[cig-commits] r15004 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Sun May 17 17:26:41 PDT 2009

Author: carltape
Date: 2009-05-17 17:26:40 -0700 (Sun, 17 May 2009)
New Revision: 15004

In preparation for switching from ifort to gfortran, I removed the f1f2 subroutines, which are not available using gfortran.  f1f2 was not essential for the measurement package.  The present version of mt_measure_adj.f90 compiles using Makefile_ifort and the ifort compiler at Caltech, but not using 64-bit Linux Ubuntu with gfortran at Harvard.  I modified cross-correlation measurement subroutine to match the one used in FLEXWIN.

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/Makefile	2009-05-17 18:31:16 UTC (rev 15003)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/Makefile	2009-05-18 00:26:40 UTC (rev 15004)
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 F90 = gfortran
-F90_FLAGS = -O2 -ffixed-line-length-132
+#F90_FLAGS = -O2 -ffixed-line-length-132
+F90_FLAGS = -O2
-LIB = -L/opt/seismo/lib -lDRWFiles -lf90recipes -lDSacio -lDSacLib -lSacTools -lm
+LIB = -L/opt/seismo/lib -lDRWFiles -lf90recipes_gfortran -lDSacio -lDSacLib -lSacTools -lm
 MOD = mt_constants mt_variables mt_sub2 mt_sub

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90	2009-05-17 18:31:16 UTC (rev 15003)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90	2009-05-18 00:26:40 UTC (rev 15004)
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
   double precision :: BEFORE_DLNA    ! temporary: this should be an input parameter
   double precision :: tshift_xc, sigma_dt_cc, dlnA, sigma_dlnA_cc, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
-  double precision :: tr_chi, am_chi, tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2, cc_max, T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
+  double precision :: tr_chi, am_chi, cc_max, T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
+  !double precision :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2
   double precision, dimension(NPT) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, err_dt, err_dlnA, dzr0, dzr20
   complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: trans_mtm
   integer :: nlen, nlen0, i_left, i_pmax_dat, i_pmax_syn, i_right, i_right0, istart,sta_len,net_len,chan_len, ipair, npairs, nwin, itmax
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@
       ! make measurements
       ! CHT: also compute reconstructed synthetics for CC (and MT, if specified) measurements
       call mt_measure(is_mtm,iker,datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,istart,dzr20,dzr0,nlen,&
-            tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,tseis_recon_cc,&
+            tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tseis_recon_cc,&
       i_right = i_right0
       i_left = 1
@@ -267,17 +268,17 @@
          print *, 'fstart0/fend0 :', fstart0, fend0
          print *, 'fstart/fend   :', fstart, fend
          print *, 'Tpmax         :', T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
-         if (use_trace .and. (cc_max < BEFORE_QUALITY .or. cc_max_f1f2 < AFTER_QUALITY .or. abs(tshift_xc) > BEFORE_TSHIFT .or. abs(tshift_f1f2) > AFTER_TSHIFT)) then
-            use_trace = .false.
-            if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-               print *, 'Fail if ANY of these is true :'
-               print *, ' cc_max      : ', cc_max, BEFORE_QUALITY, cc_max < BEFORE_QUALITY
-               print *, ' cc_max_f1f2 : ', cc_max_f1f2, AFTER_QUALITY, cc_max_f1f2 < AFTER_QUALITY 
-               print *, ' tshift_xc   : ', tshift_xc, BEFORE_TSHIFT, abs(tshift_xc) > BEFORE_TSHIFT
-               print *, ' tshift_f1f2 : ', tshift_f1f2, AFTER_TSHIFT, abs(tshift_f1f2) > AFTER_TSHIFT
-            endif
-         endif
-         print *, '  Status:   ', trim(measure_file_prefix), use_trace
+!!$         if (use_trace .and. (cc_max < BEFORE_QUALITY .or. cc_max_f1f2 < AFTER_QUALITY .or. abs(tshift_xc) > BEFORE_TSHIFT .or. abs(tshift_f1f2) > AFTER_TSHIFT)) then
+!!$            use_trace = .false.
