[cig-commits] commit: Merge in Underworld 1.4.1

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Tue Mar 23 10:33:13 PDT 2010

changeset:   274:f14bcac1cb23
tag:         tip
parent:      273:eb77b3b3da16
parent:      272:604d6da16413
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
files:       SConfigure updateRepos.py
Merge in Underworld 1.4.1

diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 .hgtags
--- a/.hgtags	Tue Mar 23 06:39:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/.hgtags	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@ 74b66214c5bc07ab3f70188ee4a7dc8eabbdf62c
 74b66214c5bc07ab3f70188ee4a7dc8eabbdf62c v1.2.0
+972469ce4e65bf7ebb6c0b9ae52681a4f19dcbeb 1.4.0
+48e5d9c753d04e7b0e2784e0e09118b97cd706c8 1.4.1
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 SConfigure
--- a/SConfigure	Tue Mar 23 06:39:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/SConfigure	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -33,6 +33,22 @@ options = [
 env = Environment(ENV=os.environ)
 env.Tool('config', toolpath=['config'], options=options)
+# Definition of our error function
+def UWExit( self ):
+   print '\n'
+   print '************************************'
+   print 'If you require help, send the files:'
+   print '\tconfig.log'
+   print '\tconfig.cfg (if it exists)'
+   print 'to: underworld-users at vpac.org'
+   print '************************************'
+   env.Exit()
+env.AddMethod( UWExit )
 # Declare which packages we're going to use.
@@ -103,8 +119,10 @@ if not (GetOption('help') or GetOption('
 	Package.static = True
+        print 
+        print '****  ERROR ****'
         print 'Invalid option \'--lib-type\''
-        sys.exit()
+        env.UWExit()
@@ -124,11 +142,12 @@ if not (GetOption('help') or GetOption('
             res = env.ConfigurePackage(packages.OpenGL).result
             if not res:
+                print '****  ERROR ****'
                 print 'Need either OSMesa or OpenGL in order to use gLucifer'
                 print 'but neither could be found.'
-                print 'Details in \'config/config2/config.log\''
+                print 'Details in \'config.log\''
-                env.Exit()
+                env.UWExit()
         # Need an extra CPPDEFINE for gLucifer.
@@ -149,11 +168,12 @@ if not (GetOption('help') or GetOption('
         if not (res or sdl):
+            print '****  ERROR ****'
             print 'Need a windowing system for gLucifer, one of either SDL,'
             print 'X11, Carbon or OSMesa. None of these could be found.'
-            print 'Details in \'config/config2/config.log\''
+            print 'Details in \'config.log\''
-            env.Exit()
+            env.UWExit()
         # Add auxilliary gLucifer packages.
         if env.get('with_png'):
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 XMLChanges_1.4
--- a/XMLChanges_1.4	Tue Mar 23 06:39:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/XMLChanges_1.4	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ 1. User must specify the “context” o
 This must be done first before other components are read into the dictionary, otherwise the simulation will halt in it's 'read from input file' phase. To perform this add:
-<struct name=”component” mergeType=”merge”>
+<struct name=”components” mergeType=”merge”>
 	<struct name=”context”>
 		<param name=”Type”>UnderworldContext</param>
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 bittenObtain.py
--- a/bittenObtain.py	Tue Mar 23 06:39:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/bittenObtain.py	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ for dep in deps:
 for dep in deps:
-		print dep[0], '-->', dep[1], '...'
-		hg.clone( u, dep[0], dep[1] );
+		hg.clone( u, dep[0], dep[1], '--quiet' );
 	except util.Abort, e:
 		c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/createtables.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/createtables.sh	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+rm -f proto.txt defargs.txt parentchildhashtable.txt structs.txt
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/doominc.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/doominc.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+sub getargsfromdefarg{
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    my $res;
+    if($str=~/_(\w+)_New/){
+	$str = uc $1;
+	$str = "$str"."_DEFARGS";
+    }
+    #if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_OBJECT_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_COMPONENT_DEFARGS"){
+    if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS"){
+	#print "str is $str\n";
+	$str="SizeT _sizeOfSelf, Type type, Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete, Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print, Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy";
+	return "$str";
+    }
+    else{
+	my $nextpart = $getdefarg{ $str };
+	#print "str is $str\n";
+	if($nextpart ne ''){
+	    #print "From defargs.txt \n $nextpart\n";
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\n//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\\//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $nextpart =~ /\#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\,*\s*(.*)/;
+	    if($nextpart eq ''){
+		return "Failed!\n";
+	    }
+	    my $rem = $3;
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3 \n";
+	    my $tmp=$2;
+	    $tmp=~s/\s*(\w+)\s*/$1/;
+	    $tmp=~s/(\w+)_\w*ARGS/$1_DEFARGS/; ## some of the defs in this file have *_ARGS instead of *_DEFARGS
+	    #print "XX$tmp -- $nextpart"."XX\n";
+	    if($tmp =~ /SizeT/){
+		return "$tmp"." $rem";
+	    }
+	    my $str = &getargsfromdefarg($tmp);
+	    if($rem ne ''){
+		$res = "$str".", $rem";
+	    }
+	    else{
+		$res = "$str";
+	    }
+	    return $res;
+	}
+	else{
+	    return "str $str Failed";
+	}
+    }
+sub getall{
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    my $res;
+    if($str=~/_(\w+)_New/){
+	$str = uc $1;
+	$str = "$str"."_DEFARGS";
+    }
+    #if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_OBJECT_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_COMPONENT_DEFARGS"){
+    if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS"){
+	#print "str is $str\n";
+	$str="SizeT _sizeOfSelf, Type type, Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete, Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print, Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy";
