[cig-commits] r14497 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Fri Mar 27 14:01:00 PDT 2009

Author: carltape
Date: 2009-03-27 14:00:59 -0700 (Fri, 27 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 14497

New and updated matlab scripts for misfit analysis of measurement output from ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj.  Tested using measurement files from socal crustal models m00 and m16.

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compare_misfit.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+% compare_misfit.m
+% CARL TAPE, 06-Aug-2008
+% printed xxx
+% calls read_window_chi.m, plot_histo.m, readCMT.m, read_station_SPECFEM.m
+% called by xxx
+close all
+format compact
+dir0 = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D/RUNS/';
+iVRlog = 1;    % variance reduction formula (1 for VRL; 0 for VR)
+iwdiff = 1;    % demoninator for waveform difference (1 for new; 0 for old "standard" version)
+wtag = sprintf('VR%i_wdiff%i',iVRlog,iwdiff);
+iwrite = 1;
+isciencehist = 1;    % 0 or 1
+odirsci = '/home/carltape/science_paper/latex/figures/scripts/hist_data/';
+DTMIN = 1.0;   % see description below (1.0 or 0.0 for socal)
+idataset = 3;        % 1 (tomo), 2 (extra), 3 (simulation)
+dtags = {'tomo','extra','simulation'};
+dtag = dtags{idataset};
+% min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
+%Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
+Tminvec = [2]; Tmaxvec = [30];
+comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
+    % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
+    % defaults so that the first two letters are always BH
+ncomp = length(comps);
+nper = length(Tminvec);
+stBtag = 'BP';
+for ii=1:nper
+    stBtag = [stBtag num2str(Tminvec(ii))];
+% strings for labeling
+sTbp = repmat(cellstr(' '),1,nper);
+for tt = 1:nper
+    %sTbp{tt} = sprintf('[%is,%is]',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+    sTbp{tt} = sprintf('%i-%is',Tminvec(tt),Tmaxvec(tt));
+%imod1 = input(' Enter the model 1 (0): ');
+%imod2 = input(' Enter the model 2 (16): ');
+imod1 = 0;
+imod2 = 16;
+stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);     % put the VR files in the dir for the final model
+idatacov = 2;
+%idatacov = input(' Enter idatacov (1--by event, 2--by window, 3--none) : ');
+    % 1: weight by N
+    % 2: weight by E N_e in blocks that are N_e each in length
+    % 3: weight by 1
+    % -- N_e is the number of windows for event e
+    % -- E is the number of events
+    % -- N is the total number of windows: N = sum_e N_e
+stdcovs = {'event','window','none'};
+stdcov = stdcovs{idatacov};
+ftag = [stmod '_' stdcov];
+odir = ['OUTPUT_SUBSPACE/' stmod '/' stdcov '/'];
+%iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
+% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
+stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
+dir_source = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
+stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% list of event IDs
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_' dtag];
+% read in list of event IDs and sources
+% load the event IDs corresponding to the kernels
+% load these as strings, since event IDs could have letters
+eids = textread(eid_file,'%s');     
+eids_num = textread(eid_file,'%f'); % numeric version
+%eids_num = str2num(char(eids));
+nevent = length(eids);
+% read in CMT solutions
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
+% get the indices of these events into the full list
+ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
+for ii=1:nevent
+    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
+    if ~isempty(itemp)
+        ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
+    else
+        error(['event ' eids{ii} ' is not on the master list']);
+    end
+disp('all input EIDs matched to the master list');
+% read in stations file (used for synthetics)
+[rlon,rlat,relev,rburial,stnm,netwk] = read_station_SPECFEM(stations_file);
+nrec = length(stnm);
+for ii = 1:nrec, strec{ii} = [stnm{ii} '.' netwk{ii}]; end
+strec = strec(:);
+% make list of networks
+stnet = unique(netwk);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+% create indexing array
+% % create indexing vector and array
+% ninds = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper;
+% index_array2vec = zeros(nevent,nrec,ncomp,nper);
+% index_vec2array = zeros(ninds,4);
+% nw = 0;
+% for ievent = 1:nevent
+%     for irec = 1:nrec
+%         for icomp = 1:ncomp
+%             for iper = 1:nper
+%                 nw = nw+1;
+%                 index_vec2array(nw,:) = [ievent irec icomp iper];
+%                 index_array2vec(ievent,irec,icomp,iper) = nw;
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end 
+% end
+% nwin_tot = nw;    % = nevent*nrec*ncomp*nper
+iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in measurement files (0 otherwise) : ');
+%iread = 1;
+if iread == 1
+    % range of events
+    imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
+    %imin = 1; imax = 10;
+    %imin = 139; imax = imin;       
+    %imin = 141; imax = imin;       % Chino Hills
+    % model 1
+    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod1);
+    meas_array1 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
+    save('meas_array1','meas_array1');
+    % model 2
+    stmod = sprintf('m%2.2i',imod2);
+    meas_array2 = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
+    save('meas_array2','meas_array2');
+   load(['meas_array1.mat']);
+   load(['meas_array2.mat']);
+% check at least that the station indices are identical
+if sum( meas_array1(:,5) - meas_array2(:,5) ) ~= 0
+    error('mismatch of the two window files');
+% total number of windows
+N = length(meas_array1);
+% combine the columns that you want into one datafile
+meas_all = [meas_array1(:,[1:7 9 10 13 14 11]) ...     % first 11 columns
+    meas_array1(:,12) meas_array2(:,12) meas_array1(:,8) meas_array2(:,8) ...
+    meas_array1(:,15) meas_array2(:,15) meas_array1(:,16) meas_array2(:,16) ...
+    meas_array1(:,17) meas_array2(:,17) meas_array1(:,18) meas_array2(:,18) ...
+    meas_array1(:,19) meas_array2(:,19) meas_array1(:,23) meas_array2(:,23) ...