+!!$            if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+!!$               print *, 'Fail if ANY of these is true :'
+!!$               print *, ' cc_max      : ', cc_max, BEFORE_QUALITY, cc_max < BEFORE_QUALITY
+!!$               print *, ' cc_max_f1f2 : ', cc_max_f1f2, AFTER_QUALITY, cc_max_f1f2 < AFTER_QUALITY 
+!!$               print *, ' tshift_xc   : ', tshift_xc, BEFORE_TSHIFT, abs(tshift_xc) > BEFORE_TSHIFT
+!!$               print *, ' tshift_f1f2 : ', tshift_f1f2, AFTER_TSHIFT, abs(tshift_f1f2) > AFTER_TSHIFT
+!!$            endif
+!!$         endif
+!!$         print *, '  Status:   ', trim(measure_file_prefix), use_trace
          ! CHT: If MT measurement window is rejected by mt_measure_select, then use a CC measurement.
          !      --> May also want to consider quality checks for CC as well.
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
             iker = 2
             is_mtm = 3
             call mt_measure(is_mtm,iker,datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,istart,dzr20,dzr0,nlen,&
-                  tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,tseis_recon_cc,&
+                  tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tseis_recon_cc,&
             use_trace = .true.
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@
       ! CHT: If the CC timeshift is for some reason larger than the allowable max, 
       !      then effectively eliminate the window by zeroing the
       !      cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements.
-      ! See BEFORE_TSHIFT in subroutine compute_time_shift in mt_sub.f90.
+      ! See BEFORE_TSHIFT in subroutine compute_cc in mt_sub.f90.
       ! NOTE: BEFORE_DLNA should be included in the PARFILE
       if ( abs(tshift_xc) > BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90	2009-05-17 18:31:16 UTC (rev 15003)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90	2009-05-18 00:26:40 UTC (rev 15004)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   !  original coding in Fortran 77 by Ying Zhou 
   !  upgraded to Fortran 90 by Alessia Maggi
-  !  minor modifications by Vala Hjorleifsdottir and Carl Tape
-  !  finalized by Qinya Liu
+  !  organized into package form by Qinya Liu
+  !  modifications by Carl Tape and Vala Hjorleifsdottir
   !  Evolution of data and syn arrays:
   !  data -- window + time taper --> dzr2 -- time shift --> dzr20 -- complex FFT --> wseis_dat
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   ! =================================================================================================
   subroutine mt_measure(is_mtm,iker,datafile,file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend, &
-         istart,dzr20,dzr0,nlen,tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,tseis_recon_cc, &
+         istart,dzr20,dzr0,nlen,tshift_xc,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,tseis_recon_cc, &
     integer, intent(in) :: is_mtm, iker, npts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     double precision, intent(in) ::  tstart, tend, t0, dt
     character(len=150), intent(in) :: file_prefix, datafile
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_xc, sigma_dt_cc, dlnA, sigma_dlnA_cc, cc_max, tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2, sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
+    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_xc, sigma_dt_cc, dlnA, sigma_dlnA_cc, cc_max, sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
     complex*16, dimension(:), intent(out) :: trans_w
     double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, dzr0, dzr20
     integer, intent(out) :: nlen, i_right, istart, i_pmax_dat, i_pmax_syn
@@ -119,8 +119,9 @@
     ! cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements
+    ! compute cross-correltaion time shift and also amplitude measurmement
     ! LQY: Ying suggested to align them at relatively long periods
-    call compute_time_shift(dzr, dzr2, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift_xc)
+    call compute_cc(dzr, dzr2, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift_xc, dlnA, cc_max)
     ! apply time shift to OBSERVED seismogram
     dzr0(:) = dzr(:) 
@@ -155,17 +156,6 @@
     syn_accel(1)    = (syn_veloc(2) - syn_veloc(1)) / dt
     syn_accel(nlen) = (syn_veloc(nlen) - syn_veloc(nlen-1)) / dt
-    ! amplitude MEASUREMENT (definition of Dahlen and Baig (2002), Eq. 3,17,18 : dlnA = Aobs/Asyn - 1)
-    ! note that the records are UN-SHIFTED
-    !dlnA = sqrt( (dt * sum( dat_displ(1:nlen) * dat_displ(1:nlen) )) &
-    !           / (dt * sum( syn_displ(1:nlen) * syn_displ(1:nlen) )) ) - 1. 
