[cig-commits] r18177 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS: . adjoint_sources adjoint_sources/amplitude adjoint_sources/traveltime

bozdag at geodynamics.org bozdag at geodynamics.org
Tue Apr 5 09:25:05 PDT 2011

Author: bozdag
Date: 2011-04-05 09:25:05 -0700 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 18177

adds UTILS/adjoint_sources directory with subdirectories to create traveltime and amplitude adjoint sources

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/README
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/README	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This folder contains routines to create adjoint sources for:
+- traveltime/ subdirectory: cross-correlation traveltime adjoint sources 
+  this program cuts certain portion of the seismograms and converts them into 
+  the adjoint sources for generating banana-dougnut kernels.
+  (see Tromp et al. (2005), eq. (45))
+- amplitude/ subdirectory: amplitude adjoint sources
+  this program cuts a certain portion of displacement seismograms and
+  converts them into adjoint sources for generating classical amplitude
+  kernels following Tromp et al. (2005) eq.67.  

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/Makefile	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Makefile
+## modify to match your compiler defaults 
+# compilers
+F90 = gfortran
+CC = gcc
+LIB_OBJS = create_adjsrc_amplitude.o rw_ascfile_c.o 
+# targets
+all: xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude
+xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude: $(LIB_OBJS)
+	${F90} -Wall -o xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude $(LIB_OBJS)
+create_adjsrc_amplitude.o: create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90
+	${F90} -Wall -c create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90
+rw_ascfile_c.o: ../lib/rw_ascfile_c.c
+	${CC} -c -o rw_ascfile_c.o ../lib/rw_ascfile_c.c
+	rm -f *.o xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/compile_cut
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/compile_cut	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/compile_cut	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# use make
+echo "xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude:"
+echo "please,in this directory UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude"
+echo "add your compiler specifics to: Makefile"
+echo "and run in this directory UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude:"
+echo "> make"
+# obsolete...
+#gcc -c -o rw_ascfile_c.o rw_ascfile_c.c
+#gcc -c -o rw_fortran_wrapper.o rw_fortran_wrapper.c
+#ifort -O3 -o xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90 rw_ascfile_f.f90 rw_ascfile_c.o rw_fortran_wrapper.o

