[cig-commits] r18231 - in seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate: PLOTTING matlab src

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Fri Apr 15 12:59:49 PDT 2011

Author: carltape
Date: 2011-04-15 12:59:48 -0700 (Fri, 15 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 18231

utility scripts updates for iterative inversion for 2D code

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/joint_inversion.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/joint_inversion.pl	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/joint_inversion.pl	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-if (@ARGV < 6) {die("Usage: plot_kernels.pl colors iker irun0 ipoly qmax HESSIAN\n");}
+if (@ARGV < 6) {die("Usage: plot_kernels.pl colors iker irun0 ipoly qmax READ_IN\n");}
 ($colors,$iker,$irun0,$ipoly,$qmax,$ihessian) = @ARGV;
 $iter = 0;
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 $ddir = "${pdir}/DATA_FILES";
 $idir = "${basedir}/INPUT";
 $odir = "${basedir}/OUTPUT/run_";
+#$odir = "/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_OUTPUT_OLD_2/run_";  # CHT
 if (not -e $ddir) {die("Check if ddir $ddir exist or not\n");}
 # misfit function variable
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@
 # replace source and structure files with those from the Hessian run
 if($ihessian == 1) {
   for ($h = 1; $h <= $qmax; $h = $h+1) {
-    $dir = sprintf("$dir0/HESSIAN/model_m%2.2i",$h);
+    $dir = sprintf("$dir0/READ_IN/model_m%4.4i",$h);
     $file1syn_str = "$dir/$mfile_syn_str";
     $file1syn_src = "$dir/$mfile_syn_src";
     if (not -f $file1syn_str) {die("Check if $file1syn_str exist or not\n");}

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_all.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_all.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_all.pl	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  plot_gauss_all.pl
+#  Carl Tape
+#  15-Jan-2010
+#  Set of 1000 models
+#    ../plot_gauss_all.pl
+#if (@ARGV < 5) {die("Usage: plot_gauss_all.pl xxx\n");}
+#($im,$imodel,$pbar) = @ARGV;
+$imodel = 0;
+$im = 1;
+$irun0 = $im;
+# base directory
+$pwd = $ENV{PWD};
+$dirplot = `dirname $pwd`; chomp($dirplot);
+$basedir = `dirname $dirplot`; chomp($basedir);
+#$basedir = "/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_work";
+$pbar = "0.1/0.05";
+($pmax,$ptick) = split("/",$pbar);
+$mfile_syn = "structure_syn.dat";
+# directories
+$plotdir = "${basedir}/PLOTTING";
+$odir = "${basedir}/OUTPUT";    # might need to be modified
+$idir = "${basedir}/INPUT";
+$figdir = "${plotdir}/FIGURES";
+if (not -e $figdir) {die("Check if figdir $figdir exist or not\n");}
+$stimodel = sprintf("m%.1f",$imodel/2);
+$stirun0 = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0);
+$stirun = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0+$imodel);
+$dir0 = "$odir/run_${stirun0}";
+if(1==1) {
+   $dir1 = "$odir/run_${stirun}";
+} else {
+   $dir1 = sprintf("$dir0/READ_IN_CG/model_m%4.4i",$imodel);
+$file1syn = "$dir1/${mfile_syn}";
+if (not -f $file1syn) { die("Check if $file1syn exist or not\n") }
+#if (not -f $evefile) { die("Check if $evefile exist or not\n") }
+# source and receivers
+$rfile = "$dir0/recs_lonlat.dat";
+$efile = "$dir0/events_syn_lonlat.dat";
+if (not -f $efile) { die("Check if efile $efile exist or not\n") }
+if (not -f $rfile) { die("Check if rfile $rfile exist or not\n") }
+# read in reference values: alpha0, beta0, per
+if (1==1) {
+  $fileref1 = "$dir0/reference_values.dat";
+  $fileref2 = "$dir0/reference_period.dat";
+  open(IN,$fileref1); @lines = <IN>; ($alpha0,$beta0) = split(" ",$lines[0]);
+  open(IN,$fileref2); $per = <IN>; chomp($per);
+} else {
+  $per = 20;
+  $beta0 = 3500;
+$per_lab = sprintf("T = %3.3f s",$per);
+$beta0_lab  = sprintf("beta0 = %3.3f km/s",$beta0/1000);
+#print "\n-- $per -- $per_lab -- $beta0_lab --\n"; die("testing");
+#$edir  = sprintf("$dir/event_%3.3i",$event);
+#print "\n $dir,$edir,$mfile_dat,$mfile_syn,$beta0,$per,$ifinite,$iopt \n";
+$plabel = "${plotdir}/plot_gauss_all.pl";
+# plotting specifications
+$fsize0 = "14";
+$fsize1 = "11";
+$fsize2 = "9";
+$fsize3 = "5";
+$fontno = "1";    # 1 or 4
+$tick   = "0.1c";
+$tinc = 50;   # tick increment (in seconds) for source time function
+# plot symbols for sources, receivers, and shelf
+$src = "-W0.75p -Sa0.20";
+$rec = "-W0.5p,0/0/0 -Sc3p";
+$Wshelf = "-W1.0/0/0/0tap";
+# resolution of color plots
+$interp = "-I0.5m/0.5m -S4m";   # key information
+$grdfile = "temp.grd";
+# color
+# KEY: scaling for color
+$scale_color = 21.0;
+$colorbar = "seis";
+# write plotting scripts
+$wid = 3.5;
+$J1 = "-JM${wid}i";      # in lat-lon
+$origin = "-X1.5 -Y2.0";
+$B1dat = "-B1:.\" \":WeSN";
+$B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":wESN";
+$Dlen = 2.0;
+$Dx = $wid/2;
+$Dy = -0.35;
+$Dscale1 = "-D$Dx/$Dy/$Dlen/0.10h";
+#$Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Phase Velocity ( km s\@+-1\@+ )\": -E10p",$ptick);
+$Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from %3.3f  km s\@+-1\@+ \": -E10p",$ptick,$beta0/1000);
+$title = "Membrane Wave Speed";
+#$title = "Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity";
+# set bounds for the plotting
+#$xmin = -121; $xmax = -115.0; $zmin = 31.75; $zmax = 36.5;
+($xmin,$xmax,$zmin,$zmax,$smin,$smax,$tmin,$tmax) = split(" ",`minmax -C $file1syn`);
+#($tt) = sort{$b <=> $a} ($tt,abs($tmin),abs($tmax));
+$dinc = 0.25;  # buffer around min/max
+$xmin = $xmin-$dinc;  $xmax = $xmax+$dinc;
+$zmin = $zmin-$dinc;  $zmax = $zmax+$dinc;
+$R = "-R$xmin/$xmax/$zmin/$zmax";
+print "\n $R \n $smin $smax \n";
+# plot title
+$xtx = $xmin+0.5*($xmax-$xmin);
+$ztx = $zmin+1.10*($zmax-$zmin);
+  #===============================================
+  $cshfile = "plot_gauss_all.csh";
+  print "\nWriting to CSH file ${cshfile}...\n";
+  open(CSH,">$cshfile");
+  #===============================================
+  # make colorpoint file
+#  $T1 = "-T3/4/0.1";
+#  $pmax = 10;
+  $dc = $pmax/10;
+  $T1 = "-T-$pmax/$pmax/$dc";
+  $cptfile1 = "color0.cpt";
+  print CSH "makecpt -C$colorbar -D $T1 > $cptfile1\n";
+  #print CSH "makecpt -C$colorbar -D $T1 > temp1\n";
+  #print CSH "sed 's/^B.*/B       170     0      0  /' temp1  >  temp2\n";
+  #print CSH "sed 's/^F.*/F         0     0    255  /' temp2 > $cptfile1\n";
+  $origin = "-X1.5 -Y5.0";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":WESN";
+$pmin = 1; $pmax = 1000;
+#$pmin = 95; $pmax = 97;
+$ibest = 1; $ik = 0;
+$idir = "/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_set_0001";
+for ($p = $pmin; $p <= $pmax; $p ++ ) {
+  $im = $p;
+  $stim = sprintf("%4.4i",$im);
+  $file1syn = "$idir/structure_model_${stim}.dat";
+  if (not -f $file1syn) {
+    die("Check if file1syn $file1syn exist or not\n");
+  }
+  $stirun = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0+$im-1);
+  $chifile = "$odir/run_${stirun}/chi.dat";
+  if (not -f $chifile) {die("Check if chifile $chifile exist or not\n");}
+  open(IN,"$chifile");
+  $chi = <IN>;
+  if ($im==933) {$chi = 0}   # target model
+  #$schi = sprintf("F(m) = %.1f",$chi);
+  $schi = sprintf("%.1f",$chi);
+  close(IN);
+  if ( $ibest==0 || ($ibest==1 && $chi <= 100) ) {
+    #print "$p, $schi\n";
+    #print CSH "echo $p, $schi\n";
+    if($ibest==1) {
+      $ik = $ik + 1;
+      $name = "gaussian_cov_model_ibest_${stim}";
+      #$name = "gaussian_cov_model_ibest_$ik";
+    } else {
+      $name = "gaussian_cov_model_${stim}";
+    }
+    $psfile  = "$name.ps";
+    $jpgfile = "$name.jpg";
+    # phase velocity map
+    print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -P -K -V $origin > $psfile\n"; # START
+    #print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$6}' $file1syn | pscontour $R $J1 -A- -C$cptfile1 -I -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+    print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$6}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+    print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+    print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B1syn -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+    #print CSH "awk '{print \$2,\$1}' $idir/BOUNDARIES/oms_shelf |psxy $J1 $R $Wshelf -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+    print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile \n";
+    if (1==1) {
+      # faults
+      $faultfile = "/home/carltape/gmt/faults/jennings_more.xy";
+      if (not -f $faultfile) {
+	die("Check if faultfile $faultfile exist or not\n");
+      }
+      print CSH "psxy $faultfile $J1 $R -W0.75p -M -K -V -O >> $psfile\n";
+      # sources and receivers, plus chi label
+      if ($ibest==1) {
+	print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V -Xa-0 -Ya-0.9 >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM $schi\nEOF\n";
+        print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2}' $efile | psxy $R $J1 $src -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+        print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2}' $rfile | psxy $R $J1 $rec -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+      }
+    }
+    # plot title and GMT header
+    $Utag = "-U/0/0.25/$plabel";
+    $shift = "-Xa-0.5 -Ya-0.5";
+    $stim = sprintf("%4.4i",$im);
+    print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V -Xa-0 -Ya-0.4 >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Model\nEOF\n";
+    print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -O -V -Xa-0 -Ya-0.65 >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM $stim\nEOF\n"; # FINISH
+  }  # ibest = 1
+#  print CSH "convert $psfile $jpgfile\n";
+  close (CSH);
+  system("csh -f $cshfile");
+  system("gv $psfile &")
+  #if($iopt <= 2) {system("xv $jpgfile &")}

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_all.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_mean.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_mean.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_mean.pl	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  plot_gauss_mean.pl
+#  Carl Tape
+#  15-June-2010
+#  Figure to present at Albert Tarantola symposium
+#    ../plot_gauss_mean.pl
+$imodel = 0;
+$im = 1;
+$irun0 = $im;
+# base directory
+$pwd = $ENV{PWD};
+$dirplot = `dirname $pwd`; chomp($dirplot);
+$basedir = `dirname $dirplot`; chomp($basedir);
+#$basedir = "/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_work";
+$mfile_syn = "structure_syn.dat";
+# directories
+$plotdir = "${basedir}/PLOTTING";
+$odir = "${basedir}/OUTPUT";
+$idir = "${basedir}/INPUT";
+$figdir = "${plotdir}/FIGURES";
+if (not -e $figdir) {die("Check if figdir $figdir exist or not\n");}
+$stimodel = sprintf("m%.1f",$imodel/2);
+$stirun0 = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0);
+$stirun = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0+$imodel);
+$dir0 = "$odir/run_${stirun0}";
+if(1==1) {
+   $dir1 = "$odir/run_${stirun}";
+} else {
+   $dir1 = sprintf("$dir0/READ_IN_CG/model_m%4.4i",$imodel);
+$file1syn = "$dir1/${mfile_syn}";
+if (not -f $file1syn) { die("Check if $file1syn exist or not\n") }
+#if (not -f $evefile) { die("Check if $evefile exist or not\n") }
+# read in reference values: alpha0, beta0, per
+if (1==1) {
+  $fileref1 = "$dir0/reference_values.dat";
+  $fileref2 = "$dir0/reference_period.dat";