+	return "$str";
+    }
+    else{
+	my $nextpart = $getproperdefarg{ $str };
+	print "str is $str\n";
+	if($nextpart eq ''){
+	    return "Failed!\n";
+	}
+	if($nextpart ne ''){
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\n//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\\//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ /\#define\s*\\?\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\,*\s*(.*)/;
+	    my $rem = $3;
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3 $rem\n";
+	    my $tmp=$2;
+	    $tmp=~s/\s*(\w+.*\w+)\s*/$1/;
+	    my $str = &getall($tmp);
+	    if($rem ne ''){
+		#$res = "$str".", $rem";
+		$res = "$str".", $rem";
+	    }
+	    else{
+		$res = "$str";
+	    }
+	    return $res;
+	}
+	else{
+	    return "str $str Failed";
+	}
+    }
+sub getlocationofArg{# returns first location of arg in list
+    my($arg, @list) = @_;
+    my $i;
+    my $loc=-1;
+    for $i (0 ..$#list){
+	if($arg eq $list[$i]){
+	    $loc = $i;
+	    return $loc;
+	}
+    }
+    return $loc;
+sub getlocationArrayofArgs{
+    my ($a, $l) = @_;
+    my @args;
+    my @list;
+    my $i;
+    my @loc;
+    @args = @$a;
+    @list = @$l;
+    for $i (0 .. $#args){
+	$loc[$i]=&getlocationofArg($args[$i], at list);
+	if($loc[$i] != -1){
+	    $list[$loc[$i]] = "$list[$loc[$i]]"."removed"; # remove arg from list so we don't find it twice if we have repeated args
+	}
+    }
+    return @loc;
+sub getlocationArrayofArgsNEWOLD{
+    my ($ta, $a, $tb, $b) = @_;
+    my @args;
+    my @list;
+    my $i;
+    my @loc;
+    my $tmp;
+    @targsA=@$ta;
+    @targsB=@$tb;
+    @argsA = @$a;
+    @argsB = @$b;
+    for $i (0 .. $#targsA){
+	$tmp = "$targsA[$i]"."$argsA[$i]";
+	$tmp =~ s/_//g;
+	$tmp =~ s/\*//g;
+	$tmp = uc $tmp;
+	$args[$i]=$tmp;
+    }
+    for $i (0 .. $#targsB){
+	$tmp = "$targsB[$i]"."$argsB[$i]";
+	$tmp =~ s/_//g;
+	$tmp =~ s/\*//g;
+	$tmp = uc $tmp;
+	$list[$i]=$tmp;
+    }  
+    for $i (0 .. $#args){
+	$loc[$i]=&getlocationofArg($args[$i], at list);
+	if($loc[$i] != -1){
+	    $list[$loc[$i]] = "$list[$loc[$i]]"."removed"; # remove arg from list so we don't find it twice if we have repeated args
+	}
+    }
+    return @loc;
+sub cleanargs{
+    my (@args) = @_;
+    my $i=0;
+    foreach $term (@args){
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	$args[$i] = $term;
+	$i++;
+    }
+    return @args;
+sub capandreduceargs{
+    my (@args) = @_;
+    my $i=0;
+    foreach $term (@args){
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	$term =~ s/_//g;
+	$term = uc $term;
+	$args[$i] = $term;
+	$i++;
+    }
+    return @args;
+sub gettypes{
+    my ($key) = @_;
+    my $args;
+    my $argsarray;
+    my $term;
+    my $stars;
+    my $word;
+    my @type=();
+    my $i;
+    #print "$key in gettypes\n";
+    #print Dumper(@type);
+    #print " ..in gettypes\n";
+    $args = $getproto{$key};
+    $args =~ s/\r//g;
+    #print "In getypes $key gives\n$args\n";
+    @argsarray = split(/,/,$args);
+    #print Dumper(@argsarray);
+    $i=0;
+    if($#argsarray > 0){
+    foreach $term (@argsarray){
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	if($term =~ /$reg/){
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3\n";
+	    $stars = $2;
+	    $word = $1;
+	    #$var[$i] = "$3";
+            #print "$word >>$3<<\n";
+	    $stars =~ s/\s+//g;
+	    $word =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $type[$i] = "$word$stars";
+	    #print "$type[$i] >$var[$i]<\n";
+	}
+	else{
+	    print "Empty arg? >>$args<<\n";
+	    exit;
+	}
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$i++;
+    }#foreach
+    }
+    return @type;
+sub getvars{
+    my ($key) = @_;
+    my $args;
+    my $argsarray;
+    my $term;
+    my @var=();
+    my $i;
+    #print "$key in getvars\n";
+    #print Dumper(@var);
+    #print ".. in getvars\n";
+    $args = $getproto{$key};
+    $args =~ s/\r//g;
+    #print "$args\n";
+    @argsarray = split(/,/,$args);
+    #print Dumper(@argsarray);
+    $i=0;
+    if($#argsarray > 0){
+    foreach $term (@argsarray){
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	if($term =~ /$reg/){
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3\n";
+	    #$stars = $2;
+	    #$word = $1;
+	    $var[$i] = "$3";
+            #print "$word >>$3<<\n";
+	    #$stars =~ s/\s+//g;
+	    #$word =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    #$type[$i] = "$word$stars";
+	    #print "$type[$i] >$var[$i]<\n";
+	}
+	else{
+	    print "Empty arg in getvars? >>$args<<\n";
+	    print "filename $filename\n";
+	    exit;
+	}
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$i++;
+    }#foreach
+    }
+    return @var;
+sub gettypesfromstr{
+    my ($args) = @_;
+    my $argsarray;
+    my $term;
+    my $stars;
+    my $word;
+    my @type=();
+    my $i;
+    $args =~ s/\r//g;
+    #print "$args\n";
+    @argsarray = split(/,/,$args);
+    #print Dumper(@argsarray);
+    $i=0;
+    if($#argsarray > 0){
+    foreach $term (@argsarray){
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	if($term =~ /$reg/){
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3\n";
+	    $stars = $2;
+	    $word = $1;
+	    #$var[$i] = "$3";
+            #print "$word >>$3<<\n";
+	    $stars =~ s/\s+//g;
+	    $word =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $type[$i] = "$word$stars";
+	    #print "$type[$i] >$var[$i]<\n";
+	}
+	else{
+	    print "Empty arg? gettypesfromstr >>$args<<\n";
+	    print "filename $filename\n";
+	    exit;
+	}
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$i++;
+    }#foreach
+    }
+    return @type;
+sub getvarsfromstr{
+    my ($args) = @_;
+    my $argsarray=();
+    my $term;
+    my @var=();
+    my $i;
+    $args =~ s/\r//g;
+    if($args =~ /\,/){## need at least one comma for a list
+	@argsarray = split(/,/,$args);
+    }
+    else{## handle case where we have a list of one element
+	$argsarray[0] = $args;
+	$term=$args;
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	if($term =~ /$reg/){
+	    $var[0] = "$3";
+	}
+	#print "HERE >>$args<< >>$var[0]<<\n\n";
+	return @var;
+    }
+    #print Dumper(@argsarray);
+    $i=0;
+    if($#argsarray > 0){
+    foreach $term (@argsarray){
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$term =~ s/^\s*(.+)/$1/;
+	if($term =~ /^(.+)\s+$/){ $term = $1;}
+	if($term =~ /$reg/){
+	    $var[$i] = "$3";
+	}
+	else{
+	    print "Empty arg in getvarsfromstr? >>$args<<\n";
+	    print "filename $filename\n";
+	    exit;
+	}
