[cig-commits] r14428 - in mc/2D/ConMan/trunk: cookbook1 src src/gendeck src/mm.src src/solver.src visual/gmt
becker at geodynamics.org
becker at geodynamics.org
Tue Mar 24 12:21:15 PDT 2009
Author: becker
Date: 2009-03-24 12:21:13 -0700 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 14428
Added gendeck
modified Makefiles for cross platform compilation
Modified: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/cookbook1/in.bb1a50
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/cookbook1/in.bb1a50 2009-03-24 18:03:02 UTC (rev 14427)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/cookbook1/in.bb1a50 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
50 x 50 el. plate problem from Blankenbach et al., 1989
- #Nds sdm dof X Z prc ck echo rrst wrst nus tdvf tseq nelg sky wr
- 2601 2 2 50 50 2 1 0 0 1 102 0 1 1 1 0
+ #Nds sdm dof X Z prc ck echo rrst wrst nus tdvf tseq nelg sky wr
+ 2601 2 2 50 50 2 1 0 0 1 102 0 1 1 1 0
time step information
100 1 1.0 1.0 0.50000
output information
Modified: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/Makefile-ifort64
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/Makefile-ifort64 2009-03-24 18:03:02 UTC (rev 14427)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/Makefile-ifort64 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
#FFLAGS = -O2 -DIMPLICIT -I. -m64 -r8 -i8
#FFLAGS = -O2 -DIMPLICIT -DPICARD -I. -m64 -r8 -i8
-FFLAGS = -O2 -I. -m64 -r8 -i8
+#FFLAGS = -O2 -I. -m64 -r8 -i8
+FFLAGS = -g -I. -m64 -r8 -i8
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/GenDeck.mk
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/GenDeck.mk (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/GenDeck.mk 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Makefile for program to generate ConMan input decks.
+MAIN= gendeck.f
+SUBS= \
+ corner.f \
+ exist.f \
+ getint.f \
+ gtreal.f \
+ kblnk.f \
+ nblen.f \
+ skpsec.f \
+ velbcf.f \
+ yes.f
+#FFLAGS= -O -extend_source
+FFLAGS= -extend_source
+#FC= $(F77)
+FC = ifort
+DEBUG= $(PROGRAM:%=debug/%)
+ -mkdir debug
+all: $(PROGRAM)
+debug: $(DEBUG)
+$(DEBUG) := FFLAGS= -g
+$(DEBUG) := VARIANTS.o= $(OBJECTS:%=debug/%)
+ $(LINK.f) -o $@ $(VARIANTS.o)
+debug/%.o: %.f
+ $(COMPILE.f) -o $@ $<
+install: $(PROGRAM)
+ mv -f $(PROGRAM) $(DESTDIR)
+ rm -r debug
+test: $(PROGRAM)
+ mv -f $(PROGRAM) $(DESTDIR)/$(PROGRAM).test
+ rm -r $(PROGRAM) $(OBJECTS) debug
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/README
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/README (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/README 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+GenDeck generates input decks for use with ConMan and related codes.
+To install Gendeck:
+ make -f GenDeck.mk all install
+"GenDeck" will be placed in $CONBIN which should be defined within your ".cshrc"
+For other makefile options, see "GenDeck.mk".
+A brief description of "GenDeck" is given in the beginning of the main program,
+"gendeck.f". The user is given some additional guidance at run time.
+The default settings given in 'deck.defaults.h' can be changed to suit the
+user's personal preference.
+Send comments and / or suggestions to:
+conman at everest.mit.edu
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/corner.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/corner.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/corner.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+c Function to choose velocity boundary conditions for corners.
+ function corner (iva, ivb, ifre, ifix)
+ integer value, corner
+ if ((iva .eq. ifix) .or. (ivb .eq. ifix)) then
+ value = ifix
+ else
+ value = ifre
+ end if
+ corner = value
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/deck.defaults.h
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/deck.defaults.h (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/deck.defaults.h 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+c Include file for program to generate input decks for use by:
+c Standard ConMan
+c Double Diffusive (DD) ConMan
+c Double Diffusive (DD) SCAM
+c Annulus ConMan
+c ChainMan
+c DefMan
+c All cards are not represented here. Those entries listed in data
+c statements may be changed to suit the user's preference although
+c some are not used by ConMan other than as place holders. Those
+c listed as parameters are required by current (Aug. 1992) versions
+c of ConMan to have the given values. All relevant values within the
+c data statements are overwritten by those read in from existing
+c input decks (if such a reference is chosen by the user) with the
+c exception of the Velocity Boundary Condition Flag cards, the
+c Absolute Velocity cards, and the Absolute Temperature and
+c Composition cards.
+ parameter (maxmat = 10)
+ parameter (maxsuf = 100)
+c code versions
+ parameter (istd = 1)
+ parameter (iddc = 2)
+ parameter (iscm = 3)
+ parameter (idds = 4)
+ parameter (iann = 5)
+ parameter (ichn = 6)
+ parameter (idef = 7)
+ dimension visc(maxmat), alam(maxmat), diff(maxmat),
+ & diffb(maxmat), ra(maxmat), rab(maxmat),
+ & dmhu(maxmat), estar(maxmat), toff(maxmat),
+ & vstar(maxmat), x2ref(maxmat), sigref(maxmat),
+ & viscut(maxmat),
+ & nel(maxsuf), iside(maxsuf), fnorm(maxsuf),
+ & ftan(maxsuf), flux(maxsuf)
+ logical
+ & lmovie
+c create "geom.movie" file?
+ character*1
+ & sep
+c file name prefix-suffix separator
+ character*11
+ & fstat
+c file status (unknown, new)
+ character*80
+ & sdeflt,
+c default suffix
+ & rdeflt,
+c default prefix for run file
+ & ideflt,
+c default prefix for (new) input deck
+ & gdeflt,
+c default prefix for (new) geometry deck
+ & mdeflt,
+c default prefix for (new) movie geometry deck
+ & outfn,
+c default prefix for output file
+ & rinfn,
+c default prefix for input restart file
+ & routfn,
+c default prefix for output restart file
+ & tsfn,
+c default prefix for time series file
+ & fldfn,
+c default prefix for field file
+ & meanfn,
+c default prefix for mean properties file
+ & strfn,
+c default prefix for stress / strain rate field file
+ & cordfn,
+c default prefix for coordinate file (unformatted version only)
+c For ChainMan only:
+ & richfn,
+c default prefix for input restart file for chain link location file
+ & rochfn,
+c default prefix for output restart file for chain link location file
+ & chnfn
+c default prefix for chain link location file
+c File status may be changed by the user to either 'unknown' or 'new'
+c depending on whether the user is willing to risk mistakenly
+c overwriting existing files!
+ parameter (fstat = 'unknown')
+c Default prefix-suffix separator may be changed by the user.
+ parameter (sep = '.')
