[cig-commits] r16863 - short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 2 08:38:54 PDT 2010

Author: brad
Date: 2010-06-02 08:38:54 -0700 (Wed, 02 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 16863

Added plotting scripts.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_soln.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_soln.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_soln.py	2010-06-02 15:38:54 UTC (rev 16863)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ======================================================================
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# {LicenseText}
+# ======================================================================
+style = {'colors': "lightbg"}
+warpScale = 250.0
+# ======================================================================
+from enthought.mayavi.scripts.mayavi2 import MayaviApp as Mayavi
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
+from enthought.mayavi.filters.warp_vector import WarpVector
+from enthought.mayavi.filters.extract_vector_norm import ExtractVectorNorm
+from enthought.mayavi.modules.surface import Surface
+from enthought.mayavi.modules.glyph import Glyph
+from enthought.mayavi.modules.text import Text
+import numpy
+import plot_utils
+class PlotScene(Mayavi):
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def run(self):
+    self._setup()
+    surface = plot_utils.SurfaceData()
+    data = surface.read("output/tri3_100m_refine_t04000.vtk")
+    pngfile = "solution.png"
+    self._renderScene(data)
+    self._setCamera()
+    scene = self.script.engine.current_scene.scene
+    scene.disable_render = False
+    scene.render()
+    scene.save_png(pngfile)
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _setup(self):
+    dkslate = (47/255.0, 53/255.0, 72/255.0)
+    ltblue = (51/255.0, 187/255.0, 255/255.0)
+    ltred = (1.0, 0.25, 0.25)
+    red = (1.0, 0.40, 0.40)
+    ltyellow = (1.0, 1.0, 0.45)
+    if style['colors'] == "darkbg":
+      dkslate = (47/255.0, 53/255.0, 72/255.0)
+      ltblue = (51/255.0, 187/255.0, 255/255.0)
+      ltred = (1.0, 0.25, 0.25)
+      self.colorFg = (1,1,1)
+      self.colorBg = dkslate
+      self.colorSurfTrace = red
+      self.colorCities = ltyellow
+    else:
+      self.colorFg = (0,0,0)
+      self.colorBg = (1,1,1)
+      self.colorSurfTrace = (0,0,1)
+      self.lut = "hot"
+      self.lutReverse = True
+    self.windowSize = (1024+15, 768+117)
+    self.aaframes = 4
+    return
+  def _renderScene(self, data):
+    script = self.script
+    w = script.get_active_window()
+    w.size = self.windowSize
+    script.new_scene()
+    scene = script.engine.current_scene.scene
+    scene.disable_render = True
+    scene.anti_aliasing_frames = self.aaframes
+    scene.background = self.colorBg
+    scene.foreground = self.colorFg
+    script.add_source(VTKDataSource(data=data))
+    objTop = script.engine.current_object
+    script.engine.current_object.name = "fault"
+    warp = WarpVector()
+    warp.filter.scale_factor = warpScale
+    script.add_filter(warp)
+    surf = Surface()
+    script.add_module(surf)
+    colorbar = script.engine.current_object.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager
+    colorbar.data_name = "Velocity (m/s)"
+    colorbar.lut_mode = self.lut
+    colorbar.reverse_lut = self.lutReverse
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.label_format = "%4.2f"
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.label_text_property.font_size = 18
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.label_text_property.shadow = True
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.label_text_property.italic = False
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.title_text_property.italic = False
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.title_text_property.shadow = True
+    colorbar.show_scalar_bar = False
+    colorbar.data_range = (0.0, 1.0)
+    #colorbar.number_of_labels = 0
+    colorbar.scalar_bar.orientation = "horizontal"
+    scalar_bar = colorbar.scalar_bar_widget.representation
+    scalar_bar.position2 = (0.33, 0.12)
+    scalar_bar.position = (0.01, 0.02)
+    surf = Surface()
+    script.add_module(surf)
+    return
+  def _setCamera(self):
+    import math
+    script = self.script
+    camera = self.script.engine.current_scene.scene.camera
+    dist = 32.0e+3
+    angle = 60.0
+    clipRange = numpy.array( [5e+2, 500e+3] )
+    ptTo = numpy.array( [-12e+3*math.cos(60/180.0*math.pi), -dist/2.0, 0] )
+    ptFrom = ptTo + numpy.array( [0.0, 0.0, dist])      
+    camera.view_up = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+    camera.view_angle = angle
+    camera.focal_point = ptTo
+    camera.position = ptFrom
+    camera.clipping_range = clipRange
+    #camera.parallel_projection = True
+    #camera.parallel_scale = 0.5*118.125e+3
+    camera.view_angle = angle
+    camera.parallel_projection = False
+    return
+# ======================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  app = PlotScene()
+  app.main()
+# End of file

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_soln.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_utils.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_utils.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv210-2d/plot_utils.py	2010-06-02 15:38:54 UTC (rev 16863)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ======================================================================
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# {LicenseText}
+# ======================================================================
+from pylith.utils.VTKDataReader import VTKDataReader
+from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+import numpy
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class SurfaceData(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    return
+  def read(self, filename):
+    reader = VTKDataReader()
+    data = reader.read(filename)
+    cells = data['cells']
+    vertices = data['vertices']
+    (ncells, ncorners) = cells.shape
+    (nvertices, spaceDim) = vertices.shape
+    vtkData = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid()
+    vtkData.points = vertices
+    assert(spaceDim == 3)
+    assert(ncorners == 3)
+    cellType = tvtk.Triangle().cell_type
+    vtkData.set_cells(cellType, cells)
+    # Displacement vector
+    displacement = data['vertex_fields']['displacement']
+    array = tvtk.FloatArray()
+    array.from_array(displacement.squeeze())
+    array.name = "Displacement (m)"
+    vtkData.point_data.vectors = array
+    vtkData.point_data.vectors.name = "Displacement (m)"
+    # Compute velocity magnitude
+    velocity = data['vertex_fields']['velocity']
+    velocityLog = ((velocity[:,0]**2 + 
+                    velocity[:,1]**2 + 
+                    velocity[:,2]**2)**0.5)
+    array = tvtk.FloatArray()
+    array.from_array(velocityLog.squeeze())
+    array.name = "Velocity (m/s)"
+    vtkData.point_data.scalars = array
+    vtkData.point_data.scalars.name = "Velocity (m/s)"
+    return vtkData
+# End of file

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