[cig-commits] r18229 - in seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk: EXAMPLES EXAMPLES/Tape2007_kernel EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel UTILS/visualization src/shared

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Mon Apr 11 17:05:16 PDT 2011

Author: carltape
Date: 2011-04-11 17:05:16 -0700 (Mon, 11 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 18229

added kernel example for Tromp2005

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tape2007_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tape2007.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tape2007_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tape2007.f90	2011-04-11 23:33:17 UTC (rev 18228)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tape2007_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tape2007.f90	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -42,138 +42,135 @@
-      program adj_seismogram
+program adj_seismogram
-! This program cuts a certain portion of the seismograms and convert it
-! into the adjoint source for generating banana-dougnut kernels
-! rm -rf xadj_seismogram ; gfortran adj_seismogram.f90 -o xadj_seismogram
+  ! This program cuts a certain portion of the seismograms and convert it
+  ! into the adjoint source for generating banana-dougnut kernels
+  !    rm -rf xadj_seismogram ; gfortran adj_seismogram.f90 -o xadj_seismogram
-      implicit none
+  implicit none
-      integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 3000
-      integer, parameter :: nrec = 1
-      double precision, parameter :: t0 = 48.0   ! labeled as 'time delay'
-      double precision, parameter :: deltat = 0.06
-      double precision, parameter :: EPS = 1.d-40
+  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 3000
+  integer, parameter :: nrec = 1
+  double precision, parameter :: t0 = 48.0   ! labeled as 'time delay'
+  double precision, parameter :: deltat = 0.06
+  double precision, parameter :: EPS = 1.d-40
-      integer :: itime,icomp,istart,iend,nlen,irec,NDIM,NDIMr,adj_comp
-      double precision :: time,tstart(nrec),tend(nrec)
-      character(len=150), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
-      double precision, dimension(NSTEP) :: time_window
-      double precision :: seism(NSTEP,3),Nnorm,seism_win(NSTEP)
-      double precision :: seism_veloc(NSTEP),seism_accel(NSTEP),ft_bar(NSTEP)
-      character(len=3) :: compr(2),comp(3)
-      character(len=150) :: filename
+  integer :: itime,icomp,istart,iend,nlen,irec,NDIM,NDIMr,adj_comp
+  double precision :: time,tstart(nrec),tend(nrec)
+  character(len=150), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP) :: time_window
+  double precision :: seism(NSTEP,3),Nnorm,seism_win(NSTEP)
+  double precision :: seism_veloc(NSTEP),seism_accel(NSTEP),ft_bar(NSTEP)
+  character(len=3) :: compr(2),comp(3)
+  character(len=150) :: filename
-      NDIM=3
-      comp = (/"BHX","BHY","BHZ"/)
+  NDIM=3
+  comp = (/"BHX","BHY","BHZ"/)
-! number of components
-!      NDIMr=2  ! P-SV
-      NDIMr=1  ! SH (membrane)
-!      compr = (/"BHX","BHZ"/)    ! P-SV
-      compr = (/"BHY","tmp"/)  ! SH (membrane)
-! list of stations
-      station_name(1) = 'S0001'
+  ! number of components
+  !NDIMr=2  ! P-SV
+  NDIMr=1  ! SH (membrane)
+  !compr = (/"BHX","BHZ"/)    ! P-SV
+  compr = (/"BHY","tmp"/)  ! SH (membrane)
+  ! list of stations
+  station_name(1) = 'S0001'
-! KEY: 'absolute' time interval for window
-      tstart(1) = 135.d0
-      tend(1) = 180.d0
+  ! KEY: 'absolute' time interval for window
+  tstart(1) = 95.d0 + t0
+  tend(1) = 130.d0 + t0
-! chose the component for the adjoint source (adj_comp = 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z)
-      adj_comp = 2
+  ! chose the component for the adjoint source (adj_comp = 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z)
+  adj_comp = 2
-      do irec =1,nrec
+  do irec =1,nrec
-        do icomp = 1, NDIMr
+     do icomp = 1, NDIMr
-      filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// compr(icomp) // '.semd'
-      open(unit = 10, file = trim(filename))
+        filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// compr(icomp) // '.semd'
+        open(unit = 10, file = trim(filename))
-         do itime = 1,NSTEP
-        read(10,*) time , seism(itime,icomp)
-         enddo
+        do itime = 1,NSTEP
+           read(10,*) time , seism(itime,icomp)
-          if(NDIMr==2)then
-           seism(:,3) = seism(:,2)
-           seism(:,2) = 0.d0
-          else
-           seism(:,2) = seism(:,1)
-           seism(:,1) = 0.d0
-           seism(:,3) = 0.d0
-          endif
+     enddo
-      close(10)
+     if(NDIMr==2)then
+        seism(:,3) = seism(:,2)
+        seism(:,2) = 0.d0
+     else
+        seism(:,2) = seism(:,1)
+        seism(:,1) = 0.d0
+        seism(:,3) = 0.d0
