[cig-commits] r16284 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS: . Cluster Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes Visualization Visualization/Blender Visualization/GMT Visualization/Gnuplot Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model Visualization/GoogleEarth Visualization/Grace Visualization/Paraview Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util Visualization/Paraview/matlab Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu Visualization/VTK Visualization/opendx_AVS

danielpeter at geodynamics.org danielpeter at geodynamics.org
Sat Feb 20 11:58:57 PST 2010

Author: danielpeter
Date: 2010-02-20 11:58:48 -0800 (Sat, 20 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 16284

files related to visualizations have been collected in 

new files have been added for different visualizations:

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/DATA
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/DATA	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/DATA	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../../DATA/
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/DATA
Name: svn:special
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/estimate_best_values_runs.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/estimate_best_values_runs.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/estimate_best_values_runs.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 0
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            February 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! output a table with the best parameters to use for large runs on a given machine
+! in order to use the total amount of memory available in the best possible way
+  program estimate_best_values_runs
+  implicit none
+  include "../../../constants.h"
+  integer, parameter :: NB_COLUMNS_TABLE = 10
+! maximum total number of processors we want to see in the table
+! integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 100000
+! integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS =  4000  ! current maximum on pangu at Caltech
+! integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 10240  ! current maximum on MareNostrum in Barcelona
+! integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 62976  ! current maximum on Ranger in Texas
+! integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 212992 ! current maximum on BlueGene at LLNL
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 12150  ! current maximum at CINES in France
+! minimum total number of processors we want to see in the table
+! integer, parameter :: MIN_NUMBER_OF_PROCS =  100
+  integer, parameter :: MIN_NUMBER_OF_PROCS = 1000
+! amount of memory installed per processor core on the system (in gigabytes)
+! double precision, parameter :: MAX_MEMORY_PER_CORE = 1.5d0 ! pangu at Caltech
+! double precision, parameter :: MAX_MEMORY_PER_CORE = 2.0d0 ! Ranger in Texas, MareNostrum in Barcelona
+  double precision, parameter :: MAX_MEMORY_PER_CORE = 4.0d0 ! CINES in France
+! base value depends if we implement three or four doublings (default is three)
+  integer, parameter :: NB_DOUBLING = 3
+  integer :: BASE_VALUE
+! parameters read from parameter file
+          NER_80_MOHO,NER_220_80,NER_400_220,NER_600_400,NER_670_600,NER_771_670, &
+          RMOHO,R80,R120,R220,R400,R600,R670,R771,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,RCMB,RICB, &
+  character(len=150) LOCAL_PATH,MODEL
+! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
+  integer NPROC,NPROCTOT,NEX_PER_PROC_XI,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA,ratio_divide_central_cube
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: ner,ratio_sampling_array
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: doubling_index
+  logical, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: this_region_has_a_doubling
+  double precision, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: r_bottom,r_top
+  double precision, dimension(MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS) :: rmins,rmaxs
+! this for all the regions
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_REGIONS) :: NSPEC,NSPEC2D_XI,NSPEC2D_ETA, &
+               NSPEC2D_BOTTOM,NSPEC2D_TOP, &
+               NSPEC1D_RADIAL,NGLOB1D_RADIAL, &
+  double precision :: static_memory_size
+  integer :: c,counter,offset
+  double precision :: mem_per_core,percent
+! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
+! count the total number of sources in the CMTSOLUTION file
+  first_time = .true.
+  print *
+  print *,'Number of GB of memory per core installed in the machine: ',MAX_MEMORY_PER_CORE
+  print *
+! make sure we do not start below the lower limit
+  if(6 * int(sqrt(MIN_NUMBER_OF_PROCS / 6.d0))**2 == MIN_NUMBER_OF_PROCS) then
+    offset = 0
+  else
+    offset = 1
+  endif
+! the total number of processors is 6 * NPROC_XI^2
+  do NPROC_XI = int(sqrt(MIN_NUMBER_OF_PROCS / 6.d0)) + offset,int(sqrt(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS / 6.d0))
+    counter = 1
+    c = 0
+    NEX_XI = 0
+    already_printed = .false.
+! loop on the columns of the table
+    do while (counter <= NB_COLUMNS_TABLE)
+      c = c + 1
+! impose an upper limit on current "reasonably large" values to avoid an infinite loop
+! these values should be okay for the next few years (i.e., on machines around 1 petaflops)
+! (this written in August 2008)
+      if(c > 15 .or. NEX_XI > 6000) exit
+! also exclude very coarse meshes below NEX_XI = 64
+      if(NEX_XI >= 64 .and. mod(NEX_XI,2*BASE_VALUE) == 0) then
+        counter = counter + 1
+! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters
+    EMULATE_ONLY = .true.
+          NER_80_MOHO,NER_220_80,NER_400_220,NER_600_400,NER_670_600,NER_771_670, &
+          RMOHO,R80,R120,R220,R400,R600,R670,R771,RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME,RCMB,RICB, &
+          ratio_sampling_array, ner, doubling_index,r_bottom,r_top,this_region_has_a_doubling,rmins,rmaxs,CASE_3D, &
+  if(first_time) then
+    first_time = .false.
+    if(ATTENUATION) then
+      print *,'ATTENUATION = .true.'
+    else
+      print *,'ATTENUATION = .false.'
+    endif
+  endif
+!! compute memory usage per processor core
+! evaluate the amount of static memory needed by the solver
+                   ONE_CRUST,doubling_index,this_region_has_a_doubling,&
+                   ner,NEX_PER_PROC_XI,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA,ratio_sampling_array,&
+  mem_per_core = static_memory_size/1073741824.d0
+  percent = 100.d0 * mem_per_core / MAX_MEMORY_PER_CORE
+  if(percent > 100.d0) goto 777
+  if(percent < 0.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **mesher fails/bug**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+    goto 777
+  else if(percent >= 93.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **too high**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+    goto 777
+  else if(percent >= 85.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **excellent**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+    goto 777
+  else if(percent >= 80.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **very good**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+    goto 777
+  else if(percent >= 70.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **not bad**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+    goto 777
+  else if(percent >= 60.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'% **possible**')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+! uncomment line below to completely suppress cases that give an occupancy below 50%
+  else ! if(percent >= 50.d0) then
+    if(.not. already_printed) then
+      print *
+      print *,'NPROC, % of the machine, NPROC_XI, NEX_XI, GB used/core, % mem used/core:'
+    endif
+    already_printed = .true.
+    write(*,"(' ',i5,'  ',f6.2,'% ',i3,'  ',i4,'  ',f6.2,'GB  ',f6.2,'%')") &
+      6*NPROC_XI**2,100.d0*6*NPROC_XI**2/dble(MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCS),NPROC_XI,NEX_XI,mem_per_core,percent
+  endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+ 777 continue
+  enddo
+  print *
+  end program estimate_best_values_runs
+!----  include subroutines from the main code
+  include "../../read_compute_parameters.f90"
+  include "../../memory_eval.f90"
+  include "../../read_value_parameters.f90"
+  include "../../get_value_parameters.f90"
+  include "../../auto_ner.f90"

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/display_mesh_topology.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/display_mesh_topology.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/display_mesh_topology.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+! display mesh topology (how processor numbers are assigned in the cubed sphere)
+  program display_mesh_topology
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: NCHUNKS = 6
+! define block type based upon chunk number (between 1 and 6)
+! do not change this numbering, chunk AB must be number 1 for central cube
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB = 1
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC = 2
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC = 3
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE = 4
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE = 6
+  integer iproc_xi,iproc_eta,ichunk
+! addressing for all the slices
+  integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: addressing
+  print *
+  print *,'enter the number of processors in each direction of each of the 6 blocks (NPROC_XI):'
+  print *
+  read(*,*) NPROC_XI
+! total number of processors in each of the six chunks
+  print *
+  print *,'the total number of processors used is ',NCHUNKS*NPROC
+  print *
+  allocate(addressing(NCHUNKS,0:NPROC_XI-1,0:NPROC_ETA-1))
+! loop on all the chunks to create global slice addressing for solver
+  do ichunk = 1,NCHUNKS
+    do iproc_eta=0,NPROC_ETA-1
+      do iproc_xi=0,NPROC_XI-1
+        addressing(ichunk,iproc_xi,iproc_eta) = (ichunk-1)*NPROC + iproc_eta * NPROC_XI + iproc_xi
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! output a topology map of slices
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 1'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_AB,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 2'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_BC,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 3'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_AC,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 4'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 5'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+    write(*,*) 'Bloc 6'
+    do iproc_xi = NPROC_XI-1, 0, -1
+      write(*,'(2x)',advance='no')
+      do iproc_eta = NPROC_ETA -1, 0, -1
+        write(*,'(i5)',advance='no') addressing(CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE,iproc_xi,iproc_eta)
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(1x)',advance='yes')
+    enddo
+    write(*, *) ' '
+  end program display_mesh_topology

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/mesh_scaling_processors_ES_japan.xls
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/mesh_scaling_processors_ES_japan.xls
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/mesh_scaling_processors_marenostrum.xls
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Cluster/estimate_best_values_runs/scaling_nodes/mesh_scaling_processors_marenostrum.xls
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_movie_009000.d.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_movie_009000.d.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_sphere.blend
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_sphere.blend
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_sphere.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/bin_sphere.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Blender, open source, cross platform suite of tools for 3D creation
+- load example file 'bin_sphere.blend':
+  run Blender:
+      -> Menu -> File -> Open...
+         select 'bin_sphere.blend'
+  to render image: 
+      -> Menu -> Render -> Render Current Frame
+  it needs: ./topo_globe.jpg
+            ./bin_movie_009000.d.png
+  these images are used as textures on a sphere:  
+  - a wavefield PNG image created with GMT:  
+      > ../GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_*.d
+  - a topography image 'topo_globe.jpg':
+      to create a topographic global map with GMT,
+      1. create a grid file
+        > grdraster ETOPO2 -Rg -I2m -Getopo2.grd
+      2. create a gradient file
+        > grdgradient etopo2.grd -Nt1 -A45 -Getopo2gradient.grd -V
+      3. render image with gradient illumination
+         (must copy topo_gray.cpt to current directory)
+         projection uses: plate caree projection -JQ
+        > grdimage etopo2.grd -Ietopo2gradient.grd -JQ0/0/15 -Ctopo_gray.cpt -V -P > topo_globe.ps
+      4. convert to jpg using convert command from ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org)
+        > convert topo_globe.ps topo_globe.jpg

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/topo_globe.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/topo_globe.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/topo_gray.cpt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/topo_gray.cpt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Blender/topo_gray.cpt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#	cpt file created by: makecpt -Cgray -T0/1/0.01
+0	1	1	1	0.01	1	1	1
+0.01	4	4	4	0.02	4	4	4
+0.02	6	6	6	0.03	6	6	6
+0.03	9	9	9	0.04	9	9	9
+0.04	11	11	11	0.05	11	11	11
+0.05	14	14	14	0.06	14	14	14
+0.06	17	17	17	0.07	17	17	17
+0.07	19	19	19	0.08	19	19	19
+0.08	22	22	22	0.09	22	22	22
+0.09	24	24	24	0.1	24	24	24
+0.1	27	27	27	0.11	27	27	27
+0.11	29	29	29	0.12	29	29	29
+0.12	32	32	32	0.13	32	32	32
+0.13	34	34	34	0.14	34	34	34
+0.14	37	37	37	0.15	37	37	37
+0.15	40	40	40	0.16	40	40	40
+0.16	42	42	42	0.17	42	42	42
+0.17	45	45	45	0.18	45	45	45
+0.18	47	47	47	0.19	47	47	47
+0.19	50	50	50	0.2	50	50	50
+0.2	52	52	52	0.21	52	52	52
+0.21	55	55	55	0.22	55	55	55
+0.22	57	57	57	0.23	57	57	57
+0.23	60	60	60	0.24	60	60	60
+0.24	62	62	62	0.25	62	62	62
+0.25	65	65	65	0.26	65	65	65
+0.26	68	68	68	0.27	68	68	68
+0.27	70	70	70	0.28	70	70	70
+0.28	73	73	73	0.29	73	73	73
+0.29	75	75	75	0.3	75	75	75
+0.3	78	78	78	0.31	78	78	78
+0.31	80	80	80	0.32	80	80	80
+0.32	83	83	83	0.33	83	83	83
+0.33	85	85	85	0.34	85	85	85
+0.34	88	88	88	0.35	88	88	88
+0.35	91	91	91	0.36	91	91	91
+0.36	93	93	93	0.37	93	93	93
+0.37	96	96	96	0.38	96	96	96
+0.38	98	98	98	0.39	98	98	98
+0.39	101	101	101	0.4	101	101	101
+0.4	103	103	103	0.41	103	103	103
+0.41	106	106	106	0.42	106	106	106
+0.42	108	108	108	0.43	108	108	108
+0.43	111	111	111	0.44	111	111	111
+0.44	113	113	113	0.45	113	113	113
+0.45	116	116	116	0.46	116	116	116
+0.46	119	119	119	0.47	119	119	119
+0.47	121	121	121	0.48	121	121	121
+0.48	124	124	124	0.49	124	124	124
+0.49	126	126	126	0.5	126	126	126
+0.5	129	129	129	0.51	129	129	129
+0.51	131	131	131	0.52	131	131	131
+0.52	134	134	134	0.53	134	134	134
+0.53	136	136	136	0.54	136	136	136
+0.54	139	139	139	0.55	139	139	139
+0.55	142	142	142	0.56	142	142	142
+0.56	144	144	144	0.57	144	144	144
+0.57	147	147	147	0.58	147	147	147
+0.58	149	149	149	0.59	149	149	149
+0.59	152	152	152	0.6	152	152	152
+0.6	154	154	154	0.61	154	154	154
+0.61	157	157	157	0.62	157	157	157
+0.62	159	159	159	0.63	159	159	159
+0.63	162	162	162	0.64	162	162	162
+0.64	164	164	164	0.65	164	164	164
+0.65	167	167	167	0.66	167	167	167
+0.66	170	170	170	0.67	170	170	170
+0.67	172	172	172	0.68	172	172	172
+0.68	175	175	175	0.69	175	175	175
+0.69	177	177	177	0.7	177	177	177
+0.7	180	180	180	0.71	180	180	180
+0.71	182	182	182	0.72	182	182	182
+0.72	185	185	185	0.73	185	185	185
+0.73	187	187	187	0.74	187	187	187
+0.74	190	190	190	0.75	190	190	190
+0.75	193	193	193	0.76	193	193	193
+0.76	195	195	195	0.77	195	195	195
+0.77	198	198	198	0.78	198	198	198
+0.78	200	200	200	0.79	200	200	200
+0.79	203	203	203	0.8	203	203	203
+0.8	205	205	205	0.81	205	205	205
+0.81	208	208	208	0.82	208	208	208
+0.82	210	210	210	0.83	210	210	210
+0.83	213	213	213	0.84	213	213	213
+0.84	215	215	215	0.85	215	215	215
+0.85	218	218	218	0.86	218	218	218
+0.86	221	221	221	0.87	221	221	221
+0.87	223	223	223	0.88	223	223	223
+0.88	226	226	226	0.89	226	226	226
+0.89	228	228	228	0.9	228	228	228
+0.9	231	231	231	0.91	231	231	231
+0.91	233	233	233	0.92	233	233	233
+0.92	236	236	236	0.93	236	236	236
+0.93	238	238	238	0.94	238	238	238
+0.94	241	241	241	0.95	241	241	241
+0.95	244	244	244	0.96	244	244	244
+0.96	246	246	246	0.97	246	246	246
+0.97	249	249	249	0.98	249	249	249
+0.98	251	251	251	0.99	251	251	251
+0.99	254	254	254	1	254	254	254
+B	0	0	0
+F	255	255	255
+N	128	128	128

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/ascii_movie.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/ascii_movie.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/blue_white_red.cpt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/blue_white_red.cpt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/blue_white_red.cpt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#	cpt file created by: makecpt -V -Cpolar -T0/255/1 -Z
+0	0	0	255	1	2	2	255
+1	2	2	255	2	4	4	255
+2	4	4	255	3	6	6	255
+3	6	6	255	4	8	8	255
+4	8	8	255	5	10	10	255
+5	10	10	255	6	12	12	255
+6	12	12	255	7	14	14	255
+7	14	14	255	8	16	16	255
+8	16	16	255	9	18	18	255
+9	18	18	255	10	20	20	255
+10	20	20	255	11	22	22	255
+11	22	22	255	12	24	24	255
+12	24	24	255	13	26	26	255
+13	26	26	255	14	28	28	255
+14	28	28	255	15	30	30	255
+15	30	30	255	16	32	32	255
+16	32	32	255	17	34	34	255
+17	34	34	255	18	36	36	255
+18	36	36	255	19	38	38	255
+19	38	38	255	20	40	40	255
+20	40	40	255	21	42	42	255
+21	42	42	255	22	44	44	255
+22	44	44	255	23	46	46	255
+23	46	46	255	24	48	48	255
+24	48	48	255	25	50	50	255
+25	50	50	255	26	52	52	255
+26	52	52	255	27	54	54	255
+27	54	54	255	28	56	56	255
+28	56	56	255	29	58	58	255
+29	58	58	255	30	60	60	255
+30	60	60	255	31	62	62	255
+31	62	62	255	32	64	64	255
+32	64	64	255	33	66	66	255
+33	66	66	255	34	68	68	255
+34	68	68	255	35	70	70	255
+35	70	70	255	36	72	72	255
+36	72	72	255	37	74	74	255
+37	74	74	255	38	76	76	255
+38	76	76	255	39	78	78	255
+39	78	78	255	40	80	80	255
+40	80	80	255	41	82	82	255
+41	82	82	255	42	84	84	255
+42	84	84	255	43	86	86	255
+43	86	86	255	44	88	88	255
+44	88	88	255	45	90	90	255
+45	90	90	255	46	92	92	255
+46	92	92	255	47	94	94	255
+47	94	94	255	48	96	96	255
+48	96	96	255	49	98	98	255
+49	98	98	255	50	100	100	255
+50	100	100	255	51	102	102	255
+51	102	102	255	52	104	104	255
+52	104	104	255	53	106	106	255
+53	106	106	255	54	108	108	255
+54	108	108	255	55	110	110	255
+55	110	110	255	56	112	112	255
+56	112	112	255	57	114	114	255
+57	114	114	255	58	116	116	255
+58	116	116	255	59	118	118	255
+59	118	118	255	60	120	120	255
+60	120	120	255	61	122	122	255
+61	122	122	255	62	124	124	255
+62	124	124	255	63	126	126	255
+63	126	126	255	64	128	128	255
+64	128	128	255	65	130	130	255
+65	130	130	255	66	132	132	255
+66	132	132	255	67	134	134	255
+67	134	134	255	68	136	136	255
+68	136	136	255	69	138	138	255
+69	138	138	255	70	140	140	255
+70	140	140	255	71	142	142	255
+71	142	142	255	72	144	144	255
+72	144	144	255	73	146	146	255
+73	146	146	255	74	148	148	255
+74	148	148	255	75	150	150	255
+75	150	150	255	76	152	152	255
+76	152	152	255	77	154	154	255
+77	154	154	255	78	156	156	255
+78	156	156	255	79	158	158	255
+79	158	158	255	80	160	160	255
+80	160	160	255	81	162	162	255
+81	162	162	255	82	164	164	255
+82	164	164	255	83	166	166	255
+83	166	166	255	84	168	168	255
+84	168	168	255	85	170	170	255
+85	170	170	255	86	172	172	255
+86	172	172	255	87	174	174	255
+87	174	174	255	88	176	176	255
+88	176	176	255	89	178	178	255
+89	178	178	255	90	180	180	255
+90	180	180	255	91	182	182	255
+91	182	182	255	92	184	184	255
+92	184	184	255	93	186	186	255
+93	186	186	255	94	188	188	255
+94	188	188	255	95	190	190	255
+95	190	190	255	96	192	192	255
+96	192	192	255	97	194	194	255
+97	194	194	255	98	196	196	255
+98	196	196	255	99	198	198	255
+99	198	198	255	100	200	200	255
+100	200	200	255	101	202	202	255
+101	202	202	255	102	204	204	255
+102	204	204	255	103	206	206	255
+103	206	206	255	104	208	208	255
+104	208	208	255	105	210	210	255
+105	210	210	255	106	212	212	255
+106	212	212	255	107	214	214	255
+107	214	214	255	108	216	216	255
+108	216	216	255	109	218	218	255
+109	218	218	255	110	220	220	255
+110	220	220	255	111	222	222	255
+111	222	222	255	112	224	224	255
+112	224	224	255	113	226	226	255
+113	226	226	255	114	228	228	255
+114	228	228	255	115	230	230	255
+115	230	230	255	116	232	232	255
+116	232	232	255	117	234	234	255
+117	234	234	255	118	236	236	255
+118	236	236	255	119	238	238	255
+119	238	238	255	120	240	240	255
+120	240	240	255	121	242	242	255
+121	242	242	255	122	244	244	255
+122	244	244	255	123	246	246	255
+123	246	246	255	124	248	248	255
+124	248	248	255	125	250	250	255
+125	250	250	255	126	252	252	255
+126	252	252	255	127	254	254	255
+127	254	254	254	128	254	254	254
+128	255	254	254	129	255	252	252
+129	255	252	252	130	255	250	250
+130	255	250	250	131	255	248	248
+131	255	248	248	132	255	246	246
+132	255	246	246	133	255	244	244
+133	255	244	244	134	255	242	242
+134	255	242	242	135	255	240	240
+135	255	240	240	136	255	238	238
+136	255	238	238	137	255	236	236
+137	255	236	236	138	255	234	234
+138	255	234	234	139	255	232	232
+139	255	232	232	140	255	230	230
+140	255	230	230	141	255	228	228
+141	255	228	228	142	255	226	226
+142	255	226	226	143	255	224	224
+143	255	224	224	144	255	222	222
+144	255	222	222	145	255	220	220
+145	255	220	220	146	255	218	218
+146	255	218	218	147	255	216	216
+147	255	216	216	148	255	214	214
+148	255	214	214	149	255	212	212
+149	255	212	212	150	255	210	210
+150	255	210	210	151	255	208	208
+151	255	208	208	152	255	206	206
+152	255	206	206	153	255	204	204
+153	255	204	204	154	255	202	202
+154	255	202	202	155	255	200	200
+155	255	200	200	156	255	198	198
+156	255	198	198	157	255	196	196
+157	255	196	196	158	255	194	194
+158	255	194	194	159	255	192	192
+159	255	192	192	160	255	190	190
+160	255	190	190	161	255	188	188
+161	255	188	188	162	255	186	186
+162	255	186	186	163	255	184	184
+163	255	184	184	164	255	182	182
+164	255	182	182	165	255	180	180
+165	255	180	180	166	255	178	178
+166	255	178	178	167	255	176	176
+167	255	176	176	168	255	174	174
+168	255	174	174	169	255	172	172
+169	255	172	172	170	255	170	170
+170	255	170	170	171	255	168	168
+171	255	168	168	172	255	166	166
+172	255	166	166	173	255	164	164
+173	255	164	164	174	255	162	162
+174	255	162	162	175	255	160	160
+175	255	160	160	176	255	158	158
+176	255	158	158	177	255	156	156
+177	255	156	156	178	255	154	154
+178	255	154	154	179	255	152	152
+179	255	152	152	180	255	150	150
+180	255	150	150	181	255	148	148
+181	255	148	148	182	255	146	146
+182	255	146	146	183	255	144	144
+183	255	144	144	184	255	142	142
+184	255	142	142	185	255	140	140
+185	255	140	140	186	255	138	138
+186	255	138	138	187	255	136	136
+187	255	136	136	188	255	134	134
+188	255	134	134	189	255	132	132
+189	255	132	132	190	255	130	130
+190	255	130	130	191	255	128	128
+191	255	128	128	192	255	126	126
+192	255	126	126	193	255	124	124
+193	255	124	124	194	255	122	122
+194	255	122	122	195	255	120	120
+195	255	120	120	196	255	118	118
+196	255	118	118	197	255	116	116
+197	255	116	116	198	255	114	114
+198	255	114	114	199	255	112	112
+199	255	112	112	200	255	110	110
+200	255	110	110	201	255	108	108
+201	255	108	108	202	255	106	106
+202	255	106	106	203	255	104	104
+203	255	104	104	204	255	102	102
+204	255	102	102	205	255	100	100
+205	255	100	100	206	255	98	98
+206	255	98	98	207	255	96	96
+207	255	96	96	208	255	94	94
+208	255	94	94	209	255	92	92
+209	255	92	92	210	255	90	90
+210	255	90	90	211	255	88	88
+211	255	88	88	212	255	86	86
+212	255	86	86	213	255	84	84
+213	255	84	84	214	255	82	82
+214	255	82	82	215	255	80	80
+215	255	80	80	216	255	78	78
+216	255	78	78	217	255	76	76
+217	255	76	76	218	255	74	74
+218	255	74	74	219	255	72	72
+219	255	72	72	220	255	70	70
+220	255	70	70	221	255	68	68
+221	255	68	68	222	255	66	66
+222	255	66	66	223	255	64	64
+223	255	64	64	224	255	62	62
+224	255	62	62	225	255	60	60
+225	255	60	60	226	255	58	58
+226	255	58	58	227	255	56	56
+227	255	56	56	228	255	54	54
+228	255	54	54	229	255	52	52
+229	255	52	52	230	255	50	50
+230	255	50	50	231	255	48	48
+231	255	48	48	232	255	46	46
+232	255	46	46	233	255	44	44
+233	255	44	44	234	255	42	42
+234	255	42	42	235	255	40	40
+235	255	40	40	236	255	38	38
+236	255	38	38	237	255	36	36
+237	255	36	36	238	255	34	34
+238	255	34	34	239	255	32	32
+239	255	32	32	240	255	30	30
+240	255	30	30	241	255	28	28
+241	255	28	28	242	255	26	26
+242	255	26	26	243	255	24	24
+243	255	24	24	244	255	22	22
+244	255	22	22	245	255	20	20
+245	255	20	20	246	255	18	18
+246	255	18	18	247	255	16	16
+247	255	16	16	248	255	14	14
+248	255	14	14	249	255	12	12
+249	255	12	12	250	255	10	10
+250	255	10	10	251	255	8	8
+251	255	8	8	252	255	6	6
+252	255	6	6	253	255	4	4
+253	255	4	4	254	255	2	2
+254	255	2	2	255	255	0	0
+B	0	0       0	
+F	0	0	0
+N	0	0	0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/gmt_movie_009000.xyz.gif
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/gmt_movie_009000.xyz.gif
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#	cpt file created by: makecpt -V -I -Cgray -T0/128/1 -Z
+0	255	255	255	1	253	253	253
+1	253	253	253	2	251	251	251
+2	251	251	251	3	249	249	249
+3	249	249	249	4	247	247	247
+4	247	247	247	5	245	245	245
+5	245	245	245	6	243	243	243
+6	243	243	243	7	241	241	241
+7	241	241	241	8	239	239	239
+8	239	239	239	9	237	237	237
+9	237	237	237	10	235	235	235
+10	235	235	235	11	233	233	233
+11	233	233	233	12	231	231	231
+12	231	231	231	13	229	229	229
+13	229	229	229	14	227	227	227
+14	227	227	227	15	225	225	225
+15	225	225	225	16	223	223	223
+16	223	223	223	17	221	221	221
+17	221	221	221	18	219	219	219
+18	219	219	219	19	217	217	217
+19	217	217	217	20	215	215	215
+20	215	215	215	21	213	213	213
+21	213	213	213	22	211	211	211
+22	211	211	211	23	209	209	209
+23	209	209	209	24	207	207	207
+24	207	207	207	25	205	205	205
+25	205	205	205	26	203	203	203
+26	203	203	203	27	201	201	201
+27	201	201	201	28	199	199	199
+28	199	199	199	29	197	197	197
+29	197	197	197	30	195	195	195
+30	195	195	195	31	193	193	193
+31	193	193	193	32	191	191	191
+32	191	191	191	33	189	189	189
+33	189	189	189	34	187	187	187
+34	187	187	187	35	185	185	185
+35	185	185	185	36	183	183	183
+36	183	183	183	37	181	181	181
+37	181	181	181	38	179	179	179
+38	179	179	179	39	177	177	177
+39	177	177	177	40	175	175	175
+40	175	175	175	41	173	173	173
+41	173	173	173	42	171	171	171
+42	171	171	171	43	169	169	169
+43	169	169	169	44	167	167	167
+44	167	167	167	45	165	165	165
+45	165	165	165	46	163	163	163
+46	163	163	163	47	161	161	161
+47	161	161	161	48	159	159	159
+48	159	159	159	49	157	157	157
+49	157	157	157	50	155	155	155
+50	155	155	155	51	153	153	153
+51	153	153	153	52	151	151	151
+52	151	151	151	53	149	149	149
+53	149	149	149	54	147	147	147
+54	147	147	147	55	145	145	145
+55	145	145	145	56	143	143	143
+56	143	143	143	57	141	141	141
+57	141	141	141	58	139	139	139
+58	139	139	139	59	137	137	137
+59	137	137	137	60	135	135	135
+60	135	135	135	61	133	133	133
+61	133	133	133	62	131	131	131
+62	131	131	131	63	129	129	129
+63	129	129	129	64	127	127	127
+64	127	127	127	65	126	126	126
+65	126	126	126	66	124	124	124
+66	124	124	124	67	122	122	122
+67	122	122	122	68	120	120	120
+68	120	120	120	69	118	118	118
+69	118	118	118	70	116	116	116
+70	116	116	116	71	114	114	114
+71	114	114	114	72	112	112	112
+72	112	112	112	73	110	110	110
+73	110	110	110	74	108	108	108
+74	108	108	108	75	106	106	106
+75	106	106	106	76	104	104	104
+76	104	104	104	77	102	102	102
+77	102	102	102	78	100	100	100
+78	100	100	100	79	98	98	98
+79	98	98	98	80	96	96	96
+80	96	96	96	81	94	94	94
+81	94	94	94	82	92	92	92
+82	92	92	92	83	90	90	90
+83	90	90	90	84	88	88	88
+84	88	88	88	85	86	86	86
+85	86	86	86	86	84	84	84
+86	84	84	84	87	82	82	82
+87	82	82	82	88	80	80	80
+88	80	80	80	89	78	78	78
+89	78	78	78	90	76	76	76
+90	76	76	76	91	74	74	74
+91	74	74	74	92	72	72	72
+92	72	72	72	93	70	70	70
+93	70	70	70	94	68	68	68
+94	68	68	68	95	66	66	66
+95	66	66	66	96	64	64	64
+96	64	64	64	97	62	62	62
+97	62	62	62	98	60	60	60
+98	60	60	60	99	58	58	58
+99	58	58	58	100	56	56	56
+100	56	56	56	101	54	54	54
+101	54	54	54	102	52	52	52
+102	52	52	52	103	50	50	50
+103	50	50	50	104	48	48	48
+104	48	48	48	105	46	46	46
+105	46	46	46	106	44	44	44
+106	44	44	44	107	42	42	42
+107	42	42	42	108	40	40	40
+108	40	40	40	109	38	38	38
+109	38	38	38	110	36	36	36
+110	36	36	36	111	34	34	34
+111	34	34	34	112	32	32	32
+112	32	32	32	113	30	30	30
+113	30	30	30	114	28	28	28
+114	28	28	28	115	26	26	26
+115	26	26	26	116	24	24	24
+116	24	24	24	117	22	22	22
+117	22	22	22	118	20	20	20
+118	20	20	20	119	18	18	18
+119	18	18	18	120	16	16	16
+120	16	16	16	121	14	14	14
+121	14	14	14	122	12	12	12
+122	12	12	12	123	10	10	10
+123	10	10	10	124	8	8	8
+124	8	8	8	125	6	6	6
+125	6	6	6	126	4	4	4
+126	4	4	4	127	2	2	2
+127	2	2	2	128	0	0	0
+128	0	0	0	129	2	2	2
+129	2	2	2	130	4	4	4
+130	4	4	4	131	6	6	6
+131	6	6	6	132	8	8	8
+132	8	8	8	133	10	10	10
+133	10	10	10	134	12	12	12
+134	12	12	12	135	14	14	14
+135	14	14	14	136	16	16	16
+136	16	16	16	137	18	18	18
+137	18	18	18	138	20	20	20
+138	20	20	20	139	22	22	22
+139	22	22	22	140	24	24	24
+140	24	24	24	141	26	26	26
+141	26	26	26	142	28	28	28
+142	28	28	28	143	30	30	30
+143	30	30	30	144	32	32	32
+144	32	32	32	145	34	34	34
+145	34	34	34	146	36	36	36
+146	36	36	36	147	38	38	38
+147	38	38	38	148	40	40	40
+148	40	40	40	149	42	42	42
+149	42	42	42	150	44	44	44
+150	44	44	44	151	46	46	46
+151	46	46	46	152	48	48	48
+152	48	48	48	153	50	50	50
+153	50	50	50	154	52	52	52
+154	52	52	52	155	54	54	54
+155	54	54	54	156	56	56	56
+156	56	56	56	157	58	58	58
+157	58	58	58	158	60	60	60
+158	60	60	60	159	62	62	62
+159	62	62	62	160	64	64	64
+160	64	64	64	161	66	66	66
+161	66	66	66	162	68	68	68
+162	68	68	68	163	70	70	70
+163	70	70	70	164	72	72	72
+164	72	72	72	165	74	74	74
+165	74	74	74	166	76	76	76
+166	76	76	76	167	78	78	78
+167	78	78	78	168	80	80	80
+168	80	80	80	169	82	82	82
+169	82	82	82	170	84	84	84
+170	84	84	84	171	86	86	86
+171	86	86	86	172	88	88	88
+172	88	88	88	173	90	90	90
+173	90	90	90	174	92	92	92
+174	92	92	92	175	94	94	94
+175	94	94	94	176	96	96	96
+176	96	96	96	177	98	98	98
+177	98	98	98	178	100	100	100
+178	100	100	100	179	102	102	102
+179	102	102	102	180	104	104	104
+180	104	104	104	181	106	106	106
+181	106	106	106	182	108	108	108
+182	108	108	108	183	110	110	110
+183	110	110	110	184	112	112	112
+184	112	112	112	185	114	114	114
+185	114	114	114	186	116	116	116
+186	116	116	116	187	118	118	118
+187	118	118	118	188	120	120	120
+188	120	120	120	189	122	122	122
+189	122	122	122	190	124	124	124
+190	124	124	124	191	126	126	126
+191	126	126	126	192	129	129	129
+192	129	129	129	193	131	131	131
+193	131	131	131	194	133	133	133
+194	133	133	133	195	135	135	135
+195	135	135	135	196	137	137	137
+196	137	137	137	197	139	139	139
+197	139	139	139	198	141	141	141
+198	141	141	141	199	143	143	143
+199	143	143	143	200	145	145	145
+200	145	145	145	201	147	147	147
+201	147	147	147	202	149	149	149
+202	149	149	149	203	151	151	151
+203	151	151	151	204	153	153	153
+204	153	153	153	205	155	155	155
+205	155	155	155	206	157	157	157
+206	157	157	157	207	159	159	159
+207	159	159	159	208	161	161	161
+208	161	161	161	209	163	163	163
+209	163	163	163	210	165	165	165
+210	165	165	165	211	167	167	167
+211	167	167	167	212	169	169	169
+212	169	169	169	213	171	171	171
+213	171	171	171	214	173	173	173
+214	173	173	173	215	175	175	175
+215	175	175	175	216	177	177	177
+216	177	177	177	217	179	179	179
+217	179	179	179	218	181	181	181
+218	181	181	181	219	183	183	183
+219	183	183	183	220	185	185	185
+220	185	185	185	221	187	187	187
+221	187	187	187	222	189	189	189
+222	189	189	189	223	191	191	191
+223	191	191	191	224	193	193	193
+224	193	193	193	225	195	195	195
+225	195	195	195	226	197	197	197
+226	197	197	197	227	199	199	199
+227	199	199	199	228	201	201	201
+228	201	201	201	229	203	203	203
+229	203	203	203	230	205	205	205
+230	205	205	205	231	207	207	207
+231	207	207	207	232	209	209	209
+232	209	209	209	233	211	211	211
+233	211	211	211	234	213	213	213
+234	213	213	213	235	215	215	215
+235	215	215	215	236	217	217	217
+236	217	217	217	237	219	219	219
+237	219	219	219	238	221	221	221
+238	221	221	221	239	223	223	223
+239	223	223	223	240	225	225	225
+240	225	225	225	241	227	227	227
+241	227	227	227	242	229	229	229
+242	229	229	229	243	231	231	231
+243	231	231	231	244	233	233	233
+244	233	233	233	245	235	235	235
+245	235	235	235	246	237	237	237
+246	237	237	237	247	239	239	239
+247	239	239	239	248	241	241	241
+248	241	241	241	249	243	243	243
+249	243	243	243	250	245	245	245
+250	245	245	245	251	247	247	247
+251	247	247	247	252	249	249	249
+252	249	249	249	253	251	251	251
+253	251	251	251	254	253	253	253
+254	253	253	253	255	255	255	255
+B	0	0	0
+F	0	0	0
+N	0	0	0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# reads in files produced from xcreate_movie_AVS_DX for GMT plotting
+# and creates gif files (with option for one-color transparency)
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_gmt_movie_file.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_gmt_movie_file.pl OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie_000***.xyz
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+## region
+# global
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/15"; 
+# use white as transparent color
+$transparency = 0;
+print CSH "makecpt -Cpolar -T0/255/1 -Z -V > grd.cpt\n";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  @lines_f = <FILE>;
+  close(FILE);
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";
+  $grdfile = "ascii_movie.grd";
+  $B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+  # start ps-file
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -K -P -V -X1 -Y1 <<EOF >$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "xyz2grd $file -I0.4/0.4 $R -G$grdfile -N127.5 -V \n";
+  print CSH "grdsample $grdfile -G$grdfile.1 -I0.4/0.4 -F -V\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R  -Cgrd.cpt $B -K -O -V -P >> $ps_file\n";
+  # coast 
+  print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W0.1 -Dl  -A10000 -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";  
+  # color scale
+  print CSH "psscale -D3/-0.5/3/0.2h -Ba50:'': -Cgrd.cpt -K -O -V -P >> $ps_file\n";
+  # base map
+  print CSH "psbasemap  -R -J -Ba90/a30:.'':WeSn -O -K -P -V  >> $ps_file\n";
+  # end ps-file
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -O -P -V <<EOF >>$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+  # convert to gif
+  if( $transparency == 1 ){
+    print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+72+6 -transparent 'rgb(254,254,255)' $ps_file $file.gif\n";  
+  }
+  else{
+    print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+72+6 $ps_file $file.gif\n";    
+  }
+  print CSH "rm -f $ps_file\n";
+  print CSH "\necho $file.gif\n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+system("csh -fv plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh $grdfile $grdfile.1 grd.cpt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file_qinya.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file_qinya.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file_qinya.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# reads in files produced from xcreate_movie_AVS_DX for GMT plotting
+use POSIX;
+$cmt_file = "CMTSOLUTION";
+if (not -f $cmt_file) {die("No such file as $cmt_file");}
+(undef,undef,undef,,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$elat,$elon) = &get_cmt($cmt_file);
+$dx = 0.0145833333332916;
+$dy = 0.01197916666667;
+ at frame = ("04","08","12","16","20","24","28","32","36","40","44","48");
+#@frame = ("000800","001600","002400","003200","004000","004800","005600","006400","007200","008000","008800","009600");
+$nframe = @frame;
+$ncolumn = 3;
+$nrow = ceil($nframe/$ncolumn);
+$xlen = 7; $ylen = 9;
+$drow = $ylen/$nrow; $dcolumn = $xlen/$ncolumn;
+$dcolumn1 = $dcolumn * 0.9;
+$x0 = 0; $y0 = 0;
+$R = "-R-120.3/-114.7/32.2/36.8";
+$JM = "-JM${dcolumn1}i";
+$ps_file = "movie.ps";
+$null = 127.5000;
+print CSH "makecpt -Cpolar -T0/255/2 -Z -V > grd.cpt\n";
+print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -K -P -V -X1 -Y1 <<EOF >$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -X$x0 -Y$y0 -K -O -P -V  <<EOF >>$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+column: for ($j=0; $j<$ncolumn; $j++) {
+  for ($i=0;$i<$nrow; $i++) {
+    if ($i + $j*$nrow + 1 > $nframe) {last column;}
+    $frame = $frame[$i+$nrow* $j]; $time = $frame * 200 * 0.009 - 1.0;
+    $file = "gmt_movie_0000${frame}.xyz";
+    if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+    print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+    $grdfile = "gmt_movie_0000${frame}.grd";
+    $xpos = $j * $dcolumn; $ypos = $drow * ($nrow - $i-1);
+    $XY = " -X$xpos -Y$ypos "; $NXY = " -X-$xpos -Y-$ypos ";
+    $B = " -B2/2wesn ";
+    print CSH "awk '\$3 != $null {print \$0}' $file | xyz2grd -I$dx/$dy $R -G$grdfile -N128 -V \n";
+    print CSH "grdsample $grdfile -G$grdfile.1 -I0.00833333/0.00833333 -F -V\n";
+    print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R $XY -Itopo.int -Cgrd.cpt $B -K -O -V -P >> $ps_file\n";
+    print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W4 -Na -Dh -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";
+    print CSH "psxy $JM $R -M -W2 -K -O -P -V /home/lqy/datalib/jennings.xy >> $ps_file\n";
+    print CSH "psxy $JM $R -Sa0.10 -W1 -G0/0/0 -K -O -P -V <<EOF >> $ps_file\n$elon $elat\nEOF\n";
+    print CSH "pstext $JM $R -N -W255/255/255 -K -O -P -V <<EOF >>$ps_file \n";
+    print CSH "-114.8 36.5 12 0 0 RT time = $time s \nEOF\n";
+    print  CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 $NXY -K -O -P -V <<EOF >>$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+  }
+print  CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -O -P -V <<EOF >>$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+system("csh -fv plot_movie.csh; xv $ps_file");
+sub get_cmt {
+  my ($cmt_file)=@_;
+  open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+  @cmt = <CMT>;
+  my(undef,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1,undef,undef,undef,$mw,undef, at evnm)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+  my(undef,undef,$evid) = split(" ",$cmt[1]);
+  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+  close(CMT);
+  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp,$mw, at evnm);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# reads in ascii files produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates ps files
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie_000100.d
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie.xy";
+# global region
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/5"; 
+$interp = "-I1.5/1.5";
+# parameters
+$grdfile = "movie.grd";
+$B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+print CSH "makecpt -Cpolar -T0/255/2 -Z -V > grd.cpt\n";
+print "Processing locations: $xy_file\n";
+open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+ at lines = <FILE>;
+$nlines = @lines;
+print "  number of lines: $nlines\n\n";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # reads displacement file
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  @lines_f = <FILE>;
+  close(FILE);
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # determines min/max of displacements
+  $minmax = `minmax $file | awk '{print \$5}' | sed -e "s:<: :" | sed -e "s:>: :" `;
+  chomp($minmax);
+  ($min,$max) = split("/",$minmax);  
+  print "file min/max: $minmax \n  min: $min\n  max: $max\n";  
+  # transforms displacements to range [0,255] for colors
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  open FILE, ">$file.xyz" or die $!;
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    print FILE "$coord $val \n";
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  # determines new min/max of scaled displacements
+  $minmax2 = `minmax $file.xyz | awk '{print \$7}' | sed -e "s:<: :" | sed -e "s:>: :" `;
+  chomp($minmax2);
+  ($min2,$max2) = split("/",$minmax2);  
+  print "  min2/max2: $minmax2 \n\n";
+  #print CSH "paste $xy_file $file > $file.xyz \n";
+  # output file
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";  
+  # interpolates displacement field    
+  print CSH "xyz2grd $file.xyz $interp $R -G$grdfile -N127.5 -V \n";
+  print CSH "grdsample $grdfile -G$grdfile.1 $interp -F -V\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R  -Cgrd.cpt $B -K -V -P > $ps_file\n";
+  # draws grid points
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$0}' $file.xyz | psxy -J -R -Sc0.01 -Cgrd.cpt -V -K -O -P >> $ps_file \n";
+  # river, states, coast
+  #print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W4 -Na -Dh -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";
+  # coast only
+  print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W1 -Dl  -A10000 -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";
+  # color scale
+  print CSH "psscale -D3/-0.5/3/0.2h -Ba50:'': -Cgrd.cpt -K -O -V -P >> $ps_file\n";
+  # base map
+  print CSH "psbasemap  -R -J -Ba90/a30:.'':WeSn -O -P -V  >> $ps_file\n";
+  # remove temporary data file
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.xyz \n";
+  # removes temporary images
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+  print CSH "echo 'plotted: $file.ps' \n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+# executes script
+system("csh -f plot_movie.csh");
+# cleanup
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f $grdfile $grdfile.1 grd.cpt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii_PNG.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii_PNG.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_ascii_PNG.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# reads in ascii files produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates PNG files with transparency
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_ascii_PNG.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_ascii_PNG.pl OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie_*.d
+  converts ps-file to *.png file format with transparency
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie.xy";
+# global region
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/15"; 
+# interpolation on a regular spaced grid file  
+$mesh_degree = "0.8/0.8";
+$intp_degree = "0.1/0.1";
+# verbosity
+$verbose = ""; # "-V";
+# grid
+$grdfile = "ascii_movie.grd";
+# annotation
+$B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+# color tables
+$colorcpt = "blue_white_red.cpt";
+$maskcpt = "gray_pyramid_inv.cpt";
+open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+ at lines = <FILE>;
+$nlines = @lines;
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # reads displacement file
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  @lines_f = <FILE>;
+  close(FILE);
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # determines min/max of displacements
+  $minmax = `minmax $file | awk '{print \$5}' | sed -e "s:<: :" | sed -e "s:>: :" `;
+  chomp($minmax);
+  ($min,$max) = split("/",$minmax);  
+  # transforms displacements to range [0,255] for colors
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  open FILE, ">$file.xyz" or die $!;
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    # prints value together with coordinates		        
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    #if( $val < 107 || $val > 148) {print FILE "$coord $val \n";}
+    print FILE "$coord $val \n";
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  # interpolates values on a regular spaced grid file  
+  print CSH "xyz2grd $file.xyz -I$mesh_degree $R -G$grdfile  $verbose \n"; # -N127.5
+  print CSH "grdsample $grdfile  -I$intp_degree -G$grdfile.1 -F $verbose\n";
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";  
+  # start ps-file
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -K -P $verbose -X1 -Y1 <<EOF >$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R -Q -C$colorcpt $B -K -O $verbose -P >> $ps_file\n";  
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -O -P $verbose <<EOF >>$ps_file\nEOF\n";
+  # end ps-file
+  # start ps-file mask
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -K -P $verbose -X1 -Y1 <<EOF >$ps_file.mask\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R -Q -C$maskcpt $B -K -O $verbose -P >> $ps_file.mask\n";
+  print CSH "psxy -JX1/1 -R0/1/0/1 -O -P $verbose <<EOF >>$ps_file.mask\nEOF\n";
+  # end ps-file mask
+  # convert to png
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file $file.disp.png\n";
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file.mask $file.mask.png\n";
+  # creates file with transparency (opacity)
+  print CSH "composite -compose CopyOpacity $file.mask.png $file.disp.png $file.png\n";
+  print CSH "\necho $file.png\n";
+  # remove temporary data file
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.xyz\n";
+  # removes temporary images
+  print CSH "rm -f $ps_file $ps_file.mask $file.mask.png $file.disp.png \n";  
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+system("csh -fv plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh $grdfile $grdfile.1");

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# reads in binary files produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates ps files
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_*.d
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy";
+# global region
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/15"; 
+# interpolation
+$interp = "-I1.5/1.5";
+# verbosity
+$verbose = ""; # "-V";
+# grid
+$grdfile = "movie.grd";
+# annotation
+$B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+print CSH "makecpt -Cpolar -T0/255/2 -Z -V > grd.cpt\n";
+print "Processing locations: $xy_file\n";
+# reads in locations (binary data)
+open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+binmode FILE;
+ at lines= () ;
+$is_ok = 1;
+$count = 0;
+while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+  if( $n1 != 0 ){
+    ($lon) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+  }
+  $n2 = read FILE, $data2, 4;
+  if( $n2 != 0 ){
+    ($lat) = unpack( "f",$data2);
+  }
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  #print "$n1 $n2 bytes read: lon=$lon \t \t lat=$lat\n";
+  if( $n1 != 0 && $n2 != 0  ){
+    $line = "$lon $lat \n";
+    push(@lines, $line);
+    $is_ok = 1;
+  }
+  else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  $count++;
+  #if( $count == 8 ) {die("end");}
+$nlines = @lines;
+print "  number of lines: $nlines\n\n";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # reads displacement file (binary data)
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  binmode FILE;
+  @lines_f= () ; 
+  $line="";
+  $is_ok = 1;
+  $min = 1.e30;
+  $max = -1.e30;
+  while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      ($val) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+    }
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    if( $power_scaling > 0 ) {
+      if( $val > 0 ){ $val = $val**$power_scaling;
+      }else{
+        $val = - abs($val)**$power_scaling;
+      }
+    }
+    #print "$n1 bytes read: value=$val \n";
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      $line = "$val \n";
+      push(@lines_f, $line);
+      # determines min/max of displacements
+      if( $val < $min) {$min = $val;}
+      if( $val > $max) {$max = $val;}
+      $is_ok = 1;
+    }
+    else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  }
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;  
+  close(FILE);
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # transforms displacements to range [0,255] for colors
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  open FILE, ">$file.xyz" or die $!;
+  @elem_corners = ();
+  @elem_val = ();
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    # prints value together with coordinates		        
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    # adds point 
+    print FILE "$coord $val \n";
+    # stores values in arrays
+    push(@elem_val, $val );
+    $line = "$coord $val ";
+    push(@elem_corners, $line);
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  # output file    
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";  
+  # interpolates displacement field    
+  print CSH "xyz2grd $file.xyz $interp $R -G$grdfile -N127.5 -V \n";
+  print CSH "grdsample $grdfile -G$grdfile.1 $interp -F -V\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile.1 $JM $R  -Cgrd.cpt $B -K -V -P > $ps_file\n";
+  # draws grid points
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$0}' $file.xyz | psxy -J -R -Sc0.01 -Cgrd.cpt -V -K -O -P >> $ps_file \n";
+  # river, states, coast
+  #print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W4 -Na -Dh -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";
+  # coast only
+  print CSH "pscoast $JM $R -W1 -Dl  -A10000 -K -O -P -V >> $ps_file \n";
+  # color scale
+  print CSH "psscale -D3/-0.5/3/0.2h -Ba50:'': -Cgrd.cpt -K -O -V -P >> $ps_file\n";
+  # base map
+  print CSH "psbasemap  -R -J -Ba90/a30:.'':WeSn -O -P -V  >> $ps_file\n";
+  # remove temporary data file
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.xyz \n";
+  # removes temporary images
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+  print CSH "echo 'plotted: $file.ps' \n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+# executes script
+system("csh -f plot_movie.csh");
+# cleanup
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f $grdfile $grdfile.1 grd.cpt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# reads in binary files produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates png files with transparency
+# uses segmented M-file to plot with psxy
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_*.d
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy";
+# specfem3D Par_file settings
+$nex = 160;
+$nproc = 5;
+$nchunks = 6;
+# non-linear scaling 
+$power_scaling = 0.5;
+# global region
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/15"; 
+# color tables
+$colorcpt = "blue_white_red.cpt";
+$maskcpt = "gray_pyramid_inv.cpt";
+# verbosity
+$verbose = ""; # "-V";
+# grid
+$grdfile = "movie.grd";
+# annotation
+$B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+print "Processing locations: $xy_file\n";
+# reads in locations (binary data)
+open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+binmode FILE;
+ at lines= () ;
+$is_ok = 1;
+$count = 0;
+while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+  if( $n1 != 0 ){
+    ($lon) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+  }
+  $n2 = read FILE, $data2, 4;
+  if( $n2 != 0 ){
+    ($lat) = unpack( "f",$data2);
+  }
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  #print "$n1 $n2 bytes read: lon=$lon \t \t lat=$lat\n";
+  if( $n1 != 0 && $n2 != 0  ){
+    $line = "$lon $lat \n";
+    push(@lines, $line);
+    $is_ok = 1;
+  }
+  else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  $count++;
+  #if( $count == 8 ) {die("end");}
+$nlines = @lines;
+print "  number of lines: $nlines\n\n";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # reads displacement file (binary data)
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  binmode FILE;
+  @lines_f= () ; 
+  $line="";
+  $is_ok = 1;
+  $min = 1.e30;
+  $max = -1.e30;
+  while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      ($val) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+    }
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    if( $power_scaling > 0 ) {
+      if( $val > 0 ){ $val = $val**$power_scaling;
+      }else{
+        $val = - abs($val)**$power_scaling;
+      }
+    }
+    #print "$n1 bytes read: value=$val \n";
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      $line = "$val \n";
+      push(@lines_f, $line);
+      # determines min/max of displacements
+      if( $val < $min) {$min = $val;}
+      if( $val > $max) {$max = $val;}
+      $is_ok = 1;
+    }
+    else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  }
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;  
+  close(FILE);
+  # restore gzipped file
+  if( $gzipped == 1 ) {system("mv $filegz.org $filegz");}
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # transforms displacements to range [0,255] for colors
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  open FILE, ">$file.xyz" or die $!;
+  @elem_corners = ();
+  @elem_val = ();
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    # prints value together with coordinates		        
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    # calculates a nice rectangle size
+    ($lon,$lat) = split(" ",$coord);
+    $rect_length = abs($lat) / 90. ;
+    $rect_length = 0.03 + ($rect_length**2) * 0.1;
+    $rect_height = 0.03 + ($rect_length**2) * 0.005; 
+    # adds point 
+    print FILE "$coord $val $rect_length $rect_height \n";
+    # stores values in arrays
+    push(@elem_val, $val );
+    $line = "$coord $val ";
+    push(@elem_corners, $line);
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  # specfem3D output for MOVIE_COARSE
+  $nex_per_proc = $nex / $nproc  ;  
+  $total = $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nchunks;
+  if( $total != $nlines ){ die("error nex/proc $nlines $total");}
+  # writes out segment file
+  open MFILE, ">$file.M.xyz" or die $!; 
+  for($n=0;$n<$nproc*$nproc*$nchunks;$n++){
+    for($m=0;$m<$nex_per_proc-1;$m++){
+      for ($k=0;$k<$nex_per_proc-1;$k++){  
+        # global array index
+        $i = $k + $m*$nex_per_proc + $n*$nex_per_proc*$nex_per_proc;
+        $val = $elem_val[$i];
+        # adds element
+        print MFILE "> -Z$val -W- \n";
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+1] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+$nex_per_proc+1] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+$nex_per_proc] \n"; 
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  close(MFILE);
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";  
+  # start ps-file
+  print CSH "psxy $file.xyz $JM $R $B -Sr -C$colorcpt -K -P $verbose > $ps_file\n";  
+  print CSH "psxy $file.M.xyz $JM $R $B -M -L -N -C$colorcpt -P -O  $verbose >> $ps_file\n";
+  # end ps-file
+  # start ps-file mask
+  print CSH "psbasemap $JM $R $B -G0 -P $verbose -K > $ps_file.mask\n";
+  print CSH "psxy $file.xyz $JM $R $B -Sr -C$maskcpt -P -K -O $verbose >> $ps_file.mask\n";  
+  print CSH "psxy $file.M.xyz $JM $R $B -M -L -N -C$maskcpt -P -O $verbose >> $ps_file.mask\n";
+  # end ps-file mask
+  # convert to png
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file $file.disp.png\n";
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file.mask $file.mask.png\n";
+  # creates file with transparency (opacity)
+  print CSH "composite -compose CopyOpacity $file.mask.png $file.disp.png $file.png\n";
+  # remove temporary data file
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.xyz $file.M.xyz\n";
+  # removes temporary images
+  print CSH "rm -f $ps_file $ps_file.mask  \n";  
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.mask.png $file.disp.png \n"; 
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+  print CSH "echo 'plotted: $file.png' \n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+system("csh -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f $grdfile $grdfile.1");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_PNG.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# reads in binary files (gzipped) produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates png files with transparency
+# uses segmented M-file to plot with psxy
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_*.d.gz
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# gunzipped files (ending .gz)
+$gzipped = 1;
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy";
+# specfem3D Par_file settings
+$nex = 160;
+$nproc = 5;
+$nchunks = 6;
+# non-linear scaling 
+$power_scaling = 0.5;
+# global region
+$R = "-Rd";
+#plate carré projection
+$JM = "-JQ0/0/15"; 
+# color tables
+$colorcpt = "blue_white_red.cpt";
+$maskcpt = "gray_pyramid_inv.cpt";
+# verbosity
+$verbose = ""; # "-V";
+# grid
+$grdfile = "movie.grd";
+# annotation
+$B = " -B10/10wesn ";
+# gunzips location file
+if( $gzipped == 1 ){
+  system("cp $xy_file.gz $xy_file.gz.org");
+  system("gunzip -f $xy_file.gz");
+print "Processing locations: $xy_file\n";
+# reads in locations (binary data)
+open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+binmode FILE;
+ at lines= () ;
+$is_ok = 1;
+$count = 0;
+while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+  if( $n1 != 0 ){
+    ($lon) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+  }
+  $n2 = read FILE, $data2, 4;
+  if( $n2 != 0 ){
+    ($lat) = unpack( "f",$data2);
+  }
+  read FILE, $junk, 4;
+  #print "$n1 $n2 bytes read: lon=$lon \t \t lat=$lat\n";
+  if( $n1 != 0 && $n2 != 0  ){
+    $line = "$lon $lat \n";
+    push(@lines, $line);
+    $is_ok = 1;
+  }
+  else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  $count++;
+  #if( $count == 8 ) {die("end");}
+$nlines = @lines;
+print "  number of lines: $nlines\n\n";
+# restore gzipped file
+if( $gzipped == 1 ) {system("mv $xy_file.gz.org $xy_file.gz");}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # gunzips data file
+  if( $gzipped == 1 ){
+    $filegz = $file;
+    $file = substr($file,0,length($filegz)-3);
+    system("cp $filegz $filegz.org");
+    system("gunzip -f $filegz");
+  }
+  print "    $file\n";
+  # reads displacement file (binary data)
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  binmode FILE;
+  @lines_f= () ; 
+  $line="";
+  $is_ok = 1;
+  $min = 1.e30;
+  $max = -1.e30;
+  while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      ($val) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+    }
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    if( $power_scaling > 0 ) {
+      if( $val > 0 ){ $val = $val**$power_scaling;
+      }else{
+        $val = - abs($val)**$power_scaling;
+      }
+    }
+    #print "$n1 bytes read: value=$val \n";
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      $line = "$val \n";
+      push(@lines_f, $line);
+      # determines min/max of displacements
+      if( $val < $min) {$min = $val;}
+      if( $val > $max) {$max = $val;}
+      $is_ok = 1;
+    }
+    else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  }
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;  
+  close(FILE);
+  # restore gzipped file
+  if( $gzipped == 1 ) {system("mv $filegz.org $filegz");}
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # transforms displacements to range [0,255] for colors
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  open FILE, ">$file.xyz" or die $!;
+  @elem_corners = ();
+  @elem_val = ();
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    # prints value together with coordinates		        
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    # calculates a nice rectangle size
+    ($lon,$lat) = split(" ",$coord);
+    $rect_length = abs($lat) / 90. ;
+    $rect_length = 0.03 + ($rect_length**2) * 0.1;
+    $rect_height = 0.03 + ($rect_length**2) * 0.005; 
+    # adds point 
+    print FILE "$coord $val $rect_length $rect_height \n";
+    # stores values in arrays
+    push(@elem_val, $val );
+    $line = "$coord $val ";
+    push(@elem_corners, $line);
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  # specfem3D output for MOVIE_COARSE
+  $nex_per_proc = $nex / $nproc  ;  
+  $total = $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nchunks;
+  if( $total != $nlines ){ die("error nex/proc $nlines $total");}
+  # writes out segment file
+  open MFILE, ">$file.M.xyz" or die $!; 
+  for($n=0;$n<$nproc*$nproc*$nchunks;$n++){
+    for($m=0;$m<$nex_per_proc-1;$m++){
+      for ($k=0;$k<$nex_per_proc-1;$k++){  
+        # global array index
+        $i = $k + $m*$nex_per_proc + $n*$nex_per_proc*$nex_per_proc;
+        $val = $elem_val[$i];
+        # adds element
+        print MFILE "> -Z$val -W- \n";
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+1] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+$nex_per_proc+1] \n"; 
+        print MFILE "$elem_corners[$i+$nex_per_proc] \n"; 
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  close(MFILE);
+  $ps_file = "$file.ps";  
+  # start ps-file
+  print CSH "psxy $file.xyz $JM $R $B -Sr -C$colorcpt -K -P $verbose > $ps_file\n";  
+  print CSH "psxy $file.M.xyz $JM $R $B -M -L -N -C$colorcpt -P -O  $verbose >> $ps_file\n";
+  # end ps-file
+  # start ps-file mask
+  print CSH "psbasemap $JM $R $B -G0 -P $verbose -K > $ps_file.mask\n";
+  print CSH "psxy $file.xyz $JM $R $B -Sr -C$maskcpt -P -K -O $verbose >> $ps_file.mask\n";  
+  print CSH "psxy $file.M.xyz $JM $R $B -M -L -N -C$maskcpt -P -O $verbose >> $ps_file.mask\n";
+  # end ps-file mask
+  # convert to png
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file $file.disp.png\n";
+  print CSH "convert -crop 1080x540+6+6 $ps_file.mask $file.mask.png\n";
+  # creates file with transparency (opacity)
+  print CSH "composite -compose CopyOpacity $file.mask.png $file.disp.png $file.png\n";
+  # remove temporary data file
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.xyz $file.M.xyz\n";
+  # removes temporary images
+  print CSH "rm -f $ps_file $ps_file.mask  \n";  
+  print CSH "rm -f $file.mask.png $file.disp.png \n"; 
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+  print CSH "echo 'plotted: $file.png' \n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+system("csh -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f $grdfile $grdfile.1");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_movie_GMT_binary_gunzipped_PNG.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_seismos.gmt.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_seismos.gmt.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_seismos.gmt.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# usage: 
+#  ./plot_seismos.gmt.pl OUTPUT_FILES/Y*.LHZ.semd
+# GMT package must be installed...
+use POSIX;
+use Getopt::Std;
+# min/max range scaling 
+$SCALE = 10. ;
+sub Usage{
+  print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: e.g.  ./plot_seismos.gmt.pl OUTPUT_FILES/Y*.LHZ.semd
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# find start and end time and a reasonable step 
+$narg = @ARGV;
+$mid = int($narg/2.0);
+$trace = $ARGV[$mid];
+#print "trace: $trace\n";
+# set region
+$minmax=`minmax $trace -C  `;
+($t_start,$t_end,$min,$max) = split(" ",$minmax);
+$min = $SCALE*$min;
+$max = $SCALE*$max;
+#print "region: $region\n";
+# set output filename
+print GMT "psbasemap -R$region -J$proj -B::.:'Time (s)':/S -K -P -Y1 > $out \n";
+# plot seismograms 
+$offset = 8./$narg;
+$xoff = 0;
+$yoff = 0;
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  $counter++;
+  $xoff=0;
+  $yoff=$offset;
+  # plots  
+  print GMT "psxy $file -R$region -J$proj -W2/$color -X$xoff -Y$yoff -O -K >> $out \n";
+# finishes plot with annotations
+#print GMT "pstext -R$region -J$proj -N -O -K <<  END >> $out \n";
+#print GMT "$t_start $max 12 0 0 LT Seismograms \n";
+#print GMT "END \n";
+# end ps-file
+print GMT "psxy -J -R -O -P -V <<EOF >>$out\nEOF\n";
+print GMT "convert $out seis.pdf \n";
+print GMT "rm -f $out\n";
+system("sh plot_gmtseismos.sh");
+system("rm -f plot_gmtseismos.sh");
+print "plotted to: seis.pdf \n";

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_seismos.gmt.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GMT/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools 
+- procedure to make a GMT image:
+1. run specfem with the movie options (see Par_file):
+   MOVIE_SURFACE = .true.
+   MOVIE_COARSE  = .false.
+   and adjust the time steps NSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES   
+   this creates binary files in directory OUTPUT_FILES/ like: moviedata000100,...
+now, you have basically two options:
+2.A) convert binary files to GMT-files:
+   in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE:  > make xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
+	         run it > ./xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
+                          choose option 4 for individual files
+   outputs file like: OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie_000100.xyz
+  - render gif files using GMT:
+    > ./plot_gmt_movie_file.pl OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie*.xyz
+2.B) convert binary files to GMT-files:
+   in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE:  > make xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+	         run it > ./xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+                          choose either option for ascii (F) or binary (T)
+                          to create individual files
+  - render ascii files to create ps files using GMT:
+    > ./plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie_00***.d
+  - render binary files to create PNG files using GMT:
+    > ./plot_movie_GMT_binary.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_00***.d
+please, change the rendering scripts plot_movie_GMT_ascii.pl, etc.
+according to your needs.
+note: these scripts make use of commands from ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/PAS.TS.LHZ.gnu
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/PAS.TS.LHZ.gnu	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/PAS.TS.LHZ.gnu	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist
+set xlabel "time (s)"
+set ylabel "displacement (m)"
+plot 'OUTPUT_FILES/PAS.TS.LHZ.sem.ascii' w l

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/display_prem_model.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/display_prem_model.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/display_prem_model.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 2
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!          (c) California Institute of Technology July 2002
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program prem_iso
+  implicit none
+  include "../../../constants.h"
+  double precision, parameter :: RMOHO = 6346600.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R220 = 6151000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R400 = 5971000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R600 = 5771000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R670 = 5701000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R771 = 5600000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME = 3630000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: RCMB = 3480000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: RICB = 1221000.d0
+! values common to PREM and IASP91
+  double precision, parameter :: ROCEAN = 6368000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: RMIDDLE_CRUST = 6356000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R80 = 6291000.d0
+  integer i
+  double precision r
+  double precision x,rho,vp,vs
+! compute real physical radius in meters
+  do i=1,1000
+  x = dble(i)/1000.d0
+  r = x * R_EARTH
+!--- inner core
+  if(r >= 0.d0 .and. r <= RICB) then
+    rho=13.0885d0-8.8381d0*x*x
+    vp=11.2622d0-6.3640d0*x*x
+    vs=3.6678d0-4.4475d0*x*x
+!--- outer core
+  else if(r > RICB .and. r <= RCMB) then
+    rho=12.5815d0-1.2638d0*x-3.6426d0*x*x-5.5281d0*x*x*x
+    vp=11.0487d0-4.0362d0*x+4.8023d0*x*x-13.5732d0*x*x*x
+    vs=0.0d0
+!--- D" at the base of the mantle
+  else if(r > RCMB .and. r <= RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME) then
+    rho=7.9565d0-6.4761d0*x+5.5283d0*x*x-3.0807d0*x*x*x
+    vp=15.3891d0-5.3181d0*x+5.5242d0*x*x-2.5514d0*x*x*x
+    vs=6.9254d0+1.4672d0*x-2.0834d0*x*x+0.9783d0*x*x*x
+!--- mantle: from top of D" to d670
+  else if(r > RTOPDDOUBLEPRIME .and. r <= R771) then
+    rho=7.9565d0-6.4761d0*x+5.5283d0*x*x-3.0807d0*x*x*x
+    vp=24.9520d0-40.4673d0*x+51.4832d0*x*x-26.6419d0*x*x*x
+    vs=11.1671d0-13.7818d0*x+17.4575d0*x*x-9.2777d0*x*x*x
+  else if(r > R771 .and. r <= R670) then
+    rho=7.9565d0-6.4761d0*x+5.5283d0*x*x-3.0807d0*x*x*x
+    vp=29.2766d0-23.6027d0*x+5.5242d0*x*x-2.5514d0*x*x*x
+    vs=22.3459d0-17.2473d0*x-2.0834d0*x*x+0.9783d0*x*x*x
+!--- mantle: above d670
+  else if(r > R670 .and. r <= R600) then
+    rho=5.3197d0-1.4836d0*x
+    vp=19.0957d0-9.8672d0*x
+    vs=9.9839d0-4.9324d0*x
+  else if(r > R600 .and. r <= R400) then
+    rho=11.2494d0-8.0298d0*x
+    vp=39.7027d0-32.6166d0*x
+    vs=22.3512d0-18.5856d0*x
+  else if(r > R400 .and. r <= R220) then
+    rho=7.1089d0-3.8045d0*x
+    vp=20.3926d0-12.2569d0*x
+    vs=8.9496d0-4.4597d0*x
+  else if(r > R220 .and. r <= R80) then
+    rho=2.6910d0+0.6924d0*x
+    vp=4.1875d0+3.9382d0*x
+    vs=2.1519d0+2.3481d0*x
+  else
+! use PREM crust
+    if(r > R80 .and. r <= RMOHO) then
+      rho=2.6910d0+0.6924d0*x
+      vp=4.1875d0+3.9382d0*x
+      vs=2.1519d0+2.3481d0*x
+    else if(r > RMOHO .and. r <= RMIDDLE_CRUST) then
+      rho=2.9d0
+      vp=6.8d0
+      vs=3.9d0
+    else if(r > RMIDDLE_CRUST .and. r <= ROCEAN) then
+      rho=2.6d0
+      vp=5.8d0
+      vs=3.2d0
+! for density profile for gravity, we do not check that r <= R_EARTH
+    else if(r > ROCEAN) then
+      rho=2.6d0
+      vp=5.8d0
+      vs=3.2d0
+    endif
+  endif
+  rho=rho*1000.0d0
+  vp=vp*1000.0d0
+  vs=vs*1000.0d0
+  print *,sngl(r/1000.d0),sngl(vp),sngl(vs),sngl(rho)
+  enddo
+  print *
+  print *,'use gnuplot to display radius,vp,vs,rho file'
+  print *
+  end program prem_iso

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/plot_prem.gnu
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/plot_prem.gnu	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/display_PREM_model/plot_prem.gnu	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+set term x11
+plot "prem.dat" us 1:2 t 'vp' w l 1, "prem.dat" us 1:3 t 'vs' w l 2
+#########plot "prem.dat" us 1:2 t 'vp' w l 1, "prem.dat" us 1:3 t 'vs' w l 2, "prem.dat" us 1:4 t 'rho' w l 3
+pause -1 "hit key"

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+  program draw_regular_GLL_element
+! for articles or presentations, draw regular 2D GLL element using Gnuplot
+! Author: Dimitri Komatitsch
+  implicit none
+! number of spatial dimensions
+  integer, parameter :: NDIM = 2
+! number of GLL points
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLX = 5
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLY = NGLLX
+! for the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+  double precision, parameter :: GAUSSALPHA = 0.d0,GAUSSBETA = 0.d0
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY) :: coord
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights of integration
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll,wygll
+  integer ix,iy
+! set up coordinates of the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points
+  call zwgljd(xigll,wxgll,NGLLX,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  call zwgljd(yigll,wygll,NGLLY,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+! define the GLL coordinates of the reference element
+  do iy = 1,NGLLY
+    do ix = 1,NGLLX
+      coord(1,ix,iy) = xigll(ix)
+      coord(2,ix,iy) = yigll(iy)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!---- print the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
+  write(*,*)
+  write(*,*) 'Generating gnuplot mesh...'
+  write(*,*)
+  open(unit=20,file='gllfullmesh.gnu',status='unknown')
+  open(unit=21,file='gllmeshedges.gnu',status='unknown')
+!----    plot the lines in the xi-direction
+  do iy = 1,NGLLY
+  do ix = 1,NGLLX-1
+  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
+  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix+1,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix+1,iy))
+  write(20,"('')")
+  if(iy == 1 .or. iy == NGLLY) then
+    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
+    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix+1,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix+1,iy))
+    write(21,"('')")
+  endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+!----    plot the lines in the eta-direction
+  do ix = 1,NGLLX
+  do iy = 1,NGLLY-1
+  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
+  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy+1)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy+1))
+  write(20,"('')")
+  if(ix == 1 .or. ix == NGLLX) then
+    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
+    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy+1)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy+1))
+    write(21,"('')")
+  endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  close(20)
+  close(21)
+!----  generate the command file for Gnuplot
+  open(unit=20,file='plotall.gnu',status='unknown')
+! write postscript script
+  write(20,*) 'set term postscript eps monochrome dashed "Helvetica" 22'
+  write(20,*) 'set output "grid_GLL.eps"'
+  write(20,*) 'set size square'
+  write(20,*) 'set noborder'
+  write(20,*) 'set nogrid'
+  write(20,*) 'set nozeroaxis'
+  write(20,*) 'set noxtics'
+  write(20,*) 'set noytics'
+  write(20,*) 'plot "gllfullmesh.gnu" title '''' w linesp 2 4, "gllmeshedges.gnu" title '''' w l 1'
+! write X11 script
+! write(20,*) 'set term x11'
+! write(20,*) 'set xlabel "X"'
+! write(20,*) 'set ylabel "Y"'
+! write(20,*) 'set title "Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre Mesh"'
+! write(20,*) 'plot "gllfullmesh.gnu" title '''' w l 2, "gllmeshedges.gnu" title '''' w linesp 1 3'
+! write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key"'
+  close(20)
+  end program draw_regular_GLL_element
+!  Library to compute the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+!  Based on Gauss-Lobatto routines from M.I.T.
+!  Department of Mechanical Engineering
+  double precision function endw1(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  f3 = zero
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw1 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw1 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw1 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw1  = f3
+  end function endw1
+  double precision function endw2(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  f3 = zero
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw2 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw2 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw2 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw2  = f3
+  end function endw2
+  double precision function gammaf (x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision x
+  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  gammaf = one
+  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
+  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
+  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
+  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
+  end function gammaf
+  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
+! computes np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
+! Jacobi polynomial with parameters alpha and beta
+!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
+!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
+  implicit none
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision xjac(np)
+  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
+  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  integer, parameter :: K_MAX_ITER = 10
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  xlast = 0.d0
+  n   = np-1
+  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
+  p = 0.d0
+  pd = 0.d0
+  jmin = 0
+  do j=1,np
+   if(j == 1) then
+      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+   else
+      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+      x2 = xlast
+      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
+   endif
+   do k=1,K_MAX_ITER
+      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
+      recsum = 0.d0
+      jm = j-1
+      do i=1,jm
+         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
+      enddo
+      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
+      x    = x+delx
+      if(abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
+   enddo
+ 31      continue
+   xjac(np-j+1) = x
+   xlast        = x
+  enddo
+  do i=1,np
+   xmin = 2.d0
+   do j=i,np
+      if(xjac(j) < xmin) then
+         xmin = xjac(j)
+         jmin = j
+      endif
+   enddo
+   if(jmin /= i) then
+      swap = xjac(i)
+      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
+      xjac(jmin) = swap
+   endif
+  enddo
+  end subroutine jacg
+  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp,bet,x)
+! Computes the Jacobi polynomial of degree n and its derivative at x
+  implicit none
+  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
+  integer n
+  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
+  integer k
+  apb  = alp+bet
+  poly = 1.d0
+  pder = 0.d0
+  psave = 0.d0
+  pdsave = 0.d0
+  if (n == 0) return
+  polyl = poly
+  pderl = pder
+  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
+  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
+  if (n == 1) return
+  do k=2,n
+    dk = dble(k)
+    a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
+    b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
+    a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
+    polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
+    pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
+    psave  = polyl
+    pdsave = pderl
+    polyl  = poly
+    poly   = polyn
+    pderl  = pder
+    pder   = pdern
+  enddo
+  polym1 = polyl
+  pderm1 = pderl
+  polym2 = psave
+  pderm2 = pdsave
+  end subroutine jacobf
+  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P1D  = 0.d0
+  P2D  = 1.d0
+  P3D  = 1.d0
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) / (FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+    P1D = P2D
+    P2D = P3D
+  enddo
+  end function pndleg
+  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P3   = P2
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+  enddo
+  PNLEG = P3
+  end function pnleg
+  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n
+  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  one   = 1.d0
+  two   = 2.d0
+  dn    = dble(n)
+  const = alpha+beta+one
+  if (n <= 1) then
+    prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
+    prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
+    pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+    return
+  endif
+  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
+  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
+  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
+  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
+  do i=3,n
+    dindx = dble(i)
+    frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
+    prod  = prod*frac
+  enddo
+  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+  end function pnormj
+  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
+!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
+!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision z(np),w(np)
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n,np1,np2,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
+  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
+  pd = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n    = np-1
+  apb  = alpha+beta
+  p    = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  if (np <= 0) stop 'minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (np == 1) then
+   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
+   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
+   return
+  endif
+  call jacg(z,np,alpha,beta)
+  np1   = n+1
+  np2   = n+2
+  dnp1  = dble(np1)
+  dnp2  = dble(np2)
+  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
+  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
+  fac3  = fac2+one
+  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
+  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
+  do i=1,np
+    call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
+    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine zwgjd
+  subroutine zwgljd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
+!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
+!                   n = np-1.
+!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
+!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
+!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision z(np), w(np)
+  integer n,nm1,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision alpg,betg
+  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
+  p = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n   = np-1
+  nm1 = n-1
+  pd  = zero
+  if (np <= 1) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
+! with spectral elements, use at least 3 points
+  if (np <= 2) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points for the SEM is 3'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (nm1 > 0) then
+    alpg  = alpha+one
+    betg  = beta+one
+    call zwgjd(z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
+  endif
+  z(1)  = - one
+  z(np) =  one
+  do i=2,np-1
+   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
+  enddo
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
+  w(1)  = endw1(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
+  w(np) = endw2(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  end subroutine zwgljd

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Gnuplot/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+- contains sources to plot PREM model in directory:
+  Gnuplot/display_PREM_model
+- contains source file to create gnuplot scripts of regular 2D GLL elements:
+  draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90
+- basic procedure to execute gnuplot scripts:
+  simple example to plot a single seismogram: 
+  run:
+  > gnuplot
+  then either use
+    A) a provided script:
+      gnuplot> load "PAS.TS.LHZ.gnu"
+  or
+    B) the gnuplot command plot:
+    gnuplot> plot 'OUTPUT_FILES/PAS.TS.LHZ.sem.ascii' w l
+  Writing the figure to a file may depend on your gnuplot settings.
+  One example to generate a postscript is shown below:
+    gnuplot> plot 'OUTPUT_FILES/PAS.TS.LHZ.sem.ascii' w l
+    gnuplot> set term postscript color solid
+         Terminal type set to 'postscript'
+         Options are 'landscape noenhanced color colortext \
+            solid dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 defaultplex \
+            palfuncparam 2000,0.003 \
+            butt "Helvetica" 14'
+    gnuplot> set output 'my_figure.ps'
+    gnuplot> replot
+    gnuplot> quit

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/animation.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/animation.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/google-earth-kml.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/google-earth-kml.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/google-earth-kml.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: google-earth-kml.pl file_name
+  ex. ./google-earth-kml.pl gmt_movie*.gif
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# look at viewpoint
+$lookat_lon= 78.0;
+$lookat_lat= 10.0;
+# from CMTSOLUTION file
+# time increment per image ( 100 time steps per 0.124 s ~ 12.4 s)
+$tinc = 12.4;
+open(KML,">animation.kml") or die("error file open");
+print KML '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';print KML "\n";
+print KML '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">';print KML "\n";
+print KML "<Folder>\n";
+print KML "<name>Animation</name>\n";
+print KML "<open>0</open>\n";
+# look at view
+print KML "<LookAt>\n";
+print KML "<longitude> $lookat_lon </longitude>\n";
+print KML "<latitude> $lookat_lat </latitude>\n";
+print KML "<altitude> 0 </altitude>\n";
+print KML "<range>10929687.63258196</range>\n";
+print KML "<tilt>0</tilt>\n";
+print KML "<heading>6.327702684212388</heading>\n";
+print KML "<altitudeMode>relativeToGround</altitudeMode>\n";
+print KML "</LookAt>\n";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "processing $file\n";
+  if (! -f $file) {die (" check to see if $file exists or not\n");}
+  # image overlay  
+  print KML "<GroundOverlay>\n";
+  print KML "	<name>test-movie</name>\n";
+  print KML "	<TimeSpan>\n";
+  # takes starttime from last image
+  ($cal,$utc) = split("T",$starttime);
+  ($year,$month,$day) = split("-",$cal);
+  $utc2 = substr($utc,1,10);
+  ($hh,$mm,$ss) = split(":",$utc2);
+  # adds time increment
+  $ss = $ss+$tinc;
+  # calculates image time in hours/minutes/seconds
+  if( $ss > 60.0 ){
+    $ss = $ss - 60.0;
+    $mm = $mm + 1;
+  }
+  if( $mm > 60 ){
+    $hh = $hh + 1;
+    $mm = $mm - 60;
+  }  
+  if( $hh > 23 ){
+    $hh = 00;
+    $day = $day+1;
+  }
+  $time = sprintf("%4.4i-%2.2i-%2.2iT%2.2i:%2.2i:%03.1fZ",$year,$month,$day,$hh,$mm,$ss);
+  print KML "	<begin>$starttime</begin>\n";
+  print KML "	<end>$time</end>\n";
+  print KML "	</TimeSpan>\n";
+  print KML "	<color>a1ffffff</color>\n";
+  print KML "	<Icon>\n";
+  print KML "  <href>$file</href>\n";
+  print KML "  <viewBoundScale>0.75</viewBoundScale>\n";
+  print KML "	</Icon>\n";
+  # image box (spans the whole globe)
+  print KML "	<LatLonBox>\n";
+  print KML "  <north>90.0</north>\n";
+  print KML "  <south>-90.0</south>\n";
+  print KML "  <east>180.0</east>\n";
+  print KML "  <west>-180.0</west>\n";
+  print KML "	</LatLonBox>\n";
+  print KML "  </GroundOverlay>\n";
+  # sets new starttime
+  $starttime = $time;
+print KML "</Folder>\n";
+print KML "</kml>";
+print "   Done !\n";

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/google-earth-kml.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/GoogleEarth/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Google Earth
+- procedure to make a google earth movie plot:
+1. run specfem with the movie options (see Par_file):
+   MOVIE_SURFACE = .true.
+   MOVIE_COARSE  = .false.
+   and adjust the time steps NSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES   
+   this creates binary files in directory OUTPUT_FILES/ like: moviedata000100,...
+2. convert binary files to GMT-files:
+   in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE:  > make xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
+	         run it > ./xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
+                          choose option 4 for individual files
+   outputs file like: OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie_000100.xyz
+3. render gif files using GMT:
+    > UTILS/Visualization/GMT/plot_gmt_movie_file.pl OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie*.xyz
+4. create google animation.kml file:
+   > ./google-earth-kml.pl OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_movie*.gif
+     this will create a file 'animation.kml' which can be opened
+     with GoogleEarth application (http://earth.google.com/)
+please, change the rendering script 'google-earth-kml.pl' according to your needs.     

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+  program create_record_section_Grace
+! creates files to plot record sections with "Grace"
+! then call with " xmgrace *.sem.recordsection "
+! call this program with " xcreate_record_section_Grace < create_record_section_Grace.in "
+! Authors: Jeroen Tromp and Dimitri Komatitsch, mid-2000 and September 2007
+  implicit none
+! total number of time steps in each seismogram
+  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 41030
+! total number of seismic stations (receivers)
+  integer, parameter :: NSTATIONS = 180
+  integer :: it,irec
+  real :: epi,epi_start,epi_end,max_amp,t_start,t_end,scale,enhance
+  real, dimension(NSTEP) :: time_sem,sem
+  character(len=3) component
+  character(len=150) station
+  print *,'component (LHZ, LHE, or LHN): '
+  read *,component
+  print *,'starting epicentral distance (degrees):'
+  read *,epi_start
+  print *,'ending epicentral distance (degrees):'
+  read *,epi_end
+  print *,'starting time in record section (minutes):'
+  read *,t_start
+  print *,'ending in record section (minutes):'
+  read *,t_end
+  print *,'enhancement factor:'
+  read *,enhance
+! open the station file
+  open(unit=1,file='output_list_stations.txt',status='unknown')
+  do irec = 1,NSTATIONS
+  read(1,*) station,epi
+  print *,'processing file ',irec,' out of ',NSTATIONS
+  if(epi >= epi_start .and. epi <= epi_end) then
+    max_amp = -100000.
+! read a given seismogram
+    open(unit=10,file=station(1:len_trim(station))//'.'//component(1:3)//'.semd.ascii.convolved',status='old')
+    do it = 1,NSTEP
+      read(10,*) time_sem(it),sem(it)
+! compute maximum of all the traces
+      if(time_sem(it)/60.0 >= t_start .and. time_sem(it)/60.0 <= t_end .and. abs(sem(it)) > max_amp) max_amp = abs(sem(it))
+    enddo
+    close(10)
+! compute scaling factor to plot the traces
+    scale = enhance/max_amp
+! open the record section file
+    open(unit=10,file=station(1:len_trim(station))//'.'//component(1:3)//'.sem.recordsection',status='unknown')
+    do it = 1,NSTEP
+      if(time_sem(it)/60.0 >= t_start .and. time_sem(it)/60.0 <= t_end) write(10,*) time_sem(it)/60.0,epi+sem(it)*scale
+    enddo
+    close(10)
+  endif
+  enddo
+  close(1)
+  end program create_record_section_Grace

