[cig-commits] r15486 - in seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab: . matlab_scripts

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Thu Jul 30 07:23:34 PDT 2009

Author: carltape
Date: 2009-07-30 07:23:31 -0700 (Thu, 30 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 15486

Added matlab_scripts directory to better organize the scripts.  Now the main Matlab scripts will load the path to matlab_scripts.

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/axes_expand.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/axes_expand.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/axes_expand.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-% function ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,fac)
-% CARL TAPE, 16-Aug-2005
-% printed xxx
-% This function inputs an axes box and outputs a new axes box,
-% expanded by the factor 'fac' in all 2,4,6 dimensions.
-%    ax0 = [-121 -114]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,2)
-%    ax0 = [-121 -114 31 37]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,2)
-%    ax0 = [-121 -114 31 37]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,0.30)
-% calls xxx
-% called by xxx
-function ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,fac)
-% 1D, 2D, 3D
-ndim = length(ax0)/2;
-ax1 = zeros(1,ndim*2);
-% return original axes if new axes are non-sensical
-xmin = ax0(1);
-xmax = ax0(2);
-dx = xmax-xmin;
-ax1(1) = xmin - dx*(fac-1);
-ax1(2) = xmax + dx*(fac-1);
-if ax1(2) <= ax1(1), ax1 = ax0; end
-if ndim >= 2
-    ymin = ax0(3);
-    ymax = ax0(4);
-    dy = ymax-ymin;
-    ax1(3) = ymin - dy*(fac-1);
-    ax1(4) = ymax + dy*(fac-1);
-    if ax1(4) <= ax1(3), ax1 = ax0; end
-if ndim == 3
-    zmin = ax0(3);
-    zmax = ax0(4);
-    dz = zmax-zmin;
-    ax1(5) = zmin - dz*(fac-1);
-    ax1(6) = zmax + dz*(fac-1);
-    if ax1(6) <= ax1(5), ax1 = ax0; end

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-% compare_misfit.m
-% CARL TAPE, 06-Aug-2008
-% printed xxx
-% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
-% called by xxx
-close all
-format compact
-dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
-iVRlog = 1;    % variance reduction formula (1 for VRL; 0 for VR)
-iwdiff = 1;    % demoninator for waveform difference (1 for new; 0 for old "standard" version)
-wtag = sprintf('VR%i_wdiff%i',iVRlog,iwdiff);
-iwrite = 1;
-isciencehist = 1;    % 0 or 1
-odirsci = '/home/carltape/science_paper/latex/figures/scripts/hist_data/';
-DTMIN = 1.0;   % see description below (1.0 or 0.0 for socal)
-idataset = 3;        % 1 (tomo), 2 (extra), 3 (simulation)
-dtags = {'tomo','extra','simulation'};
-dtag = dtags{idataset};
-% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
-%Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
-Tminvec = [2]; Tmaxvec = [30];
-comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
-    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
-    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
-ncomp = length(comps);
-nper = length(Tminvec);
-stBtag = 'BP';
-for ii=1:nper
-    stBtag = [stBtag num2str(Tminvec(ii))];
-% strings for labeling
-sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
-for tt = 1:nper
-    %sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
-    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('%i-%is',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
-%imod1 = input(' Enter the model 1 (0): ');
-%imod2 = input(' Enter the model 2 (16): ');
-imod1 = 0;
-imod2 = 16;
-stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);     % put the VR files in the dir for the final model
-idatacov = 2;
-%idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
-    % 1: weight by N
-    % 2: weight by E N_e in blocks that are N_e each in length
-    % 3: weight by 1
-    % -- N_e is the number of windows for event e
-    % -- E is the number of events
-    % -- N is the total number of windows: N = sum_e N_e
-stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
-stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
-ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
-odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
-%iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
-stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
-dir_source = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
-cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
-stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
-% list of event IDs
-%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
-eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_' dtag];
-% read in list of event IDs and sources
-% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
-% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
-eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
-eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
-%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
-nevent = length(eids);
-% read in CMT solutions
-[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
-eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
-% get the indices of these events into the full list
-ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
-for ii=1:nevent
-    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
-    if ~isempty(itemp)
-        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
-    else
-        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
-    end
-disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
-% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
-[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
-nrec = length(stnm);
-for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
-strec = strec(:);
-% make list of networks
-stnet = unique(netwk);
-nnet = length(stnet);
-% create indexing array
-% % create indexing vector and array
-% ninds = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper;
-% index_array2vec = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
-% index_vec2array = zeros(ninds,4);
-% nw = 0;
-% for ievent = 1:nevent
-%     for irec = 1:nrec
-%         for icomp = 1:ncomp
-%             for iper = 1:nper
-%                 nw = nw+1;
-%                 index_vec2array(nw,:) = [ievent irec icomp iper];
-%                 index_array2vec(ievent,irec,icomp,iper) = nw;
-%             end
-%         end
-%     end 
-% end
-% nwin_tot = nw;    % = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper
-iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
-%iread = 1;
-if iread == 1
-    % range of events
-    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
-    %imin = 1; imax = 10;
-    %imin = 139; imax = imin;       
-    %imin = 141; imax = imin;       % Chino Hills
-    % model 1
-    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod1);
-    meas_array1 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
-    save('meas_array1','meas_array1');
-    % model 2
-    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);
-    meas_array2 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
-    save('meas_array2','meas_array2');
-   load(['meas_array1.mat']);
-   load(['meas_array2.mat']);
-% check at least that the station indices are identical
-if sum( meas_array1(:,5) - meas_array2(:,5) ) ~= 0
-    error('mismatch of the two window files');
-% total number of windows
-N = length(meas_array1);
-% combine the columns that you want into one datafile
-meas_all = [meas_array1(:,[1:7 9 10 13 14 11]) ...     % first 11 columns
-    meas_array1(:,12) meas_array2(:,12) meas_array1(:,8) meas_array2(:,8) ...
-    meas_array1(:,15) meas_array2(:,15) meas_array1(:,16) meas_array2(:,16) ...
-    meas_array1(:,17) meas_array2(:,17) meas_array1(:,18) meas_array2(:,18) ...
-    meas_array1(:,19) meas_array2(:,19) meas_array1(:,23) meas_array2(:,23) ...
-    meas_array1(:,25) meas_array2(:,25)];
-%  1  kinds
-%  2  index_T
-%  3  index_event
-%  4  index_network
-%  5  index_rec
-%  6  index_comp
-%  7  iwin
-%  8  seisdur
-%  9  windur
-% 10  seisd2
-% 11  wind2
-% 12  T_pmax_dat
-% 13  m00 - T_pmax_syn
-% 14  m16 - T_pmax_syn
-% 15  m00 - iker
-% 16  m16 - iker
-% waveform difference information
-% 17  m00 - seiss2
-% 18  m16 - seiss2
-% 19  m00 - wins2
-% 20  m16 - wins2
-% 21, m00 - seis_diff2
-% 22, m16 - seis_diff2
-% 23, m00 - win_diff2
-% 24, m16 - win_diff2
-% 25, m00 - DT-CC
-% 26, m16 - DT-CC
-% 27, m00 - DT-MT
-% 28, m16 - DT-MT
-% 29, m00 - tr_chi
-% 30, m16 - tr_chi
-% 31, m00 - seis_chi
-% 32, m16 - seis_chi
-% 33, m00 - win_chi
-% 34, m16 - win_chi
-% 35 --> VRseis (with NaN)
-% 36 --> VRwin (with NaN)
-% find the unique seismograms (value from first window in each record)
-bseis1 = (meas_all(:,7) == 1);
-nseis = sum(bseis1);
-disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows are the only window on the seismogram',nseis,N));
-for kk = 0:1    % loop over both models
-    % find the number of MT and CC measurements used, and replace MT-DT with the CC value
-    iMT = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 1);
-    iCC = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 2);
-    nMT = length(iMT);
-    disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows use multitaper measurment',nMT,N));
-    % compare DT for MT vs CC
-    figure; hold on; ymx = 4;
-    plot(meas_all(:,25+kk),meas_all(:,27+kk),'.');
-    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ro');
-    plot([-1 1]*ymx,[-1 1]*ymx,'r--'); grid on; axis equal, axis([-1 1 -1 1]*ymx);
-    xlabel('Cross-correlation DT'); ylabel('Multitaper DT (when possible)');
-    % KEY: replace MT DT zero values with the CC DT values
-    meas_all(iCC,27+kk) = meas_all(iCC,25+kk);
-    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ko');
-%itemp = find(and(meas_all(:,23)==-2.9,meas_all(:,25) > 0))
-if iwdiff == 1
-    % new version
-    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,17) );
-    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,18) );
-    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,17) );
-    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,18) );  
-    % old "standard" version
-    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ meas_all(:,10);
-    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ meas_all(:,10);
-    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ meas_all(:,11);
-    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ meas_all(:,11);  
-% add misfit to meas_all
-meas_all = [meas_all seis_chi1 seis_chi2 win_chi1 win_chi2];
-if iVRlog == 1
-    VRseis = log( seis_chi1 ./ seis_chi2 );
-    VRwin = log( win_chi1 ./ win_chi2 );
-    edges_vr = [-4:0.5:4]; ylims = [0 0.4];
-    VRtag = 'VRL';
-    VRseis = (seis_chi1 - seis_chi2) ./ seis_chi1;
-    VRwin = (win_chi1 - win_chi2) ./ win_chi1;   
-    edges_vr = [-4:0.25:1]; ylims = [0 0.4];
-    VRtag = 'VR';
-% Remove windows that are have time shifts less than DTMIN both in the
-% initial model and in the final model -- we are not interested in the VR
-% for these records.  But we are interested if the time shift gets WORSE
-% than DTMIN in going from m00 to m16.
-%DTMIN = 0.0;
-DTMIN_tag = sprintf('DTMIN_%3.3ims',DTMIN*1000);
-bbad = and( abs(meas_all(:,25)) < DTMIN, abs(meas_all(:,26)) < DTMIN );
-bgood = ~bbad;
-ngood = sum(bgood);
-VRwin(bbad) = NaN;
-if DTMIN == 0
-    VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
-    disp('excluding seismograms that have windows fit before and after');
-    if 0==1
-        % exclude seismograms in which ANY window has a time shifts less than DTMIN
-        % both in the initial model and in the final model
-        VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
-        VRseis(bbad) = NaN;      % set VR to NaN if ANY window is NaN
-    else
-        % exclude seismograms in which ALL windows have time shifts less than DTMIN
-        % both in the initial model and in the final model -- THIS IS SLOW
-        %for ii = 1:N        % loop over all windows
-        ind1=3; ind2=5; ind3=6; ind4=2;
-        for ii = 1:N
-        %for ii = 10:10
-           if mod(ii,1000) == 0, disp(sprintf('%i out of %i',ii,N)); end
-           sind = meas_all(ii,[ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4]);    % index into record
-           % find the other windows on the seismogram and assign NaN if all windows
-           % on the seismogram have VRwin NaN
-           imatch = find( and( and(meas_all(:,ind1)==sind(1),meas_all(:,ind2)==sind(2)),...
-               and(meas_all(:,ind3)==sind(3),meas_all(:,ind4)==sind(4)) ) == 1);
-           inans = isnan(VRwin(imatch));
-           if all(inans)                    % all windows are bad
-               VRseis(imatch) = NaN;
-           else                             % at least one window is good
-               ikeeper = imatch(~inans);
-               VRseis(setdiff(imatch,ikeeper(1))) = NaN;
-           end
-        end
-    end
-%temp = [VRseis VRwin]; disp(temp(1:30,:)), sum(~isnan(VRseis)), sum(~isnan(VRwin))
-% good seismograms, unrepeated
-bgoodseis = ~isnan(VRseis);
-ngoodseis = sum(bgoodseis);
-disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngood,N,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
-disp(sprintf('%i out of %i seismograms have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngoodseis,nseis,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
-% Remove windows that are worse within records that are better
-%bbad2 = and( VRseis > 0, VRwin <  0); length(bbad2)
-% fraction of records and windows that have a worse waveform difference
-fworse_seis = length(find(VRseis(bgoodseis) < 0)) / ngoodseis;
-fworse_win = length(find(VRwin(bgood) < 0)) / ngood;
-% add VR to meas_all
-meas_all = [meas_all VRseis VRwin];
-VRvals = [mean(VRwin(bgood)) median(VRwin(bgood)) mean(VRseis(bgoodseis)) median(VRseis(bgoodseis))];
-disp(sprintf('Variance reduction values for the %i windows:',ngood));
-figure; nr=3; nc=2;
-edges_chi = [0:0.25:4];
-x = win_chi1(bgood);
-%x = log(win_chi1(bgood));
-Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
-xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WINDOWS: mean %.3f, median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
-x = seis_chi1(bgoodseis);
-%x = log(seis_chi1(bgoodseis));
-Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
-xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
-x = win_chi2(bgood);
-%x = log(win_chi2(bgood));
-Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
-xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WIN: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
-x = seis_chi2(bgoodseis);
-%x = log(seis_chi2(bgoodseis));
-Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
-xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
-Nbin = plot_histo(VRwin(bgood),edges_vr);
-xlabel([VRtag ' for each window']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('WIN: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_win,VRtag,VRvals(1),VRtag,VRvals(2)));
-Nbin = plot_histo(VRseis(bgoodseis),edges_vr);
-xlabel([VRtag ' for each seismogram']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-title(sprintf('SEIS: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_seis,VRtag,VRvals(3),VRtag,VRvals(4)));
-fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
-% MT-DT and CC-DT for final model
-DTvals = zeros(1,4);
-x1 = meas_all(bgoodseis,26);
-x2 = meas_all(bgoodseis,28);
-DTvals = [mean(x1) std(x1) mean(x2) std(x2)];
-if 1==1
-    figure; nr=2; nc=1; ylims = [0 0.3];
-    edges_DT = [-3:0.25:3];
-    tlabs = {'CC','MT'};
-    for kk=[0 2]
-        % windows
-        subplot(nr,nc,1+kk/2);
-        x = meas_all(bgood,26+kk);
-        Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
-        xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-        title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
-%         % seismograms
-%         subplot(nr,nc,2+kk);
-%         x = meas_all(bgoodseis,26+kk);
-%         Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
-%         xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
-%         title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
-    end
-    fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
-% %----------------------------------------------
-% % check some of the output window rows
-% if 0==1
-%     itestvec = [41];
-%     for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
-%         disp('====>');
-%         itest = itestvec(ii);
-%         meas_array1(itest,14)
-%         meas_array2(itest,14)
-%         display_meas(meas_array1(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
-%         display_meas(meas_array2(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
-%     end
-% end
-% add a couple more measures
-% 32 - Pwin, power in window relative to record
-% 33 - Pwin*VRwin, quality of VR for window (will favor single-window records)
-%meas_all_mod = [meas_all meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10) meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10).*meas_all(:,31)];
-meas_all_mod = meas_all;
-% if isciencehist==1
-%     % 1  - ii
-%     % 2  - eid
-%     % 3  - ind
-%     % 4  - sta
-%     % 5  - net
-%     % 6  - comp
-%     % 7  - iwin
-%     % 8  - m16 - DT-CC
-%     % 9  - m16 - DT-MT
-%     % 10 - m00 - seis_chi
-%     % 11 - m16 - seis_chi
-%     % 12 - m00 - win_chi
-%     % 13 - m16 - win_chi
-%     %dsort = meas_all_mod(bgood,:);        % extract a subset
-%     dsort = meas_all_mod;
-%     klabs = {'win','seis'};
-%     for kk = 1:2
-%         fpre = 'hist_all_wdiff';
-%         %fpre = 'hist_T006_T030_DT';
-%         fname = [odirsci fpre '_'  DTMIN_tag '_' dtag '_' wtag '_' klabs{kk} '.dat'];
-%         fid = fopen(fname,'w');
-%         pp = 0;
-%         for ii = 1:length(dsort)
-%             ilist = 0;
-%             if any(kk==[2 4])          % seismogram list
-%                 %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
-%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
-%             else                       % window list
-%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
-%             end
-%             if ilist==1
-%                 pp = pp+1;
-%                 fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%6i%6s%6s%6s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,6) '\n'],...
-%                     pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),dsort(ii,1),...
-%                     char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
-%                     dsort(ii,[7 26 28 29:32]));
-%             end
-%         end
-%         fclose(fid);
-%     end
-% end
-if iwrite == 1
-    if isciencehist==0
-        klabs = {'DT2','DT_chi2','seis_chi1','seis_chi2','win_chi1','win_chi2','VRseis','VRwin'};
-        kind = [-26 30 31 32 33 34 -35 -36];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
-    else
-        odir = odirsci;
-        klabs = {'seis_chi1','win_chi1'};
-        kind = [31 33];
-    end
-    numk = length(klabs);
-    disp('writing out sorted files...');
-    for kk = 1:numk
-    %for kk = numk:numk
-    %for kk = 1:1
-        dsort = sortrows(meas_all_mod,kind(kk));
-        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_sort_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%6s%12s%8s%6s%6s%6s%10s%6s' repmat('%8s',1,12) '\n'],' ','eid','ind',...
-            'stnm','net','comp','BP','iwin','DTCC1','DTCC2','DTMT1','DTMT2',...
-            'DTchi1','DTchi2','Fseis1','Fseis2','Fwin1','Fwin2','VRseis','VRwin');
-        pp = 0;
-        for ii = 1:N
-            ilist = 0;
-            if any(abs(kind(kk))==[31 32 35])          % seismogram list
-                %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
-                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
-            else                       % window list
-                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
-            end
-            if ilist == 1
-                pp = pp+1;
-                fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%8i%6s%6s%6s%10s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,12) '\n'],...
-                    pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),...
-                    dsort(ii,1),...
-                    char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),...
-                    char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),...
-                    char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
-                    char(sTbp{dsort(ii,2)}),...
-                    dsort(ii,[7 25:36]));
-            end
-        end
-        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
-        fclose(fid);
-    end
-    % values to go with the histograms
-    % 1 - m16 DTCC mean
-    % 2 - m16 DTCC std
-    % 3 - m16 DTMT mean
-    % 4 - m16 DTMT std
-    % 5 - VRwin mean
-    % 6 - VRwin std
-    % 7 - VRseis mean
-    % 8 - VRseis mean
-    vtemp = [DTvals VRvals];
-    disp('writing out statistic values...');
-    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_values.txt'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,[repmat('%12.3e',1,length(vtemp)) '\n'],vtemp);
-    fclose(fid);

