[cig-commits] r15337 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk: examples/twocells/twoquad4 libsrc libsrc/bc modulesrc/bc pylith/bc pylith/meshio unittests/libtests/bc unittests/libtests/bc/data unittests/pytests/bc unittests/pytests/bc/data

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Thu Jun 18 16:43:22 PDT 2009

Author: brad
Date: 2009-06-18 16:43:10 -0700 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 15337

Replaced old Neumann BC with new time-dependent implementation.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.cfg	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.cfg	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@
 # condition have the name 'x_pos'.
 label = x_pos
-db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
+db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
 # We are assigning the label 'Dirichlet BC +x edge' to the database.
-db.label = Neumann BC +x edge
+db_initial.label = Neumann BC +x edge
 # The name of the file containing the spatial database for the BC
 # specification.
-db.iohandler.filename = axialtract.spatialdb
-db.query_type = nearest
+db_initial.iohandler.filename = axialtract.spatialdb
+db_initial.query_type = nearest
 quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
 quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 # Give basename for VTK output of traction BC information.
-cell_info_fields = [tractions]
+cell_info_fields = [initial-value]
 writer.filename = axialtract-tractions.vtk
 # Give basename for VTK fault output.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/examples/twocells/twoquad4/axialtract.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   // There are two values specified in the database, corresponding to the
   // two components of the traction vector.
   num-values = 2
-  value-names =  shear-traction   normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear   traction-normal
   // The tractions have units of Pa.
   value-units =  Pa  Pa

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 	bc/DirichletBC.cc \
 	bc/DirichletBoundary.cc \
 	bc/Neumann.cc \
-	bc/Neumann_NEW.cc \
 	bc/AbsorbingDampers.cc \
 	bc/PointForce.cc \
 	faults/Fault.cc \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
 	DirichletBoundary.icc \
 	Neumann.hh \
 	Neumann.icc \
-	Neumann_NEW.hh \
-	Neumann_NEW.icc \
 	PointForce.hh \
 	PointForce.icc \

