[cig-commits] r14894 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Wed May 6 12:10:14 PDT 2009

Author: leif
Date: 2009-05-06 12:10:14 -0700 (Wed, 06 May 2009)
New Revision: 14894

Removed most hard-coded paths from Perl scripts.

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/Makefile.am
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/Makefile.am	2009-05-06 18:35:14 UTC (rev 14893)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/Makefile.am	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+SUFFIXES = .pl.in .pl
 bin_PROGRAMS = asc2sac convolve_stf
 bin_SCRIPTS = process_data.pl process_syn.pl rotate.pl
@@ -8,3 +10,12 @@
 asc2sac_SOURCES = asc2sac.c
 convolve_stf_SOURCES = convolve_stf.c
+do_build = sed -e s:[@]sacaux[@]:$(SACAUX):g -e s:[@]prefix[@]:$(prefix):g
+	$(do_build) $< > $@ || (rm -f $@ && exit 1)
+EXTRA_DIST = process_data.pl.in process_syn.pl.in rotate.pl.in

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/configure.ac
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/configure.ac	2009-05-06 18:35:14 UTC (rev 14893)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/configure.ac	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 if test "x$SACAUX" = x; then
     AC_MSG_ERROR([environment variable SACAUX is not set])
+if test ! -d "$SACAUX"; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([SACAUX (=$SACAUX) does not name a directory])
 # Checks for programs.

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl	2009-05-06 18:35:14 UTC (rev 14893)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-use Time::Local;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use POSIX;
-sub Usage{
-  print STDERR <<END;
-  process_data_new.pl -m CMTFILE -l Start/End -t Ts/Tl -i -p -x Ext -d OutDir
-                      -s Sps -P n/p -T Taper_width -c -y t1/v1/... 
-                      data_sac_files
-  with
-       -m -- use CMTSOLUTION file to set event info
-       -l Start/End -- start and end of record from o
-       -t Ts/Tl -- shortest and longest period
-       -i -- transfer record to displacement
-       -p -- pick event p and s first arrival into sac headers (t1 and t2)
-       -x Ext -- extension of new file name
-       -d Dir -- directory to put the output files (default .)
-       -s Sps -- sample per second (default 1.0)
-       -P n/p -- number of poles and passes for butterworth filter (default 4/2)
-       -T taper_width -- taper width to use in 'taper' command of SAC
-       -c check sac output on the screen, otherwise print out summary
-       -y t0/vel/t0/vel... --- pick times into headers t3/t4/... (rayleigh = 0/3.8; love = 0/4.0)
-       data_sac_files --- names of the data sac files to be processed
- Notice:
-  0. Make sure you have sac, saclst, phtimes in PATH before execution
-  1. We require that polezero files are in the same directory as the sac 
-     data files which is generally satisfied. All the needed info are 
-     taken from sac headers
-  2. Origin time is set to PDE + time_shift (given by the CMTSOLUTION)
-  3. The displacement outputs after -i option are in the unit of meters
-  4. For BH? components, please set -s 20, otherwise interpolation to
-     1 sample/second will be performed
-  Qinya Liu, May 2007, Caltech
-  exit(1);
-if (@ARGV == 0) { Usage(); }
-if (!getopts('m:l:t:ipx:d:s:P:T:y:c')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
-if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
-	     $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
-if ($opt_d) {
-  $out_dir=$opt_d; if (not -d $out_dir) {mkdir($out_dir,0777);}
-if ($opt_x) {$ext='.'.$opt_x;}else {$ext="";}
-if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
-if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
-     if(not defined $pass or $pass < 1) {$pass=2;}
-if (!$opt_T) {$opt_T = 0.05;}
-if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
-if (! -e $saclst) {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
-if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
-$eps=1e-5; $undef=-12345.0; $cundef="-12345";
-foreach $file (@ARGV) {
-  if (! -f $file) {die("No such file to be processed!!\n"); }
-  print "Processing data file $file \n";
-  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
-  else { ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
-	 $outfile = "$out_dir/${filename}${ext}";}
-  ($filedir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);
-  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
-  # process data
-  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-  else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-  print SAC "echo on\n";
-  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
-  # add event information from CMTSOLUTION FILE
-  if ($opt_m) {
-    print "    Adding event info from $opt_m\n";
-    ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,undef,
-     $elat,$elon,$edep,undef) = get_cmt($opt_m);
-    ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1)
-      =tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);
-    print SAC "ch o gmt $oyear1 $ojday1 $ohr1 $omin1 $osec1 $omsec1\n";
-    print SAC "evaluate to tmp 0 - &1,o\n";
-    print SAC "ch allt %tmp% iztype io\n";
-    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n";
-    print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
-    close(SAC);
-    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-    print SAC "echo on\n";
-    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
-  if ($opt_l){  # cut record and rtrend and rmean
-    print "    Cut the record from o+$lmin to o+$lmax\n";
-    (undef,$tmp_o)=split(" ",`$saclst o f $outfile`);