-    ! CHT revision 15-Oct-2008
-    ! The previously used expression for dlnA is a first-order perturbation of ln(A1/A2) = (A1-A2)/A2
-    ! The new expression is better suited to getting values between -1 and 1,
-    ! with dlnA = 0 indicating perfect fit, as before.
-    dlnA = 0.5 * log( sum(dat_displ(1:nlen) * dat_displ(1:nlen)) / sum(syn_displ(1:nlen) * syn_displ(1:nlen)) )
     ! reconstruct synthetics using cross-correlation measurments
     call reconstruct_syn_cc(datafile,filename,dzr,dzr2,tstart,dt,nlen,ishift,tshift_xc,dlnA, tseis_recon_cc, tseis_recon_cc_dt) 
@@ -340,7 +330,7 @@
         ! phase, abs(trans), travel-time and amplitude as a func of freq for single-tapered measurements
         call write_trans(filename,trans_w,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift_xc, phi_w,abs_w,dtau_w,dlnA_w,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa)
         call reconstruct_syn(datafile,filename,wseis_syn,wvec,dtau_w,dlnA_w,i_right,tstart,dt,nlen, tseis_recon, tseis_recon_dt) 
-        call check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr3,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+        !call check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr3,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
         !call compute_average_error(dzr3,tseis_recon,tseis_recon_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
         !call write_average_meas(filename, IKER_MT, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA)
@@ -378,7 +368,7 @@
     call reconstruct_syn(datafile,filename,wseis_syn,wvec,dtau_mtm,dlnA_mtm,i_right,tstart,dt,nlen,tseis_recon,tseis_recon_dt) 
     ! check quality
-    call check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr3,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc, tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+    !call check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr3,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc, tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
     ! CHT: estimate error using the same procedure as for the cross-correlation error estimate
     sigma_dt = 1. ; sigma_dlnA = 1.
@@ -1051,48 +1041,104 @@
-  subroutine compute_time_shift(dzr, dzr2, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift_xc)
+  subroutine compute_cc(syn, data, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift_xc, dlnA, cc_max)
-    ! time shift MEASUREMENT
-    ! If the input are windowed, then the information outside the window is not used.
-    ! WARNING: If the data are NOT windowed, then this will use information that is
-    !          a full window's width outside the window of interest.
+    ! time shift MEASUREMENT between data (data) and synthetics (syn)
+    ! CHT: modified the subroutine to resemble the one used in FLEXWIN
-    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: dzr, dzr2
+    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: syn, data
     integer, intent(in) :: nlen
     double precision, intent(in) :: dt
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_xc
+    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_xc, dlnA, cc_max
     integer, intent(out) :: ishift
-    double precision cr_shift,cc,cc_max
-    integer n_left, n_right, i, j
+    double precision :: cr_shift, cc, norm_s, norm
+    integer i1, i2, i, j, i_left, i_right, id_left, id_right
-    ! these choices will slide the entire windowed record past the other
-    cr_shift = nlen*dt
-    n_left  = ceiling( -1.0 * cr_shift / dt )
-    n_right = floor( cr_shift / dt )
+!!$    ! these choices will slide the entire windowed record past the other
+!!$    cr_shift = nlen*dt
+!!$    i_left  = ceiling( -1.0 * cr_shift / dt )
+!!$    i_right = floor( cr_shift / dt )
+!!$    ! cross-correlation
+!!$    ishift = 0 
+!!$    do i = i_left, i_right, 1
+!!$      cc = 0.
+!!$      do j = 1, nlen
+!!$        if((j+i) > 1 .and. (j+i) < nlen) cc = cc + syn(j) * data(j+i)   
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      !if(cc > cc_max) then
+!!$      ! CHT, 07-Sept-2008: Do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input
+!!$      if(cc > cc_max .and. abs(i*dt) <= BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
+!!$        cc_max = cc
+!!$        ishift = i
+!!$      endif
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    tshift_xc = ishift*dt 
-    ! cross-correlation
-    ishift = 0 
-    do i = n_left, n_right, 1
+    ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
+    ishift = 0
+    cc_max = 0.0
-      cc = 0.
