[cig-commits] r18826 - in seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj: . scripts_tomo

carltape at geodynamics.org carltape at geodynamics.org
Fri Aug 12 16:26:38 PDT 2011

Author: carltape
Date: 2011-08-12 16:26:38 -0700 (Fri, 12 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 18826

IMPORTANT: renaming files for MEASURE_ADJ by deleting the "mt" tag originally intended to denote multitaper measurements and adjoint sources; the code is more general and handles many different measurements.

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_constants.f90 (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_constants.f90)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_constants.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_constants.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module mt_constants
+  ! number of entries in window_chi output file
+  integer, parameter :: N_MEASUREMENT = 5
+  integer, parameter :: NCHI = 3*(N_MEASUREMENT-1) + 8
+  ! constants
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
+  double precision, parameter :: TWOPI = 2.0 * PI
+  complex*16, parameter :: CCI = cmplx(0.,1.)
+  double precision, parameter :: LARGE_VAL = 1.0d8
+  ! FFT parameters
+  integer, parameter :: LNPT = 15, NPT = 2**LNPT, NDIM = 80000
+  double precision, parameter :: FORWARD_FFT = 1.0  
+  double precision, parameter :: REVERSE_FFT = -1.0   
+  ! phase correction control parameters, set this between (PI, 2PI),
+  ! use a higher value for conservative phase wrapping
+  double precision, parameter :: PHASE_STEP = 1.5 * PI
+  ! filter parameters for xapiir bandpass subroutine (filter type is BP)
+  ! (These should match the filter used in pre-processing.)
+  double precision, parameter :: TRBDNDW = 0.3
+  double precision, parameter :: APARM = 30.
+  integer, parameter :: IORD = 4
+  integer, parameter :: PASSES = 2
+  ! takes waveform of first trace dat_dtw, without taking the difference waveform to the second trace syn_dtw
+  ! this is useful to cissor out later reflections which appear in data (no synthetics needed)
+  logical:: NO_WAVEFORM_DIFFERENCE = .false. 
+  ! constructs adjoint sources for a "ray density" kernel, where all misfits are equal to one
+  logical:: DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE = .false.
+end module mt_constants

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub.f90 (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,2082 @@
+module mt_sub
+  use mt_constants
+  use mt_variables
+  use mt_sub2
+  use ascii_rw
+  implicit none
+  ! =================================================================================================
+  ! subroutine mt_measure()
+  ! Boxcar/Cosine/Multitaper estimates of the transfer function between data and synthetics
+  !
+  !  Input:
+  !        is_mtm -- taper type: 1 for multitaper, 2 for boxcar taper, and 3 for cosine taper
+  !        datafile -- original data file in SAC format
+  !        file_prefix -- the output file prefix (usually in STA.NT.CMP.N format)
+  !        dat_dt(:), syn_dt(:) t0, dt, npts -- original data and synthetics array
+  !        tstart, tend -- start and end of the measurement window (can be from Alessia's code)
+  !  Output:
+  !        istart -- starting index of the windowed portion of  original trace
+  !        dat_dtw(:), syn_dtw(:), nlen -- windowed and shifted data, windowed synthetics
+  !        tshift, dlnA, cc_max -- time shift and amplitude cross-correlation measurements
+  !        i_right -- the maximum reliable frequency estimate index
+  !        trans_w(:) -- estimates of transfer function
+  !        dtau_w(:), dlnA_w(:) -- estimates of travel-time and amplitude anomaly
+  !        err_dt(:), err_dlnA(:) -- error bar of the travel-time and amplitude estimates (MT only)
+  !
+  !  original coding in Fortran77 by Ying Zhou
+  !  upgraded to Fortran90 by Alessia Maggi
+  !  organized into package form by Qinya Liu
+  !  modifications by Carl Tape and Vala Hjorleifsdottir
+  !
+  ! =================================================================================================
+  subroutine mt_measure(datafile,file_prefix,dat_dt,syn_dt,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend, &
+         istart,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc, &
+         i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right,trans_w,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,err_dt,err_dlnA)
+    implicit none
+    integer, intent(in) :: npts
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dt,syn_dt
+    double precision, intent(in) ::  tstart,tend,t0,dt
+    character(len=150), intent(in) :: file_prefix,datafile
+    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
+    complex*16, dimension(:), intent(out) :: trans_w
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: dtau_w,dlnA_w,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_cc
+    integer, intent(out) :: nlen,i_right,istart,i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: err_dt,err_dlnA
+    !double precision, intent(out), optional :: sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: syn_vtw, syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt, &
+         syn_dtw_cc_dt, dat_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_h, dat_dtw_h
+    double precision :: sfac1,fac,f0,df,df_new,dw, &
+         ampmax_unw,wtr_use_unw,ampmax,wtr_use,wtr_mtm,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa !omega
+    integer :: ishift,i,ictaper,j,fnum,i_amp_max_unw,i_amp_max,i_right_stop,idf_new,iom
+    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: syn_dtwo, dat_dtwo, syn_dtw_ho, dat_dtw_ho,  &
+                                  top_mtm, bot_mtm, trans_mtm, wseis_recon
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: wvec, ey1, ey2, dtau_mtm, dlnA_mtm, &
+         phi_w, abs_w, err_phi, err_abs, phi_mtm, abs_mtm
+    double precision :: eph_ave,edt_ave,eabs_ave,eabs2_ave,eph_iom,edt_iom,eabs_iom,eabs2_iom
+    double precision, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tas,phi_mul,abs_mul,dtau_mul,dlnA_mul
+    character(len=150) :: filename
+    logical :: output_logical,display_logical
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------
+    if ( tstart < t0 .or. tend > t0+(npts-1)*dt .or. tstart >= tend) then
+       print *, 'tstart, t0, tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt:'
+       print *, tstart, t0, tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt
+       stop 'Check tstart and tend'
+    endif
+    ! initializes i_right
+    i_right = 0
+    ! LQY -- is this too small ???
+    wtr_mtm = 1.e-10
+    filename = trim(file_prefix)
+    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'_data',dat_dt,npts,t0,dt)
+       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn',syn_dt,npts,t0,dt)
+       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'_data.sac',dat_dt,npts,t0,dt)
+       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.sac',syn_dt,npts,t0,dt)
+!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_data.sac',t0,npts,dat_dt)
+!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.sac',t0,npts,syn_dt)
+!!$      !call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_diff_dms.sac',t0,npts,dat_dt-syn_dt)
+!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'_data.txt',t0,dt,npts,dat_dt)
+!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.txt',t0,dt,npts,syn_dt)
+    endif
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! window and interpolate data and synthetics
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! interpolate data and synthetics, and also extract time-windowed records
+    call interpolate_dat_and_syn(dat_dt,syn_dt,tstart,tend,t0,dt,NPT,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,istart)
+    if (nlen <= 1) stop 'Check the length of the data and syn arrays'
+    if (nlen > NPT) stop 'Check the dimension of data and syn arrays'
+    ! some constants
+    sfac1 = (2./dble(nlen))**2   ! for Welch window
+    ipwr_t = 10                  ! for time-domain cosine taper: 1 - [cos(t)]^(ipwr)
+    ! pre-processing time-domain taper
+    do i = 1,nlen
+      !fac = 1.                                         ! boxcar window
+      !fac = 1 - sfac1*((i-1) - dble(nlen)/2.)**2       ! welch window
+      fac = 1. - cos(PI*(i-1)/(nlen-1))**ipwr_t        ! cosine window
+      syn_dtw(i)  = syn_dtw(i) * fac  ! syn, windowed
+      dat_dtw(i) = dat_dtw(i) * fac  ! dat, windowed
+    enddo
+    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+       print *, ' NPTs = ', NPT, '  new nlen = ', nlen
+       call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.sac',dat_dtw,nlen,tstart,dt)
+       call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.sac',syn_dtw,nlen,tstart,dt)
+!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.sac',tstart,nlen,dat_dtw)
+!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw)
+    endif
+    ! save a copy of the windowed data
+    !dat_dtwc(:) = dat_dtw(:)
+    !------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements
+    !------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! compute cross-correlation time shift and also amplitude measurmement
+    ! NOTE: records have already been windowed, so no information outside windows is considered
+    ! LQY: Ying suggested to align them at relatively long periods
+    call compute_cc(syn_dtw, dat_dtw, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift, dlnA, cc_max)
+    ! compute velocity of synthetics
+    do i = 2, nlen-1
+      syn_vtw(i) = (syn_dtw(i+1) - syn_dtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
+    enddo
+    syn_vtw(1)    = (syn_dtw(2) - syn_dtw(1)) / dt
+    syn_vtw(nlen) = (syn_dtw(nlen) - syn_dtw(nlen-1)) /dt
+    ! acceleration
+    !do i = 2, nlen-1
+    !  syn_atw(i) = (syn_vtw(i+1) - syn_vtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
+    !enddo
+    !syn_atw(1)    = (syn_vtw(2) - syn_vtw(1)) / dt
+    !syn_atw(nlen) = (syn_vtw(nlen) - syn_vtw(nlen-1)) / dt
+    ! deconstruct data using (negative) cross-correlation measurments
+    call deconstruct_dat_cc(filename,dat_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen, &
+        ishift,tshift,dlnA,dat_dtw_cc)
+    ! reconstruct synthetics using cross-correlation measurments (plotting purposes only)
+    call reconstruct_syn_cc(syn_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,ishift,tshift,dlnA,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
+       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc.sac',syn_dtw_cc,nlen,tstart,dt)
+       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc_dt.sac',syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,tstart,dt)
+!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_cc)
+!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc_dt.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
+!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_cc)
+!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_dt)
+    endif
+    ! compute the estimated uncertainty for the cross-correlation measurment
+    sigma_dt_cc = 1.
+    sigma_dlnA_cc = 1.
+    call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc)
+    ! write cross-correlation measurement to file
+    call write_average_meas(filename,imeas,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc)
+    !========================================
+    ! CHT: if you want a simple waveform difference, then return
+    if (is_mtm == 0) return
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !  set up FFT for the frequency domain
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! calculate frequency step and number of frequencies
+    f0 = 0.
+    df = 1./(NPT*dt)
+    dw = TWOPI * df
+    fnum = NPT/2 + 1
+    ! calculate frequency spacing of sampling points
+    df_new = 1.0 / (tend-tstart)
+    idf_new = df_new / df
+    ! assemble omega vector (NPT is the FFT length)
+    wvec(:) = 0.
+    do j = 1,NPT
+      if(j > NPT/2+1) then
+        wvec(j) = dw*(j-NPT-1)   ! negative frequencies in second half
+      else
+        wvec(j) = dw*(j-1)       ! positive frequencies in first half
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! create complex synthetic seismogram and CC-deconstructed data seismogram
+    syn_dtwo = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    dat_dtwo = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    !syn_dtwo(1:nlen) =  syn_dtw(1:nlen)
+    !dat_dtwo(1:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen)
+    syn_dtwo(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw(1:nlen))
+    dat_dtwo(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen))
+    call fft(LNPT,syn_dtwo,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+    call fft(LNPT,dat_dtwo,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+    ! index of the freq of the max power in the windowed data
+    ampmax_unw = 0.
+    i_pmax_dat = 1
+    do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
+      if( abs(dat_dtwo(i)) > ampmax_unw) then
+        ampmax_unw =  abs(dat_dtwo(i))
+        i_pmax_dat = i
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! water level based untapered synthetics
+    ! used to determine the i_right values (maximum frequency for measurement)
+    ampmax_unw = 0.
+    do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
+      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) > ampmax_unw) then
+        ampmax_unw =  abs(syn_dtwo(i))
+        i_amp_max_unw = i
+      endif
+    enddo
+    wtr_use_unw = cmplx(ampmax_unw * WTR, 0.)
+    ! index of the freq of the max power in the windowed synthetics
+    i_pmax_syn = i_amp_max_unw
+    i_right = fnum
+    i_right_stop = 0
+    do i = 1,fnum
+      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) <= abs(wtr_use_unw) .and. i_right_stop==0 .and. i > i_amp_max_unw ) then
+        i_right_stop = 1
+        i_right = i
+      endif
+      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) >= 10.*abs(wtr_use_unw) .and. i_right_stop==1 .and. i > i_amp_max_unw) then
+        i_right_stop = 0
+        i_right = i
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+      print *, 'Frequency of max power in windowed synthetic (Hz):'
+      print *, '  i_pmax_syn = ', i_pmax_syn, ', f_pmax = ', sngl(i_pmax_syn * df), ', T_pmax = ', sngl(1./(i_pmax_syn*df))
+      print *, 'FFT freq spacing df = ', sngl(df)
+      print *, 'measurement spacing df_new = ', sngl(df_new)
+      print *, '  i_right = ', i_right, ', stopping freq = ', sngl(i_right * df)
+      ! write out power for each signal
+       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power',abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
+       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power',abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
+       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power.sac',abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
+       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power.sac',abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
+!!$      call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power',df,df,i_right,abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)) )
+!!$      call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power',df,df,i_right,abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)) )
+    endif
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! single-taper estimation of transfer function
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! assign number of tapers
+    if (is_mtm == 1) then
+      ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
+    else
+      ntaper = 1
+    endif
+    allocate(tas(NPT,ntaper))
+    ! calculate the tapers
+    if (is_mtm == 1) then
+      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
+    elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
+      call costaper(nlen, NPT, tas)
+    elseif (is_mtm == 3) then
+      call boxcar(nlen, NPT, tas)
+    endif
+!!$    if (is_mtm == 1) then
+!!$      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
+!!$    elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
+!!$      call costaper(nlen, NPT, tas)
+!!$    elseif (is_mtm == 3) then
+!!$      call boxcar(nlen, NPT, tas)
+!!$    endif
+    ! initialize transfer function terms
+    top_mtm(:)   = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    bot_mtm(:)   = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    trans_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    do ictaper = 1, ntaper
+      syn_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.) ! note: this has to be initialized inside the loop
+      dat_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+      ! apply time-domain taper
+      do i = 1, nlen
+        syn_dtw_h(i) = syn_dtw(i) * tas(i,ictaper)     ! single-tapered, windowed syn
+        dat_dtw_h(i) = dat_dtw_cc(i) * tas(i,ictaper)  ! single-tapered, windowed, shifted data
+      enddo
+      syn_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+      dat_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+      ! apply FFT to get complex spectra
+      call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+      call fft(LNPT,dat_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+      ! compute water level for single taper measurement by finding max spectral power
+      ! in the tapered synthetics record
+      ampmax = 0.
+      do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
+        if( abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) > ampmax) then      ! syn, single_tapered
+          ampmax = abs(syn_dtw_ho(i))
+          i_amp_max = i
+        endif
+      enddo
+      wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * WTR, 0.)
