[cig-commits] commit: adding the systest

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Feb 1 15:29:57 PST 2010

changeset:   207:e972cb1a7e68
user:        JulianGiordani
date:        Fri Dec 11 18:02:16 2009 +1100
files:       script/systest.pl
adding the systest

diff -r d63b9091c1de -r e972cb1a7e68 script/systest.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/systest.pl	Fri Dec 11 18:02:16 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+##### SUBROUTINES #####
+sub runTests;
+sub executeCommandline;
+sub testConvergence;
+sub generateConvergence;
+sub testNumbersAgainstExpected;
+sub readOptionsFile;
+##### GLOBAL VARS #####
+our $testReport = "[Bitten] purpose=test current numerical fields against previously checkpoint fields of this model\n";
+our $cvgFileName = "";
+our $helpStr = "To run checkpoint tests:
+./$ARGV[0] <xmlFile> [ OPTIONS ]
+where OPTIONS:
+	-optionsFile <fileName>   : where <fileName> is the options file. Command line agruments in StGermain format.
+	-c                        : will \"create\" checkpointed data only. By default this flag in not set and the script only checks against previous checkpointed data.  
+	-n                        : the timestep checkpoint writing (if -c is defined) or checkpoint testing will occur on. By default this is timestep 10.  
+	-h                        : this help message
+  ./checkpointTest.pl testVelicSolS.xml -optionsFile OFile.dat
+		(Runs with option file OFile.dat and checks against the expected file)
+######  MAIN PROGRAM    ######
+# 1) Run the xml 
+$cvgFileName = &runTests();
+# 2) Check against expected, checkpoint files 
+exit &testConvergence( $cvgFileName );
+######  END MAIN  ######
+sub runTests {
+	my $res;
+	my $command;
+	my $createTest=0; #boolean to create an expected file, defaut 0
+	# read commandline args
+	my $arg;
+	my $ii = 0;
+	my $xmlFile = " ";
+	my $optFile = " ";
+	my $numberOfTimeSteps = 5; # testing Timestep is 10 by default
+	my @procs = (1,1,1,1);
+	my @commandLines = ""; #("--elementResI=32 --elementResJ=32 " );
+	my $outputPath = "./expected/";
+	# check if xml exists and options file is specified
+   for( $ii = 0 ; $ii < scalar(@ARGV) ; $ii++ ) {
+      $arg = $ARGV[$ii];
+		if( $arg =~ m/.*\.xml$/ ) { $xmlFile = $arg; }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/\-optionsFile/ ) { $optFile = $ARGV[$ii+1]; $ii++; }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/^\-h$/ ) { print $helpStr; exit }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/^\-\-help$/ ) { print $helpStr; exit }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/^\-c/ ) { $createTest=1; }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/^\-n/ ) { $numberOfTimeSteps=$ARGV[$ii+1]; $ii++; }
+		elsif( $arg =~ m/^\-D/ ) { $outputPath=$ARGV[$ii+1]; $ii++; }
+	}
+	if( $xmlFile eq " " ) { die "\n\n### ERROR ###\nNo xml file specified, stopped" ; }
+	if( !(-e $xmlFile) ) { die "\n\n### ERROR ###\nCannot find input file: $xmlFile, stopped" ; }
+	# check if options file is given, otherwise run default
+	if( $optFile ne " " ) {
+		if( !(-e $optFile) ) { die "\\n### ERROR ###\nnCannot find run options file $optFile, stopped"; }
+		# read in run options file
+		&readOptionsFile( $optFile, \@procs, \@commandLines );
+		print "\nUsing options file $optFile, specifed options are:\n-n $procs[0] "; foreach (@commandLines) { print "$_ "; }
+	}
+	my $exec = "udw"; # executable name
+	my $stdout;
+	my $stderr;
+   $outputPath = $outputPath."/$xmlFile"."_np$procs[0]";
+	# create strings for 1) creating checkpoint data & 2) testing against checkpointed data
+	my $xmlSegmentCreateTest = "<StGermainData xmlns=\"http://www.vpac.org/StGermain/XML_IO_Handler/Jun2003\">
+		<param name=\"checkpointEvery\" mergeType=\"replace\">$numberOfTimeSteps</param>
+		<param name=\"outputPath\" mergeType=\"replace\">$outputPath</param>
+		<param name=\"maxTimeSteps\" mergeType=\"replace\">$numberOfTimeSteps</param>
+		<param name=\"dumpEvery\" mergeType=\"replace\">0</param>