-    if (abs($tmp_o-$undef) < $eps) {die("O has not been set to cut record\n");}
-    print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
-    print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
-    print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
-    print SAC "r $outfile\n cut off\n  w over \nquit\n";
-    close (SAC);
-    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
-    print SAC "echo on\n";
-    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
-  if ($opt_s) {
-    print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
-  if ($opt_t) {# filter records
-    print "    Filter record at periods $tmin and $tmax\n";
-    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
-    printf SAC ("bp n %4d p $pass cor %12.6f %12.6f\n",$poles,$f1,$f2);
-    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";}
-  if ($opt_i) {  # transfer instrument response
-    if (! $opt_t) {die(" Specify bandpass range by -t\n");}
-    $f0=$f1*0.8;
-    $f3=$f2*1.2;
-    (undef,$network,$sta,$comp,$khole)=split(" ",`$saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm khole f $outfile`);
-    if ($network eq $cundef or $sta eq $cundef or $comp eq $cundef or $khole eq $cundef) {
-      die("No network station name or component name or khole defined in $outfile\n");}
-    $pzfile=`ls -1 $filedir/SAC_PZs_${network}_${sta}_${comp}_${khole}* | head -1`;
-    chomp($pzfile); 
-    if (!-f $pzfile) {die(" No pzfile $pzfile \n");}
-    print "    Transfer instrument response using pz file $pzfile\n";
-    printf SAC ("trans from polezero s %20s to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
-		$pzfile,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
-  if ($opt_p) { # add p and s arrival info
-    print "    Add first P and S arrival information\n";
-    (undef,$gcarc,$edep)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc evdp f $outfile`);
-    if (abs($gcarc-$undef) < $eps or abs($edep-$undef) < $eps) {die("No gcarc and depth info\n");}
-    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
-    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
-    if (not $opt_m) {$tshift = 0;}
-    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
-    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
-    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
-    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n";}
-  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival times to headers
-    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
-    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y t0/Vel/t0/Vel/...\n");}
-    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
-      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
-      print "   Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
-      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
-      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
-      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
-      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
-      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
-      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
-#  print "   write file $outfile\n";
-  print SAC "w $outfile\n";
-  print SAC "echo off\nquit\n";
-  close(SAC);
-print "  Done! \n";
-sub mday2jday {
-  my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
-  $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
-  $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
-  @t = gmtime($time_sec);
-  my($jday) = $t[7];
-  $jday += 1;
-  return ($jday);
-sub tdiff{
-  my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
-  $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
-  $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
-  $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
-  $time = floor($time);
-  my($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
-  $month += 1;
-  $year += 1900;
-  $jday +=1;
-  return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
-sub get_cmt {
-  my ($cmt_file)=@_;
-  open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
-  @cmt = <CMT>;
-  my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
-  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
-  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
-  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
-  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
-  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
-  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
-  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
-  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
-  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
-  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
-  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
-  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
-  close(CMT);
-  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl.in (from rev 14886, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl.in	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+  print STDERR <<END;
+  process_data.pl -m CMTFILE -l Start/End -t Ts/Tl -i -p -x Ext -d OutDir
+                  -s Sps -P n/p -T Taper_width -c -y t1/v1/... 
+                  data_sac_files
+  with
+       -m -- use CMTSOLUTION file to set event info
+       -l Start/End -- start and end of record from o
+       -t Ts/Tl -- shortest and longest period
+       -i -- transfer record to displacement
+       -p -- pick event p and s first arrival into sac headers (t1 and t2)
+       -x Ext -- extension of new file name
+       -d Dir -- directory to put the output files (default .)