-      do j = 1, nlen
-        if((j+i) > 1 .and. (j+i) < nlen) cc = cc + dzr(j) * dzr2(j+i)   
-      enddo
+    ! index of window limits
+    i1 = 1
+    i2 = nlen
-      !if(cc > cc_max) then
-      ! CHT, 07-Sept-2008: Do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input
-      if(cc > cc_max .and. abs(i*dt) <= BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
-        cc_max = cc
-        ishift = i
-      endif
+    ! length of window (number of points, including ends)
+    !nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
+    ! power of synthetic signal in window
+    norm_s = sqrt(sum(syn(i1:i2)*syn(i1:i2)))
+    ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
+    ! NOTE: This looks OUTSIDE the time window of interest to compute TSHIFT and CC.
+    !       How far to look outside, in theory, should be another parameter.
+    !       However, it does not matter as much if the data and synthetics are
+    !          zeroed outside the windows.
+    i_left = -1*int(nlen/2.0)
+    i_right = int(nlen/2.0)
+    ! i is the index to shift to be applied to DATA (data)
+    do i = i_left, i_right
+       ! normalization factor varies as you take different windows of data
+       id_left = max(1,i1+i)      ! left index for data window
+       id_right = min(nlen,i2+i)  ! right index for data window
+       norm = norm_s * sqrt(sum(data(id_left:id_right)*(data(id_left:id_right))))
+       ! cc as a function of i
+       cc = 0.
+       do j = i1, i2   ! loop over full window length
+          if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.nlen) cc = cc + syn(j)*data(j+i)  ! d is shifted by i
+       enddo
+       cc = cc/norm
+       !if(cc > cc_max) then
+       ! CHT, 07-Sept-2008: Do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input
+       if(cc .gt. cc_max .and. abs(i*dt) <= BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
+          cc_max = cc
+          ishift = i
+       endif
-    tshift_xc = ishift*dt 
+    tshift_xc = ishift*dt
-  end subroutine compute_time_shift
+    ! amplitude MEASUREMENT (definition of Dahlen and Baig (2002), Eq. 3,17,18 : dlnA = Aobs/Asyn - 1)
+    ! note that the records are UN-SHIFTED
+    !dlnA = sqrt( (dt * sum( dat_displ(i1:i2) * dat_displ(i1:i2) )) &
+    !           / (dt * sum( syn_displ(i1:i2) * syn_displ(i1:i2) )) ) - 1. 
+    ! CHT revision 15-Oct-2008
+    ! The previously used expression for dlnA is a first-order perturbation of ln(A1/A2) = (A1-A2)/A2
+    ! The new expression is better suited to getting values between -1 and 1,
+    ! with dlnA = 0 indicating perfect fit, as before.
+    dlnA = 0.5 * log( sum(data(i1:i2) * data(i1:i2)) / sum(syn(i1:i2) * syn(i1:i2)) )
+  end subroutine compute_cc
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 !!$  subroutine compute_cc_error(dzr,dzr2,dzr20,nlen,dt,tshift_xc,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc)
@@ -1428,43 +1474,43 @@
   ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr2,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+!!$  subroutine check_recon_quality(filename,dzr20,dzr0,dzr2,tseis_recon,nlen,dt,tshift_xc,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+!!$    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+!!$    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dzr20, dzr0, dzr2, tseis_recon
+!!$    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift_xc
+!!$    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
+!!$    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2, cc_max
+!!$    double precision :: f1,f2, dlnA_f1f2
+!!$    ! Using Alessia's subroutine
+!!$    !     First the shifted_obs_win vs the synthetic
+!!$    call f1f2_calc(dzr20,dzr0,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    cc_max = cc_max_f1f2
+!!$      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.quality')
+!!$      write(10,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
+!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_xc),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+!!$      write(*,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
+!!$      write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_xc),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    !     Then the obs_win vs the reconstructed obs
+!!$    call f1f2_calc(dzr2,tseis_recon,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$      close(10)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$  end subroutine check_recon_quality
