[cig-commits] commit: Split up P_Boundary_Refine.C into refine and Update_P_2D. Generalize refine to 3D

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Sat Apr 23 00:05:13 PDT 2011

changeset:   192:91b4296b8c4c
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Fri Apr 22 19:48:29 2011 -0700
files:       src/P_Boundary_Refine.C src/P_Boundary_Refine.h src/P_Boundary_Refine/Update_P_2D.C src/P_Boundary_Refine/refine.C wscript
Split up P_Boundary_Refine.C into refine and Update_P_2D.  Generalize refine to 3D

diff -r ba42d6e531fb -r 91b4296b8c4c src/P_Boundary_Refine.C
--- a/src/P_Boundary_Refine.C	Fri Apr 22 19:46:41 2011 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- *
- * This file is part of the SAMRAI distribution.  For full copyright 
- * information, see COPYRIGHT and COPYING.LESSER. 
- *
- * Copyright:     (c) 1997-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
- * Description:   Linear refine operator for cell-centered double data on
- *                a Cartesian mesh. 
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "P_Boundary_Refine.h"
-#include "quad_offset_interpolate.h"
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianPatchGeometry.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/Index.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellData.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellIndex.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Utilities.h"
-void SAMRAI::geom::P_Boundary_Refine::refine(hier::Patch& fine,
-                                             const hier::Patch& coarse,
-                                             const int dst_component,
-                                             const int src_component,
-                                             const hier::BoxOverlap& overlap,
-                                             const hier::IntVector& ratio)
-  const
-  const pdat::CellOverlap* t_overlap =
-    dynamic_cast<const pdat::CellOverlap *>(&overlap);
-  const hier::BoxList& boxes = t_overlap->getDestinationBoxList();
-  for (hier::BoxList::Iterator b(boxes); b; b++)
-    {
-      hier::Box &overlap_box=b();
-      const tbox::Dimension& dim(getDim());
-      TBOX_DIM_ASSERT_CHECK_DIM_ARGS4(dim, fine, coarse, overlap_box, ratio);
-      tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-        p = coarse.getPatchData(src_component);
-      tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-        p_fine = fine.getPatchData(dst_component);
-      TBOX_ASSERT(!p.isNull());
-      TBOX_ASSERT(!p_fine.isNull());
-      TBOX_ASSERT(p->getDepth() == p_fine->getDepth());
-      TBOX_ASSERT(p->getDepth() == 1);
-      hier::Box coarse_box=coarse.getBox();
-      hier::Box fine_box=fine.getBox();
-      hier::Box gbox=p_fine->getGhostBox();
-      hier::Box coarse_gbox=p->getGhostBox();
-      /* We have to infer where the boundary is from the boxes */
-      int boundary_direction;
-      bool boundary_positive;
-      if(overlap_box.lower(0)-overlap_box.upper(0)==0)
-        {
-          boundary_direction=0;
-          if(fine_box.upper(0)<overlap_box.lower(0))
-            boundary_positive=true;
-          else if(fine_box.lower(0)>overlap_box.upper(0))
-            boundary_positive=false;
-          else
-            abort();
-        }
-      else if(overlap_box.lower(1)-overlap_box.upper(1)==0)
-        {
-          boundary_direction=1;
-          if(fine_box.upper(1)<overlap_box.lower(1))
-            boundary_positive=true;
-          else if(fine_box.lower(1)>overlap_box.upper(1))
-            boundary_positive=false;
-          else
-            abort();
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          abort();
-        }
-      /* We have to infer where the boundary is from the boxes */
-      // tbox::plog << "PBR "
-      //            << fine.getPatchLevelNumber() << " "
-      //            << boundary_direction << " "
-      //            << std::boolalpha
-      //            << boundary_positive << " "
-      //            << coarse_box.lower(0) << " "
-      //            << coarse_box.upper(0) << " "
-      //            << coarse_box.lower(1) << " "
-      //            << coarse_box.upper(1) << " "
-      //            << fine_box.lower(0) << " "
-      //            << fine_box.upper(0) << " "
-      //            << fine_box.lower(1) << " "
-      //            << fine_box.upper(1) << " "
-      //            << overlap_box.lower(0) << " "
-      //            << overlap_box.upper(0) << " "
-      //            << overlap_box.lower(1) << " "
-      //            << overlap_box.upper(1) << " "
-      //            << "\n";
-      int i_min(std::max(overlap_box.lower(0),gbox.lower(0))),
-        i_max(std::min(overlap_box.upper(0),gbox.upper(0))),
-        j_min(std::max(overlap_box.lower(1),gbox.lower(1))),
-        j_max(std::min(overlap_box.upper(1),gbox.upper(1)));
-      for(int j=j_min; j<=j_max; ++j)
-        for(int i=i_min; i<=i_max; ++i)
-          {
-            pdat::CellIndex fine(hier::Index(i,j));
-            hier::Index ip(1,0), jp(0,1);
-            switch(boundary_direction)
-              {
-              case 0:
-                if(j<j_max)
-                  Update_P(fine,boundary_positive ? ip : -ip,jp,j,p,p_fine);
-                break;
-              case 1:
-                if(i<i_max)
-                  Update_P(fine,boundary_positive ? jp : -jp,ip,i,p,p_fine);
-              }
-          }
-    }
-/* Interpolate the pressure from the coarse (C) to the fine (f+/-)
-   coordinates using the intermediate fine points (F+/-, F_).