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "Neumann.hh" // implementation of object methods
-#include "pylith/topology/Field.hh" // HOLDSA Field
-#include "pylith/feassemble/CellGeometry.hh" // USES CellGeometry
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDB.hh" // USES SpatialDB
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
-#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
-#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
-#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
-#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Default constructor.
-pylith::bc::Neumann::Neumann(void) :
-  _db(0)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-{ // destructor
-  deallocate();
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
-{ // deallocate
-  _db = 0; // :TODO: Use shared pointer
-} // deallocate
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
-// vector at integration points.
-pylith::bc::Neumann::initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
-				const double upDir[3])
-{ // initialize
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  assert(0 != _db);
-  double_array up(upDir, 3);
-  const int numCorners = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  assert(0 != _normalizer);
-  const double lengthScale = _normalizer->lengthScale();
-  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
-  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  // Create section for traction vector in global coordinates
-  const feassemble::CellGeometry& cellGeometry = _quadrature->refGeometry();
-  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const int spaceDim = cellGeometry.spaceDim();
-  const int fiberDim = spaceDim * numQuadPts;
-  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
-  logger.stagePush("BoundaryConditions");
-  delete _parameters;
-  _parameters =
-    new topology::Fields<topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> >(*_boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  _parameters->add("traction", "traction");
-  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& traction = _parameters->get("traction");
-  traction.newSection(cells, fiberDim);
-  traction.allocate();
-  traction.scale(pressureScale);
-  traction.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::VECTOR);
-  logger.stagePop();
-  // Containers for orientation information
-  const int orientationSize = spaceDim * spaceDim;
-  const int jacobianSize = spaceDim * cellDim;
-  double_array jacobian(jacobianSize);
-  double jacobianDet = 0;
-  double_array orientation(orientationSize);
-  // Set names based on dimension of problem.
-  // 1-D problem = {'normal-traction'}
-  // 2-D problem = {'shear-traction', 'normal-traction'}
-  // 3-D problem = {'horiz-shear-traction', 'vert-shear-traction',
-  //                'normal-traction'}
-  _db->open();
-  switch (spaceDim)
-    { // switch
-    case 1 : {
-      const char* valueNames[] = {"normal-traction"};
-      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
-      break;
-    } // case 1
-    case 2 : {
-      const char* valueNames[] = {"shear-traction", "normal-traction"};
-      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
-      break;
-    } // case 2
-    case 3 : {
-      const char* valueNames[] = {"horiz-shear-traction",
-				  "vert-shear-traction",
-				  "normal-traction"};
-      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
-      break;
-    } // case 3
-    default :
-      std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
-      assert(0);
-      throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann.");
-    } // switch
-  // Containers for database query results and quadrature coordinates in
-  // reference geometry.
-  double_array tractionDataLocal(spaceDim);
-  double_array quadPtRef(cellDim);
-  double_array quadPtsGlobal(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  const double_array& quadPtsRef = _quadrature->quadPtsRef();
-  // Container for cell tractions rotated to global coordinates.
-  double_array cellTractionsGlobal(fiberDim);
-  // Get sections.
-  double_array coordinatesCell(numCorners*spaceDim);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
-    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
-  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
-						coordinatesCell.size(),
-						&coordinatesCell[0]);
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
-    _parameters->get("traction").section();
-  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
-  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _boundaryMesh->coordsys();
-  // Compute quadrature information
-  _quadrature->initializeGeometry();
-  _quadrature->computeGeometry(*_boundaryMesh, cells);
-  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh, compute orientations, and then
-  // compute corresponding traction vector in global coordinates
-  // (store values in _tractionGlobal).
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
-      c_iter != cellsEnd;
-      ++c_iter) {
-    // Compute geometry information for current cell
-    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
-    const double_array& quadPtsNondim = _quadrature->quadPts();
-    quadPtsGlobal = quadPtsNondim;
-    _normalizer->dimensionalize(&quadPtsGlobal[0], quadPtsGlobal.size(),
-				lengthScale);
-    cellTractionsGlobal = 0.0;
-    for(int iQuad=0, iRef=0, iSpace=0; iQuad < numQuadPts;
-	++iQuad, iRef+=cellDim, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
-      // Get traction vector in local coordinate system at quadrature point
-      const int err = _db->query(&tractionDataLocal[0], spaceDim,
-				 &quadPtsGlobal[iSpace], spaceDim, cs);
-      if (err) {
-	std::ostringstream msg;
-	msg << "Could not find traction values at (";
-	for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-	  msg << " " << quadPtsGlobal[i+iSpace];
-	msg << ") for traction boundary condition " << _label << "\n"
-	    << "using spatial database " << _db->label() << ".";
-	throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-      } // if
-      _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&tractionDataLocal[0], spaceDim,
-				     pressureScale);
-      // Compute Jacobian and determinant at quadrature point, then get
-      // orientation.
-      memcpy(&quadPtRef[0], &quadPtsRef[iRef], cellDim*sizeof(double));
-      coordsVisitor.clear();
-      subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-      cellGeometry.jacobian(&jacobian, &jacobianDet,
-			    coordinatesCell, quadPtRef);
-      cellGeometry.orientation(&orientation, jacobian, jacobianDet, up);
-      assert(jacobianDet > 0.0);
-      orientation /= jacobianDet;
-      // Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
-      // coordinate system
-      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
-	  cellTractionsGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
-	    orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * tractionDataLocal[jDim];
-      } // for
-    } // for
-      // Update tractionsGlobal
-    tractionSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &cellTractionsGlobal[0]);
-  } // for
-  _db->close();
-} // initialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
-			     const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
-			     const double t,
-			     topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // integrateResidual
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  // Get cell geometry information that doesn't depend on cell
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const double_array& quadWts = _quadrature->quadWts();
-  assert(quadWts.size() == numQuadPts);
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
-  // Allocate vectors for cell values.
-  _initCellVector();
-  double_array tractionsCell(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  // Get cell information
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  // Get sections
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
-    _parameters->get("traction").section();
-  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
-  topology::SubMesh::UpdateAddVisitor residualVisitor(*residualSection,
-						      &_cellVector[0]);
-  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates = 
-    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates,
-				coordinatesCell.size(), &coordinatesCell[0]);
-  // Loop over faces and integrate contribution from each face
-  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter=cells->begin();
-       c_iter != cellsEnd;
-       ++c_iter) {
-    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
-    // Reset element vector to zero
-    _resetCellVector();
-    // Restrict tractions to cell
-    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
-				&tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
-    // Get cell geometry information that depends on cell
-    const double_array& basis = _quadrature->basis();
-    const double_array& jacobianDet = _quadrature->jacobianDet();
-    // Compute action for traction bc terms
-    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
-      const double wt = quadWts[iQuad] * jacobianDet[iQuad];
-      for (int iBasis=0; iBasis < numBasis; ++iBasis) {
-        const double valI = wt*basis[iQuad*numBasis+iBasis];
-        for (int jBasis=0; jBasis < numBasis; ++jBasis) {
-          const double valIJ = valI * basis[iQuad*numBasis+jBasis];
-          for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-            _cellVector[iBasis*spaceDim+iDim] += 
-	      tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * valIJ;
-        } // for
-      } // for
-    } // for
-    // Assemble cell contribution into field
-    residualVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->updateAdd(*c_iter, residualVisitor);
-    PetscLogFlops(numQuadPts*(1+numBasis*(1+numBasis*(1+2*spaceDim))));
-  } // for
-} // integrateResidual
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
-pylith::bc::Neumann::integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
- 				       const double t,
- 				       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // integrateJacobian
-  _needNewJacobian = false;
-} // integrateJacobian
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Verify configuration is acceptable.
-pylith::bc::Neumann::verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const
-{ // verifyConfiguration
-  BCIntegratorSubMesh::verifyConfiguration(mesh);
-} // verifyConfiguration
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell field for tractions.
-const pylith::topology::Field<pylith::topology::SubMesh>&
-pylith::bc::Neumann::cellField(const char* name,
-			       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // cellField
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  assert(0 != name);
-  if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "tractions")) {
-    return _parameters->get("traction");
-  } else {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Unknown field '" << name << "' requested for Neumann BC '" 
-	<< _label << "'.";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // else
-  return _parameters->get("traction"); // Satisfy method definition
-} // cellField
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc (from rev 15335, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "Neumann.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
+#include "pylith/topology/Field.hh" // USES Field
+#include "pylith/topology/Fields.hh" // USES Fields
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDB.hh" // USES SpatialDB
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/TimeHistory.hh" // USES TimeHistory
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include <cstring> // USES strcpy()
+#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+  deallocate();
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
+{ // deallocate
+} // deallocate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
+// vector at integration points.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
+				const double upDir[3])
+{ // initialize
+  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
+  logger.stagePush("BoundaryConditions");
+  _queryDatabases();
+  _paramsLocalToGlobal(upDir);
+  logger.stagePop();
+} // initialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
+			     const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
+			     const double t,
+			     topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // integrateResidual
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  // Get cell geometry information that doesn't depend on cell
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const double_array& quadWts = _quadrature->quadWts();
+  assert(quadWts.size() == numQuadPts);
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
+  // Allocate vectors for cell values.
+  _initCellVector();
+  double_array tractionsCell(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  // Get cell information
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  // Get sections
+  _calculateValue(t);
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
+    _parameters->get("value").section();
+  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
+  topology::SubMesh::UpdateAddVisitor residualVisitor(*residualSection,
+						      &_cellVector[0]);
+  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates = 
+    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates,
+				coordinatesCell.size(), &coordinatesCell[0]);
+  // Loop over faces and integrate contribution from each face
+  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter=cells->begin();
+       c_iter != cellsEnd;
+       ++c_iter) {
+    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
+    // Reset element vector to zero
+    _resetCellVector();
+    // Restrict tractions to cell
+    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
+				&tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
+    // Get cell geometry information that depends on cell
+    const double_array& basis = _quadrature->basis();
+    const double_array& jacobianDet = _quadrature->jacobianDet();
+    // Compute action for traction bc terms
+    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
+      const double wt = quadWts[iQuad] * jacobianDet[iQuad];
+      for (int iBasis=0; iBasis < numBasis; ++iBasis) {
+        const double valI = wt*basis[iQuad*numBasis+iBasis];
+        for (int jBasis=0; jBasis < numBasis; ++jBasis) {
+          const double valIJ = valI * basis[iQuad*numBasis+jBasis];
+          for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
+            _cellVector[iBasis*spaceDim+iDim] += 
+	      tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * valIJ;
+        } // for
+      } // for
+    } // for
+    // Assemble cell contribution into field
+    residualVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->updateAdd(*c_iter, residualVisitor);
+    PetscLogFlops(numQuadPts*(1+numBasis*(1+numBasis*(1+2*spaceDim))));
+  } // for
+} // integrateResidual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
+pylith::bc::Neumann::integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
+					   const double t,
+					   topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // integrateJacobian
+  _needNewJacobian = false;
+} // integrateJacobian
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Verify configuration is acceptable.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const
+{ // verifyConfiguration
+  if (1 == mesh.dimension())
+    throw std::runtime_error("Neumann boundary conditions are not "
+			     "implemented for a 1-D mesh.");
+  BCIntegratorSubMesh::verifyConfiguration(mesh);
+} // verifyConfiguration
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get cell field for tractions.
+const pylith::topology::Field<pylith::topology::SubMesh>&
+pylith::bc::Neumann::cellField(const char* name,
+			       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // cellField
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  assert(0 != name);
+  if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "initial-value"))
+    return _parameters->get("initial");
+  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "rate-of-change"))
+    return _parameters->get("rate");
+  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "change-in-value"))
+    return _parameters->get("change");
+  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "rate-start-time"))
+    return _parameters->get("rate time");
+  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "change-start-time"))
+    return _parameters->get("change time");
+  else {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Unknown field '" << name << "' requested for Neumann BC '" 
+	<< _label << "'.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // else
+  return _parameters->get("traction"); // Satisfy method definition
+} // cellField
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Query databases for parameters.
+{ // _queryDatabases
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  const double rateScale = pressureScale / timeScale;
+  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  delete _parameters; 
+  _parameters = 
+    new topology::Fields<topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> >(*_boundaryMesh);
+  // Create section to hold time dependent values
+  _parameters->add("value", "traction");
+  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = _parameters->get("value");
+  value.scale(pressureScale);
+  value.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::OTHER);
+  value.newSection(topology::FieldBase::CELLS_FIELD, numQuadPts*spaceDim, 1);
+  value.allocate();
+  if (0 != _dbInitial) { // Setup initial values, if provided.
+    _parameters->add("initial", "initial_traction");
+    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
+      _parameters->get("initial");
+    initial.cloneSection(value);
+    initial.scale(pressureScale);
+    initial.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
+    _dbInitial->open();
+    switch (spaceDim)
+      { // switch
+      case 1 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-normal"};
+	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
+	break;
+      } // case 1
+      case 2 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear", "traction-normal"};
+	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
+	break;
+      } // case 2
+      case 3 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear-horiz",
+				    "traction-shear-vert",
+				    "traction-normal"};
+	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
+	break;
+      } // case 3
+      default :
+	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
+	assert(0);
+	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann.");
+      } // switch
+    _queryDB(&initial, _dbInitial, spaceDim, pressureScale);
+    _dbInitial->close();
+  } // if
+  if (0 != _dbRate) { // Setup rate of change of values, if provided.
+    _parameters->add("rate", "traction_rate");
+    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = 
+      _parameters->get("rate");
+    rate.cloneSection(value);
+    rate.scale(rateScale);
+    rate.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
+    const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = rate.section();
+    assert(!rateSection.isNull());
+    _dbRate->open();
+    switch (spaceDim)
+      { // switch
+      case 1 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-normal"};
+	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
+	break;
+      } // case 1
+      case 2 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-shear", 
+				    "traction-rate-normal"};
+	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
+	break;
+      } // case 2
+      case 3 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-shear-horiz",
+				    "traction-rate-shear-vert",
+				    "traction-rate-normal"};
+	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
+	break;
+      } // case 3
+      default :
+	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
+	assert(0);
+	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann.");
+      } // switch
+    _queryDB(&rate, _dbRate, spaceDim, rateScale);
+    _parameters->add("rate time", "rate_traction_time");
+    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rateTime = 
+      _parameters->get("rate time");
+    rateTime.newSection(rate, numQuadPts);
+    rateTime.allocate();
+    rateTime.scale(timeScale);
+    rateTime.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_SCALAR);
+    const char* timeNames[1] = { "rate-start-time" };
+    _dbRate->queryVals(timeNames, 1);
+    _queryDB(&rateTime, _dbRate, 1, timeScale);
+    _dbRate->close();
+  } // if
+  if (0 != _dbChange) { // Setup change of values, if provided.
+    _parameters->add("change", "change_traction");
+    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
+      _parameters->get("change");
+    change.cloneSection(value);
+    change.scale(pressureScale);
+    change.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
+    const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = change.section();
+    assert(!changeSection.isNull());
+    _dbChange->open();
+    switch (spaceDim)
+      { // switch
+      case 1 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-normal"};
+	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
+	break;
+      } // case 1
+      case 2 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear", "traction-normal"};
+	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
+	break;
+      } // case 2
+      case 3 : {
+	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear-horiz",
+				    "traction-shear-vert",
+				    "traction-normal"};
+	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
+	break;
+      } // case 3
+      default :
+	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
+	assert(0);
+	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann.");
+      } // switch
+    _queryDB(&change, _dbChange, spaceDim, pressureScale);
+    _parameters->add("change time", "change_traction_time");
+    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& changeTime = 
+      _parameters->get("change time");
+    changeTime.newSection(change, numQuadPts);
+    changeTime.allocate();
+    changeTime.scale(timeScale);
+    changeTime.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_SCALAR);
+    const char* timeNames[1] = { "change-start-time" };
+    _dbChange->queryVals(timeNames, 1);
+    _queryDB(&changeTime, _dbChange, 1, timeScale);
+    _dbChange->close();
+    if (0 != _dbTimeHistory)
+      _dbTimeHistory->open();
+  } // if
+} // _queryDatabases
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Query database for values.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::_queryDB(topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>* field,
+			      spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db,
+			      const int querySize,
+			      const double scale)
+{ // _queryDB
+  assert(0 != field);
+  assert(0 != db);
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
+  // Containers for database query results and quadrature coordinates in
+  // reference geometry.
+  double_array valuesCell(numQuadPts*querySize);
+  double_array quadPtsGlobal(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  // Get sections.
+  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
+    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
+  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
+						coordinatesCell.size(),
+						&coordinatesCell[0]);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& section = field->section();
+  assert(!section.isNull());
+  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _boundaryMesh->coordsys();
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  const double lengthScale = _normalizer->lengthScale();
+  // Compute quadrature information
+  _quadrature->initializeGeometry();
+  _quadrature->computeGeometry(*_boundaryMesh, cells);
+  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh and perform queries.
+  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
+       c_iter != cellsEnd;
+       ++c_iter) {
+    // Compute geometry information for current cell
+    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
+    const double_array& quadPtsNondim = _quadrature->quadPts();
+    quadPtsGlobal = quadPtsNondim;
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(&quadPtsGlobal[0], quadPtsGlobal.size(),
+				lengthScale);
+    valuesCell = 0.0;
+    for (int iQuad=0, iSpace=0; 
+	 iQuad < numQuadPts;
+	 ++iQuad, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
+      const int err = db->query(&valuesCell[iQuad*querySize], querySize,
+				&quadPtsGlobal[iSpace], spaceDim, cs);
+      if (err) {
+	std::ostringstream msg;
+	msg << "Could not find values at (";
+	for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
+	  msg << " " << quadPtsGlobal[i+iSpace];
+	msg << ") for traction boundary condition " << _label << "\n"
+	    << "using spatial database " << db->label() << ".";
+	throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+      } // if
+    } // for
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&valuesCell[0], valuesCell.size(),
+				   scale);
+    // Update section
+    assert(valuesCell.size() == section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
+    section->updatePoint(*c_iter, &valuesCell[0]);
+  } // for
+} // _queryDB
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
+// vector at integration points.
+  pylith::bc::Neumann::_paramsLocalToGlobal(const double upDir[3])
+{ // _paramsLocalToGlobal
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  double_array up(upDir, 3);
+  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  // Quadrature related values.
+  const feassemble::CellGeometry& cellGeometry = _quadrature->refGeometry();
+  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const int spaceDim = cellGeometry.spaceDim();
+  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
+  double_array quadPtRef(cellDim);
+  const double_array& quadPtsRef = _quadrature->quadPtsRef();
+  // Containers for orientation information
+  const int orientationSize = spaceDim * spaceDim;
+  const int jacobianSize = spaceDim * cellDim;
+  double_array jacobian(jacobianSize);
+  double jacobianDet = 0;
+  double_array orientation(orientationSize);
+  // Container for cell tractions rotated to global coordinates.
+  double_array initialCellLocal(fiberDim);
+  double_array initialCellGlobal(fiberDim);
+  double_array rateCellLocal(fiberDim);
+  double_array rateCellGlobal(fiberDim);
+  double_array changeCellLocal(fiberDim);
+  double_array changeCellGlobal(fiberDim);
+  // Get sections.
+  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
+    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
+  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
+						coordinatesCell.size(),
+						&coordinatesCell[0]);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = (0 != _dbInitial) ?
+    _parameters->get("initial").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = ( 0 != _dbRate) ?
+    _parameters->get("rate").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
+    _parameters->get("change").section() : 0;
+  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh, compute orientations, and then
+  // rotate corresponding traction vector from local to global coordinates.
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
+      c_iter != cellsEnd;
+      ++c_iter) {
+    // Compute geometry information for current cell
+    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
+    // Reset traction vectors
+    initialCellLocal = 0.0;
+    initialCellGlobal = 0.0;
+    rateCellLocal = 0.0;
+    rateCellGlobal = 0.0;
+    changeCellLocal = 0.0;
+    changeCellGlobal = 0.0;
+    // Get values for cell from each of the sections
+    if (0 != _dbInitial) {
+      assert(!initialSection.isNull());
+      initialSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &initialCellLocal[0],
+				    initialCellLocal.size());
+    } // if
+    if (0 != _dbRate) {
+      assert(!rateSection.isNull());
+      rateSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &rateCellLocal[0], 
+				 rateCellLocal.size());
+    } // if
+    if (0 != _dbChange) {
+      assert(!changeSection.isNull());
+      changeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &changeCellLocal[0], 
+				   changeCellLocal.size());
+    } // if
+    for(int iQuad=0, iRef=0, iSpace=0; iQuad < numQuadPts;
+	++iQuad, iRef+=cellDim, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
+      // Compute Jacobian and determinant at quadrature point, then get
+      // orientation.
+      memcpy(&quadPtRef[0], &quadPtsRef[iRef], cellDim*sizeof(double));
+      coordsVisitor.clear();