+       -s Sps -- sample per second (default 1.0)
+       -P n/p -- number of poles and passes for butterworth filter (default 4/2)
+       -T taper_width -- taper width to use in 'taper' command of SAC
+       -c check sac output on the screen, otherwise print out summary
+       -y t0/vel/t0/vel... --- pick times into headers t3/t4/... (rayleigh = 0/3.8; love = 0/4.0)
+       data_sac_files --- names of the data sac files to be processed
+ Notice:
+  0. Make sure you have sac, saclst, phtimes in PATH before execution
+  1. We require that polezero files are in the same directory as the sac 
+     data files which is generally satisfied. All the needed info are 
+     taken from sac headers
+  2. Origin time is set to PDE + time_shift (given by the CMTSOLUTION)
+  3. The displacement outputs after -i option are in the unit of meters
+  4. For BH? components, please set -s 20, otherwise interpolation to
+     1 sample/second will be performed
+  Qinya Liu, May 2007, Caltech
+  exit(1);
+$sacaux = $ENV{SACAUX} or "@sacaux@";
+unless (-d $sacaux) {die("missing SAC aux directory: '$sacaux'\n");}
+if (@ARGV == 0) { Usage(); }
+if (!getopts('m:l:t:ipx:d:s:P:T:y:c')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+	     $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_d) {
+  $out_dir=$opt_d; if (not -d $out_dir) {mkdir($out_dir,0777);}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext='.'.$opt_x;}else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass < 1) {$pass=2;}
+if (!$opt_T) {$opt_T = 0.05;}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if (! -e $saclst) {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
+#if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
+$eps=1e-5; $undef=-12345.0; $cundef="-12345";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (! -f $file) {die("No such file to be processed!!\n"); }
+  print "Processing data file $file \n";
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else { ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+	 $outfile = "$out_dir/${filename}${ext}";}
+  ($filedir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  # process data
+  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  # add event information from CMTSOLUTION FILE
+  if ($opt_m) {
+    print "    Adding event info from $opt_m\n";
+    ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,undef,
+     $elat,$elon,$edep,undef) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+    ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1)
+      =tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);
+    print SAC "ch o gmt $oyear1 $ojday1 $ohr1 $omin1 $osec1 $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp 0 - &1,o\n";
+    print SAC "ch allt %tmp% iztype io\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n";
+    print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_l){  # cut record and rtrend and rmean
+    print "    Cut the record from o+$lmin to o+$lmax\n";
+    (undef,$tmp_o)=split(" ",`$saclst o f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($tmp_o-$undef) < $eps) {die("O has not been set to cut record\n");}
+    print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n cut off\n  w over \nquit\n";
+    close (SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_s) {
+    print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
+  if ($opt_t) {# filter records
+    print "    Filter record at periods $tmin and $tmax\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+    printf SAC ("bp n %4d p $pass cor %12.6f %12.6f\n",$poles,$f1,$f2);
+    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";}
+  if ($opt_i) {  # transfer instrument response
+    if (! $opt_t) {die(" Specify bandpass range by -t\n");}
+    $f0=$f1*0.8;
+    $f3=$f2*1.2;
+    (undef,$network,$sta,$comp,$khole)=split(" ",`$saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm khole f $outfile`);
+    if ($network eq $cundef or $sta eq $cundef or $comp eq $cundef or $khole eq $cundef) {
+      die("No network station name or component name or khole defined in $outfile\n");}
+    $pzfile=`ls -1 $filedir/SAC_PZs_${network}_${sta}_${comp}_${khole}* | head -1`;
+    chomp($pzfile); 
+    if (!-f $pzfile) {die(" No pzfile $pzfile \n");}
+    print "    Transfer instrument response using pz file $pzfile\n";
+    printf SAC ("trans from polezero s %20s to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
+		$pzfile,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
+  if ($opt_p) { # add p and s arrival info
+    print "    Add first P and S arrival information\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc,$edep)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc evdp f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef) < $eps or abs($edep-$undef) < $eps) {die("No gcarc and depth info\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    if (not $opt_m) {$tshift = 0;}
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival times to headers
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y t0/Vel/t0/Vel/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "   Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+#  print "   write file $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "w $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "echo off\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+print "  Done! \n";
+sub mday2jday {
+  my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+  $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+  $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+  @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+  my($jday) = $t[7];
+  $jday += 1;
+  return ($jday);
+sub tdiff{
+  my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+  $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+  $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+  $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+  $time = floor($time);
+  my($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+  $month += 1;
+  $year += 1900;
+  $jday +=1;
+  return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+  my ($cmt_file)=@_;
+  open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+  @cmt = <CMT>;
+  my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+  close(CMT);
+  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_data.pl.in
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl	2009-05-06 18:35:14 UTC (rev 14893)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-use Time::Local;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use POSIX;
-sub Usage{
-print STDERR <<END;
-Usage:   process_syn_new.pl
-     -S -m CMTFILE -h -o offset -lStart/End -tTmin/Tmax -P n/p
-     -i Dir -A amp_factor -p -a STAFILE -s sps -y t0/V0/t1/V1...