Property changes on: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/compile_cut
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/create_adjsrc_amplitude.f90	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+program create_adjsrc_amplitude
+! this program cuts a certain portion of displacement seismograms and
+! converts them into adjoint sources for generating classical amplitude
+! kernels following Tromp et al. (2005) eq.67.  
+! Modified from cut_velocity.f90 (Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007)
+! by Ebru, Princeton, March 2011.
+! call by: ./xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]
+  implicit none
+  integer :: i, is, ie, nstep, j, itime ,ifile,ios, i1, i2, nstep_old
+  character(len=256) :: arg(100), file(100)
+  character(len=256) :: filename
+  integer,parameter :: NMAX = 30000
+  real*8, parameter :: EPS = 1.0d-17
+  real*8, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926d0
+  real*8 :: ts, te, data(5,NMAX), out(NMAX), adj(NMAX), tw(NMAX), norm
+  real*8 :: dt, t0, t0_old, dt_old, costh, sinth, th, baz
+  logical :: lrot
+  i = 1
+  lrot = .false.
+  ! reads in file arguments
+  do while (1 == 1) 
+    call getarg(i,arg(i))
+    if (i < 6 .and. trim(arg(i)) == '') then
+      print*,'Usage: '
+      print*,'  xcreate_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+      print*,'with'
+      print*,'  t1: window start time'
+      print*,'  t2: window end time'
+      print*,'  ifile: 0 = adjoint source calculated for each seismogram component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 1 = adjoint source given by East component only'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 2 = adjoint source given by North component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 3 = adjoint source given by Z component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 4 = adjoint source given by rotated transversal component (requires baz)'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 5 = adjoint source given by rotated radial component (requires baz)'     
+      print*,'  E/N/Z-ascii-files : displacement traces stored as ascii files'
+      print*,'  [baz]: (optional) back-azimuth, requires ifile = 4 or ifile = 5'
+      stop 'create_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    endif
+    if (trim(arg(i)) == '') exit
+    if (i == 1) then 
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) ts
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ts'
+    else if (i == 2) then
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) te
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading te'
+    else if (i == 3) then
+      read(arg(i),*) ifile
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ifile'
+    else if (i == 4 .or. i == 5 .or. i == 6) then
+      file(i-3) = trim(arg(i))
+    else if (i == 7) then
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) baz
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading baz'
+      lrot = .true.
+    else if (i > 7) then
+      stop 'Error: create_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    endif
+    i = i + 1
+  enddo
+  ! checks rotation baz and ifile parameter
+  i = i - 1
+  if (lrot) then
+    if (i /= 7) stop 'create_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    if (ifile /= 4 .and. ifile /= 5) stop 'ifile = 4 or 5 when baz is present'
+    th = (baz - 180.0) / 180.0 * PI
+    costh = cos(th)
+    sinth = sin(th)
+  else
+    if (ifile > 3 .or. ifile < 0) stop 'Error ifile should be between 0 - 3 when baz is not present'
+    if (i /= 6) stop 'create_adjsrc_amplitude t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+  endif
+  ! user output
+  print *, 'ifile = ', ifile, '  lrot = ', lrot
+  print *, ' '
+  ! reads seismograms (ascii format)
+  do i = 1, 3
+    filename = trim(file(i))
+    print *, 'reading asc file '//trim(filename)//' ...'
+    call dread_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
+    if (nstep > NMAX) stop 'Change the data array range limit'
+    if (i == 1) then
+      t0_old = t0; dt_old = dt; nstep_old = nstep
+    else
+      if (i > 1 .and. abs(t0_old - t0) > EPS &
+               .and. abs(dt_old - dt) > EPS &
+               .and. nstep_old /= nstep) &
+                 stop 'Error different t0, dt, nstep'
+    endif
+  enddo
+  print *, ' '  
+  print *, 'start time:',t0
+  print *, 'time step:',dt
+  print *, 'number of steps:',nstep   
+  print *, ' '
+  ! component rotation
+  if (lrot) then
+    data(4,:) = costh * data(1,:) - sinth * data(2,:)
+    data(5,:) = sinth * data(1,:) + costh * data(2,:)
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('t.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('r.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
+    i1 = 3; i2 = 5
+  else
+    i1 = 1; i2 = 3
+  endif
+  ! loops over seismogram components 
+  do i = i1, i2
+    ! start and end index
+    is = (ts - t0) / dt + 1
+    ie = (te - t0) / dt + 1
+    if (is < 1 .or. ie <= is .or. ie > nstep) then
+      print *, 'Error in ts, te'; stop
+    endif
+    ! time window (parabola shaped)
+    tw(1:nstep) = 0.
+    if( i == i1 ) open(44,file='plot_time_window.txt',status='unknown')
+    do j = is, ie
+      tw(j) = 1 - (2 * (dble(j) - is)/(ie - is) - 1) ** 2
+      if( i == i1 ) write(44,*) j,tw(j)
+    enddo
+    if( i == i1 ) close(44)
+    ! displacement array
+    do itime = 1, nstep
+       out(itime) =  data(i,itime) 
+    enddo
+    ! normalization factor
+    norm = dt * sum( tw(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep))
+    print *, 'i = ', i, 'norm = ', norm
+    if (ifile /= 0 .and. ifile /= i) norm = 0.0
+    ! adjoint source
+    if (abs(norm) > EPS) then
+      adj(1:nstep) =  out(1:nstep) * tw(1:nstep) / norm
+    else
+      print *, 'norm < EPS for file '//trim(file(i))
+      adj(:) = 0.
+    endif
+    data(i,:) = adj(:)
+  enddo
+  print *, ' '
+  ! component rotation back to cartesian x-y-z
+  if (lrot) then
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('t-cut.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('r-cut.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
+    data(1,:) = costh * data(4,:) + sinth * data(5,:)
+    data(2,:) = -sinth * data(4,:) + costh * data(5,:)
+  endif
+  ! file output for component BHE/BHN/BHZ
+  do i = 1, 3
+    filename = trim(file(i))//'.adj'  
+    print *, 'write to asc file '//trim(filename)
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
+  enddo
+end program create_adjsrc_amplitude