+      subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+      cellGeometry.jacobian(&jacobian, &jacobianDet,
+			    coordinatesCell, quadPtRef);
+      cellGeometry.orientation(&orientation, jacobian, jacobianDet, up);
+      assert(jacobianDet > 0.0);
+      orientation /= jacobianDet;
+      if (0 != _dbInitial) {
+	assert(!initialSection.isNull());
+	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
+	// coordinate system
+	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
+	    initialCellGlobal[iSpace+iDim] +=
+	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * initialCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
+	} // for
+      } // if
+      if (0 != _dbRate) {
+	assert(!rateSection.isNull());
+	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
+	// coordinate system
+	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
+	    rateCellGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
+	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * rateCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
+	} // for
+      } // if
+      if (0 != _dbChange) {
+	assert(!changeSection.isNull());
+	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
+	// coordinate system
+	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
+	    changeCellGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
+	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * changeCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
+	} // for
+      } // if
+    } // for
+    // Update sections
+    if (0 != _dbInitial)
+      initialSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &initialCellGlobal[0]);
+    if (0 != _dbRate)
+      rateSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &rateCellGlobal[0]);
+    if (0 != _dbChange)
+      changeSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &changeCellGlobal[0]);
+  } // for
+} // paramsLocalToGlobal
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Calculate temporal and spatial variation of value over the list of Submesh.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::_calculateValue(const double t)
+{ // _calculateValue
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& valueSection = 
+    _parameters->get("value").section();
+  assert(!valueSection.isNull());
+  valueSection->zero();
+  const double timeScale = _getNormalizer().timeScale();
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = (0 != _dbInitial) ?
+    _parameters->get("initial").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = ( 0 != _dbRate) ?
+    _parameters->get("rate").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateTimeSection = (0 != _dbRate) ?
+    _parameters->get("rate time").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
+    _parameters->get("change").section() : 0;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeTimeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
+    _parameters->get("change time").section() : 0;
+  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
+  double_array valuesCell(fiberDim);
+  double_array bufferCell(fiberDim);
+  double_array timeCell(numQuadPts);
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
+      c_iter != cellsEnd;
+      ++c_iter) {
+    valuesCell = 0.0;
+    timeCell = 0.0;
+    // Contribution from initial value
+    if (0 != _dbInitial) {
+      assert(!initialSection.isNull());
+      initialSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
+				    &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
+      valuesCell += bufferCell;
+    } // if
+    // Contribution from rate of change of value
+    if (0 != _dbRate) {
+      assert(!rateSection.isNull());
+      assert(!rateTimeSection.isNull());
+      rateSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
+      rateTimeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &timeCell[0], timeCell.size());
+      for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
+	if (t > timeCell[iQuad])  // rate of change integrated over time
+	  for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
+	    valuesCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] += 
+	      bufferCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * (t - timeCell[iQuad]);
+    } // if
+    // Contribution from change of value
+    if (0 != _dbChange) {
+      assert(!changeSection.isNull());
+      assert(!changeTimeSection.isNull());
+      changeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
+      changeTimeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &timeCell[0], timeCell.size());
+      for (int i=0; i < numQuadPts; ++i)
+	if (t >= timeCell[i]) { // change in value over time
+	  double scale = 1.0;
+	  if (0 != _dbTimeHistory) {
+	    double tDim = t - timeCell[i];
+	    _getNormalizer().dimensionalize(&tDim, 1, timeScale);
+	    const int err = _dbTimeHistory->query(&scale, tDim);
+	    if (0 != err) {
+	      std::ostringstream msg;
+	      msg << "Error querying for time '" << tDim 
+		  << "' in time history database "
+		  << _dbTimeHistory->label() << ".";
+	      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+	    } // if
+	  } // if
+	  for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
+	    valuesCell[i*spaceDim+iDim] += bufferCell[i*spaceDim+iDim] * scale;
+	} // if
+    } // if
+    valueSection->updateAddPoint(*c_iter, &valuesCell[0]);
+  } // for
+}  // _calculateValue
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** @file libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ implementation of Neumann (prescribed tractions
- * on a surface) boundary conditions.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
-#define pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "BCIntegratorSubMesh.hh" // ISA BCIntegratorSubMesh
-// Neumann --------------------------------------------------------------
-class pylith::bc::Neumann : public BCIntegratorSubMesh
-{ // class Neumann
-  friend class TestNeumann; // unit testing
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Default constructor.
-  Neumann(void);
-  /// Destructor.
-  ~Neumann(void);
-  /// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
-  void deallocate(void);
-  /** Set database for boundary condition parameters.
-   *
-   * @param db Spatial database
-   */
-  void db(spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db);
-  /** Initialize boundary condition.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
-   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
-   */
-  void initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
-		  const double upDir[3]);
-  /** Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
-   *
-   * @param residual Field containing values for residual.
-   * @param t Current time.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   */
-  void integrateResidual(const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
-			 const double t,
-			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
-  /** Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
-   * operator.
-   *
-   * @param jacobian Sparse matrix for Jacobian of system.
-   * @param t Current time
-   * @param fields Solution fields
-   */
-  void integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
-			 const double t,
-			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
-  /** Verify configuration is acceptable.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
-   */
-  void verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const;
-  /** Get cell field with BC information.
-   *
-   * @param fieldType Type of field.
-   * @param name Name of field.
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   *
-   * @returns Traction vector at integration points.
-   */
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>&
-  cellField(const char* name,
-	    topology::SolutionFields* const fields =0);
-  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* _db; ///< Spatial database w/parameters
-  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  Neumann(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented
-  const Neumann& operator=(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // class Neumann
-#include "Neumann.icc" // inline methods
-#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh (from rev 15333, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ implementation of time dependent Neumann (traction)
+ * boundary conditions applied to a simply-connected boundary.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
+#include "BCIntegratorSubMesh.hh" // ISA BCIntegratorSubMesh
+#include "TimeDependent.hh" // ISA TimeDependent
+// Neumann ------------------------------------------------------
+class pylith::bc::Neumann : public BCIntegratorSubMesh, 
+				public TimeDependent
+{ // class Neumann
+  friend class TestNeumann; // unit testing
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Default constructor.
+  Neumann(void);
+  /// Destructor.
+  ~Neumann(void);
+  /// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
+  void deallocate(void);
+  /** Initialize boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
+   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
+   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
+   */
+  void initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
+		  const double upDir[3]);
+  /** Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
+   *
+   * @param residual Field containing values for residual.
+   * @param t Current time.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   */
+  void integrateResidual(const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
+			 const double t,
+			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
+  /** Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
+   * operator.
+   *
+   * @param jacobian Sparse matrix for Jacobian of system.
+   * @param t Current time
+   * @param fields Solution fields
+   */
+  void integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
+			 const double t,
+			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
+  /** Verify configuration is acceptable.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
+   */
+  void verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const;
+  /** Get cell field with BC information.
+   *
+   * @param fieldType Type of field.
+   * @param name Name of field.
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   *
+   * @returns Traction vector at integration points.
+   */
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>&
+  cellField(const char* name,
+	    topology::SolutionFields* const fields =0);
+  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  /** Get label of boundary condition surface.
+   *
+   * @returns Label of surface (from mesh generator).
+   */
+  const char* _getLabel(void) const;
+  /** Get manager of scales used to nondimensionalize problem.
+   *
+   * @returns Nondimensionalizer.
+   */
+  const spatialdata::units::Nondimensional& _getNormalizer(void) const;
+  /// Query databases for time dependent parameters.
+  void _queryDatabases(void);
+  /** Query database for values.
+   *
+   * @param field Field in which to store values.
+   * @param db Spatial database with values.
+   * @param querySize Number of values at each location.
+   * @param scale Dimension scale associated with values.
+   */
+  void _queryDB(topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>* field,
+		spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db,
+		const int querySize,
+		const double scale);
+  /** Convert parameters in local coordinates to global coordinates.
+   *
+   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
+   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
+   */
+  void _paramsLocalToGlobal(const double upDir[3]);
+  /** Calculate spatial and temporal variation of value over the list
+   *  of submesh.
+   *
+   * @param t Current time.
+   */
+  void _calculateValue(const double t);
+  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  Neumann(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented.
+  const Neumann& operator=(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented.
+}; // class Neumann
+#include "Neumann.icc"
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
-#error "Neumann.icc can only be included from Neumann.hh"
-// Set database for boundary condition parameters.
-pylith::bc::Neumann::db(spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db) {
-  _db = db;
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc (from rev 15333, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.icc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
+#error "Neumann.icc can only be included from Neumann.hh"
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+// Get label of boundary condition surface.
+const char*
+pylith::bc::Neumann::_getLabel(void) const {
+  return label();
+// Get manager of scales used to nondimensionalize problem.
+const spatialdata::units::Nondimensional&
+pylith::bc::Neumann::_getNormalizer(void) const {
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  return *_normalizer;
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.cc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "Neumann_NEW.hh" // implementation of object methods
-#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
-#include "pylith/topology/Field.hh" // USES Field
-#include "pylith/topology/Fields.hh" // USES Fields
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDB.hh" // USES SpatialDB
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/TimeHistory.hh" // USES TimeHistory
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
-#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
-#include <cstring> // USES strcpy()
-#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
-#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Default constructor.
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor.
-{ // destructor
-  deallocate();
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
-{ // deallocate
-} // deallocate
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
-// vector at integration points.
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
-				const double upDir[3])
-{ // initialize
-  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
-  logger.stagePush("BoundaryConditions");
-  _queryDatabases();
-  _paramsLocalToGlobal(upDir);
-  logger.stagePop();
-} // initialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
-			     const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
-			     const double t,
-			     topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // integrateResidual
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  // Get cell geometry information that doesn't depend on cell
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const double_array& quadWts = _quadrature->quadWts();
-  assert(quadWts.size() == numQuadPts);
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
-  // Allocate vectors for cell values.
-  _initCellVector();
-  double_array tractionsCell(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  // Get cell information
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  // Get sections
-  _calculateValue(t);
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
-    _parameters->get("value").section();
-  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
-  topology::SubMesh::UpdateAddVisitor residualVisitor(*residualSection,
-						      &_cellVector[0]);
-  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates = 
-    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates,
-				coordinatesCell.size(), &coordinatesCell[0]);
-  // Loop over faces and integrate contribution from each face
-  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter=cells->begin();
-       c_iter != cellsEnd;
-       ++c_iter) {
-    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
-    // Reset element vector to zero
-    _resetCellVector();
-    // Restrict tractions to cell
-    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
-				&tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
-    // Get cell geometry information that depends on cell
-    const double_array& basis = _quadrature->basis();
-    const double_array& jacobianDet = _quadrature->jacobianDet();
-    // Compute action for traction bc terms
-    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
-      const double wt = quadWts[iQuad] * jacobianDet[iQuad];
-      for (int iBasis=0; iBasis < numBasis; ++iBasis) {
-        const double valI = wt*basis[iQuad*numBasis+iBasis];
-        for (int jBasis=0; jBasis < numBasis; ++jBasis) {
-          const double valIJ = valI * basis[iQuad*numBasis+jBasis];
-          for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-            _cellVector[iBasis*spaceDim+iDim] += 
-	      tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * valIJ;
-        } // for
-      } // for
-    } // for
-    // Assemble cell contribution into field
-    residualVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->updateAdd(*c_iter, residualVisitor);
-    PetscLogFlops(numQuadPts*(1+numBasis*(1+numBasis*(1+2*spaceDim))));
-  } // for
-} // integrateResidual
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
-					   const double t,
-					   topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // integrateJacobian
-  _needNewJacobian = false;
-} // integrateJacobian
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Verify configuration is acceptable.
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const
-{ // verifyConfiguration
-  if (1 == mesh.dimension())
-    throw std::runtime_error("Neumann_NEW boundary conditions are not "
-			     "implemented for a 1-D mesh.");
-  BCIntegratorSubMesh::verifyConfiguration(mesh);
-} // verifyConfiguration
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell field for tractions.
-const pylith::topology::Field<pylith::topology::SubMesh>&
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::cellField(const char* name,
-			       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
-{ // cellField
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  assert(0 != name);
-  if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "initial-value"))
-    return _parameters->get("initial");
-  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "rate-of-change"))
-    return _parameters->get("rate");
-  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "change-in-value"))
-    return _parameters->get("change");
-  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "rate-start-time"))
-    return _parameters->get("rate time");
-  else if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "change-start-time"))
-    return _parameters->get("change time");
-  else {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Unknown field '" << name << "' requested for Neumann_NEW BC '" 
-	<< _label << "'.";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // else
-  return _parameters->get("traction"); // Satisfy method definition
-} // cellField
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Query databases for parameters.
-{ // _queryDatabases
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
-  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
-  const double rateScale = pressureScale / timeScale;
-  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  delete _parameters; 
-  _parameters = 
-    new topology::Fields<topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> >(*_boundaryMesh);
-  // Create section to hold time dependent values
-  _parameters->add("value", "traction");
-  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = _parameters->get("value");
-  value.scale(pressureScale);
-  value.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::OTHER);
-  value.newSection(topology::FieldBase::CELLS_FIELD, numQuadPts*spaceDim, 1);
-  value.allocate();
-  if (0 != _dbInitial) { // Setup initial values, if provided.
-    _parameters->add("initial", "initial_traction");
-    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
-      _parameters->get("initial");
-    initial.cloneSection(value);
-    initial.scale(pressureScale);
-    initial.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
-    _dbInitial->open();
-    switch (spaceDim)
-      { // switch
-      case 1 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-normal"};
-	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
-	break;
-      } // case 1
-      case 2 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear", "traction-normal"};
-	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
-	break;
-      } // case 2
-      case 3 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear-horiz",
-				    "traction-shear-vert",
-				    "traction-normal"};
-	_dbInitial->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
-	break;
-      } // case 3
-      default :
-	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
-	assert(0);
-	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann_NEW.");
-      } // switch
-    _queryDB(&initial, _dbInitial, spaceDim, pressureScale);
-    _dbInitial->close();
-  } // if
-  if (0 != _dbRate) { // Setup rate of change of values, if provided.
-    _parameters->add("rate", "traction_rate");
-    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = 
-      _parameters->get("rate");
-    rate.cloneSection(value);
-    rate.scale(rateScale);
-    rate.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
-    const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = rate.section();
-    assert(!rateSection.isNull());
-    _dbRate->open();
-    switch (spaceDim)
-      { // switch
-      case 1 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-normal"};
-	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
-	break;
-      } // case 1
-      case 2 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-shear", 
-				    "traction-rate-normal"};
-	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
-	break;
-      } // case 2
-      case 3 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-rate-shear-horiz",
-				    "traction-rate-shear-vert",
-				    "traction-rate-normal"};
-	_dbRate->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
-	break;
-      } // case 3
-      default :
-	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
-	assert(0);
-	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann_NEW.");
-      } // switch
-    _queryDB(&rate, _dbRate, spaceDim, rateScale);
-    _parameters->add("rate time", "rate_traction_time");
-    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rateTime = 
-      _parameters->get("rate time");
-    rateTime.newSection(rate, numQuadPts);
-    rateTime.allocate();
-    rateTime.scale(timeScale);
-    rateTime.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_SCALAR);
-    const char* timeNames[1] = { "rate-start-time" };
-    _dbRate->queryVals(timeNames, 1);
-    _queryDB(&rateTime, _dbRate, 1, timeScale);
-    _dbRate->close();
-  } // if
-  if (0 != _dbChange) { // Setup change of values, if provided.
-    _parameters->add("change", "change_traction");
-    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
-      _parameters->get("change");
-    change.cloneSection(value);
-    change.scale(pressureScale);
-    change.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_VECTOR);
-    const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = change.section();
-    assert(!changeSection.isNull());
-    _dbChange->open();
-    switch (spaceDim)
-      { // switch
-      case 1 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-normal"};
-	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
-	break;
-      } // case 1
-      case 2 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear", "traction-normal"};
-	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
-	break;
-      } // case 2
-      case 3 : {
-	const char* valueNames[] = {"traction-shear-horiz",
-				    "traction-shear-vert",
-				    "traction-normal"};
-	_dbChange->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
-	break;
-      } // case 3
-      default :
-	std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
-	assert(0);
-	throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann_NEW.");
-      } // switch
-    _queryDB(&change, _dbChange, spaceDim, pressureScale);
-    _parameters->add("change time", "change_traction_time");
-    topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& changeTime = 
-      _parameters->get("change time");
-    changeTime.newSection(change, numQuadPts);
-    changeTime.allocate();
-    changeTime.scale(timeScale);
-    changeTime.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::MULTI_SCALAR);
-    const char* timeNames[1] = { "change-start-time" };
-    _dbChange->queryVals(timeNames, 1);
-    _queryDB(&changeTime, _dbChange, 1, timeScale);
-    _dbChange->close();
-    if (0 != _dbTimeHistory)
-      _dbTimeHistory->open();
-  } // if
-} // _queryDatabases
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Query database for values.
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::_queryDB(topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>* field,
-			      spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db,
-			      const int querySize,
-			      const double scale)
-{ // _queryDB
-  assert(0 != field);
-  assert(0 != db);
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
-  // Containers for database query results and quadrature coordinates in
-  // reference geometry.
-  double_array valuesCell(numQuadPts*querySize);
-  double_array quadPtsGlobal(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  // Get sections.
-  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
-    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
-  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
-						coordinatesCell.size(),
-						&coordinatesCell[0]);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& section = field->section();
-  assert(!section.isNull());
-  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _boundaryMesh->coordsys();
-  assert(0 != _normalizer);
-  const double lengthScale = _normalizer->lengthScale();
-  // Compute quadrature information
-  _quadrature->initializeGeometry();
-  _quadrature->computeGeometry(*_boundaryMesh, cells);
-  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh and perform queries.
-  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
-       c_iter != cellsEnd;
-       ++c_iter) {
-    // Compute geometry information for current cell
-    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
-    const double_array& quadPtsNondim = _quadrature->quadPts();
-    quadPtsGlobal = quadPtsNondim;
-    _normalizer->dimensionalize(&quadPtsGlobal[0], quadPtsGlobal.size(),
-				lengthScale);
-    valuesCell = 0.0;
-    for (int iQuad=0, iSpace=0; 
-	 iQuad < numQuadPts;
-	 ++iQuad, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
-      const int err = db->query(&valuesCell[iQuad*querySize], querySize,
-				&quadPtsGlobal[iSpace], spaceDim, cs);
-      if (err) {
-	std::ostringstream msg;
-	msg << "Could not find values at (";
-	for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-	  msg << " " << quadPtsGlobal[i+iSpace];
-	msg << ") for traction boundary condition " << _label << "\n"
-	    << "using spatial database " << db->label() << ".";
-	throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&valuesCell[0], valuesCell.size(),
-				   scale);
-    // Update section
-    assert(valuesCell.size() == section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter));
-    section->updatePoint(*c_iter, &valuesCell[0]);
-  } // for
-} // _queryDB
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
-// vector at integration points.
-  pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::_paramsLocalToGlobal(const double upDir[3])
-{ // _paramsLocalToGlobal
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  double_array up(upDir, 3);
-  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  // Quadrature related values.
-  const feassemble::CellGeometry& cellGeometry = _quadrature->refGeometry();
-  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const int spaceDim = cellGeometry.spaceDim();
-  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
-  double_array quadPtRef(cellDim);
-  const double_array& quadPtsRef = _quadrature->quadPtsRef();
-  // Containers for orientation information
-  const int orientationSize = spaceDim * spaceDim;
-  const int jacobianSize = spaceDim * cellDim;
-  double_array jacobian(jacobianSize);
-  double jacobianDet = 0;
-  double_array orientation(orientationSize);
-  // Container for cell tractions rotated to global coordinates.
-  double_array initialCellLocal(fiberDim);
-  double_array initialCellGlobal(fiberDim);
-  double_array rateCellLocal(fiberDim);
-  double_array rateCellGlobal(fiberDim);
-  double_array changeCellLocal(fiberDim);
-  double_array changeCellGlobal(fiberDim);
-  // Get sections.
-  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
-    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
