[cig-commits] r16256 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu Feb 11 19:47:46 PST 2010

Author: willic3
Date: 2010-02-11 19:47:46 -0800 (Thu, 11 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 16256

Started on Drucker-Prager.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/DruckerPragerEP3D.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/DruckerPragerEP3D.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/materials/DruckerPragerEP3D.cc	2010-02-12 03:47:46 UTC (rev 16256)
@@ -0,0 +1,1292 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+//                           Brad T. Aagaard
+//                        U.S. Geological Survey
+// {LicenseText}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "DruckerPragerEP3D.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "Metadata.hh" // USES Metadata
+#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES double_array
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include "petsc.h" // USES PetscLogFlops
+#include <cmath> // USES fabs()
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    namespace _DruckerPragerEP3D{
+      /// Dimension of material.
+      const int dimension = 3;
+      /// Number of entries in stress/strain tensors.
+      const int tensorSize = 6;
+      /// Number of entries in derivative of elasticity matrix.
+      const int numElasticConsts = 36;
+      /// Number of physical properties.
+      const int numProperties = 6;
+      /// Physical properties.
+      const Metadata::ParamDescription properties[] = {
+	{ "density", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "mu", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "lambda", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "friction_angle", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "cohesion", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "dilatation_angle", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR }
+      };
+      // Values expected in properties spatial database
+      const int numDBProperties = 6;
+      const char* dbProperties[] = {"density", "vs", "vp" ,
+				    "friction-angle",
+				    "cohesion",
+				    "dilatation-angle"};
+      /// Number of state variables.
+      const int numStateVars = 2;
+      /// State variables.
+      const Metadata::ParamDescription stateVars[] = {
+	{ "plastic_strain", tensorSize, pylith::topology::FieldBase::TENSOR }
+      };
+      // Values expected in state variables spatial database.
+      const int numDBStateVars = 6;
+      const char* dbStateVars[] = { "plastic-strain-xx",
+				    "plastic-strain-yy",
+				    "plastic-strain-zz",
+				    "plastic-strain-xy",
+				    "plastic-strain-yz",
+				    "plastic-strain-xz"
+      };
+    } // _DruckerPragerEP3D
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+// Indices of physical properties.
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_density = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_mu = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_density + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_lambda = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_mu + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_alphaYield = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_lambda + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_beta = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_alphaYield + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_alphaFlow = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::p_beta + 1;
+// Indices of property database values (order must match dbProperties).
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_density = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_vs = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_density + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_vp = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_vs + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_frictionAngle = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_vp + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_cohesion = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_frictionAngle + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_dilatationAngle = 
+  pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_cohesion + 1;
+// Indices of state variables.
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::s_plasticStrain = 0;
+// Indices of state variable database values (order must match dbStateVars).
+const int pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::db_plasticStrain = 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::DruckerPragerEP3D(void) :
+  ElasticMaterial(_DruckerPragerEP3D::dimension,
+		  _DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize,
+		  _DruckerPragerEP3D::numElasticConsts,
+		  Metadata(_DruckerPragerEP3D::properties,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::numProperties,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::dbProperties,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::numDBProperties,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::stateVars,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::numStateVars,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::dbStateVars,
+			   _DruckerPragerEP3D::numDBStateVars)),
+  _calcElasticConstsFn(0),
+  _calcStressFn(0),
+  _updateStateVarsFn(0)
+{ // constructor
+  useElasticBehavior(true);
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::useElasticBehavior(const bool flag)
+{ // useElasticBehavior
+  if (flag) {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_calcStressElastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_calcElasticConstsElastic;
+    _updateStateVarsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_updateStateVarsElastic;
+  } else {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_calcStressViscoelastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_calcElasticConstsViscoelastic;
+    _updateStateVarsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_updateStateVarsViscoelastic;
+  } // if/else
+} // useElasticBehavior
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute properties from values in spatial database.