+  open(IN,$fileref1); @lines = <IN>; ($alpha0,$beta0) = split(" ",$lines[0]);
+  open(IN,$fileref2); $per = <IN>; chomp($per);
+} else {
+  $per = 20;
+  $beta0 = 3500;
+$per_lab = sprintf("T = %3.3f s",$per);
+$beta0_lab  = sprintf("beta0 = %3.3f km/s",$beta0/1000);
+#print "\n-- $per -- $per_lab -- $beta0_lab --\n"; die("testing");
+#$edir  = sprintf("$dir/event_%3.3i",$event);
+#print "\n $dir,$edir,$mfile_dat,$mfile_syn,$beta0,$per,$ifinite,$iopt \n";
+$plabel = "${plotdir}/plot_gauss_mean.pl";
+# plotting specifications
+$fsize0 = "14";
+$fsize1 = "11";
+$fsize2 = "9";
+$fsize3 = "5";
+$fontno = "1";    # 1 or 4
+$tick   = "0.1c";
+$tinc = 50;   # tick increment (in seconds) for source time function
+# plot symbols for sources, receivers, and shelf
+$src0 = "-W0.75p -Sa0.20 -G255/0/0";
+$src = "-W0.75p -Sa0.20";
+$rec = "-W0.5p/0/0/0 -St0.10";
+$rec0 = "-Sc10p -W0.5p";
+$Wshelf = "-W1.0/0/0/0tap";
+# resolution of color plots
+$interp = "-I0.5m/0.5m -S4m";   # key information
+$grdfile = "temp.grd";
+# color
+# KEY: scaling for color
+$scale_color = 21.0;
+$colorbar = "seis";
+# write plotting scripts
+$wid = 2.5;
+$J1 = "-JM${wid}i";      # in lat-lon
+$origin = "-X1.5 -Y2.0";
+$B1dat = "-B1:.\" \":WeSN";
+$B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":wESN";
+$Dlen = 2.0;
+$Dx = $wid/2;
+$Dy = -0.35;
+$Dscale1 = "-D$Dx/$Dy/$Dlen/0.10h";
+$ptick = 0.05;
+#$Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Phase Velocity ( km s\@+-1\@+ )\": -E10p",$ptick);
+$Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from %3.3f  km s\@+-1\@+ \": -E10p",$ptick,$beta0/1000);
+$title = "Membrane Wave Speed";
+#$title = "Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity";
+# set bounds for the plotting
+#$xmin = -121; $xmax = -115.0; $zmin = 31.75; $zmax = 36.5;
+($xmin,$xmax,$zmin,$zmax,$smin,$smax,$tmin,$tmax) = split(" ",`minmax -C $file1syn`);
+#($tt) = sort{$b <=> $a} ($tt,abs($tmin),abs($tmax));
+$dinc = 0.25;  # buffer around min/max
+$xmin = $xmin-$dinc;  $xmax = $xmax+$dinc;
+$zmin = $zmin-$dinc;  $zmax = $zmax+$dinc;
+$R = "-R$xmin/$xmax/$zmin/$zmax";
+print "\n $R \n $smin $smax \n";
+# plot title
+$xtx = $xmin+0.5*($xmax-$xmin);
+$ztx = $zmin+1.10*($zmax-$zmin);
+  #===============================================
+  $cshfile = "plot_gauss_mean.csh";
+  print "\nWriting to CSH file ${cshfile}...\n";
+  open(CSH,">$cshfile");
+  #===============================================
+  # make colorpoint file
+  $pmax = 0.1;
+  $dc = $pmax/10;
+  $T1 = "-T-$pmax/$pmax/$dc";
+  $cptfile1 = "color1.cpt";
+  print CSH "makecpt -C$colorbar -D $T1 > $cptfile1\n";
+  $pmax = 0.1/10;
+  $dc = $pmax/10;
+  $T1 = "-T-$pmax/$pmax/$dc";
+  $cptfile2 = "color2.cpt";
+  print CSH "makecpt -C$colorbar -D $T1 > $cptfile2\n";
+  $pmax = 0.0025;
+  $dc = $pmax/20;
+  $T1 = "-T0/$pmax/$dc";
+  $cptfile3 = "color3.cpt";
+  print CSH "makecpt -Chot -D -I $T1 > $cptfile3\n";
+  $Cfac = 10;
+  $pmax = 0.0025/$Cfac;
+  $dc = $pmax/20;
+  $T1 = "-T0/$pmax/$dc";
+  $cptfile4 = "color4.cpt";
+  print CSH "makecpt -Chot -D -I $T1 > $cptfile4\n";
+  $origin = "-X1 -Y7.5";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":WESN";
+$idir = "/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_set_0001";
+$name    = "gaussian_mean";
+$psfile  = "$name.ps";
+$jpgfile = "$name.jpg";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":WesN";
+  $file1syn = "$idir/mean.dat";
+  if (not -f $file1syn) {die("Check if file1syn $file1syn exist or not\n");}
+   $olab = "-Xa1.3 -Ya-0.15";
+  # mean model
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -P -K -V $origin > $psfile\n";  # START
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$6}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B1syn -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile \n";
+  $faultfile = "/home/carltape/gmt/faults/jennings_more.xy";
+  if (not -f $faultfile) {die("Check if faultfile $faultfile exist or not\n");}
+  print CSH "psxy $faultfile $J1 $R -W0.75p -M -K -V -O >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Mean Model\nEOF\n";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":Wesn";
+  $file1syn = "$idir/mean_est.dat";
+  if (not -f $file1syn) {die("Check if file1syn $file1syn exist or not\n");}
+  $dY0 = 3.2;
+  $shift = "-Y-$dY0";
+  # estimated mean model
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$6}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B1syn -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile \n";
+  print CSH "psxy $faultfile $J1 $R -W0.75p -M -K -V -O >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Estimated Mean Model\nEOF\n";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":Wesn";
+  # estimated mean model -- zoomed
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$6}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile2 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B1syn -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile \n";
+  print CSH "psxy $faultfile $J1 $R -W0.75p -M -K -V -O >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Estimated Mean Model (x10)\nEOF\n";
+# covariance matrices -- NOTE plotting j,i,Cij
+  $file1syn = "$idir/C_Cest.dat";
+  if (not -f $file1syn) {die("Check if file1syn $file1syn exist or not\n");}
+  $B1syn = "-Ba256f32:.\" \":WesN";
+  $J1 = "-JX${wid}i/-${wid}i";
+  $dY2 = 2*$dY0;
+  $shift = "-X3.5i -Y${dY2}i";
+  $xmin = 0; $xmax = 1025; $zmin = 0; $zmax = 1025;
+  $R = "-R$xmin/$xmax/$zmin/$zmax";
+  $interp = "-I2/2 -S2";   # key information
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$3}' $file1syn | psxy -C$cptfile3 -Sc1p $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$2,\$1,\$3}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile3 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmax $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Covariance Matrix\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  $shift = "-Y-$dY0";
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$3}' $file1syn | psxy -C$cptfile3 -Sc1p $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$2,\$1,\$4}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile3 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmax $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Maximum Likelihood Matrix\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+  #print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$3}' $file1syn | psxy -C$cptfile4 -Sc1p $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "awk '{print \$2,\$1,\$4-\$3}' $file1syn | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+  print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile4 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmax $fsize0 0 $fontno CM Residual Matrix (x$Cfac)\nEOF\n";
+  print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+#  print CSH "convert $psfile $jpgfile\n";
+  print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R -O -V -Xa-0 -Ya-0.65 >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno CM \nEOF\n";  # FINISH
+  close (CSH);
+  system("csh -f $cshfile");
+  system("gv $psfile &")
+  #if($iopt <= 2) {system("xv $jpgfile &")}

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_gauss_mean.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model.pl	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model.pl	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
 #    ../plot_surf_model.pl 4 700 0 1/0/5 0.1/0.05 stf_00001_1 0
 #    ../plot_surf_model.pl 4 800 0 0/1/5 0.1/0.05 stf_00001_1 0
+#    ../plot_surf_model.pl 4 5000 0 1/0/5 0.1/0.05 stf_00001_1 0
+#    ../plot_surf_model.pl 4 5000 2 1/0/5 0.1/0.05 stf_00001_1 0
+#  Set of 1000 models
+#    ../plot_surf_model.pl 1 0001 0 1/0/1 0.1/0.05 stf_00001_1 0
 if (@ARGV < 7) {die("Usage: plot_surf_model.pl xxx\n");}
@@ -51,11 +57,18 @@
 $figdir = "${plotdir}/FIGURES";
 if (not -e $figdir) {die("Check if figdir $figdir exist or not\n");}
+$stimodel = sprintf("m%.1f",$imodel/2);
 $stirun0 = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0);
 $stirun = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0+$imodel);
 $dir0 = "$odir/run_${stirun0}";
-$dir1 = "$odir/run_${stirun}";
+if(1==1) {
+   $dir1 = "$odir/run_${stirun}";
+} else {
+   $dir1 = sprintf("$dir0/READ_IN_CG/model_m%4.4i",$imodel);
 $dir2 = sprintf("$dir1/event_%3.3i",$ievent);
 $stf_file = "$dir2/${stf_file1}";
 $rec_file = "$dir2/${rec_file1}";
@@ -182,6 +195,7 @@
   $plot_title = "Model for synthetics";
   $origin = "-X1.5 -Y5.0";
+  $B1syn = "-B1:.\" \":WESN";
   # phase velocity map
   print CSH "psbasemap $B1syn $R $J1 -P -K -V $origin > $psfile\n";  # START
@@ -192,9 +206,15 @@
   #print CSH "awk '{print \$2,\$1}' $idir/BOUNDARIES/oms_shelf |psxy $J1 $R $Wshelf -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
   print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile \n";
+  if (1==1) {
+    $faultfile = "/home/carltape/gmt/faults/jennings_more.xy";
+    if (not -f $faultfile) {die("Check if faultfile $faultfile exist or not\n");}
+    print CSH "psxy $faultfile $J1 $R -W0.75p -M -K -V -O >> $psfile\n";
+  }
   # plot title and GMT header
   $Utag = "-U/0/0.25/$plabel";
-  $shift = "-Xa-$dX -Ya4";
+  $shift = "-Xa0 -Ya4";
   print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R $Utag -O -V $shift >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno LM $plot_title\nEOF\n";  # FINISH
@@ -259,7 +279,7 @@
 if($iopt == 4) {
   # model for data (optional)
-  $plot_title = "Target model, initial model, and source time function (run_${stirun})";
+  $plot_title = "Target model, model $stimodel, and source time function (run_${stirun})";
   $shift = "-Y4.0 -X-0.9";
   # phase velocity map

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model_all.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model_all.pl	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/PLOTTING/plot_surf_model_all.pl	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 $comp = 1;
-$ifig1 = 1;
+$ifig0 = 0;
+$ifig1 = 0;
 $ifig2 = 1;
 $itest = 0;      # plot CG test models or not
@@ -168,34 +169,177 @@
     $stmod = sprintf("m%2.2i",$imodel/2);
+  # target model
+  $filedat = "$dir0/${mfile_dat}";
   # directories (current model and previos model)
   $stirun  = sprintf("%4.4i",$irun0+$imodel);
   $dir1    = "$odir/run_${stirun}";
-  $name = "model_all_${stirun}";
-  $psfile = "$name.ps";
-  $jpgfile = "$name.jpg";
+  #-----------------------------
+  # FIGURE 0
+  if ($ifig0 == 1) {
+    $name = "model_all_${stirun}_f0";
+    $psfile0 = "$name.ps";
+    $jpgfile = "$name.jpg";
+    # write plotting scripts
+    $wid = $wid1;
+    $J1 = "-JM${wid}i";		# in lat-lon
+    $origin = "-X1.5 -Y7.25";
+    $Dlen = 2.0; $Dx = $wid/2; $Dy = -0.35;
+    $Dscale1 = "-D$Dx/$Dy/$Dlen/0.15h";
+    $Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from %3.3f  km s\@+-1\@+ \": -E10p",$ptick,$beta0/1000);
+    $Bscale2  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from mtar\": -E10p",$ptick);
+    $xlab = $wid/2;
+    $ylab = -0.02*$wid;
+    $olab = "-Xa$xlab -Ya$ylab";
+    print "\n----FIGURE 1--model $stmod----\n";
+    @files = ("$dir0/${mfile_syn}","$dir0/${mfile_syn}",
+	      "$dir1/${mfile_syn}","$dir1/${mfile_syn}",
+	      "$dir0/${mfile_dat}","$dir0/${mfile_dat}");