+	my $xmlSegmentToTest = "<StGermainData xmlns=\"http://www.vpac.org/StGermain/XML_IO_Handler/Jun2003\">
+	<struct name=\"components\" mergeType=\"merge\">
+		<struct name=\"tester\">
+			<param name=\"Type\">FieldTest</param>
+		</struct>	
+	</struct>
+	<param name=\"outputPath\" mergeType=\"replace\">$outputPath</param>
+	<param name=\"checkpointEvery\" mergeType=\"replace\">0</param>
+	<param name=\"dumpEvery\" mergeType=\"replace\">0</param>
+	<param name=\"maxTimeSteps\" mergeType=\"replace\">$numberOfTimeSteps</param>
+	<struct name=\"pluginData\" mergeType=\"replace\">
+		<list name=\"NumericFields\">
+			<param>VelocityField</param> <param>0</param>
+			<param>PressureField</param> <param>1</param>
+			<param>TemperatureField</param> <param>2</param>
+		</list> 
+		<param name=\"IntegrationSwarm\">gaussSwarm</param>
+		<param name=\"ConstantMesh\">constantMesh</param>
+		<param name=\"testTimestep\">$numberOfTimeSteps</param>
+		<param name=\"ElementMesh\">linearMesh</param>
+		<param name=\"normaliseByAnalyticSolution\">True</param>
+		<param name=\"context\">context</param>
+		<param name=\"appendToAnalysisFile\">True</param>
+		<!-- reference soln stuff -->
+		<param name=\"useReferenceSolutionFromFile\">true</param>
+		<param name=\"referenceSolutionFilePath\">$outputPath</param>
+		<list name=\"ReferenceFields\">
+			<param>VelocityField</param>
+			<param>PressureField</param>
+			<param>TemperatureField</param>
+		</list> 
+	</struct> 
+	# Need to check for an executable
+	if( !(-e "./../../../build/bin/StGermain" ) ) {
+		die "\n\n### ERROR ###\nCan't find ./../../../build/bin/StGermain - the executable which runs the test, stopped";
+	}
+	if( $createTest ) {
+		print "\n--- Creating checkpoint files for $xmlFile at timestep $numberOfTimeSteps---\n";
+	} else {
+		print "\n--- Testing the $xmlFile ---\n";
+	}
+	# is the symbolic link there, if not create it
+	if( !(-e $exec) ) {
+		$command = "ln -s ../../../build/bin/StGermain $exec";
+		print "\n$command\n\n";
+		&executeCommandline( $command );
+	}	
+	# check if there's a log dir
+	if( !(-e "log/") ) {
+		$command = "mkdir log";
+		&executeCommandline( $command );
+	}
+	# declare stdout and stderr files, in log dir.
+	$stdout = "log/$xmlFile"."_runs.stdout";
+	$stderr = "log/$xmlFile"."_runs.stderr";
+	# remove old log file, if it exists
+	if( -e "$stdout" ) {
+		$command = "rm $stdout";
+		&executeCommandline( $command );
+	}
+	# remove old cvg file, if it exists 
+	if( scalar (glob "*.cvg") ) { 
+		$command = "rm *.cvg"; 
+		&executeCommandline( $command );
+	} 
+	# create help.xml for setting up test
+	if( $createTest ) {
+		$command = "echo \'$xmlSegmentCreateTest\' > help.xml ";
+	} else {
+		$command = "echo \'$xmlSegmentToTest\' > help.xml ";
+	}
+	&executeCommandline($command);
+	# run test case
+	$command = "mpiexec -n $procs[0] ./$exec $xmlFile help.xml $commandLines[0] --pluginData.appendToAnalysisFile=True >$stdout";
+	$command .= " 2>$stderr";
+	print "$command";
+	&executeCommandline( $command );
+	# check error stream for error result
+	open( ERROR, "<$stderr" );
+	my $line;
+	foreach $line (<ERROR>) {
+		if( $line =~ m/[E|e]rror/ ) {
+			close(ERROR); 
+			die ("\n\n### ERROR ###\nError in runtime: see $stderr or $stdout - stopped" ); 
+		}
+	}
+	# if no error close file and delete it
+	close(ERROR); 
+	$command = "rm $stderr"; &executeCommandline($command);
+	# removing help.xml
+	$command = "rm help.xml";
+	print "\n$command\n"; &executeCommandline($command);
+	# removing softlink
+	$command = "rm $exec";
+	print "$command\n"; &executeCommandline($command);
+	print "--- Finished  ---\n\n";
+	# if we're only creating checkpoint file, end program here
+	if( $createTest ) { exit(0); }
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] proc=$procs[0]\n";
+	#search for resolution to report
+	my $resx;
+	my $resy;
+	my $resz;
+	open( FLATOUTPUT, "./output/$xmlFile/input.xml" )
+		or die ("\n\n### ERROR ###\n\t\tCouldn't open output file, ./output/$xmlFile/input.xml " );
+	my $resolution;
+	foreach $line (<FLATOUTPUT>) {