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dzr20, dzr0, dzr2, tseis_recon
-    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift_xc
-    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2, cc_max
-    double precision :: f1,f2, dlnA_f1f2
-    ! Using Alessia's subroutine
-    !     First the shifted_obs_win vs the synthetic
-    call f1f2_calc(dzr20,dzr0,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
-    cc_max = cc_max_f1f2
-      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.quality')
-      write(10,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
-      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_xc),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-    endif
-    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-      write(*,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
-      write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_xc),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-    endif
-    !     Then the obs_win vs the reconstructed obs
-    call f1f2_calc(dzr2,tseis_recon,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
-      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-      close(10)
-    endif
-    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-  end subroutine check_recon_quality
    subroutine interpolate_syn(syn,t1,dt1,npt1,t2,dt2,npt2)

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90	2009-05-17 18:31:16 UTC (rev 15003)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90	2009-05-18 00:26:40 UTC (rev 15004)
@@ -410,199 +410,199 @@
 !  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine F1F2_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,dt,F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA)
+!!$      subroutine F1F2_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,dt,F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA)
+!!$      double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) ::  d, s
+!!$      integer, intent(in) :: npts,i1,i2
+!!$      double precision, intent (in) :: dt
+!!$      double precision, intent(out) ::  F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA
+!!$      double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: s_cor,d_loc
+!!$      double precision :: cr_shift, cc
+!!$      integer :: n_left,n_right,ishift,npts_win, i, j
+!!$      real ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,f1_min,f2_min,f1_top,f1_bot,A1,A2
+!!$      real golden !f1,f2
+!!$      npts_win=i2-i1+1
+!!$!     allocate memory for s_cor (the corrected synthetic)
+!!$      allocate(s_cor(npts_win))
+!!$      allocate(d_loc(npts_win))
+!!$      d_loc(1:npts_win)=d(i1:i2)
+!!$!     do cross-correlation:
+!!$      call xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
+!!$!      n_left = int((-1.0) * cr_shift / dt)
+!!$!      n_right = int(cr_shift / dt)
+!!$!      ishift=0
+!!$!      cc_max=0.
+!!$!      do i = n_left, n_right
+!!$!        cc = 0
+!!$!        do j = 1, npts
+!!$!          if((j+i).gt.1.and.(j+i).lt.npts) cc = cc + s(j) * d(j+i)
+!!$!        enddo
+!!$!        if( cc .gt. cc_max) then 
+!!$!          cc_max = cc
+!!$!          ishift = i
+!!$!        endif       
+!!$!      enddo   
+!!$      tshift=ishift*dt
+!!$!     apply time shift to synthetic seismogram
+!!$!     write(*,*)'shift synth seismogram by ', tshift, 'seconds'
+!!$      do i = 1, npts_win
+!!$        s_cor(i) = 0
+!!$        if( (i1-1+i-ishift) .gt. 1 .and. (i1-1+i-ishift) .lt.npts ) s_cor(i) = s(i1-1+i-ishift)
+!!$      enddo
+!!$! DEBUG: output 
+!!$!      open(unit=11, file='DEBUG_calcF1F2.dat')
+!!$!      do i = 1, npts_win
+!!$!        write(11,'(4(e12.4,1x))') b+(i-1)*dt, s_cor(i), s(i1-1+i), d(i1-1+i)
+!!$!      enddo      
+!!$!      close(11)
+!!$! calculate dlnA
+!!$      dlnA = sqrt( ( sum( d(i1:i2) * d(i1:i2) )) / (sum( s_cor(1:npts_win) * s_cor(1:npts_win) )) ) - 1
+!!$!     calculate F1, the least squares misfit
+!!$      f1_top=0.0
+!!$      f1_bot=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        f1_top=f1_top+(sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$!        f1_bot=f1_bot+sqrt(sngl(d_loc(i))**2*sngl(s_cor(i))**2)
+!!$        f1_bot=f1_bot+sngl(d_loc(i))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      if ( f1_bot .gt. 0.0 ) then
+!!$        F1 = dble(f1_top / f1_bot)
+!!$      else
+!!$        write(*,*) 'Sum d(t)**2 = 0 : empty observed seismogram.'