+    @stlabs = ("m00","mtar - m00",$stmod,"mtar - $stmod","mtar","mtar - mtar");
+    # only plot even models (m04 = iteration 8)
+    $kmaxt = 6;
+    $kmaxm = 6*(1 - $mtest);	# =0 for test model
+    if ($itest == 1) {
+      $kmax = $kmaxt;
+    } else {
+      $kmax = $kmaxm;
+    }
+    # loop over subplots
+    for ($k = 0; $k < $kmax; $k = $k+1) {
+      $iB = $Bopts1[$k];
+      $shift = $shifts1[$k];
+      $B = "${B0}${iB}";
+      $find = $fcol;
+      $find2 = 2*$fcol;
+      $file1 = $files[$k];
+      if (not -f $file1) {
+	die("Check if $file1 exist or not\n");
+      }
+      # column-concatenate target model and current model
+      if ($k % 2 == 1) {
+	$file2 = "ftemp";
+	print CSH "paste $filedat $file1 > $file2\n";
+      }
+      # phase velocity map
+      if ($k==0 && $m==$imodelmin) {
+	# set bounds for the plotting
+	#$xmin = -121; $xmax = -115.0; $zmin = 31.75; $zmax = 36.5;
+	($xmin,$xmax,$zmin,$zmax,$smin,$smax,$tmin,$tmax) = split(" ",`minmax -C $file1`);
+	$dinc = 0.25;		# buffer around min/max
+	$xmin = $xmin-$dinc;  $xmax = $xmax+$dinc;
+	$zmin = $zmin-$dinc;  $zmax = $zmax+$dinc;
+	$R = "-R$xmin/$xmax/$zmin/$zmax";
+	print "\n$R\n";
+      }
+      if ($k==0) {
+	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -V -P $origin > $psfile0\n"; # START
+      } else {
+	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      if ($icolor == 1) {
+	#print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$7}' $file1 | pscontour $R $J1 -A- -C$cptfile1 -I -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+	if ($k % 2 == 0) {
+	  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$${find}}' $file1 | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+	} else {
+	  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$${find}-\$${find2}}' $file2 | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
+	}
+	print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      # plot receivers
+      if (0==1) {		# numbered large circles
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $rec0 >> $psfile0\n";
+	$rec_file2 = text_rec; $angle = 0; $just = "CM";
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3,$fsize3,$angle,$fontno,\"$just\",\$4}' $rec_file > $rec_file2\n";
+	print CSH "pstext $rec_file2 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      } else {			# small circles
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N -Sc5p -W0.5p $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      # plot sources
+      if ($ievent_one) {
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"S\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy $src0 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      if ($ievent_all) {
+	print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2}' $evefile | psxy $src -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      # plot label
+      $stlab = $stlabs[$k];
+      $textinfo = "-N -C4p -W255/255/255o,1.0p,0/0/0,solid -G0/0/0";
+      print CSH "pstext $R_title $J_title $textinfo -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile0<<EOF\n0 0 12 0 $fontno CM $stlab\nEOF\n";
+      # colorscale bars
+      if ($k==4) {
+	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      if ($k==5) {
+	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale2 -K -O -V >> $psfile0\n";
+      }
+      # plot title and GMT header
+      if ($k==5) {
+	$plot_title = "Model m00, model $stmod, and target model (run_${stirun})";
+	$Utag = "-U/0/0.25/$plabel";
+	$shift = "-Xa-3.5 -Ya8.5";
+	print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R $Utag -O -V $shift >>$psfile0<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno LM $plot_title\nEOF\n"; # FINISH
+	if ($ijpg == 1) {
+	  print CSH "convert $psfile0 $jpgfile\n";
+	}
+	if ($ipdf == 1) {
+	  print CSH "ps2pdf $psfile0\n";
+	}
+      }
+    }				# loop over subplots
+  }
+  #-----------------------------
+  # FIGURE 1
   if ($ifig1 == 1) {
-# write plotting scripts
-$wid = $wid1;
-$J1 = "-JM${wid}i";      # in lat-lon
-$origin = "-X1.5 -Y7.25";
-$Dlen = 2.0; $Dx = $wid/2; $Dy = -0.35;
-$Dscale1 = "-D$Dx/$Dy/$Dlen/0.15h";
-$Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from %3.3f  km s\@+-1\@+ \": -E10p",$ptick,$beta0/1000);
-$Bscale2  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from m00 \": -E10p",$ptick);
-$xlab = $wid/2;
-$ylab = -0.02*$wid;
-$olab = "-Xa$xlab -Ya$ylab";
+    $name = "model_all_${stirun}_f1";
+    $psfile1 = "$name.ps";
+    $jpgfile = "$name.jpg";
+    # write plotting scripts
+    $wid = $wid1;
+    $J1 = "-JM${wid}i";		# in lat-lon
+    $origin = "-X1.5 -Y7.25";
+    $Dlen = 2.0; $Dx = $wid/2; $Dy = -0.35;
+    $Dscale1 = "-D$Dx/$Dy/$Dlen/0.15h";
+    $Bscale1  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from %3.3f  km s\@+-1\@+ \": -E10p",$ptick,$beta0/1000);
+    $Bscale2  = sprintf("-B%2.2e:\" Perturbation from m00 \": -E10p",$ptick);
+    $xlab = $wid/2;
+    $ylab = -0.02*$wid;
+    $olab = "-Xa$xlab -Ya$ylab";
     print "\n----FIGURE 1--model $stmod----\n";
     @files = ("$dir0/${mfile_syn}","$dir0/${mfile_syn}",
-             "$dir1/${mfile_syn}","$dir1/${mfile_syn}",
-             "$dir0/${mfile_dat}","$dir0/${mfile_dat}");
-    @stlabs = ("m00","ln(m00/m00)",$stmod,"ln($stmod/m00)","mtar","ln(mtar/m00)");
+	      "$dir1/${mfile_syn}","$dir1/${mfile_syn}",
+	      "$dir0/${mfile_dat}","$dir0/${mfile_dat}");
+    @stlabs = ("m00","m00 - m00",$stmod,"$stmod - m00","mtar","mtar - m00");
     # only plot even models (m04 = iteration 8)
     $kmaxt = 6;
@@ -240,53 +384,53 @@
       if ($k==0) {
-	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -V -P $origin > $psfile\n"; # START
+	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -V -P $origin > $psfile1\n"; # START
       } else {
-	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "psbasemap $B $R $J1 -K -O -V $shift >> $psfile1\n";
       if ($icolor == 1) {
-	#print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$7}' $file1 | pscontour $R $J1 -A- -C$cptfile1 -I -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	#print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$7}' $file1 | pscontour $R $J1 -A- -C$cptfile1 -I -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
 	if ($k % 2 == 0) {
 	  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$${find}}' $file1 | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
 	} else {
 	  print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2,\$${find}-\$${find2}}' $file2 | nearneighbor -G$grdfile $R $interp\n";
-	print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "grdimage $grdfile -C$cptfile1 $J1 -K -O -V -Q >> $psfile1\n";
-      print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+      print CSH "pscoast $J1 $R $B -W1p -Na/1p -Dh -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       # plot receivers
       if (0==1) {		# numbered large circles
-	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $rec0 >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N $J1 $R -K -O -V $rec0 >> $psfile1\n";
 	$rec_file2 = text_rec; $angle = 0; $just = "CM";
 	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3,$fsize3,$angle,$fontno,\"$just\",\$4}' $rec_file > $rec_file2\n";
-	print CSH "pstext $rec_file2 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "pstext $rec_file2 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       } else {			# small circles
-	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N -Sc5p -W0.5p $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"R\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy -N -Sc5p -W0.5p $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       # plot sources
       if ($ievent_one) {
-	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"S\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy $src0 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "awk '\$1 == \"S\" {print \$2,\$3}' $rec_file | psxy $src0 -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       if ($ievent_all) {
-	print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2}' $evefile | psxy $src -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "awk '{print \$1,\$2}' $evefile | psxy $src -N $J1 $R -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       # plot label
       $stlab = $stlabs[$k];
       $textinfo = "-N -C4p -W255/255/255o,1.0p,0/0/0,solid -G0/0/0";
-      print CSH "pstext $R_title $J_title $textinfo -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile<<EOF\n0 0 12 0 $fontno CM $stlab\nEOF\n";
+      print CSH "pstext $R_title $J_title $textinfo -K -O -V $olab >>$psfile1<<EOF\n0 0 12 0 $fontno CM $stlab\nEOF\n";
       # colorscale bars
       if ($k==4) {
-	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale1 -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       if ($k==5) {
-	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale2 -K -O -V >> $psfile\n";
+	print CSH "psscale -C$cptfile1 $Dscale1 $Bscale2 -K -O -V >> $psfile1\n";
       # plot title and GMT header
@@ -294,13 +438,13 @@
 	$plot_title = "Model m00, model $stmod, and target model (run_${stirun})";
 	$Utag = "-U/0/0.25/$plabel";
 	$shift = "-Xa-3.5 -Ya8.5";
-	print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R $Utag -O -V $shift >>$psfile<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno LM $plot_title\nEOF\n"; # FINISH
+	print CSH "pstext -N $J1 $R $Utag -O -V $shift >>$psfile1<<EOF\n $xmin $zmin $fsize0 0 $fontno LM $plot_title\nEOF\n"; # FINISH
 	if ($ijpg == 1) {
-	  print CSH "convert $psfile $jpgfile\n";
+	  print CSH "convert $psfile1 $jpgfile\n";
 	if ($ipdf == 1) {
-	  print CSH "ps2pdf $psfile\n";
+	  print CSH "ps2pdf $psfile1\n";
@@ -327,7 +471,7 @@
     print "\n--------FIGURE 2---models $stmodp, $stmodt, $stmod---\n";
-    $name2 = "model_pert_${stirun}";
+    $name2 = "model_all_${stirun}_f2";
     $psfile2 = "$name2.ps";
     $jpgfile2 = "$name2.jpg";
@@ -351,9 +495,9 @@
     @files1 = ("$dir1p/${mfile_syn}","$dir1p/${mfile_syn}","$dir0/${mfile_dat}",
-    @stlabs = ($stmodp,"ln($stmodp/$stmodp)","ln(mtar/$stmodp)",
-               $stmodt,"ln($stmodt/$stmodp)","ln(mtar/$stmodt)",
-               $stmod,"ln($stmod/$stmodp)","ln(mtar/$stmod)");
+    @stlabs = ($stmodp,"$stmodp - $stmodp","mtar - $stmodp",
+               $stmodt,"$stmodt - $stmodp","mtar - $stmodt",
+               $stmod,"$stmod - $stmodp","mtar - $stmod");
     $kmax = 9;
@@ -476,7 +620,8 @@
 close (CSH);
 system("csh -f $cshfile");
-if($ifig1==1) {system("gv $psfile &")}
+if($ifig0==1) {system("gv $psfile0 &")}
+if($ifig1==1) {system("gv $psfile1 &")}
 if($ifig2==1) {system("gv $psfile2 &")}

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_poly.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_poly.m	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_poly.m	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 % add path to additional matlab scripts
-path(path,[pwd '/matlab_scripts']);
+path([pwd '/matlab_scripts'],path);
 npts = 100;
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 %parms = [500 0 3];    % joint inversion: 25 sources, Nfac=3
 %parms = [600 0 3];    % structure inversion: 25 sources, Nfac=2
+parms = [6000 0 3];
 irun0 = parms(1);       % irun for m0
@@ -55,14 +57,16 @@
-odir = 'OUTPUT/';
+odir0 = 'OUTPUT/';
+odir  = [dir0 odir0];