+      !print *, ' wtr_use :', wtr_use
+      ! calculate top and bottom of MT transfer function
+      do i = 1, fnum
+        top_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) + dat_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))   ! uses data and syn
+        bot_mtm(i) = bot_mtm(i) + syn_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))   ! uses syn only
+        ! calculate transfer function for single taper measurement using water level
+        if (is_mtm /= 1) then
+          if(abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) >  abs(wtr_use)) trans_w(i) = dat_dtw_ho(i) / syn_dtw_ho(i)
+          if(abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) <= abs(wtr_use)) trans_w(i) = dat_dtw_ho(i) / (syn_dtw_ho(i)+wtr_use)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ! for cosine or boxcar tapers only -- SEE COMMENTS BELOW for the multitaper case
+      ! NOTE 1: here we are using trans_w, not trans_mtm
+      ! NOTE 2: The single-taper transfer function should give you a perfect fit,
+      !         but it is not relevant from the perspective of obtaining a measurement.
+      if (is_mtm /= 1) then
+        ! phase, abs(trans), travel-time and amplitude as a func of freq for single-tapered measurements
+        call write_trans(filename,trans_w,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
+             phi_w,abs_w,dtau_w,dlnA_w,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa)
+        call reconstruct_syn(filename,syn_dtwo,wvec,dtau_w,dlnA_w, &
+             i_right,tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+        !call check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+        !call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
+        !call write_average_meas(filename, imeas, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA)
+      endif
+    enddo  ! ictapers
+    ! for single taper, pass back the transfer function
+    if (is_mtm /= 1) return
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! multitaper estimation of transfer function
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! water level for multitaper measurements
+    ampmax = 0.
+    do i = 1, fnum
+      if( abs(bot_mtm(i)) > ampmax) then
+        ampmax =  abs(bot_mtm(i))
+        i_amp_max = i
+      endif
+    enddo
+    wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * wtr_mtm**2, 0.)
+    !wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * WTR, 0.)
+    ! calculate MT transfer function using water level
+    do i = 1, fnum
+      if(abs(bot_mtm(i)) > abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) /  bot_mtm(i)
+      if(abs(bot_mtm(i)) < abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) / (bot_mtm(i)+wtr_use)
+    enddo
+    ! multitaper phase, abs, tt, and amp (freq)
+    call write_trans(filename,trans_mtm,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
+        phi_mtm,abs_mtm,dtau_mtm,dlnA_mtm,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa)
+    ! apply transfer function to the syn
+    call reconstruct_syn(filename,syn_dtwo,wvec,dtau_mtm,dlnA_mtm, &
+        i_right,tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+    ! check quality
+    !call check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift, tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+    ! CHT: estimate error using the same procedure as for the cross-correlation error estimate
+    !sigma_dt = 1. ; sigma_dlnA = 1.
+    !call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
+    sigma_dt = sigma_dt_cc  ;  sigma_dlnA = sigma_dlnA_cc
+    ! write average multitaper measurement to file
+    call write_average_meas(file_prefix, imeas, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA)
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! multitaper error estimation
+    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (ntaper > 1) then
+      ! save a copy of the control logicals
+      output_logical = OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES
+      display_logical = DISPLAY_DETAILS
+      ! avoid I/O output for MT error estimates
+      DISPLAY_DETAILS = .false.
+      ! allocate Jacknife MT estimates
+      allocate(phi_mul(NPT,ntaper))
+      allocate(abs_mul(NPT,ntaper))
+      allocate(dtau_mul(NPT,ntaper))
+      allocate(dlnA_mul(NPT,ntaper))
+      do iom = 1, ntaper
+        top_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+        bot_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+        do ictaper = 1, ntaper
+          if(ictaper.eq.iom) cycle
+          ! apply ictaper-th taper
+          syn_dtw_h(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
+          dat_dtw_h(1:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
+          ! complex tapered series
+          syn_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+          dat_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+          syn_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+          dat_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+          ! apply f.t. to get complex spectra
+          call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+          call fft(LNPT,dat_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
+          ! calculate top and bottom of Jacknife transfer function
+          do i = 1, fnum
+            top_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) + dat_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))
+            bot_mtm(i) = bot_mtm(i) + syn_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))
+          enddo
+        enddo ! ictaper
+        ! water level
+        ampmax = 0.
+        do i = 1, fnum
+          if( abs(bot_mtm(i)).gt.ampmax) then
+            ampmax =  abs(bot_mtm(i))
+            i_amp_max = i
+          endif
+        enddo
+        wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * wtr_mtm ** 2, 0.)
+        !  calculate transfer function using water level
+        do i = 1, fnum
+          if(abs(bot_mtm(i)).gt.abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) / bot_mtm(i)
+          if(abs(bot_mtm(i)).le.abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) /(bot_mtm(i)+wtr_use)
+        enddo
+        call write_trans(filename,trans_mtm,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
+            phi_mul(:,iom),abs_mul(:,iom),dtau_mul(:,iom),dlnA_mul(:,iom))
+      enddo ! iom
+      !----------------------
+      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.err_ph')
+      open(20,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dt')
+      open(30,file=trim(filename)//'.err_abs')
+      open(40,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dlnA')
+      ! CHT: Since all freq. domain points are used in constructing the
+      !      adjoint source, we also want to show the entire sigma(f) functions,
+      !      not just the sub-sampled version.
+      open(50,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dt_full')
+      open(60,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dlnA_full')
+      err_phi  = 0.
+      err_dt   = 0.
+      err_abs  = 0.
+      err_dlnA = 0.
+      do i = 1, i_right
+          eph_ave   = 0.
+          edt_ave   = 0.
+          eabs_ave  = 0.
+          eabs2_ave = 0.
+          do iom = 1, ntaper
+            eph_iom = ntaper*phi_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*phi_mul(i,iom)
+            eph_ave = eph_ave + eph_iom
+            edt_iom = ntaper*dtau_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*dtau_mul(i,iom)
+            edt_ave = edt_ave + edt_iom
+            eabs_iom = ntaper*abs_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*abs_mul(i,iom)
+            eabs_ave = eabs_ave + eabs_iom
+            eabs2_iom = ntaper*dlnA_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*dlnA_mul(i,iom)
+            eabs2_ave = eabs2_ave + eabs2_iom
+          enddo
+          eph_ave   = eph_ave   / (ntaper)
+          edt_ave   = edt_ave   / (ntaper)
+          eabs_ave  = eabs_ave  / (ntaper)
+          eabs2_ave = eabs2_ave / (ntaper)
+          do iom = 1, ntaper
+            err_phi(i)  = err_phi(i) + ( phi_mul(i,iom) - eph_ave)**2
+            err_dt(i)   = err_dt(i)  + (dtau_mul(i,iom) - edt_ave)**2
+            err_abs(i)  = err_abs(i) + ( abs_mul(i,iom) - eabs_ave)**2
+            err_dlnA(i) = err_dlnA(i)+ (dlnA_mul(i,iom) - eabs2_ave)**2
+          enddo
+          err_phi(i)  =  sqrt( err_phi(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
+          err_dt(i)   =  sqrt( err_dt(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
+        ! set the error bar for the first point corresponding to
+        ! static offset to be large, which makes no contribution to
+        ! the adjoint source
+          if (i == 1) err_dt(i) = LARGE_VAL
+          err_abs(i)  =  sqrt( err_abs(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
+          err_dlnA(i) =  sqrt( err_dlnA(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
+        ! only write out the errors for the 'independent' freq-domain sampling points
+        if (mod(i,idf_new) == 0) then
+          write(10,*) df*(i-1), phi_mtm(i), err_phi(i)
+          if (i > 1) write(20,*) df*(i-1), dtau_mtm(i), err_dt(i)
+          write(30,*) df*(i-1), abs_mtm(i), err_abs(i)
+          write(40,*) df*(i-1), dlnA_mtm(i), err_dlnA(i)
+        endif
+        ! CHT: write out the entire dt(f) and dlnA(f) for adjoint sources
+        write(50,*) df*(i-1), dtau_mtm(i), err_dt(i)
+        write(60,*) df*(i-1), dlnA_mtm(i), err_dlnA(i)
+      enddo ! i_right
+      close(10)
+      close(20)
+      close(30)
+      close(40)
+      close(50)
+      close(60)
+      ! pass the MT transfer funnction
+      trans_w = trans_mtm
+      dtau_w = dtau_mtm
+      dlnA_w = dlnA_mtm
+      ! reset the control parameters
+      OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES = output_logical
+      DISPLAY_DETAILS = display_logical
+    endif
+    !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !     End error calculation loop
+    !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+  end subroutine mt_measure
+  ! =====================================================================================================
+  ! subroutine mt_adj()
+  ! Compute cross-correlation travel-time/amplitude/banana-donut travel-time/banana-donut amplitude
+  ! adjoint sources by assimulate the measurements passed from mt_measure()
+  !
+  !    Input:
+  !      imeas -- adjoint source type: 0 for waveform, 1 for multitaper, 2 for cc, 3 for cc banana-doughnut
+  !      istart -- starting index of the windowed portion of  original trace, used to generate adjoint
+  !                source that correspond to the original synthetics
+  !      dat_dtw(:), syn_dtw(:), nlen, dt -- windowed data and synthetics
+  !                                           with length nlen and sampling rate dt
+  !      tshift, dlnA -- cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements
+  !      dtau_w(:), dlnA_w(:), err_dtau(:), err_dlnA(:), i_right -- traveltime and amplitude measurements
+  !                and corresponding error bars as a function of frequency (1: i_right)
+  !
+  !    Output:
+  !      tr_adj_src(:), tr_chi -- travel-time adjoint source and chi value
+  !      am_adj_src(:), am_chi -- amplitude adjoint source and chi value
+  !      window_chi(:) -- all available scalar measurement values and chi values
+  !
+  !    original coding by Carl Tape, finalized by Qinya Liu
+  ! ======================================================================================================
+  subroutine mt_adj(istart,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,dt,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc, &
+         dtau_w,dlnA_w,err_dtau,err_dlnA,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,i_left,i_right, &
+         window_chi,tr_adj_src,tr_chi,am_adj_src,am_chi)
+    implicit none
+    integer, intent(in) :: istart, nlen, i_left, i_right
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dtw, syn_dtw
+    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift, dlnA, sigma_dt_cc, sigma_dlnA_cc, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, err_dtau, err_dlnA
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: tr_adj_src, am_adj_src
+    double precision, intent(out) :: tr_chi, am_chi
+    double precision, dimension(NCHI), intent(inout) :: window_chi
+    !double precision, dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: am_adj_src
+    !double precision, intent(out), optional :: am_chi
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: syn_vtw, syn_vtw_h, syn_dtw_h, ey1, ey2
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: ft_bar_t, fa_bar_t, fp, fq, wp_taper, wq_taper
+    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: d_bot_mtm, v_bot_mtm
+    integer :: i, i1, ictaper, ntaper
+    double precision :: df,Nnorm,Mnorm,fac,ffac,w_taper(NPT), time_window(NPT)
+    double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tas
+    complex*16, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: syn_dtw_ho_all, syn_vtw_ho_all
+    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: pwc_adj,qwc_adj
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: dtau_pj_t, dlnA_qj_t
+    double precision :: dtau_wtr, dlnA_wtr, err_t, err_A
+    double precision :: waveform_chi, waveform_d2, waveform_s2, waveform_temp1, waveform_temp2, waveform_temp3
+    ! waveform adjoint source is passed by tr_adj_src and tr_chi
+    !if (imeas == 0 .and. (present(am_adj_src) .or. present(am_chi))) stop  &
+    !   'am_adj_src and am_chi are not needed for imeas = 0 (waveform adjoint source case)'
+    ! check the window length
+    if (istart + nlen > NDIM) stop 'Check istart + nlen and NPT'
+    ! waveform
+    if(imeas==1 .or. imeas==2) then
+       print *, 'computing waveform adjoint source'
+    elseif(imeas==3 .or. imeas==4) then
+       print *, 'computing banana-doughtnut adjoint source'
+    elseif(imeas==5 .or. imeas==6) then
+       print *, 'computing cross-correlation adjoint source'
+    elseif(imeas==7 .or. imeas==8) then
+       print *, 'computing multitaper adjoint source'
+    endif
+    ! ----------------------
+    !      TAPERS
+    ! ----------------------
+    if( is_mtm == 1 ) then
+      ! frequency-domain tapers
+      ipwr_w = 10
+      w_taper(:) = 0.
+      do i = i_left, i_right    ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
+        ! type of filter in the freq domain
+        !w_taper(i) = 1.                                       ! boxcar
+        !w_taper(i) = 1. - (2.0/nw)**2 * ((i-1) - nw/2.0)**2     ! welch
+        w_taper(i) = 1. - cos(PI*(i-i_left)/(i_right-i_left))**ipwr_w    ! cosine
+      enddo
+      ! compute normalization factor for w_taper
+      ! note: 2 is needed for the integration from -inf to inf
+      df = 1. /(NPT*dt)
+      ffac = 2.0 * df * sum(w_taper(i_left:i_right) )   ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
+      if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'Taper normalization factor, ffac = ', ffac
+      ! wp_taper and wq_taper are modified frequency-domain tapers
+      ! Notice the option to include the frequency-dependent error.
+      wp_taper(:) = 0.
+      wq_taper(:) = 0.
+      dtau_wtr = WTR * sum(abs(dtau_w(i_left:i_right)))/(i_right-i_left)  ! CHT i_left
+      dlnA_wtr = WTR * sum(abs(dlnA_w(i_left:i_right)))/(i_right-i_left)  ! CHT i_left
+      do i = i_left, i_right    ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
+        if (ERROR_TYPE == 0 .or. DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
+          ! no error estimate
+          ! only adds normalization factor
+          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac
+          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac
+        elseif (ERROR_TYPE == 1) then
+          ! MT error estimate is assigned the CC error estimate
+          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (sigma_dt ** 2)
+          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (sigma_dlnA ** 2)
+        elseif (ERROR_TYPE == 2) then
+          ! MT jack-knife error estimate
+          err_t = err_dtau(i)
+          if (err_dtau(i) < dtau_wtr)  err_t = err_t + dtau_wtr
+          err_A = err_dlnA(i)
+          if (err_dlnA(i) < dlnA_wtr)  err_A = err_A + dlnA_wtr
+          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (err_t ** 2)
+          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (err_A ** 2)
+        endif
+      enddo
+!!$    open(88,file='ftaper.dat')
+!!$    do i = 1,i_right
+!!$       write(88,'(5e18.6)') df*i, w_taper(i), dtau_w(i), dtau_w(i)*w_taper(i), dtau_w(i)*wp_taper(i)
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    close(88)
+    endif ! is_mtm == 1
+    ! post-processing time-domain taper
+    ! NOTE: If the adjoint sources will be band-pass filtered at the end,
+    !       then perhaps time_window is not necessary (i.e., use boxcar).