-   i-1      i       i+1
-   ------- -------
-   |       |       |
-   j-1 |  C    |   C   |   C
-   |       |       |
-   ------- -------
-   |       |f- F-  |
-   j   |   C   |F_ C   |   C
-   |       |f+ F+  |
-   ------- -------
-   |       |       |
-   j+1 |   C   |   C   |   C
-   |       |       |
-   ------- -------
-   F+/- = interpolate(C(i,j-1),C(i,j),C(i,j+1))
-   F_   = interpolate(C(i-1,j),C(i,j),C(i+1,j))
-   then
-   f+/- = F+/- + F_ - C(i,j) 
-   + (C(i-1,j-1) + C(i,j) + C(i-1,j) + C(i,j-1))/16
-   This example show a boundary in the positive x direction.  To reverse
-   the direction, pass in ip -> -ip.  To do the y direction, switch ip
-   and jp, and replace j with i.
-void SAMRAI::geom::P_Boundary_Refine::Update_P
-(const pdat::CellIndex &fine,
- const hier::Index &ip, const hier::Index &jp,
- int &j,
- tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p,
- tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p_fine) const
-  double p_plus, p_minus, p_offset;
-  pdat::CellIndex center(fine);
-  center.coarsen(hier::Index(2,2));
-  quad_offset_interpolate((*p)(center+jp),(*p)(center),(*p)(center-jp),
-                          p_plus,p_minus);
-  p_offset=
-    quad_offset_interpolate((*p)(center-ip),(*p)(center),(*p)(center+ip));
-  const double p_low=p_minus + p_offset - (*p)(center)
-    + ((*p)(center-ip-jp) + (*p)(center)
-       - (*p)(center-ip) - (*p)(center-jp))/16;
-  const double p_high=p_plus + p_offset - (*p)(center)
-    + ((*p)(center-ip+jp) + (*p)(center)
-       - (*p)(center-ip) - (*p)(center+jp))/16;
-  /* If we are at an even index, update both of the elements in the cell */
-  if(j%2==0)
-    {
-      (*p_fine)(fine)=p_low;
-      (*p_fine)(fine+jp)=p_high;
-      /* Since we update two points on j at once, we increment j again.
-         This is ok, since the box in the 'i' direction is defined to be
-         only one cell wide */
-      ++j;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      (*p_fine)(fine)=p_high;
-    }
-  // tbox::plog << "p bc "
-  //            << fine[0] << " "
-  //            << fine[1] << " "
-  //            << center[0] << " "
-  //            << center[1] << " "
-  //            << jp[0] << " "
-  //            << jp[1] << " "
-  //            << (*p_fine)(fine) << " "
-  //            << (*p_fine)(fine+jp) << " "
-  //            << p_minus << " "
-  //            << p_plus << " "
-  //            << p_offset << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center+jp) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center-jp) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center+ip) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center-ip) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center-ip+jp) << " "
-  //            << (*p)(center-ip-jp) << " "
-  //            << "\n";
diff -r ba42d6e531fb -r 91b4296b8c4c src/P_Boundary_Refine.h
--- a/src/P_Boundary_Refine.h	Fri Apr 22 19:46:41 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/P_Boundary_Refine.h	Fri Apr 22 19:48:29 2011 -0700
@@ -117,11 +117,12 @@ private:
   std::string d_name_id;
-  void Update_P(const pdat::CellIndex &fine,
-                const hier::Index &ip, const hier::Index &jp,
-                int &j,
-                tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p,
-                tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p_fine) const;
+  void Update_P_2D(const pdat::CellIndex &fine,
+                   const hier::Index &ip, const hier::Index &jp,
+                   int &j,
+                   tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p,
+                   tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p_fine)
+    const;
diff -r ba42d6e531fb -r 91b4296b8c4c src/P_Boundary_Refine/Update_P_2D.C
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/P_Boundary_Refine/Update_P_2D.C	Fri Apr 22 19:48:29 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include "P_Boundary_Refine.h"
+#include "quad_offset_interpolate.h"
+/* Interpolate the pressure from the coarse (C) to the fine (f+/-)
+   coordinates using the intermediate fine points (F+/-, F_).