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/create_record_section_Grace.in	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Grace/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Grace, a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System
+- contains create_record_section_Grace.f90 to creates files to plot 
+  record sections with "Grace":
+  >  xmgrace *.sem.recordsection
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/AVS_continent_boundaries.inp
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/AVS_continent_boundaries.inp	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/AVS_continent_boundaries.inp	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,15322 @@
+5228 4863 1 0 0
+1 0.180553481934828 0.0657160930358411 0.996647799012928
+2 0.174761743912158 0.0577397404883301 0.998173058759412
+3 0.179713980031982 0.0572566012423535 0.997321195500847
+4 0.169312601057619 0.049413610221255 0.999558171517799
+5 0.188461856698012 0.0559204880126949 0.995781114296892
+6 0.17516449981685 0.0460401483648152 0.998710519991884
+7 0.184625389838202 0.0461801653178066 0.996998424150365
+8 0.180500753255221 0.0395146226052215 0.998039614782231
+9 0.174373488909231 0.0428508901774471 0.99899083458089
+10 0.182155533584038 0.0343027550109174 0.997931702364132
+11 0.203474574458659 0.0469761809485051 0.993285626580975
+12 0.190501038410579 0.0522817584135989 0.995590765375851
+13 0.19704527222946 0.054361160385846 0.99420471983064
+14 0.191589730669844 0.057006528917694 0.995122419987919
+15 0.195527788420953 0.0612683234691708 0.994102648872081
+16 0.205476566581059 0.0497031800317171 0.992740638072601
+17 0.210926598084401 0.0523936574838507 0.991458458472167
+18 0.204301282450106 0.0624280300355736 0.992264444115136
+19 0.211244460411181 0.0555702947645762 0.991217796594354
+20 0.213104286118713 0.0615085856676161 0.990468705778735
+21 0.214201832593701 0.0530691105031762 0.990720063602177
+22 0.221498261112845 0.0611696956444459 0.988646442697667
+23 0.221498261112845 0.0611696956444459 0.988646442697667
+24 0.22645703944818 0.0691916486265124 0.986992768486533
+25 0.193821417093616 0.0668451683038652 0.99407745259122
+26 0.190587549928664 0.0693681951096678 0.994529757885311
+27 0.305821708343322 0.168599172419679 0.953033263724499
+28 0.304201769448682 0.165553261730975 0.954085112028548
+29 0.300867672208283 0.174984759633653 0.953458954394955
+30 0.293540472405034 0.176593838037117 0.955444193779809
+31 0.292536353353089 0.161970714208682 0.958338650846143
+32 0.302435878699615 0.159825532481552 0.955621964189909
+33 0.292448202274479 0.159142820023825 0.958839200190152
+34 0.292500045000558 0.153289944734351 0.959776493001371
+35 0.303995351106808 0.155503368105374 0.955840221487531
+36 0.30719638560437 0.153068757654803 0.955209577057112
+37 0.29758100110516 0.149407439834494 0.958826347522508
+38 0.31511605352895 0.147962724240413 0.953432695602419
+39 0.300923515357814 0.146210186698067 0.95827585757464
+40 0.302293890789867 0.138656308472869 0.958967064977625
+41 0.320277378692291 0.13919410523662 0.953033263724499
+42 0.320584158063204 0.138486085342663 0.953033263724499
+43 0.319751767388615 0.126356659994199 0.954996231263227
+44 0.324088322044875 0.130074431571949 0.953033263724499
+45 0.325420502157485 0.126704755278556 0.953033263724499
+46 0.325315875516762 0.126411041363621 0.953107984311393
+47 0.325553890789349 0.126361633522779 0.953033263724499
+48 0.190587549928664 0.0693681951096678 0.994529757885311
+49 0.185436207757173 0.0731626840205355 0.995231447714324
+50 0.180553481934828 0.0657160930358411 0.996647799012928
+51 0.123168776351114 0.213334577956683 0.984653649960337
+52 0.146031060867892 0.216566801112819 0.98081534955238
+53 0.147211357552433 0.226372363815569 0.978421876854827
+54 0.158743091921432 0.227773083942991 0.976291479527668
+55 0.155746633923919 0.234339435255267 0.975219470224837
+56 0.159787090788611 0.22849656486338 0.975952050801138
+57 0.168795619623778 0.229724358657002 0.974145655349062
+58 0.161440426761599 0.237964894369546 0.973413939521478
+59 0.171728732560943 0.237004823856434 0.971886287526371
+60 0.161658778797847 0.246054238142925 0.971364376086283
+61 0.158356550302749 0.238132008409489 0.973879535439099
+62 0.154224341007628 0.243007424788943 0.973338196177572
+63 0.156119108537933 0.236709517242339 0.974587311838308
+64 0.151836036030898 0.24181293103582 0.97401094683083
+65 0.149493409208973 0.234635054573802 0.976126585934543
+66 0.14811920413718 0.239404652986169 0.975177477946625
+67 0.148109175848595 0.239410857178845 0.975177477946625
+68 0.143364182745198 0.23139134860999 0.977818876323346
+69 0.14065926929116 0.235537320577339 0.977221643527058
+70 0.134188984252289 0.232422137898743 0.97887602193532
+71 0.19801689840133 0.272520871397009 0.9574688938031
+72 0.18066646449554 0.284805639481546 0.957324592980975
+73 0.181135190612387 0.260484516086954 0.964138402720667
+74 0.175028202906157 0.250720754110169 0.967847731642674
+75 0.163300947121097 0.246896796231889 0.970875776131932
+76 0.169554282727591 0.240445818568695 0.971422747078512
+77 0.177344815631374 0.237029794061745 0.970871100144463
+78 0.17826118402513 0.241884798974629 0.969504870691716
+79 0.185292937523496 0.240293571092595 0.968581708992835
+80 0.18055360444927 0.245422971851915 0.968190560172816
+81 0.198615433369322 0.24885559018685 0.963767505605097
+82 0.200350097138935 0.255607813350581 0.961638957369424
+83 0.192292632398491 0.259879960537533 0.962138737208033
+84 0.198031131173624 0.272427458904856 0.957492532984324
+85 0.19801689840133 0.272520871397009 0.9574688938031
+86 0.0546747496498839 0.310075910788637 0.964929324509997
+87 0.0618861303460613 0.302759786008067 0.966815193740324
+88 0.0677339840308679 0.304612311006768 0.96584079816004
+89 0.0663032447293543 0.311528507154547 0.963731741185491
+90 0.0769923849091693 0.308023080829778 0.964063770889732
+91 0.066550751218293 0.327358890552545 0.958453000563141
+92 0.0790293347258827 0.32011889308378 0.959949612502448
+93 0.0788951963876911 0.290958507903337 0.969197448751084
+94 0.080742370461217 0.301730609962182 0.965745467824806
+95 0.0951958312415693 0.311538770792189 0.961304503270175
+96 0.0916714135253928 0.326702652887808 0.956601656144461
+97 0.0957017313464817 0.335847847770258 0.953033263724499
+98 0.103920554480827 0.333396335599277 0.953033263724499
+99 0.0988898653369785 0.319682741918024 0.958252961933021
+100 0.101330342137811 0.308399336469579 0.961689664615024
+101 0.089439843578725 0.290342847781592 0.968466078457417
+102 0.0946218593989076 0.284985080680393 0.969564442166421
+103 0.105389177739751 0.28032690943882 0.969811809094846
+104 0.119060762603492 0.299777240291791 0.962384092247639
+105 0.130633651280578 0.303749587936358 0.959633282552036
+106 0.137656407667074 0.320941290056024 0.953033263724499
+107 0.134188984252289 0.232422137898743 0.97887602193532
+108 0.124344863114234 0.227275895513465 0.981381180956541
+109 0.0895942189343193 0.226346872835074 0.985375547236348
+110 0.0841015923650061 0.214675860387908 0.988466588776971
+111 0.102865860739244 0.218400195090998 0.985872694356928
+112 0.116919896395085 0.212030876643448 0.985696527931784
+113 0.123168776351114 0.213334577956683 0.984653649960337
+114 -0.0414839693190367 0.235267283748333 0.986485370133394
+115 -0.0368421882267442 0.235856376306234 0.986528977233997
+116 -0.0421258352587553 0.242745733538626 0.984644566761299
+117 -0.0372288248341514 0.239747314032622 0.985576095497253
+118 -0.0248546330248057 0.248875064145888 0.983701402694731
+119 -0.0261571252787152 0.243687622926579 0.984965556367098
+120 -0.0140073933502239 0.244903347473098 0.98491174392836
+121 -0.0123322313617273 0.248900931392986 0.983931523237946
+122 -0.017836316195839 0.247907215511511 0.984098002397064
+123 0.0137911185024782 0.261673394550893 0.980592596155337
+124 0.0141580424846023 0.270838910994692 0.978095513804359
+125 0.019001687215368 0.266220856705722 0.979280547819592
+126 0.0137080475886004 0.284009767580452 0.974359041293407
+127 0.0476808069564669 0.285121851949096 0.972963036394034
+128 0.0490208231443144 0.304383516948969 0.967043242832517
+129 0.0354680712202664 0.319674800800229 0.962691558941517
+130 0.0387536251059915 0.347060160167906 0.953033263724499
+131 0.043312535555799 0.346520738915229 0.953033263724499
+132 0.0456660694888426 0.343334531714106 0.954075997722454
+133 0.0414806689048693 0.33054761663846 0.958771415532315
+134 0.0472245764213016 0.336612833057443 0.956392513564839
+135 0.0375689327531748 0.318065097909418 0.963144936540529
+136 0.0476074946084535 0.316748867790911 0.963134819851448
+137 0.0546747496498839 0.310075910788637 0.964929324509997
+138 -0.14970234065187 0.259292061454091 0.969835984107745
+139 -0.148967344682835 0.259607094148578 0.969864880736423
+140 -0.140218655189736 0.259264082534325 0.971259936497134
+141 -0.139843822038333 0.25353578145047 0.972824913826743
+142 -0.124207599540663 0.258234256375793 0.973710707063647
+143 -0.117756138252837 0.270626806449731 0.971143461870901
+144 -0.109380509381155 0.25963494480139 0.975115685242268
+145 -0.108874355784656 0.265357570092459 0.973630697260055
+146 -0.103176285935344 0.260966083915151 0.975436495660573
+147 -0.0963497999576964 0.264402972479807 0.975209097676982
+148 -0.0967310021855387 0.270307858427367 0.973551115704045
+149 -0.102963285316264 0.267739564070781 0.973621634778146
+150 -0.0830959431186893 0.283431283642826 0.971075059760982
+151 -0.0809557376655509 0.291916961772842 0.96873920947195
+152 -0.0842287661794951 0.275207807236441 0.973340216873828
+153 -0.104278057514724 0.238933077617328 0.98094957624807
+154 -0.0950108074779221 0.231108613734172 0.983761533665686
+155 -0.102102158650348 0.233891746847056 0.982392385941469
+156 -0.101409212960599 0.228466010657697 0.983740033495063
+157 -0.0841628459559036 0.218192481130966 0.987691073432638
+158 -0.0678604828074905 0.228609558186178 0.986588883364826
+159 -0.0697195365777332 0.220518061049498 0.988299535045097
+160 -0.0558880357143603 0.221403509073651 0.988980289810603
+161 -0.0628785472671065 0.214402625320339 0.990102420232031
+162 -0.0531193102516047 0.210745021299169 0.991458458472167
+163 -0.0449380578570949 0.223774863734229 0.989004742818132
+164 -0.0461431804890985 0.234586880178483 0.986440470855934
+165 -0.0414839693190367 0.235267283748333 0.986485370133394
+166 -0.248985970739348 0.208924037400359 0.961551731822744
+167 -0.240340353581899 0.215531518068078 0.962292927937952
+168 -0.245266755644718 0.221903388039326 0.959597887113234
+169 -0.231623018464559 0.22350393848455 0.962611950268259
+170 -0.225338703565954 0.234833304461726 0.961405631245626
+171 -0.214887165549576 0.232219577377478 0.964428625645617
+172 -0.221580436537857 0.254495170561913 0.957266586852563
+173 -0.194759688973837 0.246555452791166 0.965144586188907
+174 -0.198668701358814 0.240525050426385 0.96586927025234
+175 -0.190737925913322 0.240280706352228 0.967527377273201
+176 -0.193492358836734 0.235134420230563 0.968244551492356
+177 -0.185024400941355 0.22999239513655 0.971130510917892
+178 -0.174073657994552 0.237137348079586 0.971436688486788
+179 -0.161119346124175 0.234983206388944 0.974191176833217
+180 -0.163292648996291 0.252973149126069 0.969311661234411
+181 -0.14970234065187 0.259292061454091 0.969835984107745
+182 -0.19208984927221 0.161182522591159 0.983537840765535
+183 -0.183251003183619 0.160520193387043 0.9853310800676
+184 -0.185928439583808 0.173453893065998 0.982633890283751
+185 -0.198395514124646 0.17867374737082 0.979254773782434
+186 -0.198415952372278 0.178692153927592 0.979247274169767
+187 -0.204320178463602 0.171444987363024 0.979328791050633
+188 -0.239105550829762 0.200633380651339 0.965815604621716
+189 -0.240000396885248 0.20638918631077 0.964379755733653
+190 -0.248136630061099 0.208211355946455 0.961925799673166
+191 -0.236738675864118 0.198647336729363 0.966808685811436
+192 -0.235373196638768 0.2037141504008 0.966087471831887
+193 -0.238186117225358 0.199861884248616 0.966202670657508
+194 -0.201847516167505 0.284973996097253 0.953033263724499
+195 -0.199516111640254 0.277145363651702 0.955828838549204
+196 -0.204606377949683 0.266186195075754 0.957865407901029
+197 -0.197340811881213 0.259084365512405 0.961330794010625
+198 -0.204908276367208 0.265934771038101 0.957870709349196
+199 -0.200035493354311 0.276927954692187 0.955783296207095
+200 -0.202334646654707 0.284628334846943 0.953033263724499
+201 -0.327518798300244 0.119207094927461 0.953281755452668
+202 -0.311925348130235 0.120205634039564 0.958372674244721
+203 -0.302156501354168 0.135021924927617 0.959528805444761
+204 -0.297723024353809 0.154780119720793 0.957929598305031
+205 -0.274503780496988 0.166055559515778 0.962963252490334
+206 -0.274505062221494 0.158077002517655 0.964304740260986
+207 -0.263900346688779 0.162562174304513 0.966517018216923
+208 -0.260511860774008 0.168435952846495 0.966430494233681
+209 -0.265785073731328 0.183709079733273 0.962202820929759
+210 -0.256595902633835 0.176360072969801 0.966064525491757
+211 -0.263484460451575 0.177842975312852 0.963936105368201
+212 -0.259978150613583 0.169193275354344 0.966441926231685
+213 -0.252670736874422 0.181930382754344 0.966066164689663
+214 -0.259092426637703 0.169138746649732 0.966689297986041
+215 -0.233374006078122 0.189725553147257 0.969415178223457
+216 -0.238580471850104 0.19113216497788 0.967870267113651
+217 -0.236738675864118 0.198647336729363 0.966808685811436
+218 -0.204320178463602 0.171444987363024 0.979328791050633
+219 -0.214210352144559 0.158004526873052 0.979476132696314
+220 -0.199435484789799 0.153569365409374 0.983293922189301
+221 -0.211633131795864 0.157155443158632 0.980172731824288
+222 -0.210649083180418 0.145273664509876 0.982215621009522
+223 -0.190687483561092 0.152332830007399 0.98521976863798
+224 -0.196263501694659 0.161384831887202 0.982680300982619
+225 -0.19208984927221 0.161182522591159 0.983537840765535
+226 -0.238186117225358 0.199861884248616 0.966202670657508
+227 -0.238825862188716 0.198975146102218 0.966227767549359
+228 -0.239105550829762 0.200633380651339 0.965815604621716
+229 -0.248136630061099 0.208211355946455 0.961925799673166
+230 -0.249514361225085 0.208500631557527 0.961506666738484
+231 -0.248985970739348 0.208924037400359 0.961551731822744
+232 -0.345337908912236 0.0519069061180921 0.953033263724499
+233 -0.342504713356877 0.0570084165619741 0.953763892045311
+234 -0.344388506597393 0.0578718822766779 0.953033263724499
+235 -0.328262937167297 0.119147145651617 0.953033263724499
+236 -0.327518798300244 0.119207094927461 0.953281755452668
+237 -0.320699764007552 -0.116725166786326 0.955903706868116
+238 -0.3188595471678 -0.115249331010203 0.95669806150198
+239 -0.327298298913164 -0.106819527535101 0.954824807001644
+240 -0.33283915740491 -0.105691501704812 0.953033263724499
+241 -0.277497210378248 -0.212009189581298 0.953033263724499
+242 -0.278250969653592 -0.207742032720817 0.95375292698259
+243 -0.300855170650661 -0.165396528070005 0.955172840272979
+244 -0.301936636113707 -0.156482343079999 0.956332862593633
+245 -0.296615186520334 -0.155977487031454 0.958079044058923
+246 -0.302776111335968 -0.146445930035245 0.957656105280169
+247 -0.299489257296073 -0.13917714885247 0.959771277962382
+248 -0.307540658114871 -0.136938784808481 0.957544522631427
+249 -0.300201199701956 -0.136373197065133 0.959951348152468
+250 -0.298832997967706 -0.130029320126095 0.961257621677549
+251 -0.309913157726503 -0.126365961598002 0.958232997979823
+252 -0.314923950141257 -0.116756415973971 0.957818273450836
+253 -0.322944091300358 -0.118538792216044 0.954924430849974
+254 -0.320699764007552 -0.116725166786326 0.955903706868116
+255 -0.138988600611286 -0.240735315270631 0.976193462834937
+256 -0.141907863137228 -0.232017743594222 0.977882878997926
+257 -0.156974907420615 -0.226413368063094 0.976893476896338
+258 -0.158762122854333 -0.23758635184716 0.97394677152437
+259 -0.185782770473654 -0.25579252934046 0.964510209447647
+260 -0.18093028682499 -0.259425019432045 0.964462487918586
+261 -0.180825923159092 -0.277375820872056 0.959473626270788
+262 -0.16516274465912 -0.278919295958548 0.961847334101755
+263 -0.159460443385408 -0.272392492272779 0.964675954478369
+264 -0.159390190626616 -0.272392418314875 0.964687585478628
+265 -0.156928361434896 -0.271807892149291 0.965255903448779
+266 -0.209511269074263 -0.279387949571059 0.953033263724499
+267 -0.209231642712511 -0.267419259176675 0.956521855217758
+268 -0.210909112063199 -0.275369272711173 0.953894181812235
+269 -0.215133985741099 -0.275081744966432 0.953033263724499
+270 -0.224444424857368 -0.267539339883079 0.953033263724499
+271 -0.220187292123691 -0.265518468977564 0.954590225708941
+272 -0.227377172490199 -0.265051352882778 0.953033263724499
+273 -0.197753547444822 -0.287830041357078 0.953033263724499
+274 -0.196028109102256 -0.284945572219548 0.954255731611955
+275 -0.198987522081736 -0.286978334182912 0.953033263724499
+276 -0.0664602542552714 -0.342834701917634 0.953033263724499
+277 -0.0659200284472529 -0.339730577572814 0.954181683177557
+278 -0.0830348342162534 -0.321395823280122 0.959184518789149
+279 -0.0794727507241878 -0.290882397299203 0.969173107774767
+280 -0.0846393963467776 -0.281012638248129 0.971644518191133
+281 -0.092564361857484 -0.280776162129914 0.970990002880314
+282 -0.0982774002798816 -0.306926255285358 0.962477442026947
+283 -0.101781717345989 -0.281153553763708 0.969957814144584
+284 -0.105903150837792 -0.279865626758014 0.969889041902202
+285 -0.104159652779986 -0.290172352031385 0.967044865996054
+286 -0.108014204966086 -0.286107997967328 0.967832705081137
+287 -0.111424880682343 -0.290135505997805 0.966245767972271
+288 -0.11666426342903 -0.288174785699974 0.966214128713369
+289 -0.109588313364745 -0.282740428169891 0.968645059788247
+290 -0.11568660830799 -0.275368990534723 0.970058517673074
+291 -0.126933750208266 -0.278208935588547 0.967839145321553
+292 -0.121068408702243 -0.265906306367076 0.972039750549598
+293 -0.146485745546938 -0.269815638014481 0.967453589498947
+294 -0.155451999673278 -0.279039928215457 0.963429496257558
+295 -0.149503833054664 -0.284232273185207 0.962852854169282
+296 -0.154124561415127 -0.287031968827266 0.961292498899132
+297 -0.136881619718375 -0.293049349725108 0.962086534989948
+298 -0.157409454431922 -0.291974734360306 0.959269523205378
+299 -0.157327485808255 -0.299868131819288 0.956844901605512
+300 -0.13619589102786 -0.308491140324458 0.957344710962797
+301 -0.125570044777316 -0.319710489856613 0.955113797686049
+302 -0.160217387964155 -0.309553344344399 0.953274417782803
+303 -0.160227853162399 -0.310289595870692 0.953033263724499
+304 -0.114097488414096 -0.238567100213779 0.9799451524617
+305 -0.104318426468435 -0.23397324022139 0.98214010648148
+306 -0.106805855716856 -0.240828171802837 0.980213905660746
+307 -0.0931981476770508 -0.242258529699981 0.981249157990553
+308 -0.111477768458583 -0.245455241515719 0.978544547556193
+309 -0.104321296664899 -0.253629982299621 0.977248125677838
+310 -0.0847739550603195 -0.249050348939422 0.980312348303633
+311 -0.0726165562938334 -0.253244022439487 0.980213905660746
+312 -0.0663965558571768 -0.240641001949363 0.98382336095008
+313 -0.0701288949223461 -0.235693382338565 0.984761680620635
+314 -0.073341231678753 -0.242291130598719 0.982924753869307
+315 -0.0774962466639203 -0.238508918471798 0.983530796448397
+316 -0.0762055745352374 -0.219981642345195 0.987940174019087
+317 -0.0840537268301243 -0.225832675111916 0.98598152815241
+318 -0.0828855111120911 -0.242295735122938 0.982164837890729
+319 -0.0924783947297085 -0.238127632402656 0.982327835905367
+320 -0.100228371434827 -0.215963017820145 0.9866809253723
+321 -0.105740495202495 -0.217773625452761 0.98570715515892
+322 -0.101751366990019 -0.221957616188374 0.98519362357439
+323 -0.111889953182676 -0.222168867235433 0.984046052178506
+324 -0.104322146799406 -0.225960213342931 0.984014162333642
+325 -0.116324742613272 -0.226178373558935 0.982617370897844
+326 -0.106660972307154 -0.22865183252347 0.983141280015315
+327 -0.120720425485999 -0.230289979339762 0.981131033188825
+328 -0.114139706982138 -0.238569788970385 0.979939581341961
+329 -0.114097488414096 -0.238567100213779 0.9799451524617
+330 -0.0494188473068693 -0.280268201779801 0.97428564220252
+331 -0.0535499399689714 -0.279156547622476 0.974386486897689
+332 -0.052772700502971 -0.286830889070327 0.972197553564474
+333 -0.0584488057670595 -0.284186339090032 0.972649403320132
+334 -0.0511225786618488 -0.289930542145833 0.971365926251269
+335 -0.0519467415058507 -0.294604601757702 0.969914771858904
+336 -0.0533400061423794 -0.297463983837371 0.96896595505948
+337 -0.0629071982222764 -0.290270469940956 0.970572376843726
+338 -0.0667194310732203 -0.296395125858908 0.96846447889654
+339 -0.0558087435775192 -0.316507103229968 0.962773928679663
+340 -0.156928361434896 -0.271807892149291 0.965255903448779
+341 -0.123764164805605 -0.261565120191801 0.972877751523293
+342 -0.128538802171148 -0.245610969363178 0.976410788584849
+343 -0.13705839851251 -0.245982595394595 0.975157709378398
+344 -0.138988600611286 -0.240735315270631 0.976193462834937
+345 0.0290172765193048 -0.164565158152426 1.00114999195209
+346 0.0203441225075294 -0.170459116018502 1.00037733203306
+347 0.0302425278456114 -0.182640741966531 0.997974322757566
+348 0.0187423981873901 -0.172051244440848 1.00013603664529
+349 0.0105199143622165 -0.17185142604946 1.0002906671396
+350 0.0224518618208539 -0.192690704829335 0.996288716273125
+351 0.0179572465159227 -0.193757086403659 0.996173041577582
+352 0.028724091594547 -0.191785218451365 0.996302341935233
+353 0.023210905726813 -0.196284059011997 0.995569596780213
+354 0.0269696057238814 -0.200684837178711 0.994597022162067
+355 0.0168415315488999 -0.19556560306216 0.995839072196919
+356 0.0109520013095361 -0.199196812095394 0.995201328233814
+357 0.00923322219635162 -0.210045440596113 0.99298573025631
+358 0.0149896674809025 -0.205100598632484 0.993948718148682
+359 0.016704315838783 -0.209952736074492 0.992907757270127
+360 0.0190207203621942 -0.201105824821062 0.994695762240869
+361 0.0200446542289195 -0.219828599079553 0.990706111247712
+362 0.0282846636019416 -0.209142909734728 0.992816307839782
+363 0.0216574334695624 -0.223611946906768 0.989825061703368
+364 0.00664350059513463 -0.214863568543975 0.991975055539397
+365 0.0133780747689663 -0.226245807745545 0.989372963847831
+366 0.00139108897244679 -0.237210376942721 0.986891231059514
+367 0.00588949533305343 -0.240125025226102 0.986169501710982
+368 0.00644163670708181 -0.233682854836559 0.987712422050047
+369 0.0100538863347761 -0.241085319464048 0.985901510349023
+370 0.0101891747662749 -0.236017193798162 0.987125658135388
+371 0.0139423596852753 -0.240780750683748 0.985928618464124
+372 0.0139554675525785 -0.235591801951851 0.987181213242264
+373 0.0200756750318459 -0.241449986515448 0.985659105007256
+374 0.0233368337099263 -0.234592066247042 0.987242095256446
+375 0.0284155551251404 -0.238264645092836 0.986228936467449
+376 0.0268981527045421 -0.232367389878164 0.987677521006878
+377 0.0323337145406281 -0.2381123666827 0.986145035852622
+378 0.0294189396261398 -0.230961969535245 0.987935268435981
+379 0.0380225769833942 -0.241867997900804 0.985027489581381
+380 0.042125216497883 -0.23890398227302 0.985583762746272
+381 0.0443142916714461 -0.251318844912017 0.982395074166065
+382 0.0366043044648614 -0.247734276939002 0.983622312132128
+383 0.0155163566745636 -0.257675455116797 0.981624980583674
+384 0.00544341428828128 -0.252499141746 0.983076575175311
+385 0.00479412677644797 -0.256923701346724 0.981932904039146
+386 0.00029313339269765 -0.246990802516512 0.984489947914687
+387 -0.00524130185673612 -0.25021707329737 0.983660990883213
+388 -0.0008330650372389 -0.24603532182967 0.984728859338861
+389 -0.00685244382621584 -0.242440726184673 0.98559653931041
+390 0.00341022654676311 -0.243008505629304 0.985474625014116
+391 -0.00614666745051395 -0.239198737942576 0.98639301611778
+392 -0.00399636245512151 -0.235790636674831 0.987224293027479
+393 -0.0148988722972563 -0.239951573368167 0.98611676085665
+394 -0.0148812047901771 -0.230745532130009 0.988311716588462
+395 -0.0272452736435332 -0.22845180507679 0.988581037559008
+396 -0.0228920253601566 -0.242037053556598 0.985453712703215
+397 -0.0129869173909043 -0.240496107985921 0.986011136864237
+398 -0.0100096164417335 -0.264163342564829 0.97997068120616
+399 -0.0100007936664165 -0.2642962364626 0.97993493841058
+400 9.0342913282848e-05 -0.272439553119145 0.977753384926075
+401 0.00672508534996754 -0.265864002490616 0.979538720728642
+402 0.0109084180346758 -0.273500570090189 0.977396257705298
+403 0.0303871244596827 -0.270523717614129 0.977813142106048
+404 0.0300592972802252 -0.26431925361059 0.9795186424044
+405 0.0391716815795277 -0.270661356654937 0.97746253604726
+406 0.0465749954369544 -0.264139933495542 0.978920765605173
+407 -0.0142688567646595 -0.194444229948353 0.99609881094519
+408 -0.00586563190151054 -0.202398705002111 0.994598088966525
+409 -0.0106389432694299 -0.203819872506224 0.994268209517762
+410 -0.00748903847500379 -0.208713490303 0.99328122566988
+411 0.00191867239597061 -0.209787844409614 0.993081255000921
+412 0.000133774457308194 -0.201704550664848 0.994756380399486
+413 0.00416750446362684 -0.209797084353097 0.993072411913394
+414 0.00626162326386375 -0.19491375282454 0.996089564765115
+415 0.00837924727230735 -0.201012893627252 0.994861098249775
+416 0.0169764307393124 -0.189470205324772 0.997014464335168
+417 0.0137892230162215 -0.183562204249601 0.99816820952164
+418 0.00830654008401265 -0.185423688198317 0.997884791570032
+419 0.007085629926234 -0.170122529515212 1.0006163694443
+420 0.00509659469215925 -0.17596854041402 0.999616975399629
+421 -0.00933025627021887 -0.15285479738966 1.0033809631605
+422 -0.015639474310926 -0.162362736410118 1.00180774037172
+423 -0.011055063351543 -0.167904300199794 1.00095500975254
+424 -0.0197418344785636 -0.170103607238254 1.00044991017839
+425 -0.0136072497847241 -0.17724639633396 0.999311541882671
+426 -0.0203317764185702 -0.173651560450263 0.999828362480708
+427 -0.0207386528245598 -0.178312113124111 0.998999348644551
+428 -0.0137061388588971 -0.180934183472603 0.998649068997054
+429 -0.0170542427995339 -0.189371793995528 0.997031833213689
+430 -0.00110814097667955 -0.190663746019983 0.996930844129723
+431 -0.0142558609861514 -0.194406593081941 0.99610634321533
+432 -0.0142688567646595 -0.194444229948353 0.99609881094519
+433 0.0220020929186967 -0.124780073637884 1.00706049526834
+434 0.0173255762190268 -0.129109955413424 1.00660590293412
+435 0.0235455373501654 -0.139505711730548 1.0050914207501
+436 0.0112187440743783 -0.133237915194829 1.00615446017792
+437 0.00759756461842891 -0.138494439696424 1.00547827782854
+438 0.0138221365692433 -0.143627210098569 1.00469158106354
+439 0.00496904554057574 -0.139914341796888 1.00529810779985
+440 -0.00489122486684432 -0.148146342393762 1.0041183880174
+441 0.00128795443275216 -0.148775314068187 1.00403647697546
+442 -0.00108460001138055 -0.15343684160623 1.00333491879866
+443 0.00735615831357192 -0.151001766472412 1.00367791320576
+444 0.000839105856844035 -0.159723691714769 1.00235354950555
+445 0.0144474714174292 -0.154072372833959 1.00313407603319
+446 0.00164200912831389 -0.161367059946422 1.00208930528684
+447 0.00727540344033131 -0.166301129351733 1.00125721115062
+448 0.0209794176231854 -0.155289598162813 1.00283099510268
+449 0.0127849789310136 -0.162811862546192 1.00177534493916
+450 0.0115451362916366 -0.167710943217734 1.00098189261995
+451 0.0192199395603293 -0.161518935389963 1.00188184305026
+452 0.0234454523879682 -0.161383110076459 1.00181375641602
+453 0.020129700416142 -0.16670881539031 1.00101346945599
+454 0.0261498436464436 -0.163844844584559 1.00134711892546
+455 0.0282548163677341 -0.160241031615441 1.00187298453389
+456 0.0536383717612334 -0.304198332536602 0.966856400690793
+457 0.0498806444622034 -0.313587793902167 0.964053741667759
+458 0.0514508254386478 -0.298676531449086 0.968695071796706
+459 0.0420710205499247 -0.283126111293497 0.973804207391665
+460 0.0255065798540322 -0.291541560211918 0.971893992703602
+461 0.0327622011070457 -0.296661378227891 0.970125592305733
+462 0.0231595739142833 -0.297121006247618 0.970261687269219
+463 0.0319180865979458 -0.301202207407732 0.96875356309055
+464 0.02249888834842 -0.299365418286794 0.969587100964662
+465 0.0321579139504619 -0.313810222237446 0.964735203560873
+466 0.025887215937697 -0.30996947177881 0.966164467684545
+467 0.0217736512883911 -0.314453505364531 0.964815993375696
+468 0.030939656523471 -0.320207604977106 0.962670674410016
+469 0.0303948716687924 -0.33218480598226 0.958621096393547
+470 0.0286736829911516 -0.327741717004084 0.960202159359652
+471 0.00270867901439225 -0.330900877591942 0.959542741240264
+472 0.00718039625479588 -0.340800038343869 0.956048521663227
+473 0.0129023897891476 -0.344961790006623 0.954494573988325
+474 0.0214786665377195 -0.339690692473321 0.956228999942355
+475 0.025448954784884 -0.348129337610914 0.953091451538069
+476 0.0271622795720539 -0.348159171648656 0.953033263724499
+477 -0.0558087435775192 -0.316507103229968 0.962773928679663
+478 -0.0522824978732961 -0.322302866609607 0.961047554802237
+479 -0.0462735233036629 -0.321991735635552 0.961459870833656
+480 -0.0453706299993864 -0.314073715024837 0.964118357601366
+481 -0.0457638227935238 -0.318287197021722 0.962716953592996
+482 -0.0390031345128962 -0.317471793599812 0.963283663188932
+483 -0.038973348557198 -0.317412438344444 0.963304428561643
+484 -0.0343863332566927 -0.300778108967002 0.968800861504258
+485 -0.044054484084024 -0.295163052676822 0.970135544533129
+486 -0.0346244565835093 -0.283712736797925 0.973926706680194
+487 -0.0494188473068693 -0.280268201779801 0.97428564220252
+488 0.0285622046469389 -0.32646751361862 0.960639455267887
+489 0.0215107180120397 -0.315206330342228 0.964576206591679
+490 0.0196795360259868 -0.303006739272053 0.968516717366055
+491 0.0257529633508998 -0.284739256410349 0.973902120717235
+492 0.0170483577880509 -0.283446744304368 0.974470264625856
+493 0.00438838352055603 -0.295437669233832 0.971041876382145
+494 -1.74889456385248e-09 -0.324790191330505 0.961632118648027
+495 0.0173008097386894 -0.328364640915575 0.960261602157855
+496 0.0285451108087736 -0.326469008684641 0.960639455267887
+497 0.0285622046469389 -0.32646751361862 0.960639455267887
+498 -0.0275297436929635 -0.314666391138473 0.964599489684755
+499 -0.0185507198460946 -0.307529402409166 0.967112474041697
+500 -0.0226390677851864 -0.301582730678255 0.968896449145348
+501 -0.0110976674953866 -0.302794157822021 0.96871953617392
+502 -0.000923537102320693 -0.282965257007002 0.974758847308493
+503 -0.0259703005127386 -0.280430245600479 0.975145845934716
+504 -0.0276257704043302 -0.314688561003597 0.964589511856236
+505 -0.0275297436929635 -0.314666391138473 0.964599489684755
+506 -0.0157623803243188 -0.348861212520309 0.953033263724499
+507 -0.0141996736439843 -0.344835405302375 0.954521824013653
+508 -0.00909105799051129 -0.346019499075739 0.954155573753037
+509 -0.0246790631546609 -0.314700733835266 0.964665430066483
+510 -0.0385509054294756 -0.333185724691612 0.957980219290718
+511 -0.0338071462055736 -0.33550407736647 0.957350035742366
+512 -0.0372062011882414 -0.347229458467695 0.953033263724499
+513 0.0396375039940643 -0.224795463116981 0.988999933285712
+514 0.0323453367258445 -0.224433348314081 0.989347487668828
+515 0.0304727556580832 -0.215759207399104 0.991334643591715
+516 0.0385157528851504 -0.218433696239126 0.990468705778735
+517 -0.0511225786618488 -0.289930542145833 0.971365926251269
+518 -0.0500843530311312 -0.290713692532718 0.971185927902297
+519 -0.0519467415058507 -0.294604601757702 0.969914771858904
+520 0.0459937163458412 -0.260843335846342 0.979831787707079
+521 0.0441838740675634 -0.260346396376889 0.980047212722912
+522 0.0452459337572291 -0.256602449908038 0.980985722719566
+523 0.0518888210970868 -0.345340626743774 0.953033263724499
+524 0.0498856633218359 -0.343169682667799 0.953923995658261
+525 0.0602207023160307 -0.343985559649228 0.953033263724499
+526 0.0478591286996941 -0.345922103998479 0.953033263724499
+527 0.04173842164721 -0.341409933378162 0.954946156361247
+528 0.0490965030548452 -0.345748653825888 0.953033263724499
+529 0.0385157528851504 -0.218433696239126 0.990468705778735
+530 0.0438497249967332 -0.22000593293168 0.989898778205414
+531 0.0435922863164416 -0.208337519095941 0.992431453910371
+532 0.0520483153412283 -0.206678605974731 0.992370861473916
+533 0.04735876808326 -0.203239001405891 0.993315687680997
+534 0.0534813891250617 -0.199664960603032 0.993729663703687
+535 0.0469946632263032 -0.197737461555929 0.994442757490678
+536 0.0537628842837142 -0.194866065773822 0.99466666209506
+537 0.0374328989448541 -0.190147038829626 0.996327196106233
+538 0.0521524741914272 -0.187268604921745 0.996210614803103
+539 0.0390978651444092 -0.184669908860535 0.997293026999884
+540 0.0537245250908543 -0.177955440664788 0.997832920153251
+541 0.0487118097870122 -0.17267290895991 0.999017630524405
+542 0.0579472452987298 -0.172815108577446 0.99849990235836
+543 0.0588163741563838 -0.165687839883859 0.999656527936329
+544 0.0525949370549327 -0.165429517952996 1.00004592253857
+545 0.0592374035030966 -0.163721872033996 0.999955538333528
+546 0.0551301617837144 -0.158276683409194 1.00106650965392
+547 0.0598737371710721 -0.160071448935468 1.00050850412821
+548 0.0655169348417609 -0.13793485193854 1.00344731195496
+549 0.0541283942912612 -0.148845859809226 1.00256671945018
+550 0.0598292462102371 -0.138369857309644 1.00374261834697
+551 0.052097124085033 -0.137820115700963 1.00424922472972
+552 0.0609929231338269 -0.135810492586023 1.00402209807909
+553 0.0659617956294752 -0.126012534055067 1.00498501619594
+554 0.0656337850713069 -0.118944459658499 1.00586749712562
+555 0.0567489890524086 -0.114149966063808 1.00696292756445
+556 0.0478917288365583 -0.122136262482892 1.00648602359683
+557 0.0503995687457366 -0.115119001467786 1.00719039856986
+558 0.0274952705663813 -0.119095104181854 1.00761369892256
+559 0.0273281430485155 -0.119206208533539 1.00760510739306
+560 0.0220020929186967 -0.124780073637884 1.00706049526834
+561 0.12427718207183 -0.326355297568331 0.953033263724499
+562 0.125729223002864 -0.322080088607328 0.954296379017437
+563 0.118236088548487 -0.328018137094391 0.953230994618765
+564 0.125945005341156 -0.316260865134317 0.956212278113029
+565 0.117922453940752 -0.314510726097463 0.957811201660451
+566 0.113367474921671 -0.32219360431919 0.95580547025307
+567 0.115005133603099 -0.313994580630941 0.958335130619416
+568 0.110418832690406 -0.330832030332762 0.953196123100168
+569 0.109786954110544 -0.321852466185737 0.95633823238292
+570 0.105894954077306 -0.325389341298713 0.955579947084573
+571 0.110073202152598 -0.312639468830314 0.959356791135275
+572 0.101538524596281 -0.323337313239071 0.956748613738295
+573 0.105896161083416 -0.310268945480757 0.960595744597099
+574 0.0963498898209532 -0.30651525135724 0.962803250626471
+575 0.0922106739899962 -0.318532208406066 0.95930152913996
+576 0.0901572041958247 -0.306308169656205 0.963468724834106
+577 0.0849965740685656 -0.318277860357503 0.960051970469754
+578 0.0852357995004772 -0.309805633099868 0.96279817624625
+579 0.0810745373805298 -0.310494488248788 0.962935663559958
+580 0.0855925236986814 -0.302659025841778 0.965037011706492
+581 0.0747575590720727 -0.309034319691511 0.96391602155706
+582 0.0787444346871104 -0.296986095899328 0.96737974593656
+583 0.0651161857072184 -0.295550457149754 0.968831672499157
+584 0.0611685593575245 -0.302001834801255 0.96709787463462
+585 0.0704473290919715 -0.305238134580061 0.965449043203157
+586 0.0600908288810119 -0.30574880671684 0.965987453063248
+587 0.067969444129264 -0.312548388067943 0.963285347018675
+588 0.0544196022402687 -0.302148856516106 0.967455205887084
+589 0.0536383717612334 -0.304198332536602 0.966856400690793
+590 0.0724392246678957 -0.125468419319305 1.00460700499401
+591 0.0689069713232948 -0.128688880084556 1.00444810789091
+592 0.0755862737415517 -0.14089103831688 1.0023280054672
+593 0.0697858249296209 -0.139785373786066 1.00290327944143
+594 0.0743663474076045 -0.146634820682975 1.00159516559163
+595 0.0689612206506922 -0.141893955036069 1.00266417886079
+596 0.0656372773625589 -0.158212423106844 1.0004426905101
+597 0.0689221903931302 -0.162449332036595 0.99954236838279
+598 0.0770503852471329 -0.156918772986637 0.999832354356287
+599 0.078420678163111 -0.176210216193865 0.996506476118118
+600 0.0694736416791214 -0.181391805475205 0.996240646640302
+601 0.0609802025236244 -0.200231948015666 0.993183559013151
+602 0.0782619210762176 -0.207333015882696 0.990511530591363
+603 0.0885793524519676 -0.20059917775736 0.991029095537695
+604 0.0911011142123477 -0.206163946817346 0.98965752360196
+605 0.0802100201154652 -0.210214401760535 0.989748078030737
+606 0.091384540728604 -0.208743787588455 0.989090439170781
+607 0.0730805866108817 -0.216679087539889 0.988905658232114
+608 0.0884353869124394 -0.217997455302003 0.98736077085506
+609 0.0835666859103052 -0.224848179747631 0.986247892302004
+610 0.0898851253259858 -0.228502405174976 0.984851417765331
+611 0.0992598331404727 -0.227988128127785 0.984070068113909
+612 0.0944324011938128 -0.223661700208012 0.985536891985699
+613 0.10264716787775 -0.224407788190336 0.984545429894527
+614 0.107710607873001 -0.215064989893151 0.986088472234559
+615 0.118764629328822 -0.21346559325498 0.985166180558735
+616 0.124795730832013 -0.216152549355343 0.983833878748485
+617 0.0282548163677341 -0.160241031615441 1.00187298453389
+618 0.0345664714054 -0.147862363170873 1.00357704268885
+619 0.0309911579425641 -0.158961643742181 1.00199588020518
+620 0.0379544195566068 -0.157522180482224 1.00198364492253
+621 0.0290172765193048 -0.164565158152426 1.00114999195209
+622 0.0667534223462196 -0.34277773970854 0.953033263724499
+623 0.0619028007211803 -0.337315004227431 0.955307087373438
+624 0.0644508148196212 -0.331138701345109 0.957297369128612
+625 0.0727076677339659 -0.341564332574869 0.953033263724499
+626 0.042125216497883 -0.23890398227302 0.985583762746272
+627 0.0481383360563266 -0.234304073270094 0.986412338654972
+628 0.0477858894622534 -0.224911449538876 0.988613346376946
+629 0.0396375039940643 -0.224795463116981 0.988999933285712
+630 0.134590667197444 -0.322238964959198 0.953033263724499
+631 0.127926920371415 -0.319209809645238 0.95496848140163
+632 0.125085627944164 -0.326046291063773 0.953033263724499
+633 0.0708232377899781 -0.122669447903713 1.00506779648934
+634 0.0706303726060124 -0.122929262417776 1.00504962410169
+635 0.0711410231511063 -0.123219868302694 1.00497801910314
+636 0.0452459337572291 -0.256602449908038 0.980985722719566
+637 0.046421984461046 -0.252239192715147 0.982061805090244
+638 0.0443142916714461 -0.251318844912017 0.982395074166065
+639 0.0465749954369544 -0.264139933495542 0.978920765605173
+640 0.0492134639408887 -0.261681384935109 0.97945183023229
+641 0.0459937163458412 -0.260843335846342 0.979831787707079
+642 0.124795730832013 -0.216152549355343 0.983833878748485
+643 0.151491393573972 -0.225877029898447 0.977882878997926
+644 0.151121485549218 -0.235432061086582 0.975683883856816
+645 0.15443593585096 -0.229617097569623 0.97655032139749
+646 0.167720536586164 -0.245832247042506 0.970392357719949
+647 0.179440033762235 -0.249450704357994 0.967367882647914
+648 0.173850494581365 -0.25414957219998 0.967165446283303
+649 0.178763663913569 -0.252420926375596 0.966722415376763
+650 0.18057355658169 -0.260295709555035 0.964294734119543
+651 0.181332894308787 -0.253227081048735 0.966032829082498
+652 0.180032750337005 -0.265597610239635 0.962949177392602
+653 0.191427563422805 -0.262580097431083 0.961577963763257
+654 0.183762478690059 -0.249003613454509 0.966671377414415
+655 0.191578903695632 -0.256807611067073 0.963105588477609
+656 0.19826189682867 -0.251079143355586 0.963263455155298
+657 0.195759300913136 -0.259837978851282 0.961450737610867
+658 0.202452271751504 -0.25332635094188 0.961802390089111
+659 0.200492329975431 -0.261655274134344 0.95998142853844
+660 0.203688965297894 -0.256218959161772 0.960774505480829
+661 0.202469605607293 -0.261266969427738 0.959672146876876
+662 0.20929734214147 -0.257871202488084 0.959125677635557
+663 0.20454799725025 -0.261517724665087 0.95916296660521
+664 0.218325137059997 -0.265424815997607 0.955043874165145
+665 0.202752224164533 -0.26834924932996 0.957656105280169
+666 0.195884868404728 -0.275799866382988 0.956968417469034
+667 0.212785838934821 -0.275859586984078 0.953335552162919
+668 0.222768251001714 -0.267802172031234 0.953352664548115
+669 0.223063967626066 -0.268691392831155 0.953033263724499
+670 0.0984641800668886 -0.0826212582491216 1.00682845258221
+671 0.0856776859201316 -0.0835218157994518 1.00792283455676
+672 0.0875240059464276 -0.0903430064760818 1.00717560016313
+673 0.0974238598688771 -0.085219086902191 1.00671311641192
+674 0.102657277007836 -0.0888618206526593 1.00587775614516
+675 0.0883344332577981 -0.0932316109716562 1.00684154394654
+676 0.100537970124288 -0.0946362325748163 1.00556506504917
+677 0.0962549566261844 -0.0983575530380233 1.0056270556649
+678 0.103035291201002 -0.104149046274514 1.00437129833903
+679 0.0824350706367598 -0.104500847633469 1.00623507788836
+680 0.0951975976607812 -0.114869880818849 1.00397576060395
+681 0.0842669960880781 -0.114904653742069 1.0049482543488
+682 0.0859781803092594 -0.121904425285931 1.00397811908747
+683 0.0778313704287485 -0.111963817234289 1.00579887721528
+684 0.0708232377899781 -0.122669447903713 1.00506779648934
+685 0.0711410231511063 -0.123219868302694 1.00497801910314
+686 0.0833528067105147 -0.129422557192003 1.00325824756309
+687 0.0729012922407625 -0.125030983332135 1.00462811766177
+688 0.0724392246678957 -0.125468419319305 1.00460700499401
+689 0.308973336075825 -0.162751577039376 0.953033263724499
+690 0.305063217991671 -0.166298241185617 0.953680411881851
+691 0.305403956110495 -0.152421901344139 0.955887539192083
+692 0.297981899152964 -0.166884716294687 0.955814458587248
+693 0.291390473318896 -0.15452432282735 0.959916051388734
+694 0.297663242366159 -0.150373567574067 0.958649771459375
+695 0.29604095358903 -0.140785926170749 0.960606098663933
+696 0.284186011081614 -0.15404362665822 0.962150649426327
+697 0.28471758492905 -0.14724330710558 0.96305778920311
+698 0.277686015422109 -0.149956420752711 0.964690908381554
+699 0.296839901691335 -0.136179756761405 0.961023489105382
+700 0.313524183281386 -0.135524632889356 0.95580367250704
+701 0.309226961444954 -0.12802277816699 0.958234759641877
+702 0.315612428637702 -0.130240747763963 0.955851004347066
+703 0.316817088288512 -0.124791184956242 0.956179424964586
+704 0.306681942207938 -0.126004597850598 0.959319564923012
+705 0.301038059038831 -0.120156826695548 0.961854159427815
+706 0.299728633043281 -0.124636118789046 0.961693082239448
+707 0.296856624676837 -0.119462005442918 0.963239312757236
+708 0.295917824916681 -0.126555529354947 0.96262211635006
+709 0.292647038077101 -0.121451815905498 0.964278055084713
+710 0.280333342223594 -0.128465012544001 0.967023762784462
+711 0.283030946585713 -0.135071610018626 0.965336285157546
+712 0.27933517060957 -0.131778781977593 0.966866699747708
+713 0.276919035245241 -0.137066440298929 0.966826581586701
+714 0.279484462493041 -0.127893080906133 0.967345230556968
+715 0.273083422582766 -0.128881912258265 0.969040709672785
+716 0.274120072111877 -0.137526518917716 0.967558599083153
+717 0.267384388715608 -0.138989900268069 0.969232890638082
+718 0.269383486557771 -0.126171248687146 0.970432044593904
+719 0.262457629672788 -0.137886846081167 0.970735911720757
+720 0.263968864838619 -0.130771239387536 0.971310620422148
+721 0.257749073172756 -0.133193774781178 0.972650931032365
+722 0.264753400015755 -0.129128863304352 0.971316824646739
+723 0.263480033654168 -0.121137138154021 0.972691660098642
+724 0.254325659167472 -0.122737802608008 0.974925069377123
+725 0.263431282414704 -0.119930417513924 0.972854384993088
+726 0.259888206214334 -0.116487764971328 0.974224676798263
+727 0.266720856120627 -0.108998849507722 0.973244180931113
+728 0.262049144341635 -0.11718731795948 0.973561697304943
+729 0.27214559564397 -0.112186992899863 0.971378326603839
+730 0.272211383126743 -0.101294001154477 0.972556161990834
+731 0.266309955710407 -0.0984740596893102 0.974477740668214
+732 0.260519438598131 -0.103804975659509 0.975489184532993
+733 0.267031534644224 -0.106950989960623 0.973386174779565
+734 0.259230095172043 -0.107302421141194 0.975454226591044
+735 0.251217292810178 -0.102054736956781 0.978110271113542
+736 0.259881188677795 -0.0945890191200621 0.976595968265956
+737 0.141447187200852 -0.0514825669479615 1.00377648833464
+738 0.139436714607904 -0.0537230836918201 1.0039403532571
+739 0.152564046215471 -0.07043310301702 1.00099370117986
+740 0.129802466370376 -0.0549268450929312 1.00516633519647
+741 0.135141712944408 -0.0712853044339278 1.00343416465367
+742 0.127850309586981 -0.0627910140008928 1.00495601242007
+743 0.120260389026374 -0.081953060623696 1.00451288428055
+744 0.116759746308972 -0.0752494070592958 1.00544999297782
+745 0.1253747986962 -0.0605383733095488 1.00540602007792
+746 0.121596741111772 -0.0489432189150228 1.00650076695114
+747 0.114582603701496 -0.058231692030826 1.00682912997798
+748 0.109003588419271 -0.053754621951943 1.00769720567764
+749 0.103680938199767 -0.077792100708122 1.00668945167883
+750 0.0997923399722014 -0.0694582701237481 1.00769143967501
+751 0.10573734835539 -0.0534117788868372 1.00806338840319
+752 0.0896455673726642 -0.0722341614523045 1.00844974994777
+753 0.0992668162094299 -0.0825183157651135 1.00675807757521
+754 0.0984641800668886 -0.0826212582491216 1.00682845258221
+755 0.255423930952917 -0.0929667099475263 0.977926789866241
+756 0.252320827452285 -0.0971601793629422 0.978324639156121
+757 0.246552715058139 -0.0928302636362025 0.980213905660746
+758 0.241543596300628 -0.099828451005513 0.980773149844549
+759 0.244457953077332 -0.0917153160576562 0.980843315712395
+760 0.235513444945082 -0.097562496479528 0.982466272464751
+761 0.245405481928946 -0.0893202926323559 0.980827729401698
+762 0.201678078612007 -0.0734048190674542 0.992049739249521
+763 0.198132434190634 -0.0756079153435466 0.992598600472062
+764 0.202120128741027 -0.0816084936588428 0.99131857004721
+765 0.1948687578773 -0.0781076909427231 0.99305103384416
+766 0.183945522498862 -0.0669506963286462 0.995945103413702
+767 0.22946823367902 -0.0835196085308895 0.985187192731959
+768 0.225947164339483 -0.0905417162754535 0.98538067595262
+769 0.21666682128217 -0.0907892500320777 0.987440023816177
+770 0.21959361168418 -0.0799255399743104 0.987732531491857
+771 0.170051422573777 -0.0618936574173023 0.998737547532956
+772 0.170173452060404 -0.0633444219903763 0.998625795989945
+773 0.164183960402049 -0.0618042829035715 0.999724390900549
+774 0.163925752544616 -0.0596640958147121 0.999896766333052
+775 0.322864981365982 -0.13308193732499 0.953033263724499
+776 0.322013327647916 -0.130782243901895 0.953639565819865
+777 0.309420898300998 -0.146130470894111 0.955578146030386
+778 0.310652342048454 -0.159523417135037 0.953033263724499
+779 0.157510390281919 -0.0573290948597924 1.00106386001883
+780 0.155982843358738 -0.060746183460003 1.00110152021299
+781 0.156239626462352 -0.0568665746449293 1.00128935468777
+782 0.208476036904676 -0.0758790735919705 0.990457019878876
+783 0.205611684720933 -0.0793471936502063 0.990783961298353
+784 0.20528291549588 -0.0747168724202506 0.991212042693816
+785 0.235697987923708 -0.0857870536905879 0.983520228519883
+786 0.229844121829463 -0.0922662973250794 0.984318855878705
+787 0.229879443479714 -0.0836692766615385 0.985078623059293
+788 0.156239626462352 -0.0568665746449293 1.00128935468777
+789 0.156328435335073 -0.0412599747486382 1.0020399367238
+790 0.14300542110464 -0.0326816977544092 1.0043437440272
+791 0.137336031633591 -0.0413988157204852 1.00481339186541
+792 0.144393655903636 -0.048027779302923 1.00352817825411
+793 0.141447187200852 -0.0514825669479615 1.00377648833464
+794 0.245405481928946 -0.0893202926323559 0.980827729401698
+795 0.24694295085473 -0.0879470009685403 0.980565910096714
+796 0.237687502250334 -0.0834792316640113 0.983239985534958
+797 0.235697987923708 -0.0857870536905879 0.983520228519883
+798 0.21959361168418 -0.0799255399743104 0.987732531491857
+799 0.221156555923335 -0.0730634700398611 0.9879152327593
+800 0.212526737336147 -0.0707188367572622 0.989977894725409
+801 0.208476036904676 -0.0758790735919705 0.990457019878876
+802 0.259881188677795 -0.0945890191200621 0.976595968265956
+803 0.261319446918936 -0.093282999527029 0.976337763615247
+804 0.258383076762594 -0.0888120857704988 0.977535472023286
+805 0.255423930952917 -0.0929667099475263 0.977926789866241
+806 0.229879443479714 -0.0836692766615385 0.985078623059293
+807 0.229864657259273 -0.0826883984831014 0.985164893862635
+808 0.22946823367902 -0.0835196085308895 0.985187192731959
+809 0.20528291549588 -0.0747168724202506 0.991212042693816
+810 0.204971479247988 -0.0712663264911647 0.991530535789668
+811 0.201678078612007 -0.0734048190674542 0.992049739249521
+812 0.183945522498862 -0.0669506963286462 0.995945103413702
+813 0.169116537697157 -0.0537476527404218 0.999367693345258
+814 0.170051422573777 -0.0618936574173023 0.998737547532956
+815 0.163925752544616 -0.0596640958147121 0.999896766333052
+816 0.161709832890493 -0.0466965493722802 1.00094673295998
+817 0.157510390281919 -0.0573290948597924 1.00106386001883
+818 0.332468660939366 0.121008696258094 0.951339311141456
+819 0.338085443063306 0.120696738958359 0.949397456492014
+820 0.331679227792343 0.118889647136761 0.951881894803537
+821 0.33624575413739 0.11537972887781 0.950710950283345
+822 0.341428456778125 0.12124090605187 0.948130925348303
+823 0.340325026919351 0.111552335556982 0.949715721931634
+824 0.353784000848571 0.112843606719535 0.944631251423594
+825 0.358725311437086 0.105959012814674 0.943564432637065
+826 0.35739212097142 0.115468263758287 0.942954374257947
+827 0.361124542438399 0.105497587561962 0.942700548354175
+828 0.369539729425161 0.109579825221644 0.938966266849226
+829 0.36336876678645 0.104217653164263 0.941980265235439
+830 0.367921270498804 0.100497281100277 0.940616412362658
+831 0.369320121744443 0.10496043179639 0.939580201702753
+832 0.371602932591137 0.0985273438069787 0.939376720497165
+833 0.374487067740422 0.106586416333363 0.937349332932174
+834 0.382287604344996 0.0975206334283396 0.93518496225073
+835 0.382825220807715 0.105969700978255 0.934045112822771
+836 0.388623915878036 0.0932235920980321 0.933009010612417
+837 0.390239665815589 0.0972303995005883 0.93192502522311
+838 0.401669067292038 0.0928618418489307 0.927503983123074
+839 0.397431332464669 0.100349363268527 0.928549051621377
+840 0.403908121330973 0.0908513055210886 0.92673041916622
+841 0.4069030764869 0.0954449981213413 0.924956830711095
+842 0.406264378602366 0.0913269209205772 0.925653092791247
+843 0.418460222363736 0.0892816305248157 0.920404711390659
+844 0.415403566377527 0.095603399155934 0.921154095203762
+845 0.424900474894255 0.0848132659580449 0.917873246342961
+846 0.422273871839523 0.0910674311347369 0.918485982553995
+847 0.427771572043282 0.0861451102515319 0.916414481624647
+848 0.43079556965565 0.0904703735869785 0.914579295997945
+849 0.433926918987116 0.0860646677500058 0.913523563978199
+850 0.429662192656561 0.0831684948887283 0.915804783597192
+851 0.446799011806059 0.0747877519913656 0.908296446762403
+852 0.446735787370486 0.0821654603705485 0.907689910379402
+853 0.436798579640976 0.0879558395367413 0.911973558342024
+854 0.447846761430148 0.0867354650848928 0.906716734913961
+855 0.451582155530164 0.0782168933840535 0.905638269065568
+856 0.447269610736568 0.0762534738592685 0.907942896351942
+857 0.452166285115691 0.0676964386314415 0.90619415292822
+858 0.460799983711523 0.0705054744537653 0.901619294981817
+859 0.459044028093531 0.0635548036444306 0.903030656846922
+860 0.463314806089855 0.0695042852123107 0.90040743266315
+861 0.460517096635972 0.0564092859216723 0.902755224946265
+862 0.463361262391406 0.0663372161906088 0.900622403820337
+863 0.467018655487728 0.0512206889292035 0.899719409845121
+864 0.473701222187956 0.0598280176538401 0.895685637040836
+865 0.470457246203716 0.0551333390400158 0.897694432655519
+866 0.474255876834643 0.0544674146392661 0.895734148076491
+867 0.472978408379336 0.0491352157761688 0.896717433630896
+868 0.475183195266368 0.0525721122347542 0.895355853251444
+869 0.474100385378019 0.0423035745761452 0.896473218876333
+870 0.478694371762795 0.043381806233131 0.893976910960554
+871 0.47760863074876 0.0573387128032579 0.893771373365896
+872 0.478888495634843 0.0435125734436097 0.893866581040432
+873 0.483739138051805 0.0422989757973185 0.891309285805659
+874 0.484978988024823 0.0497396077051498 0.890250724571318
+875 0.486214554109268 0.0423588672511945 0.889958501132228
+876 0.486492982754389 0.0483373887396704 0.889501587733584
+877 0.490938086086876 0.0449528366846439 0.887233925243708
+878 0.488372022613572 0.0557961421636048 0.88803409734536
+879 0.484717875286265 0.0573987932674394 0.889931997351152
+880 0.488155449767345 0.0627792412993084 0.88768689509552
+881 0.482670780062869 0.0642887707135373 0.89057333894163
+882 0.486533535611588 0.0658901764998309 0.888351621468722
+883 0.492923335312453 0.0615997211996646 0.885131097551414
+884 0.488585249063671 0.0569332862466711 0.887844612144797
+885 0.492190085108739 0.0432545229270393 0.886624478777236
+886 0.494246168775122 0.0483660712141524 0.885215481002463
+887 0.495735692724403 0.0429143558279011 0.884663484621657
+888 0.499610484323336 0.0461414068336522 0.882318159469481
+889 0.496186632900437 0.0503924006950946 0.88401608089622
+890 0.502248666912845 0.0454355550752668 0.880855769646355
+891 0.505743261828959 0.0481779421268557 0.878707937261879
+892 0.50149505495754 0.0506373307795067 0.881001458900416
+893 0.509412523694162 0.0494694870872374 0.87651391919973
+894 0.498499453090985 0.0624529674889987 0.881942697752981
+895 0.515181362689717 0.0471034964381278 0.873266525271906
+896 0.518875624051729 0.0513176677091142 0.870838437223476
+897 0.513398571074477 0.059378541477627 0.873568025989204
+898 0.521305627360439 0.0537711894172276 0.869237655690891
+899 0.521022851032589 0.0607216166043393 0.868949408181413
+900 0.524619142649841 0.0577868914537279 0.866983523685117
+901 0.522374697803165 0.0509810769217133 0.868763837237114
+902 0.529564476713082 0.0525086523954509 0.864308571302642
+903 0.536678209312708 0.0663565095262674 0.858951869019676
+904 0.533306134049323 0.0770090750110693 0.860162292681622
+905 0.516095339745173 0.0865339262883147 0.869702523794454
+906 0.51573584657185 0.0948646067237738 0.869046743824497
+907 0.502485046789267 0.0954297513936809 0.876713716273521
+908 0.524970637430097 0.104049823336606 0.862440991662536
+909 0.522784564482985 0.108318670309689 0.863242934984513
+910 0.530553288910035 0.108600112009541 0.858454555173574
+911 0.523796569304974 0.110482462119076 0.862354787514076
+912 0.533576090376488 0.11052160524203 0.856333188982692
+913 0.547340242287518 0.125768925169244 0.845473735035225
+914 0.552434848844884 0.121924712974972 0.842718874920753
+915 0.564882724439153 0.128466775119976 0.833443936519112
+916 0.561557787005965 0.142061551269702 0.833484473462949
+917 0.549193812405002 0.143958439938464 0.841360281916459
+918 0.54748890998724 0.155422350390972 0.840431309768936
+919 0.525575251500811 0.15797113753045 0.85383884587034
+920 0.511532088356741 0.150704402928638 0.863624979675387
+921 0.510106946317232 0.155459955614283 0.863624979675387
+922 0.509742269389359 0.147972266932224 0.865154337107967
+923 0.504170634039016 0.159029209764228 0.866456393717803
+924 0.49793585220892 0.158463571720087 0.870157562469401
+925 0.502689498677753 0.162589095227662 0.866656249058506
+926 0.493564379474144 0.16718138969436 0.87101640986503
+927 0.493264207246474 0.161072099955646 0.872336632536652
+928 0.485658627004626 0.168087998569039 0.875275455358504
+929 0.476264296292288 0.154656674975809 0.882880871331257
+930 0.477259641629373 0.147516583328834 0.883564990317515
+931 0.4412974366655 0.140702749507009 0.903152428260937
+932 0.443760855198135 0.145228593630086 0.901226918698086
+933 0.427505180937406 0.155599160662697 0.907333026772827
+934 0.556392483839805 0.202510302435802 0.824404015840493
+935 0.562315975463315 0.197730430379348 0.821540273292027
+936 0.554861763068795 0.200618407505226 0.825896893355494
+937 0.562599488087249 0.191488330126932 0.822823817976342
+938 0.558662644862948 0.180963339505195 0.827872767392347
+939 0.579167113780849 0.152284186896767 0.81951203818855
+940 0.585410248652507 0.152393029515399 0.815043683079458
+941 0.577666607283872 0.133595309282232 0.823819509460006
+942 0.589012097651582 0.113300051991115 0.818811850817325
+943 0.582443929008332 0.114613035591005 0.823315201872255
+944 0.585334525723987 0.104720409656726 0.822582596945014
+945 0.579376018278741 0.0961324319800634 0.827832703488495
+946 0.56651836648498 0.0954041990020059 0.836767577794441
+947 0.553415343499485 0.107181164044278 0.844078583814007
+948 0.550992387877936 0.0983858250317319 0.846730546238528
+949 0.535022533946192 0.100682584671132 0.856643978157633
+950 0.547403689418813 0.0827540912673284 0.850720847980811
+951 0.582265641531865 0.0846930510122283 0.827054296767585
+952 0.579912681942151 0.0878140156184742 0.828380938930647
+953 0.584917538151692 0.0927895013151954 0.824309760956548
+954 0.5882516497547 0.088692090610925 0.822385985790089
+955 0.597032280913028 0.103403230592009 0.814300452812672
+956 0.593874194004767 0.0905398142578416 0.818132619890775
+957 0.601539478527392 0.0899616436014391 0.812577478431147
+958 0.597449759157733 0.0835052839711408 0.816275476068751
+959 0.600514502980087 0.074723531477775 0.814876509389041
+960 0.605190924401135 0.0789056343292258 0.811013468379905
+961 0.604646371651433 0.0622536458939825 0.812866685761979
+962 0.609736647778297 0.056931201153889 0.809447378580757
+963 0.616104602692646 0.063061958536704 0.804153783754359
+964 0.620552447715394 0.0570576765800214 0.801176685368292
+965 0.611835134422461 0.0506605581792986 0.808279825389209
+966 0.626483010287029 0.0438917961983805 0.797381682789479
+967 0.629421197704971 0.0511480091042155 0.794630629314221
+968 0.6328583668505 0.0379371338611007 0.792638670127646
+969 0.634747103051331 0.0471726426893723 0.790630037975818
+970 0.642855563041432 0.0177688394197573 0.785268102887389
+971 0.652239042186182 0.0189668624339965 0.77746349752092
+972 0.654832006695373 0.0149622163489586 0.775368412491273
+973 0.644264162790241 0 0.784314151691903
+974 0.644264162781102 3.43160593407819e-06 0.784314151691903
+975 0.639054462639025 0.0155518628268297 0.78841139853744
+976 0.635740569582816 0.0158338241961142 0.791080411966977
+977 0.634921555225703 0.00281709479312997 0.791891206345102
+978 0.633110792334303 0.0103063595581838 0.793277696385376
+979 0.620516609731038 0.0191294479606915 0.803005729287542
+980 0.614240916931713 0.0139561307747216 0.807922225452851
+981 0.614916273583343 0.000304602402645349 0.807528874839626
+982 0.615050476331005 0 0.807426722102386
+983 0.550450479768149 0.200347589824515 0.828908989319408
+984 0.550902936884634 0.199811317198754 0.828737830469433
+985 0.554855095911473 0.200743026595132 0.825871091523669
+986 0.55435529400768 0.201768825976279 0.825956747578112
+987 0.602607567614247 0 0.816755238400122
+988 0.602607567614247 0 0.816755238400122
+989 0.602607567614247 0 0.816755238400122
+990 0.606111398430016 0 0.814158444464718
+991 0.605745432813688 3.22643993235811e-06 0.814430764776815
+992 0.605745432822281 0 0.814430764776815
+993 0.338791086706383 0.12330987104279 0.948809925786887
+994 0.339772923068657 0.123063157646728 0.948490811752753
+995 0.336943284141498 0.122637325911206 0.949554795451684
+996 0.427505180937406 0.155599160662697 0.907333026772827
+997 0.42160865112084 0.159094873966624 0.909483351347131
+998 0.409304656000744 0.162212205410333 0.914539173022145
+999 0.397038346445553 0.15426097512571 0.921297510582247
+1000 0.397770636964337 0.158666227236635 0.920232877430207
+1001 0.389358614775364 0.155303677203272 0.924394740869587
+1002 0.390817424728623 0.161056187421101 0.922793392380909
+1003 0.384558757931282 0.16038986802385 0.925534792394992
+1004 0.379809325242356 0.173823736926791 0.925070367561167
+1005 0.388969995114614 0.185605009148473 0.918954908295033
+1006 0.435084458689188 0.16809715540688 0.901482035401289
+1007 0.452149060597274 0.180823837048395 0.89055542609997
+1008 0.466152933256868 0.182925523634441 0.882872978190568
+1009 0.468143129914781 0.194101753443238 0.879426812886583
+1010 0.463952895584416 0.197819946540593 0.880817790141362
+1011 0.47258922916927 0.199565356962829 0.875818525023018
+1012 0.437520255855621 0.239121634244265 0.884093812755402
+1013 0.442958452813928 0.241741518066313 0.880666706265024
+1014 0.440834464871387 0.258083028905472 0.877087866050223
+1015 0.452784012670594 0.24174688272064 0.875654088418919
+1016 0.458796583423567 0.243073067199397 0.872150319062683
+1017 0.464096882896643 0.223319830463367 0.874624111608771
+1018 0.47854711429193 0.208109987990032 0.870579055744885
+1019 0.489926481398551 0.215426876117423 0.862431622721896
+1020 0.487056216656648 0.222846777614711 0.862171998804677
+1021 0.502585176751203 0.227919289526268 0.851872019479337
+1022 0.509349471852105 0.222915832509201 0.849174097073569
+1023 0.502254957903374 0.209170388116882 0.856862127764154
+1024 0.508220139837407 0.202218642777553 0.855011643182039
+1025 0.525209609186062 0.201407172307689 0.844875740781829
+1026 0.545722645135915 0.212193614252519 0.82908724791563
+1027 0.548335583950347 0.205169182975723 0.829131288597232
+1028 0.535771056490686 0.206558526240886 0.836963529829136
+1029 0.546418159615233 0.205032510945317 0.830429927385905
+1030 0.550450479768149 0.200347589824515 0.828908989319408
+1031 0.33559527530734 0.281597871279017 0.915589127328692
+1032 0.340303258043824 0.270036440400738 0.91733255334173
+1033 0.345190606359042 0.269726418195602 0.915596037894905
+1034 0.340159704524442 0.269285513999326 0.917606499196667
+1035 0.343192953392022 0.25719918422031 0.919941398339301
+1036 0.350262324531203 0.259500389841558 0.916624706019905
+1037 0.34867246981987 0.272824628960286 0.913356026214528
+1038 0.358083161426055 0.273949582734748 0.909369603419082
+1039 0.360697003975249 0.250537862796622 0.91507018890825
+1040 0.351552774366601 0.239315273622115 0.921609378558138
+1041 0.342460806475455 0.23854693027133 0.925224814888958
+1042 0.344898317706507 0.22378194193415 0.928004198755265
+1043 0.339758983761913 0.226702467777796 0.929190413239681
+1044 0.336799103493866 0.209389496347386 0.934316543097208
+1045 0.320856888555904 0.26086120023319 0.926945139303898
+1046 0.311846026310361 0.261669885237199 0.929788108675514
+1047 0.292874158086331 0.245750597633462 0.940242719348583
+1048 0.292015657408156 0.243096292819362 0.941199260648862
+1049 0.295174552311238 0.209046283959757 0.948365243369071
+1050 0.300711789927539 0.199552706775762 0.948670720860005
+1051 0.308371972867283 0.200500221480131 0.946008132912375
+1052 0.299538386770396 0.198252614777783 0.94931430811126
+1053 0.303955154192817 0.19107754458703 0.949381712586783
+1054 0.29947384384842 0.187871241755335 0.951443541873064
+1055 0.296404927222368 0.193450330491393 0.951286543976668
+1056 0.296689843526437 0.186054744430657 0.952671910377912
+1057 0.304835939983379 0.185064897751141 0.950289973279109
+1058 0.303243561653913 0.177189160276737 0.952298453110092
+1059 0.308972583611032 0.174736384564819 0.950909111580039
+1060 0.305821708343322 0.168599172419679 0.953033263724499
+1061 0.320277378692291 0.13919410523662 0.953033263724499
+1062 0.320620398214808 0.139197510195867 0.952917422132605
+1063 0.320584158063204 0.138486085342663 0.953033263724499
+1064 0.324088322044875 0.130074431571949 0.953033263724499
+1065 0.327598559277554 0.13314588189194 0.951407566763313
+1066 0.325420502157485 0.126704755278556 0.953033263724499
+1067 0.336943284141498 0.122637325911206 0.949554795451684
+1068 0.327887604055865 0.121211894659353 0.952902091350205
+1069 0.332468660939366 0.121008696258094 0.951339311141456
+1070 0.55435529400768 0.201768825976279 0.825956747578112
+1071 0.552462701476012 0.205597344246119 0.826280639684102
+1072 0.556392483839805 0.202510302435802 0.824404015840493
+1073 0.322809713330302 0.27086951095707 0.923389731919023
+1074 0.326082802216666 0.270724926229336 0.922281421485138
+1075 0.329286111852889 0.276303854559927 0.919484549351501
+1076 0.325553890789349 0.126361633522779 0.953033263724499
+1077 0.338791086706383 0.12330987104279 0.948809925786887
+1078 0.185259663000803 0.320879148023753 0.944955252712201
+1079 0.185602733140796 0.320763173787058 0.944927305030773
+1080 0.189761375077483 0.325585042321109 0.942448938004317
+1081 0.188477400288231 0.313719996693125 0.946721201439714
+1082 0.201835762226984 0.314432550417582 0.943726388485639
+1083 0.212297042495075 0.307301249650129 0.943780116187724
+1084 0.218845138437211 0.3108093851623 0.941131941588123
+1085 0.227145512687622 0.303833942407873 0.941442962428827
+1086 0.219039368521001 0.297197669943434 0.945473585045143
+1087 0.212333597406506 0.29840722145206 0.946621663389167
+1088 0.216107720570122 0.29606991789 0.946501482740832
+1089 0.230684971900145 0.298756952694328 0.942206838733528
+1090 0.228495461955781 0.294751929724653 0.944000065566315
+1091 0.253887645045937 0.287905049661802 0.939615211707571
+1092 0.254844249490148 0.29390782198593 0.937495387016539
+1093 0.261428078365086 0.288582101855646 0.937337042013659
+1094 0.270340755441312 0.295645097318719 0.932595760433654
+1095 0.279058722572932 0.289166613404679 0.932058956851996
+1096 0.27748160862533 0.276750315908527 0.936289602376973
+1097 0.264492964225441 0.280609327906152 0.938896627412889
+1098 0.26160661394683 0.276117555838976 0.941034576886941
+1099 0.270316944535205 0.254569952089674 0.944641672270608
+1100 0.270889573711219 0.263618164545652 0.941992198574986
+1101 0.298549797655292 0.289377532055579 0.925933940549436
+1102 0.301227704509395 0.273242001123583 0.929960041538334
+1103 0.314745282823482 0.27110713863373 0.926100062802178
+1104 0.322809713330302 0.27086951095707 0.923389731919023
+1105 0.329286111852889 0.276303854559927 0.919484549351501
+1106 0.334129711572882 0.285006816086287 0.91507018890825
+1107 0.33559527530734 0.281597871279017 0.915589127328692
+1108 0.311846026310361 0.261669885237199 0.929788108675514
+1109 0.297815915347974 0.262474147286228 0.934150952775736
+1110 0.292874158086331 0.245750597633462 0.940242719348583
+1111 0.0957017313464817 0.335847847770258 0.953033263724499
+1112 0.101568516562277 0.348787534764325 0.947763732180317
+1113 0.0878485844100027 0.350820311346709 0.948384276210733
+1114 0.0786294047978971 0.359169051618777 0.946065541630386
+1115 0.0774808142895703 0.370369482873616 0.941832346849987
+1116 0.083778071486442 0.377458842704251 0.93847272565716
+1117 0.0760865234959436 0.383709645822701 0.936591025285273
+1118 0.086292163857931 0.376593164236644 0.938592697130629
+1119 0.0850165450215145 0.356439865876381 0.946545196536664
+1120 0.0977769948679389 0.356598078661519 0.94525259564283
+1121 0.101743449204175 0.373771555341824 0.938172742602017
+1122 0.126380981707127 0.392064325322143 0.927652096570927
+1123 0.144366028980466 0.378598445946083 0.930616283117602
+1124 0.125397631183951 0.380275817330939 0.932679332271676
+1125 0.105839794456891 0.360209217837367 0.943012331464608
+1126 0.110016206765564 0.349763179317475 0.946460328087051
+1127 0.103920554480827 0.333396335599277 0.953033263724499
+1128 0.137656407667074 0.320941290056024 0.953033263724499
+1129 0.140477236251332 0.327874892480162 0.950257439316478
+1130 0.133172741424792 0.331304332291084 0.950119708429714
+1131 0.129910247099967 0.343147094465104 0.946360607410612
+1132 0.140884356778374 0.353276320093776 0.941048585183647
+1133 0.150571000931265 0.330846155463643 0.947678318362029
+1134 0.14721502250863 0.333541458869332 0.947260699260294
+1135 0.171234266707357 0.306949716317327 0.952200450303352
+1136 0.177244988173631 0.309290643482149 0.950341260822515
+1137 0.177859057928027 0.32337734754879 0.945525381259152
+1138 0.185259663000803 0.320879148023753 0.944955252712201
+1139 0.0905713197257433 0.513655474147166 0.870735258228233
+1140 0.0961158719432622 0.508498880217719 0.873164147212832
+1141 0.102622327061497 0.493194523925961 0.881165602800023
+1142 0.126091659552012 0.477521230381643 0.886735229888957
+1143 0.174935999786278 0.461417223521218 0.886970428941543
+1144 0.171877737111785 0.469439332751417 0.883351434227192
+1145 0.17584213551455 0.481664844025859 0.875958629963326
+1146 0.186650207388247 0.483891329430341 0.872488327362642
+1147 0.199610153773253 0.499645104490059 0.860659953796931
+1148 0.186865882455257 0.483613178507755 0.87259637607994
+1149 0.176020623094436 0.481436319157531 0.876048406677105
+1150 0.172359650693368 0.469407637201103 0.883274374670826
+1151 0.19565415222213 0.419945205544316 0.903100480045594
+1152 0.184088448675195 0.40867072440514 0.910672653634959
+1153 0.18035818236628 0.39047762443525 0.919360185601343
+1154 0.170233874036913 0.376264310426489 0.9271842302529
+1155 0.161203666761869 0.371045844225918 0.930893849644096
+1156 0.144266371070271 0.375237416604081 0.931992003913397
+1157 0.15204487503984 0.377749056174302 0.929738138689353
+1158 0.161380728619012 0.371643278800101 0.930624808262227
+1159 0.169346222595942 0.376425798904131 0.927281227466551
+1160 0.179934217636899 0.390499280164237 0.91943405936185
+1161 0.184041266009028 0.411225277193874 0.909531518861559
+1162 0.184041468401053 0.411295035900482 0.909499934773173
+1163 0.195211846749772 0.420386528185621 0.902990864742597
+1164 0.178474259386677 0.455719311310525 0.889208551485554
+1165 0.131518761077973 0.473086847002546 0.888322379926176
+1166 0.103181647448446 0.490510217262921 0.882597458862479
+1167 0.0956790317249586 0.508424118343998 0.873255654876797
+1168 0.0902043832662036 0.511574474094639 0.871997549706625
+1169 0.0387536251059915 0.347060160167906 0.953033263724499
+1170 0.0393193317638628 0.351736727862246 0.951293994736855
+1171 0.043312535555799 0.346520738915229 0.953033263724499
+1172 0.0902043832662036 0.511574474094639 0.871997549706625
+1173 0.0797015388022798 0.517354757095508 0.869607221694482
+1174 0.0580946814385937 0.541280870791982 0.856659224489658
+1175 0.0531897345327131 0.551035586488613 0.850738287937889
+1176 0.0590488738935462 0.562965580348659 0.842501030168273
+1177 0.0535571068010854 0.55100000158585 0.850738287937889
+1178 0.0658320564150883 0.534693153485645 0.860229255468411
+1179 0.0905713197257433 0.513655474147166 0.870735258228233
+1180 -0.19155467305722 0.541354059788972 0.836939417867231
+1181 -0.196336120737956 0.540456065270746 0.836411602744507
+1182 -0.199930931935802 0.562714115787938 0.82073469912529
+1183 -0.192631261398589 0.574813824078831 0.81406834159047
+1184 -0.197745272297132 0.575402965100766 0.812424294957616
+1185 -0.175134481957244 0.597635237770112 0.801489261191333
+1186 -0.173160499196362 0.607080296512199 0.794791768392657
+1187 -0.16175347394228 0.613991001744832 0.791881218014407
+1188 -0.150158819144175 0.614112678299676 0.794067344363704
+1189 -0.165098306465732 0.606616477649375 0.796858832069026
+1190 -0.176118536578204 0.591720806344895 0.805651133191097
+1191 -0.187586268171686 0.570278504578085 0.818424595921703
+1192 -0.191551742302084 0.541345777160488 0.836945445994865
+1193 -0.19155467305722 0.541354059788972 0.836939417867231
+1194 -0.253064820971973 0.438321129954314 0.879805537276276
+1195 -0.243605848736873 0.453942437159897 0.874538423516383
+1196 -0.227177222562148 0.449714958879164 0.881119722460722
+1197 -0.210836693700725 0.45280083292537 0.883597359825977
+1198 -0.198461973329668 0.48262817244794 0.870579055744885
+1199 -0.210699733243691 0.452651201493895 0.883706689007824
+1200 -0.2275331700657 0.449308376428117 0.881235291730525
+1201 -0.243967596289667 0.452585935150772 0.875140436309706
+1202 -0.252937696012425 0.43810094306425 0.879951751871738
+1203 -0.226817817931759 0.392859986890992 0.907986623342373
+1204 -0.220922923297394 0.398621134277384 0.906928471969617
+1205 -0.226798723645771 0.392826914617344 0.908005701581696
+1206 -0.457432808300885 0.383831702910088 0.820763942757665
+1207 -0.45400667339587 0.384453856494096 0.822373499535845
+1208 -0.446730229165546 0.393111851273396 0.822265270297914
+1209 -0.449399027816363 0.396477423515466 0.819189334916077
+1210 -0.445360662452106 0.4107799388753 0.814333299182728
+1211 -0.440053781570746 0.399912999849607 0.822585717039005
+1212 -0.439153350129549 0.412637718466773 0.816761561515067
+1213 -0.430268542746054 0.403582958838257 0.825962938913451
+1214 -0.423353139311367 0.412513189615872 0.825124225694622
+1215 -0.41608357190168 0.412799606842232 0.828671192804745
+1216 -0.42063879353749 0.375724757146301 0.843871383706473
+1217 -0.418795105737847 0.351410820756071 0.855187753926335
+1218 -0.202334646654707 0.284628334846943 0.953033263724499
+1219 -0.211947581036688 0.323027818903804 0.938592697130629
+1220 -0.240960212032247 0.351610650381001 0.92115857850645
+1221 -0.279777939788912 0.353777664355368 0.909280302552921
+1222 -0.312932073724648 0.333040737363148 0.90630148653249
+1223 -0.316809310294063 0.33637802610878 0.903718255023191
+1224 -0.334448168630584 0.328088083608309 0.900404149198501
+1225 -0.357365984132612 0.355872181349797 0.880834572394991
+1226 -0.352993519688532 0.35861989753474 0.881483036790882
+1227 -0.356029836848397 0.35571927960706 0.881437206719536
+1228 -0.348394738650186 0.346200475029559 0.888251843324953
+1229 -0.334384676822533 0.328461272687471 0.900291663990519
+1230 -0.316907282340314 0.336788127289673 0.903531145958119
+1231 -0.313112859755788 0.33348964645566 0.906073944423098
+1232 -0.289596319283935 0.351908679330379 0.906928471969617
+1233 -0.305374440257659 0.363016569170446 0.897324033861258
+1234 -0.306838543120624 0.382613770773069 0.888640428334445
+1235 -0.281095228596708 0.415019874009284 0.882592191579714
+1236 -0.259642013234541 0.427422517496712 0.883244596077603
+1237 -0.256900444993406 0.432979462389687 0.881337589412211
+1238 -0.263164385917568 0.435650673766584 0.878167407976037
+1239 -0.254265478610503 0.436206128075533 0.880510238564165
+1240 -0.254248375143533 0.436264286778156 0.880486363221384
+1241 -0.253064820971973 0.438321129954314 0.879805537276276
+1242 -0.252937696012425 0.43810094306425 0.879951751871738
+1243 -0.259097277488574 0.427365824274354 0.883431974200793
+1244 -0.280898696134708 0.414760886802133 0.882776488862797
+1245 -0.304906104972917 0.373345998486922 0.893235709409363
+1246 -0.292489595251357 0.354490384024731 0.904992488534405
+1247 -0.262263285810874 0.355063146520258 0.913987489465155
+1248 -0.259719304167746 0.36704560119661 0.909971653231484
+1249 -0.247252762635953 0.371062480295169 0.911813416816229
+1250 -0.226817817931759 0.392859986890992 0.907986623342373
+1251 -0.226798723645771 0.392826914617344 0.908005701581696
+1252 -0.247109966813205 0.370946383936568 0.911899360974642
+1253 -0.259111969128075 0.366621381693597 0.910315741893794
+1254 -0.261239328422151 0.357343791849328 0.913391716467961
+1255 -0.242292613075213 0.354124546584403 0.919845147378392
+1256 -0.212199400786283 0.327220845696264 0.937082137513977
+1257 -0.201847516167505 0.284973996097253 0.953033263724499
+1258 -0.418795105737847 0.351410820756071 0.855187753926335
+1259 -0.414136033624917 0.318214365289615 0.870319460529724
+1260 -0.428584790611548 0.292448420116324 0.872361163067179
+1261 -0.43402570190251 0.29223630574969 0.869738254700693
+1262 -0.43222107939311 0.286026654088664 0.872696219585658
+1263 -0.446984989001583 0.269298212592655 0.870579055744885
+1264 -0.442369330716446 0.261272713219978 0.875369033361447
+1265 -0.4621970295722 0.242442810723728 0.870528798709735
+1266 -0.458522071647581 0.253086460685109 0.869442208102353
+1267 -0.463196478052996 0.25315152887522 0.866941939317414
+1268 -0.474487677067829 0.219364693926746 0.870037686177559
+1269 -0.469241247936783 0.219010234055646 0.872967449916445
+1270 -0.466493610640909 0.226225415157427 0.8726000073161
+1271 -0.46109267696706 0.222593215444032 0.876396487718679
+1272 -0.446751403752023 0.192577204195394 0.890815471166662
+1273 -0.451465883484062 0.164320145006329 0.894093085755087
+1274 -0.492104215375765 0.179111288331992 0.869469716322228
+1275 -0.502559557033946 0.199789560222055 0.858919683823885
+1276 -0.499754295005002 0.213668610241588 0.857214307872589
+1277 -0.511723728204094 0.227951813374677 0.846405220194263
+1278 -0.530092534538548 0.240873519324731 0.831388508769887
+1279 -0.590668760005003 0.254712198465542 0.785147828059788
+1280 -0.580249343706081 0.228075094984372 0.800947844854165
+1281 -0.570467017318374 0.225668101178355 0.808619991258213
+1282 -0.575306855461382 0.209394573036185 0.809568363291285
+1283 -0.530036134402606 0.384825312496858 0.775368412491273
+1284 -0.507874276563566 0.379855560709096 0.792463546293085
+1285 -0.471813505578795 0.359334488392881 0.823708529399128
+1286 -0.470367297019348 0.364184144994576 0.822404714498453
+1287 -0.480565431431493 0.364954130126534 0.816143583578679
+1288 -0.477696227644238 0.376342064323167 0.812648733903795
+1289 -0.488358806133199 0.386707726537505 0.801366215102902
+1290 -0.505796347302197 0.391572900045441 0.788077229087199
+1291 -0.517546832234337 0.401464944117124 0.775368412491273
+1292 -0.504819563737354 0.417356002686903 0.775368412491273
+1293 -0.497423761357529 0.410963954225613 0.783519769989358
+1294 -0.489754651343024 0.388926866652885 0.799438098844083
+1295 -0.47265836201693 0.387817869000319 0.810195268623265
+1296 -0.478138932868295 0.384392356664396 0.808610336944538
+1297 -0.476326382253193 0.379919794255761 0.811787612311401
+1298 -0.457432808300885 0.383831702910088 0.820763942757665
+1299 -0.457478289383071 0.166508481811621 0.890625364689289
+1300 -0.460638213395349 0.16972836273544 0.888386019274892
+1301 -0.465233452443105 0.17124633918405 0.885696068662343
+1302 -0.465353423082166 0.169374796097417 0.885992872472837
+1303 -0.564511433917326 0.205465360888782 0.818129468025353
+1304 -0.560956747134348 0.20434897933608 0.820849573605757
+1305 -0.560955778481719 0.204171208134065 0.820894470901738
+1306 -0.560955778481719 0.204171208134065 0.820894470901738
+1307 -0.560109303430062 0.180435489402436 0.82701003765081
+1308 -0.541248429794 0.174954108194129 0.840634401670266
+1309 -0.543687479436807 0.162483326337669 0.841562887350612
+1310 -0.525443702494177 0.163898971331471 0.852801877756901
+1311 -0.521647002437604 0.15631306666626 0.856548673478193
+1312 -0.514023456780962 0.168098137887601 0.858922523815549
+1313 -0.489423802027456 0.143701891789305 0.877518722481272
+1314 -0.489981709979648 0.136003687126632 0.878433788610946
+1315 -0.49551924354496 0.134295330955564 0.875585771561054
+1316 -0.488434828813016 0.119293387097349 0.881717361628567
+1317 -0.498320274177355 0.121680121046175 0.875840083854349
+1318 -0.490814854804449 0.113205269598266 0.881198244005554
+1319 -0.49183215774819 0.093350574215211 0.882956283684787
+1320 -0.503887901681572 0.0860406262198253 0.876880261597125
+1321 -0.4966553455228 0.0826750257881717 0.881319072682847
+1322 -0.479849957240021 0.0544005379474472 0.892753941468632
+1323 -0.469832808258507 0.0236773890195164 0.899400641279037
+1324 -0.474484405688713 0.00705620228896856 0.897240078667625
+1325 -0.467559509328599 0.00308469762007901 0.900890442771479
+1326 -0.440228853258518 0.013573260413799 0.914461220260558
+1327 -0.444490214589511 0.0135959360319133 0.912397172100827
+1328 -0.435084758557871 0.018935347620034 0.916824795411395
+1329 -0.4391843510243 0.0301562175420421 0.914566951271978
+1330 -0.435250262912414 0.0291610938458233 0.916477953493912
+1331 -0.434229951512563 0.036906013716794 0.916682767025176
+1332 -0.434623338570943 0.00360324803155296 0.917232015453598
+1333 -0.429970145503107 1.54350402231214e-09 0.919429537254507
+1334 -0.465353423082166 0.169374796097417 0.885992872472837
+1335 -0.46559006056708 0.165413846610594 0.886616689923345
+1336 -0.471553002590075 0.16964867901276 0.882656270275984
+1337 -0.461602031486813 0.146535204567056 0.89200672550701
+1338 -0.463970248376157 0.138941812129385 0.891993151018532
+1339 -0.45092391031628 0.135618287277248 0.899166451365408
+1340 -0.451509444908434 0.124281644848404 0.900510018773946
+1341 -0.456225918781428 0.119612037924065 0.898763523634384
+1342 -0.45671348615694 0.129676082985032 0.897118668328797
+1343 -0.477592816544815 0.138852977543699 0.884788083222214
+1344 -0.478819837140684 0.156114050906427 0.881240583876023
+1345 -0.492104215375765 0.179111288331992 0.869469716322228
+1346 -0.344388506597393 0.0578718822766779 0.953033263724499
+1347 -0.350704617196188 0.0608104654582572 0.950543717441773
+1348 -0.361063975913599 0.0560311740012713 0.946952117499878
+1349 -0.364710748651341 0.061149441541466 0.945236380815585
+1350 -0.354692309026468 0.0733112257203503 0.948179218344745
+1351 -0.345187905426253 0.0745818192453103 0.951581768523071
+1352 -0.348836073440618 0.0813500044134462 0.949694988219093
+1353 -0.337964110472448 0.107552717023476 0.951019281136526
+1354 -0.343659458251065 0.117573825263823 0.947786670283676
+1355 -0.328262937167297 0.119147145651617 0.953033263724499
+1356 -0.365983560757235 1.31380539797229e-09 0.946721201439714
+1357 -0.35034012568586 0.0239943714158905 0.952318784060659
+1358 -0.350670721697201 0.0416721902019072 0.95158734412987
+1359 -0.345337908912236 0.0519069061180921 0.953033263724499
+1360 -0.575306855461382 0.209394573036185 0.809568363291285
+1361 -0.575448463394783 0.208888962751448 0.80959833696544
+1362 -0.564511433917326 0.205465360888782 0.818129468025353
+1363 -0.451465883484062 0.164320145006329 0.894093085755087
+1364 -0.451910280887041 0.160944676986659 0.894482481090745
+1365 -0.457478289383071 0.166508481811621 0.890625364689289
+1366 -0.33283915740491 -0.105691501704812 0.953033263724499
+1367 -0.351789965518035 -0.101193171779495 0.946693594647194
+1368 -0.357349528757173 -0.0875750907368473 0.945968772095284
+1369 -0.366968809481221 -0.0857474756710544 0.942446955156616
+1370 -0.373843654341745 -0.106005588146056 0.937671977500777
+1371 -0.381145845921132 -0.111469285844057 0.934091774104922
+1372 -0.378234005402245 -0.125433231887024 0.933504441069109
+1373 -0.385564661665965 -0.129097928794098 0.929999256158565
+1374 -0.383632686280818 -0.138025508624347 0.929515960586989
+1375 -0.387082653504018 -0.128885325447462 0.929397973012955
+1376 -0.381076946472498 -0.120365187161125 0.93301531744493
+1377 -0.391031535998379 -0.133941018336121 0.927027044622664
+1378 -0.397640107518959 -0.115818697708978 0.926657096316273
+1379 -0.390740594960878 -0.109067327925441 0.930403732488656
+1380 -0.411241927979964 -0.0866247845318833 0.923905419064163
+1381 -0.414678945565655 -0.102976047853605 0.920685780097102
+1382 -0.417636906210235 -0.0967262309897499 0.92002633158495
+1383 -0.425478681883448 -0.104413102751259 0.915582216535783
+1384 -0.422139363737637 -0.127708688049446 0.914173861242965
+1385 -0.418122230900425 -0.126756303213024 0.916150445954495
+1386 -0.422409111081868 -0.130805935431021 0.913611159154178
+1387 -0.411989610281597 -0.135877715349604 0.917620186946315
+1388 -0.411589718890474 -0.143443478897247 0.916647626771332
+1389 -0.418007254529575 -0.139571284890053 0.914338444775668
+1390 -0.424247588632044 -0.148328368543262 0.910075644452256
+1391 -0.430841431469937 -0.14714883760775 0.907164748278737
+1392 -0.433150296498606 -0.138127610403112 0.907483654887236
+1393 -0.443687657570956 -0.13304515090043 0.903141877193766
+1394 -0.443029019842475 -0.123470905182058 0.904823310459528
+1395 -0.472729807720484 -0.116769921794166 0.890570780037577
+1396 -0.477679513372737 -0.122985003181173 0.887086225513908
+1397 -0.475184953959913 -0.129256302573848 0.887534262873864
+1398 -0.479300750649258 -0.127272330630903 0.885605749915184
+1399 -0.47811033444177 -0.142367342825021 0.883949686236112
+1400 -0.483260023916423 -0.134092531900357 0.882442033321651
+1401 -0.49302979536865 -0.140182775231548 0.876068153973838
+1402 -0.483324322033876 -0.155224988316199 0.878935607842082
+1403 -0.496755787818272 -0.166009730137556 0.869424784997934
+1404 -0.505308551703442 -0.162859667218285 0.865080918971699
+1405 -0.493614001241884 -0.176360423203404 0.869176172536669
+1406 -0.494846531320293 -0.180109405695216 0.867705314274604
+1407 -0.429970145503107 1.54350402231214e-09 0.919429537254507
+1408 -0.42279647921817 -0.00534281686193858 0.922734843532366
+1409 -0.409909908904156 -0.00442151351600348 0.928536114968295
+1410 -0.409129639427744 -0.0110635753203707 0.928824814183414
+1411 -0.423636397354836 -0.0115002588913995 0.922293308487949
+1412 -0.421873011529865 -0.0258398104902881 0.922811175884074
+1413 -0.433753009348168 -0.034632270078224 0.916997237046348
+1414 -0.439521664172173 -0.0488886110826874 0.913594883101766
+1415 -0.434618364724308 -0.0508636769439408 0.915830095275379
+1416 -0.440370755394878 -0.0529008326241263 0.912962266307112
+1417 -0.436889580593873 -0.0595667938489325 0.914223326895058
+1418 -0.432179687284114 -0.0514501556411404 0.916950707172151
+1419 -0.426474128881483 -0.059034033428192 0.91916255379121
+1420 -0.419443904335705 -0.0583071162532138 0.922438123296004
+1421 -0.416878084281937 -0.0511197219499561 0.924026210057475
+1422 -0.41863257100843 -0.0659304452375766 0.922293308487949
+1423 -0.413230606399612 -0.0621780684427564 0.924986137052517
+1424 -0.415732696651893 -0.0690850431396791 0.923373479015362
+1425 -0.406255201361879 -0.0740195381128887 0.927201606633624
+1426 -0.395544455653172 -0.0579363793894959 0.93295924859839
+1427 -0.394490508930768 -0.0440400576215723 0.934164178123006
+1428 -0.396261132380178 -0.0372762873560941 0.933709051774547
+1429 -0.410505367781993 -0.0435443015074572 0.927261687350663
+1430 -0.386720704921221 -0.0320864385512682 0.937892614773317
+1431 -0.365998505914135 -1.27744441028035e-05 0.946715423717938
+1432 -0.365983560757235 1.31380539797229e-09 0.946721201439714
+1433 -0.365983560757235 1.31380539797229e-09 0.946721201439714
+1434 -0.529859049524965 -0.192852919990267 0.843968091154949
+1435 -0.532870156992354 -0.190427973832541 0.842621850279814
+1436 -0.539892468671564 -0.193766740821417 0.837374212895985
+1437 -0.543136915893296 -0.178532313425914 0.838661733750091
+1438 -0.562931321178543 -0.168277237216354 0.827656993609678
+1439 -0.558777471398679 -0.171112719430971 0.82988744701088
+1440 -0.558493505531552 -0.175524509812544 0.829156891507357
+1441 -0.553974173825217 -0.173127278400107 0.832685150707301
+1442 -0.55459782770542 -0.180606498335287 0.830678964620807
+1443 -0.546265234697948 -0.181930062959625 0.835895176174562
+1444 -0.54884091677987 -0.18644527223338 0.833208742470968
+1445 -0.538698455335471 -0.196070200553963 0.837606978644463
+1446 -0.538698455335471 -0.196070200553963 0.837606978644463
+1447 -0.537179167012659 -0.197462507089398 0.838255391167605
+1448 -0.540443912315426 -0.200989286880497 0.835313524492729
+1449 -0.495096019564017 -0.224429243976482 0.857167688296759
+1450 -0.484830215747209 -0.234240384367157 0.860404616578759
+1451 -0.471128360710845 -0.237468240515314 0.867105473676918
+1452 -0.472702349403772 -0.228859401105054 0.868562527049141
+1453 -0.467623965311276 -0.226652615454588 0.871883833417132
+1454 -0.425959411324329 -0.240201927042609 0.889430499898248
+1455 -0.417928364194205 -0.24960018695091 0.890651800130683
+1456 -0.426571570469957 -0.245497617023872 0.887689481351669
+1457 -0.42639085660037 -0.256515563696394 0.88465564090731
+1458 -0.4294852910226 -0.244080759751259 0.886674668361784
+1459 -0.438132981443847 -0.238738992464653 0.883893762874299
+1460 -0.453041767167091 -0.242237202354693 0.875385226627392
+1461 -0.448607161469501 -0.249383971981207 0.875662177553167
+1462 -0.460645775072376 -0.24758643232554 0.869903114396242
+1463 -0.4453830178859 -0.25983345957818 0.874268574673986
+1464 -0.44109811861303 -0.257519450958521 0.877120962087936
+1465 -0.443503389424541 -0.260972445352889 0.874884636015216
+1466 -0.437528915724428 -0.258475661746724 0.878626075295742
+1467 -0.435224203486675 -0.267479542953312 0.877074447695791
+1468 -0.426533290739619 -0.267190516153587 0.881421340772057
+1469 -0.425520382843334 -0.258578055772968 0.88447430310752
+1470 -0.414540592474442 -0.261849073135144 0.888716017684617
+1471 -0.421188559579863 -0.264446750164067 0.884812473695248
+1472 -0.415220587760762 -0.264320966771338 0.887666204169491
+1473 -0.418305567396771 -0.267671896320102 0.885210262144122
+1474 -0.409839256883923 -0.273173813253603 0.887486817518615
+1475 -0.414772676917761 -0.272061108248521 0.885534516470737
+1476 -0.412565674321085 -0.277724142668151 0.884807247343301
+1477 -0.417279017993976 -0.274549591920397 0.883586862010932
+1478 -0.412899619595993 -0.278032726764746 0.884554524597124
+1479 -0.416816896748663 -0.281686683025522 0.881556173587874
+1480 -0.411433502319774 -0.289396381618842 0.881587889818596
+1481 -0.413657161307244 -0.297768620003165 0.877750876866918
+1482 -0.39700388003416 -0.316799258790472 0.87877821369651
+1483 -0.396165049748713 -0.328727393536936 0.874766571204005
+1484 -0.392663162489828 -0.329483511886282 0.876060075690343
+1485 -0.494846531320293 -0.180109405695216 0.867705314274604
+1486 -0.498673979430333 -0.192572278087672 0.862823956523717
+1487 -0.486918414922864 -0.191419502624285 0.869766653318048
+1488 -0.493213321715793 -0.197381098945446 0.864873586751938
+1489 -0.482518087153332 -0.206388966280037 0.868795079502495
+1490 -0.493900269445218 -0.204216711944019 0.862892263498007
+1491 -0.506078664995561 -0.210649850582792 0.854245881046996
+1492 -0.529859049524965 -0.192852919990267 0.843968091154949
+1493 -0.273736765311328 -0.229692416765741 0.950018198245278
+1494 -0.277497210378248 -0.212009189581298 0.953033263724499
+1495 -0.392663162489828 -0.329483511886282 0.876060075690343
+1496 -0.387279692840426 -0.330592793170785 0.878036357229565
+1497 -0.386518339103367 -0.337347787093149 0.875799659785347
+1498 -0.39179536305201 -0.336997173721357 0.873587029662621
+1499 -0.387985282488394 -0.33131218140533 0.877453508184247
+1500 -0.39538713449061 -0.333383500769562 0.873355285833856
+1501 -0.39095254766669 -0.36858255245773 0.861120205021732
+1502 -0.384863801898493 -0.37115271404451 0.862757507556806
+1503 -0.383764679597342 -0.357265744113577 0.869086220565325
+1504 -0.382137246356217 -0.365983023736401 0.866171202063453
+1505 -0.378339894163404 -0.362992412916368 0.869091728558946
+1506 -0.384140915523247 -0.371985524032805 0.862721001790846
+1507 -0.380209503297821 -0.379003678831013 0.86140695669038
+1508 -0.368527051868185 -0.364051922624203 0.872856809376524
+1509 -0.376544320633538 -0.379407395603823 0.862837993345072
+1510 -0.374321170712413 -0.385635985885617 0.861042128787271
+1511 -0.367883072997423 -0.384792811029919 0.86418836903864
+1512 -0.375171270483663 -0.387742095067961 0.859725296543019
+1513 -0.370933308484027 -0.395889095112061 0.857849232108094
+1514 -0.375024392153182 -0.393965829282829 0.856955442626762
+1515 -0.373015241770928 -0.401496511018633 0.854333179179201
+1516 -0.37611473280981 -0.394090777971446 0.85641997085616
+1517 -0.375565689980552 -0.40194245828598 0.853005083652176
+1518 -0.38096209957345 -0.400427286583369 0.851323009701998
+1519 -0.37545535164958 -0.424509418836798 0.842051086476666
+1520 -0.38695960601472 -0.426966592371957 0.835575725060997
+1521 -0.373335969938807 -0.429004890300964 0.840714016564317
+1522 -0.374205240695403 -0.434976937342886 0.837251755337604
+1523 -0.384818220677157 -0.444763665660498 0.827239517155161
+1524 -0.373900279783701 -0.443423629554208 0.832946015976211
+1525 -0.366491834117976 -0.437806649192123 0.839186554615842
+1526 -0.376561261148536 -0.446042037393765 0.830345179717353
+1527 -0.373450313012158 -0.450446584314191 0.829371893899714
+1528 -0.382610061977347 -0.448882316583536 0.826038259605624
+1529 -0.382273166202647 -0.455769238170198 0.822415118987462
+1530 -0.3826979752205 -0.44890610077398 0.825984607877187
+1531 -0.385685056583747 -0.45175477177888 0.823036854158429
+1532 -0.379604611439668 -0.459548612950705 0.82154757093477
+1533 -0.386526657161896 -0.458836339127074 0.818713232578852
+1534 -0.385345088546177 -0.470548303530691 0.81259981342462
+1535 -0.374570458539587 -0.46777454698825 0.81921239296008
+1536 -0.379283059046976 -0.472239108534648 0.814468897804188
+1537 -0.374402780249592 -0.477133304404819 0.813874294943091
+1538 -0.381106816669409 -0.470812508817685 0.814443476141166
+1539 -0.378549786184063 -0.487461034815769 0.805795755087069
+1540 -0.387344125301295 -0.488513959150672 0.80096419414947
+1541 -0.381970522482029 -0.48856593387047 0.803509084090579
+1542 -0.383575980228886 -0.4931510614065 0.799935308650075
+1543 -0.372057640634457 -0.493665450314568 0.805041946243322
+1544 -0.38700567683823 -0.497148577500305 0.795798277193666
+1545 -0.388113901137873 -0.50255940187125 0.791850141967754
+1546 -0.38247290458152 -0.503050284010439 0.794279477903082
+1547 -0.390214843541506 -0.503388408014674 0.790289495410593
+1548 -0.383600601892 -0.507929163938354 0.790622250287064
+1549 -0.391596686817212 -0.505098197457254 0.788513060005486
+1550 -0.381291940739861 -0.512344393855445 0.788888254451622
+1551 -0.390588573737098 -0.508455087759835 0.786853855424981
+1552 -0.37914679172539 -0.518171211036182 0.786111510141939
+1553 -0.383498896030025 -0.516645385688051 0.785003912213816
+1554 -0.381461046040868 -0.520761664603221 0.7832750213259
+1555 -0.372804307293425 -0.521939079351473 0.786652112378277
+1556 -0.382670674485313 -0.520962048257165 0.782551403528647
+1557 -0.378945933964594 -0.527223128450096 0.780167130786087
+1558 -0.37440162089238 -0.525434662271582 0.783560362675848
+1559 -0.377700790488995 -0.527644697833835 0.780485865158255
+1560 -0.37345047155274 -0.53101158084984 0.780247682662621
+1561 -0.366786298452757 -0.527304163937396 0.785902748412047
+1562 -0.373922624671861 -0.532413283410632 0.779065444238426
+1563 -0.36560016917403 -0.535146881198451 0.781139764602655
+1564 -0.373811393319408 -0.537683890616763 0.775490861323216
+1565 -0.37369701063169 -0.537939930806127 0.775368412491273
+1566 -0.376227834184436 -0.536172958750859 0.775368412491273
+1567 -0.377208256185822 -0.529901688228142 0.779193899025279
+1568 -0.400486486900057 -0.504708867037745 0.784286002261883
+1569 -0.399987724680904 -0.51107782392806 0.780406482541984
+1570 -0.392995706347735 -0.513663926628147 0.782258745731359
+1571 -0.401570164859593 -0.515505393564483 0.776672770155209
+1572 -0.393861427340237 -0.520872625571476 0.777039177895033
+1573 -0.393404978826962 -0.523699673042594 0.775368412491273
+1574 -0.227377172490199 -0.265051352882778 0.953033263724499
+1575 -0.24554749242551 -0.26312402821699 0.949050670269195
+1576 -0.252232629856643 -0.25932216385854 0.948343669651106
+1577 -0.24817315486208 -0.252551651760403 0.951237482650307
+1578 -0.260723086189488 -0.251786149608322 0.948078165128406
+1579 -0.264291397375951 -0.261583786337532 0.944430505647921
+1580 -0.273736765311328 -0.229692416765741 0.950018198245278
+1581 -0.179194660622402 -0.310374253212279 0.949622080907633
+1582 -0.186049400420026 -0.29913355517985 0.951908470793706
+1583 -0.203420388662659 -0.297377374076922 0.948900333472092
+1584 -0.197753547444822 -0.287830041357078 0.953033263724499
+1585 -0.366386709278865 -0.542945304956739 0.775368412491273
+1586 -0.363639692685703 -0.542133475154515 0.777227424259036
+1587 -0.363767041916727 -0.544703923361964 0.775368412491273
+1588 -0.215133985741099 -0.275081744966432 0.953033263724499
+1589 -0.236135830171272 -0.272785390364181 0.948711231362413
+1590 -0.224444424857368 -0.267539339883079 0.953033263724499
+1591 -0.198987522081736 -0.286978334182912 0.953033263724499
+1592 -0.209281319255601 -0.293781022923415 0.948746035554672
+1593 -0.209511269074263 -0.279387949571059 0.953033263724499
+1594 -0.2143458375135 -0.371257876860512 0.92002633158495
+1595 -0.224872765819339 -0.371645674397559 0.917353111890042
+1596 -0.213532480278838 -0.363840892842796 0.923173160659106
+1597 -0.22934810100634 -0.36646413611148 0.918329181453389
+1598 -0.236587561122135 -0.357566831413341 0.919998525539744
+1599 -0.236566214174033 -0.357521009117037 0.920021822758189
+1600 -0.222725759417983 -0.35450525265388 0.924631960259049
+1601 -0.225105392819949 -0.349482702659626 0.925966739502613
+1602 -0.214578202021082 -0.353906337266794 0.926785573722316
+1603 -0.223901757263011 -0.344673098511434 0.928058973480168
+1604 -0.237722266702928 -0.342164927838106 0.925546479692493
+1605 -0.235124838834905 -0.336092613184674 0.92843043117164
+1606 -0.199270485090068 -0.345146600809749 0.933482778481448
+1607 -0.203283800922432 -0.352097867661386 0.930014939595507
+1608 -0.207290723680169 -0.352584929540763 0.928945328497262
+1609 -0.204594817558569 -0.354368615059643 0.928864277108817
+1610 -0.0673275420234186 -0.381833453459254 0.938027300191452
+1611 -0.0821149357744715 -0.37925179178213 0.937896697804613
+1612 -0.0879178921377548 -0.369498345150685 0.941257890895454
+1613 -0.0982992359726712 -0.366934585052761 0.941233908494242
+1614 -0.10225625294473 -0.352220711187266 0.946419161547588
+1615 -0.121897571798696 -0.357846546403154 0.941972309156122
+1616 -0.114550167216173 -0.361984497302613 0.941313169409268
+1617 -0.101080173466877 -0.3586188683602 0.944139982093734
+1618 -0.119507384350916 -0.367173448428681 0.938683463077194
+1619 -0.116245006804147 -0.379178574265001 0.934310284226533
+1620 -0.117924896574051 -0.384131796139113 0.932073753499656
+1621 -0.121875106395131 -0.380440403980107 0.933079073530549
+1622 -0.121143808754015 -0.391183215300552 0.928722170332814
+1623 -0.126472561907977 -0.377198851119843 0.933783014301665
+1624 -0.121583642909188 -0.37499752042487 0.935317741439844
+1625 -0.130963141133987 -0.359116042031695 0.940270878002615
+1626 -0.14446647317942 -0.359988764002004 0.937956570380212
+1627 -0.163592966089408 -0.349265319012014 0.938869574744813
+1628 -0.161797352089883 -0.34307498967855 0.941459594626219
+1629 -0.152208577734399 -0.343656281952321 0.942845644174473
+1630 -0.15540399916624 -0.333599314499056 0.945931337047726
+1631 -0.167422314599384 -0.32759474365164 0.945979097288096
+1632 -0.179194660622402 -0.310374253212279 0.949622080907633
+1633 -0.160227853162399 -0.310289595870692 0.953033263724499
+1634 -0.160230609695198 -0.321372880905439 0.94935273904658
+1635 -0.146223090813034 -0.335393257591558 0.946760355356732
+1636 -0.146217355914593 -0.335412062304159 0.946754579228543
+1637 -0.147581136796314 -0.34453185373058 0.943261686822314
+1638 -0.120650657939574 -0.350176536833167 0.945010482370581
+1639 -0.102137104684511 -0.34274319233699 0.949905319467848
+1640 -0.0959185877566867 -0.354874356374572 0.946091335818321
+1641 -0.0746193404022562 -0.358056672576781 0.946811688384325
+1642 -0.0760601348519943 -0.34910672408827 0.95003386838715
+1643 -0.0830072516278587 -0.354571213810619 0.947424957721747
+1644 -0.082807177519849 -0.344334199575492 0.9512107707306
+1645 -0.0777017190244664 -0.348302751949605 0.950196103888547
+1646 -0.0694488486460834 -0.343345292702167 0.952636272352148
+1647 -0.0674079673330794 -0.348309114886911 0.950979456364184
+1648 -0.0664602542552714 -0.342834701917634 0.953033263724499
+1649 -0.209941762672004 -0.449770590052001 0.885356353459129
+1650 -0.227611915377606 -0.433831122981763 0.888936652810829
+1651 -0.215350347212542 -0.442297492462412 0.887818763102527
+1652 -0.208262705616799 -0.435731204248017 0.892742943457826
+1653 -0.200507047175018 -0.437521622295913 0.89364240838084
+1654 -0.204554039868228 -0.419546596002086 0.901311987358789
+1655 -0.189682869485958 -0.440036961519931 0.89476973659142
+1656 -0.164318771978305 -0.434490021896126 0.902464825934089
+1657 -0.151093413579815 -0.441282608617734 0.901479583631447
+1658 -0.171087082731652 -0.436764712134505 0.900105991734549
+1659 -0.174806159282276 -0.439916475953116 0.897853719077874
+1660 -0.163357377691272 -0.438903008760653 0.900501813465512
+1661 -0.157814439418777 -0.44117103758878 0.900381984661941
+1662 -0.166869140035674 -0.439956779953546 0.899342938970814
+1663 -0.15968966025061 -0.442343527071289 0.899475634170919
+1664 -0.169999486465236 -0.441435442289258 0.898031138041685
+1665 -0.199088831658944 -0.452635212691921 0.886402843711602
+1666 -0.210021027450515 -0.449837975914929 0.885303317204556
+1667 -0.209941762672004 -0.449770590052001 0.885356353459129
+1668 -0.204594817558569 -0.354368615059643 0.928864277108817
+1669 -0.195892574727446 -0.359919898658199 0.928605818265492
+1670 -0.187276501661442 -0.358165999675242 0.931058337915561
+1671 -0.195757293968351 -0.371176815486223 0.924192541359047
+1672 -0.207293191371614 -0.363556329352157 0.924706076652985
+1673 -0.209682036821668 -0.370989344772425 0.921208635163416
+1674 -0.2143458375135 -0.371257876860512 0.92002633158495
+1675 -0.199270485090068 -0.345146600809749 0.933482778481448
+1676 -0.197880517653644 -0.345420994469124 0.933676944833215
+1677 -0.194076444285786 -0.350801511932102 0.932468569443248
+1678 -0.203283800922432 -0.352097867661386 0.930014939595507
+1679 0.110961135781125 -0.629291892588379 0.788609117540939
+1680 0.103822678671353 -0.629117984871748 0.789719198515787
+1681 0.103505201271819 -0.623131718684426 0.794492627076597
+1682 0.0819725560833206 -0.608762567091878 0.808030715354852
+1683 0.0777995407793491 -0.57739102265083 0.831138880342359
+1684 0.0485581986118737 -0.579355579428546 0.831994118929084
+1685 -0.00771658149268979 -0.55055844890785 0.852672767658407
+1686 -0.0273113590040351 -0.556034433038342 0.848707722920607
+1687 -0.0233085251239364 -0.549703642787266 0.85294057106164
+1688 -0.0293365393331031 -0.528529025875861 0.866037779930339
+1689 -0.0387288515555403 -0.527134650894696 0.866518399044888
+1690 -0.0396652447963848 -0.532879379569481 0.862954943890402
+1691 -0.0454259185162771 -0.522476296675087 0.869010935109357
+1692 -0.0416406519112009 -0.500388674797553 0.882101031766066
+1693 -0.0274847414136679 -0.482385395926906 0.892621934967916
+1694 -0.0304665108021229 -0.478783840824757 0.894462310824015
+1695 -0.0151736770530868 -0.469775871453656 0.899614022859052
+1696 -0.0195057186455394 -0.465392288712048 0.901806267746839
+1697 -0.011289254706456 -0.466594756662497 0.901325072203829
+1698 -0.00505817167042082 -0.460731485250356 0.904392565979151
+1699 -0.013554956563018 -0.452189379717237 0.908606640974803
+1700 -0.0195557473877452 -0.454637186819222 0.907274821156859
+1701 -0.0175416316890356 -0.45107998977122 0.909089728236813
+1702 -0.0308999353537086 -0.447614950533356 0.910445522837121
+1703 -0.0294835920671424 -0.442961452135761 0.912765506425717
+1704 -0.00517535624248993 -0.456174167071886 0.90669914800006
+1705 0.000155253872474332 -0.44477642585898 0.912358979183274
+1706 0.0146546237386302 -0.444803723323894 0.912227981219761
+1707 0.0231208509808382 -0.428437541439745 0.919854172863823
+1708 -0.00671434652380627 -0.41630978223996 0.9256706124546
+1709 0.00129014903158933 -0.415280813748963 0.926156132219333
+1710 0.0197779003825923 -0.425705298673393 0.921199670721746
+1711 0.0297994196766509 -0.411493427456952 0.927367324066718
+1712 0.02289682240156 -0.405727978720613 0.930099748848045
+1713 0.0445346517700999 -0.410415460501217 0.927254449745748
+1714 0.0336588261689324 -0.398911806492743 0.932717242288157
+1715 0.0424593441773131 -0.397959441065144 0.932764968981549
+1716 0.0474270876687226 -0.406790866261834 0.928707091865465
+1717 0.0599605184788832 -0.386785560982546 0.936497018702761
+1718 0.0480369027907002 -0.372100745155498 0.943111070566452
+1719 0.0566440314061785 -0.367510241873323 0.944432462288473
+1720 0.050927465698972 -0.364305251582564 0.945998455023498
+1721 0.0547050536215299 -0.358419516639436 0.94803365298929
+1722 0.0419230166488972 -0.354470809550363 0.950167304137417
+1723 0.0459391923272247 -0.351216241395352 0.951189645858513
+1724 0.0273231787159766 -0.350458171415054 0.952185651012066
+1725 0.0341421845407213 -0.368811424036235 0.945006584493014
+1726 0.028269214604331 -0.369160054573695 0.945064392310281
+1727 0.0239333558296631 -0.392656532641339 0.935667164034739
+1728 0.0173213302872631 -0.396723737361401 0.93409595210079
+1729 0.0113682136835913 -0.367047703166372 0.946240850586115
+1730 0.00422452784749202 -0.361788831178862 0.94832272723936
+1731 -0.0016419815464156 -0.379346403993694 0.941444958387719
+1732 -0.00896330559827874 -0.359813089827965 0.949041200128427
+1733 -0.00218211617839329 -0.358236076716978 0.949677393490764
+1734 -0.0177808637563155 -0.353933437388449 0.951125629337406
+1735 -0.0157623803243188 -0.348861212520309 0.953033263724499
+1736 -0.0372062011882414 -0.347229458467695 0.953033263724499
+1737 -0.0378781842666198 -0.349469892932916 0.952187501015488
+1738 -0.0209634787918396 -0.358993496919262 0.94916236847371
+1739 -0.0267872838902594 -0.359532426685399 0.948811823062661
+1740 -0.0297764996063307 -0.368798721510611 0.945159173411195
+1741 -0.0243726836060188 -0.364829903298826 0.946852741429632
+1742 -0.0224764591988207 -0.37217706484792 0.944036038074326
+1743 -0.0363430370835211 -0.379659285963747 0.940618419039859
+1744 -0.0366184664071847 -0.394435665186535 0.934507674632392
+1745 -0.0439209982227252 -0.388746752846554 0.93657456086869
+1746 -0.0386819759503258 -0.37547133080584 0.942204852714881
+1747 -0.0443940631930104 -0.379738829339573 0.940240707821686
+1748 -0.041829663649142 -0.374809443906911 0.942333889869823
+1749 -0.0475546709724822 -0.371016750158346 0.943562464477386
+1750 -0.0567274548609597 -0.371539538710291 0.942849599374122
+1751 -0.0538590882501337 -0.380002516186087 0.939639444843131
+1752 -0.0480739741196552 -0.380224455265896 0.939863424455966
+1753 -0.0496712060433298 -0.387154646219001 0.936946664010946
+1754 -0.0566894006616503 -0.376440746346842 0.940905774422952
+1755 -0.0598664058277267 -0.382910967258231 0.938093920994393
+1756 -0.0673275420234186 -0.381833453459254 0.938027300191452
+1757 0.0713855867248557 -0.450710872541081 0.906635983943504
+1758 0.0772529891886494 -0.444287705264421 0.909321401162588
+1759 0.0702841618732806 -0.439830906030685 0.912049291809383
+1760 0.0624015764991086 -0.443336558847502 0.910924661451034
+1761 0.0623658514341901 -0.434130776302816 0.915350189622312
+1762 0.0405340307681766 -0.421656258486577 0.922381695410737
+1763 0.0379611590427643 -0.426186550240632 0.920406961511113
+1764 0.0319948404984879 -0.415336253930376 0.925579346329939
+1765 0.0297180207228862 -0.444960041125395 0.911785282314867
+1766 0.0224615560434733 -0.453580973565848 0.907736073382105
+1767 0.0340432115032216 -0.450656224945038 0.908831682254109
+1768 0.0385350442652594 -0.459960640786718 0.903978019251877
+1769 0.0541363951622231 -0.441160192171768 0.912508594787911
+1770 0.0591538532734547 -0.44895483877561 0.908386137269206
+1771 0.0713271245906308 -0.450749081373312 0.906621589715769
+1772 0.0713855867248557 -0.450710872541081 0.906635983943504
+1773 0.0271622795720539 -0.348159171648656 0.953033263724499
+1774 0.0503447697731992 -0.347691892946505 0.952260863280519
+1775 0.0478591286996941 -0.345922103998479 0.953033263724499
+1776 0.0490965030548452 -0.345748653825888 0.953033263724499
+1777 0.0557670569376072 -0.349454079444325 0.951313240589154
+1778 0.0518888210970868 -0.345340626743774 0.953033263724499
+1779 0.0602207023160307 -0.343985559649228 0.953033263724499
+1780 0.0606586245912097 -0.344012166080438 0.952995887111454
+1781 -0.0898904785442257 -0.606174590307387 0.809133529111705
+1782 -0.0975010394557734 -0.600926258995884 0.812161423951086
+1783 -0.0930582292314464 -0.593715033396352 0.817965540283621
+1784 -0.0827773206426666 -0.597770085824448 0.816115089727333
+1785 -0.0826807312810044 -0.587485539799903 0.823559127932448
+1786 -0.0804533477722104 -0.592553120830489 0.820142096118893
+1787 -0.0695917758227821 -0.634619133283418 0.789075750741609
+1788 -0.075361264847327 -0.645212544284017 0.779901565878128
+1789 -0.0741024050185438 -0.628625810049152 0.79345032894978
+1790 -0.0802870222095976 -0.630316640234644 0.791504849705942
+1791 -0.0815262995320203 -0.620341307438511 0.799221574264668
+1792 -0.0877126004537725 -0.622137756216774 0.797167555794385
+1793 -0.0952140465978829 -0.608163053773762 0.807029730155605
+1794 -0.0909454888534859 -0.606719412487985 0.808607118795917
+1795 -0.0898904785442257 -0.606174590307387 0.809133529111705
+1796 0.0727076677339659 -0.341564332574869 0.953033263724499
+1797 0.0757287772136681 -0.345209821340579 0.951483227152075
+1798 0.078640849294447 -0.340441184488567 0.952964016490796
+1799 0.0787595373103294 -0.346353607132245 0.950821284000913
+1800 0.084628708694158 -0.344442583067894 0.951011192696635
+1801 0.0900895978893061 -0.350570992284308 0.948266230402063
+1802 0.0856686000791566 -0.360912148707591 0.944790088789963
+1803 0.0916693759167158 -0.353745936559453 0.946934811846473
+1804 0.101597339240662 -0.35978027581828 0.943642481976803
+1805 0.10449367554369 -0.35643968478047 0.944593469639172
+1806 0.120881965749213 -0.375444843840512 0.935229233712345
+1807 0.117638407623067 -0.384898031028692 0.931793813438437
+1808 0.124570381295545 -0.384575478818703 0.931025736054191
+1809 0.117470830416909 -0.385939635679591 0.931384024778537
+1810 0.1105209403166 -0.397394216040361 0.927409272548642
+1811 0.120652265052988 -0.406585483694516 0.922147642943623
+1812 0.104861724505224 -0.414500770981876 0.920553164998753
+1813 0.0926058529297723 -0.41348114484775 0.922324508434284
+1814 0.0913659109667231 -0.430952248101973 0.914416442420562
+1815 0.118202877352678 -0.425101966948778 0.914079535643276
+1816 0.114909405456853 -0.417375138863354 0.91805164451481
+1817 0.125063840905715 -0.424301566713059 0.913538294863852
+1818 0.125632966055088 -0.418332027037405 0.916209404554972
+1819 0.134220750822063 -0.429349127910161 0.909873132041795
+1820 0.146255295697728 -0.429622116543121 0.9078872316854
+1821 0.140072680262195 -0.434217447601281 0.906675163684764
+1822 0.145250588901772 -0.437684842813969 0.904189827853974
+1823 0.195144271426919 -0.438260044703937 0.894467353538048
+1824 0.195128973769209 -0.43824627243549 0.894477438671414
+1825 0.161842119142832 -0.421239527368838 0.909169615117793
+1826 0.173657725850529 -0.423168825711053 0.906088372731242
+1827 0.169585225499111 -0.417951919986473 0.909275559922313
+1828 0.198999464204367 -0.424779772967219 0.900103526114798
+1829 0.188125437976082 -0.409315089018931 0.909557572387659
+1830 0.197666297518912 -0.414732653241332 0.905068981437642
+1831 0.191966783206031 -0.40449973420144 0.910908183724624
+1832 0.182307640089984 -0.403222390497048 0.913455323574539
+1833 0.185874672919785 -0.399337160611407 0.914442692639502
+1834 0.178591573791966 -0.395297334770337 0.917643758162162
+1835 0.175794027664106 -0.400735998025081 0.915823192392764
+1836 0.170504315690275 -0.395469535944832 0.9191066991762
+1837 0.172171783106178 -0.400374562144847 0.916669017197244
+1838 0.16219932372906 -0.388054320869183 0.92375874742088
+1839 0.157373578485056 -0.394180124065679 0.921998148906154
+1840 0.15261793167263 -0.384821197381979 0.926739128869321
+1841 0.161212689911925 -0.38225794887998 0.926344606034618
+1842 0.152050579253422 -0.375206668651391 0.930766123764839
+1843 0.160129026781411 -0.372477370131513 0.930507551566321
+1844 0.168251750430817 -0.377633523804255 0.926989358178478
+1845 0.169685921408178 -0.372014808217228 0.928997669826441
+1846 0.170057834678629 -0.379724459371898 0.925804875672588
+1847 0.177157213199988 -0.369061117827807 0.928781036153788
+1848 0.173902076687227 -0.381610936069285 0.924313886726903
+1849 0.193097169890005 -0.387920150004772 0.917854258692928
+1850 0.185560941561996 -0.372649900427263 0.925701997771516
+1851 0.193725992046748 -0.37496784185586 0.923089571807342
+1852 0.187722881182635 -0.367617597087364 0.927276885397346
+1853 0.195231743470697 -0.366390370082752 0.926211456985939
+1854 0.18667376334985 -0.364729733517046 0.928628088938402
+1855 0.195354775530624 -0.360443572563998 0.928515989455583
+1856 0.18896909952169 -0.35838147125871 0.930633332996623
+1857 0.194200631531219 -0.354597166245772 0.931005888490156
+1858 0.186679797672563 -0.351493130209929 0.933717426503413
+1859 0.185300198557919 -0.359535886012938 0.93092576668781
+1860 0.182295564181857 -0.355349288389666 0.93312389880475
+1861 0.177446238860277 -0.360777317032868 0.931975085412108
+1862 0.177884272652568 -0.350902238196271 0.935654746566122
+1863 0.176736227568699 -0.359381259844539 0.932649138710446
+1864 0.176248496095805 -0.353499799950192 0.934986288166378
+1865 0.170272814451941 -0.360540608648396 0.93340379160043
+1866 0.173193268927691 -0.354439167738804 0.935201565423606
+1867 0.167283162404047 -0.35541431105478 0.935907052582444
+1868 0.172689091509679 -0.353297939334527 0.93572647912493
+1869 0.165803332640346 -0.348082842623209 0.938920970879179
+1870 0.162697415018543 -0.352594210359599 0.937780290882238
+1871 0.163456814903242 -0.34613950266058 0.940050165873914
+1872 0.162368002148769 -0.353712363964979 0.937416233834535
+1873 0.156924508666143 -0.349238079233337 0.940017267178268
+1874 0.158043898433225 -0.355523353847195 0.93747014407781
+1875 0.155693088621562 -0.348709186788858 0.940418292678599
+1876 0.15479452634908 -0.353872875278688 0.938636054471784
+1877 0.152804481168209 -0.348329559754152 0.941032575597887
+1878 0.151413648381165 -0.352390901180031 0.939744411980955
+1879 0.147176676854264 -0.347046456827282 0.942402664784945
+1880 0.142310677122756 -0.350170847059696 0.941994187373976
+1881 0.148504854251617 -0.344394149145739 0.943166993855218
+1882 0.129762308412916 -0.345373446900421 0.945570687728566
+1883 0.139733426029058 -0.341996746098913 0.945377065148048
+1884 0.134940845374625 -0.3373761874843 0.947730592715113
+1885 0.131183346549738 -0.341958357889993 0.946615239184955
+1886 0.135180474702368 -0.336000842463574 0.948184936140103
+1887 0.128752649992188 -0.336113300459615 0.949039306021691
+1888 0.14359400397573 -0.333437571378973 0.947852914757933
+1889 0.138592419136889 -0.330198330077669 0.949729542644486
+1890 0.121688532070239 -0.335465538266639 0.950199859923198
+1891 0.137118285882105 -0.326287160725564 0.951293994736855
+1892 0.135173218355723 -0.322493580057782 0.952864676573159
+1893 0.134590667197444 -0.322238964959198 0.953033263724499
+1894 0.290578476758073 -0.503296692285066 0.832154786310737
+1895 0.28632562129319 -0.510142809480206 0.829455817103425
+1896 0.283931523270401 -0.498249590713278 0.837469542996879
+1897 0.282547241157383 -0.502876123079948 0.835169241142436
+1898 0.281312587762713 -0.499147568092806 0.837818556271752
+1899 0.27011071634528 -0.502763632040093 0.839341367509843
+1900 0.272059867501897 -0.497360200097899 0.841927110772321
+1901 0.265896373180046 -0.500647363484144 0.841947941482175
+1902 0.269391933757711 -0.497835307401249 0.842504001611259
+1903 0.262486165651596 -0.498355200576695 0.844374387875239
+1904 0.266983805999043 -0.494828479794202 0.845038119210503
+1905 0.257803340473424 -0.496059731146834 0.847164199417843
+1906 0.266242915009184 -0.493888395759463 0.845821472145013
+1907 0.265479461935535 -0.486176503803576 0.850516350483487
+1908 0.252819513257981 -0.48634548271805 0.854268906817839
+1909 0.257232899780803 -0.481592567096707 0.855642936386179
+1910 0.248551604286043 -0.48112716237839 0.858465930383118
+1911 0.248775797806832 -0.476877345647899 0.86076919068551
+1912 0.242579836784757 -0.483492998465951 0.8588448889176
+1913 0.245741002376789 -0.473233087756534 0.863647384297126
+1914 0.238291290076396 -0.480203039270438 0.8618858985673
+1915 0.241776855225778 -0.471519225747604 0.865701202510146
+1916 0.236999549549629 -0.467920529929365 0.868968694018314
+1917 0.229749153860248 -0.472121711826967 0.868643434052243
+1918 0.234226149988546 -0.466883678615219 0.870277393308745
+1919 0.217823793375286 -0.460788989205273 0.877753554516746
+1920 0.219013580325454 -0.456441771765235 0.879726639713064
+1921 0.214347822164389 -0.456504614840764 0.880842521545406
+1922 0.212836538027271 -0.467827528936833 0.875250256354959
+1923 0.21943832582706 -0.470887380375326 0.871972990499981
+1924 0.214095683123708 -0.475230501385649 0.870944320275721
+1925 0.219109660277819 -0.476707276233729 0.868887869381751
+1926 0.214067377780955 -0.482774745363496 0.866792191363765
+1927 0.21840824159671 -0.489885491386357 0.861704732104785
+1928 0.211400318522061 -0.483347244472043 0.867127641463501
+1929 0.205216064659457 -0.499747259155066 0.859281120339953
+1930 0.199090694965867 -0.492964930747185 0.864623312334008
+1931 0.196445704936327 -0.503467688691208 0.859159107183298
+1932 0.19505245473753 -0.491367969070484 0.866450840424551
+1933 0.178615069692392 -0.497648036566921 0.866411039045481
+1934 0.180692354012596 -0.492326814784954 0.869016444404298
+1935 0.184599909342884 -0.494945909721202 0.866704344007142
+1936 0.184485408916811 -0.486633269237783 0.871423086203105
+1937 0.180044206581749 -0.488319873930194 0.87140850604131
+1938 0.176986517959904 -0.47891907651192 0.877232745976459
+1939 0.16688077714795 -0.481243731686788 0.877940930205826
+1940 0.177268371416456 -0.477093525199796 0.878170081879239
+1941 0.172817893619301 -0.462320852248285 0.886915105983322
+1942 0.171073387513421 -0.467404177313019 0.88458590940339
+1943 0.155209913028138 -0.467122565384859 0.887654995933705
+1944 0.153460485594394 -0.460085643067353 0.891625527003592
+1945 0.147895578622701 -0.462609562594136 0.891259945481854
+1946 0.132356670505247 -0.45247794139841 0.898871750763491
+1947 0.127306754228553 -0.460050936409215 0.895751710150081
+1948 0.102274071901797 -0.458600519150112 0.899694713806785
+1949 0.0971795204638966 -0.464969432239088 0.896986381103786
+1950 0.105399481356996 -0.474759680232564 0.89090919590896
+1951 0.101602718138067 -0.487492306337796 0.884450755513506
+1952 0.107514554339425 -0.485327590036727 0.884942230292089
+1953 0.112889143188214 -0.496722916431757 0.877922197943394
+1954 0.104797626636978 -0.519785148634606 0.865485907863414
+1955 0.12148991117729 -0.526314450765821 0.859335964799104
+1956 0.131570833458354 -0.549129620096995 0.843427991066934
+1957 0.124403908756654 -0.567284750590087 0.832428182628393
+1958 0.104893026405684 -0.580702722329164 0.825837030709422
+1959 0.113546534034505 -0.585893135616566 0.821012434891299
+1960 0.125459011045864 -0.61151376667597 0.800334898472609
+1961 0.119866160769456 -0.619312145389229 0.795178954749044
+1962 0.123455217739589 -0.626939428053161 0.78862586995688
+1963 0.117256068143393 -0.621213925883951 0.794083920484102
+1964 0.113712404433518 -0.629339672496324 0.788178955377627
+1965 0.110961135781125 -0.629291892588379 0.788609117540939
+1966 0.302892652163448 -0.524625470035193 0.814401103545265
+1967 0.297844730521571 -0.532319381758268 0.8112641939005
+1968 0.302735969551464 -0.524354087786825 0.814634103976123
+1969 0.125085627944164 -0.326046291063773 0.953033263724499
+1970 0.121467989224722 -0.334147858378948 0.950692240598641
+1971 0.12427718207183 -0.326355297568331 0.953033263724499
+1972 0.0606586245912097 -0.344012166080438 0.952995887111454
+1973 0.0682235963592996 -0.344396610687275 0.952345271131705
+1974 0.0667534223462196 -0.34277773970854 0.953033263724499
+1975 0.258915451221985 -0.601657389241816 0.775368412491273
+1976 0.260179836046604 -0.597146720747558 0.778426134463123
+1977 0.325715674996342 -0.56415610571027 0.778371497070325
+1978 0.223063967626066 -0.268691392831155 0.953033263724499
+1979 0.227344802414492 -0.28229550172064 0.948076257757469
+1980 0.233396712824789 -0.277875480459393 0.947911489434559
+1981 0.23446842839943 -0.283141803694433 0.946086822170441
+1982 0.228323940861105 -0.283005391128006 0.947629213681247
+1983 0.237129872757869 -0.289303784854059 0.94355590375714
+1984 0.227575836508233 -0.293918269400109 0.944482021824885
+1985 0.224582685499741 -0.303196092735336 0.942263098462287
+1986 0.236437245856118 -0.289921370695738 0.943540156848598
+1987 0.236456486843611 -0.296639040174962 0.941444958387719
+1988 0.244957429941869 -0.295377686697719 0.939666366173323
+1989 0.226512162734083 -0.304254945431891 0.941459594626219
+1990 0.235554082004976 -0.302234154992426 0.939890307433164
+1991 0.22872848031635 -0.305825563529491 0.940414274128186
+1992 0.231534675037081 -0.315069472022046 0.936668523040687
+1993 0.237728038698086 -0.300045704807185 0.940044123774794
+1994 0.236073403745173 -0.305090982679044 0.938836428954535
+1995 0.24608016464057 -0.295942273749608 0.939195252957755
+1996 0.231577951704516 -0.316503865640042 0.936174105238577
+1997 0.245096572234418 -0.307610343464408 0.93569682422922
+1998 0.233597717915496 -0.320142862986041 0.934433332808592
+1999 0.245875377509317 -0.317357889817072 0.932230802165164
+2000 0.240735206947465 -0.325251851589572 0.930850575105111
+2001 0.248015414428897 -0.322252328888482 0.929982145383239
+2002 0.241373767889627 -0.3273316100355 0.929955763058831
+2003 0.246141985766105 -0.32756831827277 0.928621623540539
+2004 0.244842934679661 -0.333093893682161 0.926998055731029
+2005 0.251537906240143 -0.31020256227679 0.933128100574213
+2006 0.256196126217565 -0.309105303632682 0.932224466626606
+2007 0.246776666844947 -0.333268340989728 0.926422414233838
+2008 0.256241190732946 -0.325133769142023 0.926743483567736
+2009 0.251071892177299 -0.335663582174322 0.924401354694168
+2010 0.258925002604307 -0.337315722005451 0.921629506208596
+2011 0.261824328762781 -0.326051454754024 0.924858621477198
+2012 0.267655854987415 -0.32427717896668 0.923812564588926
+2013 0.259094685331684 -0.33858775326026 0.921115235665465
+2014 0.26262257785919 -0.335791112150132 0.921139897409493
+2015 0.266308288642696 -0.343446338552184 0.917251060471067
+2016 0.269955094740423 -0.33654956652176 0.918740244083007
+2017 0.267678680664601 -0.344691594970841 0.916384650828524
+2018 0.273567456136886 -0.35017557534334 0.912558443813739
+2019 0.276173721509059 -0.336854209176727 0.916778226894465
+2020 0.269253632920178 -0.332464954909185 0.920431711164125
+2021 0.286160002947442 -0.336808144466004 0.913727380860663
+2022 0.276004897880955 -0.339502870478793 0.915851569460021
+2023 0.28186450631203 -0.338376339001981 0.914482833783714
+2024 0.275246446123463 -0.349236207686165 0.912413538444816
+2025 0.285688574961224 -0.341631236786082 0.912082855988773
+2026 0.277531789960434 -0.350220757463355 0.911343253995525
+2027 0.282889982523828 -0.348182955076455 0.910476187267902
+2028 0.281456676385211 -0.354512163461429 0.908475792344566
+2029 0.288038395330324 -0.34949308007493 0.90835756714813
+2030 0.285737167773042 -0.355932045986999 0.906582400883973
+2031 0.292929314313737 -0.351135831887604 0.906157295606168
+2032 0.287554832317034 -0.356485181062235 0.905790005516813
+2033 0.295241126084456 -0.352528896434664 0.904865213524611
+2034 0.297824538906922 -0.359535047645862 0.901254732880314
+2035 0.299149539106153 -0.352695114354291 0.903515749482647
+2036 0.300979727435188 -0.362763666296895 0.898909743015324
+2037 0.30978575416372 -0.35989227131154 0.897070420628969
+2038 0.310109799549367 -0.365863058441549 0.894539621644143
+2039 0.314558882352911 -0.359786254150209 0.89545047928819
+2040 0.3131011505277 -0.366568439765297 0.893207841717854
+2041 0.315450532075429 -0.360818814120849 0.894721043225068
+2042 0.31615849758953 -0.366156854614941 0.892299255978859
+2043 0.320540432165207 -0.363684110635251 0.891746992716426
+2044 0.317307414118904 -0.368552461896616 0.890904084497943
+2045 0.323786458215494 -0.362976066481609 0.890862337646959
+2046 0.319994725322777 -0.369268742116271 0.889645419176352
+2047 0.328163335626469 -0.363440518912585 0.889069634147438
+2048 0.335204769553689 -0.367856080233738 0.884615547400976
+2049 0.346313305167864 -0.348885625453976 0.88801515472164
+2050 0.344936120649811 -0.360148766173765 0.884045778732399
+2051 0.347309501473864 -0.35215615094594 0.886333546435492
+2052 0.348339622276783 -0.36057768090876 0.882535123143849
+2053 0.351012988606275 -0.353657250842502 0.884274522281522
+2054 0.355091084490755 -0.357666172074494 0.881027940004605
+2055 0.355206183234078 -0.350623436374265 0.883808108843418
+2056 0.35815865389992 -0.360365814072547 0.878683025148675
+2057 0.358076784596856 -0.351488181423599 0.882304978254293
+2058 0.362613163216083 -0.358823109954467 0.877486563786039
+2059 0.362308179898091 -0.351260494868477 0.880666706265024
+2060 0.371388044097793 -0.348013258358683 0.878170081879239
+2061 0.359449189821443 -0.349781062695696 0.882425344216823
+2062 0.367644796548833 -0.341301974245491 0.882369121143015
+2063 0.360728337398846 -0.342665582899797 0.884692243039017
+2064 0.362840732492473 -0.33486669929528 0.886812210418536
+2065 0.35661932977011 -0.339948357413783 0.887402258238049
+2066 0.362887947004959 -0.334137032825295 0.88706808149839
+2067 0.356557183589119 -0.335427240328253 0.889145961738998
+2068 0.359618992834652 -0.328423312263679 0.890526421817087
+2069 0.354555203473695 -0.331566429589178 0.89139178280889
+2070 0.358176520661132 -0.32515074476833 0.892306882873648
+2071 0.353793483731233 -0.328466142211191 0.892841063286303
+2072 0.355366773146672 -0.32122247272587 0.894849473128972
+2073 0.344441490369567 -0.321174412334529 0.899128498365813
+2074 0.350742719862504 -0.317454512995738 0.898012904496417
+2075 0.340878587413701 -0.319614039366901 0.901040317900599
+2076 0.347578879276312 -0.310574956328512 0.901641347311982
+2077 0.340747190514339 -0.308029180251796 0.905115670105203
+2078 0.347332081222213 -0.305256861937155 0.903550592714169
+2079 0.339178684868412 -0.30463765401631 0.906850990784248
+2080 0.345381602584925 -0.301720454715096 0.905484022941534
+2081 0.34068175877481 -0.3024820564295 0.907009120558488
+2082 0.344021460440041 -0.296386012543108 0.907760742886306
+2083 0.336705589071477 -0.298017686249781 0.909966925206821
+2084 0.343955797080478 -0.293859458978638 0.908606640974803
+2085 0.338450502472941 -0.289943746540304 0.911925918711594
+2086 0.331703565903621 -0.294179427018098 0.913047758381852
+2087 0.336778297689273 -0.286073931714286 0.913765333003526
+2088 0.323228913154926 -0.28229856116491 0.919812802729396
+2089 0.329557396678352 -0.278684978708873 0.918668386816822
+2090 0.325181289830449 -0.272859503898908 0.921970617685969
+2091 0.325715674996342 -0.56415610571027 0.778371497070325
+2092 0.326650633088825 -0.563615273436739 0.778371497070325
+2093 0.331420643339668 -0.544876951449962 0.789616656958879
+2094 0.34651435205928 -0.532729973881366 0.791423766856478
+2095 0.352993579589327 -0.517314069440188 0.798753207397595
+2096 0.34511678723019 -0.516523294708091 0.802697383324382
+2097 0.350753837671609 -0.512800471875012 0.802640904392122
+2098 0.341311412382138 -0.516467907520195 0.804358390445093
+2099 0.348343405649593 -0.511918055264537 0.804252308939562
+2100 0.342643891240785 -0.511719411532329 0.80682303366747
+2101 0.342139858886004 -0.503462421939836 0.81221358438279
+2102 0.332553269988491 -0.502109437585641 0.817018626046795
+2103 0.327516558378211 -0.511572404859924 0.813173768990322
+2104 0.325706911437593 -0.50400613551536 0.818607246000581
+2105 0.314188155102879 -0.506240277743918 0.821724761938455
+2106 0.302892652163448 -0.524625470035193 0.814401103545265
+2107 0.302735969551464 -0.524354087786825 0.814634103976123
+2108 0.312445866928833 -0.507496349072849 0.821614286582712
+2109 0.303023177216592 -0.51634596365968 0.819627232272036
+2110 0.318919707694445 -0.497417535500848 0.82528238525995
+2111 0.310185830288824 -0.500064144198361 0.82701003765081
+2112 0.310929429534272 -0.496491333678255 0.828881321681143
+2113 0.302727319238251 -0.503285502726587 0.82781934800539
+2114 0.299798495702572 -0.499501255808419 0.831170474343433
+2115 0.29787952260145 -0.503787105641734 0.829271573252006
+2116 0.297689879008746 -0.499319980162243 0.832036834128475
+2117 0.294832311107228 -0.5093292661836 0.826971950513465
+2118 0.296379492960913 -0.501469914628411 0.831211237216392
+2119 0.291738117335774 -0.505040579598013 0.830691208484044
+2120 0.29190833082524 -0.501106055918391 0.833010952579098
+2121 0.290578476758073 -0.503296692285066 0.832154786310737
+2122 0.361186613015438 -0.54641838868142 0.775368412491273
+2123 0.36040848066904 -0.528953622273357 0.787742846711875
+2124 0.355066858582057 -0.528076628890443 0.790751288305226
+2125 0.360413738162405 -0.524287622710749 0.790853605932294
+2126 0.354661955895349 -0.523872915929007 0.793723544438821
+2127 0.347637327144646 -0.543815340935731 0.783350600777634
+2128 0.351190086968338 -0.552896326381297 0.775368412491273
+2129 0.364441744846629 -0.544252734971454 0.775368412491273
+2130 0.363574536008377 -0.542281819629958 0.777154415071493
+2131 0.363034678248833 -0.545192303045016 0.775368412491273
+2132 0.325181289830449 -0.272859503898908 0.921970617685969
+2133 0.323769614712489 -0.271001590015762 0.923014829132151
+2134 0.331198110045112 -0.26056170223635 0.923385299444518
+2135 0.322355909369817 -0.25069432590652 0.929227648454691
+2136 0.326885993971663 -0.247724547792367 0.928441218045723
+2137 0.329735727890647 -0.255824561789782 0.925231399887342
+2138 0.334011405521839 -0.253528459210803 0.924329325160422
+2139 0.329170905544483 -0.250352715080031 0.926927738820606
+2140 0.33346129209889 -0.25125373712199 0.92514870494098
+2141 0.336084983685441 -0.240489028228304 0.927058202618888
+2142 0.330515965611499 -0.239139392694309 0.929406556539007
+2143 0.336683007009524 -0.233913652106136 0.928522458613357
+2144 0.324252400967443 -0.212459745796359 0.938054495689347
+2145 0.325034601820805 -0.203506675094993 0.939767280134274
+2146 0.313229580465537 -0.200257059728513 0.944462460847584
+2147 0.324501369051268 -0.199845431645456 0.940736767079024
+2148 0.328983855592655 -0.190513540219544 0.941115940653651
+2149 0.325002080631768 -0.187579541333441 0.94308672096375
+2150 0.329984698561063 -0.186103794639829 0.941647745357159
+2151 0.332695236562559 -0.165057275782693 0.944613664563338
+2152 0.322864981365982 -0.13308193732499 0.953033263724499
+2153 0.391118378128049 -0.142355450716479 0.925735566963802
+2154 0.387716561771386 -0.144352281612047 0.926856669891074
+2155 0.400071687386892 -0.154270539450658 0.91998274201694
+2156 0.386615769561334 -0.150914009776314 0.926271131138033
+2157 0.375303989620518 -0.160367253487862 0.929330005640452
+2158 0.386241686473786 -0.159457651653912 0.92499492807199
+2159 0.377850800789056 -0.164059013987751 0.927652096570927
+2160 0.386217911317938 -0.165988210954798 0.923855312698495
+2161 0.381837729451905 -0.170780280768116 0.924802164826498
+2162 0.386840467408578 -0.170399268144249 0.922791169328693
+2163 0.385028025827238 -0.175694672740844 0.922556123657562
+2164 0.393981087146082 -0.156632800566995 0.922209341070525
+2165 0.395420048740855 -0.16462987282936 0.920198342764194
+2166 0.400087791230342 -0.160039902864783 0.918989656524739
+2167 0.395543505146627 -0.176487966780791 0.917944624211016
+2168 0.410879227209759 -0.160657928221291 0.914107373751658
+2169 0.415632317688839 -0.173896862996878 0.909524412829281
+2170 0.418380196991274 -0.161045310457507 0.910630231622687
+2171 0.425018616590791 -0.154694128711762 0.908654996185769
+2172 0.310652342048454 -0.159523417135037 0.953033263724499
+2173 0.310758965445317 -0.161095912716624 0.952733946231241
+2174 0.308973336075825 -0.162751577039376 0.953033263724499
+2175 0.602607567614247 -4.3264734271259e-09 0.816755238400122
+2176 0.59750873767035 -0.000813427384427094 0.820492319734606
+2177 0.590743414868913 -0.0124980946012795 0.82528238525995
+2178 0.571043171152106 -0.0213084748148829 0.838856749142313
+2179 0.56719874922829 -0.0381605459570393 0.840865239860778
+2180 0.565687970522488 -0.025648170687769 0.842356392120651
+2181 0.563619068287909 -0.0332581022718888 0.843476404231643
+2182 0.561301060487665 -0.0248897428370025 0.845308594654597
+2183 0.546035156214791 -0.0173411028317148 0.85543549980701
+2184 0.546534089021673 -0.0424181500367855 0.854240124370605
+2185 0.530023937161203 -0.0279907354179461 0.865168275404791
+2186 0.528969716775109 -0.046306766256124 0.865027006592142
+2187 0.541064007766532 -0.0480221718560149 0.857419739981446
+2188 0.539859127691938 -0.0549701711265092 0.857761856539461
+2189 0.551367170709929 -0.0520030391438469 0.850596806356061
+2190 0.556190860903972 -0.0607065185461929 0.846871563374812
+2191 0.557560859557875 -0.0488194816885241 0.84673936137205
+2192 0.577432472457939 -0.058714548894538 0.832676012323654
+2193 0.569923530079062 -0.0530307378974117 0.838212330319876
+2194 0.565209514023463 -0.0469851587396502 0.841757447318151
+2195 0.56991782938183 -0.0441329650151992 0.838731750413486
+2196 0.568976698829927 -0.0486184617984069 0.839122614020713
+2197 0.584547777231126 -0.0526425805596147 0.828104857398008
+2198 0.588030117501221 -0.0499674417107541 0.825801934897456
+2199 0.58460378003055 -0.0496762911170148 0.828248565634043
+2200 0.584233704211032 -0.0311501106444489 0.829412834160827
+2201 0.590724172455141 -0.037610328408052 0.824533453095887
+2202 0.59744469596004 -0.0329002932774306 0.81987950698348
+2203 0.595075152601971 -0.02909362382488 0.821744561167567
+2204 0.604824582234146 -0.0328408305858377 0.814453009431313
+2205 0.607767895555334 -0.0284596221840857 0.812424294957616
+2206 0.608817769960736 -0.0446981034839731 0.810905668080432
+2207 0.614221719033234 -0.0512429890895636 0.806430924467202
+2208 0.613009863465871 -0.0434894528317869 0.807807263390189
+2209 0.618295387759001 -0.0425523063700302 0.803819080825118
+2210 0.626733986736907 -0.0583720532799508 0.796255118203171
+2211 0.634988902994162 -0.0377586620341047 0.790941449486411
+2212 0.62979695770523 -0.0258127393272321 0.795559233843503
+2213 0.638006458416139 -0.0340729957508309 0.788677240688394
+2214 0.637045187810886 -0.0471282260071873 0.788782199976906
+2215 0.650915305121619 -0.0651535752802746 0.77607298444581
+2216 0.650716157828708 -0.0414299084708981 0.777866983889107
+2217 0.644459062675236 -0.0391571455939103 0.78317573665474
+2218 0.644264160336661 -5.62272798812903e-05 0.784314151691903
+2219 0.644264162790241 -4.62555057414382e-09 0.784314151691903
+2220 0.62334549344446 -0.0876055004190011 0.796235312014494
+2221 0.620354285940469 -0.0686411880263249 0.800421106182006
+2222 0.595304451107516 -0.0667635765735555 0.81937795633925
+2223 0.589613328396547 -0.056056751909986 0.824280755290604
+2224 0.57816108618644 -0.0622162881144631 0.831915796167481
+2225 0.579959240530016 -0.0744488261089911 0.829656345491819
+2226 0.577131962747785 -0.0700655040282003 0.832006323726066
+2227 0.574453941120368 -0.0744862050929423 0.833474339606282
+2228 0.580178244349039 -0.07772152024043 0.829202972785061
+2229 0.575882695002782 -0.0807813008012875 0.83190053674534
+2230 0.582212420041109 -0.09024570773962 0.826504331618685
+2231 0.583981067970051 -0.0832792060584707 0.825987703353282
+2232 0.589620364949765 -0.088319260795335 0.821445392834528
+2233 0.586514862102102 -0.104622079671592 0.821753939435974
+2234 0.5937345132642 -0.0999004613291818 0.817143944225949
+2235 0.598099652089287 -0.107442697871224 0.812993156702335
+2236 0.60319561852786 -0.0942314262383252 0.81086403551883
+2237 0.610397533876583 -0.10698158016143 0.803862421153986
+2238 0.611242823713329 -0.0935114640666126 0.804899258632454
+2239 0.614034878737302 -0.112286658606315 0.800361089754553
+2240 0.616269095197762 -0.105994066603795 0.799501507283709
+2241 0.619335781679282 -0.113714086059517 0.79606362570046
+2242 0.620414197518358 -0.104445201180811 0.796493831406089
+2243 0.622973813146311 -0.111686632998769 0.793507860164815
+2244 0.622689629662856 -0.103733331511256 0.794809424355242
+2245 0.625997743401082 -0.107847318921877 0.791656984468726
+2246 0.623356218252075 -0.0876291968207061 0.796224308239223
+2247 0.62334549344446 -0.0876055004190011 0.796235312014494
+2248 0.425018616590791 -0.154694128711762 0.908654996185769
+2249 0.432859664746104 -0.146801266940733 0.906259840586841
+2250 0.430977508077427 -0.131754825440356 0.90946360757567
+2251 0.430964539197239 -0.131759085476881 0.909469136006719
+2252 0.428498416620698 -0.114479216379979 0.912966930381698
+2253 0.420435747541404 -0.102343495473037 0.918141923192521
+2254 0.417546712488273 -0.105903733089844 0.919056114830793
+2255 0.418217064501761 -0.10033555974205 0.91937601796587
+2256 0.398991649777393 -0.108283999809288 0.926987183726515
+2257 0.395894812339833 -0.102584426018916 0.928961104191547
+2258 0.397756944773937 -0.109545581333546 0.927369494049917
+2259 0.390242399317742 -0.113324201043614 0.930104023877199
+2260 0.396606810310788 -0.11804522094308 0.926818948785361
+2261 0.391499917629489 -0.12924885140464 0.927495309371796
+2262 0.400153303720568 -0.130419319699405 0.923630410159095
+2263 0.390035991757111 -0.132680340622071 0.927627539665817
+2264 0.395903607456007 -0.139458506462885 0.924141038250364
+2265 0.391118378128049 -0.142355450716479 0.925735566963802
+2266 0.605745432822281 -4.34900200321765e-09 0.814430764776815
+2267 0.604214381886577 -0.00236221516925516 0.815563854435025
+2268 0.603523778282921 -0.0082271594511563 0.816036986229468
+2269 0.602607567614247 -4.3264734271259e-09 0.816755238400122
+2270 0.615050476331005 -4.41580837214217e-09 0.807426722102386
+2271 0.615088587577023 -8.58869848989145e-05 0.807397685193566
+2272 0.606111398430016 -4.35162948511831e-09 0.814158444464718
+2273 0.780355324561316 0 0.649053593649094
+2274 0.767732627763422 0.0131318689559425 0.663806572945157
+2275 0.756658662398672 0.0423457814252122 0.675203305244087
+2276 0.745656793665139 0.0384399738937204 0.687563316697505
+2277 0.739925975583344 0.0431057148855086 0.69345255641698
+2278 0.735977587509434 0.0525638011340456 0.696992853259008
+2279 0.739989568313445 0.0798429293330131 0.690119950025215
+2280 0.718779966819198 0.110597299887039 0.708059740810822
+2281 0.721433687352065 0.129545144381248 0.702122845605272
+2282 0.737835287391589 0.144667928770072 0.681832295410791
+2283 0.750355536127708 0.210587629078629 0.650264884398306
+2284 0.760972485729794 0.221389750678292 0.634139144239513
+2285 0.772014503254846 0.216050051512603 0.622527896568158
+2286 0.771344679770783 0.222126849053789 0.621218196706072
+2287 0.759899841391425 0.226606746132859 0.633582365332532
+2288 0.755201424705812 0.233901002890181 0.636542322999248
+2289 0.750237073764451 0.222067984586703 0.646571839296264
+2290 0.74135161319857 0.225166349698244 0.655685062031647
+2291 0.739055762849486 0.238113222056152 0.653699986906074
+2292 0.74230316832477 0.246174751368028 0.646999998519241
+2293 0.737866173850608 0.247118573191313 0.65169848877449
+2294 0.733480724589299 0.209788927385977 0.669492070604423
+2295 0.727713558704319 0.210775907247805 0.675449104967769
+2296 0.730979573202008 0.192970724310118 0.677241584016102
+2297 0.717191715716901 0.173859425081524 0.696874409931496
+2298 0.7129543888267 0.156698400733655 0.705242263807453
+2299 0.699277117309091 0.150458479818877 0.720138013896281
+2300 0.690385505822983 0.166306460275085 0.725213771670336
+2301 0.701837325357733 0.173750877539271 0.712362268294045
+2302 0.693409464919316 0.18009245871067 0.719009749778022
+2303 0.710103722833851 0.202972629795786 0.696261311844402
+2304 0.707916298784271 0.214899233422125 0.694908507208079
+2305 0.711123782411742 0.227523056439804 0.687576341126356
+2306 0.712012139715089 0.217796746123895 0.689803080796385
+2307 0.710849195960868 0.24147375284732 0.683087730300888
+2308 0.71483033212449 0.254469343182077 0.674157214346382
+2309 0.731412233645788 0.255973558288748 0.655544568988468
+2310 0.735932437740538 0.267857501436096 0.645663074680348
+2311 0.82053564029544 0.298650548851459 0.517449623321609
+2312 0.830277212756514 0.285723668162115 0.509143138448569
+2313 0.830242544071777 0.267415529779008 0.519048410503525
+2314 0.835394928494263 0.235476672803683 0.526204380456275
+2315 0.828748288030512 0.225243588504699 0.540986692002698
+2316 0.830711603301444 0.197724165876584 0.548678764277199
+2317 0.834880343571818 0.182019615258004 0.547785242206041
+2318 0.831832044202606 0.149881551325268 0.561975062444985
+2319 0.828560974751005 0.146364571630172 0.567705137629721
+2320 0.815365864001151 0.160898195906678 0.582679395873607
+2321 0.807974139822233 0.149278069685811 0.595918490474495
+2322 0.796616055680523 0.155409276696837 0.609488159481849
+2323 0.802136845834791 0.147678453744442 0.604146137001523
+2324 0.797192266949191 0.136911349861366 0.613159662563959
+2325 0.806515978440262 0.111911905328931 0.605997278843887
+2326 0.806585307426677 0.0906984117409626 0.609441498382805
+2327 0.812820215467113 0.0760328124258608 0.603131253345911
+2328 0.811493074342585 0.0552641357416494 0.607165435112004
+2329 0.817771236240158 0.0154735620926157 0.601028929465471
+2330 0.824675651747851 4.39254893212063e-06 0.591722121772511
+2331 0.824675651759549 0 0.591722121772511
+2332 0.782340220954552 0.116242630414404 0.636126111357743
+2333 0.77648324520145 0.131813982432409 0.640252953102704
+2334 0.762308217632302 0.132111990953143 0.657006547285991
+2335 0.755322743279416 0.122752174378593 0.666816659337621
+2336 0.761140228716265 0.109357776028443 0.662519002785479
+2337 0.782366539477891 0.116246540905389 0.636093027499061
+2338 0.782340220954552 0.116242630414404 0.636126111357743
+2339 0.78794579124938 0.211119120495149 0.60398273734747
+2340 0.769292613571222 0.215527234441601 0.626068595218378
+2341 0.782696908629157 0.173360648110979 0.622540468490926
+2342 0.786949717219573 0.176745044776302 0.616195043565799
+2343 0.787952423363315 0.211094366343906 0.60398273734747
+2344 0.78794579124938 0.211119120495149 0.60398273734747
+2345 0.795206777907084 0 0.630770307140906
+2346 0.793786648408758 0.00325982623824205 0.632548124920853
+2347 0.791655695790043 0 0.635221425428316
+2348 0.654832006695373 0.0149622163489586 0.775368412491273
+2349 0.66406127973339 0 0.767624658774621
+2350 0.66406127973339 0 0.767624658774621
+2351 0.735932437740538 0.267857501436096 0.645663074680348
+2352 0.740231372612991 0.28008963048317 0.635478019993837
+2353 0.737378449852369 0.284795362728522 0.636702146267505
+2354 0.741617689148952 0.280660057750449 0.633607240429655
+2355 0.744709161994271 0.287348896606484 0.626948064564224
+2356 0.735334122154956 0.315552066329962 0.62444825424489
+2357 0.739348923957263 0.312250867386246 0.62135944867667
+2358 0.744537633790307 0.291312009259573 0.625320737806673
+2359 0.749586827288427 0.28930762102875 0.620198104455628
+2360 0.75680442309712 0.301227201065002 0.605585863870005
+2361 0.752502555023014 0.305955922246181 0.608568712904569
+2362 0.756777118728471 0.313193483492508 0.599519169390656
+2363 0.751893265357679 0.313520445049699 0.60546382884992
+2364 0.752355801479866 0.322433684802225 0.600185193823079
+2365 0.744024668410244 0.311505413269455 0.616130400403074
+2366 0.7408958514281 0.322392113863808 0.614297698396352
+2367 0.739374069705155 0.313751252564489 0.620573232231177
+2368 0.734812533217386 0.319810620548384 0.622893817605461
+2369 0.735847012959062 0.328094286099921 0.617339706278326
+2370 0.730466071618023 0.326465664778134 0.624551429376239
+2371 0.732009315951521 0.303610903156539 0.634198534249849
+2372 0.727556333819445 0.309683915837494 0.636382474138599
+2373 0.724695182741038 0.306656978150042 0.641095460804253
+2374 0.724227216534141 0.312655524875794 0.638722523163112
+2375 0.71498761586167 0.297408344824348 0.656175270482885
+2376 0.711398474254052 0.300919181571432 0.658471606822485
+2377 0.713198152740308 0.316775904643649 0.649019584577392
+2378 0.71004208239628 0.312205619295464 0.654670063854069
+2379 0.708425928129935 0.321397997805018 0.651967047756376
+2380 0.705874129647523 0.310346507104306 0.660039209912947
+2381 0.695362387285212 0.3262718851296 0.66350795573451
+2382 0.689320976171229 0.348326425609579 0.658582032120827
+2383 0.699288629512926 0.34382437257344 0.650388509629754
+2384 0.681587704108352 0.35504951246336 0.66302567469732
+2385 0.672051856966189 0.372245406056729 0.66332847007946
+2386 0.665433576505445 0.349681992753857 0.68201587899613
+2387 0.668220463766825 0.344982921240602 0.681684088016986
+2388 0.648747186286627 0.353466123889529 0.695998410592795
+2389 0.631169591696262 0.347898468138167 0.714714350202296
+2390 0.633318996907932 0.35098076169992 0.711297794929856
+2391 0.627708580713471 0.356712737220285 0.713416400711038
+2392 0.616940823747237 0.350915669940123 0.725580603781933
+2393 0.618698133113319 0.353504815540178 0.722822222591419
+2394 0.612999551633042 0.355788093586953 0.726547577354333
+2395 0.619040470092137 0.353393787761928 0.722583370386686
+2396 0.608969038213284 0.358382409729995 0.72865887690586
+2397 0.607655018518565 0.352823641943138 0.732458774372444
+2398 0.608901093926677 0.358382487610021 0.728715616951736
+2399 0.601969025361975 0.358263395760771 0.734510470832591
+2400 0.590431857833901 0.368785175252218 0.738656019923347
+2401 0.591823430110219 0.376252317186322 0.73376032966119
+2402 0.596899667998372 0.365913869021072 0.734876062204684
+2403 0.595099088501424 0.372260789088892 0.733146629107499
+2404 0.598514420424746 0.37091535966399 0.731045336835523
+2405 0.587704625770837 0.390430100314758 0.729652389577235
+2406 0.590487651021617 0.393608305142343 0.725687147546341
+2407 0.603392917779512 0.38411356096218 0.720138013896281
+2408 0.597914663643651 0.391313577623028 0.720830589644866
+2409 0.605687749403823 0.399107560453126 0.709986271283668
+2410 0.603474183377074 0.406691511744602 0.707563371205905
+2411 0.574020205126028 0.427026715139689 0.719981936345683
+2412 0.583449262252768 0.415632802679174 0.719069768321374
+2413 0.579354239819496 0.402886667550576 0.729558769334703
+2414 0.583648071730272 0.415756002018708 0.718837168732221
+2415 0.586374444802869 0.41017823767408 0.71982207789197
+2416 0.584224320101265 0.401010013445205 0.726703455970103
+2417 0.572747557014813 0.403816409289332 0.734246241748798
+2418 0.578838001037563 0.405168232850463 0.728704516003347
+2419 0.566193855835679 0.410172344210634 0.735804434383675
+2420 0.535258843518019 0.437518022230289 0.743169530228096
+2421 0.546389430052695 0.43607391159507 0.735882554727903
+2422 0.55273778893294 0.427145755713518 0.736377919319592
+2423 0.552655070124691 0.44102242149293 0.728214664234376
+2424 0.552857878413391 0.436226159163474 0.730944528906077
+2425 0.567292126215098 0.43581160597095 0.720050614634398
+2426 0.576183763568364 0.427916507022932 0.717721905488114
+2427 0.566110876465082 0.475023426877722 0.695770234679008
+2428 0.589216502466025 0.494411349101824 0.662273607432018
+2429 0.603082238706397 0.477609892650921 0.66212204599972
+2430 0.615997257931237 0.454305038743015 0.666617814038827
+2431 0.618681346812334 0.433421012910961 0.677941455196326
+2432 0.631777391096023 0.415657123200653 0.676987063415883
+2433 0.65606823493117 0.397498088819607 0.664676417889983
+2434 0.668628672800296 0.373094535401704 0.66630410891927
+2435 0.672273631188234 0.376529857080761 0.660680279360394
+2436 0.668567332605824 0.384999333431615 0.659559121708998
+2437 0.675707528164708 0.374167009617047 0.658516047865029
+2438 0.678487099352775 0.375860916152697 0.654682234156933
+2439 0.692153185685435 0.348836052734361 0.655333789650902
+2440 0.7007549842421 0.344036722292608 0.648695757481126
+2441 0.705707180153928 0.345302472704856 0.642626313049119
+2442 0.699403112598362 0.355564502585236 0.643920935044852
+2443 0.709881613493031 0.357377952142605 0.63132724806307
+2444 0.709037220466718 0.363982741237069 0.62849644714539
+2445 0.713482459548717 0.358480826612761 0.6266253081925
+2446 0.71147603653887 0.353461506350158 0.631737139132739
+2447 0.716694738705609 0.353147089634449 0.625987847002174
+2448 0.713063115817144 0.367350845351262 0.621948027797227
+2449 0.717732876173108 0.365774174034321 0.617489896330125
+2450 0.717506851298787 0.375856465589827 0.611670528645629
+2451 0.722651568147471 0.372416650486589 0.607705150129856
+2452 0.714717873907546 0.385405725839529 0.608987509894236
+2453 0.72455002226985 0.375649675277909 0.603439795416544
+2454 0.715490762540781 0.38786073717307 0.606516295970994
+2455 0.713855759570489 0.406926832453286 0.595856952260839
+2456 0.708077503135792 0.415506345377066 0.596829729909944
+2457 0.700468141737222 0.414863184531393 0.606183075095036
+2458 0.696623626934374 0.421405174189971 0.606100817985522
+2459 0.691660113033432 0.445618103375572 0.59435325689571
+2460 0.680753639907761 0.45851233460794 0.59713140996326
+2461 0.670309756036246 0.463108455455111 0.605343199721125
+2462 0.666744382210971 0.473039379079994 0.60159012178536
+2463 0.657499087995642 0.480402906278871 0.605915008003361
+2464 0.671729101912811 0.482929918364123 0.588033763989985
+2465 0.677984000564801 0.492379942192299 0.572821689101291
+2466 0.718000081906153 0.488630458720779 0.525301015792926
+2467 0.737965178538656 0.462910324706833 0.52090923061914
+2468 0.735674104123363 0.458257129101848 0.528213040495613
+2469 0.742163275398318 0.446435753937218 0.529257772976976
+2470 0.763215446204245 0.424191563034512 0.517483043708287
+2471 0.773108535850869 0.393621083585513 0.526868706938923
+2472 0.784293092925147 0.369075362757518 0.528102945452223
+2473 0.781960350457493 0.364300184483037 0.534834914621343
+2474 0.790629000753837 0.340827496199412 0.537556881642705
+2475 0.787707208517352 0.336104223029966 0.544771791589124
+2476 0.792972687880055 0.315696832597357 0.549322151532483
+2477 0.808267555263357 0.295785521428029 0.537995803349938
+2478 0.819977031575069 0.299372997917019 0.51791744111153
+2479 0.82053564029544 0.298650548851459 0.517449623321609
+2480 0.589300723250214 0.654204568873266 0.504941620033564
+2481 0.589237072420855 0.653420333610145 0.506030177074161
+2482 0.578950603910034 0.663270841003797 0.505087111007917
+2483 0.576284244730913 0.661196183917558 0.510823918437439
+2484 0.571194668416696 0.670067885397148 0.504946214691956
+2485 0.563836079229057 0.674230376101728 0.50766847026512
+2486 0.563626562004751 0.676449598241129 0.504941620033564
+2487 0.566110876465082 0.475023426877722 0.695770234679008
+2488 0.560621972945185 0.494879395275277 0.686310707757809
+2489 0.565560774261074 0.505305689782168 0.674560724094563
+2490 0.572938226007512 0.505203635319008 0.668383180548272
+2491 0.587728580702055 0.496157704184847 0.662289700964744
+2492 0.589216502466025 0.494411349101824 0.662273607432018
+2493 0.512874295970471 0.597358720546126 0.640583730296273
+2494 0.505381719750199 0.591477166648518 0.651896524515795
+2495 0.494739739914408 0.597160673131482 0.654871529549559
+2496 0.501171898098074 0.587377905950753 0.658816305321659
+2497 0.503735242848435 0.554345653450668 0.684964744795512
+2498 0.494073353557346 0.542950968577069 0.700942770150189
+2499 0.499859605882676 0.543732260788858 0.696218789594373
+2500 0.496766550463153 0.527384486981861 0.710854132176088
+2501 0.481278953812481 0.523024053493868 0.724597411038714
+2502 0.467541382316974 0.533831299882491 0.725709445361504
+2503 0.456500149919842 0.530765986814763 0.734928622631961
+2504 0.434474560939425 0.540186209475384 0.741387695466488
+2505 0.41930176012054 0.554526940018387 0.739534249885467
+2506 0.418806341107156 0.559978719957968 0.73569700410065
+2507 0.431881505936351 0.567603396684143 0.722170166167762
+2508 0.428327561107124 0.573740100503723 0.719432274415042
+2509 0.446121958271301 0.559141485419244 0.720111795231366
+2510 0.454732200345097 0.560604590933705 0.713558770244862
+2511 0.451351819295798 0.568858265918167 0.709159226489333
+2512 0.462552290719301 0.557457664551398 0.710993200096336
+2513 0.465631341358309 0.559475403130203 0.707389374557717
+2514 0.461065453378485 0.56612858508617 0.705083025500701
+2515 0.464779215573986 0.579421867872489 0.691719292633643
+2516 0.452954731482803 0.595411164403868 0.685961045927953
+2517 0.460919761684353 0.598631049802262 0.677804425702194
+2518 0.46342362828647 0.611820937521672 0.664182716694665
+2519 0.456061626571646 0.604044271040789 0.676286412248261
+2520 0.447318436174092 0.608051182655241 0.678531484848217
+2521 0.442951979854681 0.627138695882293 0.663864142479374
+2522 0.456930868965067 0.623088407768666 0.658179319859822
+2523 0.462641098308395 0.612134123137588 0.664439635667965
+2524 0.470714802349394 0.617684538906432 0.653542948278932
+2525 0.470575312108487 0.625355178456237 0.646308576774259
+2526 0.470171256690028 0.621801893180627 0.650020303544057
+2527 0.463174667893261 0.627684199954406 0.649389538065994
+2528 0.464466201978223 0.633081155907652 0.643198567515939
+2529 0.468681537957718 0.627962983152744 0.645155103651435
+2530 0.47300954349492 0.631365484637266 0.638642776966496
+2531 0.467374905313882 0.63309175478112 0.641077630175163
+2532 0.465605863399328 0.640475297280388 0.635002026407605
+2533 0.478385977785478 0.659131033937856 0.605737679493561
+2534 0.504389659430459 0.642671155733926 0.602320394015714
+2535 0.52681349314638 0.610607954495617 0.616320102986741
+2536 0.521668761031242 0.59652945449847 0.634223394144277
+2537 0.512942310809376 0.597201701676267 0.640675669349561
+2538 0.512874295970471 0.597358720546126 0.640583730296273
+2539 0.369684057571073 0.640311568691865 0.695384636425878
+2540 0.37267166079401 0.639220345870416 0.694793625954024
+2541 0.373081174353505 0.63325999404729 0.700012297950711
+2542 0.386159143138232 0.626002268667999 0.699447836363274
+2543 0.380663915986254 0.613453063358557 0.713439080876575
+2544 0.368968446250983 0.606167040023497 0.725705729108079
+2545 0.360387697628785 0.611604519661391 0.725455456198092
+2546 0.357866868456925 0.605754258771486 0.73158600481491
+2547 0.354338291265678 0.610985412394878 0.728948695851484
+2548 0.351879420219394 0.609473032273637 0.731401734040357
+2549 0.351879420219394 0.609473032273637 0.731401734040357
+2550 0.34670287321353 0.606235759687146 0.736546211301118
+2551 0.339110836338188 0.61392335286868 0.733707678493617
+2552 0.330786480364304 0.614632666212894 0.736907043006257
+2553 0.343481277064384 0.617020284747807 0.729062123907116
+2554 0.345956595577967 0.622394408066436 0.723300929616251
+2555 0.338208773933424 0.635144566290671 0.715843003140972
+2556 0.345712518943247 0.635463716988484 0.71196468917854
+2557 0.345716955308473 0.635461303444312 0.71196468917854
+2558 0.358057847035382 0.638754082617261 0.70286044142217
+2559 0.357132737156817 0.644717000023022 0.697869040674677
+2560 0.369684057571073 0.640311568691865 0.695384636425878
+2561 -0.403607215236553 0.699068206954741 0.615329064675218
+2562 -0.395505826985423 0.708109602187933 0.610230228774209
+2563 -0.385671721671414 0.700375606701411 0.625265009928301
+2564 -0.370659560785879 0.706271965432766 0.627707257279822
+2565 -0.367315806034856 0.699099790026104 0.637623385881056
+2566 -0.382433345675952 0.689786054067695 0.638877872311146
+2567 -0.389716763710385 0.675009239038375 0.650160265854456
+2568 -0.419624199480563 0.726810437602724 0.570865237163758
+2569 -0.407835250700078 0.730214012701539 0.57505034904843
+2570 -0.406508447076885 0.727331417763354 0.579624784830228
+2571 -0.413033320558283 0.715394700379707 0.589778686269034
+2572 -0.389716763710385 0.675009239038375 0.650160265854456
+2573 -0.396372991198149 0.660380145109572 0.661068465284567
+2574 -0.405488588413381 0.651850342135182 0.663999349491225
+2575 -0.413550165387328 0.65472814107442 0.65614961860337
+2576 -0.40806231234252 0.6724923465227 0.641454747518535
+2577 -0.416069527055342 0.667326789381787 0.641705621628282
+2578 -0.410561362763223 0.679549106928861 0.632358583936513
+2579 -0.432173283401646 0.649833135416942 0.648974690745353
+2580 -0.455618662795938 0.637364509292372 0.645293046922509
+2581 -0.455849543527833 0.647983054577417 0.63446367480415
+2582 -0.46270165636335 0.646199522211901 0.63131478257025
+2583 -0.455774172965268 0.651856892170502 0.630537465490862
+2584 -0.455139179141131 0.658482432410571 0.624078692007182
+2585 -0.462370789142629 0.653997328638176 0.623478746615915
+2586 -0.46008577969263 0.657656737228773 0.621316096123567
+2587 -0.466474661171747 0.653611341867251 0.620820911589804
+2588 -0.466841938160559 0.651405132912605 0.622860303430555
+2589 -0.478698793510752 0.646452242138031 0.619008855935085
+2590 -0.488777769006764 0.651985707463143 0.605174297032314
+2591 -0.482929001019006 0.652712563604444 0.609073796257645
+2592 -0.480287074899884 0.658420708528398 0.605005368790291
+2593 -0.486169630791805 0.658966833481132 0.599688921414771
+2594 -0.485514265319145 0.655871494706504 0.603600431248245
+2595 -0.48866624147008 0.66056329260529 0.595891299575655
+2596 -0.493227515566756 0.65706067013267 0.596005783237589
+2597 -0.491925541929619 0.671171969266498 0.581173338056884
+2598 -0.499312878030091 0.67178631524872 0.574120890124941
+2599 -0.495476210028233 0.675002840130224 0.573671936835148
+2600 -0.500150527339141 0.67529821407539 0.569251062422345
+2601 -0.505652327364178 0.665135211870253 0.576312305752274
+2602 -0.50879223808622 0.66691889610184 0.571467098340331
+2603 -0.508132210451195 0.661828037078086 0.577936247383179
+2604 -0.513289921641203 0.661657844125321 0.57355675712958
+2605 -0.509817488813709 0.65912732498649 0.579536278032564
+2606 -0.519353072466173 0.654696953794908 0.576080970707776
+2607 -0.518403537606005 0.649648663576688 0.582614268715248
+2608 -0.525102738586189 0.646346191279742 0.58028330576319
+2609 -0.524354104607463 0.634195739355076 0.594199913467828
+2610 -0.515707452758076 0.627140417285082 0.609069552824035
+2611 -0.492983347772757 0.622860668114321 0.631852045129987
+2612 -0.478702877647199 0.626593210326728 0.639100542719794
+2613 -0.476531584401931 0.620870981238984 0.646267648674082
+2614 -0.49212165118276 0.59242670123673 0.6611141233546
+2615 -0.485644361937996 0.583716624165366 0.673535044664215
+2616 -0.491053972897753 0.570902915198278 0.680559223814828
+2617 -0.48785134737392 0.567720448673852 0.685506786999961
+2618 -0.49422218503533 0.56412813076038 0.68390707256447
+2619 -0.493223893595824 0.552416580057058 0.694111743787871
+2620 -0.510931116855908 0.547082801696336 0.68547414387157
+2621 -0.523487263348474 0.521007997646913 0.696230386797273
+2622 -0.524433151257783 0.470447835878642 0.730666615891908
+2623 -0.51710576927928 0.433903262742235 0.757993787546921
+2624 -0.602063249908892 0.505191053808514 0.642282525265156
+2625 -0.60783439902703 0.520517209766492 0.624359013466095
+2626 -0.599330360399378 0.552426706451318 0.60485771310524
+2627 -0.592298168134483 0.55503893499734 0.609376452335955
+2628 -0.593579133947758 0.546857367653189 0.615496410375604
+2629 -0.589111465530819 0.554045083385945 0.613356932589819
+2630 -0.59527185343179 0.573423501662895 0.589119604369558
+2631 -0.565061734542496 0.603986030059335 0.588329084483327
+2632 -0.549838349385821 0.635512396055676 0.56923350569362
+2633 -0.552716907943834 0.637961350353732 0.563679283926462
+2634 -0.566865640322646 0.62650482522571 0.562476710442751
+2635 -0.566099579127466 0.619936418882022 0.570469195535955
+2636 -0.569837420173863 0.620627728126254 0.565978389738019