-  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
-						coordinatesCell.size(),
-						&coordinatesCell[0]);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = (0 != _dbInitial) ?
-    _parameters->get("initial").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = ( 0 != _dbRate) ?
-    _parameters->get("rate").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
-    _parameters->get("change").section() : 0;
-  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh, compute orientations, and then
-  // rotate corresponding traction vector from local to global coordinates.
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
-      c_iter != cellsEnd;
-      ++c_iter) {
-    // Compute geometry information for current cell
-    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
-    // Reset traction vectors
-    initialCellLocal = 0.0;
-    initialCellGlobal = 0.0;
-    rateCellLocal = 0.0;
-    rateCellGlobal = 0.0;
-    changeCellLocal = 0.0;
-    changeCellGlobal = 0.0;
-    // Get values for cell from each of the sections
-    if (0 != _dbInitial) {
-      assert(!initialSection.isNull());
-      initialSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &initialCellLocal[0],
-				    initialCellLocal.size());
-    } // if
-    if (0 != _dbRate) {
-      assert(!rateSection.isNull());
-      rateSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &rateCellLocal[0], 
-				 rateCellLocal.size());
-    } // if
-    if (0 != _dbChange) {
-      assert(!changeSection.isNull());
-      changeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &changeCellLocal[0], 
-				   changeCellLocal.size());
-    } // if
-    for(int iQuad=0, iRef=0, iSpace=0; iQuad < numQuadPts;
-	++iQuad, iRef+=cellDim, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
-      // Compute Jacobian and determinant at quadrature point, then get
-      // orientation.
-      memcpy(&quadPtRef[0], &quadPtsRef[iRef], cellDim*sizeof(double));
-      coordsVisitor.clear();
-      subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-      cellGeometry.jacobian(&jacobian, &jacobianDet,
-			    coordinatesCell, quadPtRef);
-      cellGeometry.orientation(&orientation, jacobian, jacobianDet, up);
-      assert(jacobianDet > 0.0);
-      orientation /= jacobianDet;
-      if (0 != _dbInitial) {
-	assert(!initialSection.isNull());
-	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
-	// coordinate system
-	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
-	    initialCellGlobal[iSpace+iDim] +=
-	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * initialCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
-	} // for
-      } // if
-      if (0 != _dbRate) {
-	assert(!rateSection.isNull());
-	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
-	// coordinate system
-	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
-	    rateCellGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
-	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * rateCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
-	} // for
-      } // if
-      if (0 != _dbChange) {
-	assert(!changeSection.isNull());
-	// Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
-	// coordinate system
-	for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	  for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
-	    changeCellGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
-	      orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * changeCellLocal[iSpace+jDim];
-	} // for
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    // Update sections
-    if (0 != _dbInitial)
-      initialSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &initialCellGlobal[0]);
-    if (0 != _dbRate)
-      rateSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &rateCellGlobal[0]);
-    if (0 != _dbChange)
-      changeSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &changeCellGlobal[0]);
-  } // for
-} // paramsLocalToGlobal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate temporal and spatial variation of value over the list of Submesh.
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::_calculateValue(const double t)
-{ // _calculateValue
-  assert(0 != _parameters);
-  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
-  assert(0 != _quadrature);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& valueSection = 
-    _parameters->get("value").section();
-  assert(!valueSection.isNull());
-  valueSection->zero();
-  const double timeScale = _getNormalizer().timeScale();
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = (0 != _dbInitial) ?
-    _parameters->get("initial").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateSection = ( 0 != _dbRate) ?
-    _parameters->get("rate").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& rateTimeSection = (0 != _dbRate) ?
-    _parameters->get("rate time").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
-    _parameters->get("change").section() : 0;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& changeTimeSection = ( 0 != _dbChange) ?
-    _parameters->get("change time").section() : 0;
-  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
-  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
-  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
-  double_array valuesCell(fiberDim);
-  double_array bufferCell(fiberDim);
-  double_array timeCell(numQuadPts);
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
-      c_iter != cellsEnd;
-      ++c_iter) {
-    valuesCell = 0.0;
-    timeCell = 0.0;
-    // Contribution from initial value
-    if (0 != _dbInitial) {
-      assert(!initialSection.isNull());
-      initialSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
-				    &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
-      valuesCell += bufferCell;
-    } // if
-    // Contribution from rate of change of value
-    if (0 != _dbRate) {
-      assert(!rateSection.isNull());
-      assert(!rateTimeSection.isNull());
-      rateSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
-      rateTimeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &timeCell[0], timeCell.size());
-      for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
-	if (t > timeCell[iQuad])  // rate of change integrated over time
-	  for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-	    valuesCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] += 
-	      bufferCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * (t - timeCell[iQuad]);
-    } // if
-    // Contribution from change of value
-    if (0 != _dbChange) {
-      assert(!changeSection.isNull());
-      assert(!changeTimeSection.isNull());
-      changeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &bufferCell[0], bufferCell.size());
-      changeTimeSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, &timeCell[0], timeCell.size());
-      for (int i=0; i < numQuadPts; ++i)
-	if (t >= timeCell[i]) { // change in value over time
-	  double scale = 1.0;
-	  if (0 != _dbTimeHistory) {
-	    double tDim = t - timeCell[i];
-	    _getNormalizer().dimensionalize(&tDim, 1, timeScale);
-	    const int err = _dbTimeHistory->query(&scale, tDim);
-	    if (0 != err) {
-	      std::ostringstream msg;
-	      msg << "Error querying for time '" << tDim 
-		  << "' in time history database "
-		  << _dbTimeHistory->label() << ".";
-	      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-	    } // if
-	  } // if
-	  for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-	    valuesCell[i*spaceDim+iDim] += bufferCell[i*spaceDim+iDim] * scale;
-	} // if
-    } // if
-    valueSection->updateAddPoint(*c_iter, &valuesCell[0]);
-  } // for
-}  // _calculateValue
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** @file libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ implementation of time dependent Neumann_NEW (traction)
- * boundary conditions applied to a simply-connected boundary.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
-#define pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "BCIntegratorSubMesh.hh" // ISA BCIntegratorSubMesh
-#include "TimeDependent.hh" // ISA TimeDependent
-// Neumann_NEW ------------------------------------------------------
-class pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW : public BCIntegratorSubMesh, 
-				public TimeDependent
-{ // class Neumann_NEW
-  friend class TestNeumann_NEW; // unit testing
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Default constructor.
-  Neumann_NEW(void);
-  /// Destructor.
-  ~Neumann_NEW(void);
-  /// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
-  void deallocate(void);
-  /** Initialize boundary condition.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
-   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
-   */
-  void initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
-		  const double upDir[3]);
-  /** Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
-   *
-   * @param residual Field containing values for residual.
-   * @param t Current time.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   */
-  void integrateResidual(const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
-			 const double t,
-			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
-  /** Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
-   * operator.
-   *
-   * @param jacobian Sparse matrix for Jacobian of system.
-   * @param t Current time
-   * @param fields Solution fields
-   */
-  void integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
-			 const double t,
-			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
-  /** Verify configuration is acceptable.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
-   */
-  void verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const;
-  /** Get cell field with BC information.
-   *
-   * @param fieldType Type of field.
-   * @param name Name of field.
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   *
-   * @returns Traction vector at integration points.
-   */
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>&
-  cellField(const char* name,
-	    topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
-  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  /** Get label of boundary condition surface.
-   *
-   * @returns Label of surface (from mesh generator).
-   */
-  const char* _getLabel(void) const;
-  /** Get manager of scales used to nondimensionalize problem.
-   *
-   * @returns Nondimensionalizer.
-   */
-  const spatialdata::units::Nondimensional& _getNormalizer(void) const;
-  /// Query databases for time dependent parameters.
-  void _queryDatabases(void);
-  /** Query database for values.
-   *
-   * @param field Field in which to store values.
-   * @param db Spatial database with values.
-   * @param querySize Number of values at each location.
-   * @param scale Dimension scale associated with values.
-   */
-  void _queryDB(topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>* field,
-		spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db,
-		const int querySize,
-		const double scale);
-  /** Convert parameters in local coordinates to global coordinates.
-   *
-   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
-   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
-   */
-  void _paramsLocalToGlobal(const double upDir[3]);
-  /** Calculate spatial and temporal variation of value over the list
-   *  of submesh.
-   *
-   * @param t Current time.
-   */
-  void _calculateValue(const double t);
-  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  Neumann_NEW(const Neumann_NEW&); ///< Not implemented.
-  const Neumann_NEW& operator=(const Neumann_NEW&); ///< Not implemented.
-}; // class Neumann_NEW
-#include "Neumann_NEW.icc"
-#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.icc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_NEW.icc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
-#error "Neumann_NEW.icc can only be included from Neumann_NEW.hh"
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// Get label of boundary condition surface.
-const char*
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::_getLabel(void) const {
-  return label();
-// Get manager of scales used to nondimensionalize problem.
-const spatialdata::units::Nondimensional&
-pylith::bc::Neumann_NEW::_getNormalizer(void) const {
-  assert(0 != _normalizer);
-  return *_normalizer;
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.cc (from rev 15331, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "Neumann.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "pylith/topology/Field.hh" // HOLDSA Field
+#include "pylith/feassemble/CellGeometry.hh" // USES CellGeometry
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDB.hh" // USES SpatialDB
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
+#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::Neumann(void) :
+  _db(0)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+  deallocate();
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
+{ // deallocate
+  _db = 0; // :TODO: Use shared pointer
+} // deallocate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize boundary condition. Determine orienation and compute traction
+// vector at integration points.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
+				const double upDir[3])
+{ // initialize
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  assert(0 != _db);
+  double_array up(upDir, 3);
+  const int numCorners = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  const double lengthScale = _normalizer->lengthScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  // Get 'surface' cells (1 dimension lower than top-level cells)
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  // Create section for traction vector in global coordinates
+  const feassemble::CellGeometry& cellGeometry = _quadrature->refGeometry();
+  const int cellDim = _quadrature->cellDim() > 0 ? _quadrature->cellDim() : 1;
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const int spaceDim = cellGeometry.spaceDim();
+  const int fiberDim = spaceDim * numQuadPts;
+  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
+  logger.stagePush("BoundaryConditions");
+  delete _parameters;
+  _parameters =
+    new topology::Fields<topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> >(*_boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  _parameters->add("traction", "traction");
+  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& traction = _parameters->get("traction");
+  traction.newSection(cells, fiberDim);
+  traction.allocate();
+  traction.scale(pressureScale);
+  traction.vectorFieldType(topology::FieldBase::VECTOR);
+  logger.stagePop();
+  // Containers for orientation information
+  const int orientationSize = spaceDim * spaceDim;
+  const int jacobianSize = spaceDim * cellDim;
+  double_array jacobian(jacobianSize);
+  double jacobianDet = 0;
+  double_array orientation(orientationSize);
+  // Set names based on dimension of problem.
+  // 1-D problem = {'normal-traction'}
+  // 2-D problem = {'shear-traction', 'normal-traction'}
+  // 3-D problem = {'horiz-shear-traction', 'vert-shear-traction',
+  //                'normal-traction'}
+  _db->open();
+  switch (spaceDim)
+    { // switch
+    case 1 : {
+      const char* valueNames[] = {"normal-traction"};
+      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 1);
+      break;
+    } // case 1
+    case 2 : {
+      const char* valueNames[] = {"shear-traction", "normal-traction"};
+      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 2);
+      break;
+    } // case 2
+    case 3 : {
+      const char* valueNames[] = {"horiz-shear-traction",
+				  "vert-shear-traction",
+				  "normal-traction"};
+      _db->queryVals(valueNames, 3);
+      break;
+    } // case 3
+    default :
+      std::cerr << "Bad spatial dimension '" << spaceDim << "'." << std::endl;
+      assert(0);
+      throw std::logic_error("Bad spatial dimension in Neumann.");
+    } // switch
+  // Containers for database query results and quadrature coordinates in
+  // reference geometry.
+  double_array tractionDataLocal(spaceDim);
+  double_array quadPtRef(cellDim);
+  double_array quadPtsGlobal(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  const double_array& quadPtsRef = _quadrature->quadPtsRef();
+  // Container for cell tractions rotated to global coordinates.
+  double_array cellTractionsGlobal(fiberDim);
+  // Get sections.
+  double_array coordinatesCell(numCorners*spaceDim);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
+    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
+  topology::Mesh::RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, 
+						coordinatesCell.size(),
+						&coordinatesCell[0]);
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
+    _parameters->get("traction").section();
+  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
+  const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _boundaryMesh->coordsys();
+  // Compute quadrature information
+  _quadrature->initializeGeometry();
+  _quadrature->computeGeometry(*_boundaryMesh, cells);
+  // Loop over cells in boundary mesh, compute orientations, and then
+  // compute corresponding traction vector in global coordinates
+  // (store values in _tractionGlobal).
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsBegin;
+      c_iter != cellsEnd;
+      ++c_iter) {
+    // Compute geometry information for current cell
+    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
+    const double_array& quadPtsNondim = _quadrature->quadPts();
+    quadPtsGlobal = quadPtsNondim;
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(&quadPtsGlobal[0], quadPtsGlobal.size(),
+				lengthScale);
+    cellTractionsGlobal = 0.0;
+    for(int iQuad=0, iRef=0, iSpace=0; iQuad < numQuadPts;
+	++iQuad, iRef+=cellDim, iSpace+=spaceDim) {
+      // Get traction vector in local coordinate system at quadrature point
+      const int err = _db->query(&tractionDataLocal[0], spaceDim,
+				 &quadPtsGlobal[iSpace], spaceDim, cs);
+      if (err) {
+	std::ostringstream msg;
+	msg << "Could not find traction values at (";
+	for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
+	  msg << " " << quadPtsGlobal[i+iSpace];
+	msg << ") for traction boundary condition " << _label << "\n"
+	    << "using spatial database " << _db->label() << ".";
+	throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+      } // if
+      _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&tractionDataLocal[0], spaceDim,
+				     pressureScale);
+      // Compute Jacobian and determinant at quadrature point, then get
+      // orientation.
+      memcpy(&quadPtRef[0], &quadPtsRef[iRef], cellDim*sizeof(double));
+      coordsVisitor.clear();
+      subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+      cellGeometry.jacobian(&jacobian, &jacobianDet,
+			    coordinatesCell, quadPtRef);
+      cellGeometry.orientation(&orientation, jacobian, jacobianDet, up);
+      assert(jacobianDet > 0.0);
+      orientation /= jacobianDet;
+      // Rotate traction vector from local coordinate system to global
+      // coordinate system
+      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	for(int jDim = 0; jDim < spaceDim; ++jDim)
+	  cellTractionsGlobal[iDim+iSpace] +=
+	    orientation[jDim*spaceDim+iDim] * tractionDataLocal[jDim];
+      } // for
+    } // for
+      // Update tractionsGlobal
+    tractionSection->updatePoint(*c_iter, &cellTractionsGlobal[0]);
+  } // for
+  _db->close();
+} // initialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
+			     const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
+			     const double t,
+			     topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // integrateResidual
+  assert(0 != _quadrature);
+  assert(0 != _boundaryMesh);
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  // Get cell geometry information that doesn't depend on cell
+  const int numQuadPts = _quadrature->numQuadPts();
+  const double_array& quadWts = _quadrature->quadWts();
+  assert(quadWts.size() == numQuadPts);
+  const int numBasis = _quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int spaceDim = _quadrature->spaceDim();
+  // Allocate vectors for cell values.
+  _initCellVector();
+  double_array tractionsCell(numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  // Get cell information
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& subSieveMesh = _boundaryMesh->sieveMesh();
+  assert(!subSieveMesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    subSieveMesh->heightStratum(1);
+  assert(!cells.isNull());
+  const SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
+  // Get sections
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
+    _parameters->get("traction").section();
+  assert(!tractionSection.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
+  topology::SubMesh::UpdateAddVisitor residualVisitor(*residualSection,
+						      &_cellVector[0]);
+  double_array coordinatesCell(numBasis*spaceDim);
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates = 
+    subSieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates,
+				coordinatesCell.size(), &coordinatesCell[0]);
+  // Loop over faces and integrate contribution from each face
+  for (SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter=cells->begin();
+       c_iter != cellsEnd;
+       ++c_iter) {
+    _quadrature->retrieveGeometry(*c_iter);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    _quadrature->computeGeometry(coordinatesCell, *c_iter);
+    // Reset element vector to zero
+    _resetCellVector();
+    // Restrict tractions to cell
+    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter, 
+				&tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
+    // Get cell geometry information that depends on cell
+    const double_array& basis = _quadrature->basis();
+    const double_array& jacobianDet = _quadrature->jacobianDet();
+    // Compute action for traction bc terms
+    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad) {
+      const double wt = quadWts[iQuad] * jacobianDet[iQuad];
+      for (int iBasis=0; iBasis < numBasis; ++iBasis) {
+        const double valI = wt*basis[iQuad*numBasis+iBasis];
+        for (int jBasis=0; jBasis < numBasis; ++jBasis) {
+          const double valIJ = valI * basis[iQuad*numBasis+jBasis];
+          for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
+            _cellVector[iBasis*spaceDim+iDim] += 
+	      tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim] * valIJ;
+        } // for
+      } // for
+    } // for
+    // Assemble cell contribution into field
+    residualVisitor.clear();
+    subSieveMesh->updateAdd(*c_iter, residualVisitor);
+    PetscLogFlops(numQuadPts*(1+numBasis*(1+numBasis*(1+2*spaceDim))));
+  } // for
+} // integrateResidual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
+pylith::bc::Neumann::integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
+ 				       const double t,
+ 				       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // integrateJacobian
+  _needNewJacobian = false;
+} // integrateJacobian
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Verify configuration is acceptable.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const
+{ // verifyConfiguration
+  BCIntegratorSubMesh::verifyConfiguration(mesh);
+} // verifyConfiguration
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get cell field for tractions.
+const pylith::topology::Field<pylith::topology::SubMesh>&
+pylith::bc::Neumann::cellField(const char* name,
+			       topology::SolutionFields* const fields)
+{ // cellField
+  assert(0 != _parameters);
+  assert(0 != name);
+  if (0 == strcasecmp(name, "tractions")) {
+    return _parameters->get("traction");
+  } else {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Unknown field '" << name << "' requested for Neumann BC '" 
+	<< _label << "'.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // else
+  return _parameters->get("traction"); // Satisfy method definition
+} // cellField
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.cc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.hh (from rev 15331, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/bc/Neumann.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ implementation of Neumann (prescribed tractions
+ * on a surface) boundary conditions.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
+#include "BCIntegratorSubMesh.hh" // ISA BCIntegratorSubMesh
+// Neumann --------------------------------------------------------------
+class pylith::bc::Neumann : public BCIntegratorSubMesh
+{ // class Neumann
+  friend class TestNeumann; // unit testing
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Default constructor.
+  Neumann(void);
+  /// Destructor.
+  ~Neumann(void);
+  /// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
+  void deallocate(void);
+  /** Set database for boundary condition parameters.
+   *
+   * @param db Spatial database
+   */
+  void db(spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db);
+  /** Initialize boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
+   * @param upDir Direction perpendicular to horizontal surface tangent 
+   *   direction that is not collinear with surface normal.
+   */
+  void initialize(const topology::Mesh& mesh,
+		  const double upDir[3]);
+  /** Integrate contributions to residual term (r) for operator.
+   *
+   * @param residual Field containing values for residual.
+   * @param t Current time.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   */
+  void integrateResidual(const topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual,
+			 const double t,
+			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
+  /** Integrate contributions to Jacobian matrix (A) associated with
+   * operator.
+   *
+   * @param jacobian Sparse matrix for Jacobian of system.
+   * @param t Current time
+   * @param fields Solution fields
+   */
+  void integrateJacobian(topology::Jacobian* jacobian,
+			 const double t,
+			 topology::SolutionFields* const fields);
+  /** Verify configuration is acceptable.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
+   */
+  void verifyConfiguration(const topology::Mesh& mesh) const;
+  /** Get cell field with BC information.
+   *
+   * @param fieldType Type of field.
+   * @param name Name of field.
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   *
+   * @returns Traction vector at integration points.
+   */
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>&
+  cellField(const char* name,
+	    topology::SolutionFields* const fields =0);
+  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* _db; ///< Spatial database w/parameters
+  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  Neumann(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented
+  const Neumann& operator=(const Neumann&); ///< Not implemented
+}; // class Neumann
+#include "Neumann.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.hh
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.icc (from rev 15331, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann.icc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.icc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_neumann_hh)
+#error "Neumann.icc can only be included from Neumann.hh"
+// Set database for boundary condition parameters.
+pylith::bc::Neumann::db(spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db) {
+  _db = db;
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/bc/Neumann_OLD.icc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/bc/Neumann.i
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/bc/Neumann.i	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/bc/Neumann.i	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 namespace pylith {
   namespace bc {
-    class Neumann : public BCIntegratorSubMesh
+    class Neumann : public BCIntegratorSubMesh,
+		    public TimeDependent
     { // class Neumann
       // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -33,12 +34,6 @@
       /// Deallocate PETSc and local data structures.
       void deallocate(void);
-      /** Set database for boundary condition parameters.
-       *
-       * @param db Spatial database
-       */
-      void db(spatialdata::spatialdb::SpatialDB* const db);
       /** Initialize boundary condition.
        * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
@@ -88,6 +83,21 @@
       cellField(const char* name,
 		pylith::topology::SolutionFields* const fields =0);
+      // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////
+    protected :
+      /** Get label of boundary condition surface.
+       *
+       * @returns Label of surface (from mesh generator).
+       */
+      const char* _getLabel(void) const;
+      /** Get manager of scales used to nondimensionalize problem.
+       *
+       * @returns Nondimensionalizer.
+       */
+      const spatialdata::units::Nondimensional& _getNormalizer(void) const;
     }; // class Neumann
   } // bc