+				double* const propValues,
+				const double_array& dbValues) const
+{ // _dbToProperties
+  assert(0 != propValues);
+  const int numDBValues = dbValues.size();
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::numDBProperties == numDBValues);
+  const double density = dbValues[db_density];
+  const double vs = dbValues[db_vs];
+  const double vp = dbValues[db_vp];
+  const double referenceStrainRate = dbValues[db_referenceStrainRate];
+  const double referenceStress = dbValues[db_referenceStress];
+  const double powerLawExponent = dbValues[db_powerLawExponent];
+  if (density <= 0.0 || vs <= 0.0 || vp <= 0.0 || referenceStrainRate <= 0.0
+      || referenceStress <= 0.0 || powerLawExponent < 1.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Spatial database returned illegal value for physical "
+	<< "properties.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n"
+	<< "referenceStrainRate: " << referenceStrainRate << "\n"
+	<< "referenceStress: " << referenceStress << "\n"
+	<< "powerLawExponent: " << powerLawExponent << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  const double mu = density * vs*vs;
+  const double lambda = density * vp*vp - 2.0*mu;
+  if (lambda <= 0.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Attempted to set Lame's constant lambda to nonpositive value.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert(mu > 0);
+  propValues[p_density] = density;
+  propValues[p_mu] = mu;
+  propValues[p_lambda] = lambda;
+  propValues[p_referenceStrainRate] = referenceStrainRate;
+  propValues[p_referenceStress] = referenceStress;
+  propValues[p_powerLawExponent] = powerLawExponent;
+  PetscLogFlops(6);
+} // _dbToProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_nondimProperties(double* const values,
+					         const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  const double strainRateScale = 1.0/timeScale;
+  values[p_density] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_density], densityScale);
+  values[p_mu] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_mu], pressureScale);
+  values[p_lambda] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_lambda], pressureScale);
+  values[p_referenceStrainRate] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_referenceStrainRate],
+				   strainRateScale);
+  values[p_referenceStress] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_referenceStress], pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(6);
+} // _nondimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_dimProperties(double* const values,
+						      const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  const double strainRateScale = 1.0/timeScale;
+  values[p_density] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_density], densityScale);
+  values[p_mu] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_mu], pressureScale);
+  values[p_lambda] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_lambda], pressureScale);
+  values[p_referenceStrainRate] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_referenceStrainRate], strainRateScale);
+  values[p_referenceStress] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_referenceStress], pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(6);
+} // _dimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute initial state variables from values in spatial database.
+				double* const stateValues,
+				const double_array& dbValues) const
+{ // _dbToStateVars
+  assert(0 != stateValues);
+  const int numDBValues = dbValues.size();
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::numDBStateVars == numDBValues);
+  const int totalSize = 2 * _tensorSize;
+  assert(totalSize == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  assert(totalSize == numDBValues);
+  memcpy(&stateValues[s_viscousStrain], &dbValues[db_viscousStrain],
+	 _tensorSize*sizeof(double));
+  memcpy(&stateValues[s_stress], &dbValues[db_stress],
+	 _tensorSize*sizeof(double));
+  PetscLogFlops(0);
+} // _dbToStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize state variables.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_nondimStateVars(double* const values,
+						const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimStateVars
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&values[s_stress], _tensorSize, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(_tensorSize);
+} // _nondimStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize state variables.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_dimStateVars(double* const values,
+					     const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimStateVars
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->dimensionalize(&values[s_stress], _tensorSize, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(_tensorSize);
+} // _dimStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute density at location from properties.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::_calcDensity(double* const density,
+					    const double* properties,
+					    const int numProperties,
+					    const double* stateVars,
+					    const int numStateVars)
+{ // _calcDensity
+  assert(0 != density);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  density[0] = properties[p_density];
+} // _calcDensity
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+				  const double* properties,
+				  const int numProperties,
+				  const double* stateVars,
+				  const int numStateVars) const
+{ // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+  const double referenceStrainRate = properties[p_referenceStrainRate];
+  const double referenceStress = properties[p_referenceStress];
+  const double powerLawExp = properties[p_powerLawExponent];
+  const double stress[] = {stateVars[s_stress],
+			   stateVars[s_stress + 1],
+			   stateVars[s_stress + 2],
+			   stateVars[s_stress + 3],
+			   stateVars[s_stress + 4],
+			   stateVars[s_stress + 5]};
+  const double meanStress = (stress[0] + stress[1] + stress[2])/3.0;
+  const double devStress[] = {stress[0] - meanStress,
+			      stress[1] - meanStress,
+			      stress[2] - meanStress,
+			      stress[3],
+			      stress[4],
+			      stress[5] };
+  const double devStressProd = _scalarProduct(devStress, devStress);
+  const double effStress = sqrt(0.5 * devStressProd);
+  double dtTest = 1.0;
+  if (effStress != 0.0)
+    dtTest = 0.05 *
+      pow((referenceStress/effStress), (powerLawExp - 1.0)) *
+      (referenceStress/mu)/referenceStrainRate;
+  const double dtStable = dtTest;
+#if 0 // DEBUGGING
+  double maxwellTime = 10.0 * dtStable;
+  std::cout << "Maxwell time:  " << maxwellTime << std::endl;
+  PetscLogFlops(21);
+  return dtStable;
+} // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as an elastic
+// material.