+	#print "$term\n";
+	$i++;
+    }#foreach
+    }
+    return @var;
+sub getclass{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $class = $fn;
+    if($class =~ /_*(\w+)_[A-Za-z]*New/){ 
+	$class = $1;
+	$class = uc $class;
+    } else { $class = 'x'; }
+    return $class;
+sub getfargsverbatim{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $args = $fn;
+    $args =~ s/\w+New[^()]*($paren)[^{}]*.*/$1/s;
+    $args =~ s/\((.*)\)/$1/s;
+    return $args;
+sub cleanstr{
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    $str =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/s;
+    $str =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;  #match /*any*/ as long as 'any' does not contain '*/'
+    $str =~ s/assert\s*$paren\s*\;//; # get rid of pesky assert functions
+    $str =~ s{//.*}{}g; # get rid of any c++ style comments as well
+    $str =~ s{\n([ \t]*\n)*}{\n}g;
+    $str =~ s{^([ \t]*\n)+}{}g;
+    $str =~ s/\n//g;
+    $str =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;
+    return $str;
+sub getfargs{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $args = $fn;
+    $args =~ s/\w+New[^()]*($paren)[^{}]*.*/$1/s;
+    $args =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/s;
+    $args =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;  #match /*any*/ as long as 'any' does not contain '*/'
+    $args =~ s{//.*}{}g; # get rid of any c++ style comments as well
+    $args =~ s{\n([ \t]*\n)*}{\n}g;
+    $args =~ s{^([ \t]*\n)+}{}g;
+    $args =~ s/\n//g;
+    $args =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;
+    return $args;
+sub getfargsany{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $args = $fn;
+    $args =~ s/\w+[^()]*($paren)[^{}]*.*/$1/s;
+    $args =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/s;
+    $args =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;  #match /*any*/ as long as 'any' does not contain '*/'
+    $args =~ s{//.*}{}g; # get rid of any c++ style comments as well
+    $args =~ s{\n([ \t]*\n)*}{\n}g;
+    $args =~ s{^([ \t]*\n)+}{}g;
+    $args =~ s/\n//g;
+    $args =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;
+    return $args;
+sub getfname{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $name = $fn;
+    $name =~ s/(^\w+New\w*)\s*\(.*$/$1/s;
+    return $name;
+sub getfnameany{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $name = $fn;
+    $name =~ s/(^\w+)\s*\(.*$/$1/s;
+    return $name;
+sub getfbodyverbatim{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $body = $fn;
+    $body =~ s/\w+New[^{}]*($cparen)[^{}]*/$1/s;
+    return $body;
+sub getfbodyverbatimany{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $body = $fn;
+    $body =~ s/\w+[^{}]*($cparen)[^{}]*/$1/s;
+    return $body;
+sub getfbody{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $body = $fn;
+    $body =~ s/\w+New[^{}]*($cparen)[^{}]*/$1/s; #match /*any*/ as long as 'any' does not contain '*/'
+    $body =~ s/assert\s*$paren\s*\;//; # get rid of pesky assert functions
+    $body =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;
+    $body =~ s{\#if 0(?:(?!\#endif).)*\#endif}{}gs;
+    $body =~ s{\/\/.*}{}g;
+    $body =~ s{^[ \t]*\n([ \t]*\n)*}{\n}g;
+    #$body =~ s{^([ \t]*\n)+}{}g; #removes all blank lines
+    return $body;
+sub getfbodyany{
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    my $body = $fn;
+    $body =~ s/\w+[^{}]*($cparen)[^{}]*/$1/s; #match /*any*/ as long as 'any' does not contain '*/'
+    $body =~ s/assert\s*$paren\s*\;//; # get rid of pesky assert functions
+    $body =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;
+    $body =~ s{\#if 0(?:(?!\#endif).)*\#endif}{}gs;
+    $body =~ s{\/\/.*}{}g;
+    $body =~ s{^[ \t]*\n([ \t]*\n)*}{\n}g;
+    #$body =~ s{^([ \t]*\n)+}{}g; #removes all blank lines
+    return $body;
+sub getYnotinX{#returns Y-(Y && X)
+    my ( $Y, $X) = @_;
+    my %original = ();
+    my @subY  = ();
+    map { $original{$_} = 'x' } @$X;
+    @subY  = grep { !defined  $original{$_} } @$Y; ## i.e. $_ takes values from the @Y array and sees if they are in the original hash table
+    return @subY ; # returns a subset of @Y
+sub getYinX{#returns (Y && X)
+    my ( $Y, $X) = @_;
+    my %original = ();
+    my @subY  = ();
+    map { $original{$_} = 'x' } @$X;
+    @subY  = grep { defined  $original{$_} } @$Y; ## i.e. $_ takes values from the @Y array and sees if they are in the original hash table
+    return @subY ; # returns a subset of @Y
+sub createdefinestr{
+    my ($macro) = @_;
+    my $def;
+    $def = qr/ ([ \t]*\#define[ \t]+$macro.*\n ## the space between the [] is important; it is a literal space here
+                                       (?:.*\\[ \t]*\n)* # anything that has a backslash as last character i.e. a continuation slash
+                                             #^ needed a . here instead of \s because \s seems to match \n as well while . doesn't unless we use s on the
+                                             # end of the regexp i.e. "xs" instead of "x"
+                                       .*\n)  # then get very next line only
+                                /x;
+    return $def;
+sub createdefinestruct{
+    my ($macro) = @_;
+    my $def;
+    $def = qr/ ([ \t]*\#define[ \t]+$macro\s+[\s\\]* ## the space between the [] is important; it is a literal space here
+                                       (?:.*\\[ \t]*\n)* # anything that has a backslash as last character i.e. a continuation slash
+                                             #^ needed a . here instead of \s because \s seems to match \n as well while . doesn't unless we use s on the
+                                             # end of the regexp i.e. "xs" instead of "x"
+                                       .*\n)  # then get very next line only
+                                /x;
+    return $def;
+sub repAwithBinCretC{#replace A with B in C and return new C
+    my ($a,$b,$c)=@_;
+    my $ameta=quotemeta($a);
+    $c =~ s/$ameta/$b/;
+    return $c;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/doomstr.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/doomstr.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#our ($paren);
+$paren = qr/  ##THIS one seems to work OK.
+      \(
+        (?:
+           [^()]+  # Not parens
+         | 
+           (??{ $paren })  # Another balanced group (not interpolated yet)
+        )*
+      \)
+    /x;
+$cparen = qr/  ##THIS one seems to work OK.