+    meas_array1(:,25) meas_array2(:,25)];
+%  1  kinds
+%  2  index_T
+%  3  index_event
+%  4  index_network
+%  5  index_rec
+%  6  index_comp
+%  7  iwin
+%  8  seisdur
+%  9  windur
+% 10  seisd2
+% 11  wind2
+% 12  T_pmax_dat
+% 13  m00 - T_pmax_syn
+% 14  m16 - T_pmax_syn
+% 15  m00 - iker
+% 16  m16 - iker
+% waveform difference information
+% 17  m00 - seiss2
+% 18  m16 - seiss2
+% 19  m00 - wins2
+% 20  m16 - wins2
+% 21, m00 - seis_diff2
+% 22, m16 - seis_diff2
+% 23, m00 - win_diff2
+% 24, m16 - win_diff2
+% 25, m00 - DT-CC
+% 26, m16 - DT-CC
+% 27, m00 - DT-MT
+% 28, m16 - DT-MT
+% 29, m00 - tr_chi
+% 30, m16 - tr_chi
+% 31, m00 - seis_chi
+% 32, m16 - seis_chi
+% 33, m00 - win_chi
+% 34, m16 - win_chi
+% 35 --> VRseis (with NaN)
+% 36 --> VRwin (with NaN)
+% find the unique seismograms (value from first window in each record)
+bseis1 = (meas_all(:,7) == 1);
+nseis = sum(bseis1);
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows are the only window on the seismogram',nseis,N));
+for kk = 0:1    % loop over both models
+    % find the number of MT and CC measurements used, and replace MT-DT with the CC value
+    iMT = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 1);
+    iCC = find(meas_all(:,15+kk) == 2);
+    nMT = length(iMT);
+    disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows use multitaper measurment',nMT,N));
+    % compare DT for MT vs CC
+    figure; hold on; ymx = 4;
+    plot(meas_all(:,25+kk),meas_all(:,27+kk),'.');
+    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ro');
+    plot([-1 1]*ymx,[-1 1]*ymx,'r--'); grid on; axis equal, axis([-1 1 -1 1]*ymx);
+    xlabel('Cross-correlation DT'); ylabel('Multitaper DT (when possible)');
+    % KEY: replace MT DT zero values with the CC DT values
+    meas_all(iCC,27+kk) = meas_all(iCC,25+kk);
+    plot(meas_all(iCC,25+kk),meas_all(iCC,27+kk),'ko');
+%itemp = find(and(meas_all(:,23)==-2.9,meas_all(:,25) > 0))
+if iwdiff == 1
+    % new version
+    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,17) );
+    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,10) .* meas_all(:,18) );
+    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,17) );
+    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ sqrt( meas_all(:,11) .* meas_all(:,18) );  
+    % old "standard" version
+    seis_chi1 = meas_all(:,21) ./ meas_all(:,10);
+    seis_chi2 = meas_all(:,22) ./ meas_all(:,10);
+    win_chi1  = meas_all(:,23) ./ meas_all(:,11);
+    win_chi2  = meas_all(:,24) ./ meas_all(:,11);  
+% add misfit to meas_all
+meas_all = [meas_all seis_chi1 seis_chi2 win_chi1 win_chi2];
+if iVRlog == 1
+    VRseis = log( seis_chi1 ./ seis_chi2 );
+    VRwin = log( win_chi1 ./ win_chi2 );
+    edges_vr = [-4:0.5:4]; ylims = [0 0.4];
+    VRtag = 'VRL';
+    VRseis = (seis_chi1 - seis_chi2) ./ seis_chi1;
+    VRwin = (win_chi1 - win_chi2) ./ win_chi1;   
+    edges_vr = [-4:0.25:1]; ylims = [0 0.4];
+    VRtag = 'VR';
+% Remove windows that are have time shifts less than DTMIN both in the
+% initial model and in the final model -- we are not interested in the VR
+% for these records.  But we are interested if the time shift gets WORSE
+% than DTMIN in going from m00 to m16.
+%DTMIN = 0.0;
+DTMIN_tag = sprintf('DTMIN_%3.3ims',DTMIN*1000);
+bbad = and( abs(meas_all(:,25)) < DTMIN, abs(meas_all(:,26)) < DTMIN );
+bgood = ~bbad;
+ngood = sum(bgood);
+VRwin(bbad) = NaN;
+if DTMIN == 0
+    VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
+    disp('excluding seismograms that have windows fit before and after');
+    if 0==1
+        % exclude seismograms in which ANY window has a time shifts less than DTMIN
+        % both in the initial model and in the final model
+        VRseis(~bseis1) = NaN;    % set VR for non-unique entries to NaN
+        VRseis(bbad) = NaN;      % set VR to NaN if ANY window is NaN
+    else
+        % exclude seismograms in which ALL windows have time shifts less than DTMIN
+        % both in the initial model and in the final model -- THIS IS SLOW
+        %for ii = 1:N        % loop over all windows
+        ind1=3; ind2=5; ind3=6; ind4=2;
+        for ii = 1:N
+        %for ii = 10:10
+           if mod(ii,1000) == 0, disp(sprintf('%i out of %i',ii,N)); end
+           sind = meas_all(ii,[ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4]);    % index into record
+           % find the other windows on the seismogram and assign NaN if all windows
+           % on the seismogram have VRwin NaN
+           imatch = find( and( and(meas_all(:,ind1)==sind(1),meas_all(:,ind2)==sind(2)),...