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/bc/Neumann.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/bc/Neumann.py	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/bc/Neumann.py	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -17,11 +17,15 @@
 ## Factory: boundary_condition
 from BoundaryCondition import BoundaryCondition
+from TimeDependent import TimeDependent
 from pylith.feassemble.Integrator import Integrator
 from bc import Neumann as ModuleNeumann
 # Neumann class
-class Neumann(BoundaryCondition, Integrator, ModuleNeumann):
+class Neumann(BoundaryCondition, 
+              TimeDependent,
+              Integrator, 
+              ModuleNeumann):
   Python object for managing traction boundary conditions.
@@ -30,40 +34,19 @@
   # INVENTORY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  class Inventory(BoundaryCondition.Inventory):
-    """
-    Python object for managing BoundaryCondition facilities and properties.
-    """
+  import pyre.inventory
+  from pylith.feassemble.Quadrature import SubMeshQuadrature
+  bcQuadrature = pyre.inventory.facility("quadrature",
+                                       factory=SubMeshQuadrature)
+  bcQuadrature.meta['tip'] = "Quadrature object for numerical integration."
+  from pylith.meshio.OutputNeumann import OutputNeumann
+  output = pyre.inventory.facility("output", family="output_manager",
+                                   factory=OutputNeumann)
+  output.meta['tip'] = "Output manager associated with diagnostic output."
-    ## @class Inventory
-    ## Python object for managing BoundaryCondition facilities and properties.
-    ##
-    ## \b Properties
-    ## @li None
-    ##
-    ## \b Facilities
-    ## @li \b quadrature Quadrature object for numerical integration
-    ## @li \b db Database of boundary condition parameters
-    ## @li \b output Output manager associated with diagnostic output.
-    import pyre.inventory
-    from pylith.feassemble.Quadrature import SubMeshQuadrature
-    quadrature = pyre.inventory.facility("quadrature",
-                                         factory=SubMeshQuadrature)
-    quadrature.meta['tip'] = "Quadrature object for numerical integration."
-    from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB import SimpleDB
-    db = pyre.inventory.facility("db", factory=SimpleDB, 
-                                 family="spatial_database")
-    db.meta['tip'] = "Database of boundary condition parameters."
-    from pylith.meshio.OutputNeumann import OutputNeumann
-    output = pyre.inventory.facility("output", family="output_manager",
-                                     factory=OutputNeumann)
-    output.meta['tip'] = "Output manager associated with diagnostic output."
   # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   def __init__(self, name="neumann"):
@@ -72,13 +55,19 @@
     BoundaryCondition.__init__(self, name)
+    TimeDependent.__init__(self)
     self._loggingPrefix = "NeBC "
     self.availableFields = \
         {'vertex': \
            {'info': [],
             'data': []},
          'cell': \
-           {'info': ["tractions"],
+           {'info': ["initial-value",
+                     "rate-of-change",
+                     "rate-start-time",
+                     "change-in-value",
+                     "change-start-time",
+                     ],
             'data': []}}
@@ -161,8 +150,8 @@
     Setup members using inventory.
-    self.bcQuadrature = self.inventory.quadrature
-    ModuleNeumann.db(self, self.inventory.db)
+    TimeDependent._configure(self)
+    self.bcQuadrature = self.inventory.bcQuadrature
     self.output = self.inventory.output