+    !       However, if you are using a waveform difference, then you want
+    !       to make sure that the endpoints of the windows are at zero, since
+    !       you would NOT apply the post-processing band-pass filter.
+    time_window(:) = 0.
+    ipwr_t = 10
+    do i = 1,nlen
+      fac = 1.                                           ! boxcar window
+      !fac = 1 - sfac2*((i-1) - dble(nlen1)/2.0)**2       ! welch window
+      !fac = 1. - cos(PI*(i-1)/(nlen-1))**ipwr_t          ! cosine window
+      time_window(i) = fac
+    enddo
+    ! ----------------------------------
+    ! ----------------------------------
+    if( (imeas >= 3).and.(imeas <= 6) ) then
+      ! compute synthetic velocity
+      do i = 2, nlen-1
+        syn_vtw(i) = (syn_dtw(i+1) - syn_dtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
+      enddo
+      syn_vtw(1)    = (syn_dtw(2) - syn_dtw(1)) / dt
+      syn_vtw(nlen) = (syn_dtw(nlen) - syn_dtw(nlen-1)) / dt
+      ! compute CC traveltime and amplitude banana-dougnut kernels
+      ft_bar_t = 0.
+      Nnorm = dt * sum( syn_vtw(1:nlen) * syn_vtw(1:nlen) )
+      ft_bar_t(1:nlen) = -syn_vtw(1:nlen) / Nnorm
+      fa_bar_t = 0.
+      Mnorm = dt * sum( syn_dtw(1:nlen) * syn_dtw(1:nlen) )
+      fa_bar_t(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) / Mnorm
+    endif
+    ! -------------------------------
+    ! -------------------------------
+    if ( (is_mtm == 1).and.COMPUTE_ADJOINT_SOURCE ) then
+      ! allocate MT variables
+      ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
+      allocate(tas(NPT,ntaper))
+      allocate(syn_dtw_ho_all(NPT,ntaper))
+      allocate(syn_vtw_ho_all(NPT,ntaper))
+      ! get the MT tapers
+      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
+      d_bot_mtm = 0.
+      v_bot_mtm = 0.
+      ! compute the bot required to compute p_j's and q_j's
+      do ictaper = 1,ntaper
+        ! tapered synthetic displacement
+        syn_dtw_h(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
+        ! compute velocity of tapered syn
+        do i = 2, nlen-1
+          syn_vtw_h(i) = (syn_dtw_h(i+1) - syn_dtw_h(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
+        enddo
+        syn_vtw_h(1)    = (syn_dtw_h(2) - syn_dtw_h(1)) / dt
+        syn_vtw_h(nlen) = (syn_dtw_h(nlen) - syn_dtw_h(nlen-1)) /dt
+        ! single-tapered complex synthetic displacement and velocity
+        syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) = 0.
+        syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) = 0.
+        syn_dtw_ho_all(1:nlen,ictaper) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+        syn_vtw_ho_all(1:nlen,ictaper) = cmplx(syn_vtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
+        ! apply FFT get complex spectra
+        call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper),FORWARD_FFT,DT)
+        call fft(LNPT,syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper),FORWARD_FFT,DT)
+        d_bot_mtm(:) = d_bot_mtm(:) + syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper))
+        v_bot_mtm(:) = v_bot_mtm(:) + syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) * conjg(syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper))
+      enddo ! ictaper
+      ! compute p_j, q_j, P_j, Q_j and adjoint source fp, fq
+      fp = 0.
+      fq = 0.
+      do ictaper = 1,ntaper
+        ! compute p_j(w) and q_j(w)
+        pwc_adj(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+        qwc_adj(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+        do i = 1, i_right
+          pwc_adj(i) =  syn_vtw_ho_all(i,ictaper) / v_bot_mtm(i)
+          qwc_adj(i) = -syn_dtw_ho_all(i,ictaper) / d_bot_mtm(i)
+        enddo
+        ! compute P_j(w) and Q_j(w)
+        ! NOTE: the MT measurement is incorporated here
+        !             also note that wp_taper and wq_taper can contain uncertainty estimations
+        if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
+          ! uses a misfit measurement dtau, dlnA  = 1
+          pwc_adj(:) = pwc_adj(:) * cmplx(1.0,0.) * cmplx(wp_taper(:),0.)
+          qwc_adj(:) = qwc_adj(:) * cmplx(1.0,0.) * cmplx(wq_taper(:),0.)
+        else
+          ! adds misfit measurement dtau, dlnA
+          pwc_adj(:) = pwc_adj(:) * cmplx(dtau_w(:),0.) * cmplx(wp_taper(:),0.)
+          qwc_adj(:) = qwc_adj(:) * cmplx(dlnA_w(:),0.) * cmplx(wq_taper(:),0.)
+        endif
+        ! IFFT into the time domain
+        call fftinv(LNPT,pwc_adj,REVERSE_FFT,dt,dtau_pj_t)
+        call fftinv(LNPT,qwc_adj,REVERSE_FFT,dt,dlnA_qj_t)
+        ! create adjoint source
+        ! applies taper to time signal
+        fp(:) = fp(:) + tas(:,ictaper) * dtau_pj_t(:)
+        fq(:) = fq(:) + tas(:,ictaper) * dlnA_qj_t(:)
+      enddo
+    endif ! MT adjoint source
+    ! -------------------------------------
+    ! -------------------------------------
+    tr_adj_src = 0.
+    am_adj_src = 0.
+    ! integrated waveform difference squared
+    waveform_temp1 = 0. ; waveform_temp2 = 0. ; waveform_temp3 = 0.
+    do i = 1,nlen
+       waveform_temp1 = waveform_temp1 + ( dat_dtw(i) * time_window(i) )**2
+       waveform_temp2 = waveform_temp2 + ( syn_dtw(i) * time_window(i) )**2
+       waveform_temp3 = waveform_temp3 + (( dat_dtw(i) - syn_dtw(i) ) * time_window(i) )**2
+    enddo
+    ! NOTE: does not include DT factor or normalization by duration of window
+    waveform_d2  = waveform_temp1
+    waveform_s2  = waveform_temp2
+    waveform_chi = waveform_temp3
+    ! compute traveltime and amplitude adjoint sources
+      do i = 1,nlen
+        i1 = istart + i
+        ! waveform
+        if(imeas==1 .or. imeas==2) then
+          tr_adj_src(i1) = -dat_dtw(i)/waveform_d2 * time_window(i)
+          am_adj_src(i1) = ( syn_dtw(i) - dat_dtw(i) ) * time_window(i)
+          ! consider normalizing this by waveform_d2
+          ! use pure data waveform in time window
+          if( NO_WAVEFORM_DIFFERENCE ) then
+            tr_adj_src(i1) = dat_dtw(i) * time_window(i) ! waveform misfit
+          endif
+        ! banana-doughnut kernel adjoint source (no measurement)
+        elseif(imeas==3 .or. imeas==4) then
+          tr_adj_src(i1) = ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+          am_adj_src(i1) = fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+        ! cross-correlation
+        elseif(imeas==5 .or. imeas==6) then
+          tr_adj_src(i1) = -(tshift / sigma_dt_cc**2 ) * ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+          am_adj_src(i1) = -(dlnA / sigma_dlnA_cc**2 ) * fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+          ! ray density
+          if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
+            ! uses a misfit measurement of 1
+            tr_adj_src(i1) = - (1.0) * ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+            am_adj_src(i1) = - (1.0) * fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
+          endif
+        ! multitaper
+        elseif(imeas==7 .or. imeas==8) then
+          tr_adj_src(i1) = fp(i) * time_window(i)
+          am_adj_src(i1) = fq(i) * time_window(i)
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+    ! -------------------------------------
+    ! -------------------------------------
+    ! CHT: compute misfit function value and measurement value
+    ! Note: The taper functions for MT may include error estimates.
+    ! 1: multitaper, TT
+    ! 2: multitaper, dlnA
+    ! 3: cross-correlation, TT
+    ! 4: cross-correlation, dlnA
+    !window_chi(:) = 0.
+    ! misfit function value
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(1) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (dtau_w(1:i_right))**2 * wp_taper(1:i_right) )
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(2) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (dlnA_w(1:i_right))**2 * wq_taper(1:i_right) )
+    window_chi(3) = 0.5 * (tshift/sigma_dt_cc)**2
+    window_chi(4) = 0.5 * (dlnA/sigma_dlnA_cc)**2
+    ! measurement (no uncertainty estimates)
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(5)  = sum( dtau_w(1:i_right) * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(6)  = sum( dlnA_w(1:i_right) * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
+    window_chi(7) = tshift
+    window_chi(8) = dlnA
+    ! replaces misfit function values
+    if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
+      ! uses misfit measurements equal to 1
+      ! misfit function value
+      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(1) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (1.0)**2 * wp_taper(1:i_right) )
+      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(2) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (1.0)**2 * wq_taper(1:i_right) )
+      window_chi(3) = 0.5 * (1.0)**2
+      window_chi(4) = 0.5 * (1.0)**2
+      ! measurement (no uncertainty estimates)
+      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(5)  = sum( 1.0 * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
+      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(6)  = sum( 1.0 * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
+      window_chi(7) = 1.0
+      window_chi(8) = 1.0
+    endif
+    ! estimated mesurement uncertainties
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(9) = sigma_dt
+    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(10) = sigma_dlnA
+    window_chi(11) = sigma_dt_cc
+    window_chi(12) = sigma_dlnA_cc
+    ! for normalization, divide by duration of window
+    window_chi(13) = 0.5 * waveform_d2
+    window_chi(14) = 0.5 * waveform_s2
+    window_chi(15) = 0.5 * waveform_chi
+    window_chi(16) = nlen*dt
+!!$    open(88,file='testing.dat')
+!!$    do i = 1,i_right
+!!$       write(88,'(5e18.6)') df*i, dtau_w(i), dlnA_w(i), wp_taper(i), wq_taper(i)
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    close(88)
+    if(imeas <= 2) then           ! waveform
+      tr_chi = 0.5 * waveform_chi
+      am_chi = 0.5 * waveform_chi
+    elseif( (imeas >= 3).and.(imeas <= 6) ) then  ! cross_correlation
+      tr_chi = window_chi(3)
+      am_chi = window_chi(4)
+    elseif( (imeas==7).or.(imeas==8) ) then       ! multitaper
+      tr_chi = window_chi(1)
+      am_chi = window_chi(2)
+    endif
+  end subroutine mt_adj
+  !==============================================================================
+  !==============================================================================
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine bandpass(x,n,delta_t,f1,f2)
+    ! modified from FLEXWIN subroutines on 26-July-2009
+    implicit none
+    integer, intent(in) :: n
+    double precision, intent(inout),  dimension(*) :: x
+    double precision, intent(in) :: delta_t,f1,f2
+    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x_sngl
+    allocate(x_sngl(n))
+    x_sngl(1:n) = sngl(x(1:n))
+    !  delta_t_sngl = sngl(delta_t)
+    ! old version - uses old SacLib
+    ! does band-pass filter
+    !call xapiir(x_sngl,n,'BU',sngl(TRBDNDW),sngl(APARM),IORD,'BP',sngl(FSTART),sngl(FEND),delta_t_sngl,PASSES)
+    ! new version, uses subroutines in libsac.a
+    ! does band-pass filter
+    ! BU - butterworth
+    ! BP - bandpass
+    call xapiir(x_sngl,n,'BU',TRBDNDW,APARM,IORD,'BP',f1,f2,delta_t,PASSES)
+    x(1:n) = dble(x_sngl(1:n))
+    deallocate(x_sngl)
+  end subroutine bandpass
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,b1,dt1)
+    ! read sac file and convert to double precision
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*),intent(in) :: datafile
+    real, dimension(NDIM) :: dat_sngl
+    double precision, dimension(NDIM), intent(out) :: data
+    integer :: npt1, nerr
+    real :: b1_sngl,dt1_sngl
+    double precision :: b1,dt1
+    ! read file as single precision
+    call rsac1(datafile,dat_sngl,npt1,b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,NDIM,nerr)
+    if (nerr > 0) then
+       print *, 'Error reading sac file', trim(datafile)
+       stop
+    endif
+    ! return double precision quantities
+    b1 = dble(b1_sngl)
+    dt1 = dble(dt1_sngl)
+    data = dble(dat_sngl)
+  end subroutine drsac1
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine dwsac1(datafile,data,npt1,b1,dt1)
+    ! convert to single precision, then write sac file
+    ! --> includes an option to add minmax values to sac file,
+    !     which are used in the plotting scripts
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*),intent(in) :: datafile
+    integer, intent(in) :: npt1
+    double precision, dimension(npt1), intent(in) :: data
+    double precision, intent(in) :: b1,dt1
+    logical, parameter :: minmax_header = .true.
+    real, dimension(npt1) :: dat_sngl,ti_sngl
+    real :: b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,xmin_sngl,xmax_sngl
+    integer :: nerr,i
+    ! convert to single precision
+    b1_sngl = real(b1)
+    dt1_sngl = real(dt1)
+    dat_sngl = real(data)
+    if (minmax_header) then
+       ! get time vector
+       ti_sngl = 0.
+       do i = 1,npt1
+          ti_sngl(i) = b1_sngl + (i-1)*dt1_sngl
+       enddo
+       !call newhdr()  ! create a new header
+       ! set minmax values in sac file
+       xmin_sngl = minval(dat_sngl)
+       xmax_sngl = maxval(dat_sngl)
+       call setfhv('depmin',xmin_sngl,nerr)
+       call setfhv('depmax',xmax_sngl,nerr)
+       call setnhv('npts',npt1,nerr)          ! sets number of points
+       !call setfhv('b',ti_sngl(1),nerr)       ! sets begin
+       !call setfhv('e',ti_sngl(npt1),nerr)    ! sets end
+       !call setlhv('leven',.false.,nerr)        ! sets un-even sampling
+       !call setihv('iftype','itime',nerr)          ! sets file type: time file
+       ! write file with headers
+       call wsac0(datafile,ti_sngl,dat_sngl,nerr)
+    else
+       call wsac1(datafile,dat_sngl,npt1,b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,nerr)
+    endif
+    if (nerr > 0) then
+        print *, 'Error writing sac file', trim(datafile)
+        stop
+    endif
+  end subroutine dwsac1
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine cc_measure_select(tshift,dlnA,cc_max)
+    ! CHT: If the CC timeshift is for some reason larger than the allowable max,
+    !      then effectively eliminate the window by zeroing the
+    !      cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements.