+               and(meas_all(:,ind3)==sind(3),meas_all(:,ind4)==sind(4)) ) == 1);
+           inans = isnan(VRwin(imatch));
+           if all(inans)                    % all windows are bad
+               VRseis(imatch) = NaN;
+           else                             % at least one window is good
+               ikeeper = imatch(~inans);
+               VRseis(setdiff(imatch,ikeeper(1))) = NaN;
+           end
+        end
+    end
+%temp = [VRseis VRwin]; disp(temp(1:30,:)), sum(~isnan(VRseis)), sum(~isnan(VRwin))
+% good seismograms, unrepeated
+bgoodseis = ~isnan(VRseis);
+ngoodseis = sum(bgoodseis);
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i windows have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngood,N,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
+disp(sprintf('%i out of %i seismograms have DT > %.2f s for m%2.2i or m%2.2i',ngoodseis,nseis,DTMIN,imod1,imod2));
+% Remove windows that are worse within records that are better
+%bbad2 = and( VRseis > 0, VRwin <  0); length(bbad2)
+% fraction of records and windows that have a worse waveform difference
+fworse_seis = length(find(VRseis(bgoodseis) < 0)) / ngoodseis;
+fworse_win = length(find(VRwin(bgood) < 0)) / ngood;
+% add VR to meas_all
+meas_all = [meas_all VRseis VRwin];
+VRvals = [mean(VRwin(bgood)) median(VRwin(bgood)) mean(VRseis(bgoodseis)) median(VRseis(bgoodseis))];
+disp(sprintf('Variance reduction values for the %i windows:',ngood));
+figure; nr=3; nc=2;
+edges_chi = [0:0.25:4];
+x = win_chi1(bgood);
+%x = log(win_chi1(bgood));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WINDOWS: mean %.3f, median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = seis_chi1(bgoodseis);
+%x = log(seis_chi1(bgoodseis));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod1,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = win_chi2(bgood);
+%x = log(win_chi2(bgood));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i WIN: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
+x = seis_chi2(bgoodseis);
+%x = log(seis_chi2(bgoodseis));
+Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_chi);
+xlabel('chi2 for each seismogram'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('chi2 for m%2.2i SEIS: mean %.3f median %.3f',imod2,mean(x),median(x)));
+Nbin = plot_histo(VRwin(bgood),edges_vr);
+xlabel([VRtag ' for each window']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('WIN: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_win,VRtag,VRvals(1),VRtag,VRvals(2)));
+Nbin = plot_histo(VRseis(bgoodseis),edges_vr);
+xlabel([VRtag ' for each seismogram']); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+title(sprintf('SEIS: %.2f > 0, %smean = %.3f, %smed = %.3f',1-fworse_seis,VRtag,VRvals(3),VRtag,VRvals(4)));
+fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+% MT-DT and CC-DT for final model
+DTvals = zeros(1,4);
+x1 = meas_all(bgoodseis,26);
+x2 = meas_all(bgoodseis,28);
+DTvals = [mean(x1) std(x1) mean(x2) std(x2)];
+if 1==1
+    figure; nr=2; nc=1; ylims = [0 0.3];
+    edges_DT = [-3:0.25:3];
+    tlabs = {'CC','MT'};
+    for kk=[0 2]
+        % windows
+        subplot(nr,nc,1+kk/2);
+        x = meas_all(bgood,26+kk);
+        Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
+        xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+        title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
+%         % seismograms
+%         subplot(nr,nc,2+kk);
+%         x = meas_all(bgoodseis,26+kk);
+%         Nbin = plot_histo(x,edges_DT);
+%         xlabel('DT for each window'); ylim(ylims); grid on;
+%         title(sprintf('%s-DT, m%2.2i, %i events: mean %.3f pm %.3f',tlabs{1+kk/2},imod2,nevent,mean(x),std(x)));
+    end
+    fontsize(10), orient tall, wysiwyg
+% %----------------------------------------------
+% % check some of the output window rows
+% if 0==1
+%     itestvec = [41];
+%     for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
+%         disp('====>');
+%         itest = itestvec(ii);
+%         meas_array1(itest,14)
+%         meas_array2(itest,14)
+%         display_meas(meas_array1(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+%         display_meas(meas_array2(itest,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+%     end
+% end
+% add a couple more measures
+% 32 - Pwin, power in window relative to record
+% 33 - Pwin*VRwin, quality of VR for window (will favor single-window records)
+%meas_all_mod = [meas_all meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10) meas_all(:,11)./meas_all(:,10).*meas_all(:,31)];
+meas_all_mod = meas_all;
+% if isciencehist==1
+%     % 1  - ii
+%     % 2  - eid
+%     % 3  - ind
+%     % 4  - sta
+%     % 5  - net
+%     % 6  - comp
+%     % 7  - iwin
+%     % 8  - m16 - DT-CC
+%     % 9  - m16 - DT-MT
+%     % 10 - m00 - seis_chi
+%     % 11 - m16 - seis_chi
+%     % 12 - m00 - win_chi
+%     % 13 - m16 - win_chi
+%     %dsort = meas_all_mod(bgood,:);        % extract a subset
+%     dsort = meas_all_mod;
+%     klabs = {'win','seis'};
+%     for kk = 1:2
+%         fpre = 'hist_all_wdiff';
+%         %fpre = 'hist_T006_T030_DT';
+%         fname = [odirsci fpre '_'  DTMIN_tag '_' dtag '_' wtag '_' klabs{kk} '.dat'];
+%         fid = fopen(fname,'w');
+%         pp = 0;
+%         for ii = 1:length(dsort)
+%             ilist = 0;
+%             if any(kk==[2 4])          % seismogram list
+%                 %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
+%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
+%             else                       % window list
+%                 if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
+%             end
+%             if ilist==1
+%                 pp = pp+1;
+%                 fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%6i%6s%6s%6s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,6) '\n'],...
+%                     pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),dsort(ii,1),...