+!!$        F1=0
+!!$        F2=0
+!!$        return
+!!$      endif
+!!$!     do fa1 minimization to find A1
+!!$      ax=1e-3
+!!$      bx=1e3
+!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa1)
+!!$      f1_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa1,sngl(tol),A1)
+!!$!     do fa2 minimization to find A2
+!!$      ax=1e-3
+!!$      bx=1e3
+!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa2)
+!!$      f2_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa2,sngl(TOL),A2)
+!!$!     calculate F2
+!!$      F2=dble(min(A1,A2)/max(A1,A2))
+!!$!     Turn F1 around
+!!$      F1=1-F1
+!!$      deallocate(s_cor)
+!!$      deallocate(d_loc)
+!!$  contains
+!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$      real function fa1(a1)
+!!$      real a1
+!!$      if (abs(a1).lt.TOL) then
+!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a1 close to zero : ', a1
+!!$       stop
+!!$      endif
+!!$      fa1=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        fa1=fa1+(sngl(d_loc(i))-a1*sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      end function
+!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$      real function fa2(a2)
+!!$      real a2
+!!$      if (abs(a2).lt.TOL) then
+!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a2 close to zero : ', a2
+!!$       stop
+!!$      endif
+!!$      fa2=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        fa2=fa2+((1/a2)*sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      end function
+!!$    end subroutine F1F2_calc
+!!$!  --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$  subroutine xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
+!!$  ! inputs:
+!!$  ! s(npts) = synthetic
+!!$  ! d(npts) = data (or observed)
+!!$  ! i1, i2 = start and stop indexes of window within s and d 
+!!$  double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: s,d
+!!$  integer, intent(in) :: npts, i1, i2
+!!$  ! outputs:
+!!$  ! ishift = index lag (d-s) for max cross correlation
+!!$  ! cc_max = maximum of cross correlation (normalised by sqrt(synthetic*data))
+!!$  integer, intent(out) :: ishift
+!!$  double precision, intent(out) :: cc_max
+!!$  ! local variables
+!!$  integer :: nlen
+!!$  integer :: i_left, i_right, i, j
+!!$  double precision :: cc
+!!$  ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
+!!$  ishift=0
+!!$  cc_max=0
+!!$  if (i1.gt.i2 .or. i2.gt.npts) then
+!!$    write(*,*) 'Error with window limits: i1, i2, npts ', i1, i2, npts
+!!$    return
+!!$  endif
+!!$  ! length of window (number of points including ends)
+!!$  nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
+!!$  ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
+!!$  i_left=-1*int(nlen/2)
+!!$  i_right=int(nlen/2)
+!!$  ! i -> shift (to be applied to d in cc search) 
+!!$  do i = i_left, i_right
+!!$    cc=0
+!!$    do j = i1, i2 
+!!$      if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.npts) cc = cc + s(j)*d(j+i)
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    if (cc .gt. cc_max) then
+!!$      cc_max=cc
+!!$      ishift=i
+!!$    endif
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  cc_max=cc_max / sqrt(sum(s(i1:i2)*s(i1:i2)) * sum(d(i1:i2)*(d(i1:i2))))
+!!$end subroutine xcorr_calc
-      double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) ::  d, s
-      integer, intent(in) :: npts,i1,i2
-      double precision, intent (in) :: dt
-      double precision, intent(out) ::  F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA
-      double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: s_cor,d_loc
-      double precision :: cr_shift, cc
-      integer :: n_left,n_right,ishift,npts_win, i, j
-      real ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,f1_min,f2_min,f1_top,f1_bot,A1,A2
-      real golden !f1,f2
-      npts_win=i2-i1+1
-!     allocate memory for s_cor (the corrected synthetic)
-      allocate(s_cor(npts_win))
-      allocate(d_loc(npts_win))
-      d_loc(1:npts_win)=d(i1:i2)
-!     do cross-correlation:
-      call xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
-!      n_left = int((-1.0) * cr_shift / dt)
-!      n_right = int(cr_shift / dt)
-!      ishift=0
-!      cc_max=0.