-     -c -d OutDir -x Ext  synthetics_files
-    -S already sac file, will not apply ascii2sac.csh
-    -m CMTSOLUTION file for event origin, location and half duration
-    -h convolve a triangle stf with half duration from -m
-    -o moves the synthetics back by 'offset' from centroid time.
-    -l lmin/lmax   start/end cut of trace
-    -t Tmin/Tmax -- shortest/longest period of bandpass filter
-    -P -- number of poles and passes in butterworth filter(default 4/2)
-    -i Dir -- convolve synthetics with instrument response in Dir
-    -A amp_factor -- multiple all files with an amplification factor
-    -p -- pick P and S arrivals according to iasp91 model to t1/t2 headers
-    -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use "-a none"
-       to get information from Vala''s station file
-    -s sps -- resampling rate for synthetics (default is 1.0)
-    -y t0/V0/t1/V1 -- add to t3/t4 the arrival times of t + dist/V
-    -c -- show sac output
-    -d OutDir -- directory to dump output (default: same as input files)
-    -x Ext -- add extension Ext
-    names of files -- name of syn files to be processed
-    Make sure you have sac, saclst, phtimes, asc2sac, ascii2sac.csh  
-    in PATH before execution
-    Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
- at ARGV > 1 or Usage();
-if (!getopts('Sm:ho:l:t:i:pP:a:cd:x:vs:y:A:')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
-if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
-             $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
-if ($opt_x) {$ext=".".$opt_x;} else {$ext="";}
-if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
-if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
-     if(not defined $pass or $pass<1){$pass=2;}}
-if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} 
-else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
-if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo-util/data/STATIONS_new";}
-if ($opt_o and not $opt_m) {die("Specify centroid time first\n");}
-if ($opt_d and not -d $opt_d) {die("No such directory as $opt_d\n");}
-if ($opt_i and not -d $opt_i) {die("No such directory as $opt_i\n");}
-if ($opt_A) {if ($opt_A !~ /^\d/) {die("-A option should be numbers\n");}}
-$undef = -12345;
-$eps = 0.1;
-if (! -e $saclst)  {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
-if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
-if (! -e $asc2sac) {die("No $asc2sac file\n");}
-if ($opt_m) { # extract event information from CMTSOLUTION
-  if (!-f $opt_m) {die(" No cmtsolution file $opt_m\n");}
-  ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep) = get_cmt($opt_m);
-  ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1) = tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);}
-foreach $file (@ARGV) {
-  print "\nProcessing file            $file\n"; 
-  if (! -f $file) {die(" No such file : $file\n");}
-  # transfer ascii file to sac file according to name of files
-  if (not $opt_S) {# ascii file
-    print "Transfer ascii file to sac file\n";
-    system("$asc2sac $file >/dev/null");
-    $file = $file.".sac";}
-  (undef,$begin_time) = split(" ",`$saclst b f $file`);
-  if (not defined $begin_time) {die("Check if the file is SAC format\n")};
-  ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
-  ($sta,$net,$comp)=split(/\./,$filename);
-  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
-  else {$outfile = "$opt_d/${filename}${ext}";}
-  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
-  print "Output to file $outfile\n";
-  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
-  print SAC "echo on\n";
-  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
-  if ($opt_m) { # add event location and original time
-    print "Add event information\n";
-    if($opt_o){$tmp_o = -$opt_o; print SAC "ch allt $tmp_o\n";}
-    print SAC "ch nzyear $oyear1 nzjday $ojday1 nzhour $ohr1 nzmin $omin1 nzsec $osec1 nzmsec $omsec1\n";
-    print SAC "ch o 0\n";
-    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n wh\n";
-    print SAC "w over \nquit\n";
-    close(SAC);
-    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
-    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
-    if ($opt_h and $hdur > $min_hdur) { # convolve source time function
-    system("/opt/seismo-util/bin/convolve_stf g $hdur $outfile");
-    system("mv ${outfile}.conv ${outfile}");}
-  if ($opt_a) { # add station information
-    print "Add station information\n";
-    print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
-    if    ($comp=~/E/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 90 cmpinc 90\n";}
-    elsif ($comp=~/N/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 90\n";}
-    elsif ($comp=~/Z/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 0 \n";}
-    if (! -f $opt_a ) {die(" No such files: $opt_a");}
-    ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
-    if (not defined $sta_name) {
-      print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
-      ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
-      if (not defined $sta_name) {
-         print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
-         $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
-    print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";}
-  if ($opt_l) {
-     print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
-     print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
-     print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
-     print SAC "r $outfile\n";
