[cig-commits] r17243 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc: . topology

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Fri Oct 8 09:41:39 PDT 2010

Author: brad
Date: 2010-10-08 09:41:39 -0700 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 17243

Refactored tri3 and tet4 refinement. Use common base class RefineEdges2 for edge refinement data structure and common operations.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@
 libpylith_la_SOURCES += \
 	topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc \
 	topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc \
-	topology/MeshOrder.cc
+	topology/MeshOrder.cc \
+	topology/RefineEdges2.cc

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor
 ALE::CellRefinerTet4::CellRefinerTet4(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  _mesh(mesh)
+  RefineEdges2(mesh)
 { // constructor
   assert(3 == mesh.getDimension());
 } // constructor
@@ -157,241 +157,6 @@
 } // getNewCells
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set coordinates of new vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-					   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection)
-{ // setCoordsNewVertices
-  assert(!newCoordsSection.isNull());
-  assert(!oldCoordsSection.isNull());
-  double coordinatesVertex[3];
-  assert(_edgeToVertex.size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(_edgeToVertex.begin()->second);
-  assert(spaceDim > 0 && spaceDim <= 3);
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA));
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB));
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsA = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA);
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsB = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB);
-    for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-      coordinatesVertex[i] = 0.5*(coordsA[i] + coordsB[i]);
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-} // setCoordsNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add space for new vertices in group.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set new vertices in group.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupSetNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA));
-	std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on old vertices " << edgeVertexA << " and " << edgeVertexB << std::endl;
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupSetNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add new vertices to label.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					  const char* labelName)
-{ // labelAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& oldLabelVertices = oldMesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 0);
-  assert(!oldLabelVertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = oldMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-  const int defaultValue = -999;
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    const int valueA = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexA, defaultValue);
-    const int valueB = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexB, defaultValue);
-    if (valueA != defaultValue && valueA == valueB) {
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, valueA);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // labelAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-					    const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh)
-{ // overlapAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!newSendOverlap.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!newRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& oldSendOverlap = oldMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!oldSendOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& oldRecvOverlap = oldMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!oldRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  // Check edges in edgeToVertex for both endpoints sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoint, new vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType> > newVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> > bndryEdgeToRank;
-  const int localOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, point_type>::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != _edgeToVertex.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type left  = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type right = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldSendOverlap->capContains(left) && oldSendOverlap->capContains(right)) {
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& leftRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(left);
-      assert(!leftRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::list<int> leftRanks(leftRanksSeq->begin(), leftRanksSeq->end());
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& rightRanks   = oldSendOverlap->support(right);
-      assert(!rightRanks.isNull());
-      std::list<int> ranks;
-      std::set_intersection(leftRanks.begin(), leftRanks.end(), rightRanks->begin(), rightRanks->end(),
-			    std::insert_iterator<std::list<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-      if(ranks.size()) {
-	newVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, 1);
-	for(std::list<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-	  bndryEdgeToRank[e_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-	} // for
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  newVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type& chart = newVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end() && v < dim; ++e_iter) {
-      if (std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset == p) {
-	values[v++] = EdgeType(std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first]);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    newVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Copy across overlap
-  typedef ALE::Pair<int, point_type> overlap_point_type;
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType> > overlapVertices = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newVerticesSection, overlapVertices);
-  // Merge by translating edge to local points, finding edge in _edgeToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type localPoint = _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first];
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = e_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != e_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      point_type remoteLeft = -1, remoteRight = -1;
-      const int  rank       = *r_iter;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& leftRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first+localOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-	if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-	  remoteLeft = lr_iter.color();
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& rightRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second+localOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-	if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-	  remoteRight = rr_iter.color();
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const point_type remoteMax   = std::max(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const EdgeType *remoteVals  = overlapVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       remotePoint = -1;
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-	if (remoteVals[d].first == remoteMax) {
-	  remotePoint = remoteVals[d].second;
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint, rank, remotePoint);
-      newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint, remotePoint);
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  oldSendOverlap->view("OLD SEND OVERLAP");
-  oldRecvOverlap->view("OLD RECV OVERLAP");
-  newSendOverlap->view("NEW SEND OVERLAP");
-  newRecvOverlap->view("NEW RECV OVERLAP");
-} // overlapAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Get cell type.
 ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_cellType(const point_type cell)