+%odir  = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_OUTPUT_OLD_2/';  % CHT
 strun0  = ['irun0 = ' num2str(irun0) ];
 % determine the number of iterations
 k = 0;
 while k < 100
     irun = irun0 + k;
-    chifile = [dir0 odir 'run_' sprintf(stfm,irun) '/chi.dat'];
+    chifile = [odir 'run_' sprintf(stfm,irun) '/chi.dat'];
     iexist = exist(chifile);
     if iexist == 2
         chi = load(chifile);
@@ -95,7 +99,7 @@
 % chits = zeros(niter,1);
 % % load initial chi value
-% stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' sprintf(stfm,irun0) '/'];
+% stf = [odir 'run_' sprintf(stfm,irun0) '/'];
 % ww = 'summed_chi_all';
 % load([stf ww '.dat']); chi = eval(ww); chis(1) = chi;
@@ -103,8 +107,8 @@
 % for ii=1:niter
 %     irun = irun_vec(ii);
-%     stft = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
-%     stf  = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun+1)) '/'];
+%     stft = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
+%     stf  = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun+1)) '/'];
 %     chit = load([stft 'summed_chi_all.dat']);
 %     chi  = load([stf 'summed_chi_all.dat']);
 %     chis(ii+1) = chi;
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@
     %if or(ifinal_test==1, ii < niter)
         if icubic == 1
             ww = 'cubic_poly';
-            stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
+            stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
             load([stf ww '.dat']); temp = eval(ww)';
             x1 = temp(1); x2 = temp(2);
@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@
             g1 = temp(5); g2 = temp(6);
             ww = 'quad_poly';
-            stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
+            stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
             load([stf ww '.dat']); temp = eval(ww)';
             x1 = temp(1); x2 = temp(2);
@@ -387,8 +391,8 @@
 axis([xlims 0 1]); grid on; set(gca,'xtick',xticks);
-ylabel(' variance reduction');
-title(' variance reduction between successive models');
+ylabel(' Logarithmic Variance Reduction');
+title(' Variance reduction between successive models');
 % subplot(nr,nc,4); plot(its(2:end),var_red2,'.-');
 % xlim(xlims); grid on; set(gca,'xtick',its);
@@ -405,7 +409,7 @@
 axis([xlims 0 0.7]); grid on; set(gca,'xtick',xticks);
-ylabel(' order of convergence rate, | \Delta log10(S) /  \Delta k |');
+ylabel(' Order of convergence rate, | \Delta log10(S) /  \Delta k |');
 fontsize(9), orient tall, wysiwyg
@@ -416,7 +420,7 @@
 % specify number of iterations to plot; load initial chi
 niter = 1;
 stirun = [' irun0 = ' num2str(irun0) '; niter = ' num2str(niter) ];
-stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun0)) '/'];
+stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun0)) '/'];
 ww = 'chi';
 load([stf ww '.dat']); chi = eval(ww); chis(1) = chi;
@@ -428,14 +432,14 @@
     if icubic == 1
         ww = 'cubic_poly';
-        stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
+        stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
         load([stf ww '.dat']); temp = eval(ww)';
         x1 = temp(1); x2 = temp(2);
         y1 = temp(3); y2 = temp(4);
         g1 = temp(5); g2 = temp(6);
         ww = 'quad_poly';
-        stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
+        stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun)) '/'];
         load([stf ww '.dat']); temp = eval(ww)';
         x1 = temp(1); x2 = temp(2);
         y1 = temp(3); y2 = temp(4);
@@ -554,7 +558,7 @@
     % load actual chi-value computed from the next run
     % wave2d: xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2,g1,g2,Pa,Pb,Pc,Pd,xmin
     ww = 'chi';
-    stf = [dir0 odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun+1)) '/'];
+    stf = [odir 'run_' num2str(sprintf(stfm,irun+1)) '/'];
     load([stf ww '.dat']);
     chi = eval(ww);

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_run.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_run.m	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_cg_run.m	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 % add path to additional matlab scripts
-path(path,[pwd '/matlab_scripts']);
+path([pwd '/matlab_scripts'],path);
 stfm = '%4.4i';
@@ -33,24 +33,33 @@
 if ~exist(dirbase,'dir'), error(['dirbase ' dirbase ' does not exist']); end
 % directory with Matlab parameterization for full covariance matrix
-dirrand = [dirbase '/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_001/'];
+im = 1;     % KEY: index for model (im=1 for 50km, im=2 for 25km)
+stim = sprintf('%3.3i',im);
+dirrand = [dirbase '/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_' stim '/'];
 if ~exist(dirrand,'dir'), error(['dirrand ' dirrand ' does not exist']); end
 % KEY
-parms = [1000 0];
-%parms = [1500 4];
+%parms = [4000 31];
+%parms = [6000 31];
+parms = [6000 8];
-% icg = 1: emulate wave2d.f90 algorithm
-% icg = 2: emulate wave2d.f90 algorithm, but use 32 x 32 cells
-% icg = 3: CG algorithm with full covariance matrix and 32 x 32 cells
-icg = 1;
+% icg = 1: emulate wave2d.f90 algorithm (diagonal Cm)
+% icg = 2: emulate wave2d.f90 algorithm, but use 32 x 32 cells (diagonal Cm)
+% icg = 3: CG algorithm with full Cm and 32 x 32 cells
+% icg = 4: source subspace algorithm with full Cm and 32 x 32 cells
+icg = 4;
 iwrite = 1;
 iplotmod = 1;
-iplotker = 1;
+iplotker = 0;
 sticg = sprintf('%2.2i',icg);
+nsrc = 25;
+% whether to use smoothed event kernels
+if any(icg == [3 4]), ismooth = 0; else ismooth = 1; end
 irun0 = parms(1);
 istep = parms(2);
 imaketest = ~mod(istep,2);
@@ -87,16 +96,14 @@
 if ~exist(dirm0,'dir'), error(['dirm0 ' dirm0 ' does not exist']); end
 % assign the input and output directories
+idir1 = dirm0;
+idir2 = dirmp;
 if imaketest==1
     imo = imt;
-    idir1 = dirm0;
-    idir2 = dirmp;
-    odir  = dirmt;
+    odir = dirmt;
+    if icg==4, imo = imk; odir = dirmk; end
     imo = imk;
-    idir1 = dirm0;
-    idir2 = dirmp;   % directory for previous gradient
     odir  = dirmk;
     if ~exist(dirmt,'dir'), error(['dirmt ' dirmt ' does not exist']); end
@@ -187,7 +194,7 @@
 %[m_str_lon,m_str_lat,m_str_kappa,m_str_mu,m_str_rho,m_str_B] = ...
 %    textread([idir1 'structure_syn.dat'],'%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
-% prior, initiral, and target models
+% prior, initial, and target models
 [mprior, m0_initial, mtarget] = textread([dir0 'prior_initial_target_models.dat'],'%f%f%f');
 % CURRENT model vector
@@ -196,32 +203,6 @@
 %[m0_B, m0_T, m0_X, m0_Y] = wave2d_splitm(m0,m_inds);
 %[m0_vec_B, m0_vec_T, m0_vec_X, m0_vec_Y] = wave2d_splitm(m0_vec,m_inds);
-% initial
-% load kernels
-kernels_all = zeros(nlocal,nevent_run);
-for ii=1:nevent_run
-    ievent = einds(ii)
-    dirK = [idir1 'event_' sprintf('%3.3i',ievent) '/'];
-    if icg==3
-        kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis']); Kbeta = kernel(:,7);
-    else
-        kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis_smooth']); Kbeta = kernel(:,3);
-    end
-    kernels_all(:,ii) = Kbeta;
-    if iplotker==1
-        Zp = griddata(xg,yg,Kbeta,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
-        figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
-        caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(Kbeta))*0.8);
-    end
-summed_ker = sum(kernels_all,2);
-% source gradient
-source_gradient = load([idir1 'source_gradient.dat']);
-%source_gradient = zeros(nmod_src,1);
 % data covariance
 % nmeas_run = nevent_run * nrec * NCOMP
 %  double precision, parameter :: SIGMA_DT = 0.10
@@ -251,8 +232,41 @@
 data_norm0 = load([idir1 'data_norm.dat']);
 model_norm0 = load([idir1 'model_norm.dat']);
 chi0 = load([idir1 'chi.dat'])
-data_norm0, data_norm, sum(chi_data_vec)
+data_norm0, data_norm, sum(chi_data_vec), DTvec' * diag(1./covd_diag) * DTvec
+% vector of number of measurement windows per event
+Ns_vec = nrec * ones(nsrc,1);   % KEY: same measurements per event
+Nsi_vec = zeros(nmeas_run,1);
+cNs = cumsum(Ns_vec);
+Ns_inds = [ [1 ; cNs(1:end-1)+1] cNs ];
+% KEY: compute projected data vector
+[dnorm2, indmat] = wave2d_dsub(DTvec,covd_diag,Ns_vec);
+whos chi_data_vec dnorm2
+data_norm0, data_norm, sum(chi_data_vec), sum(dnorm2)
+% compute variance reduction for EVERY SINGLE WINDOW
+if and(imaketest==1, istep >= 2)
+    % load measurements for PREVIOUS model
+    meas_allp = load([idir2 'measure_vec.dat']);
+    DTvecp = meas_allp(:,1);
+    [VR_i, VR_s, VR_tot] = wave2d_VR(DTvecp,DTvec,sigma_DT,covd_diag,Ns_inds);
+% KEY: stopping criterion
+if and(imaketest==1, istep >= 2)
+    % previous chi value
+    chip = load([dirmp 'chi.dat']);
+    disp('----------------');
+    chip, chi0, log( chip / chi0 ), VAR_RED_MIN
+    if log( chip / chi0 ) < VAR_RED_MIN
+        error('VR stopping criteria has been met');
+    end
 % sigma values
 % write(19,'(2e20.10)') sigma_beta, m_scale_str(1)
 % write(19,'(2e20.10)') sigma_ts, m_scale_src(1)
@@ -268,6 +282,33 @@
 [alpha0, beta0, rho0, bulk0, kappa0, mu0] = ...
     textread([idir1 'reference_values.dat'],'%f%f%f%f%f%f');
+% load kernels
+kernels_all = zeros(nlocal,nevent_run);
+for ii=1:nevent_run
+    ievent = einds(ii)
+    dirK = [idir1 'event_' sprintf('%3.3i',ievent) '/'];
+    kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis_smooth']);
+    if ismooth == 0
+        Kbeta = kernel(:,4); cfac = 0.2;
+    else
+        Kbeta = kernel(:,3); cfac = 0.8;
+    end
+    kernels_all(:,ii) = Kbeta;
+    if and(iplotker==1,icg==1)
+        Zp = griddata(xg,yg,Kbeta,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+        figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
+        axis equal, axis tight
+        colormap(seis); caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(Kbeta))*cfac);
+        title(sprintf('Event kernel %i/%i',ii,nevent_run));
+    end
+summed_ker = sum(kernels_all,2);
+% source gradient
+source_gradient = load([idir1 'source_gradient.dat']);
+%source_gradient = zeros(nmod_src,1);
@@ -291,6 +332,7 @@
         cov_imetric(indT) = cov_model(indT) / covg_weight_parts(2);
         cov_imetric(indX) = cov_model(indX) / covg_weight_parts(3);
         cov_imetric(indY) = cov_model(indY) / covg_weight_parts(4);
         cov_model = zeros(nmod,1);
@@ -423,12 +465,6 @@
         % test model
         mt = m0 + lam_t_val*pk;
-        mt_vec = zeros(nmod,1);
-        %mt_vec(1 : NLOCAL) = beta0 * exp( mt(1 : NLOCAL) )
-        %mt_vec(nmod_str+1 : nmod) = mt(nmod_str+1 : nmod)
-        mt_vec(1:nlocal) = beta0 * exp( mt(1:nlocal) );
-        mt_vec(nlocal+1 : nmod) = mt(nlocal+1 : nmod);
         % load chi for test model
         chi_t_val = load(chitfile);
@@ -438,7 +474,7 @@
         xx2 = lam_t_val
         yy1 = chi_k_val
         yy2 = chi_t_val
-        g1  = sum(gk .* pk)
+        g1  = sum(gk .* pk);
         %g1  = sum(g0 .* pk);
         % coefficients of the quadratic polynomial (ax^2 + bx + c)
@@ -461,17 +497,12 @@
         lam_0_val = xmin;
         mk = m0 + lam_0_val * pk;
-        m0_vec = zeros(nmod,1);
-        %m0_vec(1 : NLOCAL) = beta0 * exp( m0(1 : NLOCAL) )
-        %m0_vec(nmod_str+1 : nmod) = m0(nmod_str+1 : nmod)
-        mk_vec(1:nlocal) = beta0 * exp( mk(1:nlocal) );
-        mk_vec(nlocal+1 : nmod) = mk(nlocal+1 : nmod);