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+% compare_misfit.m
+% CARL TAPE, 30-July-2009
+% printed xxx
+% This program reads in two sets of window_chi files with identical
+% windows, computes the misfit for both, and then compute the variance
+% reduction within each window.
+% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+% add path to additional matlab scripts
+dir0 = '/home/carltape/RUNS/';
+iVRlog = 1;    % variance reduction formula (1 for VRL; 0 for VR)
+iwdiff = 1;    % demoninator for waveform difference (1 for new; 0 for old "standard" version)
+wtag = sprintf('VR%i_wdiff%i',iVRlog,iwdiff);
+iwrite = 0;
+isciencehist = 0;    % 0 or 1
+odirsci = '/home/carltape/manuscripts/2009/tomo_gji/latex/figures/scripts/hist_data/';
+DTMIN = 1.0;   % see description below (1.0 or 0.0 for socal)
+idataset = 3;        % 1 (tomo), 2 (extra), 3 (simulation)
+dtags = {'tomo','extra','simulation'};
+dtag = dtags{idataset};
+% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
+Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
+%Tminvec = [2]; Tmaxvec = [30];
+comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
+    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
+    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nper = length(Tminvec);
+stBtag = 'BP';
+for ii=1:nper
+    stBtag = [stBtag num2str(Tminvec(ii))];
+% strings for labeling
+sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
+for tt = 1:nper
+    %sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('%i-%is',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+%imod1 = input(' Enter the model 1 (0): ');
+%imod2 = input(' Enter the model 2 (16): ');
+imod1 = 0;
+imod2 = 16;
+stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);     % put the VR files in the dir for the final model
+idatacov = 2;
+%idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
+    % 1: weight by N
+    % 2: weight by E N_e in blocks that are N_e each in length
+    % 3: weight by 1
+    % -- N_e is the number of windows for event e
+    % -- E is the number of events
+    % -- N is the total number of windows: N = sum_e N_e
+stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
+stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
+ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
+odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+%iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
+stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
+dir_source = ['/home/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
+stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% list of event IDs
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = ['/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_' dtag];
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
+nevent = length(eids);
+% read in CMT solutions
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
+% get the indices of these events into the full list
+ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii=1:nevent
+    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
+    if ~isempty(itemp)
+        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
+    else
+        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
+    end
+disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm);
+for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+strec = strec(:);
+% make list of networks
+stnet = unique(netwk);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+% create indexing array
+% % create indexing vector and array
+% ninds = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper;
+% index_array2vec = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
+% index_vec2array = zeros(ninds,4);
+% nw = 0;
+% for ievent = 1:nevent
+%     for irec = 1:nrec
+%         for icomp = 1:ncomp
+%             for iper = 1:nper
+%                 nw = nw+1;
+%                 index_vec2array(nw,:) = [ievent irec icomp iper];
+%                 index_array2vec(ievent,irec,icomp,iper) = nw;
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end 
+% end
+% nwin_tot = nw;    % = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper
+iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
+%iread = 1;
+if iread == 1
+    % range of events
+    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
+    %imin = 1; imax = 10;
+    %imin = 139; imax = imin;       
+    %imin = 141; imax = imin;       % Chino Hills
+    % model 1
+    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod1);
+    meas_array1 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
+    save('meas_array1','meas_array1');
+    % model 2
+    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);
+    meas_array2 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
+    save('meas_array2','meas_array2');
+   load(['meas_array1.mat']);
+   load(['meas_array2.mat']);
+% check at least that the station indices are identical
+if sum( meas_array1(:,5) - meas_array2(:,5) ) ~= 0
+    error('mismatch of the two window files');
+% total number of windows
+N = length(meas_array1);
+% combine the columns that you want into one datafile
+meas_all = [meas_array1(:,[1:7 9 10 13 14 11]) ...     % first 11 columns
+    meas_array1(:,12) meas_array2(:,12) meas_array1(:,8) meas_array2(:,8) ...
+    meas_array1(:,15) meas_array2(:,15) meas_array1(:,16) meas_array2(:,16) ...
+    meas_array1(:,17) meas_array2(:,17) meas_array1(:,18) meas_array2(:,18) ...
+    meas_array1(:,19) meas_array2(:,19) meas_array1(:,23) meas_array2(:,23) ...
+    meas_array1(:,25) meas_array2(:,25)];
+%  1  kinds
+%  2  index_T
+%  3  index_event
+%  4  index_network
+%  5  index_rec
+%  6  index_comp
+%  7  iwin
+%  8  seisdur
+%  9  windur
+% 10  seisd2
+% 11  wind2
+% 12  T_pmax_dat
+% 13  m00 - T_pmax_syn
+% 14  m16 - T_pmax_syn
+% 15  m00 - iker
+% 16  m16 - iker
+% waveform difference information
+% 17  m00 - seiss2
+% 18  m16 - seiss2
+% 19  m00 - wins2
+% 20  m16 - wins2
+% 21, m00 - seis_diff2
+% 22, m16 - seis_diff2
+% 23, m00 - win_diff2
+% 24, m16 - win_diff2
+% 25, m00 - DT-CC
+% 26, m16 - DT-CC
+% 27, m00 - DT-MT
+% 28, m16 - DT-MT
+% 29, m00 - tr_chi
+% 30, m16 - tr_chi
+% 31, m00 - seis_chi
+% 32, m16 - seis_chi
+% 33, m00 - win_chi
+% 34, m16 - win_chi
+% 35 --> VRseis wdiff (with NaN)
+% 36 --> VRwin wdiff (with NaN)
+% find the unique seismograms (value from first window in each record)
+bseis1 = (meas_all(:,7) == 1);
+nseis = sum(bseis1);
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows are the only window on the seismogram',nseis,N));
+for kk = 0:1    % loop over both models
+    % find the number of MT and CC measurements used, and replace MT-DT with the CC value
+    iMT = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 1);
+    iCC = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 2);
+    nMT = length(iMT);
+    disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows use multitaper measurment',nMT,N));
+    % compare DT for MT vs CC
+    figure; hold on; ymx = 4;
+    plot(meas_all(:,25+kk),meas_all(:,27+kk),'.');
+    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ro');
+    plot([-1 1]*ymx,[-1 1]*ymx,'r--'); grid on; axis equal, axis([-1 1 -1 1]*ymx);
+    xlabel('Cross-correlation DT'); ylabel('Multitaper DT (when possible)');
+    % KEY: replace MT DT zero values with the CC DT values
+    meas_all(iCC,27+kk) = meas_all(iCC,25+kk);
+    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ko');
+%itemp = find(and(meas_all(:,23)==-2.9,meas_all(:,25) > 0))
+if iwdiff == 1
+    % new version
+    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,17) );
+    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,18) );
+    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,17) );
+    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,18) );  
+    % old "standard" version
+    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ meas_all(:,10);
+    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ meas_all(:,10);
+    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ meas_all(:,11);
+    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ meas_all(:,11);  
+% add misfit to meas_all
+meas_all = [meas_all seis_chi1 seis_chi2 win_chi1 win_chi2];
+if iVRlog == 1
+    VRseis = log( seis_chi1 ./ seis_chi2 );
+    VRwin = log( win_chi1 ./ win_chi2 );
+    edges_vr = [-4:0.5:4]; ylims = [0 0.4];
+    VRtag = 'VRL';
+    VRseis = (seis_chi1 - seis_chi2) ./ seis_chi1;
+    VRwin = (win_chi1 - win_chi2) ./ win_chi1;   
+    edges_vr = [-4:0.25:1]; ylims = [0 0.4];
+    VRtag = 'VR';
+% Remove windows that are have time shifts less than DTMIN both in the
+% initial model and in the final model -- we are not interested in the VR
+% for these records.  But we are interested if the time shift gets WORSE
+% than DTMIN in going from m00 to m16.
+%DTMIN = 0.0;
+DTMIN_tag = sprintf('DTMIN_%3.3ims',DTMIN*1000);
+bbad = and( abs(meas_all(:,25)) < DTMIN, abs(meas_all(:,26)) < DTMIN );
+bgood = ~bbad;
+ngood = sum(bgood);
+VRwin(bbad) = NaN;
+if DTMIN == 0
+    VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
+    disp('excluding seismograms that have windows fit before and after');
+    if 0==1
+        % exclude seismograms in which ANY window has a time shifts less than DTMIN
+        % both in the initial model and in the final model
+        VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
+        VRseis(bbad) = NaN;      % set VR to NaN if ANY window is NaN
+    else
+        % exclude seismograms in which ALL windows have time shifts less than DTMIN
+        % both in the initial model and in the final model -- THIS IS SLOW
+        %for ii = 1:N        % loop over all windows
+        ind1=3; ind2=5; ind3=6; ind4=2;
+        for ii = 1:N
+        %for ii = 10:10
+           if mod(ii,1000) == 0, disp(sprintf('%i out of %i',ii,N)); end
+           sind = meas_all(ii,[ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4]);    % index into record
+           % find the other windows on the seismogram and assign NaN if all windows
+           % on the seismogram have VRwin NaN
+           imatch = find( and( and(meas_all(:,ind1)==sind(1),meas_all(:,ind2)==sind(2)),...
+               and(meas_all(:,ind3)==sind(3),meas_all(:,ind4)==sind(4)) ) == 1);
+           inans = isnan(VRwin(imatch));
+           if all(inans)                    % all windows are bad
+               VRseis(imatch) = NaN;
+           else                             % at least one window is good
+               ikeeper = imatch(~inans);
+               VRseis(setdiff(imatch,ikeeper(1))) = NaN;
+           end
+        end
+    end
+%temp = [VRseis VRwin]; disp(temp(1:30,:)), sum(~isnan(VRseis)), sum(~isnan(VRwin))
+% good seismograms, unrepeated
+bgoodseis = ~isnan(VRseis);
+ngoodseis = sum(bgoodseis);
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngood,N,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i seismograms have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngoodseis,nseis,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
+% Remove windows that are worse within records that are better
+%bbad2 = and( VRseis > 0, VRwin <  0); length(bbad2)
+% fraction of records and windows that have a worse waveform difference
+fworse_seis = length(find(VRseis(bgoodseis) < 0)) / ngoodseis;
+fworse_win = length(find(VRwin(bgood) < 0)) / ngood;
+% add VR to meas_all
+meas_all = [meas_all VRseis VRwin];
+VRvals = [mean(VRwin(bgood)) median(VRwin(bgood)) mean(VRseis(bgoodseis)) median(VRseis(bgoodseis))];
+disp(sprintf('Variance reduction values for the %i windows:',ngood));
+figure; nr=3; nc=2;
+edges_chi = [0:0.25:4];
+x = win_chi1(bgood);
+%x = log(win_chi1(bgood));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WINDOWS: mean %.3f, median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = seis_chi1(bgoodseis);
+%x = log(seis_chi1(bgoodseis));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = win_chi2(bgood);
+%x = log(win_chi2(bgood));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WIN: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = seis_chi2(bgoodseis);
+%x = log(seis_chi2(bgoodseis));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
+Nbin = plot_histo(VRwin(bgood),edges_vr);
+xlabel([VRtag ' for each window']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('WIN: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_win,VRtag,VRvals(1),VRtag,VRvals(2)));
+Nbin = plot_histo(VRseis(bgoodseis),edges_vr);
+xlabel([VRtag ' for each seismogram']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('SEIS: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_seis,VRtag,VRvals(3),VRtag,VRvals(4)));
+fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+% MT-DT and CC-DT for final model
+DTvals = zeros(1,4);
+x1 = meas_all(bgoodseis,26);
+x2 = meas_all(bgoodseis,28);
+DTvals = [mean(x1) std(x1) mean(x2) std(x2)];
+if 1==1
+    figure; nr=2; nc=1; ylims = [0 0.3];
+    edges_DT = [-3:0.25:3];
+    tlabs = {'CC','MT'};
+    for kk=[0 2]
+        % windows
+        subplot(nr,nc,1+kk/2);
+        x = meas_all(bgood,26+kk);
+        Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
+        xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+        title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
+%         % seismograms
+%         subplot(nr,nc,2+kk);
+%         x = meas_all(bgoodseis,26+kk);
+%         Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
+%         xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+%         title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
+    end
+    fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+% %----------------------------------------------
+% % check some of the output window rows
+% if 0==1
+%     itestvec = [41];
+%     for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
+%         disp('====>');
+%         itest = itestvec(ii);
+%         meas_array1(itest,14)
+%         meas_array2(itest,14)
+%         display_meas(meas_array1(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+%         display_meas(meas_array2(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+%     end
+% end
+% add a couple more measures
+% 32 - Pwin, power in window relative to record
+% 33 - Pwin*VRwin, quality of VR for window (will favor single-window records)
+%meas_all_mod = [meas_all meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10) meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10).*meas_all(:,31)];
+meas_all_mod = meas_all;
+% if isciencehist==1
+%     % 1  - ii
+%     % 2  - eid
+%     % 3  - ind
+%     % 4  - sta
+%     % 5  - net
+%     % 6  - comp
+%     % 7  - iwin
+%     % 8  - m16 - DT-CC
+%     % 9  - m16 - DT-MT
+%     % 10 - m00 - seis_chi
+%     % 11 - m16 - seis_chi
+%     % 12 - m00 - win_chi
+%     % 13 - m16 - win_chi
+%     %dsort = meas_all_mod(bgood,:);        % extract a subset
+%     dsort = meas_all_mod;
+%     klabs = {'win','seis'};
+%     for kk = 1:2
+%         fpre = 'hist_all_wdiff';
+%         %fpre = 'hist_T006_T030_DT';
+%         fname = [odirsci fpre '_'  DTMIN_tag '_' dtag '_' wtag '_' klabs{kk} '.dat'];
+%         fid = fopen(fname,'w');
+%         pp = 0;
+%         for ii = 1:length(dsort)
+%             ilist = 0;
+%             if any(kk==[2 4])          % seismogram list
+%                 %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
+%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
+%             else                       % window list
+%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
+%             end
+%             if ilist==1
+%                 pp = pp+1;
+%                 fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%6i%6s%6s%6s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,6) '\n'],...
+%                     pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),dsort(ii,1),...
+%                     char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
+%                     dsort(ii,[7 26 28 29:32]));
+%             end
+%         end
+%         fclose(fid);
+%     end
+% end
+if iwrite == 1
+    if isciencehist==0
+        klabs = {'DT2','DT_chi2','seis_chi1','seis_chi2','win_chi1','win_chi2','VRseis','VRwin'};
+        kind = [-26 30 31 32 33 34 -35 -36];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
+    else
+        odir = odirsci;
+        klabs = {'seis_chi1','win_chi1'};
+        kind = [31 33];
+    end
+    numk = length(klabs);
+    disp('writing out sorted files...');
+    for kk = 1:numk
+    %for kk = numk:numk
+    %for kk = 1:1
+        dsort = sortrows(meas_all_mod,kind(kk));
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_sort_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%6s%12s%8s%6s%6s%6s%10s%6s' repmat('%8s',1,12) '\n'],' ','eid','ind',...
+            'stnm','net','comp','BP','iwin','DTCC1','DTCC2','DTMT1','DTMT2',...
+            'DTchi1','DTchi2','Fseis1','Fseis2','Fwin1','Fwin2','VRseis','VRwin');
+        pp = 0;
+        for ii = 1:N
+            ilist = 0;
+            if any(abs(kind(kk))==[31 32 35])          % seismogram list
+                %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
+                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
+            else                       % window list
+                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
+            end
+            if ilist == 1
+                pp = pp+1;
+                fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%8i%6s%6s%6s%10s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,12) '\n'],...
+                    pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),...
+                    dsort(ii,1),...
+                    char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),...
+                    char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),...
+                    char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
+                    char(sTbp{dsort(ii,2)}),...
+                    dsort(ii,[7 25:36]));
+            end
+        end
+        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % values to go with the histograms
+    % 1 - m16 DTCC mean
+    % 2 - m16 DTCC std
+    % 3 - m16 DTMT mean
+    % 4 - m16 DTMT std
+    % 5 - VRwin mean
+    % 6 - VRwin median
+    % 7 - VRseis mean
+    % 8 - VRseis median
+    vtemp = [DTvals VRvals];
+    disp('writing out statistic values...');
+    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_values.txt'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,[repmat('%12.3e',1,length(vtemp)) '\n'],vtemp);
+    fclose(fid);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-% compute_misfit.m
-% CARL TAPE, 06-Aug-2008
-% printed xxx
-% This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
-% mt_measure_adj.f90, and it tabulates and plots misfit function values.
-% /cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/
-% The output files are stored within the directories generated by
-% make_dirs.pl, which must be run first.
-% See also compare_misfit.m for comparing misfit values for multiple models.
-% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
-% called by xxx
-close all
-format compact
-dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
-% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
-%Tminvec = [2 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30];
-Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
-%Tminvec = [6]; Tmaxvec = [30];
-comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
-    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
-    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
-ncomp = length(comps);
-nper = length(Tminvec);
-% strings for labeling
-sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
-for tt = 1:nper
-    %sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
-    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('%i-%is',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
-imod = input(' Enter the current model number (0, 1, ...): ');
-stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
-idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
-    % 1: weight by N
-    % 2: weight by E N_e in blocks that are N_e each in length
-    % 3: weight by 1
-    % -- N_e is the number of windows for event e
-    % -- E is the number of events
-    % -- N is the total number of windows: N = sum_e N_e
-stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
-stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
-ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
-odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
-iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
-stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
-dir_source = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
-cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
-stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
-% list of event IDs
-%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
-eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_simulation';
-%eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_tomo';
-%eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_extra';
-% read in list of event IDs and sources
-% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
-% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
-eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
-eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
-%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
-nevent = length(eids);
-% read in CMT solutions
-[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
-eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
-% get the indices of these events into the full list
-ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
-for ii=1:nevent
-    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
-    if ~isempty(itemp)
-        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
-    else
-        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
-    end
-disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
-% if 0==1
-%     fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n',stks{kk},' ',...
-%         ['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(2))],'TOTAL');
-%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10i%10i%10i\n','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
-%     for ii = 1:nw
-%         jj = isort(ii);
-%         fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
-%     end
-%     fclose(fid);
-%     fid = fopen('eids_reduced','w');
-%     for ii=1:nevent
-%         imatch = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
-%         slon_match = slon(imatch);
-%         slat_match = slat(imatch);
-%         if slon_match <= -117.2
-%             fprintf(fid,'%s\n',eids{ii});
-%         end
-%     end
-%     fclose(fid);
-%     break
-% end
-% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
-[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
-nrec = length(stnm);
-for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
-strec = strec(:);
-% make list of networks
-stnet = unique(netwk);
-nnet = length(stnet);
-% create indexing array
-% % create indexing vector and array
-% ninds = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper;
-% index_array2vec = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
-% index_vec2array = zeros(ninds,4);
-% nw = 0;
-% for ievent = 1:nevent
-%     for irec = 1:nrec
-%         for icomp = 1:ncomp
-%             for iper = 1:nper
-%                 nw = nw+1;
-%                 index_vec2array(nw,:) = [ievent irec icomp iper];
-%                 index_array2vec(ievent,irec,icomp,iper) = nw;
-%             end
-%         end
-%     end 
-% end
-% nwin_tot = nw;    % = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper
-iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
-if iread == 1
-    % range of events
-    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
-    %imin = 139; imax = imin;
-    meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
-    save('meas_array.mat','meas_array');
-   load('meas_array.mat'); 
-whos meas_array
-% total number of windows
-N = length(meas_array);
-% a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
-seisd2 = meas_array(:,13);
-wind2 = meas_array(:,14);
-seiss2 = meas_array(:,15);
-wins2 = meas_array(:,16);
-win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
-win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
-% check some of the output window rows
-if 0==1
-    itestvec = [1:10];
-    for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
-        disp('====>');
-        itest = itestvec(ii);
-        meas_array(itest,:)
-        display_meas(meas_array(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
-        meas_array(itest,25)
-        0.5 * meas_array(itest,19)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
-        0.5 * meas_array(itest,23)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
-    end
-% tally the following
-%   (1) number of window picks
-%   (2) window durations
-%   (3) number of seismograms used
-% by these indices
-%   (1) event
-%   (2) network
-%   (3) station
-%   (4) component
-nwin_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper);
-durwin_all_event = nwin_all_event;
-nseis_all_event = nwin_all_event;
-for tt = 1:nper
-    for ii = 1:nevent
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
-        nwin_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-        durwin_all_event(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
-        % pick the first window index only to count the records
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
-        nseis_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-	end
-nwin_all_net = zeros(nnet,nper);
-durwin_all_net = nwin_all_net;
-nseis_all_net = nwin_all_net;
-for tt = 1:nper
-    for ii = 1:nnet
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
-        nwin_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-        durwin_all_net(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
-        % pick the first window index only to count the records
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
-        nseis_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);        
-	end
-nwin_all_rec = zeros(nrec,nper);
-durwin_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
-nseis_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
-for tt = 1:nper
-    for ii = 1:nrec
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
-        nwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-        durwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
-        % pick the first window index only to count the records
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
-        nseis_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
-	end
-nwin_all_comp = zeros(ncomp,nper);
-durwin_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
-nseis_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
-for tt = 1:nper
-    for ii = 1:ncomp
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
-        nwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
-        durwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
-        % pick the first window index only to count the records
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
-        nseis_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
-	end
-% quick computation of unique records
-nunique_vec = zeros(9,1);
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,2)],'rows'); nunique_vec(1) = length(iupath);      % bandpasses
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,6)],'rows'); nunique_vec(2) = length(iupath);      % components
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,4)],'rows'); nunique_vec(3) = length(iupath);      % networks
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,3)],'rows'); nunique_vec(4) = length(iupath);      % events
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[4 5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(5) = length(iupath);  % receivers
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(6) = length(iupath);  % paths
-[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:6])],'rows'); nunique_vec(7) = length(iupath);  % seismograms
-nunique_vec(8) = length(find(meas_array(:,7)==1));                                      % bandpassed seismograms
-nunique_vec(9) = length(meas_array);                                                    % total windows
-fid = fopen([odir ftag '_nunique'],'w');
-for ii = 1:length(nunique_vec), fprintf(fid,'%i\n',nunique_vec(ii)); end;
-% tally stations for each event (and period)
-nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper+1);
-for ii = 1:nevent
-    % matches, considering each bandpass set separately
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
-        nrec_all_event(ii,tt) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
-    end
-    % matches, considering all bandpass sets together
-    imatch = find(meas_array(:,3)==ii);
-    nrec_all_event(ii,nper+1) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
-if iwrite == 1
-    sTfmti = repmat('%6i',1,nper);
-    sTfmts = repmat('%6s',1,nper);
-    sTfmtf = repmat('%12.1f',1,nper);
-    sTfmts2 = repmat('%12s',1,nper);
-    sTdash = repmat(cellstr('--'),1,nper);
-    stks = {'event','network','receiver','component'};
-    for kk = 1:length(stks)
-        switch kk
-           case 1, nwin_out = nwin_all_event; durwin_out = durwin_all_event; nseis_out = nseis_all_event; labs = eids;
-           case 2, nwin_out = nwin_all_net; durwin_out = durwin_all_net; nseis_out = nseis_all_net; labs = stnet;
-           case 3, nwin_out = nwin_all_rec; durwin_out = durwin_all_rec; nseis_out = nseis_all_rec; labs = strec;
-           case 4, nwin_out = nwin_all_comp; durwin_out = durwin_all_comp; nseis_out = nseis_all_comp; labs = comps;
-        end
-        %----------------------------
-        nw = length(nwin_out);
-        ntot_1 = sum(nwin_out, 1);
-        ntot_2 = sum(nwin_out, 2);
-        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
-        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
-        for ii = 1:nw
-            jj = isort(ii);
-            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
-        end
-        fclose(fid);
-        %----------------------------
-        ntot_1 = sum(durwin_out, 1);
-        ntot_2 = sum(durwin_out, 2);
-        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' durwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
-        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_duration_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts2 '%14s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
-        for ii = 1:nw
-            jj = isort(ii);
-            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,durwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
-        end
-        fclose(fid);
-        %----------------------------
-        ntot_1 = sum(nseis_out, 1);
-        ntot_2 = sum(nseis_out, 2);
-        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nseis_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
-        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_seismograms_used_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
-        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
-        for ii = 1:nw
-            jj = isort(ii);
-            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nseis_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
-        end
-        fclose(fid);
-    end
-    % write out the number of stations for each event
-    [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-[2+nper]);
-    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receivers_used_by_event'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ','event','ind',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
-    for ii = 1:nevent
-        jj = isort(ii);
-        fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
-    end
-    fclose(fid);
-    % list the number of window picks per event, unsorted
-    % (This was used to computed the weighted coverage kernel for m16.)
-    nw = length(nwin_all_event);
-    ntot_2 = sum(nwin_all_event, 2);
-    fid0 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_eids'],'w');
-    fid1 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_nwin'],'w');  
-    fid2 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks'],'w');  
-    for ii = 1:nw
-        jj = isort(ii);
-        fprintf(fid0,['%s\n'],eids{ii});
-        fprintf(fid1,['%i\n'],ntot_2(ii));
-        fprintf(fid2,['%s  %i\n'],eids{ii},ntot_2(ii));
-    end
-    fclose(fid0); fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2);
-% construct data covariance normalization terms -- the sigma estimates have
-% already been folded into the misfit function value 0.5 DT^2 / sigma^2
-Ns = zeros(nevent,1);
-dcov_fac = zeros(N,1);
-dcov_fac_e = zeros(nevent,1);
-for ii = 1:nevent
-    imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
-    Ns(ii) = length(imatch);
-    if idatacov == 1   
-        dcov_fac_e(ii) = N;
-    elseif idatacov == 2
-        dcov_fac_e(ii) = Ns(ii) * nevent;
-    elseif idatacov == 3
-        dcov_fac_e(ii) = 1;
-    end
-    dcov_fac(imatch) = dcov_fac_e(ii);
-% check number of windows
-if sum(Ns) ~= length(meas_array), error('inconsistent values for total windows'); end
-% compute data vector for subspace method
-dnorm_sq = zeros(nevent,1);
-for ii = 1:nevent
-    imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
-    Sval = meas_array(imatch,25);
-    if sum(isnan(Sval)) > 0
-        disp(sprintf('i = %i, eid %s',ii,eids{ii}));
-        error('Sval has at least one NaN data entry');
-    else
-        % factor of 2 cancels the 0.5 used in computing the misfit (mt_measure_adj.f90)
-        dnorm_sq(ii) = sum(2 * Sval ./ dcov_fac(imatch) );
-    end
-% weight vector for the subspace method
-dnorm = sqrt(dnorm_sq);
-ws = 1 ./ dnorm;
-% total data misfit -- this is like a PER WINDOW measure of misfit
-dmisfit = sum( dnorm_sq );
-disp(' total data misfit = d^T Cd^-1 d and its square-root:');
-if iwrite == 1
-    % display sorted from greatest to least norm
-    data_norms = [eids_num [1:nevent]' Ns nrec_all_event dnorm_sq*nevent dnorm_sq dnorm ws];
-    % This is useful if you want to only list events matching a certain set of criteria.
-    if 0==1
-        eid_reject = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_reject');
-        X1 = 20; X2 = 40; D1 = 0.4;
-        isave = find( or(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X2, and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1)) );
-        %isave = find( and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1));
-        [eids_save,ijunk] = setdiff( eids_num(isave), eid_reject );
-    else
-        %eids_save = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_m14');
-        %eids_save = eids_num(find( or( slat(ievent_full) > 34.6, slat(ievent_full) < 33.8) ));   % dm14
-        eids_save = eids_num;     % default
-    end
-    klabs = {'order','dnorm','nrec'};
-    kind = [2 -(nper+[5 4])];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
-    for kk = 1:length(klabs)
-        dsort = sortrows(data_norms,kind(kk));
-        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort_by_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%4s%10s%4s%8s' sTfmts '%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n'],' ','eid','ind','Nwin',...
-            sTbp{:},'Nrec','dnorm2*E','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
-        fprintf(fid,['%14s%4i%8i' sTfmts '%6s%10.2f%10.4f%10s%10s\n'],...
-            'TOTAL',' ',sum(Ns),sTdash{:},'--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
-        pp = 0;
-        for ii = 1:nevent
-            if any(dsort(ii,1)==eids_save)
-                pp = pp+1;
-                fprintf(fid,['%4i%10i%4i%8i' sTfmti '%6i%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n'],pp,dsort(ii,:));
-            end
-        end
-        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
-        fclose(fid);
-    end
-    fid1 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_save.txt'],'w');
-    fid2 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_exclude.txt'],'w');
-    for ii = 1:nevent
-        if any(eids_num(ii)==eids_save)
-            fprintf(fid1,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
-        else
-            fprintf(fid2,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
-        end
-    end
-    fclose(fid2);
-    %km04 = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernel_m04/kernels_m04');
-    %km05 = load('OUTPUT/m05/window/m05_window_eid_save.txt');
-    %eid_5_not_in_4 = setdiff(km05,km04)
-    %eid_4_not_in_5 = setdiff(km04,km05)
-    % save variables (for wave2d_subspace_3D.m)
-    save([odir ftag '_data_norms'],'idatacov','dcov_fac_e',...
-        'eids','eids_num','Ns','dnorm','ws','dmisfit','N','nrec_all_event');
-    % write out all stations that have at least one measurement (for GMT)
-    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_rec,2) > 0);
-    write_station_SPECFEM([odir 'STATIONS_' stmod],rlon(iuse),rlat(iuse),...
-        relev(iuse),rburial(iuse),stnm(iuse),netwk(iuse));
-    % write out a psmeca file for all events used (for GMT)
-    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_event,2) > 0);
-    inds = ievent_full(iuse);
-    writeCMT_psmeca([odir 'socal_tomo_' stmod],date(inds),slat(inds),slon(inds),...
-        dep(inds),M(inds,:),seid_cmt(inds));
-% list the events that use at least 15 stations
-fid = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_good.txt'],'w');
-for ii = 1:nevent
-    if nrec_all_event(ii,3) > 15
-        fprintf(fid,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
-        disp([eids_num(ii) nrec_all_event(ii,:)])
-    end
-% find records that meet particular criteria
-DT_MIN = 7;
-DT_MAX = 9;
-icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,19) >= DT_MIN, meas_array(:,19) <= DT_MAX) );
-if 0==1
-    [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -19 );
-    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck,:);
-DA_MIN = -0.8;
-DA_MAX = 3.0;
-icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,21) <= DA_MIN, meas_array(:,21) >= DA_MAX) );
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 3 );
-meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-CHI_MIN = 100;
-DT_SIGMA_MIN = 0.19;
-icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,25) >= CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,20) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -16 );
-meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-ebads = unique( eids_num(meas_array(icheck,3)) )
-% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
-% windur = meas_array(:,10);
-% icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,11) >= windur, meas_array(:,12) >= windur ) );
-% [junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:) meas_array(icheck,12)-windur(icheck)], -26 );
-% meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-% display_meas(meas_disp(1:100,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
-% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
-NCYCLE = 1;
-TPMIN = 20; TPMAX = 30;
-iTper = 1;
-windur = meas_array(:,10);
-icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, ...
-    and( and(windur >= NCYCLE*TPMIN, meas_array(:,2) == iTper), ...
-    and( and(meas_array(:,11) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,11) <= TPMAX), ...
-         and(meas_array(:,12) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,12) <= TPMAX)) )));
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
-meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
-% long windows with prominant phases for 2-30s 
-WINMIN = 30;
-iTper = 1;
-windur = meas_array(:,10);
-icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, and(windur >= 30, meas_array(:,2) == iTper)));
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
-meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+% compute_misfit.m
+% CARL TAPE, 06-Aug-2008
+% printed xxx
+% This script reads in a set of window_chi output measurement files from
+% mt_measure_adj.f90, and it tabulates and plots misfit function values.
+% /cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/
+% The output files are stored within the directories generated by
+% make_dirs.pl, which must be run first.
+% See also compare_misfit.m for comparing misfit values for multiple models.
+% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+dir0 = '/home/carltape/RUNS/';
+% add path to additional matlab scripts
+% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
+%Tminvec = [2 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30];
+%Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
+Tminvec = [6]; Tmaxvec = [30];
+comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
+    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
+    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nper = length(Tminvec);
+% strings for labeling
+sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
+for tt = 1:nper
+    %sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('%i-%is',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+imod = input(' Enter the current model number (0, 1, ...): ');
+stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
+idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
+    % 1: weight by N
+    % 2: weight by E N_e in blocks that are N_e each in length
+    % 3: weight by 1
+    % -- N_e is the number of windows for event e
+    % -- E is the number of events
+    % -- N is the total number of windows: N = sum_e N_e
+stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
+stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
+ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
+odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
+stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
+dir_source = ['/home/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
+stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% list of event IDs
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = '/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_simulation';
+%eid_file = '/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_tomo';
+%eid_file = '/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_extra';
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
+nevent = length(eids);
+% read in CMT solutions
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
+% get the indices of these events into the full list
+ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii=1:nevent
+    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
+    if ~isempty(itemp)
+        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
+    else
+        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
+    end
+disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
+% if 0==1
+%     fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10s%10s%10s\n',stks{kk},' ',...
+%         ['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(1))],['Tmin=' num2str(Tminvec(2))],'TOTAL');
+%     fprintf(fid,'%12s%5s%10i%10i%10i\n','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+%     for ii = 1:nw
+%         jj = isort(ii);
+%         fprintf(fid,'%12s%5i%10i%10i%10i\n',labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+%     end
+%     fclose(fid);
+%     fid = fopen('eids_reduced','w');
+%     for ii=1:nevent
+%         imatch = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
+%         slon_match = slon(imatch);
+%         slat_match = slat(imatch);
+%         if slon_match <= -117.2
+%             fprintf(fid,'%s\n',eids{ii});
+%         end
+%     end
+%     fclose(fid);
+%     break
+% end
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm);
+for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+strec = strec(:);
+% make list of networks
+stnet = unique(netwk);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+% create indexing array
+% % create indexing vector and array
+% ninds = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper;
+% index_array2vec = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
+% index_vec2array = zeros(ninds,4);
+% nw = 0;
+% for ievent = 1:nevent
+%     for irec = 1:nrec
+%         for icomp = 1:ncomp
+%             for iper = 1:nper
+%                 nw = nw+1;
+%                 index_vec2array(nw,:) = [ievent irec icomp iper];
+%                 index_array2vec(ievent,irec,icomp,iper) = nw;
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end 
+% end
+% nwin_tot = nw;    % = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper
+iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
+if iread == 1
+    % range of events
+    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
+    %imin = 139; imax = imin;
+    meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
+    save('meas_array.mat','meas_array');
+   load('meas_array.mat'); 
+whos meas_array
+% comparing multitaper measurments with cross-correlation measurements
+if 0==1
+    iMT = find( meas_array(:,25) ~= 0 );
+    figure; plot( meas_array(iMT,21),meas_array(iMT,25),'.');
+    xlabel('DA - CC'); ylabel('DA - MT');
+    axis equal; grid on
+    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
+    subplot(nr,nc,1);
+    x = meas_array(iMT,21);
+    edges = [-4:0.25:4]; ylims = [0 0.5];
+    Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges);
+    xlabel('DA - CC for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+    subplot(nr,nc,2);
+    x = meas_array(iMT,25);
+    Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges);
+    xlabel('DA - MT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+    %----------------------------------------
+    figure; plot( meas_array(iMT,19),meas_array(iMT,23),'.');
+    xlabel('DT - CC'); ylabel('DT - MT');
+    axis equal; grid on
+    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
+    subplot(nr,nc,1);
+    x = meas_array(iMT,19);
+    edges = [-4:0.5:4]; ylims = [0 0.5];
+    Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges);
+    xlabel('DT - CC for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+    subplot(nr,nc,2);
+    x = meas_array(iMT,23);
+    Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges);
+    xlabel('DT - MT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+    break
+% total number of windows
+N = length(meas_array);
+% a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
+seisd2 = meas_array(:,13);
+wind2 = meas_array(:,14);
+seiss2 = meas_array(:,15);
+wins2 = meas_array(:,16);
+win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
+win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
+% check some of the output window rows
+if 0==1
+    itestvec = [1:10];
+    for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
+        disp('====>');
+        itest = itestvec(ii);
+        meas_array(itest,:)
+        display_meas(meas_array(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+        meas_array(itest,27)
+        0.5 * meas_array(itest,19)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
+        0.5 * meas_array(itest,23)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
+    end
+% tally the following
+%   (1) number of window picks
+%   (2) window durations
+%   (3) number of seismograms used
+% by these indices
+%   (1) event
+%   (2) network
+%   (3) station
+%   (4) component
+nwin_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper);
+durwin_all_event = nwin_all_event;
+nseis_all_event = nwin_all_event;
+for tt = 1:nper
+    for ii = 1:nevent
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nwin_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_event(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+	end
+nwin_all_net = zeros(nnet,nper);
+durwin_all_net = nwin_all_net;
+nseis_all_net = nwin_all_net;
+for tt = 1:nper
+    for ii = 1:nnet
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nwin_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_net(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);        
+	end
+nwin_all_rec = zeros(nrec,nper);
+durwin_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
+nseis_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
+for tt = 1:nper
+    for ii = 1:nrec
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
+	end
+nwin_all_comp = zeros(ncomp,nper);
+durwin_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
+nseis_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
+for tt = 1:nper
+    for ii = 1:ncomp
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
+	end
+% quick computation of unique records
+nunique_vec = zeros(9,1);
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,2)],'rows'); nunique_vec(1) = length(iupath);      % bandpasses
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,6)],'rows'); nunique_vec(2) = length(iupath);      % components
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,4)],'rows'); nunique_vec(3) = length(iupath);      % networks
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,3)],'rows'); nunique_vec(4) = length(iupath);      % events
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[4 5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(5) = length(iupath);  % receivers
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(6) = length(iupath);  % paths
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:6])],'rows'); nunique_vec(7) = length(iupath);  % seismograms
+nunique_vec(8) = length(find(meas_array(:,7)==1));                                      % bandpassed seismograms
+nunique_vec(9) = length(meas_array);                                                    % total windows
+fid = fopen([odir ftag '_nunique'],'w');
+for ii = 1:length(nunique_vec), fprintf(fid,'%i\n',nunique_vec(ii)); end;
+% tally stations for each event (and period)
+nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper+1);
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    % matches, considering each bandpass set separately
+    for tt = 1:nper
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
+        nrec_all_event(ii,tt) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
+    end
+    % matches, considering all bandpass sets together
+    imatch = find(meas_array(:,3)==ii);
+    nrec_all_event(ii,nper+1) = length(unique(meas_array(imatch,5)));
+if iwrite == 1
+    sTfmti = repmat('%6i',1,nper);
+    sTfmts = repmat('%6s',1,nper);
+    sTfmtf = repmat('%12.1f',1,nper);
+    sTfmts2 = repmat('%12s',1,nper);
+    sTdash = repmat(cellstr('--'),1,nper);
+    stks = {'event','network','receiver','component'};
+    for kk = 1:length(stks)
+        switch kk
+           case 1, nwin_out = nwin_all_event; durwin_out = durwin_all_event; nseis_out = nseis_all_event; labs = eids;
+           case 2, nwin_out = nwin_all_net; durwin_out = durwin_all_net; nseis_out = nseis_all_net; labs = stnet;
+           case 3, nwin_out = nwin_all_rec; durwin_out = durwin_all_rec; nseis_out = nseis_all_rec; labs = strec;
+           case 4, nwin_out = nwin_all_comp; durwin_out = durwin_all_comp; nseis_out = nseis_all_comp; labs = comps;
+        end
+        %----------------------------
+        nw = length(nwin_out);
+        ntot_1 = sum(nwin_out, 1);
+        ntot_2 = sum(nwin_out, 2);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        for ii = 1:nw
+            jj = isort(ii);
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
+        %----------------------------
+        ntot_1 = sum(durwin_out, 1);
+        ntot_2 = sum(durwin_out, 2);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' durwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_duration_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts2 '%14s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        for ii = 1:nw
+            jj = isort(ii);
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,durwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
+        %----------------------------
+        ntot_1 = sum(nseis_out, 1);
+        ntot_2 = sum(nseis_out, 2);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nseis_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_seismograms_used_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        for ii = 1:nw
+            jj = isort(ii);
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nseis_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % write out the number of stations for each event
+    [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-[2+nper]);
+    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receivers_used_by_event'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ','event','ind',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+    for ii = 1:nevent
+        jj = isort(ii);
+        fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
+    end
+    fclose(fid);
+    % list the number of window picks per event, unsorted
+    % (This was used to computed the weighted coverage kernel for m16.)
+    nw = length(nwin_all_event);
+    ntot_2 = sum(nwin_all_event, 2);
+    fid0 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_eids'],'w');
+    fid1 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_nwin'],'w');  
+    fid2 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks'],'w');  
+    for ii = 1:nw
+        jj = isort(ii);
+        fprintf(fid0,['%s\n'],eids{ii});
+        fprintf(fid1,['%i\n'],ntot_2(ii));
+        fprintf(fid2,['%s  %i\n'],eids{ii},ntot_2(ii));
+    end
+    fclose(fid0); fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2);
+% construct data covariance normalization terms -- the sigma estimates have
+% already been folded into the misfit function value 0.5 DT^2 / sigma^2
+Ns = zeros(nevent,1);
+dcov_fac = zeros(N,1);
+dcov_fac_e = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
+    Ns(ii) = length(imatch);
+    if idatacov == 1   
+        dcov_fac_e(ii) = N;
+    elseif idatacov == 2
+        dcov_fac_e(ii) = Ns(ii) * nevent;
+    elseif idatacov == 3
+        dcov_fac_e(ii) = 1;
+    end
+    dcov_fac(imatch) = dcov_fac_e(ii);
+% check number of windows
+if sum(Ns) ~= length(meas_array), error('inconsistent values for total windows'); end
+% compute data vector for subspace method
+dnorm_sq = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
+    Sval = meas_array(imatch,27);
+    if sum(isnan(Sval)) > 0
+        disp(sprintf('i = %i, eid %s',ii,eids{ii}));
+        error('Sval has at least one NaN data entry');
+    else
+        % factor of 2 cancels the 0.5 used in computing the misfit (mt_measure_adj.f90)
+        dnorm_sq(ii) = sum(2 * Sval ./ dcov_fac(imatch) );
+    end
+% weight vector for the subspace method
+dnorm = sqrt(dnorm_sq);
+ws = 1 ./ dnorm;
+% total data misfit -- this is like a PER WINDOW measure of misfit
+dmisfit = sum( dnorm_sq );
+disp(' total data misfit = d^T Cd^-1 d and its square-root:');
+if iwrite == 1
+    % display sorted from greatest to least norm
+    data_norms = [eids_num [1:nevent]' Ns nrec_all_event dnorm_sq*nevent dnorm_sq dnorm ws];
+    % This is useful if you want to only list events matching a certain set of criteria.
+    if 0==1
+        eid_reject = load('/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_reject');
+        X1 = 20; X2 = 40; D1 = 0.4;
+        isave = find( or(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X2, and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1)) );
+        %isave = find( and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1));
+        [eids_save,ijunk] = setdiff( eids_num(isave), eid_reject );
+    else
+        %eids_save = load('/home/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_m14');
+        %eids_save = eids_num(find( or( slat(ievent_full) > 34.6, slat(ievent_full) < 33.8) ));   % dm14
+        eids_save = eids_num;     % default
+    end
+    klabs = {'order','dnorm','nrec'};
+    kind = [2 -(nper+[5 4])];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
+    for kk = 1:length(klabs)
+        dsort = sortrows(data_norms,kind(kk));
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort_by_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%4s%10s%4s%8s' sTfmts '%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n'],' ','eid','ind','Nwin',...
+            sTbp{:},'Nrec','dnorm2*E','dnorm2','dnorm','weight');
+        fprintf(fid,['%14s%4i%8i' sTfmts '%6s%10.2f%10.4f%10s%10s\n'],...
+            'TOTAL',' ',sum(Ns),sTdash{:},'--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        pp = 0;
+        for ii = 1:nevent
+            if any(dsort(ii,1)==eids_save)
+                pp = pp+1;
+                fprintf(fid,['%4i%10i%4i%8i' sTfmti '%6i%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n'],pp,dsort(ii,:));
+            end
+        end
+        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    fid1 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_save.txt'],'w');
+    fid2 = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_exclude.txt'],'w');
+    for ii = 1:nevent
+        if any(eids_num(ii)==eids_save)
+            fprintf(fid1,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        else
+            fprintf(fid2,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        end
+    end
+    fclose(fid2);
+    %km04 = load('/home/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernel_m04/kernels_m04');
+    %km05 = load('OUTPUT/m05/window/m05_window_eid_save.txt');
+    %eid_5_not_in_4 = setdiff(km05,km04)
+    %eid_4_not_in_5 = setdiff(km04,km05)
+    % save variables (for wave2d_subspace_3D.m)
+    save([odir ftag '_data_norms'],'idatacov','dcov_fac_e',...
+        'eids','eids_num','Ns','dnorm','ws','dmisfit','N','nrec_all_event');
+    % write out all stations that have at least one measurement (for GMT)
+    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_rec,2) > 0);
+    write_station_SPECFEM([odir 'STATIONS_' stmod],rlon(iuse),rlat(iuse),...
+        relev(iuse),rburial(iuse),stnm(iuse),netwk(iuse));
+    % write out a psmeca file for all events used (for GMT)
+    iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_event,2) > 0);
+    inds = ievent_full(iuse);
+    writeCMT_psmeca([odir 'socal_tomo_' stmod],date(inds),slat(inds),slon(inds),...
+        dep(inds),M(inds,:),seid_cmt(inds));
+% list the events that use at least 15 stations
+fid = fopen([odir ftag '_eid_good.txt'],'w');
+for ii = 1:nevent
+    if nrec_all_event(ii,3) > 15
+        fprintf(fid,'%i\n',eids_num(ii));
+        disp([eids_num(ii) nrec_all_event(ii,:)])
+    end
+% find records that meet particular criteria
+DT_MIN = 7;
+DT_MAX = 9;
+icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,19) >= DT_MIN, meas_array(:,19) <= DT_MAX) );
+if 0==1
+    [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -19 );
+    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck,:);
+DA_MIN = -0.8;
+DA_MAX = 3.0;
+icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,21) <= DA_MIN, meas_array(:,21) >= DA_MAX) );
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+CHI_MIN = 100;
+DT_SIGMA_MIN = 0.19;
+icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,27) >= CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,20) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -16 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+ebads = unique( eids_num(meas_array(icheck,3)) )
+% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
+% windur = meas_array(:,10);
+% icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,11) >= windur, meas_array(:,12) >= windur ) );
+% [junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:) meas_array(icheck,12)-windur(icheck)], -26 );
+% meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+% display_meas(meas_disp(1:100,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
+NCYCLE = 1;
+TPMIN = 20; TPMAX = 30;
+iTper = 1;
+windur = meas_array(:,10);
+icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, ...
+    and( and(windur >= NCYCLE*TPMIN, meas_array(:,2) == iTper), ...
+    and( and(meas_array(:,11) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,11) <= TPMAX), ...
+         and(meas_array(:,12) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,12) <= TPMAX)) )));
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+% long windows with prominant phases for 2-30s 
+WINMIN = 30;
+iTper = 1;
+windur = meas_array(:,10);
+icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, and(windur >= 30, meas_array(:,2) == iTper)));
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/curvature.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/curvature.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/curvature.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% function [i0,kap] = curvature(x,y)
-% CARL TAPE, 25-July-2005
-% This function compute the curvature of a 1-D function
-% and returns the computed curvature, as well as the
-% point of maximum POSITIVE curvature.
-% This was written for quantifying L-curves.
-% calls xxx
-% called by spline_wang_D.m, test_del2.m
-function [i0,kap] = curvature(x,y)
-f1 = gradient(y,x);
-f2 = gradient(f1,x);
-kap = f2 ./ (1 + f1.^2).^(3/2);  % see Mathworld
-%[kap0,i0] = max(abs(kap));
-[kap0,i0] = max(kap);
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/defval.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/defval.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/defval.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-function defval(name,value)
-% DEFVAL(name,value)
-% Checks if a variable 'name' exists in the caller's workspace,
-% if nonexistent or if empty 'name' is set to value 'value' in caller's workspace
-% Won't work for an unassigned structure variable
-% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 09/12/2007
-if ~ischar(name),
-  error('The first argument of defval has to be a string (variable name)');
-if evalin('caller',[ 'exist(''' name ''')']);,
-  si=evalin('caller',[ 'isempty(' name ')']);
-if si,
-  assignin('caller',name,value);
-  na=dbstack;
-  %disp(['Default value used in ' na(2).name ': ' name '=' num2str(value(1,:))])

