[cig-commits] r17019 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Tue Jun 22 16:20:29 PDT 2010

Author: willic3
Date: 2010-06-22 16:20:29 -0700 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 17019

Simple routine to compute principal axes from cell data.
Routine outputs each principal axis as a vector, and associated
eigenvalues as scalars.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.cfg	2010-06-22 23:20:29 UTC (rev 17019)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Top-level info
+vtk_input_file = ../../examples/3d/hex8/output/step01-lower_crust_t0000000.vtk
+vtk_output_file = ../../examples/3d/hex8/output/step01-lower_crust_princstress_t0.vtk
+vtk_tensor_index = 1
+vtk_tensor_components_order = [0,1,2,3,4,5]

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.py	2010-06-22 23:20:29 UTC (rev 17019)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# <LicenseText>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file postproc/princaxes
+## @brief Python application to compute principal axes for a tensor respresented
+## as a vector. Information is read from a VTK file and a VTK file with the
+## same dimensions is output.
+import math
+import numpy
+import os
+import re
+import glob
+from pyre.units.time import s
+from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
+class PrincAxes(Application):
+  """
+  Python application to compute principal axes for a tensor respresented
+  as a vector. Information is read from a VTK file and a VTK file with the
+  same dimensions is output.
+  """
+  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing PrincAxes facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing PrincAxes facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b vtk_input_file  Name of VTK input file.
+    ## @li \b vtk_output_file Name of VTK output file.
+    ## @li \b vtk_tensor_index Index indicating which VTK field array contains desired tensor.
+    ## @li \b vtk_tensor_components_order Indices corresponding to xx,yy,zz,xy,yz,xz.
+    import pyre.inventory
+    vtkInputFile = pyre.inventory.str("vtk_input_file",
+                                          default="stress_t0001.vtk")
+    vtkInputFile.meta['tip'] = "Name of VTK input file."
+    vtkOutputFile = pyre.inventory.str("vtk_output_file", default="output.vtk")
+    vtkOutputFile.meta['tip'] = "Name of VTK output file."
+    vtkTensorIndex = pyre.inventory.int("vtk_tensor_index", default=1)
+    vtkTensorIndex.meta['tip'] = "Index indicating which VTK field array contains desired tensor."
+    vtkTensorComponentsOrder = pyre.inventory.list("vtk_tensor_components_order",
+                                                default=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+    vtkTensorComponentsOrder.meta['tip'] = "Indices corresponding to xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, xz."
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="princaxes"):
+    Application.__init__(self, name)
+    self.cells = None
+    self.vertArray = None
+    self.spaceDim = 0
+    self.cellType = ""
+    self.numTensorPoints = 0
+    self.tensorSorted = None
+    self.minPrincAxis = None
+    self.intPrincAxis = None
+    self.maxPrincAxis = None
+    self.minEigenvalue = None
+    self.intEigenvalue = None
+    self.maxEigenvalue = None
+    return
+  def main(self):
+    # import pdb
+    # pdb.set_trace()
+    self._readVtkFile()
+    self._getPrincAxes()
+    self._writeVtkFile()
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Setup members using inventory.
+    """
+    Application._configure(self)
+    # import pdb
+    # pdb.set_trace()
+    # File info.
+    self.vtkInputFile = self.inventory.vtkInputFile
+    self.vtkOutputFile = self.inventory.vtkOutputFile
+    # Index information
+    self.vtkTensorIndex = self.inventory.vtkTensorIndex
+    self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder = self.inventory.vtkTensorComponentsOrder
+    return
+  def _readVtkFile(self):
+    """
+    Function to read tensor from a file and store the info in a numpy array.
+    """
+    from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_file_reader import VTKFileReader
+    from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+    reader = VTKFileReader()
+    reader.initialize(self.vtkInputFile)
+    data = reader.outputs[0]
+    # Get vertex and cell info.
+    cellVtk = data.get_cells()
+    numCells = cellVtk.number_of_cells
+    cellArray = cellVtk.to_array()
+    self.cells = tvtk.CellArray()
+    self.cells.set_cells(numCells, cellArray)
+    self.vertArray = data._get_points().to_array()
+    self.cellType = data.get_cell_type(0)
+    (numVerts, self.spaceDim) = self.vertArray.shape
+    # Get cell fields and extract tensor.