-% icg = 1 ==> text
-elseif or(icg == 2, icg==3)
+elseif any(icg == [2 3 4])
     % load Matlab parameterization of the fields (gaussian_2D.m)
     load([dirrand 'matlab_vars']);
@@ -484,7 +515,7 @@
     % compute the GLL gridpoint (local) closest to each nx x ny cell;
     % this will give a quick mapping from kernels to cells
-    [iGLL, dGLL] = wave2d_gll2cell(xg,yg,x,y);
+    %[iGLL, dGLL] = wave2d_gll2cell(xg,yg,x,y);
     % indexing for cell-based model
     m_indsi = m_inds - nlocal + ncell; m_indsi(1,1) = 1;    
@@ -501,7 +532,7 @@
     Avec = sqrt( dAvec/Atot );
     n*dA - Atot, sum(Avec.^2)         % check
-    if 1==1
+    if 0==1
         % plot full covariance matrix
         figure; imagesc(C);
         title('prior model covariance matrix');
@@ -539,7 +570,7 @@
         cov_weight_vec(indXi) = dnevent_run * coverage_src / covg_weight_parts(3);
         cov_weight_vec(indYi) = dnevent_run * coverage_src / covg_weight_parts(4);
-        % KEY command for full covariance matrix
+        % KEY: weighting for full covariance matrix
         Cmod = diag(sqrt(cov_weight_vec)) * Cfull * diag(sqrt(cov_weight_vec));
@@ -574,42 +605,50 @@
     if icg==2
         Crun = diag(diag(Cmod));
-    else
+    else   % icg = 3,4
         Crun = Cmod;
-    % model
+    % models
-    m0i             = wave2d_m_gll2cell(m0,xg,yg,x,y,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
-    m0i_vec         = wave2d_m_gll2cell(m0_vec,xg,yg,x,y,nx,ny,nmod_src,1); 
-    mpriori         = wave2d_m_gll2cell(mprior,xg,yg,x,y,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
-    %m0i_initial     = wave2d_m_gll2cell(m0_initial,xg,yg,x,y,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
-    %m0i_vec_initial = wave2d_m_gll2cell(m0_vec_initial,xg,yg,x,y,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
-    %m0i = zeros(nmodi,1);
-    %m0i(1:ncell) = m0(iGLL);
-    %m0i(indTXYi) = m0(indTXY);
+    m0i      = wave2d_m_gll2cell(m0,xg,yg,Xp,Yp,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
+    mpriori  = wave2d_m_gll2cell(mprior,xg,yg,Xp,Yp,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
+    mtargeti = wave2d_m_gll2cell(mtarget,xg,yg,Xp,Yp,nx,ny,nmod_src,1);
     % gradient
     % interpolate kernels onto cells
     kernels_alli = zeros(ncell,nevent_run);
-    for ii=1:nevent_run   
-        Kbeta = kernels_all(iGLL,ii);  % crude interpolation
-        kernels_alli(:,ii) = Kbeta;
+    for ii=1:nevent_run 
+        % kernels_all is computed above
+        Kbeta0 = kernels_all(:,ii);
+        %Kbeta = Kbeta0(iGLL);  % crude interpolation
+        Kbeta = wave2d_gll2cell(xg,yg,Kbeta0,Xp,Yp);
+        kernels_alli(:,ii) = Kbeta(:);
         if iplotker==1
-            % gradient
-            Zp = reshape( Kbeta, ny, nx);
-            %Zp = griddata(xg,yg,,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
-            figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
-            caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(Kbeta))*0.8);
+            % plot ghat and g = Cm*ghat
+            figure; nr=2; nc=1;
+            Zp = Kbeta;
+            %Zp = reshape( Kbeta, ny, nx);   % gradient
+            subplot(nr,nc,1); imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); axis equal, axis tight;
+            caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(Kbeta(:)))*0.8); colormap(seis); colorbar;
+            title(sprintf('kernel %i out of %i',ii,nevent_run));
-            % steepest ascent vector
-            Zp = reshape( C * Kbeta, ny, nx);
-            figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
-            caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(C * Kbeta))*0.8);
+            Zp = reshape( C * Kbeta(:), ny, nx);  % steepest ascent vector
+            subplot(nr,nc,2); imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); axis equal, axis tight;
+            caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(C * Kbeta(:)))*0.8); colormap(seis); colorbar;
+            title(sprintf('kernel %i out of %i',ii,nevent_run));
+            orient tall, wysiwyg;
+            if 0==1
+                %print(gcf,'-depsc',sprintf('kernel_%2.2i',ii) );
+                %print(gcf,'-dpsc',sprintf('kernel_%2.2i',ii) );
+                print(gcf,'-dpdf',sprintf('kernel_%2.2i',ii) );
+                pause(1);
+            end
     summed_keri = sum(kernels_alli,2);
@@ -655,34 +694,217 @@
     model_norm0, model_normi % sum( m0i(1:ncell).^2 .* cinv(1:ncell) )
     % check chi model values
-    chi0 = load([idir1 'chi.dat'])
     chi_k_val = 0.5*(data_norm + model_normi)
     chi_k_val = chi0        % just use the real chi value
-    % emulate CG algorithm in wave2d.f90 -- THIS ASSUMES A FULL COVARIANCE MATRIX
-    % compute new model vector (mt or mk)
-    gfile = [idir2 gfilemp];
-    mu_val = chi_data_stop;
-    gk = gradienti_tot;
-    [M,pk] = wave2d_cg(m0i,gk,Crun,chi_k_val,mu_val,istep,imaketest,gfile,chitfile);
+    if icg ~=4 
+        % emulate CG algorithm in wave2d.f90 -- THIS ASSUMES A FULL COVARIANCE MATRIX
+        % compute new model vector (mt or mk)
+        gfile = [idir2 gfilemp];
+        mu_val = chi_data_stop;
+        gk = gradienti_tot;
+        [M,pk] = wave2d_cg(m0i,gk,Crun,chi_k_val,mu_val,istep,imaketest,gfile,chitfile);
+        if imaketest==1
+            mti = M;
+        else
+            mki = M;
+        end
-    % convert model vector entries to physical values -- also ensure that
-    % entries are unchanged if you are not inverting for them
-    if imaketest==1
-        mti = M;
-        mti_vec = zeros(nmodi,1);
-        mti_vec(1:ncell) = beta0 * exp( mti(1:ncell) );
-        mti_vec(ncell+1 : nmodi) = mti(ncell+1 : nmodi);
+    else
+        % blocks from Cm
+        Cstr = Cmod(indBi,indBi);
+        csrc = diag(Cmod(indTXYi,indTXYi));   % diagonal
-    else
-        mki = M;
-        mki_vec = zeros(nmodi,1);
-        mki_vec(1:ncell) = beta0 * exp( mki(1:ncell) );
-        mki_vec(ncell+1 : nmodi) = mki(ncell+1 : nmodi);
+        % gradient for structure
+        Gstr = zeros(nevent_run,ncell);
+        wvec = sqrt( dnorm2 );
+        Gstr = -kernels_alli' .* repmat(dAvec',nevent_run,1) .* repmat(1./wvec, 1, ncell);
+        % gradient for source
+        Gsrc = zeros(nevent_run,nmod_src);
+        %Gsrc = [diag(gradienti_tot(indTi)) diag(gradienti_tot(indXi)) diag(gradienti_tot(indYi))];
+        % partial derivatives matrix (nsrc x nmodi)
+        G = [Gstr Gsrc];
+        % modified data vector
+        dmod = sqrt(dnorm2) + G*(m0i-mpriori);
+        % compute subspace Hessian
+        [Hstr,Hsrc] = wave2d_compute_hessian(Gstr,Gsrc,Cstr,csrc);
+        H = Hstr + Hsrc + eye(nsrc,nsrc);
+        wave2d_plot_hessian(Hstr,Hsrc,H);
+        % write out files for Hessian
+        %if iwrite==1
+        %    nprint = 20;
+        %    wave2d_write_hessian(H,eids,dir2,nprint);
+        %end
+        % examining H\dnorm2 operation with TSVD
+        %mu_all = wave2d_tsvd_hessian(H,dnorm2);
+        %mu_all = wave2d_tsvd_hessian(H,sqrt(dnorm2));
+        mu_all = wave2d_tsvd_hessian(H,dmod);
+        if 0==1
+            lambda = 1;
+            ndiff = zeros(nsrc,1);
+            for ii=1:nsrc
+            %for ii=1:5    
+                mu = mu_all(:,ii);
+                mplot = lambda * Cstr * Gstr' * mu;
+                pmax = max(abs(mplot));
+                pmax = 0.1;
+                ndiff(ii) = norm( mplot - (mtargeti(indBi) - m0i(indBi)) );
+                if 1==1
+                    Zp = griddata(x,y,mplot,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+                    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
+                    subplot(nr,nc,1); imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
+                    title(sprintf('dm -- TSVD truncated at index %i / %i, norm = %.2e',ii,nsrc,ndiff(ii)));
+                    caxis([-1 1]*pmax); colormap(seis); colorbar;
+                    axis equal, axis tight
+                    subplot(nr,nc,2); hold on;
+                    if ii > 1, plot(mu_all(:,ii-1),'ro--','markersize',8,'linewidth',1); end
+                    if ii < nsrc, plot(mu_all(:,ii+1),'ko--','markersize',8,'linewidth',1); end
+                    plot(mu,'b.-','markersize',20,'linewidth',2);
+                    axis([0 nsrc+1 max(abs(mu))*[-1 1]]);
+                    grid on; xlabel('event index'); ylabel('elements of mu vector');
+                    title('\mu_{-1} (RED)  -->  \mu_0 (BLUE)  -->  \mu_{+1} (BLACK)');
+                    orient tall, wysiwyg
+                    print(gcf,'-dpdf',sprintf('%s_m%s_dm_tsvd_%2.2i',stirun0,stim0,ii) );
+                end
+            end
+            % difference between target model and new model
+            figure; plot(ndiff,'.-','markersize',20,'linewidth',2); grid on;
+            xlabel('TSVD truncation index'); ylabel('norm( dm0 - (mtar-m0) )');
+            print(gcf,'-dpdf',sprintf('%s_m%s_dm_ndiff',stirun0,stim0) );
+        end
+        % initialize to no update
+        dm_str = zeros(nmod_str,1);
+        dm_src = zeros(nmod_src,1);
+        dm_str1 = zeros(nmod_str,1); dm_str2 = zeros(nmod_str,1);
+        dm_src1 = zeros(nmod_src,1); dm_src2 = zeros(nmod_src,1);
+        lambda = 1;
+        itest = 2;
+        switch itest
+            case 1
+                % KEY: compute model update
+                mu = H \ sqrt(dnorm2);    % why not dmod?
+                %mu = mu_all(:,15);
+                % compute the STRUCTURE model update
+                if INV_STRUCT_BETA == 1
+                    dm_str = Cstr * Gstr' * mu;
+                end
+                % compute the SOURCE model update
+                if and(INV_SOURCE_T==1, INV_SOURCE_X==1)
+                    dm_src = csrc .* (Gsrc' * mu);
+                end
+                dm = [dm_str ; dm_src];
+                mki = m0i + dm;
+            case 2  % actual iterative algorithm
+                mu = H \ dmod;
+                if INV_STRUCT_BETA == 1
+                    dm_str = Cstr * Gstr' * mu;
+                end
+                if and(INV_SOURCE_T==1, INV_SOURCE_X==1)
+                    dm_src = csrc .* (Gsrc' * mu);
+                end
+                dm = [dm_str ; dm_src];
+                mki = mpriori + dm;
+            case 3  % actual iterative algorithm
+                if INV_STRUCT_BETA == 1
+                    mu1 = H \ sqrt(dnorm2);
+                    mu2 = H \ (Gstr*(m0i(indBi)-mpriori(indBi)));
+                    dm_str1 = Cstr * Gstr' * mu1;
+                    dm_str2 = Cstr * Gstr' * mu2;
+                end
+                dm1 = [dm_str1 ; dm_src1];
+                dm2 = [dm_str2 ; dm_src2];
+                dm = dm1 + dm2;
+                mki = mpriori + dm;         % mpriori or m0i
+                figure; plot( dm1, dm2 ,'.')
+            case 4
+                if INV_STRUCT_BETA == 1
+                    dm_str1 = (Gstr'*Gstr + Cmodinv(indBi,indBi) ) \ (Gstr'*sqrt(dnorm2));
+                    dm_str2 = -(diag(diag(Cstr))*Gstr'*Gstr + eye(ncell,ncell) ) \ (m0i(indBi)-mpriori(indBi));
+                end
+                dm1 = [dm_str1 ; dm_src1];
+                dm2 = [dm_str2 ; dm_src2];
+                dm = dm1 + dm2;
+                mki = m0i + dm;
+                figure; plot( dm1, dm2 ,'.')