+    ! See subroutine compute_cc in mt_sub.f90.
+    implicit none
+    double precision, intent(inout) :: tshift, dlnA, cc_max
+    if( (cc_max < CC_MIN) .or. (tshift < TSHIFT_MIN) .or. (tshift > TSHIFT_MAX) &
+                          .or. (dlnA < DLNA_MIN) .or. (dlnA > DLNA_MAX) ) then
+       ! zero the CC measurments
+       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+          print *, 'Fail if ANY of these is true :'
+          print *, ' cc_max      : ', cc_max, CC_MIN, cc_max < CC_MIN
+          print *, ' tshift      : ', tshift, TSHIFT_MIN, tshift < TSHIFT_MIN
+          print *, ' tshift      : ', tshift, TSHIFT_MAX, tshift > TSHIFT_MAX
+          print *, ' dlnA        : ', dlnA, DLNA_MIN, dlnA < DLNA_MIN
+          print *, ' dlnA        : ', dlnA, DLNA_MAX, dlnA > DLNA_MAX
+       endif
+       ! zero the CC measurments
+       tshift = 0.0
+       dlnA = 0.0
+    endif
+  end subroutine cc_measure_select
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine mt_measure_select(nlen,tshift,i_pmax_syn,dtau_w,err_dt, &
+                                dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
+    ! an important subroutine to determine whether an MT measurement should be rejected,
+    ! in which case a CC measurement is used -- several choices are made here
+    implicit none
+    integer, intent(in) :: nlen, i_pmax_syn
+    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dt
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: dtau_w, err_dt
+    double precision, intent(inout) :: fstart, fend
+    integer,intent(inout) :: i_left, i_right
+    logical,intent(out) :: use_trace
+    double precision :: df, fvec(NPT), f_pmax, T_pmax, Wlen
+    integer :: i_right_old, i_left_old
+    integer :: j,ntaper
+    !logical :: stop_freq
+    use_trace = .true.
+    df = 1./(dt*NPT)
+    f_pmax = df * i_pmax_syn
+    T_pmax = 1./ f_pmax
+    Wlen = dt*nlen
+    if( NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW * T_pmax > Wlen ) then
+       print *, 'rejecting trace for too few cycles within time window:'
+       print *, ' T_pmax : ', T_pmax
+       print *, ' Wlen : ', Wlen
+       print *, ' NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW : ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
+       print *, ' REJECTION: ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW*T_pmax, Wlen, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW * T_pmax < Wlen
+       use_trace = .false.
+    endif
+    !write(*,'(a8,4f12.6)') 'fstart :', fstart, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/(Wlen), NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW, Wlen
+    !write(*,'(a8,4f12.6)') 'fend :', fend, 1./(2.0*dt), dt
+    ! DECREASE the frequency range of the measurement (and adjoint source)
+    ! --> note NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW and window length
+    ! We subjectively state that we want at least 10 frequency points for the multitaper measurement.
+    fstart = max(fstart, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen)
+    fend = min(fend, 1./(2.0*dt))
+    ! number of tapers (slepian tapers, type = 1)
+    ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
+    if( ntaper > 10 ) ntaper = 10
+    if( ntaper < 1 ) ntaper = 10
+    if( use_trace .and. fstart >= fend - ntaper*df ) then
+       print *, 'rejecting trace for frequency range (NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen):'
+       print *, '  fstart, fend, df, ntaper : ', fstart,fend,df,ntaper
+       print *, '  NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW, Wlen : ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW,Wlen,NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen
+       print *, '  REJECTION fstart >= fend - ntaper*df : ', fstart, fend - ntaper*df, fstart >= fend - ntaper*df
+       use_trace = .false.
+       !stop 'testing rejection criteria'
+    endif
+    ! assemble frequency vector (NPT is the FFT length)
+    fvec(:) = 0.
+    do j = 1,NPT
+      if(j > NPT/2+1) then
+        fvec(j) = df*(j-NPT-1)   ! negative frequencies in second half
+      else
+        fvec(j) = df*(j-1)       ! positive frequencies in first half
+      endif
+    enddo
+!!$    stop_freq = .false.
+!!$    do j = 1, i_right
+!!$      if (stop_freq) exit
+!!$      print *, j, dtau_w(j),stop_freq
+!!$      if (abs(dtau_w(j)) > 3 * abs(tshift)) then
+!!$        dtau_w(j) = 0
+!!$      else if (j /= 1) then
+!!$        stop_freq = .true.
+!!$      endif
+!!$    enddo
+    ! determine the indices that denote the new frequency range (CHT)
+    if (1==1) then
+       i_left_old = i_left
+       i_right_old = i_right
+       do j = i_left_old, i_right_old
+          if (fvec(j) > fstart) then
+             i_left = j-1
+             exit
+          endif
+       enddo
+       do j = i_left_old, i_right_old
+          if (fvec(j) > fend) then
+             i_right = j-1
+             exit
+          endif
+       enddo
+       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+          write(*,'(a24,2i6,2f14.8)') 'Old frequency bounds :', i_left_old, i_right_old, df*i_left_old, df*i_right_old
+          write(*,'(a24,2i6,2f14.8)') 'New frequency bounds :', i_left, i_right, df*i_left, df*i_right
+       endif
+    endif
+    ! update the frequency limits
+    fstart = (i_left-1)*df
+    fend = (i_right-1)*df
+    ! if the cross-correlation time-shift is <= a time-step, set dtau(w) to zero
+    ! NOTE: this should probably be a user parameter
+    if ( abs(tshift) <= 1.01*dt ) then
+       dtau_w(:) = 0.
+       use_trace = .false.
+       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+          print *, 'rejecting trace for too small a time shift:'
+          print *, '         dt = ', dt
+          print *, '  tshift = ', tshift
+       endif
+    endif
+    ! within the frequency range of interest, check various criteria
+    ! CHT: dtau_w(j) --> abs(dtau_w(j)) for the first criterion
+    do j = i_left, i_right
+       if (use_trace .and. (abs(dtau_w(j)) > 1./(DT_FAC*fvec(j)) .or. err_dt(j) > 1./(ERR_FAC*fvec(j)) &
+            .or. abs(dtau_w(j)) > DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift))) then
+          use_trace = .false.
+          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+             print *, 'rejecting trace (T leads to rejection):'
+             print *, '  f = ', fvec(j), j
+             print *, 'DT_FAC (lower) : ', abs(dtau_w(j)), 1./(DT_FAC * fvec(j)), abs(dtau_w(j)) > 1./(DT_FAC * fvec(j))
+             print *, 'ERR_FAC (lower) : ', err_dt(j), 1./(ERR_FAC * fvec(j)), err_dt(j) > 1./(ERR_FAC * fvec(j))
+             print *, 'DT_MAX_SCALE (lower) : ', abs(dtau_w(j)), DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift), &
+                  abs(dtau_w(j)) > DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift)
+             !stop 'testing MT trace rejection'
+          endif
+       endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine mt_measure_select
+  !==============================================================================
+  !        subroutines used in mtm_measure() and mtm_adj()
+  !==============================================================================
+  subroutine interpolate_dat_and_syn(data, syn, tstart, tend, t0, dt, NPT, dat_win, syn_win, nlen, istart)
+    implicit none
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: data, syn
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: dat_win, syn_win
+    double precision, intent(in) :: tstart, tend, t0, dt
+    integer, intent(in) :: NPT
+    integer, intent(out) :: nlen, istart
+    integer :: ii, i
+    double precision :: time, t1
+    nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1
+    istart = floor((tstart-t0)/dt)
+    ! limits array bounds
+    if( nlen > NPT ) nlen = NPT
+    do i = 1, nlen
+      time = tstart + (i-1) * dt
+      ii = floor((time-t0)/dt) + 1
+      ! checks out-of-bounds
+      if( ii >= NPT ) cycle
+      t1 = floor((time-t0)/dt) * dt + t0
+      dat_win(i) = data(ii) + (data(ii+1)-data(ii)) * (time-t1) / dt   ! data
+      syn_win(i) = syn(ii) + (syn(ii+1)-syn(ii)) * (time-t1) /dt       ! syn
+    enddo
+  end subroutine interpolate_dat_and_syn
+  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine compute_cc(syn, data, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift, dlnA, cc_max)
+    ! time shift MEASUREMENT between data (data) and synthetics (syn)
+    ! CHT: modified the subroutine to resemble the one used in FLEXWIN
+    implicit none
+    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: syn, data
+    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
+    double precision, intent(in) :: dt
+    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift, dlnA, cc_max
+    integer, intent(out) :: ishift
+    double precision :: cc, norm_s, norm ! cr_shift
+    integer i1, i2, i, j, i_left, i_right, id_left, id_right
+!!$    ! these choices will slide the entire windowed record past the other
+!!$    cr_shift = nlen*dt
+!!$    i_left  = ceiling( -1.0 * cr_shift / dt )
+!!$    i_right = floor( cr_shift / dt )
+!!$    ! cross-correlation
+!!$    ishift = 0
+!!$    do i = i_left, i_right, 1
+!!$      cc = 0.
+!!$      do j = 1, nlen
+!!$        if((j+i) > 1 .and. (j+i) < nlen) cc = cc + syn(j) * data(j+i)
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      !if(cc > cc_max) then
+!!$      ! CHT, 07-Sept-2008: Do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input
+!!$      if(cc > cc_max .and. abs(i*dt) <= BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
+!!$        cc_max = cc
+!!$        ishift = i
+!!$      endif
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    tshift = ishift*dt
+    ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
+    ishift = 0
+    cc_max = 0.0
+    ! index of window limits
+    i1 = 1
+    i2 = nlen
+    ! length of window (number of points, including ends)
+    !nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
+    ! power of synthetic signal in window
+    norm_s = sqrt(sum(syn(i1:i2)*syn(i1:i2)))
+    ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
+    ! NOTE: This looks OUTSIDE the time window of interest to compute TSHIFT and CC.
+    !       How far to look outside, in theory, should be another parameter.
+    !       However, it does not matter as much if the data and synthetics are
+    !          zeroed outside the windows.
+    i_left = -1*int(nlen/2.0)
+    i_right = int(nlen/2.0)
+    ! i is the index to shift to be applied to DATA (data)
+    do i = i_left, i_right
+       ! normalization factor varies as you take different windows of data
+       id_left = max(1,i1+i)      ! left index for data window
+       id_right = min(nlen,i2+i)  ! right index for data window
+       norm = norm_s * sqrt(sum(data(id_left:id_right)*(data(id_left:id_right))))
+       ! cc as a function of i
+       cc = 0.
+       do j = i1, i2   ! loop over full window length
+          if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.nlen) cc = cc + syn(j)*data(j+i)  ! d is shifted by i
+       enddo
+       cc = cc/norm
+       if (cc > cc_max) then
+          ! CHT: do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input range
+          ! This is an important criterion, since it may pick TSHIFT_MIN or TSHIFT_MAX
+          ! if cc_max within the interval occurs on the boundary.
+          if( (i*dt >= TSHIFT_MIN).and.(i*dt <= TSHIFT_MAX) ) then
+             cc_max = cc
+             ishift = i
+          endif
+       endif
+    enddo
+    tshift = ishift*dt
+    ! The previously used expression for dlnA of Dahlen and Baig (2002),
+    ! is a first-order perturbation of ln(A1/A2) = (A1-A2)/A2 .
+    ! The new expression is better suited to getting Gaussian-distributed
+    ! values between -1 and 1, with dlnA = 0 indicating perfect fit, as before.    
+    dlnA = 0.5 * log( sum(data(i1:i2) * data(i1:i2)) / sum(syn(i1:i2) * syn(i1:i2)) )
+  end subroutine compute_cc
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine compute_average_error(data_dtw,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
+  ! CHT: Estimate the uncertainty in the CC measurement
+  !      based on the integrated waveform difference between the data
+  !      and the reconstructed synthetics.
+  ! NOTE: We implement the exact equations that are in the Latex notes.
+    implicit none
+    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: data_dtw, syn_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_cc_dt
+    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
+    double precision, intent(in) :: dt
+    double precision, intent(inout) :: sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
+    double precision, dimension(nlen) :: syn_vtw_cc
+    double precision :: sigma_dt_top, sigma_dlnA_top, sigma_dt_bot, sigma_dlnA_bot
+    integer i
+    ! compute synthetic velocity (shifted and stretched)
+    do i = 2, nlen-1
+      syn_vtw_cc(i) = (syn_dtw_cc(i+1) - syn_dtw_cc(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
+    enddo
+    syn_vtw_cc(1)    = (syn_dtw_cc(2) - syn_dtw_cc(1)) / dt
+    syn_vtw_cc(nlen) = (syn_dtw_cc(nlen) - syn_dtw_cc(nlen-1)) / dt
+    ! estimated uncertainty in cross-correlation travltime and amplitude
+    sigma_dt_top   = sum( (data_dtw(1:nlen) - syn_dtw_cc(1:nlen) )**2 )
+    sigma_dlnA_top = sigma_dt_top
+    sigma_dt_bot   = sum( syn_vtw_cc(1:nlen)**2 )
+    sigma_dlnA_bot = sum( (syn_dtw_cc_dt(1:nlen))**2 )
+    sigma_dt       = sqrt( sigma_dt_top / sigma_dt_bot )
+    sigma_dlnA     = sqrt( sigma_dlnA_top / sigma_dlnA_bot )
+    if(0==1) then
+       print *, ' sigma_dt   : ', sigma_dt
+       print *, ' sigma_dlnA : ', sigma_dlnA
+       open(88,file='tshift.dat')
+       do i = 1,nlen
+          write(88,'(5e18.6)') (i-1)*dt, data_dtw(i), syn_dtw_cc(i), syn_dtw_cc_dt(i), syn_vtw_cc(i)
+       enddo
+       close(88)
+       stop 'testing'
+    endif
+    ! make final adjustments to uncertainty estimate
+    if (ERROR_TYPE == 0) then
+       ! set uncertainty factors to 1 if you do not want to incorporate them
+       ! into the adjoint sources and the misfit function values
+       sigma_dt = 1.0
+       sigma_dlnA = 1.0
+    else
+       ! make sure that the uncertainty estimates are not below the water level;
+       ! otherwise, the adjoint sources will blow up unreasonably
+       if( sigma_dt < DT_SIGMA_MIN) sigma_dt = DT_SIGMA_MIN
+       if( sigma_dlnA < DLNA_SIGMA_MIN) sigma_dlnA = DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
+    endif
+  end subroutine compute_average_error
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine write_average_meas(filename, imeas, dtau_meas, dlnA_meas, dtau_sigma, dlnA_sigma)
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    double precision, intent(in) :: dtau_meas, dlnA_meas, dtau_sigma, dlnA_sigma
+    integer, intent(in) :: imeas
+    character(len=40) :: stlab, suffix
+    if ( imeas == 7 .or. imeas == 8 ) then
+       stlab = 'Multitaper' ; suffix = 'average'
+    else
+       stlab = 'Cross-correlation' ; suffix = 'cc'
+    endif
+    if ( imeas .ge. 3 ) then
+       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+          print *, trim(stlab)//' average measurements:'
+          print *, '   traveltime :', sngl(dtau_meas), ' +/- ', sngl(dtau_sigma)
+          print *, '   amplitude  :', sngl(dlnA_meas), ' +/- ', sngl(dlnA_sigma)
+       endif
+       ! write average error estimates to file
+          open(71,file=trim(filename)//'.dt_'//trim(suffix))
+          write(71,*) dtau_meas, dtau_sigma
+          close(71)
+          open(72,file=trim(filename)//'.dlnA_'//trim(suffix))
+          write(72,*) dlnA_meas, dlnA_sigma
+          close(72)
+       endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine write_average_meas
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine write_trans(filename, trans, wvec, fnum, i_right, idf_new, df, tshift, dlnA, &
+       phi_wt, abs_wt, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa)
+    ! The transfer function maps the synthetics to the CC-deconstructed data;
+    ! the CC measurements then need to be applied to match the original data.
