[cig-commits] commit: Format sinker.input with javascript mode

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Sun Apr 17 19:42:37 PDT 2011

changeset:   172:62ac5744b300
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Sat Apr 16 23:06:54 2011 -0700
files:       input/sinker.input
Format sinker.input with javascript mode

diff -r 4d1857adea3d -r 62ac5744b300 input/sinker.input
--- a/input/sinker.input	Sat Apr 16 19:59:01 2011 -0700
+++ b/input/sinker.input	Sat Apr 16 23:06:54 2011 -0700
@@ -14,147 +14,147 @@
 // lead to slower convergence.
 Main {
-  dim = 2
-  // Base name for output files.
-  base_name = "sinker"
-  // Whether to log all nodes in a parallel run.
-  log_all_nodes = TRUE
-  // Visualization writers to write files for.
-  vis_writer = "Vizamrai", "VisIt"
+    dim = 2
+    // Base name for output files.
+    base_name = "sinker"
+    // Whether to log all nodes in a parallel run.
+    log_all_nodes = TRUE
+    // Visualization writers to write files for.
+    vis_writer = "Vizamrai", "VisIt"
 FACStokes {
-  // The FACStokes class is the "user class" in this example.
-  // It owns the solver and contains the code to set up the solver.
-  // The inputs for FACStokes is simply the inputs for the individual
-  // parts owned by the FACStokes class.
-  fac_solver {
-    // This is the input for the cell-centered Stokes FAC solver
-    // class in the SAMRAI library.
-    enable_logging = TRUE   // Bool flag to switch logging on/off
-    max_cycles = 100         // Max number of FAC cycles to use
-    residual_tol = 1e-5     // Residual tolerance to solve for
-    num_pre_sweeps = 0      // Number of presmoothing sweeps to use
-    num_post_sweeps = 0     // Number of postsmoothing sweeps to use
-    smoothing_choice = "Tackley"
-    coarse_solver_choice = "Tackley"
-    // smoothing_choice = "Gerya"
-    // coarse_solver_choice = "Gerya"
-    coarse_solver_max_iterations = 250
-    coarse_solver_tolerance = 1e-8
-    // p_prolongation_method = "P_MDPI_REFINE"
-    p_prolongation_method = "P_REFINE"
-    v_prolongation_method = "V_REFINE"
-  }
-  bc_coefs {
-    // These are the boundary condition specifications.  The number
-    // after "boundary_" is the location index of the boundary.
-    // The inputs are arrays of strings where the first string
-    // indicates the type of values you want to set.  "slope" means
-    // boundary slope, "value" means boundary value, and "coefficients"
-    // mean the raw Robin boundary condition coefficients.
-    // The remaining strings are converted into numbers as
-    // appropriate for what boundary condition you specified with
-    // the first string.  Other boundary conditions are possible.
-    // see the solv_RobinBcCoefStrategy class.
-    // Examples:
-    // boundary_0 = "slope", "0"
-    // boundary_1 = "coefficients", "0", "0"
-    // boundary_2 = "value", "0"
-    // boundary_3 = "value", "0"
-    boundary_0 = "value", "0"
-    boundary_1 = "value", "0"
-    boundary_2 = "value", "0"
-    boundary_3 = "value", "0"
-  }
+    // The FACStokes class is the "user class" in this example.
+    // It owns the solver and contains the code to set up the solver.
+    // The inputs for FACStokes is simply the inputs for the individual
+    // parts owned by the FACStokes class.
+    fac_solver {
+        // This is the input for the cell-centered Stokes FAC solver
+        // class in the SAMRAI library.
+        enable_logging = TRUE   // Bool flag to switch logging on/off
+        max_cycles = 100         // Max number of FAC cycles to use
+        residual_tol = 1e-5     // Residual tolerance to solve for
+        num_pre_sweeps = 0      // Number of presmoothing sweeps to use
+        num_post_sweeps = 0     // Number of postsmoothing sweeps to use
+        smoothing_choice = "Tackley"
+        coarse_solver_choice = "Tackley"
+        // smoothing_choice = "Gerya"
+        // coarse_solver_choice = "Gerya"
+        coarse_solver_max_iterations = 250
+        coarse_solver_tolerance = 1e-8
+        // p_prolongation_method = "P_MDPI_REFINE"
+        p_prolongation_method = "P_REFINE"
+        v_prolongation_method = "V_REFINE"
+    }
+    bc_coefs {
+        // These are the boundary condition specifications.  The number
+        // after "boundary_" is the location index of the boundary.