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -26,17 +26,12 @@
 #define pylith_topology_cellrefinertet4_hh
 // Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "RefineEdges2.hh" // ISA RefineEdges2
-#include <list> // USES std::pair
 // CellRefinerTet4 ------------------------------------------------------
 /// Object for tet4 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerTet4
+class ALE::CellRefinerTet4 : public RefineEdges2
 { // CellRefinerTet4
-  typedef IMesh<> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
 // PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 public :
@@ -100,71 +95,6 @@
 		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
 		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-  /** Set coordinates of new vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in new mesh.
-   * @param oldCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in original mesh.
-   */
-  void setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-			    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection);
-  /** Add space for new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Set new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Add new vertices to label.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh Mesh with refined cells.
-   * @param oldMesh Original mesh.
-   * @param labelName Name of label.
-   */
-  void labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			   const char* labelName);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   * @param oldMesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   */
-  void overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-			     const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh);
-// PRIVATE TYPEDEFS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Edge : public std::pair<Point, Point> {
-  public:
-    Edge() : std::pair<Point, Point>() {};
-    Edge(const Point l) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, l) {};
-    Edge(const Point l, const Point r) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, r) {};
-    ~Edge() {};
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Edge& edge) {
-      stream << "(" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Edge<point_type> EdgeType;
-  typedef std::map<EdgeType, point_type> edge_map_type;
 // PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :
@@ -240,12 +170,6 @@
 					    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
 					    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  const mesh_type& _mesh;
-  edge_map_type _edgeToVertex;
 // NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor
 ALE::CellRefinerTri3::CellRefinerTri3(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  _mesh(mesh)
+ RefineEdges2(mesh)
 { // constructor
   assert(2 == mesh.getDimension());
 } // constructor
@@ -157,241 +157,6 @@
 } // getNewCells
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set coordinates of new vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-					   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection)
-{ // setCoordsNewVertices
-  assert(!newCoordsSection.isNull());
-  assert(!oldCoordsSection.isNull());
-  double coordinatesVertex[3];
-  assert(_edgeToVertex.size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(_edgeToVertex.begin()->second);
-  assert(spaceDim > 0 && spaceDim <= 3);
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA));
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB));
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsA = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA);
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsB = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB);
-    for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-      coordinatesVertex[i] = 0.5*(coordsA[i] + coordsB[i]);
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-} // setCoordsNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add space for new vertices in group.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set new vertices in group.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupSetNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA));
-	std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on old vertices " << edgeVertexA << " and " << edgeVertexB << std::endl;
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupSetNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add new vertices to label.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					  const char* labelName)
-{ // labelAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& oldLabelVertices = oldMesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 0);
-  assert(!oldLabelVertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = oldMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-  const int defaultValue = -999;
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    const int valueA = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexA, defaultValue);
-    const int valueB = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexB, defaultValue);
-    if (valueA != defaultValue && valueA == valueB) {
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, valueA);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // labelAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-					    const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh)
-{ // overlapAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!newSendOverlap.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!newRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& oldSendOverlap = oldMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!oldSendOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& oldRecvOverlap = oldMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!oldRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  // Check edges in edgeToVertex for both endpoints sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoint, new vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType> > newVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> > bndryEdgeToRank;
-  const int localOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, point_type>::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != _edgeToVertex.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type left  = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type right = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldSendOverlap->capContains(left) && oldSendOverlap->capContains(right)) {
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& leftRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(left);
-      assert(!leftRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::list<int> leftRanks(leftRanksSeq->begin(), leftRanksSeq->end());
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& rightRanks   = oldSendOverlap->support(right);
-      assert(!rightRanks.isNull());
-      std::list<int> ranks;
-      std::set_intersection(leftRanks.begin(), leftRanks.end(), rightRanks->begin(), rightRanks->end(),
-			    std::insert_iterator<std::list<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-      if(ranks.size()) {
-	newVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, 1);
-	for(std::list<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-	  bndryEdgeToRank[e_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-	} // for
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  newVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type& chart = newVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end() && v < dim; ++e_iter) {
-      if (std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset == p) {
-	values[v++] = EdgeType(std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first]);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    newVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Copy across overlap
-  typedef ALE::Pair<int, point_type> overlap_point_type;
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType> > overlapVertices = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newVerticesSection, overlapVertices);
-  // Merge by translating edge to local points, finding edge in _edgeToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type localPoint = _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first];
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = e_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != e_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      point_type remoteLeft = -1, remoteRight = -1;
-      const int  rank       = *r_iter;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& leftRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first+localOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-	if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-	  remoteLeft = lr_iter.color();
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& rightRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second+localOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-	if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-	  remoteRight = rr_iter.color();
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const point_type remoteMax   = std::max(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const EdgeType *remoteVals  = overlapVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       remotePoint = -1;
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-	if (remoteVals[d].first == remoteMax) {
-	  remotePoint = remoteVals[d].second;
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint, rank, remotePoint);
-      newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint, remotePoint);
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  oldSendOverlap->view("OLD SEND OVERLAP");
-  oldRecvOverlap->view("OLD RECV OVERLAP");
-  newSendOverlap->view("NEW SEND OVERLAP");
-  newRecvOverlap->view("NEW RECV OVERLAP");
-} // overlapAddNewVertces
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Get cell type.
 ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_cellType(const point_type cell)