+%                     char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
+%                     dsort(ii,[7 26 28 29:32]));
+%             end
+%         end
+%         fclose(fid);
+%     end
+% end
+if iwrite == 1
+    if isciencehist==0
+        klabs = {'DT2','DT_chi2','seis_chi1','seis_chi2','win_chi1','win_chi2','VRseis','VRwin'};
+        kind = [-26 30 31 32 33 34 -35 -36];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
+    else
+        odir = odirsci;
+        klabs = {'seis_chi1','win_chi1'};
+        kind = [31 33];
+    end
+    numk = length(klabs);
+    disp('writing out sorted files...');
+    for kk = 1:numk
+    %for kk = numk:numk
+    %for kk = 1:1
+        dsort = sortrows(meas_all_mod,kind(kk));
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_sort_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%6s%12s%8s%6s%6s%6s%10s%6s' repmat('%8s',1,12) '\n'],' ','eid','ind',...
+            'stnm','net','comp','BP','iwin','DTCC1','DTCC2','DTMT1','DTMT2',...
+            'DTchi1','DTchi2','Fseis1','Fseis2','Fwin1','Fwin2','VRseis','VRwin');
+        pp = 0;
+        for ii = 1:N
+            ilist = 0;
+            if any(abs(kind(kk))==[31 32 35])          % seismogram list
+                %if and(~isnan(dsort(ii,[33 34])),dsort(ii,7)==1), ilist = 1; end
+                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,35)), ilist = 1; end
+            else                       % window list
+                if ~isnan(dsort(ii,36)), ilist = 1; end
+            end
+            if ilist == 1
+                pp = pp+1;
+                fprintf(fid,['%6i%12i%8i%6s%6s%6s%10s%6i' repmat('%8.3f',1,12) '\n'],...
+                    pp,eids_num(dsort(ii,3)),...
+                    dsort(ii,1),...
+                    char(stnm{dsort(ii,5)}),...
+                    char(stnet{dsort(ii,4)}),...
+                    char(comps{dsort(ii,6)}),...
+                    char(sTbp{dsort(ii,2)}),...
+                    dsort(ii,[7 25:36]));
+            end
+        end
+        %fprintf(fid,'%12s%8i%6s%6s%6s%12.4f%12s%12s\n','TOTAL',sum(Ns),'--','--','--',sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % values to go with the histograms
+    % 1 - m16 DTCC mean
+    % 2 - m16 DTCC std
+    % 3 - m16 DTMT mean
+    % 4 - m16 DTMT std
+    % 5 - VRwin mean
+    % 6 - VRwin std
+    % 7 - VRseis mean
+    % 8 - VRseis mean
+    vtemp = [DTvals VRvals];
+    disp('writing out statistic values...');
+    fid = fopen([odir ftag '_' stBtag '_' DTMIN_tag '_' wtag '_' dtag '_values.txt'],'w');
+    fprintf(fid,[repmat('%12.3e',1,length(vtemp)) '\n'],vtemp);
+    fclose(fid);

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2009-03-27 20:51:08 UTC (rev 14496)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/compute_misfit.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 % min and max periods for the different bandpassed datasets
 %Tminvec = [2 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30];
 Tminvec = [2 3 6]; Tmaxvec = [30 30 30];
+%Tminvec = [6]; Tmaxvec = [30];
 comps = {'BHZ','BHR','BHT'};
     % regardless of the component label for the DATA, the measurement code
@@ -63,14 +64,22 @@
 iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write files (0 otherwise) : ');
-% files: event IDs, CMTSOLUTIONS, stations
-dir_source = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_11/';
-eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
-%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
-eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
-cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v11'];
+% files: CMTSOLUTIONS and stations
+stsrcvers = '16';      % index for the set of sources (NOT the model iteration index)
+dir_source = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_' stsrcvers '/'];
+cmt_file_all = [dir_source 'SOCAL_FINAL_CMT_v' stsrcvers];
 stations_file = '/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_specfem';
+% list of event IDs
+%eid_file = [dir_source 'EIDs_only_loc'];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/syn_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_' stmod];
+%eid_file = ['/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_use_' stmod];
+eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_simulation';
+%eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_tomo';
+%eid_file = '/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_extra';
 % read in list of event IDs and sources
@@ -82,12 +91,13 @@
 nevent = length(eids);
 % read in CMT solutions
-[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,eid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+[date,tshift,hdur,slat,slon,dep,M,seid_cmt,elabel] = readCMT(cmt_file_all, 13, 1);
+eid_cmt = str2num(char(seid_cmt));
 % get the indices of these events into the full list
 ievent_full = zeros(nevent,1);
 for ii=1:nevent
-    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),eid_cmt);
+    itemp = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
     if ~isempty(itemp)
         ievent_full(ii) = itemp;
@@ -109,7 +119,7 @@
 %     fid = fopen('eids_reduced','w');
 %     for ii=1:nevent
-%         imatch = strmatch(eids(ii),eid_cmt);
+%         imatch = strmatch(eids(ii),seid_cmt);
 %         slon_match = slon(imatch);
 %         slat_match = slat(imatch);
 %         if slon_match <= -117.2
@@ -162,93 +172,10 @@
     % range of events
     imin = 1; imax = nevent;        % default
-    %imin = 72; imax = imin;
+    %imin = 139; imax = imin;
-    k2 = 0;
-    meas_array = [];
-    %for tt = 1:1
-    for tt = 1:nper
-        Tmin = Tminvec(tt);
-        Tmax = Tmaxvec(tt);
-        Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
-        Ttag2 = [Ttag '_' stmod]
-        %Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i',Tmin);   % old version
-        disp('-----------------------------------------');
-        for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
-            disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
-            dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_' Ttag '/'];
-            mfile = [eids{ii} '_' Ttag2 '_window_chi'];
-            filename = [dir1 mfile];
-            if ~exist(filename,'file')
-                disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
-            else
-                % read the window_chi file
-                [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
-                chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
-                measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
-                sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
-                wind2,wins2,win_chi0,windur, recd2,recs2,rec_chi0,recdur,...