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-% display_meas.m
-% CARL TAPE, 18-Mar-2008
-% printed xxx
-% /cig/seismo/3D/mt_measure_adj_work/scripts_tomo/matlab/
-% calls xxx
-% called by xxx
-function display_meas(meas_array,Tvec,eids,strec,comps)
-X = meas_array;
-[m,n] = size(X);
-if n ~= 25, error(' should be 25 columns in the input matrix'); end
-index_win    = X(:,1);
-index_per    = X(:,2);
-index_event  = X(:,3);
-index_net    = X(:,4);
-index_rec    = X(:,5);
-index_comp   = X(:,6);
-isub_win     = X(:,7);
-iker         = X(:,8);
-seisdur      = X(:,9);
-windur       = X(:,10);
-T_pmax_dat   = X(:,11);
-T_pmax_syn   = X(:,12);
-seis_d2      = X(:,13);
-win_d2       = X(:,14);
-seis_s2      = X(:,15);
-win_s2       = X(:,16);
-seis_diff2   = X(:,17);
-win_diff2    = X(:,18);
-measCC_dT    = X(:,19);
-sigmaCC_dT   = X(:,20);
-measCC_dA    = X(:,21);
-sigmaCC_dA   = X(:,22);
-measMT_dT    = X(:,23);
-sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,24);
-tr_chi       = X(:,25);
-disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');
-for ii = 1:m
-   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %6s %3i DT = %6.2f +- %6.2f DA = %6.2f chi = %6.2f -- %i',...
-       char(eids{index_event(ii)}),Tvec(index_per(ii)),char(strec{index_rec(ii)}),...
-       char(comps{index_comp(ii)}),isub_win(ii),...
-       measCC_dT(ii),sigmaCC_dT(ii),measCC_dA(ii),tr_chi(ii),index_win(ii) ));
-disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/fontsize.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/fontsize.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/fontsize.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% function function fontsize(fs,h)
-% Juliette Artru, 15-Sept-2004
-% printed xxxx
-% This changes the font on an entire figure.
-% fs: font size
-% h: handle graphics (optional)
-function fontsize(fs,h);
-for k=1:length(hc);
-    if(strcmp(get(hc(k),'Type'),'axes'))
-        hall=[hall; get(hc(k),'XLabel') ; get(hc(k),'YLabel') ; get(hc(k),'Title')];
-    end

