[cig-commits] r14238 - short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu Mar 5 16:49:00 PST 2009

Author: willic3
Date: 2009-03-05 16:49:00 -0800 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 14238

Added python script to compute velocities from PyLith displacement results
along with .cfg files to control script.

Added: short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.cfg
--- short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.cfg	2009-03-06 00:49:00 UTC (rev 14238)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Top-level info
+# Convert meters to cm, so results will be in cm/year.
+scale_factor = 100.0

Added: short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.py
--- short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.py	2009-03-06 00:49:00 UTC (rev 14238)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# <LicenseText>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file postproc/vtkdiff
+## @brief Python application to compute the difference between fields
+## in a set of VTK files.
+import math
+import numpy
+from pyre.units.time import s
+from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
+class VtkDiff(Application):
+  """
+  Python application to compute the difference between fields in a set of VTK
+  files.
+  """
+  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing VtkDiff facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing VtkDiff facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b vtk_input_root Root filename for VTK input files.
+    ## @li \b vtk_output_root Root filename for VTK output files.
+    ## @li \b scale_factor Scale factor to apply to results.
+    import pyre.inventory
+    vtkInputRoot = pyre.inventory.str("vtk_input_root", default="input.vtk")
+    vtkInputRoot.meta['tip'] = "Root filename for VTK input files."
+    vtkOutputRoot = pyre.inventory.str("vtk_output_root", default="output.vtk")
+    vtkOutputRoot.meta['tip'] = "Root filename for VTK output files."
+    scaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    scaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scaling factor to apply to results."
+  class TooFewFilesError(IOError):
+    """
+    Exception raised when not enough VTK input files are found.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, value):
+      self.value = value
+    def __str__(self):
+      return repr(self.value)
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="vtkdiff"):
+    Application.__init__(self, name)
+    self.vtkInputList = []
+    self.numVtkInputFiles = 0
+    self.vtkInputTimes = []
+    self.timeStampWidth = 0
+    self.numVertsPerCell = 0
+    self.numCells = 0
+    self.numVerts = 0
+    self.spaceDim = 0
+    self.cellType = None
+    self.readMesh = False
+    return
+  def main(self):
+    # import pdb
+    # pdb.set_trace()
+    self._getFileInfo()
+    self._computeDiffs()
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Setup members using inventory.
+    """
+    Application._configure(self)
+    import os
+    import re
+    # Set up info for input files
+    totalInputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
+                                                   self.inventory.vtkInputRoot))
+    self.vtkInputDir = os.path.dirname(totalInputPath)
+    baseInputName = os.path.basename(totalInputPath)
+    baseInputNameLen = len(baseInputName)
+    if baseInputName.endswith(".vtk"):
+      baseInputNameStripped = baseInputName[0:baseInputNameLen-4]
+    else:
+      baseInputNameStripped = baseInputName
+    testFind = re.search('_t[0-9]*$', baseInputNameStripped)
+    if testFind != None:
+      timeInd = baseInputNameStripped.rfind(testFind.group(0))
+      self.vtkInputRoot = baseInputNameStripped[0:timeInd]
+    else:
+      self.vtkInputRoot = baseInputNameStripped
+    # Set up info for output files
+    totalOutputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
+      os.getcwd(), self.inventory.vtkOutputRoot))
+    self.vtkOutputDir = os.path.dirname(totalOutputPath)
+    baseOutputName = os.path.basename(totalOutputPath)
+    baseOutputNameLen = len(baseOutputName)
+    if baseOutputName.endswith(".vtk"):
+      baseOutputNameStripped = baseOutputName[0:baseOutputNameLen-4]
+    else:
+      baseOutputNameStripped = baseOutputName
+    testFind = re.search('_t[0-9]*$', baseOutputNameStripped)
+    if testFind != None:
+      timeInd = baseOutputNameStripped.rfind(testFind.group(0))
+      self.vtkOutputRoot = baseOutputNameStripped[0:timeInd]
+    else:
+      self.vtkOutputRoot = baseOutputNameStripped
+    self.scaleFactor = self.inventory.scaleFactor
+    return
+  def _getFileInfo(self):
+    """
+    Find input files and set up filenames for input and output.
+    """
+    import os
+    import glob
+    # Create list of input files and associated times
+    fileString = self.vtkInputRoot + "_t[0-9]*.vtk"
+    searchString = os.path.join(self.vtkInputDir, fileString)
+    self.vtkInputList = glob.glob(searchString)
+    self.vtkInputList.sort()
+    self.numVtkInputFiles = len(self.vtkInputList)
+    if self.numVtkInputFiles < 2:
+      try:
+        raise TooFewFilesError(self.numVtkInputFiles)
+      except TooFewFilesError, e:
+        print 'Not enough files found for search string:  ', searchString
+        print 'Number of files found:  ', e.value
+    index1 = self.vtkInputList[0].rfind("_t")
+    index2 = self.vtkInputList[0].rfind(".vtk")
+    self.timeStampWidth = index2 - index1 - 2
+    for vtkFile in self.vtkInputList:
+      timeString = vtkFile[index1+2:index2]
+      self.vtkInputTimes.append(float(timeString))
+    # Create output directory if it doesn't exist
+    if not os.path.isdir(self.vtkOutputDir):
+      os.mkdir(self.vtkOutputDir)
+    return
+  def _computeDiffs(self):