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    complex*16, intent(in) :: trans(:)
+    double precision, intent(in) :: wvec(:), df, tshift, dlnA
+    integer, intent(in) :: fnum, i_right, idf_new
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: phi_wt, abs_wt, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt
+    double precision, intent(out), optional :: dtau_wa, dlnA_wa
+    integer :: i, j
+    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: fr
+    double precision :: smth, smth1, smth2 ! f0
+    abs_wt(:) = 0.
+    phi_wt(:) = 0.
+    ! note that with the idf_new value, these files are SUB-SAMPLED
+      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.ph')
+      open(20,file=trim(filename)//'.abs')
+      open(30,file=trim(filename)//'.dlnA')
+      open(40,file=trim(filename)//'.ph_cor')
+      open(50,file=trim(filename)//'.dt')
+    endif
+    ! loop to calculate phase and amplitude
+    do i = 1, i_right
+      phi_wt(i) = atan2( aimag(trans(i)) , real(trans(i)) )
+      abs_wt(i) = abs(trans(i))
+      fr(i) = df*(i-1)
+      if (mod(i,idf_new).eq.0 .and. OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES) then
+        write(10,*) fr(i), phi_wt(i)
+        write(20,*) fr(i), abs_wt(i)
+        write(30,*) fr(i), log(abs_wt(i))
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! NOTE: the CC measurements dT (tshift) and dlnA are BOTH included
+    dtau_wt(1) = tshift
+    do i = 1, i_right
+      if (i > 1 .and. i < i_right) then
+        ! check the smoothness (2nd-order derivative) by 2*pi changes
+        smth  =  phi_wt(i+1) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
+        smth1 = (phi_wt(i+1) + TWOPI) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
+        smth2 = (phi_wt(i+1) - TWOPI) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
+        if(abs(smth1).lt.abs(smth).and.abs(smth1).lt.abs(smth2).and. abs(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1)) > PHASE_STEP)then
+          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'phase correction : 2 pi', sngl(fr(i)), sngl(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1))
+          do j = i+1, i_right
+            phi_wt(j) = phi_wt(j) + TWOPI
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(abs(smth2).lt.abs(smth).and.abs(smth2).lt.abs(smth1).and. abs(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1)) > PHASE_STEP)then
+          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'phase correction : - 2 pi', sngl(fr(i)), sngl(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1))
+          do j = i+1, i_right
+            phi_wt(j) = phi_wt(j) - TWOPI
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      ! add the CC measurements to the transfer function
+      if (i > 1) dtau_wt(i) = (-1./wvec(i)) * phi_wt(i) + tshift
+      dlnA_wt(i) = log(abs_wt(i)) + dlnA
+      !dlnA_wt(i) = log(abs_wt(i))
+      !!dlnA_wt(i) = abs_wt(i) - 1.
+      if(mod(i,idf_new).eq.0 .and. OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES) then
+        write(40,*) fr(i), phi_wt(i)
+        write(50,*) fr(i), dtau_wt(i)
+      endif
+    enddo
+      close(10)
+      close(20)
+      close(30)
+      close(40)
+      close(50)
+    endif
+    ! average values of the transfer functions (optional output argument)
+    if (present(dtau_wa) .and. present(dlnA_wa)) then
+       dtau_wa = sum( dtau_wt(1:i_right) ) / i_right
+       dlnA_wa = sum( dlnA_wt(1:i_right) ) / i_right
+    endif
+!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+!!$      print *, ' Taper traveltime measurement average : ', sngl(dtau_wa)
+!!$      print *, ' Taper amplitude measurement average : ', sngl(dlnA_wa)
+!!$      print *, ' i_right : ', i_right
+!!$      !f0 = 0.
+!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.dt_full',f0,df,i_right,dtau_wt(1:i_right))
+!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.dlnA_full',f0,df,i_right,dlnA_wt(1:i_right))
+!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.transfer_full',f0,df,i_right,abs(trans(1:i_right)))
+!!$    endif
+  end subroutine write_trans
+  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine deconstruct_dat_cc(filename,dat_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,&
+       ishift,tshift,dlnA,dat_dtw_cc)
+    ! Using CC measurements, map the data to the synthetics;
+    ! because the windows are picked based on the synthetics,
+    ! we apply the transfer function from the synthetics to the
+    ! CC-deconstructed data.
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: dat_dtw
+    integer, intent(in) :: ishift, nlen
+    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dlnA, tstart, dt
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: dat_dtw_cc
+    integer i
+    ! apply time shift (-dT) to OBSERVED seismogram
+    dat_dtw_cc(:) = dat_dtw(:)
+    do i = 1, nlen
+      if ((ishift+i) > 1 .and. (ishift+i) < nlen ) dat_dtw_cc(i) = dat_dtw(i+ishift)
+    enddo
+    ! fill the missing time window with the endpoint value
+    if (ishift < 0) dat_dtw_cc(1:-ishift+1) = dat_dtw_cc(-ishift+2)
+    if (ishift > 0) dat_dtw_cc(nlen-ishift:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(nlen-ishift-1)
+    ! apply cross-correlation amplitude measurement (-DlnA) to OBSERVED seismogram
+    dat_dtw_cc(:) = dat_dtw_cc(:) * exp( -dlnA )
+    !if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+    !   call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,'windowed_shifted_data.sac',tstart,nlen,dat_dtw0)
+    !endif
+  end subroutine deconstruct_dat_cc
+  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine reconstruct_syn_cc(syn_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,ishift,tshift,dlnA,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
+    ! reconstruct the synthetics using cross-correlation measurements:
+    !    (1) apply dT to get syn_dtw_cc_dt
+    !    (2) apply dT and dlnA to get syn_dtw_cc
+    implicit none
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: syn_dtw
+    integer, intent(in) :: ishift, nlen
+    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dlnA, tstart, dt
+    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: syn_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_cc_dt
+    integer i
+    ! shift synthetics by tshift (in the main program, we shift the data instead)
+    ! ishift = tshift * dt
+    syn_dtw_cc_dt(:) = syn_dtw(:)
+    do i = 1, nlen
+      if ((i-ishift) > 1 .and. (i-ishift) < nlen ) syn_dtw_cc_dt(i) = syn_dtw(i-ishift)
+    enddo
+    ! fill the missing time window with the endpoint value
+    if (ishift > 0) syn_dtw_cc_dt(1:ishift+1) = syn_dtw_cc_dt(ishift+2)
+    if (ishift < 0) syn_dtw_cc_dt(nlen+ishift:nlen) = syn_dtw_cc_dt(nlen+ishift-1)
+    ! apply cross-correlation amplitude measurement
+    syn_dtw_cc(:) = 0.
+    syn_dtw_cc(:) = syn_dtw_cc_dt * exp( dlnA )    ! based on dlnA = ln(Aobs/Asyn)
+    !syn_dtw_cc(:) = syn_dtw_cc_dt * (1. + dlnA)   ! based on first-order approximation of dlnA
+  end subroutine reconstruct_syn_cc
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine reconstruct_syn(filename, syn_dtwo, wvec, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt, &
+       i_right, tstart, dt, nlen, syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+    ! reconstruct the synthetics using multitaper measurements:
+    !    (1) apply dtau(w) and dlnA(w) to get syn_dtw_mt0
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    complex*16, dimension(:), intent(in) ::  syn_dtwo
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: wvec, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt
+    integer, intent(in) :: i_right, nlen
+    double precision, intent(in) :: tstart, dt
+    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt
+    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: wseis_recon
+    integer i
+    double precision omega
+    ! apply transfer function to synthetics (phase and amplitude)
+    syn_dtw_mt(:) = 0.
+    wseis_recon(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    do i = 1,i_right
+      omega = wvec(i)
+      wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * exp(dlnA_wt(i)) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
+      !wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * (1.+ dlnA_wt(i)) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
+      !wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * trans_mtm(i) * exp(-CCI*omega*tshift)
+    enddo
+    call fftinv(LNPT,wseis_recon,REVERSE_FFT,dt,syn_dtw_mt)
+    ! apply phase shifts only
+    syn_dtw_mt_dt(:) = 0.
+    wseis_recon(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
+    do i = 1,i_right
+      omega = wvec(i)
+      wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
+    enddo
+    call fftinv(LNPT,wseis_recon,REVERSE_FFT,dt,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn.sac',syn_dtw_mt,nlen,tstart,dt)
+       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt.sac',syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,tstart,dt)
+!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_mt)
+!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt)
+!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
+    endif
+  end subroutine reconstruct_syn
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$  subroutine check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
+!!$    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+!!$    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dtw_cc, syn_dtw, dat_dtw, syn_dtw_mt
+!!$    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift
+!!$    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
+!!$    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2, cc_max
+!!$    double precision :: f1,f2, dlnA_f1f2
+!!$    ! Using Alessia's subroutine
+!!$    !     First the shifted_obs_win vs the synthetic
+!!$    call f1f2_calc(dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    cc_max = cc_max_f1f2
+!!$      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.quality')
+!!$      write(10,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
+!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
+!!$      write(*,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
+!!$      write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    !     Then the obs_win vs the reconstructed obs
+!!$    call f1f2_calc(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$      close(10)
+!!$    endif
+!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
+!!$  end subroutine check_recon_quality
+   subroutine interpolate_syn(syn,t1,dt1,npt1,t2,dt2,npt2)
+     implicit none
+     double precision, dimension(:),intent(inout) :: syn
+     integer,intent(in) :: npt1,npt2
+     double precision,intent(in) :: t1,dt1,t2,dt2
+     double precision :: syn1(NDIM), time, tt
+     integer i, ii
+     ! initializes trace holding interpolated values
+     syn1(1:npt2) = 0.
+     ! loops over number of time steps in complete trace
+     do i = 1, npt2
+       ! sets time (in s) at this time step:
+       ! t2 : start time of trace
+       ! dt2: delta_t of a single time step
+       time = t2 + (i-1) * dt2
+       ! checks if time is within measurement window
+       ! t1: start time of measurement window
+       ! npt1: number of time steps in measurement window
+       ! dt1: delta_t of a single time step in measurement window
+       if (time > t1 .and. time < t1 + (npt1-1)*dt1) then
+         ! sets index of time steps within this window: is 1 at the beginning of window
+         ii = floor((time-t1)/dt1) + 1
+         ! time increment within this single time step to match the exact value of time
+         tt = time - ((ii-1)*dt1 + t1)
+         ! interpolates value of trace for the exact time
+         syn1(i) = (syn(ii+1)-syn(ii)) * tt/dt1 + syn(ii)
+       endif
+     enddo
+     ! saves interpolated values to output trace
+     syn(1:npt2) = syn1(1:npt2)
+   end subroutine interpolate_syn
+   subroutine taper_start(syn,npt,itmax)
+     implicit none
+     double precision, dimension(:),intent(inout) :: syn
+     integer,intent(in) :: npt, itmax
+     double precision :: Wt
+     integer :: i !,imax
+     !imax = maxloc(abs(syn),dim=1)   ! index of the max value
+     !Wt = TWOPI / (2.0*(imax-1))    ! period of the taper
+     Wt = TWOPI / (2.0*(itmax-1))    ! period of the taper
+     if(DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'tapering start of record from index 1 to index ', itmax
+     ! apply a cosine taper from the start to the max value,
+     ! such that the starting point is exactly zero
+     do i = 1, itmax
+        syn(i) = syn(i) * ( 0.5*(1 - cos(Wt*(i-1))) )
+     enddo
+   end subroutine taper_start
+   subroutine read_par_file(fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt,nn,chan)
+     implicit none
+     double precision, intent(out) :: fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt
+     integer, intent(out) :: nn
+     character(len=10), intent(out) :: chan
+     integer :: ios
+     ! input file MEASUREMENT.PAR -- see write_par_file.pl for details
+     OUT_DIR = 'OUTPUT_FILES'   ! default
+     open(10,file='MEASUREMENT.PAR',status='old',iostat=ios)
+     read(10,*) tt,dtt,nn
+     read(10,*) imeas0
+     read(10,*) chan
+     read(10,*) TLONG, TSHORT
+     read(10,*) RUN_BANDPASS
+     read(10,*) DISPLAY_DETAILS
+     read(10,*) TSHIFT_MIN, TSHIFT_MAX
+     read(10,*) DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX
+     read(10,*) CC_MIN
+     read(10,*) ERROR_TYPE
+     read(10,*) DT_SIGMA_MIN
+     read(10,*) DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
+     read(10,*) ITAPER
+     read(10,*) WTR,NPI
+     read(10,*) DT_FAC
+     read(10,*) ERR_FAC
+     read(10,*) DT_MAX_SCALE
+     read(10,*) NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
+     close(10)
+     imeas = imeas0
+     ! check the read-in values
+     print *, '  tt, dtt, nn : ',tt,dtt,nn
+     print *, '  imeas : ',imeas
+     print *, '  chan : ',chan
+     print *, '  TLONG, TSHORT : ',TLONG, TSHORT
+     fstart0 = 1./TLONG ; fend0 = 1./TSHORT
+     print *, '  fstart, fend : ', fstart0, fend0
+     print *, '  RUN_BANDPASS : ',RUN_BANDPASS
+     print *, '  DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX : ',DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX
+     print *, '  CC_MIN : ',CC_MIN
+     print *, '  ERROR_TYPE : ',ERROR_TYPE
+     print *, '  DT_SIGMA_MIN : ',DT_SIGMA_MIN
+     print *, '  DLNA_SIGMA_MIN : ',DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
+     print *, '  ITAPER : ',ITAPER
+     print *, '  WTR, NPI : ',WTR,NPI
+     print *, '  DT_FAC : ',DT_FAC
+     print *, '  ERR_FAC : ',ERR_FAC
+     print *, '  DT_MAX_SCALE : ',DT_MAX_SCALE
+     !stop 'checking PAR file input'
+    ! old format way..