+      \{
+        (?:
+           [^{}]+  # Not parens
+         | 
+           (??{ $cparen })  # Another balanced group (not interpolated yet)
+        )*
+      \}
+    /x;
+$getdefinesall = qr/ ([ \t]*\#define[ \t]+\w+ARGS.*\\[ \t]*\n
+                   (?:.*\\[ \t]*\n)* # anything that has a backslash as last character i.e. a continuation slash
+                    .*\n)  # then get very next line only
+                   /x;
+# $getdefinesrem = qr/ [ \t]*\#define[ \t]+\w+ARGS[ \t]*\\[ \t]*\n
+#                    ((?:.*\\[ \t]*\n)* # anything that has a backslash as last character i.e. a continuation slash
+#                     .*\n)  # then get very next line only
+#                    /x;
+$reg = qr/^\s*(\w+(?:[ \t]+\w+)*)
+          ([ \t\*]+)
+          ((?:\w|[\[\]]*)+)\s*$
+          # (\w+)
+         /x;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/getdefargs.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/getdefargs.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w*).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+unshift(@INC, $LIST);
+our $paren;
+our $cparen;
+our $getdefinesall;
+our $reg;
+require 'doomstr.pl';
+require 'doominc.pl';
+our $dir;
+our $UWdir;
+our $filename;
+our $pc;
+our $hugestr;
+our $defargsfile;
+our $withrepofile;
+our %getparent;
+our %getdefarg;
+$dir=`pwd`; #print "$dir\n";
+$dir =~ /((?:\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w+)(.*)/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+open FILE, "$filename"  or die "can't find file: $!\n";
+while (<FILE>){
+    $hugestr .= "$_";
+$pc = "$UWdir\/"."parentchildhashtable.txt";
+$defargsfile = "$UWdir\/"."defargs.txt";
+## populate the hash tables from file: the files may or may not exist
+open FILE, "$pc";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s(\w+)/;
+    $getparent{ $1 } = $2;
+close FILE;
+open FILE, "$defargsfile";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s(.*)/;
+    $getdefarg{ $1 } = $2;
+close FILE;
+#### find all functions that are of the form ?X_?New ############################################################################
+ at functions=$hugestr=~/\w+(?:\**\s+|\s+\**|\s+\**\s+)(_\w+New\w*\s*\([^{}]+$cparen)/g; ## Only looking at _X_?New functions now i.e. starting with _
+#########      is of form / (?: | | | )( ) / 2nd pair of brackets is the match  #################################################
+# get fname fbody and fargs and fargslist from the function defn ################################################################
+#######print "filename is $filename\n";  ########################################################################################
+$i=0; $goforth = 1;# $numparents = 0;
+foreach (@functions){
+    ##print "$_ :::::\n\n";
+    $fname[$i]=&getfname($_);
+    $fbody[$i]=&getfbodyverbatim($_);
+    ## get parent functions
+    $subfuncs[$i]=[$fbody[$i]=~/\W(_(?:\w+_*)+_New[^()]*$paren)/g]; ## must have a _ in front of name i.e. they should because they are private constructors
+    $fbodyclean[$i]=&getfbody($_);
+    $subfuncsclean[$i]=[$fbodyclean[$i]=~/\W(_(?:\w+_*)+_New[^()]*$paren)/g];
+    @pfunc=@{$subfuncsclean[$i]};
+    # $#pfunc should be either 0 or -1; else there are too many parent functions in a child function
+    if( $#pfunc > 0 ){ 
+	open FILE, ">>log.txt";   print FILE "Function $fname[$i] has too many _New functions in file $filename\n"; close FILE;
+	$goforth = 0 ; ## stop processing
+	exit;
+    }
+    if($goforth == 1){
+	$cclass[$i]=&getclass($fname[$i]); #list of potential child class names  	#print "Child class is $cclass[$i] num pfunc = $#pfunc\n";
+	if($#pfunc == -1){ $pclass[$i] = $cclass[$i];} # this will remove it when we do AminusB test
+	foreach (@pfunc){
+	    s/\n//g;	    #print ">>>>>>>>>>$_<<<<<<<<<<<<\n";
+	    $pclass[$i] = &getclass($_); #list of potential parent class names
+	    s/[ \t]+/ /g;	    #print "Class of $_\n is pclass >>$pclass[$i]<<\n";	    #if($cclass[$i] ne $pclass[$i]){ $numparents++;}
+	}
+    }
+    $i++;
+}# foreach (@functions)
+ at pclasssub = &getYnotinX(\@pclass,\@cclass);
+if($#pclasssub > 0) { open FILE, ">>log.txt";   print FILE "More than one child parent relation found in file $filename\n"; close FILE; }
+# If we are here we have a 1-1 or 1-0 relation between child and parent functions
+# i.e. no child function X has more than 1 parent function Y and may have none
+foreach $Yclass (@pclasssub){
+    #print "Y $Yclass mm\n";
+    $i=0;  $j=0;
+    foreach $Xclass (@pclass){
+	#print "X $Xclass nn\n";
+	if($Xclass eq $Yclass){
+	    $pclass[$i] = NULL;
+	    $cclasssub[$j] = $cclass[$i];
+	    $Xfunc[$j] = $functions[$i]; ## functions in their original form
+	    $Xname[$j] = $fname[$i];
+	    $Xbody[$j] = &getfbody($functions[$i]);
+	    $Xargs[$j] = &getfargs($functions[$i]);
+	    $XargsVerbatim[$j] = &getfargsverbatim($functions[$i]);
+	    $XbodyVerbatim[$j] = &getfbodyverbatim($functions[$i]);
+	    $Yfunc[$j] = $subfuncs[$i][0];## functions in their original form
+	    $Yname[$j] = &getfname($Yfunc[$j]);
+	    $Yargs[$j] = &getfargs($Yfunc[$j]);
+	    #print "Yargs = $Yargs[$j]\n";
+	    $YargsVerbatim[$j] = &getfargsverbatim($Yfunc[$j]);
+	    $j++;
+	    #print "Found a class $cclass\n";
+	}
+	$i++;
+    }
+ at Yclass = @pclasssub;
+ at Xclass = @cclasssub;
+$reponame =~ /\.\/(\w+)\/.*/;
+open FILE, ">>$pc";
+open WREP, ">>$withrepofile";
+foreach (@Xname){
+    if( !exists $getparent{ $_ }  ){
+	print FILE "$_ $Yname[$i]\n";
+	print WREP "$_ $Yname[$i] $reponame\n";
+	$getparent{ $_ } = $Yname[$i];
+    }
+    $i++;
+close FILE;
+close WREP;
+### At this point we have all the child parent functions and their classes
+### Usually the above arrays have only one member each
+### Now check for macros
+# cool it looks like ALL macros as args end in 'ARGS'
+# Lets just worry about the DEFARGS part i.e. the args to X
+# because we will construct PASSARGS from the DEFARGS anyway
+foreach $args (@Xargs){
+    @Xargset = split(/,/,$args);
+    #print Dumper(@Xargset);
+    $Xhasmacro[$i]=0;
+    $Xisplugin[$i]=0;
+    if( $#Xargset == 0 ){
+	#print "Only has one argument\n";
+	if( ($args !~ /\w+\W+\w+/) && ($args !~ /void/) ){
+	    #print color 'blue'; print "Is a macro $args in $filename\n"; print color 'reset';
+	    if($args !~ /ARGS/){
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt";
+		print FILE "Looks like macro but doesn't have ARGS in name $Xname[$i] $args in $filename\n";
+		close FILE;
+	    }
+	    $Xhasmacro[$i] =1;
+	}
+	else{
+	    if($args =~ /ARGS/){ 
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "has 2 parts to args but has ARGS in it $Xname[$i] $args $filename\n"; close FILE; }
+	    #print "Is a plugin $Xname[$i] $args   $filename\n";
+	    $Xisplugin[$i]=1;
+	}
+    }
+    $i++;
+#Now we know who has macros and who are probably plugins
+## Process the functions that have macros now and build the defarg hash table
+foreach $Xfuncname (@Xname){
+    ###########################################################################################################
+    if($Xhasmacro[$i]){
+	$Xargs[$i] =~ /(\w+)/;
+	$macname = $1;
+	$propermacname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_DEFARGS";
+	print ">>>>>>>>>$propermacname<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$macname<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n";
+	$headerfile=$filename;   $headerfile =~ s/\.c/\.h/; # get the headerfile 