+        // The inputs are arrays of strings where the first string
+        // indicates the type of values you want to set.  "slope" means
+        // boundary slope, "value" means boundary value, and "coefficients"
+        // mean the raw Robin boundary condition coefficients.
+        // The remaining strings are converted into numbers as
+        // appropriate for what boundary condition you specified with
+        // the first string.  Other boundary conditions are possible.
+        // see the solv_RobinBcCoefStrategy class.
+        // Examples:
+        // boundary_0 = "slope", "0"
+        // boundary_1 = "coefficients", "0", "0"
+        // boundary_2 = "value", "0"
+        // boundary_3 = "value", "0"
+        boundary_0 = "value", "0"
+        boundary_1 = "value", "0"
+        boundary_2 = "value", "0"
+        boundary_3 = "value", "0"
+    }
 CartesianGridGeometry {
-  //  Specify lower/upper corners of the computational domain and a
-  //  set of non-overlapping boxes defining domain interior.  If union 
-  //  of boxes is not a parallelpiped, lower/upper corner data corresponds 
-  //  to min/max corner indices over all boxes given.
-  //  x_lo  -- (double array) lower corner of computational domain [REQD]
-  //  x_up  -- (double array) upper corner of computational domain [REQD]
-  //  domain_boxes  -- (box array) set of boxes that define interior of 
-  //                   physical domain. [REQD]
-  //  periodic_dimension -- (int array) coordinate directions in which 
-  //                        domain is periodic.  Zero indicates not
-  //                        periodic, non-zero value indicates periodicity.
-  //                        [0]
-  // domain_boxes = [(0,0), (15,15)]
-  domain_boxes = [(0,0), (3,3)]
-  x_lo         = 0, 0
-  x_up         = 1, 1
+    //  Specify lower/upper corners of the computational domain and a
+    //  set of non-overlapping boxes defining domain interior.  If union 
+    //  of boxes is not a parallelpiped, lower/upper corner data corresponds 
+    //  to min/max corner indices over all boxes given.
+    //  x_lo  -- (double array) lower corner of computational domain [REQD]
+    //  x_up  -- (double array) upper corner of computational domain [REQD]
+    //  domain_boxes  -- (box array) set of boxes that define interior of 
+    //                   physical domain. [REQD]
+    //  periodic_dimension -- (int array) coordinate directions in which 
+    //                        domain is periodic.  Zero indicates not
+    //                        periodic, non-zero value indicates periodicity.
+    //                        [0]
+    // domain_boxes = [(0,0), (15,15)]
+    domain_boxes = [(0,0), (3,3)]
+    x_lo         = 0, 0
+    x_up         = 1, 1
 StandardTagAndInitialize {
-  tagging_method = "GRADIENT_DETECTOR"
+    tagging_method = "GRADIENT_DETECTOR"
 PatchHierarchy {
-   // Information used to create patches in AMR hierarchy.
-   // max_levels -- (int) max number of mesh levels in hierarchy [REQD]
-   // 
-   // For most of the following parameters, the number of precribed data
-   // values need not match the number of levels in the hierarchy 
-   // (determined by max_levels).  If more values are given than number 
-   // of levels, extraneous values will be ignored.  If less are give, then
-   // values that correspond to individual levels will apply to those 
-   // levels.  Missing values will be taken from those for the finest
-   // level specified.
-   //
-   // ratio_to_coarser {
-   //   level_1 -- (int array) ratio between index spaces on 
-   //              level 1 to level 0 [REQD]
-   //   level_2 -- (int array)  ratio between index spaces on 
-   //              level 2 to level 1 [REQD]
-   //   etc....