+    !  open(10,file='MEASUREMENT.PAR',status='old',iostat=ios)
+    !  read(10,'(a)') out_dir
+    !  read(10,*) is_mtm0
+    !  read(10,*) wtr,npi
+    !  read(10,*) iker0
+    !  read(10,*) RUN_BANDPASS
+    !  read(10,*) TLONG, TSHORT
+    !  read(10,*) tt,dtt,nn
+    !  read(10,*) DISPLAY_DETAILS
+    !  read(10,*) INCLUDE_ERROR
+    !  read(10,*) DT_FAC
+    !  read(10,*) ERR_FAC
+    !  read(10,*) DT_MAX_SCALE
+    !  read(10,*) NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
+    !  read(10,*) BEFORE_TSHIFT, AFTER_TSHIFT
+    !  read(10,*) DT_SIGMA_MIN, DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
+    !  close(10)
+    !
+    !  out_dir = adjustl(out_dir)
+    !  iker = iker0
+    !  is_mtm = is_mtm0
+    !
+    !  ! check the read-in values
+    !  print *, 'INPUTS FROM MEASUREMENT.PAR :'
+    !  print *, '  is_mtm : ',is_mtm
+    !  print *, '  wtr, npi : ',wtr,npi
+    !  print *, '  iker : ',iker
+    !  print *, '  RUN_BANDPASS :',RUN_BANDPASS
+    !  print *, '  TLONG, TSHORT : ',TLONG, TSHORT
+    !  fstart0 = 1./TLONG ; fend0 = 1./TSHORT
+    !  print *, '  fstart, fend :', fstart0, fend0
+    !  print *, '  tt, dtt, nn : ',tt,dtt,nn
+    !  print *, '  out_dir : ',trim(out_dir)
+    !  print *, '  INCLUDE_ERROR :',INCLUDE_ERROR
+    !  print *, '  DT_FAC :',DT_FAC
+    !  print *, '  ERR_FAC :',ERR_FAC
+    !  print *, '  DT_MAX_SCALE :',DT_MAX_SCALE
+    !  print *, '  NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW :',NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
+    !  !stop 'checking PAR file input'
+    ! apply filter (this should EXACTLY match the filter used in the windowing code)
+    !trbdndw = 0.3
+    !a = 30.
+    !iord = 4
+    !passes = 2
+     ! ray density
+     ! assign additional parameters and stop for certain inconsistencies
+     if (fstart0.ge.fend0) then
+        print *, 'Check input frequency range of the signal'
+        stop
+     endif
+     if (nn > NDIM) then
+        print *, 'Error: Change interpolation nn or NDIM'
+        stop
+     endif
+     ! for CC kernels, ITAPER must be a single taper (2 or 3)
+     if ( (ITAPER==1) .and. ((imeas.ge.3).and.(imeas.le.6)) ) then
+        print *, 'Error: Change ITAPER to 2 or 3'
+        stop
+     endif
+     if ( (imeas==1).or.(imeas==2) ) then
+        is_mtm0 = 0
+     elseif ( (imeas.ge.3).and.(imeas.le.6) ) then
+        is_mtm0 = ITAPER     ! 2 or 3
+     elseif ( (imeas==7).or.(imeas==8) ) then
+        is_mtm0 = 1          ! multitaper required for MT adjoint source
+     else
+        print *, 'Error: imeas must by 1-8'
+        stop
+     endif
+     is_mtm = is_mtm0
+     print *, '  is_mtm :',is_mtm
+   end subroutine read_par_file
+  subroutine get_sacfile_header(data_file,yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,ntw,sta, &
+                                comp,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
+    implicit none
+    character(len=*),intent(in) :: data_file
+    integer,intent(out):: yr,jda,ho,mi
+    double precision,intent(out):: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
+    !real*8,intent(out):: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
+    character(len=*),intent(out) :: ntw,sta,comp
+    !real*8 :: tmp
+    real :: tmp
+    integer :: nsec,msec !,i,klen
+    integer :: nerr
+    !  integer header variables
+    call getnhv('nzyear',yr,nerr)
+    call getnhv('nzjday',jda,nerr)
+    call getnhv('nzhour',ho,nerr)
+    call getnhv('nzhour',mi,nerr)
+    call getnhv('nzmin',nsec,nerr)
+    call getnhv('nzmsec',msec,nerr)
+    sec=nsec+msec/1000.0
+    ! string headers
+    call getkhv('knetwk',ntw,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: knetwk'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    call getkhv('kstnm',sta,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: kstnm'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    call getkhv('kcmpnm',comp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: kcmpnm'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    ! decimal headers
+    call getfhv('dist',tmp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: dist'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    dist = tmp
+    call getfhv('az',tmp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: az'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    az = tmp
+    call getfhv('baz',tmp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: baz'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    baz = tmp
+    call getfhv('stlo',tmp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: stlo'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    slon = tmp
+    call getfhv('stla',tmp,nerr)
+    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
+      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: stla'
+      call exit(-1)
+    endif
+    slat = tmp
+!!$    !  integer header variables
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzyear', yr)
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzjday', jda)
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzhour', ho)
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzmin',  mi)
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzsec',  nsec)
+!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzmsec', msec)
+!!$    sec=nsec+msec/1000.0
+!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'knetwk',ntw,klen)
+!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'kstnm', sta,klen)
+!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'kcmpnm',comp,klen)
+!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'dist',dist)
+!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'az',  az)
+!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'baz', baz)
+!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'stlo',slon)
+!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'stla',slat)
+  end subroutine get_sacfile_header
+end module mt_sub

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub2.f90 (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub2.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_sub2.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+module mt_sub2
+  use mt_constants 
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter ::  TOL=1e-7
+  subroutine fft(n,xi,zzign,dt)
+! Fourier transform
+! This inputs AND outputs a complex function.
+! The convention is FFT --> e^(-iwt)
+! numerical factor for Plancherel theorem: planch_fac = dble(NPT * dt * dt)
+      complex*16, dimension(*) :: xi
+      integer :: n
+      double precision :: dt
+      double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
+      complex*16 :: wk, hold, q
+      double precision :: m(25)
+      double precision :: zzign,zign,flx,v
+      integer :: lblock,k,fk,jh,ii,istart
+      integer :: l,iblock,nblock,i,lbhalf,j,lx
+      ! sign must be +1. or -1.
+      if(zzign >= 0.) then
+        zign = 1.
+      else
+        zign = -1.
+      endif
+      lx = 2**n
+      ! checks bounds
+      if( lx > NPT ) stop 'error fft increase NPT, or decrease n'
+      do 1 i=1,n
+    1 m(i) = 2**(n-i)
+      do 4 l=1,n
+      nblock = 2**(l-1)
+      lblock = lx/nblock
+      lbhalf = lblock/2
+      k = 0
+      do 4 iblock=1,nblock
+      fk = k
+      flx = lx
+      v = zign*2.*PI*fk/flx         ! Fourier convention
+      wk = cmplx(cos(v),-sin(v))   ! sign change to -sin(v) 17-Nov-2006
+      istart = lblock*(iblock-1)
+      do 2 i=1,lbhalf
+      j  = istart+i
+      jh = j+lbhalf
+      ! checks bounds
+      if( jh < 1 .or. jh > NPT ) stop 'error fft bounds'
+      q = xi(jh)*wk
+      xi(jh) = xi(j)-q
+      xi(j)  = xi(j)+q
+    2 continue
+      do 3 i=2,n
+      ii = i
+      if(k < m(i)) go to 4
+    3 k = k-m(i)
+    4 k = k+m(ii)
+      k = 0
+      do 7 j=1,lx
+      if(k < j) go to 5
+      hold = xi(j)
+      ! checks bounds
+      if( k+1 < 1 .or. k+1 > NPT ) stop 'error fft k bounds'
+      xi(j) = xi(k+1)
+      xi(k+1) = hold
+    5 do 6 i=1,n
+      ii = i
+      if(k < m(i)) go to 7
+    6 k = k-m(i)
+    7 k = k+m(ii)
+      ! final steps deal with dt factors
+      if(zign > 0.) then       ! FORWARD FFT
+         do i = 1,lx 
+            xi(i) = xi(i)*dt   ! multiplication by dt
+         enddo
+      else                     ! REVERSE FFT
+         flx = flx*dt
+         do i = 1,lx 
+            xi(i) = xi(i)/flx  ! division by dt
+         enddo
+      endif
+  end subroutine fft
+  subroutine fftinv(npow,s,zzign,dt,r)
+! inverse Fourier transform -- calls fft
+      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      !dimension r(4096*4)
+      !complex s(4096*4)
+      complex*16, intent(in) :: s(*)
+      double precision, intent(out) :: r(*)   ! note this is REAL
+      double precision :: dt,zzign,zign
+      integer :: npow, nsmp, nhalf, i
+      nsmp = 2**npow
+      nhalf = nsmp/2
+      call rspec(s,nhalf)   ! re-structuring
+      zign=zzign
+      call fft(npow,s,zign,dt)    ! Fourier transform
+      do i = 1,nsmp
+        r(i) = real(s(i))     ! REAL part
+      enddo
+  end subroutine fftinv
+  subroutine rspec(s,np2)
+      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      !complex s(4096*4)
+      complex*16 :: s(*)
+      integer :: np2,n,n1,i
+      n = 2*np2
+      n1 = np2+1
+      s(n1) = 0.
+!     s(1)  = 0.
+      s(1)  = cmplx( real(s(1)),0.)
+      do i = 1,np2
+         s(np2+i) = conjg(s(np2+2-i))
+      enddo
+  end subroutine rspec
+  subroutine staper(nt, fw, nev, v, ndim, a, w)
+!$$$$ calls tsturm, root
+!  Slepian - Thomson multi-taper procedure
+!  Slepian, D.     1978  Bell Sys Tech J v57 n5 1371-1430
+!  Thomson, D. J.  1982  Proc IEEE v70 n9 1055-1096
+!    nt    the number of points in the series
+!    fw    the time-bandwidth product (number of Rayleigh bins)
+!    nev   the desired number of tapers
+!    v     the eigenvectors (tapers) are returned in v(.,nev)
+!    a, w  work arrays dimensioned at least nt long (nt+1, nt odd)
+!    a(1..nev) contains bandwidth retention factors on output.
+!  The tapers are the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix sigma(i,j)
+!  [see Slepian(1978) eq 14 and 25.] They are also the eigenvectors of
+!  the Toeplitz matrix eq. 18. We solve the tridiagonal system in
+!  tsturm for the tapers and use them in Slepians eq 18 to get the
+!  bandwidth retention factors (i.e. the eigenvalues) Thomson's
+!  normalisation is used with no attention to sign.
+      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      !dimension a(*),w(*),v(ndim,*)
+      !parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0,r2=1.414213562373095d0)
+      integer :: nt, nev, ndim
+      double precision :: fw
+      double precision :: v(ndim,*), a(*), w(*)
+      double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
+      integer :: i,j,k,m
+      integer :: nxi, lh, lp1, neven, nodd, ntot, kk, kmax, nlow, nup
+      double precision :: r2,om,com,hn,asav,rbd,dc,sm,s,sn,vmax
+      !-------------------------
+      r2 = sqrt(2.)
+      if(nt < 2) return
+      nxi=mod(nt,2)
+      lh=(nt/2)+nxi
+      lp1=nt+1
+      om=2.*PI*fw/nt
+      com=cos(om)
+      hn=0.5*dble(lp1)
+      do 10 i=1,lh
+        a(i)=com*(i-hn)**2
+   10   w(i)=0.5*dble(i*(nt-i))
+      if(nxi == 0) then
+        asav=a(lh)-w(lh)
+        a(lh)=a(lh)+w(lh)
+        rbd=1./(a(lh)+w(lh-1))
+      else
+        asav=w(lh-1)
+        rbd=1./(w(lh)+w(lh-1))
+        w(lh-1)=r2*w(lh-1)
+      endif
+      do 15 i=1,lh
+        a(i+lh)=w(i)*rbd
+        w(i)=a(i+lh)**2
+   15   a(i)=a(i)*rbd
+      neven=max0((nev+1)/2,1)
+      nodd=nev-neven
+!  Do the even tapers
+      call tsturm(nt,lh,a,a(lh+1),w,neven,v,ndim,w(lh+1),0)
+      do 20 i=1,neven
+        k=2*i-1
+        if(nxi == 1) v(lh,k)=r2*v(lh,k)
+          do 20 j=1,lh
+   20     v(lp1-j,k)=v(j,k)
+      if(nodd <= 0) goto 34
+!  Do the odd tapers
+      if(nxi == 0) then
+        a(lh)=asav*rbd
+      else
+        a(nt)=asav*rbd
+        w(lh-1)=asav*asav
+      endif
+      call tsturm(nt,lh-nxi,a,a(lh+1),w,nodd,v,ndim,w(lh+1),1)
+      do 30 i=1,nodd
+        k=2*i
+        if(nxi == 1) v(lh,k)=0.
+          do 30 j=1,lh
+   30     v(lp1-j,k)=-v(j,k)
+   34 ntot=neven+nodd
+!  Calculate bandwidth retention parameters
+      dc=2.*com
+      sm=0.
+      s=sin(om)
+      w(1)=om/PI
+      w(2)=s/PI
+      do 35 j=3,nt
+        sn=dc*s-sm
+        sm=s
+        s=sn
+   35   w(j)=s/(PI*(j-1))
+      do 55 m=1,ntot
+        vmax=abs(v(1,m))
+        kmax=1
+        do 40 kk=2,lh
+          if(abs(v(kk,m)) <= vmax) goto 40
+          kmax=kk
+          vmax=abs(v(kk,m))
+   40     continue
+        a(m)=0.