+2637 -0.582596687014521 0.599390285466755 0.575792832508174
+2638 -0.594632676905599 0.58767852963878 0.575561400163078
+2639 -0.597684808896361 0.59647597352774 0.563217792881808
+2640 -0.60798517862644 0.592210901611637 0.556655432545941
+2641 -0.608609933384978 0.587768841630088 0.560666333744017
+2642 -0.608615003843344 0.587732680580826 0.56069873664388
+2643 -0.613704774820697 0.574294774105729 0.569014026010894
+2644 -0.606997769520583 0.575958978102632 0.574499750513444
+2645 -0.606161067184368 0.570957684594308 0.580345658235344
+2646 -0.610383743373521 0.571386861660943 0.575476967520496
+2647 -0.609513211123729 0.568738368521132 0.579012360522262
+2648 -0.614752860785817 0.565789483990902 0.576355949011514
+2649 -0.612670498650668 0.571004702251109 0.573422610375858
+2650 -0.62449582828807 0.557795202093326 0.573667563116882
+2651 -0.625421222300985 0.548595569673484 0.581477596842877
+2652 -0.630419751423531 0.55101678605167 0.573738998591154
+2653 -0.628557647342389 0.543111833575306 0.583240790924187
+2654 -0.634237616073252 0.538253346215758 0.581593484871742
+2655 -0.631042392907442 0.533630973918154 0.589277932752289
+2656 -0.6335856971761 0.531641527834216 0.58834636925537
+2657 -0.567997233244201 0.661080865029122 0.520169427128585
+2658 -0.573614928087807 0.651784161770078 0.525707447864776
+2659 -0.572123468399603 0.633492699170741 0.549169133331233
+2660 -0.55383631120882 0.637857407209845 0.562697315129671
+2661 -0.541195206706143 0.65512331118242 0.555109174292479
+2662 -0.549317064557935 0.654418595464845 0.547916110819231
+2663 -0.543963741554154 0.65576621383246 0.551633139568541
+2664 -0.54789795004829 0.659056401489051 0.543762352493425
+2665 -0.554258243124837 0.652403878074547 0.545336574787957
+2666 -0.548808253159767 0.651315352382881 0.552107609994726
+2667 -0.551604796345698 0.64680572631856 0.554616535139317
+2668 -0.558049863133368 0.649663873100562 0.544740490733712
+2669 -0.559054007569976 0.663756892428105 0.526412769957316
+2670 -0.56612873982584 0.660817120041541 0.522536107654972
+2671 -0.565300755076608 0.654953450382996 0.530750444315617
+2672 -0.567997233244201 0.661080865029122 0.520169427128585
+2673 -0.581803201268769 0.623929383822128 0.549947414755949
+2674 -0.584045797202095 0.614252370856329 0.558399079214811
+2675 -0.592758122113601 0.610036324961807 0.55382171399779
+2676 -0.594791923772674 0.600005246195738 0.562531129762961
+2677 -0.590300317741512 0.598830462908381 0.568482727589153
+2678 -0.582020010841316 0.604913927793947 0.570575890606301
+2679 -0.577107909302856 0.616020984412147 0.563639608068823
+2680 -0.573475444735005 0.616269728470428 0.567064842903325
+2681 -0.568697175879905 0.631203309873837 0.555329545180636
+2682 -0.572383114777143 0.626334381402071 0.557052791566205
+2683 -0.579219330573343 0.629212683113446 0.546645558382529
+2684 -0.581830617020045 0.623958784644886 0.54988504995367
+2685 -0.581803201268769 0.623929383822128 0.549947414755949
+2686 -0.413033320558283 0.715394700379707 0.589778686269034
+2687 -0.415386001440775 0.710904916527213 0.5935433172604
+2688 -0.412045905699086 0.710045102561204 0.596891216157072
+2689 -0.41966947760016 0.706410708200863 0.595891299575655
+2690 -0.417818460180881 0.701509278192156 0.60294068277269
+2691 -0.430092968663504 0.689122021110841 0.608568712904569
+2692 -0.437389764105485 0.686115083958982 0.606762956861828
+2693 -0.436648060111313 0.68014925681984 0.613971057989256
+2694 -0.4108165043275 0.690739936403709 0.619946078323859
+2695 -0.403607215236553 0.699068206954741 0.615329064675218
+2696 -0.465570551959632 0.74733059719637 0.504941620033564
+2697 -0.455454433757103 0.750152329284612 0.509958568552257
+2698 -0.441212778931074 0.759969865541249 0.507939058526843
+2699 -0.461020959908545 0.740315493234025 0.519247190654573
+2700 -0.442125111142204 0.742025078068962 0.533056441302649
+2701 -0.432076982541028 0.746692923768356 0.53477486735308
+2702 -0.457138002548133 0.734137280788876 0.531311866592698
+2703 -0.439268288205665 0.735390336825401 0.54449005820188
+2704 -0.423735367491276 0.725572179810122 0.569401747646265
+2705 -0.419624199480563 0.726810437602724 0.570865237163758
+2706 -0.590249353514175 0.495278017644731 0.660704461854166
+2707 -0.590698537052024 0.498101938622013 0.658175278376202
+2708 -0.595298833754292 0.504778682088062 0.648878093820572
+2709 -0.597406182565985 0.501283310296555 0.649650595204888
+2710 -0.573101774987463 0.480889490745797 0.685947995985459
+2711 -0.572491437749387 0.483381864687754 0.684704700286649
+2712 -0.583419867252887 0.489825095997163 0.670758998319064
+2713 -0.583527058471584 0.489637342321844 0.670802836186238
+2714 -0.636694222494782 0.534249890297416 0.582599795536322
+2715 -0.638074885830972 0.537499310359241 0.5780829797141
+2716 -0.638415500340729 0.535694213911294 0.579381012897953
+2717 -0.583527058471584 0.489637342321844 0.670802836186238
+2718 -0.591336522802378 0.475667718196999 0.67400766958934
+2719 -0.579754061918668 0.481474955106816 0.679920653674894
+2720 -0.578196267147243 0.477018176758791 0.684373973569066
+2721 -0.585210962958591 0.473843763937839 0.680606506147495
+2722 -0.587433828194297 0.464426912045461 0.68516723568842
+2723 -0.606283826104879 0.452585287175232 0.676617676414193
+2724 -0.606275315257044 0.45257893390578 0.676629552040612
+2725 -0.60309126051897 0.438267952147639 0.688786711258249
+2726 -0.612147107073167 0.415733675140045 0.694741988551508
+2727 -0.60834605565888 0.422339302664702 0.694096239716781
+2728 -0.599069919068993 0.414150864088973 0.706978991088863
+2729 -0.599106770559432 0.422999283068312 0.701689164797022
+2730 -0.589550946558383 0.432514010536282 0.703978914529359
+2731 -0.56167101271089 0.440200578699488 0.72178537252632
+2732 -0.579050027154036 0.461968338227605 0.693910167477128
+2733 -0.570166245276291 0.472638747426953 0.694080735345836
+2734 -0.574858656201584 0.473489464318732 0.689616018208154
+2735 -0.573101774987463 0.480889490745797 0.685947995985459
+2736 -0.638415500340729 0.535694213911294 0.579381012897953
+2737 -0.640869554884677 0.521470924892532 0.589558553592129
+2738 -0.633390528602472 0.521032350231722 0.597968835549721
+2739 -0.631376856356246 0.511607406562503 0.608149756892242
+2740 -0.620765339927371 0.504140593595588 0.625074119312216
+2741 -0.625430399820846 0.497026589519965 0.626120103726185
+2742 -0.619013761965706 0.482409819029053 0.643682941362765
+2743 -0.597006782259715 0.475510425589775 0.669102187331152
+2744 -0.591866755434353 0.482113005446761 0.668943789709347
+2745 -0.599282955141183 0.483025268675661 0.661643052935686
+2746 -0.589093951680483 0.488398241891282 0.66682866870807
+2747 -0.590249353514175 0.495278017644731 0.660704461854166
+2748 -0.517546832234337 0.401464944117124 0.775368412491273
+2749 -0.557832038652352 0.435841835495968 0.727385943694588
+2750 -0.557851652601659 0.435841480444827 0.727371114090503
+2751 -0.554086297637544 0.424981026681795 0.736616930114158
+2752 -0.562244677651824 0.417910039449547 0.734477447835857
+2753 -0.567902518770808 0.421530999611377 0.72802702253447
+2754 -0.565789043117083 0.416891831813517 0.732331181403486
+2755 -0.543318548824932 0.416451188860544 0.749398666798527
+2756 -0.53233265549909 0.4012871177895 0.765385911149064
+2757 -0.538324130969723 0.390484105482031 0.766781776897176
+2758 -0.549723409964537 0.388563647051781 0.759636402976306
+2759 -0.530036134402606 0.384825312496858 0.775368412491273
+2760 -0.597406182565985 0.501283310296555 0.649650595204888
+2761 -0.597901782824663 0.500455648936806 0.649832748899538
+2762 -0.600966074980324 0.502414353732621 0.645480126639215
+2763 -0.602063249908892 0.505191053808514 0.642282525265156
+2764 -0.6335856971761 0.531641527834216 0.58834636925537
+2765 -0.635057307418685 0.530482048750916 0.587806100893109
+2766 -0.636694222494782 0.534249890297416 0.582599795536322
+2767 -0.51710576927928 0.433903262742235 0.757993787546921
+2768 -0.515255212012535 0.426392529119377 0.763496219771322
+2769 -0.504819563737354 0.417356002686903 0.775368412491273
+2770 -0.363767041916727 -0.544703923361964 0.775368412491273
+2771 -0.363975940344042 -0.54936584496924 0.771973887661949
+2772 -0.369657482842817 -0.548679873763678 0.769758885304345
+2773 -0.360648534455342 -0.551738017413486 0.771843763164444
+2774 -0.365508777414797 -0.559386612826412 0.764012402401515
+2775 -0.360840055141922 -0.566601809439822 0.760908564904282
+2776 -0.370806636323843 -0.58355457409697 0.743095887156362
+2777 -0.367742537857911 -0.574890328577136 0.751326517539675
+2778 -0.37747909937777 -0.577750427090974 0.744270766273367
+2779 -0.367811286132534 -0.571673163703754 0.753743757317081
+2780 -0.385509956493627 -0.556103967721329 0.756541770511633
+2781 -0.390754038997907 -0.575538722369941 0.739115322571247
+2782 -0.386731217883602 -0.577561344841146 0.739653201209561
+2783 -0.394613612181389 -0.583104889525069 0.731090818498709
+2784 -0.388088464279342 -0.587874687911915 0.730763775241884
+2785 -0.394243831700386 -0.583984699827615 0.730587894461336
+2786 -0.423604706651321 -0.614761322527311 0.687642762506317
+2787 -0.427413732819386 -0.63214263363502 0.669281847758013
+2788 -0.43780439249061 -0.639086074808914 0.655836338503184
+2789 -0.439675614343024 -0.658468773550266 0.635082064312395
+2790 -0.437029112144387 -0.672374753557273 0.622207960345322
+2791 -0.42761784979422 -0.677549827238702 0.623132575096322
+2792 -0.428091498217102 -0.68485019687961 0.614770588909551
+2793 -0.431687955242962 -0.678188861650184 0.61962115621707
+2794 -0.434368001633468 -0.684269642351947 0.611002860641819
+2795 -0.423986624202766 -0.715752769982925 0.581513813042229
+2796 -0.426912040009553 -0.720748682936249 0.573142605413821
+2797 -0.419642094213654 -0.726841420138369 0.570812633650673
+2798 -0.393404978826962 -0.523699673042594 0.775368412491273
+2799 -0.389802961545562 -0.543028017443775 0.763805749809068
+2800 -0.38981477345281 -0.543024465826068 0.763802246600681
+2801 -0.379801435486455 -0.545913524489766 0.766781776897176
+2802 -0.386521385757993 -0.549923492089498 0.760532952080192
+2803 -0.370643094461431 -0.565002018143321 0.757377987547848
+2804 -0.376227834184436 -0.536172958750859 0.775368412491273
+2805 -0.37369701063169 -0.537939930806127 0.775368412491273
+2806 -0.370753541822594 -0.544197774027212 0.772408955133114
+2807 -0.366386709278865 -0.542945304956739 0.775368412491273
+2808 -0.365873373068972 -0.800871797004372 0.504941620033564
+2809 -0.366013806427367 -0.800698480949987 0.505114676196339
+2810 -0.36431366456598 -0.782877891336054 0.533481734521173
+2811 -0.341316626988582 -0.799934796904392 0.523289863118583
+2812 -0.33843832511036 -0.812845902034558 0.504941620033564
+2813 -0.419642094213654 -0.726841420138369 0.570812633650673
+2814 -0.402651151405263 -0.7405120629248 0.565454626769357
+2815 -0.391861671284807 -0.754848842564683 0.55396087899475
+2816 -0.383506246319402 -0.792579282716803 0.504941620033564
+2817 0.0054861262169119 -0.880470818810602 0.504941620033564
+2818 -0.00625652891215167 -0.878594047203943 0.508191259334285
+2819 0.0285353041422627 -0.87728209254878 0.509692913930283
+2820 0.0304729165984559 -0.873067181897558 0.516768901199984
+2821 0.0340400623071675 -0.87651643568142 0.510671334753052
+2822 0.0302007001982181 -0.878015737440377 0.508331862580508
+2823 0.0453726302995575 -0.873932877021231 0.514205844853103
+2824 0.0430780992649804 -0.876406782983058 0.510176859633013
+2825 0.0580790192787229 -0.874190956038601 0.512486097274783
+2826 0.0532976735366712 -0.875421167802773 0.51090325596771
+2827 0.0675990715970047 -0.875133795519195 0.509702075196277
+2828 0.0694805943689565 -0.877742221477363 0.504941620033564
+2829 0.135142566097434 -0.87005485297565 0.504941620033564
+2830 0.127013217792131 -0.860339666918828 0.523362493910376
+2831 0.13949913051734 -0.848989900077706 0.53849897135552
+2832 0.136734917151871 -0.846754987538961 0.542710377189681
+2833 0.14019363608393 -0.848495353686919 0.539097745472262
+2834 0.148505153750381 -0.842214606085553 0.546667885105511
+2835 0.0837026456802586 -0.876500329414659 0.504941620033564
+2836 0.088732620099052 -0.874771262588577 0.507076680867444
+2837 0.0940837424608428 -0.875446862900566 0.504941620033564
+2838 0.126001220689435 -0.714588455479639 0.709726730284267
+2839 0.125071553721848 -0.715889974237727 0.708578613306604
+2840 0.114268283609481 -0.716121649336936 0.710167263897661
+2841 0.10353784436938 -0.709292825348395 0.718615754553596
+2842 0.110060542861144 -0.716405388853191 0.710545562034707
+2843 0.10630278540947 -0.732797319236539 0.694213804770497
+2844 0.0982661157335435 -0.737943955203005 0.689932960133075
+2845 0.09186313820554 -0.726457867700674 0.702883440048789
+2846 0.077601295605134 -0.73169276228181 0.699162885560167
+2847 0.0845627729567699 -0.723444293787651 0.706896379405036
+2848 0.0825013882700251 -0.711841708565816 0.718818407443506
+2849 0.062039246051105 -0.70768926020028 0.724949683044686
+2850 0.0563712590667483 -0.720767910791999 0.712419047979324
+2851 0.0555877350489398 -0.715246056493153 0.718023733857818
+2852 0.0471531067021172 -0.722314924318482 0.711521422470978
+2853 0.0489054562738011 -0.742973984717006 0.689799184096636
+2854 0.0489744079810328 -0.743032148989496 0.689731638342739
+2855 0.0446662389731109 -0.756277458584562 0.675480815962136
+2856 0.0345398738358815 -0.760041724803976 0.671839693433187
+2857 0.027053740893815 -0.741329108954038 0.69276565108344
+2858 0.0337101497823345 -0.722053155318822 0.71255025555801
+2859 0.0253937735779294 -0.723201775067951 0.711729828517843
+2860 0.0373416900952075 -0.707559887756304 0.726766539831822
+2861 0.0419595536942248 -0.711292266891222 0.722860779759511
+2862 0.0550546472231907 -0.704091680680366 0.72900541219927
+2863 0.0751765166495667 -0.703909492496048 0.727382236323099
+2864 0.0697835422343474 -0.698647438557226 0.73297135948866
+2865 0.0608259478281622 -0.698614119121022 0.733800733602498
+2866 0.0613235084067855 -0.69478527608766 0.737385819939925
+2867 0.0324104654026598 -0.700248593053762 0.734048002285007
+2868 0.0265097521490339 -0.695447590496576 0.738833460201623
+2869 0.0184596120765189 -0.697500824715786 0.73714099210584
+2870 0.0163078808225897 -0.691487627919225 0.742835051312012
+2871 -0.00547545139328029 -0.700253675541329 0.734737918800234
+2872 -0.0116033240030529 -0.699747740830777 0.735148598634523
+2873 -0.0104578787987964 -0.695066004022715 0.739593728220382
+2874 -0.0256879614880745 -0.697225664931596 0.737184848457482
+2875 0.0101475357582786 -0.675223478699213 0.75775674284784
+2876 0.014812979697093 -0.676703275273782 0.756358547823867
+2877 0.0177826767125344 -0.67015361675951 0.762104262127621
+2878 0.0169883963076161 -0.675804629865342 0.757115907007284
+2879 0.021113894371194 -0.673352449440178 0.759194100541748
+2880 0.0203328194291954 -0.668173005624576 0.76377772356143
+2881 0.0417493356189312 -0.670118716936662 0.761198330388696
+2882 0.0492276470972828 -0.680102952991109 0.751838820555336
+2883 0.0612581537442492 -0.679552102657137 0.751452845076861
+2884 0.0670169018620269 -0.698168404144915 0.733685637257918
+2885 0.113134842916416 -0.69905677449143 0.727148632231345
+2886 0.124654020151877 -0.706948101314121 0.717572823696895
+2887 0.130934581672376 -0.742566936845405 0.679467055585708
+2888 0.109737208310893 -0.754525880078044 0.669980179859513
+2889 0.0865159407472195 -0.754889074673695 0.672965435171016
+2890 0.0948397802303679 -0.742293317504732 0.685733947587309
+2891 0.0994264660272093 -0.745365201805085 0.681740488596214
+2892 0.0918901482934553 -0.747737886279313 0.680197952120669
+2893 0.0932971710370017 -0.750957862886809 0.676448760842215
+2894 0.108966059935203 -0.74294064615945 0.682927956717527
+2895 0.108979545327114 -0.742942279990548 0.682924027475049
+2896 0.128954191851555 -0.73895037575 0.68377493269558
+2897 0.124291713668825 -0.738776950411858 0.684824931974166
+2898 0.129835340953336 -0.736332832736565 0.686426794111125
+2899 0.148505153750381 -0.842214606085553 0.546667885105511
+2900 0.164563214491847 -0.829357532833274 0.56152473780664
+2901 0.197185963934303 -0.81079558834642 0.57788684839273
+2902 0.187784845781487 -0.811833928189078 0.579558042594453
+2903 0.194382543587678 -0.807550182074102 0.583355063559466
+2904 0.186411126906032 -0.807113969145402 0.586551730519976
+2905 0.198621870902702 -0.805849939447612 0.584277526087894
+2906 0.203854869467416 -0.801390594377041 0.588592649833852
+2907 0.201282625946704 -0.798331522327406 0.593613582181545
+2908 0.199513835932058 -0.802234056024815 0.588931021958981
+2909 0.198324340953981 -0.798879781407653 0.593871661761386
+2910 0.188984372263046 -0.801772503336581 0.593018347046476
+2911 0.195442834541744 -0.796300646982614 0.598274500577585
+2912 0.201775157700095 -0.797173652247575 0.595000801593883
+2913 0.197903060772414 -0.791157052660848 0.604259792276394
+2914 0.206109008943365 -0.799208223402636 0.590770930291925
+2915 0.196820379711351 -0.789227398920423 0.607130011549077
+2916 0.182405549797608 -0.789205409902906 0.611643716867114
+2917 0.1906945472252 -0.788899465486339 0.6095065405834
+2918 0.184135898006222 -0.785622492445646 0.615724183729153
+2919 0.189029741832071 -0.787607787235171 0.611691695373918
+2920 0.191047004719958 -0.783646887793634 0.616136021702095
+2921 0.181374386491225 -0.781262844856093 0.62205843710402
+2922 0.190052778317119 -0.7833702663893 0.616794915017221
+2923 0.191036574027111 -0.779994445395093 0.620756548525093
+2924 0.174944337345233 -0.778696970452559 0.627096888079381
+2925 0.175562267619174 -0.774993824076164 0.631496209673674
+2926 0.189489566549148 -0.778734942085585 0.622808633645984
+2927 0.182202637608665 -0.766646350374674 0.639750398441171
+2928 0.191528454010065 -0.761157201222812 0.643569395116929
+2929 0.186640164884209 -0.770242663252727 0.634126713328922
+2930 0.198924540075702 -0.777068000933516 0.621948027797227
+2931 0.196989232234922 -0.787037023850413 0.609912260470456
+2932 0.205669547678638 -0.770419139772151 0.62799632660582
+2933 0.195488706959183 -0.757917533186254 0.64619670251425
+2934 0.206693339485981 -0.764077417510931 0.63536490575256
+2935 0.21436513327886 -0.752385142907646 0.646675487680009
+2936 0.209533270950657 -0.744989133829478 0.656743480242265
+2937 0.216907739813817 -0.736467241365825 0.663921708339073
+2938 0.242671929834739 -0.724513461367452 0.668143381893166
+2939 0.241927702505255 -0.719081210674893 0.674253809195661
+2940 0.245945784123597 -0.722254399749557 0.669390957000642
+2941 0.260741143856226 -0.714633550148335 0.671965731940948
+2942 0.257883878032657 -0.710729330086593 0.677188839841222
+2943 0.255763655593261 -0.715658059164547 0.672787852766684
+2944 0.244149177217655 -0.711439749404077 0.681520111392031
+2945 0.248573862360715 -0.69271568738764 0.698985701855299
+2946 0.254257467889964 -0.690307903170673 0.699323343555964
+2947 0.252668328535138 -0.68636273296438 0.703768367115862
+2948 0.260275495254709 -0.685576553827767 0.701759542444246
+2949 0.261609426076385 -0.675378237072462 0.71109053226497
+2950 0.263214111275535 -0.679485727262556 0.70657092925757
+2951 0.268823889101607 -0.673607450106065 0.710078671563857
+2952 0.272174521612905 -0.675657916166218 0.706846808089779
+2953 0.28286005772606 -0.664730836230038 0.712985345647527
+2954 0.278111599532517 -0.661181383512965 0.718135165760142
+2955 0.28733920384627 -0.659512452184066 0.716033873044531
+2956 0.307059126158242 -0.639106136325873 0.726280276169986
+2957 0.303224687155804 -0.648611587646462 0.719432274415042
+2958 0.320674233899222 -0.639730104325325 0.719818330784272
+2959 0.314504186176152 -0.647782135921231 0.715325395368432
+2960 0.308250681346187 -0.646144908858598 0.719515999965063
+2961 0.294136465366599 -0.664132162098637 0.708969118514927
+2962 0.296933394395642 -0.672284557149666 0.700063592476254
+2963 0.306904401712793 -0.672475821543024 0.69556520733095
+2964 0.314558467595193 -0.653779425600122 0.70982422692251
+2965 0.322786579480722 -0.651619482204263 0.708114308935347
+2966 0.321006826715735 -0.648424923791419 0.711846005402845
+2967 0.344554102857256 -0.629627894781465 0.717688082886494
+2968 0.347602434698555 -0.62606022875858 0.719337290398872
+2969 0.333856879414613 -0.62549483511616 0.726306268257781
+2970 0.319780071952959 -0.635286998675024 0.724138201516976
+2971 0.300555442435994 -0.63608855016077 0.731630222432393
+2972 0.295418349173034 -0.627710644235367 0.740899686924957
+2973 0.288609283217205 -0.630930049501462 0.740848806624492
+2974 0.291271957014728 -0.619152714598052 0.749690311437112
+2975 0.283000106249176 -0.62590176696411 0.74725023785487
+2976 0.279586188436342 -0.623008800689204 0.75094380448835
+2977 0.268667367105323 -0.626696896673074 0.751860256665447
+2978 0.285409838634055 -0.618902921394219 0.752147191645747
+2979 0.293051136524116 -0.609377931752174 0.756970651792635
+2980 0.286052129759043 -0.602505811000993 0.765105173665916
+2981 0.268930108329367 -0.608940050966016 0.766220341131362
+2982 0.250216052706592 -0.625078479665094 0.759535266612095
+2983 0.224741158480213 -0.659908542132376 0.737724289762574
+2984 0.235241573536356 -0.643036469453959 0.749259968924222
+2985 0.232114690097776 -0.637349130895579 0.755072086616545
+2986 0.255493819753057 -0.613090686106971 0.767507471414367
+2987 0.258915451221985 -0.601657389241816 0.775368412491273
+2988 0.129835340953336 -0.736332832736565 0.686426794111125
+2989 0.143398130023712 -0.730096970641908 0.690376991045626
+2990 0.141203528345564 -0.736373761293358 0.684134670413243
+2991 0.130934581672376 -0.742566936845405 0.679467055585708
+2992 0.124654020151877 -0.706948101314121 0.717572823696895
+2993 0.129239891455749 -0.709963728383052 0.713774162348947
+2994 0.126001220689435 -0.714588455479639 0.709726730284267
+2995 0.351190086968338 -0.552896326381297 0.775368412491273
+2996 0.353876398190428 -0.55988528515218 0.769106600071688
+2997 0.349105181909517 -0.563861743145464 0.768381745345946
+2998 0.355596058811398 -0.566714879523919 0.763289386985035
+2999 0.349267304637655 -0.567903566603988 0.765325348430075
+3000 0.34519519758168 -0.580682167189614 0.757544385679492
+3001 0.354901723398803 -0.574074439928734 0.758095181457493
+3002 0.347576286974514 -0.588000445035775 0.750780394903024
+3003 0.352310639328497 -0.590233415854254 0.746811039169189
+3004 0.359488614251439 -0.582448152883227 0.749497888873943
+3005 0.376080282252201 -0.575960674663731 0.746363130481406
+3006 0.383526626678633 -0.564130484396962 0.751591061151314
+3007 0.383806052665328 -0.571831750435601 0.745604696291014
+3008 0.39636378304068 -0.559887529634033 0.748095385398133
+3009 0.388907264033732 -0.576383419907433 0.739431060503688
+3010 0.396477094501181 -0.570498278325035 0.739974748193526
+3011 0.396471932892811 -0.570490851190582 0.739983239767012
+3012 0.400798781729653 -0.553376744251544 0.750572791596916
+3013 0.406999746315185 -0.555972470476311 0.745299147035499
+3014 0.407728758974188 -0.565329873863977 0.737824093414079
+3015 0.411034973105942 -0.556557862628535 0.742642980462453
+3016 0.414754761414233 -0.563073893476829 0.735629851466801
+3017 0.419411412661635 -0.559864301112091 0.735439345744733
+3018 0.417610354726975 -0.546646561572587 0.746327092061971
+3019 0.413711407385706 -0.544926154190083 0.749748863205903
+3020 0.411097774238634 -0.551188600543467 0.74660213410288
+3021 0.409629214683221 -0.542039739835493 0.754070173735229
+3022 0.408645793005795 -0.553464300372022 0.746264620675785
+3023 0.402347987382468 -0.552627531411766 0.750295880686423
+3024 0.403989033527752 -0.548197743630006 0.752660012667262
+3025 0.399228830698766 -0.54876593256639 0.754782943629118
+3026 0.405881611928444 -0.538681779787166 0.75848998491984
+3027 0.395801096004082 -0.548771572999243 0.756581953967912
+3028 0.395314740956115 -0.534315227068239 0.767110483376297
+3029 0.386189866157848 -0.541398243632235 0.766792233312854
+3030 0.383929028349119 -0.537831576216155 0.770428904452414
+3031 0.379294599040774 -0.549736715835862 0.764297161057464
+3032 0.377704075910872 -0.542636197266332 0.770136733610759
+3033 0.369211458459174 -0.550294834409539 0.768819545904387
+3034 0.371484266204404 -0.540008044211296 0.77499403362198
+3035 0.364850795256431 -0.545192854412065 0.774515105532988
+3036 0.364441744846629 -0.544252734971454 0.775368412491273
+3037 0.363034678248833 -0.545192303045016 0.775368412491273
+3038 0.361351948715269 -0.553699973799278 0.770107854897193
+3039 0.361186613015438 -0.54641838868142 0.775368412491273
+3040 0.66406127973339 -4.76768569655414e-09 0.767624658774621
+3041 0.658305675154605 -0.0222983536731348 0.772244405277699
+3042 0.67313377296307 -0.015945566090956 0.759514096392253
+3043 0.674403876866412 -0.0316507282543754 0.757893556027837
+3044 0.669034741267374 -0.0359642815183835 0.762446119691198
+3045 0.672656852568452 -0.0562481285917091 0.758019727132899
+3046 0.67661170375962 -0.0491767606848288 0.754985594924865
+3047 0.675742010676326 -0.054760653211265 0.755380040686138
+3048 0.682362951756699 -0.0522294411816909 0.749585143625281
+3049 0.687546474646449 -0.0286965307634042 0.746110819063351
+3050 0.700889770052173 -0.0221732933472309 0.733816649646456
+3051 0.70336331629829 -0.0135175511794232 0.731657242905435
+3052 0.711260363282393 -0.0153707251594528 0.723945741358751
+3053 0.71297222169997 -0.0136399779865421 0.722294650461109
+3054 0.739152012658331 -0.0207109441276477 0.695305946311751
+3055 0.733240013373311 -0.0906671543059536 0.695962319323659
+3056 0.728433698590488 -0.0983327580244498 0.699957152586561
+3057 0.73420728178443 -0.120257374632951 0.690436696027311
+3058 0.744014352601928 -0.112521596977173 0.681180250253955
+3059 0.769201021260555 -0.118982388999921 0.651458348629896
+3060 0.782415258901312 -0.130931416431998 0.633173220240325
+3061 0.78131083036101 -0.12299275626145 0.636121975935276
+3062 0.787066600783823 -0.127829434937462 0.628021338406719
+3063 0.788386307759496 -0.119668574722517 0.62797409338382
+3064 0.788162181295091 -0.122816966403291 0.627647487639087
+3065 0.802355313477671 -0.127008828842345 0.608538994913427
+3066 0.803663066890079 -0.0967843004699825 0.612358942205768
+3067 0.819110101022694 -0.0804299239297428 0.593982044963691
+3068 0.813132533114284 -0.0627812866325858 0.604234220844786
+3069 0.814870225760192 -0.030250220314936 0.604397583830735
+3070 0.807079543046545 -0.0204575410674903 0.615165912749765
+3071 0.806044705751425 -0.0100873844467866 0.616778061384418
+3072 0.798196125941859 -0.00702148666515617 0.626943891633389
+3073 0.795206777907084 -5.70925620351282e-09 0.630770307140906
+3074 0.824675651759549 -5.92083054559215e-09 0.591722121772511
+3075 0.825749470411012 -0.0135197139059303 0.590067817671693
+3076 0.832024967964768 -0.0284297851365623 0.58064722508621
+3077 0.831159817218801 -0.0410867492418599 0.581128417200145
+3078 0.827667839804174 -0.0430720559088353 0.585948585588939
+3079 0.828404137679912 -0.0679325534282864 0.582543348481049
+3080 0.820158062343874 -0.0785532973181204 0.592785907603068
+3081 0.820789977522675 -0.0853271775098228 0.590972152961993
+3082 0.837035342732515 -0.100003050688791 0.565328422131415
+3083 0.846028869362177 -0.138345448463873 0.543434162613178
+3084 0.855169467238704 -0.148420578685565 0.526195319368495
+3085 0.867374111342945 -0.147686550226244 0.506039359985275
+3086 0.867861118302219 -0.148580078399163 0.504941620033564
+3087 0.791655695790043 -5.68376090069452e-09 0.635221425428316
+3088 0.789440758202752 -0.00333438388835958 0.637963299236209
+3089 0.782623081738185 -0.00245869662904983 0.646312669488625
+3090 0.780355324561316 -5.60262890291476e-09 0.649053593649094
+3091 0.750329277150245 0.629601018698283 0.266145699017052
+3092 0.750957535670231 0.627339194324081 0.269691147212708
+3093 0.754206314667421 0.626418803627086 0.262673404398308
+3094 0.755097308173404 0.601861142210919 0.312755848363938
+3095 0.763382523523664 0.583905503096913 0.326383955230312
+3096 0.755237506859214 0.57141374760751 0.36514057194212
+3097 0.753913538158984 0.574717160298487 0.362683832888984
+3098 0.75299472439237 0.56526990169497 0.379069760433377
+3099 0.760115958973847 0.545555249927371 0.393469437428058
+3100 0.756328013236139 0.539011643561542 0.409462311451688
+3101 0.753474665880859 0.54329713327239 0.409058862333687
+3102 0.756081128708275 0.532147993605161 0.418789732100994
+3103 0.748721467746521 0.497191340246397 0.47163750372451
+3104 0.749010635546204 0.47947842633995 0.489191686880752
+3105 0.743216379391379 0.473083599222317 0.504030080006369
+3106 0.746841222889062 0.489412031533464 0.482627238336026
+3107 0.743791968472039 0.506350129576728 0.469689316372132
+3108 0.724615502024137 0.507420817033155 0.4976760881012
+3109 0.738395570969209 0.508917216981915 0.475394832778437
+3110 0.732892661505987 0.517405127258733 0.474747597147204
+3111 0.732106175563052 0.556496772241628 0.42960084984447
+3112 0.735044678700812 0.562551455918336 0.416497514707808
+3113 0.728139109049649 0.578265225791997 0.406998484655795
+3114 0.728499281165242 0.592924655395813 0.38464808639259
+3115 0.734562059282639 0.599051500411412 0.363016364530974
+3116 0.729342414100211 0.611990949681962 0.351783627393099
+3117 0.729342414100211 0.611990949681962 0.351783627393099
+3118 0.723849398378529 0.624706427907134 0.340600832938722
+3119 0.714680699178286 0.659578442611631 0.290538768951841
+3120 0.721244503638546 0.663185793620808 0.264982960038427
+3121 0.71898285520714 0.681412141108455 0.221282958829139
+3122 0.699750652896767 0.700730816610342 0.222599071029398
+3123 0.690503451844859 0.706558138161885 0.232820919136457
+3124 0.650161259286606 0.740018746341178 0.244719414813141
+3125 0.640117795457527 0.745323162374578 0.254887409588143
+3126 0.599506042578153 0.772764342018684 0.271390450489165
+3127 0.593173811970192 0.772575597090871 0.285476401077979
+3128 0.55677751171362 0.795754696783728 0.294954682954224
+3129 0.548664920799841 0.7961791072772 0.308691810417744
+3130 0.535464822441671 0.804464193369666 0.310386509876964
+3131 0.526679599208066 0.804801736445157 0.324234120340364
+3132 0.511182609091103 0.813040173114232 0.32845550241272
+3133 0.507244602819466 0.806908002181636 0.349037804436371
+3134 0.501116326281067 0.808057282341528 0.355177217722916
+3135 0.497168852604368 0.811929146783613 0.351879514327405
+3136 0.472988788105333 0.812937170176687 0.381627781577507
+3137 0.483270961378854 0.796509329312208 0.4027990394807
+3138 0.50336572240481 0.780523103189934 0.409428424629555
+3139 0.508771694609893 0.772281829100965 0.418278781680646
+3140 0.508834950205222 0.761997386768079 0.436660023368602
+3141 0.502555050684172 0.759441998362338 0.448231270835992
+3142 0.543899419642251 0.751179867687154 0.412464819947512
+3143 0.5630363561663 0.736266502941054 0.413674628520926
+3144 0.570496567058553 0.733120156150067 0.409015285314507
+3145 0.579100157417144 0.72279378688551 0.41525552292431
+3146 0.568076556860716 0.716158891454466 0.441169432005419
+3147 0.575040367481518 0.709897816819457 0.442265378977022
+3148 0.583800334719453 0.715063029660863 0.422003593342146
+3149 0.587180502832164 0.699846406994323 0.44233365654323
+3150 0.581968935488279 0.697623910507221 0.452612458528543
+3151 0.592773476554325 0.67824624958981 0.467789087528832
+3152 0.591774867774348 0.659553130012516 0.494992095453399
+3153 0.596211740134471 0.655292475750461 0.49532649045923
+3154 0.58964835782935 0.659207886147428 0.497980699375176
+3155 0.589300723250214 0.654204568873266 0.504941620033564
+3156 0.630850663016728 0.775622436699444 0.175106472352597
+3157 0.629898306342393 0.775144972630221 0.180564102393248
+3158 0.622676248260617 0.780440403488174 0.182789678196824
+3159 0.628061086208928 0.776205594978801 0.18239831773804
+3160 0.621425792729394 0.775427627243308 0.206801786835744
+3161 0.62773671934095 0.769615438208504 0.209436597714424
+3162 0.647460406679855 0.756117832589479 0.198257017586125
+3163 0.674001848710163 0.733292523570022 0.195521310377134
+3164 0.687473976728817 0.722948940775483 0.186947480197708
+3165 0.695023791942275 0.714853418141647 0.190135528519489
+3166 0.711338379395314 0.700884992646002 0.181612051039742
+3167 0.725470275359698 0.680226173505998 0.20300303556083
+3168 0.733126668229642 0.672434436683054 0.201450283428067
+3169 0.721880481430537 0.682080644146753 0.209474498232997
+3170 0.721150019398178 0.680221678464341 0.217867201912454
+3171 0.739389584596719 0.647056457574657 0.254648744157176
+3172 0.749238599491472 0.633379890392221 0.260185386751054
+3173 0.750329277150245 0.629601018698283 0.266145699017052
+3174 0.563626562004751 0.676449598241129 0.504941620033564
+3175 0.560323240992551 0.701942488716264 0.472799754799451
+3176 0.548945054787117 0.713741775038166 0.468462384178428
+3177 0.537171739548842 0.732052357449665 0.453619739630518
+3178 0.524380804869007 0.743241502715648 0.45037966220281
+3179 0.496594332852182 0.755414971838243 0.461483790508099
+3180 0.49418013707891 0.77020813362923 0.43907906236582
+3181 0.459330375269217 0.795583545227429 0.431610274342949
+3182 0.459330375269217 0.795583545227429 0.431610274342949
+3183 0.435810815914654 0.811307500593391 0.426701385295043
+3184 0.366036021117228 0.840088468830055 0.436456178537367
+3185 0.365417266034988 0.846759917194203 0.423901951300983
+3186 0.356144477429148 0.851157092297386 0.422986661052779
+3187 0.355759012005626 0.858069061831001 0.409118577560648
+3188 0.34261234651481 0.862993621947508 0.409980229393488
+3189 0.344902971659083 0.86519926238082 0.403357380639575
+3190 0.335958723917866 0.866229526554309 0.408660180527754
+3191 0.342613351636978 0.866464594149764 0.402591850842712
+3192 0.332557317664095 0.875348256314264 0.391658091497724
+3193 0.313069063673845 0.881531455942648 0.393846484755186
+3194 0.318262177908082 0.882754956968219 0.386882245730198
+3195 0.33783645980343 0.877136837424889 0.383043724475091
+3196 0.312177234474091 0.897590731069988 0.356512627789469
+3197 0.290930948836892 0.901352682448484 0.364893854225838
+3198 0.285356881033189 0.895571152159949 0.383078010157085
+3199 0.276294188426885 0.898705440093731 0.382380770159093
+3200 0.283182679529666 0.898567233131307 0.377636726970704
+3201 0.283296047169528 0.900686856937352 0.372466824560839
+3202 0.277163770724698 0.902487166648211 0.37272262908623
+3203 0.283080290644598 0.903188767969732 0.366525031153244
+3204 0.278824579746577 0.908053132481485 0.357660960016196
+3205 0.284859051560446 0.912081501525251 0.342326825299342
+3206 0.277879712303124 0.935521384922728 0.278940143834826
+3207 0.243194806182629 0.966036616765417 0.194562435516777
+3208 0.238281335482388 0.970971023512524 0.175106472352597
+3209 0.18799677825557 0.981947012168047 0.175106472352597
+3210 0.185578434639561 0.981592049944 0.179618184167042
+3211 0.175498115581879 0.983292386575188 0.180448036649004
+3212 0.176779802594412 0.978443802423749 0.204013790938837
+3213 0.172237719543019 0.976808638383456 0.215415997423773
+3214 0.172237719543019 0.976808638383456 0.215415997423773
+3215 0.165716215795059 0.974198755591296 0.231732432833506
+3216 0.169457650191125 0.965762687123575 0.262319532157927
+3217 0.165350053081194 0.963661126165721 0.272473106678551
+3218 0.153919607776998 0.965364375836338 0.273139847345443
+3219 0.147989835115121 0.963451304417228 0.282993980005478
+3220 0.130372987757009 0.96466516632043 0.287487392682337
+3221 0.129997460013525 0.962266147071409 0.295583359799528
+3222 0.0986305634628415 0.959192510868606 0.316933335331865
+3223 0.0828695380119523 0.954532493316143 0.335000535631441
+3224 0.0604261293918415 0.952908351898742 0.344295448370065
+3225 0.0485755648009918 0.948898618549344 0.357010960923345
+3226 0.0509745545305264 0.944882867485249 0.367182463529057
+3227 0.0361689154949307 0.943263064006792 0.373057102375011
+3228 0.032503267419152 0.93994354053783 0.381673523064264
+3229 0.0289097152305562 0.944386595797396 0.370841187091581
+3230 0.0223615956164584 0.941207913897587 0.379279081756479
+3231 0.0160468557200128 0.944450948345737 0.371456463923216
+3232 0.0157328290372773 0.941347980265187 0.379264364449307
+3233 0.0128588352434104 0.943533919722755 0.37390291880219
+3234 0.00784559620261371 0.941380202607097 0.379429520147876
+3235 0.00364929383514967 0.943112290009496 0.375167817233233
+3236 0.00159855870995093 0.939389563827692 0.384408236100203
+3237 -0.00319711870603568 0.943258517999936 0.374804144390832
+3238 -0.00873013756051305 0.937906785374577 0.387917061556336
+3239 -0.0102521359224235 0.94191953549822 0.378031060041164
+3240 -0.013650194352019 0.94086111219481 0.380550968667401
+3241 -0.0112251622481832 0.936815354277377 0.390481738014282
+3242 -0.0236631741555363 0.936579649821174 0.39049150276252
+3243 -0.045924001112105 0.952234389481168 0.348375736255098
+3244 -0.0510962181147983 0.949602994498156 0.354779268467732
+3245 -0.0498432987327532 0.952402628550477 0.347375702520456
+3246 -0.0625525973757654 0.952991994851765 0.343683619496186
+3247 -0.067222266474657 0.955880782982302 0.334661165382466
+3248 -0.0579902521163118 0.956515516047325 0.33457465268637
+3249 -0.0659952764920737 0.959000892259962 0.325863333508592
+3250 -0.0682847584323388 0.955849732422476 0.334534722852081
+3251 -0.077625138807041 0.965211220534756 0.304247658296648
+3252 -0.0722323458228755 0.9737282845544 0.277237652701918
+3253 -0.078573382705683 0.971759076950098 0.282374786224406
+3254 -0.0748537377867933 0.974122513800783 0.275149497629543
+3255 -0.0788764250296544 0.972527621737299 0.279631068611009
+3256 -0.0844343942765417 0.973760454487303 0.273653814773036
+3257 -0.0871962812561992 0.971690217937725 0.280071292529646
+3258 -0.0929352004517856 0.973018371364945 0.27353847536187
+3259 -0.097128947190656 0.970125421498105 0.282219124406478
+3260 -0.107296613967236 0.968193152055348 0.285156898819398
+3261 -0.103607383565257 0.966684274851798 0.291568212987999
+3262 -0.109403971927987 0.967612939884594 0.286323190633019
+3263 -0.116670047523418 0.965097938907316 0.291888794453872
+3264 -0.115923287264492 0.961596923268834 0.303509717521048
+3265 -0.124629974219221 0.965693657032656 0.28658005913359
+3266 -0.131131268369166 0.964542238916155 0.287554968314765
+3267 -0.132994339375391 0.972384324436128 0.25885561860813
+3268 -0.139530436372707 0.977188458350076 0.236345032088776
+3269 -0.140951415834266 0.975217140203468 0.24353485957391
+3270 -0.150106065442853 0.97861707299803 0.223610808222755
+3271 -0.147577120496247 0.982510848261143 0.207649768974599
+3272 -0.153562125956343 0.982253512492863 0.204503571282265
+3273 -0.146691996942143 0.986781150600874 0.187001119921624
+3274 -0.148620941772999 0.988673120402662 0.175106472352597
+3275 -0.159396636412979 0.986993128466687 0.175106472352597
+3276 -0.158822739568058 0.986008821749048 0.181071645569235
+3277 -0.172364986597278 0.977530426227811 0.212013153351846
+3278 -0.172087628564664 0.975957450641578 0.219357932685788
+3279 -0.170751071872722 0.97322390444498 0.232173002890484
+3280 -0.1715735577876 0.973042010355621 0.232328991628676
+3281 -0.148952240964386 0.98862326153693 0.175106472352597
+3282 -0.15215765660147 0.987117421068506 0.180754652943184
+3283 -0.151048354297336 0.98830517453077 0.175106472352597
+3284 -0.283752462186107 0.958669527805881 0.175106472352597
+3285 -0.281376809914271 0.958754107237927 0.178445097150001
+3286 -0.288529599032097 0.956984003902699 0.176514267855991
+3287 -0.282594477347887 0.958012649049108 0.180491345040104
+3288 -0.288371507580168 0.956399254714599 0.179909252672844
+3289 -0.287550978363893 0.955669060451857 0.185029948216587
+3290 -0.296282172618491 0.953655565236005 0.181612051039742
+3291 -0.324379151336208 0.941051597017598 0.198557442391438
+3292 -0.325761285013871 0.935669314394175 0.220516483028472
+3293 -0.330160995289823 0.93405525543884 0.220815527027238
+3294 -0.318032965383032 0.926681102738867 0.265220977217776
+3295 -0.306730813013598 0.926004302187082 0.280458982168575
+3296 -0.286310841162923 0.928821805303217 0.292474197538607
+3297 -0.259079990179794 0.925363219648727 0.326811062251234
+3298 -0.262125955962923 0.918557234796447 0.343172827615515
+3299 -0.271780609937588 0.913241607459368 0.349785743658862
+3300 -0.270628837938233 0.910533870478914 0.357649413234371
+3301 -0.27491209612746 0.909806699091134 0.356230416572897
+3302 -0.270960136952435 0.908628086763184 0.362216239458965
+3303 -0.282804879689413 0.905254463115683 0.361608568804714
+3304 -0.288605340220396 0.899925586952915 0.370224115291969
+3305 -0.299435257659839 0.896112957517346 0.370870723891359
+3306 -0.299901163062234 0.893510638506166 0.376726732885023
+3307 -0.310443321367664 0.89342943968119 0.368284917596646
+3308 -0.316655630761821 0.888830499151227 0.374078274276138
+3309 -0.322779142882254 0.888516819309259 0.369562561313716
+3310 -0.319290573181209 0.893463357663956 0.360557565985606
+3311 -0.324841032723387 0.896092730211001 0.348885543297794
+3312 -0.330423665671211 0.893970442113558 0.349087452927901
+3313 -0.329405446072126 0.886596995382808 0.36832434059698
+3314 -0.330900247773313 0.887534854028311 0.364707977577274
+3315 -0.348509752362068 0.878532377334023 0.370063257409271
+3316 -0.34840268419148 0.876610473115975 0.374692738215673
+3317 -0.358816778061725 0.873018896257631 0.373247272673908
+3318 -0.358436064696441 0.8711411314501 0.377970523481353
+3319 -0.367103995180171 0.868549352887668 0.375608410876501
+3320 -0.365547900653114 0.864446951078161 0.386433954382598
+3321 -0.369597710808947 0.865923348094595 0.379208764916415
+3322 -0.371372827395602 0.863022825511691 0.384055758605457
+3323 -0.375823530485851 0.862399681858135 0.381114763114917
+3324 -0.370657052534375 0.857852099595255 0.39614154620103
+3325 -0.386884198287615 0.856973158978542 0.382286047228627
+3326 -0.384808529599792 0.855878224650977 0.386807264817425
+3327 -0.392469464640407 0.850160998297791 0.391687370613575
+3328 -0.394815162622974 0.851256626686214 0.386921365248551
+3329 -0.400184744183632 0.846062248059745 0.392754176210479
+3330 -0.404704797480869 0.845744495509303 0.388786927778806
+3331 -0.417439731177357 0.837400976167123 0.393355660883284
+3332 -0.420041925379852 0.83370991125997 0.398393730861921
+3333 -0.415303707667354 0.834538250753281 0.401613917123652
+3334 -0.426227647338966 0.827785065115652 0.404137202711363
+3335 -0.426684223607185 0.824812618547327 0.409694663877668
+3336 -0.430785646314641 0.824542636355268 0.405928771783403
+3337 -0.43681863479121 0.816921501758381 0.41479361164798
+3338 -0.430949316840786 0.818060151619617 0.418670842842619
+3339 -0.443163266311983 0.811100269658583 0.419461168585923
+3340 -0.440678110304739 0.809504212911307 0.425124372833514
+3341 -0.446739733550432 0.806404449911532 0.424688678481271
+3342 -0.443792285370374 0.804924180395941 0.430546712053016
+3343 -0.449847609092844 0.802209436763355 0.429327553461541
+3344 -0.448871284167548 0.798931442307829 0.4364036213664
+3345 -0.454376308571544 0.798062232781656 0.432277506720457
+3346 -0.449685707763002 0.794428536116304 0.44372408683527
+3347 -0.454704631217717 0.78887466267602 0.448492435763365
+3348 -0.449293142126051 0.791542174599844 0.449245654701578
+3349 -0.452654568213131 0.789388766341026 0.449660113252639
+3350 -0.447271054886357 0.789166423247805 0.45540087821513
+3351 -0.454104470863342 0.786532019826533 0.453190369855227
+3352 -0.1715735577876 0.973042010355621 0.232328991628676
+3353 -0.188185295941603 0.969213144728408 0.235451002285062
+3354 -0.186588591913225 0.972964186270721 0.220794903932119
+3355 -0.202357719865982 0.969561644415365 0.221870617453538
+3356 -0.217241148845041 0.968387231838765 0.212737990166641
+3357 -0.226436942925964 0.97098182777961 0.19011996475939
+3358 -0.233500663929501 0.968281145578342 0.195279448642135
+3359 -0.234961489893026 0.970177106134142 0.183778347474425
+3360 -0.239032403696864 0.968494253757397 0.187369662490496
+3361 -0.260241500038663 0.965301674457159 0.175191435144049
+3362 -0.260228526527669 0.965320587847098 0.175106472352597
+3363 -0.313821922758087 0.911456725346134 0.31778520830542
+3364 -0.32330464913367 0.909300658475103 0.314438255219208
+3365 -0.335618584918225 0.901872988934098 0.322816166399028
+3366 -0.343495484441434 0.892879471065887 0.339119598840065
+3367 -0.340977705977682 0.891438113271034 0.345394403883411
+3368 -0.315050013252147 0.901659072344012 0.343481304308629
+3369 -0.306323025444474 0.908593972067287 0.332938730107407
+3370 -0.313790106725245 0.911467679242462 0.31778520830542
+3371 -0.313821922758087 0.911456725346134 0.31778520830542
+3372 -0.487246348709106 0.843935436430898 0.283881973372445
+3373 -0.485352382480028 0.844735879109134 0.284744375478566
+3374 -0.484448688372118 0.847678094130038 0.277446061544585
+3375 -0.490260514521578 0.849156124789389 0.262304219626192
+3376 -0.280102854248289 0.959742212462383 0.175106472352597
+3377 -0.278428391331415 0.959669553524578 0.178148755085568
+3378 -0.282129058174679 0.959148537961508 0.175106472352597
+3379 -0.172364986597278 0.977530426227811 0.212013153351846
+3380 -0.172741209306259 0.977270149057334 0.212904979671369
+3381 -0.172087628564664 0.975957450641578 0.219357932685788
+3382 -0.490260514521578 0.849156124789389 0.262304219626192
+3383 -0.492087799522059 0.849579367271227 0.257467466427429
+3384 -0.498780351010088 0.847606505762632 0.251010702630612
+3385 -0.49902343250397 0.845384497384914 0.257925697427015
+3386 -0.505391913777029 0.842511717051508 0.254907865943191
+3387 -0.502223103792422 0.84853674807813 0.240795226651398
+3388 -0.512514701888605 0.843402780744569 0.237119020283828
+3389 -0.518513864694303 0.837909072923195 0.24346818607935
+3390 -0.532607892886472 0.832943866035452 0.229691855469336
+3391 -0.529925662618825 0.830760389790089 0.243394673018571
+3392 -0.543402023364688 0.826684437393034 0.227006788390404
+3393 -0.553277735805301 0.820298862446752 0.226315097443197
+3394 -0.553277077180212 0.820297885958135 0.226320246905876
+3395 -0.555352428576815 0.820900052369664 0.218933286855417
+3396 -0.555793728208421 0.81813275526572 0.227984925917272
+3397 -0.549646027724502 0.822292696987182 0.227923155226103
+3398 -0.545212450315566 0.822789804152863 0.236612176785113
+3399 -0.551236635773075 0.818011610300426 0.23920739285249
+3400 -0.547003030682063 0.819731456090059 0.243008280355029
+3401 -0.540074402308847 0.823624959284021 0.245329505798093
+3402 -0.538949458572394 0.826336911782225 0.238591259963013
+3403 -0.53256942824344 0.827241857021083 0.249530988241473
+3404 -0.52516233417276 0.832364119395758 0.248192456591135
+3405 -0.525660459158088 0.833798425450135 0.242252486869761
+3406 -0.516179259654127 0.837170125307742 0.250858831208185
+3407 -0.509818767635682 0.836135783295863 0.26680850072411
+3408 -0.521592118234512 0.819935160232049 0.293040944597984
+3409 -0.514449581976329 0.818927647567682 0.308097607348128
+3410 -0.515326313092113 0.814535981055794 0.318111500264237
+3411 -0.49048985882688 0.82864671853616 0.320919482498712
+3412 -0.493891834761223 0.84107815903658 0.280861862750765
+3413 -0.487246348709106 0.843935436430898 0.283881973372445
+3414 -0.454104470863342 0.786532019826533 0.453190369855227
+3415 -0.455910276731118 0.785822543984683 0.452607720809528
+3416 -0.460844390277761 0.771266812908986 0.472223412438153
+3417 -0.456208957986955 0.771929862937536 0.475628713764942
+3418 -0.469465178897397 0.762359216599584 0.478158834142487
+3419 -0.463830560183019 0.761489354736944 0.484995024781306
+3420 -0.467899744958109 0.756648693629118 0.488648731807917
+3421 -0.462774169931239 0.757580767874591 0.492073620295782
+3422 -0.469819458029405 0.752628067637736 0.492996621348303
+3423 -0.468453984687664 0.749741325360296 0.498662019084305
+3424 -0.46148134275031 0.755227295020538 0.496881981107518
+3425 -0.468885587523365 0.746367587326642 0.50329586765746
+3426 -0.465570551959632 0.74733059719637 0.504941620033564
+3427 -0.483236247425484 0.808581447835444 0.378026151728254
+3428 -0.488026976548147 0.781006425901957 0.426712588121238
+3429 -0.481049514909118 0.782761105648351 0.43139473303446
+3430 -0.467253044616784 0.805114323148219 0.404586849709591
+3431 -0.467797286210084 0.809269807127316 0.395566781070652
+3432 -0.483222134943364 0.808589881775863 0.378026151728254
+3433 -0.483236247425484 0.808581447835444 0.378026151728254
+3434 -0.383506246319402 -0.792579282716803 0.504941620033564
+3435 -0.382761648947857 -0.795319951703505 0.501183294331577
+3436 -0.364150162086194 -0.816092333203638 0.481261844673812
+3437 -0.36935388960252 -0.81886636712785 0.47250457883742
+3438 -0.365596019941999 -0.822764715781366 0.468639277768923
+3439 -0.380590608663623 -0.815176037998453 0.469961504455629
+3440 -0.363847055831442 -0.83174439700302 0.453918030063659
+3441 -0.356304662509349 -0.83264518688339 0.458229178723946
+3442 -0.345469537995216 -0.844902838184106 0.443863709201162
+3443 -0.348153350103713 -0.854146286783053 0.423613462470544
+3444 -0.323572310632601 -0.873370805343532 0.403422106689098
+3445 -0.320270102552754 -0.879504982953621 0.392585081696438
+3446 -0.311112989160057 -0.880557980375697 0.397556726986939
+3447 -0.314705381314426 -0.87283703821633 0.411510665341113
+3448 -0.326935856535128 -0.866033354664483 0.416322200128966
+3449 -0.33244584972039 -0.846474790824597 0.450760674307489
+3450 -0.347194760017528 -0.829833046071305 0.470167963885663
+3451 -0.34704325100541 -0.823731382960129 0.480887295172361
+3452 -0.365873373068972 -0.800871797004372 0.504941620033564
+3453 -0.33843832511036 -0.812845902034558 0.504941620033564
+3454 -0.33569592849625 -0.8236248448602 0.489055578150431
+3455 -0.323379534194102 -0.837796407221938 0.473019932889109
+3456 -0.314722352126175 -0.841673588718313 0.471975011124745
+3457 -0.316692450017536 -0.845952008792982 0.462921257797704
+3458 -0.298067601414395 -0.861108088922621 0.447072213606595
+3459 -0.304221023476232 -0.863882405994037 0.437472007663379
+3460 -0.285119517300168 -0.875220097958324 0.427693396002722
+3461 -0.28534774953574 -0.878418716670058 0.420930184280739
+3462 -0.257596875746697 -0.899947416137575 0.392381826532325
+3463 -0.247733353025348 -0.91243957654667 0.369198056536261
+3464 -0.254471170544668 -0.915112038295703 0.35782590840786
+3465 -0.250093541237546 -0.917521777961658 0.354728075569643
+3466 -0.25754611422813 -0.916556493863145 0.351879514327405
+3467 -0.255341099907772 -0.91954601588441 0.345631374977732
+3468 -0.225259119124592 -0.937550838292215 0.316988572142243
+3469 -0.200049166550351 -0.945212516012534 0.311092639796839
+3470 -0.186248608332935 -0.951778854074488 0.299421891034537
+3471 -0.168753357282947 -0.957047818139245 0.292927940286762
+3472 0.122552754269804 -0.992241677093395 0.175106472352597
+3473 0.106142523593466 -0.989930193549588 0.197476521602152
+3474 0.116540592460304 -0.976903751142482 0.249604389610338
+3475 0.112859626638164 -0.973185757650763 0.265324679931596
+3476 0.0847112788582328 -0.972555311501472 0.277822182887682
+3477 0.031631226435762 -0.977186348403296 0.272637682664009
+3478 0.0181195688681046 -0.976534342833126 0.27618355941567
+3479 0.0302249966488633 -0.970951201545493 0.294219669286301
+3480 0.0320792423628596 -0.963464468245533 0.317698191115055
+3481 0.0269464666010712 -0.963493605950887 0.318086402144881
+3482 0.0326733767487564 -0.960639380487606 0.326081939254877
+3483 0.0363846376269574 -0.964228535647018 0.314903936445327
+3484 0.0431599585383491 -0.955978982189183 0.338328839432145
+3485 0.0376515225922398 -0.955744090478794 0.339647753358311
+3486 0.0529848714863065 -0.944745442418084 0.367251483896032
+3487 0.0307017049258039 -0.943885364173613 0.371971537370126
+3488 -0.00466619098674656 -0.948051769237116 0.362492854423434
+3489 -0.012025232533835 -0.958217816446266 0.334513093955165
+3490 -0.0261637050308697 -0.96317546885766 0.319113579670129
+3491 -0.0393697279304741 -0.961389892714314 0.323116849931168
+3492 -0.074366313121462 -0.96274199032038 0.312765905345632
+3493 -0.0869519877273432 -0.958034925394516 0.323779915304497
+3494 -0.0981668446645159 -0.956964361843582 0.323739835006318
+3495 -0.127336082607277 -0.932845149173803 0.379223482565543
+3496 -0.128777225311604 -0.929119415797058 0.387786716417642
+3497 -0.12652286268474 -0.915792555692034 0.418976085423871
+3498 -0.124892038608064 -0.910552129432057 0.430722414414513
+3499 -0.118371154757241 -0.910163605065001 0.433376835717505
+3500 -0.12063015200975 -0.912952255636214 0.426839015736441
+3501 -0.113638035496776 -0.906663375876521 0.441896956011946
+3502 -0.116712327583442 -0.895941510478301 0.462484640168638
+3503 -0.122319315034877 -0.895043879752914 0.462773636334493
+3504 -0.116360835272141 -0.895439316556519 0.463544589418929
+3505 -0.112203589469695 -0.889056342997242 0.476669878937706
+3506 -0.099650248102541 -0.888261981996094 0.480921489843688
+3507 -0.103439447762865 -0.885472423701718 0.485246192679879
+3508 -0.0928246276592704 -0.887188780978671 0.484256807288754
+3509 -0.0967700737427282 -0.888184693890023 0.481651847673517
+3510 -0.0793426972453282 -0.885004934756024 0.490607788208994
+3511 -0.0768190835754873 -0.879637482432817 0.500561412713642
+3512 -0.0689081483390201 -0.881659424815444 0.498149902867187
+3513 -0.0737108862247687 -0.882974125941699 0.495124628926346
+3514 -0.0591853568587912 -0.881308374182043 0.500017642818832
+3515 -0.0593249764080587 -0.878570673821189 0.504796115551184
+3516 -0.0590695389916475 -0.88119408766689 0.500232715267836
+3517 -0.0358539692454631 -0.883837754034116 0.497765323654906
+3518 -0.0281489811192362 -0.881503377642285 0.502378771513279
+3519 -0.0133029747018945 -0.888283283162169 0.490918363598999
+3520 -0.00688233405144214 -0.886113466269935 0.494955107432063
+3521 -0.00178220707709633 -0.887935067680092 0.491724658037285
+3522 -0.00302487327227679 -0.884242466364908 0.498328316292172
+3523 0.00359902862717543 -0.885014108354027 0.496952789515531
+3524 0.00910057904250811 -0.889772805721567 0.488309874628254
+3525 0.0155058313174874 -0.887441134445696 0.492374656221144
+3526 0.00450671720158369 -0.884294221540459 0.498225269582162
+3527 0.0117227486791242 -0.881397238632807 0.503216141328822
+3528 0.0054861262169119 -0.880470818810602 0.504941620033564
+3529 0.0940837424608428 -0.875446862900566 0.504941620033564
+3530 0.0969671727141906 -0.875795064661427 0.50379100044612
+3531 0.114256648307831 -0.88286403579614 0.48756693142092
+3532 0.111782341543831 -0.891605545102319 0.47198438540038
+3533 0.11868339281753 -0.890083193311566 0.47317138676552
+3534 0.114682066026869 -0.894490390792419 0.465789614001681
+3535 0.120506344992653 -0.898249485696742 0.457002278180371
+3536 0.126063841259956 -0.896990875273124 0.457974101455027
+3537 0.131455670643492 -0.904632631274185 0.441117001587577
+3538 0.14300433891635 -0.905553278776581 0.435600755678959
+3539 0.14251266949628 -0.909028882510398 0.428464268982771
+3540 0.150962593713585 -0.907271716191988 0.42929398819144
+3541 0.151002120274912 -0.908880854025051 0.425862598568099
+3542 0.157027752816661 -0.893466372324511 0.455285763417469
+3543 0.135142566097434 -0.87005485297565 0.504941620033564
+3544 -0.168753357282947 -0.957047818139245 0.292927940286762
+3545 -0.111766405514769 -0.97146291956323 0.27201666587177
+3546 -0.0734642086282247 -0.972728226844034 0.280406502691164
+3547 -0.022443265645683 -0.985196725188247 0.243122834191918
+3548 0.0264330646640645 -0.988343607020664 0.229571791720689
+3549 0.0221280539764461 -0.988022206076111 0.231403261704993
+3550 0.0447338804007883 -0.986636643699568 0.23403421385246
+3551 0.0465482485728059 -0.988519981022661 0.225580379629437
+3552 0.0398554902810638 -0.988871931889627 0.225319422632256
+3553 0.0752111349466136 -0.993549966066243 0.193459944458303
+3554 0.0703595306547095 -0.994464556419445 0.190564378810744
+3555 0.0754557491996497 -0.994475318739056 0.188547793229121
+3556 0.075466927120175 -0.996929017659365 0.175106472352597
+3557 0.162464573381562 -0.921382411437409 0.393553953467288
+3558 0.143799819604323 -0.92271117814913 0.397681648558754
+3559 0.0975566390805143 -0.932101585347171 0.389736239993928
+3560 0.0938978653278631 -0.937259268622985 0.378091595076084
+3561 0.0829590468833888 -0.939163729153075 0.375917925062758
+3562 0.0979383851332632 -0.937487425196301 0.376497543572727
+3563 0.118155255593117 -0.929813252809313 0.389501797782616
+3564 0.132689083740149 -0.928025595833353 0.38908495285008
+3565 0.136353770067489 -0.92876936637116 0.386031233812623
+3566 0.128135501406609 -0.930579867593769 0.384483293926329
+3567 0.134092225717015 -0.93122638684833 0.380869651507784
+3568 0.163735284470065 -0.928588972366947 0.375683746012525
+3569 0.0694805943689565 -0.877742221477363 0.504941620033564
+3570 0.0715109100737656 -0.880530058536187 0.499777956451343
+3571 0.0837026456802586 -0.876500329414659 0.504941620033564
+3572 0.0866847106937472 -0.99601630723205 0.175106472352597
+3573 0.0821485103396428 -0.995574446570233 0.17974466218876
+3574 0.090647512077362 -0.995663473214928 0.175106472352597
+3575 0.312089969250705 -0.914142582619315 0.311718125451798
+3576 0.31892531038636 -0.909282996152552 0.31892958361181
+3577 0.35133045470845 -0.898566423714513 0.315230540663914
+3578 0.355528730895682 -0.894540215669353 0.321903905005721
+3579 0.334158794600522 -0.899871717478106 0.329839039645295
+3580 0.341154145092805 -0.895880166272845 0.333522978166328
+3581 0.33193432334633 -0.899457294156789 0.333198410819682
+3582 0.327698638924844 -0.898538781613761 0.33980385516186
+3583 0.281981407373777 -0.912230935898066 0.344305395667918
+3584 0.272301016791363 -0.916804426287783 0.339921755987343
+3585 0.284795731649186 -0.914430053042201 0.336056646010224
+3586 0.283577457788684 -0.917337533603037 0.329090678806317
+3587 0.291924918509553 -0.917706956446704 0.320653682409103
+3588 0.261736705244298 -0.925944793671731 0.323024977672122
+3589 0.257789643326535 -0.928489577283938 0.318867691478257
+3590 0.268113696098016 -0.92786834569472 0.312090337919012
+3591 0.297249311686592 -0.917727001659893 0.31566595813643
+3592 0.308359926001754 -0.917650283255993 0.305052640828411
+3593 0.312075063271502 -0.914151101886508 0.311708065028435
+3594 0.312089969250705 -0.914142582619315 0.311718125451798
+3595 0.461369016472905 -0.886961867263217 0.175106472352597
+3596 0.455087381138011 -0.888897871364892 0.181606855079621
+3597 0.470308747188021 -0.879590355192237 0.188030554355479
+3598 0.433268494581507 -0.89869946072763 0.186661969589256
+3599 0.443185380564954 -0.894476098932233 0.183641571798083
+3600 0.421573874168447 -0.906338556533207 0.17621262599459
+3601 0.40208819777767 -0.913123158708439 0.186430089412165
+3602 0.371870164702176 -0.92641075015596 0.183577511149509
+3603 0.366703461757205 -0.925998355541278 0.195654329546094
+3604 0.346446546203202 -0.932712549463343 0.200616775712956
+3605 0.339082966003245 -0.93263561621344 0.213163199301892
+3606 0.336273276268899 -0.935828252274038 0.203398047957937
+3607 0.343244768067609 -0.93306273397751 0.204455285225465
+3608 0.343811054318001 -0.933847507651145 0.199869435838724
+3609 0.337950433549427 -0.935464821380903 0.20228710394523
+3610 0.31495152646538 -0.946227813608189 0.18890066366054
+3611 0.322641187060632 -0.946290329524895 0.175106472352597
+3612 0.163735284470065 -0.928588972366947 0.375683746012525
+3613 0.18421529150411 -0.926197320258085 0.372086347939291
+3614 0.195176693976515 -0.929637044635272 0.357639515951741
+3615 0.209914890016562 -0.927013853488977 0.356098377402724
+3616 0.212375746890926 -0.928398058909319 0.350996561729499
+3617 0.202942722513444 -0.933675790628036 0.342474479887104
+3618 0.247182309168503 -0.922496957522352 0.343693569035167
+3619 0.247182309168503 -0.922496957522352 0.343693569035167
+3620 0.260409650817348 -0.91678602137443 0.349163578818912
+3621 0.234454861907164 -0.921011888577786 0.356360798666847
+3622 0.234068996640089 -0.918289279182423 0.363567744100776
+3623 0.21464030369663 -0.921851575141015 0.366529962539283
+3624 0.165864540527749 -0.921098447645505 0.392799699516891
+3625 0.162464573381562 -0.921382411437409 0.393553953467288
+3626 0.30868387951561 -0.950934795802226 0.175106472352597
+3627 0.315227518105904 -0.946450563893387 0.187317756592056
+3628 0.307953169942586 -0.94581612022257 0.202043836454957
+3629 0.321476312577896 -0.939436994043897 0.210561427315371
+3630 0.311845786730303 -0.941060957496688 0.217672872848169
+3631 0.286563958562517 -0.953474285554198 0.197466160239905
+3632 0.271990719851824 -0.957557790661994 0.198315722667181
+3633 0.270061917671516 -0.959297492525127 0.192457479611957
+3634 0.260474696639442 -0.961557738663222 0.194382734900665
+3635 0.253745458310577 -0.964408037902108 0.189090927377705
+3636 0.246799592547009 -0.968374625843723 0.177666950051662
+3637 0.247198621661046 -0.968739162411177 0.175106472352597
+3638 0.867861118302219 -0.148580078399163 0.504941620033564
+3639 0.872432217395581 -0.157258310523326 0.494324640111717
+3640 0.876995243418777 -0.178825241412883 0.478670947577211
+3641 0.87515804277095 -0.200695181603498 0.473333755667667
+3642 0.88266038033443 -0.214369860755851 0.452969332060567
+3643 0.883021047796912 -0.227805820881816 0.445649343228514
+3644 0.892254830799916 -0.237477362899942 0.42155761056385
+3645 0.894038161892523 -0.254926546320519 0.407349016275884
+3646 0.893810534364866 -0.251322981597664 0.410078635848362
+3647 0.902158209324725 -0.27552478169359 0.374728781948631
+3648 0.907409570016978 -0.279276998577186 0.358939034248606
+3649 0.906411192633432 -0.275596158228067 0.364267082562739
+3650 0.915340404098377 -0.265896329305936 0.348820995191873
+3651 0.918506921883326 -0.272911363462512 0.334797583840521
+3652 0.929619058435289 -0.267336747556606 0.307513364912393
+3653 0.936990131997283 -0.278919386780179 0.272907435255772
+3654 0.936388460232566 -0.29585317337445 0.256656485107138
+3655 0.945083500716385 -0.280197701609331 0.241932686271431
+3656 0.947163360430312 -0.280688452106197 0.233067718726955
+3657 0.950998866597207 -0.265076416729255 0.235713065027811
+3658 0.948336255773026 -0.278301393020404 0.2311529377475
+3659 0.945739269091981 -0.28405927145479 0.234760655131859
+3660 0.94886247730432 -0.285828069380788 0.219516090339545
+3661 0.951393970781852 -0.276765673717657 0.220171011287937
+3662 0.949400639721774 -0.286207080107628 0.216677023683065
+3663 0.953344238033683 -0.273619185481129 0.215620743771606
+3664 0.952597247621053 -0.27949766298377 0.211339868958519
+3665 0.955356110029736 -0.271311296208674 0.209546852943253
+3666 0.955763343449164 -0.273266587420707 0.205101934457764
+3667 0.959579522976145 -0.25602391122949 0.209484834686493
+3668 0.957673569444294 -0.265766402356966 0.206045028491494
+3669 0.960348948254221 -0.257935627690322 0.20352913686991
+3670 0.959253101014742 -0.266114586873677 0.198094711808906
+3671 0.961576686541493 -0.26188546917692 0.192383151377319
+3672 0.962018004083237 -0.257861935881124 0.195585229103181
+3673 0.962545275102317 -0.259318197336018 0.191012214029898
+3674 0.963738090423638 -0.252778028637049 0.193745093628113
+3675 0.967507808015645 -0.249422010231125 0.178724095300625
+3676 0.970125756902609 -0.241699687907057 0.175106472352597
+3677 1.01023221510964 0 0.0982642944037736
+3678 1.00893763057439 0.0236606475366893 0.108212898348972
+3679 1.00607774152837 0.0672075733727499 0.116257129168576
+3680 1.00698944260586 0.0598480667022089 0.112318615520105
+3681 1.00583933382374 0.0779409855749354 0.111523259011861
+3682 1.00599322956974 0.0891482518915567 0.101268016888465
+3683 1.00514166302378 0.0944335166275607 0.104869195625517
+3684 1.00604828490139 0.0894394712399211 0.100461084163495
+3685 1.0054637712764 0.0975766158185899 0.0987239013412245
+3686 1.00615434846234 0.091145297157646 0.097831292930028
+3687 1.00614909965856 0.0944309078979284 0.0947195486151177
+3688 1.00535966735817 0.0999994851489545 0.0973501012809435
+3689 1.00651252360602 0.0944703331249495 0.0907353072596108
+3690 1.00665303828814 0.105508099686107 0.0757806136546455
+3691 1.00520736928381 0.118175793300421 0.0762733676674539
+3692 1.00479787643986 0.118453205162213 0.0810867787542967
+3693 1.00484074028179 0.121020449646062 0.0766429216392891
+3694 1.00460478088809 0.119423420165609 0.0820504779556144
+3695 1.00452849479404 0.123442388079517 0.0768731420721394
+3696 1.00387365563234 0.124610469192556 0.0832761340058938
+3697 1.0036971072065 0.12928688126536 0.07811542304808
+3698 1.00131939961112 0.145689773714808 0.0797430235026592
+3699 1.00086678717694 0.144867303653521 0.086626431637659
+3700 1.00067770098829 0.150536605520451 0.0787900320038471
+3701 0.999575217022459 0.15528552868439 0.0834313495978138
+3702 0.999564855654523 0.162150387135002 0.0692989992158762
+3703 0.997882434627739 0.17107186085629 0.0720421063308304
+3704 0.997906991141312 0.172975317626068 0.0669789259652203
+3705 0.998770077442827 0.167907267232954 0.067011058902325
+3706 0.998231414784935 0.175573786397916 0.0541561452317797
+3707 1.00132509274766 0.16475774929921 0.0206867754796403
+3708 1.00032635901734 0.170915063589111 0.0189793702067249
+3709 1.00056597435882 0.170380025360299 0.00796102465787492
+3710 1.00159171335692 0.164187999665972 0.00901889685270886
+3711 0.99961526794424 0.176025833674086 0.00303677001229937
+3712 1.00107426768146 0.167554530576133 0.000888745994171352
+3713 1.00149103930966 0.164927420978342 0.00629634750415639
+3714 1.00206289582035 0.16104965308537 -0.0125682958755807
+3715 1.003252872264 0.153526251042134 -0.0117628455309064
+3716 0.999855929872345 0.16946463276868 -0.0423657614080615
+3717 0.990853911527851 0.205697412753166 -0.0782438521329953
+3718 0.987310018425093 0.212883250217563 -0.100621316301512
+3719 0.984900476974331 0.221467459259657 -0.10558510759007
+3720 0.986189573844641 0.214533721029122 -0.10784436462571
+3721 0.97697531276437 0.232607804488603 -0.147098088158733
+3722 0.97675620323791 0.225404975896897 -0.15926366904345
+3723 0.972534045922259 0.231819442927522 -0.175106468763589
+3724 0.769272556610739 0.638578466785972 -0.175106468763589
+3725 0.777838751754427 0.635643172042909 -0.145429137741865
+3726 0.776615081113747 0.638986432596627 -0.137077914866416
+3727 0.779102354547295 0.635809926339795 -0.137732562259786
+3728 0.776834292784481 0.641544099293384 -0.123185430209403
+3729 0.786976141408653 0.632132441508429 -0.106311472786997
+3730 0.783957618995953 0.639425800508766 -0.0822806007629947
+3731 0.77640971077783 0.65148510090068 -0.0545905148749809
+3732 0.863835943622415 0.531711870708887 -0.0359854005567266
+3733 0.860599477254803 0.538138243262842 -0.000878001561848741
+3734 0.854592163019969 0.547604800098966 0.00512033333104428
+3735 0.851452171998017 0.552495926149771 0.00156537144653246
+3736 0.84768579756852 0.558192530843753 0.00865373392631067
+3737 0.846506201342553 0.560037428680656 0.00321396411928251
+3738 0.841586696468825 0.567392430069512 0.00476052796474558
+3739 0.838690901474667 0.571642234329553 -0.00690852475752695
+3740 0.834099864567512 0.578359690685815 -0.00157610858302465
+3741 0.833055907105176 0.579838922494773 -0.00544789842721331
+3742 0.840838049793568 0.568434459135045 -0.00993175146678052
+3743 0.841607048254183 0.56674833436386 -0.0268123446321016
+3744 0.848627317003175 0.555666793259491 -0.0359317645643348
+3745 0.8424725950368 0.564740346954349 -0.0391569551145355
+3746 0.846283612194285 0.558574512291469 -0.0449840188260246
+3747 0.851312942408581 0.551072110679977 -0.042553530034046
+3748 0.84993883961809 0.5525052442288 -0.0506648202239873
+3749 0.852424564132273 0.548440938439334 -0.0530084852423379
+3750 0.85203192540027 0.549827719333047 -0.0442275609968375
+3751 0.858059985663186 0.540729937913922 -0.0396130691476868
+3752 0.86165020546043 0.534133340044398 -0.0498547739240155
+3753 0.8638310234721 0.531721315599551 -0.0359639461715084
+3754 0.863835943622415 0.531711870708887 -0.0359854005567266
+3755 0.884872757472272 0.491411992708939 -0.0757592007959926
+3756 0.88356900400928 0.496052792181001 -0.0588425230890208
+3757 0.87499400519292 0.50413805896798 -0.102251202322754
+3758 0.876351640479755 0.500150045050773 -0.109921493185599
+3759 0.86756358373008 0.512442305399662 -0.122316441340073
+3760 0.85841110897793 0.519438226550318 -0.153425215598812
+3761 0.86528190888603 0.509144979337676 -0.149276951234223
+3762 0.870706969161568 0.505704171820938 -0.127897085410008
+3763 0.881179921965406 0.492277034968849 -0.10681884649873
+3764 0.883503554813385 0.494538667120038 -0.0712599140839168
+3765 0.884872757472272 0.491411992708939 -0.0757592007959926
+3766 0.829012383896965 0.558839146752103 -0.175106468763589
+3767 0.830350980622275 0.558441935076183 -0.16995544747961
+3768 0.830299737345544 0.558535862132226 -0.169897136162245
+3769 0.82969480725485 0.560553191465764 -0.166167524961663
+3770 0.823963056586286 0.566391523149612 -0.174672619162956
+3771 0.823825386972838 0.56645781517797 -0.175106468763589
+3772 0.77640971077783 0.65148510090068 -0.0545905148749809
+3773 0.774538761605868 0.654216289717369 -0.0481222717511116
+3774 0.765580605080577 0.66522526443202 -0.0398332108397865
+3775 0.768213042783723 0.662507297662755 -0.0340264814602879
+3776 0.761917069826083 0.669714001312051 -0.0345041324226269
+3777 0.73547503404432 0.699387858931608 0.0125736659955118
+3778 0.704304015631208 0.729626264330763 0.0427360265407377
+3779 0.677575112462757 0.751612768438103 0.0787096772442372
+3780 0.632560501309346 0.776439307505827 0.16502791867784
+3781 0.630850663016728 0.775622436699444 0.175106472352597
+3782 0.238281335482388 0.970971023512524 0.175106472352597
+3783 0.233329223399661 0.975425401016933 0.15597358929853
+3784 0.216895133804263 0.981389985603433 0.141616372956391
+3785 0.207604570538473 0.982629586710622 0.146848349028676
+3786 0.203900872355688 0.981666122703251 0.158053971128079
+3787 0.187917143469825 0.984106973934303 0.1626210658064
+3788 0.19276549278829 0.982570229145874 0.166199306816583
+3789 0.18799677825557 0.981947012168047 0.175106472352597
+3790 0.174007436734985 0.98684520322648 0.16150218831275
+3791 0.177599209611674 0.989512174450334 0.139818372755082
+3792 0.179733657036773 0.988559266557007 0.143775481332737
+3793 0.174956363255093 0.992226832897912 0.122886870876957
+3794 0.173725297387655 0.985245111490297 0.171279278758533
+3795 0.175348522528958 0.985028303410351 0.17087169785379
+3796 0.173763713958191 0.985462982686317 0.169982003360483
+3797 -0.176031225968476 0.998322703162535 0.0508899580888495
+3798 -0.171687945516345 0.998809877270065 0.0559202864096144
+3799 -0.143632426470073 1.00221606155365 0.0718170733894019
+3800 -0.145895470227819 1.00143526188231 0.0778904873890476
+3801 -0.131992283789285 1.00213492726114 0.0923505526967408
+3802 -0.0920461385206025 1.00604735012454 0.0980879079745703
+3803 -0.0976161769579643 1.00696642274475 0.0819433063816336
+3804 -0.121109595957627 1.00565191051551 0.0649746153777405
+3805 -0.136781170297188 1.00494403496826 0.0400424528949526
+3806 -0.15515822537876 1.00260840487555 0.0304517909198944
+3807 -0.161163812441239 1.00211343452476 0.0044598099053813
+3808 -0.176244839262506 0.99953416436752 -0.00970622972407466
+3809 0.174956363255093 0.992226832897912 0.122886870876957
+3810 0.170882458081772 0.994945503254125 0.105392746782342
+3811 0.170829476281574 0.994959699131848 0.105344611332643
+3812 0.152208387822677 0.997608942073214 0.108784214718794
+3813 0.142295291397886 0.997385294373734 0.123286757654708
+3814 0.150921504321631 0.992613398187565 0.148883650115885
+3815 0.170103490323623 0.985717288611229 0.17219532372468
+3816 0.173725297387655 0.985245111490297 0.171279278758533
+3817 -0.151048354297336 0.98830517453077 0.175106472352597
+3818 -0.144790416804419 0.994263685909351 0.14387653764097
+3819 -0.151403839224342 0.992800615963866 0.147135360841292
+3820 -0.17506488542955 0.992842313568648 0.117649591062584
+3821 -0.174239793944612 0.988162987176031 0.152968640516549
+3822 -0.171321999203936 0.987102439051558 0.162796030072086
+3823 -0.160617490434575 0.989002584136289 0.162175554071017
+3824 -0.159396636412979 0.986993128466687 0.175106472352597
+3825 0.173763713958191 0.985462982686317 0.169982003360483
+3826 0.167004593661305 0.987275167372151 0.166199306816583
+3827 0.172893808178989 0.985932133352564 0.168138512888118
+3828 0.174007436734985 0.98684520322648 0.16150218831275
+3829 -0.148620941772999 0.988673120402662 0.175106472352597
+3830 -0.148694901693186 0.988742510393117 0.174651293588024
+3831 -0.148952240964386 0.98862326153693 0.175106472352597
+3832 -0.427919043360834 0.917675355400038 -0.0705849447160083
+3833 -0.448706380444437 0.908766695566228 -0.0550515865174653
+3834 -0.445972656361346 0.910383676929463 -0.0503482925072497
+3835 -0.449331149558905 0.908633411799133 -0.0520753396372964
+3836 -0.45416200778343 0.90690104255235 -0.0386312011667253
+3837 -0.447353290549203 0.910545600043517 -0.0317292243238232
+3838 -0.456009740399281 0.906595613746325 -0.0190921396628178
+3839 -0.459078122984442 0.904970709568088 -0.0223672041371497
+3840 -0.470437842672103 0.899291098451086 -0.0137388656247809
+3841 -0.468077045296816 0.900625520050325 0.00159759202677124
+3842 -0.477032275630968 0.895808929103505 0.0138409011546014
+3843 -0.474687062932712 0.896944221440643 0.0197042104270779
+3844 -0.482151071269554 0.89306048330804 0.0140825291489543
+3845 -0.492010156780954 0.887609823879353 0.0173149119906666
+3846 -0.473824727633806 0.897018156421971 0.032765142027428
+3847 -0.472023392856776 0.897739195031421 0.0385130406526768
+3848 -0.477598921302196 0.894688783723922 0.0406970594710132
+3849 -0.460125367444684 0.902501655079436 0.0632487850695445
+3850 -0.471935529380429 0.896318433338944 0.0641492179627711
+3851 -0.465259465847629 0.899112270902129 0.073183015463938
+3852 -0.483729796645295 0.889031412013387 0.0765090340481739
+3853 -0.476738410670885 0.891952283671731 0.0858289662280877
+3854 -0.493995403032065 0.881659081867353 0.0941849517916918
+3855 -0.479519579570368 0.888705710141853 0.102411589041099
+3856 -0.473294961532508 0.892353931343311 0.0996059265509745
+3857 -0.47399092389362 0.891184599918562 0.106525175120557
+3858 -0.467129536498289 0.895133952866774 0.103683183573793
+3859 -0.469483485588151 0.892795067349095 0.112815001117429
+3860 -0.459767525744987 0.896495878627608 0.123020168566158
+3861 -0.454897631323379 0.900036766644887 0.115008537525678
+3862 -0.453393600758201 0.899672689333298 0.123483986246408
+3863 -0.440709221972793 0.909058026838797 0.098050423293777
+3864 -0.432977040717703 0.913081092968191 0.0950726031796442
+3865 -0.436876793696615 0.911546399701914 0.0919066282693673
+3866 -0.433412456445824 0.91375213915861 0.0862303356172281
+3867 -0.411073054640589 0.924500842624688 0.0808834700955493
+3868 -0.396563927793035 0.93266162492241 0.0557166453625002
+3869 -0.370485781597546 0.943767881033975 0.0476179836059558
+3870 -0.366467345645899 0.946229468796066 0.0240099345514413
+3871 -0.345202382144041 0.954027240211894 0.029872065475246
+3872 -0.340961538856669 0.955314691066653 0.0366615609694696
+3873 -0.328826906051362 0.960042052697347 0.0204235870833985
+3874 -0.328938662678007 0.960204327634665 0.00565733040093473
+3875 -0.335171135047521 0.958063300842956 0.000147678218117936
+3876 -0.332297053546357 0.959021142199039 -0.00906184416437653
+3877 -0.340305140579995 0.956163117889643 -0.0130193426249422
+3878 -0.334530421575804 0.958216662783023 -0.0116285942951234
+3879 -0.341100883209766 0.955810496604758 -0.0173632385712888
+3880 -0.337577428419743 0.956950166309902 -0.0226463909037026
+3881 -0.346337298978604 0.95388428040381 -0.0195001265306472
+3882 -0.350993796661334 0.950950291006349 -0.0521718194066681
+3883 -0.374882840363026 0.941943274783203 -0.0493023639600161
+3884 -0.377907137773823 0.939931327850312 -0.0627717623230872
+3885 -0.396435972806432 0.932948480997993 -0.0516783442899881
+3886 -0.405975558579883 0.928622780143115 -0.0553947473595177
+3887 -0.406188569114041 0.92818298007225 -0.0609278411342796
+3888 -0.420702610400998 0.921825588968353 -0.0589228064923528
+3889 -0.421342389918046 0.920503825800078 -0.0732686641448407
+3890 -0.427886063597238 0.917688261879362 -0.0706170700900022
+3891 -0.427919043360834 0.917675355400038 -0.0705849447160083
+3892 -0.176244839262506 0.99953416436752 -0.00970622972407466
+3893 -0.181900029718106 0.998454581854636 -0.0150275467736881
+3894 -0.203450053218633 0.992802716105678 -0.0563546159469161
+3895 -0.244470980526435 0.980665385578364 -0.0935646365294165
+3896 -0.244487739187234 0.980659686081486 -0.0935805828239786
+3897 -0.254185501041346 0.977091477507852 -0.104436467011681
+3898 -0.253484089698741 0.978037392636632 -0.0970240942969216
+3899 -0.264109889893938 0.974707616111146 -0.102058949412284
+3900 -0.266365863767017 0.97473899252878 -0.0956980828628762
+3901 -0.273611666285902 0.971906679936824 -0.103725896315395
+3902 -0.280813373776695 0.973729915809182 -0.0567353519985047
+3903 -0.273042819493277 0.976678948644413 -0.042081468581865
+3904 -0.2598783498613 0.980343203970155 -0.0401926075653119
+3905 -0.257525234564628 0.980721195385594 -0.0457350028302627
+3906 -0.260460137175433 0.980327010447966 -0.0366670087232073
+3907 -0.253624520662956 0.982178188849458 -0.0350086827356249
+3908 -0.25181474443674 0.98310402992143 -0.017910913893581
+3909 -0.233069256851832 0.987800342233839 -0.0124179464181635
+3910 -0.240886950099213 0.98598886545823 0.00494312292903987
+3911 -0.233955318747777 0.987621600812092 0.00966863170185957
+3912 -0.22284839592193 0.990226168622827 0.00396577981988613
+3913 -0.23014741325515 0.988530650141274 0.00802009371720723
+3914 -0.226754022316583 0.989266614406517 0.0126166153907423
+3915 -0.21816001542266 0.991176302616714 0.0141684438752075
+3916 -0.194333376758597 0.995398467829715 0.0405145519518196
+3917 -0.192411171253647 0.996087027490832 0.0318366901746869
+3918 -0.176031225968476 0.998322703162535 0.0508899580888495
+3919 -0.40826714314195 0.916983022684369 -0.150615656355332
+3920 -0.417557903490437 0.912320033497906 -0.153435829293718
+3921 -0.416091176973042 0.915653200961352 -0.136646800234834
+3922 -0.395540301654486 0.924825482357246 -0.135906942242715
+3923 -0.386457049730158 0.930829437507168 -0.120135369412806
+3924 -0.361971832257696 0.941544180739751 -0.112676299047841
+3925 -0.351349098615699 0.944396089568156 -0.12204440548551
+3926 -0.326998661349387 0.953347151982299 -0.120108631175897
+3927 -0.316872301546334 0.958021155251629 -0.109601143256188
+3928 -0.278965812640211 0.97043982468537 -0.103197005976988
+3929 -0.274583393524081 0.970486449778009 -0.113951791552722
+3930 -0.264419730300464 0.972756570639079 -0.118540543723779
+3931 -0.286260291911368 0.966088960016103 -0.122279052211829
+3932 -0.284264724977038 0.965724226715768 -0.129596620588502
+3933 -0.308210180899145 0.957492864792064 -0.135789904861893
+3934 -0.325287602028634 0.952147510193627 -0.133521888836769
+3935 -0.355286501524049 0.939841561634699 -0.143855277480012
+3936 -0.408233189988826 0.916992906275514 -0.150647510540113
+3937 -0.40826714314195 0.916983022684369 -0.150615656355332
+3938 -0.507477404891984 0.87897665382409 0.00957734599470936
+3939 -0.505057969140687 0.880419451864904 -0.00174258009455762
+3940 -0.501489610722686 0.882458584313171 -0.000131564441443337
+3941 -0.505540225813333 0.880014212146609 -0.0151349431642724
+3942 -0.50335161857634 0.881325247245438 -0.0113117922693962
+3943 -0.497161528513432 0.884664729320712 -0.020584733714525
+3944 -0.49736492624615 0.88415930317633 -0.033398454259255
+3945 -0.487684602754086 0.888821290423054 -0.0488409861416311
+3946 -0.490072273633505 0.886630243615841 -0.062777207021339
+3947 -0.499014413616354 0.881645925202815 -0.0625306131138871
+3948 -0.497595350375542 0.880285294454081 -0.0878730200490106
+3949 -0.497594893018235 0.880284485353049 -0.087883714582904
+3950 -0.496534203664985 0.879769587995817 -0.0984086207018934
+3951 -0.505097874906924 0.874855186969055 -0.0986384235369215
+3952 -0.17506488542955 0.992842313568648 0.117649591062584
+3953 -0.177109201708789 0.992779904851543 0.115088623212879
+3954 -0.185459059431306 0.995025149493162 0.0758609856973047
+3955 -0.198487046694113 0.99414332465763 0.0500693752040393
+3956 -0.237096320612885 0.986666854564567 0.0223350141144999
+3957 -0.244434854207015 0.984693228823223 0.0292548655524383
+3958 -0.25022160270622 0.9833792913999 0.0240690420449524
+3959 -0.235940276335053 0.985945352367325 0.049688511229565
+3960 -0.235837818429255 0.983999544934851 0.079689516039036
+3961 -0.229942043179686 0.984147975222416 0.093831869020978
+3962 -0.202109810657347 0.987401661252051 0.120060750425531
+3963 -0.18226639697658 0.990559655686785 0.125680265192488
+3964 -0.174239793944612 0.988162987176031 0.152968640516549
+3965 -0.260228526527669 0.965320587847098 0.175106472352597
+3966 -0.256163187861386 0.969950023548402 0.154280176961098
+3967 -0.264431869885966 0.96786103042871 0.153446446573671
+3968 -0.279426456388297 0.961854838993251 0.164259319904676
+3969 -0.272847198985349 0.961850322104311 0.174995325290944
+3970 -0.284363069329353 0.959870601172099 0.16736509136347
+3971 -0.280102854248289 0.959742212462383 0.175106472352597
+3972 -0.282129058174679 0.959148537961508 0.175106472352597
+3973 -0.286071129394577 0.958567608882575 0.171861712222511
+3974 -0.283752462186107 0.958669527805881 0.175106472352597
+3975 -0.776964044402173 0.651950246792604 -0.0388940794116582
+3976 -0.752755828033619 0.680381899287653 -0.0257708068004764
+3977 -0.743327520243597 0.690428334618225 -0.0315897515787657
+3978 -0.743886882941025 0.689546512882447 -0.0371875242513432
+3979 -0.734381277503205 0.699561843312425 -0.0390175170158546
+3980 -0.726180206746172 0.707018319603708 -0.0548853630291
+3981 -0.717822309647024 0.71514623833848 -0.05934635256976
+3982 -0.712404679191326 0.721665633782654 -0.043626667112953
+3983 -0.710015020262276 0.723576754593536 -0.0504018969270557
+3984 -0.706703703813415 0.727379485065138 -0.0413999966518851
+3985 -0.704806238958693 0.730281727549458 -0.0127186450646563
+3986 -0.684614408475046 0.749328107995045 -0.00595804304522006
+3987 -0.668794013850763 0.76336563476507 -0.0145765118292177
+3988 -0.664757740638052 0.766605881734905 -0.0252501158658751
+3989 -0.678457590515165 0.754482740462246 -0.0260017733421272
+3990 -0.682676361187236 0.750041117460701 -0.0402033331262033
+3991 -0.703850579507247 0.730387722480043 -0.0367850047944555
+3992 -0.700037940665866 0.733393077900887 -0.0480257734488124
+3993 -0.69445551581194 0.739028751667854 -0.0423443120929455
+3994 -0.687829633716837 0.744767645132018 -0.0493614196054949
+3995 -0.677684976042781 0.754046960562581 -0.0487980994735296
+3996 -0.688982910417287 0.743070744566301 -0.0580811305210912
+3997 -0.689146130364641 0.741713398675579 -0.0718599000038518
+3998 -0.696443566585869 0.735233628369622 -0.0679916926954574
+3999 -0.701733441566793 0.7315563748774 -0.0511903053620517
+4000 -0.698924501532223 0.733481484662762 -0.0611101694879335
+4001 -0.703100037159142 0.728870188147631 -0.0679969600530058
+4002 -0.715207421204817 0.716907093577952 -0.0689025676674552
+4003 -0.711098236340681 0.720644033182786 -0.0723634970908707
+4004 -0.71803863350518 0.713092981850557 -0.0783831616451851
+4005 -0.752396063048559 0.674683527266481 -0.0944844026508477
+4006 -0.751205484746835 0.675107561856577 -0.100722885236383
+4007 -0.754965478502937 0.671067707408355 -0.0996004936861549
+4008 -0.754382230567086 0.669889623979709 -0.11126698472122
+4009 -0.759751858270889 0.662283573569793 -0.119927403180239
+4010 -0.755183814851616 0.667097025146375 -0.122081795641352
+4011 -0.762974398633509 0.657560037330749 -0.125338997664014
+4012 -0.756239617525634 0.66505122997177 -0.126623467010339
+4013 -0.761034037544285 0.658298964229197 -0.133021304285482
+4014 -0.757671208307348 0.659678997222664 -0.144854964448525
+4015 -0.77003853202718 0.646139051880083 -0.140605778078046
+4016 -0.579179478992593 0.827154022857925 0.10291916043099
+4017 -0.582752012091494 0.824117181145195 0.10703253778461
+4018 -0.585025622723349 0.823667615262123 0.0976815249961079
+4019 -0.588923511565062 0.819996530276894 0.104879873473083
+4020 -0.583602484146594 0.8219981843486 0.118119115411222
+4021 -0.587502441806911 0.817716627631445 0.1280835577503
+4022 -0.595808493703914 0.814307617067816 0.110183227469552
+4023 -0.594530236987642 0.813662653652146 0.121292552777023
+4024 -0.60040190406401 0.808323952655643 0.127886438528366
+4025 -0.595693801989766 0.808186125243038 0.149027115773008
+4026 -0.591098799602517 0.811193429307496 0.150971617719382
+4027 -0.591773116619881 0.80834819827334 0.163103552365478
+4028 -0.580009590864063 0.814977392780229 0.172121247273081
+4029 -0.582878100414099 0.815959421376632 0.157125245343844
+4030 -0.572197314708848 0.823376035727323 0.157693173060667
+4031 -0.572161978333109 0.825014027812594 0.149021892560736
+4032 -0.566838585342411 0.828374021324182 0.150716618069203
+4033 -0.55732438458707 0.836747913166884 0.13952584045799
+4034 -0.559158708267945 0.834095617521313 0.147820972124604
+4035 -0.552028750407909 0.837895439754899 0.153037546899537
+4036 -0.536051208708614 0.850510460826224 0.139664088681368
+4037 -0.532233559964973 0.855202052583898 0.124827428489494
+4038 -0.536278399259995 0.853179939594047 0.121303211669909
+4039 -0.542273196194049 0.84708183405147 0.136444666841502
+4040 -0.554316065190793 0.840409086100715 0.129117264030639
+4041 -0.557816169352513 0.836821326249894 0.137099194535405
+4042 -0.566744332164391 0.832032129156321 0.129415601884543
+4043 -0.564957558006517 0.835757835559515 0.112057119149957
+4044 -0.579164100638499 0.827162786377031 0.102935267836566
+4045 -0.579179478992593 0.827154022857925 0.10291916043099
+4046 -0.505097874906924 0.874855186969055 -0.0986384235369215
+4047 -0.512248008212034 0.870666699489973 -0.0988254849825705
+4048 -0.509673749104058 0.876199574539688 -0.0522682987161774
+4049 -0.518486894771222 0.871359674315886 -0.0461373810115989
+4050 -0.523594202661912 0.868211840401956 -0.0477735400057845
+4051 -0.520293318259653 0.869243501018193 -0.0627343519293358
+4052 -0.530663057823494 0.862276973327372 -0.0714152667908347
+4053 -0.529171165351296 0.862075948264619 -0.0838327930132952
+4054 -0.536034319162891 0.857601069175001 -0.0860965436557736
+4055 -0.537898627470915 0.85711829820559 -0.0789828427321952
+4056 -0.549486800021028 0.849865055622853 -0.0775799190114014
+4057 -0.539801361480846 0.857223199329461 -0.0633077931599962
+4058 -0.544294787421028 0.85489841314853 -0.0558290926168642
+4059 -0.5268918702905 0.866925708581775 -0.0324001978661549
+4060 -0.532567549544574 0.863378545633004 -0.0342679458492505
+4061 -0.559575249394669 0.846709719407063 -0.013534819042252
+4062 -0.532216754445477 0.8641594500271 -0.0140986246273348
+4063 -0.524014158102845 0.868908200836059 -0.0251535410550586
+4064 -0.517680449195791 0.872705764696764 -0.0248314475107628
+4065 -0.50838980640796 0.8784312961452 -0.0111023733111637
+4066 -0.512234954787896 0.876233958570372 0.00737569939311922
+4067 -0.572155333227587 0.838339696540159 0.00705888547738051
+4068 -0.58443761090407 0.8293225483579 0.0296949447869764
+4069 -0.566814880270154 0.841858087214797 0.0148611068017813
+4070 -0.521220991525555 0.870620929250288 0.0239348186640933
+4071 -0.51660147262318 0.873594985542956 0.013405958293362
+4072 -0.51176069232353 0.876370289426608 0.0173525099874594
+4073 -0.508135120617586 0.878557044926379 0.0126971652418433
+4074 -0.507477404891984 0.87897665382409 0.00957734599470936
+4075 -0.566124186872164 0.824054688497965 -0.175106468763589
+4076 -0.608579284256649 0.798845582603806 -0.14731595272763
+4077 -0.577411577429274 0.820872929737482 -0.151619601222402
+4078 -0.554842179496754 0.833021214700401 -0.168673684107392
+4079 -0.552674504488419 0.833134813031857 -0.175106468763589
+4080 -0.77003853202718 0.646139051880083 -0.140605778078046
+4081 -0.770471599528449 0.645655030605273 -0.140456739867395
+4082 -0.780100078124678 0.628877147428208 -0.16180976964458
+4083 -0.792297130410355 0.614147944381663 -0.159099212931097
+4084 -0.796205612375511 0.607886844647298 -0.163570189602167
+4085 -0.805514326488152 0.59816230037166 -0.15353674555761
+4086 -0.794078894959062 0.615706589489629 -0.143419330076678
+4087 -0.809635298881801 0.594866801333084 -0.144392421810572
+4088 -0.807077862357567 0.599585643025279 -0.139094862487091
+4089 -0.812546191078766 0.591889151662123 -0.140217400874792
+4090 -0.810581351036184 0.596804524642312 -0.130411781365103
+4091 -0.818807352845888 0.583920250547921 -0.137173831052293
+4092 -0.818170495347226 0.586335915241447 -0.13050760530042
+4093 -0.81936017290069 0.58364597350653 -0.135023274563192
+4094 -0.822095796422144 0.580935328272569 -0.129990945338065
+4095 -0.822492486461616 0.578872728143585 -0.136519135383251
+4096 -0.834080063243437 0.5606898788347 -0.141994041678351
+4097 -0.844498412224418 0.535149657897287 -0.175106468763589
+4098 -0.865005995874923 0.501325594496809 -0.175106468763589
+4099 -0.863771550616972 0.504524910221447 -0.171983497204795
+4100 -0.866901435237421 0.500243556536504 -0.168710656827034
+4101 -0.860378297927537 0.512115309736528 -0.166469498674003
+4102 -0.86171100065 0.512643813222188 -0.157719599681808
+4103 -0.855656980211042 0.522233761873725 -0.159210647179568
+4104 -0.853575397499037 0.530684008108561 -0.141451491056807
+4105 -0.845815832241541 0.545592687674126 -0.130954942961588
+4106 -0.84497583452869 0.549782677429888 -0.118236401588373
+4107 -0.853714371449606 0.536427265331053 -0.116801374092313
+4108 -0.852431763991173 0.540427196666645 -0.10734771931405
+4109 -0.83529474702216 0.568539939233472 -0.0962809591434637
+4110 -0.836569306309024 0.568425201441461 -0.0852618678417972
+4111 -0.824760140287576 0.58779630818477 -0.067016498544563
+4112 -0.776964044402173 0.651950246792604 -0.0388940794116582
+4113 -0.883389763498984 0.488603256809648 -0.105424774982992
+4114 -0.893261155666681 0.472558294115666 -0.0948586656005572
+4115 -0.892397056169953 0.475515327742723 -0.0879640109415923
+4116 -0.89699461150638 0.468837787160462 -0.0762679241817863
+4117 -0.895280072503597 0.472666841210272 -0.0726955913261483
+4118 -0.889528867745451 0.483195917848833 -0.0740614503079708
+4119 -0.890386011115224 0.479704150443846 -0.0855668116577243
+4120 -0.882840607224394 0.491443329417798 -0.0964412578019028
+4121 -0.875814291140696 0.503757948657905 -0.0969652339640323
+4122 -0.876528541576839 0.504189136827954 -0.087840936389946
+4123 -0.873852296951813 0.507145556377494 -0.0970079778090526
+4124 -0.859710899950227 0.530615960847022 -0.0978206041749973
+4125 -0.870308506059992 0.510464053688627 -0.110519474172651
+4126 -0.883384883570853 0.488600557719307 -0.105478161127754
+4127 -0.883389763498984 0.488603256809648 -0.105424774982992
+4128 0.090647512077362 -0.995663473214928 0.175106472352597
+4129 0.0916466425037534 -0.995666797032381 0.174566669800017
+4130 0.111371155916073 -0.996349732912395 0.158457171990786
+4131 0.112471513898184 -0.997832201263895 0.148006948087916
+4132 0.117571524779535 -0.997383308015117 0.147066221321677
+4133 0.115670777786814 -0.996666162172107 0.153303073509033
+4134 0.12436253461271 -0.997448565481539 0.140908903918533
+4135 0.127315901437056 -0.996339551166938 0.146024518563611
+4136 0.143979840435675 -0.994355987577983 0.144051988934312
+4137 0.148410670003402 -0.994939530058986 0.135257548976554
+4138 0.15631757344746 -0.993232335349614 0.138850078312723
+4139 0.159452877375737 -0.994386253632913 0.126474339225387
+4140 0.167245292004675 -0.993029165223547 0.127071197829
+4141 0.174760220267746 -0.991114492360479 0.131817785010213
+4142 0.176252528160559 -0.99957779125862 0.00207015447503054
+4143 0.167519433858093 -1.00105669747799 -0.00690852475752695
+4144 0.171441677532607 -1.0003468169984 -0.0117896957541073
+4145 0.160311237335306 -1.00208842322124 -0.0185499118592067
+4146 0.160416870578239 -1.00140410544956 -0.04100299041104
+4147 0.17173089196382 -0.999205977346155 -0.0481758817358315
+4148 0.176101658325321 -0.998722165876968 -0.0420385694462795
+4149 0.175953484783097 -0.997881831933366 -0.0591373037092014
+4150 0.1758641722328 -0.997884528063977 -0.0593570684536045
+4151 0.153877049251524 -1.00045207604569 -0.0751165577586473
+4152 0.160594616628943 -0.997275141261794 -0.0993813952964658
+4153 0.155282791512476 -0.997537493902045 -0.105029533559468
+4154 0.175051436306726 -0.992766060641858 -0.118311214534372
+4155 0.1739131042523 -0.9863102585461 0.164837210774916
+4156 0.155514736104682 -0.991059273399168 0.154407523987023
+4157 0.141290379887742 -0.99213731827056 0.161014192685241
+4158 0.143221955294106 -0.992541702566848 0.15675917895752
+4159 0.135297948543487 -0.993501704737651 0.157714386798748
+4160 0.122552754269804 -0.992241677093395 0.175106472352597
+4161 0.075466927120175 -0.996929017659365 0.175106472352597
+4162 0.0754538426141515 -0.997218641770884 0.173455176167766
+4163 0.0853370281508121 -0.997458985277854 0.167386272779046
+4164 0.0895812120269687 -0.996274838063465 0.172152994436333
+4165 0.0866847106937472 -0.99601630723205 0.175106472352597
+4166 0.174753914582054 -0.99107873103869 0.132094731995596
+4167 0.166287342362725 -0.990825470382657 0.144355141962205
+4168 0.174339058234373 -0.988725963699502 0.149170578467883
+4169 0.176236033020194 -0.999484242665902 0.0140395629516309
+4170 0.174649301011708 -0.999768155627794 0.0136475876520561
+4171 0.176248875250875 -0.999557074577667 0.00685482563879315
+4172 0.174339058234373 -0.988725963699502 0.149170578467883
+4173 0.18978489544202 -0.984428601306855 0.158451956097391
+4174 0.201599713714099 -0.983948023625908 0.146385935912784
+4175 0.207771906813178 -0.98246355894193 0.147719971873722
+4176 0.202136718786569 -0.984907878672229 0.139004379238822
+4177 0.221806070872103 -0.983750828366292 0.115158041894228
+4178 0.218567789446023 -0.988426151491195 0.0739382476461549
+4179 0.227385039898472 -0.986798498869706 0.068918548003161
+4180 0.225596982424509 -0.987542357758651 0.063961653773493
+4181 0.214819495300667 -0.990899883221731 0.0468508897452945
+4182 0.201084402989206 -0.993954375709959 0.0429506912808237
+4183 0.201742990849903 -0.994262946630584 0.0310798745236205
+4184 0.193019612170552 -0.996062405513864 0.0287769636943404
+4185 0.194872499266287 -0.995941467806005 0.0187163493804629
+4186 0.176236033020194 -0.999484242665902 0.0140395629516309
+4187 0.247198621661046 -0.968739162411177 0.175106472352597
+4188 0.248716770650526 -0.970023195112008 0.165589760981363
+4189 0.22689220437671 -0.977871337376136 0.150041911249108
+4190 0.230093127956335 -0.97877845420364 0.138834037807746
+4191 0.210572338707154 -0.979978876278339 0.159767619434114
+4192 0.191511362568545 -0.982585099728097 0.167555721476366
+4193 0.180273577440916 -0.984556065725171 0.168451152327396
+4194 0.1739131042523 -0.9863102585461 0.164837210774916
+4195 0.501983784829825 -0.869461431914434 0.149245094328849
+4196 0.498365206364768 -0.871146370816147 0.151529276705391
+4197 0.488532737016008 -0.876855568402729 0.150615659958634
+4198 0.487723250069954 -0.874648486923494 0.165351309833465
+4199 0.47509151686619 -0.880021228416003 0.17342343595654
+4200 0.464391880065193 -0.886001002517519 0.171951752731591
+4201 0.461369016472905 -0.886961867263217 0.175106472352597
+4202 0.322641187060632 -0.946290329524895 0.175106472352597
+4203 0.325360482365595 -0.946256532412973 0.170188517181985
+4204 0.324963877751844 -0.947630424249935 0.163156541984602
+4205 0.314635665231959 -0.951871909779005 0.158648244672649
+4206 0.306946767384268 -0.952086443645372 0.171872295088699
+4207 0.30868387951561 -0.950934795802226 0.175106472352597
+4208 0.176101658325321 -0.998722165876968 -0.0420385694462795
+4209 0.178249164305103 -0.998464386395241 -0.0390013400398749
+4210 0.181039202319538 -0.997679056557526 -0.0456761133415403
+4211 0.175953484783097 -0.997881831933366 -0.0591373037092014
+4212 0.175051436306726 -0.992766060641858 -0.118311214534372
+4213 0.175376282250169 -0.992683288524824 -0.11852446290808
+4214 0.191969355387444 -0.986218211008824 -0.144036130421097
+4215 0.204212194680998 -0.978703276862153 -0.175106468763589
+4216 0.174760220267746 -0.991114492360479 0.131817785010213
+4217 0.174896784383804 -0.991079768999037 0.131897711477569
+4218 0.174753914582054 -0.99107873103869 0.132094731995596
+4219 0.176248875250875 -0.999557074577667 0.00685482563879315
+4220 0.177159238546574 -0.999415133563552 0.00299916684198744
+4221 0.176252528160559 -0.99957779125862 0.00207015447503054
+4222 0.506673640283312 -0.877584499952265 -0.057898771019693
+4223 0.478279447422661 -0.89251099876879 -0.0699849073001524
+4224 0.469500783966969 -0.89753796026011 -0.0649586310394775
+4225 0.451130504421791 -0.905817389668306 -0.0787472193454211
+4226 0.449948940751483 -0.906972661221688 -0.0719134376390733
+4227 0.454547500270834 -0.904789735818924 -0.0704776840869378
+4228 0.433272513413484 -0.915974367943835 -0.0590837235645705
+4229 0.431559579238667 -0.916529434341906 -0.0628897889346926
+4230 0.424098996423381 -0.920871689618832 -0.0485836648600936
+4231 0.412598854281527 -0.926320591278529 -0.043787528121237
+4232 0.390250642828372 -0.935905129926714 -0.0448444372124648
+4233 0.377135546612688 -0.940334936449331 -0.0613513388116396
+4234 0.358963650581068 -0.947468376360498 -0.0606116602504392
+4235 0.353176886120651 -0.949055599777914 -0.0691704824350985
+4236 0.356823089688074 -0.947504401413651 -0.0716776950467552
+4237 0.347673858416733 -0.950474682451291 -0.0771087945226721
+4238 0.341597782272809 -0.953363983124439 -0.0680666645826134
+4239 0.322140049004742 -0.960268085356047 -0.0658482579409181
+4240 0.31638350421538 -0.962795596580349 -0.0561348150962229
+4241 0.296054444081824 -0.968955293665385 -0.0608473912113717
+4242 0.301935612852568 -0.967322050738056 -0.0578613502025776
+4243 0.298130087434367 -0.968605773670779 -0.0560919439670894
+4244 0.305931594787256 -0.966056368274053 -0.0580168305586724
+4245 0.316208518227374 -0.962886354917435 -0.0555611421252638
+4246 0.322232246885656 -0.960265001741738 -0.0654408549528618
+4247 0.341826939701103 -0.953374675332506 -0.0667538143420855
+4248 0.349175168544013 -0.950002359126543 -0.0761394728525368
+4249 0.356259160937789 -0.947711706673169 -0.0717421165183407
+4250 0.352375558313571 -0.949334642109056 -0.0694276832025192
+4251 0.358560494349089 -0.947652106744488 -0.0601236764916281
+4252 0.378186294738022 -0.940056757355051 -0.0591051556417201
+4253 0.390292478585216 -0.935913488703175 -0.0443026277241017
+4254 0.422219746544427 -0.92203785095601 -0.0424462840821469
+4255 0.438843008199015 -0.913153232814857 -0.0615872353220611
+4256 0.45855771863871 -0.902694909246675 -0.0713562856166005
+4257 0.469495764125206 -0.897566505642548 -0.0645995001305271
+4258 0.476751818336125 -0.89340215652487 -0.0690310830706781
+4259 0.491697662537361 -0.885696712639039 -0.0632435125186296
+4260 0.493940492223636 -0.884962695601511 -0.0555771314083402
+4261 0.50672415327689 -0.877671991024794 -0.056102661758532
+4262 0.506732592285528 -0.877686607816722 -0.0557969387580019
+4263 0.497887404837441 -0.88288707064081 -0.0533249716317619
+4264 0.482276671015262 -0.892733971518559 -0.0256956940193681
+4265 0.450864784816286 -0.909336935743334 -0.00723070573923858
+4266 0.407220795149069 -0.929702193515027 -0.00707498208531626
+4267 0.415244023008628 -0.92616384741585 -0.00423427626397909
+4268 0.449870226912948 -0.909843428293691 -0.00516864857343917
+4269 0.482704402872264 -0.892519722502385 -0.0250998882865372
+4270 0.506694729920594 -0.87772715979937 -0.0555021046558323
+4271 0.506740686912572 -0.877700628122224 -0.0555021046558323
+4272 0.776586476056505 -0.651633434081845 -0.0501229766957419
+4273 0.776333137570996 -0.651952099029757 -0.0499031069159806
+4274 0.750267384442148 -0.681757849835573 -0.050299960535898
+4275 0.736603046283827 -0.697106840776543 -0.04102444086071
+4276 0.718769814557048 -0.714217923794935 -0.0590568455954008
+4277 0.720092719780718 -0.713835994762747 -0.0461481039684917
+4278 0.725090054119485 -0.70906967887054 -0.0411047919764981
+4279 0.717217136094086 -0.716916780794295 -0.0430686557550022
+4280 0.723702539186985 -0.71075854924297 -0.036082120951223
+4281 0.719585971631969 -0.715403405483877 -0.0248796473557335
+4282 0.714345214012906 -0.720329770449362 -0.0325720282024888
+4283 0.713419306858903 -0.721609439097378 -0.0231885749137294
+4284 0.710900564689278 -0.72397352610806 -0.0266030189852303
+4285 0.712317484391491 -0.722711759007592 -0.0227269624527678
+4286 0.708736705442616 -0.726142710412177 -0.025180279458424
+4287 0.705115328357311 -0.729862334122757 -0.0183942095356728
+4288 0.703010089836694 -0.731761576463992 -0.0229523157597889
+4289 0.702480266656991 -0.732462883433557 -0.0156396723022477
+4290 0.700512855629482 -0.734249753862107 -0.0195968888159394
+4291 0.688412453788648 -0.745790351834384 -0.010490213507721
+4292 0.687388259814078 -0.746665544581409 -0.0145926284377357
+4293 0.678425167568643 -0.754870562802292 -0.0116071281551275
+4294 0.672409471920434 -0.759887029345444 -0.0257333383811482
+4295 0.678040130158082 -0.754813033532016 -0.0272739125430589
+4296 0.672967456022501 -0.759235017293917 -0.0300331758112293
+4297 0.670344325069297 -0.761748952160894 -0.0245360903399021
+4298 0.658815721618927 -0.770992557215702 -0.041920420629154
+4299 0.66182479234542 -0.768953541752814 -0.0303874128998139
+4300 0.646026250745738 -0.782105954886506 -0.0344290383030253
+4301 0.667035829904003 -0.764583659235408 -0.0264580735215561
+4302 0.674048431665428 -0.75885216406008 -0.00520623383157762
+4303 0.64781670793115 -0.781380600250454 -0.00169424835469899
+4304 0.641410030477352 -0.786446407279272 -0.0178947277310071
+4305 0.641013845036417 -0.786913575648619 -0.00965789477755247
+4306 0.635245770126132 -0.791443239315492 -0.017475997214967
+4307 0.634762152050851 -0.791972705956661 -0.00901350894252259
+4308 0.628968732128361 -0.796441138157419 -0.0174598813099244
+4309 0.634468602279237 -0.792257944616221 -0.00139352585622611
+4310 0.653658030207929 -0.77621637848912 0.0210787407101708
+4311 0.650411691697589 -0.778932890831939 0.0212880925232658
+4312 0.653050594874609 -0.776429709646198 0.0301135602783869
+4313 0.641536364169339 -0.785676967953912 0.0369837190549143
+4314 0.632885315375014 -0.789998271425101 0.0747255560569513
+4315 0.629314645859546 -0.792547253028017 0.0778262695008491
+4316 0.628114444716576 -0.794104821518213 0.0713777050619766
+4317 0.618543216755557 -0.800041655972098 0.0869634274572428
+4318 0.591088718826432 -0.818630795247751 0.103357377811949
+4319 0.54785049247891 -0.848275612045478 0.102534501020312
+4320 0.528922014706074 -0.857803574714355 0.120993923676115
+4321 0.52423769910016 -0.861880649444291 0.112078458927915
+4322 0.526353551534589 -0.858258326326881 0.128722896477296
+4323 0.517117866886545 -0.862161761918893 0.13961091659186
+4324 0.501983784829825 -0.869461431914434 0.149245094328849
+4325 0.506740686912572 -0.877700628122224 -0.0555021046558323
+4326 0.530641581993495 -0.863457049416859 -0.0555556952235604
+4327 0.543765822989292 -0.856012029841334 -0.0422745137842679
+4328 0.557105466185286 -0.847241693633343 -0.0451664932862732
+4329 0.566642711531571 -0.841412174078779 -0.0341553916705693
+4330 0.583590188609815 -0.8297182589409 -0.0348583209354907
+4331 0.588555902836393 -0.826100499642276 -0.0372144290191262
+4332 0.587860320470184 -0.826344316520869 -0.0424301092427323
+4333 0.592465100348267 -0.823076837063092 -0.0418882460785207
+4334 0.614768351584688 -0.80717416070628 -0.0274726805746691
+4335 0.599888592622005 -0.817875375010423 -0.037928187322224
+4336 0.594716809264383 -0.821448317954456 -0.0419473206317813
+4337 0.581962290741477 -0.830449445643873 -0.0435730465393024
+4338 0.575298608140936 -0.833787140316624 -0.0636829342424521
+4339 0.578597974448948 -0.83289657834635 -0.0416253978061046
+4340 0.585673536901986 -0.827911532093463 -0.0421189173575462
+4341 0.572380414067367 -0.83728781140447 -0.0394307299651311
+4342 0.580399741345211 -0.831766951470676 -0.0390496951024044
+4343 0.572959424175566 -0.837099521329993 -0.0347403171761569
+4344 0.557089734691495 -0.847217769298989 -0.0458047910747851
+4345 0.544448322864503 -0.855568001004646 -0.0424784579162666
+4346 0.527466976771268 -0.865147936741852 -0.0593517983476029
+4347 0.511101840509348 -0.875136808804671 -0.0559953078671172
+4348 0.506673640283312 -0.877584499952265 -0.057898771019693
+4349 0.50672415327689 -0.877671991024794 -0.056102661758532
+4350 0.508024159979492 -0.876916716908151 -0.056156250624142
+4351 0.506732592285528 -0.877686607816722 -0.0557969387580019
+4352 0.807473791217563 -0.589532697222029 -0.175106468763589
+4353 0.823342564979956 -0.575205303563664 -0.146529449068984
+4354 0.827113450509516 -0.574751792401837 -0.125573552618048
+4355 0.825038664911558 -0.583317230453923 -0.0963182747796
+4356 0.821883250975916 -0.588779550025914 -0.0898418790795339
+4357 0.806006595207189 -0.610684428459004 -0.087423665675914
+4358 0.792986096084719 -0.63020489706756 -0.0651140470895711
+4359 0.776586476056505 -0.651633434081845 -0.0501229766957419
+4360 0.970125756902609 -0.241699687907057 0.175106472352597
+4361 0.97260043666671 -0.234165095116715 0.171581172698826
+4362 0.972657662973612 -0.23754006836511 0.166543647671741
+4363 0.97485053827939 -0.230516770940638 0.163564807741412
+4364 0.977490780445982 -0.228818471532556 0.149595725970394
+4365 0.978750163044036 -0.223031360005357 0.15010040238265
+4366 0.977289789456748 -0.230913466105302 0.14767748167822
+4367 0.982136858382243 -0.216943345062451 0.136263628456647
+4368 0.982751242443435 -0.218248643328305 0.129585975943537
+4369 0.988673315996494 -0.196318550966042 0.119201932799304
+4370 0.999793647128481 -0.153293538372544 0.0844911489728664
+4371 1.00348647317069 -0.131772986041237 0.0766536255712594
+4372 1.00542270998724 -0.107874677788023 0.0878249858186226
+4373 1.00830190391414 -0.0708079831199802 0.0924040047270751
+4374 1.01094856207661 -0.0349851262524688 0.0835706035417873
+4375 1.01023221510964 -7.25305002591052e-09 0.0982642944037736
+4376 0.972534045922259 0.231819442927522 -0.175106468763589
+4377 0.967538628761501 0.238775051031568 -0.192562916625156
+4378 0.964188858571554 0.234279212789292 -0.213724344568683
+4379 0.964114071083816 0.214318067767682 -0.234044490998012
+4380 0.956510614840259 0.198860446399689 -0.275257999984787
+4381 0.945637949417354 0.197545447658589 -0.311399525900585
+4382 0.908472353109646 0.234984141409294 -0.386892022302812
+4383 0.880174032124447 0.234956333258165 -0.447564737927007
+4384 0.841202792668098 0.260070807968293 -0.504941616872794
+4385 0.755517356016392 0.452164227143069 -0.504941616872794
+4386 0.756605692887298 0.459564187151389 -0.496561761897163
+4387 0.754062012180605 0.478272812483195 -0.48256667790633
+4388 0.765848136579044 0.496671336947693 -0.443868465598758
+4389 0.765617057807835 0.494051680929103 -0.447178328371135
+4390 0.770666082306429 0.490943859060133 -0.441896952731747
+4391 0.755079390358136 0.538630674033609 -0.412258549027774
+4392 0.765514164686835 0.546967805781783 -0.380840233040153
+4393 0.782360698670094 0.54094877048786 -0.354275549373811
+4394 0.787123461956704 0.543634973971851 -0.339297319046168
+4395 0.783726601386659 0.546428240610975 -0.34265695986177
+4396 0.774437772439198 0.569141264897272 -0.326418990272541
+4397 0.773423874018307 0.579755855125859 -0.309715449317268
+4398 0.747715895248493 0.624225802492982 -0.285461183866979
+4399 0.747031252605965 0.626833647524048 -0.281511786541273
+4400 0.765318153047567 0.642178178915113 -0.179221402575502
+4401 0.769105860861148 0.638628301790742 -0.175656104194832
+4402 0.769272556610739 0.638578466785972 -0.175106468763589
+4403 0.823825386972838 0.56645781517797 -0.175106468763589
+4404 0.815405147714736 0.570096406246741 -0.200822141869018
+4405 0.815273758161017 0.564316031998093 -0.217027913605459
+4406 0.803255321847 0.567489255344551 -0.250921965943516
+4407 0.810943957226839 0.558689421230763 -0.245888244619603
+4408 0.822590312275134 0.554764796976542 -0.21402382621258
+4409 0.821179858308739 0.560744448330214 -0.203603300500959
+4410 0.829012383896965 0.558839146752103 -0.175106468763589
+4411 0.64867978085519 0.648661665387105 -0.434370332512349
+4412 0.626965637841864 0.674723717672779 -0.426482114250257
+4413 0.627638471069696 0.733065175681315 -0.31450023503428
+4414 0.630761907956587 0.737062121459732 -0.298502670976735
+4415 0.626918253239661 0.742835322870106 -0.292222837662284
+4416 0.633825313953791 0.74529813580671 -0.270224277507444
+4417 0.630533471097052 0.748718911552925 -0.268463281119237
+4418 0.625374188966815 0.749575319627381 -0.277972955482377
+4419 0.623044905725154 0.754890021900467 -0.268665405821155
+4420 0.636732063690439 0.756955735504346 -0.227629729068039
+4421 0.648299089729513 0.750825903676271 -0.214927319400293
+4422 0.648070587970422 0.752723145503233 -0.208895618028213
+4423 0.654103508558646 0.745087880880124 -0.217296226052908
+4424 0.65050037874405 0.74337729921221 -0.233376194736754
+4425 0.656382515960664 0.735776290733555 -0.240873914601642
+4426 0.661754469329032 0.732195762203248 -0.237055664633133
+4427 0.657956365836384 0.731815233502462 -0.248525420569235
+4428 0.661572152681609 0.72864070363103 -0.248253926068247
+4429 0.662550195821523 0.722709782907554 -0.262569624493346
+4430 0.664115116405678 0.723820576777355 -0.255460143261468
+4431 0.667796006796831 0.717307346788579 -0.264090256445283
+4432 0.664838502251664 0.71820161710903 -0.269074716585818
+4433 0.668380032775477 0.714029126448083 -0.271395538597892
+4434 0.668835247188149 0.716194747439573 -0.26447967002916
+4435 0.673896929892544 0.709459394476502 -0.269731895537844
+4436 0.671931194641809 0.708129615364609 -0.278003448739043
+4437 0.6769418407957 0.705292141468543 -0.273016005689861
+4438 0.696347121744056 0.682802105029339 -0.281259615668997
+4439 0.6975979109339 0.672005602566212 -0.303299562776277
+4440 0.681065413367263 0.668900359173474 -0.344887245650628
+4441 0.686533409597481 0.651450334539728 -0.366755148749861
+4442 0.684763590821079 0.643717615128051 -0.383342479591914
+4443 0.662210316482573 0.640096885578768 -0.426589350331688
+4444 0.64869110203817 0.648650343690355 -0.434370332512349
+4445 0.64867978085519 0.648661665387105 -0.434370332512349
+4446 0.747031252605965 0.626833647524048 -0.281511786541273
+4447 0.742602375295952 0.641947717726689 -0.258205034633923
+4448 0.753679398328159 0.641308971282179 -0.225643896191979
+4449 0.751438663716774 0.645019197562026 -0.222520042800618
+4450 0.758902566645551 0.644325213074173 -0.197830518716697
+4451 0.756996921347266 0.64979028940195 -0.18695785853954
+4452 0.765318153047567 0.642178178915113 -0.179221402575502
+4453 -0.477952472833651 0.827837971126403 -0.341278079099023
+4454 -0.464229642662598 0.834330173623458 -0.344396574104341
+4455 -0.436769808064439 0.843406850636295 -0.357941362604436
+4456 -0.429004452469537 0.849137162080124 -0.35376017262522
+4457 -0.393256011345818 0.857126864181911 -0.375377474334918
+4458 -0.386657218373536 0.855156689100724 -0.386559481278014
+4459 -0.383325376166735 0.861367461805838 -0.375942484602099
+4460 -0.367442005615651 0.849271045055952 -0.417073212444432
+4461 -0.373891902571641 0.830744793229515 -0.447540985512398
+4462 -0.369834053537453 0.83571971706632 -0.441611058908907
+4463 -0.366859413989437 0.834857951644633 -0.445703231919014
+4464 -0.365873036689229 0.841089060159315 -0.434662068628173
+4465 -0.36731360259388 0.8313177350091 -0.451903242750973
+4466 -0.358704843432761 0.838820788290982 -0.44489944979599
+4467 -0.373484535230747 0.805818528336856 -0.491315378685113
+4468 -0.371901342270283 0.798090442974636 -0.504941616872794
+4469 -0.741720063327585 0.62237703510401 -0.304504801000683
+4470 -0.737454146574523 0.62766706563168 -0.304007296658085
+4471 -0.733724297411648 0.636985407240746 -0.293467624023713
+4472 -0.71042385962691 0.670008218273371 -0.2767885964395
+4473 -0.698734626873346 0.688781386804413 -0.259952154059079
+4474 -0.71057996352508 0.684475531121762 -0.238315678737841
+4475 -0.709762655467665 0.687567698936778 -0.231759859083218
+4476 -0.71644462314072 0.680784199291192 -0.231224946682233
+4477 -0.717805444671578 0.682077287083801 -0.223049138183135
+4478 -0.725112471332396 0.676699044515812 -0.21567407602587
+4479 -0.721453717103783 0.68310405286154 -0.207601510209516
+4480 -0.713253688727071 0.688372221607226 -0.218260990643676
+4481 -0.714753460498483 0.689145348604039 -0.210787047047158
+4482 -0.709647603967634 0.693653492638324 -0.213237216108378
+4483 -0.713443847404173 0.69108550352312 -0.208862881865896
+4484 -0.704076536744654 0.698812234776972 -0.214855046325813
+4485 -0.699261576666098 0.705439819701507 -0.208837037371123
+4486 -0.691304438877845 0.712101415691479 -0.212684617586649
+4487 -0.689465763965624 0.716060613236835 -0.205229526360575
+4488 -0.68401011486347 0.720594737507284 -0.207601510209516
+4489 -0.666217431762281 0.740610977839981 -0.194614267511347
+4490 -0.663112597920819 0.742485233143366 -0.198046360841959
+4491 -0.674692989325318 0.730569141312803 -0.203182430137892
+4492 -0.673902817603315 0.728692202606663 -0.212338565236188
+4493 -0.656876333635272 0.743430467746972 -0.214591756447913
+4494 -0.655173873312991 0.746110123724225 -0.21045635890672
+4495 -0.648086460960675 0.750497561284243 -0.216707982376911
+4496 -0.64943405018501 0.748010776836912 -0.221224528920582
+4497 -0.6449926239013 0.753164066726307 -0.216687340897449
+4498 -0.646243509694128 0.750479164275461 -0.22220564836795
+4499 -0.641383971157722 0.754930747003218 -0.221203907675957
+4500 -0.639154613488492 0.753185445612978 -0.233276798188667
+4501 -0.632216295441454 0.758351924991615 -0.235435582781777
+4502 -0.623970079517118 0.760580400941477 -0.249807513039746
+4503 -0.631315681688003 0.7523994041372 -0.256048133578043
+4504 -0.624698868034942 0.754970231167561 -0.264568090151969
+4505 -0.621515372102549 0.759613858020102 -0.258709158987554
+4506 -0.618135273771158 0.759910465786066 -0.265838047142729
+4507 -0.618779451843893 0.761598040980978 -0.259432869832848
+4508 -0.6120408369253 0.767816554748755 -0.25707732725686
+4509 -0.606373413173697 0.770563162895455 -0.262237861081565
+4510 -0.607460431386372 0.767194219752552 -0.269499264336947
+4511 -0.605075224765325 0.770904879353632 -0.264224600224797
+4512 -0.602551864039109 0.770953830369389 -0.269789626527343
+4513 -0.607725309084724 0.771532709338357 -0.256187874652357
+4514 -0.598937303702356 0.782584567037477 -0.243023664832286
+4515 -0.591848507958506 0.78898496044613 -0.239672851648054
+4516 -0.58696311063652 0.789971979939046 -0.248281247103126
+4517 -0.586709274787788 0.791851062681571 -0.242835585135404
+4518 -0.581669380666536 0.793877921302718 -0.248281247103126
+4519 -0.579429925276015 0.797253493447446 -0.24263723720912
+4520 -0.576243903764596 0.795523450858981 -0.255559000051958
+4521 -0.573151401959206 0.80015627155954 -0.247936305361139
+4522 -0.565185196014145 0.803044537941945 -0.256729749518946
+4523 -0.569226698065016 0.797820207704399 -0.263986519331021
+4524 -0.559784633220354 0.804555289248562 -0.263736518048822
+4525 -0.564545179547134 0.798812956923409 -0.270945751214839
+4526 -0.557366521712064 0.805690383854104 -0.265387576648985
+4527 -0.551834836330353 0.807142668974698 -0.272440865753751
+4528 -0.552834231783199 0.804529200652154 -0.278086456819974
+4529 -0.556934420139616 0.802817653365019 -0.274832434601949
+4530 -0.550446882420522 0.804178350432169 -0.283778805286307
+4531 -0.558509000079485 0.79834505415613 -0.284495819538107
+4532 -0.549939850669811 0.803166899470183 -0.287600577608458
+4533 -0.539131370707778 0.812780666009391 -0.2809803446508
+4534 -0.537058939964165 0.811253724706457 -0.28924053857381
+4535 -0.543178132425668 0.806174576195074 -0.292001830732713
+4536 -0.541349122662407 0.804671691674888 -0.299448820351186
+4537 -0.536912204541263 0.809067197771004 -0.295568188588719
+4538 -0.535183470960585 0.806523292662791 -0.305489493768526
+4539 -0.529519183676321 0.817823316702647 -0.284604035066696
+4540 -0.516421270074786 0.820920729359126 -0.299371387949526
+4541 -0.516793120786841 0.81531037295221 -0.31371781279348
+4542 -0.494643959655989 0.819560179236259 -0.337451427298916
+4543 -0.477952472833651 0.827837971126403 -0.341278079099023
+4544 -0.552674504488419 0.833134813031857 -0.175106468763589
+4545 -0.550547704113484 0.833207941572424 -0.181347047387091
+4546 -0.558548657340227 0.828175976921783 -0.179924841623053
+4547 -0.55859201976726 0.828146730247275 -0.179924841623053
+4548 -0.566124186872164 0.824054688497965 -0.175106468763589
+4549 -0.786720055504438 0.395386542281072 -0.504941616872794
+4550 -0.799429236704609 0.396144729307143 -0.483949634718383
+4551 -0.804984822281568 0.409735615548056 -0.462969935576565
+4552 -0.815750894249793 0.412190531519884 -0.441445856539642
+4553 -0.81773111013931 0.439014994439812 -0.410860884202115
+4554 -0.81327179406117 0.454671280103072 -0.402601559900057
+4555 -0.819208896495629 0.460320401075801 -0.383701592719952
+4556 -0.817119105142043 0.459746776934941 -0.388811354142083
+4557 -0.815404290810845 0.469977263635838 -0.380081851964327
+4558 -0.812468303616221 0.467945062322953 -0.38877715244925
+4559 -0.812038172532091 0.472389849910543 -0.384274428048805
+4560 -0.809368279505924 0.47426509442204 -0.387583034126202
+4561 -0.815021796899518 0.494119836545183 -0.349012976422429
+4562 -0.799266908140854 0.533851321694624 -0.326190398196916
+4563 -0.805200399994139 0.54397373653044 -0.293206224037603
+4564 -0.801794953098371 0.553079985789092 -0.285398637883083
+4565 -0.807060016026553 0.557835136308796 -0.260190490276964
+4566 -0.801668707472539 0.571508135640217 -0.246841516678923
+4567 -0.793389346886892 0.581247571209422 -0.250817872587937
+4568 -0.796223747472873 0.588207385802933 -0.224198160668491
+4569 -0.791823943611115 0.606841687459261 -0.187037452628445
+4570 -0.786817954217506 0.611859691697444 -0.191755637718651
+4571 -0.783461774395607 0.610369663333149 -0.209431425873638
+4572 -0.776512918431126 0.615765549809412 -0.219284005749364
+4573 -0.780588002340073 0.610366966409891 -0.219908019222405
+4574 -0.771121275185063 0.614235016660817 -0.241479446878294
+4575 -0.769254794197057 0.608240559186624 -0.261754625107536
+4576 -0.748107640125602 0.614305772694041 -0.305267712705552
+4577 -0.741720063327585 0.62237703510401 -0.304504801000683
+4578 -0.844498412224418 0.535149657897287 -0.175106468763589
+4579 -0.845033569341932 0.533692122472851 -0.176963230914384
+4580 -0.862654290821853 0.503226364218533 -0.181151320398285
+4581 -0.865671085260469 0.495734380604533 -0.187312562393989
+4582 -0.872768496225097 0.486235708423477 -0.179094912967684
+4583 -0.865647456440029 0.49968107787056 -0.176630409547798
+4584 -0.8656038477439 0.499756617959115 -0.176630409547798
+4585 -0.865005995874923 0.501325594496809 -0.175106468763589
+4586 0.204212194680998 -0.978703276862153 -0.175106468763589
+4587 0.212808957200399 -0.972604125831879 -0.197429891733963
+4588 0.235575426393511 -0.959235901750189 -0.23365723458309
+4589 0.231778862445024 -0.957985854770753 -0.242418359417847
+4590 0.239061819090267 -0.952871132807867 -0.255168671499274
+4591 0.2510200802866 -0.946260204788306 -0.267965565188705
+4592 0.308059485310045 -0.919465990328495 -0.299844369865018
+4593 0.324691935362334 -0.90717863601575 -0.319103540355266
+4594 0.324524723216735 -0.897615329071676 -0.345246904456286
+4595 0.322532651297121 -0.88890169069982 -0.368851559734063
+4596 0.309053184162437 -0.879023927713577 -0.402527097058143
+4597 0.307276670192017 -0.86532197625657 -0.432462628863039
+4598 0.282051740389194 -0.843991705926031 -0.488210831579447
+4599 0.282884018227628 -0.834641436970427 -0.503562611721057
+4600 0.281786339260859 -0.834179490610895 -0.504941616872794
+4601 0.564611783203503 -0.67562748450433 -0.504941616872794
+4602 0.573415136771754 -0.676147929241098 -0.494210540866953
+4603 0.588679441293509 -0.671543930971499 -0.482400522567822
+4604 0.599722703447788 -0.677029403642481 -0.460639626576767
+4605 0.599961350998211 -0.685620022775445 -0.447433304167001
+4606 0.609244417812998 -0.684979475862045 -0.435717060730308
+4607 0.605531932300706 -0.690258091067421 -0.432550397849931
+4608 0.611398296834324 -0.684100089226957 -0.434078553429858
+4609 0.622962537334423 -0.681561839467934 -0.421445294265986
+4610 0.640888433669585 -0.672528931806444 -0.408891001945298
+4611 0.652516117339984 -0.661991536664673 -0.407694643079715
+4612 0.668348454678828 -0.654792302221016 -0.3934239241334
+4613 0.677390592235072 -0.6441016463662 -0.395600878032102
+4614 0.684683132183788 -0.640334211142998 -0.389109376066513
+4615 0.68353255278052 -0.638542871773319 -0.394044731213129
+4616 0.694901196141093 -0.625999378030327 -0.394286832530992
+4617 0.697818059386692 -0.62748068727569 -0.386707826517409
+4618 0.711067670235753 -0.617794949284805 -0.3780703228021
+4619 0.712591821367347 -0.620998604202644 -0.369862987738344
+4620 0.731708410198193 -0.613976265084125 -0.34330882359558
+4621 0.731708410198193 -0.613976265084125 -0.34330882359558
+4622 0.735058388061109 -0.612623207179539 -0.338536515262474
+4623 0.741634245938425 -0.615694756398877 -0.31799939024198
+4624 0.750506446954844 -0.610725220231544 -0.306561214853327
+4625 0.771020061600654 -0.62093588811066 -0.224035013927621
+4626 0.773448728215085 -0.619449837359484 -0.219736123151784
+4627 0.774505918161471 -0.615452097457093 -0.227121770133384
+4628 0.779880567198738 -0.610823392955104 -0.221147198771745
+4629 0.807473791217563 -0.589532697222029 -0.175106468763589
+4630 0.841202792668098 0.260070807968293 -0.504941616872794
+4631 0.822039945108548 0.2702793410655 -0.530494492373987
+4632 0.813925587285078 0.269605722167937 -0.543196919115845
+4633 0.813528741138885 0.261945934271966 -0.547521976599449
+4634 0.797297248053469 0.265223947694091 -0.569384189994705
+4635 0.797541489964802 0.271363927710739 -0.566139727030461
+4636 0.784740723190247 0.285622264503312 -0.576911535148023
+4637 0.784740723190247 0.285622264503312 -0.576911535148023
+4638 0.78452680759275 0.285851472743456 -0.577088921829839
+4639 0.778928453789354 0.323533429844651 -0.564642881519179
+4640 0.7633787019978 0.353375794469494 -0.567981958533199
+4641 0.755039200033466 0.384902596692338 -0.558561364106325
+4642 0.7523942635575 0.434557879052578 -0.524678303266957
+4643 0.755517356016392 0.452164227143069 -0.504941616872794
+4644 -0.371901342270283 0.798090442974636 -0.504941616872794
+4645 -0.370932284798784 0.793585658559874 -0.512694882578366
+4646 -0.376618324564296 0.776200867783578 -0.534692295114118
+4647 -0.368605448373724 0.76597397724616 -0.55465204372733
+4648 -0.358328442492482 0.768402815007058 -0.558016882531471
+4649 -0.356508725242184 0.760097446115693 -0.570419495840205
+4650 -0.373154759819045 0.744393861813355 -0.580394954939299
+4651 -0.38998365985916 0.734906290625413 -0.58142109442473
+4652 -0.420701448756228 0.731533608060217 -0.56399811284508
+4653 -0.42193930926243 0.73082032539218 -0.56399811284508
+4654 -0.42193930926243 0.73082032539218 -0.56399811284508
+4655 -0.466081482336966 0.703451841989345 -0.564046591891463
+4656 -0.479738519431901 0.705013512598585 -0.550483333105274
+4657 -0.504789020016208 0.695880143059129 -0.53959602645598
+4658 -0.570770728504315 0.65306630091745 -0.527209808414689
+4659 -0.59786034527576 0.615179849365663 -0.542532727566909
+4660 -0.593716871875095 0.613524773382167 -0.548919510035135
+4661 -0.598812422129869 0.604947272941115 -0.552890115722887
+4662 -0.597289697134977 0.586565738090341 -0.573943074350533
+4663 -0.593291011291481 0.590955414535054 -0.573587372553156
+4664 -0.598924054841507 0.57922329883063 -0.579668307417242
+4665 -0.602097836976934 0.58278097500815 -0.572773541529502
+4666 -0.631674748125081 0.573149499144382 -0.550192388362161
+4667 -0.635212148301485 0.57690516469868 -0.542135552785649
+4668 -0.62967589063739 0.567400667494227 -0.558381370818471
+4669 -0.62019506065418 0.569280589870359 -0.567012078122692
+4670 -0.614573155550884 0.564080684720092 -0.57821952371218
+4671 -0.610347289554314 0.568839487308898 -0.578033583636671
+4672 -0.605838555369197 0.567886442758247 -0.583686245306114
+4673 -0.616039051805067 0.559335048230926 -0.581261722868126
+4674 -0.626578397710774 0.562315096066122 -0.566944657138901
+4675 -0.62604791565403 0.552557209340117 -0.577035126930334
+4676 -0.615451823490205 0.552252121654243 -0.588609927788318
+4677 -0.623751981796376 0.544306102458006 -0.587272791837038
+4678 -0.626327095251362 0.534593670615718 -0.593421416104613
+4679 -0.625643138660317 0.530152338737563 -0.598108820181043
+4680 -0.625662218208107 0.53225437677435 -0.596218975806254
+4681 -0.61861356318525 0.523880414367374 -0.610812222279087
+4682 -0.618840596465157 0.519268919195835 -0.614508832909533
+4683 -0.618840596465157 0.519268919195835 -0.614508832909533
+4684 -0.619191132470683 0.508935190227367 -0.622745785708669
+4685 -0.637494730984426 0.470740553693329 -0.634215104736234
+4686 -0.657662975464322 0.461733302421045 -0.620086097359689
+4687 -0.656457438947333 0.457678577767409 -0.624354827244501
+4688 -0.65132879568179 0.461883672195328 -0.626625305326132
+4689 -0.658634417929963 0.452870028837071 -0.625567294940495
+4690 -0.654977349555004 0.452311179262514 -0.629797005934497
+4691 -0.657806883824574 0.439100867390831 -0.636164704970045
+4692 -0.66023843630876 0.441490661116183 -0.631978008610869
+4693 -0.68078972196871 0.425867378403395 -0.620795723627012
+4694 -0.675210374023048 0.430918948982913 -0.623397794525387
+4695 -0.678838391025271 0.429840625412153 -0.620193901627153
+4696 -0.698916139508394 0.403844780000019 -0.615345938153019
+4697 -0.716554777889936 0.411155745038806 -0.589682290394318
+4698 -0.727100012761537 0.40564663959307 -0.580518195433203
+4699 -0.727158444071704 0.40968256786799 -0.577603489255656
+4700 -0.74313051805377 0.408522572544439 -0.557755628262781
+4701 -0.761552202105296 0.395712850417862 -0.541917506160067
+4702 -0.762428929806578 0.399266212968845 -0.538064697016551
+4703 -0.776552313804617 0.394564125429832 -0.521066842975532
+4704 -0.786720055504438 0.395386542281072 -0.504941616872794
+4705 -0.614023801723428 0.414179879033644 -0.694013543614809
+4706 -0.617096492609075 0.402740723538125 -0.698009189347508
+4707 -0.628644806480799 0.405180522452032 -0.686191993184281
+4708 -0.629173146314019 0.393059411599258 -0.692726822716259
+4709 -0.643537849109943 0.398901534216374 -0.675989351072021
+4710 -0.642123452090925 0.39563974230982 -0.679243451628245
+4711 -0.654309342528271 0.407620357778696 -0.660265043906301
+4712 -0.63889531212569 0.421161857717886 -0.666828665961082
+4713 -0.629986038242825 0.446319153921392 -0.65889438035394
+4714 -0.623332624262236 0.440625832783928 -0.668977066134426
+4715 -0.62042510672743 0.42551413677236 -0.681348226936219
+4716 -0.619102301623753 0.430800307798486 -0.679226350287518
+4717 -0.615580410752646 0.426947848953106 -0.684836690147307
+4718 -0.614031030432482 0.414169162233548 -0.694013543614809
+4719 -0.614023801723428 0.414179879033644 -0.694013543614809
+4720 -0.765210909992161 0.0677951980207828 -0.663386067350145
+4721 -0.761455522266017 0.0717776168362025 -0.667276900043679
+4722 -0.758519713440992 0.063188094116559 -0.671476067394298
+4723 -0.763480497572715 0.0538564441473828 -0.666649843058498
+4724 -0.787607260626003 0.0406702743623019 -0.638941101974586
+4725 -0.789135471290745 0.0275020615984824 -0.637756885151832
+4726 -0.804958273332977 0.0203334782104774 -0.617943142899616
+4727 -0.806331662053503 0.0283972626271097 -0.615831020853384
+4728 -0.800381048761477 0.0398173240248851 -0.622920346024253
+4729 -0.803383889993083 0.0556144941798245 -0.617823885372445
+4730 -0.815224671417162 0.0642311588713422 -0.601255431029795
+4731 -0.807580071605227 0.0624801949218168 -0.611666292342997
+4732 -0.810309425870735 0.0757692759279181 -0.60653330590364
+4733 -0.815961270954091 0.0732676217385027 -0.599219542327992
+4734 -0.820701497275903 0.0816275796874699 -0.591617266992315
+4735 -0.827425830557455 0.0821213805292435 -0.582106153365756
+4736 -0.825358005937649 0.0852196612118296 -0.584591114692627
+4737 -0.829917626454864 0.0960394272729046 -0.576401042424992
+4738 -0.827321717997122 0.0981103290893116 -0.579774213169469
+4739 -0.832973773153236 0.101582797904564 -0.571017187489783
+4740 -0.832187881965365 0.10693052617566 -0.571186652226569
+4741 -0.814499955434023 0.0849031963963319 -0.599671801771319
+4742 -0.818349414456446 0.0872685323446094 -0.594065180869245
+4743 -0.816643748956018 0.0785043866880827 -0.597624504653037
+4744 -0.812478201439964 0.0789770393183663 -0.603213726174552
+4745 -0.814119132780875 0.0833412653092443 -0.600407587507661
+4746 -0.808345833748971 0.0779914868102707 -0.608867260612527
+4747 -0.808817957389679 0.0717297778648669 -0.609010140122021
+4748 -0.808306929874875 0.07727584580456 -0.609010140122021
+4749 -0.800962653989318 0.0704273293601079 -0.619454452073428
+4750 -0.789373988430577 0.074701216402137 -0.633666658943994
+4751 -0.783144885292828 0.0857268198574791 -0.639968750015817
+4752 -0.777479087884342 0.0672276197795211 -0.649023662928642
+4753 -0.765251358586908 0.0677449379941209 -0.663344542117491
+4754 -0.765210909992161 0.0677951980207828 -0.663386067350145
+4755 -0.69357753045767 0.122296434257423 -0.730902723631647
+4756 -0.699949456345582 0.113968929396179 -0.726158964479413
+4757 -0.724049355386824 0.110510614951168 -0.702684093278792
+4758 -0.726924265375423 0.0994082170359618 -0.70137302399945
+4759 -0.730513547918674 0.106974093448457 -0.696513818698633
+4760 -0.726947487609343 0.0993467689937009 -0.701357661788175
+4761 -0.728910231778513 0.0884530981229114 -0.700778797796461
+4762 -0.730842895495421 0.0942455207314632 -0.698005332304793
+4763 -0.737202643251162 0.0934048780302226 -0.691399155006468
+4764 -0.755814686194075 0.0757201282657056 -0.673227764065607
+4765 -0.761988530785468 0.0758013752826914 -0.666222658318265
+4766 -0.760662007818276 0.0811973279612508 -0.667102168932032
+4767 -0.76450696678204 0.0761058063870555 -0.663296316871955
+4768 -0.758994483540073 0.0905717926419549 -0.667794223045813
+4769 -0.765825784431681 0.0987159585456007 -0.658779953723566
+4770 -0.767864877327131 0.0945812525631592 -0.6570105911102
+4771 -0.762701899104865 0.10537236383112 -0.661367884042213
+4772 -0.733751483303507 0.119512166011438 -0.691050362075846
+4773 -0.719898877792381 0.137041598843595 -0.702275021583184
+4774 -0.717324079838255 0.147636947568751 -0.702762048062346
+4775 -0.699858949470442 0.161909720519548 -0.717082765967368
+4776 -0.696437731462107 0.15864865223579 -0.721131119380991
+4777 -0.697297633554546 0.16344697201386 -0.719226040670616
+4778 -0.685875703840654 0.162437531706924 -0.730351673629936
+4779 -0.689073353914154 0.150859724326475 -0.729824812199228
+4780 -0.686039571783643 0.133228330076272 -0.736087574961026
+4781 -0.693545614929135 0.122315768847733 -0.730929772757791
+4782 -0.69357753045767 0.122296434257423 -0.730902723631647
+4783 0.281786339260859 -0.834179490610895 -0.504941616872794
+4784 0.274509187885069 -0.831012056513978 -0.514090135769097
+4785 0.267056427268134 -0.803690983297319 -0.559452114145052
+4786 0.235119928996669 -0.776550039359034 -0.609847239364157
+4787 0.227262057938062 -0.77647129600625 -0.612918659774796
+4788 0.227248527086872 -0.752398684800438 -0.642245534081334
+4789 0.21225086509015 -0.738261143520177 -0.663434287806081
+4790 0.216490850322335 -0.730205633213202 -0.670936990298209
+4791 0.212343698486794 -0.729228820927989 -0.673320488653749
+4792 0.223623828163816 -0.729209556479882 -0.669679629536224
+4793 0.227971060339028 -0.726478894389898 -0.671180014343344
+4794 0.232398483383628 -0.72745542874511 -0.66859894115251
+4795 0.222945852306776 -0.724022329150006 -0.675508559406471
+4796 0.228722095731981 -0.71897657183122 -0.67895794573876
+4797 0.225809408714908 -0.715696819439297 -0.683383621094549
+4798 0.222109683853504 -0.719475936069781 -0.680622263634543
+4799 0.225340825127287 -0.7145158648113 -0.684772656772971
+4800 0.221586115020701 -0.716980699764771 -0.683420273181043
+4801 0.214819178551002 -0.707186308787876 -0.695676106524905
+4802 0.217900159429766 -0.701320975984942 -0.700637858785843
+4803 0.210066888781525 -0.699612658916605 -0.704726209049507
+4804 0.217707257176939 -0.692586102380501 -0.709332813961035
+4805 0.203623198106504 -0.68812599787592 -0.717805826279049
+4806 0.211769909280104 -0.682936406945481 -0.720400145469094
+4807 0.202978198165326 -0.684935627713244 -0.721032618512243
+4808 0.200857362844609 -0.681269333869407 -0.725088556329669
+4809 0.206469317798055 -0.681323003006891 -0.72346001021596
+4810 0.197374424018661 -0.67226659718393 -0.734388152855179
+4811 0.196064511185915 -0.67790462174756 -0.729540287624148
+4812 0.188875300599499 -0.679220629027768 -0.73021261145407
+4813 0.194545504735165 -0.67823742957181 -0.729637605743539
+4814 0.190598685588074 -0.679624313413772 -0.729388739746479
+4815 0.19466826654457 -0.68266467979543 -0.725464127962462
+4816 0.189736408731497 -0.680981753703398 -0.728346721228783
+4817 0.186998322833309 -0.684818520422122 -0.725451736054429
+4818 0.182412129473313 -0.685122082331883 -0.72633225683721
+4819 0.188156159521707 -0.681424028308645 -0.728343018966792
+4820 0.183610228954557 -0.678370956335576 -0.732342221521885
+4821 0.173377645607509 -0.676339382540773 -0.736702267967164
+4822 0.176486834372982 -0.672632156819221 -0.739353351859398
+4823 0.174598009231592 -0.676191414335136 -0.736549866846647
+4824 0.183229420855502 -0.677620518174435 -0.733131920381296
+4825 0.182206823050232 -0.672953025740415 -0.737671945230915
+4826 0.189877989446393 -0.67155141586228 -0.73701427732247
+4827 0.191616825556951 -0.664917298556533 -0.742558400561033
+4828 0.183918255112958 -0.663817636270476 -0.745483213233191
+4829 0.190649866360735 -0.661171581930374 -0.746143262185165
+4830 0.180521087215915 -0.661234065512036 -0.748603130955787
+4831 0.192347233629205 -0.659099826787862 -0.747539269900519
+4832 0.196649515508838 -0.652445650851827 -0.75224240822668
+4833 0.191855703327243 -0.655203802446305 -0.751082130236575
+4834 0.193811148692974 -0.649588211756281 -0.755445162662113
+4835 0.180395423328409 -0.65725077734242 -0.752132905093873
+4836 0.188221615013748 -0.649597749026684 -0.756848986324935
+4837 0.181240561217169 -0.648912125801712 -0.759137610685434
+4838 0.184587651676326 -0.64598832730334 -0.760822896498556
+4839 0.178201176332784 -0.638761383240119 -0.768409549676981
+4840 0.183114788564983 -0.640199362116913 -0.766054013078647
+4841 0.185447167641137 -0.632090735782166 -0.772201819314251
+4842 0.178350025865589 -0.635309087074904 -0.771231892593788
+4843 0.179773898276651 -0.629849326470597 -0.775368410139948
+4844 0.24627969249783 -0.606939158087714 -0.775368410139948
+4845 0.254807574347209 -0.617353033363668 -0.764312326377096
+4846 0.280264356759193 -0.622599022028572 -0.751030856955572
+4847 0.284367074633826 -0.630977404463045 -0.74244722500746
+4848 0.273750136620276 -0.638522255880905 -0.739983237273074
+4849 0.269056025790055 -0.653652977838516 -0.728403486777007
+4850 0.2806548633904 -0.659548553914971 -0.71864702927375
+4851 0.298743724160152 -0.656170506148699 -0.714435059424916
+4852 0.307432060860051 -0.669389777001919 -0.698303554624106
+4853 0.32296784285489 -0.671257500722284 -0.689441904880848
+4854 0.316706166724325 -0.678529171976156 -0.685215562240187
+4855 0.324298470404281 -0.676711576107487 -0.683459541491348
+4856 0.325995104850969 -0.671121932926387 -0.688147907617509
+4857 0.333312295778616 -0.671012128756729 -0.684741291689169
+4858 0.334046160855023 -0.677825910346294 -0.677635741148028
+4859 0.323798437221718 -0.67797422557935 -0.682444518992463
+4860 0.318895079778729 -0.685339922683979 -0.677377382607683
+4861 0.325949394174343 -0.699255631275949 -0.659563154342518
+4862 0.338448465307076 -0.687515182925943 -0.665582834497399
+4863 0.356600520166699 -0.681621235448281 -0.662158259332917
+4864 0.365930805654518 -0.697409481403764 -0.640265304948791
+4865 0.369232529442307 -0.694600866983026 -0.641421838409065
+4866 0.368319636336679 -0.702766965355068 -0.632996238452051
+4867 0.382079609936657 -0.692450205189425 -0.63620192156561
+4868 0.396519372004674 -0.686791707986884 -0.633493912729615
+4869 0.239953002484082 -0.609468116603258 -0.775368410139948
+4870 0.238825562108444 -0.613441520190872 -0.772578055726084
+4871 0.240325260576734 -0.609321423951082 -0.775368410139948
+4872 0.396519372004674 -0.686791707986884 -0.633493912729615
+4873 0.415795437177287 -0.678702605594909 -0.629842780050094
+4874 0.429670094509258 -0.675695469964519 -0.623734111423957
+4875 0.447148087005782 -0.679915955542519 -0.606628289552814
+4876 0.449612287605474 -0.685250933480159 -0.59875282796722
+4877 0.443847566086269 -0.693491652526188 -0.593543314304687
+4878 0.449750329350185 -0.697822416507063 -0.58394650120507
+4879 0.437558422578884 -0.715992501227474 -0.571071243380636
+4880 0.446031587184656 -0.72623468891617 -0.551238605186874
+4881 0.441884274168478 -0.719116054157737 -0.56376891444563
+4882 0.446131669135935 -0.709983056402068 -0.571940200909118
+4883 0.464368079992364 -0.692670546259421 -0.578614552728222
+4884 0.489946640972437 -0.678104689117954 -0.574761967771067
+4885 0.517772010030841 -0.677095217351816 -0.551070968449545
+4886 0.528944808383237 -0.683733151527097 -0.53193173169801
+4887 0.550911720230892 -0.682630484935248 -0.510624027587135
+4888 0.550443714231573 -0.687164383026008 -0.505016661273108
+4889 0.556632665914423 -0.676908668012312 -0.512034891786487
+4890 0.528974507854607 -0.679155260237181 -0.537735160215642
+4891 0.550099942808789 -0.674369014881722 -0.522342306049608
+4892 0.564611783203503 -0.67562748450433 -0.504941616872794
+4893 0.329144776186255 0.119798901147331 -0.952647332223836
+4894 0.337490347165802 0.10871506966287 -0.951055360743056
+4895 0.339271901669948 0.0948892040798272 -0.951901053516779
+4896 0.348337702251394 0.0943912656514905 -0.948670719564449
+4897 0.34034879091273 0.0782003909731245 -0.953033262470882
+4898 0.34919598118185 0.00384283105941643 -0.953033262470882
+4899 0.367112507479181 1.9553865198737e-06 -0.946283999044962
+4900 0.367112507479181 1.9553865198737e-06 -0.946283999044962
+4901 0.367112507484388 0 -0.946283999044962
+4902 0.346076016843745 0.046733191520316 -0.953033262470882
+4903 0.346442973981424 0.0445768021942959 -0.953003239493464
+4904 0.346371442725638 0.0444907213727371 -0.953033262470882
+4905 0.273308138640782 0.217382754552466 -0.953033262470882
+4906 0.282214125069043 0.2193506333795 -0.949981835219772
+4907 0.283151796737866 0.213825352366784 -0.950962027995513
+4908 0.308515313605568 0.209216058561456 -0.944072000490888
+4909 0.308865818672653 0.201920627095125 -0.945544798732024
+4910 0.298647556528364 0.196259848915312 -0.95000879400318
+4911 0.30290551912782 0.189276375158369 -0.950077733813825
+4912 0.313660591732302 0.187895275402951 -0.946856588230441
+4913 0.308503427881296 0.172257076745839 -0.951513601845222
+4914 0.310272819050459 0.160260345633558 -0.953033262470882
+4915 0.27779971193978 0.233101635452181 -0.948006301453579
+4916 0.272267739202505 0.218684427460355 -0.953033262470882
+4917 0.327049430262465 0.122438845098701 -0.953033262470882
+4918 0.329144776186255 0.119798901147331 -0.952647332223836
+4919 0.195710185995324 0.338979984765911 -0.936490839798115
+4920 0.201189406428686 0.336277536584919 -0.936304032421762
+4921 0.22034189970728 0.333999838049755 -0.932801455517799
+4922 0.221544946988735 0.341995463634906 -0.929613865708179
+4923 0.24699236249781 0.336267647103115 -0.925280412836825
+4924 0.26064346434639 0.315309133538491 -0.928908033553762
+4925 0.250266893109734 0.306797393794921 -0.934594479640151
+4926 0.262666457309868 0.304246190786851 -0.932022310675005
+4927 0.263308042175903 0.295968027603591 -0.934503505377017
+4928 0.257197327419556 0.298379490624129 -0.935437979955445
+4929 0.25885435370794 0.288990661752285 -0.937925274734838
+4930 0.270953037965198 0.287392679400815 -0.934994598403782
+4931 0.268881920454546 0.279787650095571 -0.937894654908894
+4932 0.281892960299685 0.245046675246376 -0.94377618421116
+4933 0.27779971193978 0.233101635452181 -0.948006301453579
+4934 0.0663857468718456 0.3764922758035 -0.940250763824507
+4935 0.0734641294751332 0.371978341780732 -0.941520119236184
+4936 0.0769230944533439 0.355945811344398 -0.947423040107269
+4937 0.0868211463450967 0.346114751167193 -0.950206118466828
+4938 0.0906699453062449 0.350976221195872 -0.948060996546756
+4939 0.0985619517093286 0.339528927425638 -0.951436098283244
+4940 0.110688906846416 0.349066696013002 -0.946639005976255
+4941 0.124104789273734 0.350024217516982 -0.944619525751478
+4942 0.134538582920535 0.362450559366256 -0.9384849288725
+4943 0.195710185995324 0.338979984765911 -0.936490839798115
+4944 -0.0730139160428213 0.414082499461801 -0.923812563079524
+4945 -0.0686872257739744 0.410828675205117 -0.925595410881387
+4946 -0.0440196488095553 0.428389612516585 -0.919113491581194
+4947 -0.0400789722678315 0.410794473105302 -0.927289909816823
+4948 -0.0310411528476972 0.40404267958991 -0.930597098587617
+4949 -0.0143250448327256 0.406977501223659 -0.929725285548525
+4950 0.00328190883542903 0.401527432518285 -0.932196304438969
+4951 0.0143542395863123 0.414787702220241 -0.926266763892968
+4952 0.0448486562772159 0.403380788247656 -0.930321201361566
+4953 0.0595494068363551 0.414808286056083 -0.924452786227968
+4954 0.0612349416087056 0.406369723843021 -0.928083471175909
+4955 0.05239162853787 0.392192267970288 -0.934700669842208
+4956 0.057903426323262 0.381598185001956 -0.938751840702983
+4957 0.0663857468718456 0.3764922758035 -0.940250763824507
+4958 -0.200992696371832 0.348129563990337 -0.932004690267747
+4959 -0.186117864913545 0.353153332276491 -0.933203013423142
+4960 -0.179528980651479 0.368088960865795 -0.928711398656752
+4961 -0.168734664021527 0.371508052513916 -0.929373649333173
+4962 -0.164802791416698 0.385908059777946 -0.924196953760228
+4963 -0.151212893797773 0.387881025142143 -0.92569323811076
+4964 -0.12786230773705 0.378427002707226 -0.933096583362184
+4965 -0.0956773582965545 0.418756725855523 -0.919626906772608
+4966 -0.0909292294955086 0.410256908264942 -0.923929729170051
+4967 -0.0782852252541796 0.417909996575313 -0.921654847689374
+4968 -0.0730139160428213 0.414082499461801 -0.923812563079524
+4969 -0.309343917018453 0.259570368148952 -0.931211342812521
+4970 -0.296260372537135 0.282381406878382 -0.928824812714186
+4971 -0.301367766125244 0.303066219690295 -0.920626599671829
+4972 -0.288390733732755 0.294700637428773 -0.927473621725253
+4973 -0.264717723989491 0.321299623455909 -0.925697617244916
+4974 -0.256879303497979 0.3073113869901 -0.932629473510576
+4975 -0.246443344029866 0.312555788019846 -0.93370207109049
+4976 -0.243713296319513 0.331133024577182 -0.927997709712391
+4977 -0.2325561182661 0.342054660553058 -0.926898732899628
+4978 -0.219289787544059 0.337289895474775 -0.931865073650417
+4979 -0.218276759121055 0.360375184449344 -0.923422970723985
+4980 -0.209685138710343 0.344885028850451 -0.93129558115501
+4981 -0.200992696371832 0.348129563990337 -0.932004690267747
+4982 -0.334028550151475 0.121576450857292 -0.950720302865489
+4983 -0.337346760875239 0.128199916594104 -0.948676417073941
+4984 -0.333043965979616 0.153408525631448 -0.946452608949943
+4985 -0.337812385639416 0.16730956024371 -0.942398696497222
+4986 -0.319630351433727 0.19770841107618 -0.94285355312057
+4987 -0.328342493303172 0.201579211526039 -0.939032496014912
+4988 -0.320384495212899 0.222631564457476 -0.937023992080455
+4989 -0.330799901774061 0.217815978601357 -0.934533372572753
+4990 -0.33451757938857 0.22221087389123 -0.932172364214101
+4991 -0.323640738642118 0.229574697306295 -0.934225417470488
+4992 -0.309343917018453 0.259570368148952 -0.931211342812521
+4993 -0.330048145817576 0.114108816778049 -0.953033262470882
+4994 -0.334028550151475 0.121576450857292 -0.950720302865489
+4995 0.179773898276651 -0.629849326470597 -0.775368410139948
+4996 0.180922438021194 -0.6252637817936 -0.778805029900059
+4997 0.172074702406355 -0.629042324291863 -0.777766707336624
+4998 0.179552863518838 -0.624611489492658 -0.779644955345668
+4999 0.176945324414269 -0.618589068306297 -0.785024150418238
+5000 0.183776165690906 -0.623212914476607 -0.779780087046035
+5001 0.185083981459033 -0.618446176829569 -0.783258096780469
+5002 0.174504195310836 -0.618249547227071 -0.785837631557842
+5003 0.179992830239968 -0.61397579652229 -0.787947525122724
+5004 0.175121011440515 -0.607955363008661 -0.793692577728341
+5005 0.179206112745234 -0.600751972535095 -0.798252614558784
+5006 0.180693025350485 -0.606238654305269 -0.793756716265018
+5007 0.181525678536373 -0.600144085874504 -0.798185757967257
+5008 0.181431053869232 -0.607165977037155 -0.792879088525115
+5009 0.188566783273062 -0.601827776308535 -0.79528038823397
+5010 0.181117722702205 -0.60855586234642 -0.791884545200228
+5011 0.187586255822063 -0.61104864400492 -0.788451616325572
+5012 0.183884267245981 -0.606909643085118 -0.792510101758774
+5013 0.189783430426149 -0.601147789866703 -0.795505238369969
+5014 0.182366235993061 -0.593454048416953 -0.802981848105704
+5015 0.185988617638849 -0.59975736148911 -0.797448645022619
+5016 0.182101956983802 -0.595182808200439 -0.801761374777626
+5017 0.183143884209654 -0.598961886509527 -0.798703935251073
+5018 0.175539994238553 -0.601820344307839 -0.798262477885515
+5019 0.172944037144506 -0.591575804197438 -0.806444931724612
+5020 0.182540952546291 -0.593027181276832 -0.803257469875225
+5021 0.175639092812471 -0.587782957322547 -0.808632861165791
+5022 0.17564692248873 -0.587771763377946 -0.808639297088521
+5023 0.179253683401473 -0.585471707704538 -0.80951590253962
+5024 0.181943102764129 -0.592408492309614 -0.803849417239331
+5025 0.196121000553168 -0.587677389502714 -0.803988083872702
+5026 0.195609986579808 -0.579536374389331 -0.809999582660334
+5027 0.187362619145975 -0.575514778309155 -0.814802423225732
+5028 0.190026163065573 -0.57984321978424 -0.811108437769465
+5029 0.182949263414901 -0.579676449725199 -0.812852865314464
+5030 0.192746029443478 -0.568887760310089 -0.818193549414284
+5031 0.202114322137839 -0.58311174911085 -0.805825966841257
+5032 0.221652544043581 -0.584026389990998 -0.800005203428759
+5033 0.229731890077993 -0.57881932574817 -0.801508856358822
+5034 0.227082383458561 -0.590552974390355 -0.793666035282778
+5035 0.220779157464956 -0.593213570817355 -0.793460284467463
+5036 0.227496252064466 -0.591228807985436 -0.793044104640304
+5037 0.224908257561327 -0.599279545914584 -0.787721588842871
+5038 0.240703761070071 -0.606741363120816 -0.777271907176
+5039 0.239953002484082 -0.609468116603258 -0.775368410139948
+5040 0.225138347298482 -0.389951061641058 -0.909657020035969
+5041 0.216818447439363 -0.390700430487324 -0.911354999145231
+5042 0.194237338884706 -0.382300284388428 -0.91996921075627
+5043 0.189788671852074 -0.386825698479034 -0.919005516323397
+5044 0.18774543633101 -0.378991023346265 -0.922682207133002
+5045 0.170678167073667 -0.376694747828398 -0.926927737336019
+5046 0.165849978755359 -0.368190466422134 -0.931211342812521
+5047 0.160850716958718 -0.371330618564801 -0.930841349839031
+5048 0.157089571643128 -0.361040012984001 -0.935520163067312
+5049 0.152613436216432 -0.368005356642629 -0.933544962264027
+5050 0.148414782190932 -0.360545555000429 -0.937125901465033
+5051 0.155703941667451 -0.358402423189105 -0.936765171001461
+5052 0.147834713168845 -0.353514243629352 -0.939892322095171
+5053 0.150468014697791 -0.347627838064925 -0.941668340104525
+5054 0.129575377667953 -0.334827698608066 -0.949381711297955
+5055 0.129879270546568 -0.328271925203264 -0.951626984803202
+5056 0.124080490460521 -0.32685039969159 -0.952889210825962
+5057 0.123317292152962 -0.348527246848625 -0.9452759404852
+5058 0.11194495742828 -0.347106020255209 -0.947212086709714
+5059 0.113480892312034 -0.341733459884018 -0.948981206070891
+5060 0.107502174334156 -0.344091860399408 -0.948825101965743
+5061 0.105778666274525 -0.33909501091454 -0.950815674741456
+5062 0.085221737335306 -0.34446819626519 -0.950948956173442
+5063 0.088251046078296 -0.33788215917712 -0.953033262470882
+5064 0.231078891357347 -0.537178459318579 -0.829618495944477
+5065 0.248278128746294 -0.53521185081084 -0.825912371585433
+5066 0.227643350986594 -0.55690591381476 -0.817471288737251
+5067 0.224533516676549 -0.577625736674527 -0.803839665741913
+5068 0.20663106099764 -0.580961166351791 -0.80623366825143
+5069 0.203636202836104 -0.572952569184007 -0.812700836938131
+5070 0.214331235494005 -0.568050560364707 -0.813391469319021
+5071 0.203922905623838 -0.562471826941248 -0.819918223031606
+5072 0.212650796265459 -0.552906798203454 -0.824195796730408
+5073 0.2077188232903 -0.551107783571568 -0.826654765508387
+5074 0.208575578064734 -0.556527852651991 -0.822798868167382
+5075 0.204332657943087 -0.554374401074778 -0.82531338795084
+5076 0.195239776187872 -0.564743126858771 -0.820470371469859
+5077 0.201002512552359 -0.555839163377778 -0.825145935215784
+5078 0.194570576020355 -0.557227064592809 -0.825751348429046
+5079 0.195370729732568 -0.561564759218562 -0.822617954561875
+5080 0.18279905155029 -0.561230810654145 -0.825729667581833
+5081 0.231092654736827 -0.537210454413159 -0.829593944406475
+5082 0.231078891357347 -0.537178459318579 -0.829618495944477
+5083 0.240325260576734 -0.609321423951082 -0.775368410139948
+5084 0.241096303310823 -0.607174279105878 -0.776812054053046
+5085 0.246190458537748 -0.606840841324649 -0.775473694863575
+5086 0.24627969249783 -0.606939158087714 -0.775368410139948
+5087 0.189407463449074 -0.328063354559433 -0.941660367746779
+5088 0.195955955898544 -0.353150417988153 -0.931187975450006
+5089 0.211003355798642 -0.365468537860505 -0.923111765538614
+5090 0.172005175077243 -0.303919101687856 -0.953033262470882
+5091 0.1793395759358 -0.31062526162061 -0.94951264517451
+5092 0.211003355798642 -0.365468537860505 -0.923111765538614
+5093 0.233584240692544 -0.382387223300565 -0.910737840411044
+5094 0.248931689090331 -0.379525002960839 -0.907864960384643
+5095 0.248288370103861 -0.38695683532262 -0.9048990512031
+5096 0.225138347298482 -0.389951061641058 -0.909657020035969
+5097 0.1793395759358 -0.31062526162061 -0.94951264517451
+5098 0.194997440219965 -0.324184103960123 -0.941862869555453
+5099 0.189320032747514 -0.327753373269368 -0.941785884111155
+5100 0.189407463449074 -0.328063354559433 -0.941660367746779
+5101 0.367112507484388 -2.63571616713167e-09 -0.946283999044962
+5102 0.366705240211738 -0.0073484314822468 -0.946413370233114
+5103 0.356053037397249 -0.00405189962735296 -0.950491881432768
+5104 0.349043272693044 -0.0110179132250903 -0.953033262470882
+5105 0.346371442725638 0.0444907213727371 -0.953033262470882
+5106 0.341537884832549 0.0386297925062666 -0.955031210147098
+5107 0.349021693401334 0.00387809450246619 -0.953096961446365
+5108 0.34919598118185 0.00384283105941643 -0.953033262470882
+5109 0.34034879091273 0.0782003909731245 -0.953033262470882
+5110 0.339545492837231 0.0766973754901486 -0.953441855011015
+5111 0.346076016843745 0.046733191520316 -0.953033262470882
+5112 0.272267739202505 0.218684427460355 -0.953033262470882
+5113 0.271569837209534 0.216976885355553 -0.953622490684542
+5114 0.273308138640782 0.217382754552466 -0.953033262470882
+5115 0.310272819050459 0.160260345633558 -0.953033262470882
+5116 0.312267808039832 0.139603044517624 -0.955627964232634
+5117 0.327049430262465 0.122438845098701 -0.953033262470882
+5118 -0.210206433168667 7.54597681967155e-10 -0.992994589841509
+5119 -0.220758172698162 0.0237910075876229 -0.990416486708967
+5120 -0.220758269540134 0.0518596905056154 -0.989343903266355
+5121 -0.208791183163511 0.049359992712957 -0.99206594183681
+5122 -0.204910642695921 0.0566996747151521 -0.992482632289926
+5123 -0.219659632358722 0.07004319667817 -0.988467802465581
+5124 -0.244884104161253 0.0758370802545419 -0.98209241560436
+5125 -0.245684766367464 0.0668662016416599 -0.982544099088169
+5126 -0.250104689606891 0.0741888564924303 -0.980901961364634
+5127 -0.260214003890582 0.0743842144608522 -0.978253883620338
+5128 -0.261984528181561 0.067885537305161 -0.978253883620338
+5129 -0.270024679383412 0.0731616926108771 -0.975683882852534
+5130 -0.271963576462565 0.0670624383807575 -0.975583641947792
+5131 -0.285605494480463 0.0627839901681457 -0.971963308001457
+5132 -0.285986943636078 0.0548343231394083 -0.972332075515118
+5133 -0.307192805225094 0.0553834197691089 -0.96581067359634
+5134 -0.314313942820687 0.0491528091867637 -0.963854629442409
+5135 -0.322515670513646 0.0546478784473373 -0.960844551243508
+5136 -0.316549339027453 0.0540234805496536 -0.962861869382407
+5137 -0.33091376551481 0.0787249285206699 -0.956307202431428
+5138 -0.325226541183402 0.105647408562618 -0.955662765819556
+5139 -0.330048145817576 0.114108816778049 -0.953033262470882
+5140 -0.201461988233338 -0.073326166143008 -0.992099461070229
+5141 -0.20031272497347 -0.057805934363875 -0.993357078882525
+5142 -0.195026292086578 -0.0542835729400905 -0.994606977204473
+5143 -0.205438245296286 -0.00855294358276081 -0.993955217565486
+5144 -0.210206433168667 7.54597681967155e-10 -0.992994589841509
+5145 -0.19814310095875 -0.166261801453347 -0.981489340196794
+5146 -0.197220607456213 -0.164248047004701 -0.982014058478667
+5147 -0.207927187842192 -0.139905715091504 -0.983573929829768
+5148 -0.199421014527026 -0.138394841148257 -0.985547120592699
+5149 -0.212368902125724 -0.113294422873395 -0.986047069442275
+5150 -0.203008768458678 -0.114983155580092 -0.987821498987411
+5151 -0.199480123607426 -0.10454294487413 -0.989698667758329
+5152 -0.213970434565928 -0.0852400335949339 -0.988522022923315
+5153 -0.201574292666177 -0.078286717273191 -0.991697531727652
+5154 -0.201461988233338 -0.073326166143008 -0.992099461070229
+5155 -0.142653275910677 -0.247082719012257 -0.974076574421879
+5156 -0.169990249626178 -0.241539945767709 -0.971075058700697
+5157 -0.178888652650665 -0.209785113127324 -0.97683880771752
+5158 -0.194352352505111 -0.180559105871647 -0.9797196396738
+5159 -0.203313513272783 -0.178263502077719 -0.978320366315485
+5160 -0.19814310095875 -0.166261801453347 -0.981489340196794
+5161 -0.0551332427517423 -0.312676147793762 -0.964063769749974
+5162 -0.0646029188717262 -0.310156058064967 -0.964289729551681
+5163 -0.0735727158984159 -0.300485135702074 -0.966706128405855
+5164 -0.0673846634121012 -0.287025559449884 -0.971236652602917
+5165 -0.0546541256489777 -0.283921589503738 -0.97294730461789
+5166 -0.0614880591081309 -0.282530858927426 -0.972944259626853
+5167 -0.0525114876628173 -0.258056092960107 -0.980242111189681
+5168 -0.0695029549698683 -0.258234405650928 -0.979137033815271
+5169 -0.0692537229664978 -0.250620867847575 -0.981131032255431
+5170 -0.0721672880863683 -0.267947238132928 -0.976330456406638
+5171 -0.0834794827058693 -0.264344755661237 -0.976410787589712
+5172 -0.0865698020558994 -0.253716372940528 -0.978957951841602
+5173 -0.114977829462723 -0.25973141734098 -0.974445837170074
+5174 -0.137369979922134 -0.247822001111131 -0.974648010505058
+5175 -0.142653275910677 -0.247082719012257 -0.974076574421879
+5176 0.0519423049819314 -0.294579459532196 -0.969922645871764
+5177 0.00889879127638352 -0.299303065248612 -0.969826523996227
+5178 0.0106386601578068 -0.308510876617201 -0.966919261323784
+5179 -0.0294987364418767 -0.302427453667426 -0.968448480723972
+5180 -0.0357919363518545 -0.304911850392072 -0.967456821146384
+5181 -0.0310988220709897 -0.308518550764959 -0.966475124925461
+5182 -0.0365890602985886 -0.316714124946186 -0.963627730882646
+5183 -0.0551332427517423 -0.312676147793762 -0.964063769749974
+5184 0.088251046078296 -0.33788215917712 -0.953033262470882
+5185 0.0926006789935131 -0.327680410270012 -0.956177631497002
+5186 0.0842151109485634 -0.32512063333787 -0.957825343612239
+5187 0.09579574295445 -0.317611334301214 -0.959255552996806
+5188 0.0803924206468371 -0.311572197693279 -0.962644703058777
+5189 0.0940062186630069 -0.298131496742933 -0.965663213290483
+5190 0.0906845398730633 -0.280296333917912 -0.971305965914031
+5191 0.0679364522574958 -0.301237182001792 -0.966884583926274
+5192 0.0581346543566192 -0.295850148431174 -0.969184219659033
+5193 0.058996180612419 -0.285157475086327 -0.972332075515118
+5194 0.0538818428188986 -0.294215300029978 -0.969927370601897
+5195 0.0519423049819314 -0.294579459532196 -0.969922645871764
+5196 0.15150127990763 -0.262407917837451 -0.968717939775332
+5197 0.168237171536496 -0.300384494286666 -0.954824805765719
+5198 0.172005175077243 -0.303919101687856 -0.953033262470882
+5199 0.12957596864048 -0.224432164226269 -0.98135889052456
+5200 0.124826906898595 -0.234547962517177 -0.979607317547787
+5201 0.146384745142269 -0.253545819542705 -0.971859569990465
+5202 0.165753080881318 -0.139083350836617 -0.991668663263295
+5203 0.164002180555362 -0.143058141566256 -0.991394297393673
+5204 0.158769342785204 -0.142140776836714 -0.992377597163403
+5205 0.161274685144569 -0.147026760612943 -0.991261119783876
+5206 0.14783997650887 -0.149260785105858 -0.993020422436235
+5207 0.12957596864048 -0.224432164226269 -0.98135889052456
+5208 0.146384745142269 -0.253545819542705 -0.971859569990465
+5209 0.148050620295689 -0.254908299382224 -0.97125062302998
+5210 0.15150127990763 -0.262407917837451 -0.968717939775332
+5211 0.272494649771117 -0.0991799436059649 -0.972694712966218
+5212 0.266628572826335 -0.099174171248237 -0.974319602548269
+5213 0.228612538268178 -0.114905149766755 -0.982221010721956
+5214 0.218652279909439 -0.111163859650539 -0.984915619125821
+5215 0.193643910625852 -0.117589263125305 -0.98939365324181
+5216 0.187295600596397 -0.124264635317126 -0.989799807237169
+5217 0.171812143242554 -0.123155154169952 -0.99274286471159
+5218 0.165753080881318 -0.139083350836617 -0.991668663263295
+5219 0.349043272693044 -0.0110179132250903 -0.953033262470882
+5220 0.345566097288886 -0.0143203861617496 -0.954255730370379
+5221 0.335085014353499 -0.0463061550274787 -0.956973757823215
+5222 0.337847306783022 -0.0536125197869299 -0.95562016252356
+5223 0.319010298832656 -0.0690424100618336 -0.961088224280973
+5224 0.307085409789911 -0.070258623481777 -0.964876819558128
+5225 0.30335450522638 -0.0818740499628412 -0.96514127675773
+5226 0.290238011939576 -0.0908605180244565 -0.968365252727343
+5227 0.289712994034103 -0.0987222814972774 -0.967752701997658
+5228 0.272494649771117 -0.0991799436059649 -0.972694712966218
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+ 1 1
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+5159 255.
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+5161 255.
+5162 255.
+5163 255.
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+5165 255.
+5166 255.
+5167 255.
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+5169 255.
+5170 255.
+5171 255.
+5172 255.
+5173 255.
+5174 255.
+5175 255.
+5176 255.
+5177 255.
+5178 255.
+5179 255.
+5180 255.
+5181 255.
+5182 255.
+5183 255.
+5184 255.
+5185 255.
+5186 255.
+5187 255.
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+5199 255.
+5200 255.
+5201 255.
+5202 255.
+5203 255.
+5204 255.
+5205 255.
+5206 255.
+5207 255.
+5208 255.
+5209 255.
+5210 255.
+5211 255.
+5212 255.
+5213 255.
+5214 255.
+5215 255.
+5216 255.
+5217 255.
+5218 255.
+5219 255.
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+5221 255.
+5222 255.
+5223 255.
+5224 255.
+5225 255.
+5226 255.
+5227 255.
+5228 255.