+        end
+        % linear combination of kernels
+        figure; plot(mu,'.-'); xlabel('event index');
+        title('mu vector for source subspace approach');
+        figure; nr=3; nc=3; cmax = 0.1;
+        for ii=1:6
+            switch ii
+                case 1, mplot = mpriori(1:ncell); smt = 'mprior';
+                case 2, mplot = mtargeti(1:ncell); smt = 'mtarget'; 
+                case 3, mplot = m0i(1:ncell); smt = 'm0';
+                case 4, mplot = mki(1:ncell); smt = 'mnew';
+                    if itest==3, smt = 'mnew = mpriori + dm'; else smt = 'mnew = m0 + dm'; end
+                case 5, mplot = mki(1:ncell) - m0i(1:ncell); smt = 'mnew - m0'; 
+                case 6, mplot = mtargeti(1:ncell) - m0i(1:ncell); smt = 'mtarget - m0'; 
+            end
+            Zp = griddata(x,y,mplot,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+            subplot(nr,nc,ii);
+            imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); title(smt)
+            caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis); axis equal, axis tight
+        end
+        if or(itest==3, itest==4)
+            for ii=7:9
+                switch ii
+                    case 7, mplot = dm(1:ncell); smt = 'dm';
+                    case 8, mplot = dm1(1:ncell); smt = 'dm(term 1)';
+                    case 9, mplot = dm2(1:ncell); smt = 'dm(term 2)';
+                end
+                Zp = griddata(x,y,mplot,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+                subplot(nr,nc,ii);
+                imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); title(smt)
+                caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis); axis equal, axis tight
+            end
+            orient tall, wysiwyg
+        else
+            % uniform sum to make 'misfit kernel' -- this is the pattern for the CG algorithm
+            mplot = Cstr * Gstr' * ones(nsrc,1);
+            pmax = max(abs(mplot));
+            Zp = griddata(x,y,mplot,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+            subplot(nr,nc,7); imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); title('dm (CG)');
+            caxis([-1 1]*pmax); colormap(seis); axis equal, axis tight
+            orient tall, wysiwyg            
+        end
+%         disp(' norm, min, max of structure update:');
+%         norm_dm_str = dm_str' * diag(1./diag(Cstr)) * dm_str
+%         min_dm_str = min( dm_str )
+%         max_dm_str = max( dm_str )
+%         disp(' norm, min, max of source update:');
+%         norm_dm_src = sum( dm_src .* dm_src ./ csrc )
+%         min_dm_src = min( dm_src )
+%         max_dm_src = max( dm_src )
     error('invalid icg value');
@@ -691,40 +913,85 @@
-% write current gradient and search direction to file
-if iwrite==1
-    wave2d_write_grad([idir1 gfilem0],gk,pk);  % note idir1
+if icg ~= 4     % CG method
+    % write current gradient and search direction to file
+    if iwrite==1
+        wave2d_write_grad([idir1 gfilem0],gk,pk);  % note idir1
+    end
-if icg==1
-    if imaketest==1, M_vec = mt_vec; M = mt; else M_vec = mk_vec; M = mk; end
-    M0 = m0; M0_vec = m0_vec;
-    x0 = xg; y0 = yg;
-    if imaketest==1, M_vec = mti_vec; M = mti; else M_vec = mki_vec; M = mki; end
-    M0 = m0i; M0_vec = m0i_vec;
+    if icg==1
+        if imaketest==1, M = mt; else M = mk; end
+        M0 = m0; Mtar = mtarget;
+        x0 = xg; y0 = yg;
+    else
+        if imaketest==1, M = mti; else M = mki; end
+        M0 = m0i; Mtar = mtargeti;
+        x0 = x; y0 = y;
+        m_inds = m_indsi;
+    end
+else            % source subspace method
+    M = mki;
+    M0 = m0i; Mtar = mtargeti;
+    x0 = x; y0 = y; 
     m_inds = m_indsi;
-    x0 = x; y0 = y;
-% initial model
+% convert to physical parameters (only differes for structure parameters)
+% --> current, new, and target models
+M0_vec = wave2d_m2mvec(M0,m_inds,beta0);
+M_vec = wave2d_m2mvec(M,m_inds,beta0);
+Mtar_vec = wave2d_m2mvec(Mtar,m_inds,beta0);
+% split into components
 [m0_B, m0_ts, m0_xs, m0_ys] = wave2d_splitm(M0,m_inds);
+[m_B, m_ts, m_xs, m_ys] = wave2d_splitm(M,m_inds);
+[mtar_B, mtar_ts, mtar_xs, mtar_ys] = wave2d_splitm(Mtar,m_inds);
 [m0_vec_B, m0_vec_ts, m0_vec_xs, m0_vec_ys] = wave2d_splitm(M0_vec,m_inds);
-% new model (test or update)
-[m_B, m_ts, m_xs, m_ys] = wave2d_splitm(M,m_inds);
 [m_vec_B, m_vec_ts, m_vec_xs, m_vec_ys] = wave2d_splitm(M_vec,m_inds);
+[mtar_vec_B, mtar_vec_ts, mtar_vec_xs, mtar_vec_ys] = wave2d_splitm(Mtar_vec,m_inds);
 if iplotmod==1
     % change w.r.t. previous model
-    Zp = griddata(x0,y0,log(m_vec_B ./ m0_vec_B),Xp,Yp,'nearest');
-    figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
-    colormap(seis); caxis([-1 1]*0.1); colorbar;
+    %Zp = griddata(x0,y0,log(m_vec_B ./ m0_vec_B),Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+    %figure; imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
+    %colormap(seis); caxis([-1 1]*0.1); colorbar;
+    figure; nr=3; nc=2; cmax = 0.1;
+    if imaketest==1
+        tlabs = {'ln(m0/beta0)','mtar - m0','ln(mt/beta0)','mtar - mt','ln(mtar/beta0)','mt - m0'};
+    else
+        tlabs = {'ln(m0/beta0)','mtar - m0','ln(mk/beta0)','mtar - mk','ln(mtar/beta0)','mk - m0'};
+    end
+    for kk = 1:6
+        switch kk
+            case 1, mplot = log(m0_vec_B/beta0);
+            case 2, mplot = log(mtar_vec_B./m0_vec_B);
+            case 3, mplot = log(m_vec_B/beta0);
+            case 4, mplot = log(mtar_vec_B./m_vec_B);
+            case 5, mplot = log(mtar_vec_B/beta0);   
+            case 6, mplot = log(m_vec_B./m0_vec_B);   
+        end
+        Zp = griddata(x0,y0,mplot,Xp,Yp,'nearest');
+        %mnorm = sum( mplot.^2 ./ cov_beta' );
+        subplot(nr,nc,kk); hold on;
+        imagesc(Zp); set(gca,'ydir','normal');
+        caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis); axis equal, axis tight
+        title(tlabs{kk});
+        %plot(rlon,rlat,'k.','markersize',16);
+        %plot(slon,slat,'p','markersize',18,'markeredgecolor','k','linewidth',2);
+        %title([tlabs{kk} sprintf(', norm = %.2f',mnorm)]);
+    end
+    orient tall, wysiwyg
 if iwrite==1
     % interpolate onto SEM mesh
     if icg ~= 1
-        m_B = wave2d_cell2gll(xg,yg,x,y,m_B,nx,ny);
+        m_B = wave2d_cell2gll(xg,yg,Xp,Yp,reshape(m_B,ny,nx));
     % write structure model -- ONLY MU CHANGES (only m_B appears)
@@ -763,11 +1030,4 @@
-% compute CG update using a diagonal covariance matrix with interpolated cells for model parameters

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_subspace.m
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_subspace.m	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/matlab/wave2d_subspace.m	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
 % wave2d_subspace.m
-% CARL TAPE, 26-Jan-2010
+% Carl Tape, 26-Jan-2010
 % This program implements the subspace method inversion notes developed by
-% Jeroen Tromp, Malcolm Sambridge, and Carl Tape.
+% Malcolm Sambridge, Jeroen Tromp, and Carl Tape.
+% This assumes a diagonal model covariance matrix and requires
+% regularization -- several choices are explored here.
 % calls xxx
 % called by xxx
-clc, clear, close all
+clc, clear
+%close all
 format short, format compact
 %warning off
 % add path to additional matlab scripts
-path(path,[pwd '/matlab_scripts']);
+path([pwd '/matlab_scripts'],path);
@@ -26,122 +30,14 @@
 dir_run = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_OUTPUT/';
-TSVD = 0;       % truncated singular value decomposition
+TSVD = 1;       % truncated singular value decomposition
 inew = 0;       % subspace AND parameter class inversions
-if 0==1
-    temp = load('/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/OUTPUT/run_7000/structure_dat.dat');
-    %temp = load('/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/OUTPUT/run_7000/READ_IN/structure_dat.dat');
-    lon = temp(:,1); lat = temp(:,2); beta = temp(:,7);
-    [X,Y,Z] = griddataXB(lon,lat,beta,100,'nearest');
-    figure; cmax = 0.1; hold on;
-    pcolor(X,Y,Z); shading interp;
-    caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis);
-% check the relative dimensions of all the matrices we need
-if 0==1
-    S = 5;              % number of sources
-    Cstr = 1;           % number of structure parameter classes
-    Csrc = 2;           % number of source parameter classes
-    C = Cstr + Csrc;
-    Mstr1 = 20;         % number of structure parameters
-    Msrc1 = 1;          % number of source parameters in class 1 (origin time)
-    Msrc2 = 2;          % number of source parameters in class 2 (xy, ys)
-    Mstr = Mstr1;
-    Msrc = S*(Msrc1 + Msrc2);
-    M = Mstr + Msrc;    % number of rows in P
-    N = C*S;            % number of columns in P
-    P = zeros(M,N);
-    P(1:Mstr1,1:S) = rand(Mstr1,S);
-    for s = 1:S
-       P(Mstr1+s,S+s) = rand; 
-       P(Mstr1+S+s,2*S+s) = rand; 
-       P(Mstr1+2*S+s,2*S+s) = rand; 
-    end
-    % fill G
-    G = zeros(S,M);
-    Gstr = rand(S,Mstr);
-    Gsrc = zeros(S,Msrc);
-    if 1==1
-        Gsrc = repmat(diag(rand(S,1)),1,Msrc1+Msrc2);
-    else
-        itemp = (Msrc1 + Msrc2)*[1:S]';
-        indmat2 = [ [1 ; 1+itemp(1:end-1)] itemp ];
-        for isrc = 1:S
-            inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
-            %Gsrc(isrc,inds) = -ws(isrc) * grad_src(inds);
-            Gsrc(isrc,inds) = rand(1,length(inds));
-        end
-    end
-    G = [Gstr Gsrc];
-    Cm  = diag(rand(M,1));
-    Cmi = P'*Cm*P;
-    GG  = G*Cm*P;
-    d = zeros(S,1);
-    Hnew = GG'*GG + Cmi;
-    dnew = GG'*d;
-    mu = Hnew*dnew;
-    whos d Hnew dnew mu
-    figure; nr=3; nc=4; msize=3;
-    subplot(nr,nc,2); spy(G,msize); title(sprintf('G is %i by %i',size(G)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,3); spy(G',msize); title(sprintf('G^T is %i by %i',size(G')));
-    subplot(nr,nc,4); spy(G*G',msize); title(sprintf('G G^T is %i by %i',size(G*G')));
-    subplot(nr,nc,5); spy(P',msize); title(sprintf('P^T is %i by %i',size(P')));
-    subplot(nr,nc,6); spy(Cm,msize); title(sprintf('Cm is %i by %i',size(Cm)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,7); spy(P,msize); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,8); spy(Cmi,msize); title(sprintf('P^T Cm P is %i by %i',size(Cmi)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,9); spy(G,msize); title(sprintf('G is %i by %i',size(G)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,10); spy(Cm,msize); title(sprintf('Cm is %i by %i',size(Cm)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,11); spy(P,msize); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P)));
-    subplot(nr,nc,12); spy(GG,msize); title(sprintf('G Cm P is %i by %i',size(GG)));
-    orient tall, wysiwyg
-    break
-if 0==1
-    nk = 100;
-    kvec = 10.^linspace(-4,4,nk);
-    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
-    for jj=1:2
-        switch jj
-            case 1, ndata = 5; nparm = 10;
-            case 2, ndata = 10; nparm = 5;
-        end
-        Cm = diag(rand(nparm,1));
-        G = rand(ndata,nparm);
-        d = rand(ndata,1);
-        norm_dm = zeros(nk,1);
-        for kk = 1:nk
-            C = Cm * kvec(kk);
-            norm_dm(kk) = norm( C * G' * inv(G*C*G') * d );
-        end
-        subplot(nr,nc,jj);
-        semilogx(kvec, norm_dm, '.');
-    end
 irun0 = input(' Enter irun0 : ');
 iread = input(' Enter 1 to read in new event kernels (0 otherwise) : ');
-hmod = input(' Enter next model number (hmod) : ');
+hmod = input(' Enter next model number (hmod = 2,4,6,8,...) : ');
 INV_STRUCT = input(' Enter 1 to invert for STRUCTURE : ');
 INV_SOURCE = input(' Enter 1 to invert for SOURCE : ');
 iwrite = input(' Enter 1 to write out files : ');
@@ -175,9 +71,12 @@
 %sval_cut = SIGMA_DT * sqrt(nmeas);
 sval_cut = 5;
+% event IDs
+for ii=1:nsrc, eids(ii) = cellstr(sprintf(stfm,ii)); end
-stm = sprintf(stfmt,hmod);
+stm = sprintf(stfm,hmod);
 % directories
 dir0 = [dir_run 'run_' sprintf(stfm,irun0) '/'];
@@ -188,15 +87,13 @@
 if ~exist(dir2), mkdir(dir2); end
 dir2lab = ['run-' sprintf(stfm,irun0) ', READ-IN -- toward model m' stm ];
-if hmod == 1
+if hmod == 2
     dir1 = dir0;
-    dir1 = [dir0 'READ_IN/model_m' sprintf(stfmt,hmod-1) '/'];
+    dir1 = [dir0 'READ_IN/model_m' sprintf(stfm,hmod-2) '/'];
-% indexing for measurements
-itemp = [nrec:nrec:nmeas]';
-indmat1 = [ [1 ; 1+itemp(1:end-1)] itemp ];
+% indexing for source parameters
 itemp = NPARM_SOURCE*[1:25]';
 indmat2 = [ [1 ; 1+itemp(1:end-1)] itemp ];
@@ -227,19 +124,10 @@
 rlon = rec_lonlat(:,1);
 rlat = rec_lonlat(:,2);
-% load the data covariance matrix
-cov_data = load([dir1 'cov_data_diagonal.dat']);
-% load all the measurements and partition into matrix
-meas_all = load([dir1 'measure_vec.dat']);
-dT_all = meas_all(:,1);     % WITH ERRORS ADDED
-dT_all_norm = dT_all.^2 ./ cov_data;
 % load the covariance matrix
 % --> cov_imetric(NLOCAL+1 : nmod_str) = ( sigma_beta  )**2 / da_local_vec(:) * AREA
 %cov_model = load('/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/OUTPUT_2/run_9100/cov_imetric_diagonal.dat');
-cov_model_all = load([dir1 'cov_model_diagonal.dat']);
-cov_model = cov_model_all(:,1);
+[cov_model, cov_imetric] = textread([dir1 'cov_model_diagonal.dat'],'%f%f');
 cov_beta  = cov_model(inds_B)';
 cov_src   = cov_model(inds_src)';
 clear cov_model_all
@@ -259,6 +147,9 @@
 m_all = mtemp(:,1);
 m_src   = mtemp(inds_src)';
+% prior, initial, and target models
+[mprior, m0_initial, mtarget] = textread([dir0 'prior_initial_target_models.dat'],'%f%f%f');
 % load the structure files
 mtemp = load([dir1 'structure_syn.dat']);
 m_str_lon   = mtemp(:,1);
@@ -306,30 +197,21 @@
 data_norm = load([dir1 'data_norm.dat']);
 model_norm = load([dir1 'model_norm.dat']);
-disp('  '); disp(' CHECKING VARIOUS NORMS:');
-disp('   model norm:');
-model_norm, sum( m_all.^2 ./ cov_model )
-disp('   data norm:');
-data_norm, sum(dT_all_norm)
-disp('   misfit function value:');
-chi, 0.5*( sum( dT_all_norm ) + sum( m_all.^2 ./ cov_model ))
-% partition DATA vector of traveltime measurements into a matrix,
-% since in this case we know that there are the same number of picks for each event
-dT_mat      = zeros(nsrc,nrec);
-dT_norm_mat = zeros(nsrc,nrec);
-for isrc = 1:nsrc
-    inds = [indmat1(isrc,1) : indmat1(isrc,2)];
-    dT_mat(isrc,:)      = dT_all(inds);
-    dT_norm_mat(isrc,:) = dT_all_norm(inds);
+% load the data covariance matrix
+cov_data = load([dir1 'cov_data_diagonal.dat']);
-% compute the new data vector
-dnorm = sum( dT_norm_mat, 2);
-if any(dnorm==0), error(' For at least one source, there is perfect fit.'); end
+% load all the measurements and partition into matrix
+meas_all = load([dir1 'measure_vec.dat']);
+dT_all = meas_all(:,1);     % WITH ERRORS ADDED
+% vector of number of measurement windows per event
+Ns_vec = nrec * ones(nsrc,1);   % KEY: same measurements per event
+% KEY: compute projected data vector
+[dnorm, indmat] = wave2d_dsub(dT_all,cov_data,Ns_vec);
 % compute the weights (SIGN OR NOT?)