+				         double* const stress,
+					 const int stressSize,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* stateVars,
+					 const int numStateVars,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialStress,
+					 const int initialStressSize,
+					 const double* initialStrain,
+					 const int initialStrainSize,
+					 const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressElastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambda];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0] - initialStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1] - initialStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2] - initialStrain[2];
+  const double e12 = totalStrain[3] - initialStrain[3];
+  const double e23 = totalStrain[4] - initialStrain[4];
+  const double e13 = totalStrain[5] - initialStrain[5];
+  const double traceStrainTpdt = e11 + e22 + e33;
+  const double s123 = lambda * traceStrainTpdt;
+  stress[0] = s123 + mu2*e11 + initialStress[0];
+  stress[1] = s123 + mu2*e22 + initialStress[1];
+  stress[2] = s123 + mu2*e33 + initialStress[2];
+  stress[3] = mu2 * e12 + initialStress[3];
+  stress[4] = mu2 * e23 + initialStress[4];
+  stress[5] = mu2 * e13 + initialStress[5];
+  PetscLogFlops(25);
+} // _calcStressElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as a viscoelastic
+// material.
+					double* const stress,
+					const int stressSize,
+					const double* properties,
+					const int numProperties,
+					const double* stateVars,
+					const int numStateVars,
+					const double* totalStrain,
+					const int strainSize,
+					const double* initialStress,
+					const int initialStressSize,
+					const double* initialStrain,
+					const int initialStrainSize,
+					const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _tensorSize;
+  // We need to do root-finding method if state variables are from previous
+  // time step.
+  if (computeStateVars) {
+    const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+    const double lambda = properties[p_lambda];
+    const double referenceStrainRate = properties[p_referenceStrainRate];
+    const double referenceStress = properties[p_referenceStress];
+    const double powerLawExp = properties[p_powerLawExponent];
+    const double visStrainT[] = {stateVars[s_viscousStrain],
+				 stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 1],
+				 stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 2],
+				 stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 3],
+				 stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 4],
+				 stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 5]};
+    const double stressT[] = {stateVars[s_stress],
+			      stateVars[s_stress + 1],
+			      stateVars[s_stress + 2],
+			      stateVars[s_stress + 3],
+			      stateVars[s_stress + 4],
+			      stateVars[s_stress + 5]};
+    const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+    const double lamPlusMu = lambda + mu;
+    const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+    const double ae = 1.0/mu2;
+    const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+    // Need to figure out how time integration parameter alpha is going to be
+    // specified.  It should probably be specified in the problem definition and
+    // then used only by the material types that use it.  For now we are setting
+    // it to 0.5, which should probably be the default value.
+    const double alpha = 0.5;
+    const double timeFac = _dt * (1.0 - alpha);
+    // Initial stress values
+    const double meanStressInitial = (initialStress[0] +
+				      initialStress[1] +
+				      initialStress[2])/3.0;
+    const double devStressInitial[] = { initialStress[0] - meanStressInitial,
+					initialStress[1] - meanStressInitial,
+					initialStress[2] - meanStressInitial,
+					initialStress[3],
+					initialStress[4],
+					initialStress[5] };
+    const double stressInvar2Initial = 0.5 *
+      _scalarProduct(devStressInitial, devStressInitial);
+    // Initial strain values
+    const double meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] +
+				      initialStrain[1] +
+				      initialStrain[2])/3.0;
+    // Values for current time step
+    const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+    const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+    const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+    const double meanStrainTpdt = (e11 + e22 + e33)/3.0 - meanStrainInitial;
+    const double meanStressTpdt = 3.0 * bulkModulus * meanStrainTpdt;
+    // Note that I use the initial strain rather than the deviatoric initial
+    // strain since otherwise the initial mean strain would get used twice.
+    const double strainPPTpdt[] =
+      { totalStrain[0] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[0] - initialStrain[0],
+	totalStrain[1] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[1] - initialStrain[1],
+	totalStrain[2] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[2] - initialStrain[2],
+	totalStrain[3] - visStrainT[3] - initialStrain[3],
+	totalStrain[4] - visStrainT[4] - initialStrain[4],
+	totalStrain[5] - visStrainT[5] - initialStrain[5] };
+    const double strainPPInvar2Tpdt = 0.5 *
+      _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, strainPPTpdt);
+    // Values for previous time step
+    const double meanStressT = (stressT[0] +
+				stressT[1] +
+				stressT[2])/3.0;
+    const double devStressT[] = { stressT[0] - meanStressT,
+				  stressT[1] - meanStressT,
+				  stressT[2] - meanStressT,
+				  stressT[3],
+				  stressT[4],
+				  stressT[5] };
+    const double stressInvar2T = 0.5 * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressT);
+    const double effStressT = sqrt(stressInvar2T);
+    // Finish defining parameters needed for root-finding algorithm.
+    const double b = strainPPInvar2Tpdt +
+      ae * _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressInitial) +
+      ae * ae * stressInvar2Initial;
+    const double c = (_scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressT) +
+		      ae * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressInitial)) *
+      timeFac;
+    const double d = timeFac * effStressT;
+    PetscLogFlops(92);
+    // If b, c, and d are all zero, then the effective stress is zero and we
+    // don't need a root-finding algorithm. Otherwise, use the algorithm to
+    // find the effective stress.