+ data sdeflt
+ & / 'new' /
+ data mdeflt
+ & / 'movie' /
+ data lmovie
+ & / .true. /
+ data rdeflt
+ & / 'run' /
+ data ideflt, gdeflt, outfn, rinfn, routfn, tsfn, fldfn,
+ & meanfn, strfn, cordfn
+ & / 'in', 'geom', 'out', 'rin', 'rout', 'tser', 'field',
+ & 'mean', 'str', 'coord' /
+c For ChainMan only:
+ data richfn, rochfn, chnfn
+ & /'richn', 'rochn', 'chain' /
+c Code Version
+ data icode / istd /
+c Title Card
+ data ititle / 'A short title goes here' /
+c Global Constants Card
+c predetermined constants
+ parameter (nsd = 2)
+ parameter (ndof = 2)
+c determined at run time by "gendeck"
+ data nwrap
+ & / 0 /
+c unimplemented options
+ data ntseq, numeg
+ & / 1, 1 /
+ data nelx, nelz, iflow, necho, inrstr, iorstr, nstres,
+ & ntimvs, isky, lwork, nnnit, expo
+ & / 32, 32, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1,
+ & 0, 1, 0, 3, 0.25 /
+c Lenardic & Kaula [1993] filter Card (for DD ConMan and DD SCAM only)
+ data ilkflt
+ & / 0 /
+c Grid Deformation Parameter Card (for DefMan only)
+ data ibnd, igrdbt, igngrd, srfden
+ & / 1, 1, 0, 1.0 /
+c Time Sequence Card
+c predetermined constants
+ parameter (niter = 2)
+ parameter (alpha = 0.5)
+c unimplemented option
+ data epstol
+ & /1.0e-6 /
+ data nstep, delt, dtfrc
+ & / 1000, 1, 1 /
+c Output Step Card
+c unimplemented option
+ data nsmprt
+ & / 50 /
+ data nsdprt, nsvprt, nstprt
+ & / 50, 50, 50 /
+c Velocity Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+ data ivxb, ivzb, ivxt, ivzt, ivxl, ivzl, ivxr,
+ & ivzr
+ & / 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
+ & 0 /
+c (modified) Initial Temperature/Composition Card
+c "xmin", "xmax", "zmin", "zmax" substitute for "xsize" and "zsize"
+ data pertt, pertb, xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax
+ & / 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 /
+c Element Parameter Card
+c predetermined constants
+ parameter (ntype = 2)
+ parameter (nen = 4)
+ parameter (nenl = 4)
+ parameter (nedof = 2)
+ parameter (nitp = 5)
+c unimplemented options
+ data implv, implt
+ & / 0, 0 /
+ data numat, numsuf
+ & / 1, 0 /
+c Viscosity Card
+ data (visc(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
+ & 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 /
+c Penalty Card
+ data ( alam(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7,
+ & 1.0e7, 1.0e7, 1.0e7 /
+c Thermal Diffusivity Card
+ data (diff(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
+ & 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 /
+c Compositional Diffusivity Card
+ data (diffb(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
+ & 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 /
+c Thermal Buoyancy Card
+ data (ra(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5,
+ & 1.0e5, 1.0e5, 1.0e5 /
+c Compositional Buoyancy Card
+ data (rab(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & /-1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5,
+ & -1.0e5, -1.0e5, -1.0e5 /
+c Internal Heating Parameter Card
+ data (dmhu(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /
+c Activation Energy Card
+ data (estar(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /
+c Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Temperature Offset Card
+ data (toff(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /
+c Activation Volume Card
+ data (vstar(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /
+c x2 Reference Card
+ data (x2ref(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /
+c Reference Stress Card (for Stress-Dependent Rheology)
+ data (sigref(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
+ & 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 /
+c Viscosity Cut-Off Card (for Temperature-Dependent Rheology)
+ data (viscut(i), i = 1, maxmat)
+ & / 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3,
+ & 1.0e3, 1.0e3, 1.0e3 /
+c Surface Force / Flux Card
+ data nel(1),iside(1),fnorm(1), ftan(1), flux(1)
+ & / 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 /
+c Absolute Velocity Card
+ data vxbotl, vxbotr, vzbotl, vzbotr, vxtopl, vxtopr, vztopl,
+ & vztopr
+ & / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ & 0.0 /
+c Absolute Temperature Card
+ data tbot, ttop
+ & / 1.0, 0.0 /
+c Absolute Composition Card
+ data bbot, btop
+ & / 1.0, 0.0 /
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/exist.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/exist.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/exist.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+c Steven S. Shapiro
+c 1 Nov. 1991
+c 4 Sept. 1994
+c Subroutine to determine whether "filename" exists.
+ function lexist (filename)
+ logical lexist
+ character*(*) filename
+ if (nblen(filename) .eq. 0) then
+ lexist = .false.
+ else
+ inquire (file = filename, exist = lexist)
+ if (.not. lexist) then
+ print*, filename (1:kblnk (filename)), ' does not exist.'
+ else
+ end if
+ end if
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gendeck.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gendeck.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gendeck.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,1347 @@
+c Program to generate input decks for use by:
+c Standard ConMan
+c Double Diffusive (DD) ConMan
+c Double Diffusive (DD) SCAM
+c Annulus ConMan
+c ChainMan
+c DefMan
+c Program documentation assumes that the reader is familiar with
+c ConMan and with the ConMan user's guide.
+c This program is not yet smart enough to allow the user to create the
+c full range of input decks nor will it always prohibit the user from
+c responding inappropriately. Rather, it will facilitate the making of
+c fairly simple input decks which can then be modified by the user
+c using a text editor.
+c The user may select (via a carriage return) defaults displayed in
+c [square brackets]. These default values can come from three
+c sources: an existing input deck, an include file
+c ('deck.defaults.h'), or from "gendeck" itself.
+c If one chooses not to use an existing input deck as a reference,
+c all relevant default values given in 'deck.defaults.h' will be
+c offered to the user. If one chooses to use an existing input deck
+c as a reference, all of these default values except for those
+c associated with the Velocity Boundary Condition Flag cards, the
+c Absolute Velocity cards or the Absolute Temperature and
+c Composition cards will be replaced by those found within the
+c reference input deck.
+c Note: text found in reference input decks after the Title Card
+c may result in a program crash. A subsequent version of "gendeck"
+c may allow and even produce such text.
+c The defaults corresponding to the following options are hardwired
+c in "gendeck" and do not depend at all on values present in either
+c 'deck.defaults.h' or a selected reference input deck:
+c i1. Velocity Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+c i2. Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+c i3. Surface Force / Flux Cards
+c g1. Coordinate Group Cards
+c g2. Velocity Boundary Condition Group Cards
+c g3. Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Group Cards
+c g4. Element Connectivity Generation Group Cards
+c Filename conventions: GenDeck will create the "in", "geom", and
+c "run" files with one user-determined suffix. In addition, GenDeck
+c will create a "geom.movie" file for use by "MTGP". It will also
+c generate a "run" file with all entries having this same suffix.
+c Prefixes for all ConMan input and output files may be changed in
+c 'deck.defaults.h'.