-     print SAC "cut off\n";}
-  if ($opt_A) {print SAC "mul $opt_A\n";}
-  if ($opt_s) {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
-  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
-  close(SAC);
-  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
-  print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n ";
-  if ($opt_t){ # filter record
-    print "Filtering records...\n";
-    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";
-    printf SAC ("bp n $poles p $pass co %10.5f %10.5f\n",$f1,$f2);
-    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";}
-  if ($opt_i) {# convolve with instrument response
-    print "Convolving instrument response...\n";
-    $pzfile="SAC_PZs_${net}_${sta}_${comp}_";
-    @nfiles=`ls -l $opt_i/${pzfile}* | awk '{print \$9}'`;
-    if (@nfiles != 1) {die("Pzfile is incorrect: \n at nfiles files\n");}
-    $pz=$nfiles[0]; chomp($pz);
-    if (! -f $pz) {die("Not a pz file $pz\n");}
-    print SAC "transfer from none to polezero s ${pz}\n";
-    print SAC "w over\n";}
-  if ($opt_p) { # pick arrival
-    print "Picking arrivals...\n";
-    (undef,$gcarc)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc f $outfile`);
-    if (abs($gcarc-$undef)< $eps) {die("No gcarc is defined\n");}
-    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
-    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
-    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
-    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
-    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
-    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n wh\n";}
-  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival time for surface waves
-    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
-    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y in1/slope1/in2/slope2/...\n");}
-    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
-      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
-      print "Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
-      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
-      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
-      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
-      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
-      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
-      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
-  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
-  close(SAC);
-if ($sta_text) {
-   print "\n\nNotice the following stations are not found in the station file\n   $sta_text\n\n";}
-print "DONE\n";
-sub mday2jday {
-    my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
-    $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
-    $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
-    @t = gmtime($time_sec);
-    $jday = @t[7];
-    $jday += 1;
-    return ($jday);
-sub tdiff {
-    my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
-    #  die("$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd\n");
-    $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
-    $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
-    $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
-    $time = floor($time);
-    #event-time:
-    ($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
-    $month += 1;
-    $year += 1900;
-    $jday +=1;
-    return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
-sub get_cmt {
-    local ($cmt_file)=@_;
-    open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
-    @cmt = <CMT>;
-    local($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
-    local($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
-    local(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
-    local(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
-    local(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
-    local(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
-    local(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
-    local(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
-    local(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
-    local(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
-    local(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
-    local(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
-    local(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
-    close(CMT);
-    return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl.in (from rev 14886, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl.in	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+print STDERR <<END;
+Usage:   process_syn_new.pl
+     -S -m CMTFILE -h -o offset -lStart/End -tTmin/Tmax -P n/p
+     -i Dir -A amp_factor -p -a STAFILE -s sps -y t0/V0/t1/V1...
+     -c -d OutDir -x Ext  synthetics_files
+    -S already sac file, will not apply ascii2sac.csh
+    -m CMTSOLUTION file for event origin, location and half duration
+    -h convolve a triangle stf with half duration from -m
+    -o moves the synthetics back by 'offset' from centroid time.
+    -l lmin/lmax   start/end cut of trace
+    -t Tmin/Tmax -- shortest/longest period of bandpass filter
+    -P -- number of poles and passes in butterworth filter(default 4/2)
+    -i Dir -- convolve synthetics with instrument response in Dir
+    -A amp_factor -- multiple all files with an amplification factor
+    -p -- pick P and S arrivals according to iasp91 model to t1/t2 headers
+    -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use "-a none"