+        ###########################################################################################################
+   	if( -e  $headerfile){
+	    open FILE, "$headerfile";   $headerstr='';
+	    while (<FILE>){ $headerstr .= $_; }
+	    close FILE;
+	    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+	    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+	    $hashdefine = $1;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+	    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+            ###########################################################################################################
+	    if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by trying proper macro name\n";
+		# Try what the name should be
+		$macname=$propermacname;
+		$getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		$headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		$hashdefine = $1;
+		$hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		#print "$hashdefine\n";
+		if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		    #print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by remangling macro name to proper but with ARGS instead of DEFARGS\n";
+		    # Try what it might be
+		    $macname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_ARGS";
+		    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		    $hashdefine = $1;
+		    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+		    if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+			open FILE, ">>log.txt";	
+			print FILE "Could not find definition for $macname used by $Xname[$i] in $filename. We can assume is equivalent to proper macro that doesn't exist yet!\n"; 
+			close FILE;
+			# OK...if a macroname was used but not defined in a function and was not found
+			# then it must be defined elsewhere but can be taken to be the same as the proper macro name because it works
+			if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} ) {
+			    $Xargs[$i] =~ /(\w+)/;  $macname = $1; # get original macro name from the Xargs again
+			    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile"; print FILE "$propermacname $macname \#define $propermacname $macname\n"; close FILE;
+			    # this one won't appear in the properdefargs file because we cannot define it in the proper way yet
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }# if($hashdefine eq '')
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    if( !exists $getdefarg{$macname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		print FILE "$macname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		if($macname ne $propermacname){
+		    print FILE "$propermacname $macname $hashdefine\n";
+		}
+		close FILE;
+	    }# if macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+	    if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		print FILE "$propermacname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		close FILE;
+	    }# if proper macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	}# if headerfile exists
+        ###########################################################################################################
+	else{
+	    open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "Where is the goddam header file for $filename??\n"; close FILE;
+	}# if headerfile exists
+	###########################################################################################################
+    }## if function has a macro for args
+    else{## function does not have a macro in its args but we are going to check headerfile anyway to see if a macro is defined there.
+	## Some macros use macros that are defined but not used in their own class's args to its function
+	if($Xisplugin[$i] == 0){## and not a plugin
+	    $propermacname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_DEFARGS";
+	    $macname = $propermacname;
+	    $headerfile=$filename;   $headerfile =~ s/\.c/\.h/; # get the headerfile 
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    if( -e  $headerfile){
+		open FILE, "$headerfile";   $headerstr='';
+		while (<FILE>){ $headerstr .= $_; }
+		close FILE;
+		$getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		$headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		$hashdefine = $1;
+		$hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		#print "$hashdefine\n";
+		###########################################################################################################
+		if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		    #print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by remangling macro name to proper but with ARGS instead of DEFARGS\n";
+		    # Try what it might be
+		    $macname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_ARGS";
+		    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		    $hashdefine = $1;
+		    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+		}# if($hashdefine eq '')
+		## if we still don't find a macro here it doesn't matter..probably doesn't exist
+		###########################################################################################################
+		if( !exists $getdefarg{$macname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		    print FILE "$macname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		    if($macname ne $propermacname){
+			print FILE "$propermacname $macname $hashdefine\n";
+		    }
+		    close FILE;
+		}# if macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+		if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		    print FILE "$propermacname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		    close FILE;
+		}# if proper macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+		###########################################################################################################
+	    }# if headerfile exists
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    else{
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "Where is the goddam header file for $filename??\n"; close FILE;
+	    }# if headerfile exists
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	}
+    }## does not have macro in functions args
+    $i++;
+    ###########################################################################################################
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/getstructs.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/getstructs.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w*).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+unshift(@INC, $LIST);
+our $paren;
+our $cparen;
+our $getdefinesall;
+our $reg;
+require 'doomstr.pl';
+require 'doominc.pl';
+our $dir;
+our $UWdir;
+our $filename;
+our $pc;
+our $hugestr;
+our $structsfile;
+$dir=`pwd`; #print "$dir\n";
+$dir =~ /((?:\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w+)(.*)/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+open FILE, "$filename"  or die "can't find file: $!\n";
+while (<FILE>){
+    $hugestr .= "$_";
+$structsfile = "$UWdir\/"."structs.txt";
+# open FILE, "$structsfile";
+# while (<FILE>){
+#     /(\w+)\s(.*)/;
+#     $getdefarg{ $1 } = $2;
+# }
+# close FILE;
+#### find all functions that are of the form ?X_?New ############################################################################
+ at functions=$hugestr=~/\w+(?:\**\s+|\s+\**|\s+\**\s+)(_\w+New\w*\s*\([^{}]+$cparen)/g; ## Only looking at _X_?New functions now i.e. starting with _