+     endif
+     close(10)
-         istart = max(floor(tstart(irec)/deltat),1)
-         iend = min(floor(tend(irec)/deltat),NSTEP)
-         print*,'istart =',istart, 'iend =', iend
-         print*,'tstart =',istart*deltat, 'tend =', iend*deltat
-         if(istart >= iend) stop 'check istart,iend'
-         nlen = iend - istart +1
-       do icomp = 1, NDIM
+     istart = max(floor(tstart(irec)/deltat),1)
+     iend = min(floor(tend(irec)/deltat),NSTEP)
+     print*,'istart =',istart, 'iend =', iend
+     print*,'tstart =',istart*deltat, 'tend =', iend*deltat
+     if(istart >= iend) stop 'check istart,iend'
+     nlen = iend - istart +1
-      print*,comp(icomp)
+     do icomp = 1, NDIM
-      filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// comp(icomp) // '.adj'
-      open(unit = 11, file = trim(filename))
+        print*,comp(icomp)
+        filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// comp(icomp) // '.adj'
+        open(unit = 11, file = trim(filename))
         time_window(:) = 0.d0
         seism_win(:) = seism(:,icomp)
         seism_veloc(:) = 0.d0
         seism_accel(:) = 0.d0
         do itime =istart,iend
-!        time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - cos(pi*(itime-1)/NSTEP+1)**10   ! cosine window
-        time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - (2* (dble(itime) - istart)/(iend-istart) -1.d0)**2  ! Welch window
+           !time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - cos(pi*(itime-1)/NSTEP+1)**10   ! cosine window
+           time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - (2* (dble(itime) - istart)/(iend-istart) -1.d0)**2  ! Welch window
-         do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
-      seism_veloc(itime) = (seism_win(itime+1) - seism_win(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
-         enddo
-      seism_veloc(1) = (seism_win(2) - seism_win(1))/deltat
-      seism_veloc(NSTEP) = (seism_win(NSTEP) - seism_win(NSTEP-1))/deltat
+        do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
+           seism_veloc(itime) = (seism_win(itime+1) - seism_win(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
+        enddo
+        seism_veloc(1) = (seism_win(2) - seism_win(1))/deltat
+        seism_veloc(NSTEP) = (seism_win(NSTEP) - seism_win(NSTEP-1))/deltat
-         do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
-      seism_accel(itime) = (seism_veloc(itime+1) - seism_veloc(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
-         enddo
-      seism_accel(1) = (seism_veloc(2) - seism_veloc(1))/deltat
-      seism_accel(NSTEP) = (seism_veloc(NSTEP) - seism_veloc(NSTEP-1))/deltat
+        do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
+           seism_accel(itime) = (seism_veloc(itime+1) - seism_veloc(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
+        enddo
+        seism_accel(1) = (seism_veloc(2) - seism_veloc(1))/deltat
+        seism_accel(NSTEP) = (seism_veloc(NSTEP) - seism_veloc(NSTEP-1))/deltat
-      Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_win(:) * seism_accel(:))
-!      Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_veloc(:) * seism_veloc(:))
-! cross-correlation traveltime adjoint source
-      if(abs(Nnorm) > EPS) then
-!      ft_bar(:) = - seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
-      ft_bar(:) = seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
-      print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
-      else
-      print *, 'norm < EPS for file '
-      print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
-      ft_bar(:) = 0.d0
-      endif
-       do itime =1,NSTEP
-        if(icomp == adj_comp) then
-      write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, ft_bar(itime)
+        ! cross-correlation traveltime adjoint source
+        Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_win(:) * seism_accel(:))
+        !Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_veloc(:) * seism_veloc(:))
+        if(abs(Nnorm) > EPS) then
+           !ft_bar(:) = -seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
+           ft_bar(:) = seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
+           print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
-      write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, 0.d0
+           print *, 'norm < EPS for file '
+           print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
+           ft_bar(:) = 0.d0
-       enddo
+        do itime =1,NSTEP
+           if(icomp == adj_comp) then
+              write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, ft_bar(itime)
+           else
+              write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, 0.d0
+           endif
-      close(11)
-      enddo
-      print*,'*************************'