+    double effStressTpdt = 0.0;
+    if (b != 0.0 || c != 0.0 || d != 0.0) {
+      const double stressScale = mu;
+      // Put parameters into a struct and call root-finding algorithm.
+      _effStressParams.ae = ae;
+      _effStressParams.b = b;
+      _effStressParams.c = c;
+      _effStressParams.d = d;
+      _effStressParams.alpha = alpha;
+      _effStressParams.dt = _dt;
+      _effStressParams.effStressT = effStressT;
+      _effStressParams.powerLawExp = powerLawExp;
+      _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate = referenceStrainRate;
+      _effStressParams.referenceStress = referenceStress;
+      const double effStressInitialGuess = effStressT;
+      double effStressTpdt =
+	EffectiveStress::calculate<DruckerPragerEP3D>(effStressInitialGuess,
+					       stressScale, this);
+    } // if
+    // Compute stresses from effective stress.
+    const double effStressTau = (1.0 - alpha) * effStressT +
+      alpha * effStressTpdt;
+    const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate *
+      pow((effStressTau/referenceStress),
+	  (powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+    const double factor1 = 1.0/(ae + alpha * _dt * gammaTau);
+    const double factor2 = timeFac * gammaTau;
+    double devStressTpdt = 0.0;
+    for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+      devStressTpdt = factor1 *
+	(strainPPTpdt[iComp] - factor2 * devStressT[iComp] +
+	 ae * devStressInitial[iComp]);
+      stress[iComp] = devStressTpdt + diag[iComp] *
+	(meanStressTpdt + meanStressInitial);
+    } // for
+    PetscLogFlops(14 + 8 * tensorSize);
+    // If state variables have already been updated, current stress is already
+    // contained in stress.
+  } else {
+    memcpy(&stress[0], &stateVars[s_stress], tensorSize * sizeof(double));
+  } // else
+} // _calcStressViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Effective stress function that computes effective stress function only
+// (no derivative).
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::effStressFunc(const double effStressTpdt)
+{ // effStressFunc
+  const double ae = _effStressParams.ae;
+  const double b = _effStressParams.b;
+  const double c = _effStressParams.c;
+  const double d = _effStressParams.d;
+  const double alpha = _effStressParams.alpha;
+  const double dt = _effStressParams.dt;
+  const double effStressT = _effStressParams.effStressT;
+  const double powerLawExp = _effStressParams.powerLawExp;
+  const double referenceStrainRate = _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate;
+  const double referenceStress = _effStressParams.referenceStress;
+  const double factor1 = 1.0-alpha;
+  const double effStressTau = factor1 * effStressT + alpha * effStressTpdt;
+  const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate * 
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+  const double a = ae + alpha * dt * gammaTau;
+  const double y = a * a * effStressTpdt * effStressTpdt - b +
+    c * gammaTau - d * d * gammaTau * gammaTau;
+  PetscLogFlops(21);
+  return y;
+} // effStressFunc
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Effective stress function that computes effective stress function
+// derivative only (no function value).
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::effStressDerivFunc(const double effStressTpdt)
+{ // effStressDFunc
+  const double ae = _effStressParams.ae;
+  const double c = _effStressParams.c;
+  const double d = _effStressParams.d;
+  const double alpha = _effStressParams.alpha;
+  const double dt = _effStressParams.dt;
+  const double effStressT = _effStressParams.effStressT;
+  const double powerLawExp = _effStressParams.powerLawExp;
+  const double referenceStrainRate = _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate;
+  const double referenceStress = _effStressParams.referenceStress;
+  const double factor1 = 1.0-alpha;
+  const double effStressTau = factor1 * effStressT + alpha * effStressTpdt;
+  const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate *
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+  const double a = ae + alpha * dt * gammaTau;
+  const double dGammaTau = referenceStrainRate * alpha * (powerLawExp - 1.0) *
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 2.0))/
+    (referenceStress * referenceStress);
+  const double dy = 2.0 * a * a * effStressTpdt + dGammaTau *
+    (2.0 * a * alpha * dt * effStressTpdt * effStressTpdt +
+     c - 2.0 * d * d * gammaTau);
+  PetscLogFlops(36);
+  return dy;
+} // effStressDFunc
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Effective stress function that computes effective stress function
+// and derivative.