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/gcvfctn.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/gcvfctn.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/gcvfctn.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-% function G = gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0)
-% Carl Tape (Tapio Schneider, ACM 118)
-% 09-Nov-2004
-% GCVFCTN    Evaluate generalized cross-validation function.
-%    gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0) is the value of the GCV function
-%    for ridge regression with regularization parameter h.
-%    INPUT:
-%       h       regularization parameter
-%       s2      squared singular value of the design matrix
-%       fc      coefficients fc = U(:, 1:q)'*g
-%       rss0    the residual sum of squares of the (non-regularized)
-%                   least squares estimate
-%       dofo0   the number of residual degrees of freedom of
-%                   the (non-regularized) least squares estimate
-%       U       matrix of left singular vectors
-%       g       vector of response variables
-%       q       the smaller of the numbers of rows and columns of
-%                   the design matrix, q = min(n,p)
-%    Auxiliary function for GCV.
-%    Adapted from GCVFUN in Per-Christian Hansen's Regularization Toolbox. 
-% See Schneider (2001) for details.
-% calls xxx
-% called by gcv.m
-function G = gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0)
-% SIMILAR TO filter factor for Tikhonov regularization:
-% 1 - f = F, where F are the filter factors
-f = h^2 ./ (s2 + h^2);
-RSS = norm(f.*fc)^2 + rss0;
-T2  = (dof0 + sum(f))^2;
-G = RSS / T2;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/hfile2hess.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/hfile2hess.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/hfile2hess.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-% display_meas.m
-% CARL TAPE, 18-April-2008
-% printed xxx
-% /cig/seismo/3D/mt_measure_adj_work/scripts_tomo/matlab/
-% calls xxx
-% called by xxx
-function H = hfile2hess(hfile,nsrc)
-if ~exist(hfile,'file'), error([hfile ' does not exist']); end
-[kall,iall,jall,Hij] = textread(hfile,'%f%f%f%f');
-n = length(kall);
-nhess = (-1 + sqrt(1+8*n))/2;   % quadratic formula
-if nhess ~= nsrc, error('number of events must be consistent'); end
-% construct the Hessian matrix
-H = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-for i = 1:nsrc
-    for j = i:nsrc
-        ih = find( and( i == iall, j == jall) );
-        H(i,j) = Hij(ih);
-    end
-H = H + H' - diag(diag(H));     % fill the lower triangle

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/CMT2m0.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/CMT2m0.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/CMT2m0.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% function M0 = CMT2m0(im0,M)
+% CARL TAPE, 02-Feb-2007
+% printed xxx
+% This function converts from a (CMT) moment tensor to scalar seismic
+% moment.  The units of M0 are the same as the elements of Mij, which
+% should be Newton-meter (N-m), although it does not affect the function
+% here.
+% See Ekstrom email (11-Oct-2006) and corresponding Latex notes.
+% moment tensor M = [Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp]
+% calls xxx
+% called by richter.m, denaliquake.m
+function M0 = CMT2m0(im0,M)
+% make sure M is N by 6
+[a,b] = size(M); if b ~= 6, M = M'; end
+[a,b] = size(M); if b ~= 6, error('dimension of M must be N by 6'); end
+ncmt = a;
+Mrr = M(:,1); Mtt = M(:,2); Mpp = M(:,3);
+Mrt = M(:,4); Mrp = M(:,5); Mtp = M(:,6);
+M0 = zeros(ncmt,1);
+for ii=1:ncmt
+    % if you need to compute the eigenvalues
+    if or(im0==2,im0==3)
+        % convention: r (up), theta (south), phi (east)
+        Mcmt = zeros(3,3);
+        Mcmt = [ Mrr(ii) Mrt(ii) Mrp(ii) ;
+                 Mrt(ii) Mtt(ii) Mtp(ii) ;
+                 Mrp(ii) Mtp(ii) Mpp(ii) ];
+        [V, D] = eig(Mcmt);
+        lams = diag(D)';
+        isign = sign(lams);
+        %(inv(V)*Mcmt*V - D) / norm(Mcmt)
+        % adjust the order of eigenvectors
+        % [lamsort, isort] = sort(abs(lams),'descend');
+        % Vsort = V(:,isort)
+        % Dsort = diag(lamsort.*isign(isort))
+        % (inv(Vsort)*Mcmt*Vsort - Dsort) / norm(Mcmt)  % check
+    end
+    % formula to convert M to M0
+    % (1) Dahlen and Tromp, eq. 5.91
+    % (2) Harvard CMT way -- double-couple moment
+    % (3) Caltech way
+    switch im0
+        case 1, M0(ii) = 1/sqrt(2) * sqrt( Mrr(ii)^2 + Mtt(ii)^2 + Mpp(ii)^2 ...
+                + 2*(Mrt(ii)*Mrt(ii) + Mrp(ii)*Mrp(ii) + Mtp(ii)*Mtp(ii) ) );
+        case 2, M0(ii) = (abs(min(lams)) + abs(max(lams)) ) / 2;
+        case 3, M0(ii) = max(abs(lams));
+    end

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/CMT2m0.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/axes_expand.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/axes_expand.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/axes_expand.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/axes_expand.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% function ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,fac)
+% CARL TAPE, 16-Aug-2005
+% printed xxx
+% This function inputs an axes box and outputs a new axes box,
+% expanded by the factor 'fac' in all 2,4,6 dimensions.
+%    ax0 = [-121 -114]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,2)
+%    ax0 = [-121 -114 31 37]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,2)
+%    ax0 = [-121 -114 31 37]; ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,0.30)
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function ax1 = axes_expand(ax0,fac)
+% 1D, 2D, 3D
+ndim = length(ax0)/2;
+ax1 = zeros(1,ndim*2);
+% return original axes if new axes are non-sensical
+xmin = ax0(1);
+xmax = ax0(2);
+dx = xmax-xmin;
+ax1(1) = xmin - dx*(fac-1);
+ax1(2) = xmax + dx*(fac-1);
+if ax1(2) <= ax1(1), ax1 = ax0; end
+if ndim >= 2
+    ymin = ax0(3);
+    ymax = ax0(4);
+    dy = ymax-ymin;
+    ax1(3) = ymin - dy*(fac-1);
+    ax1(4) = ymax + dy*(fac-1);
+    if ax1(4) <= ax1(3), ax1 = ax0; end
+if ndim == 3
+    zmin = ax0(3);
+    zmax = ax0(4);
+    dz = zmax-zmin;
+    ax1(5) = zmin - dz*(fac-1);
+    ax1(6) = zmax + dz*(fac-1);
+    if ax1(6) <= ax1(5), ax1 = ax0; end

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/axes_expand.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/curvature.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/curvature.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/curvature.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/curvature.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% function [i0,kap] = curvature(x,y)
+% CARL TAPE, 25-July-2005
+% This function compute the curvature of a 1-D function
+% and returns the computed curvature, as well as the
+% point of maximum POSITIVE curvature.
+% This was written for quantifying L-curves.
+% calls xxx
+% called by spline_wang_D.m, test_del2.m
+function [i0,kap] = curvature(x,y)
+f1 = gradient(y,x);
+f2 = gradient(f1,x);
+kap = f2 ./ (1 + f1.^2).^(3/2);  % see Mathworld
+%[kap0,i0] = max(abs(kap));
+[kap0,i0] = max(kap);
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/curvature.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/defval.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/defval.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/defval.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/defval.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+function defval(name,value)
+% DEFVAL(name,value)
+% Checks if a variable 'name' exists in the caller's workspace,
+% if nonexistent or if empty 'name' is set to value 'value' in caller's workspace
+% Won't work for an unassigned structure variable
+% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 09/12/2007
+if ~ischar(name),
+  error('The first argument of defval has to be a string (variable name)');
+if evalin('caller',[ 'exist(''' name ''')']);,
+  si=evalin('caller',[ 'isempty(' name ')']);
+if si,
+  assignin('caller',name,value);
+  na=dbstack;
+  %disp(['Default value used in ' na(2).name ': ' name '=' num2str(value(1,:))])

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/defval.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/display_meas.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/display_meas.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/display_meas.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% display_meas.m
+% CARL TAPE, 18-Mar-2008
+% printed xxx
+% /cig/seismo/3D/mt_measure_adj_work/scripts_tomo/matlab/
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function display_meas(meas_array,Tvec,eids,strec,comps)
+X = meas_array;
+[m,n] = size(X);
+if n ~= 25, error(' should be 25 columns in the input matrix'); end
+index_win    = X(:,1);
+index_per    = X(:,2);
+index_event  = X(:,3);
+index_net    = X(:,4);
+index_rec    = X(:,5);
+index_comp   = X(:,6);
+isub_win     = X(:,7);
+iker         = X(:,8);
+seisdur      = X(:,9);
+windur       = X(:,10);
+T_pmax_dat   = X(:,11);
+T_pmax_syn   = X(:,12);
+seis_d2      = X(:,13);
+win_d2       = X(:,14);
+seis_s2      = X(:,15);
+win_s2       = X(:,16);
+seis_diff2   = X(:,17);
+win_diff2    = X(:,18);
+measCC_dT    = X(:,19);
+sigmaCC_dT   = X(:,20);
+measCC_dA    = X(:,21);
+sigmaCC_dA   = X(:,22);
+measMT_dT    = X(:,23);
+sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,24);
+tr_chi       = X(:,25);
+disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');
+for ii = 1:m
+   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %6s %3i DT = %6.2f +- %6.2f DA = %6.2f chi = %6.2f -- %i',...
+       char(eids{index_event(ii)}),Tvec(index_per(ii)),char(strec{index_rec(ii)}),...
+       char(comps{index_comp(ii)}),isub_win(ii),...
+       measCC_dT(ii),sigmaCC_dT(ii),measCC_dA(ii),tr_chi(ii),index_win(ii) ));
+disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/display_meas.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/fontsize.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/fontsize.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/fontsize.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/fontsize.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% function function fontsize(fs,h)
+% Juliette Artru, 15-Sept-2004
+% printed xxxx
+% This changes the font on an entire figure.
+% fs: font size
+% h: handle graphics (optional)
+function fontsize(fs,h);
+for k=1:length(hc);
+    if(strcmp(get(hc(k),'Type'),'axes'))
+        hall=[hall; get(hc(k),'XLabel') ; get(hc(k),'YLabel') ; get(hc(k),'Title')];
+    end

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/fontsize.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/gcvfctn.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/gcvfctn.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/gcvfctn.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/gcvfctn.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% function G = gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0)
+% Carl Tape (Tapio Schneider, ACM 118)
+% 09-Nov-2004
+% GCVFCTN    Evaluate generalized cross-validation function.
+%    gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0) is the value of the GCV function
+%    for ridge regression with regularization parameter h.
+%    INPUT:
+%       h       regularization parameter
+%       s2      squared singular value of the design matrix
+%       fc      coefficients fc = U(:, 1:q)'*g
+%       rss0    the residual sum of squares of the (non-regularized)
+%                   least squares estimate
+%       dofo0   the number of residual degrees of freedom of
+%                   the (non-regularized) least squares estimate
+%       U       matrix of left singular vectors
+%       g       vector of response variables
+%       q       the smaller of the numbers of rows and columns of
+%                   the design matrix, q = min(n,p)
+%    Auxiliary function for GCV.
+%    Adapted from GCVFUN in Per-Christian Hansen's Regularization Toolbox. 
+% See Schneider (2001) for details.
+% calls xxx
+% called by gcv.m
+function G = gcvfctn(h, s2, fc, rss0, dof0)
+% SIMILAR TO filter factor for Tikhonov regularization:
+% 1 - f = F, where F are the filter factors
+f = h^2 ./ (s2 + h^2);
+RSS = norm(f.*fc)^2 + rss0;
+T2  = (dof0 + sum(f))^2;
+G = RSS / T2;
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/gcvfctn.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/hfile2hess.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/hfile2hess.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/hfile2hess.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/hfile2hess.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% display_meas.m
+% CARL TAPE, 18-April-2008
+% printed xxx
+% /cig/seismo/3D/mt_measure_adj_work/scripts_tomo/matlab/
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function H = hfile2hess(hfile,nsrc)
+if ~exist(hfile,'file'), error([hfile ' does not exist']); end
+[kall,iall,jall,Hij] = textread(hfile,'%f%f%f%f');
+n = length(kall);
+nhess = (-1 + sqrt(1+8*n))/2;   % quadratic formula
+if nhess ~= nsrc, error('number of events must be consistent'); end
+% construct the Hessian matrix
+H = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+for i = 1:nsrc
+    for j = i:nsrc
+        ih = find( and( i == iall, j == jall) );
+        H(i,j) = Hij(ih);
+    end
+H = H + H' - diag(diag(H));     % fill the lower triangle

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/hfile2hess.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/m02mw.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/m02mw.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/m02mw.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% function Mw = m02mw(imag,M0)
+% CARL TAPE, 31-Oct-2007
+% printed xxx
+% This function inputs a vector of moments (M0) in units of N-m and outputs
+% a column vector of moment magnitudes (Mw).
+% See Latex notes cmt.pdf.
+% EXAMPLE (Denali earthquake):
+%    M0 = 7.48*1e20; Mw = m02mw(1,M0)
+% calls xxx
+% called by richter.m
+function Mw = m02mw(imag,M0)
+% convert moment tensor from N-m to dyne-cm, since these formulas are
+% designed for dyne-cm
+M0 = 1e7 * M0(:);
+if imag==1
+    % Kanamori 1978
+    %k = -10.7;
+    % Kanamori 1977
+    %k = -(2/3)*(11.8 - log10(1/2e4));   % for M0 in units of dyne-cm
+    %k = -(2/3)*(11.8 - log10(5e-5));    % dyne-cm
+    %k = -(2/3)*(16.8 - log10(5));       % dyne-cm
+    %k = -11.2 + (2/3)*log10(5);          % dyne-cm
+    % Kanamori 1977 or 1978
+    %Mw = (2/3) * log10(M0) + k;
+    % Kanamori 1977 (modified form, but exact)
+    A = 2/(3*log(10));
+    K = 0.2*10^16.8;
+    Mw = A*log(M0/K);
+elseif imag == 2
+    % Harvard CMT
+    Mw = (2/3) * (log10(M0) - 16.1);
+    error('imag must be 1 or 2.');

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/m02mw.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/nounder.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/nounder.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/nounder.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/nounder.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function sin=nounder(sin)
+% sin=NOUNDER(sin)
+% Changes underscores to dashes in a string
+% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, Feb 06th, 2004