-      print*,'The input files (S****.AA.BHX/BHY/BHZ.adj) needed to run the adjoint simulation are in OUTPUT_FILES'
-      print*,'*************************'
+     enddo
+     close(11)
-      end program adj_seismogram
+  enddo
+  print*,'*************************'
+  print*,'The input files (S****.AA.BHX/BHY/BHZ.adj) needed to run the adjoint simulation are in OUTPUT_FILES'
+  print*,'*************************'
+end program adj_seismogram

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/Par_file_Tromp2005
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/Par_file_Tromp2005	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/Par_file_Tromp2005	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# title of job
+title                           = Tromp-Tape-Liu (GJI 2005)
+# forward or adjoint simulation
+SIMULATION_TYPE                 = 1   # 1 = forward, 2 = adjoint + kernels
+SAVE_FORWARD                    = .true.  # save the last frame, needed for adjoint simulation
+# parameters concerning partitioning
+nproc                           = 1              # number of processes
+partitioning_method             = 3              # SCOTCH = 3, ascending order (very bad idea) = 1
+ngnod                           = 4              # number of control nodes per element (4 or 9)
+initialfield                    = .false.        # use a plane wave as source or not
+add_Bielak_conditions           = .false.        # add Bielak conditions or not if initial plane wave
+assign_external_model           = .false.        # define external earth model or not
+READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE          = .false.        # Read external SEP file from DATA/model_velocity.dat_input, or use routine
+TURN_ATTENUATION_ON             = .false.        # turn attenuation on or off for solid medium
+TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON         = .false.        # turn viscous attenuation on or off
+Q0                              =  1             # quality factor for viscous attenuation
+freq0                           =  10            # frequency for viscous attenuation
+p_sv                            = .true.         # set the type of calculation (P-SV or SH/membrane waves)
+# time step parameters
+nt                              = 3000           # total number of time steps
+deltat                          = 2.0d-2         # duration of a time step
+# source parameters
+NSOURCES                        = 1              # number of sources [source info read in CMTSOLUTION file]
+force_normal_to_surface         = .false.        # angleforce normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
+# constants for attenuation
+N_SLS                           = 2                      # number of standard linear solids for attenuation
+f0_attenuation                  = 5.196152422706633      # (Hz) relevant only if source is a Dirac or a Heaviside, else it is f0
+# receiver line parameters for seismograms
+seismotype                      = 1              # record 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
+generate_STATIONS               = .true.         # creates a STATION file in ./DATA
+nreceiverlines                  = 1              # number of receiver lines
+anglerec                        = 0.d0           # angle to rotate components at receivers
+rec_normal_to_surface           = .false.        # base anglerec normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
+# first receiver line
+nrec                            = 1              # number of receivers
+xdeb                            = 150000.        # first receiver x in meters
+zdeb                            = 40000.         # first receiver z in meters
+xfin                            = 70000.         # last receiver x in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
+zfin                            = 0.             # last receiver z in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
+enreg_surf_same_vertical        = .false.        # receivers inside the medium or at the surface
+# display parameters
+NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO      = 400            # display frequency in time steps
+output_postscript_snapshot      = .true.         # output Postscript snapshot of the results
+output_color_image              = .true.         # output color image of the results
+imagetype                       = 1              # display 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
+cutsnaps                        = 1.             # minimum amplitude in % for snapshots
+meshvect                        = .true.         # display mesh on vector plots or not
+modelvect                       = .false.        # display velocity model on vector plots
+boundvect                       = .true.         # display boundary conditions on plots