+pylith::materials::DruckerPragerEP3D::effStressFuncDerivFunc(double* func,
+						      double* dfunc,
+						      const double effStressTpdt)
+{ // effStressFuncDFunc
+  double y = *func;
+  double dy = *dfunc;
+  const double ae = _effStressParams.ae;
+  const double b = _effStressParams.b;
+  const double c = _effStressParams.c;
+  const double d = _effStressParams.d;
+  const double alpha = _effStressParams.alpha;
+  const double dt = _effStressParams.dt;
+  const double effStressT = _effStressParams.effStressT;
+  const double powerLawExp = _effStressParams.powerLawExp;
+  const double referenceStrainRate = _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate;
+  const double referenceStress = _effStressParams.referenceStress;
+  const double factor1 = 1.0-alpha;
+  const double effStressTau = factor1 * effStressT + alpha * effStressTpdt;
+  const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate *
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+  const double dGammaTau = referenceStrainRate * alpha * (powerLawExp - 1.0) *
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 2.0))/
+    (referenceStress * referenceStress);
+  const double a = ae + alpha * dt * gammaTau;
+  y = a * a * effStressTpdt * effStressTpdt -
+    b +
+    c * gammaTau -
+    d * d * gammaTau * gammaTau;
+  dy = 2.0 * a * a * effStressTpdt +
+    dGammaTau *
+    (2.0 * a * alpha * dt * effStressTpdt * effStressTpdt +
+     c - 2.0 * d * d * gammaTau);
+  *func = y;
+  *dfunc = dy;
+  PetscLogFlops(46);
+} // effStressFuncDFunc
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties.
+				         double* const elasticConsts,
+					 const int numElasticConsts,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* stateVars,
+					 const int numStateVars,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialStress,
+					 const int initialStressSize,
+					 const double* initialStrain,
+					 const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambda];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double lambda2mu = lambda + mu2;
+  elasticConsts[ 0] = lambda2mu; // C1111
+  elasticConsts[ 1] = lambda; // C1122
+  elasticConsts[ 2] = lambda; // C1133
+  elasticConsts[ 3] = 0; // C1112
+  elasticConsts[ 4] = 0; // C1123
+  elasticConsts[ 5] = 0; // C1113
+  elasticConsts[ 6] = lambda2mu; // C2222
+  elasticConsts[ 7] = lambda; // C2233
+  elasticConsts[ 8] = 0; // C2212
+  elasticConsts[ 9] = 0; // C2223
+  elasticConsts[10] = 0; // C2213
+  elasticConsts[11] = lambda2mu; // C3333
+  elasticConsts[12] = 0; // C3312
+  elasticConsts[13] = 0; // C3323
+  elasticConsts[14] = 0; // C3313
+  elasticConsts[15] = mu2; // C1212
+  elasticConsts[16] = 0; // C1223
+  elasticConsts[17] = 0; // C1213
+  elasticConsts[18] = mu2; // C2323
+  elasticConsts[19] = 0; // C2313
+  elasticConsts[20] = mu2; // C1313
+  PetscLogFlops(2);
+} // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties
+// as a viscoelastic material.
+				         double* const elasticConsts,
+					 const int numElasticConsts,
+					 const double* properties,
+					 const int numProperties,
+					 const double* stateVars,
+					 const int numStateVars,
+					 const double* totalStrain,
+					 const int strainSize,
+					 const double* initialStress,
+					 const int initialStressSize,
+					 const double* initialStrain,
+					 const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _tensorSize;
+  const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambda];
+  const double referenceStrainRate = properties[p_referenceStrainRate];
+  const double referenceStress = properties[p_referenceStress];
+  const double powerLawExp = properties[p_powerLawExponent];
+  // State variables.
+  const double visStrainT[] = {stateVars[s_viscousStrain],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 1],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 2],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 3],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 4],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 5]};
+  const double stressT[] = {stateVars[s_stress],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 1],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 2],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 3],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 4],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 5]};
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double lamPlusMu = lambda + mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+  const double ae = 1.0/mu2;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+  // Need to figure out how time integration parameter alpha is going to be
+  // specified.  It should probably be specified in the problem definition and
+  // then used only by the material types that use it.  For now we are setting
+  // it to 0.5, which should probably be the default value.
+  const double alpha = 0.5;
+  const double explicitFac = 1.0 - alpha;
+  const double timeFac = _dt * explicitFac;
+  /// Initial state.
+  // Initial stress values.
+  const double meanStressInitial = (initialStress[0] +
+				    initialStress[1] +
+				    initialStress[2])/3.0;
+  const double devStressInitial[] = { initialStress[0] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[1] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[2] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[3],
+				      initialStress[4],
+				      initialStress[5] };
+  const double stressInvar2Initial = 0.5 *
+    _scalarProduct(devStressInitial, devStressInitial);
+  // Initial strain values.
+  const double meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] +
+				    initialStrain[1] +
+				    initialStrain[2])/3.0;
+  /// Values for current time step
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (e11 + e22 + e33)/3.0 - meanStrainInitial;
+  const double meanStressTpdt = 3.0 * bulkModulus * meanStrainTpdt;
+  // Note that I use the initial strain rather than the deviatoric initial
+  // strain since otherwise the initial mean strain would get used twice.