+#########      is of form / (?: | | | )( ) / 2nd pair of brackets is the match  #################################################
+# get fname fbody and fargs and fargslist from the function defn ################################################################
+#######print "filename is $filename\n";  ########################################################################################
+$i=0; $goforth = 1;# $numparents = 0;
+$headerfile=$filename;   $headerfile =~ s/\.c/\.h/; # get the headerfile 
+if( -e  $headerfile){
+    open FILE, "$headerfile";   $headerstr='';
+    while (<FILE>){ $headerstr .= $_; }
+    close FILE;
+    $headerstr =~ s/\r//g;
+    #$headerstr = &cleanstr($headerstr);
+    $headerstr =~ s{/\* (?: (?!\*/). )* \*/}{}gxs;
+    $headerstr =~ s{//.*}{}g; # get rid of any c++ style comments as well
+    foreach (@functions){
+	$fname[$i]=&getfname($_);
+        ## Construct a macro name
+	$Xstructname = $fname[$i];
+	$Xstructname =~ s/(.*)_New/_$1/;
+	print "Structname $Xstructname\n";
+	$getmacrodefine=&createdefinestruct($Xstructname);
+	while ($headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g){
+	    $hashdefine = $1;
+	    $hashdefine = &cleanstr($hashdefine); # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\\//g;
+	    $hashdefine = &cleanstr($hashdefine);
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/^\s*//;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/(\W)struct(\W)/$1$2/g;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\{//g;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\}//g;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\s*$//;
+	    $hashdefine = &cleanstr($hashdefine);
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\#define//;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/^\s*//;
+	    print "Define $hashdefine\n";
+	    open FILE, ">>$structsfile";
+	    ##print FILE "$Xstructname $hashdefine\n";
+	    print FILE "$hashdefine\n";
+	    close FILE;
+	}
+	$i++;
+    }# foreach (@functions)
+}# if headerfile exists
+### Now check for macros
+# cool it looks like ALL macros as args end in 'ARGS'
+# Lets just worry about the DEFARGS part i.e. the args to X
+# because we will construct PASSARGS from the DEFARGS anyway
+foreach $args (@Xargs){
+    @Xargset = split(/,/,$args);
+    #print Dumper(@Xargset);
+    $Xhasmacro[$i]=0;
+    $Xisplugin[$i]=0;
+    if( $#Xargset == 0 ){
+	#print "Only has one argument\n";
+	if( ($args !~ /\w+\W+\w+/) && ($args !~ /void/) ){
+	    #print color 'blue'; print "Is a macro $args in $filename\n"; print color 'reset';
+	    if($args !~ /ARGS/){
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt";
+		print FILE "Looks like macro but doesn't have ARGS in name $Xname[$i] $args in $filename\n";
+		close FILE;
+	    }
+	    $Xhasmacro[$i] =1;
+	}
+	else{
+	    if($args =~ /ARGS/){ 
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "has 2 parts to args but has ARGS in it $Xname[$i] $args $filename\n"; close FILE; }
+	    #print "Is a plugin $Xname[$i] $args   $filename\n";
+	    $Xisplugin[$i]=1;
+	}
+    }
+    $i++;
+#Now we know who has macros and who are probably plugins
+## Process the functions that have macros now and build the defarg hash table
+foreach $Xfuncname (@Xname){
+    ###########################################################################################################
+    if($Xhasmacro[$i]){
+	$Xargs[$i] =~ /(\w+)/;
+	$macname = $1;
+	$propermacname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_DEFARGS";
+	print ">>>>>>>>>$propermacname<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$macname<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n";
+	$headerfile=$filename;   $headerfile =~ s/\.c/\.h/; # get the headerfile 
+        ###########################################################################################################
+   	if( -e  $headerfile){
+	    open FILE, "$headerfile";   $headerstr='';
+	    while (<FILE>){ $headerstr .= $_; }
+	    close FILE;
+	    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+	    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+	    $hashdefine = $1;
+	    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+	    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+            ###########################################################################################################
+	    if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by trying proper macro name\n";
+		# Try what the name should be
+		$macname=$propermacname;
+		$getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		$headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		$hashdefine = $1;
+		$hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		#print "$hashdefine\n";
+		if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		    #print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by remangling macro name to proper but with ARGS instead of DEFARGS\n";
+		    # Try what it might be
+		    $macname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_ARGS";
+		    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		    $hashdefine = $1;
+		    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+		    if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+			open FILE, ">>log.txt";	
+			print FILE "Could not find definition for $macname used by $Xname[$i] in $filename. We can assume is equivalent to proper macro that doesn't exist yet!\n"; 
+			close FILE;
+			# OK...if a macroname was used but not defined in a function and was not found
+			# then it must be defined elsewhere but can be taken to be the same as the proper macro name because it works
+			if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} ) {
+			    $Xargs[$i] =~ /(\w+)/;  $macname = $1; # get original macro name from the Xargs again
+			    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile"; print FILE "$propermacname $macname \#define $propermacname $macname\n"; close FILE;
+			    # this one won't appear in the properdefargs file because we cannot define it in the proper way yet
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }# if($hashdefine eq '')
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    if( !exists $getdefarg{$macname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		print FILE "$macname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		if($macname ne $propermacname){
+		    print FILE "$propermacname $macname $hashdefine\n";
+		}
+		close FILE;
+	    }# if macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+	    if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		print FILE "$propermacname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		close FILE;
+	    }# if proper macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	}# if headerfile exists
+        ###########################################################################################################
+	else{
+	    open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "Where is the goddam header file for $filename??\n"; close FILE;
+	}# if headerfile exists
+	###########################################################################################################
+    }## if function has a macro for args
+    else{## function does not have a macro in its args but we are going to check headerfile anyway to see if a macro is defined there.