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/drw_ascfile.h
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/drw_ascfile.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/drw_ascfile.h	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef _drw_ascfile_h
+#define _drw_ascfile_h
+void dread_ascfile(const char *ascfile,
+                   double *t0, double *dt, int *n,
+                   double *data);
+void dwrite_ascfile(const char *ascfile,
+                    double t0, double dt, int n,
+                    const double *data);
+void dread_ascfile_c(const char *ascfile,
+                   double *t0, double *dt, int *n,
+                   double *data);
+void dwrite_ascfile_c(const char *ascfile,
+                    const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n,
+                    const double *data);
+void DREAD_ASCFILE_C(const char *ascfile,
+                   double *t0, double *dt, int *n,
+                   double *data);
+void DWRITE_ASCFILE_C(const char *ascfile,
+                    const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n,
+                    const double *data);

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_c.c
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_c.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_c.c	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "drw_ascfile.h"
+void dread_ascfile(const char *ascfile,
+		   double *t0, double *dt, int *n,
+		   double *data) 
+  FILE *fd;
+  double junk,junk1;
+  int i;
+  if ((fd = fopen(ascfile,"r")) == NULL) {
+    printf(" file %s cannot be opened\n",ascfile);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  i = 0;
+  while ( fscanf(fd,"%lf  %lf\n",&junk, data+i) != EOF ) {
+    if (i == 0) junk1 = junk;
+    if (i == 1) *dt = junk - junk1;
+    i++;}
+  *t0 = junk1;
+  *n = i;
+  if (fclose(fd) != 0) {
+    printf(" file %s cannot be closed\n",ascfile);
+    exit(1);}
+void dwrite_ascfile(const char *ascfile,
+		    double t0, double dt, int n,
+		    const double *data) 
+  FILE *fd;
+  int i;
+  if ((fd = fopen(ascfile,"w")) == NULL) {
+    printf(" file %s cannot be opened to write\n",ascfile);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  i = 0;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+    fprintf(fd,"%14.7g %18.7g\n", t0+i*dt, data[i]);
+  }
+  if (fclose(fd) != 0) {
+    printf("file %s cannot be closed\n",ascfile);
+    exit(1);}

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_f.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_f.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_ascfile_f.f90	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! these functions can be used directly in fortran
+subroutine dread_ascfile_f(name,t0,dt,n,data)
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*) :: name
+  real*8 :: t0, dt, data(*)
+  integer :: n
+  call dread_ascfile_c(trim(name)//char(0), t0, dt, n, data)
+end subroutine dread_ascfile_f
+subroutine dwrite_ascfile_f(name,t0,dt,n,data)
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*) :: name
+  real*8 :: t0, dt, data(*)
+  integer :: n
+  call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim(name)//char(0), t0, dt, n, data)
+end subroutine dwrite_ascfile_f

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_fortran_wrapper.c
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_fortran_wrapper.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/amplitude/rw_fortran_wrapper.c	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "drw_ascfile.h"
+void dread_ascfile_c(const char *name, double *t0, double *dt, int * n, double *data) {
+  dread_ascfile(name,t0,dt,n,data);}
+void DREAD_ASCFILE_C(const char *name, double *t0, double *dt, int * n, double *data) {
+  dread_ascfile(name,t0,dt,n,data);}
+void dread_ascfile_c_(const char *name, double *t0, double *dt, int * n, double *data) {
+  dread_ascfile(name,t0,dt,n,data);}
+void DREAD_ASCFILE_C_(const char *name, double *t0, double *dt, int * n, double *data) {
+  dread_ascfile(name,t0,dt,n,data);}
+void dwrite_ascfile_c(const char *name, const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n, const double *data) {
+  dwrite_ascfile(name,*t0,*dt,*n,data);}
+void DWRITE_ASCFILE_C(const char *name, const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n, const double *data) {
+  dwrite_ascfile(name,*t0,*dt,*n,data);}
+void dwrite_ascfile_c_(const char *name, const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n, const double *data) {
+  dwrite_ascfile(name,*t0,*dt,*n,data);}
+void DWRITE_ASCFILE_C_(const char *name, const double *t0, const double *dt, const int *n, const double *data) {
+  dwrite_ascfile(name,*t0,*dt,*n,data);}