+interpol                        = .true.         # interpolation of the display or not
+pointsdisp                      = 6              # points for interpolation of display (set to 1 for lower-left corner only)
+subsamp                         = 1              # subsampling of color snapshots
+sizemax_arrows                  = 1.d0           # maximum size of arrows on vector plots in cm
+gnuplot                         = .false.        # generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
+output_grid                     = .false.        # save the grid in a text file or not
+output_energy                   = .false.        # compute and output acoustic and elastic energy (slows down the code significantly)
+output_wavefield_snapshot       = .false.        # output Ux,Uy,Uz text file for each output time (big files)
+# velocity and density models
+nbmodels                        = 1              # nb of different models
+# define models as
+# I:   (model_number 1 rho Vp Vs 0 0 Qp Qs 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
+# II:  (model_number 2 rho c11 c13 c15 c33 c35 c55 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
+# III: (model_number 3 rhos rhof phi c kxx kxz kzz Ks Kf Kfr etaf mufr Qs).
+# For istropic elastic/acoustic material use I and set Vs to zero to make a given model acoustic, for anisotropic elastic use II,
+# and for isotropic poroelastic material use III. The mesh can contain acoustic, elastic, and poroelastic models simultaneously.
+1 1 2600.d0 5800.d0 3198.6d0 0 0 10.d0 10.d0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+# external mesh or not
+read_external_mesh              = .false.
+# absorbing boundary active or not
+absorbing_conditions            = .true.
+# data concerning mesh, when generated using third-party app (more info in README)
+# (see also absorbing_conditions above)
+mesh_file                       = ./DATA/ice_water_rock_1D/ice_water_rock_1D_elements       # file containing elements
+nodes_coords_file               = ./DATA/ice_water_rock_1D/ice_water_rock_1D_nodes          # file containing node coordinates
+materials_file                  = ./DATA/ice_water_rock_1D/ice_water_rock_1D_material       # file containing material index for each element
+free_surface_file               = ./DATA/ice_water_rock_1D/ice_water_rock_1D_surface_free   # file containing free surface
+absorbing_surface_file          = ./DATA/ice_water_rock_1D/ice_water_rock_1D_surface_absorb # file containing absorbing surface
+tangential_detection_curve_file = ./DATA/courbe_eros_nodes # file containing the curve delimiting the velocity model
+# file containing interfaces for internal mesh
+interfacesfile                  = ../interfaces_Tromp2005.dat
+# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
+xmin                            = 0.d0           # abscissa of left side of the model
+xmax                            = 200000.d0      # abscissa of right side of the model
+nx                              = 80             # number of elements along X
+# absorbing boundary parameters (see absorbing_conditions above)
+absorbbottom                    = .true.
+absorbright                     = .true.
+absorbtop                       = .false.
+absorbleft                      = .true.
+# define the different regions of the model in the (nx,nz) spectral element mesh
+nbregions                       = 1              # nb of regions and model number for each
+1 80  1 32 1

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/README
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/README	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Kernel example for Tromp-Tape-Liu (GJI 2005).
+0. Read the user manual in SPECFEM2D/doc/manual_SPECFEM2D.pdf
+1. in SPECFEM2D root directory, configure, e.g., 
+   > ./configure FC=gfortran
+2. modify setup/constants.h file, setting USER_TO = 48.0 s
+3. compile:
+   > make all
+4. run mesher and solver for forward wavefield:
+   > cd EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/
+   > ./process.sh
+5. compute adjoint source:
+   > rm -rf xadj_seismogram ; gfortran adj_seismogram_Tromp2005.f90 -o xadj_seismogram
+   > xadj_seismogram
+6. change Par_file with save_forward = .false. and SIMULATION_TYPE = 2
+7. run adjoint simulation:
+   > ./process_kernel.sh
+   optional: try plotting the kernels using the script
+                SPECFEM2D/UTILS/visualization/plot_wavefield.pl

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/SOURCE_Tromp2005
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/SOURCE_Tromp2005	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/SOURCE_Tromp2005	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#source 1.  The components of a moment tensor source must be given in N.m, not in dyne.cm as in the DATA/CMTSOLUTION source file of the 3D version of the code.