-                tr_chi,am_chi] = read_window_chi(filename);
-                % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
-                win_chi = win_chi0 ./ wind2;
-                rec_chi = rec_chi0 ./ recd2;
-                nwin = length(strec0);
-                disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
-                % assign the string network an integer index
-                index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                for inet = 1:nnet
-                    ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
-                    index_net(ind_net) = inet;
-                end
-                % assign the string receiver an integer index
-                index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                for irec = 1:nrec
-                    ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
-                    index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
-                end
-                % assign the string component an integer index
-                index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
-                for icomp = 1:ncomp
-                    ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
-                    index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
-                end
-                % measurement indices
-                k1 = k2+1;
-                k2 = k1+nwin-1;
-                kinds = [k1:k2]';
-                meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin ...
-                    iker measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA  measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT win_chi rec_chi tr_chi];
-                %  1  kinds
-                %  2  index_T
-                %  3  index_event
-                %  4  index_network
-                %  5  index_rec
-                %  6  index_comp
-                %  7  iwin
-                %  8  iker
-                %  9  measCC_dT
-                % 10  sigmaCC_dT
-                % 11  measCC_dA
-                % 12  sigmaCC_dA
-                % 13  measMT_dT
-                % 14  sigmaMT_dT
-                % 15  win_chi
-                % 16  rec_chi                
-                % 17  tr_chi
-            end
-        end
-    end
+    meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps);
@@ -260,56 +187,115 @@
 % total number of windows
 N = length(meas_array);
+% a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
+seisd2 = meas_array(:,13);
+wind2 = meas_array(:,14);
+seiss2 = meas_array(:,15);
+wins2 = meas_array(:,16);
+win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
+win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
 % check some of the output window rows
 if 0==1
-    itestvec = [1 2];
+    itestvec = [1:10];
     for ii = 1:length(itestvec)
         itest = itestvec(ii);
-        meas_array(itest,14)
-        0.5 * meas_array(itest,9)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
-        0.5 * meas_array(itest,13)^2 / meas_array(itest,10)^2
+        meas_array(itest,25)
+        0.5 * meas_array(itest,19)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
+        0.5 * meas_array(itest,23)^2 / meas_array(itest,20)^2
-% tally windows by:
-% (1) event
-% (2) network
-% (3) station
-% (4) component
+% tally the following
+%   (1) number of window picks
+%   (2) window durations
+%   (3) number of seismograms used
+% by these indices
+%   (1) event
+%   (2) network
+%   (3) station
+%   (4) component
 nwin_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper);
+durwin_all_event = nwin_all_event;
+nseis_all_event = nwin_all_event;
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nevent
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_event(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,3)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_event(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
 nwin_all_net = zeros(nnet,nper);
+durwin_all_net = nwin_all_net;
+nseis_all_net = nwin_all_net;
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nnet
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_net(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,4)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_net(ii,tt) = length(imatch);        
 nwin_all_rec = zeros(nrec,nper);
+durwin_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
+nseis_all_rec = nwin_all_rec;
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:nrec
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_rec(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,5)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_rec(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
 nwin_all_comp = zeros(ncomp,nper);
+durwin_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
+nseis_all_comp = nwin_all_comp;
 for tt = 1:nper
     for ii = 1:ncomp
         imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) );
         nwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch);
+        durwin_all_comp(ii,tt) = sum(meas_array(imatch,10));
+        % pick the first window index only to count the records
+        imatch = find( and( meas_array(:,7)==1, and( meas_array(:,6)==ii, meas_array(:,2)==tt) ));
+        nseis_all_comp(ii,tt) = length(imatch); 
+% quick computation of unique records
+nunique_vec = zeros(9,1);
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,2)],'rows'); nunique_vec(1) = length(iupath);      % bandpasses
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,6)],'rows'); nunique_vec(2) = length(iupath);      % components
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,4)],'rows'); nunique_vec(3) = length(iupath);      % networks
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,3)],'rows'); nunique_vec(4) = length(iupath);      % events
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[4 5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(5) = length(iupath);  % receivers
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:5])],'rows'); nunique_vec(6) = length(iupath);  % paths
+[junk,iupath] = unique([meas_array(:,[3:6])],'rows'); nunique_vec(7) = length(iupath);  % seismograms
+nunique_vec(8) = length(find(meas_array(:,7)==1));                                      % bandpassed seismograms
+nunique_vec(9) = length(meas_array);                                                    % total windows
+fid = fopen([odir ftag '_nunique'],'w');
+for ii = 1:length(nunique_vec), fprintf(fid,'%i\n',nunique_vec(ii)); end;
 % tally stations for each event (and period)
 nrec_all_event = zeros(nevent,nper+1);
@@ -325,44 +311,91 @@
 if iwrite == 1
-    sTfmti = repmat('%8i',1,nper);