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime (from rev 18176, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/cut_velocity)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/cut_velocity/Makefile	2011-04-05 14:28:05 UTC (rev 18176)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/Makefile	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@
-LIB_OBJS = cut_velocity.o rw_ascfile_c.o 
+LIB_OBJS = create_adjsrc_traveltime.o rw_ascfile_c.o 
 # targets
-all: xcut_velocity
+all: xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime
-xcut_velocity: $(LIB_OBJS)
-	${F90} -Wall -o xcut_velocity $(LIB_OBJS)
+xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime: $(LIB_OBJS)
+	${F90} -Wall -o xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime $(LIB_OBJS)
-cut_velocity.o: cut_velocity.f90
-	${F90} -Wall -c cut_velocity.f90
+create_adjsrc_traveltime.o: create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90
+	${F90} -Wall -c create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90
 rw_ascfile_c.o: ../lib/rw_ascfile_c.c
 	${CC} -c -o rw_ascfile_c.o ../lib/rw_ascfile_c.c
-	rm -f *.o xcut_velocity
+	rm -f *.o xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/compile_cut
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/cut_velocity/compile_cut	2011-04-05 14:28:05 UTC (rev 18176)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/compile_cut	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # use make
-echo "xcut_velocity:"
+echo "xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime:"
-echo "please,in this directory UTILS/cut_velocity"
+echo "please,in this directory UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime"
 echo "add your compiler specifics to: Makefile"
-echo "and run in this directory UTILS/cut_velocity:"
+echo "and run in this directory UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime:"
 echo "> make"
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
 # obsolete...
 #gcc -c -o rw_ascfile_c.o rw_ascfile_c.c
 #gcc -c -o rw_fortran_wrapper.o rw_fortran_wrapper.c
-#ifort -O3 -o xcut_velocity cut_velocity.f90 rw_ascfile_f.f90 rw_ascfile_c.o rw_fortran_wrapper.o
+#ifort -O3 -o xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90 rw_ascfile_f.f90 rw_ascfile_c.o rw_fortran_wrapper.o