 %ws = zeros(nsrc,1);
 %ws = 1 ./ sqrt( sum( dT_norm_mat, 2) );
@@ -337,9 +219,21 @@
 % compute the new data vector
 %dnorm = 1 ./ ws;
-% check
-sum(sum(dT_norm_mat)), sum(dT_all_norm), sum( dnorm )
+disp('  '); disp(' CHECKING VARIOUS NORMS:');
+disp('   model norm:');
+model_norm, sum( (m_all-mprior).^2 ./ cov_model )
+disp('   data norm:');
+data_norm, sum(dnorm)
+disp('   misfit function value:');
+chi, 0.5*( sum( dnorm ) + sum( (m_all-mprior).^2 ./ cov_model ))
+% initialize
+Gstr = zeros(nsrc,NLOCAL);
+Gsrc = zeros(nsrc,nmod_src);
 if INV_STRUCT == 1
     % load the jacobian for constructing the "event gradient" from the event kernel
@@ -350,20 +244,19 @@
     %iread = 1;
     efile = 'wave2d_kernel';
     if iread==1
-        % EITHER WAY, YOU LOAD THE FILES kernel_basis_smooth, WHICH MAY OR
         ismooth = input(' Enter 1 to read smoothed event kernels (0 otherwise) : ');
         disp('reading in the event kernels...');
         Kall = zeros(nsrc,NLOCAL);
         for isrc = 1:nsrc
-            dirK = [dir1 'event_' sprintf(stfmt,isrc) '/'];
-            if ismooth == 1
-                kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis_smooth']); Kbeta = kernel(:,3)';
-            else
-                kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis']); Kbeta = kernel(:,7)';
-            end
+            dirK = [dir1 'event_' sprintf('%3.3i',isrc) '/'];
+            kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis_smooth']); Kbeta = kernel(:,3)';
+            if ismooth==0, Kbeta = kernel(:,4); else Kbeta = kernel(:,3); end
+            %if ismooth == 1
+            %    kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis_smooth']); Kbeta = kernel(:,3)';
+            %else
+            %    kernel = load([dirK 'kernel_basis']); Kbeta = kernel(:,7)';
+            %end
             lon = kernel(:,1);
             lat = kernel(:,2);
             Kall(isrc,:) = Kbeta;
@@ -376,7 +269,6 @@
     % construct G (plot event kernels too)
     %nsrc = 5;
-    Gstr = zeros(nsrc,NLOCAL);
     for isrc = 1:nsrc
         Kbeta = Kall(isrc,:);
         %Gstr(isrc,:) = -ws(isrc) * Kbeta .* Ai;   % SIGN OR NOT?
@@ -396,43 +288,55 @@
-    % Hessian for structure parameters (from event kernels)
-    disp('constructing the Hessian...');
-    Hstr = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-    for ii = 1:nsrc
-        for jj = 1:nsrc
-            Hstr(ii,jj) = dot(Gstr(ii,:), cov_beta.*Gstr(jj,:));
-        end
-    end
+%     % Hessian for structure parameters (from event kernels)
+%     disp('constructing the Hessian...');
+%     Hstr = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+%     for ii = 1:nsrc
+%         for jj = 1:nsrc
+%             Hstr(ii,jj) = dot(Gstr(ii,:), cov_beta.*Gstr(jj,:));
+%         end
+%     end
-    Hstr = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
-% Hessian and projected gradient for source parameters 
-Hsrc = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
+% projected gradient for source parameters 
+%Hsrc = zeros(nsrc,nsrc);
 %Hsrc_vec = zeros(nsrc,1);
 if INV_SOURCE == 1
-    Gsrc = zeros(nsrc,nmod_src);
     Gsrc = [diag(gradient(inds_ts)) diag(gradient(inds_xs)) diag(gradient(inds_ys))];
-    %for isrc = 1:nsrc
-    %    inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
-    %    %Gsrc(isrc,inds) = -ws(isrc) * grad_src(inds);
-    %    Gsrc(isrc,inds) = grad_src(inds);
-    %end
-    Hsrc = Gsrc * diag(cov_src) * transpose(Gsrc);
-    %for isrc = 1:nsrc
-    %    inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
-    %    Hsrc_vec(isrc) = ws(isrc)^2 * dot(grad_src(inds), cov_src(inds).*grad_src(inds) );
-    %end
-    %Hsrc = diag(Hsrc_vec);
+%     %for isrc = 1:nsrc
+%     %    inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
+%     %    %Gsrc(isrc,inds) = -ws(isrc) * grad_src(inds);
+%     %    Gsrc(isrc,inds) = grad_src(inds);
+%     %end
+%     Hsrc = Gsrc * diag(cov_src) * transpose(Gsrc);
+%     %for isrc = 1:nsrc
+%     %    inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
+%     %    Hsrc_vec(isrc) = ws(isrc)^2 * dot(grad_src(inds), cov_src(inds).*grad_src(inds) );
+%     %end
+%     %Hsrc = diag(Hsrc_vec);
+[Hstr,Hsrc] = wave2d_compute_hessian(Gstr,Gsrc,cov_beta,cov_src);
 % overall Hessian
+% NOTE: identity matrix term
 H = Hstr + Hsrc + eye(nsrc,nsrc);
+% write out files for Hessian
+if iwrite==1
+    nprint = 20;
+    wave2d_write_hessian(H,eids,dir2,nprint);
 % construct projection matrix (and assign gradient)
 if INV_STRUCT == 1
     G = Gstr;
@@ -478,43 +382,9 @@
 disp(' gradient balance for the Hessian (subspace) inversion (mean of last column) :');
 disp(mean( diag(Hsrc)./diag(Hstr) ))
-disp(' properties of Hessian (min, median, mean(abs), max, std):');
-stH = sprintf('min %.2e, median %.2e, mean(abs) %.2e, max %.2e, std %.2e',...
-            min(H(:)), median(H(:)), mean(abs(H(:))), max(H(:)), std(H(:)));
+% plot Hessian matrices
-if ~and(INV_STRUCT==1, INV_SOURCE==1)
-    figure;
-    %pcolor(H); shading flat; xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-    imagesc(H); ylabel('Row index'); xlabel('Column index');
-    title({'Hessian (symmetric matrix)',stH});
-    map = colormap('gray'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
-    figure; nr=3; nc=1;
-    subplot(nr,nc,1);
-    %pcolor(H); shading flat; xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-    imagesc(H); ylabel('Row index'); xlabel('Column index');
-    title({'Hessian (symmetric matrix)',stH});
-    map = colormap('gray'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
-    subplot(nr,nc,2);
-    %pcolor(Hstr); shading flat; xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-    imagesc(Hstr); ylabel('Row index'); xlabel('Column index');
-    title('Hessian for structure (symmetric matrix)');
-    map = colormap('gray'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
-    subplot(nr,nc,3);
-    %pcolor(Hsrc); shading flat; xlabel('Row index'); ylabel('Column index');
-    imagesc(Hsrc); ylabel('Row index'); xlabel('Column index');
-    title('Hessian for source (diagonal matrix)');
-    map = colormap('gray'); colormap(flipud(map));
-    colorbar; axis equal; axis tight; 
-    orient tall, wysiwyg
 if INV_SOURCE == 1
    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
    subplot(nr,nc,1); spy(Gsrc); title('Gsrc');
@@ -602,6 +472,8 @@
     %H = H / 0.5;   % 9550
+    error('replace the following code with wave2d_tsvd_hessian.m');
     pinds = [1:nsrc]';
     [mu_all,rss,f_r_ss] = tsvd(dnorm,H,pinds);   % KEY: TSVD
@@ -672,7 +544,7 @@
 for ip = 1:nump
-    stip = sprintf(stfmt,ip);
+    stip = sprintf(stfm,ip);
     % (1) truncated singular value decomposition
@@ -755,8 +627,10 @@
             dm_str = cov_beta' .* (transpose(Gstr) * mu);
-    %disp(' norm of structure update:');
-    %sum( dm_str .* dm_str ./ cov_beta' )
+    disp(' norm, min, max of structure update:');
+    norm_dm_str = sum( dm_str .* dm_str ./ cov_beta' )
+    min_dm_str = min( dm_str )
+    max_dm_str = max( dm_str )
     % KEY: solve for the SOURCE model update (ts1, ts2, ..., xs1, xs2, ..., ys1, ys2, ...)