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/copy-info.sh
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/copy-info.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/copy-info.sh	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# copy-info.sh
+echo "$PWD"
+echo "copy cmt solution etc..."
+#echo "calculating slice files..."
+#./global_slice_number.pl ../../DATA/CMTSOLUTION ../../DATA/STATIONS_ADJOINT ../../DATA/Par_file
+echo "collecting database files..."
+../collect_database/copy_m_globe_database.pl slices_all ../../OUTPUT_FILES/lsf_machines beta_kernel $jobid
+cd ../../
+make xcombine_vol_data
+cd $PWD
+echo "combining mesh..."
+../../xcombine_vol_data UTILS/Paraview/slices_all beta_kernel $PWD $PWD ../../OUTPUT_FILES 1 1
+## echo "converting mesh to vtu..."
+#./mesh2vtu.pl -i ../../OUTPUT_FILES/reg_1_beta_kernel.mesh ../../OUTPUT_FILES/reg_1_beta_kernel.vtu
+echo "done"

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/copy-info.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.daniel.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.daniel.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.daniel.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  This program figures out the global slice number for given simulation parameters
+#  uses xglobal_slice_number and xnormal_plane, compile first from global_slice_util/
+# Qinya Liu, May 2007, Caltech
+# modify the following line for the correct location of perl libs (UTILS/lib)
+use lib '/opt/seismo-util/lib/perl';
+if (@ARGV != 3) {die("Usage: global_slice_number.pl CMTSOLUTION STATIONS_ADJOINT Par_file\n");}
+$cmt = $ARGV[0];
+$sta = $ARGV[1];
+$par_file = $ARGV[2];
+# obtain event location
+($elat,$elon) = get_cmt_location($cmt);
+# obtain station location
+ at lat = ();
+ at lon = ();
+ at stations = <IN>;
+$nstations = @stations;
+  $line = $stations[$i];
+  (undef,undef,$slat,$slon,undef,undef) = split(" ",$line);
+  push(@lat,$slat);
+  push(@lon,$slon);
+  print "event = ($elat,$elon);  station = ($lat[$i],$lon[$i]) \n";
+#($slat,$slon) = split(" ",`awk 'NR == 1 {print \$3, \$4}' $sta`);
+#print "event = ($elat,$elon);  station = ($slat,$slon) \n";
+# obtain simulation parameters
+if (not -f $par_file) {die("Check if $par_file exists or not\n");}
+($nchunk) = split(" ",`grep NCHUNKS $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+($nproc) = split(" ",`grep NPROC_XI $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+print "NCHUNKS = $nchunk, nproc = $nproc\n";
+if ($nchunk != 6) {
+  ($xi_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($eta_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clat) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clon) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($grot) = split(" ",`grep GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  print "xi_width = $xi_width, eta_width = $eta_width; clat = $clat, clon = $clon; grot = $grot\n";
+# all
+for ($i = 0; $i < $nproc*$nproc*$nchunk; $i++ ) {
+    print SLICE_ALL "$i\n";
+# minor 
+print "compute slices along minor arc ...\n";
+  $slat = $lat[$istation];
+  $slon = $lon[$istation];
+  if ($nchunk == 6) {
+    $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0";
+  }else {
+    $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+  if( $istation == 0 ){
+    system(" $command > slices_minor ");
+  }else {
+    system(" $command >> slices_minor ");  
+  }
+#sorts out doubles
+ at slices = <IN>;
+$nslices = @slices;
+ at uni = ();
+  $sl = $slices[$i];
+  $found = 0;
+  for($j=0;$j<@uni;$j++){
+    if( $sl == $uni[$j] ){ 
+      $found = 1; 
+      last;
+    }
+  }  
+  if( $found == 0 ){
+    push(@uni,$sl);
+  }
+  print OUT "$uni[$i]";
+# major
+print "compute slices along major arc ...\n";
+  $slat = $lat[$istation];
+  $slon = $lon[$istation];
+  if ($nchunk == 6) {
+    $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1";
+  }else {
+    $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+  if( $istation == 0 ){
+    system(" $command > slices_major ");
+  }else {
+    system(" $command >> slices_major ");  
+  }
+#sorts out doubles
+ at slices = <IN>;
+$nslices = @slices;
+ at uni = ();
+  $sl = $slices[$i];
+  $found = 0;
+  for($j=0;$j<@uni;$j++){
+    if( $sl == $uni[$j] ){ 
+      $found = 1; 
+      last;
+    }
+  }  
+  if( $found == 0 ){
+    push(@uni,$sl);
+  }
+  print OUT "$uni[$i]";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  print "output slices_ic file\n";
+  $nslice = $nproc * $nproc;
+  `cat slices_minor slices_major | sort -g | awk '\$1 < $nslice {print \$1}' > slice_ab_old`;
+  open(SLICE,"slice_ab_old");
+  @tmp=<SLICE>;
+  close(SLICE);
+  open(SLICE_IC,">slices_ic");
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $nslice; $i ++ ) {
+    for ($j = 0; $j < @tmp; $j ++ ){
+      if ($i == $tmp[$j]) {last;}
+      if ($j == @tmp - 1) {print SLICE_IC "$i\n";}
+    }
+  }
+  close(SLICE_IC);
+# figure out the normal to the source-receiver plane
+print "calculate normal to source and receiver plane\n";
+$command = "./xnormal_plane $elat $elon $slat $slon";
+$result = `$command`;
+print "$result\n";
+# clean up temp files
+system(" rm -f slice_ab_old gcarc_station.txt xsection_translate.txt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.daniel.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  This program figures out the global slice number for given simulation parameters
+#  uses xglobal_slice_number and xnormal_plane, compile first from global_slice_util/
+# Qinya Liu, May 2007, Caltech
+# modify the following line for the correct location of perl libs (UTILS/lib)
+use lib '/opt/seismo-util/lib/perl';
+if (@ARGV != 3) {die("Usage: global_slice_number.pl CMTSOLUTION STATIONS_ADJOINT Par_file\n");}
+$cmt = $ARGV[0];
+$sta = $ARGV[1];
+$par_file = $ARGV[2];
+# obtain event location
+($elat,$elon) = get_cmt_location($cmt);
+# obtain station location
+($slat,$slon) = split(" ",`awk 'NR == 1 {print \$3, \$4}' $sta`);
+print "event = ($elat,$elon);  station = ($slat,$slon) \n";
+# obtain simulation parameters
+if (not -f $par_file) {die("Check if $par_file exists or not\n");}
+($nchunk) = split(" ",`grep NCHUNKS $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+($nproc) = split(" ",`grep NPROC_XI $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+print "NCHUNKS = $nchunk, nproc = $nproc\n";
+if ($nchunk != 6) {
+  ($xi_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($eta_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clat) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clon) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($grot) = split(" ",`grep GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  print "xi_width = $xi_width, eta_width = $eta_width; clat = $clat, clon = $clon; grot = $grot\n";
+# minor 
+print "compute slices along minor arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0";
+}else {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+system(" $command > slices_minor ");
+# major
+print "compute slices along major arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1";
+}else {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+system(" $command > slices_major ");
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  print "output slices_ic file\n";
+  $nslice = $nproc * $nproc;
+  `cat slices_minor slices_major | sort -g | awk '\$1 < $nslice {print \$1}' > slice_ab_old`;
+  open(SLICE,"slice_ab_old");
+  @tmp=<SLICE>;
+  close(SLICE);
+  open(SLICE_IC,">slices_ic");
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $nslice; $i ++ ) {
+    for ($j = 0; $j < @tmp; $j ++ ){
+      if ($i == $tmp[$j]) {last;}
+      if ($j == @tmp - 1) {print SLICE_IC "$i\n";}
+    }
+  }
+  close(SLICE_IC);
+# figure out the normal to the source-receiver plane
+print "calculate normal to source and receiver plane\n";
+$command = "xnormal_plane $elat $elon $slat $slon";
+$result = `$command`;
+print "$result\n";
+# clean up temp files
+system(" rm -f slice_ab_old gcarc_station.txt xsection_translate.txt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number2.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number2.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number2.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  This program figures out the global slice number on a source-receiver
+#  belt for given simulation parameters
+#  uses xglobal_slice_number and xnormal_plane, compile first from global_slice_util/
+#  Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+# modify the following line for the correct location of perl libs (UTILS/lib)
+use lib '/opt/seismo-util/lib/perl';
+if (@ARGV != 4) {die("Usage: global_slice_number.pl CMTSOLUTION STATIONS_ADJOINT Par_file lat_belt_width (in degrees)\n");}
+$cmt = $ARGV[0];
+$sta = $ARGV[1];
+$par_file = $ARGV[2];
+$lat0 = $ARGV[3];
+# obtain event location
+($elat,$elon) = get_cmt_location($cmt);
+# obtain station location
+($slat,$slon) = split(" ",`awk 'NR == 1 {print \$3, \$4}' $sta`);
+print "event = ($elat,$elon);  station = ($slat,$slon) \n";
+# obtain simulation parameters
+if (not -f $par_file) {die("Check if $par_file exists or not\n");}
+($nchunk) = split(" ",`grep NCHUNKS $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+($nproc) = split(" ",`grep NPROC_XI $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+print "NCHUNKS = $nchunk, nproc = $nproc\n";
+if ($nchunk != 6) {
+  ($xi_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($eta_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clat) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clon) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($grot) = split(" ",`grep GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  print "xi_width = $xi_width, eta_width = $eta_width; clat = $clat, clon = $clon; grot = $grot\n";
+# minor 
+print "compute slices along minor arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0 $lat0";
+}else {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot $lat0";}
+system(" $command > slices_minor ");
+# major
+print "compute slices along major arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1 $lat0";
+}else {
+  $command = "xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot $lat0";}
+system(" $command > slices_major ");
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  print "output slices_ic file\n";
+  $nslice = $nproc * $nproc;
+  `cat slices_minor slices_major | sort -g | awk '\$1 < $nslice {print \$1}' > slice_ab_old`;
+  open(SLICE,"slice_ab_old");
+  @tmp=<SLICE>;
+  close(SLICE);
+  open(SLICE_IC,">slices_ic");
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $nslice; $i ++ ) {
+    for ($j = 0; $j < @tmp; $j ++ ){
+      if ($i == $tmp[$j]) {last;}
+      if ($j == @tmp - 1) {print SLICE_IC "$i\n";}
+    }
+  }
+  close(SLICE_IC);
+# figure out the normal to the source-receiver plane
+print "calculate normal to source and receiver plane\n";
+$command = "xnormal_plane $elat $elon $slat $slon";
+$result = `$command`;
+print "$result\n";
+# clean up temp files
+system(" rm -f slice_ab_old gcarc_station.txt xsection_translate.txt");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_number2.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/CMTSOLUTION
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/CMTSOLUTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/CMTSOLUTION	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+PDE 1994  6  9  0 33 16.40 -13.8300  -67.5600 637.0 6.9 6.8 NORTHERNBOLIVIA
+event name:     060994A
+time shift:      0.0000
+half duration:  10.0000
+latitude:      -13.8200
+longitude:     -67.2500
+depth:          15.0000
+Mrr:      -7.600000e+27
+Mtt:       7.700000e+27
+Mpp:      -2.000000e+26
+Mrt:      -2.500000e+28
+Mrp:       4.000000e+26
+Mtp:      -2.500000e+27

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/Makefile	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+F90 = ifort
+F90_FLAGS = -O3
+LIB = 
+SUB_MOD = sub_slice_number
+SRC_ALL = global_slice_number normal_plane make_az_stations
+MOD_DIR = mod
+OBJ_DIR = obj
+BIN_DIR = ..
+SUB_MOD_OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(SUB_MOD))
+SRC_OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(SRC_ALL))
+all : $(SRC_ALL)
+$(SRC_ALL): % : %.f90 $(SUB_MOD_OBJ) constants.h
+	$(F90) -o $(BIN_DIR)/x$@ $(F90_FLAGS) $*.f90 -module $(MOD_DIR) $(SUB_MOD_OBJ) $(LIB)
+$(SUB_MOD_OBJ): $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o : %.f90
+	$(F90) -c -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$*.o $*.f90 -module $(MOD_DIR)
+	\rm -f $(MOD_DIR)/*.mod $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o *.o *.mod *~ garc_station.txt  xsection_translate.txt xglobal_slice_number xmake_az_stations xnormal_plane

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/constants.h
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/constants.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/constants.h	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_REAL = 4
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_DOUBLE = 8
+! uncomment this to run in single precision
+ integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_REAL = SIZE_REAL
+! uncomment this to run in double precision (increases memory size by 2)
+!  integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_REAL = SIZE_DOUBLE
+ real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: pi = 3.1415926
+ real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: EPS = 0.01_CUSTOM_REAL
+ integer, parameter :: NPTS = 100000

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/global_slice_number.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/global_slice_number.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/global_slice_number.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+program global_slice_number
+! this program computes the slice numbers the source-receiver lin goes through
+! for given source receiver location and simulation parameters
+! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+  use sub_slice_number
+  implicit none
+  character(len=200) :: ch_elon, ch_elat, ch_slon, ch_slat, ch_nproc, ch_narc, ch_usage, ch_arg7, ch_arg8, &
+             ch_eta_width, ch_clon, ch_clat, ch_grot, ch_arg13
+  logical :: belt_region
+  integer :: nchunks, narc, nproc, np, nt, i, ii, k, j, nproc_xi, nproc_eta, np_short
+  integer, dimension(NPTS) :: chunk, slices, slices_short
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: elon, elat, slon, slat, xi_width, eta_width, lat0, th0, clon, clat, grot, &
+             ths, phs, thr, phr, thn, phn, ths_new, phs_new, thr_new, phr_new, delta, rotation_matrix(3,3), &
+             x, y, z, xn, yn, zn, xik, etak, xi1, eta1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NPTS) :: th, ph, thp, php, xi,eta
+  !============================
+  ! set up the input arguments
+  call getarg(1,ch_elon)
+  call getarg(2,ch_elat)
+  call getarg(3,ch_slon)
+  call getarg(4,ch_slat)
+  call getarg(5,ch_nproc)
+  call getarg(6,ch_narc)
+  ch_usage = 'Usage: global_slice_number elon elat slon slat nproc narc [nchunks xi_width eta_width clon clat grot] [lat0]'
+  if (trim(ch_elon) == '' .or. trim(ch_elat) == '' .or. trim(ch_slon) == '' .or. &
+             trim(ch_slat) == '' .or. trim(ch_nproc) == '' .or. trim(ch_narc) == '')  then
+    print *, trim(ch_usage)
+    stop
+  endif
+  read(ch_elon,*) elon
+  read(ch_elat,*) elat
+  read(ch_slon,*) slon
+  read(ch_slat,*) slat
+  read(ch_nproc,*) nproc
+  read(ch_narc,*) narc
+  call getarg(7,ch_arg7)
+  if (trim(ch_arg7) == '') then
+    belt_region = .false.
+    nchunks = 6
+    xi_width = 90.
+    eta_width = 90.
+  else
+    call getarg(8,ch_arg8)
+    if (trim(ch_arg8) == '') then
+      belt_region = .true.
+      nchunks = 6
+      xi_width = 90.
+      eta_width = 90.
+      read(ch_arg7,*) lat0
+    else
+      read(ch_arg7,*) nchunks
+      read(ch_arg8,*) xi_width
+      call getarg(9,ch_eta_width)
+      call getarg(10,ch_clon)
+      call getarg(11,ch_clat)
+      call getarg(12,ch_grot)
+      if (trim(ch_eta_width) == '' .or. trim(ch_clon) == '' .or. trim(ch_clat) == '' .or. trim(ch_grot) == '') then
+        print *, trim(ch_usage)
+        stop
+      else
+        read(ch_eta_width,*) eta_width
+        read(ch_clon,*) clon
+        read(ch_clat,*) clat
+        read(ch_grot,*) grot
+        call getarg(13,ch_arg13)
+        if (trim(ch_arg13) == '') then
+          belt_region = .false.
+        else
+          belt_region = .true.
+          read(ch_arg13,*) lat0
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ! check the input arguements
+  if (nchunks /= 6 .and. nchunks /= 1 .and. nchunks /= 2) stop 'nchunks = 1, 2, 6'
+  if (narc /= 1 .and. narc /= 0) stop 'narc = 0,1'
+  if (xi_width > 90.0 .or. eta_width > 90.0) stop 'xi(eta)_width <= 90.0'
+  ! convert to degrees to radians
+  ths = (90-elat)/180. * pi
+  phs = elon/180. * pi
+  thr = (90-slat)/180. * pi
+  phr = slon/180. * pi
+  xi_width = xi_width/180. * pi
+  eta_width = eta_width/180. * pi
+  if (nchunks /= 6) then
+    clon = clon/180. * pi
+    clat = clat/180. * pi
+    grot = grot/180. * pi
+  endif
+  if (belt_region) th0 = lat0/180. * pi
+  ! figure out the normal of source-receiver plane, and rotate them to the equator
+  call tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr,thn,phn)
+  call norm_rot(thn,phn,ths,phs,ths_new,phs_new)
+  call norm_rot(thn,phn,thr,phr,thr_new,phr_new)
+  if ((ths_new-pi/2) > EPS .or. (thr_new-pi/2) > EPS) stop 'New lat of source/receiver is not 0'
+  ! discretize the source receiver garc, and figure out the slice number for individual point
+  np = 180
+  if (phr_new < phs_new) phr_new = phr_new + 2 * pi
+  if (((phr_new - phs_new) <= pi .and. narc == 0) .or. ((phr_new-phs_new) > pi .and. narc == 1)) then
+    call linarray(ph,np,phs_new,phr_new)
+    delta = phr_new - phs_new
+  else
+    call linarray(ph,np,phr_new-2*pi,phs_new)
+    delta = phs_new - phr_new + 2*pi
+  endif
+  !print *, 'Delta = ', delta
+  if (nchunks /= 6) call rotmat(clon,clat,grot,rotation_matrix)
+  chunk(1:np) = 10.
+  if (belt_region) then
+    nt = 10
+    call linarray(th,nt,-th0,th0)
+  else
+    nt = 1
+    th(1) = 0.
+    open(11,file='garc_station.txt',status='unknown')
+    open(12,file='xsection_translate.txt',status='unknown')
+  endif
+  j = 0
+  do ii = 1, nt
+    do i = 1, np
+      call norm_rot_back(thn,phn,pi/2+th(ii),ph(i),thp(i),php(i))
+      call tp2xyz(thp(i),php(i),x,y,z)
+      if (.not. belt_region) then
+        write(11,*) thp(i) * 180./pi, php(i) * 180./pi
+        if (i == np/2) write(12,*) x, y, z
+      endif
+      if (nchunks /= 6) then
+        xn = x * rotation_matrix(1,1) + y * rotation_matrix(2,1) + z * rotation_matrix(3,1)
+        yn = x * rotation_matrix(1,2) + y * rotation_matrix(2,2) + z * rotation_matrix(3,2)
+        zn = x * rotation_matrix(1,3) + y * rotation_matrix(2,3) + z * rotation_matrix(3,3)
+        x = xn; y = yn; z = zn
+      endif
+      do k = 1, nchunks
+        call chunk_map(k,x,y,z,xik,etak)
+        if (abs(xik) <= pi/4 .and. abs(etak) <= pi/4) then
+          chunk(i) = k; xi(i) = xik; eta(i) = etak
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (nchunks /= 6 .and. (chunk(i) > nchunks .or. abs(xi(i) > pi/2) .or. abs(eta(i)) > pi/2)) then
+        write(ch_usage,*) 'Check if point ', x, ',', y, ',', z, ' is within the region or not'
+        print *, trim(ch_usage)
+        stop
+      endif
+      xi1 = xi(i)/xi_width * 2; eta1 = eta(i) /eta_width * 2
+      nproc_xi = floor((xi1+1)/2 * nproc);  nproc_eta = floor((eta1+1)/2 * nproc)
+      j = j + 1; slices(j) = nproc * nproc * (chunk(i)-1) + nproc * nproc_eta + nproc_xi
+    end do
+  end do
+  ! compact the slice numbers into an array
+  np = np * nt
+  call compact_int_array(slices,np,slices_short,np_short)
+  ! write the result out          
+  do i = 1, np_short
+    print *, slices_short(i)
+  enddo
+  if (.not. belt_region) close(11); close(12)
+end program global_slice_number

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/make_az_stations.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/make_az_stations.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/make_az_stations.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+program make_az_stations
+! this program computes a station list from a source location at given azimuth
+! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+  use sub_slice_number
+  implicit none
+  character(len=200) :: ch_elon, ch_elat, ch_az, ch_dist, filename
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: elon, elat, az, ths, phs, thn, phn, azr, thn_new, phn_new, phr, dist
+  integer np, i
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(1000) :: thr_array, thr_new, phr_new, latr_new, lonr_new
+  !============================
+  ! set up the input arguments
+  call getarg(1,ch_elon)
+  call getarg(2,ch_elat)
+  call getarg(3,ch_az)
+  if (trim(ch_elon) == '' .or. trim(ch_elat) == '' .or. trim(ch_az) == '')  then
+    print *, 'Usage: xmake_az_stations elon elat az [dist(degrees)]'
+    stop
+  endif
+  read(ch_elon,*) elon
+  read(ch_elat,*) elat
+  read(ch_az,*) az
+  ! convert to degrees to radians
+  ths = (90-elat)/180. * pi
+  phs = elon/180. * pi
+  ! another point is the north pole
+  thn = (90-90)/180. * pi
+  phn = 0/180. * pi
+  ! receiver azimuth
+  azr = az /180. * pi
+  ! rotate (ths,phs) to North Pole, and figure out the new location of old N. Pole
+  call norm_rot(ths,phs,thn,phn,thn_new,phn_new)
+  print *, 'After rotating the source to the N. Pole, old N. Pole become: '
+  print *, thn_new*180/pi, phn_new *180/pi
+  phr = phn_new - azr ! here could be + azr as well
+  write(filename,'(a,i3.3)') 'STATIONS_',floor(az)
+  open(11,file=trim(filename),status='unknown')
+  ! read in extra distance argument
+  call getarg(4,ch_dist)
+  if (trim(ch_dist) .ne. '') then
+    read(ch_dist,*) dist
+    np = 1
+    thr_array(1) = dist / 180. * pi
+  else
+  ! discretize the receiver garc, and figure out the slice number for individual point
+    np = 180
+  end if
+  do i = 1, np
+    if (trim(ch_dist) == '') thr_array(i) = (i*1.) / np * pi
+    call norm_rot_back(ths,phs,thr_array(i),phr,thr_new(i),phr_new(i))
+    latr_new(i) = (pi/2 - thr_new(i)) * 180/pi
+    lonr_new(i) = phr_new(i)  * 180/pi
+    write(11,'(a,i3.3,4x,a,4x,f10.3,4x,f10.3,4x,f5.2,4x,f5.2)') 'T',i,'NT',latr_new(i),lonr_new(i),0.,0.
+  end do
+  close(11)
+end program make_az_stations

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/normal_plane.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/normal_plane.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/normal_plane.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+program normal_plane
+! this program computes the normal to the source-receiver plane
+! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+  use sub_slice_number
+  implicit none
+  character(len=100) :: ch_lats, ch_lons, ch_latr, ch_lonr
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: lats, lons, latr, lonr, xs, ys, zs, nx, ny, nz, xc, yc, zc
+  call getarg(1,ch_lats)
+  call getarg(2,ch_lons)
+  call getarg(3,ch_latr)
+  call getarg(4,ch_lonr)
+  if (trim(ch_lats) == '' .or. trim(ch_lons) == '' .or. trim(ch_latr) == '' .or. trim(ch_lonr) == '') &
+             stop 'Usage: normal_plane lats lons latr lonr'
+  read(ch_lats,*) lats
+  read(ch_lons,*) lons
+  read(ch_latr,*) latr
+  read(ch_lonr,*) lonr
+  call latlon2norm(lats,lons,latr,lonr,xs,ys,zs,nx,ny,nz,xc,yc,zc)
+  write(*,'(3f10.3,a)') xs, ys, zs, '   --- source location'
+  write(*,'(3f10.3,a)') nx, ny, nz, '   --- normal of s-r plane'
+  write(*,'(3f10.3,a)') xc, yc, zc, '   --- center of s-r gcarc'
+end program normal_plane