+        nlow=kmax-1
+          do 45 j=1,nlow
+   45     a(m)=a(m)+w(j+1)*v(nlow+1-j,m)
+        nup=nt-nlow
+          do 50 j=1,nup
+   50     a(m)=a(m)+w(j)*v(nlow+j,m)
+   55 a(m)=a(m)/v(kmax,m)
+      return
+  end subroutine staper
+  subroutine tsturm(nt,n,a,b,w,nev,r,ndim,ev,ipar)
+!$$$$ calls root
+!  Uses bisection and Sturm counting to isolate the eigenvalues of the
+!  symmetric tridiagonal matrix with main diagonal a(.) and sub/super
+!  diagonal b(.).  Newton's method is used to refine the eigenvalue in
+!  subroutine root then direct recursion is used to get the eigenvector
+!  as this is always stable.  Note  ipar=0 for even tapers   =1 for odd
+!  tapers
+      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      !parameter (epsi=1.d-15,epsi1=5.d-15)
+      !dimension a(*),b(*),ev(*),w(*),r(ndim,*)
+      double precision, parameter :: epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15
+      double precision, dimension(ndim) :: a, b, w, ev
+      double precision, dimension(ndim,*) :: r
+      integer :: nt,n,ndim,nev,ipar
+      !double precision, dimension(ndim) :: bb
+      double precision :: q,el,elam,u,umeps,x,ddot,rnorm
+      integer :: i,j,ik,iag,m,jk,jm1
+      !-------------------------
+      if(n <= 0.or.nev <= 0) return
+      umeps=1.-epsi
+      do 5 i=1,nev
+    5 ev(i)=-1.
+      u=1.
+      do 1000 ik=1,nev
+      if(ik > 1) u=ev(ik-1)*umeps
+      el=min(ev(ik),u)
+   10 elam=0.5*(u+el)
+      if(abs(u-el) <= epsi1) goto 35
+      iag=0
+      q=a(1)-elam
+      if(q >= 0.) iag=iag+1
+      do 15 i=2,n
+      if(q == 0.) x=abs(b(i-1))/epsi
+      if(q /= 0.) x=w(i-1)/q
+      q=a(i)-elam-x
+      if(q >= 0.) iag=iag+1
+      if(iag > nev) goto 20
+   15 continue
+      if(iag >= ik) go to 20
+      u=elam
+      go to 10
+   20 if(iag == ik) go to 30
+      m=ik+1
+      do 25 i=m,iag
+   25 ev(i)=elam
+      el=elam
+      go to 10
+   30 el=elam
+      call root(u,el,elam,a,b,w,n,ik)
+   35 ev(ik)=elam
+      jk=2*ik+ipar-1
+      r(1,jk)=1.
+      r(2,jk)=-(a(1)-ev(ik))/b(1)
+      ddot=1.+r(2,jk)*r(2,jk)
+      jm1=2
+      do 45 j=3,n
+      r(j,jk)=-((a(jm1)-ev(ik))*r(jm1,jk)+b(j-2)*r(j-2,jk))/b(jm1)
+      ddot=ddot+r(j,jk)*r(j,jk)
+   45 jm1=j
+      rnorm=sqrt(nt/(2.*ddot))
+      do 50 j=1,n
+   50 r(j,jk)=r(j,jk)*rnorm
+ 1000 continue
+      return
+  end subroutine tsturm
+  subroutine root(u,el,elam,a,bb,w,n,ik)
+      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
+      !parameter (epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15)
+      !dimension a(*),bb(*),w(*)
+      double precision, parameter :: epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15
+      double precision :: u,el,elam
+      double precision, dimension(*) :: a,bb,w
+      integer :: n,ik
+      double precision :: an,b,bm,bn,del,x
+      integer :: i,iag
+      !----------------------
+    5 elam=0.5*(u+el)
+   10 if(abs(u-el) <= 1.5*epsi1) return
+      an=a(1)-elam
+      b=0.
+      bn=-1./an
+      iag=0
+      if(an >= 0.) iag=iag+1
+      do 20 i=2,n
+      if(an == 0.) x=abs(bb(i-1))/epsi
+      if(an /= 0.) x=w(i-1)/an
+      an=a(i)-elam-x
+      if(an == 0.) an=epsi
+      bm=b
+      b=bn
+      bn=((a(i)-elam)*b-bm*x-1.)/an
+      if(an >= 0.) iag=iag+1
+   20 continue
+      if(iag == ik) goto 25
+      u=elam
+      goto 30
+   25 el=elam
+   30 del=1./bn
+      if(abs(del) <= epsi1) del=sign(epsi1,del)
+      elam=elam-del
+      if(elam >= u.or.elam <= el) goto 5
+      goto 10
+  end subroutine root
+!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Alessia Maggi, May 2005
+!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!  $Id:$
+!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!  Implementation of the Ritsema & van Heijst 2002 quality checking
+!  technique.
+!  Calculation of two quantities:
+!  F1 = sum_t [ d(t) - s(t)]^2 / sum_t [d(t)]^2
+!  F2 = min[A1,A2] / max [A1,A2] 
+!  A1 minimizes : sum_t [ d(t) - A1*s(t)]^2
+!  A2 minimizes : sum_t [ (1/A2)*d(t) - s(t)]^2
+!  Inputs:
+!  -------
+!  d	: data timeseries array
+!  s	: synthetic timeseries array
+!  npts	: number of points in the two timeseries
+!  Outputs:
+!  --------
+!  F1, F2,dlnA,cc_max	: defined above
+!  Calls numerical recipies routines :
+!  mnbrak, golden
+!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$      subroutine F1F2_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,dt,F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA)
+!!$      double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) ::  d, s
+!!$      integer, intent(in) :: npts,i1,i2
+!!$      double precision, intent (in) :: dt
+!!$      double precision, intent(out) ::  F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA
+!!$      double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: s_cor,d_loc
+!!$      double precision :: cr_shift, cc
+!!$      integer :: n_left,n_right,ishift,npts_win, i, j
+!!$      real ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,f1_min,f2_min,f1_top,f1_bot,A1,A2
+!!$      real golden !f1,f2
+!!$      npts_win=i2-i1+1
+!!$!     allocate memory for s_cor (the corrected synthetic)
+!!$      allocate(s_cor(npts_win))
+!!$      allocate(d_loc(npts_win))
+!!$      d_loc(1:npts_win)=d(i1:i2)
+!!$!     do cross-correlation:
+!!$      call xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
+!!$!      n_left = int((-1.0) * cr_shift / dt)
+!!$!      n_right = int(cr_shift / dt)
+!!$!      ishift=0
+!!$!      cc_max=0.
+!!$!      do i = n_left, n_right
+!!$!        cc = 0
+!!$!        do j = 1, npts
+!!$!          if((j+i).gt.1.and.(j+i).lt.npts) cc = cc + s(j) * d(j+i)
+!!$!        enddo
+!!$!        if( cc .gt. cc_max) then 
+!!$!          cc_max = cc
+!!$!          ishift = i
+!!$!        endif       
+!!$!      enddo   
+!!$      tshift=ishift*dt
+!!$!     apply time shift to synthetic seismogram
+!!$!     write(*,*)'shift synth seismogram by ', tshift, 'seconds'
+!!$      do i = 1, npts_win
+!!$        s_cor(i) = 0
+!!$        if( (i1-1+i-ishift) .gt. 1 .and. (i1-1+i-ishift) .lt.npts ) s_cor(i) = s(i1-1+i-ishift)
+!!$      enddo
+!!$! DEBUG: output 
+!!$!      open(unit=11, file='DEBUG_calcF1F2.dat')
+!!$!      do i = 1, npts_win
+!!$!        write(11,'(4(e12.4,1x))') b+(i-1)*dt, s_cor(i), s(i1-1+i), d(i1-1+i)
+!!$!      enddo      
+!!$!      close(11)
+!!$! calculate dlnA
+!!$      dlnA = sqrt( ( sum( d(i1:i2) * d(i1:i2) )) / (sum( s_cor(1:npts_win) * s_cor(1:npts_win) )) ) - 1
+!!$!     calculate F1, the least squares misfit
+!!$      f1_top=0.0
+!!$      f1_bot=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        f1_top=f1_top+(sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$!        f1_bot=f1_bot+sqrt(sngl(d_loc(i))**2*sngl(s_cor(i))**2)
+!!$        f1_bot=f1_bot+sngl(d_loc(i))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      if ( f1_bot .gt. 0.0 ) then
+!!$        F1 = dble(f1_top / f1_bot)
+!!$      else
+!!$        write(*,*) 'Sum d(t)**2 = 0 : empty observed seismogram.'
+!!$        F1=0
+!!$        F2=0
+!!$        return
+!!$      endif
+!!$!     do fa1 minimization to find A1
+!!$      ax=1e-3
+!!$      bx=1e3
+!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa1)
+!!$      f1_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa1,sngl(tol),A1)
+!!$!     do fa2 minimization to find A2
+!!$      ax=1e-3
+!!$      bx=1e3
+!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa2)
+!!$      f2_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa2,sngl(TOL),A2)
+!!$!     calculate F2
+!!$      F2=dble(min(A1,A2)/max(A1,A2))
+!!$!     Turn F1 around
+!!$      F1=1-F1
+!!$      deallocate(s_cor)
+!!$      deallocate(d_loc)
+!!$  contains
+!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$      real function fa1(a1)
+!!$      real a1
+!!$      if (abs(a1).lt.TOL) then
+!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a1 close to zero : ', a1
+!!$       stop
+!!$      endif
+!!$      fa1=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        fa1=fa1+(sngl(d_loc(i))-a1*sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      end function
+!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$      real function fa2(a2)
+!!$      real a2
+!!$      if (abs(a2).lt.TOL) then
+!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a2 close to zero : ', a2
+!!$       stop
+!!$      endif
+!!$      fa2=0.0
+!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
+!!$        fa2=fa2+((1/a2)*sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      end function
+!!$    end subroutine F1F2_calc
+!!$!  --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!!$  subroutine xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
+!!$  ! inputs:
+!!$  ! s(npts) = synthetic
+!!$  ! d(npts) = data (or observed)
+!!$  ! i1, i2 = start and stop indexes of window within s and d 
+!!$  double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: s,d
+!!$  integer, intent(in) :: npts, i1, i2
+!!$  ! outputs:
+!!$  ! ishift = index lag (d-s) for max cross correlation
+!!$  ! cc_max = maximum of cross correlation (normalised by sqrt(synthetic*data))
+!!$  integer, intent(out) :: ishift
+!!$  double precision, intent(out) :: cc_max
+!!$  ! local variables
+!!$  integer :: nlen
+!!$  integer :: i_left, i_right, i, j
+!!$  double precision :: cc
+!!$  ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
+!!$  ishift=0
+!!$  cc_max=0
+!!$  if (i1.gt.i2 .or. i2.gt.npts) then
+!!$    write(*,*) 'Error with window limits: i1, i2, npts ', i1, i2, npts
+!!$    return
+!!$  endif
+!!$  ! length of window (number of points including ends)
+!!$  nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
+!!$  ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
+!!$  i_left=-1*int(nlen/2)
+!!$  i_right=int(nlen/2)
+!!$  ! i -> shift (to be applied to d in cc search) 
+!!$  do i = i_left, i_right
+!!$    cc=0
+!!$    do j = i1, i2 
+!!$      if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.npts) cc = cc + s(j)*d(j+i)
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    if (cc .gt. cc_max) then
+!!$      cc_max=cc
+!!$      ishift=i
+!!$    endif
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  cc_max=cc_max / sqrt(sum(s(i1:i2)*s(i1:i2)) * sum(d(i1:i2)*(d(i1:i2))))
+!!$end subroutine xcorr_calc
+!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+!     subroutine costaper(ipoint, ndata, tas)
+!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine costaper(ipoint, ndata, tas)
+      implicit none
+      integer ipoint, ndata
+      double precision tas(ndata,*)
+      double precision sum, pi
+      integer i
+      pi = asin(1.0d0)*2
+      sum = 0.
+      do i =1,ipoint
+      tas(i,1) = 1 -  cos( 2*pi*i/ipoint)
+      tas(i,1) = tas(i,1) / sqrt(1.5)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end subroutine costaper
+!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+!     subroutine boxcar(ipoint, ndata, tas)
+!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine boxcar(ipoint, ndata, tas)
+      integer ipoint, ndata
+      double precision tas(ndata,*)
+      integer i
+      do i =1,ipoint
+      tas(i,1) = 1.0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end subroutine boxcar
+end module mt_sub2

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_variables.f90 (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_variables.f90)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_variables.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/ma_variables.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module mt_variables
+  use mt_constants
+! multi-taper measurements
+! Ying Zhou: The fit between the recovered data and the data can be improved
+! by either increasing the window width (HWIN above) or by decreasing NPI.
+! In her experience, NPI = 2.5 is good for noisy data.
+! For synthetic data, we can use a lower NPI.
+! number of tapers should be fixed as twice NPI -- see Latex notes
+! See write_par_file.pl and mt_measure_adj.f90
+  character(len=150) :: OUT_DIR
+  double precision :: TLONG, TSHORT
+  double precision :: DT_SIGMA_MIN, DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
+  integer :: ntaper, ipwr_t, ipwr_w, ERROR_TYPE
+  integer :: imeas0, imeas, itaper, is_mtm0, is_mtm
+end module mt_variables
+module mt_weighting
+! module for weighting/normalizing measurements
+  logical,parameter :: DO_WEIGHTING = .false.
+  ! transverse, radial and vertical weights
+  double precision :: weight_T, weight_R, weight_Z
+  ! body waves: number of picks on vertical, radial and transverse component
+  double precision :: num_P_SV_V,num_P_SV_R,num_SH_T
+  ! surface waves: number of pick on vertical, radial and transverse
+  double precision :: num_Rayleigh_V,num_Rayleigh_R,num_Love_T
+  ! typical surface wave speed in km/s, to calculate surface wave arrival times
+  ! Love waves faster than Rayleigh
+  double precision, parameter :: surface_vel = 4.0
+  ! wave type pick
+  integer, parameter :: P_SV_V = 1
+  integer, parameter :: P_SV_R = 2
+  integer, parameter :: SH_T = 3
+  integer, parameter :: Rayleigh_V = 4
+  integer, parameter :: Rayleigh_R = 5
+  integer, parameter :: Love_T = 6
+end module mt_weighting

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/measure_adj.f90 (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/measure_adj.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/measure_adj.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+program mt_measure_adj
+  !  main program that calls the subroutines to make the MT measurements
+  !  and compute the corresponding adjoint sources
+  ! input parameter:
+  !  1. imeas = 1, normalized waveform difference. Adjoint source is constructed from the data
+  !                      only, with the form −d(t)/ || d(t) || 2
+  !  2. imeas = 2, waveform difference, s(t) − d(t).
+  !  3. imeas = 3, cross-correlation traveltime difference for a (banana-doughtnut) sensitivity ker-
+  !                       nel. The measurement between data and synthetics is not used in constructing the adjoint
+  !                       source.