+       to get information from Vala''s station file
+    -s sps -- resampling rate for synthetics (default is 1.0)
+    -y t0/V0/t1/V1 -- add to t3/t4 the arrival times of t + dist/V
+    -c -- show sac output
+    -d OutDir -- directory to dump output (default: same as input files)
+    -x Ext -- add extension Ext
+    names of files -- name of syn files to be processed
+    Make sure you have sac, saclst, phtimes, asc2sac, ascii2sac.csh  
+    in PATH before execution
+    Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+$sacaux = $ENV{SACAUX} or "@sacaux@";
+unless (-d $sacaux) {die("missing SAC aux directory: '$sacaux'\n");}
+ at ARGV > 1 or Usage();
+if (!getopts('Sm:ho:l:t:i:pP:a:cd:x:vs:y:A:')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+             $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext=".".$opt_x;} else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass<1){$pass=2;}}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} 
+else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo-util/data/STATIONS_new";}
+if ($opt_o and not $opt_m) {die("Specify centroid time first\n");}
+if ($opt_d and not -d $opt_d) {die("No such directory as $opt_d\n");}
+if ($opt_i and not -d $opt_i) {die("No such directory as $opt_i\n");}
+if ($opt_A) {if ($opt_A !~ /^\d/) {die("-A option should be numbers\n");}}
+$undef = -12345;
+$eps = 0.1;
+if (! -e $saclst)  {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
+#if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
+if (! -e $asc2sac) {die("No $asc2sac file\n");}
+if ($opt_m) { # extract event information from CMTSOLUTION
+  if (!-f $opt_m) {die(" No cmtsolution file $opt_m\n");}
+  ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+  ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1) = tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "\nProcessing file            $file\n"; 
+  if (! -f $file) {die(" No such file : $file\n");}
+  # transfer ascii file to sac file according to name of files
+  if (not $opt_S) {# ascii file
+    print "Transfer ascii file to sac file\n";
+    system("$asc2sac $file >/dev/null");
+    $file = $file.".sac";}
+  (undef,$begin_time) = split(" ",`$saclst b f $file`);
+  if (not defined $begin_time) {die("Check if the file is SAC format\n")};
+  ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+  ($sta,$net,$comp)=split(/\./,$filename);
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else {$outfile = "$opt_d/${filename}${ext}";}
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  print "Output to file $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_m) { # add event location and original time
+    print "Add event information\n";
+    if($opt_o){$tmp_o = -$opt_o; print SAC "ch allt $tmp_o\n";}
+    print SAC "ch nzyear $oyear1 nzjday $ojday1 nzhour $ohr1 nzmin $omin1 nzsec $osec1 nzmsec $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "ch o 0\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n wh\n";
+    print SAC "w over \nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
+    if ($opt_h and $hdur > $min_hdur) { # convolve source time function
+    system("@prefix@/bin/convolve_stf g $hdur $outfile");
+    system("mv ${outfile}.conv ${outfile}");}
+  if ($opt_a) { # add station information
+    print "Add station information\n";
+    print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
+    if    ($comp=~/E/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 90 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/N/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/Z/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 0 \n";}
+    if (! -f $opt_a ) {die(" No such files: $opt_a");}
+    ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
+    if (not defined $sta_name) {
+      print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
+      ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
+      if (not defined $sta_name) {
+         print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
+         $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
+    print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";}
+  if ($opt_l) {
+     print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+     print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+     print SAC "cut off\n";}
+  if ($opt_A) {print SAC "mul $opt_A\n";}
+  if ($opt_s) {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
+  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n ";
+  if ($opt_t){ # filter record
+    print "Filtering records...\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";
+    printf SAC ("bp n $poles p $pass co %10.5f %10.5f\n",$f1,$f2);
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";}
+  if ($opt_i) {# convolve with instrument response
+    print "Convolving instrument response...\n";
+    $pzfile="SAC_PZs_${net}_${sta}_${comp}_";
+    @nfiles=`ls -l $opt_i/${pzfile}* | awk '{print \$9}'`;
+    if (@nfiles != 1) {die("Pzfile is incorrect: \n at nfiles files\n");}
+    $pz=$nfiles[0]; chomp($pz);
+    if (! -f $pz) {die("Not a pz file $pz\n");}
+    print SAC "transfer from none to polezero s ${pz}\n";
+    print SAC "w over\n";}
+  if ($opt_p) { # pick arrival
+    print "Picking arrivals...\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef)< $eps) {die("No gcarc is defined\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n wh\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival time for surface waves
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y in1/slope1/in2/slope2/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+if ($sta_text) {