-   // }
-   // largest_patch_size {
-   //   level_0 -- (int array) largest patch allowed on level 0. 
-   //              [REQD]    
-   //   level_1 -- (int array)    "       "      "   "  level 1 
-   //              [level 0 entry]
-   //   etc....                       
-   // }
-   max_levels = 6
-   proper_nesting_buffer = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
-   ratio_to_coarser {
-      level_1            = 2, 2
-      level_2            = 2, 2
-      level_3            = 2, 2
-      level_4            = 2, 2
-   }
-   largest_patch_size {
-      // level_0 = 32, 32
-      // level_0 = 8, 8
-      level_0 = -1, -1
-      // all finer levels will use same values as level_0...
-   }
+    // Information used to create patches in AMR hierarchy.
+    // max_levels -- (int) max number of mesh levels in hierarchy [REQD]
+    // 
+    // For most of the following parameters, the number of precribed data
+    // values need not match the number of levels in the hierarchy 
+    // (determined by max_levels).  If more values are given than number 
+    // of levels, extraneous values will be ignored.  If less are give, then
+    // values that correspond to individual levels will apply to those 
+    // levels.  Missing values will be taken from those for the finest
+    // level specified.
+    //
+    // ratio_to_coarser {
+    //   level_1 -- (int array) ratio between index spaces on 
+    //              level 1 to level 0 [REQD]
+    //   level_2 -- (int array)  ratio between index spaces on 
+    //              level 2 to level 1 [REQD]
+    //   etc....
+    // }
+    // largest_patch_size {
+    //   level_0 -- (int array) largest patch allowed on level 0. 
+    //              [REQD]    
+    //   level_1 -- (int array)    "       "      "   "  level 1 
+    //              [level 0 entry]
+    //   etc....                       
+    // }
+    max_levels = 6
+    proper_nesting_buffer = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
+    ratio_to_coarser {
+        level_1            = 2, 2
+        level_2            = 2, 2
+        level_3            = 2, 2
+        level_4            = 2, 2
+    }
+    largest_patch_size {
+        // level_0 = 32, 32
+        // level_0 = 8, 8
+        level_0 = -1, -1
+        // all finer levels will use same values as level_0...
+    }
 GriddingAlgorithm {
-   enforce_proper_nesting = TRUE
-   extend_to_domain_boundary = FALSE
-   proper_nesting_buffer = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
-   // load_balance = FALSE
-   efficiency_tolerance = 0.80
-   combine_efficiency = 0.75
-   // write_regrid_boxes = TRUE
-   // read_regrid_boxes = TRUE
-   // regrid_boxes_filename = "grid"
-   check_nonrefined_tags = "ERROR"
-   check_overlapping_patches = "ERROR"
-   extend_tags_to_bdry = TRUE
-   sequentialize_patch_indices = TRUE
-   barrier_before_regrid = TRUE
-   barrier_before_find_refinement = TRUE
-   barrier_before_cluster = TRUE
-   barrier_before_nest = TRUE
-   barrier_before_limit = TRUE
-   barrier_before_extend = TRUE
-   barrier_before_balance = TRUE
-   barrier_after_find_refinement = TRUE
-   coalesce_boxes = FALSE
+    enforce_proper_nesting = TRUE
+    extend_to_domain_boundary = FALSE
+    proper_nesting_buffer = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
+    // load_balance = FALSE
+    efficiency_tolerance = 0.80
+    combine_efficiency = 0.75
+    // write_regrid_boxes = TRUE
+    // read_regrid_boxes = TRUE
+    // regrid_boxes_filename = "grid"
+    check_nonrefined_tags = "ERROR"
+    check_overlapping_patches = "ERROR"
+    extend_tags_to_bdry = TRUE
+    sequentialize_patch_indices = TRUE
+    barrier_before_regrid = TRUE
+    barrier_before_find_refinement = TRUE
+    barrier_before_cluster = TRUE
+    barrier_before_nest = TRUE
+    barrier_before_limit = TRUE
+    barrier_before_extend = TRUE
+    barrier_before_balance = TRUE
+    barrier_after_find_refinement = TRUE
+    coalesce_boxes = FALSE

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