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90 (from rev 18176, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/cut_velocity/cut_velocity.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/create_adjsrc_traveltime.f90	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+program create_adjsrc_traveltime
+! this program cuts certain portion of the seismograms and converts them into 
+! the adjoint sources for generating banana-dougnut kernels.
+! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+! call by: ./xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]
+  implicit none
+  integer :: i, is, ie, nstep, j, itime ,ifile,ios, i1, i2, nstep_old
+  character(len=256) :: arg(100), file(100)
+  character(len=256) :: filename
+  integer,parameter :: NMAX = 30000
+  real*8, parameter :: EPS = 1.0d-17
+  real*8, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926d0
+  real*8 :: ts, te, data(5,NMAX), out(NMAX), adj(NMAX), tw(NMAX), norm
+  real*8 :: dt, t0, t0_old, dt_old, costh, sinth, th, baz
+  logical :: lrot
+  i = 1
+  lrot = .false.
+  ! reads in file arguments
+  do while (1 == 1) 
+    call getarg(i,arg(i))
+    if (i < 6 .and. trim(arg(i)) == '') then
+      print*,'Usage: '
+      print*,'  xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+      print*,'with'
+      print*,'  t1: window start time'
+      print*,'  t2: window end time'
+      print*,'  ifile: 0 = adjoint source calculated for each seismogram component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 1 = adjoint source given by East component only'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 2 = adjoint source given by North component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 3 = adjoint source given by Z component'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 4 = adjoint source given by rotated transversal component (requires baz)'     
+      print*,'  ifile: 5 = adjoint source given by rotated radial component (requires baz)'     
+      print*,'  E/N/Z-ascii-files : displacement traces stored as ascii files'
+      print*,'  [baz]: (optional) back-azimuth, requires ifile = 4 or ifile = 5'
+      stop 'create_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    endif
+    if (trim(arg(i)) == '') exit
+    if (i == 1) then 
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) ts
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ts'
+    else if (i == 2) then
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) te
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading te'
+    else if (i == 3) then
+      read(arg(i),*) ifile
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ifile'
+    else if (i == 4 .or. i == 5 .or. i == 6) then
+      file(i-3) = trim(arg(i))
+    else if (i == 7) then
+      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) baz
+      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading baz'
+      lrot = .true.
+    else if (i > 7) then
+      stop 'Error: create_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    endif
+    i = i + 1
+  enddo
+  ! checks rotation baz and ifile parameter
+  i = i - 1
+  if (lrot) then
+    if (i /= 7) stop 'create_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+    if (ifile /= 4 .and. ifile /= 5) stop 'ifile = 4 or 5 when baz is present'
+    th = (baz - 180.0) / 180.0 * PI
+    costh = cos(th)
+    sinth = sin(th)
+  else
+    if (ifile > 3 .or. ifile < 0) stop 'Error ifile should be between 0 - 3 when baz is not present'
+    if (i /= 6) stop 'create_adjsrc_traveltime t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
+  endif
+  ! user output
+  print *, 'ifile = ', ifile, '  lrot = ', lrot
+  print *, ' '
+  ! reads seismograms (ascii format)
+  do i = 1, 3
+    filename = trim(file(i))
+    print *, 'reading asc file '//trim(filename)//' ...'
+    call dread_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
+    if (nstep > NMAX) stop 'Change the data array range limit'
+    if (i == 1) then
+      t0_old = t0; dt_old = dt; nstep_old = nstep
+    else
+      if (i > 1 .and. abs(t0_old - t0) > EPS &
+               .and. abs(dt_old - dt) > EPS &
+               .and. nstep_old /= nstep) &
+                 stop 'Error different t0, dt, nstep'
+    endif
+  enddo
+  print *, ' '  
+  print *, 'start time:',t0
+  print *, 'time step:',dt
+  print *, 'number of steps:',nstep   
+  print *, ' '
+  ! component rotation
+  if (lrot) then
+    data(4,:) = costh * data(1,:) - sinth * data(2,:)
+    data(5,:) = sinth * data(1,:) + costh * data(2,:)
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('t.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('r.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
+    i1 = 3; i2 = 5
+  else
+    i1 = 1; i2 = 3
+  endif
+  ! loops over seismogram components 
+  do i = i1, i2
+    ! start and end index
+    is = (ts - t0) / dt + 1
+    ie = (te - t0) / dt + 1
+    if (is < 1 .or. ie <= is .or. ie > nstep) then
+      print *, 'Error in ts, te'; stop
+    endif
+    ! time window (parabola shaped)
+    tw(1:nstep) = 0.
+    if( i == i1 ) open(44,file='plot_time_window.txt',status='unknown')
+    do j = is, ie
+      tw(j) = 1 - (2 * (dble(j) - is)/(ie - is) - 1) ** 2
+      if( i == i1 ) write(44,*) j,tw(j)
+    enddo
+    if( i == i1 ) close(44)
+    ! calculates velocity (by finite-differences)
+    do itime = 2, nstep-1
+       out(itime) =  (data(i,itime+1) - data(i,itime-1)) / (2 * dt)
+    enddo
+    out(1) = (data(i,2) - data(i,1)) / dt
+    out(nstep) = (data(i,nstep) - data(i,nstep-1)) /dt
+    ! normalization factor
+    norm = dt * sum( tw(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep))
+    print *, 'i = ', i, 'norm = ', norm
+    if (ifile /= 0 .and. ifile /= i) norm = 0.0
+    ! adjoint source
+    if (abs(norm) > EPS) then
+      adj(1:nstep) = - out(1:nstep) * tw(1:nstep) / norm
+    else
+      print *, 'norm < EPS for file '//trim(file(i))
+      adj(:) = 0.
+    endif
+    data(i,:) = adj(:)
+  enddo
+  print *, ' '
+  ! component rotation back to cartesian x-y-z
+  if (lrot) then
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('t-cut.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim('r-cut.txt')//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
+    data(1,:) = costh * data(4,:) + sinth * data(5,:)
+    data(2,:) = -sinth * data(4,:) + costh * data(5,:)
+  endif
+  ! file output for component BHE/BHN/BHZ
+  do i = 1, 3
+    filename = trim(file(i))//'.adj'  
+    print *, 'write to asc file '//trim(filename)
+    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
+  enddo
+end program create_adjsrc_traveltime