+c 1.0 => Scott King (July 1992)
+c 2.0 => Steven S. Shapiro (August 1992)
+c 2.01 => Steven S. Shapiro (February 1993)
+c 2.02 => Steven S. Shapiro (April 1993)
+c 2.03 => Steven S. Shapiro (June 1993)
+c 2.04 => Steven S. Shapiro (October 1993)
+c 2.05 => Steven S. Shapiro (November 1993)
+ program gendeck
+ real*8 pi
+ character*56 ititle
+c title excluding date and time
+ include 'deck.defaults.h'
+ character*80 ifile, gfile, mfile, rfile, irefnm, suffix, fname
+c & , grefnm
+ character*1 dfault
+ logical yes, iref, gref, done
+ integer corner, getint, gunit, munit, runit, grefu, velbcf
+ logical lexist
+ logical addcomment
+ parameter (istdi = 5)
+ parameter (istdo = 6)
+ parameter (iunit = 10)
+ parameter (gunit = 11)
+ parameter (munit = 12)
+ parameter (runit = 13)
+ parameter (irefu = 14)
+ parameter (grefu = 15)
+ pi = acos(-1.d0)
+ addcomment = .true.
+c... banner
+ write (istdo,"(///,26x,'Welcome to GenDeck',///,
+ & 17x,'The interactive input deck generator',/,
+ & 30x,'for ConMan',///,
+ & 21x,'=====> Version 2.05 <=====',//)")
+ write (istdo,"(///,5x,'A <return> at any prompt selects the',
+ & /,1x,'default value given in [square brackets]. Some',
+ & /,1x,'default values can be read from an existing',
+ & /,1x,'input deck - others are preset either in',
+ & /,1x,'deck.defaults.h or within the code itself.',
+ & /,1x,'See comments at the top of the gendeck source',
+ & /,1x,'code. For more creative input decks one needs to ',
+ & /,1x,'edit the input decks directly. Some options are ',
+ & /,1x,'only available with particular versions of the ',
+ & /,1x,'family of ConMan codes. Consult the ConMan README',
+ & /,1x,'file for up-to-date information.',
+ & //,1x,'Warning: GenDeck does not (yet!) check for ',
+ & /,1x,'inconsistant or inappropriate entries.',///)")
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) istd, '=> Standard ConMan'
+ write (istdo, *) iddc, '=> Double-Diffusive ConMan'
+ write (istdo, *) iscm, '=> SCAM'
+ write (istdo, *) idds, '=> Double-Diffusive SCAM'
+ write (istdo, *) iann, '=> Annulus ConMan'
+ write (istdo, *) ichn, '=> ChainMan'
+ write (istdo, *) idef, '=> DefMan'
+ icode = getint ('Enter ConMan version:', icode)
+c... option to open existing "in" and "geom" to use as reference files
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) 'Reference files must correspond to the version o
+ &f ConMan selected above.'
+ write (istdo, *)
+5 write (istdo, "('Enter name of reference IN file if any: ', $)")
+ read (istdi, '(a)') irefnm
+ if (irefnm(1:1) .eq. ' ') then
+ iref = .false.
+ else
+ if (lexist (irefnm)) then
+ iref = .true.
+ open (unit=irefu, file=irefnm, status='old')
+ else
+ write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+ & irefnm (1:kblnk(irefnm))
+ write (istdo, *)
+ go to 5
+ end if
+ end if
+c6 write (istdo, "('Enter name of reference GEOM file if any: ', $)")
+c read (istdi, '(a)') grefnm
+c if (grefnm(1:1) .eq. ' ') then
+ gref = .false.
+c else
+c if (lexist (grefnm)) then
+c gref = .true.
+c open (unit=grefu, file=grefnm, status='old')
+c else
+c write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+c & grefnm (1:kblnk(grefnm))
+c write (istdo, *)
+c go to 6
+c end if
+c end if
+c... open "in", "geom", "geom.movie", and "run" files
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) 'File names are limited to 80 characters in ConMa
+ &n.'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Warning: GenDeck does not check filename length!
+ &'
+ write (istdo, *)
+ 10 write (istdo,"('Enter suffix for input filenames [',a,'] ',$)")
+ & sdeflt (1:kblnk(sdeflt))
+ read (istdi,"(a80)") suffix
+ if (suffix(1:1) .eq. ' ') then
+ suffix = sdeflt
+ else
+ end if
+ ifile = ideflt (1:kblnk(ideflt)) // sep // suffix
+ gfile = gdeflt (1:kblnk(gdeflt)) // sep // suffix
+ mfile = gdeflt (1:kblnk(gdeflt)) // sep //
+ & mdeflt (1:kblnk(mdeflt)) // sep // suffix
+ rfile = rdeflt (1:kblnk(rdeflt)) // sep // suffix
+ open (unit=iunit, file=ifile, err=11)
+ go to 12
+11 write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+ & ifile (1:kblnk(ifile))
+ write (istdo, *)
+ go to 10
+12 continue
+ open (unit=gunit, file=gfile, err=21)
+ go to 22
+21 write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+ & gfile (1:kblnk(gfile))
+ write (istdo, *)
+ go to 10
+22 continue
+ if (lmovie) then
+ open (unit=munit, file=mfile, err=23)
+ go to 24
+23 write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+ & mfile (1:kblnk(mfile))
+ write (istdo, *)
+ go to 10
+24 continue
+ else
+ end if
+ open (unit=runit, file=rfile, err=31)
+ go to 32
+31 write (istdo,"(/,'>>>>>>>> Error opening [',a,'] ')")
+ & rfile (1:kblnk(rfile))
+ write (istdo, *)
+ go to 10
+32 continue
+c... Title Card
+ if (iref) then
+ read (irefu, "(a56)") ititle
+ else
+c... offer default given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (*,"('Enter a title <= 56 characters [',a56,'] ',$)") ititle
+ read (istdi, "(a56)") fname
+ if (fname(1:1) .ne. ' ') ititle = fname
+ write (iunit, "(a56)") ititle
+c... Global Constants Card
+ if (iref) then
+c... ignore "nsd", "ndof" - given as parameters in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ read (irefu, *) numnp, nsdx, ndofx, nelx, nelz, iflow, necho,
+ & inrstr, iorstr, nstres, nodebn, ntimvs, ntseq,
+ & numeg, isky, lwork, nwrap, nnnit, expo
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) 'GenDeck assumes a 2-d Cartesian grid with'
+ write (istdo, *) ' x1 - horizontal = x'
+ write (istdo, *) ' x2 - vertical = z'
+ nelx = getint ('Enter number of x1 elements:', nelx)
+ nelz = getint ('Enter number of x2 elements:', nelz)
+ numel = nelx * nelz
+ numnp = (nelx+1)*(nelz+1)
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '0 => terse without initial field data'
+ write (istdo, *) '1 => verbose with initial field data'
+ write (istdo, *) '2 => terse with initial field data'
+ necho = getint ('Enter output option:', necho)
+ if (iflow .eq. 1) then
+ dfault = 'y'
+ else
+ dfault = 'n'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Execute code', dfault)) then
+ iflow = 1
+ else
+ iflow = 0
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '0 => conductive'
+ write (istdo, *) '1 => read from restart file'
+ if ((icode .eq. istd) .or. (icode .eq. ichn) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. idef)) then
+ write (istdo, *) '2 => apply boundary layer theory'
+ else
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *) '? => user specific'
+ inrstr = getint ('Enter initial buoyancy field option:', inrstr)
+ if (iorstr .eq. 1) then
+ dfault = 'y'
+ else
+ dfault = 'n'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Write restart file', dfault)) then
+ iorstr = 1
+ else
+ iorstr = 0
+ end if
+c write (istdo, *)
+c write (istdo, *) '0 => no stress/strain rate, viscosity, nor effec
+c &tive viscosity output'
+c if ((icode .ne. iscm) .and. (icode .ne. idds)) then
+c write (istdo, *) '1 => stress, viscosity, effective viscosity ou
+c &tput'
+c write (istdo, *) '2 => strain rate, viscosity, effective viscosi
+c &ty output'
+c write (istdo, *) '3 => effective viscosity only'
+c else
+c write (istdo, *) '1 => stress, viscosity output'
+c end if
+c nstres = getint ('Enter stress option:', nstres)
+ nodebn = 2 * (nelx + 1)
+ if (ntimvs .eq. 1) then
+ dfault = 'y'
+ else
+ dfault = 'n'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Factor stiffness matrix more than once', dfault)) then
+ ntimvs = 1
+ else
+ ntimvs = 0
+ end if
+ if (nwrap .eq. 0) then
+ dfault = 'n'
+ else
+ dfault = 'y'
+ end if
+ if ((icode .ne. iscm) .and. (icode .ne. idds)) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Use wrap around boundary conditions', dfault)) then
+ nwrap = nelz
+ else
+ nwrap = 0
+ end if
+ else
+ nwrap = 0
+ end if
+ if (nwrap .eq. 0) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '0 => banded solver'
+ write (istdo, *) '1 => skyline solver'
+c write (istdo, *) '2 => dmf solver'
+ isky = getint ('Enter solver option:', isky)
+c if (isky .eq. 2) then
+c write (istdo, *)
+c lwork = getint ('Enter size of dmf workspace (lwork):', lwork)
+c else
+c lwork = 0
+c end if
+ else
+c... can only use skyline solver with wrap around boundary conditions
+ isky = 1
+ lwork = 0
+ end if
+ if ((ntimvs .eq. 1) .and.