-    sTfmts = repmat('%8s',1,nper);
+    sTfmti = repmat('%6i',1,nper);
+    sTfmts = repmat('%6s',1,nper);
+    sTfmtf = repmat('%12.1f',1,nper);
+    sTfmts2 = repmat('%12s',1,nper);
     sTdash = repmat(cellstr('--'),1,nper);
     stks = {'event','network','receiver','component'};
     for kk = 1:length(stks)
         switch kk
-           case 1, nwin_out = nwin_all_event; labs = eids;
-           case 2, nwin_out = nwin_all_net; labs = stnet;
-           case 3, nwin_out = nwin_all_rec; labs = strec;
-           case 4, nwin_out = nwin_all_comp; labs = comps;
+           case 1, nwin_out = nwin_all_event; durwin_out = durwin_all_event; nseis_out = nseis_all_event; labs = eids;
+           case 2, nwin_out = nwin_all_net; durwin_out = durwin_all_net; nseis_out = nseis_all_net; labs = stnet;
+           case 3, nwin_out = nwin_all_rec; durwin_out = durwin_all_rec; nseis_out = nseis_all_rec; labs = strec;
+           case 4, nwin_out = nwin_all_comp; durwin_out = durwin_all_comp; nseis_out = nseis_all_comp; labs = comps;
+        %----------------------------
         nw = length(nwin_out);
         ntot_1 = sum(nwin_out, 1);
         ntot_2 = sum(nwin_out, 2);
         [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
-        % write out the file
         fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_picks_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
-        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],'TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
         for ii = 1:nw
             jj = isort(ii);
-            fprintf(fid,['%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        %----------------------------
+        ntot_1 = sum(durwin_out, 1);
+        ntot_2 = sum(durwin_out, 2);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' durwin_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_window_duration_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts2 '%14s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        for ii = 1:nw
+            jj = isort(ii);
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmtf '%14.1f\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,durwin_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
+        %----------------------------
+        ntot_1 = sum(nseis_out, 1);
+        ntot_2 = sum(nseis_out, 2);
+        [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nw]' nseis_out ntot_2],-[2+nper]);
+        fid = fopen([odir ftag '_seismograms_used_by_' stks{kk}],'w');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ',stks{kk},' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+        fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmti '%10i\n'],' ','TOTAL -->',' ',ntot_1,sum(ntot_1));
+        for ii = 1:nw
+            jj = isort(ii);
+            fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,labs{jj},jj,nseis_out(jj,:),ntot_2(jj));
+        end
+        fclose(fid);
     % write out the number of stations for each event
     [junk, isort] = sortrows([[1:nevent]' nrec_all_event],-[2+nper]);
     fid = fopen([odir ftag '_receivers_used_by_event'],'w');
-    fprintf(fid,['%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],'event',' ',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
+    fprintf(fid,['%5s%12s%5s' sTfmts '%10s\n'],' ','event','ind',sTbp{:},'TOTAL');
     for ii = 1:nevent
         jj = isort(ii);
-        fprintf(fid,['%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
+        fprintf(fid,['%5i%12s%5i' sTfmti '%10i\n'],ii,eids{jj},jj,nrec_all_event(jj,:));
+    % list the number of window picks per event, unsorted
+    % (This was used to computed the weighted coverage kernel for m16.)
+    nw = length(nwin_all_event);
+    ntot_2 = sum(nwin_all_event, 2);
+    fid0 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_eids'],'w');
+    fid1 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks_nwin'],'w');  
+    fid2 = fopen([odir stmod '_window_picks'],'w');  
+    for ii = 1:nw
+        jj = isort(ii);
+        fprintf(fid0,['%s\n'],eids{ii});
+        fprintf(fid1,['%i\n'],ntot_2(ii));
+        fprintf(fid2,['%s  %i\n'],eids{ii},ntot_2(ii));
+    end
+    fclose(fid0); fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2);
@@ -389,15 +422,15 @@
 if sum(Ns) ~= length(meas_array), error('inconsistent values for total windows'); end
 % compute data vector for subspace method
-% factor of 2 cancels the 0.5 used in computing the misfit (mt_measure_adj.f90)
 dnorm_sq = zeros(nevent,1);
 for ii = 1:nevent
     imatch = find( meas_array(:,3)==ii );
-    Sval = meas_array(imatch,17);
+    Sval = meas_array(imatch,25);
     if sum(isnan(Sval)) > 0
         disp(sprintf('i = %i, eid %s',ii,eids{ii}));
         error('Sval has at least one NaN data entry');
+        % factor of 2 cancels the 0.5 used in computing the misfit (mt_measure_adj.f90)
         dnorm_sq(ii) = sum(2 * Sval ./ dcov_fac(imatch) );
@@ -418,28 +451,31 @@
     % This is useful if you want to only list events matching a certain set of criteria.
     if 0==1
-        eid_reject = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/KERNELS/kernels_exclude');
-        X1 = 20;
-        X2 = 40;
-        D1 = 3;
+        eid_reject = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/eids_reject');
+        X1 = 20; X2 = 40; D1 = 0.4;
         isave = find( or(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X2, and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1)) );
+        %isave = find( and(nrec_all_event(:,3) > X1, dnorm_sq*nevent > D1));
         [eids_save,ijunk] = setdiff( eids_num(isave), eid_reject );
-        eids_save = eids_num;
+        %eids_save = load('/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/EID_LISTS/kernels_run_m14');
+        %eids_save = eids_num(find( or( slat(ievent_full) > 34.6, slat(ievent_full) < 33.8) ));   % dm14
+        eids_save = eids_num;     % default
-    klabs = {'dnorm','nrec'};
-    kind = -([5 4]+nper);   % columns to sort
-    for kk = 1:2
+    klabs = {'order','dnorm','nrec'};
+    kind = [2 -(nper+[5 4])];          % columns to sort, corresponding to klabs
+    for kk = 1:length(klabs)
         dsort = sortrows(data_norms,kind(kk));
         fid = fopen([odir ftag '_data_norms_sort_by_' klabs{kk} '.txt'],'w');
-        fprintf(fid,['%12s%4s%8s' sTfmts '%8s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n'],'eid','ind','Nwin',...
+        fprintf(fid,['%4s%10s%4s%8s' sTfmts '%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n'],' ','eid','ind','Nwin',...
-        fprintf(fid,['%12s%4i%8i' sTfmts '%8s%10.2f%10.4f%10s%10s\n'],...
+        fprintf(fid,['%14s%4i%8i' sTfmts '%6s%10.2f%10.4f%10s%10s\n'],...