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/meshio/OutputDirichlet.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/meshio/OutputDirichlet.py	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/meshio/OutputDirichlet.py	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ## Factory: output_manager
-from OutputManager import OutputManagerSubMesh
+from OutputManagerSubMesh import OutputManagerSubMesh
 # OutputDirichlet class
 class OutputDirichlet(OutputManagerSubMesh):

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
 	TestDirichletBoundaryTet4.cc \
 	TestDirichletBoundaryHex8.cc \
 	TestNeumann.cc \
-	TestNeumann_NEW.cc \
 	TestNeumannLine2.cc \
 	TestNeumannTri3.cc \
 	TestNeumannQuad4.cc \
@@ -99,7 +98,6 @@
 	TestDirichletBoundaryTet4.hh \
 	TestDirichletBoundaryHex8.hh \
 	TestNeumann.hh \
-	TestNeumann_NEW.hh \
 	TestNeumannLine2.hh \
 	TestNeumannTri3.hh \
 	TestNeumannQuad4.hh \

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "TestNeumann.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "pylith/bc/Neumann.hh" // USES Neumann
-#include "data/NeumannData.hh" // USES NeumannData
-#include "pylith/topology/Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
-#include "pylith/feassemble/Quadrature.hh" // USES Quadrature
-#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
-#include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
-#include "pylith/topology/SolutionFields.hh" // USES SolutionFields
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USES CSCart
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleDB.hh" // USES SimpleDB
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIOAscii.hh" // USES SimpleIOAscii
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_erro
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::bc::TestNeumann );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection RealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setup testing data.
-{ // setUp
-  _data = 0;
-  _quadrature = new feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-} // setUp
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Tear down testing data.
-{ // tearDown
-  delete _data; _data = 0;
-  delete _quadrature; _quadrature = 0;
-} // tearDown
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test constructor.
-{ // testConstructor
-  Neumann bc;
-} // testConstructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test db().
-{ // testDB
-  const std::string& label = "my db";
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db(label.c_str());
-  Neumann bc;
-  bc.db(&db);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._db);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(label, std::string(bc._db->label()));
-} // testDB
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test initialize().
-{ // testInitialize
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann bc;
-  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
-  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = *bc._boundaryMesh;
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
-  // Check boundary mesh
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
-  const int cellDim = boundaryMesh.dimension();
-  const int numCorners = _data->numCorners;
-  const int spaceDim = _data->spaceDim;
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
-  const int numBoundaryVertices = submesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
-  const int numBoundaryCells = cells->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->cellDim, cellDim);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryVertices, numBoundaryVertices);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryCells, numBoundaryCells);
-  const int boundaryDepth = submesh->depth()-1; // depth of boundary cells
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& coordinates =
-    submesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, numCorners*spaceDim);
-  // coordinates->view("Mesh coordinates from TestNeumann::testInitialize");
-  const int numBasis = bc._quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int cellVertSize = _data->numCorners * spaceDim;
-  double_array cellVertices(cellVertSize);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  // check cell vertices
-  int iCell = 0;
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    const int numCorners = submesh->getNumCellCorners(*c_iter, boundaryDepth);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numCorners, numCorners);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    submesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    double vert =0.0;
-    double vertE =0.0;
-    const double* cellVertices = coordsVisitor.getValues();
-    // std::cout << "c_iter " << *c_iter << " vertex coords:" << std::endl;
-    for(int iVert = 0; iVert < numCorners; ++iVert) {
-      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	vertE = _data->cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert+iCell*cellVertSize];
-	vert = cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
-        // std::cout << "  " << cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
-	if (fabs(vertE) > 1.0)
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vert/vertE, tolerance);
-	else
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vert, vertE, tolerance);
-      } // for
-      // std::cout << std::endl;
-    } // for
-    iCell++;
-  } // for
-  // Check traction values
-  const int numQuadPts = _data->numQuadPts;
-  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
-  double_array tractionsCell(fiberDim);
-  int index = 0;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
-    bc._parameters->get("traction").section();
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter,
-				   &tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
-    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
-      for (int iDim =0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	const double tractionsCellData = _data->tractionsCell[index];
-				     tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim],
-				     tolerance);
-	++index;
-      } // for
-  } // for
-} // testInitialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test integrateResidual().
-{ // testIntegrateResidual
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann bc;
-  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
-  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
-  topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields.get("residual");
-  const double t = 0.0;
-  bc.integrateResidual(residual, t, &fields);
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh.sieveMesh();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh->depthStratum(0).isNull());
-  const double* valsE = _data->valsResidual;
-  const int totalNumVertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
-  const int sizeE = _data->spaceDim * totalNumVertices;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residualSection.isNull());
-  const double* vals = residualSection->restrictSpace();
-  const int size = residualSection->sizeWithBC();
-  //residual.view("RESIDUAL");
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  // std::cout << "computed residuals: " << std::endl;
-  for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
-    // std::cout << "  " << vals[i] << std::endl;
-    if (fabs(valsE[i]) > 1.0)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[i]/valsE[i], tolerance);
-    else
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[i], vals[i], tolerance);
-} // testIntegrateResidual
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-pylith::bc::TestNeumann::_initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-				     Neumann* const bc,
-				     topology::SolutionFields* fields) const
-{ // _initialize
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  try {
-    // Set up mesh
-    meshio::MeshIOAscii iohandler;
-    iohandler.filename(_data->meshFilename);
-    iohandler.read(mesh);
-    // Set up coordinates
-    spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart cs;
-    spatialdata::units::Nondimensional normalizer;
-    cs.setSpaceDim(mesh->dimension());
-    cs.initialize();
-    mesh->coordsys(&cs);
-    mesh->nondimensionalize(normalizer);
-    // Set up quadrature
-    _quadrature->initialize(_data->basis, _data->numQuadPts, _data->numBasis,
-			    _data->basisDerivRef, _data->numQuadPts, 
-			    _data->numBasis, _data->cellDim,
-			    _data->quadPts, _data->numQuadPts, _data->cellDim,
-			    _data->quadWts, _data->numQuadPts,
-			    _data->spaceDim);
-    // Set up database
-    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db("TestNeumann");
-    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbIO;
-    dbIO.filename(_data->spatialDBFilename);
-    db.ioHandler(&dbIO);
-    db.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::LINEAR);
-    const double upDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
-    bc->quadrature(_quadrature);
-    bc->label(_data->label);
-    bc->db(&db);
-    bc->createSubMesh(*mesh);
-    bc->initialize(*mesh, upDir);
-    // Set up fields
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
-    fields->add("residual", "residual");
-    fields->add("disp(t), bc(t+dt)", "displacement");
-    fields->solutionName("disp(t), bc(t+dt)");
-    topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields->get("residual");
-    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh->sieveMesh();
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& vertices = 
-      sieveMesh->depthStratum(0);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!vertices.isNull());
-    residual.newSection(vertices, _data->spaceDim);
-    residual.allocate();
-    residual.zero();
-    fields->copyLayout("residual");
-  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
-    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
-  } // catch
-} // _initialize
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc (from rev 15333, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "TestNeumann.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "pylith/bc/Neumann.hh" // USES Neumann
+#include "data/NeumannData.hh" // USES NeumannData
+#include "pylith/topology/Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
+#include "pylith/feassemble/Quadrature.hh" // USES Quadrature
+#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
+#include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
+#include "pylith/topology/SolutionFields.hh" // USES SolutionFields
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USES CSCart
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleDB.hh" // USES SimpleDB
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIOAscii.hh" // USES SimpleIOAscii
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/TimeHistory.hh" // USES TimeHistory
+#include "data/NeumannDataQuad4.hh" // USES NeumannDataQuad4
+#include "pylith/feassemble/GeometryLine2D.hh" // USES GeometryLine2D
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_erro
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::bc::TestNeumann );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection RealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace bc {
+    namespace _TestNeumann {
+      const double pressureScale = 4.0;
+      const double lengthScale = 1.0; // Mesh coordinates have scale=1.0
+      const double timeScale = 0.5;
+      const int ncells = 2;
+      const int numQuadPts = 2;
+      const int spaceDim = 2;
+      const double initial[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	0.3,  0.4,    0.7,  0.6,
+	1.3,  1.4,    1.7,  1.6,
+      };
+      const double rate[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	-0.2,  -0.1,   0.4, 0.3,
+	-1.2,  -1.1,   1.4, 1.3,
+      };
+      const double rateTime[ncells*numQuadPts] = {
+	0.5,   0.8,
+	0.6,   0.9,
+      };
+      const double change[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	1.3,  1.4,    1.7,  1.6,
+	2.3,  2.4,    2.7,  2.6,
+      };
+      const double changeTime[ncells*numQuadPts] = {
+	2.0,  2.4,
+	2.1,  2.5,
+      };
+      const double tValue = 2.2;
+      const double valuesRate[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	-0.34,  -0.17,  0.56,   0.42,
+	-1.92,  -1.76,  1.82,   1.69,
+      };
+      const double valuesChange[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	1.3,  1.4,   0.0,  0.0,
+	2.3,  2.4,   0.0,  0.0,
+      };
+      const double valuesChangeTH[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
+	1.3*0.98,  1.4*0.98,    0.0,  0.0,
+	2.3*0.99,  2.4*0.99,    0.0,  0.0,
+      };
+      // Check values in section against expected values.
+      static
+      void _checkValues(const double* valuesE,
+			const int fiberDimE,
+			const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& field);
+    } // _TestNeumann
+  } // bc
+} // pylith
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setup testing data.
+{ // setUp
+  _data = 0;
+  _quadrature = new feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+} // setUp
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tear down testing data.
+{ // tearDown
+  delete _data; _data = 0;
+  delete _quadrature; _quadrature = 0;
+} // tearDown
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test constructor.
+{ // testConstructor
+  Neumann bc;
+} // testConstructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _getLabel().
+{ // test_getLabel
+  Neumann bc;
+  const std::string& label = "traction bc";
+  bc.label(label.c_str());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(label, std::string(bc._getLabel()));
+} // test_getLabel
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test initialize().
+{ // testInitialize
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
+  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = *bc._boundaryMesh;
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
+  // Check boundary mesh
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
+  const int cellDim = boundaryMesh.dimension();
+  const int numCorners = _data->numCorners;
+  const int spaceDim = _data->spaceDim;
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
+  const int numBoundaryVertices = submesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
+  const int numBoundaryCells = cells->size();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->cellDim, cellDim);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryVertices, numBoundaryVertices);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryCells, numBoundaryCells);
+  const int boundaryDepth = submesh->depth()-1; // depth of boundary cells
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& coordinates =
+    submesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, numCorners*spaceDim);
+  // coordinates->view("Mesh coordinates from TestNeumann::testInitialize");
+  const int numBasis = bc._quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int cellVertSize = _data->numCorners * spaceDim;
+  double_array cellVertices(cellVertSize);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  // check cell vertices
+  int iCell = 0;
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    const int numCorners = submesh->getNumCellCorners(*c_iter, boundaryDepth);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numCorners, numCorners);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    submesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    double vert =0.0;
+    double vertE =0.0;
+    const double* cellVertices = coordsVisitor.getValues();
+    // std::cout << "c_iter " << *c_iter << " vertex coords:" << std::endl;
+    for(int iVert = 0; iVert < numCorners; ++iVert) {
+      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	vertE = _data->cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert+iCell*cellVertSize];
+	vert = cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
+        // std::cout << "  " << cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
+	if (fabs(vertE) > 1.0)
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vert/vertE, tolerance);
+	else
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vert, vertE, tolerance);
+      } // for
+      // std::cout << std::endl;
+    } // for
+    iCell++;
+  } // for
+  // Check traction values
+  const int numQuadPts = _data->numQuadPts;
+  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
+  double_array tractionsCell(fiberDim);
+  int index = 0;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
+    bc._parameters->get("initial").section();
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter,
+				   &tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
+    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
+      for (int iDim =0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	const double tractionsCellData = _data->tractionsCell[index];
+				     tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim],
+				     tolerance);
+	++index;
+      } // for
+  } // for
+} // testInitialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test integrateResidual().
+{ // testIntegrateResidual
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
+  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
+  topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields.get("residual");
+  const double t = 0.0;
+  bc.integrateResidual(residual, t, &fields);
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh.sieveMesh();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh->depthStratum(0).isNull());
+  const double* valsE = _data->valsResidual;
+  const int totalNumVertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
+  const int sizeE = _data->spaceDim * totalNumVertices;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residualSection.isNull());
+  const double* vals = residualSection->restrictSpace();
+  const int size = residualSection->sizeWithBC();
+  //residual.view("RESIDUAL");
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  // std::cout << "computed residuals: " << std::endl;
+  for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
+    // std::cout << "  " << vals[i] << std::endl;
+    if (fabs(valsE[i]) > 1.0)
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[i]/valsE[i], tolerance);
+    else
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[i], vals[i], tolerance);
+} // testIntegrateResidual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _queryDB().
+{ // testQueryDB
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann _queryDB");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
+  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
+  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
+  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  const double scale = _TestNeumann::pressureScale;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts*spaceDim;
+  const char* queryVals[spaceDim] = { "traction-shear", "traction-normal" };
+  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> initial(*bc._boundaryMesh);
+  initial.newSection(topology::FieldBase::CELLS_FIELD, fiberDim, 1);
+  initial.allocate();
+  initial.zero();
+  initial.scale(_TestNeumann::pressureScale);
+  dbInitial.open();
+  dbInitial.queryVals(queryVals, spaceDim);
+  bc._queryDB(&initial, &dbInitial, spaceDim, scale);
+  dbInitial.close();
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = initial.section();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!initialSection.isNull());
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::initial,
+				 fiberDim, initial);
+} // testQueryDB
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _queryDatabases().
+{ // test_queryDatabases
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
+  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
+  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
+  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
+  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
+  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
+  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
+  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
+  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
+  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
+  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
+  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
+  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
+  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
+  const double pressureScale = _TestNeumann::pressureScale;
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check initial values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
+    bc._parameters->get("initial");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::initial, 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, initial);
+  // Check rate values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = bc._parameters->get("rate");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::rate, 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, rate);
+  // Check rate start time.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rateTime = 
+    bc._parameters->get("rate time");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::rateTime, 
+				 numQuadPts, rateTime);
+  // Check change values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
+    bc._parameters->get("change");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::change, 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, change);
+  // Check change start time.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& changeTime = 
+    bc._parameters->get("change time");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::changeTime, 
+				 numQuadPts*1, changeTime);
+  th.close();
+} // test_queryDatabases
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _paramsLocalToGlobal().
+{ // test_paramsLocalToGlobal
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
+  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
+  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
+  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
+  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
+  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
+  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
+  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
+  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
+  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
+  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
+  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
+  const double pressureScale = _TestNeumann::pressureScale;
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  const double upDir[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+  bc._paramsLocalToGlobal(upDir);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Orientation for quad4 is +x, -y for shear and normal tractions.
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, spaceDim); 
+  const int ncells = _TestNeumann::ncells;
+  double_array valuesE(ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  // Check initial values.
+  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
+    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann::initial[i+0]; // x
+    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann::initial[i+1]; // y
+  } // for
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
+    bc._parameters->get("initial");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, initial);
+  // Check rate values.
+  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
+    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann::rate[i+0]; // x
+    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann::rate[i+1]; // y
+  } // for
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = bc._parameters->get("rate");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, rate);
+  // Check change values.
+  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
+    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann::change[i+0]; // x
+    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann::change[i+1]; // y
+  } // for
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
+    bc._parameters->get("change");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, change);
+} // test_paramsLocalToGlobal
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _calculateValue() with initial value.
+{ // test_calculateValueInitial
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
+  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
+  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
+  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann::tValue/timeScale);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
+    bc._parameters->get("value");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::initial, 
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
+} // test_calculateValueInitial
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _calculateValue() with rate.
+{ // test_calculateValueRate
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
+  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
+  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
+  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann::tValue/timeScale);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
+    bc._parameters->get("value");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::valuesRate,
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
+} // test_calculateValueRate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change.
+{ // test_calculateValueChange
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
+  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
+  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
+  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann::tValue/timeScale);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
+    bc._parameters->get("value");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::valuesChange,
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
+} // test_calculateValueChange
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change w/time history.
+{ // test_calculateValueChangeTH
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
+  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
+  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
+  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
+  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
+  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann::tValue/timeScale);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check values.
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
+    bc._parameters->get("value");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(_TestNeumann::valuesChangeTH,
+				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
+} // test_calculateValueChangeTH
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _calculateValue() with initial, rate, and temporal change w/time history.
+{ // test_calculateValueAll
+  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
+  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
+  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
+  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
+  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
+  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
+  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
+  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
+  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
+  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
+  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann _queryDatabases");
+  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
+  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
+  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
+  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
+  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
+  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann::timeScale;
+  bc._queryDatabases();
+  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann::tValue/timeScale);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann::spaceDim;
+  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann::numQuadPts;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  // Check values.
+  const int ncells = _TestNeumann::ncells;
+  double_array valuesE(ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim);
+  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); ++i)
+    valuesE[i] = 
+      _TestNeumann::initial[i] +
+      _TestNeumann::valuesRate[i] +
+      _TestNeumann::valuesChangeTH[i];
+  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
+    bc._parameters->get("value");
+  _TestNeumann::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
+} // test_calculateValueAll
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+pylith::bc::TestNeumann::_preinitialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+					    Neumann* const bc,
+					    const bool useScales) const
+{ // _initialize
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
+  try {
+    // Set up mesh
+    meshio::MeshIOAscii iohandler;
+    iohandler.filename(_data->meshFilename);
+    iohandler.read(mesh);
+    // Set up coordinates
+    spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart cs;
+    cs.setSpaceDim(mesh->dimension());
+    cs.initialize();
+    spatialdata::units::Nondimensional normalizer;
+    if (useScales) {
+      normalizer.lengthScale(_TestNeumann::lengthScale);
+      normalizer.pressureScale(_TestNeumann::pressureScale);
+      normalizer.timeScale(_TestNeumann::timeScale);
+    } // if
+    mesh->coordsys(&cs);
+    mesh->nondimensionalize(normalizer);
+    // Set up quadrature
+    _quadrature->initialize(_data->basis, _data->numQuadPts, _data->numBasis,
+			    _data->basisDerivRef, _data->numQuadPts, 
+			    _data->numBasis, _data->cellDim,
+			    _data->quadPts, _data->numQuadPts, _data->cellDim,
+			    _data->quadWts, _data->numQuadPts,
+			    _data->spaceDim);
+    bc->quadrature(_quadrature);
+    bc->label(_data->label);
+    bc->normalizer(normalizer);
+    bc->createSubMesh(*mesh);
+  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
+  } // catch
+} // _preinitialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+pylith::bc::TestNeumann::_initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+				     Neumann* const bc,
+				     topology::SolutionFields* fields) const
+{ // _initialize
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  try {
+    _preinitialize(mesh, bc);
+    // Set up database
+    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db("TestNeumann");
+    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbIO;
+    dbIO.filename(_data->spatialDBFilename);
+    db.ioHandler(&dbIO);
+    db.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::LINEAR);
+    const double upDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+    bc->dbInitial(&db);
+    bc->initialize(*mesh, upDir);
+    // Set up fields
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
+    fields->add("residual", "residual");
+    fields->add("disp(t), bc(t+dt)", "displacement");
+    fields->solutionName("disp(t), bc(t+dt)");
+    topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields->get("residual");
+    residual.newSection(topology::FieldBase::VERTICES_FIELD, _data->spaceDim);
+    residual.allocate();
+    residual.zero();
+    fields->copyLayout("residual");
+  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
+  } // catch
+} // _initialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check values in section against expected values.
+pylith::bc::_TestNeumann::_checkValues(const double* valuesE,
+					   const int fiberDimE,
+					   const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& field)
+{ // _checkValues
+  assert(0 != valuesE);
+  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = field.mesh();
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& section = field.section();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!section.isNull());
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
+    submesh->heightStratum(1);
+  const double scale = field.scale();
+  const size_t ncells = _TestNeumann::ncells;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ncells, cells->size());
+  // Check values associated with BC.
+  int icell = 0;
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter, ++icell) {
+    const int fiberDim = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(fiberDimE, fiberDim);
+    const double* values = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
+    for (int iDim=0; iDim < fiberDimE; ++iDim)
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valuesE[icell*fiberDimE+iDim]/scale,
+				   values[iDim], tolerance);
+  } // for
+} // _checkValues
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * @file unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ TestNeumann object.
- *
- * C++ unit testing for Neumann.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_testneumann_hh)
-#define pylith_bc_testneumann_hh
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "pylith/bc/bcfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include "pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include "pylith/feassemble/feassemblefwd.hh" // forward declarations
-/// Namespace for pylith package
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace bc {
-    class TestNeumann;
-    class NeumannData; // HOLDSA NeumannData
-  } // bc
-} // pylith
-/// C++ unit testing for Neumann.
-class pylith::bc::TestNeumann : public CppUnit::TestFixture
-{ // class TestNeumann
-  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumann );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDB );
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Setup testing data.
-  void setUp(void);
-  /// Tear down testing data.
-  void tearDown(void);
-  /// Test constructor.
-  void testConstructor(void);
-  /// Test db()
-  void testDB(void);
-  /// Test initialize().
-  void testInitialize(void);
-  /// Test integrateResidual().
-  void testIntegrateResidual(void);
-  // PROTECTED MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  NeumannData* _data; ///< Data for testing
-  feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>* _quadrature; ///< Used in testing.
-  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Initialize Neumann boundary condition.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
-   * @param bc Neumann boundary condition to initialize.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   */
-  void _initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-		   Neumann* const bc,
-		   topology::SolutionFields* fields) const;
-}; // class TestNeumann
-#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh (from rev 15333, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @file unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ TestNeumann object.
+ *
+ * C++ unit testing for Neumann.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_testneumann_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_testneumann_hh
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include "pylith/bc/bcfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "pylith/feassemble/feassemblefwd.hh" // forward declarations
+/// Namespace for pylith package
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace bc {
+    class TestNeumann;
+    class NeumannData; // HOLDSA NeumannData
+  } // bc
+} // pylith
+/// C++ unit testing for Neumann.
+class pylith::bc::TestNeumann : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+{ // class TestNeumann
+  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_getLabel );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_queryDB );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_queryDatabases );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_paramsLocalToGlobal );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueInitial );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueRate );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueChange );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueChangeTH );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueAll );
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Setup testing data.
+  void setUp(void);
+  /// Tear down testing data.
+  void tearDown(void);
+  /// Test constructor.
+  void testConstructor(void);
+  /// Test db()
+  void testDB(void);
+  /// Test initialize().
+  void testInitialize(void);
+  /// Test integrateResidual().
+  void testIntegrateResidual(void);
+  /// Test _getLabel().
+  void test_getLabel(void);
+  /// Test _queryDB().
+  void test_queryDB(void);
+  /// Test _queryDatabases().
+  void test_queryDatabases(void);
+  /// Test _paramsLocalToGlobal().
+  void test_paramsLocalToGlobal(void);
+  /// Test _calculateValue() with initial value.
+  void test_calculateValueInitial(void);
+  /// Test _calculateValue() with rate.
+  void test_calculateValueRate(void);
+  /// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change.
+  void test_calculateValueChange(void);
+  /// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change w/time history.
+  void test_calculateValueChangeTH(void);
+  /// Test _calculateValue() with initial, rate, and temporal change
+  /// w/time history.
+  void test_calculateValueAll(void);
+  // PROTECTED MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  NeumannData* _data; ///< Data for testing
+  feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>* _quadrature; ///< Used in testing.
+  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /** Do minimal initialization of Neumann boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
+   * @param bc Neumann boundary condition to initialize.
+   * @param useScales Use scales provided by local constants.
+   */
+  void _preinitialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+		      Neumann* const bc,
+		      const bool useScales =false) const;
+  /** Initialize Neumann boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
+   * @param bc Neumann boundary condition to initialize.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   */
+  void _initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+		   Neumann* const bc,
+		   topology::SolutionFields* fields) const;
+}; // class TestNeumann
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannHex8.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannHex8.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannHex8.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
 { // class TestNeumann
   // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( TestNeumannHex8, TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumannHex8 );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testInitialize );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testIntegrateResidual );
   // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannLine2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannLine2.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannLine2.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
 { // class TestNeumann
   // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( TestNeumannLine2, TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumannLine2 );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testInitialize );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testIntegrateResidual );
   // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannQuad4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannQuad4.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannQuad4.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
 { // class TestNeumann
   // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( TestNeumannQuad4, TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumannQuad4 );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testInitialize );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testIntegrateResidual );
   // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTet4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTet4.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTet4.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
 { // class TestNeumann
   // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( TestNeumannTet4, TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumannTet4 );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testInitialize );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testIntegrateResidual );
   // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTri3.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTri3.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumannTri3.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
 { // class TestNeumann
   // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUB_SUITE( TestNeumannTri3, TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumannTri3 );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testInitialize );
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testIntegrateResidual );
   // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.cc	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "TestNeumann_NEW.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "pylith/bc/Neumann_NEW.hh" // USES Neumann_NEW
-#include "data/NeumannData.hh" // USES NeumannData
-#include "pylith/topology/Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
-#include "pylith/feassemble/Quadrature.hh" // USES Quadrature
-#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
-#include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
-#include "pylith/topology/SolutionFields.hh" // USES SolutionFields
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USES CSCart
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleDB.hh" // USES SimpleDB
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIOAscii.hh" // USES SimpleIOAscii
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/TimeHistory.hh" // USES TimeHistory
-#include "data/NeumannDataQuad4.hh" // USES NeumannDataQuad4
-#include "pylith/feassemble/GeometryLine2D.hh" // USES GeometryLine2D
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_erro
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection RealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace bc {
-    namespace _TestNeumann_NEW {
-      const double pressureScale = 4.0;
-      const double lengthScale = 1.0; // Mesh coordinates have scale=1.0
-      const double timeScale = 0.5;
-      const int ncells = 2;
-      const int numQuadPts = 2;
-      const int spaceDim = 2;
-      const double initial[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	0.3,  0.4,    0.7,  0.6,
-	1.3,  1.4,    1.7,  1.6,
-      };
-      const double rate[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	-0.2,  -0.1,   0.4, 0.3,
-	-1.2,  -1.1,   1.4, 1.3,
-      };
-      const double rateTime[ncells*numQuadPts] = {
-	0.5,   0.8,
-	0.6,   0.9,
-      };
-      const double change[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	1.3,  1.4,    1.7,  1.6,
-	2.3,  2.4,    2.7,  2.6,
-      };
-      const double changeTime[ncells*numQuadPts] = {
-	2.0,  2.4,
-	2.1,  2.5,
-      };
-      const double tValue = 2.2;
-      const double valuesRate[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	-0.34,  -0.17,  0.56,   0.42,
-	-1.92,  -1.76,  1.82,   1.69,
-      };
-      const double valuesChange[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	1.3,  1.4,   0.0,  0.0,
-	2.3,  2.4,   0.0,  0.0,
-      };
-      const double valuesChangeTH[ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim] = {
-	1.3*0.98,  1.4*0.98,    0.0,  0.0,
-	2.3*0.99,  2.4*0.99,    0.0,  0.0,
-      };
-      // Check values in section against expected values.
-      static
-      void _checkValues(const double* valuesE,
-			const int fiberDimE,
-			const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& field);
-    } // _TestNeumann_NEW
-  } // bc
-} // pylith
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setup testing data.
-{ // setUp
-  _data = 0;
-  _quadrature = new feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-} // setUp
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Tear down testing data.
-{ // tearDown
-  delete _data; _data = 0;
-  delete _quadrature; _quadrature = 0;
-} // tearDown
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test constructor.
-{ // testConstructor
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-} // testConstructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _getLabel().
-{ // test_getLabel
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  const std::string& label = "traction bc";
-  bc.label(label.c_str());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(label, std::string(bc._getLabel()));
-} // test_getLabel
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test initialize().
-{ // testInitialize
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
-  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = *bc._boundaryMesh;
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
-  // Check boundary mesh
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
-  const int cellDim = boundaryMesh.dimension();
-  const int numCorners = _data->numCorners;
-  const int spaceDim = _data->spaceDim;
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
-  const int numBoundaryVertices = submesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
-  const int numBoundaryCells = cells->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->cellDim, cellDim);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryVertices, numBoundaryVertices);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryCells, numBoundaryCells);
-  const int boundaryDepth = submesh->depth()-1; // depth of boundary cells
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& coordinates =
-    submesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, numCorners*spaceDim);
-  // coordinates->view("Mesh coordinates from TestNeumann_NEW::testInitialize");
-  const int numBasis = bc._quadrature->numBasis();
-  const int cellVertSize = _data->numCorners * spaceDim;
-  double_array cellVertices(cellVertSize);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  // check cell vertices
-  int iCell = 0;
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    const int numCorners = submesh->getNumCellCorners(*c_iter, boundaryDepth);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numCorners, numCorners);
-    coordsVisitor.clear();
-    submesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
-    double vert =0.0;
-    double vertE =0.0;
-    const double* cellVertices = coordsVisitor.getValues();
-    // std::cout << "c_iter " << *c_iter << " vertex coords:" << std::endl;
-    for(int iVert = 0; iVert < numCorners; ++iVert) {
-      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	vertE = _data->cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert+iCell*cellVertSize];
-	vert = cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
-        // std::cout << "  " << cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
-	if (fabs(vertE) > 1.0)
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vert/vertE, tolerance);
-	else
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vert, vertE, tolerance);
-      } // for
-      // std::cout << std::endl;
-    } // for
-    iCell++;
-  } // for
-  // Check traction values
-  const int numQuadPts = _data->numQuadPts;
-  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
-  double_array tractionsCell(fiberDim);
-  int index = 0;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
-    bc._parameters->get("initial").section();
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter,
-				   &tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
-    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
-      for (int iDim =0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
-	const double tractionsCellData = _data->tractionsCell[index];
-				     tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim],
-				     tolerance);
-	++index;
-      } // for
-  } // for
-} // testInitialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test integrateResidual().
-{ // testIntegrateResidual
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
-  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
-  topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields.get("residual");
-  const double t = 0.0;
-  bc.integrateResidual(residual, t, &fields);
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh.sieveMesh();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh->depthStratum(0).isNull());
-  const double* valsE = _data->valsResidual;
-  const int totalNumVertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
-  const int sizeE = _data->spaceDim * totalNumVertices;
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residualSection.isNull());
-  const double* vals = residualSection->restrictSpace();
-  const int size = residualSection->sizeWithBC();
-  //residual.view("RESIDUAL");
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  // std::cout << "computed residuals: " << std::endl;
-  for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
-    // std::cout << "  " << vals[i] << std::endl;
-    if (fabs(valsE[i]) > 1.0)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[i]/valsE[i], tolerance);
-    else
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[i], vals[i], tolerance);
-} // testIntegrateResidual
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _queryDB().
-{ // testQueryDB
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDB");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
-  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
-  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
-  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  const double scale = _TestNeumann_NEW::pressureScale;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts*spaceDim;
-  const char* queryVals[spaceDim] = { "traction-shear", "traction-normal" };
-  topology::Field<topology::SubMesh> initial(*bc._boundaryMesh);
-  initial.newSection(topology::FieldBase::CELLS_FIELD, fiberDim, 1);
-  initial.allocate();
-  initial.zero();
-  initial.scale(_TestNeumann_NEW::pressureScale);
-  dbInitial.open();
-  dbInitial.queryVals(queryVals, spaceDim);
-  bc._queryDB(&initial, &dbInitial, spaceDim, scale);
-  dbInitial.close();
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& initialSection = initial.section();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!initialSection.isNull());
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::initial,
-				 fiberDim, initial);
-} // testQueryDB
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _queryDatabases().
-{ // test_queryDatabases
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
-  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
-  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
-  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
-  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
-  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
-  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
-  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
-  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
-  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
-  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
-  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
-  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
-  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
-  const double pressureScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::pressureScale;
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check initial values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
-    bc._parameters->get("initial");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::initial, 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, initial);
-  // Check rate values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = bc._parameters->get("rate");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::rate, 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, rate);
-  // Check rate start time.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rateTime = 
-    bc._parameters->get("rate time");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::rateTime, 
-				 numQuadPts, rateTime);
-  // Check change values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
-    bc._parameters->get("change");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::change, 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, change);
-  // Check change start time.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& changeTime = 
-    bc._parameters->get("change time");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::changeTime, 
-				 numQuadPts*1, changeTime);
-  th.close();
-} // test_queryDatabases
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _paramsLocalToGlobal().
-{ // test_paramsLocalToGlobal
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
-  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
-  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
-  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
-  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
-  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
-  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
-  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
-  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
-  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
-  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
-  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
-  const double pressureScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::pressureScale;
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  const double upDir[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
-  bc._paramsLocalToGlobal(upDir);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Orientation for quad4 is +x, -y for shear and normal tractions.
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, spaceDim); 
-  const int ncells = _TestNeumann_NEW::ncells;
-  double_array valuesE(ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  // Check initial values.
-  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
-    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann_NEW::initial[i+0]; // x
-    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann_NEW::initial[i+1]; // y
-  } // for
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& initial = 
-    bc._parameters->get("initial");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, initial);
-  // Check rate values.
-  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
-    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann_NEW::rate[i+0]; // x
-    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann_NEW::rate[i+1]; // y
-  } // for
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& rate = bc._parameters->get("rate");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, rate);
-  // Check change values.
-  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); i+=spaceDim) {
-    valuesE[i+0] = _TestNeumann_NEW::change[i+0]; // x
-    valuesE[i+1] = -_TestNeumann_NEW::change[i+1]; // y
-  } // for
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& change = 
-    bc._parameters->get("change");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, change);
-} // test_paramsLocalToGlobal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _calculateValue() with initial value.
-{ // test_calculateValueInitial
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
-  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
-  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
-  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann_NEW::tValue/timeScale);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
-    bc._parameters->get("value");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::initial, 
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
-} // test_calculateValueInitial
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _calculateValue() with rate.
-{ // test_calculateValueRate
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
-  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
-  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
-  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann_NEW::tValue/timeScale);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
-    bc._parameters->get("value");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::valuesRate,
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
-} // test_calculateValueRate
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change.
-{ // test_calculateValueChange
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
-  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
-  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
-  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann_NEW::tValue/timeScale);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
-    bc._parameters->get("value");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::valuesChange,
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
-} // test_calculateValueChange
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change w/time history.
-{ // test_calculateValueChangeTH
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
-  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
-  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
-  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
-  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
-  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann_NEW::tValue/timeScale);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check values.
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
-    bc._parameters->get("value");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(_TestNeumann_NEW::valuesChangeTH,
-				 numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
-} // test_calculateValueChangeTH
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _calculateValue() with initial, rate, and temporal change w/time history.
-{ // test_calculateValueAll
-  _data = new NeumannDataQuad4();
-  feassemble::GeometryLine2D geometry;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  _quadrature->refGeometry(&geometry);
-  topology::Mesh mesh;
-  Neumann_NEW bc;
-  _preinitialize(&mesh, &bc, true);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbInitial("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbInitialIO;
-  dbInitialIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_initial.spatialdb");
-  dbInitial.ioHandler(&dbInitialIO);
-  dbInitial.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbRate("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbRateIO;
-  dbRateIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_rate.spatialdb");
-  dbRate.ioHandler(&dbRateIO);
-  dbRate.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB dbChange("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbChangeIO;
-  dbChangeIO.filename("data/quad4_traction_change.spatialdb");
-  dbChange.ioHandler(&dbChangeIO);
-  dbChange.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::NEAREST);
-  spatialdata::spatialdb::TimeHistory th("_TestNeumann_NEW _queryDatabases");
-  th.filename("data/quad4_traction.timedb");
-  bc.dbInitial(&dbInitial);
-  bc.dbRate(&dbRate);
-  bc.dbChange(&dbChange);
-  bc.dbTimeHistory(&th);
-  const double timeScale = _TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale;
-  bc._queryDatabases();
-  bc._calculateValue(_TestNeumann_NEW::tValue/timeScale);
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int spaceDim = _TestNeumann_NEW::spaceDim;
-  const int numQuadPts = _TestNeumann_NEW::numQuadPts;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
-  // Check values.
-  const int ncells = _TestNeumann_NEW::ncells;
-  double_array valuesE(ncells*numQuadPts*spaceDim);
-  for (int i=0; i < valuesE.size(); ++i)
-    valuesE[i] = 
-      _TestNeumann_NEW::initial[i] +
-      _TestNeumann_NEW::valuesRate[i] +
-      _TestNeumann_NEW::valuesChangeTH[i];
-  const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& value = 
-    bc._parameters->get("value");
-  _TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(&valuesE[0], numQuadPts*spaceDim, value);
-} // test_calculateValueAll
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-pylith::bc::TestNeumann_NEW::_preinitialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-					    Neumann_NEW* const bc,
-					    const bool useScales) const
-{ // _initialize
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
-  try {
-    // Set up mesh
-    meshio::MeshIOAscii iohandler;
-    iohandler.filename(_data->meshFilename);
-    iohandler.read(mesh);
-    // Set up coordinates
-    spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart cs;
-    cs.setSpaceDim(mesh->dimension());
-    cs.initialize();
-    spatialdata::units::Nondimensional normalizer;
-    if (useScales) {
-      normalizer.lengthScale(_TestNeumann_NEW::lengthScale);
-      normalizer.pressureScale(_TestNeumann_NEW::pressureScale);
-      normalizer.timeScale(_TestNeumann_NEW::timeScale);
-    } // if
-    mesh->coordsys(&cs);
-    mesh->nondimensionalize(normalizer);
-    // Set up quadrature
-    _quadrature->initialize(_data->basis, _data->numQuadPts, _data->numBasis,
-			    _data->basisDerivRef, _data->numQuadPts, 
-			    _data->numBasis, _data->cellDim,
-			    _data->quadPts, _data->numQuadPts, _data->cellDim,
-			    _data->quadWts, _data->numQuadPts,
-			    _data->spaceDim);
-    bc->quadrature(_quadrature);
-    bc->label(_data->label);
-    bc->normalizer(normalizer);
-    bc->createSubMesh(*mesh);
-  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
-    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
-  } // catch
-} // _preinitialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-pylith::bc::TestNeumann_NEW::_initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-				     Neumann_NEW* const bc,
-				     topology::SolutionFields* fields) const
-{ // _initialize
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
-  try {
-    _preinitialize(mesh, bc);
-    // Set up database
-    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db("TestNeumann_NEW");
-    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbIO;
-    dbIO.filename(_data->spatialDBFilename);
-    db.ioHandler(&dbIO);
-    db.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::LINEAR);
-    const double upDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
-    bc->dbInitial(&db);
-    bc->initialize(*mesh, upDir);
-    // Set up fields
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
-    fields->add("residual", "residual");
-    fields->add("disp(t), bc(t+dt)", "displacement");
-    fields->solutionName("disp(t), bc(t+dt)");
-    topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields->get("residual");
-    residual.newSection(topology::FieldBase::VERTICES_FIELD, _data->spaceDim);
-    residual.allocate();
-    residual.zero();
-    fields->copyLayout("residual");
-  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
-    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
-  } // catch
-} // _initialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Check values in section against expected values.
-pylith::bc::_TestNeumann_NEW::_checkValues(const double* valuesE,
-					   const int fiberDimE,
-					   const topology::Field<topology::SubMesh>& field)
-{ // _checkValues
-  assert(0 != valuesE);
-  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = field.mesh();
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& section = field.section();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!section.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    submesh->heightStratum(1);
-  const double scale = field.scale();
-  const size_t ncells = _TestNeumann_NEW::ncells;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ncells, cells->size());
-  // Check values associated with BC.
-  int icell = 0;
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter, ++icell) {
-    const int fiberDim = section->getFiberDimension(*c_iter);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(fiberDimE, fiberDim);
-    const double* values = section->restrictPoint(*c_iter);
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < fiberDimE; ++iDim)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valuesE[icell*fiberDimE+iDim]/scale,
-				   values[iDim], tolerance);
-  } // for
-} // _checkValues
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.hh	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//                           Brad T. Aagaard
-//                        U.S. Geological Survey
-// {LicenseText}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * @file unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_NEW.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ TestNeumann_NEW object.
- *
- * C++ unit testing for Neumann_NEW.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_bc_testneumann_hh)
-#define pylith_bc_testneumann_hh
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "pylith/bc/bcfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include "pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include "pylith/feassemble/feassemblefwd.hh" // forward declarations
-/// Namespace for pylith package
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace bc {
-    class TestNeumann_NEW;
-    class NeumannData; // HOLDSA NeumannData
-  } // bc
-} // pylith
-/// C++ unit testing for Neumann_NEW.
-class pylith::bc::TestNeumann_NEW : public CppUnit::TestFixture
-{ // class TestNeumann_NEW
-  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_getLabel );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_queryDB );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_queryDatabases );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_paramsLocalToGlobal );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueInitial );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueRate );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueChange );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueChangeTH );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calculateValueAll );
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Setup testing data.
-  void setUp(void);
-  /// Tear down testing data.
-  void tearDown(void);
-  /// Test constructor.
-  void testConstructor(void);
-  /// Test db()
-  void testDB(void);
-  /// Test initialize().
-  void testInitialize(void);
-  /// Test integrateResidual().
-  void testIntegrateResidual(void);
-  /// Test _getLabel().
-  void test_getLabel(void);
-  /// Test _queryDB().
-  void test_queryDB(void);
-  /// Test _queryDatabases().
-  void test_queryDatabases(void);
-  /// Test _paramsLocalToGlobal().
-  void test_paramsLocalToGlobal(void);
-  /// Test _calculateValue() with initial value.
-  void test_calculateValueInitial(void);
-  /// Test _calculateValue() with rate.
-  void test_calculateValueRate(void);
-  /// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change.
-  void test_calculateValueChange(void);
-  /// Test _calculateValue() with temporal change w/time history.
-  void test_calculateValueChangeTH(void);
-  /// Test _calculateValue() with initial, rate, and temporal change
-  /// w/time history.
-  void test_calculateValueAll(void);
-  // PROTECTED MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  NeumannData* _data; ///< Data for testing
-  feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>* _quadrature; ///< Used in testing.
-  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Do minimal initialization of Neumann_NEW boundary condition.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
-   * @param bc Neumann_NEW boundary condition to initialize.
-   * @param useScales Use scales provided by local constants.
-   */
-  void _preinitialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-		      Neumann_NEW* const bc,
-		      const bool useScales =false) const;
-  /** Initialize Neumann_NEW boundary condition.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
-   * @param bc Neumann_NEW boundary condition to initialize.
-   * @param fields Solution fields.
-   */
-  void _initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-		   Neumann_NEW* const bc,
-		   topology::SolutionFields* fields) const;
-}; // class TestNeumann_NEW
-#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
-// End of file 