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -26,17 +26,12 @@
 #define pylith_topology_cellrefinertri3_hh
 // Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
+#include "RefineEdges2.hh" // ISA RefineEdges2
-#include <list> // USES std::pair
 // CellRefinerTri3 ------------------------------------------------------
 /// Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerTri3
+class ALE::CellRefinerTri3 : public RefineEdges2
 { // CellRefinerTri3
-  typedef IMesh<> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
 // PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 public :
@@ -100,71 +95,6 @@
 		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
 		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-  /** Set coordinates of new vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in new mesh.
-   * @param oldCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in original mesh.
-   */
-  void setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-			    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection);
-  /** Add space for new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Set new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Add new vertices to label.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh Mesh with refined cells.
-   * @param oldMesh Original mesh.
-   * @param labelName Name of label.
-   */
-  void labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			   const char* labelName);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   * @param oldMesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   */
-  void overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-			     const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh);
-// PRIVATE TYPEDEFS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Edge : public std::pair<Point, Point> {
-  public:
-    Edge() : std::pair<Point, Point>() {};
-    Edge(const Point l) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, l) {};
-    Edge(const Point l, const Point r) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, r) {};
-    ~Edge() {};
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Edge& edge) {
-      stream << "(" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Edge<point_type> EdgeType;
-  typedef std::map<EdgeType, point_type> edge_map_type;
 // PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :
@@ -240,12 +170,6 @@
 					const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
 					const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  const mesh_type& _mesh;
-  edge_map_type _edgeToVertex;
 // NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/Makefile.am	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/Makefile.am	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
 	MeshRefiner.cc \
 	CellRefinerTri3.hh \
 	CellRefinerTet4.hh \
-	MeshOrder.hh
+	MeshOrder.hh \
+	RefineEdges2.hh
 # export

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/topologyfwd.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/topologyfwd.hh	2010-10-07 14:59:43 UTC (rev 17242)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/topology/topologyfwd.hh	2010-10-08 16:41:39 UTC (rev 17243)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 	   typename allocator> class IUniformSectionDS;
   template<typename cellrefiner_type> class MeshRefiner;
+  class RefineEdges2;
   class CellRefinerTri3;
   class CellRefinerTet4;
   class MeshOrder;

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