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/sub_slice_number.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/sub_slice_number.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/global_slice_util/sub_slice_number.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+module sub_slice_number
+! this file holds all the subroutines needed the main programs in this dir
+! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  subroutine tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr,thn,phn)
+    ! find out the normal of the plane constructed
+    ! by (ths,phs), (thr,phr), and the origin using
+    ! cross-product.
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ths, phs, thr, phr, thn, phn
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xs, ys, zs, xr, yr, zr, nx, ny, nz
+    call tp2xyz(ths,phs,xs,ys,zs)
+    call tp2xyz(thr,phr,xr,yr,zr)
+    nx = ys*zr - zs*yr
+    ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr)
+    nz = xs*yr - ys*xr
+    call xyz2tp(nx,ny,nz,thn,phn)
+  end subroutine tp2norm
+  ! ------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine tp2norm2(ths,phs,thr,phr,nx,ny,nz)
+! find out the normal of the plane (nx,ny,nz) 
+! constructed by (ths,phs), (thr,phr), and the origin.
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ths, phs, thr, phr, nx, ny, nz
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xs, ys, zs, xr, yr, zr, nr
+    call tp2xyz(ths,phs,xs,ys,zs)
+    call tp2xyz(thr,phr,xr,yr,zr)
+    nx = ys*zr - zs*yr
+    ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr)
+    nz = xs*yr - ys*xr
+    nr = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz)
+    nx = nx/nr
+    ny = ny/nr
+    nz = nz/nr
+  end subroutine tp2norm2
+  ! -------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine norm_rot(thn,phn,th,ph,th_new,ph_new)
+    ! coordinates change from (th,ph) to (th_new,ph_new)
+    ! according to a rotation that converts (thn,phn) to
+    ! z axis
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: thn, phn, th, ph, th_new, ph_new
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: rot(3,3), x, y, z, x_new, y_new, z_new
+    rot(1,1) = cos(thn)*cos(phn)
+    rot(1,2) = cos(thn)*sin(phn)
+    rot(1,3) = -sin(thn)
+    rot(2,1) = -sin(phn)
+    rot(2,2) = cos(phn)
+    rot(2,3) = 0
+    rot(3,1) = sin(thn)*cos(phn)
+    rot(3,2) = sin(thn)*sin(phn)
+    rot(3,3) = cos(thn)
+    call tp2xyz(th,ph,x,y,z)
+    x_new = rot(1,1) * x + rot(1,2) * y + rot(1,3) * z
+    y_new = rot(2,1) * x + rot(2,2) * y + rot(2,3) * z
+    z_new = rot(3,1) * x + rot(3,2) * y + rot(3,3) * z
+    call xyz2tp(x_new,y_new,z_new,th_new,ph_new)
+  end subroutine norm_rot
+  ! -------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine linarray(array,n,a0,a1)
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: array(*), a0, a1
+    integer n
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: da
+    integer :: i
+    if (n <= 0) stop 'number of points in linarray n > 0'
+    if (n == 1 .and. abs(a0-a1) > EPS) stop 'number of points n = 1 asks for a0 = a1'
+    if (n == 1) then
+      array(1) = a0
+    else
+      da = (a1-a0)/(n-1)
+      do i = 1, n
+        array(i) = a0 + (i-1) * da
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine linarray
+  ! -------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine rotmat(clon,clat,grot,rotation_matrix)
+    ! this function calculate the 3x3 rotation matrix from the AB chunk
+    ! frame to the actual frame defined by (clon,clat,grot)
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: clon,clat,grot, rotation_matrix(3,3)
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: alpha, beta, gamma, sina, cosa, sinb, cosb, &
+               sing, cosg
+    ! compute colatitude and longitude
+    alpha = clon 
+    beta = pi/2 - clat
+    gamma = grot
+    sina = sin(alpha)
+    cosa = cos(alpha)
+    sinb = sin(beta)
+    cosb = cos(beta)
+    sing = sin(gamma)
+    cosg = cos(gamma)
+    ! define rotation matrix
+    rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosg*cosb*cosa-sing*sina
+    rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sing*cosb*cosa-cosg*sina
+    rotation_matrix(1,3) = sinb*cosa
+    rotation_matrix(2,1) = cosg*cosb*sina+sing*cosa
+    rotation_matrix(2,2) = -sing*cosb*sina+cosg*cosa
+    rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinb*sina
+    rotation_matrix(3,1) = -cosg*sinb
+    rotation_matrix(3,2) = sing*sinb
+    rotation_matrix(3,3) = cosb
+  end subroutine rotmat
+  ! -------------------------------------------
+  subroutine norm_rot_back(thn,phn,th,ph,th_old,ph_old)
+    !coordinates change from (th_old,ph_old) to (th,ph)
+    ! according to a rotation that converts (thn,phn) to
+    ! z axis
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: thn, phn, th, ph, th_old, ph_old
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: rot(3,3), x,y,z, x_old, y_old, z_old
+    rot(1,1) = cos(thn)*cos(phn)
+    rot(1,2) = cos(thn)*sin(phn)
+    rot(1,3) = -sin(thn)
+    rot(2,1) = -sin(phn)
+    rot(2,2) = cos(phn)
+    rot(2,3) = 0
+    rot(3,1) = sin(thn)*cos(phn)
+    rot(3,2) = sin(thn)*sin(phn)
+    rot(3,3) = cos(thn)
+    call tp2xyz(th,ph,x,y,z)
+    x_old = rot(1,1) * x + rot(2,1) * y + rot(3,1) * z
+    y_old = rot(1,2) * x + rot(2,2) * y + rot(3,2) * z
+    z_old = rot(1,3) * x + rot(2,3) * y + rot(3,3) * z
+    call xyz2tp(x_old,y_old,z_old,th_old,ph_old)
+  end subroutine norm_rot_back
+  ! ----------------------------------------------
+  subroutine tp2xyz(th,ph,x,y,z)
+    real(CUSTOM_REAL) :: th,ph,x,y,z
+    ! convert (th,ph) to (x,y,z) on unit sphere
+    x = sin(th) * cos(ph)
+    y = sin(th) * sin(ph)
+    z = cos(th)
+  end subroutine tp2xyz
+  ! ---------------------------------------
+  subroutine xyz2tp(x,y,z,th,ph)
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x, y, z, th, ph
+    ! convert x,y,z to a point on unit sphere
+    ph = atan2(y,x)
+    th = atan2(sqrt(x*x+y*y),z)
+    if (th < 0) th = th + pi
+    if (ph < 0) ph = ph + 2*pi
+  end subroutine xyz2tp
+  ! ---------------------------------------
+  subroutine chunk_map(k,xx,yy,zz,xi,eta)
+    ! this program get the xi,eta for (xx,yy,zz)
+    ! point under the k'th chunk coordinate
+    ! transformation
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xx, yy, zz, xi, eta
+    integer :: k
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x, y, z
+    x = xx; y = yy; z = zz
+    if (x < EPS .and. x >= 0) x = EPS
+    if (x > -EPS .and. x < 0) x = -EPS
+    if (y < EPS .and. y >= 0) y = EPS
+    if (y > -EPS .and. y < 0) y = -EPS
+    if (z < EPS .and. z >= 0) z = EPS
+    if (z > -EPS .and. z < 0) z = -EPS
+    if (k == 1) then ! CHUNK_AB
+      xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(-x/z)
+      if (z < 0)  xi = 10
+    else if (k == 2) then ! CHUNK_AC
+      xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(x/y)
+      if (y > 0) xi = 10
+    else if (k == 3) then ! CHUNK_BC
+      xi = atan(-z/x); eta = atan(-y/x)
+      if (x > 0) xi = 10
+    else if (k == 4) then ! CHUNK_AC'
+      xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(-x/y)
+      if (y < 0) xi = 10
+    else if (k == 5) then ! CHUNK_BC'
+      xi = atan(z/x); eta = atan(-y/x)
+      if (x < 0) xi = 10
+    else if (k == 6) then ! CHUNK_AB'
+      xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(x/z)
+      if (z > 0)  xi = 10
+    else
+      stop 'chunk number k < 6'
+    end if
+  end subroutine chunk_map
+  ! ------------------------------------------
+  subroutine compact_int_array(s,np,ss,np2)
+    integer :: s(*), ss(*)
+    integer :: np, np2, i
+    ss(1) = s(1)
+    np2 = 1
+    do i = 2, np
+      if (all((s(i)-ss(1:np2)) /= 0)) then
+        np2 = np2 + 1
+        ss(np2) = s(i)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine compact_int_array
+! -----------------------------------------
+  subroutine distaz (sta,sto,epa,epo,dk,dd,daze,dazs)
+    ! output: dk, dd -- distance in km and radians
+    !         daze, dazs -- azimuth and back-azimuth
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sta, sto, epa, epo, dk, dd, daze, dazs
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: rad, sa, ea, ssa, csa, so, eo, sea, cea, ces, &
+               ses
+    rad=pi/180.0d0
+    sa  = atan(.993270*tan(sta*rad))
+    ea  = atan(.993270*tan(epa*rad))
+    ssa = sin(sa)
+    csa = cos(sa)
+    so  = sto*rad
+    eo  = epo*rad
+    sea = sin(ea)
+    cea = cos(ea)
+    ces = cos(eo-so)
+    ses = sin(eo-so)
+    if  (sa==ea) then
+      if (sto==epo) then
+        dk =0.00
+        dd =0.00
+        daze=0.0
+        dazs=0.0
+        return
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (sta==90.) then
+      if (epa==90.0) then
+        dk =0.00
+        dd =0.00
+        daze=0.00
+        dazs=0.00
+        return
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (sta==-90.0) then
+      if (epa==-90.0) then
+        dk =0.00
+        dd =0.00
+        daze=0.00
+        dazs=0.00
+        return
+      end if
+    end if
+    dd = ssa*sea+csa*cea*ces
+    if (dd /=0.) dd=atan(sqrt(1.0-dd*dd)/dd)
+    if (dd==0.) dd=pi/2.0
+    if (dd<0.0) dd=dd+pi
+    dd = dd/rad
+    dk = dd*111.19
+    dazs = atan2(-ses,(ssa/csa*cea-sea*ces))
+    daze = atan2(ses,(sea*csa/cea-ssa*ces))
+    dazs = dazs/rad
+    daze = daze/rad
+    if (dazs<0.00)  dazs=dazs+360.0
+    if (daze<0.00) daze=daze+360.0
+  end subroutine distaz
+! ---------------------------------------
+  subroutine latlon2norm(lats,lons,latr,lonr,xs,ys,zs,nx,ny,nz,xc,yc,zc)
+    ! [xs,ys,zs,nx,ny,nz] = latlon2norm(lats,lons,latr,lonr)
+    ! find out the coordinates of the source (xs,ys,zs) 
+    ! the normal of the plane (nx,ny,nz) 
+    ! the center of the source and receiver garc (xc,yc,zc)
+    ! constructed by (lons,lats), (lonr,latr), and the origin
+    ! for a "banana cross-section"
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: lats, lons, latr, lonr, xs, ys, zs, nx, ny, nz, xc, yc, zc
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ts, ps, tr, pr, xr, yr, zr, nr 
+    ts = (90 - lats) * pi/180
+    ps = lons * pi / 180
+    tr = (90 - latr) * pi/180
+    pr = lonr * pi / 180
+    call tp2xyz(ts,ps,xs,ys,zs)
+    call tp2xyz(tr,pr,xr,yr,zr)
+    nx = ys*zr - zs*yr
+    ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr)
+    nz = xs*yr - ys*xr
+    nr = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz)
+    nx = nx/nr
+    ny = ny/nr
+    nz = nz/nr
+    xc=(xr+xs)/2
+    yc=(yr+ys)/2
+    zc=(zr+zs)/2
+  end subroutine latlon2norm
+  ! ---------------------------------------
+end module sub_slice_number

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/README.lyx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/README.lyx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/README.lyx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#LyX 1.5.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
+\lyxformat 276
+\textclass article
+\language english
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+\author "" 
+\begin_layout Standard
+This is a set of obsolete matlab scripts to calculate the slice numbers,
+ which have been replaced by much faster Fortran programs.
+ I leave them here because they can still be useful if you write matlab
+ scripts.
+\begin_layout Standard
+slice_number($elon,$elat,$slon,$slat,$nproc,[0 or 1])
+\begin_layout Itemize
+elon,elat,slon,slat => normal plane -> rotation => new_elon, new_slon =>
+ lon_array along gcarc 
+\begin_layout Itemize
+for every point in the lon_array -> check for each chunk, the possible 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Standard
+, and figure out the chunk number as well as the slice number => print out
+ the slice number
+\begin_layout Itemize
+0 for minor arc, and 1 for major arc
+\begin_layout Itemize
+use tp2norm(), norm_rot(), norm_rot_back(), tp2xyz(), chunk_map()
+\begin_layout Itemize
+extra auxilliary functions:
+\begin_layout Itemize
+slice_number2(elon,elat,slon,slat,nproc,[0,1],lat0) -- get the slice number
+ for points on a 'belt' between source and receiver points.
+\begin_layout Itemize
+[nx,ny,nz] = tp2norm2(ths,phs,thr,phr) to get the coordinates of the unit
+ normal vector
+\begin_layout Itemize
+[th,ph] = xyz2tp(x,y,z) 
+\begin_layout Itemize
+[th,ph] = gcarc_station(lats,lons,latr,lonr,[0,1]) -- output stations with
+ 1 degree apart
+\begin_layout Itemize
+[x,y,z] = xsection_translate(lats,lons,latr,lonr,[0,1],scale) -- to move
+ xsections up and down for S,P Kernels to be aligned on the same plot
+\begin_layout Itemize
+new_array = compact_array(old_array) -- compacts an array by sorting and
+ removing the repeated entries

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/README.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/README.pdf
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/chunk_map.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/chunk_map.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/chunk_map.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function [xi,eta] = chunk_map(k,xx,yy,zz)
+% this program get the xi,eta for (xx,yy,zz)
+% point under the k'th chunk coordinate
+% transformation
+small = 1d-6;
+x = xx; y = yy; z = zz;
+if (x < small & x >= 0); x = small; end
+if (x > -small & x < 0); x = -small; end
+if (y < small & y >= 0); y = small; end
+if (y > -small & y < 0); y = -small; end
+if (z < small & z >= 0); z = small; end
+if (z > -small & z < 0); z = -small; end
+if k == 1 % CHUNK_AB 
+  xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(-x/z);
+  if (z < 0); xi = 10; end
+elseif k == 2 % CHUNK_AC
+  xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(x/y);
+  if (y > 0); xi = 10; end
+elseif k == 3 % CHUNK_BC
+  xi = atan(-z/x); eta = atan(-y/x);
+  if (x > 0); xi = 10; end
+elseif k == 4 % CHUNK_AC'
+  xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(-x/y);
+  if (y < 0); xi = 10; end
+elseif k == 5 % CHUNK_BC'
+  xi = atan(z/x); eta = atan(-y/x);
+  if (x < 0); xi = 10; end
+elseif k == 6 % CHUNK_AB'
+  xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(x/z);
+  if (z > 0); xi = 10; end
+  disp('k != 1 - 6');
+  return;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/compact_array.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/compact_array.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/compact_array.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+function new_array=compact_array(old_array)
+% this function compacts an old array to a new
+% array by sorting it and removing the repeated
+% entries
+temp = sort(old_array);
+for i = 1: length(temp)
+  if (i == 1)
+    new_array = [temp(1)];
+  else 
+    if temp(i) ~= temp(i-1)
+       new_array = [new_array,temp(i)];
+    end
+  end

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/distaz.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/distaz.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/distaz.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+function [dk,dd,daze,dazs]=distaz (sta,sto,epa,epo)
+        rad=pi/180.0d0;
+        sa  = atan(.993270*tan(sta*rad));
+        ea  = atan(.993270*tan(epa*rad));
+        ssa = sin(sa);
+        csa = cos(sa);
+        so  = sto*rad;
+        eo  = epo*rad;
+        sea = sin(ea);
+        cea = cos(ea);
+        ces = cos(eo-so);
+        ses = sin(eo-so);
+        if  (sa==ea)
+           if (sto==epo)
+              	dk =0.00;
+					dd =0.00;
+	  				daze=0.0;
+               dazs=0.0;
+                 return
+  end
+if sta==90.
+   if epa==90.0
+     dk =0.00;
+	  dd =0.00;
+	  daze=0.00;
+     dazs=0.00;
+     return
+  end
+if sta==-90.0
+   if epa==-90.0
+	  dk =0.00;
+	  dd =0.00;
+	  daze=0.00;
+	  dazs=0.00;
+	  return
+	end
+        dd = ssa*sea+csa*cea*ces;
+        if dd~=0. , dd=atan(sqrt(1.0-dd*dd)/dd); end
+        if dd==0. , dd=pi/2.0; end
+        if dd<0.0 , dd=dd+pi; end
+        dd = dd/rad;
+        dk = dd*111.19;
+        dazs = atan2(-ses,(ssa/csa*cea-sea*ces));
+        daze = atan2(ses,(sea*csa/cea-ssa*ces));
+        dazs = dazs/rad;
+        daze = daze/rad;
+        if (dazs<0.00), dazs=dazs+360.0; end
+        if (daze<0.00), daze=daze+360.0; end

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/gcarc_station.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/gcarc_station.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/gcarc_station.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+function [thp,php] = gcarc_station(lats,lons,latr,lonr,narc)
+% this function get the geographic coordinates for points along
+% the great circle path between the
+% source and receiver points in the 6-chunk global mesh
+% input: lats, lons, latr, lonr, nproc, narc
+%        narc = 0 : minor arc
+%        narc = 1 : major arc
+% output:  thp(1:180), php(1:180), 1 degree apart
+%clear all;
+%lats = -13.82; lons=-67.25;
+%latr = 18.79; lonr = 98.98;
+%nproc = 5;
+ths = (90-lats)/180.*pi; phs = lons/180.*pi;
+thr = (90-latr)/180.*pi; phr = lonr/180.*pi;
+[thn,phn] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr);
+[ths_new,phs_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,ths,phs);
+[thr_new,phr_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,thr,phr);
+if (ths_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of source is not 0'); return;
+if (thr_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of receiver is not 0');return;
+Np = 180;
+%phr_new = phs_new + pi - 0.001;
+pharray= sort([phs_new,phr_new]);
+ph1 = pharray(1); ph2 = pharray(2);
+delta = ph2-ph1;
+%disp(strcat('Delta = ',num2str(delta * 180/pi)));
+% we are looking at minor arc
+if (narc == 0) 
+  if (delta < pi)
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph2+pi,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph2-pi,Np);
+  end
+elseif (narc == 1) 
+  if (delta < pi) 
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph2-pi,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph1+pi,Np);
+  end
+for i = 1 : Np
+    [thp(i),php(i)] = norm_rot_back(thn,phn,pi/2.,ph(i));

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function [th_new,ph_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,th,ph)
+% coordinates change from (th,ph) to (th_new,ph_new) 
+% according to a rotation that converts (thn,phn) to
+% z axis
+    -sin(phn),cos(phn),0;
+    sin(thn)*cos(phn),sin(thn)*sin(phn),cos(thn)];
+[x,y,z] = tp2xyz(th,ph);
+temp=rot * [x,y,z]';
+x_new = temp(1); y_new = temp(2); z_new = temp(3);
+[th_new,ph_new] = xyz2tp(x_new,y_new,z_new);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot_back.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot_back.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/norm_rot_back.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function [th_old,ph_old] = norm_rot_back(thn,phn,th,ph)
+% coordinates change from (th_old,ph_old) to (th,ph) 
+% according to a rotation that converts (thn,phn) to
+% z axis
+    -sin(phn),cos(phn),0;
+    sin(thn)*cos(phn),sin(thn)*sin(phn),cos(thn)];
+[x,y,z] = tp2xyz(th,ph);
+temp=rot' * [x,y,z]';
+x_old = temp(1); y_old = temp(2); z_old = temp(3);
+[th_old,ph_old] = xyz2tp(x_old,y_old,z_old);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+function [xs,ys,zs,nx,ny,nz] = tp2norm(lats,lons,latr,lonr)
+% find out the coordinates of the source (xs,ys,zs) 
+% the normal of the plane (nx,ny,nz) 
+% constructed by (ths,phs), (thr,phr), and the origin
+% for a "banana cross-section"
+ts = (90 - lats) * pi/180;
+ps = lons * pi / 180;
+tr = (90 - latr) * pi/180;
+pr = lonr * pi / 180;
+[xs,ys,zs] = tp2xyz(ts,ps);
+[xr,yr,zr] = tp2xyz(tr,pr);
+nx = ys*zr - zs*yr;
+ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr);
+nz = xs*yr - ys*xr;
+nr = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
+nx = nx/nr;
+ny = ny/nr;
+nz = nz/nr;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane_orth.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane_orth.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/normal_plane_orth.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+function [xc,yc,zc,nx,ny,nz] = normal_plane_orth(lats,lons,latr,lonr)
+% find out the coord (xc,yc,zc) of the center of the vector source-receiver
+% and the normalised coordinates (nx,ny,nz) of this vector 
+% for a "doughnut cross-section"
+ts = (90 - lats) * pi/180;
+ps = lons * pi / 180;
+tr = (90 - latr) * pi/180;
+pr = lonr * pi / 180;
+[xs,ys,zs] = tp2xyz(ts,ps);
+[xr,yr,zr] = tp2xyz(tr,pr);
+nx = nx/nr;
+ny = ny/nr;
+nz = nz/nr;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/rotmat.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/rotmat.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/rotmat.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function  rotation_matrix = rotmat(clon,clat,grot)
+% this function calculate the 3x3 rotation matrix from the AB chunk
+% frame to the actual frame defined by (clon,clat,grot)
+% compute colatitude and longitude and convert to radians
+  DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = pi / 180.0;
+  alpha = clon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+  beta = (90.00 - clat) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+  gamma = grot * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+  sina = sin(alpha);
+  cosa = cos(alpha);
+  sinb = sin(beta);
+  cosb = cos(beta);
+  sing = sin(gamma);
+  cosg = cos(gamma);
+% define rotation matrix
+  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosg*cosb*cosa-sing*sina;
+  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sing*cosb*cosa-cosg*sina;
+  rotation_matrix(1,3) = sinb*cosa;
+  rotation_matrix(2,1) = cosg*cosb*sina+sing*cosa;
+  rotation_matrix(2,2) = -sing*cosb*sina+cosg*cosa;
+  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinb*sina;
+  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -cosg*sinb;
+  rotation_matrix(3,2) = sing*sinb;
+  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cosb;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+function slices = slice_number(lats,lons,latr,lonr,nproc,narc,nchunks,xi_width,eta_width,clon,clat,grot)
+% this function get the slice number between
+% source and receiver points in the 6-chunk global mesh
+% input: lats, lons, latr, lonr, nproc, narc
+%        narc = 0 : minor arc
+%        narc = 1 : major arc
+% for 1-chunk or 2-chunk mesh, also need input:
+%        nchunks, xi_width, eta_width, clon, clat, grot, 
+% output:  slice numbers 
+%clear all;
+%lats = -13.82; lons=-67.25;
+%latr = 18.79; lonr = 98.98;
+%nproc = 5;
+if (nargin ~= 6 && nargin ~= 12)
+  disp('Number of arguments for slice_number should be either 6 or 12');
+  return
+if (nargin == 12 && nchunks > 1 && nproc ~= nproc_eta)
+  disp('Number of processors in xi and eta directions need to be the same for nchunks > 1');
+  return
+ths = (90-lats)/180.*pi; phs = lons/180.*pi;
+thr = (90-latr)/180.*pi; phr = lonr/180.*pi;
+xi_width = xi_width/180.*pi;
+eta_width = eta_width/180.*pi;
+[thn,phn] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr);
+[ths_new,phs_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,ths,phs);
+[thr_new,phr_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,thr,phr);
+if (ths_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of source is not 0'); return;
+if (thr_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of receiver is not 0');return;
+Np = 180;
+%phr_new = phs_new + pi - 0.001;
+pharray= sort([phs_new,phr_new]);
+ph1 = pharray(1); ph2 = pharray(2);
+delta = ph2-ph1;
+%disp(strcat('Delta = ',num2str(delta * 180/pi)));
+% we are looking at minor arc
+if (narc == 0) 
+  if (delta < pi)
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph2,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph1,Np);
+  end
+elseif (narc == 1) 
+  if (delta < pi) 
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph1,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph2,Np);
+  end
+% calculate the rotation matrix from CHUNK_AB frame to the actual frame
+if (nargin == 12); rotation_matrix = rotmat(clon,clat,grot); end
+if (nargin == 6); nchunks = 6; xi_width = pi/2; yi_width = pi/2; end
+% initialize
+chunk(1:Np) = 10;
+for i = 1:Np
+    [thp(i),php(i)] = norm_rot_back(thn,phn,pi/2.,ph(i));
+    [x,y,z] = tp2xyz(thp(i),php(i));
+% rotate the points between source and receiver to CHUNK_AB standard coordinates
+    if (nargin == 12)
+      temp = [x,y,z] * rotation_matrix; 
+      x=temp(1); y=temp(2); z=temp(3);
+    end
+    for k = 1: nchunks
+        [xik,etak] = chunk_map(k,x,y,z);
+        %[i,k,xik,etak]
+         if (abs(xik) <= pi/4 && abs(etak) <= pi/4)
+             chunk(i) = k;
+             xi(i) = xik; eta(i) = etak;
+         end
+    end
+% check chunk number
+    if nargin == 12 && (chunk(i) > nchunks || abs(xi(i)) > xi_width/2 || abs(eta(i)) > eta_width/2)
+      disp('Check if point ',num2str(x),',',num2str(y),',',num2str(z),' is within the region or not');return;
+    end
+    xi1 = xi(i) / xi_width * 2; eta1 = eta(i) / eta_width * 2;
+    nproc_xi(i) = floor((xi1+1)/2 * nproc);
+    nproc_eta(i) = floor((eta1+1)/2 * nproc);
+    slice(i) = nproc * nproc * (chunk(i) - 1) + nproc * nproc_eta(i) + nproc_xi(i);
+    info(i,:) = [chunk(i),nproc_xi(i),nproc_eta(i),slice(i),thp(i)*180/pi,php(i)*180/pi,xi(i),eta(i)];
+    long_slice = [long_slice;slice(i)];
+slices = compact_array(long_slice);
+%[thp',php'] * 180/pi

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number2.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number2.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/slice_number2.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+function slices = slice_number2(lats,lons,latr,lonr,nproc,narc,lat0,nchunks,xi_width,eta_width,clon,clat,grot)
+% this function get the slice number for a width 'lat0' belt between
+% source and receiver points in the global mesh
+% input: lats, lons, latr, lonr, nproc, narc
+%        narc = 0 : minor arc
+%        narc = 1 : major arc
+%        lat0 : the width of the belt
+% for 1-chunk or 2-chunk mesh, also need input:
+%        nchunks, xi_width, eta_width, clon, clat, grot
+% output:  slice numbers 
+%clear all;
+%lats = -13.82; lons=-67.25;
+%latr = 18.79; lonr = 98.98;
+%nproc = 5;
+if (nargin ~= 7 && nargin ~= 13)
+  disp('Number of arguments for slice_number should be either 6 or 12');
+  return
+if (nargin == 13 && nchunks > 1 && nproc ~= nproc_eta)
+  disp('Number of processors in xi and eta directions need to be the same for nchunks > 1');
+  return
+ths = (90-lats)/180.*pi; phs = lons/180.*pi;
+thr = (90-latr)/180.*pi; phr = lonr/180.*pi;
+xi_width = xi_width/180.*pi;
+eta_width = eta_width/180.*pi;
+[thn,phn] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr);
+[ths_new,phs_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,ths,phs);
+[thr_new,phr_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,thr,phr);
+if (ths_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of source is not 0'); return;
+if (thr_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of receiver is not 0');return;
+Np = 180;
+%phr_new = phs_new + pi - 0.001;
+pharray= sort([phs_new,phr_new]);
+ph1 = pharray(1); ph2 = pharray(2);
+delta = ph2-ph1;
+%disp(strcat('Delta = ',num2str(delta * 180/pi)));
+% we are looking at minor arc
+if (narc == 0) 
+  if (delta < pi)
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph2,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph1,Np);
+  end
+elseif (narc == 1) 
+  if (delta < pi) 
+      ph = linspace(ph2-2*pi,ph1,Np);
+  else
+      ph = linspace(ph1,ph2,Np);
+  end
+% calculate the rotation matrix from CHUNK_AB frame to the actual frame
+if (nargin == 13); rotation_matrix = rotmat(clon,clat,grot); end
+if (nargin == 7); nchunks = 6; xi_width = pi/2; yi_width = pi/2; end
+% initialize
+chunk(1:Np) = 10;
+Nt = 11;
+th0 = lat0 * pi/180;
+th = linspace(-th0,th0,Nt);
+for ii = 1 : Nt
+for i = 1 : Np
+    [thp(i),php(i)] = norm_rot_back(thn,phn,pi/2+th(ii),ph(i));
+    [x,y,z] = tp2xyz(thp(i),php(i));
+% rotate the points between source and receiver to CHUNK_AB standard coordinates
+    if (nargin == 13)
+      temp = [x,y,z] * rotation_matrix; 
+      x=temp(1); y=temp(2); z=temp(3);
+    end
+    for k = 1: 6
+        [xik,etak] = chunk_map(k,x,y,z);
+        %[i,k,xik,etak]
+         if (abs(xik) <= pi/4 && abs(etak) <= pi/4)
+             chunk(i) = k;
+             xi(i) = xik; eta(i) = etak;
+         end
+    end
+% check chunk number
+    if nargin == 12 && (chunk(i) > nchunks || abs(xi(i)) > xi_width/2 || abs(eta(i)) > eta_width/2)
+      continue;
+    end
+    xi1 = xi(i) / xi_width * 2; eta1 = eta(i) / eta_width * 2;
+    nproc_xi(i) = floor((xi1+1)/2 * nproc);
+    nproc_eta(i) = floor((eta1+1)/2 * nproc);
+    slice(i) = nproc * nproc * (chunk(i) - 1) + nproc * nproc_eta(i) + nproc_xi(i);
+    info(i,:) = [chunk(i),nproc_xi(i),nproc_eta(i),slice(i),thp(i)*180/pi,php(i)*180/pi,xi(i),eta(i)];
+    long_slice = [long_slice;slice(i)];
+slices = compact_array(long_slice);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function [thn,phn] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr)
+% find out the normal of the plane constructed
+% by (ths,phs), (thr,phr), and the origin using
+% cross-product.
+[xs,ys,zs] = tp2xyz(ths,phs);
+[xr,yr,zr] = tp2xyz(thr,phr);
+nx = ys*zr - zs*yr;
+ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr);
+nz = xs*yr - ys*xr;
+[thn,phn] = xyz2tp(nx,ny,nz);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm2.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm2.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2norm2.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function [nx,ny,nz] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr)
+% find out the normal of the plane (nx,ny,nz) 
+% constructed by (ths,phs), (thr,phr), and the origin.
+[xs,ys,zs] = tp2xyz(ths,phs);
+[xr,yr,zr] = tp2xyz(thr,phr);
+nx = ys*zr - zs*yr;
+ny = -(xs*zr - zs*xr);
+nz = xs*yr - ys*xr;
+nr = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz);
+nx = nx/nr;
+ny = ny/nr;
+nz = nz/nr;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2xyz.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2xyz.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/tp2xyz.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function [x,y,z] = tp2xyz(th,ph)
+% convert (th,ph) to (x,y,z) on unit sphere
+x = sin(th) * cos(ph);
+y = sin(th) * sin(ph);
+z = cos(th);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xsection_translate.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xsection_translate.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xsection_translate.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+function [x,y,z] = xsection_translate(lats,lons,latr,lonr,narc,scale)
+% this function figures out the x,y,z values for a translation within
+% the source receiver cross-section with certain scale
+ths = (90-lats)/180.*pi; phs = lons/180.*pi;
+thr = (90-latr)/180.*pi; phr = lonr/180.*pi;
+[thn,phn] = tp2norm(ths,phs,thr,phr);
+[ths_new,phs_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,ths,phs);
+[thr_new,phr_new] = norm_rot(thn,phn,thr,phr);
+if (ths_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of source is not 0'); return;
+if (thr_new-pi/2) > 1e-2
+    disp('new lat of receiver is not 0');return;
+%phr_new = phs_new + pi - 0.001;
+pharray= sort([phs_new,phr_new]);
+ph1 = pharray(1); ph2 = pharray(2);
+delta = ph2-ph1;
+%disp(strcat('Delta = ',num2str(delta * 180/pi)));
+% we are looking at minor arc
+if (narc == 0) 
+  if (delta < pi)
+      ph = (ph1+ph2+pi)/2;
+  else
+      ph = (ph2-2*pi+ph2-pi)/2;
+  end
+elseif (narc == 1) 
+  if (delta < pi) 
+      ph = (ph2-2*pi+ph2-pi)/2;
+  else
+      ph = (ph1+ph1+pi)/2;
+  end
+[thp,php] = norm_rot_back(thn,phn,pi/2.,ph);
+[x,y,z] = tp2xyz(thp,php);
+x = x*scale;
+y = y*scale;
+z = z*scale;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xyz2tp.m
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xyz2tp.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/matlab/xyz2tp.m	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function [th,ph] = xyz2tp(x,y,z)
+% convert x,y,z to a point on unit sphere
+ph = atan2(y,x);
+th = atan2(sqrt(x*x+y*y),z);
+if (th < 0) 
+    th = th + pi;
+if (ph < 0)
+    ph = ph + 2*pi;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/Makefile	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+CPPFLAGS=$(INCLUDES) -Wno-deprecated
+LIBS=-L$(VTK)/lib/vtk -lvtkCommon -lvtkIO -lvtkRendering -lvtkFiltering -lvtkGraphics
+all: mesh2vtu ugrid ugrid_pts
+mesh2vtu: mesh2vtu.o
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -o mesh2vtu mesh2vtu.o $(LIBS)
+mesh2vtu.o: mesh2vtu.cxx
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c mesh2vtu.cxx -o mesh2vtu.o
+ugrid: ugrid.o
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -o ugrid ugrid.o $(LIBS)
+ugrid.o: ugrid.cxx
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c ugrid.cxx -o ugrid.o
+ugrid_pts: ugrid_pts.o
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -o ugrid_pts ugrid_pts.o $(LIBS)
+ugrid_pts.o: ugrid_pts.cxx
+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c ugrid_pts.cxx -o ugrid_pts.o
+	rm -f mesh2vtu cell2vtu ugrid ugrid_pts *.o *~ core

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.cxx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.cxx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.cxx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Program:     cell2vtu
+// Description: Converts x, y, z, s points to VTK XML Unstructured Grid
+//              using definition of cells
+// File:        cell2vtu.cxx
+// Author:      Nicholas Schwarz, schwarz at evl.uic.edu
+//              Electronic Visualization Laboratory
+//              University of Illinois at Chicago
+//               - wrote ugrid and introduced vtk to Seismo Lab, Caltech
+//              Brian Savage savage13 at gps.caltech.edu
+//              California Institute of Technology
+//              Geologial and Planetary Sciences
+// Input:       in binary
+//              integer    number of points
+//              3 floats   (x,y,z) point 0
+//                ...
+//              3 floats   (x,y,z) point n-1
+//              integer    number of cells
+//              8 integers, 1 float    (1-8) cell 0, scalar 
+//                ...      define a hexahedron of 8 points and corresponding scalar
+//              8 integers, 1 float    (1-8) cell n-1, scalar
+// Date:        4  June 2004 ver 1.0 (was ugrid)
+//                 - original version, only read in x,y,z,s points
+//              25 June 2004 ver 2.0 (cell2vtu)
+//                 - reads in cell definition
+//                 - input is done in binary
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkCellData.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkDelaunay3D.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointSet.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkHexahedron.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  if (argc < 3) {
+    printf("Usage: ugrid input_file output_file\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  float xyz[3];
+  int cell[8];
+  FILE *file;
+  int i, j;
+  int npts, ncells;
+  int pid[8];
+  int fd;
+  if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
+    printf("Error opening file: %s.\n", argv[1]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(read(fd, &npts, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in points): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+  float *xV = new float[npts];
+  float *yV = new float[npts];
+  float *zV = new float[npts];
+  vtkPoints *newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+  vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
+  printf("cell2vtu: Reading in points: %d\n", npts);
+  for (i = 0 ; i < npts ; i++)
+    {
+      read(fd, &xV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &yV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &zV[i], sizeof(float));
+      xyz[0] = xV[i]; 
+      xyz[1] = yV[i]; 
+      xyz[2] = zV[i];
+      newPts -> InsertPoint(i, xyz);
+    }
+  vtkCellArray *cells = vtkCellArray::New();
+  if(read(fd, &ncells, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in cells): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  printf("cell2vtu: Reading in cells: %d\n", ncells);  
+  float *sV = new float[ncells];
+  int *cellTypes = new int[ncells];
+  vtkHexahedron *hex = vtkHexahedron::New();
+  hex->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(8);
+  for(i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
+    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+      read(fd, &cell[j], sizeof(int));
+      hex->GetPointIds()->SetId(j,cell[j]);      
+    }
+    cells->InsertNextCell(hex);
+    cellTypes[i] = hex->GetCellType();
+    read(fd, &sV[i], sizeof(float));
+    newScalars -> InsertValue(i, sV[i]);
+  }
+  close(fd);
+  dataSet -> SetPoints(newPts);
+  dataSet -> SetCells(cellTypes, cells);
+  dataSet -> GetCellData() -> SetScalars(newScalars);
+  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter* writer = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+  writer -> SetInput(dataSet);
+  writer -> SetFileName(argv[2]);
+  writer -> Write();
+  writer -> Delete();
+  newPts -> Delete();
+  newScalars -> Delete();
+  dataSet -> Delete();
+  cells -> Delete();
+  //  printf("Done.\n");
+  return 0;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+$progname = basename($0);
+$cell2vtu = "/opt/seismo-util/source/cell2vtu/cell2vtu";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (binary) with a number of points and a number of cells
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (Binary file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    Input Binary files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          integer (4 bytes)
+      x_1, y_1, z_1         3 reals (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      x_n, y_n, z_n         3 reals (4 bytes each)
+      number_of_cells           integer (4 bytes)
+      cell_1 (eight points), scalar_1    8 integers (4 bytes each), 1 real (4 bytes)
+      ...
+      cell_n, scalar_n                   8 integers (4 bytes each), 1 real (4 bytes)
+    This is a wrapper around cell2vtu
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $cell2vtu $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+system("$REQLIBS $cell2vtu $opt_i $opt_o");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/cell2vtu.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/century2xyz.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/century2xyz.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/century2xyz.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use POSIX;
+open(FILE, "century.llrm");
+ at lines = <FILE>;
+print @lines . "\n";
+foreach $line (@lines) {
+    ($lat,$lon,$depth,$mag) = split(/\s+/,$line);
+    @pt = lat_lon_depth_2_xyz($lat, $lon, $depth);
+    print "@pt $depth\n";
+sub lat_lon_depth_2_xyz {
+    my($lat, $lon, $depth) = @_;
+    my($PI, $D2R, $theta, $phi, $r0, $r, $x, $y, $z);
+    $R_EARTH_KM = 6371.0;
+    $PI = 3.141592653589793;
+    $D2R = $PI/180.0;
+    $theta = ($PI/2.0) - atan(0.99329534*tan($lat*$D2R));
+    $phi = $lon * $D2R;
+    $r0 = 1.0;
+    $r = ($R_EARTH_KM - $depth) / $R_EARTH_KM;
+    $x = $r * sin($theta) * cos($phi);
+    $y = $r * sin($theta) * sin($phi);
+    $z = $r * cos($theta);
+    return($x, $y, $z);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/century2xyz.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.cxx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.cxx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.cxx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Program:     mesh2vtu
+// Description: Converts x, y, z, s points to VTK XML Unstructured Grid
+//              using definition of cells
+// File:        mesh2vtu.cxx
+// Author:      Nicholas Schwarz, schwarz at evl.uic.edu
+//              Electronic Visualization Laboratory
+//              University of Illinois at Chicago
+//               - wrote ugrid and introduced vtk to Seismo Lab, Caltech
+//              Brian Savage savage13 at gps.caltech.edu
+//              California Institute of Technology
+//              Geologial and Planetary Sciences
+// Input:       in binary
+//              integer    number of points
+//              4 floats   (x,y,z,s) point 0
+//                ...
+//              4 floats   (x,y,z,s) point n-1
+//              integer    number of cells
+//              8 integers (1-8) cell 0
+//                ...      define a hexahedron of 8 points
+//              8 integers (1-8) cell n-1
+// Date:        4  June 2004 ver 1.0 (was ugrid)
+//                 - original version, only read in x,y,z,s points
+//              25 June 2004 ver 2.0 (mesh2vtu)
+//                 - reads in cell definition
+//                 - input is done in binary
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkDelaunay3D.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointSet.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkHexahedron.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  if (argc < 3) {
+    printf("Usage: ugrid input_file output_file\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  float xyz[3];
+  int cell[8];
+  FILE *file;
+  int i, j;
+  int npts, ncells;
+  int pid[8];
+  int fd;
+  if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
+    printf("Error opening file: %s.\n", argv[1]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(read(fd, &npts, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in points): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+  float *xV = new float[npts];
+  float *yV = new float[npts];
+  float *zV = new float[npts];
+  float *sV = new float[npts];
+  vtkPoints *newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+  vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
+  printf("mesh2vtu: Reading in points: %d\n", npts);
+  for (i = 0 ; i < npts ; i++)
+    {
+      read(fd, &xV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &yV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &zV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &sV[i], sizeof(float));
+      xyz[0] = xV[i]; 
+      xyz[1] = yV[i]; 
+      xyz[2] = zV[i];
+      newPts -> InsertPoint(i, xyz);
+      newScalars -> InsertValue(i, sV[i]);
+    }
+  vtkCellArray *cells = vtkCellArray::New();
+  if(read(fd, &ncells, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in cells): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  printf("mesh2vtu: Reading in cells: %d\n", ncells);  
+  int *cellTypes = new int[ncells];
+  vtkHexahedron *hex = vtkHexahedron::New();
+  hex->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(8);
+  for(i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
+    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+      read(fd, &cell[j], sizeof(int));
+      hex->GetPointIds()->SetId(j,cell[j]);
+    }
+    cells->InsertNextCell(hex);
+    cellTypes[i] = hex->GetCellType();
+  }
+  close(fd);
+  dataSet -> SetPoints(newPts);
+  dataSet -> GetPointData() -> SetScalars(newScalars);
+  dataSet -> SetCells(cellTypes, cells);
+  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter* writer = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+  writer -> SetInput(dataSet);
+  writer -> SetFileName(argv[2]);
+  writer -> Write();
+  writer -> Delete();
+  newPts -> Delete();
+  newScalars -> Delete();
+  dataSet -> Delete();
+  cells -> Delete();
+  //  printf("Done.\n");
+  return 0;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+$progname = basename($0);
+$mesh2vtu = "/opt/seismo-util/source/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (binary) with a number of points and a number of cells
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (Binary file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    Input Binary files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          integer (4 bytes)
+      x_1, y_1, z_1, scalar_1   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      x_n, y_n, z_n, scalar_n   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      number_of_cells           integer (4 bytes)
+      cell_1 (eight points)     8 integers (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      cell_n                    8 integers (4 bytes each)
+    This is a wrapper around mesh2vtu
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+system("$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/points2vtu.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/points2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/points2vtu.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+use POSIX;
+$progname = basename($0);
+$ugrid    = "/opt/seismo-util/source/mesh2vtu/ugrid_pts";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (ascii) with a number of points
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (ascii file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    -L - input is in lon lat depth scalar
+    Input ascii files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          
+      x_1 y_1 z_1 scalar_1   
+      ...
+      x_n y_n z_n scalar_n   
+    This is a wrapper around $ugrid
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:L')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $ugrid $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+  open(FILE, "$opt_i");
+  @lines = <FILE>;
+  close(FILE);
+  print "Converting to xyzm\n";
+  open(OUT,">points2vtu.tempfile");
+  #  print @lines . "\n";
+  print OUT "@lines[0]";
+  foreach $line (@lines[1..$#lines]) {
+    ($lon,$lat,$depth,$mag) = split(/\s+/,$line);
+    @pt = lat_lon_depth_2_xyz($lat, $lon, $depth);
+    print OUT "@pt $mag\n";
+  }
+  print "Running ugrid\n";
+  system("$REQLIBS $ugrid points2vtu.tempfile $opt_o");
+  system("$REQLIBS $ugrid $opt_i $opt_o");
+sub lat_lon_depth_2_xyz {
+    my($lat, $lon, $depth) = @_;
+    my($PI, $D2R, $theta, $phi, $r0, $r, $x, $y, $z);
+    $R_EARTH_KM = 6371.0;
+    $PI = 3.141592653589793;
+    $D2R = $PI/180.0;
+    $theta = ($PI/2.0) - atan(0.99329534*tan($lat*$D2R));
+    $phi = $lon * $D2R;
+    $r0 = 1.0;
+    $r = ($R_EARTH_KM - $depth) / $R_EARTH_KM;
+    $x = $r * sin($theta) * cos($phi);
+    $y = $r * sin($theta) * sin($phi);
+    $z = $r * cos($theta);
+    return($x, $y, $z);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/points2vtu.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.cxx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.cxx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.cxx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Program:     surf2vtu
+// Description: Converts x, y, z, s points to VTK XML Unstructured Grid
+//              using definition of cells
+// File:        surf2vtu.cxx
+// Author:      Nicholas Schwarz, schwarz at evl.uic.edu
+//              Electronic Visualization Laboratory
+//              University of Illinois at Chicago
+//               - wrote ugrid and introduced vtk to Seismo Lab, Caltech
+//              Brian Savage savage13 at gps.caltech.edu
+//              California Institute of Technology
+//              Geologial and Planetary Sciences
+//              Qinya Liu, modification from mesh2vtu
+// Input:       in binary
+//              integer    number of points
+//              4 floats   (x,y,z,s) point 0
+//                ...
+//              4 floats   (x,y,z,s) point n-1
+//              integer    number of quad cells
+//              4 integers (1-4) cell 0
+//                ...      define a hexahedron of 8 points
+//              4 integers (1-8) cell n-1
+// Date:        4  June 2004 ver 1.0 (was ugrid)
+//                 - original version, only read in x,y,z,s points
+//              25 June 2004 ver 2.0 (mesh2vtu)
+//                 - reads in cell definition
+//                 - input is done in binary
+//              29 Sep 2005 modified to quad2vtu
+//                 - to deal with quad elements instead of Hexhedron
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkDelaunay3D.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointSet.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkQuad.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  if (argc < 3) {
+    printf("Usage: ugrid input_file output_file\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  float xyz[3];
+  int cell[8];
+  FILE *file;
+  int i, j;
+  int npts, ncells;
+  int pid[8];
+  int fd;
+  if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
+    printf("Error opening file: %s.\n", argv[1]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(read(fd, &npts, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in points): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+  float *xV = new float[npts];
+  float *yV = new float[npts];
+  float *zV = new float[npts];
+  float *sV = new float[npts];
+  vtkPoints *newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+  vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
+  printf("mesh2vtu: Reading in points: %d\n", npts);
+  for (i = 0 ; i < npts ; i++)
+    {
+      read(fd, &xV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &yV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &zV[i], sizeof(float));
+      read(fd, &sV[i], sizeof(float));
+      xyz[0] = xV[i]; 
+      xyz[1] = yV[i]; 
+      xyz[2] = zV[i];
+      newPts -> InsertPoint(i, xyz);
+      newScalars -> InsertValue(i, sV[i]);
+    }
+  vtkCellArray *cells = vtkCellArray::New();
+  if(read(fd, &ncells, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
+    printf("Bad read on file (in cells): %s\n", argv[1]);
+  }
+  printf("mesh2vtu: Reading in cells: %d\n", ncells);  
+  int *cellTypes = new int[ncells];
+  vtkQuad *quad = vtkQuad::New();
+  quad->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(4);
+  for(i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
+    for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+      read(fd, &cell[j], sizeof(int));
+      quad->GetPointIds()->SetId(j,cell[j]);
+    }
+    cells->InsertNextCell(quad);
+    cellTypes[i] = quad->GetCellType();
+  }
+  close(fd);
+  dataSet -> SetPoints(newPts);
+  dataSet -> GetPointData() -> SetScalars(newScalars);
+  dataSet -> SetCells(cellTypes, cells);
+  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter* writer = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+  writer -> SetInput(dataSet);
+  writer -> SetFileName(argv[2]);
+  writer -> Write();
+  writer -> Delete();
+  newPts -> Delete();
+  newScalars -> Delete();
+  dataSet -> Delete();
+  cells -> Delete();
+  //  printf("Done.\n");
+  return 0;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+$progname = basename($0);
+$surf2vtu = "/opt/seismo-util/source/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (binary) with a number of points and a number of cells
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (Binary file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    Input Binary files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          integer (4 bytes)
+      x_1, y_1, z_1, scalar_1   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      x_n, y_n, z_n, scalar_n   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      number_of_cells           integer (4 bytes)
+      cell_1 (four points)      4 integers (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      cell_n                    4 integers (4 bytes each)
+    This is a wrapper around surf2vtu
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    Qinya Liu 9/29/2005 modified to deal with quad elements
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $surf2vtu $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+system("$REQLIBS $surf2vtu $opt_i $opt_o");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/surf2vtu.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid.cxx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid.cxx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid.cxx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Program:     ugrid
+// Description: Converts x, y, z, s data to VTK XML Unstructured Grid
+// File:        ugrid.cxx
+// Author:      Nicholas Schwarz, schwarz at evl.uic.edu
+//              Electronic Visualization Laboratory
+//              University of Illinois at Chicago
+// Date:        4 June 2004
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkHexahedron.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  if (argc < 3) {
+    printf("Usage: ugrid input_file output_file\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  float xyz[3];
+  FILE *file;
+  int i;
+  int npts, ncells;
+  int pid[8];
+  fprintf(stderr,"Welcome to ugrid\n");
+  if ((file = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == 0)
+    {
+      //cerr << "ERROR: Can't read file: " << filename << "\n";
+      return 0;
+    }
+  // get points
+  fscanf(file, "%d", &npts);
+  fprintf(stderr, "npts: %d\n", npts);
+  vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+  float *xV = new float[npts];
+  float *yV = new float[npts];
+  float *zV = new float[npts];
+  float *sV = new float[npts];
+  vtkPoints *newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+  vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
+  for (i = 0 ; i < npts ; i++)
+    {
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &xV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &yV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &zV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &sV[i]);
+      fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %f\n", xV[i], yV[i], zV[i], sV[i]);
+      xyz[0] = xV[i]; 
+      xyz[1] = yV[i]; 
+      xyz[2] = zV[i];
+      newPts -> InsertPoint(i, xyz);
+      newScalars -> InsertValue(i, sV[i]);
+    }
+  // get cells
+  fscanf(file, "%d", &ncells);
+  vtkHexahedron* ahex;
+  for (i = 0 ; i < ncells ; i++)
+    {
+      fscanf(file, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", 
+	     &pid[0], &pid[1], &pid[2], &pid[3], 
+	     &pid[4], &pid[5], &pid[6], &pid[7]);
+      ahex = vtkHexahedron::New();
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[0]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[1]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[2]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[3]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[4]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[5]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[6]);
+      ahex -> GetPointIds() -> InsertNextId(pid[7]);
+      dataSet -> InsertNextCell(ahex -> GetCellType(), ahex -> GetPointIds());
+    }
+  dataSet -> SetPoints(newPts);
+  dataSet -> GetPointData() -> SetScalars(newScalars);
+  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter* writer = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+  writer -> SetInput(dataSet);
+  writer -> SetFileName(argv[2]);
+  writer -> Write();
+  writer -> Delete();
+  newPts -> Delete();
+  newScalars -> Delete();
+  dataSet -> Delete();
+  return 0;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid_pts.cxx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid_pts.cxx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu/ugrid_pts.cxx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Program:     ugrid
+// Description: Converts x, y, z, s data to VTK XML Unstructured Grid
+// File:        ugrid.cxx
+// Author:      Nicholas Schwarz, schwarz at evl.uic.edu
+//              Electronic Visualization Laboratory
+//              University of Illinois at Chicago
+// Date:        3 June 2004
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkFloatArray.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPoints.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkPointData.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtk/vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  if (argc < 3) {
+    printf("Usage: ugrid input_file output_file\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  float xyz[3];
+  FILE *file;
+  int i;
+  int npts;
+  if ((file = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == 0)
+    {
+      //cerr << "ERROR: Can't read file: " << filename << "\n";
+      return 0;
+    }
+  fscanf(file, "%d", &npts);
+  vtkUnstructuredGrid *dataSet = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+  float *xV = new float[npts];
+  float *yV = new float[npts];
+  float *zV = new float[npts];
+  float *sV = new float[npts];
+  vtkPoints *newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+  vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
+  for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+    {
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &xV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &yV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &zV[i]);
+      fscanf(file, "%f", &sV[i]);
+      xyz[0] = xV[i]; 
+      xyz[1] = yV[i]; 
+      xyz[2] = zV[i];
+      newPts -> InsertPoint(i, xyz);
+      newScalars -> InsertValue(i, sV[i]);
+    }
+  dataSet -> SetPoints(newPts);
+  dataSet -> GetPointData() -> SetScalars(newScalars);
+  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter* writer = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+  writer -> SetInput(dataSet);
+  writer -> SetFileName(argv[2]);
+  writer -> Write();
+  writer -> Delete();
+  newPts -> Delete();
+  newScalars -> Delete();
+  dataSet -> Delete();
+  return 0;

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+$progname = basename($0);
+### Please modify the following variables according to your own system setting ###
+$mesh2vtu = "/opt/seismo-util/source/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (binary) with a number of points and a number of cells
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (Binary file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    Input Binary files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          integer (4 bytes)
+      x_1, y_1, z_1, scalar_1   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      x_n, y_n, z_n, scalar_n   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      number_of_cells           integer (4 bytes)
+      cell_1 (eight points)     8 integers (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      cell_n                    8 integers (4 bytes each)
+    This is a wrapper around mesh2vtu
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+system("$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o");

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/mesh2vtu.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview-run.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview-run.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview-run.py	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env pvpython
+import os
+import sys
+import fileinput
+import string
+from paraview import servermanager
+# loop
+# be sure to have called : 
+# > ls -1 AVS_movie_0*.inp | gawk '{print "sed -e \"s/AVS_movie_0001000.inp/"$1"/g\"< paraview_movie.pvsm > "$1".pvsm"}' | sh 
+# > ls -1 AVS_movie_0*.inp.pvsm > tmp.in
+f = open("tmp.in", "r")
+receiverInput = open("tmp.in","r")
+line = receiverInput.readline()
+icounter = 0
+while line :
+  length= len(line)
+  filename = line[0:length-1]
+  print filename
+  icounter = icounter + 1
+  str_i = "%6.6d " % ( icounter )
+  os.system("./paraviewpython-example.py "+filename+" "+str_i)
+  #raw_input("Enter to continue")
+  line = receiverInput.readline()

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview-run.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview_movie.000050.jpg
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraview_movie.000050.jpg
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraviewpython-example.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraviewpython-example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraviewpython-example.py	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env pvpython
+import os
+import sys
+import fileinput
+import string
+from paraview import servermanager
+## input: 
+if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+  filename = str(sys.argv[1])  
+  icounter = str(sys.argv[2])
+outfile = "paraview_movie."
+print "file root: ",outfile
+## paraview
+view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()
+view = servermanager.GetRenderView()
+view.UseOffscreenRenderingForScreenshots = 1
+## save as jpeg
+jpegfilename = outfile+str(icounter)+".jpg"
+print "plot to: " + jpegfilename
+view.WriteImage(jpegfilename, "vtkJPEGWriter", 1)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/paraviewpython-example.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/Paraview/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ParaView, ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets
+- contains mesh2vtu/:
+  mesh2vtu/ -- it requires the installation of vtk package. 
+               once vtk is installed, you can set the vars 
+               in the Makefile and compile all the programs
+  How to collect and visualize 3D/2D data generated by the parallel simulation?
+  0. run global_slice_number(2).pl to figure out the slices you need to collect
+  1. copy database using the corresponding scripts in collect_database/
+  2. combine all the databases using the program combine_vol_data.f90 or combine_surf_data.f90
+  3. convert the mesh file to vtu file using mesh2vtu/
+  4. visualizing in Paraview. After loading in the .vtu file, you can generate the source-
+     receiver cross-section using the normals given by global_slice_number.pl
+  Yes, it is a pretty painful process. You can certainly streamline them using a master bash
+  script. To make life easier, you can use VTK scripts instead of Paraview in step 4.
+  Good luck!
+  Qinya, May 2007, Caltech
+- example procedure to make a movie plot:
+  1. run specfem with the movie options (see Par_file):
+     MOVIE_SURFACE = .true.
+     MOVIE_COARSE  = .false.
+     and adjust the time steps NSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES   
+     this creates binary files in directory OUTPUT_FILES/ like: moviedata000100,...
+  2. convert binary files to AVS-files (readable by Paraview):
+     in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE:  > make xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
+                            choose option 2 for individual files
+     outputs files like: OUTPUT_FILES/AVS_movie_000100.inp, ...
+  3. make a default state-file with paraview:
+     run > paraview &
+     load files: under -> File / Open... select e.g. AVS_movie_009000.inp & AVS_continent_boundary.inp
+     align and orient image, save state file under -> File / Save State as...
+     save under: paraview_movie.pvsm
+  4. create for each AVS-inp file a corresponding state-file:
+     > ls -1 AVS_movie_0*.inp | gawk '{print "sed -e \"s/AVS_movie_009000.inp/"$1"/g\"< paraview_movie.pvsm > "$1".pvsm"}' | sh
+     and create a new file tmp.in:
+     >  ls -1 AVS_movie_0*.inp.pvsm > tmp.in
+  5. run the script:
+     > ./paraview-run.py   
+     which renders jpeg files: paraview_movie.000001.jpg,...
+  6. make mpeg-movie (and resize images) using command from ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org)
+     > convert -delay 8 -resize 400x320 paraview_movie.*.jpg movie.mpg

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/bin_image.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/bin_image.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/blue_white_red.cpt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/blue_white_red.cpt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/blue_white_red.cpt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#	cpt file created by: makecpt -V -Cpolar -T0/255/1 -Z
+0	0	0	255	1	2	2	255
+1	2	2	255	2	4	4	255
+2	4	4	255	3	6	6	255
+3	6	6	255	4	8	8	255
+4	8	8	255	5	10	10	255
+5	10	10	255	6	12	12	255
+6	12	12	255	7	14	14	255
+7	14	14	255	8	16	16	255
+8	16	16	255	9	18	18	255
+9	18	18	255	10	20	20	255
+10	20	20	255	11	22	22	255
+11	22	22	255	12	24	24	255
+12	24	24	255	13	26	26	255
+13	26	26	255	14	28	28	255
+14	28	28	255	15	30	30	255
+15	30	30	255	16	32	32	255
+16	32	32	255	17	34	34	255
+17	34	34	255	18	36	36	255
+18	36	36	255	19	38	38	255
+19	38	38	255	20	40	40	255
+20	40	40	255	21	42	42	255
+21	42	42	255	22	44	44	255
+22	44	44	255	23	46	46	255
+23	46	46	255	24	48	48	255
+24	48	48	255	25	50	50	255
+25	50	50	255	26	52	52	255
+26	52	52	255	27	54	54	255
+27	54	54	255	28	56	56	255
+28	56	56	255	29	58	58	255
+29	58	58	255	30	60	60	255
+30	60	60	255	31	62	62	255
+31	62	62	255	32	64	64	255
+32	64	64	255	33	66	66	255
+33	66	66	255	34	68	68	255
+34	68	68	255	35	70	70	255
+35	70	70	255	36	72	72	255
+36	72	72	255	37	74	74	255
+37	74	74	255	38	76	76	255
+38	76	76	255	39	78	78	255
+39	78	78	255	40	80	80	255
+40	80	80	255	41	82	82	255
+41	82	82	255	42	84	84	255
+42	84	84	255	43	86	86	255
+43	86	86	255	44	88	88	255
+44	88	88	255	45	90	90	255
+45	90	90	255	46	92	92	255
+46	92	92	255	47	94	94	255
+47	94	94	255	48	96	96	255
+48	96	96	255	49	98	98	255
+49	98	98	255	50	100	100	255
+50	100	100	255	51	102	102	255
+51	102	102	255	52	104	104	255
+52	104	104	255	53	106	106	255
+53	106	106	255	54	108	108	255
+54	108	108	255	55	110	110	255
+55	110	110	255	56	112	112	255
+56	112	112	255	57	114	114	255
+57	114	114	255	58	116	116	255
+58	116	116	255	59	118	118	255
+59	118	118	255	60	120	120	255
+60	120	120	255	61	122	122	255
+61	122	122	255	62	124	124	255
+62	124	124	255	63	126	126	255
+63	126	126	255	64	128	128	255
+64	128	128	255	65	130	130	255
+65	130	130	255	66	132	132	255
+66	132	132	255	67	134	134	255
+67	134	134	255	68	136	136	255
+68	136	136	255	69	138	138	255
+69	138	138	255	70	140	140	255
+70	140	140	255	71	142	142	255
+71	142	142	255	72	144	144	255
+72	144	144	255	73	146	146	255
+73	146	146	255	74	148	148	255
+74	148	148	255	75	150	150	255
+75	150	150	255	76	152	152	255
+76	152	152	255	77	154	154	255
+77	154	154	255	78	156	156	255
+78	156	156	255	79	158	158	255
+79	158	158	255	80	160	160	255
+80	160	160	255	81	162	162	255
+81	162	162	255	82	164	164	255
+82	164	164	255	83	166	166	255
+83	166	166	255	84	168	168	255
+84	168	168	255	85	170	170	255
+85	170	170	255	86	172	172	255
+86	172	172	255	87	174	174	255
+87	174	174	255	88	176	176	255
+88	176	176	255	89	178	178	255
+89	178	178	255	90	180	180	255
+90	180	180	255	91	182	182	255
+91	182	182	255	92	184	184	255
+92	184	184	255	93	186	186	255
+93	186	186	255	94	188	188	255
+94	188	188	255	95	190	190	255
+95	190	190	255	96	192	192	255
+96	192	192	255	97	194	194	255
+97	194	194	255	98	196	196	255
+98	196	196	255	99	198	198	255
+99	198	198	255	100	200	200	255
+100	200	200	255	101	202	202	255
+101	202	202	255	102	204	204	255
+102	204	204	255	103	206	206	255
+103	206	206	255	104	208	208	255
+104	208	208	255	105	210	210	255
+105	210	210	255	106	212	212	255
+106	212	212	255	107	214	214	255
+107	214	214	255	108	216	216	255
+108	216	216	255	109	218	218	255
+109	218	218	255	110	220	220	255
+110	220	220	255	111	222	222	255
+111	222	222	255	112	224	224	255
+112	224	224	255	113	226	226	255
+113	226	226	255	114	228	228	255
+114	228	228	255	115	230	230	255
+115	230	230	255	116	232	232	255
+116	232	232	255	117	234	234	255
+117	234	234	255	118	236	236	255
+118	236	236	255	119	238	238	255
+119	238	238	255	120	240	240	255
+120	240	240	255	121	242	242	255
+121	242	242	255	122	244	244	255
+122	244	244	255	123	246	246	255
+123	246	246	255	124	248	248	255
+124	248	248	255	125	250	250	255
+125	250	250	255	126	252	252	255
+126	252	252	255	127	254	254	255
+127	254	254	254	128	254	254	254
+128	255	254	254	129	255	252	252
+129	255	252	252	130	255	250	250
+130	255	250	250	131	255	248	248
+131	255	248	248	132	255	246	246
+132	255	246	246	133	255	244	244
+133	255	244	244	134	255	242	242
+134	255	242	242	135	255	240	240
+135	255	240	240	136	255	238	238
+136	255	238	238	137	255	236	236
+137	255	236	236	138	255	234	234
+138	255	234	234	139	255	232	232
+139	255	232	232	140	255	230	230
+140	255	230	230	141	255	228	228
+141	255	228	228	142	255	226	226
+142	255	226	226	143	255	224	224
+143	255	224	224	144	255	222	222
+144	255	222	222	145	255	220	220
+145	255	220	220	146	255	218	218
+146	255	218	218	147	255	216	216
+147	255	216	216	148	255	214	214
+148	255	214	214	149	255	212	212
+149	255	212	212	150	255	210	210
+150	255	210	210	151	255	208	208
+151	255	208	208	152	255	206	206
+152	255	206	206	153	255	204	204
+153	255	204	204	154	255	202	202
+154	255	202	202	155	255	200	200
+155	255	200	200	156	255	198	198
+156	255	198	198	157	255	196	196
+157	255	196	196	158	255	194	194
+158	255	194	194	159	255	192	192
+159	255	192	192	160	255	190	190
+160	255	190	190	161	255	188	188
+161	255	188	188	162	255	186	186
+162	255	186	186	163	255	184	184
+163	255	184	184	164	255	182	182
+164	255	182	182	165	255	180	180
+165	255	180	180	166	255	178	178
+166	255	178	178	167	255	176	176
+167	255	176	176	168	255	174	174
+168	255	174	174	169	255	172	172
+169	255	172	172	170	255	170	170
+170	255	170	170	171	255	168	168
+171	255	168	168	172	255	166	166
+172	255	166	166	173	255	164	164
+173	255	164	164	174	255	162	162
+174	255	162	162	175	255	160	160
+175	255	160	160	176	255	158	158
+176	255	158	158	177	255	156	156
+177	255	156	156	178	255	154	154
+178	255	154	154	179	255	152	152
+179	255	152	152	180	255	150	150
+180	255	150	150	181	255	148	148
+181	255	148	148	182	255	146	146
+182	255	146	146	183	255	144	144
+183	255	144	144	184	255	142	142
+184	255	142	142	185	255	140	140
+185	255	140	140	186	255	138	138
+186	255	138	138	187	255	136	136
+187	255	136	136	188	255	134	134
+188	255	134	134	189	255	132	132
+189	255	132	132	190	255	130	130
+190	255	130	130	191	255	128	128
+191	255	128	128	192	255	126	126
+192	255	126	126	193	255	124	124
+193	255	124	124	194	255	122	122
+194	255	122	122	195	255	120	120
+195	255	120	120	196	255	118	118
+196	255	118	118	197	255	116	116
+197	255	116	116	198	255	114	114
+198	255	114	114	199	255	112	112
+199	255	112	112	200	255	110	110
+200	255	110	110	201	255	108	108
+201	255	108	108	202	255	106	106
+202	255	106	106	203	255	104	104
+203	255	104	104	204	255	102	102
+204	255	102	102	205	255	100	100
+205	255	100	100	206	255	98	98
+206	255	98	98	207	255	96	96
+207	255	96	96	208	255	94	94
+208	255	94	94	209	255	92	92
+209	255	92	92	210	255	90	90
+210	255	90	90	211	255	88	88
+211	255	88	88	212	255	86	86
+212	255	86	86	213	255	84	84
+213	255	84	84	214	255	82	82
+214	255	82	82	215	255	80	80
+215	255	80	80	216	255	78	78
+216	255	78	78	217	255	76	76
+217	255	76	76	218	255	74	74
+218	255	74	74	219	255	72	72
+219	255	72	72	220	255	70	70
+220	255	70	70	221	255	68	68
+221	255	68	68	222	255	66	66
+222	255	66	66	223	255	64	64
+223	255	64	64	224	255	62	62
+224	255	62	62	225	255	60	60
+225	255	60	60	226	255	58	58
+226	255	58	58	227	255	56	56
+227	255	56	56	228	255	54	54
+228	255	54	54	229	255	52	52
+229	255	52	52	230	255	50	50
+230	255	50	50	231	255	48	48
+231	255	48	48	232	255	46	46
+232	255	46	46	233	255	44	44
+233	255	44	44	234	255	42	42
+234	255	42	42	235	255	40	40
+235	255	40	40	236	255	38	38
+236	255	38	38	237	255	36	36
+237	255	36	36	238	255	34	34
+238	255	34	34	239	255	32	32
+239	255	32	32	240	255	30	30
+240	255	30	30	241	255	28	28
+241	255	28	28	242	255	26	26
+242	255	26	26	243	255	24	24
+243	255	24	24	244	255	22	22
+244	255	22	22	245	255	20	20
+245	255	20	20	246	255	18	18
+246	255	18	18	247	255	16	16
+247	255	16	16	248	255	14	14
+248	255	14	14	249	255	12	12
+249	255	12	12	250	255	10	10
+250	255	10	10	251	255	8	8
+251	255	8	8	252	255	6	6
+252	255	6	6	253	255	4	4
+253	255	4	4	254	255	2	2
+254	255	2	2	255	255	0	0
+B	0	0       0	
+F	0	0	0
+N	0	0	0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# based on GMT makecpt
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+  echo "convert_cpt_lookuptable.bash cpt_name_from_gmt (no_green,seis,etc)"
+  exit
+echo "colortable.SetNumberOfTableValues($ncolors)"
+makecpt -C$cpt -I -T0/$ncolors/1 > temp.cpt
+nline=`wc temp.cpt | awk '{print $1}'`
+awk 'NR > 3 && NR < '$nline'-2 {print "colortable.SetTableValue( ",NR-4,",",$2/255,",",$3/255,",",$4/255,",",1.0,")"}' temp.cpt 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/gray_pyramid_inv.cpt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#	cpt file created by: makecpt -V -I -Cgray -T0/128/1 -Z
+0	255	255	255	1	253	253	253
+1	253	253	253	2	251	251	251
+2	251	251	251	3	249	249	249
+3	249	249	249	4	247	247	247
+4	247	247	247	5	245	245	245
+5	245	245	245	6	243	243	243
+6	243	243	243	7	241	241	241
+7	241	241	241	8	239	239	239
+8	239	239	239	9	237	237	237
+9	237	237	237	10	235	235	235
+10	235	235	235	11	233	233	233
+11	233	233	233	12	231	231	231
+12	231	231	231	13	229	229	229
+13	229	229	229	14	227	227	227
+14	227	227	227	15	225	225	225
+15	225	225	225	16	223	223	223
+16	223	223	223	17	221	221	221
+17	221	221	221	18	219	219	219
+18	219	219	219	19	217	217	217
+19	217	217	217	20	215	215	215
+20	215	215	215	21	213	213	213
+21	213	213	213	22	211	211	211
+22	211	211	211	23	209	209	209
+23	209	209	209	24	207	207	207
+24	207	207	207	25	205	205	205
+25	205	205	205	26	203	203	203
+26	203	203	203	27	201	201	201
+27	201	201	201	28	199	199	199
+28	199	199	199	29	197	197	197
+29	197	197	197	30	195	195	195
+30	195	195	195	31	193	193	193
+31	193	193	193	32	191	191	191
+32	191	191	191	33	189	189	189
+33	189	189	189	34	187	187	187
+34	187	187	187	35	185	185	185
+35	185	185	185	36	183	183	183
+36	183	183	183	37	181	181	181
+37	181	181	181	38	179	179	179
+38	179	179	179	39	177	177	177
+39	177	177	177	40	175	175	175
+40	175	175	175	41	173	173	173
+41	173	173	173	42	171	171	171
+42	171	171	171	43	169	169	169
+43	169	169	169	44	167	167	167
+44	167	167	167	45	165	165	165
+45	165	165	165	46	163	163	163
+46	163	163	163	47	161	161	161
+47	161	161	161	48	159	159	159
+48	159	159	159	49	157	157	157
+49	157	157	157	50	155	155	155
+50	155	155	155	51	153	153	153
+51	153	153	153	52	151	151	151
+52	151	151	151	53	149	149	149
+53	149	149	149	54	147	147	147
+54	147	147	147	55	145	145	145
+55	145	145	145	56	143	143	143
+56	143	143	143	57	141	141	141
+57	141	141	141	58	139	139	139
+58	139	139	139	59	137	137	137
+59	137	137	137	60	135	135	135
+60	135	135	135	61	133	133	133
+61	133	133	133	62	131	131	131
+62	131	131	131	63	129	129	129
+63	129	129	129	64	127	127	127
+64	127	127	127	65	126	126	126
+65	126	126	126	66	124	124	124
+66	124	124	124	67	122	122	122
+67	122	122	122	68	120	120	120
+68	120	120	120	69	118	118	118
+69	118	118	118	70	116	116	116
+70	116	116	116	71	114	114	114
+71	114	114	114	72	112	112	112
+72	112	112	112	73	110	110	110
+73	110	110	110	74	108	108	108
+74	108	108	108	75	106	106	106
+75	106	106	106	76	104	104	104
+76	104	104	104	77	102	102	102
+77	102	102	102	78	100	100	100
+78	100	100	100	79	98	98	98
+79	98	98	98	80	96	96	96
+80	96	96	96	81	94	94	94
+81	94	94	94	82	92	92	92
+82	92	92	92	83	90	90	90
+83	90	90	90	84	88	88	88
+84	88	88	88	85	86	86	86
+85	86	86	86	86	84	84	84
+86	84	84	84	87	82	82	82
+87	82	82	82	88	80	80	80
+88	80	80	80	89	78	78	78
+89	78	78	78	90	76	76	76
+90	76	76	76	91	74	74	74
+91	74	74	74	92	72	72	72
+92	72	72	72	93	70	70	70
+93	70	70	70	94	68	68	68
+94	68	68	68	95	66	66	66
+95	66	66	66	96	64	64	64
+96	64	64	64	97	62	62	62
+97	62	62	62	98	60	60	60
+98	60	60	60	99	58	58	58
+99	58	58	58	100	56	56	56
+100	56	56	56	101	54	54	54
+101	54	54	54	102	52	52	52
+102	52	52	52	103	50	50	50
+103	50	50	50	104	48	48	48
+104	48	48	48	105	46	46	46
+105	46	46	46	106	44	44	44
+106	44	44	44	107	42	42	42
+107	42	42	42	108	40	40	40
+108	40	40	40	109	38	38	38
+109	38	38	38	110	36	36	36
+110	36	36	36	111	34	34	34
+111	34	34	34	112	32	32	32
+112	32	32	32	113	30	30	30
+113	30	30	30	114	28	28	28
+114	28	28	28	115	26	26	26
+115	26	26	26	116	24	24	24
+116	24	24	24	117	22	22	22
+117	22	22	22	118	20	20	20
+118	20	20	20	119	18	18	18
+119	18	18	18	120	16	16	16
+120	16	16	16	121	14	14	14
+121	14	14	14	122	12	12	12
+122	12	12	12	123	10	10	10
+123	10	10	10	124	8	8	8
+124	8	8	8	125	6	6	6
+125	6	6	6	126	4	4	4
+126	4	4	4	127	2	2	2
+127	2	2	2	128	0	0	0
+128	0	0	0	129	2	2	2
+129	2	2	2	130	4	4	4
+130	4	4	4	131	6	6	6
+131	6	6	6	132	8	8	8
+132	8	8	8	133	10	10	10
+133	10	10	10	134	12	12	12
+134	12	12	12	135	14	14	14
+135	14	14	14	136	16	16	16
+136	16	16	16	137	18	18	18
+137	18	18	18	138	20	20	20
+138	20	20	20	139	22	22	22
+139	22	22	22	140	24	24	24
+140	24	24	24	141	26	26	26
+141	26	26	26	142	28	28	28
+142	28	28	28	143	30	30	30
+143	30	30	30	144	32	32	32
+144	32	32	32	145	34	34	34
+145	34	34	34	146	36	36	36
+146	36	36	36	147	38	38	38
+147	38	38	38	148	40	40	40
+148	40	40	40	149	42	42	42
+149	42	42	42	150	44	44	44
+150	44	44	44	151	46	46	46
+151	46	46	46	152	48	48	48
+152	48	48	48	153	50	50	50
+153	50	50	50	154	52	52	52
+154	52	52	52	155	54	54	54
+155	54	54	54	156	56	56	56
+156	56	56	56	157	58	58	58
+157	58	58	58	158	60	60	60
+158	60	60	60	159	62	62	62
+159	62	62	62	160	64	64	64
+160	64	64	64	161	66	66	66
+161	66	66	66	162	68	68	68
+162	68	68	68	163	70	70	70
+163	70	70	70	164	72	72	72
+164	72	72	72	165	74	74	74
+165	74	74	74	166	76	76	76
+166	76	76	76	167	78	78	78
+167	78	78	78	168	80	80	80
+168	80	80	80	169	82	82	82
+169	82	82	82	170	84	84	84
+170	84	84	84	171	86	86	86
+171	86	86	86	172	88	88	88
+172	88	88	88	173	90	90	90
+173	90	90	90	174	92	92	92
+174	92	92	92	175	94	94	94
+175	94	94	94	176	96	96	96
+176	96	96	96	177	98	98	98
+177	98	98	98	178	100	100	100
+178	100	100	100	179	102	102	102
+179	102	102	102	180	104	104	104
+180	104	104	104	181	106	106	106
+181	106	106	106	182	108	108	108
+182	108	108	108	183	110	110	110
+183	110	110	110	184	112	112	112
+184	112	112	112	185	114	114	114
+185	114	114	114	186	116	116	116
+186	116	116	116	187	118	118	118
+187	118	118	118	188	120	120	120
+188	120	120	120	189	122	122	122
+189	122	122	122	190	124	124	124
+190	124	124	124	191	126	126	126
+191	126	126	126	192	129	129	129
+192	129	129	129	193	131	131	131
+193	131	131	131	194	133	133	133
+194	133	133	133	195	135	135	135
+195	135	135	135	196	137	137	137
+196	137	137	137	197	139	139	139
+197	139	139	139	198	141	141	141
+198	141	141	141	199	143	143	143
+199	143	143	143	200	145	145	145
+200	145	145	145	201	147	147	147
+201	147	147	147	202	149	149	149
+202	149	149	149	203	151	151	151
+203	151	151	151	204	153	153	153
+204	153	153	153	205	155	155	155
+205	155	155	155	206	157	157	157
+206	157	157	157	207	159	159	159
+207	159	159	159	208	161	161	161
+208	161	161	161	209	163	163	163
+209	163	163	163	210	165	165	165
+210	165	165	165	211	167	167	167
+211	167	167	167	212	169	169	169
+212	169	169	169	213	171	171	171
+213	171	171	171	214	173	173	173
+214	173	173	173	215	175	175	175
+215	175	175	175	216	177	177	177
+216	177	177	177	217	179	179	179
+217	179	179	179	218	181	181	181
+218	181	181	181	219	183	183	183
+219	183	183	183	220	185	185	185
+220	185	185	185	221	187	187	187
+221	187	187	187	222	189	189	189
+222	189	189	189	223	191	191	191
+223	191	191	191	224	193	193	193
+224	193	193	193	225	195	195	195
+225	195	195	195	226	197	197	197
+226	197	197	197	227	199	199	199
+227	199	199	199	228	201	201	201
+228	201	201	201	229	203	203	203
+229	203	203	203	230	205	205	205
+230	205	205	205	231	207	207	207
+231	207	207	207	232	209	209	209
+232	209	209	209	233	211	211	211
+233	211	211	211	234	213	213	213
+234	213	213	213	235	215	215	215
+235	215	215	215	236	217	217	217
+236	217	217	217	237	219	219	219
+237	219	219	219	238	221	221	221
+238	221	221	221	239	223	223	223
+239	223	223	223	240	225	225	225
+240	225	225	225	241	227	227	227
+241	227	227	227	242	229	229	229
+242	229	229	229	243	231	231	231
+243	231	231	231	244	233	233	233
+244	233	233	233	245	235	235	235
+245	235	235	235	246	237	237	237
+246	237	237	237	247	239	239	239
+247	239	239	239	248	241	241	241
+248	241	241	241	249	243	243	243
+249	243	243	243	250	245	245	245
+250	245	245	245	251	247	247	247
+251	247	247	247	252	249	249	249
+252	249	249	249	253	251	251	251
+253	251	251	251	254	253	253	253
+254	253	253	253	255	255	255	255
+B	0	0	0
+F	0	0	0
+N	0	0	0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK.py	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# creates a PNG file from a polygon data file *.vtk
+from vtk import *
+import sys
+# input: 
+if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+  modelfile = str(sys.argv[1])  
+else :
+  print "Usage: python plot_VTK.py OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_009000.d.vtk"
+  sys.exit(1)
+print "modelfile: ",modelfile
+# creates 2D projection view
+# graticule
+latLevel = 3
+lngLevel = 3
+pname = "eqc" # equidistant cylindrical (plate caree) 
+pcs = vtkGeoProjection()
+pcs.SetName( pname )
+pcs.SetCentralMeridian( 0. )
+gcs = vtkGeoProjection()
+xfm = vtkGeoTransform()
+xfm.SetSourceProjection( gcs )
+xfm.SetDestinationProjection( pcs )
+# reads in polygon data
+model = vtkPolyDataReader()
+# Delaunay triangulation on data
+delaunay2D = vtkDelaunay2D()
+delaunay2D.SetInput( model.GetOutput() )
+print "delaunay : "
+print "   points: ",delaunay2D.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPoints()
+print "   polygons: ",delaunay2D.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPolys()
+xf3 = vtkTransformFilter()
+xf3.SetTransform( xfm )
+xf3.SetInputConnection( delaunay2D.GetOutputPort() )
+# coloring
+#output from: ./convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash blue_white_red.cpt 
+colortable = vtkLookupTable()
+colortable.SetTableValue( 0 , 1 , 0.0392157 , 0.0392157 , 1.0 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 1 , 1 , 0.121569 , 0.121569 , 0.878431 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 2 , 1 , 0.2 , 0.2 , 0.8 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 3 , 1 , 0.278431 , 0.278431 , 0.721569 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 4 , 1 , 0.360784 , 0.360784 , 0.639216 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 5 , 1 , 0.439216 , 0.439216 , 0.560784 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 6 , 1 , 0.521569 , 0.521569 , 0.47451 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 7 , 1 , 0.6 , 0.6 , 0.396078 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 8 , 1 , 0.678431 , 0.678431 , 0.317647 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 9 , 1 , 0.760784 , 0.760784 , 0.235294 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 10 , 1 , 0.839216 , 0.839216 , 0.156863 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 11 , 1 , 0.921569 , 0.921569 , 0.0745098 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 12 , 0.996078 , 0.996078 , 0.996078 , 0.0 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 13 , 0.921569 , 0.921569 , 1 , 0.0823529 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 14 , 0.839216 , 0.839216 , 1 , 0.164706 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 15 , 0.760784 , 0.760784 , 1 , 0.243137 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 16 , 0.678431 , 0.678431 , 1 , 0.32549 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 17 , 0.6 , 0.6 , 1 , 0.403922 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 18 , 0.521569 , 0.521569 , 1 , 0.482353 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 19 , 0.439216 , 0.439216 , 1 , 0.560784 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 20 , 0.360784 , 0.360784 , 1 , 0.639216 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 21 , 0.278431 , 0.278431 , 1 , 0.721569 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 22 , 0.2 , 0.2 , 1 , 0.8 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 23 , 0.121569 , 0.121569 , 1 , 0.878431 )
+colortable.SetTableValue( 24 , 0.0392157 , 0.0392157 , 1 , 1.0 )
+# creates new actor based on PolyData mapper
+mapper3 = vtkPolyDataMapper()
+mapper3.SetInputConnection( xf3.GetOutputPort() )
+mapper3.ColorArrayName= "displacement" 
+mapper3.ColorAttributeType= 0 
+mapper3.SetLookupTable( colortable )
+actor3 = vtkActor()
+actor3.SetMapper( mapper3 )
+# view rendering
+ren = vtkRenderer()
+ren.AddActor( actor3 )
+ren.SetBackground(0,0,0) # black
+window = vtkRenderWindow()
+window.AddRenderer( ren )
+window.SetSize(1000, 500)
+# writes png images
+windowToImage = vtkWindowToImageFilter()
+PNGWriter = vtkPNGWriter()
+PNGWriter.SetInputConnection( windowToImage.GetOutputPort() )

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK_gray.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK_gray.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK_gray.py	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# creates a (gray-scale) PNG file from a polygon data file *.vtk
+from vtk import *
+import sys
+# input: 
+if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+  modelfile = str(sys.argv[1])  
+else :
+  print "Usage: python plot_VTK_gray.py OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_009000.d.vtk"
+  sys.exit(1)
+print "modelfile: ",modelfile
+# creates 2D projection view
+# graticule
+latLevel = 3
+lngLevel = 3
+pname = "eqc" # equidistant cylindrical (plate caree) 
+pcs = vtkGeoProjection()
+pcs.SetName( pname )
+pcs.SetCentralMeridian( 0. )
+gcs = vtkGeoProjection()
+xfm = vtkGeoTransform()
+xfm.SetSourceProjection( gcs )
+xfm.SetDestinationProjection( pcs )
+# reads in polygon data
+model = vtkPolyDataReader()
+# Delaunay triangulation on data
+delaunay2D = vtkDelaunay2D()
+delaunay2D.SetInput( model.GetOutput() )
+print "delaunay : "
+print "   points: ",delaunay2D.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPoints()
+print "   polygons: ",delaunay2D.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPolys()
+xf3 = vtkTransformFilter()
+xf3.SetTransform( xfm )
+xf3.SetInputConnection( delaunay2D.GetOutputPort() )
+# coloring
+#output from: ./convert_cpt_lookuptable_python.bash gray_pyramid_inv.cpt 
+colortable = vtkLookupTable()
+colortable.SetTableValue(  0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  1 , 0.878431 , 0.878431 , 0.878431 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  2 , 0.8 , 0.8 , 0.8 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  3 , 0.721569 , 0.721569 , 0.721569 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  4 , 0.639216 , 0.639216 , 0.639216 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  5 , 0.560784 , 0.560784 , 0.560784 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  6 , 0.47451 , 0.47451 , 0.47451 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  7 , 0.396078 , 0.396078 , 0.396078 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  8 , 0.317647 , 0.317647 , 0.317647 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  9 , 0.235294 , 0.235294 , 0.235294 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  10 , 0.156863 , 0.156863 , 0.156863 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  11 , 0.0745098 , 0.0745098 , 0.0745098 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  12 , 0.00392157 , 0.00392157 , 0.00392157 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  13 , 0.0823529 , 0.0823529 , 0.0823529 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  14 , 0.164706 , 0.164706 , 0.164706 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  15 , 0.243137 , 0.243137 , 0.243137 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  16 , 0.32549 , 0.32549 , 0.32549 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  17 , 0.403922 , 0.403922 , 0.403922 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  18 , 0.482353 , 0.482353 , 0.482353 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  19 , 0.560784 , 0.560784 , 0.560784 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  20 , 0.639216 , 0.639216 , 0.639216 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  21 , 0.721569 , 0.721569 , 0.721569 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  22 , 0.8 , 0.8 , 0.8 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  23 , 0.878431 , 0.878431 , 0.878431 , 1 )
+colortable.SetTableValue(  24 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1 )
+# creates new actor based on PolyData mapper
+mapper3 = vtkPolyDataMapper()
+mapper3.SetInputConnection( xf3.GetOutputPort() )
+mapper3.ColorArrayName= "displacement" 
+mapper3.ColorAttributeType= 0 
+mapper3.SetLookupTable( colortable )
+actor3 = vtkActor()
+actor3.SetMapper( mapper3 )
+# view rendering
+ren = vtkRenderer()
+ren.AddActor( actor3 )
+ren.SetBackground(0,0,0) # black
+window = vtkRenderWindow()
+window.AddRenderer( ren )
+window.SetSize(1000, 500)
+# writes png images
+windowToImage = vtkWindowToImageFilter()
+PNGWriter = vtkPNGWriter()
+PNGWriter.SetInputConnection( windowToImage.GetOutputPort() )

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_VTK_gray.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -W
+# reads in binary files produced from xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+# and creates png files with transparency
+# uses segmented M-file to plot with psxy
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl file_name
+  ex. ./plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_00***.d
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+# specfem3D Par_file settings
+$nex = 160;
+$nproc = 5;
+$nchunks = 6;
+# gunzipped files (ending .gz)
+$gzipped = 0;
+# point locations
+$xy_file = "OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy";
+# non-linear scaling 
+$power_scaling = 0.5;
+# gunzips location file
+if( $gzipped == 1 ){
+  system("cp -v $xy_file.gz $xy_file.gz.org");
+  system("gunzip -f $xy_file.gz");
+print "Processing locations: $xy_file\n";
+(@lines) = read_binary_file_locations($xy_file);
+$nlines = @lines;
+print "  number of lines: $nlines\n\n";
+# restore gzipped file
+if( $gzipped == 1 ) {system("mv $xy_file.gz.org $xy_file.gz");}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  if (not -f $file) {die("No $file\n");}
+  print "Processing frame $file...\n";
+  # gunzips data file
+  if( $gzipped == 1 ){
+    $filegz = $file;
+    $file = substr($file,0,length($filegz)-3);
+    system("cp $filegz $filegz.org");
+    system("gunzip -f $filegz");
+  }
+  print "    $file\n";
+  # reads displacement file (binary data)
+  (@lines_f) = read_binary_file_data($file);
+  $nlines_f = @lines_f;  
+  # restore gzipped file
+  if( $gzipped == 1 ) {system("mv $filegz.org $filegz");}
+  if ($nlines_f != $nlines) {die("number of lines differ\n");}
+  # non-linear scaling of displacement data and min/max
+  $min = 1.e30;
+  $max = -1.e30;  
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = $lines_f[$i];    
+    if( $power_scaling > 0 ) {
+      if( $val > 0 ){ 
+        $val = $val**$power_scaling;
+      }else{
+        $val = - abs($val)**$power_scaling;
+      }
+    }
+    # determines min/max of displacements
+    if( $val < $min) {$min = $val;}
+    if( $val > $max) {$max = $val;}    
+    $lines_f[$i] = $val;
+  }  
+  if( abs($min) > abs($max) ){$max = abs($min);}  
+  # writes out segment file
+  open VTKFILE, ">$file.vtk" or die $!;   
+  print VTKFILE "# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n";
+  print VTKFILE "specfem3D_data\n";
+  print VTKFILE "ASCII\n";
+  print VTKFILE "POINTS $nlines float\n";
+  @elem_val = ();
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    # scale between 0,1
+    $val = ($lines_f[$i] + $max)/(2.0*$max);
+    # scale between 0, 255
+    $val = $val * 255.0;
+    # prints value together with coordinates		        
+    $coord = $lines[$i];
+    chomp($coord);
+    # adds point: uses lon, lat and 0 (flat earth file)
+    print VTKFILE "$coord 0.0 \n";
+    # stores values in arrays
+    push(@elem_val, $val );
+  }
+  print VTKFILE "\n";
+  # specfem3D output for MOVIE_COARSE
+  $nex_per_proc = $nex / $nproc  ;  
+  $total = $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nproc * $nex_per_proc * $nchunks;
+  if( $total != $nlines ){ die("error nex/proc $nlines $total");}
+  $npoly = $nproc * $nproc* $nchunks * ($nex_per_proc-1) * ($nex_per_proc-1);
+  print VTKFILE "POLYGONS $npoly ",$npoly*5," \n";
+  $count = 0;
+  for($n=0;$n<$nproc*$nproc*$nchunks;$n++){
+    for($m=0;$m<$nex_per_proc-1;$m++){
+      for ($k=0;$k<$nex_per_proc-1;$k++){  
+        # global array index
+        $i = $k + $m*$nex_per_proc + $n*$nex_per_proc*$nex_per_proc;
+        # adds element
+        print VTKFILE "4 ",$i," ",$i+1," ",$i+$nex_per_proc+1," ",$i+$nex_per_proc," \n"; 
+        $count++;
+      }
+    }
+  }  
+  print VTKFILE "\n";
+  print "count: $count \n";
+  print VTKFILE "POINT_DATA $nlines \n";
+  print VTKFILE "SCALARS displacement float\n";
+  print VTKFILE "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";  
+  for($i=0;$i<$nlines;$i++){
+    $val = $elem_val[$i];
+    print VTKFILE "$val \n";    
+  }
+  print VTKFILE "\n";
+  close(VTKFILE);
+  # creates png files
+  #print CSH "python plot_VTKdisp.py $file.vtk \n";
+  #print CSH "python plot_VTKdisp_gray.py $file.vtk \n";
+  #print CSH "mv bin_disp.png $file.disp.png \n";
+  #print CSH "mv bin_mask.png $file.mask.png \n";
+  # creates file with transparency (opacity)
+  #print CSH "composite -compose CopyOpacity $file.mask.png $file.disp.png $file.png\n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+  print CSH "echo 'plotted: $file.png' \n";
+  print CSH "echo \n";
+print "\nplotting... \n\n";
+system("csh -f plot_movie.csh");
+system("rm -f plot_movie.csh");
+sub read_binary_file_locations{
+  my($xy_file) = @_;
+  my(@return_lines);
+  my(@lines,$line,$is_ok,$junk,$n1,$n2,$data1,$data2);
+  # reads in locations (binary data)
+  open FILE, "$xy_file" or die $!;
+  binmode FILE;
+  @lines= () ;
+  $line="";
+  $is_ok = 1;
+  while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      ($lon) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+    }
+    $n2 = read FILE, $data2, 4;
+    if( $n2 != 0 ){
+      ($lat) = unpack( "f",$data2);
+    }
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    #print "$n1 $n2 bytes read: lon=$lon \t \t lat=$lat\n";
+    if( $n1 != 0 && $n2 != 0  ){
+      $line = "$lon $lat \n";
+      push(@lines, $line);
+      $is_ok = 1;
+    }
+    else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  @return_lines = @lines;
+  return @return_lines;
+sub read_binary_file_data{
+  my($file) = @_;
+  my(@return_lines_f);
+  my(@lines_f,$is_ok,$junk,$n1,$data1);
+  open FILE, "$file" or die $!;
+  binmode FILE;
+  @lines_f = () ; 
+  $line = "";
+  $is_ok = 1;
+  while ( $is_ok != 0) {
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    $n1 = read FILE, $data1, 4;
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      ($val) = unpack( "f",$data1);
+    }
+    read FILE, $junk, 4;
+    #print "$n1 bytes read: value=$val \n";
+    if( $n1 != 0 ){
+      $line = "$val \n";
+      push(@lines_f, $line);
+      $is_ok = 1;
+    }
+    else{ $is_ok = 0;}
+  }
+  close(FILE);
+  @return_lines_f = @lines_f;
+  return @return_lines_f;

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/VTK/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+VTK, The Visualization Toolkit
+- procedure to make a PNG image (flat earth):
+NOTE: this requires VTK to be installed and compiled with python wrappers
+      see small howto note below.
+1. run specfem with the movie options (see Par_file):
+   MOVIE_SURFACE = .true.
+   MOVIE_COARSE  = .false.
+   and adjust the time steps NSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES   
+   this creates binary files in directory OUTPUT_FILES/ like: moviedata000100,...
+2. convert binary files to GMT-files:
+   in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE:  > make xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+	         run it > ./xcreate_movie_GMT_global
+                          choose option for binary (T)
+                          to create individual files
+3. create VTK files:
+    > ./plot_movie_GMT_binary_VTK.pl OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_00***.d
+4. render VTK files to create a PNG image:
+    for each single file:
+    > python plot_VTK.py OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_009000.d.vtk
+    this creates a single PNG image 'bin_color.png'
+optional, to add transparency:
+    a) create a color image:
+        > python plot_VTK.py OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_009000.d.vtk
+       and a gray-scale image:        
+        > python plot_VTK_gray.py OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie_009000.d.vtk
+    b) use the gray-scale image as alpha channel in the new file to
+       create a file with transparency (opacity):
+       > composite -compose CopyOpacity bin_mask.png bin_color.png bin_image.png
+      this requires software installed from ImageMagick
+      ( http://www.imagemagick.org/ )
+VTK installation - python wrapper:
+  download sources from:
+  http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html
+  install with python wrappers and Geovis for example in /opt/vtk-5.4.2:
+  > cd /opt/vtk-5.4.2
+  > tar -xvf vtk-5.4.2.tar
+  > cd VTK
+  > ccmake .
+    turn on options: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON
+                     CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /opt/vtk-5.4.2
+                     VTK_USE_GEOVIS    ON
+                     VTK_WRAP_PYTHON   ON
+  > make
+  > make install
+  export your python path specifics for example in ~/.bashrc:
+    # vtk python
+    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/vtk-5.4.2/VTK/bin
+    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/vtk-5.4.2/VTK/Wrapping/Python/
+    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/vtk-5.4.2/VTK/bin    
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/vtk-5.4.2/VTK/lib/
+  check if properly installed:
+  > python
+    >>> from vtk import *
+    >>> gs = vtkGeoProjection()
+    if any of this fails, check your path default settings:
+    >>> import sys
+    >>> sys.path
+    and fix the paths in your ~/.bashrc
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/DX_continent_boundaries.dx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/DX_continent_boundaries.dx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/DX_continent_boundaries.dx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,15330 @@
+object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 5228 data follows
+0.177972013674219 0.0647765155078226 0.98902930461509
+0.172259682069497 0.0569130813673094 0.990523348085543
+0.177142971081427 0.0564374817604035 0.989688930143704
+0.166885558033403 0.0487052816766612 0.991880036121645
+0.185769399930152 0.0551215810783765 0.988180318236004
+0.172655469310468 0.0453806761108591 0.991049788432904
+0.181984877872931 0.0455196967363286 0.989372761619505
+0.177916833633687 0.0389489595884998 0.990392638733112
+0.171875164188853 0.0422369469091299 0.991324350679862
+0.179548176263048 0.0338117486131139 0.99028693723402
+0.200574099655097 0.0463065482992911 0.985735630953935
+0.187779910823273 0.0515349628851314 0.987993852557612
+0.194234142772082 0.0535856216214929 0.986636041778848
+0.18885419477752 0.0561925844921972 0.987535055865371
+0.192738561861116 0.0603943238066365 0.986536047199314
+0.202548976696635 0.0489950189121436 0.98520170531772
+0.207924790283787 0.0516480157367401 0.983945508682214
+0.201391673230307 0.0615389452744598 0.984735168544317
+0.208238773814868 0.0547796142595201 0.983709716807585
+0.210074160983201 0.0606339965183614 0.982975770481356
+0.211155419004306 0.0523143529716119 0.983222048928052
+0.218353893303189 0.0603013366545437 0.981190259876755
+0.218353893303189 0.0603013366545437 0.981190259876755
+0.223247011337081 0.0682108572171364 0.979569829510262
+0.191056594226618 0.0658916357308643 0.986511363413132
+0.187867760895795 0.0683782729421866 0.986954465112471
+0.301615694556896 0.166280401852653 0.946270469134846
+0.300014125236375 0.163274254301503 0.947302508463342
+0.296728227599382 0.172577257210837 0.946688147828689
+0.289494711102757 0.174159909793881 0.948635935469513
+0.288494050530164 0.159732583440819 0.951475530214004
+0.298266857033513 0.157622367803886 0.948810345202478
+0.288405319792401 0.156942787151259 0.951966560902555
+0.288453076478209 0.151169057801514 0.952886005057089
+0.299804019923305 0.153359368031245 0.949024474855566
+0.302963292087228 0.150959506582076 0.948405752312883
+0.293467208428574 0.147342015049804 0.951953952761478
+0.31078067574273 0.145927048043594 0.946662383447327
+0.296765549727429 0.14418994951335 0.951413930397445
+0.29811442404781 0.136739268813007 0.952091992687223
+0.315872553845685 0.137279747123615 0.946270469134846
+0.316175114032676 0.13658146473714 0.946270469134846
+0.315346498549642 0.124615825181816 0.948196436381584
+0.319631084707612 0.128285497746057 0.946270469134846
+0.32094494314204 0.124962165133577 0.946270469134846
+0.320841458582675 0.124672375355913 0.946343783874368
+0.321076497259515 0.124623762384545 0.946270469134846
+0.187867760895795 0.0683782729421866 0.986954465112471
+0.182788275010565 0.0721179589757836 0.98764186146185
+0.177972013674219 0.0647765155078226 0.98902930461509
+0.121426493936187 0.210316856867892 0.977277558469228
+0.143972430903902 0.213513814781881 0.973515685562852
+0.145140507258819 0.223187941062866 0.971169591841081
+0.156514254105601 0.224575028674479 0.969081185844418
+0.153561953782455 0.231052323283267 0.968030242428365
+0.157544272480552 0.225289320808505 0.968748431812004
+0.166430161533204 0.226505061495472 0.966977486009351
+0.159179515288033 0.234632287523525 0.96626009519391
+0.169327004659129 0.233690171724414 0.96476228633409
+0.15939893485944 0.242614622376275 0.96425055072574
+0.156137908153868 0.23479567895896 0.966716578310073
+0.152064633623567 0.239604428641951 0.966185833562102
+0.15393043554174 0.233391027622824 0.967410486421918
+0.149708500196009 0.238424634033967 0.966845416214417
+0.147394749939538 0.23134113713958 0.968919535336773
+0.146041592670344 0.236046616014254 0.967989074462377
+0.146031705044695 0.236052733183097 0.967989074462377
+0.141348533883077 0.228138070023242 0.970578493979325
+0.138682701827493 0.232227511552131 0.969993036620434
+0.132300558629576 0.229151289400331 0.971614763552133
+0.195282790302276 0.268758054131604 0.950622291002662
+0.178172241343887 0.280873705040754 0.950480727964105
+0.178619306353745 0.256866506881172 0.957164427379315
+0.172589109286367 0.247226852654263 0.960802207887974
+0.161019139377986 0.243446902423123 0.963771467960408
+0.167183943683007 0.237084428860764 0.96430778414693
+0.174866782961875 0.233717785859765 0.963766883011329
+0.175773372812683 0.23850905778062 0.962427218425713
+0.182709114049649 0.236942789970226 0.961521967468407
+0.178036744608214 0.242001854182713 0.961138398016351
+0.195857666224514 0.245400241028676 0.956800656502782
+0.197573503192098 0.252065419249151 0.954712907242356
+0.189626520333319 0.256276759611816 0.955203122518527
+0.195296769129818 0.268665852426746 0.950645481610923
+0.195282790302276 0.268758054131604 0.950622291002662
+0.0539148079553017 0.305766070093727 0.957940135844918
+0.0610245116705328 0.298544571052305 0.959789637405285
+0.0667917646513248 0.30037497753004 0.958834048753271
+0.0653826557851138 0.307203084635958 0.956765578975664
+0.0759230668184095 0.303745066760504 0.957091229895847
+0.0656310509506319 0.322834946258118 0.95158770621821
+0.0779357329464524 0.315689114779299 0.95305582435656
+0.0777944366339887 0.286899004919964 0.962125764442848
+0.0796192921282924 0.297533718439668 0.958740556518005
+0.0938769316255588 0.307222529090728 0.954384848647372
+0.0904066397029793 0.322195197585336 0.949771495755985
+0.0943855300191855 0.331228880030585 0.946270469134846
+0.102491318408501 0.328811083898043 0.946270469134846
+0.0975234967991319 0.315265663556978 0.951391469876647
+0.0999259706926464 0.30412512730769 0.95476264449402
+0.0881927747209078 0.286294569295184 0.961408578118123
+0.0933012474767765 0.281007621626786 0.962485633039234
+0.103917965571388 0.276413602116423 0.962728194765546
+0.117409640478529 0.29561996221925 0.955443778701914
+0.12882646147497 0.299547508200376 0.952745523817763
+0.13576319719346 0.3165273345718 0.946270469134846
+0.132300558629576 0.229151289400331 0.971614763552133
+0.122591064276626 0.224070325838181 0.97407028495807
+0.0883260495052177 0.223143026535496 0.977985019664095
+0.0829078854011242 0.211628831284084 0.981014026560093
+0.101409191638989 0.215307461106933 0.978472213730576
+0.115264469980668 0.20902880893732 0.978299575280661
+0.121426493936187 0.210316856867892 0.977277558469228
+-0.040896200394574 0.231933877856848 0.979072610737105
+-0.0363201665105214 0.232514493962178 0.979115343359586
+-0.0415299501435441 0.239312004932742 0.977268656785915
+-0.036701772494929 0.236353183415797 0.978181553999537
+-0.0245033507570595 0.245357590699501 0.976344323734108
+-0.0257870176514831 0.240239585054218 0.977583229957234
+-0.0138092068388225 0.241438273962062 0.977530493474604
+-0.0121578985924041 0.245382371133601 0.976569852820917
+-0.0175841381518561 0.244402183000114 0.976733009081927
+0.0135967404135015 0.257985262956351 0.973297350632103
+0.013958936035446 0.267030075752803 0.970849672579752
+0.0187341819866238 0.262473012999421 0.972011289992198
+0.0135159096161348 0.280028972698435 0.967186690684227
+0.0470133230214967 0.281130431944968 0.965818009613049
+0.0483381850316551 0.300144835734426 0.96001327982992
+0.0349760688869592 0.315240373538908 0.955745353897294
+0.0382206398939376 0.342286987671773 0.946270469134846
+0.042716850942561 0.341754985170472 0.946270469134846
+0.0450374345370891 0.338608223985463 0.947293565976106
+0.0409072630244938 0.32597831301303 0.951900065803666
+0.0465731482781278 0.331969511555907 0.949566314301848
+0.0370475778498375 0.313651221271073 0.956190037790932
+0.0469468377809002 0.312353296387499 0.95618011517613
+0.0539148079553017 0.305766070093727 0.957940135844918
+-0.147612481634242 0.255672318057181 0.962751900047488
+-0.14688769281856 0.255982859694161 0.96278023517376
+-0.138258707811372 0.255640141373222 0.964148146206281
+-0.137886389932605 0.249986970624157 0.965682586562226
+-0.122467660853012 0.254616829125539 0.966551055232598
+-0.116110337963847 0.266844431514149 0.964033940682491
+-0.107846355926343 0.255993345200768 0.967928494634975
+-0.107349318615116 0.261640621947678 0.966472611479343
+-0.101728738634055 0.257304768570065 0.968243006588237
+-0.0949983008303257 0.260694188924695 0.968020073500672
+-0.095376156794629 0.266521838214844 0.966394587355324
+-0.101521058022602 0.263989280842367 0.966463726364472
+-0.0819346364827001 0.279470190043651 0.963966870914874
+-0.0798266902350588 0.287845745936388 0.961676414430779
+-0.0830492525921089 0.27135388021521 0.966187814731712
+-0.102807853186259 0.235564386242786 0.973647248882927
+-0.0936679016791912 0.227842067114582 0.976403255139992
+-0.100660780965921 0.230589892207091 0.975061387189162
+-0.0999758979675683 0.22523687707726 0.976382183896276
+-0.0829690956370372 0.215097677747937 0.980254108992468
+-0.0668989071910468 0.225370184048632 0.979174048041782
+-0.0687301112088539 0.217388575615791 0.980850334661184
+-0.0550944189394374 0.218259550967126 0.98151738314375
+-0.0619847708856407 0.211355034166804 0.982616882467731
+-0.0523633417211148 0.207745797521627 0.983945508682214
+-0.0442999182462749 0.220597162861652 0.98154134349031
+-0.0454894232689139 0.231263247610078 0.979028611775724
+-0.040896200394574 0.231933877856848 0.979072610737105
+-0.245535614712452 0.206028843775327 0.954627350037899
+-0.237007610313334 0.212542791949882 0.955354360561416
+-0.241873836115394 0.21883366655945 0.952710802805852
+-0.228410245467562 0.220403781629405 0.95566727097296
+-0.22221644825704 0.231579492347961 0.954484043265201
+-0.211901712554162 0.228993321933327 0.957449070565402
+-0.218521526903325 0.25098187296456 0.950423822156747
+-0.192052146348802 0.243127845958082 0.958151252988066
+-0.195905035341983 0.237179122530999 0.958861971799425
+-0.188080668673146 0.236933244774508 0.960488052810698
+-0.190795008187596 0.231856563600939 0.961191343472182
+-0.182438465718812 0.22677797775341 0.964021242002602
+-0.171640109523865 0.233822168477312 0.964321453837465
+-0.15886137064482 0.231690079123268 0.967022115648191
+-0.16101413099923 0.249443265263395 0.96223776013691
+-0.147612481634242 0.255672318057181 0.962751900047488
+-0.189375345160189 0.158904782300523 0.97618402404848
+-0.180657264176555 0.158248185934627 0.977941442290203
+-0.183303119881657 0.171004713727491 0.975298084753902
+-0.195602576700174 0.176158444610145 0.971986025815591
+-0.195622745879774 0.176176608845848 0.971978674555175
+-0.201443646225857 0.169031289275098 0.972058578811601
+-0.235779529262904 0.197842516071716 0.958809341013622
+-0.236666187548608 0.203521920137277 0.957401140429048
+-0.244696900356873 0.205325078868797 0.954994261209595
+-0.23344266847494 0.195881657046144 0.959783255203046
+-0.232098301442268 0.200879746311382 0.95907596466051
+-0.234871744549522 0.197080794253421 0.959188940797748
+-0.199071476454416 0.281054703759922 0.946270469134846
+-0.196765314883808 0.273324264481609 0.949013307232445
+-0.201780291473222 0.262509547801337 0.95101127821184
+-0.194606672649085 0.255494773575856 0.95441063679942
+-0.202078006644086 0.262261579208317 0.951016478985466
+-0.197277647270361 0.273110007465896 0.948968626304078
+-0.199551907359691 0.280713796441193 0.946270469134846
+-0.323013387475841 0.117567258339899 0.946514284772196
+-0.307614995983135 0.118544566875799 0.951508906900258
+-0.297976848734357 0.133154200529147 0.952643037291401
+-0.293610546969783 0.152642125615153 0.951074249570344
+-0.270695031872971 0.163751532312955 0.956011838516893
+-0.270691750450278 0.155881060561974 0.957327567343717
+-0.260227132246622 0.16029947928652 0.959497220727173
+-0.256886089513479 0.166091681431298 0.959412367219537
+-0.262099789581769 0.181161831909662 0.955265979170371
+-0.253025795345574 0.173906313397421 0.959053460996965
+-0.259825441900946 0.175373262193867 0.956966017499294
+-0.256359770678572 0.166838439679424 0.959423578521482
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+5220 5221
+5221 5222
+5222 5223
+5223 5224
+5224 5225
+5225 5226
+5226 5227
+attribute "element type" string "lines"
+attribute "ref" string "positions"
+object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 5228 data follows
+attribute "dep" string "positions"
+object "irregular connections  irregular positions" class field
+component "positions" value 1
+component "connections" value 2
+component "data" value 3

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_cropped.dat
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_cropped.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_cropped.dat	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-8180 153 0 255
+-7200 136 17 255
+-7000 119 34 255
+-6700 102 51 255
+-6300 85 68 255
+-6000 68 85 255
+-5800 51 102 255
+-5500 34 119 255
+-5000 17 136 255
+-4500 0 153 255
+-4000 27 164 255
+-3500 54 175 255
+-3000 81 186 255
+-2500 108 197 255
+-2000 134 208 255
+-1500 161 219 255
+-1000 188 230 255
+-500 215 241 255
+-200 241 252 255
+-198 241 252 255
+-1 241 252 255
+0 51 102 0
+1 51 102 0
+98 51 204 102
+100 51 204 102
+200 187 228 146
+500 255 220 185
+1000 243 202 137
+1500 230 184 88
+2000 217 166 39
+2500 168 154 31
+3000 164 144 25
+3500 162 134 19
+4000 159 123 13
+4500 156 113 7
+5000 153 102 0
+5500 162 89 89
+5606 178 118 118

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_opaque.cm
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_opaque.cm	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_opaque.cm	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+  -8180.000    
+   5606.000    
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00  0.7666667      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02  0.7500000      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02  0.7307693      0 0 0
+  0.1073553      0.7083333      0 0 0
+  0.1363702      0.6818182      0 0 0
+  0.1581314      0.6515151      0 0 0
+  0.1726389      0.6250000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001      0.6025641      0 0 0
+  0.2306688      0.5833333      0 0 0
+  0.2669375      0.5666667      0 0 0
+  0.3032061      0.5665205      0 0 0
+  0.3394748      0.5663350      0 0 0
+  0.3757435      0.5660919      0 0 0
+  0.4120122      0.5657596      0 0 0
+  0.4482809      0.5647383      0 0 0
+  0.4845496      0.5638298      0 0 0
+  0.5208182      0.5621890      0 0 0
+  0.5570869      0.5583333      0 0 0
+  0.5788481      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5789932      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5932831      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5933556      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.3888889      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.3888889      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.6296242      8.3333336E-02  0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.1022013      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.1126761      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.1189139      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.1496350      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.1426858      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.1340326      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.1255708      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.1185682      0 0 0
+  0.9560423      0.1111111      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.0000000E+00  0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.0000000E+00  0 0 0
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00   1.000000      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02  0.9333333      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02  0.8666667      0 0 0
+  0.1073553      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.1363702      0.7333333      0 0 0
+  0.1581314      0.7333333      0 0 0
+  0.1726389      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001      0.8666667      0 0 0
+  0.2306688      0.9333333      0 0 0
+  0.2669375       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3032061      0.8941177      0 0 0
+  0.3394748      0.7882353      0 0 0
+  0.3757435      0.6823529      0 0 0
+  0.4120122      0.5764706      0 0 0
+  0.4482809      0.4745098      0 0 0
+  0.4845496      0.3686274      0 0 0
+  0.5208182      0.2627451      0 0 0
+  0.5570869      0.1568627      0 0 0
+  0.5788481      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5789932      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5932831      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5933556       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.7500000      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.7500000      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.3596491      0 0 0
+  0.6296242      0.2745098      0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.4362140      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.6173913      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.8202765      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.8154762      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.8475610      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.8827161      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.9182390      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.9551282      0 0 0
+  0.9560423       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.4506173      0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.3370787      0 0 0
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00   1.000000      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02   1.000000      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02   1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1073553       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1363702       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1581314       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1726389       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.2306688       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.2669375       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3032061       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3394748       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3757435       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4120122       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4482809       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4845496       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5208182       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5570869       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5788481       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5789932       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5932831       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5933556      0.4000000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281      0.4000000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.8941177      0 0 0
+  0.6296242       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.9529412      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.9019608      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.8509804      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.6588235      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.6431373      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.6352941      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.6235294      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.6117647      0 0 0
+  0.9560423      0.6000000      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.6352941      0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.6980392      0 0 0
+ 2
+ 0.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+ 1.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_transparent.cm
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_transparent.cm	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/GMT_globe_palette_transparent.cm	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+  -8180.000    
+   5606.000    
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00  0.7666667      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02  0.7500000      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02  0.7307693      0 0 0
+  0.1073553      0.7083333      0 0 0
+  0.1363702      0.6818182      0 0 0
+  0.1581314      0.6515151      0 0 0
+  0.1726389      0.6250000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001      0.6025641      0 0 0
+  0.2306688      0.5833333      0 0 0
+  0.2669375      0.5666667      0 0 0
+  0.3032061      0.5665205      0 0 0
+  0.3394748      0.5663350      0 0 0
+  0.3757435      0.5660919      0 0 0
+  0.4120122      0.5657596      0 0 0
+  0.4482809      0.5647383      0 0 0
+  0.4845496      0.5638298      0 0 0
+  0.5208182      0.5621890      0 0 0
+  0.5570869      0.5583333      0 0 0
+  0.5788481      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5789932      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5932831      0.5357143      0 0 0
+  0.5933556      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.3888889      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.3888889      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.2500000      0 0 0
+  0.6296242      8.3333336E-02  0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.1022013      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.1126761      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.1189139      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.1496350      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.1426858      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.1340326      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.1255708      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.1185682      0 0 0
+  0.9560423      0.1111111      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.0000000E+00  0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.0000000E+00  0 0 0
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00   1.000000      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02  0.9333333      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02  0.8666667      0 0 0
+  0.1073553      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.1363702      0.7333333      0 0 0
+  0.1581314      0.7333333      0 0 0
+  0.1726389      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001      0.8666667      0 0 0
+  0.2306688      0.9333333      0 0 0
+  0.2669375       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3032061      0.8941177      0 0 0
+  0.3394748      0.7882353      0 0 0
+  0.3757435      0.6823529      0 0 0
+  0.4120122      0.5764706      0 0 0
+  0.4482809      0.4745098      0 0 0
+  0.4845496      0.3686274      0 0 0
+  0.5208182      0.2627451      0 0 0
+  0.5570869      0.1568627      0 0 0
+  0.5788481      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5789932      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5932831      5.4901958E-02  0 0 0
+  0.5933556       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.7500000      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.7500000      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.3596491      0 0 0
+  0.6296242      0.2745098      0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.4362140      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.6173913      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.8202765      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.8154762      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.8475610      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.8827161      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.9182390      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.9551282      0 0 0
+  0.9560423       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.4506173      0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.3370787      0 0 0
+          38
+  0.0000000E+00   1.000000      0 0 0
+  7.1086608E-02   1.000000      0 0 0
+  8.5594080E-02   1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1073553       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1363702       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1581314       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1726389       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.1944001       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.2306688       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.2669375       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3032061       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3394748       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.3757435       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4120122       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4482809       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.4845496       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5208182       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5570869       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5788481       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5789932       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5932831       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.5933556      0.4000000      0 0 0
+  0.5934281      0.4000000      0 0 0
+  0.6004642      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.6006093      0.8000000      0 0 0
+  0.6078631      0.8941177      0 0 0
+  0.6296242       1.000000      0 0 0
+  0.6658930      0.9529412      0 0 0
+  0.7021616      0.9019608      0 0 0
+  0.7384303      0.8509804      0 0 0
+  0.7746990      0.6588235      0 0 0
+  0.8109676      0.6431373      0 0 0
+  0.8472363      0.6352941      0 0 0
+  0.8835050      0.6235294      0 0 0
+  0.9197737      0.6117647      0 0 0
+  0.9560423      0.6000000      0 0 0
+  0.9923111      0.6352941      0 0 0
+   1.000000      0.6980392      0 0 0
+ 4
+ 0.0000   0.00  0  0  0
+ 0.5934   0.00  0  0  0
+ 0.5934   0.44  0  0  0
+ 1.0000   0.44  0  0  0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/add_logo_to_images.csh
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/add_logo_to_images.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/add_logo_to_images.csh	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# add logo banner to all images before creating a movie
+foreach file ($*)
+echo adding logo to image $file...
+set file1 = `basename $file 0.tiff`
+set file2 = `echo $file1 | sed 's/^imagemovie0//'` 
+montage -tile 1x2 -frame 0 -geometry +0+0 -depth 8 -strip $file ../banner_logos.tiff ../sequence_finale/te{$file2}.tif

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/assemble_final_MPEG_movie.csh
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/assemble_final_MPEG_movie.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/assemble_final_MPEG_movie.csh	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# assemble the different MPEG files to create the final MPEG movie
+mpgjoin title_01.mpeg movie_opaque_europe.mpeg title_02.mpeg movie_transparent_europe.mpeg title_03.mpeg movie_opaque_pacific.mpeg title_02.mpeg movie_transparent_pacific.mpeg -o movie_SPECFEM3D_CINES_05nov2008.mpeg