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.cc (from rev 15331, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.cc	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "TestNeumann.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "pylith/bc/Neumann.hh" // USES Neumann
+#include "data/NeumannData.hh" // USES NeumannData
+#include "pylith/topology/Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
+#include "pylith/feassemble/Quadrature.hh" // USES Quadrature
+#include "pylith/topology/SubMesh.hh" // USES SubMesh
+#include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
+#include "pylith/topology/SolutionFields.hh" // USES SolutionFields
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USES CSCart
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleDB.hh" // USES SimpleDB
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIOAscii.hh" // USES SimpleIOAscii
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_erro
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::bc::TestNeumann );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection RealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::SieveMesh SieveSubMesh;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RealSection SubRealSection;
+typedef pylith::topology::SubMesh::RestrictVisitor RestrictVisitor;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setup testing data.
+{ // setUp
+  _data = 0;
+  _quadrature = new feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+} // setUp
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tear down testing data.
+{ // tearDown
+  delete _data; _data = 0;
+  delete _quadrature; _quadrature = 0;
+} // tearDown
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test constructor.
+{ // testConstructor
+  Neumann bc;
+} // testConstructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test db().
+{ // testDB
+  const std::string& label = "my db";
+  spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db(label.c_str());
+  Neumann bc;
+  bc.db(&db);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._db);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(label, std::string(bc._db->label()));
+} // testDB
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test initialize().
+{ // testInitialize
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
+  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  const topology::SubMesh& boundaryMesh = *bc._boundaryMesh;
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh>& submesh = boundaryMesh.sieveMesh();
+  // Check boundary mesh
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!submesh.isNull());
+  const int cellDim = boundaryMesh.dimension();
+  const int numCorners = _data->numCorners;
+  const int spaceDim = _data->spaceDim;
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveSubMesh::label_sequence>& cells = submesh->heightStratum(1);
+  const int numBoundaryVertices = submesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
+  const int numBoundaryCells = cells->size();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->cellDim, cellDim);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryVertices, numBoundaryVertices);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numBoundaryCells, numBoundaryCells);
+  const int boundaryDepth = submesh->depth()-1; // depth of boundary cells
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& coordinates =
+    submesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
+  RestrictVisitor coordsVisitor(*coordinates, numCorners*spaceDim);
+  // coordinates->view("Mesh coordinates from TestNeumann::testInitialize");
+  const int numBasis = bc._quadrature->numBasis();
+  const int cellVertSize = _data->numCorners * spaceDim;
+  double_array cellVertices(cellVertSize);
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  // check cell vertices
+  int iCell = 0;
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    const int numCorners = submesh->getNumCellCorners(*c_iter, boundaryDepth);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(_data->numCorners, numCorners);
+    coordsVisitor.clear();
+    submesh->restrictClosure(*c_iter, coordsVisitor);
+    double vert =0.0;
+    double vertE =0.0;
+    const double* cellVertices = coordsVisitor.getValues();
+    // std::cout << "c_iter " << *c_iter << " vertex coords:" << std::endl;
+    for(int iVert = 0; iVert < numCorners; ++iVert) {
+      for(int iDim = 0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	vertE = _data->cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert+iCell*cellVertSize];
+	vert = cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
+        // std::cout << "  " << cellVertices[iDim+spaceDim*iVert];
+	if (fabs(vertE) > 1.0)
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vert/vertE, tolerance);
+	else
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vert, vertE, tolerance);
+      } // for
+      // std::cout << std::endl;
+    } // for
+    iCell++;
+  } // for
+  // Check traction values
+  const int numQuadPts = _data->numQuadPts;
+  const int fiberDim = numQuadPts * spaceDim;
+  double_array tractionsCell(fiberDim);
+  int index = 0;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc._parameters);
+  const ALE::Obj<SubRealSection>& tractionSection =
+    bc._parameters->get("traction").section();
+  for(SieveSubMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
+      c_iter != cells->end();
+      ++c_iter) {
+    tractionSection->restrictPoint(*c_iter,
+				   &tractionsCell[0], tractionsCell.size());
+    for (int iQuad=0; iQuad < numQuadPts; ++iQuad)
+      for (int iDim =0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim) {
+	const double tractionsCellData = _data->tractionsCell[index];
+				     tractionsCell[iQuad*spaceDim+iDim],
+				     tolerance);
+	++index;
+      } // for
+  } // for
+} // testInitialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test integrateResidual().
+{ // testIntegrateResidual
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  topology::Mesh mesh;
+  Neumann bc;
+  topology::SolutionFields fields(mesh);
+  _initialize(&mesh, &bc, &fields);
+  topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields.get("residual");
+  const double t = 0.0;
+  bc.integrateResidual(residual, t, &fields);
+  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh.sieveMesh();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh->depthStratum(0).isNull());
+  const double* valsE = _data->valsResidual;
+  const int totalNumVertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
+  const int sizeE = _data->spaceDim * totalNumVertices;
+  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& residualSection = residual.section();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!residualSection.isNull());
+  const double* vals = residualSection->restrictSpace();
+  const int size = residualSection->sizeWithBC();
+  //residual.view("RESIDUAL");
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  // std::cout << "computed residuals: " << std::endl;
+  for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
+    // std::cout << "  " << vals[i] << std::endl;
+    if (fabs(valsE[i]) > 1.0)
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[i]/valsE[i], tolerance);
+    else
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[i], vals[i], tolerance);
+} // testIntegrateResidual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+pylith::bc::TestNeumann::_initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+				     Neumann* const bc,
+				     topology::SolutionFields* fields) const
+{ // _initialize
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _data);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != mesh);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != bc);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _quadrature);
+  try {
+    // Set up mesh
+    meshio::MeshIOAscii iohandler;
+    iohandler.filename(_data->meshFilename);
+    iohandler.read(mesh);
+    // Set up coordinates
+    spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart cs;
+    spatialdata::units::Nondimensional normalizer;
+    cs.setSpaceDim(mesh->dimension());
+    cs.initialize();
+    mesh->coordsys(&cs);
+    mesh->nondimensionalize(normalizer);
+    // Set up quadrature
+    _quadrature->initialize(_data->basis, _data->numQuadPts, _data->numBasis,
+			    _data->basisDerivRef, _data->numQuadPts, 
+			    _data->numBasis, _data->cellDim,
+			    _data->quadPts, _data->numQuadPts, _data->cellDim,
+			    _data->quadWts, _data->numQuadPts,
+			    _data->spaceDim);
+    // Set up database
+    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB db("TestNeumann");
+    spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleIOAscii dbIO;
+    dbIO.filename(_data->spatialDBFilename);
+    db.ioHandler(&dbIO);
+    db.queryType(spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleDB::LINEAR);
+    const double upDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+    bc->quadrature(_quadrature);
+    bc->label(_data->label);
+    bc->db(&db);
+    bc->createSubMesh(*mesh);
+    bc->initialize(*mesh, upDir);
+    // Set up fields
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != fields);
+    fields->add("residual", "residual");
+    fields->add("disp(t), bc(t+dt)", "displacement");
+    fields->solutionName("disp(t), bc(t+dt)");
+    topology::Field<topology::Mesh>& residual = fields->get("residual");
+    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh->sieveMesh();
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& vertices = 
+      sieveMesh->depthStratum(0);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!vertices.isNull());
+    residual.newSection(vertices, _data->spaceDim);
+    residual.allocate();
+    residual.zero();
+    fields->copyLayout("residual");
+  } catch (const ALE::Exception& err) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(err.msg());
+  } // catch
+} // _initialize
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.cc
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.hh (from rev 15331, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.hh	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @file unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ TestNeumann object.
+ *
+ * C++ unit testing for Neumann.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_bc_testneumann_hh)
+#define pylith_bc_testneumann_hh
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include "pylith/bc/bcfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "pylith/feassemble/feassemblefwd.hh" // forward declarations
+/// Namespace for pylith package
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace bc {
+    class TestNeumann;
+    class NeumannData; // HOLDSA NeumannData
+  } // bc
+} // pylith
+/// C++ unit testing for Neumann.
+class pylith::bc::TestNeumann : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+{ // class TestNeumann
+  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestNeumann );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDB );
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Setup testing data.
+  void setUp(void);
+  /// Tear down testing data.
+  void tearDown(void);
+  /// Test constructor.
+  void testConstructor(void);
+  /// Test db()
+  void testDB(void);
+  /// Test initialize().
+  void testInitialize(void);
+  /// Test integrateResidual().
+  void testIntegrateResidual(void);
+  // PROTECTED MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  NeumannData* _data; ///< Data for testing
+  feassemble::Quadrature<topology::SubMesh>* _quadrature; ///< Used in testing.
+  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /** Initialize Neumann boundary condition.
+   *
+   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh to initialize
+   * @param bc Neumann boundary condition to initialize.
+   * @param fields Solution fields.
+   */
+  void _initialize(topology::Mesh* mesh,
+		   Neumann* const bc,
+		   topology::SolutionFields* fields) const;
+}; // class TestNeumann
+#endif // pylith_bc_neumann_hh
+// End of file 