+   print "\n\nNotice the following stations are not found in the station file\n   $sta_text\n\n";}
+print "DONE\n";
+sub mday2jday {
+    my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+    $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+    $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+    @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+    $jday = @t[7];
+    $jday += 1;
+    return ($jday);
+sub tdiff {
+    my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+    #  die("$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd\n");
+    $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+    $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+    $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+    $time = floor($time);
+    #event-time:
+    ($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+    $month += 1;
+    $year += 1900;
+    $jday +=1;
+    return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+    local ($cmt_file)=@_;
+    open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+    @cmt = <CMT>;
+    local($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+    local($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+    local(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+    local(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+    local(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+    local(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+    local(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+    local(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+    local(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+    local(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+    local(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+    local(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+    local(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+    close(CMT);
+    return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/process_syn.pl.in
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl	2009-05-06 18:35:14 UTC (rev 14893)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Std;
-use POSIX;
-sub Usage {
-  print STDERR <<EOF;
- Usage: rotate.pl -lStart -LEnd -c -d  [East|1]_Component_file_name
-    rotate.pl rotates iris data(-d), trinet data and synthetics (with
-    out -d option)
-    -l -L specifies the start and end point of the traces to rotate
-    -c check SAC output on screen
-       ex. rotate.pl -d *.LHE.SAC for iris data
-           rotate.pl PAS.*.LHE.sac for synthetics
-    For iris data (with -d), the timing part of the name will be ignored
-    and only the component part of the name will be changed correspondingly
-    Make sure you have sac, saclst in the PATH before execution
-    Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
-if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
- at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
-if (!$opt_l) {$opt_l = 0;}
-$saclst = "saclst";
-if (not -f $saclst) {die("No such file as $saclst\n");}
-foreach $file (@ARGV) {
-  print "processing $file\n";
-  if (! -f $file) {die (" check to see if $file exists or not\n");}
-  (undef,$comp)=split(" ",`$saclst kcmpnm f $file`);
-  if ($comp eq "-12345") {die("No component name defined in the file\n");}
-  if (not ($comp=~/E/ or $comp=~/1/)) {die("Please input only E/1 comp\n");}
-  $ecomp = $comp; $ncomp = $ecomp; $rcomp = $ecomp; $tcomp = $ecomp;
-  $ncomp=~s/E/N/; $ncomp =~s/1/2/;
-  $tcomp=~s/E/T/; $tcomp =~s/1/T/;
-  $rcomp=~s/E/R/; $rcomp =~s/1/R/;
-  ($dir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);$east = $file;
-  if ($opt_d) {
-    (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$network,undef)=split(/\./,`basename $file`);
-    (undef,$east1) = split(/\.$network\./,$file);
-    $east1 = "$network.$east1";
-    $north1 = $east1; $north1=~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
-    ($north) = split(" ",`ls -1 $dir/*$north1`);
-    $tang1=$east1;$radial1=$east1;
-    $tang1=~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/; $radial1=~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
-    $tang = "$dir/$tang1"; $radial = "$dir/$radial1";
-  } else {
-    $north = $east; $north =~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
-    $tang = $east; $tang =~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/;
-    $radial = $east; $radial =~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
-#  print "   rotate $north $east \n   to $tang $radial\n";
-  if (!-f $north or !-f $east ) {
-    print " no such files: $north and $east, check if -d option is missing\n";
-    next;}
-# check some header variables
-  @tmp=`$saclst b kcmpnm npts gcarc cmpinc cmpaz nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $north $east`;
-  (undef,$nb,$ncomp,$npts_n,$gcarc_n,$ninc,$naz,$ny,$nj,$nh,$nm,$ns,$nms)=split(" ",$tmp[0]);
-  (undef,$eb,$ecomp,$npts_e,$gcarc_e,$einc,$eaz,$ey,$ej,$eh,$em,$es,$ems)=split(" ",$tmp[1]);
-  if (abs($ninc-$undef)<$eps or abs($einc-$undef)<$eps or abs($naz-$undef)<$eps or abs($eaz-$undef)<$eps ) {die("Check header cmpinc and cmpaz for $north and $east\n");}
-  if ($ny != $ey or $nj != $ej or $nh != $eh or $nm != $em or $ns != $es or $nms != $ems)
-    {die(" Not same reference time for $north and $east\n");}
-  if (abs($gcarc_e-$undef)<$eps or abs($gcarc_n-$undef)<$eps )
-    {die(" Check to see if GCARC is defined in the header\n");}
-  # check if the reference time is the same or not!