+		if( $line =~ m/\"elementResI\">(\d+)</ ) { $resx = $1; }
+		elsif( $line =~ m/\"elementResJ\">(\d+)</ ) { $resy = $1; }
+		elsif( $line =~ m/\"elementResK\">(\d+)</ ) { $resz = $1; }
+	}
+	close( FLATOUTPUT );
+	#get the total CPU time from plugin
+	my @labels;
+	my $label;
+	my $totalTime;
+	my $freqOutput = "./output/$xmlFile/FrequentOutput.dat";
+	if( !(-e $freqOutput) ) {
+		die("\n\n### ERROR ###\nCouldn't open $freqOutput");
+	}
+	$ii = 0;
+	$command = "head -n 1 $freqOutput";
+	@labels = split( /\s+/, &executeCommandline( $command ) );
+	foreach $label (@labels) {
+		if( $label =~ m/CPUTime/ ) { last; }
+		$ii++;
+	}
+	$command = "tail -n 1 $freqOutput";
+	@labels = split( /\s+/, &executeCommandline( $command ) );
+	$totalTime = $labels[$ii-1];
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] time=$totalTime\n";
+	#append to report string
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] resx=$resx\n";
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] resy=$resy\n";
+	if ( defined $resz ) { $testReport .= "[Bitten] resz=$resz\n"; }
+	else { $testReport .= "[Bitten] resz=0\n"; }
+	# return convergence file name
+	$command = "ls *\.cvg 2>/dev/null";
+	my $cvg = &executeCommandline($command);
+	chomp( $cvg );
+	return $cvg;
+sub readOptionsFile {
+	my ( $optFile, $procs, $commandLines ) = @_;
+	my $line;
+	# $line_I represents the number of tests to run
+	my $line_I = 0;
+	# open options file
+	open OPTFILE, "<$optFile" || die "Can't open options file $optFile, stopped" ;
+	foreach $line (<OPTFILE>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		# only process lines that start with np
+		if( $line =~ m/^np\s+(\d+)(\s*$|\s+(.*))/ ) {
+			$procs->[$line_I] = $1;
+			$commandLines->[$line_I] = $2;
+			$line_I++;
+		} else { next; }
+	}
+	return $line_I;
+sub testConvergence {
+ 	my $datFile = $_[0]; 
+	my @keys;
+	my $tolerance = 1e-3;
+	my @errors;
+	my $line;
+	my $nKeys;
+	my $nErrs;
+	my $report;
+	my $result;
+	my $command;
+	my $ii;
+	# test convergence numbers
+	open(INPUT, "<$datFile") || die "Can't open the expected file $datFile\n" ; 
+	while ($line = <INPUT>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		if ( $line =~ m/^\#Res\s.*/ ) {
+   		# parse for variable labels
+			@keys = split (/\s+/, $line );
+		}
+		else {
+			@errors = split(/\s+/, $line );
+		}
+	}
+	# ensure the number of keys and error measures agree
+	$nKeys = @keys;
+	$nErrs = @errors;
+	if( $nKeys != $nErrs ) { die "The number of keys against the number of errors in file $datFile don't agreed\n"; }
+	$result = "Pass";
+	$report = "";
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] tolerance=$tolerance\n";
+	# go through all  errors and check if they're within tolerance
+	for( $ii = 1 ; $ii < $nKeys ; $ii++ ) {
+		if( abs($errors[$ii]) > $tolerance ) {
+			$result = "Fail";
+			$report .= "***BAD NEWS*** ... $keys[$ii] differs by more than " . $tolerance*100 . "\% tolerance from expected file, error is $errors[$ii]\n";
+			$testReport .= "[Bitten] error in $keys[$ii]=$errors[$ii]\n";
+		} else {
+			$report .= "pass ... $keys[$ii] within a ". $tolerance*100 ."\% relative tolerance from expected file\n";
+			$testReport .= "[Bitten] error in $keys[$ii]=$errors[$ii]\n";
+		}
+	}
+	close( INPUT );
+	print "\n$report";
+	print "\nResult = $result\n";
+	$testReport .= "[Bitten] status=$result\n";
+	# remove the used data file
+	$command = "rm $datFile";
+	&executeCommandline($command);
+	open ( JERICO_FILE, "+>.jericoFile" );
+	print JERICO_FILE "$testReport\n";
+	close( JERICO_FILE );
+	if( $result eq "Pass" ) {
+		exit(0);
+	} else {
+		exit(1);
+	}
+sub executeCommandline {
+# pass in single string to execute on the command
+	my $command = $_[0];
+  my $output = qx{$command};            # that's the new shell's $$
+	my $exitStatus = $? >> 8;
+	# check the exit status of the command
+	if( $exitStatus ne 0 ) { die "\n\n### ERROR ###\nCouldn't execute the command\n$command\n\n"; }
+	return $output;

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