+	## Some macros use macros that are defined but not used in their own class's args to its function
+	if($Xisplugin[$i] == 0){## and not a plugin
+	    $propermacname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_DEFARGS";
+	    $macname = $propermacname;
+	    $headerfile=$filename;   $headerfile =~ s/\.c/\.h/; # get the headerfile 
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    if( -e  $headerfile){
+		open FILE, "$headerfile";   $headerstr='';
+		while (<FILE>){ $headerstr .= $_; }
+		close FILE;
+		$getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		$headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		$hashdefine = $1;
+		$hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		#print "$hashdefine\n";
+		###########################################################################################################
+		if($hashdefine eq ''){ 
+		    #print "Could not find definition for $macname. Try again by remangling macro name to proper but with ARGS instead of DEFARGS\n";
+		    # Try what it might be
+		    $macname = "$Xclass[$i]"."_ARGS";
+		    $getmacrodefine=&createdefinestr($macname);
+		    $headerstr =~ /$getmacrodefine/g;
+		    $hashdefine = $1;
+		    $hashdefine =~ s/\s+/ /g; # clean it up a bit and make it fit on one line
+		    #print "$hashdefine\n";
+		}# if($hashdefine eq '')
+		## if we still don't find a macro here it doesn't matter..probably doesn't exist
+		###########################################################################################################
+		if( !exists $getdefarg{$macname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		    print FILE "$macname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		    if($macname ne $propermacname){
+			print FILE "$propermacname $macname $hashdefine\n";
+		    }
+		    close FILE;
+		}# if macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+		if( !exists $getdefarg{$propermacname} && $hashdefine ne '' ){# then write out the current defn to defargs file
+		    open FILE, ">>$defargsfile";
+		    print FILE "$propermacname $propermacname $hashdefine\n";
+		    close FILE;
+		}# if proper macro name doesn't exist already and we found a defn for it
+		###########################################################################################################
+	    }# if headerfile exists
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	    else{
+		open FILE, ">>log.txt"; print FILE "Where is the goddam header file for $filename??\n"; close FILE;
+	    }# if headerfile exists
+	    ###########################################################################################################
+	}
+    }## does not have macro in functions args
+    $i++;
+    ###########################################################################################################
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/lineage.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/lineage.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+$pc = "parentchildhashtable.txt";
+open FILE, "$pc";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s(\w+)/;
+    $getparent{ $1 } = $2;
+print "  $parent";
+while ($parent ne ''){
+    if($getparent{ $parent } ne ''){
+	print " => $getparent{ $parent }";
+    }
+    $parent = $getparent{ $parent };
+print "\n";
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/proto.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/proto.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#use Tie::File;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w*).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+unshift(@INC, $LIST);
+our $paren;
+our $cparen;
+our $getdefinesall;
+our $reg;
+require 'doomstr.pl';
+require 'doominc.pl';
+our $dir;
+our $UWdir;
+our $filename;
+our $pc;
+our $hugestr;
+our $defargsfile;
+our $properdefargsfile;
+our $protofile;
+our %getparent;
+our %getdefarg;
+our %getproperdefarg;
+our %getproto;
+$dir=`pwd`; #print "$dir\n";
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w+).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+open FILE, "$filename"  or die "can't find file: $!\n";
+while (<FILE>){
+    $hugestr .= "$_";
+$protofile = "$UWdir\/"."proto.txt";
+#print "Protofile is $protofile\n";
+open FILE, "$protofile";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s(.*)/;
+    $getproto{ $1 } = $2;
+close FILE;
+#### find all functions that are of the form ?X_?New ############################################################################
+ at functions=$hugestr=~/\w+(?:\**\s+|\s+\**|\s+\**\s+)(\w+New\w*\s*\([^{}]+$cparen)/g;
+#            is of form / (?: | | | )( ) / 2nd pair of brackets is the match
+# get fname fbody and fargs and fargslist from the function defn
+foreach (@functions){
+    $fname[$i]=&getfname($_);
+    $fbody[$i]=&getfbodyverbatim($_);
+    $fargs[$i]=&getfargs($_);
+    #print "$fname[$i] ( $fargs[$i] )\n";
+    if($fname[$i] =~ /^_\w+/ && !exists $getproto{$fname[$i]} ){
+	#print "Yarrrr!\n";
+	open FILE, ">>$protofile";
+	print FILE "$fname[$i] $fargs[$i]\n";
+	close FILE;
+    }
+    $i++;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/readdefarg.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/readdefarg.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+$dir=`pwd`; #print "$dir\n";
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w*\/*).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+#print "UWDIR = $UWdir\n\n";
+$properdefargsfile = "$UWdir\/"."properdefargs.txt";
+#print "using $properdefargsfile\n\n";
+open FILE, "$properdefargsfile";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
+    $getproperdefarg{ $1 } = $2;
+close FILE;
+$defargsfile = "$UWdir\/"."defargs.txt";
+open FILE, "$defargsfile";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
+    $getdefarg{ $1 } = $2;
+    #print "==============> $1 $2 <=============\n";
+close FILE;
+sub getall{
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    my $res;
+    if($str=~/_(\w+)_New/){
+	$str = uc $1;
+	$str = "$str"."_DEFARGS";
+    }
+    #if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_OBJECT_DEFARGS" || $str eq "STG_COMPONENT_DEFARGS"){
+    if($str eq "STG_CLASS_DEFARGS"){
+	print "$str\n";
+	$str="SizeT _sizeOfSelf, Type type, Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete, Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print, Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy";
+	return "$str";
+    }
+    else{
+	my $nextpart = $getdefarg{ $str };
+	print "$str\n";
+	if($nextpart eq ''){
+	    return "Failed!\n";
+	}
+	if($nextpart ne ''){
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\n//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\\//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ /\#define\s*\\?\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\,*\s*(.*)/;
+	    my $rem = $3;
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3 $rem\n";
+	    my $tmp=$2;
+	    $tmp=~s/\s*(\w+.*\w+)\s*/$1/;
+	    my $str = &getall($tmp);
+	    if($rem ne ''){
+		#$res = "$str".", $rem";
+		$res = "$str".";\n $rem";
+	    }
+	    else{
+		$res = "$str";
+	    }
+	    return $res;
+	}
+	else{
+	    return "str $str Failed";
+	}
+    }
+$test = &getall($arg);
+$test =~ s/\,\s+/\,\n/g;
+$test =~ s/\;\s+/\;\n/g;
+print "\n";
+ at ar = split(/;/,$test);
+for $j (0 .. $#ar){
+    if($j % 2 == 1){print color 'green'; print "$ar[$j]\n"; print color 'reset';}
+    else { print color 'yellow'; print "$ar[$j]\n"; print color 'reset';}
+#print color 'green';
+#print "$test\n";
+#print color 'reset';
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/readme.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/readme.txt	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+Run all scripts from top level directory in stgUnderworld.
+Run ./script/macroanalyze/createtables.sh first to create the necessary tables.
+This creates 4 txt files.
+defargs.txt  <- contains all macro DEFARG definitions.