             'TOTAL',' ',sum(Ns),sTdash{:},'--',sum(dnorm_sq*nevent),sum(dnorm_sq),'--','--');
+        pp = 0;
         for ii = 1:nevent
             if any(dsort(ii,1)==eids_save)
-                fprintf(fid,['%12i%4i%8i' sTfmti '%8i%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n'],dsort(ii,:));
+                pp = pp+1;
+                fprintf(fid,['%4i%10i%4i%8i' sTfmti '%6i%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n'],pp,dsort(ii,:));
@@ -475,7 +511,7 @@
     iuse = find( sum(nwin_all_event,2) > 0);
     inds = ievent_full(iuse);
     writeCMT_psmeca([odir 'socal_tomo_' stmod],date(inds),slat(inds),slon(inds),...
-        dep(inds),M(inds,:),eid_cmt(inds));
+        dep(inds),M(inds,:),seid_cmt(inds));
@@ -495,28 +531,61 @@
 % find records that meet particular criteria
-DT_MIN = 5;
+DT_MIN = 7;
+DT_MAX = 9;
-%icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,9) >= DT_MIN, meas_array(:,10) <= DT_SIGMA_MIN) )
-icheck = find( abs(meas_array(:,9)) >= DT_MIN )
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -9 );
-meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,19) >= DT_MIN, meas_array(:,19) <= DT_MAX) );
+if 0==1
+    [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -19 );
+    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+    meas_disp = meas_array(icheck,:);
 DA_MIN = -0.8;
 DA_MAX = 3.0;
-icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,11) <= DA_MIN, meas_array(:,11) >= DA_MAX) );
-%[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 11 );
+icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,21) <= DA_MIN, meas_array(:,21) >= DA_MAX) );
 [junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), 3 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 CHI_MIN = 100;
 DT_SIGMA_MIN = 0.19;
-icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,17) >=  CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,10) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
-[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -15 );
+icheck = find( and( meas_array(:,25) >= CHI_MIN, meas_array(:,20) < DT_SIGMA_MIN) );
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( meas_array(icheck,:), -16 );
 meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
 ebads = unique( eids_num(meas_array(icheck,3)) )
+% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
+% windur = meas_array(:,10);
+% icheck = find( or( meas_array(:,11) >= windur, meas_array(:,12) >= windur ) );
+% [junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:) meas_array(icheck,12)-windur(icheck)], -26 );
+% meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+% display_meas(meas_disp(1:100,:),Tminvec,eids,strec,comps);
+% records whos max freq content of window exceed the window duration
+NCYCLE = 1;
+TPMIN = 20; TPMAX = 30;
+iTper = 1;
+windur = meas_array(:,10);
+icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, ...
+    and( and(windur >= NCYCLE*TPMIN, meas_array(:,2) == iTper), ...
+    and( and(meas_array(:,11) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,11) <= TPMAX), ...
+         and(meas_array(:,12) >= TPMIN, meas_array(:,12) <= TPMAX)) )));
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);
+% long windows with prominant phases for 2-30s 
+WINMIN = 30;
+iTper = 1;
+windur = meas_array(:,10);
+icheck = find( and( win_rels2 > 0.1, and(windur >= 30, meas_array(:,2) == iTper)));
+[junk, isort] = sortrows( [meas_array(icheck,:)], 3 );
+meas_disp = meas_array(icheck(isort),:);

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2009-03-27 20:51:08 UTC (rev 14496)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/display_meas.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -13,26 +13,8 @@
 X = meas_array;
 [m,n] = size(X);
-if n ~= 17, error(' should be 17 columns in the input matrix'); end
+if n ~= 25, error(' should be 25 columns in the input matrix'); end
-%  1  kinds
-%  2  index_T
-%  3  index_event
-%  4  index_network
-%  5  index_rec
-%  6  index_comp
-%  7  iwin
-%  8  iker
-%  9  measCC_dT
-% 10  sigmaCC_dT
-% 11  measCC_dA
-% 12  sigmaCC_dA
-% 13  measMT_dT
-% 14  sigmaMT_dT
-% 15  win_chi
-% 16  rec_chi                
-% 17  tr_chi
 index_win    = X(:,1);
 index_per    = X(:,2);
 index_event  = X(:,3);
@@ -41,20 +23,31 @@
 index_comp   = X(:,6);
 isub_win     = X(:,7);
 iker         = X(:,8);
-measCC_dT    = X(:,9);
-sigmaCC_dT   = X(:,10);
-measCC_dA    = X(:,11);
-sigmaCC_dA   = X(:,12);
-measMT_dT    = X(:,13);
-sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,14);
-win_chi      = X(:,15);
-rec_chi      = X(:,16);
-tr_chi       = X(:,17);
+seisdur      = X(:,9);
+windur       = X(:,10);
+T_pmax_dat   = X(:,11);
+T_pmax_syn   = X(:,12);
+seis_d2      = X(:,13);
+win_d2       = X(:,14);
+seis_s2      = X(:,15);
+win_s2       = X(:,16);
+seis_diff2   = X(:,17);
+win_diff2    = X(:,18);
+measCC_dT    = X(:,19);
+sigmaCC_dT   = X(:,20);
+measCC_dA    = X(:,21);
+sigmaCC_dA   = X(:,22);
+measMT_dT    = X(:,23);
+sigmaMT_dT   = X(:,24);
+tr_chi       = X(:,25);
 disp('INDEX (window, period, event, receiver, component)');
 for ii = 1:m
-   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %5s %3i DT = %6.2f +- %6.2f DA = %6.2f chi = %6.2f -- %i',...
+   disp(sprintf('%10s --> %6.1f %7s %6s %3i DT = %6.2f +- %6.2f DA = %6.2f chi = %6.2f -- %i',...
        measCC_dT(ii),sigmaCC_dT(ii),measCC_dA(ii),tr_chi(ii),index_win(ii) ));

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m	2009-03-27 20:51:08 UTC (rev 14496)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@
-    wind2,wins2,winchi,windur,...