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/cut_velocity.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/cut_velocity/cut_velocity.f90	2011-04-05 14:28:05 UTC (rev 18176)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/UTILS/adjoint_sources/traveltime/cut_velocity.f90	2011-04-05 16:25:05 UTC (rev 18177)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-program cut_velocity
-! this program cuts certain portion of the seismograms and converts them into 
-! the adjoint sources for generating banana-dougnut kernels.
-! Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
-! call by: ./xcut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]
-  implicit none
-  integer :: i, is, ie, nstep, j, itime ,ifile,ios, i1, i2, nstep_old
-  character(len=256) :: arg(100), file(100)
-  character(len=256) :: filename
-  integer,parameter :: NMAX = 30000
-  real*8, parameter :: EPS = 1.0d-17
-  real*8, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926d0
-  real*8 :: ts, te, data(5,NMAX), out(NMAX), adj(NMAX), tw(NMAX), norm
-  real*8 :: dt, t0, t0_old, dt_old, costh, sinth, th, baz
-  logical :: lrot
-  i = 1
-  lrot = .false.
-  ! reads in file arguments
-  do while (1 == 1) 
-    call getarg(i,arg(i))
-    if (i < 6 .and. trim(arg(i)) == '') then
-      print*,'Usage: '
-      print*,'  xcut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
-      print*,'with'
-      print*,'  t1: window start time'
-      print*,'  t2: window end time'
-      print*,'  ifile: 0 = adjoint source calculated for each seismogram component'     
-      print*,'  ifile: 1 = adjoint source given by East component only'     
-      print*,'  ifile: 2 = adjoint source given by North component'     
-      print*,'  ifile: 3 = adjoint source given by Z component'     
-      print*,'  ifile: 4 = adjoint source given by rotated transversal component (requires baz)'     
-      print*,'  ifile: 5 = adjoint source given by rotated radial component (requires baz)'     
-      print*,'  E/N/Z-ascii-files : displacement traces stored as ascii files'
-      print*,'  [baz]: (optional) back-azimuth, requires ifile = 4 or ifile = 5'
-      stop 'cut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
-    endif
-    if (trim(arg(i)) == '') exit
-    if (i == 1) then 
-      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) ts
-      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ts'
-    else if (i == 2) then
-      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) te
-      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading te'
-    else if (i == 3) then
-      read(arg(i),*) ifile
-      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading ifile'
-    else if (i == 4 .or. i == 5 .or. i == 6) then
-      file(i-3) = trim(arg(i))
-    else if (i == 7) then
-      read(arg(i),*,iostat=ios) baz
-      if (ios /= 0) stop 'Error reading baz'
-      lrot = .true.
-    else if (i > 7) then
-      stop 'Error: cut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
-    endif
-    i = i + 1
-  enddo
-  ! checks rotation baz and ifile parameter
-  i = i - 1
-  if (lrot) then
-    if (i /= 7) stop 'cut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
-    if (ifile /= 4 .and. ifile /= 5) stop 'ifile = 4 or 5 when baz is present'