+ & (icode .ne. iscm) .and. (icode .ne. idds)
+ & .and. (icode .ne. iann)) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+c nnnit = getint ('Enter number of non-Newtonian iterations (>= 1)
+c &: ', nnnit)
+c if (nnnit .gt. 1) then
+c expo = gtreal ('Enter weighting of strain-rate- vs. stress-def
+c &fined effective viscosity:', expo)
+c else
+c... Newtonian rheology
+c expo = 0.0
+c end if
+ nnnit = 1
+ expo = 0.0
+ else
+c... cannot apply sress-dependence without factoring stiffness matrix
+c at every time step
+ nnnit = 1
+ expo = 0.0
+ end if
+c precision
+ mprec=2
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'geometry parameters'
+ write (iunit, 9000) numnp, nsd, ndof, nelx, nelz, mprec, iflow,
+ & necho,
+ & inrstr, iorstr, nodebn, ntimvs, ntseq, numeg, isky,nwrap
+c & lwork, nwrap, nnnit, expo
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+ if (iref) then
+ read (irefu, *) ilkflt
+ else
+ end if
+ if (ilkflt .eq. 1) then
+ dfault = 'y'
+ else
+ dfault = 'n'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Use Lenardic & Kaula (1993) filter', dfault)) then
+ ilkflt = 1
+ else
+ ilkflt = 0
+ end if
+ write (iunit, "(i3)") ilkflt
+ else if (icode .eq. ichn) then
+ if (iref) then
+ read (irefu, *) nmark
+ else
+ nmark = 4 * nelx
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ nmark = getint ('Enter number of marker particles in marker chai
+ &n:', nmark)
+ write (iunit, 9000) nmark
+ else if (icode .eq. idef) then
+ if (iref) then
+ read (irefu, *) ibnd, igrdbt, igngrd, srfden
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ igrdbt = getint ('Enter number of nodes (from bottom) to the def
+ &orming region: ', igrdbt)
+ if (igrdbt .ne. 0) then
+ ibnd = getint ('Enter number of nodes (from bottom) to the mat
+ &erial interface:', ibnd)
+ if (igngrd .eq. 1) then
+ dfault = 'y'
+ else
+ dfault = 'n'
+ end if
+ if (yes ('Use routine for initially deformed grid', dfault))
+ & then
+ igngrd = 1
+ else
+ igngrd = 0
+ end if
+ srfden = gtreal ('Enter topography constant:', srfden)
+ else
+ ibnd = 0
+ igngrd = 0
+ srfden = 0.0
+ end if
+ write (iunit, 9025) igrdbt, ibnd, igngrd, srfden
+ else
+ end if
+c... Time Sequence Card
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'time step information'
+ if (iref) then
+c... ignore "niter", "alpha" - given as parameters in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ read (irefu, *) nstep, niterx, alphax, delt, epstol, dtfrc
+ else
+ if (((icode .eq. iscm) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) .and.
+ & (dtfrc .eq. 1.0)) then
+ dtfrc = 2.0
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ nstep = getint ('Enter number of time steps: ',
+ & nstep)
+ delt = gtreal ('Enter non-dimensional time to print results:',
+ & delt)
+ dtfrc = gtreal ('Enter fraction of dt: ',
+ & dtfrc)
+ write (iunit, "(i6,i3,f10.6,3(1pe12.5))") nstep, niter, alpha,
+ & delt, epstol, dtfrc
+c... Output Step Card
+ if (iref) then
+ read (irefu, *) nsdprt, nsvprt, nstprt, nsmprt
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ nsdprt = getint ('Enter steps between restart dumps: ',
+ & nsdprt)
+ nsvprt = getint ('Enter steps between time series outputs:',
+ & nsvprt)
+ nstprt = getint ('Enter steps between field outputs: ',
+ & nstprt)
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'output information'
+ write (iunit, "(4i6)") nsdprt, nsvprt, nstprt, nsmprt
+c... Velocity Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Velocity Boundary Condition Flag Cards'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Only some common options supported.'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Not (yet) based on existing input deck or includ
+ &e file settings!'
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'velocity boundary conditions'
+ if (iref) then
+c... skip velocity boundary condition flag cards
+ call skpsec (irefu, 5)
+ else
+ end if
+ ifre = 0
+ ifix = 1
+ incx = nelz + 1
+ incz = 1
+c... node numbers cooresponding to the four corners: bottom left,
+c top left, bottom right, top right
+ ncorbl = 1
+ ncortl = nelz + 1
+ ncorbr = (incx * nelx) + 1
+ ncortr = (nelx + 1) * (nelz + 1)
+c... bottom edge
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** B o t t o m E d g e ***'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Supported options: Unconstrained, Pinned.'
+ ivxb = velbcf ('V1=Vx', ivxb, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzb = velbcf ('V2=Vz', ivzb, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncorbr, incx, ivxb, ivzb
+c... top edge
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** T o p E d g e ***'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Supported options: Unconstrained, Pinned.'