+  const double strainPPTpdt[] =
+    { totalStrain[0] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[0] - initialStrain[0],
+      totalStrain[1] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[1] - initialStrain[1],
+      totalStrain[2] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[2] - initialStrain[2],
+      totalStrain[3] - visStrainT[3] - initialStrain[3],
+      totalStrain[4] - visStrainT[4] - initialStrain[4],
+      totalStrain[5] - visStrainT[5] - initialStrain[5] };
+  const double strainPPInvar2Tpdt = 0.5 *
+    _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, strainPPTpdt);
+  // Values for previous time step
+  const double meanStressT = (stressT[0] + stressT[1] + stressT[2])/3.0;
+  const double devStressT[] = { stressT[0] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[1] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[2] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[3],
+				stressT[4],
+				stressT[5] };
+  const double stressInvar2T = 0.5 * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressT);
+  const double effStressT = sqrt(stressInvar2T);
+  // Finish defining parameters needed for root-finding algorithm.
+  const double b = strainPPInvar2Tpdt +
+    ae * _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressInitial) +
+    ae * ae * stressInvar2Initial;
+  const double c = (_scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressT) +
+		    ae * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressInitial)) *
+    timeFac;
+  const double d = timeFac * effStressT;
+  PetscLogFlops(92);
+  // If b = c = d = 0, the effective stress is zero and the elastic constants
+  // will be the same as for the elastic case. Otherwise, compute the tangent
+  // matrix using the effective stress function algorithm.
+  if (b == 0.0 && c == 0.0 && d == 0.0) {
+    _calcElasticConstsElastic(elasticConsts,
+			      numElasticConsts,
+			      properties,
+			      numProperties,
+			      stateVars,
+			      numStateVars,
+			      totalStrain,
+			      strainSize,
+			      initialStress,
+			      initialStressSize,
+			      initialStrain,
+			      initialStrainSize);
+  } else {
+    const double stressScale = mu;
+    // Put parameters into a struct and call root-finding algorithm.
+    _effStressParams.ae = ae;
+    _effStressParams.b = b;
+    _effStressParams.c = c;
+    _effStressParams.d = d;
+    _effStressParams.alpha = alpha;
+    _effStressParams.dt = _dt;
+    _effStressParams.effStressT = effStressT;
+    _effStressParams.powerLawExp = powerLawExp;
+    _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate = referenceStrainRate;
+    _effStressParams.referenceStress = referenceStress;
+    const double effStressInitialGuess = effStressT;
+    const double effStressTpdt =
+      EffectiveStress::calculate<DruckerPragerEP3D>(effStressInitialGuess,
+					     stressScale, this);
+    // Compute quantities at intermediate time tau used to compute values at
+    // end of time step.
+    const double effStressTau = (1.0 - alpha) * effStressT +
+      alpha * effStressTpdt;
+    const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate *
+      pow((effStressTau/referenceStress),
+	  (powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+    const double a = ae + alpha * _dt * gammaTau;
+    const double factor1 = 1.0/a;
+    const double factor2 = timeFac * gammaTau;
+    const double devStressTpdt[] = {
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[0] - factor2 * devStressT[0] + ae * devStressInitial[0]),
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[1] - factor2 * devStressT[1] + ae * devStressInitial[1]),
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[2] - factor2 * devStressT[2] + ae * devStressInitial[2]),
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[3] - factor2 * devStressT[3] + ae * devStressInitial[3]),
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[4] - factor2 * devStressT[4] + ae * devStressInitial[4]),
+      factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[5] - factor2 * devStressT[5] + ae * devStressInitial[5])};
+    const double devStressTau[] = {
+      alpha * devStressT[0] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[0],
+      alpha * devStressT[1] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[1],
+      alpha * devStressT[2] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[2],
+      alpha * devStressT[3] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[3],
+      alpha * devStressT[4] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[4],
+      alpha * devStressT[5] + explicitFac * devStressTpdt[5]};
+    const double factor3 = 0.5 * referenceStrainRate * _dt * alpha *
+      (powerLawExp - 1.0) *
+      pow((effStressTau/referenceStress), (powerLawExp - 2.0))/
+      (referenceStress * referenceStress * effStressTpdt);
+    // Compute deviatoric derivatives
+    const double dStress11dStrain11 = 1.0/
+      (a + devStressTau[0] * devStressTpdt[0] * factor3);
+    const double dStress22dStrain22 = 1.0/
+      (a + devStressTau[1] * devStressTpdt[1] * factor3);
+    const double dStress33dStrain33 = 1.0/
+      (a + devStressTau[2] * devStressTpdt[2] * factor3);
+    const double dStress12dStrain12 = 1.0/
+      (a + 2.0 * devStressTau[3] * devStressTpdt[3] * factor3);
+    const double dStress23dStrain23 = 1.0/
+      (a + 2.0 * devStressTau[4] * devStressTpdt[4] * factor3);
+    const double dStress13dStrain13 = 1.0/
+      (a + 2.0 * devStressTau[5] * devStressTpdt[5] * factor3);
+    /// Compute tangent matrix.