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/nounder.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ocv_carl.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ocv_carl.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ocv_carl.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ocv_carl.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+% function rss_vec = ocv_carl(g, A, lamvec)
+% Carl Tape, 30-March-2006
+% Copied from gcv_carl.m on 27-March-2006.
+% Returns the ordinary cross-validation (OCV) function corresponding to a
+% set of input regularization (or damping) parameters.
+%   (1) Brute force, which involves ndata inversions per lambda
+%   (2) Elegant formalisum, which involves one inversion per lambda
+%       --> See Latex notes
+%       /home/carltape/classes/acm118/2006_handouts/hw3/hw3sol_2006_prob3.pdf
+% Using some GPS data, I checked that these approaches are identical.
+% calls xxx
+% called by ridge_carl.m
+function rss_vec = ocv_carl(d, A, lamvec)
+% Size of inputs
+[ndata, nparm]  = size(A); 
+numlam          = length(lamvec);
+if (min(lamvec) < 0)
+    error('Impossible regularization parameter lambda.')
+rss_vec = zeros(numlam,1);
+% loop over regularization parameters
+for ii=1:numlam
+    lam = lamvec(ii); 
+    disp([' ii = ' num2str(ii) '/' num2str(numlam) ', lam = ' num2str(lam)]);
+    if 1==1
+        H = A*inv(A'*A + lam^2*eye(nparm))*A';
+        dhat = H*d;
+        % OCV residual
+        res = (d - dhat) ./ (1 - diag(H));
+        % sum the residuals
+        rss_vec(ii) = sum(res.^2);
+    else
+        % loop over datapoints
+        for jj=1:ndata
+            %disp([' jj = ' num2str(jj) '/' num2str(ndata) ]);
+            % indices for which you compute the model parameters
+            switch jj
+                case 1,     einds = [2:ndata];
+                case ndata, einds = [1:ndata-1];
+                otherwise,  einds = [1:jj-1 jj+1:ndata];
+            end
+            % indices to estimate the RSS
+            oinds = jj;
+            % reduced matrices
+            X = A(einds,:);
+            g = d(einds);
+            % note: regularization matrix is identity matrix
+            f_h = inv(X'*X + lam^2*eye(nparm))*X'*g;
+            % estimate the model at the datapoints NOT used
+            res = A(oinds,:) * f_h - d(oinds);
+            % sum the residuals
+            rss_vec(ii) = rss_vec(ii) + sum(res.^2);
+        end
+    end
+rss_vec = rss_vec / ndata;  % normalization
+figure; loglog(lamvec, rss_vec, '.'); grid on;
+xlabel(' Regularization parameter, log (\lambda)');
+ylabel(' RSS at datapoints NOT used in computing model');

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ocv_carl.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/osdep.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/osdep.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/osdep.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/osdep.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+function of=osdep
+% of=OSDEP
+% Returns the value of the read option to be used
+% on the LOCAL operating system for files created
+% on the LOCAL operating system.
+% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 23.11.2004
+if strcmp(getenv('OSTYPE'),'linux')
+  of= 'l';  
+if strcmp(getenv('OSTYPE'),'solaris')
+  of= 'b';  

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/osdep.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/plot_histo.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/plot_histo.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/plot_histo.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/plot_histo.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% function N = plot_histo(hdat,edges)
+% CARL TAPE, 30-May-2007
+% printed xxx
+% This function plots a histogram with cyan bars and black boundaries.
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function N = plot_histo(hdat,edges)
+Ntotal = length(hdat);
+[N,bin] = histc(hdat,edges);
+xlim([min(edges) max(edges)]);
+ylabel([' Fraction (N = ' num2str(Ntotal) ')']);
+h = findobj(gca,'Type','patch'); set(h,'FaceColor',[0 1 1],'EdgeColor','k');
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/plot_histo.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readCMT.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readCMT.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readCMT.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readCMT.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% readCMT.m
+% CARL TAPE, 26-June-2007
+% printed xxx
+% This file reads a concatenated CMTSOLUTION file and outputs the data.
+% The CMT tshift parameter is added to the origin time, which is the
+% time used for the initial CMT solution.
+%   filename                 file containing all CMTSOLUTION files concatenated together
+%   nlines_cmt               number of lines per CMT solution (13)
+%   nspace_between_entries   number of spaces between CMTSOLUTION blocks (0 or 1)
+%   M                        moment tensor in N-m units
+% calls xxx
+% called by slab_readCMT.m, socal_quakes_2007.m
+function [date,tshift,hdur,lat,lon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = ...
+    readCMT(filename, nlines_cmt, nspace_between_entries)
+% read in concatenated CMTSOLUTION files
+lines = textread(filename,'%s','delimiter','\n');
+nlines = length(lines);
+% number of events
+enum = (nlines + nspace_between_entries) / (nlines_cmt + nspace_between_entries);
+if mod(enum,1) ~= 0, error(' enum should be an integer'); end
+disp([' File : ' filename ]);
+disp([' Number of events : ' num2str(enum) ]);
+% initialize vectors
+date    = zeros(enum,1); tshift  = zeros(enum,1); hdur    = zeros(enum,1);
+lat     = zeros(enum,1); lon     = zeros(enum,1); dep     = zeros(enum,1);
+Mrr     = zeros(enum,1); Mtt     = zeros(enum,1); Mpp     = zeros(enum,1);
+Mrt     = zeros(enum,1); Mrp     = zeros(enum,1); Mtp     = zeros(enum,1);
+for kk = 1:enum
+    in1 = (kk-1)*(nlines_cmt + nspace_between_entries);
+    % first full line of CMTSOLUTION, as a string
+    ltemp = lines{in1+1};
+    if length(ltemp) == 0, error('the CMTSOLUTION line is length zero'); end
+    % replace W with space for more recent CMT solutions
+    % SWEQ2006
+    % PDEW2006
+    if or(strcmp(ltemp(4),'W'),strcmp(ltemp(4),'Q')), ltemp(4) = ' '; end
+    [j1,yr,mo,dy,hr,min,sec,lat_pde(kk),lon_pde(kk),dep_pde(kk),j5,j6,name1,name2,name3,name4,name5,name6] = ...
+       strread(ltemp,'%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%s%s%s%s%s%s');
+    [j1,j2,eid(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+2},'%s%s%s');
+    [j1,j2,tshift(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+3},'%s%s%f');
+    [j1,j2,hdur(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+4},'%s%s%f');
+    [j1,lat(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+5},'%s%f');
+    [j1,lon(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+6},'%s%f');
+    [j1,dep(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+7},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mrr(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+8},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mtt(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+9},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mpp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+10},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mrt(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+11},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mrp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+12},'%s%f');
+    [j1,Mtp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+13},'%s%f');
+    % NOTE the inclusion of the time shift here for the CMT solution
+    date(kk) = datenum(yr,mo,dy,hr,min, sec + tshift(kk));
+    elabel{kk} = [char(name1) ' ' char(name2) ' ' char(name3) ...
+             ' ' char(name4) ' ' char(name5) ' ' char(name6)];
+eid = eid(:);
+elabel = elabel(:);
+% moment tensor elements
+M = [Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp];
+% convert moment tensor from dyne-cm to N-m
+M = 1e-7 * M;

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readCMT.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_station_SPECFEM.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_station_SPECFEM.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_station_SPECFEM.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_station_SPECFEM.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% function [rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(filename)
+% CARL TAPE, 15-March-2007
+% printed xxx
+% This function inputs a STATIONS file formatted for SPECFEM3D.f90.
+% See also write_station_SPECFEM.m
+% In Perl, this can be done as follows:
+%   open(IN,${stations_seis}); @temp = <IN>; $nrec = $temp[0]; chomp($nrec);
+%   print CSH "tail -n $nrec ${stations_seis} > stemp0 \n";
+%   print CSH "awk '{print \$4,\$3}' stemp0 > temp \n";
+% calls xxx
+% called by xxx
+function [rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(filename)
+% read in the STATIONS file
+[stnm,netwk,rlat,rlon,relev,rburial] = textread(filename,'%s%s%f%f%f%f','headerlines',1);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_station_SPECFEM.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% read_window_chi.m
+% CARL TAPE, 14-March-2008
+% printed xxx
+% This file reads in the output file from mt_measure_adj.f90.
+% calls xxx
+% called by compute_misfit.m
+function [netwk,strec,cmp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
+    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
+    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
+    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename)
+    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
+    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
+    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = ...
+    textread(filename,'%s%s%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
+for kk = 1:length(sta), strec{kk} = [sta{kk} '.' netwk{kk}]; end
+strec = strec(:);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi_all.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi_all.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi_all.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+% read_window_chi_all.m
+% CARL TAPE, 14-March-2008
+% printed xxx
+% calls read_window_chi.m
+% called by compute_misfit.m, compare_misfit.m
+function meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps)
+nper = length(Tminvec);
+nevent = length(eids);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+nrec = length(strec);
+ncomp = length(comps);
+if imax > nevent, error('imax is greater than nevent'); end
+k2 = 0;
+meas_array = [];
+%for tt = 1:1
+for tt = 1:nper
+    Tmin = Tminvec(tt);
+    Tmax = Tmaxvec(tt);
+    Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
+    Ttag2 = [Ttag '_' stmod];
+    disp('-----------------------------------------');
+    for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
+        disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
+        dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_' Ttag '/'];
+        mfile = [eids{ii} '_' Ttag2 '_window_chi'];
+        filename = [dir1 mfile];
+        if ~exist(filename,'file')
+            disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
+        else
+            % read the window_chi file
+            [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
+            chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+            measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+            sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+            wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur, ...
+            seisd2,seiss2,seisdiff2,seisdur,...
+            tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename);
+            % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
+            %win_chi = windiff2 ./ wind2;        % window only
+            %seis_chi = seisdiff2 ./ seisd2;        % full record (repeated for seismograms with more than one window)
+            % a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
+            %win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
+            %win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
+            nwin = length(strec0);
+            disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
+            % assign the string network an integer index
+            index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for inet = 1:nnet
+                ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
+                index_net(ind_net) = inet;
+            end
+            % assign the string receiver an integer index
+            index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for irec = 1:nrec
+                ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
+                index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
+            end
+            % assign the string component an integer index
+            index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for icomp = 1:ncomp
+                ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
+                index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
+            end
+            % measurement indices
+            k1 = k2+1;
+            k2 = k1+nwin-1;
+            kinds = [k1:k2]';
+            % NOTE: remove the factors of 0.5 that is used in the wdiff definition
+            meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin iker ...
+                seisdur windur T_pmax_dat T_pmax_syn ...
+                2*seisd2  2*wind2 2*seiss2  2*wins2 2*seisdiff2 2*windiff2 ...
+                measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA ...
+                measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT measMT_dA sigmaMT_dA tr_chi am_chi];
+            %  1  kinds
+            %  2  index_T
+            %  3  index_event
+            %  4  index_network
+            %  5  index_rec
+            %  6  index_comp
+            %  7  iwin
+            %  8  iker
+            %  9  seisdur
+            % 10  windur
+            % 11  T_pmax_dat
+            % 12  T_pmax_syn
+            %-------------------
+            % waveform difference information
+            % 13  seisd2
+            % 14  wind2
+            % 15  seiss2
+            % 16  wins2
+            % 17  seisdiff2
+            % 18  windiff2   
+            %-------------------
+            % other misfit measures
+            % 19  measCC_dT
+            % 20  sigmaCC_dT
+            % 21  measCC_dA
+            % 22  sigmaCC_dA
+            % 23  measMT_dT
+            % 24  sigmaMT_dT
+            % 25  measMT_dA
+            % 26  sigmaMT_dA
+            % 27  tr_chi
+            % 28  am_chi
+        end
+    end

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/read_window_chi_all.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readsac.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readsac.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readsac.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readsac.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+function varargout=readsac(filename,plotornot,osd)
+% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename)
+% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1)
+% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1,'l')
+% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1,'b')
+% READSAC(...)
+% Reads SAC-formatted data (and makes a plot)
+% filename        The filename, full path included
+% plotornot       1 Makes a plot
+%                 0 Does not make a plot [default]
+% osd             'b' for data saved on Solaris read into Linux
+%                 'l' for data saved on Linux read into Linux
+% SeisData        The number vector
+% HdrData         The header structure array
+% tnu             The handle to the plot title; or appropriate string
+% pobj            The handle to the plot line and the xlabel
+% tims            The times on the x-axis
+% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 07/07/2008
+if fid==-1
+  error([ 'File ',filename,' does not exist in current path ',pwd])
+HdrK=str2mat(fread(fid,[8 24],'char'))';
+% Meaning of LCALDA from http://www.llnl.gov/sac/SAC_Manuals/FileFormatPt2.html
+% LCALDA is TRUE if DIST, AZ, BAZ, and GCARC are to be calculated from
+% station and event coordinates. But I don't know how to set this
+% variable to a logical yet using setvar.pl. What is the TRUE/FALSE
+% format in SAC? 18.1.2006
+% If you change any of this, change it in WRITESAC as well!
+  'AZ',HdrF(52),...
+  'B',HdrF(6),...
+  'BAZ',HdrF(53),...
+  'DIST',HdrF(51),...
+  'DELTA',HdrF(1),...
+  'E',HdrF(7),...
+  'EVDP',HdrF(39),...
+  'EVEL',HdrF(38),...
+  'EVLA',HdrF(36),...
+  'EVLO',HdrF(37),...
+  'GCARC',HdrF(54),...
+  'IFTYPE',HdrI(1),...
+  'KCMPNM',HdrK(21,HdrK(21,:)>64),...
+  'KINST',HdrK(24,HdrK(24,:)>64),...
+  'KSTNM',HdrK(1,HdrK(1,:)>64),...
+  'KUSER0',HdrK(18,HdrK(18,:)>64),...
+  'LCALDA',HdrL(4),... 
+  'MAG',HdrF(40),...
+  'NPTS',HdrN(10),...
+  'NVHDR',HdrN(7),...
+  'NZHOUR',HdrN(3),...
+  'NZJDAY',HdrN(2),...
+  'NZMIN',HdrN(4),...
+  'NZMSEC',HdrN(6),...
+  'NZSEC',HdrN(5),...
+  'NZYEAR',HdrN(1),...
+  'SCALE',HdrF(4),...
+  'STDP',HdrF(35),...
+  'STEL',HdrF(34),...
+  'STLA',HdrF(32),...    
+  'STLO',HdrF(33),...
+  'T0',HdrF(11),...
+  'T1',HdrF(12),...
+  'T2',HdrF(13),...
+  'T3',HdrF(14));
+if plotornot==1
+  pobj=plot(tims,SeisData);
+  filename(find(abs(filename)==95))='-';
+  tito=nounder(suf(filename,'/'));
+  if isempty(tito)
+    tito=nounder(filename);
+  end
+  tnu=title(tito);
+  axis tight
+  pobj(2)=xlabel([ 'Time (s)']);
+  tnu=nounder(suf(filename,'/'));
+  pobj=0;
+nam={'SeisData' 'HdrData' 'tnu' 'pobj','tims'};
+for index=1:nargout
+  varargout{index}=eval(nam{index});

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/readsac.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ridge_carl.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ridge_carl.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ridge_carl.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ridge_carl.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+% function 
+% Carl Tape (Tapio Schneider, ACM 118)
+% 06-Nov-2006
+% This function inputs a design matrix, a data vector, and a vector of
+% regularization parameters, and it returns three different curves that may
+% be used to select the best parameter:
+%    (1) L-curve and curvature
+%    (2) generalized cross-validation curve (GCV)
+%    (3) ordinary cross-validation (OCV), also known as 'leave-one-out' CV
+% It is best to input a large number of regularization parameters, so that
+% the min and max of the respective functions can be easily obtained.
+% This program is copied in part from ridge_tapio.m
+% RIDGE  Ridge regression estimates.
+%    Given a vector g, a design matrix X, and
+%    a regularization parameter h, 
+%           [m, rss, mss, dof] = ridge_tapio(g, X, h) 
+%    returns the ridge regression estimate of the vector f in the
+%    linear regression model
+%           g = X*f + noise.
+%    Also returned are the residual sum of squares rss, the sum of
+%    squares mss of the elements of the ridge regression estimate
+%    m (the squared norm of m), and the effective number of
+%    residual degrees of freedom dof.
+%    If h is a vector of regularization parameters, the i-th column
+%    m(:,i) is the ridge regression estimate for the regularization
+%    parameter h(i); the i-th elements of rss and mss are the
+%    associated residual sum of squares and estimate sum of squares.
+%    If no regularization parameter h is given, generalized
+%    cross-validation is used to determine the regularization
+%    parameter. The chosen regularization parameter h and the value of
+%    the GCV function are then returned as the fifth and sixth
+%    output arguments 
+%            [m, rss, mss, dof, h, G] = ridge_tapio(g, X);
+%    Adapted from various routines in Per Christian Hansen's
+%    Regularization Toolbox.
+% calls gcvfctn.m, curvature.m
+% called by xxx
+function [m, rss, mss, Gvec, Fvec, dof, kap, iL, iGCV, iOCV] = ridge_carl(dvec, X, hvec)
+% Size of inputs
+[n, p]      = size(X); 
+q           = min(n, p);
+nh          = length(hvec);
+if (min(hvec) < 0)
+    error('Impossible regularization parameter h.')
+% Initialize outputs
+m         = zeros(p, nh);
+rss         = zeros(nh, 1); 
+mss      = zeros(nh, 1);
+dof         = zeros(nh, 1);
+% Compute SVD of X
+[U, S, V]   = svd(X, 0);  
+s           = diag(S);      % vector of singular values
+s2          = s.^2;
+% Coefficients in expansion of solution in terms of right singular vectors
+fc          = U(:, 1:q)'*dvec;
+zeta        = s .* fc;
+% Treat each regularization parameter separately
+for j = 1:nh    
+    m(:, j) = V(:, 1:q) * (zeta ./ (s2 + hvec(j)^2));
+    mss(j)  = sum(m(:, j).^2);
+    rss(j)  = hvec(j)^4 * sum(fc.^2 ./ (s2 + hvec(j)^2).^2);
+    dof(j)  = n - sum(s2./(s2 + hvec(j)^2));
+% In overdetermined case, add rss of least-squares problem
+if (n > p)
+    rss = rss + sum((dvec - U(:, 1:q)*fc).^2);
+% determine the Lcurve pick (max curvature)
+x1 = log10(rss);
+y1 = log10(mss);
+% % smooth curvature interpolation to get h_L
+% num = 1000;
+% xsmooth = linspace(x1(1),x1(end),1000);
+% ysmooth = interp1(x1,y1,xsmooth,'cubic');
+% [i0,kap_smooth] = curvature(xsmooth,ysmooth);
+% rss_L = 10^xsmooth(i0);
+% mss_L = 10^ysmooth(i0);
+% h_L = 10^interp1(x1,log10(hvec),xsmooth(i0),'cubic');
+% curvature, based on input h values alone
+[iL,kap] = curvature(x1,y1);
+%h_L = hvec(iL);
+%rss_L = 10^x1(iL);
+%mss_L = 10^y1(iL);
+% obtain GCV `best' solution and GCV curve
+% GCV minimum -- 'exact' in the sense a minimization method is used
+% [hmin, Gmin] = gcv_tapio(U, s, dvec, 'ridge');
+% GCV minimum -- 'crude' in the sense that we coarsely sample the function
+dof0 = n-q;
+rss0 = sum((dvec - U(:, 1:q)*fc).^2);
+Gvec = zeros(nh,1);
+for j = 1:nh 
+    Gvec(j) = gcvfctn(hvec(j), s2, fc, rss0, dof0);
+[Gmin,iGCV] = min(Gvec);
+%hmin = hvec(iGCV);
+% GCV best model and L-curve point for h_GCV (= hmin)
+%mod_min = inv(X'*X + hmin^2*eye(p))*X'*dvec;
+%res = X*mod_min - dvec;
+%rss_min = sum(res.^2);
+%mss_min = sum(mod_min.^2);
+% compute G for the Lcurve pick
+%G_L = gcvfctn(h_L, s2, fc, rss0, dof0);
+% ordinary (leave-one-out) cross-validation
+Fvec = ocv_carl(dvec, X, hvec);
+[Fmin,iOCV] = min(Fvec);
+lamL = hvec(iL);   GL = Gvec(iL);   rssL = rss(iL);   mssL = mss(iL);   kapL = kap(iL);    FL = Fvec(iL); 
+lamF = hvec(iOCV); GF = Gvec(iOCV); rssF = rss(iOCV); mssF = mss(iOCV); kapF = kap(iOCV);  FF = Fvec(iOCV);
+lamG = hvec(iGCV); GG = Gvec(iGCV); rssG = rss(iGCV); mssG = mss(iGCV); kapG = kap(iGCV);  FG = Fvec(iGCV); 
+x1 = log10(rss);
+y1 = log10(mss);
+x2 = log10(hvec);
+y2 = kap;
+x3 = log10(hvec);
+y3 = log10(Fvec);
+x4 = log10(hvec);
+y4 = log10(Gvec);
+stx1 = ' Misfit norm, log10 RSS';
+sty1 = ' Model norm, log10 MSS';
+stx2 = ' Regularization parameter, log10 \lambda';
+sty2 = ' Curvature of L-curve, \kappa(\lambda)';
+stx3 = stx2;
+sty3 = ' OCV function, log10 F(\lambda)';
+stx4 = stx2;
+sty4 = ' GCV function, log10 G(\lambda)';
+%stfm = '%.4f';
+stfm = '%.2e';
+stlam_L   = [' \lambda-L = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamL))];
+stlam_ocv = [' \lambda-OCV = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamF))];
+stlam_gcv = [' \lambda-GCV = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamG))];
+figure; nr=2; nc=2;
+msize = 8;
+nlab = 10; ilabs = round(linspace(1,nh,nlab));
+subplot(nr,nc,1); hold on;
+axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
+axy = axis; dx = axy(2)-axy(1);
+for kk=1:nlab
+   ii = ilabs(kk);
+   text(x1(ii)+dx*0.02,y1(ii),[num2str(sprintf(stfm, hvec(ii)))],'fontsize',8,'color','b');
+legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv);
+xlabel(stx1); ylabel(sty1); grid on;
+subplot(nr,nc,2); hold on;
+axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
+legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northwest');
+xlabel(stx2); ylabel(sty2); grid on;
+subplot(nr,nc,3); hold on;
+axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
+legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northeast');
+xlabel(stx3); ylabel(sty3); grid on;
+subplot(nr,nc,4); hold on;
+axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
+legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northwest');
+xlabel(stx4); ylabel(sty4); grid on;
+orient tall, wysiwyg, fontsize(9)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/ridge_carl.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/suf.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/suf.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/suf.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/suf.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+function suffix=suf(string,delim,iter)
+% suffix=SUF(string,delim,iter)
+% Finds the suffix or extension in a string, say a filename.
+% string        The string to be parsed
+% delim         The string that separates prefix from suffix
+% iter          0 Don't iterate
+%               1 Iterate on the suffix to get the last bit
+% See also PREF
+% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 05/06/2008
+% This added 17.11.2004
+if iscell(suffix)
+  suffix=cell2mat(suffix);
+if iter==1
+  % This suffix might not be the last one
+  while findstr(suffix,delim)
+    suffix=suf(suffix,delim);
+  end