+parentchildhashtable.txt  <- contains all parent child _X_New function relations
+proto.txt  <- contains all parent child _X_New function prototype arguments
+structs.txt  <- contains all struct definitions
+The scripts than can be directly called are:
+lineage.pl : uses parentchildhashtable.txt
+./script/macroanalyze/lineage _X_New
+./script/macroanalyze/lineage _PCDVC_New
+will produce the hierarchy of functions
+ _PCDVC_New => _DVCWeights_New => _WeightsCalculator_New => _Stg_Component_New => _Stg_Object_New => _Stg_Class_New
+readdefarg.pl : uses defargs.txt
+./script/macroanalyze/readdefarg.pl _X_DEFARGS
+./script/macroanalyze/readdefarg.pl _X_New
+./script/macroanalyze/readdefarg.pl _PCDVC_New (or PCDVC_DEFARGS)
+will give a list of the hierarchy of macros followed by the expanded form of the macro,
+(with alternating colors of sets of args corresponding to additional args given by each parent macro)
+SizeT _sizeOfSelf,
+Type type,
+Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete,
+Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print,
+Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy
+Name name,
+AllocationType nameAllocationType 
+Stg_Component_DefaultConstructorFunction* _defaultConstructor,
+Stg_Component_ConstructFunction* _construct,
+Stg_Component_BuildFunction* _build,
+Stg_Component_InitialiseFunction* _initialise,
+Stg_Component_ExecuteFunction* _execute,
+Stg_Component_DestroyFunction* _destroy 
+WeightsCalculator_CalculateFunction* _calculate 
+readstruct.pl : uses structs.txt
+./script/macroanalyze/readstruct.pl __X
+./script/macroanalyze/readstruct.pl __PCDVC
+will  give a list of the hierarchy of structs followed by the expanded form of the struct,
+(with alternating colors of sets of terms corresponding to additional terms given by each parent struct)
+SizeT _sizeOfSelf;
+Type type;
+Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete;
+Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print;
+Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy
+Name name;
+AllocationType nameAllocationType;
+Stg_Component_DefaultConstructorFunction* _defaultConstructor;
+Stg_Component_ConstructFunction* _construct;
+Stg_Component_BuildFunction* _build;
+Stg_Component_InitialiseFunction* _initialise;
+Stg_Component_ExecuteFunction* _execute;
+Stg_Component_DestroyFunction* _destroy;
+Bool isConstructed;
+Bool isBuilt;
+Bool isInitialised;
+Bool hasExecuted;
+Bool isDestroyed;
+Type constructType;
+Type buildType;
+Type initialiseType;
+Type executeType;
+Type destroyType;
+FiniteElementContext* context;
+WeightsCalculator_CalculateFunction* _calculate;
+double cellLocalVolume;
+Dimension_Index dim;
+int resX;
+int resY;
+int resZ;
+MaterialPointsSwarm* materialPointsSwarm;
+double upperT;
+double lowerT;
+Bool splitInInterfaceCells;
+Bool deleteInInterfaceCells;
+int maxDeletions;
+int maxSplits;
+Bool Inflow;
+double CentPosRatio;
+int ParticlesPerCell;
+double Threshold;
+int maxDeletions_orig;
+int maxSplits_orig;
+Bool Inflow_orig;
+Bool splitInInterfaceCells_orig;
+Bool deleteInInterfaceCells_orig;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/readstruct.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/readstruct.pl	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+$dir=`pwd`; #print "$dir\n";
+$dir =~ /((\/\w+)+\/stgUnderworld\w*\/*).*/;
+$UWdir = $1;
+$structfile = "$UWdir\/"."structs.txt";
+open FILE, "$structfile";
+while (<FILE>){
+    /(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
+    $getstruct{ $1 } = $2;
+    #print "==============> $1 $2 <=============\n";
+close FILE;
+sub getall{
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    my $res;
+    if($str=~/_(\w+)_New/){
+	$str = uc $1;
+	$str = "$str"."_DEFARGS";
+    }
+    if($str eq "__Stg_Class"){
+	print "$str\n";
+	$str="SizeT _sizeOfSelf; Type type; Stg_Class_DeleteFunction* _delete; Stg_Class_PrintFunction* _print; Stg_Class_CopyFunction* _copy";
+	return "$str";
+    }
+    else{
+	my $nextpart = $getstruct{ $str };
+	print "$str\n";
+	if($nextpart eq ''){
+	    return "Failed!\n";
+	}
+	if($nextpart ne ''){
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\n//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+	    $nextpart =~ s/\\//g;
+	    $nextpart =~ /\s*(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
+	    my $rem = $2;
+	    #print "$1 $2 $3 $rem\n";
+	    my $tmp=$1;
+	    $tmp=~s/^\s*(\w+)/$1/;
+	    $tmp=~s/(\w+)\s*$/$1/;
+	    my $str = &getall($tmp);
+	    if($rem ne ''){
+		#$res = "$str".", $rem";
+		$res = "$str".":\n $rem";
+	    }
+	    else{
+		$res = "$str";
+	    }
+	    return $res;
+	}
+	else{
+	    return "str $str Failed";
+	}
+    }
+$test = &getall($arg);
+$test =~ s/\,\s+/\,\n/g;
+$test =~ s/\;\s+/\;\n/g;
+print "\n";
+ at ar = split(/:/,$test);
+for $j (0 .. $#ar){
+    $ar[$j] =~ s/^\s*//;
+    if($j % 2 == 1){print color 'green'; print "$ar[$j]\n"; print color 'reset';}
+    else { print color 'yellow'; print "$ar[$j]\n"; print color 'reset';}
+#print color 'green';
+#print "$test\n";
+#print color 'reset';
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/rungetdefs.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/rungetdefs.sh	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+find -name "*.c" -exec ./script/macroanalyze/getdefargs.pl \{\} \;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/rungetstructs.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/rungetstructs.sh	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+find -name "*.c" -exec ./script/macroanalyze/getstructs.pl \{\} \;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 script/macroanalyze/runproto.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/script/macroanalyze/runproto.sh	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+find -name "*.c" -exec ./script/macroanalyze/proto.pl \{\} \;
diff -r eb77b3b3da16 -r f14bcac1cb23 updateRepos.py
--- a/updateRepos.py	Tue Mar 23 06:39:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/updateRepos.py	Tue Mar 23 08:15:25 2010 -0700
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import sys
 import sys
 deps = [ 
-	 '.', 'gLucifer', 'PICellerator', 'StgDomain' , 'StGermain' , 'StgFEM' , 'Underworld' , 'Experimental' \
+	 '.', 'config', 'gLucifer', 'PICellerator', 'StgDomain' , 'StGermain' , 'StgFEM' , 'Underworld' , 'Experimental' \
 		] #, 'Experimental/PDERework/config', 'Experimental/Magma/config' ]
 cwd = os.getcwd()

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