+source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
+xs                              = 50000.         # source location x in meters
+zs                              = 40000.         # source location z in meters
+source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
+time_function_type              = 2              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
+f0                              = 0.42           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
+tshift                          = 0.0            # time shift when multi sources (if one source, must be zero)
+angleforce                      = 270.0          # angle of the source (for a force only)
+Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mzz                             = -1.            # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+factor                          = 0.75d10        # amplification factor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tromp2005.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tromp2005.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/adj_seismogram_Tromp2005.f90	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.1
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+program adj_seismogram
+  ! This program cuts a certain portion of the seismograms and convert it
+  ! into the adjoint source for generating banana-dougnut kernels
+  !    rm -rf xadj_seismogram ; gfortran adj_seismogram.f90 -o xadj_seismogram
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: NSTEP = 3000
+  integer, parameter :: nrec = 1
+  double precision, parameter :: t0 = 8.0   ! labeled as 'time delay'
+  double precision, parameter :: deltat = 0.02
+  double precision, parameter :: EPS = 1.d-40
+  integer :: itime,icomp,istart,iend,nlen,irec,NDIM,NDIMr,adj_comp
+  double precision :: time,tstart(nrec),tend(nrec)
+  character(len=150), dimension(nrec) :: station_name
+  double precision, dimension(NSTEP) :: time_window
+  double precision :: seism(NSTEP,3),Nnorm,seism_win(NSTEP)
+  double precision :: seism_veloc(NSTEP),seism_accel(NSTEP),ft_bar(NSTEP)
+  character(len=3) :: compr(2),comp(3)
+  character(len=150) :: filename
+  NDIM=3
+  comp = (/"BHX","BHY","BHZ"/)
+  ! number of components
+  NDIMr=2  ! P-SV
+  !NDIMr=1  ! SH (membrane)
+  compr = (/"BHX","BHZ"/)    ! P-SV
+  !compr = (/"BHY","tmp"/)  ! SH (membrane)
+  ! list of stations
+  station_name(1) = 'S0001'
+  ! KEY: 'absolute' time interval for window
+  tstart(1) = 27.d0 + t0
+  tend(1) = 32.d0 + t0
+  ! chose the component for the adjoint source (adj_comp = 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z)
+  adj_comp = 1
+  do irec =1,nrec
+     do icomp = 1, NDIMr
+        filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// compr(icomp) // '.semd'
+        open(unit = 10, file = trim(filename))
+        do itime = 1,NSTEP
+           read(10,*) time , seism(itime,icomp)
+        enddo
+     enddo
+     if(NDIMr==2)then
+        seism(:,3) = seism(:,2)
+        seism(:,2) = 0.d0
+     else
+        seism(:,2) = seism(:,1)
+        seism(:,1) = 0.d0
+        seism(:,3) = 0.d0
+     endif
+     close(10)
+     istart = max(floor(tstart(irec)/deltat),1)
+     iend = min(floor(tend(irec)/deltat),NSTEP)
+     print*,'istart =',istart, 'iend =', iend
+     print*,'tstart =',istart*deltat, 'tend =', iend*deltat
+     if(istart >= iend) stop 'check istart,iend'
+     nlen = iend - istart +1
+     do icomp = 1, NDIM
+        print*,comp(icomp)
+        filename = 'OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(station_name(irec))//'.AA.'// comp(icomp) // '.adj'
+        open(unit = 11, file = trim(filename))
+        time_window(:) = 0.d0
+        seism_win(:) = seism(:,icomp)
+        seism_veloc(:) = 0.d0
+        seism_accel(:) = 0.d0
+        do itime =istart,iend
+           !time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - cos(pi*(itime-1)/NSTEP+1)**10   ! cosine window
+           time_window(itime) = 1.d0 - (2* (dble(itime) - istart)/(iend-istart) -1.d0)**2  ! Welch window
+        enddo
+        do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