+   i-1      i       i+1
+   ------- -------
+   |       |       |
+   j-1 |  C    |   C   |   C
+   |       |       |
+   ------- -------
+   |       |f- F-  |
+   j   |   C   |F_ C   |   C
+   |       |f+ F+  |
+   ------- -------
+   |       |       |
+   j+1 |   C   |   C   |   C
+   |       |       |
+   ------- -------
+   F+/- = interpolate(C(i,j-1),C(i,j),C(i,j+1))
+   F_   = interpolate(C(i-1,j),C(i,j),C(i+1,j))
+   then
+   f+/- = F+/- + F_ - C(i,j) 
+   + (C(i-1,j-1) + C(i,j) + C(i-1,j) + C(i,j-1))/16
+   This example show a boundary in the positive x direction.  To reverse
+   the direction, pass in ip -> -ip.  To do the y direction, switch ip
+   and jp, and replace j with i.
+void SAMRAI::geom::P_Boundary_Refine::Update_P_2D
+(const pdat::CellIndex &fine,
+ const hier::Index &ip, const hier::Index &jp,
+ int &j,
+ tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p,
+ tbox::Pointer<SAMRAI::pdat::CellData<double> > &p_fine) const
+  double p_plus, p_minus, p_offset;
+  pdat::CellIndex center(fine);
+  center.coarsen(hier::Index(2,2));
+  quad_offset_interpolate((*p)(center+jp),(*p)(center),(*p)(center-jp),
+                          p_plus,p_minus);
+  p_offset=
+    quad_offset_interpolate((*p)(center-ip),(*p)(center),(*p)(center+ip));
+  const double p_low=p_minus + p_offset - (*p)(center)
+    + ((*p)(center-ip-jp) + (*p)(center)
+       - (*p)(center-ip) - (*p)(center-jp))/16;
+  const double p_high=p_plus + p_offset - (*p)(center)
+    + ((*p)(center-ip+jp) + (*p)(center)
+       - (*p)(center-ip) - (*p)(center+jp))/16;
+  /* If we are at an even index, update both of the elements in the cell */
+  if(j%2==0)
+    {
+      (*p_fine)(fine)=p_low;
+      (*p_fine)(fine+jp)=p_high;
+      /* Since we update two points on j at once, we increment j again.
+         This is ok, since the box in the 'i' direction is defined to be
+         only one cell wide */
+      ++j;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      (*p_fine)(fine)=p_high;
+    }
+  // tbox::plog << "p bc "
+  //            << fine[0] << " "
+  //            << fine[1] << " "
+  //            << center[0] << " "
+  //            << center[1] << " "
+  //            << jp[0] << " "
+  //            << jp[1] << " "
+  //            << (*p_fine)(fine) << " "
+  //            << (*p_fine)(fine+jp) << " "
+  //            << p_minus << " "
+  //            << p_plus << " "
+  //            << p_offset << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center+jp) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center-jp) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center+ip) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center-ip) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center-ip+jp) << " "
+  //            << (*p)(center-ip-jp) << " "
+  //            << "\n";
diff -r ba42d6e531fb -r 91b4296b8c4c src/P_Boundary_Refine/refine.C
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/P_Boundary_Refine/refine.C	Fri Apr 22 19:48:29 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the SAMRAI distribution.  For full copyright 
+ * information, see COPYRIGHT and COPYING.LESSER. 
+ *
+ * Copyright:     (c) 1997-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
+ * Description:   Linear refine operator for cell-centered double data on
+ *                a Cartesian mesh. 
