // clear
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Allocate Sieve section.
+{ // allocate
+  assert(!_section.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh.sieveMesh();
+  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  sieveMesh->allocate(_section);
+} // allocate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zero section values.
+{ // zero
+  if (!_section.isNull())
+    _section->zero();
+} // zero
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Complete section by assembling across processors.
+{ // complete
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh.sieveMesh();
+  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  if (!_section.isNull())
+    ALE::Completion::completeSectionAdd(sieveMesh->getSendOverlap(),
+					sieveMesh->getRecvOverlap(), 
+					_section, _section);
+} // complete
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copy field values and metadata.
+pylith::topology::Field::copy(const Field& field)
+{ // copy
+  // Check compatibility of sections
+  const int srcSize = (!field._section.isNull()) ? field._section->size() : 0;
+  const int dstSize = (!_section.isNull()) ? _section->size() : 0;
+  if (field.spaceDim() != spaceDim() ||
+      field._vecFieldType != _vecFieldType ||
+      field._scale != _scale ||
+      srcSize != dstSize) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Cannot copy values from section '" << field._name 
+	<< "' to section '" << _name << "'. Sections are incompatible.\n"
+	<< "  Source section:\n"
+	<< "    space dim: " << field.spaceDim() << "\n"
+	<< "    vector field type: " << field._vecFieldType << "\n"
+	<< "    scale: " << field._scale << "\n"
+	<< "    size: " << srcSize
+	<< "  Destination section:\n"
+	<< "    space dim: " << spaceDim() << "\n"
+	<< "    vector field type: " << _vecFieldType << "\n"
+	<< "    scale: " << _scale << "\n"
+	<< "    size: " << dstSize;
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert( (_section.isNull() && field._section.isNull()) ||
+	  (!_section.isNull() && !field._section.isNull()) );
+  if (!_section.isNull()) {
+    // Copy values from field
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type& chart = _section->getChart();
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator chartEnd = chart.end();
+    for (MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
+	 c_iter != chartEnd;
+	 ++c_iter) {
+      assert(field._section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter) ==
+	     _section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
+      _section->updatePoint(*c_iter, field._section->restrictPoint(*c_iter));
+    } // for
+  } // if
+} // copy
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Add two fields, storing the result in one of the fields.
+pylith::topology::Field::operator+=(const Field& field)
+{ // operator+=
+  // Check compatibility of sections
+  const int srcSize = (!field._section.isNull()) ? field._section->size() : 0;
+  const int dstSize = (!_section.isNull()) ? _section->size() : 0;
+  if (field.spaceDim() != spaceDim() ||
+      field._vecFieldType != _vecFieldType ||
+      field._scale != _scale ||
+      srcSize != dstSize) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Cannot add values from section '" << field._name 
+	<< "' to section '" << _name << "'. Sections are incompatible.\n"
+	<< "  Source section:\n"
+	<< "    space dim: " << field.spaceDim() << "\n"
+	<< "    vector field type: " << field._vecFieldType << "\n"
+	<< "    scale: " << field._scale << "\n"
+	<< "    size: " << srcSize
+	<< "  Destination section:\n"
+	<< "    space dim: " << spaceDim() << "\n"
+	<< "    vector field type: " << _vecFieldType << "\n"
+	<< "    scale: " << _scale << "\n"
+	<< "    size: " << dstSize;
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert( (_section.isNull() && field._section.isNull()) ||
+	  (!_section.isNull() && !field._section.isNull()) );
+  if (!_section.isNull()) {
+    // Add values from field
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type& chart = _section->getChart();
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator chartEnd = chart.end();
+    // Assume fiber dimension is uniform
+    const int fiberDim = _section->getFiberDimension(*chart.begin());
+    double_array values(fiberDim);
+    for (MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
+	 c_iter != chartEnd;
+	 ++c_iter) {
+      assert(fiberDim == field._section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
+      assert(fiberDim == _section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
+      field._section->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &values[0], values.size());
+      _section->updateAddPoint(*c_iter, &values[0]);
+    } // for
+  } // if
+} // operator+=
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize field.
+{ // dimensionalize
+  if (!_dimensionsOkay) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Cannot dimensionalize field '" << _name << "' because the flag "
+	<< "has been set to keep field nondimensional.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  if (!_section.isNull()) {
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type& chart = _section->getChart();
+    const MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator chartEnd = chart.end();
+    // Assume fiber dimension is uniform
+    const int fiberDim = _section->getFiberDimension(*chart.begin());
+    double_array values(fiberDim);
+    spatialdata::units::Nondimensional normalizer;
+    for (MeshRealSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
+	 c_iter != chartEnd;
+	 ++c_iter) {
+      assert(fiberDim == _section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
+      _section->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &values[0], values.size());
+      normalizer.dimensionalize(&values[0], values.size(), _scale);
+      _section->updatePoint(*c_iter, &values[0]);
+    } // for
+  } // if
+} // dimensionalize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Print field to standard out.