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/constants_topo.h
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/constants_topo.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/constants_topo.h	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! constants.h.  Generated from constants.h.in by configure.
+!--- user can modify parameters below
+! exaggeration factor to display topography in OpenDX
+  double precision, parameter :: EXAGGERATION_FACTOR_TOPO = 22.d0 ! 35.d0
+! this for non blocking assembly
+  logical, parameter :: USE_NONBLOCKING_COMMS = .true.
+  integer, parameter :: ELEMENTS_NONBLOCKING_CM_IC = 1500
+  integer, parameter :: ELEMENTS_NONBLOCKING_OC = 3000
+  logical, parameter :: DEBUG_NONBLOCKING_COMMS = .false.
+  logical, parameter :: DEBUG_USING_OPENDX = .false.
+!! DK DK temporary patch for the large Gordon Bell runs: set RECEIVERS_CAN_BE_BURIED
+!! DK DK to false in all cases etc
+  logical, parameter :: PATCH_FOR_GORDON_BELL = .true.
+! save partial seismograms every 10,000 time steps or not
+  logical, parameter :: SAVE_PARTIAL_SEISMOGRAMS = .false.
+! (much) faster detection of receivers at high resolution: use grid points only
+  logical, parameter :: FASTER_RECEIVERS_POINTS_ONLY = .true.
+! suppress calculation and storage of seismograms if needed
+  logical, parameter :: COMPUTE_STORE_SEISMOGRAMS = .true.
+!! DK DK for Gordon Bell
+! integer, parameter :: SEA99_VS_DIM1 = 100, SEA99_VS_DIM2 = 100, SEA99_VS_DIM3 = 100
+  integer, parameter :: SEA99_VS_DIM1 = 1, SEA99_VS_DIM2 = 1, SEA99_VS_DIM3 = 1
+!! DK DK for Gordon Bell
+! integer, parameter :: AMM_V_DIM1 = 14, AMM_V_DIM2 = 34, AMM_V_DIM3 = 37, AMM_V_DIM4 = 73
+! use 6 for first index to avoid a warning when compiling
+  integer, parameter :: AMM_V_DIM1 = 6, AMM_V_DIM2 = 1, AMM_V_DIM3 = 1, AMM_V_DIM4 = 1
+! solver in single or double precision depending on the machine (4 or 8 bytes)
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_REAL = 4, SIZE_DOUBLE = 8
+! usually the size of integer and logical variables is the same as regular single-precision real variable
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_INTEGER = SIZE_REAL
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_LOGICAL = SIZE_REAL
+! set to SIZE_REAL to run in single precision
+! set to SIZE_DOUBLE to run in double precision (increases memory size by 2)
+  integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_REAL = SIZE_REAL
+! input, output and main MPI I/O files
+  integer, parameter :: ISTANDARD_OUTPUT = 6
+  integer, parameter :: IIN = 40,IOUT = 41,IOUT_SAC = 903
+! local file unit for output of buffers
+  integer, parameter :: IOUT_BUFFERS = 35
+! uncomment this to write messages to a text file
+  integer, parameter :: IMAIN = 42
+! uncomment this to write messages to the screen (slows down the code)
+! integer, parameter :: IMAIN = ISTANDARD_OUTPUT
+! number of values read in Par_file that we need to broadcast
+  integer, parameter :: NVALUES_bcast_integer = 41
+  integer, parameter :: NVALUES_bcast_double_precision = 30
+  integer, parameter :: NVALUES_bcast_logical = 33
+! R_EARTH is the radius of the bottom of the oceans (radius of Earth in m)
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH = 6371000.d0
+! uncomment line below for PREM with oceans
+! double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH = 6368000.d0
+! average density in the full Earth to normalize equation
+  double precision, parameter :: RHOAV = 5514.3d0
+! for topography/bathymetry model
+!!--- ETOPO5 5-minute model, smoothed Harvard version
+!! size of topography and bathymetry file
+!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 4320,NY_BATHY = 2160
+!! resolution of topography file in minutes
+!  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 5
+!! pathname of the topography file
+!  character(len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo5_smoothed_Harvard.dat'
+!---  ETOPO4 4-minute model created by subsampling and smoothing etopo-2
+! size of topography and bathymetry file
+  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 5400,NY_BATHY = 2700
+!!!!!!!!!!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 1,NY_BATHY = 1
+! resolution of topography file in minutes
+  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 4
+! pathname of the topography file
+! character(len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo4_smoothed_window_7.dat'
+  character(len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo4_smoothed_window_11_minmax_3500.dat'
+!!--- ETOPO2 2-minute model, not implemented yet
+!! size of topography and bathymetry file
+!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 10800,NY_BATHY = 5400
+!! resolution of topography file in minutes
+!  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 2
+!! pathname of the topography file
+!  character(len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo2_smoothed_window7.dat'
+! minimum thickness in meters to include the effect of the oceans and topo
+  double precision, parameter :: MINIMUM_THICKNESS_3D_OCEANS = 100.d0
+! number of GLL points in each direction of an element (degree plus one)
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLX = 5
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLY = NGLLX
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLZ = NGLLX
+! flag to exclude elements that are too far from target in source detection
+  logical, parameter :: USE_DISTANCE_CRITERION = .true.
+! flag to display detailed information about location of stations
+  logical, parameter :: DISPLAY_DETAILS_STATIONS = .false.
+! maximum length of station and network name for receivers
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME = 32
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME = 8
+! we mimic a triangle of half duration equal to half_duration_triangle
+! using a Gaussian having a very close shape, as explained in Figure 4.2
+! of the manual. This source decay rate to mimic an equivalent triangle
+! was found by trial and error
+  double precision, parameter :: SOURCE_DECAY_MIMIC_TRIANGLE = 1.628d0
+! maximum number of sources to locate simultaneously (do not set it too high otherwise you will use a lot of memory)
+  integer, parameter :: NSOURCES_SUBSET_MAX = 100
+! distance threshold (in km) above which we consider that a receiver
+! is located outside the mesh and therefore excluded from the station list
+  double precision, parameter :: THRESHOLD_EXCLUDE_STATION = 50.d0
+! the first doubling is implemented right below the Moho
+! it seems optimal to implement the three other doublings at these depths
+! in the mantle
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_SECOND_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL = 1650000.d0
+! in the outer core
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_THIRD_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL  = 3860000.d0
+! in the outer core
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_FOURTH_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL = 5000000.d0
+! Boundary Mesh -- save Moho, 400, 670 km discontinuity topology files (in
+! the mesher) and use them for the computation of boundary kernel (in the solver)
+  logical, parameter :: SAVE_BOUNDARY_MESH = .false.
+! this parameter must be set to .true. to compute anisotropic kernels
+! in crust and mantle (related to the 21 Cij in geographical coordinates)
+! default is .false. to compute isotropic kernels (related to alpha and beta)
+  logical, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_KL = .false.
+! print date and time estimate of end of run in another country,
+! in addition to local time.
+! For instance: the code runs at Caltech in California but the person
+! running the code is connected remotely from France, which has 9 hours more.
+! The time difference with that remote location can be positive or negative
+  logical, parameter :: ADD_TIME_ESTIMATE_ELSEWHERE = .false.
+  integer, parameter :: HOURS_TIME_DIFFERENCE = +9
+  integer, parameter :: MINUTES_TIME_DIFFERENCE = +0
+!--- debugging flags
+! flags to actually assemble with MPI or not
+! and to actually match fluid and solid regions of the Earth or not
+! should always be set to true except when debugging code
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_ASSEMBLE_MPI_SLICES = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_ASSEMBLE_MPI_CHUNKS = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_CMB = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_ICB = .true.
+! flag to turn off the conversion of geographic to geocentric coordinates for
+! the seismic source and the stations; i.e. assume a perfect sphere, which
+! can be useful for benchmarks of a spherical Earth with fictitious sources and stations
+  logical, parameter :: ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE = .false.
+! flag to only create the mesh but not start the solver (for instance to check the mesh obtained)
+  logical, parameter :: MESHER_ONLY = .false.
+! flag to put a fictitious source in each region in the case of a serial test
+  logical, parameter :: PUT_SOURCE_IN_EACH_REGION = .false.
+!----------- do not modify anything below -------------
+! on some processors (e.g. Pentiums) it is necessary to suppress underflows
+! by using a small initial field instead of zero
+  logical, parameter :: FIX_UNDERFLOW_PROBLEM = .true.
+! some useful constants
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision, parameter :: TWO_PI = 2.d0 * PI
+  double precision, parameter :: PI_OVER_FOUR = PI / 4.d0
+! to convert angles from degrees to radians
+  double precision, parameter :: DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = PI / 180.d0
+! 3-D simulation
+  integer, parameter :: NDIM = 3
+! dimension of the boundaries of the slices
+  integer, parameter :: NDIM2D = 2
+! number of nodes for 2D and 3D shape functions for hexahedra with 27 nodes
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD = 27, NGNOD2D = 9
+! gravitational constant
+  double precision, parameter :: GRAV = 6.6723d-11
+! a few useful constants
+  double precision, parameter :: ZERO = 0.d0,ONE = 1.d0,TWO = 2.d0,HALF = 0.5d0
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: &
+! very large and very small values
+  double precision, parameter :: HUGEVAL = 1.d+30,TINYVAL = 1.d-9
+! very large real value declared independently of the machine
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: HUGEVAL_SNGL = 1.e+30_CUSTOM_REAL
+! very large integer value
+  integer, parameter :: HUGEINT = 100000000
+! normalized radius of free surface
+  double precision, parameter :: R_UNIT_SPHERE = ONE
+! same radius in km
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH_KM = R_EARTH / 1000.d0
+! fixed thickness of 3 km for PREM oceans
+  double precision, parameter :: THICKNESS_OCEANS_PREM = 3000.d0 / R_EARTH
+! shortest radius at which crust is implemented (80 km depth)
+! to be constistent with the D80 discontinuity, we impose the crust only above it
+  double precision, parameter :: R_DEEPEST_CRUST = (R_EARTH - 80000.d0) / R_EARTH
+! maximum number of chunks (full sphere)
+  integer, parameter :: NCHUNKS_MAX = 6
+! define block type based upon chunk number (between 1 and 6)
+! do not change this numbering, chunk AB must be number 1 for central cube
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB = 1
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC = 2
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC = 3
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE = 4
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE = 6
+! maximum number of regions in the mesh
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUM_REGIONS = 3
+! define flag for regions of the global Earth mesh
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_OUTER_CORE = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_INNER_CORE = 3
+! define flag for elements
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_CRUST = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_80_MOHO = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_220_80 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_670_220 = 4
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_MANTLE_NORMAL = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL = 6
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_INNER_CORE_NORMAL = 7
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_MIDDLE_CENTRAL_CUBE = 8
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_BOTTOM_CENTRAL_CUBE = 9
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_TOP_CENTRAL_CUBE = 10
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE = 11
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_XI_SUPERBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_ETA_SUPERBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_XI_SUPERBRICK_1L = 6
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_ETA_SUPERBRICK_1L = 6
+! dummy flag used for mesh display purposes only
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_DUMMY = 100
+! max number of layers that are used in the radial direction to build the full mesh
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS = 15
+! define number of spectral elements and points in basic symmetric mesh doubling superbrick
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_DOUBLING_SUPERBRICK = 32
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_DOUBLING_SUPERBRICK = 67
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_SUPERBRICK_1L = 28
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_SUPERBRICK_1L = 58
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS = 8
+! define flag for reference 1D Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_PREM   = 1
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_IASP91 = 2
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_1066A  = 3
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_AK135  = 4
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_REF  = 5
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_JP1D  = 6
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_SEA1D  = 7
+! define flag for 3D Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S20RTS   = 1
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362ANI   = 2
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362WMANI = 3
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362ANI_PREM  = 4
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S29EA  = 5
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_SEA99_JP3D  = 6
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_SEA99  = 7
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_JP3D  = 8
+! define flag for regions of the global Earth for attenuation
+  integer, parameter :: NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_INNER_CORE = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_CMB_670 = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_670_220 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_220_80 = 4
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_80_SURFACE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_UNDEFINED = 6
+! number of standard linear solids for attenuation
+  integer, parameter :: N_SLS = 3
+! computation of standard linear solids in meshfem3D
+! ATTENUATION_COMP_RESOLUTION: Number of Digits after decimal
+  integer, parameter :: ATTENUATION_COMP_RESOLUTION = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ATTENUATION_COMP_MAXIMUM    = 5000
+! for lookup table for attenuation every 100 m in radial direction of Earth model
+  integer, parameter          :: NRAD_ATTENUATION  = 70000
+  double precision, parameter :: TABLE_ATTENUATION = R_EARTH_KM * 10.0d0
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for determination of the attenuation period range
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if this is set to .true. then the hardcoded values will be used
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise they are computed automatically from the number of elements
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This *may* be a useful parameter for benchmarking against older versions
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!  logical, parameter           :: ATTENUATION_RANGE_PREDEFINED = .false.
+! flag for the four edges of each slice and for the bottom edge
+  integer, parameter :: XI_MIN  = 1
+  integer, parameter :: XI_MAX  = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ETA_MIN = 3
+  integer, parameter :: ETA_MAX = 4
+  integer, parameter :: BOTTOM  = 5
+! flags to select the right corner in each slice
+  integer, parameter :: ILOWERLOWER = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ILOWERUPPER = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IUPPERLOWER = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IUPPERUPPER = 4
+! number of points in each AVS or OpenDX quadrangular cell for movies
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD2D_AVS_DX = 4
+! number of faces a given slice can share with other slices
+! this is at most 2, except when there is only once slice per chunk
+! in which case it is 4
+  integer, parameter :: NUMFACES_SHARED = 2 !!!!!  DK DK removed support for one slice only    4
+! number of corners a given slice can share with other slices
+! this is at most 1, except when there is only once slice per chunk
+! in which case it is 4
+  integer, parameter :: NUMCORNERS_SHARED = 1 !!!!!!  DK DK removed support for one slice only    4
+! number of layers in PREM
+  integer, parameter :: NR = 640
+! smallest real number on many machines =  1.1754944E-38
+! largest real number on many machines =  3.4028235E+38
+! small negligible initial value to avoid very slow underflow trapping
+! but not too small to avoid trapping on velocity and acceleration in Newmark
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: VERYSMALLVAL = 1.E-24_CUSTOM_REAL
+! displacement threshold above which we consider that the code became unstable
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: STABILITY_THRESHOLD = 1.E+25_CUSTOM_REAL
+! geometrical tolerance for boundary detection
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALLVAL = 0.00001d0
+! small tolerance for conversion from x y z to r theta phi
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALL_VAL_ANGLE = 1.d-10
+! geometry tolerance parameter to calculate number of independent grid points
+! sensitive to actual size of model, assumes reference sphere of radius 1
+! this is an absolute value for normalized coordinates in the Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALLVALTOL = 1.d-10
+! do not use tags for MPI messages, use dummy tag instead
+  integer, parameter :: itag = 0,itag2 = 0
+! for the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+  double precision, parameter :: GAUSSALPHA = 0.d0,GAUSSBETA = 0.d0
+! number of lines per source in CMTSOLUTION file
+  integer, parameter :: NLINES_PER_CMTSOLUTION_SOURCE = 13
+! number of iterations to solve the non linear system for xi and eta
+  integer, parameter :: NUM_ITER = 4
+! number of hours per day for rotation rate of the Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: HOURS_PER_DAY = 24.d0
+! for lookup table for gravity every 100 m in radial direction of Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: NRAD_GRAVITY = 70000
+! number of layers in DATA/1066a/1066a.dat
+  integer, parameter :: NR_1066A = 160
+! number of layers in DATA/ak135/ak135.dat
+  integer, parameter :: NR_AK135 = 144
+! number of layers in DATA/s362ani/REF
+  integer, parameter :: NR_REF = 750
+! number of layers in DATA/Lebedev_sea99 1D model
+  integer, parameter :: NR_SEA1D = 163
+! three_d_mantle_model_constants
+  integer, parameter :: NK = 20,NS = 20,ND = 1
+! Japan 3D model (Zhao, 1994) constants
+  integer, parameter :: MPA=42,MRA=48,MHA=21,MPB=42,MRB=48,MHB=18
+  integer, parameter :: MKA=2101,MKB=2101
+! The meaningful range of Zhao et al.'s model (1994) is as follows:
+!        latitude : 32 - 45 N
+!        longitude: 130-145 E
+!        depth    : 0  - 500 km
+! The deepest Moho beneath Japan is 40 km
+  double precision,parameter :: LAT_MAX = 45.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LAT_MIN = 32.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LON_MAX = 145.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LON_MIN = 130.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: DEP_MAX = 500.d0
+! use sedimentary layers of crust 2.0
+  logical, parameter :: INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST = .true.
+! number of points per degree in smoothed crust2.0
+  integer, parameter :: NFACTOR_CRUST = 2
+  integer, parameter :: NLON_CRUST = 180 * NFACTOR_CRUST
+  integer, parameter :: NLAT_CRUST = 90 * NFACTOR_CRUST
+! to inflate the central cube (set to 0.d0 for a non-inflated cube)
+  double precision, parameter :: CENTRAL_CUBE_INFLATE_FACTOR = 0.41d0
+! for the stretching of crustal elements in the case of 3D models
+  double precision, parameter :: MAX_RATIO_CRUST_STRETCHING = 0.6d0
+! to suppress the crustal layers (replaced by an extension of the mantle: R_EARTH is not modified, but no more crustal doubling)
+  logical, parameter :: SUPPRESS_CRUSTAL_MESH = .false.
+! to add a fourth doubling at the bottom of the outer core
+  logical, parameter :: ADD_4TH_DOUBLING = .false.
+! parameters to cut the doubling brick
+! this to cut the superbrick: 3 possibilities, 4 cases max / possibility
+! three possibilities: (cut in xi and eta) or (cut in xi) or (cut in eta)
+! case 1: (ximin and etamin) or ximin or etamin
+! case 2: (ximin and etamax) or ximax or etamax
+! case 3: ximax and etamin
+! case 4: ximax and etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_CUT_CASE = 4
+! corner 1: ximin and etamin
+! corner 2: ximax and etamin
+! corner 3: ximax and etamax
+! corner 4: ximin and etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_SQUARE_CORNERS = 4
+! two possibilities: xi or eta
+! face 1: ximin or etamin
+! face 2: ximax or etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_SQUARE_EDGES_ONEDIR = 2
+! this for the geometry of the basic doubling brick
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_DOUBLING_BASICBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_DOUBLING_BASICBRICK = 27

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/continent_boundaries_gmt.dat
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/continent_boundaries_gmt.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/continent_boundaries_gmt.dat	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,5593 @@
+> Shore Bin # 0, Level 1
+20 79.1594
+18.2831 79.6211
+17.6718 79.3608
+16.2698 80.0587
+16.5267 78.9055
+14.7265 79.7887
+14.0432 79.2638
+12.3482 79.5799
+13.8064 79.8772
+10.6648 79.5467
+13.0001 78.2045
+15.3466 78.8505
+15.4232 78.4578
+16.5701 78.7163
+17.3983 78.4294
+13.5982 78.0568
+13.9498 77.7162
+16.9915 77.9292
+14.7384 77.6533
+16.0998 77.4595
+13.915 77.5242
+15.4382 76.9999
+15.4382 76.9999
+16.99 76.5962
+19.0283 78.4224
+20 78.5487
+> Shore Bin # 1, Level 1
+28.8679 70
+28.556 70.1724
+30.1823 70.0696
+31.0311 70.3973
+28.9723 70.8847
+27.8547 70.4269
+28.5539 70.9702
+27.6576 71.1313
+27.0912 70.4633
+26.486 70.3583
+26.66 70.968
+25.1524 70.0653
+25.9138 70.874
+24.64 70.9921
+23.49 70
+> Shore Bin # 1, Level 1
+23.3634 70
+21.5625 70.3229
+21.8683 70
+> Shore Bin # 1, Level 1
+21.2738 70
+21.2351 70.0122
+21.2134 70
+> Shore Bin # 1, Level 1
+20 78.5487
+21.5314 78.7474
+20 79.1594
+> Shore Bin # 2, Level 1
+60 76.0447
+56.0082 75.1832
+56.9638 74.6699
+55.126 74.2267
+56.3912 74.0082
+55.035 74.1572
+53.6925 73.7922
+55.8462 73.6466
+54.0737 73.3466
+56.6949 73.2453
+56.3763 73.7391
+57.5988 73.6316
+56.5936 73.8807
+57.875 73.7653
+57.4975 74.1929
+58.255 73.9997
+58.2574 73.9997
+58.2187 74.5432
+59.155 74.4187
+60 74.766
+> Shore Bin # 2, Level 1
+53.9974 70.737
+57.611 70.7126
+55.1861 71.8991
+55.0811 72.5776
+56.5188 73.151
+54.8098 73.2566
+53.1963 73.1501
+53.611 72.8891
+52.3638 72.7149
+53.6587 72.6416
+51.4061 71.8326
+51.91 71.4554
+53.5012 71.5433
+53.9861 70.741
+53.9974 70.737
+> Shore Bin # 3, Level 1
+80 72.0417
+78.4475 72.3862
+77.4636 72.2074
+77.9849 71.8262
+75.9661 71.8857
+78.5086 70.9042
+76.1324 71.1612
+74.8287 72.8309
+75.0188 72.19
+73.0086 71.3968
+74.3261 70.5908
+74.0948 70
+> Shore Bin # 3, Level 1
+72.6876 70
+72.8112 70.8701
+71.8111 71.4643
+72.8786 72.6932
+71.6326 72.9004
+69.3962 72.9474
+68.3388 71.5866
+66.7289 71.1066
+66.7848 70
+> Shore Bin # 3, Level 1
+60 74.766
+61.3165 75.3071
+68.405 76.2126
+68.6067 76.9554
+64.7797 76.3294
+61.1264 76.2879
+60 76.0447
+> Shore Bin # 4, Level 1
+100 76.4747
+98.8782 76.4851
+99.845 76.0426
+98.8266 76.2596
+95.7031 75.8262
+96.1266 76.117
+93.2735 76.1045
+92.8365 75.8787
+94.1152 75.9168
+86.9831 75.1347
+87.0076 74.6012
+85.9174 74.8521
+87.2367 73.8349
+80.5063 73.5575
+80.8511 72.4283
+83.6689 71.641
+83.6286 70
+> Shore Bin # 4, Level 1
+82.8754 70
+82.4237 70.1709
+82.8473 70.9586
+82.0139 70.5557
+83.2636 71.7215
+81.4524 71.7197
+80 72.0417
+> Shore Bin # 5, Level 1
+120 72.952
+119.848 72.9575
+118.406 73.2251
+118.88 73.5303
+115.687 73.7055
+113.515 73.2026
+112.845 73.9872
+112.308 73.6896
+111.572 74.0522
+110.022 74.0061
+109.69 73.6738
+111.035 73.6878
+106.34 73.1894
+105.5 72.7445
+107.017 73.632
+113.578 75.2125
+112.348 75.8399
+113.583 75.5311
+113.935 75.835
+111.093 76.7652
+106.533 76.4994
+107.545 76.9142
+104.167 77.0829
+106.345 77.3658
+104.147 77.7162
+101.355 77.089
+101.128 76.464
+100 76.4747
+> Shore Bin # 6, Level 1
+140 71.4401
+138.115 71.5705
+137.863 71.1005
+136.022 71.6269
+133.818 71.4145
+132.78 71.9513
+131.045 70.7028
+128.306 72.0807
+129.556 72.2126
+128.443 72.518
+129.451 72.6517
+128.816 73.2001
+126.281 73.2593
+124.437 73.8013
+122.842 72.8525
+120 72.952
+> Shore Bin # 6, Level 1
+140 75.789
+138.783 76.2022
+136.988 75.5851
+137.994 74.8466
+137.994 74.845
+140 74.8624
+> Shore Bin # 6, Level 1
+140 72.2028
+139.306 71.9425
+140 71.5058
+> Shore Bin # 6, Level 1
+140 72.385
+139.124 72.2525
+140 72.2736
+> Shore Bin # 6, Level 2
+125.31 70
+125.75 70.4614
+127.548 70.8042
+127.296 71.4014
+127.615 70.8051
+125.842 70.4538
+125.408 70
+> Shore Bin # 7, Level 1
+160 70.0406
+158.925 70.8905
+155.922 71.0886
+152.531 70.8151
+148.829 71.6892
+150.064 71.929
+148.367 72.3313
+147.115 72.3154
+145.348 71.5546
+145.499 72.2483
+145.982 71.8628
+146.944 72.3175
+144.245 72.2486
+146.863 72.363
+140.89 72.8721
+141.301 72.5818
+140 72.385
+> Shore Bin # 7, Level 1
+140 74.8624
+143.587 74.8939
+142.403 75.7337
+143.403 75.0437
+145.408 75.4917
+141.38 76.1762
+140.57 75.5955
+140 75.789
+> Shore Bin # 7, Level 1
+140 72.2736
+140.201 72.2782
+140 72.2028
+> Shore Bin # 7, Level 1
+140 71.5058
+140.117 71.4322
+140 71.4401
+> Shore Bin # 8, Level 1
+171.452 70
+170.55 70.1196
+170.461 70
+> Shore Bin # 8, Level 1
+160.051 70
+160 70.0406
+> Shore Bin # 9, Level 1
+200 70.4739
+199.872 70.607
+198.075 70.2945
+197.617 70
+> Shore Bin # 10, Level 1
+217.38 70
+216.745 70.1178
+208.8 70.3522
+207.396 70.5457
+207.738 70.8405
+205.812 70.7687
+204.925 71.1304
+204.002 70.7498
+204.431 71.1615
+203.515 71.3886
+202.183 70.8667
+200.342 70.7962
+200.156 70.311
+200 70.4739
+> Shore Bin # 11, Level 1
+240 74.2066
+238.549 74.5566
+235.266 74.3507
+236.248 73.7525
+234.009 71.966
+235.107 71.9574
+236.899 71.0791
+239.368 71.492
+239.655 71.9959
+239.666 71.998
+240 72.1009
+> Shore Bin # 11, Level 1
+233.134 70
+231.96 70.5774
+232.551 70.141
+231.972 70
+> Shore Bin # 11, Level 1
+230.006 70
+230.332 70.2557
+229.375 70
+> Shore Bin # 11, Level 1
+235.509 70
+235.474 70.2005
+235.263 70
+> Shore Bin # 12, Level 1
+259.029 70
+259.019 70.1883
+255.514 71.0294
+254.719 72.8263
+253.238 73.2996
+251.754 73.173
+252.245 71.6031
+250.099 72.9752
+249.273 72.9621
+250.254 72.4286
+249.317 72.5748
+248.991 72.2815
+247.96 72.2757
+248.814 72.7268
+247.212 72.9944
+245.475 72.576
+245.52 73.3765
+241.502 72.5043
+240.878 71.7722
+242.256 71.6696
+241.766 71.3947
+244.963 71.5341
+241.67 71.044
+242.316 70.6317
+246.179 70.716
+248.557 70.3424
+242.635 70.0394
+242.689 70
+> Shore Bin # 12, Level 1
+244.44 74.9946
+245.97 75.4749
+246.083 75.0526
+248.958 75.2781
+245.574 74.6958
+247.642 74.4242
+251.202 75.0739
+254 75.0526
+254.575 75.854
+253.43 76.0697
+253.159 75.6504
+252 75.7874
+250.893 76.826
+249.585 76.3551
+251.115 75.4804
+248.776 75.5167
+245.104 76.5214
+244.101 76.2904
+245.372 76.1701
+243.269 75.9049
+245.218 75.8976
+242.783 75.5814
+244.992 75.6992
+242.336 75.2522
+244.432 74.9934
+244.44 74.9946
+> Shore Bin # 12, Level 1
+260 73.8202
+259.141 73.8404
+259.575 73.4073
+258.378 73.4958
+260 73.2456
+> Shore Bin # 12, Level 1
+260 72.967
+259.834 72.7872
+257.772 73.0927
+257.314 72.6929
+260 71.6556
+> Shore Bin # 12, Level 1
+240 72.1009
+244.678 73.5407
+242.375 74.2512
+240.874 73.9957
+240 74.2066
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 80.5864
+276.806 80.3267
+279.402 79.5598
+276.217 80.247
+273.503 80.298
+276.646 79.0535
+275.295 79.0196
+278.518 79.0575
+276.744 78.8444
+277.654 78.5676
+274.922 78.9223
+273.147 78.7388
+272.517 78.123
+274.18 78.3867
+274.549 78.1019
+275.403 78.5954
+275.21 77.5206
+277.702 78.0772
+275.532 77.2953
+271.771 77.8523
+273.384 77.1812
+270.336 76.5718
+271.405 76.3996
+271.579 76.7704
+272.388 76.3362
+272.472 76.6282
+273.314 76.3426
+273.39 76.6416
+274.753 76.2791
+275.681 76.6563
+276.801 76.4137
+276.603 76.7619
+277.733 76.3938
+277.259 76.8248
+278.934 76.1314
+280 76.2614
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 75.5317
+278.405 75.8082
+273.446 75.3608
+271.235 75.6846
+271.069 75.4289
+270.068 76.0069
+268.8 75.817
+269.806 76.0621
+268.381 76.2644
+270.804 76.2358
+268.528 76.4527
+269.029 76.652
+266.447 76.3871
+266.31 76.9172
+263.199 76.9837
+264.597 76.2309
+266.909 76.3621
+267.83 75.0001
+267.833 74.9924
+270.019 74.5295
+271.449 74.9073
+272.284 74.455
+276.409 74.542
+276.488 74.903
+278.235 74.4688
+280 74.7755
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+265.803 78.9979
+268.34 78.5679
+267.012 78.4755
+267.945 78.2033
+270.524 78.1489
+270.038 78.6125
+271.138 78.1465
+271.84 78.9952
+272.387 78.6421
+275.12 79.2686
+274.296 79.6196
+272.565 79.5323
+272.385 80.4063
+271.659 80.0777
+266.507 81.3796
+264.498 80.8132
+266.233 80.5202
+263.38 80.3508
+265.61 79.9794
+263.322 80.1463
+263.366 79.8799
+265.668 79.7694
+264.854 79.2738
+269.667 79.2436
+265.806 79.0001
+265.803 78.9979
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 82.8765
+277.643 82.6751
+279.58 82.0406
+274.813 82.4804
+273.14 82.1978
+275.497 81.8813
+272.034 82.1242
+268.109 81.6582
+270.496 81.6268
+269.595 81.3625
+272.789 81.4907
+270.301 81.0057
+275.357 81.2883
+270.583 80.912
+272.505 80.623
+277.694 81.1775
+274.49 80.8019
+273.938 80.5293
+276.786 80.8391
+278.266 80.8153
+276.885 80.54
+279.068 80.6538
+280 80.836
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 72.3938
+279.038 71.8839
+279.774 72.7362
+278.452 73.7241
+275 73.3481
+276.302 73.0072
+274.457 73.0332
+276.049 72.7472
+274.298 72.9047
+275.851 72.0066
+274.774 72.2666
+273.961 72.0212
+275.519 71.6373
+275.228 70.9329
+275 71.2049
+270.469 71.091
+271.207 70.4981
+272.142 70.2399
+273.618 70.5283
+274.181 70.0095
+274.461 70
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+260 71.6556
+260.786 71.3519
+261.822 71.424
+261.78 71.8955
+261.818 71.6455
+262.996 71.7462
+263 71.7499
+263.478 72.7561
+261.511 73.0091
+263.042 73.7485
+260 73.8202
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+275 71.2808
+273.904 71.9779
+273.716 72.7027
+275.168 73.7436
+273.442 73.8572
+270.851 73.183
+270 71.4542
+273.016 71.2152
+274.997 71.2808
+275 71.2808
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+265 71.9821
+266.548 72.4411
+265.707 72.7741
+267.901 72.7408
+269.813 73.9152
+264.709 73.9933
+264.983 71.9803
+265 71.9821
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+267.413 70
+267.642 70.2444
+268.495 70.184
+265.516 71.994
+263.4 70.8237
+264.246 70.7169
+263.884 70
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 77.0878
+278.201 77.1748
+278.039 77.6838
+280 77.4595
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+260 73.2456
+260.225 73.2108
+260 72.967
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+280 74.9702
+279.632 75.0166
+280 75.2204
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+278.545 70
+278.271 70.1459
+279.93 70
+> Shore Bin # 13, Level 1
+277.877 70
+276.97 70.3146
+278.082 70
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+280 77.4595
+281.272 77.314
+281.818 77.9738
+284.135 77.9576
+283.117 78.2127
+284.995 78.3262
+283.369 78.5243
+285.424 78.5872
+281.137 79.0648
+285.562 79.0306
+281.954 79.3523
+286.799 79.5164
+285.754 79.8857
+288.537 79.7227
+289.544 80.0905
+287.637 80.2174
+289.891 80.1878
+289.204 80.558
+290.508 80.3703
+295.407 81.4043
+289.984 81.082
+293.383 81.5151
+290.707 81.7086
+294.185 81.6213
+297.63 81.9979
+298.89 82.3592
+296.434 82.8328
+291.411 82.6229
+293.644 82.9351
+283 83.1295
+282.912 83.1255
+280 82.8765
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+290.847 70
+291.324 70.2072
+289.822 70.0323
+291.714 70.5255
+290.553 70.795
+289.385 70.4575
+290.116 70.8841
+288.457 70.0266
+288.835 70.5466
+288.027 70.4199
+289.396 71.059
+287.434 70.6155
+288.845 71.2732
+287.45 71.6608
+286.145 71.0495
+286.401 71.7792
+284.952 71.1789
+285.383 71.6599
+284.634 71.6843
+285.791 72.0612
+283.599 71.8592
+284.85 72.4906
+282.425 72.7619
+281.45 72.4384
+282.996 72.136
+281.119 72.2342
+282.269 71.7465
+280.21 72.5046
+280 72.3938
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+300 81.848
+298.167 81.7858
+298.213 80.9966
+296.53 81.2038
+296.892 80.7393
+295.92 81.1171
+292.532 80.3484
+292.99 80.0536
+296.152 80.1476
+293.991 79.1176
+290.957 79.0394
+286.938 78.1767
+290.68 77.4705
+293.825 77.6042
+293.84 77.2529
+290.885 77.2758
+293.643 77.1104
+288.638 77.0643
+292.081 76.685
+290.388 76.4182
+291.473 76.0905
+293.527 75.9104
+292.89 76.2504
+294.58 76.0197
+296.603 76.3804
+299.09 76.1637
+300 75.8564
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+280 80.836
+283.158 81.4528
+281.032 80.8791
+283.547 80.8748
+280 80.5864
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+281.02 70
+280.399 70.3745
+281.014 70.708
+282.017 70
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+280 76.2614
+281.61 76.4573
+281.995 76.9917
+280 77.0878
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+292.669 70
+291.839 70.3183
+290.989 70
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+300 82.0311
+299.88 82.0238
+300 81.9951
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+280 75.2204
+280.428 75.4575
+280 75.5317
+> Shore Bin # 14, Level 1
+280 74.7755
+280.651 74.8887
+280 74.9702
+> Shore Bin # 15, Level 1
+300 75.8564
+303.849 74.5566
+302.696 74.1025
+303.924 74.2799
+304.304 73.0582
+305.729 72.4884
+304.374 72.4509
+305.306 72.3691
+304.75 71.9272
+305.606 72.2425
+304.131 71.6867
+306.093 71.4447
+306.427 72.3597
+306.723 71.7145
+308.296 71.7426
+306.994 71.4224
+308.631 71.4841
+307.461 71.1667
+308.484 71.3043
+307.774 71.1133
+309.064 71.0193
+308.031 71.0257
+309.439 70.3308
+307.073 70.7687
+305.384 70.6525
+307.645 70.0494
+309.755 70.0522
+309.699 70
+> Shore Bin # 15, Level 1
+320 82.773
+315.73 83.275
+314.092 82.9284
+318.823 82.7221
+319.12 82.3635
+313.455 82.7788
+316.732 82.2335
+314.381 82.2591
+314.692 81.7559
+308.268 82.5148
+309.65 81.6036
+306.255 81.9832
+305.195 81.6045
+304.805 82.3305
+300 82.0311
+> Shore Bin # 15, Level 1
+300 81.9951
+302.783 81.3341
+300.245 81.8563
+300 81.848
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+332.222 70
+331.404 70.1059
+333.477 70.4712
+330.749 70.459
+332.063 71.1554
+333.198 70.9378
+334.566 71.275
+331.54 71.5454
+332.654 71.706
+331.63 71.9986
+335.356 71.3477
+336.623 70.4572
+337.51 70.867
+337.576 70.4651
+338.501 70.52
+337.664 71.0526
+338.241 71.4932
+337.421 71.4649
+338.079 71.7383
+336.845 71.6287
+337.461 71.9242
+335.38 72.4247
+334.488 72.1155
+334.744 72.3957
+333.666 72.3883
+335.411 72.4842
+334.735 72.8013
+333.357 72.5238
+332.534 72.8376
+334.903 73.0658
+332.284 73.1241
+333.646 73.2349
+332.672 73.4961
+334 73.2361
+335.309 73.5041
+334.238 73.9487
+335.522 73.5361
+335.857 73.808
+337.772 73.613
+335.906 73.6759
+337.597 73.248
+339.589 73.4775
+339.707 73.8587
+338.275 74.0629
+338.173 73.6411
+337.514 74.0558
+337.891 74.6043
+340 74.2893
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 81.5279
+338.929 81.5901
+335.219 80.5333
+337.064 82.0708
+332.189 81.3994
+333.843 81.9863
+325.727 81.8111
+327.199 82.1862
+334.226 82.1682
+338.075 82.6293
+333.06 82.7733
+333.75 83.1685
+323.119 82.7117
+325.161 83.1658
+333.2 83.3422
+321.139 83.5305
+320.264 82.7419
+320 82.773
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 74.5658
+338.94 74.6494
+339.368 75.0526
+337.545 75.174
+339.435 75.1893
+337.498 75.5476
+340 75.1859
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 77.8721
+339.113 78.0186
+338.013 77.6796
+338.158 78.1407
+340 78.9531
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 76.1686
+338.163 76.2138
+337.265 76.7042
+340 76.7753
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 79.7972
+339.583 79.7621
+339.372 80.1125
+340 80.1686
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+337.599 70
+337.896 70.0992
+334.72 70.4196
+332.819 70
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 80.5571
+338.722 80.5699
+340 80.634
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 77.4565
+338.898 77.5407
+340 77.6518
+> Shore Bin # 16, Level 1
+340 75.785
+338.128 75.9675
+340 76.1433
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 80.634
+345.215 80.8946
+347.127 81.7452
+343.225 81.9295
+341.602 81.4345
+340 81.5279
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 75.1859
+340.397 75.1289
+340.648 75.7215
+340 75.785
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 76.7753
+341.718 76.8199
+341.595 77.3341
+340 77.4565
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 74.2893
+340.355 74.2362
+341.031 74.484
+340 74.5658
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 76.1433
+340.215 76.1634
+340 76.1686
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 77.6518
+340.828 77.7351
+340 77.8721
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 78.9531
+342.369 79.9974
+340 79.7972
+> Shore Bin # 17, Level 1
+340 80.1686
+343.893 80.5174
+340 80.5571
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+20 69.7253
+19.6466 69.4147
+19.7201 69.8129
+18.9392 69.6243
+19.5499 69.2145
+18.1482 69.4653
+17.6907 68.6706
+16.4559 68.5074
+17.9049 68.4146
+16.285 68.3761
+16.5167 67.817
+16.0034 68.2672
+15.2776 68.0624
+15.8651 67.908
+14.8498 67.8778
+15.8874 67.579
+14.3108 67.2641
+15.4726 67.0999
+13.4893 66.9516
+13.9907 66.7974
+13.0175 66.1782
+14.1707 66.3232
+12.6766 66.0714
+13.2009 65.8282
+12.6693 65.9234
+12.0439 65.2142
+12.9607 65.3143
+11.2883 64.8788
+12.17 64.9596
+11.386 64.6874
+11.8602 64.4485
+11.2184 64.312
+10.9551 64.6078
+9.5024 63.6458
+10.4216 63.5695
+11.3851 64.1128
+10.9609 63.4475
+9.8265 63.3129
+9.67514 63.6013
+8.51484 63.3822
+8.69917 62.8167
+7.88251 62.99
+8.53162 62.6687
+6.98344 62.9561
+8.1474 62.6949
+6.25895 62.585
+7.19829 62.0989
+6.68406 62.34
+6.55161 62.1047
+5.93088 62.2225
+6.31327 62.0595
+5.09895 62.1932
+5.1783 61.8953
+6.84581 61.8709
+5.19173 61.8822
+4.99733 61.5801
+5.8558 61.4559
+4.97902 61.4217
+5.67422 61.3683
+5.23171 61.1046
+6.51774 61.1974
+6.75334 61.4186
+7.3283 61.1571
+7.58679 61.4937
+7.71252 61.2343
+7.12322 60.862
+6.64652 61.1754
+5.02235 61.0341
+5.58907 60.8717
+4.94759 60.8083
+5.27657 60.5403
+5.79904 60.7341
+5.16915 60.3743
+5.44167 60.132
+5.76577 60.3908
+5.54665 59.8863
+7.14092 60.4976
+5.22408 59.5259
+5.64828 59.2589
+6.59739 59.5592
+5.88907 59.084
+6.64744 59.0526
+6.2858 58.8392
+5.57412 59.0324
+5.66262 58.5509
+7.04845 57.9805
+8.21668 58.1086
+9.51827 59.1347
+10.4225 59.0632
+10.7533 59.9086
+11.2108 58.351
+11.7058 58.4367
+11.5682 57.928
+11.9106 58.3418
+11.7024 57.7049
+12.9409 56.5834
+12.4459 56.3041
+12.8124 55.3782
+14.1967 55.3822
+14.6883 56.1671
+15.8483 56.0737
+16.7291 57.4443
+16.4157 58.4776
+16.9491 58.4776
+16.1874 58.6418
+17.5067 58.7822
+17.6532 59.1844
+17.9232 58.8038
+18.7124 59.2784
+18.0841 59.4234
+19.0909 59.7484
+17.9901 60.6044
+17.1759 60.6825
+17.6843 63.005
+18.1216 62.7687
+20 63.5247
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+20 54.4959
+19.3735 54.2203
+19.8782 54.6403
+18.7967 54.3436
+17.9483 54.8322
+14.7317 54.0262
+14.5913 53.6017
+13.0217 54.4395
+10.8882 53.9594
+11.1324 54.3909
+10.1433 54.3204
+9.42092 54.8283
+9.55917 55.7075
+10.9609 56.4417
+10.1241 56.7115
+10.6575 57.7375
+8.59663 57.1211
+8.27588 54.7526
+8.61067 54.8817
+9.01411 54.4868
+8.57404 54.3015
+9.82589 53.5315
+8.66835 53.8947
+8.50568 53.3692
+7.95666 53.7183
+7.093 53.5859
+7.4284 53.2224
+5.87839 53.3964
+5.33425 53.0759
+5.84421 52.5843
+5.25338 52.3102
+4.73335 52.967
+4.00763 51.9632
+4.64576 51.7133
+3.43053 51.5332
+4.25025 51.3523
+1.58328 50.8728
+1.66567 50.1834
+1.30892 50
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+0 50.788
+0.00030518 50.788
+1.39406 51.1533
+1.42672 51.3928
+0.254215 51.4658
+0.932631 51.5909
+1.76577 52.4784
+1.30159 52.9337
+0.0283818 52.8971
+0 52.8876
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+20 54.9332
+19.9356 54.9165
+19.8898 54.6378
+20 54.6461
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+0 53.7638
+0 53.7638
+0 53.7638
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+0 53.5181
+0.00030518 53.5438
+0 53.5438
+> Shore Bin # 18, Level 1
+20 69.3216
+19.91 69.2712
+20 69.4397
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+20 63.5247
+20.6741 63.7957
+21.619 64.4433
+21.2326 65.3335
+21.7465 65.1913
+21.7456 65.7516
+22.3966 65.5346
+22.6398 65.9072
+24.5917 65.8437
+25.5091 65.0216
+21.1243 62.7999
+21.7975 61.4916
+21.4258 60.6035
+22.5199 60.2129
+23.0924 60.37
+22.8934 59.8088
+28.6583 60.743
+28.6232 60.3529
+30.3465 59.9504
+28.0983 59.7905
+27.9149 59.4029
+25.6965 59.6761
+23.5032 59.2305
+23.7357 58.35
+24.5859 58.3223
+24.394 57.2401
+23.6365 56.9618
+22.6099 57.7604
+21.6974 57.5666
+20.9808 56.5226
+21.2476 54.9506
+20.5142 54.9549
+21.0834 55.727
+20.5676 55.0819
+20 54.9332
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+40 64.5797
+38.4326 64.8077
+38.0035 64.5806
+38.3667 64.8437
+36.849 65.1525
+36.5338 64.7149
+38.042 64.2904
+37.4176 63.7813
+34.7836 64.5122
+34.2446 65.3753
+34.8598 65.8648
+32.9769 66.2475
+33.713 66.4126
+31.8694 67.1389
+39.1116 66.101
+40 66.4962
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+40 68.0066
+39.7766 68.1497
+35.3066 69.2514
+33.5683 69.2996
+33.0315 68.883
+33.499 69.4015
+32.155 69.4122
+32.1016 69.7421
+33.1307 69.7168
+32.0919 69.9411
+31.2618 69.5569
+30.2983 69.8804
+29.4899 69.6561
+28.8679 70
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+23.49 70
+23.4681 69.9811
+23.3634 70
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+21.8683 70
+22.1183 69.7363
+21.2738 70
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+20 69.4397
+20.2881 69.9786
+20 69.7253
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+20 54.6461
+20.4126 54.6775
+20 54.4959
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+40 65.6152
+39.7006 65.4656
+40 65.0918
+> Shore Bin # 19, Level 1
+21.2134 70
+20 69.3216
+> Shore Bin # 20, Level 1
+60 68.7204
+59.9451 68.7161
+59.765 68.338
+59.0033 68.9938
+57.3034 68.5321
+55.3616 68.5403
+54.8501 68.1396
+53.2183 68.1863
+53.6092 68.8003
+54.566 68.9783
+53.8735 68.9596
+52.3265 68.3014
+52.2167 68.5739
+48.5927 67.9132
+49.0718 67.6004
+47.8264 67.5772
+47.5599 66.8927
+46.0191 66.8164
+44.9244 67.4243
+46.6935 67.8067
+46.5458 68.125
+43.2816 68.6722
+44.2206 68.269
+44.1062 65.9619
+42.211 66.5203
+40.7401 65.9847
+40 65.6152
+> Shore Bin # 20, Level 1
+40 65.0918
+40.4636 64.5122
+40 64.5797
+> Shore Bin # 20, Level 1
+40 66.4962
+41.3907 67.1151
+40 68.0066
+> Shore Bin # 21, Level 1
+74.0948 70
+73.7642 69.1568
+75.9417 69.2544
+77.6516 68.8919
+78.1842 68.2449
+77.4859 67.7441
+78.7842 67.4682
+77.0941 67.7618
+76.5847 68.9664
+74.6667 68.7662
+74.7726 67.6999
+72.1334 66.1987
+69.1273 66.6125
+71.7498 66.9046
+73.6257 68.4234
+72.5393 68.9532
+72.6876 70
+> Shore Bin # 21, Level 1
+66.7848 70
+66.8074 69.5517
+68.1016 69.5297
+69.2641 68.9377
+68.2582 68.1271
+65.5293 69.1434
+66.1848 69.078
+60.8447 69.8645
+60.1843 69.5651
+61.189 68.8083
+60 68.7204
+> Shore Bin # 21, Level 2
+80 59.2476
+79.2963 59.5146
+78.2458 60.4094
+75.2084 61.0469
+69.2369 61.0741
+69.8906 60.6581
+69.9443 59.8244
+68.907 59.4401
+68.2231 58.1614
+68.8737 59.452
+69.9168 59.8344
+69.8375 60.6493
+65.019 62.9986
+65.7505 63.9467
+65.2082 65.0753
+65.6565 66.134
+66.5171 66.6516
+68.9699 66.8069
+68.0751 66.4892
+66.5278 66.6137
+65.778 66.1474
+65.2607 65.0851
+65.8894 63.8018
+65.893 63.7978
+65.0916 62.9851
+68.6131 61.3341
+74.464 61.2309
+78.1207 60.5721
+79.3423 59.5247
+80 59.3861
+> Shore Bin # 22, Level 1
+83.6286 70
+83.6216 69.718
+82.8754 70
+> Shore Bin # 22, Level 2
+80 59.3861
+81.2421 59.1243
+83.874 57.7391
+84.4865 57.1229
+84.0122 56.2821
+84.4483 57.1229
+82.981 58.1157
+80 59.2476
+> Shore Bin # 23, Level 2
+109.486 55.7246
+109.965 55.6721
+109.56 54.1431
+108.527 53.5096
+108.966 53.3548
+106.333 52.3389
+105.92 51.7279
+104.759 51.4649
+103.74 51.6623
+105.225 51.9156
+106.575 52.7228
+108.208 53.9225
+109.486 55.7252
+109.486 55.7246
+> Shore Bin # 23, Level 2
+120 60.2556
+118.22 59.6666
+116.801 60.4042
+114.968 60.6862
+112.353 59.2305
+114.961 60.6987
+116.858 60.4173
+118.327 59.7334
+120 60.2721
+> Shore Bin # 23, Level 2
+120 63.6068
+118.996 63.474
+120 63.6092
+> Shore Bin # 24, Level 1
+140 54.1459
+139.742 54.3003
+138.653 54.2899
+138.58 53.9954
+137.313 53.5346
+137.736 54.3207
+136.783 53.7644
+136.833 54.6467
+135.743 54.5655
+135.227 54.91
+138.228 56.4207
+140 57.585
+> Shore Bin # 24, Level 2
+125.408 70
+123.27 67.7618
+124.423 65.3149
+128.338 63.77
+133.217 63.3956
+133.284 63.0748
+135.55 62.6683
+135.12 60.3719
+134.547 60.4454
+135.025 60.4402
+135.181 61.2227
+135.512 62.6546
+133.258 63.0517
+133.195 63.3672
+129.452 63.474
+130.071 62.2954
+128.728 61.2679
+124.11 60.5715
+121.277 60.6459
+120.682 60.4289
+121.135 60.0713
+120.238 60.3352
+120.233 60.3325
+120 60.2556
+> Shore Bin # 24, Level 2
+120 60.2721
+121.227 60.6673
+124.108 60.5925
+129.238 61.8074
+129.526 63.2326
+126.451 64.3719
+125.283 63.8576
+123.677 64.0923
+120 63.6068
+> Shore Bin # 24, Level 2
+120 63.6092
+123.67 64.1033
+125.251 63.9013
+126.169 64.295
+124.38 65.1397
+122.963 67.5399
+125.31 70
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+140 57.585
+142.462 59.2021
+145.692 59.4261
+146.047 59.1386
+146.505 59.463
+148.932 59.2305
+149.433 59.7588
+152.321 59.225
+151.103 59.1063
+151.342 58.8347
+155.188 59.1713
+154.98 59.4929
+154.129 59.4524
+154.231 59.8732
+156.681 61.5221
+160 61.9091
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+160 59.1093
+158.32 57.9771
+156.851 57.7974
+155.989 56.6783
+155.563 55.1759
+156.673 50.8621
+158.542 52.2892
+158.417 52.9987
+160 53.0872
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+144.019 50
+143.206 51.5174
+142.707 54.4288
+142.251 54.3033
+142.786 53.7058
+141.768 53.3759
+141.626 52.3276
+142.254 51.1234
+142.199 50
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+140.418 50
+140.437 50.7175
+141.546 52.1509
+140.631 53.1458
+141.203 52.9978
+141.424 53.295
+140 54.1459
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+160 61.4998
+159.773 61.2383
+159.792 60.927
+160 60.9612
+> Shore Bin # 25, Level 1
+160 53.8944
+159.984 54.1541
+160 54.1584
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+160 54.1584
+162.144 54.7483
+162.087 56.0941
+163.361 56.1875
+162.676 57.3365
+163.319 57.7275
+161.891 57.9774
+163.637 59.9986
+164.487 60.1012
+164.836 59.7829
+166.275 60.472
+166.278 59.8112
+167.012 60.4131
+169.253 60.613
+170.31 59.9272
+170.549 60.4268
+173.532 61.7504
+177.115 62.5463
+179.148 62.2853
+179.622 62.7276
+178.234 64.4332
+178.248 64.1671
+177.508 64.7411
+176.072 64.4469
+176.167 64.6957
+175.142 64.7225
+179.525 64.7945
+180 65.0845
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+160 60.9612
+160.441 61.0332
+160.213 60.5788
+162.388 61.6622
+163.329 61.6606
+163.261 62.5179
+164.61 62.6812
+165.309 62.4691
+164.149 62.2707
+163.789 60.8226
+161.942 60.4179
+160 59.1093
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+170.461 70
+170.163 69.5975
+171.179 69.0298
+170.482 68.7637
+168.322 69.2221
+167.808 69.7644
+166.873 69.462
+162.347 69.6738
+161.113 69.1604
+160.051 70
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+180 68.9938
+176.082 69.8837
+173.223 69.7653
+171.452 70
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+160 53.0872
+160.049 53.09
+160 53.8944
+> Shore Bin # 26, Level 1
+160 61.9091
+160.397 61.9554
+160 61.4998
+> Shore Bin # 27, Level 1
+197.617 70
+196.048 68.9895
+193.77 68.8769
+193.152 68.3377
+195.831 67.6263
+196.302 67.1066
+198.347 67.0224
+198.512 66.5258
+199.788 66.4581
+198.416 66.4416
+197.529 66.9525
+198.908 66.1123
+196.239 66.0613
+195.596 66.5826
+191.895 65.6851
+193.946 65.2517
+193.04 65.1638
+193.788 64.5788
+196.832 64.396
+196.865 64.6529
+197.206 64.3233
+198.253 64.8455
+199.214 64.7179
+198.464 64.4173
+199.271 63.8708
+198.857 63.5036
+197.687 63.5436
+196.692 63.0037
+195.573 63.2116
+193.875 61.4934
+194.438 61.0875
+195.217 61.1394
+194.871 60.9166
+196.582 60.7265
+195.508 60.5544
+195.872 59.8366
+197.805 60.1576
+198.479 59.1044
+197.864 58.6339
+199.661 59.0773
+200 58.9174
+> Shore Bin # 27, Level 1
+180 65.0845
+180.724 65.5267
+180.618 66.3214
+181.549 66.3616
+181.555 65.4672
+183.505 65.537
+184.565 64.7637
+186.347 64.3212
+186.675 64.6111
+186.85 64.2397
+187.764 64.4024
+186.789 64.7576
+187.881 65.0491
+187.914 65.4867
+186.991 65.7015
+188.95 65.4672
+188.557 65.8322
+189.435 65.613
+190.326 66.1364
+188.333 66.9445
+186.37 67.117
+185.374 67.0517
+186.055 66.1447
+184.743 67.6587
+180.002 68.9929
+180 68.9938
+180 68.9938
+> Shore Bin # 27, Level 1
+200 56.4305
+199.665 56.2943
+199.743 55.7679
+198.196 55.8964
+196.643 54.8112
+197.026 55.0288
+197.447 54.9574
+197.355 55.3034
+198.038 55.1063
+198.42 55.6208
+198.763 55.355
+200 55.7911
+> Shore Bin # 28, Level 1
+200 55.7911
+200.183 55.8558
+200.4 55.5631
+204.385 57.7925
+205.787 58.1343
+206.75 58.8524
+205.834 59.0105
+205.859 59.3736
+209.419 61.36
+210.847 61.5029
+209.921 61.1574
+211.031 60.8074
+209.61 61.0399
+208.586 60.7201
+208.133 59.7606
+209.07 59.7914
+208.257 59.1566
+210.259 59.6367
+210.277 59.9541
+210.474 59.705
+210.573 60.1228
+211.574 59.9489
+212.064 60.4384
+211.286 60.7866
+212.279 61.2767
+212.123 60.8254
+212.48 61.1547
+212.615 60.8711
+213.685 61.1339
+213.262 60.9084
+213.947 60.8248
+213.343 60.685
+213.955 60.7958
+214.051 60.4537
+215.122 60.4573
+215.748 60.0246
+218.589 60.1399
+219.685 59.6919
+220 59.8357
+> Shore Bin # 28, Level 1
+200 58.9174
+201.115 58.3919
+201.461 59.1417
+201.811 58.6116
+203.158 59.0358
+202.464 58.3992
+202.599 57.4867
+200 56.4305
+> Shore Bin # 28, Level 1
+220 69.5135
+217.38 70
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+220 59.8357
+220.485 60.0566
+221.114 59.8067
+220.7 59.5613
+220.495 59.9913
+220.137 59.5357
+223.313 58.2103
+223.961 58.3848
+222.952 59.0675
+223.763 58.7514
+223.814 59.0681
+224.079 58.3809
+224.909 58.2408
+224.65 59.4807
+225.217 58.3934
+225.853 58.202
+226.287 58.538
+225.944 58.0623
+226.864 57.8642
+226.411 57.7702
+227.106 57.4958
+226.337 57.714
+226.943 57.3576
+226.427 57.1833
+228.509 56.2367
+227.814 55.5891
+228.969 56.1021
+229.295 55.7557
+229.133 54.7706
+229.862 55.3291
+230.067 55.9489
+229.828 55.0736
+230.339 54.9784
+229.557 54.654
+230.012 54.3043
+229.552 54.6488
+229.511 54.3641
+230.442 54.221
+229.889 53.95
+230.685 53.3713
+231.314 53.9976
+231.23 53.5474
+231.879 53.4913
+231.011 53.545
+232.168 52.7362
+231.589 52.2907
+231.981 52.5248
+232.124 52.1964
+232.996 52.6664
+232.101 51.8192
+232.322 51.4621
+232.754 51.6815
+232.218 51.3217
+232.939 51.3516
+232.214 51.1624
+233.343 51.196
+232.469 51.0141
+233.807 50.9479
+233.414 50.8493
+233.777 50.6958
+234.463 50.9961
+233.701 50.6317
+234.293 50.4211
+234.528 50.7211
+234.404 50.4492
+234.882 50.4282
+235.178 50.9293
+234.919 50.3241
+235.66 50.5069
+235.192 50.0107
+235.213 50
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+234.943 50
+234.555 50.3354
+231.568 50.7855
+231.952 50.4422
+232.581 50.6058
+232.082 50.1141
+232.905 50.1462
+233.086 50
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+229.375 70
+226.979 69.3597
+225.794 69.248
+225.501 69.7089
+224.001 69.2062
+224.705 68.6398
+220 69.5135
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+240 69.4504
+238.12 69.8172
+235.626 69.3359
+235.509 70
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+235.988 50
+236.148 50.1627
+236.264 50
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+231.972 70
+229.119 69.306
+230.006 70
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 1
+235.263 70
+234.535 69.3115
+233.134 70
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 2
+240 65.1638
+238.823 64.8104
+239.592 65.5859
+237.96 64.9389
+236.509 65.1601
+236.508 65.1632
+237.86 65.7839
+237.214 65.9664
+238.771 66.079
+236.992 66.2551
+235.21 65.9088
+235.024 66.3067
+240 67.0193
+> Shore Bin # 29, Level 2
+240 66.528
+239.548 66.3784
+240 66.3671
+> Shore Bin # 30, Level 1
+260 67.6785
+257.783 67.6593
+256.616 68.1585
+255.003 68.1549
+253.811 68.9468
+251.189 68.266
+252.44 68.1668
+254.259 68.5953
+251.971 67.7752
+252.956 67.138
+252.934 66.8185
+252.237 66.9616
+252.793 66.3473
+251.464 67.0623
+252.036 67.2833
+249.964 68.0108
+248.134 67.6681
+244.902 67.8027
+244.751 68.1888
+246.111 68.3981
+245.022 68.8711
+242.93 68.8785
+240 69.4504
+> Shore Bin # 30, Level 1
+242.689 70
+243.5 69.4076
+246.444 68.9999
+246.446 68.999
+246.812 68.4613
+250.989 68.7289
+253.406 69.4955
+254.875 68.8959
+258.228 69.0079
+257.709 69.516
+256.824 69.1037
+256.478 69.7046
+257.424 69.5419
+258.565 69.9353
+259.047 69.6674
+259.029 70
+> Shore Bin # 30, Level 2
+244.978 60.8879
+242.316 61.3024
+244.039 61.1724
+244.454 61.7491
+245.379 61.8556
+244.008 62.7791
+246.681 61.9896
+249.284 62.9204
+251.099 62.7996
+248.609 62.632
+248.329 62.3592
+249.585 62.6802
+250.317 62.6656
+249.229 62.5393
+250.15 62.5554
+248.938 62.3806
+246.258 61.0085
+244.973 60.8818
+244.978 60.8879
+> Shore Bin # 30, Level 2
+240 66.3671
+241.442 66.3311
+242.396 66.6748
+242.193 65.7241
+240.309 65.794
+240.525 65.3216
+240 65.1638
+> Shore Bin # 30, Level 2
+240 67.0193
+240.193 67.0471
+241.047 66.8746
+240 66.528
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+280 51.171
+279.371 51.2705
+279.431 51.7008
+277.669 52.9438
+277.674 55.1514
+274.791 55.2354
+269.197 57.3231
+267.188 56.9139
+267.572 57.3509
+266.823 58.737
+265.798 58.7889
+265.743 58.4059
+265.031 59.0593
+265.243 60.5156
+266.739 61.7348
+266.359 61.953
+268.15 62.5722
+267.6 62.8396
+268.614 62.7807
+269.371 63.1582
+268.283 63.6849
+267.537 63.5174
+267.773 63.7459
+266.051 63.9178
+266.192 64.2144
+269.35 63.4453
+270.02 64.1622
+271.887 64.1454
+273.089 65.1409
+269.076 65.9258
+270.178 65.9924
+272.66 65.3204
+274.142 66.1593
+273.23 66.5399
+276.193 66.1437
+274.823 66.91
+276.09 66.9168
+276.65 66.3452
+278.812 67.4545
+277.356 68.4384
+278.762 68.6401
+277.958 68.8815
+278.678 69.1992
+276.745 69.5373
+277.452 69.7012
+274.458 69.8621
+275.289 68.7283
+274.379 68.7372
+273.488 67.3339
+272.5 67.1072
+271.774 68.9191
+270.669 69.2447
+269.752 68.1866
+268.573 69.3582
+269.651 69.4592
+267.124 69.6909
+267.413 70
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+263.884 70
+263.814 69.8624
+266.658 69.3774
+265.739 69.3219
+265.384 68.7518
+266.178 69.0143
+266.544 68.5794
+264.532 68.0627
+264.696 67.1664
+263.554 67.4658
+264.118 68.3011
+263.332 68.0063
+263.632 68.3206
+262.696 68.5071
+261.319 68.3987
+261.933 67.9168
+262.794 67.9501
+262.689 67.5201
+261.436 68.1057
+261.114 67.6883
+260 67.6785
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+279 63.4374
+279.864 63.7752
+279.079 64.1225
+278.012 63.9788
+278.175 64.5486
+275.491 65.4791
+275.09 65.2145
+274.405 65.9133
+273.821 64.0887
+272.835 63.5753
+274.32 63.7133
+274.789 63.1069
+276.996 64.1814
+277.506 63.6571
+278.992 63.4356
+279 63.4374
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+274.461 70
+278.239 69.8743
+277.877 70
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+278.082 70
+279.067 69.7211
+278.545 70
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 1
+279.93 70
+280 69.9939
+> Shore Bin # 31, Level 2
+261.565 53.0466
+260.784 53.3301
+261.092 53.8788
+262.116 53.7031
+261.989 54.4144
+262.268 54.0864
+263.742 51.2128
+263.338 50.3977
+263.277 51.6065
+262.741 51.431
+262.513 52.1311
+261.975 51.9437
+261.102 52.8507
+261.475 52.9975
+261.565 53.0466
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+282.017 70
+282.373 69.7485
+283.007 69.9887
+282.811 69.642
+283.804 69.6725
+284.412 69.2358
+283.353 68.695
+284.528 69.0271
+285.769 68.5193
+286.339 68.6648
+287.847 67.2705
+286.995 66.7788
+287.948 66.6702
+286.929 66.7208
+285.542 66.1651
+286.528 65.4476
+284.197 65.234
+282.624 65.4714
+281.97 64.4274
+285.539 64.3838
+285.393 64.9023
+286.423 64.3139
+286.716 64.6606
+287.36 63.8451
+288.8 63.5943
+287.879 63.4423
+288.359 63.1331
+294.002 61.9536
+294.001 61.9548
+291.017 63.756
+292.312 63.369
+292.085 63.7694
+295.102 62.6317
+294.684 63.8051
+295.483 63.2421
+295.388 63.9767
+294.329 64.3032
+294.96 64.4308
+294.313 64.8486
+293.686 64.6102
+293.323 65.0417
+293.269 64.7207
+292.684 65.6652
+291.764 65.4275
+291.633 66.0726
+292.867 66.0183
+292.06 66.6336
+293.263 66.5972
+294.015 66.1071
+294.519 66.3857
+294.125 65.9442
+295.642 66.3555
+294.499 65.7406
+296.463 64.8763
+296.471 65.9301
+297.323 65.5746
+297.051 66.1468
+298.051 66
+297.104 66.3342
+298.457 66.3186
+297.802 66.6149
+298.708 66.6674
+297.973 67.0529
+297.266 66.6561
+297.158 66.968
+296.19 66.8045
+296.882 67.3321
+296.187 66.9003
+296.5 67.2354
+295.28 67.008
+296.042 67.2665
+295.205 67.3687
+296.049 67.3425
+295.47 67.8103
+294.77 67.6422
+295.278 67.9779
+294.657 67.5888
+294.196 67.973
+293.967 67.5967
+294.06 68.0328
+293.626 67.7682
+293.686 68.1247
+293.252 67.9324
+292.981 68.331
+292.117 68.2693
+293.326 68.4469
+290.592 68.8153
+292.224 68.7854
+291.8 69.1516
+290.988 68.9773
+291.916 69.223
+290.96 69.3579
+293.299 69.1708
+292.769 69.4675
+289.938 69.5425
+292.794 69.718
+292.741 69.9725
+292.669 70
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+300 55.2512
+299.304 54.9866
+299.677 55.7774
+299.33 55.5488
+299.405 55.8122
+298.247 55.9644
+298.679 56.2242
+297.973 56.2263
+298.419 56.2824
+297.776 56.4717
+298.349 56.5391
+297.461 56.7558
+298.328 56.6188
+298.637 57.1
+297.467 57.4891
+298.108 57.6326
+297.321 57.9292
+297.55 58.173
+296.644 57.9692
+297.442 58.48
+296.392 58.2918
+297.147 58.7007
+296.862 59.0547
+295.949 59.0193
+296.642 59.1975
+295.301 60.0249
+295.633 60.2467
+295.152 60.3728
+294.463 59.7456
+294.986 59.3834
+294.252 59.2705
+294.685 59.0459
+293.913 58.8185
+294.029 58.2725
+293.623 58.8548
+292.325 58.0153
+291.992 58.5847
+291.315 58.0024
+291.651 58.7816
+289.744 58.7773
+290.154 59.0599
+290.454 58.809
+290.762 59.323
+290.239 59.3214
+290.282 59.9666
+289.125 60.0459
+290.383 60.0716
+290.496 61.0677
+290.103 60.7994
+288.38 61.1534
+288.446 61.6173
+287.729 61.5743
+286.305 62.4822
+285.468 62.1068
+282.572 62.582
+281.805 62.2548
+282.517 61.5331
+281.773 60.7839
+282.491 60.8403
+282.804 60.0438
+281.399 58.6775
+282.998 58.0211
+283.474 56.3758
+282.369 55.2781
+280.239 54.6345
+280.968 54.1697
+281.594 52.233
+280.954 51.763
+281.14 51.1725
+280.689 51.6638
+280.242 51.1325
+280 51.171
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+300 53.541
+299.228 53.2459
+300 53.563
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+290.989 70
+289.977 69.6213
+290.847 70
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+280 69.9939
+281.205 69.888
+281.02 70
+> Shore Bin # 32, Level 1
+293.284 50
+293.543 50.2679
+300 50.2631
+> Shore Bin # 33, Level 1
+309.699 70
+308.846 69.2059
+310.028 69.18
+309.628 68.8952
+308.896 69.1357
+309.34 68.5061
+307.75 68.6477
+306.528 68.3099
+309.198 68.5037
+308.559 68.1866
+309.669 67.9208
+306.667 68.1888
+307.932 67.9541
+306.793 68.0322
+306.311 67.4795
+308.39 67.977
+307.732 67.7978
+309.744 67.8509
+306.192 67.4075
+308.547 67.3382
+306.117 67.1557
+307.767 66.8408
+306.507 66.6455
+307.583 66.5234
+306.405 66.5197
+306.922 66.3333
+306.318 66.1083
+309.038 66.9686
+309.653 66.8399
+306.519 66.029
+308.242 66.0732
+306.796 65.7525
+307.51 65.378
+308.765 65.8148
+309.536 65.6725
+307.424 65.3091
+308.029 65.3124
+307.79 64.797
+308.734 64.9932
+307.832 64.6835
+307.998 64.1878
+309.347 64.735
+309.003 65.2178
+310.352 64.3383
+309.11 64.6139
+309.794 64.436
+308.243 64.1692
+309.904 64.1268
+308.395 64.0322
+309.093 63.9217
+308.447 63.6684
+309.494 63.6535
+308.757 63.4307
+309.836 63.3776
+308.891 63.3318
+309.946 63.2168
+309.637 62.7721
+310.304 63.0498
+309.682 62.4868
+310.721 62.2649
+310.285 61.9622
+311.163 62.0708
+310.502 61.8041
+311.162 61.9838
+310.809 61.6967
+311.392 61.6316
+310.727 61.5325
+311.734 61.5276
+310.911 61.3851
+312.08 61.3179
+312.341 60.8028
+314.788 61.1952
+313.764 60.7375
+314.603 61.0005
+314.011 60.565
+314.785 60.7637
+314.793 60.3938
+315.372 60.7103
+314.824 60.1292
+315.532 60.5388
+315.301 59.995
+315.887 60.3529
+316.861 60.0716
+315.781 60.5525
+317.128 60.5461
+316.471 60.8116
+317.296 61.0558
+316.371 61.1241
+317.362 61.0854
+316.749 61.3268
+317.596 61.4882
+316.919 61.5898
+317.767 61.6976
+317.126 61.7607
+317.889 61.9991
+317.002 62.5133
+317.852 62.3784
+316.844 62.7459
+318.218 62.8194
+317.887 63.2479
+318.689 63.0541
+318.071 63.4643
+318.86 63.2937
+318.399 63.4841
+319.254 63.5784
+318.488 63.857
+319.491 63.6849
+319.414 64.1067
+318.431 64.2507
+319.654 64.3432
+318.867 65.1354
+319.781 64.9837
+320 65.4238
+> Shore Bin # 33, Level 1
+300 50.2631
+300.095 50.2631
+301.31 51.2613
+303.042 51.4237
+304.308 52.0883
+303.749 52.45
+304.372 52.4448
+303.459 52.6032
+304.234 52.5934
+303.806 52.8315
+304.199 53.335
+303.517 53.7888
+302.628 53.4253
+302.872 53.9399
+301.825 54.238
+300 53.541
+> Shore Bin # 33, Level 1
+300 53.563
+301.619 54.2274
+300.407 54.0372
+302.666 54.5808
+301.811 54.7483
+302.057 54.9305
+301.027 54.827
+300.972 55.1545
+300.595 54.9686
+300.803 55.2396
+300.065 54.7446
+300.584 55.1585
+300.013 55.1075
+300.222 55.3355
+300 55.2512
+> Shore Bin # 33, Level 1
+303.465 50
+304.269 51.0935
+303.916 51.3632
+304.506 51.3724
+304.098 51.6312
+302.589 50.7025
+302.423 50
+> Shore Bin # 33, Level 1
+303.807 50
+303.84 50.1563
+303.659 50
+> Shore Bin # 34, Level 1
+320 65.4238
+320.07 65.5645
+321.807 65.6146
+322.128 66.4178
+322.844 66.3082
+322.194 65.8657
+322.8 65.7427
+322.745 66.0986
+323.003 65.8544
+324.414 66.1166
+324.113 66.4428
+325.21 66.3195
+326.766 67.6825
+327.949 67.9358
+327.408 68.6447
+328.373 68.0804
+329.925 68.1372
+330.008 68.4347
+330.578 68.2171
+333.613 68.6679
+337.599 70
+> Shore Bin # 34, Level 1
+340 65.9347
+339.579 66.0888
+338.913 65.158
+338.677 66.0082
+336.863 66.4321
+337.567 65.8334
+336.53 66.1987
+336.743 65.6783
+335.903 65.8071
+336.227 65.5343
+335.472 65.5026
+338.319 65.4559
+337.396 65.1867
+338.198 65.0262
+335.954 64.8882
+338.644 64.3874
+337.296 63.8009
+338.947 63.9413
+340 63.691
+> Shore Bin # 34, Level 1
+332.819 70
+332.598 69.9512
+332.222 70
+> Shore Bin # 35, Level 1
+360 53.7638
+359.922 54.1199
+358.788 54.5808
+357.863 55.9159
+356.151 56.1173
+357.404 56.2675
+356.623 56.3807
+357.461 56.5666
+358.181 57.6109
+355.562 57.4861
+356.977 58.6433
+354.997 58.6281
+354.928 57.819
+354.186 57.855
+354.612 57.1083
+353.771 56.7259
+354.996 56.7124
+354.194 55.3025
+354.684 55.8515
+355.248 56.2071
+355.572 55.9034
+355.116 55.9425
+354.854 54.8548
+355.143 54.6311
+355.143 54.8688
+356.948 54.9824
+356.357 54.5084
+356.848 54.0613
+357.201 54.2399
+356.892 53.5459
+357.319 53.3548
+355.801 53.2123
+355.231 52.7951
+355.942 52.923
+356.063 52.5534
+354.679 51.8607
+356.597 51.3803
+357.653 51.7975
+356.943 51.1771
+355.769 51.1865
+354.284 50.0616
+356.357 50.2188
+356.523 50.687
+359.995 50.788
+360 50.788
+> Shore Bin # 35, Level 1
+352 51.8589
+353.686 52.2409
+353.601 54.0134
+354.569 54.484
+353.858 55.2277
+352.685 55.0062
+353.078 55.2366
+352.612 55.3812
+352.37 54.9619
+352.015 55.2262
+351.189 54.6992
+351.884 54.6491
+351.481 54.2112
+349.886 54.2408
+350.449 53.8007
+349.816 53.4083
+351.121 53.2084
+350.059 52.5574
+351.302 52.6532
+349.637 52.2354
+350.241 52.1567
+349.596 51.8433
+350.444 51.8824
+349.836 51.6117
+350.542 51.7295
+350.225 51.4447
+351.998 51.8579
+352 51.8589
+> Shore Bin # 35, Level 1
+340 63.691
+341.266 63.3904
+343.001 63.7932
+343 63.7939
+345.042 64.2403
+346.319 64.9142
+345.768 65.035
+346.509 65.0774
+344.816 66.1068
+345.473 66.3806
+344.602 66.1596
+343.807 66.5405
+343.425 66.0836
+341.73 66.177
+341.948 65.6478
+341.213 66.1953
+340.595 65.7171
+340 65.9347
+> Shore Bin # 35, Level 1
+360 53.5438
+359.776 53.6509
+359.219 53.6957
+360 53.7638
+> Shore Bin # 35, Level 1
+360 52.8876
+359.992 52.8849
+360 53.5181
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+0 39.9413
+0.979934 41.0344
+3.20317 41.8911
+2.95109 42.8331
+3.3341 43.2869
+4.08515 43.5613
+6.15824 43.0297
+8.74739 44.4271
+10.1799 43.9611
+11.0933 42.3946
+15.6768 40.0304
+16.2213 38.8533
+15.6344 38.0174
+16.065 37.9237
+16.6049 38.813
+17.2088 39.0275
+16.4886 39.7591
+16.8948 40.4305
+17.8582 40.2837
+18.3474 39.7905
+18.5162 40.136
+15.9615 41.4604
+16.1532 41.9097
+14.7881 42.0455
+13.6266 43.5521
+12.3958 44.2055
+12.1428 45.3866
+13.5439 45.7946
+13.9049 44.7671
+14.5592 45.2963
+15.9518 43.5045
+16.8865 43.3996
+17.742 42.8341
+17.0083 43.0053
+18.7625 42.4904
+19.595 41.812
+19.2886 40.4201
+20 39.6925
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+20 30.82
+18.9899 30.2747
+17.8534 30.9253
+15.7418 31.398
+15.205 32.3819
+13.3883 32.898
+12.2991 32.8379
+10.2141 33.7971
+10.0179 34.1874
+11.1629 35.2158
+10.4677 36.1357
+11.039 37.0896
+10.4317 36.7127
+9.74502 37.3497
+7.8999 36.8431
+6.41581 37.0863
+5.34401 36.6413
+3.89593 36.9255
+1.084 36.4936
+0.00030518 35.843
+0 35.843
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+8.45136 38.9973
+9.63455 39.2973
+9.832 40.5284
+9.23079 41.2596
+8.17609 40.9383
+8.45136 38.9949
+8.45136 38.9973
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+14.9993 36.7012
+15.6509 38.2713
+12.4889 38.0183
+12.6583 37.5654
+14.9975 36.7012
+14.9993 36.7012
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+0 38.6098
+0.235294 38.7382
+0 38.9317
+> Shore Bin # 36, Level 1
+1.30892 50
+0 49.328
+0 49.328
+> Shore Bin # 37, Level 1
+20 39.6925
+20.7257 38.9503
+21.1179 39.0391
+20.7288 38.8148
+21.0993 38.3345
+23.2255 38.155
+22.8959 37.9338
+21.3687 38.2176
+21.1044 37.8508
+21.7038 36.8141
+22.1259 37.0246
+22.4823 36.3877
+22.6349 36.8055
+23.1983 36.4344
+22.7179 37.5608
+23.5157 37.4305
+22.9938 37.8776
+23.52 38.0436
+24.0308 37.6469
+24.0812 38.1624
+22.5269 38.8576
+23.057 39.0159
+22.9358 39.3587
+23.3503 39.1859
+22.5855 40.4668
+22.9282 40.6371
+23.949 39.9388
+23.7351 40.3554
+24.4028 40.1558
+23.7333 40.7536
+25.1365 41.0121
+26.8083 40.6453
+26.1823 40.0395
+27.5157 40.9761
+28.9818 40.9987
+27.7217 42.4086
+27.306 42.3833
+28.5835 43.4841
+28.8634 44.9538
+28.9949 44.6828
+29.6086 44.8507
+29.6312 45.8242
+29.7423 45.602
+30.1311 45.9023
+29.7209 45.5828
+30.4771 46.0732
+30.1408 46.3821
+30.4799 46.0778
+30.7591 46.5496
+31.989 46.8896
+32.4462 46.4883
+31.5093 46.5795
+32.0278 46.4382
+31.7876 46.267
+33.5973 46.1538
+33.6867 45.8328
+32.4804 45.3866
+33.2033 45.4421
+33.3822 44.5791
+33.9767 44.388
+36.6464 45.3741
+35.465 45.3011
+34.815 46.1462
+35.4638 45.2825
+34.9734 45.3613
+34.4656 45.9149
+35.1858 46.528
+34.9908 46.0769
+35.921 46.6555
+39.2624 47.2622
+38.5934 46.6619
+37.6962 46.7025
+38.5901 46.0372
+38.2748 46.2588
+37.5326 45.3796
+36.6003 45.1934
+40 43.4664
+> Shore Bin # 37, Level 1
+40 40.92
+38.3774 40.9087
+36.4092 41.2447
+35.0134 42.0986
+33.3416 42.0262
+31.2108 41.0994
+29.1615 41.2212
+29.2525 40.8013
+29.9358 40.7179
+28.9751 40.6404
+28.9851 40.3563
+26.7475 40.4045
+26.1488 39.915
+26.0725 39.4704
+26.948 39.565
+26.7222 38.65
+27.1736 38.4459
+26.6767 38.3113
+26.4182 38.6796
+26.2315 38.2655
+27.2563 37.9759
+27.0045 37.6576
+27.6472 37.2441
+27.2642 36.9636
+28.3354 37.0542
+27.4049 36.663
+28.4617 36.8797
+29.6849 36.1314
+30.4048 36.1994
+30.6368 36.8562
+31.1708 36.8504
+32.7926 36.0264
+33.9617 36.2205
+34.6401 36.797
+35.3548 36.533
+36.1538 36.8373
+35.7137 35.5866
+35.9887 34.5374
+34.237 31.3382
+32.0992 31.048
+31.9191 31.5311
+31.0283 31.6004
+29.0651 30.8222
+26.9825 31.442
+25.2009 31.5238
+24.9799 31.9712
+23.3201 32.1527
+23.1073 32.6355
+21.7084 32.9413
+20.1001 32.182
+20.0571 30.8508
+20 30.82
+> Shore Bin # 38, Level 1
+47.9878 30
+47.9567 30.0711
+48.8832 30.0095
+48.9253 30.3848
+49.5543 30.0003
+50.0954 30.1782
+50.1985 30
+> Shore Bin # 38, Level 1
+40 43.4664
+41.4359 42.737
+41.7795 41.8425
+41.4051 41.3771
+40.1709 40.9212
+40 40.92
+> Shore Bin # 38, Level 2
+49.3516 39.3214
+49.4881 40.1506
+50.3587 40.3703
+49.528 40.6627
+47.7385 42.6339
+47.6985 43.8689
+47.4073 43.5012
+46.7124 44.6477
+47.3802 45.7449
+48.7874 45.8346
+49.3019 46.5838
+51.1901 47.1148
+52.9055 46.9619
+53.2073 46.6467
+52.733 45.5496
+53.2567 45.3301
+51.4147 45.3845
+50.9529 44.862
+51.5703 44.5138
+50.3157 44.6587
+50.2306 44.3743
+50.84 44.193
+51.2654 43.153
+52.7382 42.7102
+52.4053 42.0882
+52.8579 41.0625
+52.9467 41.9731
+53.6596 42.1434
+54.7662 41.0387
+53.7462 40.6154
+52.9186 41.0817
+52.6903 40.2721
+53.0388 39.7398
+52.9055 40.0124
+53.576 39.966
+53.734 39.5122
+53.2641 39.6553
+53.16 39.1801
+53.5637 39.3574
+53.984 38.9158
+54.0285 36.8248
+51.874 36.5843
+49.2134 37.5743
+48.8301 38.8594
+49.3404 39.3281
+49.3516 39.3214
+> Shore Bin # 38, Level 2
+60 43.4365
+59.7574 43.3907
+59.4958 43.7963
+58.331 43.7523
+58.1793 44.8525
+58.6715 45.8343
+59.4913 45.8141
+59.4263 46.311
+59.8886 46.0967
+60 46.296
+> Shore Bin # 39, Level 2
+60 46.296
+60.235 46.7163
+61.0852 46.484
+61.7115 46.7459
+60.8963 46.1059
+60.9326 45.6405
+61.9651 45.0436
+61.4524 44.7356
+61.452 44.7356
+60.7269 44.0188
+61.0163 43.6294
+60 43.4365
+> Shore Bin # 41, Level 1
+120 37.5038
+119.185 37.1421
+118.84 38.2136
+117.691 38.3891
+117.718 39.106
+119.005 39.1972
+120 40.0227
+> Shore Bin # 41, Level 1
+120 34.4034
+119.184 34.6903
+119.201 35.005
+120 35.7078
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+120 40.0227
+120.973 40.8302
+121.884 41.0488
+122.278 40.4649
+121.249 39.3849
+121.943 39.4032
+121.139 38.7245
+123.626 39.9355
+125.559 39.6654
+125.126 38.8768
+125.604 38.6491
+124.961 38.593
+124.652 38.1285
+125.26 38.0855
+124.976 37.9307
+125.515 37.8953
+125.628 38.0412
+126.52 37.7659
+126.858 36.7851
+126.497 37.0603
+126.109 36.7732
+126.419 36.3996
+126.511 36.6743
+126.493 36.1338
+126.894 36.1418
+126.239 35.1118
+126.622 34.6265
+126.28 34.5957
+126.525 34.293
+127.243 34.777
+127.34 34.4446
+127.516 34.8887
+127.803 34.5878
+127.721 34.9989
+128.424 34.7611
+128.589 35.2113
+129.091 35.0504
+129.584 36.0157
+129.431 37.06
+128.361 38.6879
+127.379 39.2134
+127.507 39.7368
+129.716 40.8336
+129.76 41.765
+130.7 42.2976
+130.673 42.6754
+131.221 42.553
+131.76 43.3379
+133.043 42.6729
+135.136 43.5021
+138.106 46.2362
+140 48.5046
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+140 39.4453
+139.425 38.1486
+137.332 36.7628
+136.86 37.0817
+137.346 37.5157
+136.757 37.3637
+136.071 35.662
+133.093 35.6071
+130.866 34.2918
+130.905 33.913
+132.139 33.8312
+132.401 34.3763
+132.557 34.0696
+134.186 34.7413
+135.337 34.7254
+135.058 33.8816
+135.753 33.4363
+135.998 33.7082
+136 33.7104
+136.9 34.2768
+136.503 34.6525
+136.713 35.0547
+136.89 34.7196
+136.982 34.9628
+137.375 34.78
+137.016 34.5786
+138.229 34.5954
+138.744 35.1328
+138.845 34.6003
+139.171 35.2546
+139.68 35.1408
+139.781 35.673
+140 35.6083
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+130.669 30.9992
+131.35 31.3651
+132.086 32.931
+130.967 33.8462
+129.56 33.3317
+130.01 32.8467
+129.676 33.097
+129.738 32.5678
+130.35 32.6734
+130.118 33.129
+130.458 33.2984
+130.662 32.6334
+130.106 31.4118
+130.587 31.1554
+130.798 31.6995
+130.669 30.9992
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+132.999 32.9834
+133.556 33.5544
+134.177 33.2447
+134.75 33.8349
+134.589 34.2405
+133.895 34.3836
+133.132 33.9103
+132.94 34.1437
+132.018 33.3466
+132.423 33.4632
+132.631 32.7613
+132.999 32.9792
+132.999 32.9834
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+120 35.7078
+120.298 35.9699
+120.127 36.2037
+120.714 36.1338
+120.778 36.6279
+121.969 37.0246
+122.517 36.8971
+122.7 37.4073
+120.742 37.8328
+120 37.5038
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+121.922 30
+121.264 30.3281
+120.138 30.1959
+121.912 30.9384
+120.788 31.8528
+120.056 31.9672
+121.91 31.7368
+120.851 32.6166
+120.285 34.3033
+120 34.4034
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+140 40.8031
+139.861 40.6151
+139.704 39.9284
+140 39.9852
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+140 42.7092
+139.824 42.614
+139.984 41.5557
+140 41.559
+> Shore Bin # 42, Level 1
+140 35.2103
+139.89 34.8988
+140 34.9882
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+140 41.559
+141.187 41.8007
+140.291 42.249
+140.477 42.5887
+141.003 42.3012
+141.67 42.6494
+143.259 41.9982
+143.259 41.9991
+143.994 42.9271
+145.818 43.3867
+145.23 43.3367
+145.343 44.342
+144.776 43.9272
+143.735 44.1064
+141.913 45.5187
+141.417 43.3223
+140.343 43.3355
+140.523 42.9909
+140 42.7092
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+140 34.9882
+140.865 35.6925
+140.559 36.2791
+140.982 36.995
+140.919 38.1999
+141.526 38.275
+142.07 39.5476
+141.463 41.4311
+140.835 41.4192
+141.131 40.873
+140.339 41.2605
+140 40.8031
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+142.199 50
+141.999 45.9701
+142 45.9689
+142.512 46.7221
+143.377 46.5469
+143.415 46.022
+143.616 46.3717
+142.53 47.7807
+142.99 49.1354
+144.044 49.2554
+144.746 48.6441
+144.019 50
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+140 39.9852
+140.07 39.9986
+140.104 39.6791
+140 39.4453
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+140 35.6083
+140.127 35.5708
+140 35.2103
+> Shore Bin # 43, Level 1
+140 48.5046
+140.391 48.9734
+140.418 50
+> Shore Bin # 47, Level 1
+236.264 50
+236.474 49.7043
+236.031 49.5123
+236.829 49.693
+236.839 49.0176
+237.509 48.7524
+237.567 47.2561
+237.394 47.9422
+236.841 47.3535
+237.243 48.1454
+235.269 48.3816
+235.826 46.9274
+236.194 46.9717
+235.912 46.2707
+236.569 46.2441
+235.977 46.2298
+235.431 42.8392
+235.936 41.4446
+235.587 40.4417
+236.268 38.9216
+236.977 37.9945
+237.743 38.0607
+237.991 37.4641
+237.522 37.8096
+237.593 37.1968
+239.359 35.1353
+239.361 34.5594
+240 34.3998
+> Shore Bin # 47, Level 1
+233.086 50
+234.328 48.9999
+234.327 48.9996
+235.173 49.2554
+234.898 48.7204
+236.735 48.4524
+234.943 50
+> Shore Bin # 47, Level 1
+235.213 50
+235.734 49.7421
+235.988 50
+> Shore Bin # 48, Level 1
+245.447 30
+245.434 30.0113
+245.045 31.8811
+246.893 31.2052
+247.395 30
+> Shore Bin # 48, Level 1
+240 34.3998
+241.465 34.0339
+242.565 33.2541
+244.179 30
+> Shore Bin # 49, Level 1
+270.357 30
+269.592 30.2124
+271.863 30.3107
+271.999 30.7752
+272.224 30.3748
+271.97 30.2216
+272.972 30.6067
+272.814 30.3424
+273.801 30.4938
+273.484 30.39
+274.417 30.3113
+274.526 30
+> Shore Bin # 49, Level 1
+278.829 30
+278.398 31.21
+279.331 32.2156
+279.173 32.4973
+279.382 32.2556
+280 32.7628
+> Shore Bin # 49, Level 1
+275.455 30
+275.792 30.1395
+276.134 30
+> Shore Bin # 49, Level 2
+280 44.5586
+279.91 44.468
+279.066 44.5934
+278.305 45.2648
+278.734 44.6233
+278.254 43.3458
+277.585 43.0153
+277.207 44.0206
+276.054 43.7301
+276.667 44.3355
+276.611 45.281
+275.01 45.7733
+274.472 44.7716
+274.444 45.2175
+273.735 44.7005
+273.766 43.005
+273.771 42.9998
+273.38 41.9121
+272.602 41.6371
+272.09 43.2338
+272.673 44.782
+272.011 44.717
+273.021 45.92
+273.376 45.6051
+274.471 46.1013
+276.096 45.9698
+275.704 46.4239
+274.976 46.4916
+275.044 46.7852
+272.65 46.5118
+272.183 46.9042
+271.516 46.7651
+271.351 47.2345
+269.552 46.5682
+269.05 46.6018
+269.138 46.9668
+267.89 46.7687
+270.861 48.4845
+271.254 48.3661
+271.52 48.8544
+271.44 48.4302
+271.796 48.6065
+271.743 48.9975
+273.565 48.7771
+274.14 47.9852
+275.151 47.9528
+275.483 46.4822
+279.193 45.9509
+280 45.1815
+> Shore Bin # 49, Level 2
+280 42.2145
+278.275 41.4971
+276.538 41.722
+277.281 42.6928
+277.598 42.3876
+277.006 42.2701
+277.082 41.9854
+278.344 42.4782
+278.345 42.4779
+279.899 42.5429
+279.55 42.6232
+280 42.7459
+> Shore Bin # 50, Level 1
+280 32.7628
+281.223 33.7665
+283.669 34.8853
+283.024 35.0004
+283.534 35.2625
+283.005 35.4838
+283.846 35.3263
+284.272 35.6254
+284.151 35.9748
+283.966 35.6489
+283.942 35.9928
+283.263 35.9333
+283.79 36.3005
+284.204 36.0716
+284.044 36.7207
+284.461 35.7768
+284.003 36.923
+283.014 37.2422
+283.589 37.0909
+283.191 37.5319
+283.496 37.2456
+283.701 37.5612
+283.07 37.9838
+283.637 37.6081
+283.762 37.8907
+282.662 38.3452
+282.764 38.6622
+283.676 38.0375
+283.369 39.2607
+284.124 39.5393
+283.621 38.8524
+284.359 37.9759
+284.052 37.1196
+284.947 38.4099
+284.463 39.7316
+285.137 38.9421
+285.903 39.7667
+285.709 40.5089
+286.411 41.043
+288.518 41.3591
+288.595 41.8193
+288.805 41.4528
+290.045 41.6466
+289.943 42.0415
+289.666 41.7086
+288.941 42.3708
+289.74 43.7163
+290.22 43.7426
+290.21 44.0899
+290.789 43.9327
+291.174 44.6664
+291.175 44.3099
+291.756 44.5864
+291.941 44.3316
+293.051 44.8165
+292.813 45.2264
+293.542 45.0588
+295.662 45.8807
+295.056 45.3301
+296.623 45.361
+295.897 45.0024
+295.504 45.3368
+293.888 44.4988
+293.83 43.8003
+294.531 43.4505
+295.694 44.5663
+296.352 44.4314
+296.338 44.7262
+298.689 45.1907
+299.04 45.3225
+298.091 45.8828
+296.719 45.7079
+295.291 46.3146
+295.203 47.0745
+294.581 47.0703
+295.194 47.8051
+294.33 47.6013
+294.169 47.9101
+293.205 47.987
+294.757 48.0111
+295.683 48.4179
+295.397 49.1113
+293.828 49.2071
+291.816 48.6355
+288.807 46.813
+290.094 47.7691
+290.011 48.2574
+292.623 49.3179
+293.284 50
+> Shore Bin # 50, Level 2
+280 42.7459
+281.112 43.0495
+280.855 42.5704
+280 42.2145
+> Shore Bin # 50, Level 2
+280 45.1815
+280.317 44.8791
+280 44.5586
+> Shore Bin # 51, Level 1
+302.423 50
+302.295 49.4559
+301.763 49.3933
+302.107 48.9557
+301.592 49.1302
+300.73 48.4665
+301.725 48.5132
+300.588 47.8964
+300.833 47.5647
+301.683 47.789
+303.143 47.5274
+304.21 47.9644
+303.869 47.4643
+305.296 47.6718
+304.009 46.9534
+304.798 46.9982
+304.798 46.9989
+305.915 47.879
+306.206 47.4389
+305.8 46.8212
+306.447 47.2186
+306.375 46.6412
+306.838 46.6256
+307.378 47.5244
+307.206 47.81
+306.717 47.5473
+307.079 48.1729
+306.44 47.5192
+306.057 47.8558
+306.388 48.0542
+306.036 48.233
+306.997 48.5467
+305.801 48.385
+306.496 49.2837
+305.501 49.2563
+305.521 49.5703
+304.604 49.042
+304.84 49.545
+303.859 49.4311
+304.525 49.9673
+303.791 49.9255
+303.807 50
+> Shore Bin # 51, Level 1
+303.659 50
+303.129 49.5425
+303.465 50
+> Shore Bin # 53, Level 1
+360 49.328
+358.06 49.7278
+358.643 48.6337
+357.313 48.4961
+356.923 48.8836
+355.22 48.5068
+355.843 48.2501
+355.367 48.2834
+355.623 47.7963
+357.61 47.5064
+358.188 46.4929
+358.899 46.3168
+358.762 45.6924
+358.904 45.5596
+358.395 43.4304
+352.951 43.4813
+352.312 43.792
+350.698 43.0541
+351.4 42.3449
+351.207 40.1183
+350.5 38.7834
+351.054 38.997
+350.775 38.4117
+351.369 38.4083
+351.143 38.3848
+351.005 37.0225
+353.133 37.2929
+354.392 36.0005
+355.585 36.7189
+357.874 36.7304
+358.548 37.4922
+359.283 37.6069
+359.496 38.3342
+360 38.6098
+> Shore Bin # 53, Level 1
+360 35.843
+359.062 35.7279
+358.043 35.0755
+357.17 35.1087
+357.021 35.442
+355.312 35.2064
+354.529 35.9171
+354.065 35.7908
+353.187 34.0253
+350.713 32.5458
+350.154 31.3974
+350.337 30.0717
+350.285 30
+> Shore Bin # 53, Level 1
+360 38.9317
+359.758 39.1307
+359.82 39.7401
+360 39.9413
+> Shore Bin # 55, Level 1
+40 15.2992
+39.8749 15.5079
+39.7119 15.095
+38.5571 18.0601
+37.4121 18.875
+37.1112 21.2142
+37.3187 21.0649
+36.8954 22.0635
+35.668 22.9467
+35.4763 23.9342
+35.7937 23.9092
+35.1388 24.5135
+33.5863 27.8476
+32.6253 28.9767
+32.4782 29.9405
+33.2372 28.5531
+34.2458 27.723
+35.0021 29.5267
+34.5754 28.0883
+35.2212 28.0468
+37.2396 25.1882
+37.4279 24.3709
+38.4555 23.7816
+39.1421 22.405
+39.198 21.0851
+40 20.4042
+> Shore Bin # 56, Level 1
+40 20.4042
+40.7953 19.7292
+42.7039 16.7393
+42.5986 15.2308
+43.4632 12.6746
+45.0401 12.7512
+45.6584 13.3469
+48.6983 14.0421
+49.3425 14.6378
+52.1959 15.608
+52.4834 16.4396
+55.0201 17.0011
+55.4284 17.8178
+56.3516 17.9188
+56.7984 18.7462
+57.8412 18.9992
+57.8454 20.2382
+58.1949 20.6096
+58.5196 20.41
+59.808 22.22
+58.7533 23.5219
+57.1817 23.9321
+56.6235 24.4817
+56.2664 25.6307
+56.5057 26.3595
+54.0932 24.1204
+52.5942 24.1955
+52.1108 23.9065
+51.2984 24.2937
+51.5776 25.9142
+50.9914 25.9832
+50.7707 24.7137
+50.0029 25.9875
+50.1646 26.6366
+48.8472 27.6016
+48.1004 29.3524
+47.7028 29.3741
+48.188 29.5465
+47.9878 30
+> Shore Bin # 56, Level 1
+50.8769 10
+50.902 10.3149
+51.4153 10.4434
+51.0222 10.4208
+51.2914 11.8332
+50.7976 11.9861
+49.4267 11.3379
+47.4125 11.1795
+46.4408 10.6836
+45.8058 10.8679
+44.5759 10.3754
+43.1565 11.6129
+42.5275 11.5229
+43.3762 11.9883
+43.3271 12.4759
+41.1899 14.6238
+40.21 14.9488
+40 15.2992
+> Shore Bin # 56, Level 1
+50.1985 30
+51.4015 27.922
+52.4358 27.6446
+53.7292 26.7004
+54.7958 26.4953
+56.6799 27.1997
+57.315 25.7827
+60 25.314
+> Shore Bin # 57, Level 1
+60 25.314
+61.7566 25.0069
+66.4567 25.6179
+66.6575 24.8321
+67.2944 24.775
+67.4809 23.9129
+68.3467 23.9663
+68.2658 23.5564
+68.8017 23.8845
+68.4254 23.5091
+69.1975 22.8353
+70.4479 22.9699
+70.1741 22.542
+68.9354 22.3067
+70.8226 20.6905
+72.1114 21.1992
+72.3265 22.3088
+72.9107 22.2661
+72.5078 21.9759
+72.5399 21.6603
+72.9277 21.6759
+72.5978 21.2984
+72.9305 20.7601
+72.6555 19.8332
+73.4569 16.0533
+75.8697 11.124
+76.2118 10
+> Shore Bin # 57, Level 1
+79.1617 10
+79.2941 10.2603
+79.8804 10.3082
+79.7586 11.6715
+80 12.3334
+> Shore Bin # 58, Level 1
+80 12.3334
+80.3461 13.2834
+80.0479 15.0742
+80.2637 15.6718
+80.9409 15.7111
+81.2674 16.2928
+82.3032 16.5586
+82.3062 17.0384
+84.1291 18.3095
+85.0382 19.3922
+86.3716 19.9519
+87.0695 20.7207
+86.912 21.3384
+87.8041 21.6963
+88.0195 22.2228
+88.2466 21.5612
+88.639 22.0763
+89.0266 21.5987
+89.0425 22.0754
+89.2192 21.7479
+89.5225 22.0855
+89.7783 21.8251
+89.9025 22.3903
+90.1942 21.8029
+90.5333 22.6055
+90.6236 22
+90.8312 22.1541
+90.6865 22.763
+91.4473 22.7636
+92.7611 20.1982
+93.08 20.5855
+92.9958 20.1378
+93.7554 19.915
+94.0227 19.3718
+93.4694 19.3666
+93.9367 18.8438
+94.0862 19.3642
+94.598 17.5532
+94.2425 15.9528
+94.6227 16.2562
+94.3941 15.8296
+94.6368 16.0941
+94.9557 15.7414
+95.1278 16.1201
+95.4559 15.7346
+95.7174 16.247
+96.3238 16.4207
+96.1175 16.8003
+96.4508 16.4897
+96.893 16.8193
+96.874 17.5093
+97.3538 16.5049
+97.742 16.5626
+97.7881 14.8707
+98.1262 13.5526
+98.2242 13.9728
+98.7204 12.8101
+98.5422 11.8824
+98.8855 11.6999
+98.4555 10.6867
+98.5489 10
+> Shore Bin # 58, Level 1
+99.1739 10
+99.1504 10.3442
+100 12.1357
+> Shore Bin # 58, Level 1
+100 12.5626
+99.9512 13.3091
+100 13.3182
+> Shore Bin # 58, Level 1
+98.5681 10
+98.7628 10.3259
+98.6896 10
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+106.488 10
+106.356 10.1926
+106.778 10.0812
+106.435 10.3107
+106.779 10.2771
+106.746 10.5728
+107.259 10.3754
+109.019 11.3553
+109.196 12.63
+109.467 12.6474
+108.942 15.2448
+108.327 16.143
+107.132 16.854
+105.641 18.9006
+105.927 19.8842
+106.573 20.2834
+106.553 20.7594
+106.813 20.6734
+106.605 21.0365
+107.349 20.9996
+107.781 21.5236
+108.477 21.563
+108.554 21.9203
+109.161 21.4055
+109.609 21.7586
+109.965 21.4833
+109.665 20.9358
+109.926 20.229
+110.285 20.2412
+110.382 21.4079
+110.447 21.1879
+111.638 21.5138
+111.675 21.7961
+112.343 21.7079
+112.365 21.9963
+112.912 21.852
+112.922 22.5145
+113.114 22.072
+113.283 22.3687
+113.547 22.1886
+113.368 23.1112
+114.297 22.2603
+114.209 22.5374
+114.78 22.8371
+114.882 22.5444
+115.314 22.9027
+115.572 22.6589
+116.496 22.9397
+116.74 23.25
+116.457 23.4487
+117.244 23.6046
+117.353 23.9486
+117.585 23.7154
+118.134 24.265
+117.78 24.5061
+118.651 24.5553
+118.563 24.9084
+118.986 24.8812
+118.87 25.2474
+119.282 25.1711
+119.329 25.6146
+119.655 25.3558
+119.512 26.0751
+119.959 26.376
+119.58 26.4236
+119.831 26.4498
+119.543 26.8133
+120 26.6732
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+100 13.3182
+100.988 13.5004
+100.856 12.6462
+101.789 12.7088
+102.644 12.1778
+103.127 10.867
+103.558 11.1655
+103.614 10.5005
+103.864 10.708
+105.088 10.0049
+105.087 10
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+108.999 18.3604
+109.573 18.1605
+110.412 18.6613
+111.042 19.64
+110.932 20.0182
+109.26 19.9028
+108.631 19.2683
+108.997 18.3604
+108.999 18.3604
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+120 16.3453
+119.88 16.3963
+119.748 15.9651
+120 15.0733
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+106.27 10
+106.179 10.1755
+106.391 10
+> Shore Bin # 59, Level 1
+100 12.1357
+100.024 12.1875
+100 12.5626
+> Shore Bin # 60, Level 1
+120 15.0733
+120.08 14.7892
+120.475 14.4105
+120.553 14.8161
+120.958 14.639
+120.62 13.8126
+121.286 13.5978
+121.75 13.9689
+122.596 13.1644
+122.533 13.9646
+123.318 13.0079
+123.999 12.9676
+123.999 12.9679
+124.079 12.5379
+124.19 13.0649
+123.76 13.0613
+123.53 13.5682
+123.975 13.7198
+123.715 13.942
+123.254 14.0778
+123.113 13.6838
+122.773 14.3238
+122.249 14.2454
+122.229 13.8978
+121.657 14.4016
+121.372 15.3382
+122.462 16.8876
+122.137 17.7824
+122.32 18.3799
+120.622 18.5478
+120.422 16.1668
+120 16.3453
+> Shore Bin # 60, Level 1
+120 26.6732
+120.121 26.6363
+120.859 27.8851
+120.583 28.1033
+121.625 28.2657
+121.346 28.7057
+121.732 28.9416
+121.419 29.1632
+121.974 29.223
+121.998 29.5908
+121.427 29.4751
+122.138 29.8926
+121.922 30
+> Shore Bin # 60, Level 1
+120.864 21.9997
+122 25.0076
+121.573 25.3005
+120.129 23.6324
+120.03 23.0758
+120.863 21.9997
+120.864 21.9997
+> Shore Bin # 66, Level 1
+244.179 30
+244.3 29.7549
+245.953 28.4652
+245.722 27.9031
+246.042 27.6559
+244.973 27.7404
+246.373 26.7193
+246.833 26.9928
+247.761 26.0839
+247.824 24.8141
+249.671 23.5604
+249.991 22.8923
+250.541 23.1984
+250.173 24.0612
+249.318 24.36
+248.558 26.5194
+247.296 27.7536
+247.154 28.4411
+245.447 30
+> Shore Bin # 66, Level 1
+247.395 30
+247.825 28.9679
+248.894 27.9361
+249.498 27.8692
+249.476 27.2912
+250.907 26.2863
+250.6 25.6817
+251.956 25.0689
+252.004 24.6468
+254.027 22.8798
+254.81 21.4611
+254.46 20.7701
+254.753 20.5824
+254.305 20.41
+254.481 20.0325
+256.49 18.3128
+258.05 17.9609
+258.928 17.2663
+260 16.8809
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+277.041 10
+276.12 11.2927
+276.803 14.3281
+276.615 15.2509
+274.978 15.9873
+271.854 15.6815
+271.063 15.8906
+271.783 16.9575
+271.907 18.3552
+271.602 18.3784
+271.948 18.8569
+272.161 18.1883
+272.585 19.5924
+272.256 19.6718
+273.21 21.3426
+271.863 21.6301
+269.718 21.0533
+269.281 19.3629
+268.444 18.4398
+267.655 18.6793
+265.583 18.0607
+264.814 18.719
+264.143 18.7166
+262.227 22.0729
+262.109 22.5975
+262.134 24.5251
+262.19 25.2584
+262.59 25.4247
+262.473 25.0155
+262.856 25.96
+262.578 27.2634
+262.218 27.2818
+262.596 27.3309
+262.807 28.1701
+263.599 28.4433
+263.337 28.7219
+264.027 28.6581
+263.782 28.4903
+264.877 29.0683
+265.009 29.7144
+265.531 29.5575
+265.228 29.361
+266.158 29.679
+266.137 29.9905
+266.165 29.693
+267.677 29.5325
+268.171 29.8328
+269.142 29.0884
+269.555 29.35
+269.885 29.1406
+269.804 29.5691
+270.233 29.4797
+270.586 28.9197
+271.001 29.1827
+270.292 29.5624
+270.762 29.8874
+270.357 30
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+276.134 30
+276.318 29.9249
+277.374 28.8717
+277.146 27.8698
+277.595 27.9458
+277.306 27.474
+277.641 26.9149
+278 26.9766
+278.268 25.9109
+278.974 25.5642
+278.91 25.1171
+279.447 25.169
+279.433 24.9545
+279.968 26.806
+278.829 30
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+260 16.8809
+263.437 15.6449
+265.681 16.1399
+268.695 13.9487
+271.532 13.1574
+271.283 13.2642
+272.596 13.4177
+272.696 12.9248
+272.308 12.9096
+274.329 11.0602
+274.047 10.8927
+274.339 10.7761
+274.329 10
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+280 22.9519
+278.858 23.2061
+275.975 22.7172
+275.721 22.0037
+275.048 21.8709
+275.964 21.9063
+277.242 22.7028
+278.137 22.6772
+278.352 22.4898
+277.84 22.3949
+278.194 22.1736
+280 21.8566
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+274.526 30
+274.643 29.6634
+275.455 30
+> Shore Bin # 67, Level 1
+274.974 10
+274.717 10.2676
+275.202 10
+> Shore Bin # 68, Level 1
+288.85 17.9982
+289.328 18.4288
+291.355 18.2078
+291.675 18.6067
+290.372 19.0822
+290.847 19.3034
+290.256 19.2839
+290.037 19.6812
+287.177 19.9525
+286.542 19.6883
+287.299 19.4557
+287.178 19.0373
+287.646 18.5319
+285.784 18.6738
+285.517 18.4251
+286.117 18.0204
+287.947 18.2338
+288.574 17.6011
+288.849 17.9976
+288.85 17.9982
+> Shore Bin # 68, Level 1
+297.482 10
+297.111 10.3751
+298.133 10.7462
+295.739 10.6671
+296.357 10.4926
+294.945 10.0638
+293.766 10.6537
+291.871 10.4889
+291.604 11.1872
+290.377 11.4746
+289.98 12.2025
+289.765 11.6358
+290.197 11.6971
+290.212 11.4313
+289.863 11.5714
+288.41 10.7965
+288.827 10
+> Shore Bin # 68, Level 1
+280 21.8566
+281.249 21.6371
+281.857 20.7588
+282.759 20.6654
+282.885 20.3566
+282.263 19.8421
+285 19.9156
+285 19.9156
+285.857 20.2458
+284.282 20.6813
+284.3 21.1186
+283.107 21.2987
+280.208 22.9055
+280 22.9519
+> Shore Bin # 68, Level 1
+287.984 10
+288.421 10.705
+288.035 11.5573
+288.891 12.0514
+288.334 12.4646
+286.728 11.2921
+285.857 11.3413
+285.723 11.0022
+285.157 11.1136
+284.741 10.8075
+284.298 10.1477
+284.315 10
+> Shore Bin # 71, Level 1
+350.285 30
+349.782 29.3091
+348.475 28.2986
+347.084 27.9562
+346.349 26.6592
+345.534 26.1965
+345.096 24.6859
+344.085 23.8033
+344.295 23.9724
+343.017 21.7983
+342.893 20.8376
+343.088 21.1611
+343.802 20.2251
+343.452 19.38
+343.956 17.7476
+343.423 15.6974
+342.466 14.7416
+343.486 13.8791
+343.493 13.3613
+344.425 13.5157
+343.645 13.2496
+343.282 13.4601
+343.236 12.5718
+343.78 12.6099
+343.224 12.4067
+343.986 12.3453
+343.648 12.0966
+344.146 11.9925
+344.044 11.7346
+345.061 11.9889
+344.49 11.7893
+344.966 11.6434
+344.495 11.3285
+344.765 10.9979
+344.995 11.1832
+344.922 10.9186
+345.303 11.0767
+345.544 10.2087
+346.01 10
+> Shore Bin # 72, Level 1
+0 5.59289
+1.3434 6.16114
+3.82177 6.62104
+3.40124 6.39582
+4.43091 6.35035
+5.06416 5.7644
+5.36721 5.97009
+5.08034 5.71832
+5.54299 5.61913
+5.17617 5.56817
+5.36172 5.39055
+5.68032 5.5407
+5.36202 5.1632
+5.98337 4.31052
+6.70512 4.3386
+6.72343 4.61295
+6.86748 4.35966
+6.77928 4.66789
+7.00572 4.37278
+7.07591 4.73777
+7.33989 4.44358
+8.27832 4.53635
+8.2359 4.92882
+8.55512 4.48203
+8.8304 4.74662
+9.21431 3.94125
+9.72793 4.09751
+9.83383 3.80911
+9.54299 3.81094
+9.97543 3.07912
+9.34371 1.17571
+9.69589 1.07866
+9.66384 0.45243
+9.30953 0.512551
+9.98703 0.17258
+9.50179 0.0505074
+9.35164 0.357824
+9.13039 -0.714275
+8.70039 -0.668498
+9.61959 -2.40833
+11.7278 -4.4509
+12.1678 -5.72747
+12.6729 -6.01099
+12.2728 -6.14008
+13.3922 -8.38834
+12.9946 -9.08751
+13.4072 -10
+> Shore Bin # 73, Level 1
+39.6963 -10
+39.2554 -8.29252
+39.447 -7.81338
+39.2172 -7.85092
+39.5514 -7.01747
+38.7729 -6.05249
+39.202 -4.68101
+40 -3.10384
+> Shore Bin # 73, Level 2
+31.6133 -2.04547
+32.018 -0.049897
+32.6509 0.29099
+32.979 0.0889601
+33.3645 0.491798
+33.4881 0.18265
+33.9876 0.270542
+34.2779 -0.392615
+34.7372 -0.0895705
+34.8394 -0.309606
+34.06 -0.564431
+33.9568 -1.52392
+33.2161 -2.04242
+33.8354 -2.22583
+33.4261 -2.55726
+32.9158 -2.41901
+33.026 -2.88045
+32.7568 -3.01381
+32.8347 -2.51423
+32.2182 -2.25177
+31.7946 -2.83436
+31.6139 -2.04425
+31.6133 -2.04547
+> Shore Bin # 73, Level 2
+29.0455 -4.3093
+29.3107 -3.34585
+29.9489 -5.82055
+29.7142 -6.25879
+30.569 -6.96773
+31.1788 -8.75181
+30.4732 -8.51347
+30.1479 -7.28725
+29.1902 -6.08148
+29.2378 -4.05295
+29.0455 -4.3093
+> Shore Bin # 73, Level 2
+33.984 -10
+33.9223 -9.70306
+33.9284 -9.6997
+34.0435 -9.48486
+34.5046 -9.97498
+34.5122 -10
+> Shore Bin # 74, Level 1
+40 -3.10384
+40.1862 -2.73579
+40.9879 -2.26429
+40.7745 -1.93408
+41.315 -1.96124
+43.5593 0.71458
+46.0117 2.42939
+47.9655 4.47745
+50.8305 9.41924
+50.8769 10
+> Shore Bin # 75, Level 1
+76.2118 10
+76.5472 8.8983
+77.5375 8.0737
+78.0703 8.374
+78.266 9.01793
+79.1894 9.28069
+78.9004 9.48669
+79.1617 10
+> Shore Bin # 75, Level 1
+80 9.2163
+79.8248 7.97055
+79.6954 8.1976
+80 7.00038
+> Shore Bin # 75, Level 1
+80 9.77935
+79.9063 9.75586
+80 9.70459
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+100 2.89326
+99.7534 3.17952
+98.1558 4.08469
+98.2889 4.43076
+97.5033 5.25536
+95.2276 5.58282
+95.537 4.66178
+96.867 3.69497
+97.7508 2.27619
+98.797 1.73083
+99.1363 0.253452
+100 -0.551614
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+80 7.00038
+80.2545 6
+80.2576 5.99725
+81.3251 6.19379
+81.8805 7.02327
+81.3547 8.49088
+80.209 9.83215
+80 9.77935
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+98.6896 10
+98.2855 8.2034
+98.6709 8.39048
+100 6.70069
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+100 8.72557
+99.8462 9.29076
+99.2245 9.25505
+99.1739 10
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+80 9.70459
+80.3989 9.48669
+80.0537 9.59838
+80 9.2163
+> Shore Bin # 76, Level 1
+98.5489 10
+98.5525 9.97375
+98.5681 10
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+115 -4.0145
+116.278 -3.13008
+116.099 -2.86244
+116.313 -2.96071
+116.601 -2.19593
+116.165 -1.80346
+116.702 -1.08507
+116.898 -1.27123
+117.615 -0.780804
+117.462 0.0907912
+118.036 0.786603
+117.889 1.11986
+118.364 0.800336
+119 0.984054
+117.844 1.86236
+117.735 2.18921
+118.094 2.31342
+117.014 3.5967
+117.768 3.64797
+117.36 4.16251
+118.551 4.35203
+118.124 4.88334
+119.262 5.36004
+118.35 5.82971
+117.941 5.66949
+118.007 6.0647
+117.558 5.90234
+117.738 6.4242
+117.151 7.00801
+116.813 6.54963
+116.746 7.03456
+115.864 5.58068
+115.37 5.4107
+115.607 5.23003
+115.376 4.90623
+113.972 4.60136
+113.035 3.16793
+111.433 2.7071
+111.171 1.36461
+109.892 1.69787
+109.642 2.08392
+108.907 1.16075
+108.91 0.321508
+109.282 0.00839246
+109.111 -0.514992
+109.591 -0.73991
+109.245 -0.660868
+109.64 -0.986801
+109.431 -1.2871
+109.955 -1.10826
+110.259 -2.9662
+111.702 -2.80293
+111.903 -3.56954
+113.022 -2.93812
+113.614 -3.14961
+113.635 -3.46456
+114.531 -3.35042
+114.595 -4.16739
+114.998 -4.01633
+115 -4.0145
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+100 -0.551614
+100.325 -0.854047
+101.581 -3.20424
+103.998 -5.32464
+103.999 -5.32555
+104.582 -5.94537
+104.53 -5.52209
+105.161 -5.80957
+105.284 -5.4464
+105.723 -5.90478
+106.087 -3.22591
+105.619 -2.39216
+104.847 -2.28473
+104.713 -2.59998
+104.879 -2.08423
+104.479 -1.98993
+104.367 -1.01793
+103.276 -0.70573
+103.729 0.280919
+103.327 0.549477
+102.683 0.225376
+103.106 0.455787
+102.91 0.717021
+102.413 0.805219
+101.047 2.30304
+100.933 1.80957
+100 2.89326
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+114 -8.59037
+114.593 -8.75242
+114.438 -7.78866
+113.156 -7.74624
+112.547 -6.84291
+111.029 -6.41627
+110.407 -6.95216
+108.932 -6.84138
+108.302 -6.24048
+106.038 -5.87457
+105.798 -6.4892
+105.207 -6.75166
+106.505 -6.96559
+106.402 -7.3846
+107.843 -7.73953
+108.862 -7.60952
+110.708 -8.20218
+113.998 -8.5922
+114 -8.59037
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+120 0.544289
+119.841 -0.0990311
+119.609 -0.00747692
+119.876 -0.860151
+119.732 -0.642863
+119.335 -1.16991
+119.359 -1.89837
+118.753 -2.77668
+118.931 -3.56985
+119.51 -3.55581
+119.478 -4.99992
+119.478 -5.00053
+119.44 -5.60113
+120 -5.61425
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+100 6.70069
+100.115 6.55421
+100.558 4.3151
+101.291 2.84657
+103.512 1.2694
+103.941 1.66278
+104.276 1.36797
+103.458 2.8249
+103.478 4.5333
+103.151 5.33989
+101.568 6.83864
+100.426 7.1603
+100 8.72557
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+105.087 10
+104.794 8.80095
+105.281 8.75303
+106.199 9.37499
+105.837 9.99359
+106.502 9.55383
+106.27 10
+> Shore Bin # 77, Level 1
+106.391 10
+106.617 9.81292
+106.488 10
+> Shore Bin # 78, Level 1
+140 -2.21088
+137.891 -1.46471
+137.113 -1.79553
+137.171 -2.11383
+136.391 -2.2179
+135.766 -3.12062
+135.107 -3.37453
+134.63 -2.48005
+134.458 -2.86549
+134.174 -2.3534
+133.983 -0.72282
+132.416 -0.338598
+131.222 -0.828412
+130.93 -1.43511
+131.963 -1.47784
+132.308 -2.28534
+133.94 -2.09094
+133.667 -2.7303
+133.219 -2.40711
+132.724 -2.80629
+131.947 -2.77424
+132.837 -3.30251
+132.896 -4.08713
+133.448 -3.86679
+133.808 -2.91035
+133.618 -3.47494
+133.969 -3.86709
+134.932 -3.91867
+134.618 -4.11582
+135.198 -4.45884
+138.117 -5.37713
+138.054 -5.73327
+138.367 -5.66918
+138.395 -6.3357
+138.921 -6.83101
+138.544 -6.9543
+139.244 -7.14076
+138.671 -7.21431
+139.14 -7.58083
+138.955 -8.25956
+140 -8.01572
+> Shore Bin # 78, Level 1
+125 5.8587
+125.265 6.09369
+125.385 5.55962
+125.686 5.9707
+125.374 6.72755
+125.696 7.29793
+126.192 6.27375
+126.155 6.90913
+126.604 7.28664
+126.393 8.49912
+126.08 8.61082
+126.207 9.30846
+125.439 9.82788
+125.54 8.96452
+124.797 8.99718
+124.742 8.49882
+124.383 8.59617
+123.666 7.95377
+123.837 8.42985
+123.378 8.72953
+122.222 7.9617
+121.896 7.11147
+122.152 6.90974
+122.626 7.77707
+123.408 7.35714
+123.687 7.8146
+124.261 7.37423
+124.058 6.38087
+124.999 5.85962
+125 5.8587
+> Shore Bin # 78, Level 1
+120 -5.61425
+120.47 -5.62493
+120.186 -2.97169
+120.754 -2.62287
+121.093 -2.71595
+120.903 -3.56741
+121.609 -4.0618
+121.543 -4.76951
+122.007 -4.8986
+122.111 -4.49302
+122.885 -4.41306
+122.199 -3.60006
+122.484 -3.17433
+121.29 -1.84161
+121.668 -1.94781
+123.46 -0.769207
+121.628 -0.801251
+121.093 -1.42962
+120.676 -1.41131
+120.06 -0.630961
+120.31 0.419165
+124.313 0.40116
+125.173 1.6878
+123.952 0.844587
+120.908 1.36034
+120.598 0.761883
+120.283 0.986191
+120.044 0.721599
+120 0.544289
+> Shore Bin # 78, Level 1
+124.489 -10
+127.301 -8.40085
+125.123 -8.64805
+123.666 -9.62921
+123.559 -10
+> Shore Bin # 79, Level 1
+140 -8.01572
+140.037 -8.00717
+141.126 -9.234
+142.219 -9.07805
+142.639 -9.33532
+143.403 -8.75822
+142.211 -8.17716
+143.694 -8.23301
+143.391 -7.92905
+143.929 -7.99344
+143.637 -7.4313
+144.506 -7.81888
+144.373 -7.43679
+144.537 -7.69558
+144.753 -7.40719
+144.862 -7.78134
+146.09 -8.09537
+147.638 -10
+> Shore Bin # 79, Level 1
+149.905 -10
+149.711 -9.81994
+150.013 -9.63134
+149.238 -9.50225
+149.251 -8.9987
+148.603 -9.08446
+148.13 -8.06424
+147.176 -7.46242
+146.95 -6.73426
+147.857 -6.65217
+147.626 -6.1117
+145.759 -5.47967
+145.805 -4.851
+144.523 -3.81125
+140 -2.21088
+> Shore Bin # 79, Level 1
+151.053 -6.00183
+152.12 -5.39849
+151.949 -5.00511
+152.405 -4.33829
+152.168 -4.13474
+151.489 -4.21256
+151.686 -4.86839
+150.897 -5.48882
+150.093 -5.51873
+150.092 -4.99809
+149.871 -5.52117
+148.317 -5.56756
+149.607 -6.29297
+151.053 -6.00488
+151.053 -6.00183
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+275.202 10
+275.259 9.96887
+276.378 9.04112
+276.431 8.44053
+276.723 8.38651
+276.62 8.74479
+277.107 8.03311
+277.282 8.3267
+278.239 8.21347
+278.484 7.70901
+278.944 7.91501
+279.11 7.20577
+279.56 7.23995
+280 7.51186
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+280 0.117647
+279.5 -0.392615
+279.725 -0.670024
+279.089 -1.05425
+279.101 -2.33082
+279.752 -2.73884
+280 -2.38972
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+280 -3.36263
+279.995 -3.37514
+278.744 -4.27268
+279.148 -5.65667
+278.848 -5.97925
+280 -6.73854
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+280 9.40826
+278.918 8.80827
+278.105 9.18822
+278.211 8.94347
+277.755 8.9984
+277.041 10
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+274.329 10
+274.327 9.90478
+274.89 9.55505
+275.138 9.82971
+274.974 10
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+280 7.52773
+279.527 8.23087
+280 8.50736
+> Shore Bin # 85, Level 1
+280 0.797894
+279.909 0.775616
+280 0.389563
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+280 8.50736
+280.912 9.04082
+281.579 8.34745
+281.941 8.42405
+281.598 7.92386
+282.706 6.55818
+282.469 4.20554
+282.976 3.91958
+282.868 3.63729
+282.232 2.66346
+281.437 2.4416
+281.47 1.76654
+280.967 1.63561
+281.071 1.06371
+280 0.797894
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+284.315 10
+284.381 9.45159
+283.063 8.55741
+283.229 7.91409
+282.127 9.1165
+281.029 9.56481
+280.376 9.61639
+280 9.40826
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+300 8.51164
+299.773 8.64286
+299.124 8.59037
+299.145 9.43786
+298.363 9.90295
+297.661 9.81811
+297.482 10
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+288.827 10
+288.975 9.71649
+288.928 9.31151
+288.291 9.05211
+287.869 9.81353
+287.984 10
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+280 -2.38972
+280.122 -2.21698
+280.285 -2.59663
+280 -3.36263
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+280 -6.73854
+280.019 -6.75074
+281.015 -8.21256
+281.786 -10
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+280 7.51186
+280.008 7.51644
+280 7.52773
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 1
+280 0.389563
+280.052 0.170443
+280 0.117647
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 2
+300 -3.29213
+298.186 -3.98032
+297.614 -3.69406
+296.475 -4.47959
+296.386 -4.09018
+296.674 -4.00839
+295.315 -3.35958
+295.214 -3.57626
+294.728 -2.76204
+294.009 -2.4892
+292.635 -2.54932
+291.854 -3.48867
+290.75 -3.44656
+290.412 -3.93393
+290.636 -4.07675
+290.092 -4.38621
+289.713 -3.87106
+288.545 -3.74472
+288.191 -3.19173
+286.99 -3.45998
+287.335 -3.29
+287.108 -3.18929
+287.572 -3.29885
+288.18 -3.15908
+288.55 -3.72152
+289.725 -3.79629
+290.181 -4.33097
+290.602 -4.08042
+290.364 -3.94858
+290.725 -3.41878
+291.915 -3.3608
+292.637 -2.5185
+294.604 -2.41291
+295.668 -3.5021
+296.93 -4.05844
+297.613 -3.67361
+298.086 -3.92599
+299.037 -3.5964
+299.168 -3.15999
+300 -3.1899
+> Shore Bin # 86, Level 2
+300 -3.1725
+299.42 -3.03182
+298.379 -1.46044
+296.373 -0.410925
+293.654 -0.402075
+294.149 -0.240635
+296.31 -0.293736
+298.406 -1.42657
+299.997 -3.15572
+300 -3.15572
+> Shore Bin # 87, Level 1
+320 -2.84962
+319.977 -2.83711
+317.739 -2.85969
+316.578 -2.33204
+315.182 -3.35805
+315.25 -2.62348
+315.64 -2.33661
+315.012 -2.44831
+315.517 -2.05097
+315.167 -1.41405
+314.761 -1.85138
+314.673 -1.31792
+314.478 -1.51202
+314.585 -1.29168
+314.305 -1.43114
+314.012 -1.0454
+313.852 -1.30449
+313.803 -0.888838
+313.653 -1.11376
+312.709 -0.59617
+312.633 -0.829328
+311.947 -0.659648
+311.505 -1.46258
+311.933 -1.55016
+311.553 -1.70703
+311.348 -1.39452
+310.514 -2.383
+310.718 -1.72717
+309.557 -1.95697
+311.102 -1.50378
+311.613 -0.295872
+309.661 -0.0962844
+309.2 -1.01701
+309.166 -0.548867
+308.752 -0.99321
+308.712 -0.512245
+308.299 -0.992294
+308.689 -0.0791943
+310.101 1.19799
+309.862 1.20989
+310.067 1.7116
+309.233 2.10224
+308.699 4.2504
+308.451 4.4271
+308.343 4.05966
+307.709 4.94804
+305.831 5.88373
+302.856 5.83673
+301.658 6.89204
+301.31 6.38209
+301.52 7.33455
+300.955 7.95865
+300 8.51164
+> Shore Bin # 87, Level 2
+300 -3.15572
+301.573 -3.15877
+302.425 -2.40314
+303.327 -2.56764
+303.958 -1.94141
+305.121 -1.98138
+305.468 -2.11536
+305.428 -2.41199
+305.747 -2.38117
+307.294 -1.56146
+306.259 -2.15595
+305.904 -2.38453
+305.022 -2.477
+304.605 -3.62142
+304.787 -2.36622
+305.276 -2.39429
+304.357 -2.2414
+304.907 -2.21973
+304.39 -1.97467
+303.327 -2.60395
+302.471 -2.41474
+301.37 -3.37484
+300.286 -3.18379
+300 -3.29213
+> Shore Bin # 87, Level 2
+300 -3.1899
+300.085 -3.19295
+300 -3.1725
+> Shore Bin # 88, Level 1
+323.867 -10
+325.061 -8.35569
+325.205 -7.15419
+324.739 -5.4818
+324.383 -5.11223
+322.85 -4.97429
+321.525 -3.70291
+320 -2.84962
+> Shore Bin # 89, Level 1
+346.01 10
+346.463 9.79675
+346.276 9.50652
+346.696 9.33501
+346.825 8.53178
+347.163 8.56077
+346.706 8.42161
+347.544 7.76669
+347.479 7.38399
+348.769 6.7895
+351.283 4.80705
+352.519 4.36027
+353.876 4.99718
+355.983 5.25841
+358.018 4.75456
+360 5.59289
+> Shore Bin # 90, Level 1
+13.4072 -10
+13.8628 -11.0083
+13.6571 -12.2351
+12.5328 -13.4183
+11.7446 -15.836
+11.7995 -17.9792
+14.5022 -22.5426
+14.9462 -26.3174
+17.1798 -30
+> Shore Bin # 91, Level 1
+30.8998 -30
+31.2746 -29.4543
+32.3854 -28.5492
+32.9644 -26.0842
+32.8341 -26.293
+32.4987 -25.96
+35.5019 -24.1076
+35.5462 -22.1718
+34.6612 -20.555
+34.6313 -19.6507
+34.8849 -19.8531
+36.3125 -18.8771
+36.8551 -17.8788
+39.8566 -16.4387
+40 -16.2052
+> Shore Bin # 91, Level 1
+40 -10.2374
+39.7046 -10.0317
+39.6963 -10
+> Shore Bin # 91, Level 2
+34.5122 -10
+34.9596 -11.4865
+34.6902 -12.4271
+35.2407 -14.4053
+34.5644 -14.1105
+33.9962 -12.2525
+34.3273 -11.6477
+33.984 -10
+> Shore Bin # 92, Level 1
+44.9992 -25.487
+47.1012 -24.9932
+49.4304 -18.1642
+49.4438 -17.2117
+49.8372 -16.8391
+49.6211 -15.5393
+49.8976 -15.4356
+50.1616 -15.9962
+50.4656 -15.4475
+49.9303 -13.0442
+49.1911 -12.305
+49.2726 -11.9547
+48.7205 -12.4427
+48.8121 -13.3793
+48.264 -13.8172
+47.8929 -13.5941
+48.0421 -14.2649
+47.762 -14.249
+47.4867 -15.0889
+47.4632 -14.6714
+47.0472 -15.1783
+47.2096 -15.4716
+46.8913 -15.6083
+46.9584 -15.2012
+46.4726 -15.5103
+46.5025 -15.998
+46.175 -15.7038
+44.4373 -16.1903
+43.9295 -17.4968
+44.4837 -19.9876
+43.498 -21.3124
+43.2303 -22.325
+44.0272 -24.9999
+44.9982 -25.487
+44.9992 -25.487
+> Shore Bin # 92, Level 1
+40 -16.2052
+40.842 -14.8325
+40.3946 -12.9285
+40.6421 -12.7466
+40.332 -11.3132
+40.6421 -10.6842
+40 -10.2374
+> Shore Bin # 95, Level 1
+120 -19.77
+119.092 -19.958
+117.378 -20.7771
+116.804 -20.5238
+114.646 -21.8379
+114.33 -22.5222
+113.99 -21.8724
+113.396 -24.4067
+114.231 -26.3159
+113.871 -25.942
+113.722 -26.1999
+113.509 -25.5053
+113.838 -26.5917
+113.153 -26.1492
+114.867 -29.1141
+114.985 -30
+> Shore Bin # 96, Level 1
+140 -17.5685
+139.598 -17.5389
+139.037 -16.9129
+136.677 -15.9263
+135.411 -14.9351
+136.072 -13.6677
+135.91 -13.285
+136.462 -13.2538
+136.462 -12.7774
+136.978 -12.3484
+136.564 -11.8796
+136.017 -12.4988
+136.045 -12.0645
+135.653 -12.2068
+135.912 -11.9528
+135.215 -12.3008
+134.748 -11.9513
+134.151 -12.1747
+133.916 -11.742
+133.508 -11.8796
+131.973 -11.127
+131.768 -11.3257
+132.723 -11.6233
+132.763 -12.1546
+131.463 -12.2855
+131.287 -12.0453
+130.812 -12.4085
+130.965 -12.6712
+130.576 -12.4073
+130.732 -12.7283
+130.351 -12.67
+130.318 -13.3735
+129.817 -13.4995
+129.365 -14.34
+129.999 -14.7059
+129.606 -15.2064
+129.29 -14.8621
+129.126 -15.2811
+129.093 -14.9046
+128.559 -14.7663
+128.2 -15.0694
+128.372 -15.4966
+128.128 -15.1862
+128.01 -15.5137
+128.227 -14.7141
+127.428 -13.9429
+126.875 -13.747
+126.613 -14.2506
+126.536 -13.9319
+126.23 -14.2506
+126.009 -13.9203
+125.918 -14.6772
+125.614 -14.2304
+125.138 -14.7459
+125.507 -15.1722
+124.829 -15.1575
+125.25 -15.5818
+124.675 -15.2546
+124.36 -15.6699
+124.495 -16.0029
+124.75 -15.8109
+124.391 -16.3392
+124.976 -16.3816
+124.4 -16.5653
+123.557 -16.1738
+123.505 -16.6624
+123.971 -16.826
+123.931 -17.2679
+123.569 -17.0375
+123.567 -17.6271
+122.922 -16.388
+122.173 -17.2633
+122.369 -18.1175
+121.113 -19.5396
+120 -19.77
+> Shore Bin # 96, Level 1
+123.559 -10
+123.455 -10.3601
+123.997 -10.278
+124 -10.278
+124.489 -10
+> Shore Bin # 97, Level 1
+153.317 -30
+153.64 -28.6383
+153.024 -27.2943
+153.193 -25.9316
+151.77 -24.0209
+150.792 -23.5097
+150.668 -22.347
+150.636 -22.6604
+150.042 -22.1254
+150.06 -22.6583
+149.812 -22.3821
+149.631 -22.585
+148.773 -20.2367
+146.26 -18.8634
+145.958 -16.8974
+145.402 -16.435
+145.348 -14.9491
+144.515 -14.1663
+143.773 -14.3992
+143.545 -12.8443
+142.534 -10.6888
+142.13 -10.9616
+142.079 -11.9858
+141.586 -12.5583
+141.977 -12.5946
+141.461 -13.8526
+141.667 -15.041
+140.609 -17.6139
+140 -17.5685
+> Shore Bin # 97, Level 1
+147.638 -10
+147.725 -10.1071
+149.743 -10.3488
+150.202 -10.7047
+150.877 -10.2301
+150.005 -10.0879
+150 -10.0879
+149.905 -10
+> Shore Bin # 104, Level 1
+281.786 -10
+282.342 -11.29
+283.798 -13.3957
+283.601 -13.9075
+284.084 -14.6543
+284.857 -15.4063
+288.523 -17.2914
+289.693 -18.4392
+289.877 -20.0093
+289.943 -21.44
+289.371 -23.5051
+289.55 -25.3674
+288.479 -28.9133
+288.723 -29.91
+288.665 -30
+> Shore Bin # 105, Level 1
+309.885 -30
+310.3 -29.3017
+311.238 -28.5385
+311.535 -27.146
+311.188 -26.3091
+311.651 -25.5715
+311.259 -25.3729
+311.788 -25.4687
+312.428 -24.6789
+313.62 -23.8988
+314.587 -23.8247
+315.587 -22.9439
+316.443 -23.0779
+316.917 -22.6787
+316.949 -22.9821
+317.986 -22.997
+318.038 -22.5313
+319.015 -22.0024
+318.929 -21.5016
+320 -19.8924
+> Shore Bin # 106, Level 1
+320 -19.8924
+320.191 -19.6049
+320.301 -18.3732
+320.863 -17.6909
+321.154 -12.8348
+321.309 -12.5846
+321.528 -13.0146
+321.931 -12.6667
+323.867 -10
+> Shore Bin # 108, Level 1
+17.1798 -30
+18.2004 -31.6825
+18.327 -32.5299
+17.8479 -32.8202
+18.3999 -34.3021
+18.7909 -34.0806
+20 -34.8182
+> Shore Bin # 109, Level 1
+20 -34.8182
+20.0198 -34.8304
+22.5559 -33.9786
+24.8399 -34.2063
+27.0115 -33.5654
+30.0093 -31.297
+30.8998 -30
+> Shore Bin # 113, Level 1
+114.985 -30
+115.052 -30.5075
+115.883 -31.9617
+115.698 -33.3008
+115.001 -33.5285
+115.128 -34.3729
+116.624 -35.0581
+117.953 -35.1289
+119.903 -33.9347
+120 -33.9347
+> Shore Bin # 114, Level 1
+120 -33.9347
+123.527 -33.938
+124.234 -33.0195
+125.957 -32.2889
+131.153 -31.4646
+134.182 -32.4854
+134.06 -32.9142
+134.708 -33.1818
+135.519 -34.6143
+135.113 -34.5899
+135.958 -35.008
+135.934 -34.5341
+137.781 -32.9999
+137.754 -32.4588
+137.978 -33.5532
+137.451 -34.1401
+137.453 -34.9082
+137.016 -34.8954
+136.852 -35.2854
+137.762 -35.1179
+138.094 -34.1355
+138.568 -34.8267
+138.098 -35.6266
+138.891 -35.5338
+139.518 -35.9614
+139.723 -36.2889
+139.612 -36.1567
+139.74 -37.1833
+140 -37.4455
+> Shore Bin # 115, Level 1
+140 -37.4455
+140.582 -38.033
+143.557 -38.8588
+144.928 -37.8428
+145.116 -38.1483
+144.658 -38.3113
+145.488 -38.2353
+145.372 -38.5396
+146.276 -39.0001
+146.23 -38.697
+147.972 -37.8935
+147.454 -38.0797
+147.658 -37.8505
+149.98 -37.505
+150.153 -35.7011
+150.843 -35.0666
+150.603 -34.8658
+151.201 -33.5108
+152.543 -32.4442
+152.36 -32.1866
+153.065 -31.0584
+153.317 -30
+> Shore Bin # 115, Level 1
+145.999 -43.3303
+146.87 -43.6403
+147.197 -42.7279
+148.006 -43.2308
+148.207 -41.9506
+148.361 -42.1975
+148.078 -40.7704
+146.607 -41.2605
+144.684 -40.6685
+144.744 -41.4217
+145.556 -42.3577
+145.168 -42.1962
+145.256 -42.6241
+146 -43.3303
+145.999 -43.3303
+> Shore Bin # 116, Level 1
+174.937 -41.003
+174.615 -41.2941
+175.238 -41.6097
+175.965 -41.2471
+177.044 -39.2018
+178.004 -39.1157
+178.553 -37.6899
+177.983 -37.5395
+177.152 -38.0455
+176.04 -37.6814
+175.495 -36.5095
+175.576 -37.2438
+174.658 -36.8809
+174.869 -36.3667
+174.32 -35.8357
+174.332 -35.1762
+174.105 -35.348
+173.399 -34.7831
+173.237 -35.0153
+173.047 -34.4138
+172.678 -34.4254
+174.049 -36.3984
+173.913 -36.0063
+174.509 -36.255
+174.448 -36.6471
+174.155 -36.45
+174.489 -37.0457
+174.932 -37.0558
+174.539 -37.0558
+174.975 -37.7977
+174.594 -38.8191
+173.753 -39.2766
+175.058 -39.9391
+174.941 -40.9999
+174.937 -41.003
+> Shore Bin # 116, Level 1
+170 -46.2554
+170.752 -45.8709
+171.322 -44.005
+172.213 -43.9025
+171.669 -43.5241
+172.218 -43.9013
+173.081 -43.8561
+172.652 -43.64
+172.779 -43.1283
+174.279 -41.7418
+174.319 -41.2151
+173.907 -41.281
+174.315 -40.9963
+173.195 -41.3329
+172.655 -40.66
+172.978 -40.5287
+172.134 -40.8525
+170.749 -43.1014
+169.222 -43.973
+168.37 -44.0111
+166.974 -45.1424
+167.167 -45.4662
+166.808 -45.3136
+166.676 -46.2106
+167.651 -46.1678
+169.01 -46.6787
+169.998 -46.2576
+170 -46.2554
+> Shore Bin # 122, Level 1
+288.665 -30
+288.28 -30.5991
+288.381 -33.6258
+286.845 -37.115
+286.314 -37.3326
+286.806 -39.4426
+286.04 -41.0066
+286.514 -41.5691
+286.235 -41.7488
+287.049 -41.4745
+287.422 -41.5874
+287.717 -41.3933
+287.115 -41.9142
+287.647 -42.1758
+287.511 -42.513
+287.156 -42.3024
+287.504 -42.6192
+287.174 -42.5158
+286.897 -43.4591
+287.26 -43.8451
+286.713 -44.165
+287.45 -44.5275
+286.484 -45.2001
+287.228 -45.4076
+286.507 -45.4583
+286.427 -45.7845
+286.859 -45.6533
+286.362 -46.5396
+286.131 -46.1447
+285.54 -46.1993
+286.005 -46.1526
+285.666 -46.1324
+285.916 -45.8148
+285.569 -46.0479
+285.273 -45.8138
+284.909 -45.8849
+285.436 -46.0476
+285.145 -46.3726
+284.378 -46.7291
+284.702 -46.947
+284.478 -46.7166
+285.131 -46.437
+285.15 -46.8087
+285.788 -46.7547
+286.076 -47.2116
+285.486 -47.4542
+286.085 -47.5091
+285.27 -47.7142
+286.269 -47.6254
+286.773 -48.0191
+286.321 -47.9217
+286.613 -48.2889
+285.348 -48.0099
+286.159 -48.4076
+285.605 -48.6017
+285.947 -48.7451
+285.588 -49.3957
+285.962 -49.1928
+286.351 -49.7241
+285.681 -49.6399
+285.93 -50
+> Shore Bin # 122, Level 1
+292.086 -50
+292.428 -49.0433
+294.235 -47.9174
+294.26 -47.2024
+293.206 -46.9989
+292.373 -46.0525
+293.051 -45.2673
+294.479 -44.9316
+294.668 -43.6632
+295.694 -42.9775
+295.021 -42.6531
+295.605 -42.5188
+295.908 -42.878
+296.415 -42.6168
+296.235 -42.0754
+295.529 -42.4413
+294.953 -42.0558
+294.992 -40.7182
+296.21 -41.1672
+297.617 -40.9114
+297.686 -39.2982
+297.994 -39.3825
+297.659 -38.7706
+298.889 -39.0028
+300 -38.8066
+> Shore Bin # 122, Level 1
+291.49 -50
+291.272 -49.7568
+291.525 -50
+> Shore Bin # 123, Level 1
+300 -38.8066
+301.493 -38.5429
+302.452 -38.1038
+303.331 -36.8876
+303.27 -36.334
+302.62 -35.9699
+302.802 -35.3034
+301.43 -34.4175
+301.557 -33.0704
+301.57 -33.9191
+302.144 -34.477
+303.838 -34.9354
+305.849 -34.6705
+307.405 -33.0591
+307.726 -31.778
+308.905 -30.3717
+308.696 -30.0049
+309.431 -30.4642
+307.914 -32.1646
+309.205 -31.1426
+309.885 -30
+> Shore Bin # 126, Level 1
+20 -69.9371
+17.8552 -69.6796
+15.6255 -69.816
+15.1617 -69.2996
+12.94 -70
+> Shore Bin # 126, Level 1
+0.630503 -70
+0.00030518 -68.9258
+0.00030518 -68.9258
+0 -68.9258
+> Shore Bin # 126, Level 1
+7.69055 -70
+7.33196 -69.9951
+7.31945 -70
+> Shore Bin # 127, Level 1
+38.4979 -70
+37.8561 -69.5077
+37.0587 -69.6646
+34.1427 -68.5849
+33.1746 -68.8113
+33.3114 -69.512
+32 -69.523
+30.9233 -69.0149
+29.1774 -69.7534
+27.317 -70
+> Shore Bin # 127, Level 1
+40 -69.1949
+38.7713 -70
+> Shore Bin # 127, Level 1
+20.5246 -70
+20 -69.9371
+> Shore Bin # 128, Level 1
+60 -67.4536
+59.1086 -67.4264
+56.5869 -66.922
+57.0648 -66.4718
+53.7023 -65.8724
+50.4219 -66.3732
+50.7945 -67.1789
+49.1948 -66.8112
+48.3421 -67.1658
+49.2393 -67.3007
+48.1486 -67.6635
+46.6865 -67.2366
+46.1387 -67.659
+41.0001 -68.5397
+40 -69.1949
+> Shore Bin # 129, Level 1
+80 -68.0078
+78.8281 -68.1979
+77.8054 -69.1034
+75.9182 -69.5435
+75.5151 -69.2035
+73.8125 -69.7409
+72.4062 -68.981
+70.4775 -68.6688
+69.6355 -67.7459
+60 -67.4536
+> Shore Bin # 130, Level 1
+100 -65.6725
+99.4916 -65.9155
+95.8669 -65.0426
+95.5724 -66.1486
+94.3932 -66.6098
+92.0159 -66.4874
+89.5317 -66.8359
+88.018 -66.0076
+83.6558 -66.571
+81.8305 -65.7595
+81.4307 -66.2585
+82.3911 -67.1942
+81.3718 -67.7853
+80 -68.0078
+> Shore Bin # 131, Level 1
+120 -66.8087
+117.79 -66.9793
+116 -66.3458
+114.427 -66.4382
+113.125 -65.7247
+111.298 -65.9289
+108.669 -66.9641
+102.87 -65.1107
+102.497 -65.6884
+100.61 -65.3814
+100 -65.6725
+> Shore Bin # 132, Level 1
+140 -66.6964
+136.374 -66.3616
+134.839 -65.2438
+134.38 -66.174
+129.485 -65.9295
+129.892 -66.8975
+128.255 -67.0507
+126.353 -66.2466
+124.211 -66.0946
+123.03 -66.7889
+121.203 -65.6197
+121.299 -66.7083
+120 -66.8087
+> Shore Bin # 133, Level 1
+160 -69.6258
+159.192 -69.3005
+155.268 -68.952
+153.652 -68.3304
+148.261 -68.3993
+148.453 -67.8268
+145.205 -67.5314
+146.637 -67.1701
+146.405 -66.8325
+144.65 -67.1258
+140 -66.6964
+> Shore Bin # 134, Level 1
+160.928 -70
+160 -69.6258
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+285.93 -50
+286.138 -50.3012
+285.299 -50.21
+286.038 -50.3751
+285.963 -50.8511
+286.43 -50.387
+286.661 -50.6943
+285.762 -50.9235
+286.339 -51.1118
+286.069 -51.6284
+286.61 -52.0426
+286.597 -51.6342
+286.829 -52.0365
+286.637 -51.5549
+287.397 -51.7722
+286.574 -51.4652
+287.066 -51.1569
+286.856 -51.5216
+287.521 -51.7926
+287.082 -52.4762
+287.229 -51.9693
+287.012 -52.3639
+287.002 -52.0838
+286.261 -52.0435
+286.296 -52.7964
+287.109 -52.5016
+286.637 -52.9999
+286.638 -53.0005
+287.023 -53.0823
+287.073 -52.5562
+288.455 -52.569
+288.651 -53.1275
+288.033 -53.5789
+288.145 -53.2313
+287.516 -53.3951
+288.717 -53.9005
+289.117 -52.739
+290.783 -52.2028
+291.648 -52.3407
+291.033 -51.626
+290.414 -51.6074
+291.046 -51.5698
+290.571 -51.0916
+291.639 -50.1666
+291.49 -50
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+300 -63.8177
+299.028 -64.0337
+296.934 -65.1562
+296.134 -65.0283
+296.353 -65.5196
+294.375 -66.0986
+294.249 -66.6964
+293.421 -66.6442
+293.514 -67.3126
+292.524 -67.0282
+292.374 -67.5463
+293.482 -67.4936
+292.694 -67.9544
+293.405 -68.2202
+291.156 -69.4122
+291.586 -69.7717
+290.788 -69.9765
+289.485 -68.7698
+287.875 -69.0704
+288.37 -69.3487
+287.35 -69.324
+287.325 -69.6411
+283.896 -69.6625
+284.638 -70
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+293.276 -55.0025
+294.886 -54.6418
+292.233 -53.8318
+291.242 -52.5553
+289.579 -52.7768
+289.566 -53.3808
+290.672 -53.4458
+289.928 -54.065
+291.037 -54.4758
+290.652 -54.7138
+290.545 -54.3412
+290.233 -54.5838
+289.071 -54.1178
+289.881 -54.5676
+289.248 -54.6262
+289.183 -54.3238
+288.041 -54.6241
+293.276 -55.0001
+293.276 -55.0025
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+291.525 -50
+291.657 -50.1263
+292.082 -50.0092
+292.086 -50
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+300 -68.219
+299.025 -66.6931
+300 -65.5776
+> Shore Bin # 140, Level 1
+299.508 -70
+300 -69.433
+> Shore Bin # 141, Level 1
+300 -65.5776
+301.419 -63.955
+303.261 -63.5915
+302.686 -63.221
+300 -63.8177
+> Shore Bin # 141, Level 1
+300 -69.433
+301.027 -68.2495
+300.012 -68.2379
+300 -68.219
+> Shore Bin # 143, Level 1
+360 -68.9258
+358.852 -68.9459
+359.348 -69.5892
+358.192 -70
+> Shore Bin # 144, Level 1
+7.31945 -70
+6.45304 -70.3287
+0.636606 -70.0104
+0.630503 -70
+> Shore Bin # 144, Level 1
+12.94 -70
+12.7285 -70.0668
+7.69055 -70
+> Shore Bin # 145, Level 1
+38.7713 -70
+38.6239 -70.0964
+38.4979 -70
+> Shore Bin # 145, Level 1
+27.317 -70
+24.0876 -70.4279
+20.5246 -70
+> Shore Bin # 152, Level 1
+180 -78.1254
+173.849 -77.4461
+166.78 -77.1739
+166.699 -77.8764
+164.533 -77.9875
+162.314 -76.9557
+162.793 -75.4643
+164.775 -75.565
+163.478 -75.2021
+164.047 -74.6345
+165.473 -74.6345
+164.84 -74.1025
+166.148 -74.0821
+167.602 -73.3616
+169.146 -73.4336
+169.78 -72.2019
+171.112 -71.8482
+170.383 -71.3165
+170.315 -71.6712
+166.618 -70.5414
+162.004 -70.4337
+160.928 -70
+> Shore Bin # 153, Level 1
+200 -77.8853
+196.097 -78.224
+195.554 -78.5704
+182.384 -78.3885
+180 -78.1254
+> Shore Bin # 154, Level 1
+220 -75.3309
+219.788 -75.4469
+213.935 -75.7972
+214.76 -76.2528
+208.079 -76.3706
+209.527 -76.797
+207.658 -77.2633
+201.721 -76.9691
+201.225 -77.779
+200 -77.8853
+> Shore Bin # 155, Level 1
+240 -73.7784
+234.863 -73.1894
+229.545 -74.3394
+222.893 -74.9461
+221.244 -74.6485
+220 -75.3309
+> Shore Bin # 156, Level 1
+260 -71.8857
+258.234 -71.9263
+256.242 -72.3661
+256.788 -73.2206
+259.104 -73.5544
+257.722 -73.5538
+258.498 -75.0587
+254.936 -74.8215
+254.553 -75.2522
+254.926 -74.2347
+252.474 -74.2512
+251.16 -74.7834
+246.122 -73.8523
+241 -73.8929
+240 -73.7784
+> Shore Bin # 157, Level 1
+280 -72.9685
+271.703 -72.9502
+271.975 -72.4054
+264.429 -72.6899
+263.305 -72.5049
+264.244 -72.3236
+263.41 -71.8076
+260 -71.8857
+> Shore Bin # 158, Level 1
+284.638 -70
+285.78 -70.5197
+284.522 -70.7974
+286.784 -71.0416
+284.468 -71.6327
+287.501 -72.175
+287.928 -73.234
+282.709 -72.399
+281.117 -72.8284
+281.689 -73.4336
+280.378 -72.9694
+280 -72.9685
+> Shore Bin # 158, Level 1
+300 -72.7405
+299.252 -70.2945
+299.508 -70
+> Shore Bin # 158, Level 1
+300 -75.3022
+298.022 -74.922
+300 -73.3414
+> Shore Bin # 159, Level 1
+320 -77.7714
+318.902 -77.6994
+318.163 -77.9594
+317.646 -77.6646
+314.726 -78.1324
+300 -75.3022
+> Shore Bin # 159, Level 1
+300 -73.3414
+300.148 -73.2233
+300 -72.7405
+> Shore Bin # 160, Level 1
+340 -73.5047
+339.597 -73.827
+333.315 -75.4929
+333.051 -76.1054
+328.732 -77.1864
+326.437 -77.2889
+324.367 -78.0574
+320 -77.7714
+> Shore Bin # 161, Level 1
+358.192 -70
+357.627 -70.2005
+352.132 -70.6534
+350.983 -70.4266
+347.788 -71.359
+347.113 -72.0322
+344.896 -72.0801
+342.617 -72.6743
+341.183 -72.5599
+340 -73.5047