+    """
+    Function to loop over input files, compute differences in the fields, and
+    write the results to output files.
+    """
+    import os
+    # Loop over input VTK files.
+    for fileInd in range(self.numVtkInputFiles - 1):
+      timeStamp1 = self.vtkInputTimes[fileInd]
+      timeStamp2 = self.vtkInputTimes[fileInd + 1]
+      dt = (timeStamp2 - timeStamp1)/self.scaleFactor
+      # We assume that differences correspond to midpoint of the 2 time steps.
+      timeStampOut = int(0.5 * (timeStamp1 + timeStamp2))
+      timeStampOutString = repr(timeStampOut).rjust(self.timeStampWidth, '0')
+      outputFileName = self.vtkOutputRoot + "_t" + timeStampOutString + ".vtk"
+      vtkOutputFile = os.path.join(self.vtkOutputDir, outputFileName)
+      self._diffFiles(self.vtkInputList[fileInd],
+                      self.vtkInputList[fileInd + 1],
+                      vtkOutputFile,
+                      dt)
+    return
+  def _diffFiles(self, vtkFile1, vtkFile2, vtkFileOut, dt):
+    """
+    Function to compute field differences between two VTK files, divide the
+    differences by dt, and output the results to a new VTK file.
+    """
+    from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_file_reader import VTKFileReader
+    from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+    # Set up input files
+    reader1 = VTKFileReader()
+    reader2 = VTKFileReader()
+    reader1.initialize(vtkFile1)
+    reader2.initialize(vtkFile2)
+    data1 = reader1.outputs[0]
+    data2 = reader2.outputs[0]
+    # Get vertex and cell info if it hasn't already been done
+    if not self.readMesh:
+      cellVtk = data1.get_cells()
+      self.numVertsPerCell = cellVtk._get_max_cell_size()
+      self.numCells = cellVtk.number_of_cells
+      cellArray = cellVtk.to_array()
+      self.cells = tvtk.CellArray()
+      self.cells.set_cells(self.numCells, cellArray)
+      self.vertArray = data1._get_points().to_array()
+      self.cellType = data1.get_cell_type(0)
+      (self.numVerts, self.spaceDim) = self.vertArray.shape
+      self.readMesh = True
+    # Set up mesh info for VTK file
+    mesh = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=self.vertArray)
+    mesh.set_cells(self.cellType, self.cells)
+    # Get vertex fields and compute differences if the fields exist
+    vertData1 = data1._get_point_data()
+    numVertDataArrays = vertData1._get_number_of_arrays()
+    if numVertDataArrays != 0:
+      vertData2 = data2._get_point_data()
+      # This is very kludgy because I haven't yet figured out how to include
+      # multiple scalar or vector fields, and I also don't know how to put in
+      # a name for a general array (represented as a field).
+      numScalarsUsed = 0
+      numVectorsUsed = 0
+      for vertDataArray in range(numVertDataArrays):
+        array1 = vertData1.get_array(vertDataArray).to_array()
+        (numPoints, numCols) = array1.shape
+        arrayName = vertData1.get_array_name(vertDataArray) + "/dt"
+        array2 = vertData2.get_array(vertDataArray).to_array()
+        arrayOut = (array2 - array1)/dt
+        # This is wrong if we have a scalar field with 3 components
+        if (numCols == 3 and numVectorsUsed == 0):
+          mesh.point_data.vectors = arrayOut
+          mesh.point_data.vectors.name = arrayName
+          numVectorsUsed += 1
+        elif numScalarsUsed == 0:
+          mesh.point_data.scalars = arrayOut
+          mesh.point_data.scalars.name = arrayName
+          numScalarsUsed += 1
+        # Kludge to add a general array
+        else:
+          mesh.point_data.add_array(arrayOut)
+    # Get cell fields and compute differences if the fields exist
+    cellData1 = data1._get_cell_data()
+    numCellDataArrays = cellData1._get_number_of_arrays()
+    if numCellDataArrays != 0:
+      cellData2 = data2._get_cell_data()
+      # This is very kludgy because I haven't yet figured out how to include
+      # multiple scalar or vector fields, and I also don't know how to put in
+      # a name for a general array (represented as a field).
+      numScalarsUsed = 0
+      numVectorsUsed = 0
+      for cellDataArray in range(numCellDataArrays):
+        array1 = cellData1.get_array(cellDataArray).to_array()
+        (numPoints, numCols) = array1.shape
+        arrayName = cellData1.get_array_name(cellDataArray) + "/dt"
+        array2 = cellData2.get_array(cellDataArray).to_array()
+        arrayOut = (array2 - array1)/dt
+        # This is wrong if we have a scalar field with 3 components
+        if (numCols == 3 and numVectorsUsed == 0):
+          mesh.cell_data.vectors = arrayOut
+          mesh.cell_data.vectors.name = arrayName
+          numVectorsUsed += 1
+        elif numScalarsUsed == 0:
+          mesh.cell_data.scalars = arrayOut
+          mesh.cell_data.scalars.name = arrayName
+          numScalarsUsed += 1
+        # Kludge to add a general array
+        else:
+          mesh.cell_data.add_array(arrayOut)
+    # Write results to VTK file
+    w = tvtk.UnstructuredGridWriter(file_name=vtkFileOut, input=mesh)
+    w.write()
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  app = VtkDiff()
+  app.run()
+# End of file

Property changes on: short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff_hex8_unif1_20km.cfg
--- short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff_hex8_unif1_20km.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/2.5D/benchmarks/savageprescott/utils/vtkdiff_hex8_unif1_20km.cfg	2009-03-06 00:49:00 UTC (rev 14238)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Top-level info
+vtk_input_root = ../results/spbm_hex8_unif1_20km/spbm_hex8_unif1_20km-groundsurf
+vtk_output_root = ../results/spbm_hex8_unif1_20km/spbm_hex8_unif1_20km-groundsurf-diff

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