+pylith::topology::Field::view(const char* label)
+{ // view
+  std::string vecFieldString;
+  switch(_vecFieldType)
+    { // switch
+    case SCALAR:
+      vecFieldString = "scalar";
+      break;
+    case VECTOR:
+      vecFieldString = "vector";
+      break;
+    case TENSOR:
+      vecFieldString = "tensor";
+      break;
+    case OTHER:
+      vecFieldString = "other";
+      break;
+    case MULTI_SCALAR:
+      vecFieldString = "multiple scalars";
+      break;
+    case MULTI_VECTOR:
+      vecFieldString = "multiple vectors";
+      break;
+    case MULTI_TENSOR:
+      vecFieldString = "multiple tensors";
+      break;
+    case MULTI_OTHER:
+      vecFieldString = "multiple other values";
+      break;
+    default :
+      std::cerr << "Unknown vector field value '" << _vecFieldType
+		<< "'." << std::endl;
+      assert(0);
+    } // switch
+  std::cout << "Viewing field '" << _name << "' "<< label << ".\n"
+	    << "  vector field type: " << vecFieldString << "\n"
+	    << "  scale: " << _scale << "\n"
+	    << "  dimensionalize flag: " << _dimensionsOkay << std::endl;
+  if (!_section.isNull())
+    _section->view(label);
+} // view
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.hh	2009-01-28 01:35:54 UTC (rev 13970)
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+ * @file pylith/topology/Field.hh
+ *
+ * @brief Vector field over the vertices or cells of a finite-element
+ * mesh.
+ *
+ * Extends Sieve real general section by adding metadata.
+ */
+#include "FieldBase.hh" // ISA FieldBase
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_field_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_field_hh
+// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
+#include "pylith/utils/sievetypes.hh" // HASA PETSc real_section_type
+// Forward declarations -------------------------------------------------
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+    class Field;
+    class TestField;
+    class Mesh; // HASA Mesh
+  } // topology
+} // pylith
+// Field ----------------------------------------------------------------
+class pylith::topology::Field : public FieldBase
+{ // Field
+  friend class TestField; // unit testing
+// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /** Default constructor.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
+   */
+  Field(const Mesh& mesh);
+  /// Destructor.
+  ~Field(void);
+  /** Get Sieve section.
+   *
+   * @returns Sieve section.
+   */
+  const ALE::Obj<MeshRealSection>& section(void) const;
+  /** Get spatial dimension of domain.
+   *
+   * @returns Spatial dimension of domain.
+   */
+  int spaceDim(void) const;
+  /// Create sieve section.
+  void newSection(void);
+  /** Create sieve section and set chart and fiber dimesion.
+   *
+   * @param points Points over which to define section.
+   * @param dim Fiber dimension for section.
+   */
+  void newSection(const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& points,
+		  const int fiberDim);
+  /** Create sieve section and set chart and fiber dimesion.
+   *
+   * @param domain Type of points over which to define section.
+   * @param dim Fiber dimension for section.
+   */
+  void newSection(const DomainEnum domain,
+		  const int fiberDim);
+  /** Create section given chart. This allows a chart to be reused
+   * across multiple fields, reducing memory usage.
+   *
+   * @param chart Chart defining points over which section is defined.
+   * @param fiberDim Fiber dimension.
+   */
+  void newSection(const MeshRealSection::chart_type& chart,
+		  const int fiberDim);
+  /** Create section with same layout (fiber dimension and
+   * constraints) as another section. This allows the layout data
+   * structures to be reused across multiple fields, reducing memory
+   * usage.
+   *
+   * @param sec Section defining layout.
+   */
+  void newSection(const Field& src);
+  /// Clear variables associated with section.
+  void clear(void);
+  /// Allocate field.
+  void allocate(void);
+  /// Zero section values.
+  void zero(void);
+  /// Complete section by assembling across processors.
+  void complete(void);
+  /** Copy field values and metadata.
+   *
+   * @param field Field to copy.
+   */
+  void copy(const Field& field);
+  /** Add two fields, storing the result in one of the fields.
+   *
+   * @param field Field to add.
+   */
+  void operator+=(const Field& field);
+  /** Dimensionalize field. Throws runtime_error if field is not
+   * allowed to be dimensionalized.
+   */
+  void dimensionalize(void);
+  /** Print field to standard out.
+   *
+   * @param label Label for output.
+   */
+  void view(const char* label);
+// PROTECTED MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  const Mesh& _mesh; ///< Mesh associated with section
+  ALE::Obj<MeshRealSection> _section; ///< Real section with data
+// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  Field(const Field&); ///< Not implemented
+  const Field& operator=(const Field&); ///< Not implemented
+}; // Field
+#include "Field.icc"
+#endif // pylith_topology_field_hh
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-swig/libsrc/topology/Field.icc	2009-01-28 01:35:54 UTC (rev 13970)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_field_hh)
+#error "Field.icc must be included only from Field.hh"
+// Get Sieve section.
+const ALE::Obj<pylith::MeshRealSection>&
+pylith::topology::Field::section(void) const {
+  return _section;
+// End of file

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