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/TestNeumann_OLD.hh
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 	tri3_disp2.spatialdb \
 	tri3_vel2.spatialdb \
 	tri3_tractions.spatialdb \
-	tri3_tractions_NEW.spatialdb \
 	tri3_force.spatialdb \
 	tri3_force_rate.spatialdb \
 	tri3_force_change.spatialdb \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b_traction.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b_traction.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/hex8b_traction.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 3
-  value-names =  horiz-shear-traction vert-shear-traction normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear-horiz traction-shear-vert traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa  Pa  Pa
   num-locs = 1
   data-dim = 0

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/line2_tractions.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/line2_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/line2_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 1
-  value-names =  normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa
   num-locs = 1
   data-dim = 0

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/quad4_tractions.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/quad4_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/quad4_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 2
-  value-names =  shear-traction normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa  Pa
   num-locs = 2
   data-dim = 1

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tet4_tractions.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tet4_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tet4_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 3
-  value-names =  horiz-shear-traction vert-shear-traction normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear-horiz traction-shear-vert traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa  Pa  Pa
   num-locs = 1
   data-dim = 0

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 2
-  value-names =  shear-traction normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa  Pa
   num-locs = 1
   data-dim = 0

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestDirichletBoundary.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestDirichletBoundary.py	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestDirichletBoundary.py	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -153,8 +153,13 @@
     from spatialdata.geocoords.CSCart import CSCart
     cs = CSCart()
-    cs.spaceDim = 2
+    cs.inventory.spaceDim = 2
+    cs._configure()
+    from spatialdata.units.Nondimensional import Nondimensional
+    normalizer = Nondimensional()
+    normalizer._configure()
     from pylith.meshio.MeshIOAscii import MeshIOAscii
     importer = MeshIOAscii()
     importer.inventory.filename = "data/tri3.mesh"
@@ -165,46 +170,36 @@
     from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB import SimpleDB
     db = SimpleDB()
     db.inventory.label = "TestDirichletBoundary tri3"
-    db.inventory.iohandler.inventory.filename = "data/tri3.spatialdb"
+    db.inventory.iohandler.inventory.filename = "data/tri3_disp.spatialdb"
-    from pylith.bc.FixedDOFDB import FixedDOFDB
-    dbRate = FixedDOFDB()
-    dbRate.inventory.label = "TestDirichletBoundary rate tri3"
+    from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB import SimpleDB
+    dbRate = SimpleDB()
+    dbRate.inventory.label = "TestDirichletBoundary tri3"
+    dbRate.inventory.iohandler.inventory.filename = "data/tri3_vel.spatialdb"
+    dbRate.inventory.iohandler._configure()
-    bc.inventory.db = db
-    bc.inventory.dbRate = dbRate
     from pylith.bc.DirichletBoundary import DirichletBoundary
     bc = DirichletBoundary()
-    bc.output.writer._configure()
-    bc.label = "bc"
-    bc.fixedDOF = [1]
+    bc.inventory.output.writer._configure()
+    bc.inventory.label = "bc"
+    bc.inventory.bcDOF = [1]
+    bc.inventory.dbInitial = db
+    bc.inventory.dbRate = dbRate
-    from pyre.units.time import second
-    bc.tRef = -1.0*second
-    from spatialdata.units.Nondimensional import Nondimensional
-    normalizer = Nondimensional()
-    normalizer.initialize()
     bc.initialize(totalTime=0.0, numTimeSteps=1, normalizer=normalizer)
-    # Setup fields
-    from pylith.topology.FieldsManager import FieldsManager
-    fields = FieldsManager(mesh)
-    fields.addReal("field")
-    fields.setFiberDimension("field", cs.spaceDim)
-    fields.allocate("field")
-    import pylith.topology.topology as bindings
-    bindings.zeroRealSection(fields.getReal("field"))
+    # Setup field
+    from pylith.topology.Field import MeshField
+    field = MeshField(mesh)
+    field.newSection(field.VERTICES_FIELD, cs.spaceDim())
+    field.allocate()
+    field.zero()
     return (mesh, bc, field)

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestNeumann.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestNeumann.py	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/TestNeumann.py	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@
     from pylith.bc.Neumann import Neumann
     bc = Neumann()
-    bc.inventory.quadrature = quadrature
-    bc.inventory.db = db
+    bc.inventory.bcQuadrature = quadrature
+    bc.inventory.dbInitial = db
     bc.inventory.label = "bc"

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/Makefile.am	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 dist_noinst_DATA = \
 	tri3_disp.spatialdb \
+	tri3_vel.spatialdb \
 	tri3_tractions.spatialdb \
 	tri3.mesh \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_tractions.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #SPATIAL.ascii 1
 SimpleDB {
   num-values = 2
-  value-names =  shear-traction normal-traction
+  value-names =  traction-shear traction-normal
   value-units =  Pa  Pa
   num-locs = 1
   data-dim = 0

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_vel.spatialdb
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_vel.spatialdb	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/data/tri3_vel.spatialdb	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#SPATIAL.ascii 1
+SimpleDB {
+  num-values = 2
+  value-names =  displacement-rate-y rate-start-time
+  value-units =  m s
+  num-locs = 2
+  data-dim = 1
+  space-dim = 2
+  cs-data = cartesian {
+    to-meters = 1.0
+    space-dim = 2
+  }
+ 0.0 -1.0  0.3  0.0
+ 1.0  0.0  0.7  0.1

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/testbc.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/testbc.py	2009-06-18 22:15:58 UTC (rev 15336)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/bc/testbc.py	2009-06-18 23:43:10 UTC (rev 15337)
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
     from TestDirichletBC import TestDirichletBC
-    #from TestDirichletBoundary import TestDirichletBoundary
-    #suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDirichletBoundary))
+    from TestDirichletBoundary import TestDirichletBoundary
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDirichletBoundary))
     from TestAbsorbingDampers import TestAbsorbingDampers

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