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_slices.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_slices.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_slices.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_DX_to_AVS_slices
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: npoin = 1722, nelem = 1612
+  integer i1,i2,i3,i4,ipoin,ielem
+  real x,y,z,datavalue
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+! write AVS header
+  write(*,*) npoin,' ',nelem,' 0 1 0'
+! read and write the points
+  do ipoin = 1,npoin
+    read(*,*) x,y,z
+    write(*,*) ipoin,x,y,z
+  enddo
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+! read and write the elements
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+! in the case of AVS, node numbers start at one
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+  do ielem = 1,nelem
+    read(*,*) i1,i4,i2,i3
+    write(*,*) ielem,' 1 quad ',i1+1,i2+1,i3+1,i4+1
+  enddo
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+  read(*,*)
+  read(*,*)
+! write AVS header
+  write(*,*) '1 1'
+  write(*,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+! read and write the element data
+  do ielem = 1,nelem
+    read(*,*) datavalue
+    write(*,*) ielem,datavalue
+  enddo
+  end program convert_DX_to_AVS_slices

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_surface.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_surface.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_DX_to_AVS_surface.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_DX_to_AVS_slices
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: npoin = 8036, nelem = 7680
+  integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,datavalue,ipoin,ielem
+  real x,y,z
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+! write AVS header
+  write(*,*) npoin,' ',nelem,' 1 0 0'
+! read and write the points
+  do ipoin = 1,npoin
+    read(*,*) x,y,z
+    write(*,*) ipoin,x,y,z
+  enddo
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+! read and write the elements
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+! in the case of AVS, node numbers start at one
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+  do ielem = 1,nelem
+    read(*,*) i1,i4,i2,i3
+    write(*,*) ielem,' 1 quad ',i1+1,i2+1,i3+1,i4+1
+  enddo
+! skip DX header
+  read(*,*)
+  read(*,*)
+  read(*,*)
+! write AVS header
+  write(*,*) '1 1'
+  write(*,*) 'Zcoord, meters'
+! read and write the point data
+  do ipoin = 1,npoin
+    read(*,*) datavalue
+    write(*,*) ipoin,datavalue
+  enddo
+  end program convert_DX_to_AVS_slices

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_avs2dx_quads.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_avs2dx_quads.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_avs2dx_quads.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_avs2dx_quads
+! convert AVS files composed of quadrangles ("quads") to OpenDX file format
+! Dimitri Komatitsch, University of Pau, January 2007
+  implicit none
+! maximum number of points in the AVS file
+  integer, parameter :: maxpoints = 10000000
+  real x(maxpoints)
+  real y(maxpoints)
+  real z(maxpoints)
+  integer icorresp(maxpoints)
+  integer :: npoin,nspec,ipoin,ispec,idum1,idum2,i1,i2,i3,i4
+! filter "quad" from AVS file
+  call system('sed -e ''1,$s/quad//g'' < cubed_sphere_surface.inp > ____tutu')
+  open(unit=55,file='____tutu',status='old')
+  read(55,*) npoin,nspec
+  print *,'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',npoin,' data follows'
+  do ipoin=1,npoin
+    read(55,*) i1,x(ipoin),y(ipoin),z(ipoin)
+    icorresp(i1) = ipoin
+    print *,x(ipoin),y(ipoin),z(ipoin)
+  enddo
+  print *,'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 4 items ',nspec,' data follows'
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    read(55,*) idum1,idum2,i1,i2,i3,i4
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+    print *,icorresp(i1)-1,icorresp(i4)-1,icorresp(i2)-1,icorresp(i3)-1
+  enddo
+! skip labels
+  read(55,*)
+  read(55,*)
+  close(55)
+  print *,'attribute "element type" string "quads"'
+  print *,'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+  print *,'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',npoin,' data follows'
+  do ipoin=1,npoin
+    print *,ipoin
+  enddo
+  print *,'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
+  print *,'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+  print *,'component "positions" value 1'
+  print *,'component "connections" value 2'
+  print *,'component "data" value 3'
+  print *,'end'
+! remove temporary file
+  call system('rm -f ____tutu')
+  end program convert_avs2dx_quads

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_epicenter_OpenDX.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_epicenter_OpenDX.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_epicenter_OpenDX.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_epicenter_OpenDX
+!--- convert the coordinates of the earthquake epicenter to OpenDX format
+  implicit none
+  include "constants_topo.h"
+! small offset to add to the epicenter glyph (in meters)
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALL_OFFSET = 125000.d0
+! filter final surface using box filter
+  logical, parameter :: SMOOTH_THE_MODEL = .true.
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE = 5
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ibathy_topo_ori(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ix,iy,minvalue,maxvalue
+  integer ix_current,iy_current,ix_min,ix_max,iy_min,iy_max,ix_value,iy_value
+  double precision value_sum,area_window
+  double precision :: phi,theta,r,x,y,z,elevation
+  double precision :: long,lat
+! latitude and longitude of the epicenter
+  lat = 31.4400d0
+  long = 104.1000d0
+! read the topography file
+  print *,'file used has a resolution of ',RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE,' minutes'
+  print *
+  print *,'reading topo file'
+  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo4_from_etopo2_subsampled.dat',status='old')
+  do iy=1,NY_BATHY
+    do ix=1,NX_BATHY
+      read(13,*) ibathy_topo_ori(ix,iy)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(13)
+! compute min and max before smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  print *,'min and max of topography before smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! smooth topography/bathymetry model
+  if(SMOOTH_THE_MODEL) then
+  print *
+  print *,'smoothing topo file'
+  if(SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE < 1) stop 'SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE must be greater than 1 for filter'
+  print *,'size of window filter is ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1,' x ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1
+  area_window = dble((2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1)**2)
+  do iy_current = 1,NY_BATHY
+   if(mod(iy_current,10) == 0) print *,'smoothing line ',iy_current,' out of ',NY_BATHY
+    do ix_current = 1,NX_BATHY
+      value_sum = 0.d0
+! compute min and max of window
+      ix_min = ix_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      ix_max = ix_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_min = iy_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_max = iy_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+! loop on points in window to compute sum
+      do iy = iy_min,iy_max
+      do ix = ix_min,ix_max
+! copy current value
+        ix_value = ix
+        iy_value = iy
+! avoid edge effects, use periodic boundary in Xmin and Xmax
+      if(ix_value < 1) ix_value = ix_value + NX_BATHY
+      if(ix_value > NX_BATHY) ix_value = ix_value - NX_BATHY
+! avoid edge effects, use rigid boundary in Ymin and Ymax
+! *not* periodic, because South and North poles must not be merged
+      if(iy_value < 1) iy_value = 1
+      if(iy_value > NY_BATHY) iy_value = NY_BATHY
+! compute sum
+      value_sum = value_sum + dble(ibathy_topo_ori(ix_value,iy_value))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+! assign mean value to filtered point
+      ibathy_topo(ix_current,iy_current) = nint(value_sum / area_window)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! no smoothing
+    ibathy_topo = ibathy_topo_ori
+  endif
+! compute min and max after smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo)
+  print *,'min and max of topography after smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! store file in OpenDX format
+! create the OpenDX file
+  print *
+  print *,'creating OpenDX file'
+! creating the header
+  open(unit=11,file='epicenter.dx',status='unknown')
+! write point coordinates
+  write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 1 data follows'
+!! DK DK in principle this should take the ellipticity of the Earth into account
+  phi = long * PI / 180.d0
+  theta = (90.d0 - lat) * PI / 180.d0
+! use an Earth model of mean radius equal to 1, and add elevation to each point, amplified in order to see it
+  call get_topo_bathy(lat,long,elevation,ibathy_topo)
+  x = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
+  y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
+  z = r*cos(theta)
+  write(11,*) sngl(x),sngl(y),sngl(z)
+! write elements
+  write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items 1 data follows'
+! point numbers start at 0 in OpenDX, not 1 as in AVS
+  write(11,*) '0 0'
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "lines"'
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 1 data follows'
+! write data values (size of the glyph, therefore do NOT set it to 0)
+  write(11,*) '2'
+! define OpenDX field
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+  write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+  write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+  write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+  write(11,*) 'end'
+  close(11)
+  end program convert_epicenter_OpenDX
+  subroutine get_topo_bathy(xlat,xlon,value,ibathy_topo)
+!---- get elevation or ocean depth in meters at a given latitude and longitude
+  implicit none
+  include "constants_topo.h"
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer, dimension(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY) :: ibathy_topo
+  double precision xlat,xlon,value
+  integer iadd1,iel1
+  double precision samples_per_degree_topo
+  double precision xlo
+  xlo = xlon
+  if(xlon < 0.d0) xlo = xlo + 360.d0
+! compute number of samples per degree
+  samples_per_degree_topo = dble(RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE) / 60.d0
+! compute offset in data file and avoid edge effects
+  iadd1 = 1 + int((90.d0-xlat)/samples_per_degree_topo)
+  if(iadd1 < 1) iadd1 = 1
+  if(iadd1 > NY_BATHY) iadd1 = NY_BATHY
+  iel1 = int(xlo/samples_per_degree_topo)
+  if(iel1 <= 0 .or. iel1 > NX_BATHY) iel1 = NX_BATHY
+! convert integer value to double precision
+  value = dble(ibathy_topo(iel1,iadd1))
+  end subroutine get_topo_bathy

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_main_cities_OpenDX.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_main_cities_OpenDX.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_lat_long_main_cities_OpenDX.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_lat_long_cities_OpenDX
+!--- convert the coordinates of the main cities in the world to OpenDX format
+!--- the original list of cities is taken from http://www.stutzfamily.com/mrstutz/LatLong/latlonglist.htm
+  implicit none
+  include "constants_topo.h"
+! number of cities in input file
+  integer, parameter :: N_CITIES = 232
+! filter final surface using box filter
+  logical, parameter :: SMOOTH_THE_MODEL = .true.
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE = 5
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ibathy_topo_ori(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ix,iy,minvalue,maxvalue,icity
+  integer ix_current,iy_current,ix_min,ix_max,iy_min,iy_max,ix_value,iy_value
+  integer :: idegrees_lat,iminutes_lat,icode_lat,idegrees_long,iminutes_long,icode_long
+  double precision value_sum,area_window
+  double precision :: phi,theta,r,x,y,z,elevation
+  double precision, dimension(N_CITIES) :: long,lat
+! read the city file
+! in the input file, 3000 is North, 6000 is South, 9000 is East and 12000 is West
+  print *,'city file used contains ',N_CITIES,' cities'
+  print *,'reading the city file'
+  open(unit=13,file='lat_long_main_cities_processed.dat',status='old')
+  do icity=1,N_CITIES
+    read(13,*) idegrees_lat,iminutes_lat,icode_lat,idegrees_long,iminutes_long,icode_long
+    lat(icity) = idegrees_lat + iminutes_lat/60.d0
+    if(icode_lat == 6000) lat(icity) = - lat(icity)
+    long(icity) = idegrees_long + iminutes_long/60.d0
+    if(icode_long == 12000) long(icity) = - long(icity)
+  enddo
+  close(13)
+! read the topography file
+  print *,'file used has a resolution of ',RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE,' minutes'
+  print *
+  print *,'reading topo file'
+  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo4_from_etopo2_subsampled.dat',status='old')
+  do iy=1,NY_BATHY
+    do ix=1,NX_BATHY
+      read(13,*) ibathy_topo_ori(ix,iy)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(13)
+! compute min and max before smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  print *,'min and max of topography before smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! smooth topography/bathymetry model
+  if(SMOOTH_THE_MODEL) then
+  print *
+  print *,'smoothing topo file'
+  if(SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE < 1) stop 'SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE must be greater than 1 for filter'
+  print *,'size of window filter is ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1,' x ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1
+  area_window = dble((2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1)**2)
+  do iy_current = 1,NY_BATHY
+   if(mod(iy_current,10) == 0) print *,'smoothing line ',iy_current,' out of ',NY_BATHY
+    do ix_current = 1,NX_BATHY
+      value_sum = 0.d0
+! compute min and max of window
+      ix_min = ix_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      ix_max = ix_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_min = iy_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_max = iy_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+! loop on points in window to compute sum
+      do iy = iy_min,iy_max
+      do ix = ix_min,ix_max
+! copy current value
+        ix_value = ix
+        iy_value = iy
+! avoid edge effects, use periodic boundary in Xmin and Xmax
+      if(ix_value < 1) ix_value = ix_value + NX_BATHY
+      if(ix_value > NX_BATHY) ix_value = ix_value - NX_BATHY
+! avoid edge effects, use rigid boundary in Ymin and Ymax
+! *not* periodic, because South and North poles must not be merged
+      if(iy_value < 1) iy_value = 1
+      if(iy_value > NY_BATHY) iy_value = NY_BATHY
+! compute sum
+      value_sum = value_sum + dble(ibathy_topo_ori(ix_value,iy_value))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+! assign mean value to filtered point
+      ibathy_topo(ix_current,iy_current) = nint(value_sum / area_window)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! no smoothing
+    ibathy_topo = ibathy_topo_ori
+  endif
+! compute min and max after smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo)
+  print *,'min and max of topography after smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! store file in OpenDX format
+! create the OpenDX file
+  print *
+  print *,'creating OpenDX file'
+! creating the header
+  open(unit=11,file='earth_main_cities.dx',status='unknown')
+! write point coordinates
+  write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',N_CITIES,' data follows'
+  do icity = 1,N_CITIES
+!! DK DK in principle this should take the ellipticity of the Earth into account
+      phi = long(icity) * PI / 180.d0
+      theta = (90.d0 - lat(icity)) * PI / 180.d0
+! use an Earth model of mean radius equal to 1, and add elevation to each point, amplified in order to see it
+      call get_topo_bathy(lat(icity),long(icity),elevation,ibathy_topo)
+      r = (R_EARTH + EXAGGERATION_FACTOR_TOPO * elevation) / R_EARTH
+      x = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
+      y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
+      z = r*cos(theta)
+      write(11,*) sngl(x),sngl(y),sngl(z)
+  enddo
+! write elements
+  write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items 1 data follows'
+! point numbers start at 0 in OpenDX, not 1 as in AVS
+  write(11,*) '0 0'
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "lines"'
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',N_CITIES,' data follows'
+! write data values (size of the glyph, therefore do NOT set it to 0)
+  do icity = 1,N_CITIES
+    write(11,*) '1'
+  enddo
+! define OpenDX field
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+  write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+  write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+  write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+  write(11,*) 'end'
+  close(11)
+  end program convert_lat_long_cities_OpenDX
+  subroutine get_topo_bathy(xlat,xlon,value,ibathy_topo)
+!---- get elevation or ocean depth in meters at a given latitude and longitude
+  implicit none
+  include "constants_topo.h"
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer, dimension(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY) :: ibathy_topo
+  double precision xlat,xlon,value
+  integer iadd1,iel1
+  double precision samples_per_degree_topo
+  double precision xlo
+  xlo = xlon
+  if(xlon < 0.d0) xlo = xlo + 360.d0
+! compute number of samples per degree
+  samples_per_degree_topo = dble(RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE) / 60.d0
+! compute offset in data file and avoid edge effects
+  iadd1 = 1 + int((90.d0-xlat)/samples_per_degree_topo)
+  if(iadd1 < 1) iadd1 = 1
+  if(iadd1 > NY_BATHY) iadd1 = NY_BATHY
+  iel1 = int(xlo/samples_per_degree_topo)
+  if(iel1 <= 0 .or. iel1 > NX_BATHY) iel1 = NX_BATHY
+! convert integer value to double precision
+  value = dble(ibathy_topo(iel1,iadd1))
+  end subroutine get_topo_bathy

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_palette_GMT_OpenDX.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_palette_GMT_OpenDX.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_palette_GMT_OpenDX.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_palette
+! convert GMT palette for the globe found at
+! http://sview01.wiredworkplace.net/pub/cpt-city/gmt/tn/GMT_globe.png.index.html
+! to proprietary OpenDX *.cm format
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: NUM_LINES = 38
+! opacity: 1=totally opaque  2=continents 80% opaque and oceans 30% opaque
+  integer, parameter :: OPACITY = 2
+  integer, dimension(NUM_LINES) :: r,g,b
+  real, dimension(NUM_LINES) :: z
+  integer :: i,icomp
+  real :: rval,gval,bval,hval,sval,vval
+! read the input GMT palette "GMT_globe_palette_cropped.dat" or "GMT_globe_palette.dat"
+  do i = 1,NUM_LINES
+    read(*,*) z(i),r(i),g(i),b(i)
+  enddo
+! for OpenDX *.cm format, output min and max of z
+  print *,minval(z)
+  print *,maxval(z)
+! output the palette converted from RGB to HSV
+! output H, then S, then V
+  do icomp = 1,3
+! for OpenDX *.cm format, output number of values
+  print *,NUM_LINES
+  do i = 1,NUM_LINES
+    rval = r(i) / 255.d0
+    gval = g(i) / 255.d0
+    bval = b(i) / 255.d0
+      call rgb_to_hsv ( rval, gval, bval, hval, sval, vval )
+! for OpenDX *.cm format, output value of H,S or V and then three zeroes
+! hue is an angle between 0 and 360 degrees but it is stored as a real value between 0 and 1
+      if(icomp == 1) print *,(z(i)-z(1))/(z(NUM_LINES)-z(1)),hval/360.,' 0 0 0'
+      if(icomp == 2) print *,(z(i)-z(1))/(z(NUM_LINES)-z(1)),sval,' 0 0 0'
+      if(icomp == 3) print *,(z(i)-z(1))/(z(NUM_LINES)-z(1)),vval,' 0 0 0'
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! output opacity, set to 1 (i.e. totally opaque)
+  if(OPACITY == 1) then
+    print *,'2'
+    print *,'0.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0'
+    print *,'1.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0'
+  else if(OPACITY == 2) then
+    print *,'4'
+    print *,'0.0000   0.00  0  0  0'
+    print *,'0.5934   0.00  0  0  0'
+    print *,'0.5934   0.44  0  0  0'
+    print *,'1.0000   0.44  0  0  0'
+  else
+    stop 'wrong opacity code'
+  endif
+  end program convert_palette
+!---- Fortran conversion from RGB to HSV below
+!---- taken from http://orion.math.iastate.edu/burkardt/f_src/colors/colors.f90
+subroutine rgb_to_hsv ( r, g, b, h, s, v )
+!! RGB_TO_HSV converts RGB to HSV color coordinates.
+!  Definition:
+!    The RGB color system describes a color based on the amounts of the
+!    base colors red, green, and blue.  Thus, a particular color
+!    has three coordinates, (R,G,B).  Each coordinate must be between
+!    0 and 1.
+!    The HSV color system describes a color based on the three qualities
+!    of hue, saturation, and value.  A given color will be represented
+!    by three numbers, (H,S,V).  H, the value of hue, is an angle
+!    between 0 and 360 degrees, with 0 representing red.  S is the
+!    saturation, and is between 0 and 1.  Finally, V is the "value",
+!    a measure of brightness, which goes from 0 for black, increasing
+!    to a maximum of 1 for the brightest colors.  The HSV color system
+!    is sometimes also called HSB, where the B stands for brightness.
+!  Reference:
+!    Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes,
+!    Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice,
+!    Addison Wesley, Second Edition, 1990.
+!  Modified:
+!    29 August 1998
+!  Author:
+!    John Burkardt
+!  Parameters:
+!    Input, real R, G, B, the RGB color coordinates to be converted.
+!    Output, real H, S, V, the corresponding HSV color coordinates.
+  implicit none
+  real b
+  real bc
+  real g
+  real gc
+  real h
+  real r
+  real rc
+  real rgbmax
+  real rgbmin
+  real r_modp
+  real s
+  real v
+  rgbmax = max ( r, g, b )
+  rgbmin = min ( r, g, b )
+  v = rgbmax
+!  Compute the saturation.
+  if ( rgbmax /= 0.0E+00 ) then
+    s = ( rgbmax - rgbmin ) / rgbmax
+  else
+    s = 0.0E+00
+  end if
+!  Compute the hue.
+  if ( s == 0.0E+00 ) then
+    h = 0.0E+00
+  else
+    rc = ( rgbmax - r ) / ( rgbmax - rgbmin )
+    gc = ( rgbmax - g ) / ( rgbmax - rgbmin )
+    bc = ( rgbmax - b ) / ( rgbmax - rgbmin )
+    if ( r == rgbmax ) then
+      h = bc - gc
+    else if ( g == rgbmax ) then
+      h = 2.0E+00 + rc - bc
+    else
+      h = 4.0E+00 + gc - rc
+    end if
+    h = h * 60.0E+00
+!  Make sure H lies between 0 and 360.0E+00
+    h = r_modp ( h, 360.0E+00 )
+  end if
+function r_modp ( x, y )
+!! R_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of real division.
+!  Formula:
+!    If
+!      REM = R_MODP ( X, Y )
+!      RMULT = ( X - REM ) / Y
+!    then
+!      X = Y * RMULT + REM
+!    where REM is always nonnegative.
+!  Comments:
+!    The MOD function computes a result with the same sign as the
+!    quantity being divided.  Thus, suppose you had an angle A,
+!    and you wanted to ensure that it was between 0 and 360.
+!    Then mod(A,360.0) would do, if A was positive, but if A
+!    was negative, your result would be between -360 and 0.
+!    On the other hand, R_MODP(A,360.0) is between 0 and 360, always.
+!  Examples:
+!        I         J     MOD   R_MODP   R_MODP Factorization
+!      107        50       7       7    107 =  2 *  50 + 7
+!      107       -50       7       7    107 = -2 * -50 + 7
+!     -107        50      -7      43   -107 = -3 *  50 + 43
+!     -107       -50      -7      43   -107 =  3 * -50 + 43
+!  Modified:
+!    29 August 1998
+!  Author:
+!    John Burkardt
+!  Parameters:
+!    Input, real X, the number to be divided.
+!    Input, real Y, the number that divides X.
+!    Output, real R_MODP, the nonnegative remainder when X is divided by Y.
+  implicit none
+  real r_modp
+  real x
+  real y
+  if ( y == 0 ) then
+    write ( *, '(a)' ) ' '
+    write ( *, '(a)' ) 'R_MODP - Fatal error!'
+    write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) '  R_MODP ( X, Y ) called with Y = ', y
+    stop
+  end if
+  r_modp = mod ( x, y )
+  if ( r_modp < 0.0E+00 ) then
+    r_modp = r_modp + abs ( y )
+  end if

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_topo_bathy_to_OpenDX.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_topo_bathy_to_OpenDX.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/convert_topo_bathy_to_OpenDX.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  program convert_topo_bathy_to_OpenDX
+!--- read topography and bathymetry ASCII file, smooth it or not and convert it to OpenDX format
+! this program uses a very simple window filter
+! it works fine because the model has a very high resolution
+! in principle it would be better to use a circular cap to take
+! the notion of angular distance between points into account in the filter
+! in practice though this simple filter works perfectly fine
+  implicit none
+  include "constants_topo.h"
+! subsample the OpenDX output file to reduce the total number of elements
+  integer, parameter :: NSUBSAMPLING = 4
+! filter final surface using box filter
+  logical, parameter :: SMOOTH_THE_MODEL = .true.
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE = 5
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ibathy_topo_ori(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ix,iy,minvalue,maxvalue,ibool_number1,ibool_number2,ix2
+  integer ix_current,iy_current,ix_min,ix_max,iy_min,iy_max,ix_value,iy_value
+  double precision value_sum,area_window
+  double precision :: long,lat,phi,theta,r,x,y,z
+! read the topography file
+  print *,'file used has a resolution of ',RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE,' minutes'
+  print *
+  print *,'reading topo file'
+  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo4_from_etopo2_subsampled.dat',status='old')
+  do iy=1,NY_BATHY
+    do ix=1,NX_BATHY
+      read(13,*) ibathy_topo_ori(ix,iy)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(13)
+! compute min and max before smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  print *,'min and max of topography before smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! smooth topography/bathymetry model
+  if(SMOOTH_THE_MODEL) then
+  print *
+  print *,'smoothing topo file'
+  if(SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE < 1) stop 'SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE must be greater than 1 for filter'
+  print *,'size of window filter is ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1,' x ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1
+  area_window = dble((2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1)**2)
+  do iy_current = 1,NY_BATHY
+   if(mod(iy_current,10) == 0) print *,'smoothing line ',iy_current,' out of ',NY_BATHY
+    do ix_current = 1,NX_BATHY
+      value_sum = 0.d0
+! compute min and max of window
+      ix_min = ix_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      ix_max = ix_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_min = iy_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_max = iy_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+! loop on points in window to compute sum
+      do iy = iy_min,iy_max
+      do ix = ix_min,ix_max
+! copy current value
+        ix_value = ix
+        iy_value = iy
+! avoid edge effects, use periodic boundary in Xmin and Xmax
+      if(ix_value < 1) ix_value = ix_value + NX_BATHY
+      if(ix_value > NX_BATHY) ix_value = ix_value - NX_BATHY
+! avoid edge effects, use rigid boundary in Ymin and Ymax
+! *not* periodic, because South and North poles must not be merged
+      if(iy_value < 1) iy_value = 1
+      if(iy_value > NY_BATHY) iy_value = NY_BATHY
+! compute sum
+      value_sum = value_sum + dble(ibathy_topo_ori(ix_value,iy_value))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+! assign mean value to filtered point
+      ibathy_topo(ix_current,iy_current) = nint(value_sum / area_window)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! no smoothing
+    ibathy_topo = ibathy_topo_ori
+  endif
+! compute min and max after smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo)
+  print *,'min and max of topography after smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+! store file in OpenDX format with grey levels
+! create the OpenDX file
+  print *
+  print *,'creating OpenDX file'
+  print *,'subsampling OpenDX file by a factor of NSUBSAMPLING to reduce its number of elements'
+  if(mod(NX_BATHY,NSUBSAMPLING) /= 0 .or. mod(NY_BATHY,NSUBSAMPLING) /= 0) &
+    stop 'need NX_BATHY and NX_BATHY to be multiples of NSUBSAMPLING to be able to subsample'
+! creating the header
+  open(unit=11,file='earth_topo_bathy.dx',status='unknown')
+! write point coordinates
+  write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ', &
+      long = (ix-1)/dble(NX_BATHY-1) * 360.d0
+      lat  = (dble(iy-1)/dble(NY_BATHY-1))*180.d0 - 90.d0
+! points are inverted in the data file, therefore invert latitude to restore the correct orientation
+      lat = - lat
+      phi = long * PI / 180.d0
+      theta = (90.d0 - lat) * PI / 180.d0
+! use an Earth model of mean radius equal to 1, and add elevation to each point, amplified in order to see it
+      r = (R_EARTH + EXAGGERATION_FACTOR_TOPO * ibathy_topo(ix,iy)) / R_EARTH
+      x = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
+      y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
+      z = r*cos(theta)
+      write(11,*) sngl(x),sngl(y),sngl(z)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! write elements
+  write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 4 items ', &
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+      ibool_number1 = ((iy-1)/NSUBSAMPLING)*(NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING) + (ix-1)/NSUBSAMPLING + 1
+! point numbers start at 0 in OpenDX, not 1 as in AVS
+      write(11,"(i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ibool_number1-1,ibool_number1+NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING-1, &
+                                             ibool_number1+1-1,ibool_number1+NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING+1-1
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! to close the topology of the sphere, implement periodic boundary conditions in longitude,
+! i.e., connect ix = NX_BATHY-NSUBSAMPLING with ix = 1
+! otherwise one can see an empty line that does not look nice in the OpenDX images
+  ix2 = 1
+! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+      ibool_number1 = ((iy-1)/NSUBSAMPLING)*(NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING) + (ix-1)/NSUBSAMPLING + 1
+      ibool_number2 = ((iy-1)/NSUBSAMPLING)*(NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING) + (ix2-1)/NSUBSAMPLING + 1
+! point numbers start at 0 in OpenDX, not 1 as in AVS
+      write(11,"(i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ibool_number1-1,ibool_number1+NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING-1, &
+                                             ibool_number2-1,ibool_number2+NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING-1
+  enddo
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "quads"'
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',(NX_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING)*(NY_BATHY/NSUBSAMPLING),' data follows'
+! write data values
+      write(11,*) ibathy_topo(ix,iy)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! define OpenDX field
+  write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
+  write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+  write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+  write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+  write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+  write(11,*) 'end'
+  close(11)
+  end program convert_topo_bathy_to_OpenDX

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_AVS.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_AVS.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_AVS.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#  Script to create plate and continent boundaries in AVS format
+#  Author : Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, August 2000
+# first file contains continent boundaries with longitude and then latitude
+# file with continents
+  $name = 'continent_boundaries_gmt.dat';
+  print STDOUT "Getting boundaries from file $name ...\n";
+  open(FILEAVS,">AVS_continent_boundaries.inp");
+  $numsegments = `cat $name | grep ">" | wc -l `;
+  chop $numsegments;
+  print STDOUT "There are $numsegments contours\n";
+  $numpoints = `cat $name | grep -v ">" | wc -l `;
+  chop $numpoints;
+  print STDOUT "There are $numpoints data points\n";
+# read the GMT file to get the number of individual line segments
+  $currentelem = 0;
+  $previous_was_comment = 1;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get line marker (comment in file)
+    if(substr($line,0,1) eq '>') {
+      $previous_was_comment = 1;
+      }
+    else {
+      if($previous_was_comment == 0) {
+        $currentelem ++;
+        }
+        $previous_was_comment = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  close(FILEGMT);
+	$num_individual_lines = $currentelem;
+  print STDOUT "There are $num_individual_lines individual line segments\n";
+	$pi = 3.14159265 ;
+# write header for AVS (with point data)
+      print FILEAVS "$numpoints $num_individual_lines 1 0 0\n";
+# read the GMT file to get the points
+	$currentpoint = 0;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get point only if line is not a comment
+    if(substr($line,0,1) ne '>') {
+			$currentpoint ++;
+# longitude is the number before the white space
+ $longitude = substr($line,0,index($line," "));
+# latitude is the number after the white space
+ $latitude = substr($line,index($line," ")+1);
+# convert geographic latitude to geocentric colatitude and convert to radians 
+      $theta = $pi/2. - atan2(0.99329534 * tan($latitude * $pi / 180.),1) ;
+      $phi = $longitude * $pi / 180. ;
+# compute the Cartesian position of the receiver (ignore ellipticity for AVS)
+# assume a sphere of radius one
+      $r_target = 1. ;
+## DK DK make the radius a little bit bigger to make sure it is 
+## DK DK correctly superimposed to the mesh in final AVS figure
+      $r_target = 1.015 ;
+      $x_target = $r_target*sin($theta)*cos($phi) ;
+      $y_target = $r_target*sin($theta)*sin($phi) ;
+      $z_target = $r_target*cos($theta) ;
+ 			print FILEAVS "$currentpoint $x_target $y_target $z_target\n";
+			}
+	}
+  close(FILEGMT);
+# read the GMT file to get the lines
+	$currentline = 0;
+	$currentelem = 0;
+	$currentpoint = 0;
+	$previous_was_comment = 1;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get line marker (comment in file)
+    if(substr($line,0,1) eq '>') {
+			$currentline ++;
+			$currentpoint ++;
+			$previous_was_comment = 1;
+			print STDOUT "processing contour $currentline named $line\n";
+			} 
+		else {
+		  if($previous_was_comment == 0) {
+				$previouspoint = $currentpoint;
+			  $currentelem ++;
+			  $currentpoint ++;
+				print FILEAVS "$currentelem $currentline line $previouspoint $currentpoint\n";
+				}
+				$previous_was_comment = 0;
+		}
+  }     
+  close(FILEGMT);
+	print FILEAVS " 1 1\n";
+	print FILEAVS " Zcoord, meters\n";
+# create data values for the points
+  $currentpoint = 1;
+  while($currentpoint <= $numpoints) {
+      print FILEAVS "$currentpoint 255.\n";
+      $currentpoint ++ ;
+      }
+  close(FILEAVS);
+## DK DK define tangent function which is not standard in Perl
+ sub tan { sin($_[0]) / cos($_[0])  }

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_AVS.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_DX.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_DX.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_DX.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#  Script to create plate and continent boundaries in OpenDX format
+#  Author : Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, August 2000
+# first file contains continent boundaries with longitude and then latitude
+# file with continents
+  $name = 'continent_boundaries_gmt.dat';
+  print STDOUT "Getting boundaries from file $name ...\n";
+  open(FILEAVS,">DX_continent_boundaries.dx");
+  $numsegments = `cat $name | grep ">" | wc -l `;
+  chop $numsegments;
+  print STDOUT "There are $numsegments contours\n";
+  $numpoints = `cat $name | grep -v ">" | wc -l `;
+  chop $numpoints;
+  print STDOUT "There are $numpoints data points\n";
+# read the GMT file to get the number of individual line segments
+  $currentelem = 0;
+  $previous_was_comment = 1;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get line marker (comment in file)
+    if(substr($line,0,1) eq '>') {
+      $previous_was_comment = 1;
+      }
+    else {
+      if($previous_was_comment == 0) {
+        $currentelem ++;
+        }
+        $previous_was_comment = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  close(FILEGMT);
+	$num_individual_lines = $currentelem;
+  print STDOUT "There are $num_individual_lines individual line segments\n";
+	$pi = 3.1415926535 ;
+# write header for AVS (with point data)
+      print FILEAVS "object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items $numpoints data follows\n";
+# read the GMT file to get the points
+	$currentpoint = 0;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get point only if line is not a comment
+    if(substr($line,0,1) ne '>') {
+			$currentpoint ++;
+# longitude is the number before the white space
+ $longitude = substr($line,0,index($line," "));
+# latitude is the number after the white space
+ $latitude = substr($line,index($line," ")+1);
+# convert geographic latitude to geocentric colatitude and convert to radians 
+#     $theta = $pi/2. - atan2(0.99329534 * tan($latitude * $pi / 180.),1) ;
+      $theta = $pi/2. - $latitude * $pi / 180. ;
+      $phi = $longitude * $pi / 180. ;
+# compute the Cartesian position of the receiver (ignore ellipticity)
+# assume a sphere of radius one
+## DK DK make the radius a little bit bigger to make sure it is 
+## DK DK correctly superimposed to the mesh in final AVS or OpenDX figure
+#     $r_target = 1.015 ;
+      $r_target = 1.007 ;
+      $x_target = $r_target*sin($theta)*cos($phi) ;
+      $y_target = $r_target*sin($theta)*sin($phi) ;
+      $z_target = $r_target*cos($theta) ;
+ 			print FILEAVS "$x_target $y_target $z_target\n";
+			}
+	}
+  close(FILEGMT);
+ print FILEAVS "object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items $num_individual_lines data follows\n";
+# read the GMT file to get the lines
+	$currentline = 0;
+	$currentelem = 0;
+	$currentpoint = 0;
+	$previous_was_comment = 1;
+  open(FILEGMT,"<$name");
+  while($line = <FILEGMT>) {
+    chop $line;
+#   get line marker (comment in file)
+    if(substr($line,0,1) eq '>') {
+			$currentline ++;
+			$currentpoint ++;
+			$previous_was_comment = 1;
+			print STDOUT "processing contour $currentline named $line\n";
+			} 
+		else {
+		  if($previous_was_comment == 0) {
+				$previouspoint = $currentpoint;
+			  $currentelem ++;
+			  $currentpoint ++;
+        $previouspointdx = $previouspoint - 1;
+        $currentpointdx = $currentpoint - 1;
+				print FILEAVS "$previouspointdx $currentpointdx\n";
+				}
+				$previous_was_comment = 0;
+		}
+  }     
+  close(FILEGMT);
+ print FILEAVS "attribute \"element type\" string \"lines\"\n";
+ print FILEAVS "attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"\n";
+ print FILEAVS "object 3 class array type float rank 0 items $numpoints data follows\n";
+# create data values for the points
+  $currentpoint = 1;
+  while($currentpoint <= $numpoints) {
+      print FILEAVS "255.\n";
+      $currentpoint ++ ;
+      }
+ print FILEAVS "attribute \"dep\" string \"positions\"\n";
+ print FILEAVS "object \"irregular connections  irregular positions\" class field\n";
+ print FILEAVS "component \"positions\" value 1\n";
+ print FILEAVS "component \"connections\" value 2\n";
+ print FILEAVS "component \"data\" value 3\n";
+ print FILEAVS "end\n";
+  close(FILEAVS);
+## DK DK define tangent function which is not standard in Perl
+ sub tan { sin($_[0]) / cos($_[0])  }

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_continent_boundaries_DX.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_OpenDX_sequences.csh
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_OpenDX_sequences.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_OpenDX_sequences.csh	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# create the four MPEG movie sequences from all the OpenDX *.tif files with logos added separately
+#set quality = 100
+set quality = 85
+ convert -quality $quality te*.tif movie_transparent_europe.mpeg
+ convert -quality $quality tp*.tif movie_transparent_pacific.mpeg
+ convert -quality $quality oe*.tif movie_opaque_europe.mpeg
+ convert -quality $quality op*.tif movie_opaque_pacific.mpeg

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_title_sequences.csh
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_title_sequences.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/create_mpeg_title_sequences.csh	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+# create the three MPEG title sequences from all the *.tif files with titles
+# use each file 125 times in order to have a sequence that lasts 5 seconds (at 25 images per second)
+#set quality = 100
+set quality = 85
+########## first title
+ convert -quality $quality \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
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+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
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+titre_general_01.tiff \
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+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
+titre_general_01.tiff \
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+########## second title
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+titre_semi_transparence.tiff \
+titre_semi_transparence.tiff \
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+########## third title
+ convert -quality $quality \
+titre_propagation_Pacifique.tiff \
+titre_propagation_Pacifique.tiff \
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Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/debug_val_proc_0.dx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/debug_val_proc_0.dx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/debug_val_proc_0.dx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,1198 @@
+  object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items          593  data follows
+  8.7117180E-02 -8.1135355E-02  8.7117180E-02
+  8.8998467E-02 -7.1742110E-02  8.8998467E-02
+  9.0794832E-02 -6.2348861E-02  9.0794832E-02
+  9.1708235E-02 -5.7393685E-02  9.1708235E-02
+  8.1135355E-02 -8.7117180E-02  8.7117180E-02
+  7.1742110E-02 -8.8998467E-02  8.8998467E-02
+  6.2348861E-02 -9.0794832E-02  9.0794832E-02
+  5.7393685E-02 -9.1708235E-02  9.1708235E-02
+  5.2438512E-02 -9.2573039E-02  9.2573039E-02
+  4.3045264E-02 -9.4035171E-02  9.4035171E-02
+  3.3652019E-02 -9.5265269E-02  9.5265269E-02
+  2.9039059E-02 -9.0305470E-02  9.6847333E-02
+  2.9666156E-02 -7.9850577E-02  9.8728627E-02
+  3.0264944E-02 -6.9395676E-02  0.1005250    
+  3.0569414E-02 -6.3880458E-02  0.1014384    
+  9.2573039E-02 -5.2438512E-02  9.2573039E-02
+  9.4035171E-02 -4.3045264E-02  9.4035171E-02
+  9.5265269E-02 -3.3652019E-02  9.5265269E-02
+  9.0305470E-02 -2.9039059E-02  9.6847333E-02
+  7.9850577E-02 -2.9666156E-02  9.8728627E-02
+  6.9395676E-02 -3.0264944E-02  0.1005250    
+  6.3880458E-02 -3.0569414E-02  0.1014384    
+  5.8365237E-02 -3.0857680E-02  0.1023032    
+  4.7910344E-02 -3.1345058E-02  0.1037653    
+  3.7455451E-02 -3.1755090E-02  0.1049954    
+  3.0857680E-02 -5.8365237E-02  0.1023032    
+  3.1345058E-02 -4.7910344E-02  0.1037653    
+  3.1755090E-02 -3.7455451E-02  0.1049954    
+  9.1273025E-02 -9.1273025E-02 -2.9381275E-02
+  9.3046032E-02 -8.0706112E-02 -3.0008372E-02
+  9.4739005E-02 -7.0139199E-02 -3.0607160E-02
+  9.5599838E-02 -6.4564891E-02 -3.0911628E-02
+  8.0706112E-02 -9.3046032E-02 -3.0008372E-02
+  8.2273856E-02 -8.2273856E-02 -3.0635471E-02
+  8.3770826E-02 -7.1501680E-02 -3.1234257E-02
+  8.4532000E-02 -6.5819085E-02 -3.1538725E-02
+  7.0139199E-02 -9.4739005E-02 -3.0607160E-02
+  7.1501680E-02 -8.3770826E-02 -3.1234257E-02
+  7.2802648E-02 -7.2802648E-02 -3.1833045E-02
+  7.3464163E-02 -6.7016661E-02 -3.2137513E-02
+  6.4564891E-02 -9.5599838E-02 -3.0911628E-02
+  6.5819085E-02 -8.4532000E-02 -3.1538725E-02
+  6.7016661E-02 -7.3464163E-02 -3.2137513E-02
+  6.7625597E-02 -6.7625597E-02 -3.2441985E-02
+  9.6414857E-02 -5.8990579E-02 -3.1199895E-02
+  9.7792834E-02 -4.8423667E-02 -3.1687275E-02
+  9.8952129E-02 -3.7856758E-02 -3.2097306E-02
+  8.5252665E-02 -6.0136490E-02 -3.1826992E-02
+  8.6471111E-02 -4.9364313E-02 -3.2314371E-02
+  8.7496191E-02 -3.8592137E-02 -3.2724403E-02
+  7.4090473E-02 -6.1230671E-02 -3.2425780E-02
+  7.5149380E-02 -5.0262496E-02 -3.2913160E-02
+  7.6040253E-02 -3.9294321E-02 -3.3323191E-02
+  6.8202130E-02 -6.1787035E-02 -3.2730248E-02
+  6.9176890E-02 -5.0719198E-02 -3.3217628E-02
+  6.9996953E-02 -3.9651364E-02 -3.3627659E-02
+  5.8990579E-02 -9.6414857E-02 -3.1199895E-02
+  6.0136490E-02 -8.5252665E-02 -3.1826992E-02
+  6.1230671E-02 -7.4090473E-02 -3.2425780E-02
+  6.1787035E-02 -6.8202130E-02 -3.2730248E-02
+  4.8423667E-02 -9.7792834E-02 -3.1687275E-02
+  4.9364313E-02 -8.6471111E-02 -3.2314371E-02
+  5.0262496E-02 -7.5149380E-02 -3.2913160E-02
+  5.0719198E-02 -6.9176890E-02 -3.3217628E-02
+  3.7856758E-02 -9.8952129E-02 -3.2097306E-02
+  3.8592137E-02 -8.7496191E-02 -3.2724403E-02
+  3.9294321E-02 -7.6040253E-02 -3.3323191E-02
+  3.9651364E-02 -6.9996953E-02 -3.3627659E-02
+  6.2313795E-02 -6.2313795E-02 -3.3018515E-02
+  6.3204393E-02 -5.1151600E-02 -3.3505894E-02
+  6.3953653E-02 -3.9989404E-02 -3.3915926E-02
+  5.1151600E-02 -6.3204393E-02 -3.3505894E-02
+  5.1882666E-02 -5.1882666E-02 -3.3993270E-02
+  5.2497715E-02 -4.0560938E-02 -3.4403306E-02
+  3.9989404E-02 -6.3953653E-02 -3.3915926E-02
+  4.0560938E-02 -5.2497715E-02 -3.4403306E-02
+  4.1041773E-02 -4.1041773E-02 -3.4813337E-02
+  9.7318567E-02 -9.0749577E-02 -2.4024792E-02
+  9.9199861E-02 -8.0243267E-02 -2.4543608E-02
+  0.1009962     -6.9736958E-02 -2.5039000E-02
+  0.1019096     -6.4194612E-02 -2.5290895E-02
+  9.0749577E-02 -9.7318567E-02 -2.4024792E-02
+  8.0243267E-02 -9.9199861E-02 -2.4543608E-02
+  6.9736958E-02 -0.1009962     -2.5039000E-02
+  6.4194612E-02 -0.1019096     -2.5290895E-02
+  9.7969763E-02 -9.1363288E-02 -1.4519529E-02
+  9.9851049E-02 -8.0785930E-02 -1.4833078E-02
+  0.1016474     -7.0208564E-02 -1.5132472E-02
+  0.1025608     -6.4628743E-02 -1.5284707E-02
+  9.1363288E-02 -9.7969763E-02 -1.4519529E-02
+  8.0785930E-02 -9.9851049E-02 -1.4833078E-02
+  7.0208564E-02 -0.1016474     -1.5132472E-02
+  6.4628743E-02 -0.1025608     -1.5284707E-02
+  9.8303989E-02 -9.1678277E-02 -5.0142664E-03
+  0.1001853     -8.1064448E-02 -5.1225489E-03
+  0.1019816     -7.0450626E-02 -5.2259434E-03
+  0.1028951     -6.4851560E-02 -5.2785175E-03
+  9.1678277E-02 -9.8303989E-02 -5.0142664E-03
+  8.1064448E-02 -0.1001853     -5.1225489E-03
+  7.0450626E-02 -0.1019816     -5.2259434E-03
+  6.4851560E-02 -0.1028951     -5.2785175E-03
+  9.8352596E-02 -9.1724090E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1002339     -8.1104957E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1020303     -7.0485823E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1029437     -6.4883970E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  9.1724090E-02 -9.8352596E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  8.1104957E-02 -0.1002339      0.0000000E+00
+  7.0485823E-02 -0.1020303      0.0000000E+00
+  6.4883970E-02 -0.1029437      0.0000000E+00
+  0.1027744     -5.8652267E-02 -2.5529386E-02
+  0.1042366     -4.8145957E-02 -2.5932606E-02
+  0.1054667     -3.7639648E-02 -2.6271837E-02
+  9.9919684E-02 -3.2439522E-02 -2.6708134E-02
+  8.8351734E-02 -3.3066619E-02 -2.7226947E-02
+  7.6783776E-02 -3.3665407E-02 -2.7722342E-02
+  7.0681386E-02 -3.3969875E-02 -2.7974237E-02
+  0.1034256     -5.9048917E-02 -1.5428840E-02
+  0.1048878     -4.8471555E-02 -1.5672529E-02
+  0.1061179     -3.7894197E-02 -1.5877545E-02
+  0.1005334     -3.2656588E-02 -1.6141223E-02
+  8.8894390E-02 -3.3283684E-02 -1.6454771E-02
+  7.7255383E-02 -3.3882473E-02 -1.6754165E-02
+  7.1115516E-02 -3.4186941E-02 -1.6906399E-02
+  0.1037599     -5.9252501E-02 -5.3282930E-03
+  0.1052220     -4.8638672E-02 -5.4124501E-03
+  0.1064521     -3.8024843E-02 -5.4832520E-03
+  0.1008484     -3.2767996E-02 -5.5743121E-03
+  8.9172915E-02 -3.3395093E-02 -5.6825951E-03
+  7.7497445E-02 -3.3993881E-02 -5.7859896E-03
+  7.1338333E-02 -3.4298349E-02 -5.8385632E-03
+  0.1038085     -5.9282105E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1052706     -4.8662975E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1065007     -3.8043842E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1008942     -3.2784197E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  8.9213423E-02 -3.3411298E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  7.7532649E-02 -3.4010082E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  7.1370743E-02 -3.4314554E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  5.8652267E-02 -0.1027744     -2.5529386E-02
+  4.8145957E-02 -0.1042366     -2.5932606E-02
+  3.7639648E-02 -0.1054667     -2.6271837E-02
+  3.2439522E-02 -9.9919684E-02 -2.6708134E-02
+  3.3066619E-02 -8.8351734E-02 -2.7226947E-02
+  3.3665407E-02 -7.6783776E-02 -2.7722342E-02
+  3.3969875E-02 -7.0681386E-02 -2.7974237E-02
+  5.9048917E-02 -0.1034256     -1.5428840E-02
+  4.8471555E-02 -0.1048878     -1.5672529E-02
+  3.7894197E-02 -0.1061179     -1.5877545E-02
+  3.2656588E-02 -0.1005334     -1.6141223E-02
+  3.3283684E-02 -8.8894390E-02 -1.6454771E-02
+  3.3882473E-02 -7.7255383E-02 -1.6754165E-02
+  3.4186941E-02 -7.1115516E-02 -1.6906399E-02
+  5.9252501E-02 -0.1037599     -5.3282930E-03
+  4.8638672E-02 -0.1052220     -5.4124501E-03
+  3.8024843E-02 -0.1064521     -5.4832520E-03
+  3.2767996E-02 -0.1008484     -5.5743121E-03
+  3.3395093E-02 -8.9172915E-02 -5.6825951E-03
+  3.3993881E-02 -7.7497445E-02 -5.7859896E-03
+  3.4298349E-02 -7.1338333E-02 -5.8385632E-03
+  5.9282105E-02 -0.1038085      0.0000000E+00
+  4.8662975E-02 -0.1052706      0.0000000E+00
+  3.8043842E-02 -0.1065007      0.0000000E+00
+  3.2784197E-02 -0.1008942      0.0000000E+00
+  3.3411298E-02 -8.9213423E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.4010082E-02 -7.7532649E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.4314554E-02 -7.1370743E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  6.4578995E-02 -3.4258142E-02 -2.8212728E-02
+  5.3011037E-02 -3.4745518E-02 -2.8615948E-02
+  4.1443080E-02 -3.5155553E-02 -2.8955178E-02
+  3.4258142E-02 -6.4578995E-02 -2.8212728E-02
+  3.4745518E-02 -5.3011037E-02 -2.8615948E-02
+  3.5155553E-02 -4.1443080E-02 -2.8955178E-02
+  6.4975642E-02 -3.4475207E-02 -1.7050533E-02
+  5.3336635E-02 -3.4962583E-02 -1.7294222E-02
+  4.1697629E-02 -3.5372619E-02 -1.7499238E-02
+  3.4475207E-02 -6.4975642E-02 -1.7050533E-02
+  3.4962583E-02 -5.3336635E-02 -1.7294222E-02
+  3.5372619E-02 -4.1697629E-02 -1.7499238E-02
+  6.5179229E-02 -3.4586616E-02 -5.8883391E-03
+  5.3503752E-02 -3.5073996E-02 -5.9724962E-03
+  4.1828275E-02 -3.5484027E-02 -6.0432977E-03
+  3.4586616E-02 -6.5179229E-02 -5.8883391E-03
+  3.5073996E-02 -5.3503752E-02 -5.9724962E-03
+  3.5484027E-02 -4.1828275E-02 -6.0432977E-03
+  6.5208837E-02 -3.4602821E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  5.3528056E-02 -3.5090197E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  4.1847277E-02 -3.5500228E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.4602821E-02 -6.5208837E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.5090197E-02 -5.3528056E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.5500228E-02 -4.1847277E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  9.8303989E-02 -9.1678277E-02  5.0142664E-03
+  0.1001853     -8.1064448E-02  5.1225489E-03
+  0.1019816     -7.0450626E-02  5.2259434E-03
+  0.1028951     -6.4851560E-02  5.2785175E-03
+  9.1678277E-02 -9.8303989E-02  5.0142664E-03
+  8.1064448E-02 -0.1001853      5.1225489E-03
+  7.0450626E-02 -0.1019816      5.2259434E-03
+  6.4851560E-02 -0.1028951      5.2785175E-03
+  9.7969763E-02 -9.1363288E-02  1.4519529E-02
+  9.9851049E-02 -8.0785930E-02  1.4833078E-02
+  0.1016474     -7.0208564E-02  1.5132472E-02
+  0.1025608     -6.4628743E-02  1.5284707E-02
+  9.1363288E-02 -9.7969763E-02  1.4519529E-02
+  8.0785930E-02 -9.9851049E-02  1.4833078E-02
+  7.0208564E-02 -0.1016474      1.5132472E-02
+  6.4628743E-02 -0.1025608      1.5284707E-02
+  9.7318567E-02 -9.0749577E-02  2.4024792E-02
+  9.9199861E-02 -8.0243267E-02  2.4543608E-02
+  0.1009962     -6.9736958E-02  2.5039000E-02
+  0.1019096     -6.4194612E-02  2.5290895E-02
+  9.0749577E-02 -9.7318567E-02  2.4024792E-02
+  8.0243267E-02 -9.9199861E-02  2.4543608E-02
+  6.9736958E-02 -0.1009962      2.5039000E-02
+  6.4194612E-02 -0.1019096      2.5290895E-02
+  0.1037599     -5.9252501E-02  5.3282930E-03
+  0.1052220     -4.8638672E-02  5.4124501E-03
+  0.1064521     -3.8024843E-02  5.4832520E-03
+  0.1008484     -3.2767996E-02  5.5743121E-03
+  8.9172915E-02 -3.3395093E-02  5.6825951E-03
+  7.7497445E-02 -3.3993881E-02  5.7859896E-03
+  7.1338333E-02 -3.4298349E-02  5.8385632E-03
+  0.1034256     -5.9048917E-02  1.5428840E-02
+  0.1048878     -4.8471555E-02  1.5672529E-02
+  0.1061179     -3.7894197E-02  1.5877545E-02
+  0.1005334     -3.2656588E-02  1.6141223E-02
+  8.8894390E-02 -3.3283684E-02  1.6454771E-02
+  7.7255383E-02 -3.3882473E-02  1.6754165E-02
+  7.1115516E-02 -3.4186941E-02  1.6906399E-02
+  0.1027744     -5.8652267E-02  2.5529386E-02
+  0.1042366     -4.8145957E-02  2.5932606E-02
+  0.1054667     -3.7639648E-02  2.6271837E-02
+  9.9919684E-02 -3.2439522E-02  2.6708134E-02
+  8.8351734E-02 -3.3066619E-02  2.7226947E-02
+  7.6783776E-02 -3.3665407E-02  2.7722342E-02
+  7.0681386E-02 -3.3969875E-02  2.7974237E-02
+  9.9475585E-02 -3.2282446E-02  3.2282446E-02
+  8.7959044E-02 -3.2909542E-02  3.2909542E-02
+  7.6442502E-02 -3.3508331E-02  3.3508331E-02
+  7.0367232E-02 -3.3812799E-02  3.3812799E-02
+  5.9252501E-02 -0.1037599      5.3282930E-03
+  4.8638672E-02 -0.1052220      5.4124501E-03
+  3.8024843E-02 -0.1064521      5.4832520E-03
+  3.2767996E-02 -0.1008484      5.5743121E-03
+  3.3395093E-02 -8.9172915E-02  5.6825951E-03
+  3.3993881E-02 -7.7497445E-02  5.7859896E-03
+  3.4298349E-02 -7.1338333E-02  5.8385632E-03
+  5.9048917E-02 -0.1034256      1.5428840E-02
+  4.8471555E-02 -0.1048878      1.5672529E-02
+  3.7894197E-02 -0.1061179      1.5877545E-02
+  3.2656588E-02 -0.1005334      1.6141223E-02
+  3.3283684E-02 -8.8894390E-02  1.6454771E-02
+  3.3882473E-02 -7.7255383E-02  1.6754165E-02
+  3.4186941E-02 -7.1115516E-02  1.6906399E-02
+  5.8652267E-02 -0.1027744      2.5529386E-02
+  4.8145957E-02 -0.1042366      2.5932606E-02
+  3.7639648E-02 -0.1054667      2.6271837E-02
+  3.2439522E-02 -9.9919684E-02  2.6708134E-02
+  3.3066619E-02 -8.8351734E-02  2.7226947E-02
+  3.3665407E-02 -7.6783776E-02  2.7722342E-02
+  3.3969875E-02 -7.0681386E-02  2.7974237E-02
+  3.2282446E-02 -9.9475585E-02  3.2282446E-02
+  3.2909542E-02 -8.7959044E-02  3.2909542E-02
+  3.3508331E-02 -7.6442502E-02  3.3508331E-02
+  3.3812799E-02 -7.0367232E-02  3.3812799E-02
+  6.5179229E-02 -3.4586616E-02  5.8883391E-03
+  5.3503752E-02 -3.5073996E-02  5.9724962E-03
+  4.1828275E-02 -3.5484027E-02  6.0432977E-03
+  3.4586616E-02 -6.5179229E-02  5.8883391E-03
+  3.5073996E-02 -5.3503752E-02  5.9724962E-03
+  3.5484027E-02 -4.1828275E-02  6.0432977E-03
+  6.4975642E-02 -3.4475207E-02  1.7050533E-02
+  5.3336635E-02 -3.4962583E-02  1.7294222E-02
+  4.1697629E-02 -3.5372619E-02  1.7499238E-02
+  3.4475207E-02 -6.4975642E-02  1.7050533E-02
+  3.4962583E-02 -5.3336635E-02  1.7294222E-02
+  3.5372619E-02 -4.1697629E-02  1.7499238E-02
+  6.4578995E-02 -3.4258142E-02  2.8212728E-02
+  5.3011037E-02 -3.4745518E-02  2.8615948E-02
+  4.1443080E-02 -3.5155553E-02  2.8955178E-02
+  3.4258142E-02 -6.4578995E-02  2.8212728E-02
+  3.4745518E-02 -5.3011037E-02  2.8615948E-02
+  3.5155553E-02 -4.1443080E-02  2.8955178E-02
+  6.4291969E-02 -3.4101065E-02  3.4101065E-02
+  5.2775424E-02 -3.4588445E-02  3.4588445E-02
+  4.1258883E-02 -3.4998477E-02  3.4998477E-02
+  3.4101065E-02 -6.4291969E-02  3.4101065E-02
+  3.4588445E-02 -5.2775424E-02  3.4588445E-02
+  3.4998477E-02 -4.1258883E-02  3.4998477E-02
+  9.6291915E-02 -8.9782014E-02  3.4053326E-02
+  9.8173209E-02 -7.9387724E-02  3.4788705E-02
+  9.9969573E-02 -6.8993434E-02  3.5490889E-02
+  0.1008830     -6.3510180E-02  3.5847928E-02
+  8.9782014E-02 -9.6291915E-02  3.4053326E-02
+  7.9387724E-02 -9.8173209E-02  3.4788705E-02
+  6.8993434E-02 -9.9969573E-02  3.5490889E-02
+  6.3510180E-02 -0.1008830      3.5847928E-02
+  9.5061816E-02 -8.8622719E-02  4.3558590E-02
+  9.6943110E-02 -7.8362644E-02  4.4499233E-02
+  9.8739475E-02 -6.8102561E-02  4.5397416E-02
+  9.9652879E-02 -6.2690116E-02  4.5854118E-02
+  8.8622719E-02 -9.5061816E-02  4.3558590E-02
+  7.8362644E-02 -9.6943110E-02  4.4499233E-02
+  6.8102561E-02 -9.8739475E-02  4.5397416E-02
+  6.2690116E-02 -9.9652879E-02  4.5854118E-02
+  9.3599685E-02 -8.7244742E-02  5.3063851E-02
+  9.5480978E-02 -7.7144198E-02  5.4209765E-02
+  9.7277343E-02 -6.7043655E-02  5.5303942E-02
+  9.8190747E-02 -6.1715361E-02  5.5860307E-02
+  8.7244742E-02 -9.3599685E-02  5.3063851E-02
+  7.7144198E-02 -9.5480978E-02  5.4209765E-02
+  6.7043655E-02 -9.7277343E-02  5.5303942E-02
+  6.1715361E-02 -9.8190747E-02  5.5860307E-02
+  9.2734888E-02 -8.6429723E-02  5.8078118E-02
+  9.4616182E-02 -7.6423533E-02  5.9332311E-02
+  9.6412539E-02 -6.6417344E-02  6.0529888E-02
+  9.7325951E-02 -6.1138827E-02  6.1138827E-02
+  8.6429723E-02 -9.2734888E-02  5.8078118E-02
+  7.6423533E-02 -9.4616182E-02  5.9332311E-02
+  6.6417344E-02 -9.6412539E-02  6.0529888E-02
+  6.1138827E-02 -9.7325951E-02  6.1138827E-02
+  0.1017478     -5.8026928E-02  3.6185972E-02
+  0.1032099     -4.7632635E-02  3.6757506E-02
+  0.1044400     -3.7238341E-02  3.7238341E-02
+  9.8952129E-02 -3.2097306E-02  3.7856758E-02
+  8.7496191E-02 -3.2724403E-02  3.8592137E-02
+  7.6040253E-02 -3.3323191E-02  3.9294321E-02
+  6.9996953E-02 -3.3627659E-02  3.9651364E-02
+  0.1005177     -5.7277665E-02  4.6286520E-02
+  0.1019798     -4.7017585E-02  4.7017585E-02
+  0.1032099     -3.6757506E-02  4.7632635E-02
+  9.7792834E-02 -3.1687275E-02  4.8423667E-02
+  8.6471111E-02 -3.2314371E-02  4.9364313E-02
+  7.5149380E-02 -3.2913160E-02  5.0262496E-02
+  6.9176890E-02 -3.3217628E-02  5.0719198E-02
+  9.9055551E-02 -5.6387067E-02  5.6387067E-02
+  0.1005177     -4.6286520E-02  5.7277665E-02
+  0.1017478     -3.6185972E-02  5.8026928E-02
+  9.6414857E-02 -3.1199895E-02  5.8990579E-02
+  8.5252665E-02 -3.1826992E-02  6.0136490E-02
+  7.4090473E-02 -3.2425780E-02  6.1230671E-02
+  6.8202130E-02 -3.2730248E-02  6.1787035E-02
+  9.8190747E-02 -5.5860307E-02  6.1715361E-02
+  9.9652879E-02 -4.5854118E-02  6.2690116E-02
+  0.1008830     -3.5847928E-02  6.3510180E-02
+  9.5599838E-02 -3.0911628E-02  6.4564891E-02
+  8.4532000E-02 -3.1538725E-02  6.5819085E-02
+  7.3464163E-02 -3.2137513E-02  6.7016661E-02
+  6.7625597E-02 -3.2441985E-02  6.7625597E-02
+  5.8026928E-02 -0.1017478      3.6185972E-02
+  4.7632635E-02 -0.1032099      3.6757506E-02
+  3.7238341E-02 -0.1044400      3.7238341E-02
+  3.2097306E-02 -9.8952129E-02  3.7856758E-02
+  3.2724403E-02 -8.7496191E-02  3.8592137E-02
+  3.3323191E-02 -7.6040253E-02  3.9294321E-02
+  3.3627659E-02 -6.9996953E-02  3.9651364E-02
+  5.7277665E-02 -0.1005177      4.6286520E-02
+  4.7017585E-02 -0.1019798      4.7017585E-02
+  3.6757506E-02 -0.1032099      4.7632635E-02
+  3.1687275E-02 -9.7792834E-02  4.8423667E-02
+  3.2314371E-02 -8.6471111E-02  4.9364313E-02
+  3.2913160E-02 -7.5149380E-02  5.0262496E-02
+  3.3217628E-02 -6.9176890E-02  5.0719198E-02
+  5.6387067E-02 -9.9055551E-02  5.6387067E-02
+  4.6286520E-02 -0.1005177      5.7277665E-02
+  3.6185972E-02 -0.1017478      5.8026928E-02
+  3.1199895E-02 -9.6414857E-02  5.8990579E-02
+  3.1826992E-02 -8.5252665E-02  6.0136490E-02
+  3.2425780E-02 -7.4090473E-02  6.1230671E-02
+  3.2730248E-02 -6.8202130E-02  6.1787035E-02
+  5.5860307E-02 -9.8190747E-02  6.1715361E-02
+  4.5854118E-02 -9.9652879E-02  6.2690116E-02
+  3.5847928E-02 -0.1008830      6.3510180E-02
+  3.0911628E-02 -9.5599838E-02  6.4564891E-02
+  3.1538725E-02 -8.4532000E-02  6.5819085E-02
+  3.2137513E-02 -7.3464163E-02  6.7016661E-02
+  3.2441985E-02 -6.7625597E-02  6.7625597E-02
+  6.3953653E-02 -3.3915926E-02  3.9989404E-02
+  5.2497715E-02 -3.4403306E-02  4.0560938E-02
+  4.1041773E-02 -3.4813337E-02  4.1041773E-02
+  3.3915926E-02 -6.3953653E-02  3.9989404E-02
+  3.4403306E-02 -5.2497715E-02  4.0560938E-02
+  3.4813337E-02 -4.1041773E-02  4.1041773E-02
+  6.3204393E-02 -3.3505894E-02  5.1151600E-02
+  5.1882666E-02 -3.3993270E-02  5.1882666E-02
+  4.0560938E-02 -3.4403306E-02  5.2497715E-02
+  3.3505894E-02 -6.3204393E-02  5.1151600E-02
+  3.3993270E-02 -5.1882666E-02  5.1882666E-02
+  3.4403306E-02 -4.0560938E-02  5.2497715E-02
+  6.2313795E-02 -3.3018515E-02  6.2313795E-02
+  5.1151600E-02 -3.3505894E-02  6.3204393E-02
+  3.9989404E-02 -3.3915926E-02  6.3953653E-02
+  3.3018515E-02 -6.2313795E-02  6.2313795E-02
+  3.3505894E-02 -5.1151600E-02  6.3204393E-02
+  3.3915926E-02 -3.9989404E-02  6.3953653E-02
+  6.1787035E-02 -3.2730248E-02  6.8202130E-02
+  5.0719198E-02 -3.3217628E-02  6.9176890E-02
+  3.9651364E-02 -3.3627659E-02  6.9996953E-02
+  3.2730248E-02 -6.1787035E-02  6.8202130E-02
+  3.3217628E-02 -5.0719198E-02  6.9176890E-02
+  3.3627659E-02 -3.9651364E-02  6.9996953E-02
+  9.1821477E-02 -8.5568890E-02  6.3092381E-02
+  9.3702771E-02 -7.5662360E-02  6.4454861E-02
+  9.5499136E-02 -6.5755829E-02  6.5755829E-02
+  9.6412539E-02 -6.0529888E-02  6.6417344E-02
+  8.5568890E-02 -9.1821477E-02  6.3092381E-02
+  7.5662360E-02 -9.3702771E-02  6.4454861E-02
+  6.5755829E-02 -9.5499136E-02  6.5755829E-02
+  6.0529888E-02 -9.6412539E-02  6.6417344E-02
+  9.0025119E-02 -8.3875917E-02  7.2597645E-02
+  9.1906413E-02 -7.4165389E-02  7.4165389E-02
+  9.3702771E-02 -6.4454861E-02  7.5662360E-02
+  9.4616182E-02 -5.9332311E-02  7.6423533E-02
+  8.3875917E-02 -9.0025119E-02  7.2597645E-02
+  7.4165389E-02 -9.1906413E-02  7.4165389E-02
+  6.4454861E-02 -9.3702771E-02  7.5662360E-02
+  5.9332311E-02 -9.4616182E-02  7.6423533E-02
+  8.8143826E-02 -8.2102910E-02  8.2102910E-02
+  9.0025119E-02 -7.2597645E-02  8.3875917E-02
+  9.1821477E-02 -6.3092381E-02  8.5568890E-02
+  9.2734888E-02 -5.8078118E-02  8.6429723E-02
+  8.2102910E-02 -8.8143826E-02  8.2102910E-02
+  7.2597645E-02 -9.0025119E-02  8.3875917E-02
+  6.3092381E-02 -9.1821477E-02  8.5568890E-02
+  5.8078118E-02 -9.2734888E-02  8.6429723E-02
+  9.7277343E-02 -5.5303942E-02  6.7043655E-02
+  9.8739475E-02 -4.5397416E-02  6.8102561E-02
+  9.9969573E-02 -3.5490889E-02  6.8993434E-02
+  9.4739005E-02 -3.0607160E-02  7.0139199E-02
+  8.3770826E-02 -3.1234257E-02  7.1501680E-02
+  7.2802648E-02 -3.1833045E-02  7.2802648E-02
+  6.7016661E-02 -3.2137513E-02  7.3464163E-02
+  9.5480978E-02 -5.4209765E-02  7.7144198E-02
+  9.6943110E-02 -4.4499233E-02  7.8362644E-02
+  9.8173209E-02 -3.4788705E-02  7.9387724E-02
+  9.3046032E-02 -3.0008372E-02  8.0706112E-02
+  8.2273856E-02 -3.0635471E-02  8.2273856E-02
+  7.1501680E-02 -3.1234257E-02  8.3770826E-02
+  6.5819085E-02 -3.1538725E-02  8.4532000E-02
+  9.3599685E-02 -5.3063851E-02  8.7244742E-02
+  9.5061816E-02 -4.3558590E-02  8.8622719E-02
+  9.6291915E-02 -3.4053326E-02  8.9782014E-02
+  9.1273025E-02 -2.9381275E-02  9.1273025E-02
+  8.0706112E-02 -3.0008372E-02  9.3046032E-02
+  7.0139199E-02 -3.0607160E-02  9.4739005E-02
+  6.4564891E-02 -3.0911628E-02  9.5599838E-02
+  5.5303942E-02 -9.7277343E-02  6.7043655E-02
+  4.5397416E-02 -9.8739475E-02  6.8102561E-02
+  3.5490889E-02 -9.9969573E-02  6.8993434E-02
+  3.0607160E-02 -9.4739005E-02  7.0139199E-02
+  3.1234257E-02 -8.3770826E-02  7.1501680E-02
+  3.1833045E-02 -7.2802648E-02  7.2802648E-02
+  3.2137513E-02 -6.7016661E-02  7.3464163E-02
+  5.4209765E-02 -9.5480978E-02  7.7144198E-02
+  4.4499233E-02 -9.6943110E-02  7.8362644E-02
+  3.4788705E-02 -9.8173209E-02  7.9387724E-02
+  3.0008372E-02 -9.3046032E-02  8.0706112E-02
+  3.0635471E-02 -8.2273856E-02  8.2273856E-02
+  3.1234257E-02 -7.1501680E-02  8.3770826E-02
+  3.1538725E-02 -6.5819085E-02  8.4532000E-02
+  5.3063851E-02 -9.3599685E-02  8.7244742E-02
+  4.3558590E-02 -9.5061816E-02  8.8622719E-02
+  3.4053326E-02 -9.6291915E-02  8.9782014E-02
+  2.9381275E-02 -9.1273025E-02  9.1273025E-02
+  3.0008372E-02 -8.0706112E-02  9.3046032E-02
+  3.0607160E-02 -7.0139199E-02  9.4739005E-02
+  3.0911628E-02 -6.4564891E-02  9.5599838E-02
+  6.1230671E-02 -3.2425780E-02  7.4090473E-02
+  5.0262496E-02 -3.2913160E-02  7.5149380E-02
+  3.9294321E-02 -3.3323191E-02  7.6040253E-02
+  3.2425780E-02 -6.1230671E-02  7.4090473E-02
+  3.2913160E-02 -5.0262496E-02  7.5149380E-02
+  3.3323191E-02 -3.9294321E-02  7.6040253E-02
+  6.0136490E-02 -3.1826992E-02  8.5252665E-02
+  4.9364313E-02 -3.2314371E-02  8.6471111E-02
+  3.8592137E-02 -3.2724403E-02  8.7496191E-02
+  3.1826992E-02 -6.0136490E-02  8.5252665E-02
+  3.2314371E-02 -4.9364313E-02  8.6471111E-02
+  3.2724403E-02 -3.8592137E-02  8.7496191E-02
+  5.8990579E-02 -3.1199895E-02  9.6414857E-02
+  4.8423667E-02 -3.1687275E-02  9.7792834E-02
+  3.7856758E-02 -3.2097306E-02  9.8952129E-02
+  3.1199895E-02 -5.8990579E-02  9.6414857E-02
+  3.1687275E-02 -4.8423667E-02  9.7792834E-02
+  3.2097306E-02 -3.7856758E-02  9.8952129E-02
+  8.6090527E-02 -8.6090527E-02  8.6090527E-02
+  9.6291915E-02 -9.6291915E-02 -2.3741668E-02
+  9.6943110E-02 -9.6943110E-02 -1.4348421E-02
+  9.7277343E-02 -9.7277343E-02 -4.9551749E-03
+  9.7325951E-02 -9.7325951E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  9.7277343E-02 -9.7277343E-02  4.9551749E-03
+  9.6943110E-02 -9.6943110E-02  1.4348421E-02
+  9.6291915E-02 -9.6291915E-02  2.3741668E-02
+  9.6847333E-02 -9.0305470E-02  2.9039059E-02
+  9.8728627E-02 -7.9850577E-02  2.9666156E-02
+  0.1005250     -6.9395676E-02  3.0264944E-02
+  0.1014384     -6.3880458E-02  3.0569414E-02
+  9.0305470E-02 -9.6847333E-02  2.9039059E-02
+  7.9850577E-02 -9.8728627E-02  2.9666156E-02
+  6.9395676E-02 -0.1005250      3.0264944E-02
+  6.3880458E-02 -0.1014384      3.0569414E-02
+  0.1023032     -5.8365237E-02  3.0857680E-02
+  0.1037653     -4.7910344E-02  3.1345058E-02
+  0.1049954     -3.7455451E-02  3.1755090E-02
+  5.8365237E-02 -0.1023032      3.0857680E-02
+  4.7910344E-02 -0.1037653      3.1345058E-02
+  3.7455451E-02 -0.1049954      3.1755090E-02
+  9.5265269E-02 -9.5265269E-02  3.3652019E-02
+  9.4035171E-02 -9.4035171E-02  4.3045264E-02
+  9.2573039E-02 -9.2573039E-02  5.2438512E-02
+  9.1708235E-02 -9.1708235E-02  5.7393685E-02
+  9.0794832E-02 -9.0794832E-02  6.2348861E-02
+  8.8998467E-02 -8.8998467E-02  7.1742110E-02
+  8.7117180E-02 -8.7117180E-02  8.1135355E-02
+  2.8696842E-02 -9.5820688E-02  9.5820688E-02
+  9.5820688E-02 -2.8696842E-02  9.5820688E-02
+  3.1940229E-02 -3.1940229E-02  0.1055508    
+  9.6847333E-02 -9.0305470E-02 -2.9039059E-02
+  9.8728627E-02 -7.9850577E-02 -2.9666156E-02
+  0.1005250     -6.9395676E-02 -3.0264944E-02
+  0.1014384     -6.3880458E-02 -3.0569414E-02
+  9.0305470E-02 -9.6847333E-02 -2.9039059E-02
+  7.9850577E-02 -9.8728627E-02 -2.9666156E-02
+  6.9395676E-02 -0.1005250     -3.0264944E-02
+  6.3880458E-02 -0.1014384     -3.0569414E-02
+  0.1023032     -5.8365237E-02 -3.0857680E-02
+  0.1037653     -4.7910344E-02 -3.1345058E-02
+  0.1049954     -3.7455451E-02 -3.1755090E-02
+  9.9475585E-02 -3.2282446E-02 -3.2282446E-02
+  8.7959044E-02 -3.2909542E-02 -3.2909542E-02
+  7.6442502E-02 -3.3508331E-02 -3.3508331E-02
+  7.0367232E-02 -3.3812799E-02 -3.3812799E-02
+  5.8365237E-02 -0.1023032     -3.0857680E-02
+  4.7910344E-02 -0.1037653     -3.1345058E-02
+  3.7455451E-02 -0.1049954     -3.1755090E-02
+  3.2282446E-02 -9.9475585E-02 -3.2282446E-02
+  3.2909542E-02 -8.7959044E-02 -3.2909542E-02
+  3.3508331E-02 -7.6442502E-02 -3.3508331E-02
+  3.3812799E-02 -7.0367232E-02 -3.3812799E-02
+  6.4291969E-02 -3.4101065E-02 -3.4101065E-02
+  5.2775424E-02 -3.4588445E-02 -3.4588445E-02
+  4.1258883E-02 -3.4998477E-02 -3.4998477E-02
+  3.4101065E-02 -6.4291969E-02 -3.4101065E-02
+  3.4588445E-02 -5.2775424E-02 -3.4588445E-02
+  3.4998477E-02 -4.1258883E-02 -3.4998477E-02
+  0.1060221     -3.2097306E-02 -2.6425010E-02
+  0.1066733     -3.2314371E-02 -1.5970115E-02
+  0.1070075     -3.2425780E-02 -5.5152206E-03
+  0.1070561     -3.2441985E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  3.2097306E-02 -0.1060221     -2.6425010E-02
+  3.2314371E-02 -0.1066733     -1.5970115E-02
+  3.2425780E-02 -0.1070075     -5.5152206E-03
+  3.2441985E-02 -0.1070561      0.0000000E+00
+  3.5340693E-02 -3.5340693E-02 -2.9108349E-02
+  3.5557758E-02 -3.5557758E-02 -1.7591808E-02
+  3.5669167E-02 -3.5669167E-02 -6.0752663E-03
+  3.5685372E-02 -3.5685372E-02  0.0000000E+00
+  0.1070075     -3.2425780E-02  5.5152206E-03
+  0.1066733     -3.2314371E-02  1.5970115E-02
+  0.1060221     -3.2097306E-02  2.6425010E-02
+  3.2425780E-02 -0.1070075      5.5152206E-03
+  3.2314371E-02 -0.1066733      1.5970115E-02
+  3.2097306E-02 -0.1060221      2.6425010E-02
+  3.5669167E-02 -3.5669167E-02  6.0752663E-03
+  3.5557758E-02 -3.5557758E-02  1.7591808E-02
+  3.5340693E-02 -3.5340693E-02  2.9108349E-02
+  3.5183616E-02 -3.5183616E-02  3.5183616E-02
+  0.1049954     -3.1755090E-02  3.7455451E-02
+  0.1037653     -3.1345058E-02  4.7910344E-02
+  0.1023032     -3.0857680E-02  5.8365237E-02
+  0.1014384     -3.0569414E-02  6.3880458E-02
+  3.1755090E-02 -0.1049954      3.7455451E-02
+  3.1345058E-02 -0.1037653      4.7910344E-02
+  3.0857680E-02 -0.1023032      5.8365237E-02
+  3.0569414E-02 -0.1014384      6.3880458E-02
+  3.4998477E-02 -3.4998477E-02  4.1258883E-02
+  3.4588445E-02 -3.4588445E-02  5.2775424E-02
+  3.4101065E-02 -3.4101065E-02  6.4291969E-02
+  3.3812799E-02 -3.3812799E-02  7.0367232E-02
+  0.1005250     -3.0264944E-02  6.9395676E-02
+  9.8728627E-02 -2.9666156E-02  7.9850577E-02
+  9.6847333E-02 -2.9039059E-02  9.0305470E-02
+  3.0264944E-02 -0.1005250      6.9395676E-02
+  2.9666156E-02 -9.8728627E-02  7.9850577E-02
+  2.9039059E-02 -9.6847333E-02  9.0305470E-02
+  3.3508331E-02 -3.3508331E-02  7.6442502E-02
+  3.2909542E-02 -3.2909542E-02  8.7959044E-02
+  3.2282446E-02 -3.2282446E-02  9.9475585E-02
+  9.5820688E-02 -9.5820688E-02  2.8696842E-02
+  9.5820688E-02 -9.5820688E-02 -2.8696842E-02
+  0.1055508     -3.1940229E-02  3.1940229E-02
+  3.1940229E-02 -0.1055508      3.1940229E-02
+  0.1055508     -3.1940229E-02 -3.1940229E-02
+  3.1940229E-02 -0.1055508     -3.1940229E-02
+  3.5183616E-02 -3.5183616E-02 -3.5183616E-02
+ object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items 1 data follows
+ 0 0
+ attribute "element type" string "lines"
+ attribute "ref" string "positions"
+ object 3 class array type float rank 0 items          593  data follows
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
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+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
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+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
+           0
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+           1
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+           1
+           1
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+           1
+           1
+           1
+           1
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
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+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
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+           2
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+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
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+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           2
+           3
+           4
+           4
+           4
+           6
+           6
+           6
+ attribute "dep" string "positions"
+ object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field
+ component "positions" value 1
+ component "connections" value 2
+ component "data" value 3
+ end

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/earth_main_cities.dx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/earth_main_cities.dx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/earth_main_cities.dx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items          232  data follows
+ -0.3945073     -0.7296260      0.5577187    
+ -0.4266573     -0.6654383      0.6120481    
+ -0.1984317     -0.7475111      0.6432303    
+ -0.3566856     -0.5468069      0.7581238    
+  0.2005991     -0.9889205     -3.8158286E-03
+  0.9662855      0.2631377     -7.5743818E-03
+ -0.6948820      0.7174801     -1.5109471E-02
+ -0.5431336      0.8185144     -0.1761580    
+  0.3857267     -0.9057835      0.1824652    
+  0.3102354     -0.9326019      0.1848231    
+  0.4686350     -0.8637174      0.1850841    
+ -0.2822979      0.9409480      0.1871033    
+  0.2571795     -0.9465777      0.1903702    
+ -0.2511317      0.9471478      0.2002486    
+  0.8051494      0.6023287     -2.2233104E-02
+ -0.2390402      0.9707589      2.2687647E-02
+  0.9491776      0.2552194     -0.2110127    
+  6.3970737E-02 -0.9760048      0.2108769    
+  0.9774900     -2.5881013E-02  0.2143941    
+ -0.6386611      0.7385920     -0.2158723    
+  0.6890018      0.6898040      0.2221027    
+  0.2096161      0.9547127      0.2247646    
+  0.2192786     -0.9535956     -0.2094707    
+  0.6626256     -0.7485232     -2.5304573E-02
+  0.7619891     -0.6061135     -0.2247856    
+  1.3302173E-02 -0.9729075      0.2371915    
+ -0.1770250      0.9551415      0.2374025    
+  0.1649726      0.9600841      0.2260956    
+ -0.4982792      0.8298225      0.2518261    
+  0.4653980     -0.8424876      0.2510080    
+ -8.7682363E-03 -0.9723276      0.2535847    
+  0.9200132     -0.2897849      0.2530508    
+  4.7270250E-02 -0.9723072      0.2445151    
+  0.7549237      0.6095093      0.2651307    
+  0.8129545      0.5189071      0.2695811    
+  0.6469646     -0.7164287     -0.2743702    
+  0.3618040     -0.9022902     -0.2879570    
+ -0.1025708      0.9519165      0.2887603    
+ -0.3005657      0.9132802      0.2769076    
+  3.0230651E-02 -0.9531238      0.3009749    
+ -0.9291271      0.1921311     -0.3034040    
+  0.8194764      0.4933649     -0.3077223    
+  0.9138216     -0.2611713      0.3106421    
+  0.3829098     -0.8647642      0.3161366    
+  0.3258873     -0.8905289      0.3169850    
+  0.2880478     -0.9043891      0.3185034    
+  0.2794935      0.9038281      0.3239073    
+  0.6416177      0.7014307     -0.3257789    
+  0.3993528     -0.8675904     -0.3294853    
+ -0.1008992     -0.9389675      0.3288655    
+ -0.1521716     -0.9395356      0.3351743    
+  0.2398549     -0.9046174      0.3387822    
+  0.6790013     -0.6545598     -0.3420285    
+ -0.2169224     -0.9152675      0.3551188    
+  5.9759640E-03 -0.9337987      0.3578359    
+ -0.9270815     -7.7849209E-02 -0.3596120    
+  0.1616561     -0.9060056     -0.3532757    
+  0.7209013      0.5872547      0.3656414    
+ -0.2552100      0.8979038      0.3589482    
+ -9.8590307E-02  0.9225327      0.3745359    
+  0.1762981      0.9169396      0.3612345    
+ -0.3788078      0.8441987      0.3794902    
+ -2.9588826E-02  0.9244016      0.3802621    
+  2.6865039E-02  0.9232915      0.3832314    
+  0.6716020     -0.6306762     -0.3894901    
+ -0.4631317      0.7957399      0.3898671    
+  0.6412947      0.7460126      3.4926873E-02
+  0.2755016      0.8782312      0.3913314    
+  0.6312016     -0.6682554     -0.4006461    
+ -0.6356205      0.6608921     -0.4044218    
+  0.1221592     -0.9094855      0.3920433    
+  0.6247808      0.6630012      0.4180506    
+  0.3549130      0.8354469      0.4194202    
+  0.4859575     -0.7628005     -0.4272069    
+  0.5910042     -0.6867017     -0.4305258    
+ -0.4739580      0.7729244      0.4234289    
+ -0.1617245     -0.8899125      0.4346529    
+  0.7972318      0.4280693     -0.4364660    
+  0.1973542     -0.8793070      0.4218250    
+  0.7961974      0.4242373     -0.4435959    
+  0.5745330      0.6883537      0.4428104    
+  0.3757131     -0.8118769     -0.4525471    
+ -0.7910216      0.4024661     -0.4613583    
+  4.4352361E-03  0.8968879      0.4675594    
+  7.4422978E-02  0.8862796      0.4669448    
+  0.1946924      0.8569419      0.4787950    
+  0.5836268      0.6478042      0.4899743    
+  0.7410685      0.4511675      0.4982224    
+  0.5744525      0.6439966      0.5052931    
+  0.5423660     -0.6749693     -0.5005867    
+ -0.2545436      0.9656833     -5.2337945E-02
+ -0.4460838      0.7298476      0.5180342    
+  0.3718174     -0.7708572     -0.5217262    
+  0.2302046      0.8208118      0.5241089    
+  0.6952164      0.4907241      0.5272760    
+  0.6881039      0.4990198      0.5301110    
+ -0.3699939      0.7636678     -0.5292211    
+  0.8174044      0.1914696      0.5431163    
+  0.2338963     -0.9742481      5.9818186E-02
+  0.7953311      0.2905253      0.5311545    
+  0.6951607      0.4828494      0.5309454    
+  0.2636077     -0.7939759     -0.5436355    
+  0.5970033      0.5846288      0.5495735    
+  0.3512329     -0.7424799      0.5409053    
+  0.2765788     -0.7897852     -0.5528251    
+  0.6741101      0.4957871      0.5538639    
+ -0.5406417      0.6341299      0.5533040    
+  0.8257018     -0.1109056      0.5531722    
+  0.2415468      0.7983627      0.5562776    
+ -0.7276899      0.4000509     -0.5573083    
+  0.6742274      0.4803302      0.5562775    
+  0.7867911      0.2630022     -0.5581585    
+ -0.1507593      0.9871367      6.2533870E-02
+  0.2624546      0.7882021      0.5606993    
+  0.2946407      0.7756471      0.5720320    
+  0.4303899     -0.7018741     -0.5676200    
+  0.4563434     -0.6821068     -0.5714517    
+ -0.6149694      0.5424865     -0.5727831    
+  0.7805181     -0.6219650     -6.5705411E-02
+  0.9797056      0.1996202      6.7577593E-02
+ -0.6201292      0.5246686      0.5833412    
+  0.5095530      0.6386870      0.5867473    
+  0.4097720      0.6984394      0.5944741    
+  0.5884854      0.5516589      0.5928857    
+  0.6969063      0.4031703      0.6015795    
+  0.7884547      0.1418654      0.5989478    
+ -0.7969249      7.2993346E-02 -0.5997615    
+  0.6522185      0.4617964      0.6018403    
+  0.8038332     -7.5512804E-02  0.5898259    
+ -0.4767739      0.6334667      0.6098336    
+ -0.6470439      0.4536262     -0.6133232    
+  0.7221416      0.3172486      0.6155046    
+ -0.2025922      0.9782809      5.4397434E-02
+  0.6973809      0.3578924      0.6220179    
+  0.7702339     -0.1238311      0.6253703    
+  0.6920623     -0.3538921      0.6238464    
+  0.1747930     -0.7591262      0.6274440    
+  0.7724251     -5.1679322E-03  0.6359980    
+ -0.4531714      0.6310421      0.6298724    
+ -0.3415208      0.6869853      0.6418523    
+  0.6462522      0.4178127      0.6445867    
+  0.7617106     -4.9035124E-02  0.6499914    
+  0.6993424      0.2961332      0.6513165    
+  0.7326817      0.1867582      0.6545774    
+  0.6610342      0.3639076      0.6551784    
+ -0.7480316      6.8515025E-02 -0.6595256    
+  0.2658177      0.7034662      0.6614352    
+  0.7496659      2.8144106E-02  0.6613849    
+  0.5311075      0.5274125      0.6672720    
+  0.7278039      0.1626834      0.6667902    
+  0.9635431      0.2626920     -7.4216992E-02
+  0.9630821      0.2634694     -7.5659566E-02
+  0.6767398      0.2919171      0.6800987    
+  0.1662290      0.7133867      0.6886633    
+  0.7244777      6.8270683E-02  0.6857378    
+ -0.7191365      9.3186818E-02 -0.6889430    
+  0.7173066      9.1464959E-02  0.6910232    
+ -0.5709946      0.4566354      0.6833818    
+  0.2755880     -0.9663922      8.0853887E-02
+ -0.4876699      0.5431991      0.6835121    
+  0.6416283      0.3143305      0.7000838    
+  0.6650505      0.2482113      0.7049213    
+  0.1741522     -0.6815695      0.7112864    
+  0.6927282      0.1132317      0.7130347    
+  0.6969898      5.8323700E-02  0.7167283    
+  0.6072356     -0.7899365      8.6002201E-02
+  0.5919213      0.3519231      0.7252492    
+  0.5225688      0.4341018      0.7340643    
+  0.6786243     -1.8560585E-02  0.7344062    
+  0.6708808      0.1008624      0.7373461    
+  0.6388381      0.2203854      0.7379195    
+ -0.1956615      0.6446719      0.7460458    
+  0.6394835      0.1878060      0.7467401    
+  0.6559165      8.9460663E-02  0.7504392    
+  0.4707322      0.4628564      0.7514561    
+  0.6580498      2.8539294E-02  0.7528326    
+  0.6548548      0.1340254      0.7462856    
+  0.6418468      9.5542930E-02  0.7615790    
+  0.5187839      0.3801561      0.7664889    
+  0.5488822      0.3233163      0.7714047    
+  0.6303523      4.7949657E-02  0.7751211    
+  0.6041137      0.2192826      0.7677292    
+  0.6220915      0.1599188      0.7677492    
+  0.6222162     -3.4424178E-02  0.7824944    
+  0.6228949      0.0000000E+00  0.7826189    
+  0.9930120     -6.9728434E-02  9.2637829E-02
+  0.5720451      0.2199695      0.7905953    
+  0.6081170      5.2312221E-02  0.7920957    
+  0.6016585      0.1024831      0.7925222    
+  0.5931974      0.1402259      0.7929422    
+  0.6088578     -2.0552509E-02  0.7934529    
+  0.5990527     -9.3987696E-02  0.7955086    
+ -0.5623906      0.2192669      0.7976508    
+ -0.1782869      0.9794296      9.4396926E-02
+  0.1962090     -0.5666178     -0.8005679    
+  0.3845176      0.4598779      0.8008170    
+  0.5932890     -6.6023827E-02  0.8028196    
+  0.5852115      0.1028376      0.8044534    
+  0.9951755     -3.4738320E-03  9.6701674E-02
+  0.5228080      0.2727368      0.8086427    
+  0.5763704     -5.9731539E-02  0.8153755    
+  0.5411024      0.2023099      0.8163987    
+  0.5684878     -0.8164256      0.1013457    
+  0.5503075      0.1225042      0.8259515    
+  0.4455711      0.3439626      0.8272302    
+  0.5598220     -4.1929461E-02  0.8281313    
+  0.5598754     -3.1138524E-02  0.8287296    
+ -2.8799728E-02  0.5588626      0.8301680    
+  0.2686634      0.4774500      0.8377328    
+  0.4978227      0.2226869      0.8381776    
+ -0.4900321      0.8673058     -8.9489818E-02
+  0.4846962      0.1581111      0.8603658    
+  0.4926313      9.3380511E-02  0.8661274    
+  0.4327653      0.2525500      0.8655447    
+  0.4510880      0.2098667      0.8675451    
+  0.4918712      4.5773823E-02  0.8695910    
+  0.3389398     -0.3439057      0.8777095    
+ -0.2879338      0.9516814     -0.1077213    
+  0.2487752     -0.9689156      0.1089665    
+  0.9756404     -0.1861134      0.1096540    
+  0.9916849      5.8916938E-02  0.1123094    
+  0.3266288      0.2792962      0.9030355    
+  0.4046079      0.1629248      0.8996066    
+  0.5231981     -0.8438321      0.1189783    
+  0.7683989      0.6289272     -0.1189903    
+  0.1743877      0.9757190      0.1199460    
+ -0.3831390      0.9151754     -0.1256296    
+  0.9626144     -0.2266656      0.1477982    
+  0.8123531     -0.5663541     -0.1403514    
+  0.1792146     -0.9716873      0.1559066    
+ -4.4722730E-04 -3.5893786E-04  0.9856935    
+ -0.8267640      0.5338348     -0.1643932    
+ object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items 1 data follows
+ 0 0
+ attribute "element type" string "lines"
+ attribute "ref" string "positions"
+ object 3 class array type float rank 0 items          232  data follows
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ attribute "dep" string "positions"
+ object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field
+ component "positions" value 1
+ component "connections" value 2
+ component "data" value 3
+ end

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/earth_topo_bathy.dx.bz2
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/earth_topo_bathy.dx.bz2
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/epicenter.dx
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/epicenter.dx	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/epicenter.dx	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 1 data follows
+ -0.2131408      0.8485492      0.5348852    
+ object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items 1 data follows
+ 0 0
+ attribute "element type" string "lines"
+ attribute "ref" string "positions"
+ object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 1 data follows
+ 2
+ attribute "dep" string "positions"
+ object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field
+ component "positions" value 1
+ component "connections" value 2
+ component "data" value 3
+ end

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/frame_rate_MPEG.txt

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/frame_rates_MPEG_movies.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/frame_rates_MPEG_movies.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/frame_rates_MPEG_movies.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /* frame_rate_code */
+  Defines the frame rate (for interlaced sequences: field rate is twice 
+  the frame rate). Legal values are:
+  Code  Frames/sec    Meaning
+  ----  ----------    -----------------------------------------------
+  1     24000/1001    23.976 fps -- NTSC encapsulated film rate 
+  2     24            Standard international cinema film rate
+  3     25            PAL (625/50) video frame rate                    !!!! DK DK this is the default when called from ImageMagick
+  4     30000/1001    29.97 -- NTSC video frame rate 
+  5     30            NTSC drop-frame (525/60) video frame rate
+  6     50            double frame rate/progressive PAL 
+  7     60000/1001    double frame rate NTSC
+  8     60            double frame rate drop-frame NTSC
+ /* bit_rate */
+  A positive floating point value specifying the target bitrate.
+  In units of bits/sec.