-!      do i = n_left, n_right
-!        cc = 0
-!        do j = 1, npts
-!          if((j+i).gt.1.and.(j+i).lt.npts) cc = cc + s(j) * d(j+i)
-!        enddo
-!        if( cc .gt. cc_max) then 
-!          cc_max = cc
-!          ishift = i
-!        endif       
-!      enddo   
-      tshift=ishift*dt
-!     apply time shift to synthetic seismogram
-!     write(*,*)'shift synth seismogram by ', tshift, 'seconds'
-      do i = 1, npts_win
-        s_cor(i) = 0
-        if( (i1-1+i-ishift) .gt. 1 .and. (i1-1+i-ishift) .lt.npts ) s_cor(i) = s(i1-1+i-ishift)
-      enddo
-! DEBUG: output 
-!      open(unit=11, file='DEBUG_calcF1F2.dat')
-!      do i = 1, npts_win
-!        write(11,'(4(e12.4,1x))') b+(i-1)*dt, s_cor(i), s(i1-1+i), d(i1-1+i)
-!      enddo      
-!      close(11)
-! calculate dlnA
-      dlnA = sqrt( ( sum( d(i1:i2) * d(i1:i2) )) / (sum( s_cor(1:npts_win) * s_cor(1:npts_win) )) ) - 1
-!     calculate F1, the least squares misfit
-      f1_top=0.0
-      f1_bot=0.0
-      do i = 1,npts_win
-        f1_top=f1_top+(sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-!        f1_bot=f1_bot+sqrt(sngl(d_loc(i))**2*sngl(s_cor(i))**2)
-        f1_bot=f1_bot+sngl(d_loc(i))**2
-      enddo
-      if ( f1_bot .gt. 0.0 ) then
-        F1 = dble(f1_top / f1_bot)
-      else
-        write(*,*) 'Sum d(t)**2 = 0 : empty observed seismogram.'
-        F1=0
-        F2=0
-        return
-      endif
-!     do fa1 minimization to find A1
-      ax=1e-3
-      bx=1e3
-      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa1)
-      f1_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa1,sngl(tol),A1)
-!     do fa2 minimization to find A2
-      ax=1e-3
-      bx=1e3
-      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa2)
-      f2_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa2,sngl(TOL),A2)
-!     calculate F2
-      F2=dble(min(A1,A2)/max(A1,A2))
-!     Turn F1 around
-      F1=1-F1
-      deallocate(s_cor)
-      deallocate(d_loc)
-  contains
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-      real function fa1(a1)
-      real a1
-      if (abs(a1).lt.TOL) then
-       write(*,*) 'value of a1 close to zero : ', a1
-       stop
-      endif
-      fa1=0.0
-      do i = 1,npts_win
-        fa1=fa1+(sngl(d_loc(i))-a1*sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-      enddo
-      end function
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-      real function fa2(a2)
-      real a2
-      if (abs(a2).lt.TOL) then
-       write(*,*) 'value of a2 close to zero : ', a2
-       stop
-      endif
-      fa2=0.0
-      do i = 1,npts_win
-        fa2=fa2+((1/a2)*sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-      enddo
-      end function
-    end subroutine F1F2_calc
-!  --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
-  ! inputs:
-  ! s(npts) = synthetic
-  ! d(npts) = data (or observed)
-  ! i1, i2 = start and stop indexes of window within s and d 
-  double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: s,d
-  integer, intent(in) :: npts, i1, i2
-  ! outputs:
-  ! ishift = index lag (d-s) for max cross correlation
-  ! cc_max = maximum of cross correlation (normalised by sqrt(synthetic*data))
-  integer, intent(out) :: ishift
-  double precision, intent(out) :: cc_max
-  ! local variables
-  integer :: nlen
-  integer :: i_left, i_right, i, j
-  double precision :: cc
-  ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
-  ishift=0
-  cc_max=0
-  if (i1.gt.i2 .or. i2.gt.npts) then
-    write(*,*) 'Error with window limits: i1, i2, npts ', i1, i2, npts
-    return
-  endif
-  ! length of window (number of points including ends)
-  nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
-  ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
-  i_left=-1*int(nlen/2)
-  i_right=int(nlen/2)
-  ! i -> shift (to be applied to d in cc search) 
-  do i = i_left, i_right
-    cc=0
-    do j = i1, i2 
-      if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.npts) cc = cc + s(j)*d(j+i)
-    enddo
-    if (cc .gt. cc_max) then
-      cc_max=cc
-      ishift=i
-    endif
-  enddo
-  cc_max=cc_max / sqrt(sum(s(i1:i2)*s(i1:i2)) * sum(d(i1:i2)*(d(i1:i2))))
-end subroutine xcorr_calc
 !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
 !     subroutine costaper(ipoint, ndata, tas)
 !     ------------------------------------------------------------------

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