     dm_src = zeros(nmod_src,1);
@@ -771,8 +645,10 @@
             dm_src = cov_src' .* (transpose(Gsrc) * mu);
-    %disp(' norm of source update:');
-    %sum( dm_src .* dm_src ./ cov_src' )
+    disp(' norm, min, max of source update:');
+    norm_dm_src = sum( dm_src .* dm_src ./ cov_src' )
+    min_dm_src = min( dm_src )
+    max_dm_src = max( dm_src )
@@ -848,7 +724,7 @@
     %disp(' norm of new structure model:');
     %sum( m_str_B_new .* m_str_B_new ./ cov_beta' )
-    % plot structure model update and new model
+    % PLOT structure model update and new model
     if and(INV_STRUCT == 1, ifigure == 1)
         tlabs = {{dir2lab,'data'},'m00',['dm (' stplab ')'],['m01 (' stplab ')']};
         cmax = 0.1;
@@ -861,13 +737,14 @@
                 case 4, mplot = m_str_B_new;
             [X,Y,Z] = griddataXB(lon,lat,mplot,100,'nearest');
+            mnorm = sum( mplot.^2 ./ cov_beta' );
             subplot(nr,nc,kk); hold on;
             pcolor(X,Y,Z); shading interp;
             caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis); axis equal, axis tight
-            title(tlabs{kk});
+            title([tlabs{kk} sprintf(', norm = %.2f',mnorm)]);
         % TSVD plots
@@ -973,6 +850,9 @@
 % extra code for plotting misfit values
@@ -983,14 +863,14 @@
    for h = 1:4
        strun0 = num2str(run0);
-       stm = sprintf(stfmt,h);
+       stm = sprintf(stfm,h);
        dir_run = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_OUTPUT/';
        idir = [dir_run 'run_' strun0 '/READ_IN/model_m' stm '/'];
        load([idir 'wave2d_subspace_matlab_all']);
        clear data_norm model_norm chi_total pmax_vec
        for ii = 1:25
-          stp = sprintf(stfmt,ii);
+          stp = sprintf(stfm,ii);
           dir1 = [ idir 'run_p' stp '/'];
           chi_file = [dir1 'data_norm.dat'];
           if exist(chi_file)
@@ -1031,4 +911,173 @@
+if 0==1
+    temp = load('/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/OUTPUT/run_7000/structure_dat.dat');
+    %temp = load('/net/denali/scratch1/carltape/OUTPUT/run_7000/READ_IN/structure_dat.dat');
+    lon = temp(:,1); lat = temp(:,2); beta = temp(:,7);
+    [X,Y,Z] = griddataXB(lon,lat,beta,100,'nearest');
+    figure; cmax = 0.1; hold on;
+    pcolor(X,Y,Z); shading interp;
+    caxis([-1 1]*cmax); colormap(seis);
+% check the relative dimensions of matrices and plot a schematic figure
+if 0==1
+    S = 5;              % number of sources
+    Cstr = 1;           % number of structure parameter classes
+    Csrc = 2;           % number of source parameter classes
+    C = Cstr + Csrc;
+    Mstr1 = 20;         % number of structure parameters
+    Msrc1 = 1;          % number of source parameters in class 1 (origin time)
+    Msrc2 = 2;          % number of source parameters in class 2 (xy, ys)
+    Mstr = Mstr1;
+    Msrc = S*(Msrc1 + Msrc2);
+    M = Mstr + Msrc;    % number of rows in P
+    N = C*S;            % number of columns in P
+    P = zeros(M,N);
+    P(1:Mstr1,1:S) = rand(Mstr1,S);
+    for s = 1:S
+       P(Mstr1+s,S+s) = rand; 
+       P(Mstr1+S+s,2*S+s) = rand; 
+       P(Mstr1+2*S+s,2*S+s) = rand; 
+    end
+    % fill G
+    G = zeros(S,M);
+    Gstr = rand(S,Mstr);
+    Gsrc = zeros(S,Msrc);
+    if 1==1
+        Gsrc = repmat(diag(rand(S,1)),1,Msrc1+Msrc2);
+    else
+        itemp = (Msrc1 + Msrc2)*[1:S]';
+        indmat2 = [ [1 ; 1+itemp(1:end-1)] itemp ];
+        for isrc = 1:S
+            inds = indmat2(isrc,1) : indmat2(isrc,2);
+            %Gsrc(isrc,inds) = -ws(isrc) * grad_src(inds);
+            Gsrc(isrc,inds) = rand(1,length(inds));
+        end
+    end
+    G = [Gstr Gsrc];
+    Cm  = diag(rand(M,1));
+    Cmi = P'*Cm*P;
+    GG  = G*Cm*P;
+    d = zeros(S,1);
+    Hnew = GG'*GG + Cmi;
+    dnew = GG'*d;
+    mu = Hnew*dnew;
+    whos d Hnew dnew mu
+    figure; nr=3; nc=4; msize=3;
+    %subplot(nr,nc,2); spy(G,msize); title(sprintf('G is %i by %i',size(G)));
+    %subplot(nr,nc,3); spy(G',msize); title(sprintf('G^T is %i by %i',size(G')));
+    %subplot(nr,nc,4); spy(G*G',msize); title(sprintf('G G^T is %i by %i',size(G*G')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,1); spy(G,msize); title(sprintf('G is %i by %i',size(G)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,2); spy(Cm,msize); title(sprintf('Cm is %i by %i',size(Cm)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,3); spy(G',msize); title(sprintf('G^T is %i by %i',size(G')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,4); spy(G*Cm*G',msize); title(sprintf('G Cm G^T is %i by %i',size(G*Cm*G')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,5); spy(P',msize); title(sprintf('P^T is %i by %i',size(P')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,6); spy(Cm,msize); title(sprintf('Cm is %i by %i',size(Cm)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,7); spy(P,msize); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,8); spy(Cmi,msize); title(sprintf('P^T Cm P is %i by %i',size(Cmi)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,9); spy(G,msize); title(sprintf('G is %i by %i',size(G)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,10); spy(Cm,msize); title(sprintf('Cm is %i by %i',size(Cm)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,11); spy(P,msize); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,12); spy(GG,msize); title(sprintf('G Cm P is %i by %i',size(GG)));
+    orient tall, wysiwyg
+    % projection for data
+    S = 5;
+    N = 15;
+    Ns = N/S;
+    P = zeros(S,N);
+    for s = 1:S
+       P(s, Ns*(s-1) + [1:Ns]) = rand; 
+    end
+    d = randn(N,1);
+    C = rand(N,N);
+    Cblock = P'*P;
+    Cdiag = diag(rand(N,1));
+    figure; nr=4; nc=4;
+    subplot(nr,nc,1); spy(P); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P))); 
+    subplot(nr,nc,2); spy(P'); title(sprintf('P^T is %i by %i',size(P')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,3); spy(P*P'); title(sprintf('P*P^T is %i by %i',size(P*P')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,5); spy(P'); title(sprintf('P^T is %i by %i',size(P')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,6); spy(P); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,7); spy(P'*P); title(sprintf('P^T*P is %i by %i',size(P'*P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,9); spy(C'); title(sprintf('C^T is %i by %i',size(C')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,10); spy(P'*P); title(sprintf('P^T*P is %i by %i',size(P'*P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,11); spy(C); title(sprintf('C is %i by %i',size(C)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,12); spy(C'*P'*P*C); title(sprintf('C^T*P^T*P*C is %i by %i',size(C'*P'*P*C)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,13); spy(Cdiag'); title(sprintf('C^T is %i by %i',size(Cdiag')));
+    subplot(nr,nc,14); spy(P'*P); title(sprintf('P^T*P is %i by %i',size(P'*P)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,15); spy(Cdiag); title(sprintf('C is %i by %i',size(Cdiag)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,16); spy(Cdiag'*P'*P*Cdiag); title(sprintf('C^T*P^T*P*C is %i by %i',size(Cdiag'*P'*P*Cdiag)));
+    orient tall, wysiwyg
+    %print(gcf,'-dpsc', 'test')
+    figure; nr=4; nc=4;
+    subplot(nr,nc,1); spy(P); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P))); 
+    subplot(nr,nc,2); spy(C); title(sprintf('C is %i by %i',size(C)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,3); spy(d); title(sprintf('d is %i by %i',size(d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,4); spy(P*C*d); title(sprintf('P*C*d is %i by %i',size(P*C*d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,5); spy(P); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P))); 
+    subplot(nr,nc,6); spy(Cblock); title(sprintf('C is %i by %i',size(Cblock)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,7); spy(d); title(sprintf('d is %i by %i',size(d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,8); spy(P*Cblock*d); title(sprintf('P*C*d is %i by %i',size(P*Cblock*d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,9); spy(P); title(sprintf('P is %i by %i',size(P))); 
+    subplot(nr,nc,10); spy(Cdiag); title(sprintf('C is %i by %i',size(Cdiag)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,11); spy(d); title(sprintf('d is %i by %i',size(d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,12); spy(P*Cdiag*d); title(sprintf('P*C*d is %i by %i',size(P*Cdiag*d)));
+    subplot(nr,nc,14); spy(P*Cdiag); title(sprintf('P*C is %i by %i',size(P*Cdiag))); 
+    subplot(nr,nc,15); spy(Cdiag*d); title(sprintf('C*d is %i by %i',size(Cdiag*d)));
+    orient tall, wysiwyg
+    %print(gcf,'-dpsc', 'test')
+    break
+if 0==1
+    nk = 100;
+    kvec = 10.^linspace(-4,4,nk);
+    figure; nr=2; nc=1;
+    for jj=1:2
+        switch jj
+            case 1, ndata = 5; nparm = 10;
+            case 2, ndata = 10; nparm = 5;
+        end
+        Cm = diag(rand(nparm,1));
+        G = rand(ndata,nparm);
+        d = rand(ndata,1);
+        norm_dm = zeros(nk,1);
+        for kk = 1:nk
+            C = Cm * kvec(kk);
+            norm_dm(kk) = norm( C * G' * inv(G*C*G') * d );
+        end
+        subplot(nr,nc,jj);
+        semilogx(kvec, norm_dm, '.');
+    end

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/src/wave2d.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/src/wave2d.f90	2011-04-13 16:44:53 UTC (rev 18230)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate/src/wave2d.f90	2011-04-15 19:59:48 UTC (rev 18231)
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
       print *, 'For READ_IN runs...'
       if (NITERATION /= 0) stop 'NITERATION = 0'
       if (ISRC_SPACE /= 6) stop 'ISRC_SPACE = 6'
-      hmod = 6     ! iteration number for read-in models
+      hmod = 1     ! iteration number for read-in models
   if ( IKER/=0 .and. IKER/=1 .and. IKER/=2 ) stop 'IKER must = 0,1,2'
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@
   ! LOOP 1: different tomographic runs
   do iq = 1,qmax
+  !do iq = 1,250       ! GAUSS
      ! KEY COMMAND: scalelength of checker for velocity models (1,2,3)
@@ -480,6 +481,8 @@
         irun0 = IRUNZ + 20*(iq-1)    ! increment is 20
+     !irun0 = IRUNZ + iq   ! GAUSS
      ! name the reference output directory for the optimization run
      if (READ_IN) then
@@ -793,11 +796,11 @@
      if ((IMODEL_SYN == 3).and.(IMODEL_DAT == 3)) then
-        !idir = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_001/'
-        idir = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/model_002/'
+        idir = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/random_fields/'
         ! read in structure model for synthetics
-        write(filename2,'(a)') trim(idir)//'structure_syn_in.dat'
+        write(filename2,'(a)') trim(idir)//'model_0001/structure_syn_in.dat'
+        !write(filename2,'(a,i4.4,a)') trim(idir)//'model_set_0001/structure_model_',iq,'.dat'
         do ispec = 1,NSPEC
            do j = 1,NGLLZ
@@ -812,7 +815,7 @@
         ! read in structure model for data
-        write(filename2,'(a)') trim(idir)//'structure_dat_in.dat'
+        write(filename2,'(a)') trim(idir)//'model_0001/structure_dat_in.dat'
         do ispec = 1,NSPEC
            do j = 1,NGLLZ
@@ -827,7 +830,7 @@
         ! read in sigma value describing the distribution
-        write(filename,'(a)') trim(idir)//'structure_sigma.dat'
+        write(filename,'(a)') trim(idir)//'model_0001/structure_sigma.dat'
         read(21,*) sigma_beta0
@@ -838,7 +841,7 @@
         beta_dat  = sqrt( mu_dat / rho_dat )
         ! read reference values from file -- these were used to make the perturbed field
-        idir = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/meshes/mesh_001/'
+        idir = '/data1/cig/seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/iterate_adj/SEM2D_iterate_INPUT/meshes/mesh_0001/'
         open(unit=16,file=trim(idir)//'reference_values.dat', status='unknown')
         read(16,'(6e20.10)') alpha0, beta0, rho0, bulk0, kappa0, mu0
@@ -3231,7 +3234,8 @@
                     do j = 1,NGLLZ
                        do i = 1,NGLLX 
                           iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                          write(13,'(3e16.6)') x_plot(iglob), z_plot(iglob), kbeta_smooth(i,j,ispec)
+                          write(13,'(4e16.6)') x_plot(iglob), z_plot(iglob), &
+                             kbeta_smooth(i,j,ispec), btype_kernel(i,j,ispec)
                           ktemp(k) = kbeta_smooth(i,j,ispec)   ! used to compute norm of gradient
                           k = k+1
@@ -3935,7 +3939,7 @@
-     deallocate(m_src_syn,m_src_dat)
+     deallocate(m_src_syn,m_src_dat,m_src_prior)

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