[cig-commits] r14522 - in seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt: . scripts

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Sat Mar 28 14:35:57 PDT 2009

Author: carltape
Date: 2009-03-28 14:35:57 -0700 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 14522

Added script to sort PDF plots of cross sections and seismograms.  Sorting is done by azimuth or distance, to either stations or sources.

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/ps2eps.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/ps2eps.pl	2009-03-28 19:20:00 UTC (rev 14521)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/ps2eps.pl	2009-03-28 21:35:57 UTC (rev 14522)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-$irun = 3;
-$stip = sprintf("%2.2i",$irun);
- at epsfiles = glob("vert_${stip}_xc*.ps");
-$neps = @epsfiles;
-for ($k = 1; $k <= $neps; $k = $k+1) {
-  $efile = $epsfiles[$k-1];
-  `ps2eps -f $efile`;
-if ($irun==1) {
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_282_9968977_vs_m16_m00_003.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_282_9968977_vs_m16_m00_003.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_LCG_CI_122_10215753_vs_m16_m00_021.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_LCG_CI_122_10215753_vs_m16_m00_021.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_LGU_CI_353_10097009_vs_m16_m00_067.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_LGU_CI_353_10097009_vs_m16_m00_067.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_BZN_AZ_306_14138080_vs_m16_m00_013.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_BZN_AZ_306_14138080_vs_m16_m00_013.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_EDW2_CI_134_14236768_vs_m16_m00_011.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_EDW2_CI_134_14236768_vs_m16_m00_011.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_160_14383980_vs_m16_m00_049.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_160_14383980_vs_m16_m00_049.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_296_14418600_vs_m16_m00_007.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_296_14418600_vs_m16_m00_007.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_113_14418600_vs_m16_m00_044.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_113_14418600_vs_m16_m00_044.eps`;
-  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_DPP_CI_314_9753485_vs_m16_m00_079.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_DPP_CI_314_9753485_vs_m16_m00_079.eps`;