-    th = (baz - 180.0) / 180.0 * PI
-    costh = cos(th)
-    sinth = sin(th)
-  else
-    if (ifile > 3 .or. ifile < 0) stop 'Error ifile should be between 0 - 3 when baz is not present'
-    if (i /= 6) stop 'cut_velocity t1 t2 ifile[0-5] E/N/Z-ascii-files [baz]'
-  endif
-  ! user output
-  print *, 'ifile = ', ifile, '  lrot = ', lrot
-  print *, ' '
-  ! reads seismograms (ascii format)
-  do i = 1, 3
-    filename = trim(file(i))
-    print *, 'reading asc file '//trim(filename)//' ...'
-    call dread_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
-    if (nstep > NMAX) stop 'Change the data array range limit'
-    if (i == 1) then
-      t0_old = t0; dt_old = dt; nstep_old = nstep
-    else
-      if (i > 1 .and. abs(t0_old - t0) > EPS &
-               .and. abs(dt_old - dt) > EPS &
-               .and. nstep_old /= nstep) &
-                 stop 'Error different t0, dt, nstep'
-    endif
-  enddo
-  print *, ' '  
-  print *, 'start time:',t0
-  print *, 'time step:',dt
-  print *, 'number of steps:',nstep   
-  print *, ' '
-  ! component rotation
-  if (lrot) then
-    data(4,:) = costh * data(1,:) - sinth * data(2,:)
-    data(5,:) = sinth * data(1,:) + costh * data(2,:)
-    call dwrite_ascfile_c('t.txt',t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
-    call dwrite_ascfile_c('r.txt',t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
-    i1 = 3; i2 = 5
-  else
-    i1 = 1; i2 = 3
-  endif
-  ! loops over seismogram components 
-  do i = i1, i2
-    ! start and end index
-    is = (ts - t0) / dt + 1
-    ie = (te - t0) / dt + 1
-    if (is < 1 .or. ie <= is .or. ie > nstep) then
-      print *, 'Error in ts, te'; stop
-    endif
-    ! time window (parabola shaped)
-    tw(1:nstep) = 0.
-    if( i == i1 ) open(44,file='plot_time_window.txt',status='unknown')
-    do j = is, ie
-      tw(j) = 1 - (2 * (dble(j) - is)/(ie - is) - 1) ** 2
-      if( i == i1 ) write(44,*) j,tw(j)
-    enddo
-    if( i == i1 ) close(44)
-    ! calculates velocity (by finite-differences)
-    do itime = 2, nstep-1
-       out(itime) =  (data(i,itime+1) - data(i,itime-1)) / (2 * dt)
-    enddo
-    out(1) = (data(i,2) - data(i,1)) / dt
-    out(nstep) = (data(i,nstep) - data(i,nstep-1)) /dt
-    ! normalization factor
-    norm = dt * sum( tw(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep) * out(1:nstep))
-    print *, 'i = ', i, 'norm = ', norm
-    if (ifile /= 0 .and. ifile /= i) norm = 0.0
-    ! adjoint source
-    if (abs(norm) > EPS) then
-      adj(1:nstep) = - out(1:nstep) * tw(1:nstep) / norm
-    else
-      print *, 'norm < EPS for file '//trim(file(i))
-      adj(:) = 0.
-    endif
-    data(i,:) = adj(:)
-  enddo
-  print *, ' '
-  ! component rotation back to cartesian x-y-z
-  if (lrot) then
-    call dwrite_ascfile_c('t-cut.txt',t0,dt,nstep,data(4,:))
-    call dwrite_ascfile_c('r-cut.txt',t0,dt,nstep,data(5,:))
-    data(1,:) = costh * data(4,:) + sinth * data(5,:)
-    data(2,:) = -sinth * data(4,:) + costh * data(5,:)
-  endif
-  ! file output for component BHE/BHN/BHZ
-  do i = 1, 3
-    filename = trim(file(i))//'.adj'  
-    print *, 'write to asc file '//trim(filename)
-    call dwrite_ascfile_c(trim(filename)//char(0),t0,dt,nstep,data(i,:))
-  enddo
-end program cut_velocity

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