+ ivxt = velbcf ('V1=Vx', ivxt, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzt = velbcf ('V2=Vz', ivzt, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncortl, ncortr, incx, ivxt, ivzt
+c... left edge
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** L e f t E d g e ***'
+ if (nwrap .eq. 0) then
+ write (istdo, *) 'Supported options: Unconstrained, Pinned.'
+ ivxl = velbcf ('V1=Vx', ivxl, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzl = velbcf ('V2=Vz', ivzl, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncortl, 1, ivxl, ivzl
+ else
+ write (istdo, *) 'Wrap around velocity boundary conditions.'
+ end if
+c... right edge
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** R i g h t E d g e ***'
+ if (nwrap .eq. 0) then
+ write (istdo, *) 'Supported options: Unconstrained, Pinned.'
+ ivxr = velbcf ('V1=Vx', ivxr, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzr = velbcf ('V2=Vz', ivzr, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbr, ncortr, 1, ivxr, ivzr
+ else
+ write (istdo, *) 'Wrap around velocity boundary conditions.'
+ end if
+c... handle corners
+ if (nwrap .eq. 0) then
+ ivxbl = corner (ivxb, ivxl, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzbl = corner (ivzb, ivzl, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncorbl, 1, ivxbl, ivzbl
+ ivxbr = corner (ivxb, ivxr, ifre, ifix)
+ ivzbr = corner (ivzb, ivzr, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbr, ncorbr, 1, ivxbr, ivzbr
+ ivxtl = corner (ivxt, ivxl, ifre, ifix)
+ ivztl = corner (ivzt, ivzl, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncortl, ncortl, 1, ivxtl, ivztl
+ ivxtr = corner (ivxt, ivxr, ifre, ifix)
+ ivztr = corner (ivzt, ivzr, ifre, ifix)
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncortr, ncortr, 1, ivxtr, ivztr
+ else
+c... Arbitrarily fix the bottom left and right corners
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncorbl, 1, ifix, ifix
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbr, ncorbr, 1, ifix, ifix
+ end if
+ write (iunit, 9050) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+c... Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'temperature boundary conditions'
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &**********************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Flag
+ &Cards'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Only fixed temperature/composition along the top
+ & and bottom supported.'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Not (yet) based on existing input deck or includ
+ &e file settings!'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Continue to next card.'
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &**********************'
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+c... need to include compositional as well as a thermal field
+ nfield = 2
+ else
+ nfield = 1
+ end if
+ do 100 loop = 1, nfield
+ if (iref) then
+c... skip temperature/composition boundary condition flag cards
+ call skpsec (irefu, 4)
+ else
+ end if
+c... make bottom and top fixed temperature/composition boundary
+c conditions
+c... bottom edge
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncorbr, incx, ifix
+c... top edge
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncortl, ncortr, incx, ifix
+ write (iunit, 9050) 0, 0, 0, 0
+100 continue
+c... Nusselt Number Boundary Condition Flag Cards
+ if (iref) then
+c... skip Nusselt Number boundary condition flag cards
+ call skpsec (irefu, 3)
+ call skpsec (irefu, 3)
+ else
+ end if
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncorbl, ncorbr, incx
+ write (iunit, 9050) ncortl, ncortr, incx
+ write (iunit, 9050) 0, 0, 0
+ nstart = ncorbl + incz
+ nstop = ncorbr + incz
+ write (iunit, 9050) nstart, nstop, incx
+ nstart = ncortl - incz
+ nstop = ncortr - incz
+ write (iunit, 9050) nstart, nstop, incx
+ write (iunit, 9050) 0, 0, 0
+c... Initial Temperature/Composition Card
+ if (iref) then
+ if (icode .eq. iddc) then
+ read (irefu, *) pertt, pertb, xsize, zsize
+ else if (icode .eq. iscm) then
+ read (irefu, *) pertt, xsize, zmin, zmax
+ zsize = zmax - zmin
+ else if (icode .eq. idds) then
+ read (irefu, *) pertt, pertb, xsize, zmin, zmax
+ zsize = zmax - zmin
+ else
+ read (irefu, *) pertt, xsize, zsize
+ end if
+ else
+c... offer defaults based on those given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ xsize = xmax - xmin
+ zsize = zmax - zmin
+ end if
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'initial temp cond information'
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (inrstr .ne. 1) then
+c... not using restart file
+ pertt = gtreal ('Enter temperature perturbation: ', pertt)
+ else
+ end if
+ if (((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) .and.
+ & (inrstr .ne. 1)) then
+c... composition code and not using restart file
+ pertb = gtreal ('Enter composition perturbation: ', pertb)
+ else
+ end if
+ if ((icode .eq. iscm) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+ xmin = gtreal ('Enter multiplier of pi for xmin:', xmin)
+ xmax = gtreal ('Enter multiplier of pi for xmax:', xmax)
+ xmin = pi * xmin
+ xmax = pi * xmax
+ else
+ xmin = gtreal ('Enter x1 minimum value: ', xmin)
+ xmax = gtreal ('Enter x1 maximum value: ', xsize+xmin)
+ end if
+ zmin = gtreal ('Enter x2 minimum value: ', zmin)
+ zmax = gtreal ('Enter x2 maximum value: ', zsize+zmin)
+ if (((icode .eq. istd) .or. (icode .eq. ichn) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. idef)) .and. (inrstr .eq. 2)) then
+ rabndy = gtreal ('Enter thermal Rayleigh number to define bounda
+ &ry layer thickness:', ra(1))
+ else
+ end if
+ if (icode .eq. iddc) then
+ write (iunit, "(4f12.6)") pertt, pertb, xmax - xmin, zmax - zmin
+ else if (icode .eq. iscm) then
+ write (iunit, "(4f12.6)") pertt, xmax - xmin, zmin, zmax
+ else if (icode .eq. idds) then
+ write (iunit, "(5f12.6)") pertt, pertb, xmax - xmin, zmin, zmax
+ else if (((icode .eq. istd) .or. (icode .eq. ichn) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. idef)) .and. (inrstr .eq. 2)) then
+ write (iunit, "(3f12.6, 1pe12.5)") pertt, xmax - xmin,
+ & zmax - zmin, rabndy
+ else
+ write (iunit, "(4f12.6)") pertt, xmax - xmin, zmax - zmin
+ end if
+c... Element Parameter Card
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'element parameters'
+ if (iref) then
+c... ignore "ntype", "nen", "nenl", "nedof", and "nitp" - given as
+c parameters in 'deck.defaults.h'
+c... ignore "numel" - determined from previously entered information
+ read (irefu, *) ntypex, numelx, nenx, nenlx, numat, nedofx,
+ & numsuf, nitpx, implv, implt
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+c... material properties
+ if (iref) then
+ if (numat .gt. maxmat) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '********************************************
+ &********************'
+ write (isdto, *) 'Warning: More than the (arbitrary) limit of
+ &maxmat = ', maxmat
+ write (isdto, *) ' material property cards in referenc
+ &e IN file.'
+ write (istdo, *) 'The excess entries will not be offerred as d
+ &efault values.'