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/lat_long_main_cities_processed.dat
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/lat_long_main_cities_processed.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/lat_long_main_cities_processed.dat	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+33 55 3000     118 24 12000
+37 45 3000     122 40 12000
+39 45 3000     104 52 12000
+49 16 3000     123 07 12000
+    0  13  6000     78  32  12000
+    0  26  6000      15  14  9000
+    0  52  6000     134  5  9000
+   10  10  6000    123  34  9000
+   10  30  3000     66  56  12000
+   10  39  3000     71  36  12000
+   10  40  3000     61  31  12000
+   10  47  3000     106  42  9000
+   10  59  3000     74  48  12000
+   11  33  3000    104  51  9000
+    1  16  6000     36  48  9000
+    1  18  3000    103  50  9000
+   12  07  6000     15  03  9000
+   12  10  3000     86  15  12000
+   12  22  3000      1  31  12000
+   12  28  6000    130  51  9000
+   12  50  3000       45  2  9000
+   12  57  3000     77  37  9000
+    12  5  6000      77  3  12000
+    1  27  6000     48  29  12000
+    13  0  6000     38  30  12000
+   13  42  3000     89  13  12000
+   13  44  3000    100  30  9000
+    13  4  3000     80  15  9000
+   14  35  3000    120  59  9000
+   14  37  3000      61  5  12000
+   14  37  3000     90  31  12000
+   14  42  3000     17  29  12000
+    14  6  3000     87  13  12000
+   15  17  3000     38  55  9000
+   15  37  3000     32  33  9000
+   15  52  6000     47  55  12000
+   16  30  6000      68  9  12000
+   16  47  3000      96  9  9000
+    16  4  3000     108  13  9000
+   17  31  3000     88  11  12000
+   17  44  6000    168  19  9000
+   17  50  6000      31  03  9000
+   18  06  3000     15  57  12000
+   18  29  3000      66  7  12000
+   18  29  3000     69  54  12000
+   18  33  3000     72  20  12000
+   18  54  3000     72  49  9000
+   18  55  6000     47  33  9000
+   19  02  6000     65  17  12000
+   19  12  3000      96  8  12000
+   19  24  3000     99  12  12000
+   19  54  3000      75  9  12000
+   19  56  6000     43  57  12000
+   20  41  3000    103  20  12000
+   20  58  3000     89  38  12000
+   21  08  6000    175  12  12000
+    21  0  6000     79  53  12000
+   21  28  3000     39  10  9000
+    21  2  3000     105  52  9000
+   21  59  3000      96  6  9000
+    21  9  3000      79  7  9000
+   22  18  3000    114  10  9000
+   22  21  3000     91  50  9000
+   22  32  3000     88  20  9000
+   22  55  6000     43  12  12000
+   22  57  3000    120  12  9000
+    2  2  3000      49  19  9000
+    23  2  3000     72  35  9000
+   23  33  6000     46  38  12000
+   23  48  6000    133  53  9000
+    23  8  3000     82  21  12000
+   24  39  3000     46  42  9000
+   24  48  3000     66  59  9000
+   25  17  6000     57  30  12000
+   25  25  6000     49  17  12000
+    25  2  3000    121  31  9000
+   25  40  3000    100  18  12000
+   25  45  6000     28  14  9000
+   25  5  3000      77  21  12000
+   26  11  6000      28  3  9000
+   26  17  3000      50  9  9000
+   26  50  6000     65  10  12000
+   27  28  6000    153  2  9000
+   27  32  3000     89  43  9000
+   27  42  3000     85  12  9000
+   28  35  3000     77  12  9000
+   29  20  3000     47  59  9000
+   29  52  3000     31  20  9000
+   30  21  3000     48  16  9000
+    30  2  6000     51  13  12000
+     3  0  6000    104  46  9000
+   31  12  3000    121  26  9000
+   31  22  6000     64  15  12000
+   31  35  3000     74  20  9000
+   31  47  3000     35  13  9000
+   31  57  3000     35  57  9000
+   31  57  6000    115  51  9000
+     32  54  3000    13  11  9000
+    3  25  3000     76  30  12000
+      32  6  3000     20  4  9000
+    32  6  3000     34  47  9000
+    33  1  6000     71  38  12000
+   33  20  3000     44  24  9000
+   33  22  3000     64  41  12000
+   33  27  6000     70  42  12000
+   33  30  3000     36  20  9000
+   33  35  3000    130  27  9000
+   33  35  3000      7  39  12000
+   33  42  3000     73  10  9000
+   33  52  6000    151  12  9000
+   33  54  3000     35  28  9000
+   33  56  6000     18  29  9000
+    3  35  3000     98  41  9000
+    34  1  3000     71  35  9000
+   34  35  3000     69  12  9000
+   34  35  6000     58  29  12000
+   34  51  6000     56  13  12000
+   34  56  6000    138  35  9000
+    3  46  6000     38  33  12000
+    3  52  3000     11  31  9000
+   35  41  3000    139  46  9000
+   35  41  3000     51  25  9000
+   36  17  3000     59  36  9000
+   36  19  3000      43  9  9000
+   36  46  3000     30  3  9000
+   36  47  3000     10  12  9000
+   36  51  6000    174  46  9000
+   36  59  3000     35  18  9000
+    36  9  3000      5  22  12000
+   37  34  3000    126  58  9000
+   37  49  6000    144  58  9000
+   37  58  3000     23  43  9000
+     3  7  3000    101  42  9000
+   38  26  3000     27  10  9000
+   38  43  3000       9  8  12000
+   38  45  3000     27  5  12000
+   38  51  3000      77  2  12000
+   39  28  3000      0  23  12000
+    39  2  3000    125  41  9000
+   39  55  3000    116  26  9000
+   39  57  3000     32  53  9000
+   40  25  3000      3  41  12000
+   40  37  3000     22  57  9000
+   40  53  3000     14  18  9000
+   40  58  3000     28  50  9000
+   41  17  6000    174  46  9000
+   41  20  3000     69  18  9000
+   41  24  3000       2  9  9000
+   41  43  3000     44  48  9000
+   41  48  3000     12  36  9000
+    4  15  6000     15  15  9000
+    4  20  6000      15  18  9000
+   42  42  3000     23  20  9000
+   43  14  3000     76  53  9000
+   43  18  3000      5  23  9000
+   43  32  6000    172  37  9000
+   43  42  3000      7  16  9000
+   43  4  3000     141  21  9000
+    4  36  3000      74  5  12000
+    43  7  3000    131  55  9000
+   44  25  3000      26  6  9000
+   44  48  3000      20  28  9000
+   45  19  3000     75  40  12000
+   45  27  3000      9  17  9000
+   45  42  3000      4  47  9000
+    4  56  3000     52  27  12000
+   46  29  3000     30  44  9000
+   47  13  3000     39  43  9000
+   47  15  3000      1  34  12000
+   47  23  3000      8  33  9000
+   47  31  3000      19  2  9000
+   47  55  3000    106  53  9000
+   48  15  3000     16  22  9000
+   48  35  3000      7  46  9000
+   48  42  3000     44  31  9000
+   48  49  3000      2  29  9000
+   48  9  3000      11  34  9000
+   49  34  3000      8  28  9000
+    50  0  3000     36  14  9000
+   50  27  3000     30  30  9000
+   50  48  3000      4  21  9000
+    50  4  3000     19  57  9000
+    50  5  3000     14  25  9000
+   51  28  3000      3  10  12000
+   51  29  3000       0  0  12000
+    5  19  3000       4  1  12000
+   52  13  3000      21  2  9000
+   52  23  3000      4  55  9000
+   52  24  3000      9  40  9000
+   52  27  3000     13  18  9000
+   52  29  3000      1  56  12000
+   52  41  3000      8  55  12000
+   52  53  3000    158  42  9000
+    5  25  3000    100  19  9000
+   53  10  6000     70  54  12000
+   53  11  3000      50  6  9000
+   53  22  3000      6  21  12000
+   53  33  3000      9  58  9000
+    5  33  3000      0  12  12000
+   53  54  3000     27  33  9000
+   54  36  3000      5  55  12000
+   54  43  3000     20  30  9000
+    5  49  3000      55  9  12000
+   55  41  3000     12  33  9000
+   55  46  3000     37  40  9000
+   55  52  3000      4  17  12000
+   55  55  3000      3  11  12000
+    56  1  3000     92  57  9000
+   56  49  3000     60  38  9000
+   56  57  3000     24  06  9000
+     5  8  6000    119  28  9000
+   59  21  3000      18  4  9000
+   59  56  3000     10  44  9000
+   59  56  3000     30  16  9000
+   60  10  3000     24  57  9000
+   60  24  3000      5  19  9000
+   61  11  3000     45  25  12000
+    6  11  6000    106  50  9000
+    6  13  3000     75  36  12000
+    6  18  3000     10  48  12000
+    6  27  3000      3  24  9000
+   64  33  3000     40  32  9000
+    64  8  3000     21  56  9000
+    6  50  3000     58  12  12000
+    6  50  6000     39  18  9000
+    6  54  3000     79  52  9000
+    7  13  6000    112  43  9000
+    8  30  3000     13  15  12000
+     8  4  6000     34  53  12000
+    8  58  3000     79  33  12000
+    90  2  3000     38  45  9000
+    9  29  6000     147  9  9000

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/longlatdepth2xyz.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/longlatdepth2xyz.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/longlatdepth2xyz.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+!----  converts lat long depth to x y z
+  program convert
+  implicit none
+! R_EARTH is the radius of the 1-D Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH = 6371000.d0
+! some useful constants
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision theta,phi,latitude,longitude,depth,r0
+  double precision x_target,y_target,z_target,r_target
+! **************
+! latitude and longitude in degrees
+! depth of hypocenter in kilometers
+  latitude = -16.0800
+  longitude = 168.3100
+  depth = 15.0000
+! convert geographic latitude latitude (degrees)
+! to geocentric colatitude theta (radians)
+  theta=PI/2.0d0-atan(0.99329534d0*dtan(latitude*PI/180.0d0))
+  phi=longitude*PI/180.0d0
+! normalized Earth radius
+  r0 = 1.d0
+! compute the Cartesian position of the source
+  r_target = r0 - depth*1000.0d0/R_EARTH
+  x_target = r_target*dsin(theta)*dcos(phi)
+  y_target = r_target*dsin(theta)*dsin(phi)
+  z_target = r_target*dcos(theta)
+! print result
+  print *
+  print *,'long = ',longitude
+  print *,'lat = ',latitude
+  print *,'depth (km) = ',depth
+  print *
+  print *,'x = ',x_target
+  print *,'y = ',y_target
+  print *,'z = ',z_target
+  print *
+  print *,'radius = ',sqrt(x_target**2 + y_target**2 + z_target**2)
+  print *
+  end program convert

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/min_max_topo_palette.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/min_max_topo_palette.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/min_max_topo_palette.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Max in topo file (to enforce in color palette): +5606
+Min in topo file (to enforce in color palette): -8180

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.cfg
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.cfg	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// time: Tue Oct  7 22:18:59 2008
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// node Sequencer[1]:
+// vcr[1]: min = 1, max = 50, beg = 1, end = 50, cur = 1, inc = 1, loop = off, step = off, pal = off
+// window: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.1458x0.0667, screen = 0
+// startup = 1
+// node Image[2]:
+// depth: value = 24
+// window: position = (0.5740,0.1533), size = 0.4229x0.5900, screen = 0
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = "Image_2"
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = [-1242.9 147.285 -57.7637]
+// input[6]: defaulting = 0, value = [1643.88 -31801.8 80621.4]
+// input[7]: defaulting = 0, value = 46528.4
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 798
+// input[9]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.836
+// input[10]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.0132238 0.929834 0.367742]
+// input[11]: defaulting = 1, value = 30.0001
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[15]: defaulting = 1, value = "none"
+// input[16]: defaulting = 1, value = "none"
+// input[17]: defaulting = 1, value = 1
+// input[18]: defaulting = 1, value = 1
+// input[19]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[22]: defaulting = 0, value = "black"
+// input[25]: defaulting = 0, value = "/home/komatits/imagedx-1073744456"
+// input[26]: defaulting = 0, value = "tiff"
+// input[29]: defaulting = 1, value = 0
+// input[41]: defaulting = 0, value = "rotate"
+// internal caching: 1

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.net
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.net	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_basic.net	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+// time: Tue Oct  7 22:18:59 2008
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// MODULE main
+// workspace: width = 605, height = 633
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+macro main(
+) -> (
+) {
+    // 
+    // node AmbientLight[1]: x = 361, y = 354, inputs = 1, label = AmbientLight
+    //
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 = 
+    AmbientLight(
+    main_AmbientLight_1_in_1
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Sequencer[1]: x = 144, y = 12, inputs = 7, label = Sequencer
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Sequencer_1"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 50
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777217, value = { 1 50 1 1 50 1 }
+    // vcr[1]: min = 1, max = 50, beg = 1, end = 50, cur = 1, inc = 1, loop = off, step = off, pal = off
+    // window: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.1458x0.0667, screen = 0
+    //
+    main_Sequencer_1_out_1 = @frame;
+    // 
+    // node Format[1]: x = 108, y = 118, inputs = 3, label = Format
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_movie_000%3.3d.dx"
+    //
+main_Format_1_out_1 = 
+    Format(
+    main_Format_1_in_1,
+    main_Sequencer_1_out_1,
+    main_Format_1_in_3
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[2]: x = 97, y = 199, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_movie_006600.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_2_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Format_1_out_1,
+    main_Import_2_in_2,
+    main_Import_2_in_3,
+    main_Import_2_in_4,
+    main_Import_2_in_5,
+    main_Import_2_in_6
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node AutoColor[1]: x = 38, y = 333, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor
+    //
+main_AutoColor_1_out_2 = 
+    AutoColor(
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_2,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_3,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_4,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_5,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_6,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_7,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_8,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_9,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_10
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node ShowConnections[1]: x = 167, y = 331, inputs = 1, label = ShowConnections
+    //
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 = 
+    ShowConnections(
+    main_Import_2_out_1
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[1]: x = 141, y = 482, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_AutoColor_1_out_1,
+    main_ShowConnections_1_out_1,
+    main_AmbientLight_1_out_1,
+    main_Collect_1_in_4
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Format[2]: x = 533, y = 464, inputs = 3, label = Format
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "imagemovie%3.3d"
+    //
+main_Format_2_out_1 = 
+    Format(
+    main_Format_2_in_1,
+    main_Sequencer_1_out_1,
+    main_Format_2_in_3
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Image[2]: x = 211, y = 557, inputs = 49, label = Image
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_2"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-1242.9 147.285 -57.7637]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [1643.88 -31801.8 80621.4]
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 46528.4
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 798
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.836
+    // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.0132238 0.929834 0.367742]
+    // input[11]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 30.0001
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0
+    // input[22]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "black"
+    // input[25]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "/home/komatits/imagedx-1073744456"
+    // input[26]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "tiff"
+    // input[29]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[41]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "rotate"
+    // depth: value = 24
+    // window: position = (0.5740,0.1533), size = 0.4229x0.5900, screen = 0
+    // internal caching: 1
+    //
+main_Image_2_out_3 = 
+    Image(
+    main_Image_2_in_1,
+    main_Collect_1_out_1,
+    main_Image_2_in_3,
+    main_Image_2_in_4,
+    main_Image_2_in_5,
+    main_Image_2_in_6,
+    main_Image_2_in_7,
+    main_Image_2_in_8,
+    main_Image_2_in_9,
+    main_Image_2_in_10,
+    main_Image_2_in_11,
+    main_Image_2_in_12,
+    main_Image_2_in_13,
+    main_Image_2_in_14,
+    main_Image_2_in_15,
+    main_Image_2_in_16,
+    main_Image_2_in_17,
+    main_Image_2_in_18,
+    main_Image_2_in_19,
+    main_Image_2_in_20,
+    main_Image_2_in_21,
+    main_Image_2_in_22,
+    main_Image_2_in_23,
+    main_Image_2_in_24,
+    main_Image_2_in_25,
+    main_Image_2_in_26,
+    main_Image_2_in_27,
+    main_Image_2_in_28,
+    main_Image_2_in_29,
+    main_Image_2_in_30,
+    main_Image_2_in_31,
+    main_Image_2_in_32,
+    main_Image_2_in_33,
+    main_Image_2_in_34,
+    main_Image_2_in_35,
+    main_Image_2_in_36,
+    main_Image_2_in_37,
+    main_Image_2_in_38,
+    main_Image_2_in_39,
+    main_Image_2_in_40,
+    main_Image_2_in_41,
+    main_Image_2_in_42,
+    main_Image_2_in_43,
+    main_Image_2_in_44,
+    main_Image_2_in_45,
+    main_Image_2_in_46,
+    main_Image_2_in_47,
+    main_Image_2_in_48,
+    main_Image_2_in_49
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Render[1]: x = 351, y = 536, inputs = 3, label = Render
+    //
+main_Render_1_out_1 = 
+    Render(
+    main_Collect_1_out_1,
+    main_Image_2_out_2,
+    main_Render_1_in_3
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node WriteImage[1]: x = 491, y = 571, inputs = 4, label = WriteImage
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "movie_asteroide.miff"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "miff"
+    //
+    WriteImage(
+    main_Render_1_out_1,
+    main_WriteImage_1_in_2,
+    main_WriteImage_1_in_3,
+    main_WriteImage_1_in_4
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+// network: end of macro body
+CacheScene(main_Image_2_in_1, main_Image_2_out_1, main_Image_2_out_2);
+main_AmbientLight_1_in_1 = NULL;
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_1 = "Sequencer_1";
+main_Sequencer_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_1_in_7 = { 1 50 1 1 50 1 };
+main_Sequencer_1_out_1 = NULL;
+ at startframe = 1;
+ at nextframe  = @startframe;
+ at endframe   = 50;
+ at deltaframe = 1;
+main_Format_1_in_1 = "DX_movie_000%3.3d.dx";
+main_Format_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Format_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Format_2_in_1 = "imagemovie%3.3d";
+main_Format_2_in_3 = NULL;
+macro Image(
+        id,
+        object,
+        where,
+        useVector,
+        to,
+        from,
+        width,
+        resolution,
+        aspect,
+        up,
+        viewAngle,
+        perspective,
+        options,
+        buttonState = 1,
+        buttonUpApprox = "none",
+        buttonDownApprox = "none",
+        buttonUpDensity = 1,
+        buttonDownDensity = 1,
+        renderMode = 0,
+        defaultCamera,
+        reset,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable = 0,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable = 0,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        webOptions) -> (
+        object,
+        camera,
+        where)
+    ImageMessage(
+        id,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        renderMode,
+        buttonUpApprox,
+        buttonDownApprox,
+        buttonUpDensity,
+        buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    autoCamera =
+        AutoCamera(
+            object,
+            "front",
+            object,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            [0,1,0],
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    realCamera =
+        Camera(
+            to,
+            from,
+            width,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            up,
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    coloredDefaultCamera = 
+	 UpdateCamera(defaultCamera,
+            background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    nullDefaultCamera =
+        Inquire(defaultCamera,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetCamera =
+        Switch(
+            nullDefaultCamera,
+            coloredDefaultCamera,
+            autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetNull = 
+        Inquire(
+            reset,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    reset =
+        Switch(
+            resetNull,
+            reset,
+            0) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    whichCamera =
+        Compute(
+            "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2",
+            reset,
+            useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    camera = Switch(
+            whichCamera,
+            resetCamera,
+            realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    AAobject =
+        AutoAxes(
+            object,
+            camera,
+            AAlabels,
+            AAticks,
+            AAcorners,
+            AAframe,
+            AAadjust,
+            AAcursor,
+            AAgrid,
+            AAcolors,
+            AAannotation,
+            AAlabelscale,
+            AAfont,
+            AAxTickLocs,
+            AAyTickLocs,
+            AAzTickLocs,
+            AAxTickLabels,
+            AAyTickLabels,
+            AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1",
+	     AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    object = Switch(
+	     switchAAenable,
+	     object,
+	     AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1];
+    SWapproximation_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpApprox,
+            buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    SWdensity_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpDensity,
+            buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    HWapproximation_options =
+        Format(
+            "%s,%s",
+            buttonDownApprox,
+            buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    HWdensity_options =
+        Format(
+            "%d,%d",
+            buttonDownDensity,
+            buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    switchRenderMode = Compute(
+	     "$0+1",
+	     renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    approximation_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWapproximation_options,
+	     HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    density_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWdensity_options,
+            HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+    renderModeString = Switch(
+            switchRenderMode,
+            "software",
+            "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1];
+    object_tag = Inquire(
+            object,
+            "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    annoted_object =
+        Options(
+            object,
+            "send boxes",
+            0,
+            "cache",
+            1,
+            "object tag",
+            object_tag,
+            "ddcamera",
+            whichCamera,
+            "rendering approximation",
+            approximation_options,
+            "render every",
+            density_options,
+            "button state",
+            buttonState,
+            "rendering mode",
+            renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECresNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECresolution,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    ImageResolution =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    RECresolution =
+        Switch(
+            RECresNull,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+    RECaspectNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECaspect,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    ImageAspect =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    RECaspect =
+        Switch(
+            RECaspectNull,
+            RECaspect,
+            ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1];
+    switchRECenable = Compute(
+          "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4",
+            RECenable,
+            switchRenderMode,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution,
+            RECaspect,
+	     ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object);
+    Display(
+        NoRECobject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECNoRerenderObject,
+            camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        image,
+        NULL,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    rec_where = Display(
+        RECNoRerHW,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0];
+    rec_image = ReadImageWindow(
+        rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        rec_image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECupdateCamera =
+	UpdateCamera(
+	    camera,
+	    resolution=RECresolution,
+	    aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        RECRerenderObject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECRerenderObject =
+	ScaleScreen(
+	    RECRerenderObject,
+	    NULL,
+	    RECresolution,
+	    camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECRerenderObject,
+            RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+main_Image_2_in_1 = "Image_2";
+main_Image_2_in_3 = "X24,,";
+main_Image_2_in_4 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_5 = [-1242.9 147.285 -57.7637];
+main_Image_2_in_6 = [1643.88 -31801.8 80621.4];
+main_Image_2_in_7 = 46528.4;
+main_Image_2_in_8 = 798;
+main_Image_2_in_9 = 0.836;
+main_Image_2_in_10 = [0.0132238 0.929834 0.367742];
+main_Image_2_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_12 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_14 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_15 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_16 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_17 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_18 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_19 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_20 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_21 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_22 = "black";
+main_Image_2_in_23 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_25 = "/home/komatits/imagedx-1073744456";
+main_Image_2_in_26 = "tiff";
+main_Image_2_in_27 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_28 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_29 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_30 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_31 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_32 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_33 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_34 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_35 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_36 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_37 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_38 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_39 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_40 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_41 = "rotate";
+main_Image_2_in_42 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_43 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_44 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_45 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_46 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_47 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_48 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_49 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_out_2 = NULL;
+main_Render_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Render_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_WriteImage_1_in_2 = "movie_asteroide.miff";
+main_WriteImage_1_in_3 = "miff";
+main_WriteImage_1_in_4 = NULL;
+Executive("product version 4 4 4");
+sequence main();

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.cfg
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.cfg	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// time: Fri Oct 24 00:36:04 2008
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// panel[0]: position = (0.0750,0.6983), size = 0.2781x0.1608, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[2]: position = (0.3609,0.6983), size = 0.2776x0.1608, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[3]: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.1953x0.3750, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[4]: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.1953x0.3750, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[5]: position = (0.0063,0.0283), size = 0.2234x0.4283, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[6]: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.1953x0.3750, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// node Sequencer[2]:
+// vcr[2]: min = 2675, max = 4000, beg = 2675, end = 4000, cur = 2675, inc = 5, loop = off, step = off, pal = off
+// window: position = (0.0167,0.0142), size = 0.1458x0.0667, screen = 0
+// startup = 1
+// node Colormap[1]:
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.037383178 0.98947368] [1.0 1.0] }
+// input[2]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 0.73684211] [0.97196262 0.72631579] }
+// input[3]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 1.0] [0.98130841 1.0] }
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = "Colormap_1"
+// input[7]: defaulting = 1, value = 1.0
+// input[8]: defaulting = 1, value = 1.0
+// input[9]: defaulting = 1, value = 20
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = { 1.0 1.0 }
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 1.0
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 1.0
+// window: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.3385x0.3750, screen = 0
+// interactor Scalar[1]: num_components = 1, value = 0.012 
+// component[0]: minimum = -1e+06, maximum = 1e+06, global increment = 1, decimal = 5, global continuous = 0
+// instance: panel = 3, x = 5, y = 5, style = Stepper, vertical = 1, size = 148x55
+// local continuous: value = 0, mode = global
+// local increment[0]: value = 1, mode = global
+// interactor Scalar[2]: num_components = 1, value = 0.016 
+// component[0]: minimum = -1e+06, maximum = 1e+06, global increment = 1, decimal = 5, global continuous = 0
+// instance: panel = 5, x = 5, y = 5, style = Stepper, vertical = 1, size = 148x55
+// local continuous: value = 0, mode = global
+// local increment[0]: value = 1, mode = global
+// node Colormap[5]:
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] }
+// input[2]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] }
+// input[3]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] }
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = "Colormap_5"
+// input[7]: defaulting = 0, value = -8180.0
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 5606.0
+// input[9]: defaulting = 1, value = 20
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = { -8180.0 5606.0 }
+// input[13]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] }
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] }
+// input[15]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] }
+// input[16]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = -8180.0
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 5606.0
+// window: position = (0.0464,0.1200), size = 0.3385x0.3750, screen = 0
+// node Colormap[6]:
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] }
+// input[2]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[3]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = "Colormap_6"
+// input[7]: defaulting = 1, value = -1.0
+// input[8]: defaulting = 1, value = 0.99000001
+// input[9]: defaulting = 1, value = 20
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = { -1.0 0.99000001 }
+// input[13]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] }
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[15]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[16]: defaulting = 0, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = -1.0
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.99000001
+// window: position = (0.0063,0.0283), size = 0.3870x0.4283, screen = 0
+// node Image[4]:
+// depth: value = 24
+// window: position = (0.3932,0.3508), size = 0.5786x0.5575, screen = 0
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = "Image_4"
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = [-0.0283461 -0.0321944 0.0649886]
+// input[6]: defaulting = 0, value = [-1.8296 8.29494 3.80668]
+// input[7]: defaulting = 1, value = 3.90397
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 1097
+// input[9]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.572926
+// input[10]: defaulting = 0, value = [-0.0697647 -0.42138 0.904197]
+// input[11]: defaulting = 0, value = 23.6948
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[15]: defaulting = 1, value = "none"
+// input[16]: defaulting = 1, value = "none"
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[19]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[25]: defaulting = 0, value = "/home/komatits/movies_poster_rapport_CINES/initial_image_earth.tiff"
+// input[26]: defaulting = 0, value = "tiff gamma=1"
+// input[29]: defaulting = 1, value = 0
+// input[41]: defaulting = 0, value = "panzoom"
+// internal caching: 1

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.net
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.net	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/movie_network_DX_rotating_Earth.net	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@
+// time: Fri Oct 24 00:36:04 2008
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// MODULE main
+// workspace: width = 1159, height = 1000
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+macro main(
+) -> (
+) {
+    // 
+    // node Caption[1]: x = 974, y = 576, inputs = 9, label = Caption
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "SPECFEM3D / Dimitri Komatitsch et al. - Sichuan earthquake, May 12, 2008"
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 8, value = [.5 .98]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 25
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "roman_dser"
+    //
+main_Caption_1_out_1 = 
+    Caption(
+    main_Caption_1_in_1,
+    main_Caption_1_in_2,
+    main_Caption_1_in_3,
+    main_Caption_1_in_4,
+    main_Caption_1_in_5,
+    main_Caption_1_in_6,
+    main_Caption_1_in_7,
+    main_Caption_1_in_8,
+    main_Caption_1_in_9
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Sequencer[2]: x = 432, y = 24, inputs = 7, label = Sequencer
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Sequencer_2"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 2675
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 4000
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 5
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777217, value = { 2675 4000 5 2675 4000 1 }
+    // vcr[2]: min = 2675, max = 4000, beg = 2675, end = 4000, cur = 2675, inc = 5, loop = off, step = off, pal = off
+    // window: position = (0.0167,0.0142), size = 0.1458x0.0667, screen = 0
+    //
+    main_Sequencer_2_out_1 = @frame;
+    // 
+    // node Compute[4]: x = 414, y = 186, inputs = 3, label = Compute
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "$0*10"
+    // expression: value = a*10
+    // name[2]: value = a
+    // name[3]: value = b
+    //
+main_Compute_4_out_1 = 
+    Compute(
+    main_Compute_4_in_1,
+    main_Sequencer_2_out_1,
+    main_Compute_4_in_3
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Compute[5]: x = 680, y = 614, inputs = 3, label = Compute
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "int(($0-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533)"
+    // expression: value = int((it-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533)
+    // name[2]: value = it
+    // name[3]: value = b
+    //
+main_Compute_5_out_1 = 
+    Compute(
+    main_Compute_5_in_1,
+    main_Compute_4_out_1,
+    main_Compute_5_in_3
+    ) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Compute[2]: x = 807, y = 643, inputs = 3, label = Compute
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "int( 60*(($0-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533) - 60*$1)"
+    // expression: value = int( 60*((it-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533) - 60*minutes)
+    // name[2]: value = it
+    // name[3]: value = minutes
+    //
+main_Compute_2_out_1 = 
+    Compute(
+    main_Compute_2_in_1,
+    main_Compute_4_out_1,
+    main_Compute_5_out_1
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Format[3]: x = 806, y = 744, inputs = 3, label = Format
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "Time = %3d min %2.2d s"
+    //
+main_Format_3_out_1 = 
+    Format(
+    main_Format_3_in_1,
+    main_Compute_5_out_1,
+    main_Compute_2_out_1
+    ) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Caption[2]: x = 847, y = 830, inputs = 9, label = Caption
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 8, value = [.93 .08]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 24
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "area"
+    //
+main_Caption_2_out_1 = 
+    Caption(
+    main_Format_3_out_1,
+    main_Caption_2_in_2,
+    main_Caption_2_in_3,
+    main_Caption_2_in_4,
+    main_Caption_2_in_5,
+    main_Caption_2_in_6,
+    main_Caption_2_in_7,
+    main_Caption_2_in_8,
+    main_Caption_2_in_9
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[5]: x = 786, y = 2, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "earth_main_cities.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_5_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_5_in_1,
+    main_Import_5_in_2,
+    main_Import_5_in_3,
+    main_Import_5_in_4,
+    main_Import_5_in_5,
+    main_Import_5_in_6
+    ) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Colormap[1]: x = 801, y = 94, inputs = 19, label = Colormap
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.037383178 0.98947368] [1.0 1.0] }
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 0.73684211] [0.97196262 0.72631579] }
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 1.0] [0.98130841 1.0] }
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Colormap_1"
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 20
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777221, value = { 1.0 1.0 }
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // window: position = (0.0052,0.0250), size = 0.3385x0.3750, screen = 0
+    //
+main_Colormap_1_out_1[cache: 2],
+main_Colormap_1_out_2[cache: 2] = 
+    Colormap(
+    main_Colormap_1_in_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_2,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_3,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_4,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_5,
+    main_Import_5_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_7,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_8,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_9,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_10,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_11,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_12,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_13,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_14,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_15,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_16,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_17,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_18,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_19
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[1]: x = 643, y = 166, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    //
+main_Color_1_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Import_5_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_out_1,
+    main_Color_1_in_3,
+    main_Color_1_in_4,
+    main_Color_1_in_5
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node ShowPositions[1]: x = 624, y = 309, inputs = 2, label = ShowPositions
+    //
+main_ShowPositions_1_out_1 = 
+    ShowPositions(
+    main_Color_1_out_1,
+    main_ShowPositions_1_in_2
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Scalar[1]: x = 771, y = 293, inputs = 11, label = Scalar
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Scalar_1"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.012 
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -1000000.0
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1000000.0
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 5
+    // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 5, value = 0.012 
+    //
+    // 
+    // node Glyph[1]: x = 648, y = 429, inputs = 7, label = Glyph
+    //
+main_Glyph_1_out_1 = 
+    Glyph(
+    main_ShowPositions_1_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_2,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_3,
+    main_Scalar_1_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_5,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_6,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_7
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[9]: x = 1087, y = 11, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "epicenter.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_9_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_9_in_1,
+    main_Import_9_in_2,
+    main_Import_9_in_3,
+    main_Import_9_in_4,
+    main_Import_9_in_5,
+    main_Import_9_in_6
+    ) [instance: 9, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[5]: x = 944, y = 175, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cyan"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    //
+main_Color_5_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Import_9_out_1,
+    main_Color_5_in_2,
+    main_Color_5_in_3,
+    main_Color_5_in_4,
+    main_Color_5_in_5
+    ) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node ShowPositions[2]: x = 925, y = 318, inputs = 2, label = ShowPositions
+    //
+main_ShowPositions_2_out_1 = 
+    ShowPositions(
+    main_Color_5_out_1,
+    main_ShowPositions_2_in_2
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Scalar[2]: x = 1072, y = 302, inputs = 11, label = Scalar
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Scalar_2"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.016 
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -1000000.0
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1000000.0
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 5
+    // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 5, value = 0.016 
+    //
+    // 
+    // node Glyph[2]: x = 949, y = 438, inputs = 7, label = Glyph
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "diamond"
+    //
+main_Glyph_2_out_1 = 
+    Glyph(
+    main_ShowPositions_2_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_2_in_2,
+    main_Glyph_2_in_3,
+    main_Scalar_2_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_2_in_5,
+    main_Glyph_2_in_6,
+    main_Glyph_2_in_7
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[2]: x = 684, y = 527, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_2_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_Glyph_1_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_2_out_1,
+    main_Collect_2_in_3,
+    main_Collect_2_in_4
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[2]: x = 57, y = 69, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "earth_topo_bathy.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_2_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_2_in_1,
+    main_Import_2_in_2,
+    main_Import_2_in_3,
+    main_Import_2_in_4,
+    main_Import_2_in_5,
+    main_Import_2_in_6
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[6]: x = 195, y = 20, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "GMT_globe_palette_opaque.cm"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cm"
+    //
+main_Import_6_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_6_in_1,
+    main_Import_6_in_2,
+    main_Import_6_in_3,
+    main_Import_6_in_4,
+    main_Import_6_in_5,
+    main_Import_6_in_6
+    ) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[10]: x = 301, y = 17, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "GMT_globe_palette_transparent.cm"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cm"
+    //
+main_Import_10_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_10_in_1,
+    main_Import_10_in_2,
+    main_Import_10_in_3,
+    main_Import_10_in_4,
+    main_Import_10_in_5,
+    main_Import_10_in_6
+    ) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[4]: x = 282, y = 94, inputs = 2, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_4_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_Import_6_out_1,
+    main_Import_10_out_1
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Select[1]: x = 283, y = 166, inputs = 3, label = Select
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 1, value = 0
+    //
+main_Select_1_out_1 = 
+    Select(
+    main_Collect_4_out_1,
+    main_Select_1_in_2,
+    main_Select_1_in_3
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Colormap[5]: x = 263, y = 270, inputs = 19, label = Colormap
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] }
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] }
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] }
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Colormap_5"
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -8180.0
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 5606.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 20
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777221, value = { -8180.0 5606.0 }
+    // input[13]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] }
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] }
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] }
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -8180.0
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 5606.0
+    // window: position = (0.0464,0.1200), size = 0.3385x0.3750, screen = 0
+    //
+main_Colormap_5_out_1[cache: 2],
+main_Colormap_5_out_2[cache: 2] = 
+    Colormap(
+    main_Colormap_5_in_1,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_2,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_3,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_4,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_5,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_6,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_7,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_8,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_9,
+    main_Select_1_out_1,
+    main_Select_1_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_12,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_13,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_14,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_15,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_16,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_17,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_18,
+    main_Colormap_5_in_19
+    ) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[2]: x = 215, y = 354, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    //
+main_Color_2_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_5_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_5_out_2,
+    main_Color_2_in_4,
+    main_Color_2_in_5
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Format[4]: x = 158, y = 144, inputs = 3, label = Format
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "/media/disk320GB/DX_movie_%6.6d.dx"
+    //
+main_Format_4_out_1 = 
+    Format(
+    main_Format_4_in_1,
+    main_Compute_4_out_1,
+    main_Format_4_in_3
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[7]: x = 14, y = 261, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 1, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_movie_014100.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_7_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Format_4_out_1,
+    main_Import_7_in_2,
+    main_Import_7_in_3,
+    main_Import_7_in_4,
+    main_Import_7_in_5,
+    main_Import_7_in_6
+    ) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[8]: x = 109, y = 263, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "red_blue_waves.cm"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "cm"
+    //
+main_Import_8_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_8_in_1,
+    main_Import_8_in_2,
+    main_Import_8_in_3,
+    main_Import_8_in_4,
+    main_Import_8_in_5,
+    main_Import_8_in_6
+    ) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Colormap[6]: x = 70, y = 376, inputs = 19, label = Colormap
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] }
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Colormap_6"
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -1.0
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.99000001
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 20
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777221, value = { -1.0 0.99000001 }
+    // input[13]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] }
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] }
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -1.0
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.99000001
+    // window: position = (0.0063,0.0283), size = 0.3870x0.4283, screen = 0
+    //
+main_Colormap_6_out_1[cache: 2],
+main_Colormap_6_out_2[cache: 2] = 
+    Colormap(
+    main_Colormap_6_in_1,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_2,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_3,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_4,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_5,
+    main_Import_7_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_7,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_8,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_9,
+    main_Import_8_out_1,
+    main_Import_8_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_12,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_13,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_14,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_15,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_16,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_17,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_18,
+    main_Colormap_6_in_19
+    ) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[3]: x = 41, y = 461, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    //
+main_Color_3_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Import_7_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_6_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_6_out_2,
+    main_Color_3_in_4,
+    main_Color_3_in_5
+    ) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[4]: x = 504, y = 112, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_continent_boundaries.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_4_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_4_in_1,
+    main_Import_4_in_2,
+    main_Import_4_in_3,
+    main_Import_4_in_4,
+    main_Import_4_in_5,
+    main_Import_4_in_6
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[4]: x = 521, y = 216, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "orange"
+    //
+main_Color_4_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Import_4_out_1,
+    main_Color_4_in_2,
+    main_Color_4_in_3,
+    main_Color_4_in_4,
+    main_Color_4_in_5
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Options[2]: x = 487, y = 316, inputs = 5, label = Options
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "rendering mode"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "hardware"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "line width"
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 29, value = 1.5
+    //
+main_Options_2_out_1 = 
+    Options(
+    main_Color_4_out_1,
+    main_Options_2_in_2,
+    main_Options_2_in_3,
+    main_Options_2_in_4,
+    main_Options_2_in_5
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[1]: x = 228, y = 515, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_Collect_2_out_1,
+    main_Color_2_out_1,
+    main_Color_3_out_1,
+    main_Options_2_out_1
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Compute[1]: x = 386, y = 500, inputs = 3, label = Compute
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "$0*85./14100."
+    // expression: value = it*85./14100.
+    // name[2]: value = it
+    // name[3]: value = b
+    //
+main_Compute_1_out_1 = 
+    Compute(
+    main_Compute_1_in_1,
+    main_Compute_4_out_1,
+    main_Compute_1_in_3
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Rotate[1]: x = 359, y = 633, inputs = 7, label = Rotate
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "z"
+    //
+main_Rotate_1_out_1 = 
+    Rotate(
+    main_Collect_1_out_1,
+    main_Rotate_1_in_2,
+    main_Compute_1_out_1,
+    main_Rotate_1_in_4,
+    main_Rotate_1_in_5,
+    main_Rotate_1_in_6,
+    main_Rotate_1_in_7
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[3]: x = 261, y = 751, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_3_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_Caption_1_out_1,
+    main_Rotate_1_out_1,
+    main_Caption_2_out_1,
+    main_Collect_3_in_4
+    ) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Compute[6]: x = 902, y = 640, inputs = 3, label = Compute
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "0"
+    // expression: value = 0
+    // name[2]: value = a
+    // name[3]: value = b
+    //
+main_Compute_6_out_1 = 
+    Compute(
+    main_Compute_6_in_1,
+    main_Compute_6_in_2,
+    main_Compute_6_in_3
+    ) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Format[2]: x = 617, y = 762, inputs = 3, label = Format
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "imagemovie%6.6d.tiff"
+    //
+main_Format_2_out_1 = 
+    Format(
+    main_Format_2_in_1,
+    main_Compute_4_out_1,
+    main_Format_2_in_3
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Image[4]: x = 429, y = 792, inputs = 49, label = Image
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_4"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-0.0283461 -0.0321944 0.0649886]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-1.8296 8.29494 3.80668]
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 3.90397
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1097
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.572926
+    // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-0.0697647 -0.42138 0.904197]
+    // input[11]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 23.6948
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[25]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "/home/komatits/movies_poster_rapport_CINES/initial_image_earth.tiff"
+    // input[26]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "tiff gamma=1"
+    // input[29]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[41]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "panzoom"
+    // depth: value = 24
+    // window: position = (0.3932,0.3508), size = 0.5786x0.5575, screen = 0
+    // internal caching: 1
+    //
+main_Image_4_out_3 = 
+    Image(
+    main_Image_4_in_1,
+    main_Collect_3_out_1,
+    main_Image_4_in_3,
+    main_Image_4_in_4,
+    main_Image_4_in_5,
+    main_Image_4_in_6,
+    main_Image_4_in_7,
+    main_Image_4_in_8,
+    main_Image_4_in_9,
+    main_Image_4_in_10,
+    main_Image_4_in_11,
+    main_Image_4_in_12,
+    main_Image_4_in_13,
+    main_Image_4_in_14,
+    main_Image_4_in_15,
+    main_Image_4_in_16,
+    main_Image_4_in_17,
+    main_Image_4_in_18,
+    main_Image_4_in_19,
+    main_Image_4_in_20,
+    main_Image_4_in_21,
+    main_Image_4_in_22,
+    main_Image_4_in_23,
+    main_Image_4_in_24,
+    main_Image_4_in_25,
+    main_Image_4_in_26,
+    main_Image_4_in_27,
+    main_Image_4_in_28,
+    main_Image_4_in_29,
+    main_Image_4_in_30,
+    main_Image_4_in_31,
+    main_Image_4_in_32,
+    main_Image_4_in_33,
+    main_Image_4_in_34,
+    main_Image_4_in_35,
+    main_Image_4_in_36,
+    main_Image_4_in_37,
+    main_Image_4_in_38,
+    main_Image_4_in_39,
+    main_Image_4_in_40,
+    main_Image_4_in_41,
+    main_Image_4_in_42,
+    main_Image_4_in_43,
+    main_Image_4_in_44,
+    main_Image_4_in_45,
+    main_Image_4_in_46,
+    main_Image_4_in_47,
+    main_Image_4_in_48,
+    main_Image_4_in_49
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Render[2]: x = 340, y = 869, inputs = 3, label = Render
+    //
+main_Render_2_out_1 = 
+    Render(
+    main_Collect_3_out_1,
+    main_Image_4_out_2,
+    main_Render_2_in_3
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node WriteImage[2]: x = 398, y = 938, inputs = 4, label = WriteImage
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "tiff gamma=1"
+    //
+    WriteImage(
+    main_Render_2_out_1,
+    main_Format_2_out_1,
+    main_WriteImage_2_in_3,
+    main_WriteImage_2_in_4
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+// network: end of macro body
+CacheScene(main_Image_4_in_1, main_Image_4_out_1, main_Image_4_out_2);
+main_Caption_1_in_1 = "SPECFEM3D / Dimitri Komatitsch et al. - Sichuan earthquake, May 12, 2008";
+main_Caption_1_in_2 = [.5 .98];
+main_Caption_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Caption_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Caption_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Caption_1_in_6 = 25;
+main_Caption_1_in_7 = "roman_dser";
+main_Caption_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Caption_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Caption_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_1 = "Sequencer_2";
+main_Sequencer_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Sequencer_2_in_7 = { 2675 4000 5 2675 4000 1 };
+main_Sequencer_2_out_1 = NULL;
+ at startframe = 2675;
+ at nextframe  = @startframe;
+ at endframe   = 4000;
+ at deltaframe = 5;
+main_Compute_4_in_1 = "$0*10";
+main_Compute_4_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Compute_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Compute_5_in_1 = "int(($0-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533)";
+main_Compute_5_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Compute_5_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Compute_2_in_1 = "int( 60*(($0-1)*0.001875 - 0.25351533) - 60*$1)";
+main_Compute_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Format_3_in_1 = "Time = %3d min %2.2d s";
+main_Format_3_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_in_2 = [.93 .08];
+main_Caption_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_in_6 = 24;
+main_Caption_2_in_7 = "area";
+main_Caption_2_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Caption_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_5_in_1 = "earth_main_cities.dx";
+main_Import_5_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_5_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_5_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_5_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_5_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_5_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_1 = { [0.037383178 0.98947368] [1.0 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_2 = { [0.0 0.73684211] [0.97196262 0.72631579] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_3 = { [0.0 1.0] [0.98130841 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_4 = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_5 = "Colormap_1";
+main_Colormap_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_12 = { 1.0 1.0 };
+main_Colormap_1_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_14 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_15 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_16 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_17 = 1.0;
+main_Colormap_1_in_18 = 1.0;
+main_Colormap_1_in_19 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_1 = "Scalar_1";
+main_Scalar_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_3 = 0.012 ;
+main_Scalar_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_out_1 = 0.012 ;
+main_Glyph_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_9_in_1 = "epicenter.dx";
+main_Import_9_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_9_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_9_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_9_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_9_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_9_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Color_5_in_2 = "cyan";
+main_Color_5_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Color_5_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_5_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_5_out_1 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_1 = "Scalar_2";
+main_Scalar_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_3 = 0.016 ;
+main_Scalar_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_10 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_2_out_1 = 0.016 ;
+main_Glyph_2_in_2 = "diamond";
+main_Glyph_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_2_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Collect_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_1 = "earth_topo_bathy.dx";
+main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_6_in_1 = "GMT_globe_palette_opaque.cm";
+main_Import_6_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_6_in_3 = "cm";
+main_Import_6_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_6_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_6_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_6_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_10_in_1 = "GMT_globe_palette_transparent.cm";
+main_Import_10_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_10_in_3 = "cm";
+main_Import_10_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_10_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_10_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_10_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Select_1_in_2 = 0;
+main_Select_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Select_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_5_in_1 = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_2 = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_3 = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_4 = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_5 = "Colormap_5";
+main_Colormap_5_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_5_in_7 = -8180.0;
+main_Colormap_5_in_8 = 5606.0;
+main_Colormap_5_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_5_in_12 = { -8180.0 5606.0 };
+main_Colormap_5_in_13 = {[0 0.76666671 ] [0.071086608 0.75 ] [0.08559408 0.73076928 ] [0.1073553 0.70833331 ] [0.1363702 0.68181819 ] [0.15813141 0.65151513 ] [0.17263889 0.625 ] [0.1944001 0.6025641 ] [0.2306688 0.58333331 ] [0.26693749 0.56666672 ] [0.30320609 0.56652051 ] [0.3394748 0.56633502 ] [0.37574351 0.5660919 ] [0.41201219 0.5657596 ] [0.4482809 0.56473827 ] [0.48454961 0.56382978 ] [0.52081817 0.56218898 ] [0.55708688 0.55833328 ] [0.57884812 0.53571433 ] [0.5789932 0.53571433 ] [0.59328312 0.53571433 ] [0.5933556 0.25 ] [0.59342808 0.25 ] [0.60046422 0.3888889 ] [0.6006093 0.3888889 ] [0.60786313 0.25 ] [0.62962419 0.083333336 ] [0.66589302 0.1022013 ] [0.70216161 0.1126761 ] [0.73843032 0.1189139 ] [0.77469897 0.149635 ] [0.81096762 0.1426858 ] [0.84723628 0.13403261 ] [0.88350499 0.1255708 ] [0.9197737 0.1185682 ] [0.95604229 0.1111111 ] [0.99231112 0 ] [1 0 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_14 = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 0.93333328 ] [0.08559408 0.86666667 ] [0.1073553 0.80000001 ] [0.1363702 0.73333329 ] [0.15813141 0.73333329 ] [0.17263889 0.80000001 ] [0.1944001 0.86666667 ] [0.2306688 0.93333328 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 0.89411771 ] [0.3394748 0.78823531 ] [0.37574351 0.6823529 ] [0.41201219 0.57647061 ] [0.4482809 0.47450981 ] [0.48454961 0.3686274 ] [0.52081817 0.26274511 ] [0.55708688 0.15686271 ] [0.57884812 0.054901958 ] [0.5789932 0.054901958 ] [0.59328312 0.054901958 ] [0.5933556 1 ] [0.59342808 1 ] [0.60046422 0.75 ] [0.6006093 0.75 ] [0.60786313 0.35964909 ] [0.62962419 0.27450979 ] [0.66589302 0.436214 ] [0.70216161 0.61739129 ] [0.73843032 0.8202765 ] [0.77469897 0.81547618 ] [0.81096762 0.847561 ] [0.84723628 0.88271612 ] [0.88350499 0.918239 ] [0.9197737 0.95512819 ] [0.95604229 1 ] [0.99231112 0.45061731 ] [1 0.33707869 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_15 = {[0 1 ] [0.071086608 1 ] [0.08559408 1 ] [0.1073553 1 ] [0.1363702 1 ] [0.15813141 1 ] [0.17263889 1 ] [0.1944001 1 ] [0.2306688 1 ] [0.26693749 1 ] [0.30320609 1 ] [0.3394748 1 ] [0.37574351 1 ] [0.41201219 1 ] [0.4482809 1 ] [0.48454961 1 ] [0.52081817 1 ] [0.55708688 1 ] [0.57884812 1 ] [0.5789932 1 ] [0.59328312 1 ] [0.5933556 0.40000001 ] [0.59342808 0.40000001 ] [0.60046422 0.80000001 ] [0.6006093 0.80000001 ] [0.60786313 0.89411771 ] [0.62962419 1 ] [0.66589302 0.95294118 ] [0.70216161 0.90196079 ] [0.73843032 0.8509804 ] [0.77469897 0.65882349 ] [0.81096762 0.64313728 ] [0.84723628 0.63529408 ] [0.88350499 0.62352937 ] [0.9197737 0.61176473 ] [0.95604229 0.60000002 ] [0.99231112 0.63529408 ] [1 0.69803917 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_16 = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_5_in_17 = -8180.0;
+main_Colormap_5_in_18 = 5606.0;
+main_Colormap_5_in_19 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_5_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_5_out_2 = NULL;
+main_Color_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Format_4_in_1 = "/media/disk320GB/DX_movie_%6.6d.dx";
+main_Format_4_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Format_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_7_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_7_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_7_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_7_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_7_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_7_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_8_in_1 = "red_blue_waves.cm";
+main_Import_8_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_8_in_3 = "cm";
+main_Import_8_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_8_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_8_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_8_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_in_1 = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_2 = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_3 = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_4 = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_5 = "Colormap_6";
+main_Colormap_6_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_in_12 = { -1.0 0.99000001 };
+main_Colormap_6_in_13 = {[0 0.70731705 ] [0.49450549 0.51219511 ] [0.49450549 1 ] [0.99267399 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_14 = {[0.058608059 1 ] [0.50183147 1 ] [0.51648355 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_15 = {[0 1 ] [0.49450549 0.5 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_16 = {[0 1 ] [1 1 ] };
+main_Colormap_6_in_17 = -1.0;
+main_Colormap_6_in_18 = 0.99000001;
+main_Colormap_6_in_19 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_6_out_2 = NULL;
+main_Color_3_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_3_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_3_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_1 = "DX_continent_boundaries.dx";
+main_Import_4_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_4_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Color_4_in_2 = "orange";
+main_Color_4_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Color_4_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_4_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Options_2_in_2 = "rendering mode";
+main_Options_2_in_3 = "hardware";
+main_Options_2_in_4 = "line width";
+main_Options_2_in_5 = 1.5;
+main_Options_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Compute_1_in_1 = "$0*85./14100.";
+main_Compute_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Compute_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Rotate_1_in_2 = "z";
+main_Rotate_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Rotate_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Rotate_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Rotate_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Rotate_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_3_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_3_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Compute_6_in_1 = "0";
+main_Compute_6_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Compute_6_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Format_2_in_1 = "imagemovie%6.6d.tiff";
+main_Format_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Format_2_out_1 = NULL;
+macro Image(
+        id,
+        object,
+        where,
+        useVector,
+        to,
+        from,
+        width,
+        resolution,
+        aspect,
+        up,
+        viewAngle,
+        perspective,
+        options,
+        buttonState = 1,
+        buttonUpApprox = "none",
+        buttonDownApprox = "none",
+        buttonUpDensity = 1,
+        buttonDownDensity = 1,
+        renderMode = 0,
+        defaultCamera,
+        reset,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable = 0,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable = 0,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        webOptions) -> (
+        object,
+        camera,
+        where)
+    ImageMessage(
+        id,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        renderMode,
+        buttonUpApprox,
+        buttonDownApprox,
+        buttonUpDensity,
+        buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    autoCamera =
+        AutoCamera(
+            object,
+            "front",
+            object,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            [0,1,0],
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    realCamera =
+        Camera(
+            to,
+            from,
+            width,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            up,
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    coloredDefaultCamera = 
+	 UpdateCamera(defaultCamera,
+            background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    nullDefaultCamera =
+        Inquire(defaultCamera,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetCamera =
+        Switch(
+            nullDefaultCamera,
+            coloredDefaultCamera,
+            autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetNull = 
+        Inquire(
+            reset,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    reset =
+        Switch(
+            resetNull,
+            reset,
+            0) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    whichCamera =
+        Compute(
+            "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2",
+            reset,
+            useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    camera = Switch(
+            whichCamera,
+            resetCamera,
+            realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    AAobject =
+        AutoAxes(
+            object,
+            camera,
+            AAlabels,
+            AAticks,
+            AAcorners,
+            AAframe,
+            AAadjust,
+            AAcursor,
+            AAgrid,
+            AAcolors,
+            AAannotation,
+            AAlabelscale,
+            AAfont,
+            AAxTickLocs,
+            AAyTickLocs,
+            AAzTickLocs,
+            AAxTickLabels,
+            AAyTickLabels,
+            AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1",
+	     AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    object = Switch(
+	     switchAAenable,
+	     object,
+	     AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1];
+    SWapproximation_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpApprox,
+            buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    SWdensity_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpDensity,
+            buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    HWapproximation_options =
+        Format(
+            "%s,%s",
+            buttonDownApprox,
+            buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    HWdensity_options =
+        Format(
+            "%d,%d",
+            buttonDownDensity,
+            buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    switchRenderMode = Compute(
+	     "$0+1",
+	     renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    approximation_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWapproximation_options,
+	     HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    density_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWdensity_options,
+            HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+    renderModeString = Switch(
+            switchRenderMode,
+            "software",
+            "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1];
+    object_tag = Inquire(
+            object,
+            "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    annoted_object =
+        Options(
+            object,
+            "send boxes",
+            0,
+            "cache",
+            1,
+            "object tag",
+            object_tag,
+            "ddcamera",
+            whichCamera,
+            "rendering approximation",
+            approximation_options,
+            "render every",
+            density_options,
+            "button state",
+            buttonState,
+            "rendering mode",
+            renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECresNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECresolution,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    ImageResolution =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    RECresolution =
+        Switch(
+            RECresNull,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+    RECaspectNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECaspect,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    ImageAspect =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    RECaspect =
+        Switch(
+            RECaspectNull,
+            RECaspect,
+            ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1];
+    switchRECenable = Compute(
+          "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4",
+            RECenable,
+            switchRenderMode,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution,
+            RECaspect,
+	     ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object);
+    Display(
+        NoRECobject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECNoRerenderObject,
+            camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        image,
+        NULL,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    rec_where = Display(
+        RECNoRerHW,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0];
+    rec_image = ReadImageWindow(
+        rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        rec_image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECupdateCamera =
+	UpdateCamera(
+	    camera,
+	    resolution=RECresolution,
+	    aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        RECRerenderObject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECRerenderObject =
+	ScaleScreen(
+	    RECRerenderObject,
+	    NULL,
+	    RECresolution,
+	    camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECRerenderObject,
+            RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+main_Image_4_in_1 = "Image_4";
+main_Image_4_in_3 = "X24,,";
+main_Image_4_in_4 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_5 = [-0.0283461 -0.0321944 0.0649886];
+main_Image_4_in_6 = [-1.8296 8.29494 3.80668];
+main_Image_4_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_8 = 1097;
+main_Image_4_in_9 = 0.572926;
+main_Image_4_in_10 = [-0.0697647 -0.42138 0.904197];
+main_Image_4_in_11 = 23.6948;
+main_Image_4_in_12 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_14 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_15 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_16 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_17 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_18 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_19 = 1;
+main_Image_4_in_20 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_21 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_22 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_23 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_25 = "/home/komatits/movies_poster_rapport_CINES/initial_image_earth.tiff";
+main_Image_4_in_26 = "tiff gamma=1";
+main_Image_4_in_27 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_28 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_29 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_30 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_31 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_32 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_33 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_34 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_35 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_36 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_37 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_38 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_39 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_40 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_41 = "panzoom";
+main_Image_4_in_42 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_43 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_44 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_45 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_46 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_47 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_48 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_in_49 = NULL;
+main_Image_4_out_2 = NULL;
+main_Render_2_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Render_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_WriteImage_2_in_3 = "tiff gamma=1";
+main_WriteImage_2_in_4 = NULL;
+Executive("product version 4 4 4");
+sequence main();

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_GMT_globe_palette.dat
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_GMT_globe_palette.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_GMT_globe_palette.dat	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-10000 153 0 255
+-9500 153 0 255
+-9000 153 0 255
+-8500 136 17 255
+-8000 119 34 255
+-7500 102 51 255
+-7000 85 68 255
+-6500 68 85 255
+-6000 51 102 255
+-5500 34 119 255
+-5000 17 136 255
+-4500 0 153 255
+-4000 27 164 255
+-3500 54 175 255
+-3000 81 186 255
+-2500 108 197 255
+-2000 134 208 255
+-1500 161 219 255
+-1000 188 230 255
+-500 215 241 255
+-200 241 252 255
+0 51 102 0
+100 51 204 102
+200 187 228 146
+500 255 220 185
+1000 243 202 137
+1500 230 184 88
+2000 217 166 39
+2500 168 154 31
+3000 164 144 25
+3500 162 134 19
+4000 159 123 13
+4500 156 113 7
+5000 153 102 0
+5500 162 89 89
+6000 178 118 118
+6500 183 147 147
+7000 194 176 176
+7500 204 204 204
+8000 229 229 229
+8500 242 242 242
+9000 255 255 255
+9500 255 255 255

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_lat_long_main_cities_Web.dat
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_lat_long_main_cities_Web.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/ori_lat_long_main_cities_Web.dat	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+33 55 48    118 24 0    LosAngeles,CA
+37 45 0     122 40 48   SanFrancisco,CA
+39 45 0     104 52 12   Denver,CO
+VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA   49 16 N           123 07 W
+        Kabul                     34° 35' N     69° 12' E
+       ALGERIA
+        Algiers                   36° 46' N     30° 3' E
+        Buenos Aires              34° 35' S     58° 29' W
+        Cordoba                   31° 22' S     64° 15' W
+        Tucuman                   26° 50' S     65° 10' W
+        Adelaide                  34° 56' S    138° 35' E
+        Alice Springs             23° 48' S    133° 53' E
+        Brisbane                  27° 28' S    153° 2' E
+        Darwin                    12° 28' S    130° 51' E
+        Melbourne                 37° 49' S    144° 58' E
+        Perth                     31° 57' S    115° 51' E
+        Sydney                    33° 52' S    151° 12' E
+       AUSTRIA
+        Vienna                    48° 15' N     16° 22' E
+       AZORES
+        Lajes (Terceira)          38° 45' N     27° 5' W
+       BAHAMAS
+        Nassau                    25° 5' N      77° 21' W
+        Chittagong                22° 21' N     91° 50' E
+       BELGIUM
+        Brussels                  50° 48' N      4° 21' E
+       BELIZE
+        Belize                    17° 31' N     88° 11' W
+       BERMUDA
+        Kindley AFB               33° 22' N     64° 41' W
+       BHUTAN
+        Thimbu                    27° 32' N     89° 43' E
+       BOLIVIA
+        La Paz                    16° 30' S      68° 9' W
+        Sucre                     19° 02' S     65° 17' W
+       BRAZIL
+        Belem                      1° 27' S     48° 29' W
+        Belo Horizonte            19° 56' S     43° 57' W
+        Brasilia                  15° 52' S     47° 55' W
+        Curitiba                  25° 25' S     49° 17' W
+        Fortaleza                  3° 46' S     38° 33' W
+        Porto Alegre               30° 2' S     51° 13' W
+        Recife                      8° 4' S     34° 53' W
+        Rio De Janeiro            22° 55' S     43° 12' W
+        Salvador                   13° 0' S     38° 30' W
+        Sao Paulo                 23° 33' S     46° 38' W
+       BULGARIA
+        Sofia                     42° 42' N     23° 20' E
+        Ouagadougou               12° 22' N      1° 31' W
+       CAMBODIA
+        Phnom Penh                11° 33' N    104° 51' E
+       CAMEROON
+        Yaounde                    3° 52' N     11° 31' E
+       CANADA
+        Ottawa                    45° 19' N     75° 40' W
+       CHAD
+        N'Djamena                 12° 07' S     15° 03' E
+       CHILE
+        Punta Arenas              53° 10' S     70° 54' W
+        Santiago                  33° 27' S     70° 42' W
+        Valparaiso                 33° 1' S     71° 38' W
+       CHINA
+        Beijing                   39° 55' N    116° 26' E
+        Shanghai                  31° 12' N    121° 26' E
+       COLOMBIA
+        Baranquilla               10° 59' N     74° 48' W
+        Bogota                     4° 36' N      74° 5' W
+        Cali                       3° 25' N     76° 30' W
+        Medellin                   6° 13' N     75° 36' W
+       CONGO
+        Brazzaville                4° 15' S     15° 15' E
+       CUBA
+        Guantanamo Bay            19° 54' N      75° 9' W
+        Havana                     23° 8' N     82° 21' W
+        Prague                     50° 5' N     14° 25' E
+       DENMARK
+        Copenhagen                55° 41' N     12° 33' E
+        Santo Domingo             18° 29' N     69° 54' W
+       EQUADOR
+        Guayaquil                  21° 0' S     79° 53' W
+        Quito                      0° 13' S     78° 32' W
+       EGYPT
+        Cairo                     29° 52' N     31° 20' E
+        San Salvador              13° 42' N     89° 13' W
+       ETHIOPIA
+        Addis Ababa                90° 2' N     38° 45' E
+        Asmara                    15° 17' N     38° 55' E
+       FINLAND
+        Helsinki                  60° 10' N     24° 57' E
+       FRANCE
+        Lyon                      45° 42' N      4° 47' E
+        Marseilles                43° 18' N      5° 23' E
+        Nantes                    47° 15' N      1° 34' W
+        Nice                      43° 42' N      7° 16' E
+        Paris                     48° 49' N      2° 29' E
+        Strasbourg                48° 35' N      7° 46' E
+        Cayenne                    4° 56' N     52° 27' W
+       GERMANY
+        Berlin                    52° 27' N     13° 18' E
+        Hamburg                   53° 33' N      9° 58' E
+        Hannover                  52° 24' N      9° 40' E
+        Mannheim                  49° 34' N      8° 28' E
+        Munich                    48° 9' N      11° 34' E
+       GHANA
+        Accra                      5° 33' N      0° 12' W
+        Gibraltar                  36° 9' N      5° 22' W
+       GREECE
+        Athens                    37° 58' N     23° 43' E
+        Thessaloniki              40° 37' N     22° 57' E
+        Narsarssuaq               61° 11' N     45° 25' W
+        Guatemala City            14° 37' N     90° 31' W
+       GUYANA
+        Georgetown                 6° 50' N     58° 12' W
+       HAITI
+        Port Au Prince            18° 33' N     72° 20' W
+       HONDURAS
+        Tegucigalpa                14° 6' N     87° 13' W
+       HONG KONG
+        Hong Kong                 22° 18' N    114° 10' E
+       HUNGARY
+        Budapest                  47° 31' N      19° 2' E
+       ICELAND
+        Reykjavik                  64° 8' N     21° 56' E
+       INDIA
+        Ahmenabad                  23° 2' N     72° 35' E
+        Bangalore                 12° 57' N     77° 37' E
+        Bombay                    18° 54' N     72° 49' E
+        Calcutta                  22° 32' N     88° 20' E
+        Madras                     13° 4' N     80° 15' E
+        Nagpur                     21° 9' N      79° 7' E
+        New Delhi                 28° 35' N     77° 12' E
+        Djakarta                   6° 11' S    106° 50' E
+        Kupang                    10° 10' S    123° 34' E
+        Makassar                    5° 8' S    119° 28' E
+        Medan                      3° 35' N     98° 41' E
+        Palembang                   3° 0' S    104° 46' E
+        Surabaya                   7° 13' S    112° 43' E
+       IRAN
+        Abadan                    30° 21' N     48° 16' E
+        Meshed                    36° 17' N     59° 36' E
+        Tehran                    35° 41' N     51° 25' E
+       IRAQ
+        Baghdad                   33° 20' N     44° 24' E
+        Mosul                     36° 19' N      43° 9' E
+       IRELAND
+        Dublin                    53° 22' N      6° 21' W
+        Shannon                   52° 41' N      8° 55' W
+        Manokwari                  0° 52' S     134° 5' E
+       ISRAEL
+        Jerusalem                 31° 47' N     35° 13' E
+        Tel Aviv                   32° 6' N     34° 47' E
+       ITALY
+        Milan                     45° 27' N      9° 17' E
+        Naples                    40° 53' N     14° 18' E
+        Rome                      41° 48' N     12° 36' E
+        Abidjan                    5° 19' N       4° 1' W
+       JAPAN
+        Fukuoka                   33° 35' N    130° 27' E
+        Sapporo                   43° 4' N     141° 21' E
+        Tokyo                     35° 41' N    139° 46' E
+       JORDAN
+        Amman                     31° 57' N     35° 57' E
+       KENYA
+        Nairobi                    1° 16' S     36° 48' E
+       KOREA
+        Pyongyang                  39° 2' N    125° 41' E
+        Seoul                     37° 34' N    126° 58' E
+       KUWAIT
+        Kuwait City               29° 20' N     47° 59' E
+       LATVIA
+        Riga                      56° 57' N     24° 06' E
+       LEBANON
+        Beirut                    33° 54' N     35° 28' E
+       LIBERIA
+        Monrovia                   6° 18' N     10° 48' W
+       LIBYA
+        Benghazi                     32° 6' N     20° 4' E
+        Tripoli                     32° 54' N    13° 11' E
+        Tananarive                18° 55' S     47° 33' E
+       MALAYSIA
+        Kuala Lumpur                3° 7' N    101° 42' E
+        Penang                     5° 25' N    100° 19' E
+        Fort De France            14° 37' N      61° 5' W
+       MEXICO
+        Guadalajara               20° 41' N    103° 20' W
+        Merida                    20° 58' N     89° 38' W
+        Mexico City               19° 24' N     99° 12' W
+        Monterrey                 25° 40' N    100° 18' W
+        Vera Cruz                 19° 12' N      96° 8' W
+        Ulaanbaatar               47° 55' N    106° 53' E
+      MOROCCO
+        Casablanca                33° 35' N      7° 39' W
+        Mandalay                  21° 59' N      96° 6' E
+        Yangon (Rangoon)          16° 47' N      96° 9' E
+        Nouakchott                18° 06' N     15° 57' W
+       NEPAL
+        Kathmandu                 27° 42' N     85° 12' E
+        Amsterdam                 52° 23' N      4° 55' E
+        Auckland                  36° 51' S    174° 46' E
+        Christchurch              43° 32' S    172° 37' E
+        Wellington                41° 17' S    174° 46' E
+        Managua                   12° 10' N     86° 15' W
+       NIGERIA
+        Lagos                      6° 27' N      3° 24' E
+       NORWAY
+        Bergen                    60° 24' N      5° 19' E
+        Oslo                      59° 56' N     10° 44' E
+       PAKISTAN
+        Islamabad                 33° 42' N     73° 10' E
+        Karachi                   24° 48' N     66° 59' E
+        Lahore                    31° 35' N     74° 20' E
+        Peshewar                   34° 1' N     71° 35' E
+       PANAMA
+        Panama City                8° 58' N     79° 33' W
+        Port Moresby               9° 29' S     147° 9' E
+       PARAGUAY
+        Ascuncion                 25° 17' S     57° 30' W
+       PERU
+        Lima                       12° 5' S      77° 3' W
+        Manila                    14° 35' N    120° 59' E
+       POLAND
+        Krakow                     50° 4' N     19° 57' E
+        Warsaw                    52° 13' N      21° 2' E
+       PORTUGAL
+        Lisbon                    38° 43' N       9° 8' W
+        San Juan                  18° 29' N      66° 7' W
+       ROMANIA
+        Bucharest                 44° 25' N      26° 6' E
+       RUSSIA
+        Alma Ata                  43° 14' N     76° 53' E
+        Archangel                 64° 33' N     40° 32' E
+        Kaliningrad               54° 43' N     20° 30' E
+        Krasnoyarsk                56° 1' N     92° 57' E
+        Kiev                      50° 27' N     30° 30' E
+        Kharkov                    50° 0' N     36° 14' E
+        Kuibyshev                 53° 11' N      50° 6' E
+        Minsk                     53° 54' N     27° 33' E
+        Moscow                    55° 46' N     37° 40' E
+        Odessa                    46° 29' N     30° 44' E
+        Petropavlovsk             52° 53' N    158° 42' E
+        Rostov on Don             47° 13' N     39° 43' E
+        Sverdlovsk                56° 49' N     60° 38' E
+        St. Petersburg            59° 56' N     30° 16' E
+        Tashkent                  41° 20' N     69° 18' E
+        Tbilisi                   41° 43' N     44° 48' E
+        Vladivostok                43° 7' N    131° 55' E
+        Volgograd                 48° 42' N     44° 31' E
+        Dhahran                   26° 17' N      50° 9' E
+        Jedda                     21° 28' N     39° 10' E
+        Riyadh                    24° 39' N     46° 42' E
+       SENEGAL
+        Dakar                     14° 42' N     17° 29' W
+        Freetown                   8° 30' N     13° 15' W
+        Singapore                  1° 18' N    103° 50' E
+       SOMALIA
+        Mogadishu                  2° 2' N      49° 19' E
+        Cape Town                 33° 56' S     18° 29' E
+        Johannesburg              26° 11' S      28° 3' E
+        Pretoria                  25° 45' S     28° 14' E
+      SPAIN
+       Barcelona                  41° 24' N       2° 9' E
+       Madrid                     40° 25' N      3° 41' W
+       Valencia                   39° 28' N      0° 23' W
+      SRI LANKA
+       Colombo                     6° 54' N     79° 52' E
+      SUDAN
+       Khartoum                   15° 37' N     32° 33' E
+      SURINAM
+       Paramaribo                  5° 49' N      55° 9' W
+      SWEDEN
+       Stockholm                  59° 21' N      18° 4' E
+       Zurich                     47° 23' N      8° 33' E
+      SYRIA
+       Damascus                   33° 30' N     36° 20' E
+      TAIWAN
+       Tainan                     22° 57' N    120° 12' E
+       Taipei                      25° 2' N    121° 31' E
+       Dar es Salaam               6° 50' S     39° 18' E
+       Bangkok                    13° 44' N    100° 30' E
+      TONGA
+       Nukualofa                  21° 08' S    175° 12' W
+       Port of Spain              10° 40' N     61° 31' W
+      TUNISIA
+       Tunis                      36° 47' N     10° 12' E
+      TURKEY
+       Adana                      36° 59' N     35° 18' E
+       Ankara                     39° 57' N     32° 53' E
+       Istanbul                   40° 58' N     28° 50' E
+       Izmir                      38° 26' N     27° 10' E
+       Belfast                    54° 36' N      5° 55' W
+       Birmingham                 52° 29' N      1° 56' W
+       Cardiff                    51° 28' N      3° 10' W
+       Edinburgh                  55° 55' N      3° 11' W
+       Glasgow                    55° 52' N      4° 17' W
+       London                     51° 29' N       0° 0' W
+        Washington D.C.           38° 51' N      77° 2' W
+      URUGUAY
+       Montevideo                 34° 51' S     56° 13' W
+      VANUATU
+        Vila                      17° 44' S    168° 19' E
+       Caracas                    10° 30' N     66° 56' W
+       Maracaibo                  10° 39' N     71° 36' W
+      VIETNAM
+       Da Nang                     16° 4' N     108° 13' E
+       Hanoi                       21° 2' N     105° 52' E
+       Ho Chi Minh City
+       (Saigon)                   10° 47' N     106° 42' E
+      YEMEN
+        Aden                      12° 50' N       45° 2' E
+       Belgrade                   44° 48' N      20° 28' E
+      ZAIRE
+       Kinshasa (Leopoldville)     4° 20' S      15° 18' E
+       Kisangani (Stanleyville)    0° 26' S      15° 14' E
+        Harare                    17° 50' S      31° 03' E

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/permute_cubit_2_opendx.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/permute_cubit_2_opendx.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/permute_cubit_2_opendx.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  4 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            August 2008
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! permute order of points in CUBIT elements (hexahedra) to display them in OpenDX
+  program permute_cubit_2_opendx
+  implicit none
+  integer iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4,iglob5,iglob6,iglob7,iglob8,ispec,nspec
+! number of elements in CUBIT mesh
+  nspec = 13
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    read(*,*) iglob1,iglob2,iglob3,iglob4,iglob5,iglob6,iglob7,iglob8
+! write to AVS or DX global file with correct offset for hexahedra (3-D)
+! in the case of OpenDX, node numbers start at zero
+! in the case of AVS, node numbers start at one
+! point order in OpenDX is 4,1,8,5,3,2,7,6, *not* 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 as in AVS
+    write(*,"(i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,i6)") &
+       iglob4-1,iglob1-1,iglob8-1,iglob5-1,iglob3-1,iglob2-1,iglob7-1,iglob6-1
+  enddo
+  end program permute_cubit_2_opendx

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/readme.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/readme.txt	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+OpenDX, Open source visualization software package based on IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
+AVS, Advanced Visual Systems provides interactive data visualization software
+- various files provided to create your visualizations

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/red_blue_waves.cm
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/red_blue_waves.cm	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/red_blue_waves.cm	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+0.00000000000000000000   0.70731706999999999219  0  0  0
+0.49450548999999999200   0.51219512000000000373  0  0  0
+0.49450548999999999200   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.99267399000000000608   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.05860805899999999707   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.50183149999999998592   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.51648351999999997375   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+1.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.49450548999999999200   0.50000000000000000000  0  0  0
+1.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+0.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0
+1.00000000000000000000   1.00000000000000000000  0  0  0

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/shrink_elements_OpenDX_mesh.pl
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/shrink_elements_OpenDX_mesh.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/shrink_elements_OpenDX_mesh.pl	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# shrink elements in an existing OpenDX mesh file to make it easier
+# to visualize them
+# David Michea, University of Pau, France, January 2007
+use Data::Dumper;
+if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2)
+{     print "usage : $0 file2split.dx filesplit.dx [spacing ratio (try 1)]\n";
+      exit;
+$filein = $ARGV[0];
+$fileout = $ARGV[1];
+$distance = $ARGV[2] || 0.3;
+# read datas
+open (DF, "$filein");
+while(my $line=<DF>)
+{     chomp $line;
+      if ($line =~ m/^(\s+\d+\.?\d*\s*)+$/)
+      {     if ($line =~ m/\./)
+            {     my @temp=split(/\s+/, $line);
+                  shift @temp;
+                  $nodes[$numnode] = \@temp;
+                  $numnode++;
+            }
+            elsif ($line =~ m/(\s+\d+\s*){8}/)
+            {     my @temp=split(/\s+/,$line);
+                  shift @temp;
+                  $hex[$numhex] = \@temp;
+                  $numhex++;
+            }
+            else
+            {     # couleur
+            }
+      }
+close (DF);
+# dump datas into structure
+my @cubes;
+foreach $cube (@hex)
+{     my @corners;
+      foreach $corner (@{$cube})
+      {     my @coords = @{$nodes[$corner]};
+            push(@corners, \@coords);
+      }
+      push (@cubes, \@corners);
+# split the brick
+eclate($distance, at cubes);
+# write dx file
+sub eclate
+{     my ($dist, @cubes) = @_;
+      my ($mid_x,$mid_y,$mid_z) = mid_pos(@cubes);
+      foreach $cube(@cubes)
+      {     ($mx, $my, $mz) = moy_pos($cube);
+            $dx = ($mx-$mid_x)*$dist;
+            $dy = ($my-$mid_y)*$dist;
+            $dz = ($mz-$mid_z)*$dist;
+            redefine($cube,$dx,$dy,$dz);
+      }
+sub mid_pos
+{     my (@cubes) = @_;
+      my ($mx,$my,$mz)=(1000,1000,1000);
+      my ($Mx,$My,$Mz)=(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+      my $compt=0;
+      foreach $cube(@cubes)
+      {     foreach my $corner (@{$cube})
+            {     my ($tx,$ty,$tz) = @$corner;
+                  $mx=$tx if ($tx < $mx);
+                  $my=$ty if ($ty < $my);
+                  $mz=$tz if ($tz < $mz);
+                  $Mx=$tx if ($tx > $Mx);
+                  $My=$ty if ($ty > $My);
+                  $Mz=$tz if ($tz > $Mz);
+            }
+      }
+      return (($Mx+$mx)/2,($My+$my)/2,($Mz+$mz)/2);
+sub moy_pos
+{     my $cube = shift;
+      my ($x,$y,$z)=(0,0,0);
+      my $compt=0;
+      foreach my $corner (@{$cube})
+      {     my ($tx,$ty,$tz) = @$corner;
+            $x+=$tx;
+            $y+=$ty;
+            $z+=$tz;
+            $compt++;
+      }
+      ($x,$y,$z) = map ($_/$compt, ($x,$y,$z));
+      return ($x,$y,$z)
+sub redefine
+{     my ($cube,$dx,$dy,$dz) = @_;
+      foreach my $corner (@{$cube})
+      {     $corner->[0]+=$dx;
+            $corner->[1]+=$dy;
+            $corner->[2]+=$dz;
+      }
+sub dump_dx
+{     my (@cubes) = @_;
+      open (OUT, ">$fileout");
+      $nb_nodes = $numhex * $nb_corners;
+      print OUT " object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items         $nb_nodes  data follows\n";
+      foreach my $uncube (@cubes)
+      {     foreach my $uncoin (@$uncube)
+            {     print OUT join(" ", @$uncoin),"\n";
+            }
+      }
+      print OUT " object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 8 items         $numhex  data follows\n";
+      for ($i=0;$i<$nb_nodes;$i++)
+      {     print OUT $i," ";
+            print OUT "\n" unless (($i+1)%$nb_corners);
+      }
+      print OUT "\n\n",' attribute "element type" string "cubes"',"\n",'attribute "ref" string "positions"',"\n",'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items         ',$numhex,"  data follows\n";
+      for ($i=1;$i<$numhex+1;$i++) {print OUT $i,"\n";}
+      print OUT <<EOF
+ attribute "dep" string "connections"
+ object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field
+ component "positions" value 1
+ component "connections" value 2
+ component "data" value 3
+ end
+      close (OUT);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.cfg
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.cfg	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// time: Mon Dec 10 18:19:12 2007
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// panel[3]: position = (0.3482,0.0543), size = 0.2232x0.4286, startup = 1, devstyle = 1, screen = 0
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// node Colormap[1]:
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 0.666667] [1.0 0.0] }
+// input[2]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+// input[3]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = "Colormap_1"
+// input[7]: defaulting = 1, value = 0.0
+// input[8]: defaulting = 1, value = 6.0
+// input[9]: defaulting = 1, value = 20
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = { 0.0 6.0 }
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.0
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 6.0
+// window: position = (   inf,   inf), size =    infx   inf
+// interactor Scalar[1]: num_components = 1, value = 0.0005 
+// component[0]: minimum = -1e+06, maximum = 1e+06, global increment = 1, decimal = 5, global continuous = 0
+// instance: panel = 3, x = 5, y = 5, style = Stepper, vertical = 1, size = 150x56
+// local continuous: value = 0, mode = global
+// local increment[0]: value = 1, mode = global
+// node Image[2]:
+// depth: value = 24
+// window: position = (0.4286,0.3305), size = 0.5667x0.6333, screen = 0
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = "Image_2"
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.0639443 -0.0616337 0.0273752]
+// input[6]: defaulting = 0, value = [1.55495 2.88829 0.954069]
+// input[7]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.281381
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 938
+// input[9]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.664712
+// input[10]: defaulting = 0, value = [-0.0792268 -0.262092 0.961785]
+// input[11]: defaulting = 1, value = 4.69386
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[15]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[16]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[19]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[22]: defaulting = 0, value = "black"
+// input[25]: defaulting = 0, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+// input[26]: defaulting = 0, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+// input[29]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[33]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[36]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[41]: defaulting = 0, value = "rotate"
+// internal caching: 1

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.net
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.net	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visu_valence_central_cube.net	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+// time: Mon Dec 10 18:19:12 2007
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.4.4 (DX)
+// MODULE main
+// workspace: width = 366, height = 644
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+macro main(
+) -> (
+) {
+    // 
+    // node Import[2]: x = 218, y = 0, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "debug_val_proc_0.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_2_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_2_in_1,
+    main_Import_2_in_2,
+    main_Import_2_in_3,
+    main_Import_2_in_4,
+    main_Import_2_in_5,
+    main_Import_2_in_6
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Regrid[1]: x = 103, y = 98, inputs = 6, label = Regrid
+    //
+main_Regrid_1_out_1 = 
+    Regrid(
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_Regrid_1_in_3,
+    main_Regrid_1_in_4,
+    main_Regrid_1_in_5,
+    main_Regrid_1_in_6
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Colormap[1]: x = 266, y = 96, inputs = 19, label = Colormap
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 0.666667] [1.0 0.0] }
+    // input[2]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777224, value = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] }
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Colormap_1"
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.0
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 6.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 20
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 16777221, value = { 0.0 6.0 }
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.0
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 6.0
+    // window: position = (   inf,   inf), size =    infx   inf
+    //
+main_Colormap_1_out_1[cache: 2],
+main_Colormap_1_out_2[cache: 2] = 
+    Colormap(
+    main_Colormap_1_in_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_2,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_3,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_4,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_5,
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_7,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_8,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_9,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_10,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_11,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_12,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_13,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_14,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_15,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_16,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_17,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_18,
+    main_Colormap_1_in_19
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Color[1]: x = 198, y = 202, inputs = 5, label = Color
+    //
+main_Color_1_out_1 = 
+    Color(
+    main_Regrid_1_out_1,
+    main_Colormap_1_out_1,
+    main_Color_1_in_3,
+    main_Color_1_in_4,
+    main_Color_1_in_5
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node ShowPositions[1]: x = 14, y = 279, inputs = 2, label = ShowPositions
+    //
+main_ShowPositions_1_out_1 = 
+    ShowPositions(
+    main_Color_1_out_1,
+    main_ShowPositions_1_in_2
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Scalar[1]: x = 167, y = 399, inputs = 11, label = Scalar
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "Scalar_1"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.0005 
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = -1000000.0
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1000000.0
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 1.0
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 5
+    // output[1]: visible = 1, type = 5, value = 0.0005 
+    //
+    // 
+    // node Glyph[1]: x = 18, y = 432, inputs = 7, label = Glyph
+    //
+main_Glyph_1_out_1 = 
+    Glyph(
+    main_ShowPositions_1_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_2,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_3,
+    main_Scalar_1_out_1,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_5,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_6,
+    main_Glyph_1_in_7
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[1]: x = 270, y = 500, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_Glyph_1_out_1,
+    main_ShowPositions_1_out_1,
+    main_Color_1_out_1,
+    main_Collect_1_in_4
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Image[2]: x = 282, y = 582, inputs = 49, label = Image
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_2"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.0639443 -0.0616337 0.0273752]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [1.55495 2.88829 0.954069]
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.281381
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 938
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.664712
+    // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [-0.0792268 -0.262092 0.961785]
+    // input[11]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 4.69386
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 1
+    // input[22]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "black"
+    // input[25]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+    // input[26]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+    // input[29]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[33]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[36]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[41]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "rotate"
+    // depth: value = 24
+    // window: position = (0.4286,0.3305), size = 0.5667x0.6333, screen = 0
+    // internal caching: 1
+    //
+main_Image_2_out_3 = 
+    Image(
+    main_Image_2_in_1,
+    main_Collect_1_out_1,
+    main_Image_2_in_3,
+    main_Image_2_in_4,
+    main_Image_2_in_5,
+    main_Image_2_in_6,
+    main_Image_2_in_7,
+    main_Image_2_in_8,
+    main_Image_2_in_9,
+    main_Image_2_in_10,
+    main_Image_2_in_11,
+    main_Image_2_in_12,
+    main_Image_2_in_13,
+    main_Image_2_in_14,
+    main_Image_2_in_15,
+    main_Image_2_in_16,
+    main_Image_2_in_17,
+    main_Image_2_in_18,
+    main_Image_2_in_19,
+    main_Image_2_in_20,
+    main_Image_2_in_21,
+    main_Image_2_in_22,
+    main_Image_2_in_23,
+    main_Image_2_in_24,
+    main_Image_2_in_25,
+    main_Image_2_in_26,
+    main_Image_2_in_27,
+    main_Image_2_in_28,
+    main_Image_2_in_29,
+    main_Image_2_in_30,
+    main_Image_2_in_31,
+    main_Image_2_in_32,
+    main_Image_2_in_33,
+    main_Image_2_in_34,
+    main_Image_2_in_35,
+    main_Image_2_in_36,
+    main_Image_2_in_37,
+    main_Image_2_in_38,
+    main_Image_2_in_39,
+    main_Image_2_in_40,
+    main_Image_2_in_41,
+    main_Image_2_in_42,
+    main_Image_2_in_43,
+    main_Image_2_in_44,
+    main_Image_2_in_45,
+    main_Image_2_in_46,
+    main_Image_2_in_47,
+    main_Image_2_in_48,
+    main_Image_2_in_49
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+// network: end of macro body
+CacheScene(main_Image_2_in_1, main_Image_2_out_1, main_Image_2_out_2);
+main_Import_2_in_1 = "debug_val_proc_0.dx";
+main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Regrid_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Regrid_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Regrid_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Regrid_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Regrid_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_1 = { [0.0 0.666667] [1.0 0.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_2 = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_3 = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_4 = { [0.0 1.0] [1.0 1.0] };
+main_Colormap_1_in_5 = "Colormap_1";
+main_Colormap_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_12 = { 0.0 6.0 };
+main_Colormap_1_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_14 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_15 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_16 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_in_17 = 0.0;
+main_Colormap_1_in_18 = 6.0;
+main_Colormap_1_in_19 = NULL;
+main_Colormap_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Color_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_ShowPositions_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_1 = "Scalar_1";
+main_Scalar_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_3 = 0.0005 ;
+main_Scalar_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Scalar_1_out_1 = 0.0005 ;
+main_Glyph_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_Glyph_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL;
+macro Image(
+        id,
+        object,
+        where,
+        useVector,
+        to,
+        from,
+        width,
+        resolution,
+        aspect,
+        up,
+        viewAngle,
+        perspective,
+        options,
+        buttonState = 1,
+        buttonUpApprox = "none",
+        buttonDownApprox = "none",
+        buttonUpDensity = 1,
+        buttonDownDensity = 1,
+        renderMode = 0,
+        defaultCamera,
+        reset,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable = 0,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable = 0,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        webOptions) -> (
+        object,
+        camera,
+        where)
+    ImageMessage(
+        id,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        renderMode,
+        buttonUpApprox,
+        buttonDownApprox,
+        buttonUpDensity,
+        buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    autoCamera =
+        AutoCamera(
+            object,
+            "front",
+            object,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            [0,1,0],
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    realCamera =
+        Camera(
+            to,
+            from,
+            width,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            up,
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    coloredDefaultCamera = 
+	 UpdateCamera(defaultCamera,
+            background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    nullDefaultCamera =
+        Inquire(defaultCamera,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetCamera =
+        Switch(
+            nullDefaultCamera,
+            coloredDefaultCamera,
+            autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetNull = 
+        Inquire(
+            reset,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    reset =
+        Switch(
+            resetNull,
+            reset,
+            0) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    whichCamera =
+        Compute(
+            "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2",
+            reset,
+            useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    camera = Switch(
+            whichCamera,
+            resetCamera,
+            realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    AAobject =
+        AutoAxes(
+            object,
+            camera,
+            AAlabels,
+            AAticks,
+            AAcorners,
+            AAframe,
+            AAadjust,
+            AAcursor,
+            AAgrid,
+            AAcolors,
+            AAannotation,
+            AAlabelscale,
+            AAfont,
+            AAxTickLocs,
+            AAyTickLocs,
+            AAzTickLocs,
+            AAxTickLabels,
+            AAyTickLabels,
+            AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1",
+	     AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    object = Switch(
+	     switchAAenable,
+	     object,
+	     AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1];
+    SWapproximation_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpApprox,
+            buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    SWdensity_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpDensity,
+            buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    HWapproximation_options =
+        Format(
+            "%s,%s",
+            buttonDownApprox,
+            buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    HWdensity_options =
+        Format(
+            "%d,%d",
+            buttonDownDensity,
+            buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    switchRenderMode = Compute(
+	     "$0+1",
+	     renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    approximation_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWapproximation_options,
+	     HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    density_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWdensity_options,
+            HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+    renderModeString = Switch(
+            switchRenderMode,
+            "software",
+            "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1];
+    object_tag = Inquire(
+            object,
+            "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    annoted_object =
+        Options(
+            object,
+            "send boxes",
+            0,
+            "cache",
+            1,
+            "object tag",
+            object_tag,
+            "ddcamera",
+            whichCamera,
+            "rendering approximation",
+            approximation_options,
+            "render every",
+            density_options,
+            "button state",
+            buttonState,
+            "rendering mode",
+            renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECresNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECresolution,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    ImageResolution =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    RECresolution =
+        Switch(
+            RECresNull,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+    RECaspectNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECaspect,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    ImageAspect =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    RECaspect =
+        Switch(
+            RECaspectNull,
+            RECaspect,
+            ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1];
+    switchRECenable = Compute(
+          "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4",
+            RECenable,
+            switchRenderMode,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution,
+            RECaspect,
+	     ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object);
+    Display(
+        NoRECobject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECNoRerenderObject,
+            camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        image,
+        NULL,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    rec_where = Display(
+        RECNoRerHW,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0];
+    rec_image = ReadImageWindow(
+        rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        rec_image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECupdateCamera =
+	UpdateCamera(
+	    camera,
+	    resolution=RECresolution,
+	    aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        RECRerenderObject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECRerenderObject =
+	ScaleScreen(
+	    RECRerenderObject,
+	    NULL,
+	    RECresolution,
+	    camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECRerenderObject,
+            RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+main_Image_2_in_1 = "Image_2";
+main_Image_2_in_3 = "X24,,";
+main_Image_2_in_4 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_5 = [0.0639443 -0.0616337 0.0273752];
+main_Image_2_in_6 = [1.55495 2.88829 0.954069];
+main_Image_2_in_7 = 0.281381;
+main_Image_2_in_8 = 938;
+main_Image_2_in_9 = 0.664712;
+main_Image_2_in_10 = [-0.0792268 -0.262092 0.961785];
+main_Image_2_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_12 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_14 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_15 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_16 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_17 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_18 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_19 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_20 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_21 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_22 = "black";
+main_Image_2_in_23 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_25 = "/home/latychev/boo";
+main_Image_2_in_26 = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait";
+main_Image_2_in_27 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_28 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_29 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_30 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_31 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_32 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_33 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_34 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_35 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_36 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_37 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_38 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_39 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_40 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_41 = "rotate";
+main_Image_2_in_42 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_43 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_44 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_45 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_46 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_47 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_48 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_49 = NULL;
+Executive("product version 4 4 4");

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.cfg	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// time: Sun Feb 20 16:26:15 2005
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.3.2 (DX)
+// panel[0]: position = (0.0750,0.6982), size = 0.2781x0.1611, startup = 1, devstyle = 1
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// panel[2]: position = (0.3609,0.6982), size = 0.2773x0.1611, startup = 1, devstyle = 1
+// title: value = Control Panel
+// workspace: width = 500, height = 500
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+// node Image[2]:
+// depth: value = 24
+// window: position = (0.0000,0.1631), size = 0.5664x0.6338
+// input[1]: defaulting = 0, value = "Image_2"
+// input[4]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[5]: defaulting = 0, value = [360000 130000 -9842.12]
+// input[6]: defaulting = 0, value = [293951 33251.2 58936.7]
+// input[7]: defaulting = 0, value = 72798.2
+// input[8]: defaulting = 0, value = 711
+// input[9]: defaulting = 0, value = 0.85443
+// input[10]: defaulting = 0, value = [0.244732 0.445238 0.861319]
+// input[11]: defaulting = 1, value = 30.0001
+// input[12]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[14]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[15]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[16]: defaulting = 0, value = "none"
+// input[17]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[18]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[19]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[22]: defaulting = 0, value = "black"
+// input[25]: defaulting = 0, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+// input[26]: defaulting = 0, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+// input[29]: defaulting = 0, value = 0
+// input[33]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[36]: defaulting = 0, value = 1
+// input[41]: defaulting = 0, value = "rotate"
+// internal caching: 1

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.net
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.net	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/Visualization/opendx_AVS/visualize_mesh_DX.net	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+// time: Sun Feb 20 16:26:15 2005
+// version: 3.2.0 (format), 4.3.2 (DX)
+// MODULE main
+// workspace: width = 549, height = 602
+// layout: snap = 0, width = 50, height = 50, align = NN
+macro main(
+) -> (
+) {
+    // 
+    // node AmbientLight[1]: x = 303, y = 277, inputs = 1, label = AmbientLight
+    //
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 = 
+    AmbientLight(
+    main_AmbientLight_1_in_1
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[2]: x = 193, y = 42, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_fullmesh.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_2_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_2_in_1,
+    main_Import_2_in_2,
+    main_Import_2_in_3,
+    main_Import_2_in_4,
+    main_Import_2_in_5,
+    main_Import_2_in_6
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node AutoColor[1]: x = 178, y = 167, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor
+    //
+main_AutoColor_1_out_2 = 
+    AutoColor(
+    main_Import_2_out_1,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_2,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_3,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_4,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_5,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_6,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_7,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_8,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_9,
+    main_AutoColor_1_in_10
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Import[4]: x = 477, y = 79, inputs = 6, label = Import
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "DX_highwayscoast_papers.dx"
+    // input[3]: defaulting = 0, visible = 1, type = 32, value = "dx"
+    //
+main_Import_4_out_1 = 
+    Import(
+    main_Import_4_in_1,
+    main_Import_4_in_2,
+    main_Import_4_in_3,
+    main_Import_4_in_4,
+    main_Import_4_in_5,
+    main_Import_4_in_6
+    ) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node AutoColor[3]: x = 428, y = 202, inputs = 10, label = AutoColor
+    //
+main_AutoColor_3_out_2 = 
+    AutoColor(
+    main_Import_4_out_1,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_2,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_3,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_4,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_5,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_6,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_7,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_8,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_9,
+    main_AutoColor_3_in_10
+    ) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node ShowConnections[1]: x = 49, y = 315, inputs = 1, label = ShowConnections
+    //
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 = 
+    ShowConnections(
+    main_AutoColor_1_out_1
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Collect[1]: x = 167, y = 429, inputs = 4, label = Collect
+    //
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = 
+    Collect(
+    main_ShowConnections_1_out_1,
+    main_AutoColor_1_out_1,
+    main_AmbientLight_1_out_1,
+    main_Collect_1_in_4
+    ) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    // 
+    // node Image[2]: x = 192, y = 540, inputs = 49, label = Image
+    // input[1]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 67108863, value = "Image_2"
+    // input[4]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[5]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [360000 130000 -9842.12]
+    // input[6]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [293951 33251.2 58936.7]
+    // input[7]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 72798.2
+    // input[8]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 711
+    // input[9]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 0.85443
+    // input[10]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 8, value = [0.244732 0.445238 0.861319]
+    // input[11]: defaulting = 1, visible = 0, type = 5, value = 30.0001
+    // input[12]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 0
+    // input[14]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[15]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[16]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "none"
+    // input[17]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[18]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[19]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 1, value = 1
+    // input[22]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "black"
+    // input[25]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "/home/latychev/boo"
+    // input[26]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait"
+    // input[29]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 0
+    // input[33]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 1
+    // input[36]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 3, value = 1
+    // input[41]: defaulting = 0, visible = 0, type = 32, value = "rotate"
+    // depth: value = 24
+    // window: position = (0.0000,0.1631), size = 0.5664x0.6338
+    // internal caching: 1
+    //
+main_Image_2_out_3 = 
+    Image(
+    main_Image_2_in_1,
+    main_Collect_1_out_1,
+    main_Image_2_in_3,
+    main_Image_2_in_4,
+    main_Image_2_in_5,
+    main_Image_2_in_6,
+    main_Image_2_in_7,
+    main_Image_2_in_8,
+    main_Image_2_in_9,
+    main_Image_2_in_10,
+    main_Image_2_in_11,
+    main_Image_2_in_12,
+    main_Image_2_in_13,
+    main_Image_2_in_14,
+    main_Image_2_in_15,
+    main_Image_2_in_16,
+    main_Image_2_in_17,
+    main_Image_2_in_18,
+    main_Image_2_in_19,
+    main_Image_2_in_20,
+    main_Image_2_in_21,
+    main_Image_2_in_22,
+    main_Image_2_in_23,
+    main_Image_2_in_24,
+    main_Image_2_in_25,
+    main_Image_2_in_26,
+    main_Image_2_in_27,
+    main_Image_2_in_28,
+    main_Image_2_in_29,
+    main_Image_2_in_30,
+    main_Image_2_in_31,
+    main_Image_2_in_32,
+    main_Image_2_in_33,
+    main_Image_2_in_34,
+    main_Image_2_in_35,
+    main_Image_2_in_36,
+    main_Image_2_in_37,
+    main_Image_2_in_38,
+    main_Image_2_in_39,
+    main_Image_2_in_40,
+    main_Image_2_in_41,
+    main_Image_2_in_42,
+    main_Image_2_in_43,
+    main_Image_2_in_44,
+    main_Image_2_in_45,
+    main_Image_2_in_46,
+    main_Image_2_in_47,
+    main_Image_2_in_48,
+    main_Image_2_in_49
+    ) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+// network: end of macro body
+CacheScene(main_Image_2_in_1, main_Image_2_out_1, main_Image_2_out_2);
+main_AmbientLight_1_in_1 = NULL;
+main_AmbientLight_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_1 = "DX_fullmesh.dx";
+main_Import_2_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_2_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_2_out_1 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_2 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_3 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_5 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_6 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_7 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_8 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_9 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_in_10 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_1 = "DX_highwayscoast_papers.dx";
+main_Import_4_in_2 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_3 = "dx";
+main_Import_4_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_5 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_in_6 = NULL;
+main_Import_4_out_1 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_2 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_3 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_4 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_5 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_6 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_7 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_8 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_9 = NULL;
+main_AutoColor_3_in_10 = NULL;
+main_ShowConnections_1_out_1 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_in_4 = NULL;
+main_Collect_1_out_1 = NULL;
+macro Image(
+        id,
+        object,
+        where,
+        useVector,
+        to,
+        from,
+        width,
+        resolution,
+        aspect,
+        up,
+        viewAngle,
+        perspective,
+        options,
+        buttonState = 1,
+        buttonUpApprox = "none",
+        buttonDownApprox = "none",
+        buttonUpDensity = 1,
+        buttonDownDensity = 1,
+        renderMode = 0,
+        defaultCamera,
+        reset,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable = 0,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable = 0,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        webOptions) -> (
+        object,
+        camera,
+        where)
+    ImageMessage(
+        id,
+        backgroundColor,
+        throttle,
+        RECenable,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat,
+        RECresolution,
+        RECaspect,
+        AAenable,
+        AAlabels,
+        AAticks,
+        AAcorners,
+        AAframe,
+        AAadjust,
+        AAcursor,
+        AAgrid,
+        AAcolors,
+        AAannotation,
+        AAlabelscale,
+        AAfont,
+        AAxTickLocs,
+        AAyTickLocs,
+        AAzTickLocs,
+        AAxTickLabels,
+        AAyTickLabels,
+        AAzTickLabels,
+        interactionMode,
+        title,
+        renderMode,
+        buttonUpApprox,
+        buttonDownApprox,
+        buttonUpDensity,
+        buttonDownDensity) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    autoCamera =
+        AutoCamera(
+            object,
+            "front",
+            object,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            [0,1,0],
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    realCamera =
+        Camera(
+            to,
+            from,
+            width,
+            resolution,
+            aspect,
+            up,
+            perspective,
+            viewAngle,
+            backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    coloredDefaultCamera = 
+	 UpdateCamera(defaultCamera,
+            background=backgroundColor) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    nullDefaultCamera =
+        Inquire(defaultCamera,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetCamera =
+        Switch(
+            nullDefaultCamera,
+            coloredDefaultCamera,
+            autoCamera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    resetNull = 
+        Inquire(
+            reset,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    reset =
+        Switch(
+            resetNull,
+            reset,
+            0) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    whichCamera =
+        Compute(
+            "($0 != 0 || $1 == 0) ? 1 : 2",
+            reset,
+            useVector) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    camera = Switch(
+            whichCamera,
+            resetCamera,
+            realCamera) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    AAobject =
+        AutoAxes(
+            object,
+            camera,
+            AAlabels,
+            AAticks,
+            AAcorners,
+            AAframe,
+            AAadjust,
+            AAcursor,
+            AAgrid,
+            AAcolors,
+            AAannotation,
+            AAlabelscale,
+            AAfont,
+            AAxTickLocs,
+            AAyTickLocs,
+            AAzTickLocs,
+            AAxTickLabels,
+            AAyTickLabels,
+            AAzTickLabels) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    switchAAenable = Compute("$0+1",
+	     AAenable) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    object = Switch(
+	     switchAAenable,
+	     object,
+	     AAobject) [instance:4, cache: 1];
+    SWapproximation_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpApprox,
+            buttonDownApprox) [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    SWdensity_options =
+        Switch(
+            buttonState,
+            buttonUpDensity,
+            buttonDownDensity) [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    HWapproximation_options =
+        Format(
+            "%s,%s",
+            buttonDownApprox,
+            buttonUpApprox) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    HWdensity_options =
+        Format(
+            "%d,%d",
+            buttonDownDensity,
+            buttonUpDensity) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    switchRenderMode = Compute(
+	     "$0+1",
+	     renderMode) [instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    approximation_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWapproximation_options,
+	     HWapproximation_options) [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    density_options = Switch(
+	     switchRenderMode,
+            SWdensity_options,
+            HWdensity_options) [instance: 8, cache: 1];
+    renderModeString = Switch(
+            switchRenderMode,
+            "software",
+            "hardware")[instance: 9, cache: 1];
+    object_tag = Inquire(
+            object,
+            "object tag")[instance: 3, cache: 1];
+    annoted_object =
+        Options(
+            object,
+            "send boxes",
+            0,
+            "cache",
+            1,
+            "object tag",
+            object_tag,
+            "ddcamera",
+            whichCamera,
+            "rendering approximation",
+            approximation_options,
+            "render every",
+            density_options,
+            "button state",
+            buttonState,
+            "rendering mode",
+            renderModeString) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECresNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECresolution,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    ImageResolution =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera resolution") [instance: 5, cache: 1];
+    RECresolution =
+        Switch(
+            RECresNull,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution) [instance: 10, cache: 1];
+    RECaspectNull =
+        Inquire(
+            RECaspect,
+            "is null + 1") [instance: 6, cache: 1];
+    ImageAspect =
+        Inquire(
+            camera,
+            "camera aspect") [instance: 7, cache: 1];
+    RECaspect =
+        Switch(
+            RECaspectNull,
+            RECaspect,
+            ImageAspect) [instance: 11, cache: 1];
+    switchRECenable = Compute(
+          "$0 == 0 ? 1 : (($2 == $3) && ($4 == $5)) ? ($1 == 1 ? 2 : 3) : 4",
+            RECenable,
+            switchRenderMode,
+            RECresolution,
+            ImageResolution,
+            RECaspect,
+	     ImageAspect) [instance: 4, cache: 1];
+    NoRECobject, RECNoRerenderObject, RECNoRerHW, RECRerenderObject = Route(switchRECenable, annoted_object);
+    Display(
+        NoRECobject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECNoRerenderObject,
+            camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        image,
+        NULL,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    rec_where = Display(
+        RECNoRerHW,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 0];
+    rec_image = ReadImageWindow(
+        rec_where) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        rec_image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECupdateCamera =
+	UpdateCamera(
+	    camera,
+	    resolution=RECresolution,
+	    aspect=RECaspect) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    Display(
+        RECRerenderObject,
+        camera,
+        where,
+        throttle) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    RECRerenderObject =
+	ScaleScreen(
+	    RECRerenderObject,
+	    NULL,
+	    RECresolution,
+	    camera) [instance: 1, cache: 1];
+    image =
+        Render(
+            RECRerenderObject,
+            RECupdateCamera) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+    WriteImage(
+        image,
+        RECfile,
+        RECformat) [instance: 2, cache: 1];
+main_Image_2_in_1 = "Image_2";
+main_Image_2_in_3 = "X24,,";
+main_Image_2_in_4 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_5 = [360000 130000 -9842.12];
+main_Image_2_in_6 = [293951 33251.2 58936.7];
+main_Image_2_in_7 = 72798.2;
+main_Image_2_in_8 = 711;
+main_Image_2_in_9 = 0.85443;
+main_Image_2_in_10 = [0.244732 0.445238 0.861319];
+main_Image_2_in_11 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_12 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_13 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_14 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_15 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_16 = "none";
+main_Image_2_in_17 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_18 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_19 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_20 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_21 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_22 = "black";
+main_Image_2_in_23 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_25 = "/home/latychev/boo";
+main_Image_2_in_26 = "eps gray dpi=86 orient=portrait";
+main_Image_2_in_27 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_28 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_29 = 0;
+main_Image_2_in_30 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_31 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_32 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_33 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_34 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_35 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_36 = 1;
+main_Image_2_in_37 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_38 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_39 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_40 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_41 = "rotate";
+main_Image_2_in_42 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_43 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_44 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_45 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_46 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_47 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_48 = NULL;
+main_Image_2_in_49 = NULL;
+Executive("product version 4 3 2");

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.f90	2010-02-20 19:47:34 UTC (rev 16283)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-  program create_record_section_Grace
-! creates files to plot record sections with "Grace"
-! then call with " xmgrace *.sem.recordsection "
-! call this program with " xcreate_record_section_Grace < create_record_section_Grace.in "
-! Authors: Jeroen Tromp and Dimitri Komatitsch, mid-2000 and September 2007
-  implicit none
-! total number of time steps in each seismogram
-  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 41030
-! total number of seismic stations (receivers)
-  integer, parameter :: NSTATIONS = 180
-  integer :: it,irec
-  real :: epi,epi_start,epi_end,max_amp,t_start,t_end,scale,enhance
-  real, dimension(NSTEP) :: time_sem,sem
-  character(len=3) component
-  character(len=150) station
-  print *,'component (LHZ, LHE, or LHN): '
-  read *,component
-  print *,'starting epicentral distance (degrees):'
-  read *,epi_start
-  print *,'ending epicentral distance (degrees):'
-  read *,epi_end
-  print *,'starting time in record section (minutes):'
-  read *,t_start
-  print *,'ending in record section (minutes):'
-  read *,t_end
-  print *,'enhancement factor:'
-  read *,enhance
-! open the station file
-  open(unit=1,file='output_list_stations.txt',status='unknown')
-  do irec = 1,NSTATIONS
-  read(1,*) station,epi
-  print *,'processing file ',irec,' out of ',NSTATIONS
-  if(epi >= epi_start .and. epi <= epi_end) then
-    max_amp = -100000.
-! read a given seismogram
-    open(unit=10,file=station(1:len_trim(station))//'.'//component(1:3)//'.semd.ascii.convolved',status='old')
-    do it = 1,NSTEP
-      read(10,*) time_sem(it),sem(it)
-! compute maximum of all the traces
-      if(time_sem(it)/60.0 >= t_start .and. time_sem(it)/60.0 <= t_end .and. abs(sem(it)) > max_amp) max_amp = abs(sem(it))
-    enddo
-    close(10)
-! compute scaling factor to plot the traces
-    scale = enhance/max_amp
-! open the record section file
-    open(unit=10,file=station(1:len_trim(station))//'.'//component(1:3)//'.sem.recordsection',status='unknown')
-    do it = 1,NSTEP
-      if(time_sem(it)/60.0 >= t_start .and. time_sem(it)/60.0 <= t_end) write(10,*) time_sem(it)/60.0,epi+sem(it)*scale
-    enddo
-    close(10)
-  endif
-  enddo
-  close(1)
-  end program create_record_section_Grace

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.in	2010-02-20 19:47:34 UTC (rev 16283)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/create_record_section_Grace.in	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90	2010-02-20 19:47:34 UTC (rev 16283)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/draw_regular_2D_GLL_element_gnuplot.f90	2010-02-20 19:58:48 UTC (rev 16284)
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-  program draw_regular_GLL_element
-! for articles or presentations, draw regular 2D GLL element using Gnuplot
-! Author: Dimitri Komatitsch
-  implicit none
-! number of spatial dimensions
-  integer, parameter :: NDIM = 2
-! number of GLL points
-  integer, parameter :: NGLLX = 5
-  integer, parameter :: NGLLY = NGLLX
-! for the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
-  double precision, parameter :: GAUSSALPHA = 0.d0,GAUSSBETA = 0.d0
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY) :: coord
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights of integration
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll,wygll
-  integer ix,iy
-! set up coordinates of the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points
-  call zwgljd(xigll,wxgll,NGLLX,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
-  call zwgljd(yigll,wygll,NGLLY,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
-! define the GLL coordinates of the reference element
-  do iy = 1,NGLLY
-    do ix = 1,NGLLX
-      coord(1,ix,iy) = xigll(ix)
-      coord(2,ix,iy) = yigll(iy)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!---- print the GLL mesh in a Gnuplot file
-  write(*,*)
-  write(*,*) 'Generating gnuplot mesh...'
-  write(*,*)
-  open(unit=20,file='gllfullmesh.gnu',status='unknown')
-  open(unit=21,file='gllmeshedges.gnu',status='unknown')
-!----    plot the lines in the xi-direction
-  do iy = 1,NGLLY
-  do ix = 1,NGLLX-1
-  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
-  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix+1,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix+1,iy))
-  write(20,"('')")
-  if(iy == 1 .or. iy == NGLLY) then
-    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
-    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix+1,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix+1,iy))
-    write(21,"('')")
-  endif
-  enddo
-  enddo
-!----    plot the lines in the eta-direction
-  do ix = 1,NGLLX
-  do iy = 1,NGLLY-1
-  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
-  write(20,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy+1)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy+1))
-  write(20,"('')")
-  if(ix == 1 .or. ix == NGLLX) then
-    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy))
-    write(21,*) sngl(coord(1,ix,iy+1)),sngl(coord(2,ix,iy+1))
-    write(21,"('')")
-  endif
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  close(20)
-  close(21)
-!----  generate the command file for Gnuplot
-  open(unit=20,file='plotall.gnu',status='unknown')
-! write postscript script
-  write(20,*) 'set term postscript eps monochrome dashed "Helvetica" 22'
-  write(20,*) 'set output "grid_GLL.eps"'
-  write(20,*) 'set size square'
-  write(20,*) 'set noborder'
-  write(20,*) 'set nogrid'
-  write(20,*) 'set nozeroaxis'
-  write(20,*) 'set noxtics'
-  write(20,*) 'set noytics'
-  write(20,*) 'plot "gllfullmesh.gnu" title '''' w linesp 2 4, "gllmeshedges.gnu" title '''' w l 1'
-! write X11 script
-! write(20,*) 'set term x11'
-! write(20,*) 'set xlabel "X"'
-! write(20,*) 'set ylabel "Y"'
-! write(20,*) 'set title "Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre Mesh"'
-! write(20,*) 'plot "gllfullmesh.gnu" title '''' w l 2, "gllmeshedges.gnu" title '''' w linesp 1 3'
-! write(20,*) 'pause -1 "Hit any key"'
-  close(20)
-  end program draw_regular_GLL_element
-!  Library to compute the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
-!  Based on Gauss-Lobatto routines from M.I.T.
-!  Department of Mechanical Engineering
-  double precision function endw1(n,alpha,beta)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
-  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
-  double precision, external :: gammaf
-  integer i
-  f3 = zero
-  apb   = alpha+beta
-  if (n == 0) then
-   endw1 = zero
-   return
-  endif
-  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
-  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
-  if (n == 1) then
-   endw1 = f1
-   return
-  endif
-  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
-  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
-  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
-  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
-  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
-  if (n == 2) then
-   endw1 = f2
-   return
-  endif
-  do i=3,n
-   di   = dble(i-1)
-   abn  = alpha+beta+di
-   abnn = abn+di
-   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
-   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
-   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
-   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
-   f1   = f2
-   f2   = f3
-  enddo
-  endw1  = f3
-  end function endw1
-  double precision function endw2(n,alpha,beta)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
-  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
-  double precision, external :: gammaf
-  integer i
-  apb   = alpha+beta
-  f3 = zero
-  if (n == 0) then
-   endw2 = zero
-   return
-  endif
-  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
-  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
-  if (n == 1) then
-   endw2 = f1
-   return
-  endif
-  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
-  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
-  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
-  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
-  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
-  if (n == 2) then
-   endw2 = f2
-   return
-  endif
-  do i=3,n
-   di   = dble(i-1)
-   abn  = alpha+beta+di
-   abnn = abn+di
-   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
-   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
-   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
-   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
-   f1   = f2
-   f2   = f3
-  enddo
-  endw2  = f3
-  end function endw2
-  double precision function gammaf (x)
-  implicit none
-  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
-  double precision x
-  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
-  gammaf = one
-  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
-  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
-  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
-  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
-  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
-  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
-  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
-  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
-  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
-  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
-  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
-  end function gammaf
-  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
-! computes np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
-! Jacobi polynomial with parameters alpha and beta
-!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
-!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
-  implicit none
-  integer np
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  double precision xjac(np)
-  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
-  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
-  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
-  integer, parameter :: K_MAX_ITER = 10
-  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
-  pm1 = zero
-  pm2 = zero
-  pdm1 = zero
-  pdm2 = zero
-  xlast = 0.d0
-  n   = np-1
-  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
-  p = 0.d0
-  pd = 0.d0
-  jmin = 0
-  do j=1,np
-   if(j == 1) then
-      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
-   else
-      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
-      x2 = xlast
-      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
-   endif
-   do k=1,K_MAX_ITER
-      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
-      recsum = 0.d0
-      jm = j-1
-      do i=1,jm
-         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
-      enddo
-      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
-      x    = x+delx
-      if(abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
-   enddo
- 31      continue
-   xjac(np-j+1) = x
-   xlast        = x
-  enddo
-  do i=1,np
-   xmin = 2.d0
-   do j=i,np
-      if(xjac(j) < xmin) then
-         xmin = xjac(j)
-         jmin = j
-      endif
-   enddo
-   if(jmin /= i) then
-      swap = xjac(i)
-      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
-      xjac(jmin) = swap
-   endif
-  enddo
-  end subroutine jacg
-  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp,bet,x)
-! Computes the Jacobi polynomial of degree n and its derivative at x
-  implicit none
-  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
-  integer n
-  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
-  integer k
-  apb  = alp+bet
-  poly = 1.d0
-  pder = 0.d0
-  psave = 0.d0
-  pdsave = 0.d0
-  if (n == 0) return
-  polyl = poly
-  pderl = pder
-  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
-  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
-  if (n == 1) return
-  do k=2,n
-    dk = dble(k)
-    a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
-    a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
-    b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
-    a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
-    a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
-    polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
-    pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
-    psave  = polyl
-    pdsave = pderl
-    polyl  = poly
-    poly   = polyn
-    pderl  = pder
-    pder   = pdern
-  enddo
-  polym1 = polyl
-  pderm1 = pderl
-  polym2 = psave
-  pderm2 = pdsave
-  end subroutine jacobf
-  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
-!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
-!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
-  implicit none
-  double precision z
-  integer n
-  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
-  integer k
-  P1   = 1.d0
-  P2   = Z
-  P1D  = 0.d0
-  P2D  = 1.d0
-  P3D  = 1.d0
-  do K = 1, N-1
-    FK  = dble(K)
-    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
-    P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) / (FK+1.d0)
-    P1  = P2
-    P2  = P3
-    P1D = P2D
-    P2D = P3D
-  enddo
-  end function pndleg
-  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
-!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
-!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
-  implicit none
-  double precision z
-  integer n
-  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
-  integer k
-  P1   = 1.d0
-  P2   = Z
-  P3   = P2
-  do K = 1, N-1
-    FK  = dble(K)
-    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
-    P1  = P2
-    P2  = P3
-  enddo
-  PNLEG = P3
-  end function pnleg
-  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
-  implicit none
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  integer n
-  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
-  double precision, external :: gammaf
-  integer i
-  one   = 1.d0
-  two   = 2.d0
-  dn    = dble(n)
-  const = alpha+beta+one
-  if (n <= 1) then
-    prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
-    prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
-    pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
-    return
-  endif
-  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
-  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
-  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
-  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
-  do i=3,n
-    dindx = dble(i)
-    frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
-    prod  = prod*frac
-  enddo
-  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
-  end function pnormj
-  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
-!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
-!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
-!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
-!     ----
-  implicit none
-  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
-  integer np
-  double precision z(np),w(np)
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  integer n,np1,np2,i
-  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
-  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
-  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
-  pd = zero
-  pm1 = zero
-  pm2 = zero
-  pdm1 = zero
-  pdm2 = zero
-  n    = np-1
-  apb  = alpha+beta
-  p    = zero
-  pdm1 = zero
-  if (np <= 0) stop 'minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
-  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
-  if (np == 1) then
-   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
-   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
-   return
-  endif
-  call jacg(z,np,alpha,beta)
-  np1   = n+1
-  np2   = n+2
-  dnp1  = dble(np1)
-  dnp2  = dble(np2)
-  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
-  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
-  fac3  = fac2+one
-  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
-  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
-  do i=1,np
-    call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
-    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine zwgjd
-  subroutine zwgljd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
-!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
-!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
-!                   n = np-1.
-!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
-!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
-!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
-  implicit none
-  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
-  integer np
-  double precision alpha,beta
-  double precision z(np), w(np)
-  integer n,nm1,i
-  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
-  double precision alpg,betg
-  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
-  p = zero
-  pm1 = zero
-  pm2 = zero
-  pdm1 = zero
-  pdm2 = zero
-  n   = np-1
-  nm1 = n-1
-  pd  = zero
-  if (np <= 1) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
-! with spectral elements, use at least 3 points
-  if (np <= 2) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points for the SEM is 3'
-  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
-  if (nm1 > 0) then
-    alpg  = alpha+one
-    betg  = beta+one
-    call zwgjd(z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
-  endif
-  z(1)  = - one
-  z(np) =  one
-  do i=2,np-1
-   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
-  enddo
-  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
-  w(1)  = endw1(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
-  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
-  w(np) = endw2(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
-  end subroutine zwgljd

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