[cig-commits] r15853 - cs/plot-user-map/trunk

leif at geodynamics.org leif at geodynamics.org
Tue Oct 20 15:53:44 PDT 2009

Author: leif
Date: 2009-10-20 15:53:44 -0700 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 15853

Created 'map-daemon.py' (derived from the legendary
'plot-user-map.py').  This script runs automatically at midnight from
Buildbot's crontab, generating every possible user map.  It also adds
a "dot archive" feature, so that no dot is ever forgotten.

Copied: cs/plot-user-map/trunk/map-daemon.py (from rev 15851, cs/plot-user-map/trunk/plot-user-map.py)
--- cs/plot-user-map/trunk/map-daemon.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/plot-user-map/trunk/map-daemon.py	2009-10-20 22:53:44 UTC (rev 15853)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import tempfile
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
+from os.path import basename, join, isdir, exists
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# configuration
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# data
+database = "/home/leif/projects/user-maps/geobytes-database"
+statsDir = "/home/leif/projects/user-maps/stats"
+archiveDir = "/home/leif/projects/user-maps/archive"
+# output
+outputDir = "/home/leif/public_html/maps"
+# software
+gmtRoot = "/home/leif/opt/gmt"
+netcdfRoot = "/home/leif/opt/netCDF"
+# misc.
+defaultDPI = 72
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# constants
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+queryFormat = """SELECT c.latitude, c.longitude, c.city, r.region, co.country
+FROM cities AS c
+JOIN subnets AS s ON c.cityid=s.cityid
+JOIN regions AS r ON c.regionid=r.regionid
+JOIN countries AS co ON c.countryid=co.countryid
+WHERE s.subnetaddress IN %s"""
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# code
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def queryDatabase(ipList):
+    subnetList = []
+    for ip in ipList:
+        subnet = '.'.join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
+        subnetList.append(subnet)
+    subnets = '("' + '", "'.join(subnetList) + '")'
+    query = queryFormat % subnets
+    con = sqlite.connect(database)
+    con.text_factory = str # for conversion to UTF-8
+    cur = con.cursor()
+    cur.execute(query)
+    table = []
+    for row in cur:
+        table.append(row)
+    return table
+def plotMap(latLonList, dpi=72):
+    os.putenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", join(netcdfRoot, "lib"))
+    xyFile = "user-map.xy"
+    c = dict(
+        gmt_bin = join(gmtRoot, "bin"),
+        xyFile = xyFile,
+        psFile = "user-map.ps",
+        dpi = dpi,
+        gifFile = "user-map.gif",
+        )
+    xy = open(xyFile, 'w')
+    for lat, lon in latLonList:
+        print >>xy, lon, lat
+    xy.close()
+    os.system("%(gmt_bin)s/gmtset PAPER_MEDIA = letter+" % c);
+    os.system("%(gmt_bin)s/psbasemap -R-179/179/-60/70 -JM6i -Ba60/a30/wesn -P -K -V > %(psFile)s" % c);
+    os.system("%(gmt_bin)s/pscoast -R -JM  -Dl -A10000  -G0/150/0 -S0/0/150 -K -O -V >> %(psFile)s" % c);
+    os.system("%(gmt_bin)s/psxy -R -JM -Sc0.17 -O -V -G255/255/0 -W1/0/0/0 %(xyFile)s >> %(psFile)s" % c);
+    os.system("convert -trim +repage -density %(dpi)d %(psFile)s %(gifFile)s" % c);
+def scanStats(rawStats, filter=None):
+    fileList = []
+    codeList = []
+    platformList = []
+    versionList = []
+    monthList = []
+    for name in rawStats:
+        tokens = name.split('_')
+        if len(tokens) == 3:
+            x, month, year = tokens
+        elif len(tokens) == 4:
+            # Seismic_CPML
+            x, y, month, year = tokens
+            x = x + '_' + y
+        else:
+            continue
+        if (len(month), len(year)) != (3, 4):
+            continue
+        month = "%s-%s" % (year, month)
+        code, platform, version = None, None, None
+        tokens = x.split('-')
+        if len(tokens) == 2:
+            code, version = tokens
+        elif len(tokens) == 3:
+            if tokens[1] == "Globe":
+                code = tokens[0] + tokens[1]
+                version = tokens[2]
+            else:
+                code, platform, version = tokens
+        elif len(tokens) == 4:
+            code, opSys, arch, version = tokens
+            if not opSys[0:3] in ["Lin", "Mac", "Win"]:
+                continue
+            platform = "%s-%s" % (opSys, arch)
+        else:
+            continue
+        if code is None or version is None:
+            continue
+        if code == "PyLith3d":
+            code = "PyLith"
+        if platform is None:
+            platform = "(None)"
+        if filter:
+            if not code in filter[0]:
+                continue
+            if len(filter) > 1:
+                if not platform in filter[1]:
+                    continue
+                if not version in filter[2]:
+                    continue
+                if not month in filter[3]:
+                    continue
+        pathname = join(statsDir, name)
+        fileList.append(pathname)
+        codeList.append(code)
+        platformList.append(platform)
+        versionList.append(version)
+        monthList.append(month)
+    filterChoices = []
+    lists = [
+        ('codeList', codeList),
+        ('platformList', platformList),
+        ('versionList', versionList),
+        ('monthList', monthList),
+        ]
+    # sort and uniqify
+    for name, l in lists:
+        l.sort()
+        u = []
+        last = None
+        for x in l:
+            if x != last:
+                u.append(x)
+            last = x
+        filterChoices.append((name, u))
+    return fileList, filterChoices
+def main():
+    rawStats = os.listdir(statsDir)
+    fileList, lists = scanStats(rawStats)
+    codeList = lists[0][1]
+    for code in codeList:
+        fileList, lists = scanStats(rawStats, [[code]])
+        from socket import gethostbyname
+        ipList = []
+        errors = []
+        for pathname in fileList:
+            s = open(pathname, 'r')
+            for line in s:
+                entry = line.strip()
+                try:
+                    entry = gethostbyname(entry)
+                except Exception, error:
+                    errors.append((entry, str(error)))
+                    continue
+                ipList.append(entry)
+        table = queryDatabase(ipList)
+        latLonList = []
+        for row in table:
+            latLonList.append((row[0], row[1]))
+        archive = join(archiveDir, code + ".py")
+        if exists(archive):
+            stream = open(archive, 'r')
+            data = stream.read()
+            stream.close()
+            archivedLatLonList = eval(data)
+            for item in archivedLatLonList:
+                if not item in latLonList:
+                    latLonList.append(item)
+        plotMap(latLonList, defaultDPI)
+        output = join(outputDir, code + ".gif")
+        os.rename("user-map.gif", output)
+        # make sure no dot is ever forgotten
+        stream = open(archive, "w")
+        print >>stream, repr(latLonList)
+        stream.close()
+    return
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Property changes on: cs/plot-user-map/trunk/map-daemon.py
Name: svn:executable
Name: svn:mergeinfo

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