+    // Form elastic constants.
+    elasticConsts[ 0] = bulkModulus + 2.0 * dStress11dStrain11/3.0;  // C1111
+    elasticConsts[ 1] = bulkModulus -       dStress11dStrain11/3.0;  // C1122
+    elasticConsts[ 2] = elasticConsts[ 1]; // C1133
+    elasticConsts[ 3] = 0.0;  // C1112
+    elasticConsts[ 4] = 0.0;  // C1123
+    elasticConsts[ 5] = 0.0;  // C1113
+    elasticConsts[ 6] = bulkModulus + 2.0 * dStress22dStrain22/3.0;  // C2222
+    elasticConsts[ 7] = bulkModulus -       dStress22dStrain22/3.0;  // C2233
+    elasticConsts[ 8] = 0.0;  // C2212
+    elasticConsts[ 9] = 0.0;  // C2223
+    elasticConsts[10] = 0.0;  // C2213
+    elasticConsts[11] = bulkModulus + 2.0 * dStress33dStrain33/3.0;  // C3333
+    elasticConsts[12] = 0.0;  // C3312
+    elasticConsts[13] = 0.0;  // C3323
+    elasticConsts[14] = 0.0;  // C3313
+    elasticConsts[15] = dStress12dStrain12;  // C1212
+    elasticConsts[16] = 0.0;  // C1223
+    elasticConsts[17] = 0.0;  // C1213
+    elasticConsts[18] = dStress23dStrain23;  // C2323
+    elasticConsts[19] = 0.0;  // C2313
+    elasticConsts[20] = dStress13dStrain13;  // C1313
+    PetscLogFlops(114);
+  } // else
+} // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+				    double* const stateVars,
+				    const int numStateVars,
+				    const double* properties,
+				    const int numProperties,
+				    const double* totalStrain,
+				    const int strainSize,
+				    const double* initialStress,
+				    const int initialStressSize,
+				    const double* initialStrain,
+				    const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _updateStateVarsElastic
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const bool computeStateVars = true;
+  double stress[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  const int stressSize = strainSize;
+  _calcStressElastic(stress, stressSize,
+		     properties, numProperties,
+		     stateVars, numStateVars,
+		     totalStrain, strainSize,
+		     initialStress, initialStressSize,
+		     initialStrain, initialStrainSize,
+		     computeStateVars);
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < _tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain+iComp] = 0.0;
+    stateVars[s_stress+iComp] = stress[iComp];
+  } // for
+  _needNewJacobian = true;
+} // _updateStateVarsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+				    double* const stateVars,
+				    const int numStateVars,
+				    const double* properties,
+				    const int numProperties,
+				    const double* totalStrain,
+				    const int strainSize,
+				    const double* initialStress,
+				    const int initialStressSize,
+				    const double* initialStrain,
+				    const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _updateStateVarsViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_DruckerPragerEP3D::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int stressSize = _tensorSize;
+  // For now, we are duplicating the functionality of _calcStressViscoelastic,
+  // since otherwise we would have to redo a lot of calculations.
+  const double mu = properties[p_mu];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambda];
+  const double referenceStrainRate = properties[p_referenceStrainRate];
+  const double referenceStress = properties[p_referenceStress];
+  const double powerLawExp = properties[p_powerLawExponent];
+  const double visStrainT[] = {stateVars[s_viscousStrain],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 1],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 2],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 3],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 4],
+			       stateVars[s_viscousStrain + 5]};
+  const double stressT[] = {stateVars[s_stress],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 1],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 2],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 3],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 4],
+			    stateVars[s_stress + 5]};
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double lamPlusMu = lambda + mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+  const double ae = 1.0/mu2;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+  // Need to figure out how time integration parameter alpha is going to be
+  // specified.  It should probably be specified in the problem definition and
+  // then used only by the material types that use it.  For now we are setting
+  // it to 0.5, which should probably be the default value.
