[cig-commits] r16413 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

cmorency at geodynamics.org cmorency at geodynamics.org
Fri Mar 12 21:39:26 PST 2010

Author: cmorency
Date: 2010-03-12 21:39:26 -0800 (Fri, 12 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 16413

Created get_poroelastic_velocities.f90 to compute cpI,cpII, and cs function of the source dominant frequency, include low and high frequency domains

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_poroelastic_velocities.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_poroelastic_velocities.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_poroelastic_velocities.f90	2010-03-13 05:39:26 UTC (rev 16413)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.0
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+!---- subroutine to compute poroelastic velocities cpI, cpII, & cs as a function of the dominant frequency
+  subroutine get_poroelastic_velocities(cpIsquare,cpIIsquare,cssquare,H_biot,C_biot,M_biot,mul_fr,phil, &
+             tortl,rhol_s,rhol_f,etal_f,perm,fi,f0,Q0,w_c,TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision :: f0,w0il
+  double precision :: H_biot,C_biot,M_biot
+  double precision :: cpIsquare,cpIIsquare
+  double precision :: cssquare,att_I,att_II
+  double precision :: etal_f,rhol_f,rhol_s,rhol_bar,perm
+  double precision :: mul_fr,phil,tortl
+  double precision :: a_r,a_i,b_r,b_i,cc,alpha,aa1,aa2
+  double precision :: xx,yy, gXI, gYI,gXII,gYII,w_c,f_c
+  double precision :: wi,fi,taus,taue,Q0,bbr,bbi
+  double precision :: gA,gB,sa,sb,xxs,yys  
+    rhol_bar =  (1.d0 - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+    w_c = etal_f*phil/(tortl*rhol_f*perm)
+    f_c = w_c/(2*pi) 
+    wi=2.d0*pi*fi                                                        
+    alpha=10.d0**dlog10(wi)
+    w0il =  2.d0*pi*f0
+    taue = (sqrt(Q0*Q0+1) +1)/(w0il*Q0)
+    taus = (sqrt(Q0*Q0+1) -1)/(w0il*Q0)
+     if(TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON) then              
+! high frequency, with memory variables
+    bbr = etal_f/perm*(1.d0+alpha*alpha*taus*taue)/(1.d0 + alpha*alpha*taus*taus)
+    bbi = etal_f/perm*alpha*(taue-taus)/(1.d0 + alpha*alpha*taus*taus)
+     else
+! low frequency   
+    bbr = etal_f/perm
+    bbi = 0.d0
+     endif
+! cs
+     gA = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar-phil*rhol_f**2)**2/(phil*rhol_bar)**2 - (bbr**2-bbi**2)/alpha**2*&
+          (phil*rhol_f/(rhol_bar*tortl) -1.d0) - bbi/alpha*phil*rhol_f/(rhol_bar*tortl)*&
+          (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar-phil*rhol_f**2)/(phil*rhol_bar)
+     gB = -2.d0*bbr*bbi/alpha**2*(phil*rhol_f/(rhol_bar*tortl) -1.d0) + bbr/alpha*phil*rhol_f/&
+          (rhol_bar*tortl)*(rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar-phil*rhol_f**2)/(phil*rhol_bar)
+     sa = (rhol_f*tortl*rhol_bar-phil*rhol_f**2)**2/(phil*rhol_bar)**2 + (bbr**2-bbi**2)/alpha**2
+     sb = 2.d0*bbr*bbi/alpha**2
+     xxs = sa*gA + sb*gB
+     yys = gA*sb - sa*gB
+     cssquare = mul_fr/(rhol_bar-phil*rhol_f/tortl) * 2.d0*(gA**2+gB**2)/(sqrt(xxs**2+yys**2)+xxs)
+! cpI & cpII
+      a_r = rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f/tortl - phil*rhol_bar/(tortl*rhol_f)*bbi/alpha
+      a_i = phil*rhol_bar/(tortl*rhol_f)*bbr
+      b_r = H_biot + M_biot*phil*rhol_bar/(tortl*rhol_f) - 2.d0*phil*C_biot/tortl - &
+          phil*H_biot/(tortl*rhol_f)*bbi/alpha
+      b_i = phil*H_biot/(tortl*rhol_f)*bbr
+      cc = phil/(tortl*rhol_f)*(H_biot*M_biot - C_biot*C_biot)
+      xx = b_r*b_r - b_i*b_i/(alpha*alpha) - 4.d0*a_r*cc
+      yy = 2.d0*b_r*b_i/alpha - 4.d0*a_i/alpha*cc
+      gXI = a_r*(b_r + sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx)) + &
+            a_i/alpha*(b_i/alpha + sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))
+      gYI = a_i/alpha*(b_r + sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx)) - &
+            a_r*(b_i/alpha + sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))
+      gYI = -gYI
+      gXII = a_r*(b_r - sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx)) + &
+            a_i/alpha*(b_i/alpha - sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))
+      gYII = a_i/alpha*(b_r - sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx)) - &
+            a_r*(b_i/alpha - sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))
+      gYII = -gYII
+      cpIsquare = ((b_r + sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx))**2 + &
+                  (b_i/alpha + sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))**2)/&
+                  (sqrt(gXI**2+gYI**2) + gXI)
+      cpIIsquare = ((b_r - sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx))**2 + &
+                  (b_i/alpha - sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))**2)/&
+                  (sqrt(gXII**2+gYII**2) + gXII)
+! attenuation factors
+      att_I = -alpha*sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(sqrt(gXI**2+gYI**2)-gXI) / &
+               sqrt((b_r + sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx))**2+&
+                   (b_i/alpha + sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))**2)
+      att_II = -alpha*sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(sqrt(gXII**2+gYII**2)-gXII) / &
+               sqrt((b_r - sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)+xx))**2+&
+                   (b_i/alpha - sign(1.d0,yy)*sqrt(0.5)*sqrt(sqrt(xx**2+yy**2)-xx))**2)
+! quality factors
+        aa1 = -gXI/gYI
+        aa2 = -gXII/gYII
+   end subroutine get_poroelastic_velocities

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