+ write (istdo, *) '********************************************
+ &********************'
+ numat = maxmat
+ else
+ end if
+ read (irefu, *) (visc(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (alam(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (diff(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+ read (irefu, *) (diffb (k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+ read (irefu, *) (ra(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. ichn) .or. (icode .eq. idef)) then
+ read (irefu, *) (rab(k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+ read (irefu, *) (dmhu(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (estar(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (toff(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if (icode .ne. ichn) then
+ read (irefu, *) (vstar(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (x2ref(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (sigref(k), k = 1, numat)
+ read (irefu, *) (viscut(k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+200 write (istdo, *)
+ numat = getint ('Enter number of material property groups:',
+ & numat)
+ if (numat .gt. maxmat) then
+ write (isdto, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Error: Only ', maxmat, ' material properties s
+ &upported!'
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ go to 200
+ else
+ end if
+c... surface flux / force
+ if (iref) then
+ if (numsuf .gt. maxsuf) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '********************************************
+ &********************'
+ write (isdto, *) 'Warning: More than the (arbitrary) limit of
+ &maxsuf = ', maxsuf
+ write (isdto, *) ' surface force / flux cards in refer
+ &ence IN file.'
+ write (istdo, *) 'The excess entries will not be offerred as d
+ &efault values.'
+ write (istdo, *) '********************************************
+ &********************'
+ numsuf = maxsuf
+ else
+ end if
+ do 220 k = 1, numsuf
+ read (irefu, *) nel(k), iside(k), fnorm(k), ftan(k), flux(k)
+220 continue
+ else
+c... offer defaults given in 'deck.defaults.h'
+ end if
+240 write (istdo, *)
+ numsuf = getint ('Enter number of surface force/flux cards:',
+ & numsuf)
+ if (numsuf .gt. maxsuf) then
+ write (isdto, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Error: Only ', maxsuf, ' surface flux / force
+ &cards supported!'
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ go to 240
+ else
+ end if
+ write (iunit, "(i4,i7,10i4)" ) ntype, numel, nen, nenl, numat,
+ & nedof, numsuf, nitp, implv, implt
+ do 300 k = 1, numat
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Order materials such that higher number'
+ write (isdto, *) 'materials may overwrite lower number materials
+ &.'
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (numat .gt. 1) then
+ write (istdo, "('*** Properties of material group', i3,
+ & ' ***')") k
+ else
+ end if
+ visc(k) = gtreal ('Enter Viscosity: ',
+ & visc(k))
+ alam(k) = gtreal ('Enter Penalty Parameter: ',
+ & alam(k))
+ diff(k) = gtreal ('Enter Thermal Diffusivity: ',
+ & diff(k))
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+ diffb(k) = gtreal ('Enter Compositional Diffusivity: ',
+ & diffb(k))
+ else
+ end if
+ ra(k) = gtreal ('Enter Thermal Rayleigh Number: ',
+ & ra(k))
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. ichn) .or. (icode .eq. idef)) then
+ rab(k) = gtreal ('Enter Compositional Rayleigh Number:',
+ & rab(k))
+ else
+ end if
+ dmhu(k) = gtreal ('Enter Internal Heating Number: ',
+ & dmhu(k))
+ if (ntimvs .eq. 1) then
+ estar(k) = gtreal ('Enter Activation Energy: ',
+ & estar(k))
+ toff(k) = gtreal ('Enter Temp Law Offset: ',
+ & toff(k))
+ if ((icode .eq. istd) .or. (icode .eq. iddc)) then
+ vstar(k) = gtreal ('Enter Activation Volume: ',
+ & vstar(k))
+ x2ref(k) = gtreal ('Enter Reference x2: ',
+ & x2ref(k))
+ if (nnnit .ne. 1) then
+ sigref(k) = gtreal ('Enter Reference Stress: '
+ &, sigref(k))
+ else
+ end if
+ viscut(k) = gtreal ('Enter Viscosity Cut-Off: ',
+ & viscut(k))
+ else
+ end if
+ else
+ end if
+300 continue
+ write (iunit, 9300) (visc(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (alam(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (diff(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds)) then
+ write (iunit, 9300) (diffb(k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+ if(addcomment)write (iunit,*) 'rayleigh number'
+ write (iunit, 9300) (ra(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if ((icode .eq. iddc) .or. (icode .eq. idds) .or.
+ & (icode .eq. ichn) .or. (icode .eq. idef)) then
+ write (iunit, 9300) (rab(k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+ write (iunit, 9300) (dmhu(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (estar(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (toff(k), k = 1, numat)
+ if (icode .ne. ichn) then
+ write (iunit, 9300) (vstar(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (x2ref(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (sigref(k), k = 1, numat)
+ write (iunit, 9300) (viscut(k), k = 1, numat)
+ else
+ end if
+c... Surface Force / Flux Cards
+ do 400 k = 1, numsuf
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** Surface Force / Flux Card #', k, ' ***
+ &'
+ nel(k) = getint ('Enter element number to apply surface force or
+ & flux:', nel(k))
+ write (istdo, *) '1 => bottom'
+ write (istdo, *) '2 => right'
+ write (istdo, *) '3 => top'
+ write (istdo, *) '4 => left'
+ iside(k) = getint ('Enter side to apply surface force or flux:
+ & ', iside(k))
+ fnorm(k) = gtreal ('Enter normal surface force:
+ & ', fnorm(k))
+ ftan(k) = gtreal ('Enter tangential surface force:
+ & ', ftan(k))
+ flux(k) = gtreal ('Enter heat flux:
+ & ', flux(k))
+ write (iunit, "(2(i6,1x),3(1pe12.5))") nel(k), iside(k),
+ & fnorm(k), ftan(k),
+ & flux(k)
+400 continue
+ close (iunit)
+ close (irefu)
+c... build geometry file
+c... Coordinate Group Cards
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Coordinate Group Cards'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Not (yet) based on existing input deck or includ
+ &e file settings!'
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ if (gref) then
+c... skip coordinate group cards
+ call skpsec (grefu, 4)
+ else
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Is this grid irregular', 'n')) then
+ isubg = getint ('Enter number of grid sub-groups: ', 2)
+ node1 = ncorbl
+ else
+ node1 = 1
+ nxg = nelx
+ nzg = nelz
+ isubg = 1
+ end if
+ do 500 i = 1, isubg
+ if (isubg .gt. 1) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** Sub Group #', i, ' ***'
+ nxg = getint('Enter number of x1 elements in subgroup:',nelx)
+ nzg = getint('Enter number of x2 elements in subgroup:',nelz)
+ node1= getint('Enter node number of lower left corner: ',node1
+ &)
+ xmin = gtreal('Enter x1 minimum value: ', xmin)
+ xmax = gtreal('Enter x1 maximum value: ', xmax)
+ zmin = gtreal('Enter x2 minimum value: ', zmin)
+ zmax = gtreal('Enter x2 maximum value: ', zmax)
+ else
+ end if
+ node2 = (nxg * incx) + node1
+ node3 = (nxg * incx) + (nzg * incz) + node1
+ node4 = (nzg * incz) + node1
+ write (gunit, 9500) node1, 4 , xmin , zmin
+ write (gunit, 9500) node2, 1 , xmax , zmin
+ write (gunit, 9500) node3, 1 , xmax , zmax
+ write (gunit, 9500) node4, 1 , xmin , zmax
+ write (gunit, 9550) nxg, incx, nzg, incz
+ if (lmovie) then
+ write (munit, 9500) node1, 4 , xmin , zmin
+ write (munit, 9500) node2, 1 , xmax , zmin
+ write (munit, 9500) node3, 1 , xmax , zmax
+ write (munit, 9500) node4, 1 , xmin , zmax
+ write (munit, 9550) nxg, incx, nzg, incz
+ else
+ end if
+500 continue
+ write (gunit, 9500) 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
+ if (lmovie) then
+ write (munit, 9500) 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
+ else
+ end if
+c... Velocity Boundary Condition Group - only simplest option
+c implemented. Not (yet) based on existing input deck or include
+c file settings!