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "P_Boundary_Refine.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianPatchGeometry.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/Index.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellData.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellIndex.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Utilities.h"
+void SAMRAI::geom::P_Boundary_Refine::refine(hier::Patch& fine,
+                                             const hier::Patch& coarse,
+                                             const int dst_component,
+                                             const int src_component,
+                                             const hier::BoxOverlap& overlap,
+                                             const hier::IntVector& ratio)
+  const
+  const pdat::CellOverlap* t_overlap =
+    dynamic_cast<const pdat::CellOverlap *>(&overlap);
+  const hier::BoxList& boxes = t_overlap->getDestinationBoxList();
+  for (hier::BoxList::Iterator b(boxes); b; b++)
+    {
+      hier::Box &overlap_box=b();
+      const tbox::Dimension& dimension(getDim());
+      TBOX_DIM_ASSERT_CHECK_DIM_ARGS4(dimension, fine, coarse, overlap_box, ratio);
+      const int dim(dimension.getValue());
+      tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+        p = coarse.getPatchData(src_component);
+      tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+        p_fine = fine.getPatchData(dst_component);
+      TBOX_ASSERT(!p.isNull());
+      TBOX_ASSERT(!p_fine.isNull());
+      TBOX_ASSERT(p->getDepth() == p_fine->getDepth());
+      TBOX_ASSERT(p->getDepth() == 1);
+      hier::Box coarse_box=coarse.getBox();
+      hier::Box fine_box=fine.getBox();
+      hier::Box gbox=p_fine->getGhostBox();
+      hier::Box coarse_gbox=p->getGhostBox();
+      /* We have to infer where the boundary is from the boxes */
+      int boundary_direction;
+      bool boundary_positive;
+      for(int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+        {
+          if(overlap_box.lower(d)-overlap_box.upper(d)==0)
+            {
+              boundary_direction=d;
+              if(fine_box.upper(d)<overlap_box.lower(d))
+                boundary_positive=true;
+              else if(fine_box.lower(d)>overlap_box.upper(d))
+                boundary_positive=false;
+              else
+                abort();
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      hier::Index p_min(dimension), p_max(dimension);
+      for(int d=0;d<dim;++d)
+        {
+          p_min[d]=std::max(overlap_box.lower(d),gbox.lower(d));
+          p_max[d]=std::min(overlap_box.upper(d),gbox.upper(d));
+        }
+      hier::Box box(p_min,p_max);
+      hier::Index ip(hier::Index::getZeroIndex(dimension)), jp(ip), kp(ip);
+      ip[0]=1;
+      jp[1]=1;
+      if(dim>2)
+        kp[2]=1;
+      if(dim==2)
+        {
+          for(int j=p_min[1]; j<=p_max[1]; ++j)
+            for(int i=p_min[0]; i<=p_max[0]; ++i)
+              {
+                pdat::CellIndex fine(hier::Index(i,j));
+                switch(boundary_direction)
+                  {
+                  case 0:
+                    if(j<p_max[1])
+                      Update_P_2D(fine,boundary_positive ? ip : -ip,jp,j,
+                                  p,p_fine);
+                    break;
+                  case 1:
+                    if(i<p_max[0])
+                      Update_P_2D(fine,boundary_positive ? jp : -jp,ip,i,
+                                  p,p_fine);
+                    break;
+                  }
+              }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for(int k=p_min[2]; k<=p_max[2]; ++k)
+            for(int j=p_min[1]; j<=p_max[1]; ++j)
+              for(int i=p_min[0]; i<=p_max[0]; ++i)
+                {
+                  pdat::CellIndex fine(hier::Index(i,j));
+                  switch(boundary_direction)
+                    {
+                      // case 0:
+                      //   if(j<p_max[1] && k<p_max[2])
+                      //     Update_P_3D(fine,boundary_positive ? ip : -ip,jp,kp,j,
+                      //                 p,p_fine);
+                      //   break;
+                      // case 1:
+                      //   if(i<p_max[0] && k<p_max[2])
+                      //     Update_P_3D(fine,boundary_positive ? jp : -jp,kp,ip,k,
+                      //                 p,p_fine);
+                      //   break;
+                      // case 1:
+                      //   if(i<p_max[0] && j<p_max[1])
+                      //     Update_P_3D(fine,boundary_positive ? kp : -kp,ip,jp,i,
+                      //                 p,p_fine);
+                      //   break;
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+    }
diff -r ba42d6e531fb -r 91b4296b8c4c wscript
--- a/wscript	Fri Apr 22 19:46:41 2011 -0700
+++ b/wscript	Fri Apr 22 19:48:29 2011 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ def build(bld):
-                        'src/P_Boundary_Refine.C',
+                        'src/P_Boundary_Refine/refine.C',
+                        'src/P_Boundary_Refine/Update_P_2D.C',

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