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/make_pdf_sort.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/make_pdf_sort.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/make_pdf_sort.pl	2009-03-28 21:35:57 UTC (rev 14522)
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  make_pdf_sort.pl
+#  Carl Tape
+#  28-March-2009
+#  This sorts all PDF files by
+#    1  azimuth or distance
+#    2  of stations or of events
+#    make_pdf_sort.pl 1/1/0 T006_T030   # for each station, sort events by azimuth
+#    make_pdf_sort.pl 1/0/1 T006_T030   # for each event, sort station by azimuth
+#    make_pdf_sort.pl 1/1/1 T006_T030   # both at once
+if (@ARGV < 2) {die("Usage: make_pdf_sort.pl iaz/istation/ievent Ttag\n")}
+($ibool,$Ttag) = @ARGV;
+($iaz,$istation,$ievent) = split("\\/",$ibool);
+if($iaz == 1) {$sortlab = "az"} else {$sortlab = "dist"}
+#$emin = 1;         # number of events recorded by a station required to make a composite PDF
+#$smodel = "m16";
+#$Ttag = "T003_T030";
+#$isort = 2;         # sorted stations by distance (1) or azimuth (2)
+# full stations file
+$file_stations = "/home/carltape/gmt/stations/seismic/Matlab_output/STATIONS_CALIFORNIA_TOMO_INNER_gmt";
+if (not -f ${file_stations}) {die("check if file_stations ${file_stations} exist or not\n")}
+open(IN,"${file_stations}"); @stalines0 = <IN>; close(IN); $nrec = @stalines0;
+# directory containing sorted stations lists
+# --> to make these files, see /ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/UTILS/station_lists/
+$dir0 = "/home/carltape/results/SOURCES";
+$edir = "${dir0}/EID_STATION_LISTS";
+# list of all possible event IDs
+$file_eid = "${dir0}/socal_16/EIDs_only_loc";
+if (not -f ${file_eid}) {die("check if ${file_eid} exist or not\n")}
+open(IN,"${file_eid}"); @elines0 = <IN>; close(IN);
+$nevent = @elines0;
+print "\n nrec -- $nrec -- nevent -- $nevent --\n";
+if (0==1) {
+  for ($ik = 1; $ik <= $nrec; $ik = $ik+1) {
+    ($stalon,$stalat,$station,$network,undef,undef) = split(" ",$stalines0[$ik-1]);
+    print "$ik out of $nrec : station $station.$network\n";
+  }
+  die("TESTING: listing only the stations\n");
+if ($istation==1) {
+  $imin = 1; $imax = $nrec;
+  #$imin = 120; $imax = 200;
+  #$imin = 120; $imax = $imin;
+  # NOTE: make sure that the pdcat executable is there
+  @pdcat = "/home/carltape/bin/pdcat -r";
+  $k = 1;
+  $ofile = "ALL_xc_and_seis_${Ttag}_station.pdf";
+  $ffile = "sort_stations_by_${sortlab}";
+  open(OUT,">$ffile");
+  # loop over all the stations in the sorted list
+  for ($ik = $imin; $ik <= $imax; $ik = $ik+1) {
+    # get station name from list
+    ($stalon,$stalat,$station,$network,undef,undef) = split(" ",$stalines0[$ik-1]);
+    print "$ik out of $imin to $imax : station $station.$network\n";
+    # get list of all possible events sorted by azimuth or distance
+    # EXAMPLE: EIDS_by_az_from_LT2.NP
+    $event_sort = "${edir}/EIDS_by_${sortlab}_from_${station}.${network}";
+    if (not -f "${event_sort}") {die("check if event_sort ${event_sort} exist or not\n");}
+    open(IN,"${event_sort}"); @elines = <IN>; close(IN); $nevent = @elines;
+    print "$nevent events in the list \n";
+    # loop over all possible events
+    for ($j = 1; $j <= $nevent; $j = $j+1) {
+      # get the event ID in the sorted list
+      ($eid,$elon,$elat,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) = split(" ",$elines[$j-1]);
+      # EXAMPLE: xc_and_seis_14418600_HEC_CI_T006_T030.pdf
+      $ftag = "${eid}_${station}_${network}_${Ttag}";
+      @files = glob("*${ftag}.pdf");
+      $numf = @files;
+      if ($numf == 0) {
+	#print "$j -- $eid --> no pdf file exists\n";
+      } elsif ($numf == 1) {
+	#print "$j -- $eid --> pdf file exists\n";
+	$pdffile = $files[0]; chomp($pdffile);
+	$pdcat[$k] = $pdffile;
+        $k = $k+1;
+        print OUT "$ftag\n";
+      } else {
+	print "$eid\n";
+	die("more than one pdf file exists\n");
+      }
+    }				# for
+  }
+  # make composite PDF file
+  print "output file is $ofile\n";
+  $pdcat[$k] = "$ofile";
+  print "@pdcat\n";
+  `@pdcat`;
+  `sleep 3s`;
+if ($ievent==1) {
+  $jmin = 1; $jmax = $nevent;
+  #$jmin = 120; $jmax = 200;
+  #$jmin = 120; $jmax = $jmin;
+  # NOTE: make sure that the pdcat executable is there
+  @pdcat = "/home/carltape/bin/pdcat -r";
+  $k = 1;
+  $ofile = "ALL_xc_and_seis_${Ttag}_event.pdf";
+  $ffile = "sort_events_by_${sortlab}";
+  open(OUT,">$ffile");
+  # loop over all possible events
+  for ($j = $jmin; $j <= $jmax; $j = $j+1) {
+    $eid = $elines0[$j-1]; chomp($eid);
+    print "$j out of $jmin to $jmax : eid $eid\n";
+    # get list of all possible stations sorted by azimuth or distance
+    # EXAMPLE: STATIONS_by_az_from_9818433
+    #            U10A.TA -116.3297   36.4193     9818433 -117.7840   33.9133  308.4102   24.9641
+    #             AMD.SN -116.2809   36.4526     9818433 -117.7840   33.9133  313.6531   25.3876
+    $station_sort = "${edir}/STATIONS_by_${sortlab}_from_${eid}";
+    if (not -f "${station_sort}") {die("check if station_sort ${station_sort} exist or not\n");}
+    open(IN,"${station_sort}"); @stalines = <IN>; close(IN); $nrec = @stalines;
+    print "$nrec stations in the list \n";
+    # loop over all the stations in the sorted list
+    for ($ik = 1; $ik <= $nrec; $ik = $ik+1) {
+      # get station name from list
+      ($stanet,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) = split(" ",$stalines[$ik-1]);
+      ($station,$network) = split("\\.",$stanet);
+      #print "$ik out of $nrec : station $station.$network\n";
+      # EXAMPLE: xc_and_seis_14418600_HEC_CI_T006_T030.pdf
+      $ftag = "${eid}_${station}_${network}_${Ttag}";
+      @files = glob("*${ftag}.pdf");
+      $numf = @files;
+      if ($numf == 0) {
+	#print "$j -- $eid --> no pdf file exists\n";
+      } elsif ($numf == 1) {
+	#print "$j -- $eid --> pdf file exists\n";
+	$pdffile = $files[0]; chomp($pdffile);
+	$pdcat[$k] = $pdffile;
+        $k = $k+1;
+        print OUT "$ftag\n";
+      } else {
+	print "$eid\n";
+	die("more than one pdf file exists\n");
+      }
+    }				# for
+  }
+  # make composite PDF file
+  print "output file is $ofile\n";
+  $pdcat[$k] = "$ofile";
+  print "@pdcat\n";
+  `@pdcat`;

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/make_pdf_sort.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/ps2eps.pl (from rev 14507, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/ps2eps.pl)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/ps2eps.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/model_plot/gmt/scripts/ps2eps.pl	2009-03-28 21:35:57 UTC (rev 14522)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+$irun = 3;
+$stip = sprintf("%2.2i",$irun);
+ at epsfiles = glob("vert_${stip}_xc*.ps");
+$neps = @epsfiles;
+for ($k = 1; $k <= $neps; $k = $k+1) {
+  $efile = $epsfiles[$k-1];
+  `ps2eps -f $efile`;
+if ($irun==1) {
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_282_9968977_vs_m16_m00_003.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_282_9968977_vs_m16_m00_003.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_LCG_CI_122_10215753_vs_m16_m00_021.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_LCG_CI_122_10215753_vs_m16_m00_021.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_LGU_CI_353_10097009_vs_m16_m00_067.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_LGU_CI_353_10097009_vs_m16_m00_067.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_BZN_AZ_306_14138080_vs_m16_m00_013.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_BZN_AZ_306_14138080_vs_m16_m00_013.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_EDW2_CI_134_14236768_vs_m16_m00_011.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_EDW2_CI_134_14236768_vs_m16_m00_011.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_160_14383980_vs_m16_m00_049.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_160_14383980_vs_m16_m00_049.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_296_14418600_vs_m16_m00_007.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_HEC_CI_296_14418600_vs_m16_m00_007.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_113_14418600_vs_m16_m00_044.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_ISA_CI_113_14418600_vs_m16_m00_044.eps`;
+  `ps2ps vert_01_xc_DPP_CI_314_9753485_vs_m16_m00_079.ps temp.ps ; ps2eps temp.ps ; mv temp.eps vert_01_xc_DPP_CI_314_9753485_vs_m16_m00_079.eps`;

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