+           seism_veloc(itime) = (seism_win(itime+1) - seism_win(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
+        enddo
+        seism_veloc(1) = (seism_win(2) - seism_win(1))/deltat
+        seism_veloc(NSTEP) = (seism_win(NSTEP) - seism_win(NSTEP-1))/deltat
+        do itime = 2,NSTEP-1
+           seism_accel(itime) = (seism_veloc(itime+1) - seism_veloc(itime-1))/(2*deltat)
+        enddo
+        seism_accel(1) = (seism_veloc(2) - seism_veloc(1))/deltat
+        seism_accel(NSTEP) = (seism_veloc(NSTEP) - seism_veloc(NSTEP-1))/deltat
+        ! cross-correlation traveltime adjoint source
+        Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_win(:) * seism_accel(:))
+        !Nnorm = deltat * sum(time_window(:) * seism_veloc(:) * seism_veloc(:))
+        if(abs(Nnorm) > EPS) then
+           !ft_bar(:) = -seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
+           ft_bar(:) = seism_veloc(:) * time_window(:) / Nnorm
+           print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
+        else
+           print *, 'norm < EPS for file '
+           print*,'Norm =', Nnorm
+           ft_bar(:) = 0.d0
+        endif
+        do itime =1,NSTEP
+           if(icomp == adj_comp) then
+              write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, ft_bar(itime)
+           else
+              write(11,*) (itime-1)*deltat - t0, 0.d0
+           endif
+        enddo
+     enddo
+     close(11)
+  enddo
+  print*,'*************************'
+  print*,'The input files (S****.AA.BHX/BHY/BHZ.adj) needed to run the adjoint simulation are in OUTPUT_FILES'
+  print*,'*************************'
+end program adj_seismogram

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/interfaces_Tromp2005.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/interfaces_Tromp2005.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/interfaces_Tromp2005.dat	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# number of interfaces
+ 2
+# for each interface below, we give the number of points and then x,z for each point
+# interface number 1 (bottom of the mesh)
+ 2
+ 0 0
+ 200000 0
+# interface number 5 (topography, top of the mesh)
+ 2
+ 0 80000
+ 200000 80000
+# for each layer, we give the number of spectral elements in the vertical direction
+# layer number 1
+ 32
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/kernel_Tromp2005_kernel_PSV.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/kernel_Tromp2005_kernel_PSV.pdf
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process.sh
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process.sh	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# script runs mesher and solver (in serial)
+# using this example setup
+echo "running example: `date`"
+echo "(will take about 1 minute)"
+# sets up directory structure in current example directoy
+echo "   setting up example..."
+mkdir -p OUTPUT_FILES
+mkdir -p DATA
+# sets up local DATA/ directory
+cd DATA/
+ln -s ../Par_file_Tromp2005 Par_file
+ln -s ../SOURCE_Tromp2005 SOURCE
+cd ../
+# cleans output files
+rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES/*
+# compiles executables in root directory
+cd ../../
+make > tmp.log
+cd $currentdir
+# links executables
+rm -f xmeshfem2D xspecfem2D
+ln -s ../../bin/xmeshfem2D
+ln -s ../../bin/xspecfem2D
+# stores setup
+# runs database generation
+echo "  running mesher..."
+./xmeshfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_mesher.txt
+# runs simulation
+echo "  running solver..."
+./xspecfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
+echo "see results in directory: OUTPUT_FILES/"
+echo "done"
+echo `date`

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process_kernel.sh
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process_kernel.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process_kernel.sh	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# script runs solver in serial
+echo "running example: `date`"
+echo "(will take about 1 minute)"
+# runs simulation
+echo "  running mesher and solver..."