+ if (gref) then
+c... skip velocity boundary condition group cards
+ call skpsec (grefu, 4)
+ else
+ end if
+c... explicitly pin velocities to facilitate any subsequent user changes
+ if ((ivxb .eq. ifix) .or. (ivzb .eq. ifix)) then
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncorbl, 2, vxbotl, vzbotl
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncorbr, 0, vxbotr, vzbotr
+ write (gunit, 9550) nelx, incx, 0, 0
+ else
+ end if
+ if ((ivxt .eq. ifix) .or. (ivzt .eq. ifix)) then
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncortl, 2, vxtopl, vztopl
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncortr, 0, vxtopr, vztopr
+ write (gunit, 9550) nelx, incx, 0, 0
+ else
+ end if
+ write (gunit, 9500) 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0
+c... Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Group
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Temperature/Composition Boundary Condition Cards
+ &'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Not (yet) based on existing input deck or includ
+ &e file settings!'
+ write (istdo, *) '************************************************
+ &****************'
+ do 600 loop = 1, nfield
+c... make bottom and top fixed temperature/composition boundary
+c conditions
+c... bottom edge
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (loop .eq. 1) then
+ bot = gtreal ('Enter bottom temperature value:', tbot)
+ else
+ bot = gtreal ('Enter bottom composition value:', bbot)
+ end if
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncorbl, 2, bot
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncorbr, 0, bot
+ write (gunit, 9550) nelx, incx, 0, 0
+c... top edge
+ if (loop .eq. 1) then
+ top = gtreal ('Enter top temperature value: ', ttop)
+ else
+ top = gtreal ('Enter top composition value: ', btop)
+ end if
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncortl, 2, top
+ write (gunit, 9500) ncortr, 0, top
+ write (gunit, 9550) nelx, incx, 0, 0
+ write (gunit, 9500) 0, 0, 0.0
+600 continue
+c... Element Connectivity Generation Group Cards
+ if (numat .gt. 1) then
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Element Connectivity Generation Group Cards'
+ write (istdo, *) 'Not (yet) based on existing input deck or incl
+ &ude file settings!'
+ write (istdo, *) '**********************************************
+ &******************'
+ else
+ end if
+ do 750 matno = 1, numat
+ if (numat .eq. 1) then
+ ielnu = 1
+ node1 = 1
+ node2 = node1 + incx
+ node3 = node2 + incz
+ node4 = node1 + incz
+ nxg = nelx
+ nzg = nelz
+ write (gunit, 9550) ielnu, 1, matno, node1, node2, node3,
+ & node4
+ write (gunit, 9550) nxg, incx-1, incx, nzg, incz, incz
+ if (lmovie) then
+ write (munit, 9550) ielnu, 1, matno, node1, node2, node3,
+ & node4
+ write (munit, 9550) nxg, incx-1, incx, nzg, incz, incz
+ else
+ end if
+ else
+ dfault = 'y'
+ done = .false.
+ do 700 while (.not. done)
+ write (istdo, *)
+ write (istdo, *) '*** Material Group #', matno, ' ***'
+ node1 = getint('Enter lower left node of material group:
+ & ' , node1)
+ nxg = getint('Enter number of elements in the x1 direction
+ &:' , nxg)
+ nzg = getint('Enter number of elements in the x2 direction
+ &:' , nzg)
+ dum = float (node1 / incx)
+ irow = int (dum)
+ icol = mod (node1, incx)
+ ielnu = irow * (incx-1) + (icol * incz)
+ node2 = node1 + incx
+ node3 = node2 + incz
+ node4 = node1 + incz
+ write (gunit, 9550) ielnu, 1, matno, node1, node2, node3,
+ & node4
+ write (gunit, 9550) nxg, incx-1, incx, nzg, incz, incz
+ if (lmovie) then
+ write (munit, 9550) ielnu, 1, matno, node1, node2, node3,
+ & node4
+ write (munit, 9550) nxg, incx-1, incx, nzg, incz, incz
+ else
+ end if
+ write (istdo, *)
+ if (yes ('Finished with this material', dfault)) then
+ done = .true.
+ else
+ done = .false.
+ end if
+700 continue
+ end if
+750 continue
+ write (gunit, 9550) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ if (lmovie) then
+ write (munit, 9550) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ else
+ end if
+ close (gunit)
+ close (grefu)
+ if (lmovie) then
+ close (munit)
+ else
+ end if
+ write (runit, 9800) ifile (1:kblnk(ifile))
+ write (runit, 9800) gfile (1:kblnk(gfile))
+ write (runit, 9800) outfn (1:kblnk(outfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) rinfn (1:kblnk(rinfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) routfn (1:kblnk(routfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) tsfn (1:kblnk(tsfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) fldfn (1:kblnk(fldfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) meanfn (1:kblnk(meanfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) strfn (1:kblnk(strfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) cordfn (1:kblnk(cordfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ if (icode .eq. ichn) then
+ write (runit, 9800) richfn (1:kblnk(fldfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) rochfn (1:kblnk(fldfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ write (runit, 9800) chnfn (1:kblnk(fldfn)) // sep //
+ & suffix (1:kblnk(suffix))
+ else
+ end if
+ close (runit)
+9000 format (i7, 2i4, 2i5, 6i4, i6, 4i4, i9, 2i4)
+9025 format (3i6, 1pe12.5)
+9050 format (3 (i6, 1x), 5x, 3 (i3, 1x))
+9300 format (10 (1pe12.5, 1x))
+9500 format (2 (i6, 1x), 5x, 3 (f12.6, 1x))
+9550 format (11 (i6, 1x))
+9800 format (a)
+ stop
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/getint.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/getint.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/getint.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+c Function to prompt user for an integer value. If user hits return
+c 'getint' is set to 'dfault'.
+ function getint (string, dfault)
+ character*(*) string
+ character*20 tmp
+ integer dfault, value, getint
+ value = dfault
+ write (6, "(a,' [',i8,'] ',$)") string, value
+ read (5, "(a20)") tmp
+ if (tmp(1:1) .ne. ' ') read (tmp, *) value
+ getint = value
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gtreal.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gtreal.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/gtreal.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+c Function to prompt user for a real value. If user hits return 'gtreal'
+c is set to 'dfault'.