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/suf.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/wysiwyg.m (from rev 15485, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/wysiwyg.m)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/wysiwyg.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/wysiwyg.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function wysiwyg
+%WYSIWYG -- this function is called with no args and merely
+%       changes the size of the figure on the screen to equal
+%       the size of the figure that would be printed, 
+%       according to the papersize attribute.  Use this function
+%       to give a more accurate picture of what will be 
+%       printed.
+%       Dan(K) Braithwaite, Dept. of Hydrology U.of.A  11/93
+unis = get(gcf,'units');
+ppos = get(gcf,'paperposition');
+pos = get(gcf,'position');
+pos(3:4) = ppos(3:4);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/wysiwyg.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/year.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/year.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/year.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+function y = year(d) 
+%YEAR Year of date. 
+%   Y = YEAR(D) returns the year of a serial date number or a date string, D. 
+%   For example, y = year(728647) or y = year('19-Dec-1994') returns y = 1994. 
+%   See also DATEVEC, DAY, MONTH. 
+%   Copyright 1995-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.  
+%   $Revision: $   $Date: 2006/04/20 17:47:27 $ 
+if nargin < 1 
+  error('finance:year:missingInputs','Please enter D.') 
+if ischar(d) 
+  d = datenum(d); 
+c = datevec(d(:));      % Generate date vectors from dates 
+y = c(:,1);             % Extract years  
+if ~ischar(d) 
+  y = reshape(y,size(d)); 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/matlab_scripts/year.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/nounder.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/nounder.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/nounder.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-function sin=nounder(sin)
-% sin=NOUNDER(sin)
-% Changes underscores to dashes in a string
-% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, Feb 06th, 2004

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ocv_carl.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ocv_carl.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ocv_carl.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-% function rss_vec = ocv_carl(g, A, lamvec)
-% Carl Tape, 30-March-2006
-% Copied from gcv_carl.m on 27-March-2006.
-% Returns the ordinary cross-validation (OCV) function corresponding to a
-% set of input regularization (or damping) parameters.
-%   (1) Brute force, which involves ndata inversions per lambda
-%   (2) Elegant formalisum, which involves one inversion per lambda
-%       --> See Latex notes
-%       /home/carltape/classes/acm118/2006_handouts/hw3/hw3sol_2006_prob3.pdf
-% Using some GPS data, I checked that these approaches are identical.
-% calls xxx
-% called by ridge_carl.m
-function rss_vec = ocv_carl(d, A, lamvec)
-% Size of inputs
-[ndata, nparm]  = size(A); 
-numlam          = length(lamvec);
-if (min(lamvec) < 0)
-    error('Impossible regularization parameter lambda.')
-rss_vec = zeros(numlam,1);
-% loop over regularization parameters
-for ii=1:numlam
-    lam = lamvec(ii); 
-    disp([' ii = ' num2str(ii) '/' num2str(numlam) ', lam = ' num2str(lam)]);
-    if 1==1
-        H = A*inv(A'*A + lam^2*eye(nparm))*A';
-        dhat = H*d;
-        % OCV residual
-        res = (d - dhat) ./ (1 - diag(H));
-        % sum the residuals
-        rss_vec(ii) = sum(res.^2);
-    else
-        % loop over datapoints
-        for jj=1:ndata
-            %disp([' jj = ' num2str(jj) '/' num2str(ndata) ]);
-            % indices for which you compute the model parameters
-            switch jj
-                case 1,     einds = [2:ndata];
-                case ndata, einds = [1:ndata-1];
-                otherwise,  einds = [1:jj-1 jj+1:ndata];
-            end
-            % indices to estimate the RSS
-            oinds = jj;
-            % reduced matrices
-            X = A(einds,:);
-            g = d(einds);
-            % note: regularization matrix is identity matrix
-            f_h = inv(X'*X + lam^2*eye(nparm))*X'*g;
-            % estimate the model at the datapoints NOT used
-            res = A(oinds,:) * f_h - d(oinds);
-            % sum the residuals
-            rss_vec(ii) = rss_vec(ii) + sum(res.^2);
-        end
-    end
-rss_vec = rss_vec / ndata;  % normalization
-figure; loglog(lamvec, rss_vec, '.'); grid on;
-xlabel(' Regularization parameter, log (\lambda)');
-ylabel(' RSS at datapoints NOT used in computing model');

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/osdep.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/osdep.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/osdep.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-function of=osdep
-% of=OSDEP
-% Returns the value of the read option to be used
-% on the LOCAL operating system for files created
-% on the LOCAL operating system.
-% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 23.11.2004
-if strcmp(getenv('OSTYPE'),'linux')
-  of= 'l';  
-if strcmp(getenv('OSTYPE'),'solaris')
-  of= 'b';  

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/plot_histo.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/plot_histo.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/plot_histo.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% function N = plot_histo(hdat,edges)
-% CARL TAPE, 30-May-2007
-% printed xxx
-% This function plots a histogram with cyan bars and black boundaries.
-% calls xxx
-% called by xxx
-function N = plot_histo(hdat,edges)
-Ntotal = length(hdat);
-[N,bin] = histc(hdat,edges);
-xlim([min(edges) max(edges)]);
-ylabel([' Fraction (N = ' num2str(Ntotal) ')']);
-h = findobj(gca,'Type','patch'); set(h,'FaceColor',[0 1 1],'EdgeColor','k');
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readCMT.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readCMT.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readCMT.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-% readCMT.m
-% CARL TAPE, 26-June-2007
-% printed xxx
-% This file reads a concatenated CMTSOLUTION file and outputs the data.
-% The CMT tshift parameter is added to the origin time, which is the
-% time used for the initial CMT solution.
-%   filename                 file containing all CMTSOLUTION files concatenated together
-%   nlines_cmt               number of lines per CMT solution (13)
-%   nspace_between_entries   number of spaces between CMTSOLUTION blocks (0 or 1)
-%   M                        moment tensor in N-m units
-% calls xxx
-% called by slab_readCMT.m, socal_quakes_2007.m
-function [date,tshift,hdur,lat,lon,dep,M,eid,elabel] = ...
-    readCMT(filename, nlines_cmt, nspace_between_entries)
-% read in concatenated CMTSOLUTION files
-lines = textread(filename,'%s','delimiter','\n');
-nlines = length(lines);
-% number of events
-enum = (nlines + nspace_between_entries) / (nlines_cmt + nspace_between_entries);
-if mod(enum,1) ~= 0, error(' enum should be an integer'); end
-disp([' File : ' filename ]);
-disp([' Number of events : ' num2str(enum) ]);
-% initialize vectors
-date    = zeros(enum,1); tshift  = zeros(enum,1); hdur    = zeros(enum,1);
-lat     = zeros(enum,1); lon     = zeros(enum,1); dep     = zeros(enum,1);
-Mrr     = zeros(enum,1); Mtt     = zeros(enum,1); Mpp     = zeros(enum,1);
-Mrt     = zeros(enum,1); Mrp     = zeros(enum,1); Mtp     = zeros(enum,1);
-for kk = 1:enum
-    in1 = (kk-1)*(nlines_cmt + nspace_between_entries);
-    % first full line of CMTSOLUTION, as a string
-    ltemp = lines{in1+1};
-    if length(ltemp) == 0, error('the CMTSOLUTION line is length zero'); end
-    % replace W with space for more recent CMT solutions
-    % SWEQ2006
-    % PDEW2006
-    if or(strcmp(ltemp(4),'W'),strcmp(ltemp(4),'Q')), ltemp(4) = ' '; end
-    [j1,yr,mo,dy,hr,min,sec,lat_pde(kk),lon_pde(kk),dep_pde(kk),j5,j6,name1,name2,name3,name4,name5,name6] = ...
-       strread(ltemp,'%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%s%s%s%s%s%s');
-    [j1,j2,eid(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+2},'%s%s%s');
-    [j1,j2,tshift(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+3},'%s%s%f');
-    [j1,j2,hdur(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+4},'%s%s%f');
-    [j1,lat(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+5},'%s%f');
-    [j1,lon(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+6},'%s%f');
-    [j1,dep(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+7},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mrr(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+8},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mtt(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+9},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mpp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+10},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mrt(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+11},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mrp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+12},'%s%f');
-    [j1,Mtp(kk)] = strread(lines{in1+13},'%s%f');
-    % NOTE the inclusion of the time shift here for the CMT solution
-    date(kk) = datenum(yr,mo,dy,hr,min, sec + tshift(kk));
-    elabel{kk} = [char(name1) ' ' char(name2) ' ' char(name3) ...
-             ' ' char(name4) ' ' char(name5) ' ' char(name6)];
-eid = eid(:);
-elabel = elabel(:);
-% moment tensor elements
-M = [Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp];
-% convert moment tensor from dyne-cm to N-m
-M = 1e-7 * M;

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_station_SPECFEM.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_station_SPECFEM.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_station_SPECFEM.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% function [rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(filename)
-% CARL TAPE, 15-March-2007
-% printed xxx
-% This function inputs a STATIONS file formatted for SPECFEM3D.f90.
-% See also write_station_SPECFEM.m
-% In Perl, this can be done as follows:
-%   open(IN,${stations_seis}); @temp = <IN>; $nrec = $temp[0]; chomp($nrec);
-%   print CSH "tail -n $nrec ${stations_seis} > stemp0 \n";
-%   print CSH "awk '{print \$4,\$3}' stemp0 > temp \n";
-% calls xxx
-% called by xxx
-function [rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(filename)
-% read in the STATIONS file
-[stnm,netwk,rlat,rlon,relev,rburial] = textread(filename,'%s%s%f%f%f%f','headerlines',1);

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-% read_window_chi.m
-% CARL TAPE, 14-March-2008
-% printed xxx
-% This file reads in the output file from mt_measure_adj.f90.
-% calls xxx
-% called by compute_misfit.m
-function [netwk,strec,cmp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
-    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
-    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
-    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
-    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
-    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
-    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename)
-    chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
-    measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
-    sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
-    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
-    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
-    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = ...
-    textread(filename,'%s%s%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
-for kk = 1:length(sta), strec{kk} = [sta{kk} '.' netwk{kk}]; end
-strec = strec(:);

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-% read_window_chi_all.m
-% CARL TAPE, 14-March-2008
-% printed xxx
-% calls read_window_chi.m
-% called by compute_misfit.m, compare_misfit.m
-function meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps)
-nper = length(Tminvec);
-nevent = length(eids);
-nnet = length(stnet);
-nrec = length(strec);
-ncomp = length(comps);
-if imax > nevent, error('imax is greater than nevent'); end
-k2 = 0;
-meas_array = [];
-%for tt = 1:1
-for tt = 1:nper
-    Tmin = Tminvec(tt);
-    Tmax = Tmaxvec(tt);
-    Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
-    Ttag2 = [Ttag '_' stmod];
-    disp('-----------------------------------------');
-    for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
-        disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
-        dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_' Ttag '/'];
-        mfile = [eids{ii} '_' Ttag2 '_window_chi'];
-        filename = [dir1 mfile];
-        if ~exist(filename,'file')
-            disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
-        else
-             % read the window_chi file
-            [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
-            chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
-            measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
-            sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
-            wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur, ...
-            seisd2,seiss2,seisdiff2,seisdur,...
-            tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename);
-            % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
-            %win_chi = windiff2 ./ wind2;        % window only
-            %seis_chi = seisdiff2 ./ seisd2;        % full record (repeated for seismograms with more than one window)
-            % a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
-            %win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
-            %win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
-            nwin = length(strec0);
-            disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
-            % assign the string network an integer index
-            index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-            for inet = 1:nnet
-                ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
-                index_net(ind_net) = inet;
-            end
-            % assign the string receiver an integer index
-            index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-            for irec = 1:nrec
-                ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
-                index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
-            end
-            % assign the string component an integer index
-            index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-            for icomp = 1:ncomp
-                ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
-                index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
-            end
-            % measurement indices
-            k1 = k2+1;
-            k2 = k1+nwin-1;
-            kinds = [k1:k2]';
-            % NOTE: remove the factors of 0.5 that is used in the wdiff definition
-            meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin iker ...
-                seisdur windur T_pmax_dat T_pmax_syn ...
-                2*seisd2  2*wind2 2*seiss2  2*wins2 2*seisdiff2 2*windiff2 ...
-                measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA ...
-                measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT tr_chi];
-            %  1  kinds
-            %  2  index_T
-            %  3  index_event
-            %  4  index_network
-            %  5  index_rec
-            %  6  index_comp
-            %  7  iwin
-            %  8  iker
-            %  9  seisdur
-            % 10  windur
-            % 11  T_pmax_dat
-            % 12  T_pmax_syn
-            %-------------------
-            % waveform difference information
-            % 13  seisd2
-            % 14  wind2
-            % 15  seiss2
-            % 16  wins2
-            % 17  seisdiff2
-            % 18  windiff2   
-            %-------------------
-            % other misfit measures
-            % 19  measCC_dT
-            % 20  sigmaCC_dT
-            % 21  measCC_dA
-            % 22  sigmaCC_dA
-            % 23  measMT_dT
-            % 24  sigmaMT_dT           
-            % 25  tr_chi
-        end
-    end

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readsac.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readsac.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/readsac.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-function varargout=readsac(filename,plotornot,osd)
-% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename)
-% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1)
-% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1,'l')
-% [SeisData,HdrData,tnu,pobj,tims]=READSAC(filename,1,'b')
-% READSAC(...)
-% Reads SAC-formatted data (and makes a plot)
-% filename        The filename, full path included
-% plotornot       1 Makes a plot
-%                 0 Does not make a plot [default]
-% osd             'b' for data saved on Solaris read into Linux
-%                 'l' for data saved on Linux read into Linux
-% SeisData        The number vector
-% HdrData         The header structure array
-% tnu             The handle to the plot title; or appropriate string
-% pobj            The handle to the plot line and the xlabel
-% tims            The times on the x-axis
-% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 07/07/2008
-if fid==-1
-  error([ 'File ',filename,' does not exist in current path ',pwd])
-HdrK=str2mat(fread(fid,[8 24],'char'))';
-% Meaning of LCALDA from http://www.llnl.gov/sac/SAC_Manuals/FileFormatPt2.html
-% LCALDA is TRUE if DIST, AZ, BAZ, and GCARC are to be calculated from
-% station and event coordinates. But I don't know how to set this
-% variable to a logical yet using setvar.pl. What is the TRUE/FALSE
-% format in SAC? 18.1.2006
-% If you change any of this, change it in WRITESAC as well!
-  'AZ',HdrF(52),...
-  'B',HdrF(6),...
-  'BAZ',HdrF(53),...
-  'DIST',HdrF(51),...
-  'DELTA',HdrF(1),...
-  'E',HdrF(7),...
-  'EVDP',HdrF(39),...
-  'EVEL',HdrF(38),...
-  'EVLA',HdrF(36),...
-  'EVLO',HdrF(37),...
-  'GCARC',HdrF(54),...
-  'IFTYPE',HdrI(1),...
-  'KCMPNM',HdrK(21,HdrK(21,:)>64),...
-  'KINST',HdrK(24,HdrK(24,:)>64),...
-  'KSTNM',HdrK(1,HdrK(1,:)>64),...
-  'KUSER0',HdrK(18,HdrK(18,:)>64),...
-  'LCALDA',HdrL(4),... 
-  'MAG',HdrF(40),...
-  'NPTS',HdrN(10),...
-  'NVHDR',HdrN(7),...
-  'NZHOUR',HdrN(3),...
-  'NZJDAY',HdrN(2),...
-  'NZMIN',HdrN(4),...
-  'NZMSEC',HdrN(6),...
-  'NZSEC',HdrN(5),...
-  'NZYEAR',HdrN(1),...
-  'SCALE',HdrF(4),...
-  'STDP',HdrF(35),...
-  'STEL',HdrF(34),...
-  'STLA',HdrF(32),...    
-  'STLO',HdrF(33),...
-  'T0',HdrF(11),...
-  'T1',HdrF(12),...
-  'T2',HdrF(13),...
-  'T3',HdrF(14));
-if plotornot==1
-  pobj=plot(tims,SeisData);
-  filename(find(abs(filename)==95))='-';
-  tito=nounder(suf(filename,'/'));
-  if isempty(tito)
-    tito=nounder(filename);
-  end
-  tnu=title(tito);
-  axis tight
-  pobj(2)=xlabel([ 'Time (s)']);
-  tnu=nounder(suf(filename,'/'));
-  pobj=0;
-nam={'SeisData' 'HdrData' 'tnu' 'pobj','tims'};
-for index=1:nargout
-  varargout{index}=eval(nam{index});