-    recd2,recs2,recchi,recdur,...
-    tr_chi,am_chi] = read_window_chi(filename)
+    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
+    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
+    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename)
-    wind2,wins2,winchi,windur,...
-    recd2,recs2,recchi,recdur,...
-    tr_chi,am_chi] = ...
-    textread(filename,'%s%s%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
+    wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur,...
+    recd2,recs2,recdiff2,recdur,...
+    tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = ...
+    textread(filename,'%s%s%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
 for kk = 1:length(sta), strec{kk} = [sta{kk} '.' netwk{kk}]; end
 strec = strec(:);

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/read_window_chi_all.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% read_window_chi_all.m
+% CARL TAPE, 14-March-2008
+% printed xxx
+% calls read_window_chi.m
+% called by compute_misfit.m, compare_misfit.m
+function meas_array = read_window_chi_all(imin,imax,stmod,Tminvec,Tmaxvec,dir0,eids,strec,stnet,comps)
+nper = length(Tminvec);
+nevent = length(eids);
+nnet = length(stnet);
+nrec = length(strec);
+ncomp = length(comps);
+if imax > nevent, error('imax is greater than nevent'); end
+k2 = 0;
+meas_array = [];
+%for tt = 1:1
+for tt = 1:nper
+    Tmin = Tminvec(tt);
+    Tmax = Tmaxvec(tt);
+    Ttag = sprintf('T%3.3i_T%3.3i',Tmin,Tmax);
+    Ttag2 = [Ttag '_' stmod];
+    disp('-----------------------------------------');
+    for ii = imin:imax    % loop over events
+        disp(sprintf('Event %i out of %i -- %s',ii,nevent,eids{ii}));
+        dir1 = [dir0 eids{ii} '/' stmod '/MEASURE_' Ttag '/'];
+        mfile = [eids{ii} '_' Ttag2 '_window_chi'];
+        filename = [dir1 mfile];
+        if ~exist(filename,'file')
+            disp('--> file does not exist (or nwin = 0)');
+        else
+             % read the window_chi file
+            [stnet0,strec0,comp,iwin,iker,t1,t2,...
+            chiMT_dT,chiMT_dA,chiCC_dT,chiCC_dA,...
+            measMT_dT,measMT_dA,measCC_dT,measCC_dA,...
+            sigmaMT_dT,sigmaMT_dA,sigmaCC_dT,sigmaCC_dA,...
+            wind2,wins2,windiff2,windur, ...
+            seisd2,seiss2,seisdiff2,seisdur,...
+            tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn] = read_window_chi(filename);
+            % waveform differences normalized by data-squared
+            %win_chi = windiff2 ./ wind2;        % window only
+            %seis_chi = seisdiff2 ./ seisd2;        % full record (repeated for seismograms with more than one window)
+            % a waveform measure of the power in a window relative to the full record
+            %win_reld2 = wind2 ./ seisd2;
+            %win_rels2 = wins2 ./ seiss2;
+            nwin = length(strec0);
+            disp(['--> nwin = ' num2str(nwin)]);
+            % assign the string network an integer index
+            index_net = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for inet = 1:nnet
+                ind_net = find( strcmp(stnet(inet), stnet0) == 1 );
+                index_net(ind_net) = inet;
+            end
+            % assign the string receiver an integer index
+            index_rec = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for irec = 1:nrec
+                ind_rec = find( strcmp(strec(irec), strec0) == 1 );
+                index_rec(ind_rec) = irec;
+            end
+            % assign the string component an integer index
+            index_comp = NaN * ones(nwin,1);
+            for icomp = 1:ncomp
+                ind_comp = find( strcmp(comps(icomp), comp) == 1 );
+                index_comp(ind_comp) = icomp;
+            end
+            % measurement indices
+            k1 = k2+1;
+            k2 = k1+nwin-1;
+            kinds = [k1:k2]';
+            % NOTE: remove the factors of 0.5 that is used in the wdiff definition
+            meas_array(kinds,:) = [kinds tt*ones(nwin,1) ii*ones(nwin,1) index_net index_rec index_comp iwin iker ...
+                seisdur windur T_pmax_dat T_pmax_syn ...
+                2*seisd2  2*wind2 2*seiss2  2*wins2 2*seisdiff2 2*windiff2 ...
+                measCC_dT sigmaCC_dT measCC_dA sigmaCC_dA ...
+                measMT_dT sigmaMT_dT tr_chi];
+            %  1  kinds
+            %  2  index_T
+            %  3  index_event
+            %  4  index_network
+            %  5  index_rec
+            %  6  index_comp
+            %  7  iwin
+            %  8  iker
+            %  9  seisdur
+            % 10  windur
+            % 11  T_pmax_dat
+            % 12  T_pmax_syn
+            %-------------------
+            % waveform difference information
+            % 13  seisd2
+            % 14  wind2
+            % 15  seiss2
+            % 16  wins2
+            % 17  seisdiff2
+            % 18  windiff2   
+            %-------------------
+            % other misfit measures
+            % 19  measCC_dT
+            % 20  sigmaCC_dT
+            % 21  measCC_dA
+            % 22  sigmaCC_dA
+            % 23  measMT_dT
+            % 24  sigmaMT_dT           
+            % 25  tr_chi
+        end
+    end

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2009-03-27 20:51:08 UTC (rev 14496)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/matlab/subspace_specfem.m	2009-03-27 21:00:59 UTC (rev 14497)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 % subspace_specfem.m
-% CARL TAPE, 16-Oct-2008
+% CARL TAPE, 01-Feb-2009
 % printed xxx
 % This program assumes you have FIRST run compute_misfit.m, and also have

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