+  const double alpha = 0.5;
+  const double timeFac = _dt * (1.0 - alpha);
+  // Initial stress values
+  const double meanStressInitial = (initialStress[0] + initialStress[1] +
+				    initialStress[2])/3.0;
+  const double devStressInitial[] = { initialStress[0] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[1] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[2] - meanStressInitial,
+				      initialStress[3],
+				      initialStress[4],
+				      initialStress[5] };
+  const double stressInvar2Initial = 0.5 *
+    _scalarProduct(devStressInitial, devStressInitial);
+  // Initial strain values
+  const double meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] + initialStrain[1] +
+				    initialStrain[2])/3.0;
+  // Values for current time step
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1];
+  const double e33 = totalStrain[2];
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (e11 + e22 + e33)/3.0 - meanStrainInitial;
+  const double meanStressTpdt = 3.0 * bulkModulus * meanStrainTpdt;
+  // Note that I use the initial strain rather than the deviatoric initial
+  // strain since otherwise the initial mean strain would get used twice.
+  const double strainPPTpdt[] =
+    { totalStrain[0] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[0] - initialStrain[0],
+      totalStrain[1] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[1] - initialStrain[1],
+      totalStrain[2] - meanStrainTpdt - visStrainT[2] - initialStrain[2],
+      totalStrain[3] - visStrainT[3] - initialStrain[3],
+      totalStrain[4] - visStrainT[4] - initialStrain[4],
+      totalStrain[5] - visStrainT[5] - initialStrain[5] };
+  const double strainPPInvar2Tpdt = 0.5 *
+    _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, strainPPTpdt);
+  // Values for previous time step
+  const double meanStressT = (stressT[0] + stressT[1] + stressT[2])/3.0;
+  const double devStressT[] = { stressT[0] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[1] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[2] - meanStressT,
+				stressT[3],
+				stressT[4],
+				stressT[5] };
+  const double stressInvar2T = 0.5 * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressT);
+  const double effStressT = sqrt(stressInvar2T);
+  // Finish defining parameters needed for root-finding algorithm.
+  const double b = strainPPInvar2Tpdt +
+    ae * _scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressInitial) +
+    ae * ae * stressInvar2Initial;
+  const double c = (_scalarProduct(strainPPTpdt, devStressT) +
+		    ae * _scalarProduct(devStressT, devStressInitial)) *
+    timeFac;
+  const double d = timeFac * effStressT;
+  PetscLogFlops(92);
+  // If b, c, and d are all zero, then the effective stress is zero and we
+  // don't need a root-finding algorithm. Otherwise, use the algorithm to
+  // find the effective stress.
+  double effStressTpdt = 0.0;
+  if (b != 0.0 || c != 0.0 || d != 0.0) {
+    const double stressScale = mu;
+    // Put parameters into a struct and call root-finding algorithm.
+    _effStressParams.ae = ae;
+    _effStressParams.b = b;
+    _effStressParams.c = c;
+    _effStressParams.d = d;
+    _effStressParams.alpha = alpha;
+    _effStressParams.dt = _dt;
+    _effStressParams.effStressT = effStressT;
+    _effStressParams.powerLawExp = powerLawExp;
+    _effStressParams.referenceStrainRate = referenceStrainRate;
+    _effStressParams.referenceStress = referenceStress;
+    const double effStressInitialGuess = effStressT;
+    double effStressTpdt =
+      EffectiveStress::calculate<DruckerPragerEP3D>(effStressInitialGuess,
+					     stressScale, this);
+  } // if
+  // Compute stress and viscous strain and update appropriate state variables.
+  const double effStressTau = (1.0 - alpha) * effStressT +
+    alpha * effStressTpdt;
+  const double gammaTau = referenceStrainRate *
+    pow((effStressTau/referenceStress),
+	(powerLawExp - 1.0))/referenceStress;
+  const double factor1 = 1.0/(ae + alpha * _dt * gammaTau);
+  const double factor2 = timeFac * gammaTau;
+  double devStressTpdt = 0.0;
+  double devStressTau = 0.0;
+  double deltaVisStrain = 0.0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < _tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    devStressTpdt = factor1 *
+      (strainPPTpdt[iComp] - factor2 * devStressT[iComp] +
+       ae * devStressInitial[iComp]);
+    stateVars[s_stress+iComp] = devStressTpdt + diag[iComp] *
+      (meanStressTpdt + meanStressInitial);
+    devStressTau = (1.0 - alpha) * devStressT[iComp] + alpha * devStressTpdt;
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain+iComp] += _dt * gammaTau * devStressTau;
+  } // for
+  _needNewJacobian = true;
+  PetscLogFlops(14 + _tensorSize * 15);
+} // _updateStateVarsViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute scalar product of two tensors.
+				    const double* tensor1,
+				    const double* tensor2) const
+{ // _scalarProduct
+  const double scalarProduct = tensor1[0] * tensor2[0] +
+    tensor1[1] * tensor2[1] +
+    tensor1[2] * tensor2[2] +
+    2.0 * (tensor1[3] * tensor2[3] +
+	   tensor1[4] * tensor2[4] +
+	   tensor1[5] * tensor2[5]);
+  return scalarProduct;
+} // _scalarProduct
+// End of file 

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