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ridge_carl.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ridge_carl.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/ridge_carl.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-% function 
-% Carl Tape (Tapio Schneider, ACM 118)
-% 06-Nov-2006
-% This function inputs a design matrix, a data vector, and a vector of
-% regularization parameters, and it returns three different curves that may
-% be used to select the best parameter:
-%    (1) L-curve and curvature
-%    (2) generalized cross-validation curve (GCV)
-%    (3) ordinary cross-validation (OCV), also known as 'leave-one-out' CV
-% It is best to input a large number of regularization parameters, so that
-% the min and max of the respective functions can be easily obtained.
-% This program is copied in part from ridge_tapio.m
-% RIDGE  Ridge regression estimates.
-%    Given a vector g, a design matrix X, and
-%    a regularization parameter h, 
-%           [m, rss, mss, dof] = ridge_tapio(g, X, h) 
-%    returns the ridge regression estimate of the vector f in the
-%    linear regression model
-%           g = X*f + noise.
-%    Also returned are the residual sum of squares rss, the sum of
-%    squares mss of the elements of the ridge regression estimate
-%    m (the squared norm of m), and the effective number of
-%    residual degrees of freedom dof.
-%    If h is a vector of regularization parameters, the i-th column
-%    m(:,i) is the ridge regression estimate for the regularization
-%    parameter h(i); the i-th elements of rss and mss are the
-%    associated residual sum of squares and estimate sum of squares.
-%    If no regularization parameter h is given, generalized
-%    cross-validation is used to determine the regularization
-%    parameter. The chosen regularization parameter h and the value of
-%    the GCV function are then returned as the fifth and sixth
-%    output arguments 
-%            [m, rss, mss, dof, h, G] = ridge_tapio(g, X);
-%    Adapted from various routines in Per Christian Hansen's
-%    Regularization Toolbox.
-% calls gcvfctn.m, curvature.m
-% called by xxx
-function [m, rss, mss, Gvec, Fvec, dof, kap, iL, iGCV, iOCV] = ridge_carl(dvec, X, hvec)
-% Size of inputs
-[n, p]      = size(X); 
-q           = min(n, p);
-nh          = length(hvec);
-if (min(hvec) < 0)
-    error('Impossible regularization parameter h.')
-% Initialize outputs
-m         = zeros(p, nh);
-rss         = zeros(nh, 1); 
-mss      = zeros(nh, 1);
-dof         = zeros(nh, 1);
-% Compute SVD of X
-[U, S, V]   = svd(X, 0);  
-s           = diag(S);      % vector of singular values
-s2          = s.^2;
-% Coefficients in expansion of solution in terms of right singular vectors
-fc          = U(:, 1:q)'*dvec;
-zeta        = s .* fc;
-% Treat each regularization parameter separately
-for j = 1:nh    
-    m(:, j) = V(:, 1:q) * (zeta ./ (s2 + hvec(j)^2));
-    mss(j)  = sum(m(:, j).^2);
-    rss(j)  = hvec(j)^4 * sum(fc.^2 ./ (s2 + hvec(j)^2).^2);
-    dof(j)  = n - sum(s2./(s2 + hvec(j)^2));
-% In overdetermined case, add rss of least-squares problem
-if (n > p)
-    rss = rss + sum((dvec - U(:, 1:q)*fc).^2);
-% determine the Lcurve pick (max curvature)
-x1 = log10(rss);
-y1 = log10(mss);
-% % smooth curvature interpolation to get h_L
-% num = 1000;
-% xsmooth = linspace(x1(1),x1(end),1000);
-% ysmooth = interp1(x1,y1,xsmooth,'cubic');
-% [i0,kap_smooth] = curvature(xsmooth,ysmooth);
-% rss_L = 10^xsmooth(i0);
-% mss_L = 10^ysmooth(i0);
-% h_L = 10^interp1(x1,log10(hvec),xsmooth(i0),'cubic');
-% curvature, based on input h values alone
-[iL,kap] = curvature(x1,y1);
-%h_L = hvec(iL);
-%rss_L = 10^x1(iL);
-%mss_L = 10^y1(iL);
-% obtain GCV `best' solution and GCV curve
-% GCV minimum -- 'exact' in the sense a minimization method is used
-% [hmin, Gmin] = gcv_tapio(U, s, dvec, 'ridge');
-% GCV minimum -- 'crude' in the sense that we coarsely sample the function
-dof0 = n-q;
-rss0 = sum((dvec - U(:, 1:q)*fc).^2);
-Gvec = zeros(nh,1);
-for j = 1:nh 
-    Gvec(j) = gcvfctn(hvec(j), s2, fc, rss0, dof0);
-[Gmin,iGCV] = min(Gvec);
-%hmin = hvec(iGCV);
-% GCV best model and L-curve point for h_GCV (= hmin)
-%mod_min = inv(X'*X + hmin^2*eye(p))*X'*dvec;
-%res = X*mod_min - dvec;
-%rss_min = sum(res.^2);
-%mss_min = sum(mod_min.^2);
-% compute G for the Lcurve pick
-%G_L = gcvfctn(h_L, s2, fc, rss0, dof0);
-% ordinary (leave-one-out) cross-validation
-Fvec = ocv_carl(dvec, X, hvec);
-[Fmin,iOCV] = min(Fvec);
-lamL = hvec(iL);   GL = Gvec(iL);   rssL = rss(iL);   mssL = mss(iL);   kapL = kap(iL);    FL = Fvec(iL); 
-lamF = hvec(iOCV); GF = Gvec(iOCV); rssF = rss(iOCV); mssF = mss(iOCV); kapF = kap(iOCV);  FF = Fvec(iOCV);
-lamG = hvec(iGCV); GG = Gvec(iGCV); rssG = rss(iGCV); mssG = mss(iGCV); kapG = kap(iGCV);  FG = Fvec(iGCV); 
-x1 = log10(rss);
-y1 = log10(mss);
-x2 = log10(hvec);
-y2 = kap;
-x3 = log10(hvec);
-y3 = log10(Fvec);
-x4 = log10(hvec);
-y4 = log10(Gvec);
-stx1 = ' Misfit norm, log10 RSS';
-sty1 = ' Model norm, log10 MSS';
-stx2 = ' Regularization parameter, log10 \lambda';
-sty2 = ' Curvature of L-curve, \kappa(\lambda)';
-stx3 = stx2;
-sty3 = ' OCV function, log10 F(\lambda)';
-stx4 = stx2;
-sty4 = ' GCV function, log10 G(\lambda)';
-%stfm = '%.4f';
-stfm = '%.2e';
-stlam_L   = [' \lambda-L = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamL))];
-stlam_ocv = [' \lambda-OCV = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamF))];
-stlam_gcv = [' \lambda-GCV = ' num2str(sprintf(stfm, lamG))];
-figure; nr=2; nc=2;
-msize = 8;
-nlab = 10; ilabs = round(linspace(1,nh,nlab));
-subplot(nr,nc,1); hold on;
-axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
-axy = axis; dx = axy(2)-axy(1);
-for kk=1:nlab
-   ii = ilabs(kk);
-   text(x1(ii)+dx*0.02,y1(ii),[num2str(sprintf(stfm, hvec(ii)))],'fontsize',8,'color','b');
-legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv);
-xlabel(stx1); ylabel(sty1); grid on;
-subplot(nr,nc,2); hold on;
-axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
-legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northwest');
-xlabel(stx2); ylabel(sty2); grid on;
-subplot(nr,nc,3); hold on;
-axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
-legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northeast');
-xlabel(stx3); ylabel(sty3); grid on;
-subplot(nr,nc,4); hold on;
-axis tight; ax1 = axis; axis(axes_expand(ax1,1.1));
-legend(' \lambda',stlam_L,stlam_gcv,stlam_ocv,'location','northwest');
-xlabel(stx4); ylabel(sty4); grid on;
-orient tall, wysiwyg, fontsize(9)

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-% subspace_specfem.m
-% CARL TAPE, 01-Feb-2009
-% printed xxx
-% This program assumes you have FIRST run compute_misfit.m, and also have
-% generated the corresponding Hessian matrix to load here.
-% See also wave2d_subspace.m
-% calls hfile2hess.m
-% called by xxx
-close all
-format short
-format compact
-ax1 = [-121 -114 31 37];
-stfm = '%4.4i';
-xlab1 = 'p, singular value index';
-xlab2 = 'p, singular value truncation index';
-ylab1 = 'log10( singular value )';
-ylab2 = 'log10( misfit : dot[ d - G*dm(p), d - G*dm(p) ] )';
-imod = input(' Enter the current model number (0, 1, ...): ');
-iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
-% directory containing the Hessian file that was output from the cluster
-sthess = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/HESSIANS/'];
-% load the data and event weights (compute_misfit.m)
-idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
-stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
-stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
-ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
-odir0 = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
-load([odir0 ftag '_data_norms']);
-nsrc = length(eids);
-% check the slick operation used in subspace_update.f90
-if 0==1
-    npar = 10;
-    nsrc = 4;
-    G = rand(npar,nsrc);
-    d = rand(nsrc,1);
-    x = zeros(npar,1);
-    for isrc=1:nsrc      % loop over kernels (hundreds)
-       for ipar=1:npar   % loop over gridpoints (millions)
-          x(ipar) = x(ipar) + G(ipar,isrc) * d(isrc); 
-       end
-    end
-    G*d, x
-% construct the matrix of data-covariance normalization
-Cd_fac = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-for i = 1:nsrc
-    for j = 1:nsrc
-        Cd_fac(i,j) = dcov_fac_e(i) * dcov_fac_e(j);
-        i_ind(i,j) = i;
-        j_ind(i,j) = j;
-    end
-% % OBSOLETE: construct the matrix of weight factors and data-covariance normalization
-% if 0==1
-%     Ws = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-%     Cd_fac = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-%     for i = 1:nsrc
-%         for j = 1:nsrc
-%             Ws(i,j) = ws(i) * ws(j);
-%             Cd_fac(i,j) = dcov_fac_e(i) * dcov_fac_e(j);
-%             i_ind(i,j) = i;
-%             j_ind(i,j) = j;
-%         end
-%     end
-%     figure; pcolor(i_ind,j_ind,Ws); shading flat;
-%     xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-%     title('Symmetric matrix of data weight terms');
-%     %caxis([0 200]);
-%     colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
-% end
-% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
-%eids = load([sthess 'kernels_done_mod']);
-%neid = length(eids);
-kmin = 6;
-kmax = 6;
-nker = kmax - kmin + 1;
-stkers = {'mu_kernel','kappa_kernel','both','mu_kernel_smooth','kappa_kernel_smooth','both_smooth'};
-stkerlabs = {'unsmoothed beta kernel','unsmoothed beta kernel','beta + bulk','smoothed beta kernel','smoothed bulk kernel','smoothed beta + bulk'};
-%stwts = {'with data weights'};
-%stwts = {'with data weights','with NO data weights'};
-nker = length(stkers);
-%stcs = {'b.','r.'};
-%iw = 1;
-%for iw = 1:length(stwts)
-for iker = kmin:kmax
-    stker = stkers{iker};
-    stkerlab = stkerlabs{iker};
-    stlab = [ftag '_' stker];
-    dir1 = [odir0 stker '/'];
-    if ~any(iker == [3 6]) 
-        % get the Hessian from the subspace_hessian.f90 output
-        hfile = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stker '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
-        H0 = hfile2hess(hfile,nsrc);
-        H = H0;
-        % include the weights determined from the data
-        %if iw == 1
-        %    H = H .* Ws;
-        %end
-        % When we computed the kernels, we did not include the
-        % normalization factor based on the number of windows picked
-        % that is included within the data covariance (and used in computing Ws).
-        % Thus we compute the MATRIX Cd_fac above to account for this.
-        H = H ./ Cd_fac;
-        % put the matrix onto order-1 values for computation purposes
-        %Hnorm = norm(H); H = H / norm(H);
-    else
-        hfile_beta = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stkers{iker-2} '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
-        H0_beta = hfile2hess(hfile_beta,nsrc);
-        hfile_bulk = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stkers{iker-1} '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
-        H0_bulk = hfile2hess(hfile_bulk,nsrc);
-        %H_beta = H0_beta .* Ws ./ Cd_fac;
-        %H_bulk = H0_bulk .* Ws ./ Cd_fac;
-        H_beta = H0_beta ./ Cd_fac;
-        H_bulk = H0_bulk ./ Cd_fac;
-        H = H_beta + H_bulk;
-        dtemp = [[1:nsrc]' eids_num diag(H_beta) diag(H_bulk) diag(H) diag(H_bulk)./diag(H_beta) Ns];
-        dtemp_sort1 = sortrows(dtemp,-6);   % sort by relative importance of bulk-to-shear
-        dtemp_sort2 = sortrows(dtemp,-5);   % sort by diagonal
-        % sort all entries of the Hessian -- note that some are negative
-        % we take the upper traingular elements, excluding the diagonal
-        Htri = triu(H,1); itri = triu(i_ind,1); jtri = triu(j_ind,1);
-        Hcols = [Htri(:) itri(:)  jtri(:) ];
-        [Hsort,iHsort_good] = sortrows(Hcols, -1);
-        [Hsort,iHsort_bad] = sortrows(Hcols, 1);
-        if iwrite == 1
-            filename = [dir1 'hessian_bulk-shear_' stlab];
-            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
-            fprintf(fid,'Hessian diagonal contributions from beta and bulk:\n');
-            fprintf(fid,'%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%6s\n','index','eid','beta','bulk','total','bulk/beta','Nwin');
-            for ix = 1:nsrc
-                fprintf(fid,'%6i%10i%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.4f%6i\n',dtemp_sort1(ix,:));
-            end
-            fclose(fid);
-            filename = [dir1 'hessian_overall_' stlab];
-            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
-            fprintf(fid,'Hessian diagonal contributions from beta and bulk:\n');
-            fprintf(fid,'%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%6s\n','index','eid','beta','bulk','total','bulk/beta','Nwin');
-            for ix = 1:nsrc
-                fprintf(fid,'%6i%10i%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.4f%6i\n',dtemp_sort2(ix,:));
-            end
-            fclose(fid);
-            % make a list of the largest N positive and negative Hessian elements
-            nprint = 100;      % must be less than nsrc*nsrc
-            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_good_' stlab];
-            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
-            fprintf(fid,'Largest positive non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
-            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
-            for ix = 1:nprint
-                iH = iHsort_good(ix);
-                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
-            end
-            fclose(fid);
-            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_bad_' stlab];
-            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
-            fprintf(fid,'Largest negative non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
-            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
-            for ix = 1:nprint
-                iH = iHsort_bad(ix);
-                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
-            end
-            fclose(fid);
-        end
-        disp(' gradient balance for the Hessian (subspace) inversion (mean of last column) :');
-        disp(mean( diag(H_bulk)./diag(H_beta) ))
-    end
-    %H = H + eye(nsrc);
-    % mutemp = inv(H + eye(nsrc)) * dnorm;
-    dH = diag(H);
-    trH = sum(dH);
-    trHH = sum(diag(H'*H));
-    %------------------------
-    pinds = [1:nsrc]';
-    disp(' properties of Hessian (min, median, mean(abs), max, std):');
-    stH1 = sprintf('min %.1e, median %.1e, mean(abs) %.1e, max %.1e, std %.1e, sum %.1e',...
-        min(H(:)), median(H(:)), mean(abs(H(:))), max(H(:)), std(H(:)), sum(H(:)) );
-    stH2 = sprintf('DIAGONAL : min %.1e, median %.1e, mean(abs) %.1e, max %.1e, std %.1e, sum %.1e',...
-        min(dH), median(dH), mean(abs(dH)), max(dH), std(dH), sum(dH) );
-    disp(stH1);
-    disp(stH2);
-    % plot H
-    Hfac = 0.5;    % adjust to saturate the color scale as you wish
-    figure; pcolor(i_ind,j_ind,H); shading flat;
-    xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-    title({['Hessian (symmetric matrix) for ' stkerlab],stH1,stH2});
-    caxis([-1 1]*max(H(:))*Hfac), colormap('jet'), colorbar;
-    %map = colormap('seis'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    axis equal; axis tight; 
-    fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
-    % sort the diagonal values of H
-    Hdiag = diag(H);
-    %Hdiag = diag(H0);
-    [jk,isort] = sortrows([pinds eids_num Hdiag],-3);
-    npick = min([20 nsrc]);
-    npick = nsrc;
-    disp('  '); disp([' first ' num2str(npick) ' sorted diagonal entries of H: ' stkerlab]);
-    for ii = 1:npick
-        jj = isort(ii);
-       disp(sprintf('%3i %10i (%3i), Ne = %5i, Hkk  =  %10.4e',...
-           ii,eids_num(jj),pinds(jj),Ns(jj),Hdiag(jj)));
-    end
-    [jtemp,isort] = sort(Hdiag,'descend');
-    figure(20+iker); hold on;
-    plot(pinds,log10(sort(Hdiag,'descend')),'ro');
-    %plot(pinds,log10(sort(diag(H'*H),'descend')),'b.');
-    plot([1 nsrc],log10(trH)*[1 1],'r--');
-    %plot([1 nsrc],log10(trHH)*[1 1],'b--');
-    %legend('diagonal element of H','diagonal element of HtH','trace (H)','trace (HtH)');
-    legend('diagonal element of H','trace (H)');
-    xlabel('sorted event index'); ylabel(' log10 H-kk');
-    title(sprintf(' trace of H = %6.2e --- trace of HtH = %6.2e',trH,trHH));
-    xlim([1 nsrc]); grid on;
-    fontsize(11), orient tall, wysiwyg
-    %----------------------------------------------
-    itsvd = 0;
-    if itsvd == 0
-        % regularization choices
-        numlam = 100;
-        if 0==1
-            minlampwr = -2.25; maxlampwr = 1;
-            lampwr = linspace(minlampwr,maxlampwr,numlam);
-            lamvec = 10.^lampwr * sum(dH);                  % based on trace of H
-            %lamvec = 10.^lampwr * sqrt(sum(diag(H'*H)));    % based on trace of H'*H
-        else
-            %minlampwr = -2; maxlampwr = 5;                 % m03
-            minlampwr = -3; maxlampwr = 3;                 % m04 - m11
-            minlampwr = -5; maxlampwr = 0;                 % m12
-            lampwr = linspace(minlampwr,maxlampwr,numlam);
-            lamvec = 10.^lampwr;
-        end
-        [f_h, rss, mss, Gvec, Fvec, dof, kap, iL, iGCV, iOCV] = ridge_carl(dnorm,H,lamvec);
-        title({['model ' stmod],stkerlab,sprintf('iL = %i,  iOCV = %i,  iGCV = %i',iL,iOCV,iGCV)});
-        mu_all = zeros(nsrc,numlam);
-        mu_norm = zeros(numlam,1);
-        mu_res = zeros(numlam,1);
-        for ip = 1:numlam
-            lam = lamvec(ip);
-            %if ip==iGCV, disp('iGCV -- GCV lambda pick'); end
-            %if ip==iOCV, disp('iOCV -- OCV lambda pick'); end
-            %if ip==iL, disp('iL -- L-curve lambda pick'); end
-            disp(sprintf('%i out of %i, lam = %.2e',ip,numlam,lam));
-            mu_all(:,ip) = inv(H + lam*eye(nsrc))*dnorm;
-            %mu_all(:,ip) = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc))*H'*dnorm;
-            % f  = inv(G'*diag(Wvec)*G + lam0^2*eye(ngrid*ndim))*G'*diag(Wvec)*d;
-            mu_norm(ip) = norm(mu_all(:,ip));
-            mu_res(ip) = norm( dnorm - H*mu_all(:,ip) );
-        end
-        ipick = iOCV;     % KEY: select a damping parameter (iL, iOCV, iGCV)
-        ltemp = lamvec(ipick)
-        mtemp = mu_all(:,ipick);
-        mtemp_norm = mu_norm(ipick)
-        figure; nr=2; nc=2;
-        subplot(nr,nc,1); hold on; grid on;
-        plot( log10(lamvec), log10(mu_norm),'b.','markersize',10);
-        plot( log10(lamvec(ipick)), log10(mu_norm(ipick)),'ro','markersize',10);
-        xlabel('log10( lambda )'); ylabel('log10( norm of mu )');
-        subplot(nr,nc,2); hold on; grid on;
-        plot( log10( lamvec ), mu_res, '.');
-        plot( log10( lamvec(ipick) ), mu_res(ipick),'ro','markersize',10);
-        xlabel('log10( lambda )'); ylabel('dnorm residual');
-        subplot(nr,nc,3); plot( dnorm, H*mtemp, '.');
-        xlabel('dnorm obs'); ylabel('dnorm pred'); grid on; axis equal;
-        subplot(nr,nc,4); stdres = std(dnorm - H*mtemp);
-        plot_histo(dnorm - H*mtemp,[-4:0.5:4]*stdres); 
-        %plot( 100*(dnorm - H*mtemp)./dnorm ,'.');
-        %ylabel('dnorm residual = 100(pred - obs)/obs');
-        title(' residuals :  d - H*mu');
-        xlabel('event index'); grid on;
-        orient tall, wysiwyg, fontsize(10)
-%                 iCV = input(' Enter 1 for OCV or 0 for GCV : ');
-%                 if iCV == 1
-%                     lam = lamvec(iOCV);
-%                 elseif iCV == 0
-%                     lam = lamvec(iGCV);
-%                 else
-%                     error(' iCV must be 1 or 0');
-%                 end
-%                 mu = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc,nsrc))*H'*dnorm;   % KEY vector
-%                 stp = sprintf('lambda = %.3f',lam);
-         % write mu vectors to file
-        if iwrite == 1
-            otag = ['mu_' stlab];
-            odir = [dir1 'mu_all/'];
-            for ip = 1:numlam
-                lam = lamvec(ip);
-                mutemp = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc,nsrc))*H'*dnorm;
-                filename = sprintf([otag '_p%3.3i'],ip);
-                fid = fopen([odir filename],'w');
-                for ii = 1:nsrc
-                    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',mutemp(ii));
-                end
-                fclose(fid);
-            end
-            fid = fopen([odir '/lambda_' stdcov],'w');
-            for ip = 1:numlam
-                lam = lamvec(ip);
-                fprintf(fid,'%24.12e%24.12e%6i\n',lamvec(ip),1/lamvec(ip),ip);
-            end
-            fclose(fid);
-        end
-    else
-        % analyze the singular values of H
-        [U,S,V] = svd(H);
-        s = diag(S);
-        pmin = min([13 nsrc]);
-        ifit = [(pmin+1):60];
-        %ifit = pinds;
-        [xf,yf,mf,bf,rms] = linefit(pinds(ifit), log10(s(ifit)));
-        %subplot(nr,nc,iker);
-        figure; hold on;
-        plot(xf,yf,'g','linewidth',6);
-        plot(pinds,log10(s),'b.','markersize',10);
-        plot(pmin*[1 1],[min(log10(s)) max(log10(s))],'k','linewidth',2)
-        grid on; xlabel(xlab1); ylabel(ylab1);
-        title(['singular value spectra for Hessian : ' stker]);
-        fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
-        %-------------------------
-        %tpinds = [1:10:100];
-        tpinds = pinds;
-        [mu_all,rss,f_r_ss] = tsvd(dnorm,H,tpinds);
-        % norms of mu vectors
-        mu_norm = zeros(nsrc,1);
-        for ip = 1:nsrc
-            mu_norm(ip) = norm(mu_all(:,ip));
-        end
-        figure;
-        subplot(2,2,1); hold on; grid on;
-        plot(pinds,log10(s),'b.','markersize',10);
-        xlabel(xlab1); ylabel(ylab1);
-        subplot(2,2,2); hold on; grid on;
-        plot( tpinds, log10(rss),'b.','markersize',10)
-        xlabel(xlab2); ylabel(ylab2);
-        subplot(2,2,3); hold on; grid on;
-        plot( tpinds, log10(mu_norm),'b.','markersize',10)
-        xlabel(xlab2); ylabel('log10( norm of mu )');
-        fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
-        % write mu vectors to file
-        if iwrite == 1
-            odir = [dir1 'mu_all/'];
-            for ip = 1:length(tpinds);
-                pmax = tpinds(ip);
-                filename = sprintf([odir '_p%3.3i'],pmax);
-                fid = fopen([odir '/' filename],'w');
-                for ii = 1:nsrc
-                    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',mu_all(ii,ip));
-                end
-                fclose(fid);
-            end
-        end
-    end
-% write misfit values to file -- these do not depend on the choice of model
-% variable used in constructing the Hessian
-if iwrite == 1
-    % write data-norm vector to file
-    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_dmisfit'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dmisfit);
-    fclose(fid);
-    % write data-norm vector to file
-    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_nwin_tot'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,'%.0f\n',N);
-    fclose(fid);
-    % write data-norm vector to file
-    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_data_norm'],'w');
-    for isrc = 1:nsrc
-        fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dnorm(isrc));
-    end
-    fclose(fid);
-    % write the factors for the data covariance (nevent x 1)
-    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_dcov_fac'],'w');
-    for isrc = 1:nsrc
-        fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dcov_fac_e(isrc));
-    end
-    fclose(fid);