+    cellData = data._get_cell_data()
+    numCellDataArrays = cellData._get_number_of_arrays()
+    tensor = cellData.get_array(self.vtkTensorIndex).to_array()
+    (self.numTensorPoints, numCols) = tensor.shape
+    sxx = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[0]]
+    syy = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[1]]
+    szz = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[2]]
+    sxy = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[3]]
+    syz = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[4]]
+    sxz = tensor[:,self.vtkTensorComponentsOrder[5]]
+    self.tensorSorted = numpy.column_stack((sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, sxz))
+    return
+  def _getPrincAxes(self):
+    """
+    Function to loop over integration points and compute principal axes for
+    each point.
+    """
+    # Create empty arrays for each principal axis and eigenvalue.
+    self.minPrincAxis = numpy.empty((self.numTensorPoints, self.spaceDim),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.intPrincAxis = numpy.empty((self.numTensorPoints, self.spaceDim),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.maxPrincAxis = numpy.empty((self.numTensorPoints, self.spaceDim),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.minEigenValue = numpy.empty(self.numTensorPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.intEigenValue = numpy.empty(self.numTensorPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.maxEigenValue = numpy.empty(self.numTensorPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # Loop over integration points.
+    for point in xrange(self.numTensorPoints):
+      tensor = self.tensorSorted[point, :]
+      tensorOrdered, eigenValuesOrdered = self._compPrincAxes(tensor)
+      self.minPrincAxis[point,:] = tensorOrdered[0]
+      self.intPrincAxis[point,:] = tensorOrdered[1]
+      self.maxPrincAxis[point,:] = tensorOrdered[2]
+      self.minEigenValue[point] = eigenValuesOrdered[0]
+      self.intEigenValue[point] = eigenValuesOrdered[1]
+      self.maxEigenValue[point] = eigenValuesOrdered[2]
+    return
+  def _compPrincAxes(self, tensor):
+    """
+    Function to compute 3D principal axes, sort them, and multiply by
+    corresponding eigenvalue.
+    """
+    tensorMat = numpy.array([(tensor[0], tensor[3], tensor[5]),
+                             (tensor[3], tensor[1], tensor[4]),
+                             (tensor[5], tensor[4], tensor[2])],
+                            dtype=numpy.float64)
+    (eigenValue, princAxes) = numpy.linalg.eigh(tensorMat)
+    idx = eigenValue.argsort()
+    eigenValuesOrdered = eigenValue[idx]
+    princAxesOrdered = princAxes[:,idx]
+    tensorOrdered = numpy.empty_like(princAxesOrdered)
+    tensorOrdered[0,:] = eigenValuesOrdered[0] * princAxesOrdered[0,:]
+    tensorOrdered[1,:] = eigenValuesOrdered[1] * princAxesOrdered[1,:]
+    tensorOrdered[2,:] = eigenValuesOrdered[2] * princAxesOrdered[2,:]
+    return tensorOrdered, eigenValuesOrdered
+  def _writeVtkFile(self):
+    """
+    Function to write out vertex and cell info along with principal axes
+    computed as vectors.
+    """
+    from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
+    # Set up mesh info for VTK file.
+    mesh = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=self.vertArray)
+    mesh.set_cells(self.cellType, self.cells)
+    # Add scalar fields.
+    minEigenName = "min_eigenvalue"
+    intEigenName = "int_eigenvalue"
+    maxEigenName = "max_eigenvalue"
+    mesh.cell_data.scalars = self.minEigenValue
+    mesh.cell_data.scalars.name = minEigenName
+    s2 = mesh.cell_data.add_array(self.intEigenValue)
+    mesh.cell_data.get_array(s2).name = intEigenName
+    s3 = mesh.cell_data.add_array(self.maxEigenValue)
+    mesh.cell_data.get_array(s3).name = maxEigenName
+    mesh.update()
+    # Add vector fields and write VTK file
+    minAxisName = "min_principal_axis"
+    intAxisName = "int_principal_axis"
+    maxAxisName = "max_principal_axis"
+    mesh.cell_data.vectors = self.minPrincAxis
+    mesh.cell_data.vectors.name = minAxisName
+    v2 = mesh.cell_data.add_array(self.intPrincAxis)
+    mesh.cell_data.get_array(v2).name = intAxisName
+    v3 = mesh.cell_data.add_array(self.maxPrincAxis)
+    mesh.cell_data.get_array(v3).name = maxAxisName
+    mesh.update()
+    w = tvtk.UnstructuredGridWriter(file_name=self.vtkOutputFile,
+		    input=mesh)
+    w.write()
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  app = PrincAxes()
+  app.run()
+# End of file

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/playpen/postproc/princaxes.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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