+./xmeshfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_mesher_kernel.txt
+./xspecfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver_kernel.txt
+echo "see results in directory: OUTPUT_FILES/"
+echo "done"
+echo `date`

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/Tromp2005_kernel/process_kernel.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/UTILS/visualization/plot_wavefield.pl
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/UTILS/visualization/plot_wavefield.pl	2011-04-11 23:33:17 UTC (rev 18228)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/UTILS/visualization/plot_wavefield.pl	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
 #   2. boundaries between material regions are NOT plotted here
-#    plot_wavefield.pl 100/1600/400 200/800/200  0/4/0/4      1/0.1/1/0.1  -3/-3/-3 6/6/6     0.0/0.001 1/0/1/1/1 1.7/1/1 1/0/1/120 M2_UPPA PSV
-#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/2800/400 400/2000/400 0/200/0/80    50/10/40/10 -3/-3/-3 4/4/4     -8.0/0.02 1/0/1/1/1 3.0/1/0 1/0/1/200 Tromp2005 PSV
-#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/2800/400 400/2000/400 0/200/0/80    50/10/40/10 -3/-3/-3 10/10/10  -8.0/0.02 0/1/0/0/1 3.0/1/0 1/0/1/200 Tromp2005 SH
-#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/4800/400 400/2800/800 0/480/0/480 120/20/120/20 -3/-3/-3 6/6/6    -48.0/0.06 0/1/0/0/1 1.7/1/0 1/0/1/120 Tape2007 onerec
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 100/1600/400 200/800/200  0/4/0/4      1/0.1/1/0.1  -3/-3/-3 6/6/6  0.0/0.001 1/0/1/1/1 1.7/1/1 1/0/1/120 M2_UPPA PSV
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/2800/400 400/2000/400 0/200/0/80    50/10/40/10 -3/-3/-3 4/4/4  -8.0/0.02 1/0/1/1/1 3.0/1/0 1/0/1/200 Tromp2005 PSV
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/2800/400 400/2000/400 0/200/0/80    50/10/40/10 -4/-4/-4 1/1/1  -8.0/0.02 0/1/0/0/1 3.0/1/0 1/0/1/200 Tromp2005 SH
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/4800/400 400/2800/800 0/480/0/480 120/20/120/20 -3/-3/-3 6/6/6 -48.0/0.06 0/1/0/0/1 1.7/1/0 1/0/1/120 Tape2007 onerec
-#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/3000/400 400/2800/800 0/480/0/480 120/20/120/20 -8/-8/-8 1/1/1    -48.0/0.06 0/1/0/0/0 2.0/1/0 1/0/1/120 Tape2007_kernel onerec
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/3000/400 400/2800/800 0/480/0/480 120/20/120/20 -8/-8/-8 1/1/1 -48.0/0.06 0/1/0/0/0 2.0/1/0 1/0/1/120 Tape2007_kernel onerec
+#    plot_wavefield.pl 400/2800/400 400/2000/400 0/200/0/80    50/10/40/10 -8/-8/-8 1/1/1  -8.0/0.02 1/0/1/1/0 4.0/1/0 1/0/1/200 Tromp2005_kernel PSV
@@ -146,8 +147,9 @@
 # plot symbols for sources, receivers
 $rfill = "-G255";
+$rfill = "";
 $sfill = "-G255";
-$rfill = "";
+$sfill = "";
 #$src = "-W0.5p -Sa0.2 $sfill";
 $src = "-W1.0p $sfill -Sa12p";
 $rdx = 0; $rdy = 0; $tdx = 0; $tdy = 10;

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/shared/adj_seismogram.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/shared/adj_seismogram.f90	2011-04-11 23:33:17 UTC (rev 18228)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/shared/adj_seismogram.f90	2011-04-12 00:05:16 UTC (rev 18229)
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
   station_name(1) = 'S0001'
   ! KEY: 'absolute' time interval for window
-  tstart(1) = 135.d0 + t0
-  tend(1) = 180.d0 + t0
+  tstart(1) = 95.d0 + t0
+  tend(1) = 130.d0 + t0
   ! chose the component for the adjoint source (adj_comp = 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z)
   adj_comp = 2

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