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+% subspace_specfem.m
+% CARL TAPE, 01-Feb-2009
+% printed xxx
+% This program assumes you have FIRST run compute_misfit.m, and also have
+% generated the corresponding Hessian matrix to load here.
+% See also wave2d_subspace.m
+% calls hfile2hess.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format short
+format compact
+% add path to additional matlab scripts
+ax1 = [-121 -114 31 37];
+stfm = '%4.4i';
+xlab1 = 'p, singular value index';
+xlab2 = 'p, singular value truncation index';
+ylab1 = 'log10( singular value )';
+ylab2 = 'log10( misfit : dot[ d - G*dm(p), d - G*dm(p) ] )';
+imod = input(' Enter the current model number (0, 1, ...): ');
+iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod);
+% directory containing the Hessian file that was output from the cluster
+sthess = ['/home/carltape/results/HESSIANS/'];
+% load the data and event weights (compute_misfit.m)
+idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
+stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
+stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
+ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
+odir0 = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+load([odir0 ftag '_data_norms']);
+nsrc = length(eids);
+% check the slick operation used in subspace_update.f90
+if 0==1
+    npar = 10;
+    nsrc = 4;
+    G = rand(npar,nsrc);
+    d = rand(nsrc,1);
+    x = zeros(npar,1);
+    for isrc=1:nsrc      % loop over kernels (hundreds)
+       for ipar=1:npar   % loop over gridpoints (millions)
+          x(ipar) = x(ipar) + G(ipar,isrc) * d(isrc); 
+       end
+    end
+    G*d, x
+% construct the matrix of data-covariance normalization
+Cd_fac = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+for i = 1:nsrc
+    for j = 1:nsrc
+        Cd_fac(i,j) = dcov_fac_e(i) * dcov_fac_e(j);
+        i_ind(i,j) = i;
+        j_ind(i,j) = j;
+    end
+% % OBSOLETE: construct the matrix of weight factors and data-covariance normalization
+% if 0==1
+%     Ws = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+%     Cd_fac = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+%     for i = 1:nsrc
+%         for j = 1:nsrc
+%             Ws(i,j) = ws(i) * ws(j);
+%             Cd_fac(i,j) = dcov_fac_e(i) * dcov_fac_e(j);
+%             i_ind(i,j) = i;
+%             j_ind(i,j) = j;
+%         end
+%     end
+%     figure; pcolor(i_ind,j_ind,Ws); shading flat;
+%     xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
+%     title('Symmetric matrix of data weight terms');
+%     %caxis([0 200]);
+%     colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
+% end
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+%eids = load([sthess 'kernels_done_mod']);
+%neid = length(eids);
+kmin = 6;
+kmax = 6;
+nker = kmax - kmin + 1;
+stkers = {'mu_kernel','kappa_kernel','both','mu_kernel_smooth','kappa_kernel_smooth','both_smooth'};
+stkerlabs = {'unsmoothed beta kernel','unsmoothed beta kernel','beta + bulk','smoothed beta kernel','smoothed bulk kernel','smoothed beta + bulk'};
+%stwts = {'with data weights'};
+%stwts = {'with data weights','with NO data weights'};
+nker = length(stkers);
+%stcs = {'b.','r.'};
+%iw = 1;
+%for iw = 1:length(stwts)
+for iker = kmin:kmax
+    stker = stkers{iker};
+    stkerlab = stkerlabs{iker};
+    stlab = [ftag '_' stker];
+    dir1 = [odir0 stker '/'];
+    if ~any(iker == [3 6]) 
+        % get the Hessian from the subspace_hessian.f90 output
+        hfile = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stker '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
+        H0 = hfile2hess(hfile,nsrc);
+        H = H0;
+        % include the weights determined from the data
+        %if iw == 1
+        %    H = H .* Ws;
+        %end
+        % When we computed the kernels, we did not include the
+        % normalization factor based on the number of windows picked
+        % that is included within the data covariance (and used in computing Ws).
+        % Thus we compute the MATRIX Cd_fac above to account for this.
+        H = H ./ Cd_fac;
+        % put the matrix onto order-1 values for computation purposes
+        %Hnorm = norm(H); H = H / norm(H);
+    else
+        hfile_beta = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stkers{iker-2} '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
+        H0_beta = hfile2hess(hfile_beta,nsrc);
+        hfile_bulk = sprintf([sthess 'hessian_index_' stmod '_' stkers{iker-1} '_%3.3i'],nsrc);
+        H0_bulk = hfile2hess(hfile_bulk,nsrc);
+        %H_beta = H0_beta .* Ws ./ Cd_fac;
+        %H_bulk = H0_bulk .* Ws ./ Cd_fac;
+        H_beta = H0_beta ./ Cd_fac;
+        H_bulk = H0_bulk ./ Cd_fac;
+        H = H_beta + H_bulk;
+        dtemp = [[1:nsrc]' eids_num diag(H_beta) diag(H_bulk) diag(H) diag(H_bulk)./diag(H_beta) Ns];
+        dtemp_sort1 = sortrows(dtemp,-6);   % sort by relative importance of bulk-to-shear
+        dtemp_sort2 = sortrows(dtemp,-5);   % sort by diagonal
+        % sort all entries of the Hessian -- note that some are negative
+        % we take the upper traingular elements, excluding the diagonal
+        Htri = triu(H,1); itri = triu(i_ind,1); jtri = triu(j_ind,1);
+        Hcols = [Htri(:) itri(:)  jtri(:) ];
+        [Hsort,iHsort_good] = sortrows(Hcols, -1);
+        [Hsort,iHsort_bad] = sortrows(Hcols, 1);
+        if iwrite == 1
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_bulk-shear_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Hessian diagonal contributions from beta and bulk:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%6s\n','index','eid','beta','bulk','total','bulk/beta','Nwin');
+            for ix = 1:nsrc
+                fprintf(fid,'%6i%10i%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.4f%6i\n',dtemp_sort1(ix,:));
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_overall_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Hessian diagonal contributions from beta and bulk:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%6s\n','index','eid','beta','bulk','total','bulk/beta','Nwin');
+            for ix = 1:nsrc
+                fprintf(fid,'%6i%10i%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.4f%6i\n',dtemp_sort2(ix,:));
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+            % make a list of the largest N positive and negative Hessian elements
+            nprint = 100;      % must be less than nsrc*nsrc
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_good_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Largest positive non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
+            for ix = 1:nprint
+                iH = iHsort_good(ix);
+                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+            filename = [dir1 'hessian_elements_bad_' stlab];
+            fid = fopen(filename,'w');
+            fprintf(fid,'Largest negative non-diagonal elements of Hessian:\n');
+            fprintf(fid,'%10s%6s%6s%12s%12s\n','Hij','i','j','eid-i','eid-j');
+            for ix = 1:nprint
+                iH = iHsort_bad(ix);
+                fprintf(fid,'%10.2e%6i%6i%12s%12s\n',Hcols(iH,:),eids{Hcols(iH,2)},eids{Hcols(iH,3)});
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+        end
+        disp(' gradient balance for the Hessian (subspace) inversion (mean of last column) :');
+        disp(mean( diag(H_bulk)./diag(H_beta) ))
+    end
+    %H = H + eye(nsrc);
+    % mutemp = inv(H + eye(nsrc)) * dnorm;
+    dH = diag(H);
+    trH = sum(dH);
+    trHH = sum(diag(H'*H));
+    %------------------------
+    pinds = [1:nsrc]';
+    disp(' properties of Hessian (min, median, mean(abs), max, std):');
+    stH1 = sprintf('min %.1e, median %.1e, mean(abs) %.1e, max %.1e, std %.1e, sum %.1e',...
+        min(H(:)), median(H(:)), mean(abs(H(:))), max(H(:)), std(H(:)), sum(H(:)) );
+    stH2 = sprintf('DIAGONAL : min %.1e, median %.1e, mean(abs) %.1e, max %.1e, std %.1e, sum %.1e',...
+        min(dH), median(dH), mean(abs(dH)), max(dH), std(dH), sum(dH) );
+    disp(stH1);
+    disp(stH2);
+    % plot H
+    Hfac = 0.5;    % adjust to saturate the color scale as you wish
+    figure; pcolor(i_ind,j_ind,H); shading flat;
+    xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
+    title({['Hessian (symmetric matrix) for ' stkerlab],stH1,stH2});
+    caxis([-1 1]*max(H(:))*Hfac), colormap('jet'), colorbar;
+    %map = colormap('seis'); colormap(flipud(map));
+    axis equal; axis tight; 
+    fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+    % sort the diagonal values of H
+    Hdiag = diag(H);
+    %Hdiag = diag(H0);
+    [jk,isort] = sortrows([pinds eids_num Hdiag],-3);
+    npick = min([20 nsrc]);
+    npick = nsrc;
+    disp('  '); disp([' first ' num2str(npick) ' sorted diagonal entries of H: ' stkerlab]);
+    for ii = 1:npick
+        jj = isort(ii);
+       disp(sprintf('%3i %10i (%3i), Ne = %5i, Hkk  =  %10.4e',...
+           ii,eids_num(jj),pinds(jj),Ns(jj),Hdiag(jj)));
+    end
+    [jtemp,isort] = sort(Hdiag,'descend');
+    figure(20+iker); hold on;
+    plot(pinds,log10(sort(Hdiag,'descend')),'ro');
+    %plot(pinds,log10(sort(diag(H'*H),'descend')),'b.');
+    plot([1 nsrc],log10(trH)*[1 1],'r--');
+    %plot([1 nsrc],log10(trHH)*[1 1],'b--');
+    %legend('diagonal element of H','diagonal element of HtH','trace (H)','trace (HtH)');
+    legend('diagonal element of H','trace (H)');
+    xlabel('sorted event index'); ylabel(' log10 H-kk');
+    title(sprintf(' trace of H = %6.2e --- trace of HtH = %6.2e',trH,trHH));
+    xlim([1 nsrc]); grid on;
+    fontsize(11), orient tall, wysiwyg
+    %----------------------------------------------
+    itsvd = 0;
+    if itsvd == 0
+        % regularization choices
+        numlam = 100;
+        if 0==1
+            minlampwr = -2.25; maxlampwr = 1;
+            lampwr = linspace(minlampwr,maxlampwr,numlam);
+            lamvec = 10.^lampwr * sum(dH);                  % based on trace of H
+            %lamvec = 10.^lampwr * sqrt(sum(diag(H'*H)));    % based on trace of H'*H
+        else
+            %minlampwr = -2; maxlampwr = 5;                 % m03
+            minlampwr = -3; maxlampwr = 3;                 % m04 - m11
+            minlampwr = -5; maxlampwr = 0;                 % m12
+            lampwr = linspace(minlampwr,maxlampwr,numlam);
+            lamvec = 10.^lampwr;
+        end
+        [f_h, rss, mss, Gvec, Fvec, dof, kap, iL, iGCV, iOCV] = ridge_carl(dnorm,H,lamvec);
+        title({['model ' stmod],stkerlab,sprintf('iL = %i,  iOCV = %i,  iGCV = %i',iL,iOCV,iGCV)});
+        mu_all = zeros(nsrc,numlam);
+        mu_norm = zeros(numlam,1);
+        mu_res = zeros(numlam,1);
+        for ip = 1:numlam
+            lam = lamvec(ip);
+            %if ip==iGCV, disp('iGCV -- GCV lambda pick'); end
+            %if ip==iOCV, disp('iOCV -- OCV lambda pick'); end
+            %if ip==iL, disp('iL -- L-curve lambda pick'); end
+            disp(sprintf('%i out of %i, lam = %.2e',ip,numlam,lam));
+            mu_all(:,ip) = inv(H + lam*eye(nsrc))*dnorm;
+            %mu_all(:,ip) = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc))*H'*dnorm;
+            % f  = inv(G'*diag(Wvec)*G + lam0^2*eye(ngrid*ndim))*G'*diag(Wvec)*d;
+            mu_norm(ip) = norm(mu_all(:,ip));
+            mu_res(ip) = norm( dnorm - H*mu_all(:,ip) );
+        end
+        ipick = iOCV;     % KEY: select a damping parameter (iL, iOCV, iGCV)
+        ltemp = lamvec(ipick)
+        mtemp = mu_all(:,ipick);
+        mtemp_norm = mu_norm(ipick)
+        figure; nr=2; nc=2;
+        subplot(nr,nc,1); hold on; grid on;
+        plot( log10(lamvec), log10(mu_norm),'b.','markersize',10);
+        plot( log10(lamvec(ipick)), log10(mu_norm(ipick)),'ro','markersize',10);
+        xlabel('log10( lambda )'); ylabel('log10( norm of mu )');
+        subplot(nr,nc,2); hold on; grid on;
+        plot( log10( lamvec ), mu_res, '.');
+        plot( log10( lamvec(ipick) ), mu_res(ipick),'ro','markersize',10);
+        xlabel('log10( lambda )'); ylabel('dnorm residual');
+        subplot(nr,nc,3); plot( dnorm, H*mtemp, '.');
+        xlabel('dnorm obs'); ylabel('dnorm pred'); grid on; axis equal;
+        subplot(nr,nc,4); stdres = std(dnorm - H*mtemp);
+        plot_histo(dnorm - H*mtemp,[-4:0.5:4]*stdres); 
+        %plot( 100*(dnorm - H*mtemp)./dnorm ,'.');
+        %ylabel('dnorm residual = 100(pred - obs)/obs');
+        title(' residuals :  d - H*mu');
+        xlabel('event index'); grid on;
+        orient tall, wysiwyg, fontsize(10)
+%                 iCV = input(' Enter 1 for OCV or 0 for GCV : ');
+%                 if iCV == 1
+%                     lam = lamvec(iOCV);
+%                 elseif iCV == 0
+%                     lam = lamvec(iGCV);
+%                 else
+%                     error(' iCV must be 1 or 0');
+%                 end
+%                 mu = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc,nsrc))*H'*dnorm;   % KEY vector
+%                 stp = sprintf('lambda = %.3f',lam);
+         % write mu vectors to file
+        if iwrite == 1
+            otag = ['mu_' stlab];
+            odir = [dir1 'mu_all/'];
+            for ip = 1:numlam
+                lam = lamvec(ip);
+                mutemp = inv(H'*H + lam^2*eye(nsrc,nsrc))*H'*dnorm;
+                filename = sprintf([otag '_p%3.3i'],ip);
+                fid = fopen([odir filename],'w');
+                for ii = 1:nsrc
+                    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',mutemp(ii));
+                end
+                fclose(fid);
+            end
+            fid = fopen([odir '/lambda_' stdcov],'w');
+            for ip = 1:numlam
+                lam = lamvec(ip);
+                fprintf(fid,'%24.12e%24.12e%6i\n',lamvec(ip),1/lamvec(ip),ip);
+            end
+            fclose(fid);
+        end
+    else
+        % analyze the singular values of H
+        [U,S,V] = svd(H);
+        s = diag(S);
+        pmin = min([13 nsrc]);
+        ifit = [(pmin+1):60];
+        %ifit = pinds;
+        [xf,yf,mf,bf,rms] = linefit(pinds(ifit), log10(s(ifit)));
+        %subplot(nr,nc,iker);
+        figure; hold on;
+        plot(xf,yf,'g','linewidth',6);
+        plot(pinds,log10(s),'b.','markersize',10);
+        plot(pmin*[1 1],[min(log10(s)) max(log10(s))],'k','linewidth',2)
+        grid on; xlabel(xlab1); ylabel(ylab1);
+        title(['singular value spectra for Hessian : ' stker]);
+        fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+        %-------------------------
+        %tpinds = [1:10:100];
+        tpinds = pinds;
+        [mu_all,rss,f_r_ss] = tsvd(dnorm,H,tpinds);
+        % norms of mu vectors
+        mu_norm = zeros(nsrc,1);
+        for ip = 1:nsrc
+            mu_norm(ip) = norm(mu_all(:,ip));
+        end
+        figure;
+        subplot(2,2,1); hold on; grid on;
+        plot(pinds,log10(s),'b.','markersize',10);
+        xlabel(xlab1); ylabel(ylab1);
+        subplot(2,2,2); hold on; grid on;
+        plot( tpinds, log10(rss),'b.','markersize',10)
+        xlabel(xlab2); ylabel(ylab2);
+        subplot(2,2,3); hold on; grid on;
+        plot( tpinds, log10(mu_norm),'b.','markersize',10)
+        xlabel(xlab2); ylabel('log10( norm of mu )');
+        fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+        % write mu vectors to file
+        if iwrite == 1
+            odir = [dir1 'mu_all/'];
+            for ip = 1:length(tpinds);
+                pmax = tpinds(ip);
+                filename = sprintf([odir '_p%3.3i'],pmax);
+                fid = fopen([odir '/' filename],'w');
+                for ii = 1:nsrc
+                    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',mu_all(ii,ip));
+                end
+                fclose(fid);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+% write misfit values to file -- these do not depend on the choice of model
+% variable used in constructing the Hessian
+if iwrite == 1
+    % write data-norm vector to file
+    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_dmisfit'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dmisfit);
+    fclose(fid);
+    % write data-norm vector to file
+    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_nwin_tot'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,'%.0f\n',N);
+    fclose(fid);
+    % write data-norm vector to file
+    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_data_norm'],'w');
+    for isrc = 1:nsrc
+        fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dnorm(isrc));
+    end
+    fclose(fid);
+    % write the factors for the data covariance (nevent x 1)
+    fid = fopen([odir0 ftag '_dcov_fac'],'w');
+    for isrc = 1:nsrc
+        fprintf(fid,'%24.12e\n',dcov_fac_e(isrc));
+    end
+    fclose(fid);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/suf.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/suf.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/suf.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-function suffix=suf(string,delim,iter)
-% suffix=SUF(string,delim,iter)
-% Finds the suffix or extension in a string, say a filename.
-% string        The string to be parsed
-% delim         The string that separates prefix from suffix
-% iter          0 Don't iterate
-%               1 Iterate on the suffix to get the last bit
-% See also PREF
-% Last modified by fjsimons-at-alum.mit.edu, 05/06/2008
-% This added 17.11.2004
-if iscell(suffix)
-  suffix=cell2mat(suffix);
-if iter==1
-  % This suffix might not be the last one
-  while findstr(suffix,delim)
-    suffix=suf(suffix,delim);
-  end

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/wysiwyg.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/wysiwyg.m	2009-07-29 20:16:08 UTC (rev 15485)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/wysiwyg.m	2009-07-30 14:23:31 UTC (rev 15486)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-function wysiwyg
-%WYSIWYG -- this function is called with no args and merely
-%       changes the size of the figure on the screen to equal
-%       the size of the figure that would be printed, 
-%       according to the papersize attribute.  Use this function
-%       to give a more accurate picture of what will be 
-%       printed.
-%       Dan(K) Braithwaite, Dept. of Hydrology U.of.A  11/93
-unis = get(gcf,'units');
-ppos = get(gcf,'paperposition');
-pos = get(gcf,'position');
-pos(3:4) = ppos(3:4);

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