-  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"| sac");}
-  else {open(SAC,"| sac > /dev/null");}
-  print SAC "echo on\n";
-  print SAC "r $north $east\n ";
-  if ($opt_L or $npts_n != $npts_e or abs($nb-$eb) > $eps) { #cut properly
-    if(!$opt_L){
-      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ) \n";
-      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ) \n";}
-    else{
-      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ( &1,o + $opt_l ) ( &2,o + $opt_l ) ) \n";
-      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ( &1,o + $opt_L ) ( &2,o + $opt_L ) ) \n"; }
-    print SAC "cut %begin% %end%\n r $north $east\n cut off\n";
-  }
-  print SAC "rot\n";           # this is the default rotate to normal
-  print SAC "ch file 1 kcmpnm $rcomp\n";
-  print SAC "ch file 2 kcmpnm $tcomp\n";
-  print SAC "w $radial $tang\nquit\n";
-  close(SAC);
-print "   Done !\n";

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl.in (from rev 14886, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl.in	2009-05-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 14894)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+ Usage: rotate.pl -lStart -LEnd -c -d  [East|1]_Component_file_name
+    rotate.pl rotates iris data(-d), trinet data and synthetics (with
+    out -d option)
+    -l -L specifies the start and end point of the traces to rotate
+    -c check SAC output on screen
+       ex. rotate.pl -d *.LHE.SAC for iris data
+           rotate.pl PAS.*.LHE.sac for synthetics
+    For iris data (with -d), the timing part of the name will be ignored
+    and only the component part of the name will be changed correspondingly
+    Make sure you have sac, saclst in the PATH before execution
+    Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+$sacaux = $ENV{SACAUX} or "@sacaux@";
+unless (-d $sacaux) {die("missing SAC aux directory: '$sacaux'\n");}
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+if (!$opt_l) {$opt_l = 0;}
+$saclst = "$sacaux/../bin/saclst";
+if (not -f $saclst) {die("No such file as $saclst\n");}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "processing $file\n";
+  if (! -f $file) {die (" check to see if $file exists or not\n");}
+  (undef,$comp)=split(" ",`$saclst kcmpnm f $file`);
+  if ($comp eq "-12345") {die("No component name defined in the file\n");}
+  if (not ($comp=~/E/ or $comp=~/1/)) {die("Please input only E/1 comp\n");}
+  $ecomp = $comp; $ncomp = $ecomp; $rcomp = $ecomp; $tcomp = $ecomp;
+  $ncomp=~s/E/N/; $ncomp =~s/1/2/;
+  $tcomp=~s/E/T/; $tcomp =~s/1/T/;
+  $rcomp=~s/E/R/; $rcomp =~s/1/R/;
+  ($dir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);$east = $file;
+  if ($opt_d) {
+    (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$network,undef)=split(/\./,`basename $file`);
+    (undef,$east1) = split(/\.$network\./,$file);
+    $east1 = "$network.$east1";
+    $north1 = $east1; $north1=~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
+    ($north) = split(" ",`ls -1 $dir/*$north1`);
+    $tang1=$east1;$radial1=$east1;
+    $tang1=~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/; $radial1=~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
+    $tang = "$dir/$tang1"; $radial = "$dir/$radial1";
+  } else {
+    $north = $east; $north =~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
+    $tang = $east; $tang =~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/;
+    $radial = $east; $radial =~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
+#  print "   rotate $north $east \n   to $tang $radial\n";
+  if (!-f $north or !-f $east ) {
+    print " no such files: $north and $east, check if -d option is missing\n";
+    next;}
+# check some header variables
+  @tmp=`$saclst b kcmpnm npts gcarc cmpinc cmpaz nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $north $east`;
+  (undef,$nb,$ncomp,$npts_n,$gcarc_n,$ninc,$naz,$ny,$nj,$nh,$nm,$ns,$nms)=split(" ",$tmp[0]);
+  (undef,$eb,$ecomp,$npts_e,$gcarc_e,$einc,$eaz,$ey,$ej,$eh,$em,$es,$ems)=split(" ",$tmp[1]);
+  if (abs($ninc-$undef)<$eps or abs($einc-$undef)<$eps or abs($naz-$undef)<$eps or abs($eaz-$undef)<$eps ) {die("Check header cmpinc and cmpaz for $north and $east\n");}
+  if ($ny != $ey or $nj != $ej or $nh != $eh or $nm != $em or $ns != $es or $nms != $ems)
+    {die(" Not same reference time for $north and $east\n");}
+  if (abs($gcarc_e-$undef)<$eps or abs($gcarc_n-$undef)<$eps )
+    {die(" Check to see if GCARC is defined in the header\n");}
+  # check if the reference time is the same or not!
+  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|$sacaux/../bin/sac");}
+  else {open(SAC,"|$sacaux/../bin/sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $north $east\n ";
+  if ($opt_L or $npts_n != $npts_e or abs($nb-$eb) > $eps) { #cut properly
+    if(!$opt_L){
+      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ) \n";
+      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ) \n";}
+    else{
+      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ( &1,o + $opt_l ) ( &2,o + $opt_l ) ) \n";
+      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ( &1,o + $opt_L ) ( &2,o + $opt_L ) ) \n"; }
+    print SAC "cut %begin% %end%\n r $north $east\n cut off\n";
+  }
+  print SAC "rot\n";           # this is the default rotate to normal
+  print SAC "ch file 1 kcmpnm $rcomp\n";
+  print SAC "ch file 2 kcmpnm $tcomp\n";
+  print SAC "w $radial $tang\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+print "   Done !\n";

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/pluggable/UTILS/seis_process/rotate.pl.in
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mergeinfo

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