+ function gtreal (string, dfault)
+ character*(*) string
+ character*20 tmp
+ value = dfault
+ write (6, "(a,' [', 1pe10.3,'] ',$)") string, value
+ read (5, "(a20)") tmp
+ if (tmp(1:1) .ne. ' ') read (tmp, *) value
+ gtreal = value
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/kblnk.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/kblnk.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/kblnk.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ function kblnk (string)
+c returns the number of non-blank characters in string before a blank character
+c is found
+ character*(*) string
+ integer k, kblnk
+ k = index(string,' ')
+ if (k .eq. 0) then
+ k = len(string)
+ else
+ k = k - 1
+ endif
+ kblnk = k
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/nblen.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/nblen.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/nblen.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ integer function nblen (string)
+c given a character string, nblen returns the length of the string
+c to the last non-blank character, presuming the string is left-
+c justified, i.e. if string = ' xs j ', nblen = 8.
+c called non-library routines: none
+c language: standard fortran 77
+ integer ls, i
+ character*(*) string, blank*1, null*1
+ data blank /' '/
+ null = char(0)
+ nblen = 0
+ ls = len(string)
+ if (ls .eq. 0) return
+ do 1 i = ls, 1, -1
+ if (string(i:i) .ne. blank .and. string(i:i) .ne. null) go to 2
+ 1 continue
+ return
+ 2 nblen = i
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/run_gendeck
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/run_gendeck (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/run_gendeck 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# run the GenDeck program to obtain a CIG SVN version ConMan set of input files
+model=${1-new} # model name
+rayleigh=${2-1e5} # Rayleigh number
+nelz=${3-50} # number of elements in z
+nsteps=${4-1000} # number of timesteps
+aspect=${5-1} # aspect ratio, determines x width
+heating=${6-0} # internal heating
+activationE=${7-0} # activation energy
+nelx=`echo $nelz $aspect | gawk '{x=int($1*$2);if(x%2!=0)x--;print(x)}'` # number of elements in x
+version=1 # 1: standard ConMan
+temp_ic=0 # temperature init, 0: conductive
+restart="y" # write restart file?
+refactor_stiffness="y" # allow for changes in viscosity
+nstep_restart=`echo $nsteps | gawk '{print(int($1/3))}'` # when to print restart files?
+nstep_timeseries=50 # for timeseries output
+nstep_field=`echo $nsteps | gawk '{print(int($1/30))}'` # for field output
+ndtime_print=1.0 # non-dim time to print results
+solver_type=1 # 0: banded 1: skyline
+tbot=1 # temp BCs
+# free slip BCs are asummed, that's the eight y after nstep_field
+# material 1 settings
+ref_visc=1 # reference viscosity
+penalty=1e7 # for incompressibility constraint
+therm_diff=1 # thermal diffusivity
+tempoff=0 # temperature offset
+activationV=0 # activation volume
+referencex2=0 #
+ref_stress=1 # reference stress
+visc_max=1e3 # viscosity cutoff
+echo $0: running gendeck. total timestep: $nstep field output spacing: $nstep_field
+echo $0: resolution: $nelx by $nelz elements aspect ratio $aspect
+echo $0: Rayleigh number $rayleigh
+verbose=0 # 0 terse 1 verbose 2 terse with init
+cat <<EOF > gendeck.in
+Automatically generated with GenDeck
+./GenDeck < gendeck.in
Property changes on: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/run_gendeck
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/skpsec.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/skpsec.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/skpsec.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+c Subroutine to read and ignore the contents of every line in a file
+c until "nzero" consecutive entries of value zero are found in one
+c line.
+ function skpsec (iunit, nzero)
+ dimension entry (20)
+ parameter (zero = 0.0)
+ finish = 1.0
+ do 10 while (finish .ne. zero)
+ read (iunit, *, end = 10, err = 10) (entry (i), i = 1, nzero)
+ j = 1
+ tmp = zero
+ do 20 while ((tmp .eq. zero) .and. (j .ne. nzero))
+ tmp = entry (j)
+ j = j + 1
+ 20 continue
+ finish = tmp
+ 10 continue
+ skpsec = 0
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/velbcf.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/velbcf.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/velbcf.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+c Function to prompt user for a velocity boundary condition. If user
+c hits return 'velbcf' is set to 'dfault'.
+ function velbcf (string, dfault, ifre, ifix)
+ character*(*) string
+ character*200 tmp_str
+ integer velbcf, dfault, value
+ logical yes
+ if (dfault .eq. ifre) then
+ if (yes (string (1:kblnk (string)) // ' = Unconstrained', 'y'))
+ & then
+ value = ifre
+ else
+ value = ifix
+ end if
+ else
+ if (yes (string (1:kblnk (string)) // ' = Pinned ', 'y'))
+ & then
+ value = ifix
+ else
+ value = ifre
+ end if
+ end if
+ velbcf = value
+ return
+ end
Added: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/yes.f
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/yes.f (rev 0)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/gendeck/yes.f 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+c... Function return user's choice of 'yes' or 'no'. Function returns
+c yes = .true. for reposnses which are not understood.
+ function yes (string, default)
+ logical yes
+ character*(*) string
+ character*1 default, tmp
+ write (*, "(a,' [',a1,']? ',$)") string, default
+ read (*, "(a)") tmp
+ if (tmp (1:1) .eq. ' ') then
+ if ((default .eq. 'n') .or. (default .eq. 'N')) then
+ yes = .false.
+ else
+ yes = .true.
+ end if
+ else if ((tmp (1:1) .eq. 'n') .or. (tmp (1:1) .eq. 'N')) then
+ yes = .false.
+ else
+ yes = .true.
+ end if
+ return
+ end
Modified: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/mm.src/Makefile.ifort64
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/mm.src/Makefile.ifort64 2009-03-24 18:03:02 UTC (rev 14427)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/mm.src/Makefile.ifort64 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# makefile for the memory manager library
-FFLAGS=-O2 -m64 -r8 -i8
+#FFLAGS=-O2 -m64 -r8 -i8
+FFLAGS=-g -m64 -r8 -i8
CC=gcc -m64 -DMMSC_INT_TYPE=int64_t
Modified: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/solver.src/Makefile.ifort64
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/solver.src/Makefile.ifort64 2009-03-24 18:03:02 UTC (rev 14427)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/src/solver.src/Makefile.ifort64 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# makefile for the solver routines
-FFLAGS=-O2 -m64 -r8 -i8
+#FFLAGS=-O2 -m64 -r8 -i8
+FFLAGS=-g -m64 -r8 -i8
SOLVER=zfactor.o back.o factor.o coldot.o unfact.o unback.o
Modified: mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/visual/gmt/split_field_out
--- mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/visual/gmt/split_field_out 2009-03-24 18:03:02 UTC (rev 14427)
+++ mc/2D/ConMan/trunk/visual/gmt/split_field_out 2009-03-24 19:21:13 UTC (rev 14428)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
if [ $plot -eq 3 ];then # combine to movie
- gifsicle $op.*.gif $model.movie.gif
+ gifsicle $op.*.gif > $model.movie.gif
rm $op.*.gif
echo $pname: output in $model.movie.gif
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