+  !  4. imeas = 4, amplitude difference for a (banana-doughtnut) sensitivity kernel. The measure-
+  !                       ment between data and synthetics is not used in constructing the adjoint source.
+  !  5. imeas = 5, cross-correlation traveltime difference for an event kernel. The measurement
+  !                       between data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source.
+  !  6. imeas = 6, amplitude difference for an event kernel. The measurement between data and
+  !                        synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source.
+  !  7. imeas = 7, multitaper traveltime difference for an event kernel. The measurement between
+  !                       data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source. See multitaper_notes.pdf.
+  !  8. imeas = 8, multitaper ampltidue difference for an event kernel. The measurement between
+  !                       data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source. See multitaper_notes.pdf.
+  use mt_variables
+  use mt_constants
+  use ascii_rw       ! dwascii()
+  use mt_sub2        ! fft(), fftinv()
+  use mt_sub         ! mt_measure(), mt_adj()
+  use mt_weighting 
+  implicit none
+  character(len=150) :: datafile,synfile,file_prefix,file_prefix0,file_prefix2,measure_file_prefix,adj_file_prefix
+  integer :: num_meas, j, ios, npt1, npt2, npts, nn 
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: data, syn, adj_syn_all, tr_adj_src, am_adj_src, recon_cc_all, syn_dtw_cc
+  double precision :: t01, dt1, t02, dt2, t0, dt, tstart, tend, tt, dtt, df
+  double precision, dimension(NCHI) :: window_chi
+  double precision :: fend0, fstart0, fend, fstart
+  !double precision :: TSHORT, TLONG   ! mtm_variables.f90
+  ! sac header information
+  integer :: yr,jda,ho,mi
+  double precision :: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
+  character(len=10) :: net,sta,chan_dat,chan,cmp,chan_syn
+  double precision :: tshift, sigma_dt_cc, dlnA, sigma_dlnA_cc, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
+  double precision :: tr_chi, am_chi, cc_max, T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
+  !double precision :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2
+  double precision, dimension(NPT) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, err_dt, err_dlnA, syn_dtw, data_dtw
+  complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: trans_mtm
+  integer :: nlen, i_left, i_pmax_dat, i_pmax_syn, i_right, i_right0, istart, &
+        ipair, npairs, nwin, itmax 
+  logical :: use_trace 
+  !double precision :: trbdndw, a
+  !integer :: iord, passes
+  integer :: ipick_type
+  double precision :: T_surfacewaves
+  !********* PROGRAM STARTS HERE *********************
+  ! read in MEASUREMENT.PAR (see mt_sub.f90 and write_par_file.pl)
+  ! most variables are global (see mt_variables.f90)
+  call read_par_file(fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt,nn,chan)
+  ! uses weights to balance love and rayleigh measurements
+  ! we do a normalization of P_SV, P_SH, Love, Rayleigh with the number of measurement picks
+  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
+    call setup_weighting(chan)
+  endif
+  ! input file: MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS
+  open(11,file='MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS',status='old',iostat=ios)
+  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error opening input file: MEASUREMENT WINDOWS' ; stop ; endif
+  read(11,*,iostat=ios) npairs
+  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading number of pairs of data/syn' ; stop ; endif
+  print *, 'reading in the data and synthetics...'
+  ! output files
+  open(12,file='window_index',status='unknown',iostat=ios)
+  open(13,file='window_chi',status='unknown',iostat=ios)
+  nwin = 0
+  do ipair = 1, npairs
+    data(:) = 0.0
+    syn(:)  = 0.0
+    adj_syn_all(:) = 0.0
+    recon_cc_all(:) = 0.0
+    ! reads in file names for data and synthetics
+    read(11,'(a)',iostat=ios) datafile
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows file' ; stop ; endif
+    read(11,'(a)',iostat=ios) synfile
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows file' ; stop ; endif
+    ! read data and syn
+    call drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,t01,dt1)
+    call drsac1(synfile,syn,npt2,t02,dt2)
+    !print *, npt1,t01,dt1,NDIM    ! check: double precision
+    ! user output
+    print *
+    print *, 'data: ',trim(datafile)
+    print *, '  min/max: ',minval(data(:)),maxval(data(:))
+    !print *, '       ',data(1:5)
+    print *, 'syn:   ',trim(synfile)
+    print *, '  min/max: ',minval(syn(:)),maxval(syn(:))
+    !print *, '       ',syn(1:5)
+    if (max(npt1,npt2) > NDIM) then
+        print *, 'Error: Too many number of points in data or syn'
+        stop
+    endif
+    ! check if t0 and dt match
+    if (abs(dt1-dt2) > TOL) then ; print *, 'Error: check if dt match' ; stop ; endif
+    dt = dt1
+    npts = min(npt1,npt2)
+    ! check
+    if (abs(t01-t02) > dt) then
+      print*,'data t0: ',t01
+      print*,'syn  t0: ',t02
+      stop 'Check if t0 match'
+    else
+      print*,'  time:',t01
+      print*,'  dt:',dt
+      print*,'  npts: ',npts
+    endif
+    ! apply bandpass filter to data and synthetics, if desired
+    ! http://www.iris.washington.edu/pipermail/sac-help/2008-March/000376.html
+    ! Access to the kidate, xapiir, and getfil is not simple and not
+    ! supported under the current state of the SAC code base.
+    t0 = t01
+    if(.not. RUN_BANDPASS) then
+       t0 = t01
+    else
+       !call interpolate_syn(syn,t02,dt,npt2,t01,dt,npts)
+       t0 = t01
+       call bandpass(data,npts,dt,fstart0,fend0)
+    endif
+    ! figure out station name, network name, component name, etc
+    call get_sacfile_header(trim(datafile),yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,net,sta, &
+                          chan_dat,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
+    ! theoretical surface wave arrival time
+    T_surfacewaves = dist / surface_vel
+    ! synthetics always have the form BH_ or LH_, but the data may not (HH_, LH_, BL_, etc).
+    cmp = chan_dat(3:3)
+    chan_syn = trim(chan)//trim(cmp)
+    file_prefix0 = trim(sta)//'.'//trim(net)//'.'//trim(chan_syn)
+    file_prefix2 = trim(OUT_DIR)//'/'//trim(file_prefix0)
+    print *
+    print *, trim(file_prefix2), ' --- '
+    ! note: MT measurement could revert to CC, but still keep the MT suffix
+    write(adj_file_prefix,'(a,i2.2)') trim(file_prefix2)//'.iker', imeas0
+!!$    if (imeas == 0) then
+!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.ik'
+!!$    else if (imeas == 1) then
+!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.mtm'
+!!$    else if (imeas == 2) then
+!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.cc'
+!!$    else if (imeas == 3) then
+!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.bdcc'
+!!$    else
+!!$      print *, 'imeas = ', imeas
+!!$      print *, 'Error: imeas must be 0, 1, 2, or 3'
+!!$      stop
+!!$    endif
+    ! reads number of measurement windows
+    read(11,*,iostat=ios) num_meas
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading num_meas' ; stop ; endif
+    do j = 1, num_meas
+      ! reads in start and end time of measurement window
+      read(11,*,iostat=ios) tstart, tend
+      if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading tstart and tend' ; stop ; endif
+      ! checks start and end times of window compared to trace lengths
+      tstart = max(tstart,t0)
+      tend = min(tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt)
+      nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1   ! see subroutine interpolate_data_and_syn
+      ! body wave picks
+      ipick_type = 0
+      if( tend <= T_surfacewaves ) then
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) ipick_type = P_SV_V
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) ipick_type = P_SV_R
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) ipick_type = SH_T
+      else
+      ! surface wave picks
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) ipick_type = Rayleigh_V
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) ipick_type = Rayleigh_R
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) ipick_type = Love_T
+      endif
+      ! write values to output file
+      nwin = nwin + 1       ! overall window counter
+      write(12,'(a3,a8,a5,a5,3i5,2f12.3)') net,sta,chan_syn,chan_dat,nwin,ipair,j,tstart,tend
+      ! add taper type to file prefix
+      write(file_prefix,'(a,i2.2)') trim(file_prefix2)//'.', j
+      if (is_mtm == 1) then
+        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.mtm'  ! multitaper taper
+      elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
+        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.ctp'  ! cosine taper
+      else
+        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.btp'  ! boxcar taper
+      endif
+      print *
+      print *, ' Measurements No.', j, ' ... '
+      ! initialize the measurements
+      window_chi(:) = 0.
+      ! compute integrated waveform difference, normalized by duration of the record
+      ! NOTE: (1) this is for the FULL record, not the windowed record
+      !       (2) for comparison with waveform_chi, we include the 0.5 factor
+      !       (3) we might want to include dt as an integration factor (also for waveform_chi),
+      !           but the ratio (d-s)^2 / d^2 avoids the need for dt, nstep, or length of record
+      window_chi(17) = 0.5 * sum( data**2 )
+      window_chi(18) = 0.5 * sum( syn**2 )
+      window_chi(19) = 0.5 * sum( (data-syn)**2 )
+      window_chi(20) = npts*dt
+      ! get the starting frequency to avoid measuring long periods not present
+      !fstart = fstart0  ; fend = fend0
+      !call mt_measure_select_0(nlen,dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
+      ! make measurements
+      ! also compute reconstructed synthetics for CC (and MT, if specified) measurements
+      call mt_measure(datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,&
+            istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc,&
+            i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right0,trans_mtm,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,err_dt,err_dlnA)
+      i_right = i_right0
+      i_left = 1
+      ! period of the max power of the synthetic record
+      T_pmax_dat = (dt*NPT) / dble(i_pmax_dat)
+      T_pmax_syn = (dt*NPT) / dble(i_pmax_syn)
+      ! adjust measurements for MT adjoint source
+      if (is_mtm == 1) then
+         fstart = fstart0  ; fend = fend0
+         call mt_measure_select(nlen,tshift,i_pmax_syn,dtau_w,err_dt, &
+                              dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
+         print *, 'fstart0/fend0 :', fstart0, fend0
+         print *, 'fstart/fend   :', fstart, fend
+         print *, 'Tpmax         :', T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
+         ! if MT measurement window is rejected by mt_measure_select, then use a CC measurement
+         if(.not. use_trace) then
+            !stop 'Check why this MT measurement was rejected'
+            print *, 'Reverting from multitaper measurement to cross-correlation measurement'
+            imeas = imeas0 - 2
+            is_mtm = 3
+            call mt_measure(datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,&
+                  tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc,&
+                  i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right,trans_mtm,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
+            use_trace = .true.
+         endif
+      else
+         use_trace = .true.
+      endif
+      ! check that the CC measurements are within the specified input range
+      if (imeas >= 5) call cc_measure_select(tshift,dlnA,cc_max)
+      ! write frequency limits to file
+        df = 1./(dt*NPT)
+        open(71,file=trim(measure_file_prefix)//'.freq_limits')
+        write(71,'(6f18.8)') fstart0, fend0, df, i_right0*df, fstart, fend
+        close(71)
+      endif
+      ! compute adjoint sources and misfit function values and also the CC-reconstructed records
+      if (use_trace) then
+        ! banana-doughnut kernel (needs only synthetic trace)
+        if(imeas == 5 .and. trim(datafile) == trim(synfile) ) then
+          print*,'cross-correlation measurement:'
+          print*,'  only synthetic file: ',trim(synfile)
+          print*,'    without traveltime difference/uncertainty'
+          print*
+          ! uses imeas == 3 for adjoint sources without time shift and uncertainty scaling
+          ! (pure cross-correlation adjoint source for banana-doughnuts)
+          imeas = 3
+        endif
+        tr_chi = 0.0 ; am_chi = 0.0    ! must be initialized
+        call mt_adj(istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,dt,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc,&
+             dtau_w,dlnA_w,err_dt,err_dlnA,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,i_left,i_right,&
+             window_chi,tr_adj_src,tr_chi,am_adj_src,am_chi)
+        ! KEY: write misfit function values to file (two for each window)
+        ! Here are the 20 columns of the vector window_chi
+        !  1: MT-TT chi,    2: MT-dlnA chi,    3: XC-TT chi,    4: XC-dlnA chi
+        !  5: MT-TT meas,   6: MT-dlnA meas,   7: XC-TT meas,   8: XC-dlnA meas
+        !  9: MT-TT error, 10: MT-dlnA error, 11: XC-TT error, 12: XC-dlnA error
+        ! WINDOW     : 13: data power, 14: syn power, 15: (data-syn) power, 16: window duration
+        ! FULL RECORD: 17: data power, 18: syn power, 19: (data-syn) power, 20: record duration
+        ! Example of a reduced file: awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$31,$32}' window_chi > window_chi_sub
+        write(13,'(a14,a8,a3,a5,i4,i4,2e14.6,20e14.6,2e14.6,2f14.6)') &
+           file_prefix0,sta,net,chan_syn,j,imeas,&
+           tstart,tend,window_chi(:),tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn
+        print *, '    tr_chi = ', sngl(tr_chi), '  am_chi = ', sngl(am_chi)
+        ! uses weighting to balance love / rayleigh measurements
+        if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
+          ! weights by transverse/radial/vertical
+          !if( cmp(1:1) == "T") then
+          !  tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_T
+          !else
+          !  if( cmp(1:1) == "R") then
+          !    tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_R
+          !  else
+          !    if( cmp(1:1) == "Z") then
+          !      tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_Z
+          !    endif
+          !  endif
+          !endif
+          ! weights by phase types
+          select case(ipick_type)
+            case( P_SV_V )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_P_SV_V
+            case( P_SV_R )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_P_SV_R
+            case( SH_T )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_SH_T
+            case( Rayleigh_V )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Rayleigh_V
+            case( Rayleigh_R )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Rayleigh_R
+            case( Love_T )
+              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Love_T
+            case default
+              stop 'error ipick_type unknown'
+          end select
+        endif
+        ! combine adjoint sources from different measurement windows
+        if (COMPUTE_ADJOINT_SOURCE) then
+            if (mod(imeas,2)==1) then
+               adj_syn_all(:) = adj_syn_all(:) + tr_adj_src(:)   ! imeas = 1,3,5,7
+            else
+               adj_syn_all(:) = adj_syn_all(:) + am_adj_src(:)  ! imeas = 2,4,6,8
+            endif
+        endif
+        ! combine CC-reconstructed records
+        recon_cc_all(istart:istart+nlen-1) = recon_cc_all(istart:istart+nlen-1) + syn_dtw_cc(1:nlen)
+      endif
+      ! CHT: (re-)set to multitaper parameters, if originally specified
+      if (is_mtm0 == 1) then
+         imeas = imeas0
+         is_mtm = is_mtm0
+      endif
+    enddo ! nmeas
+    !----------------------------
+    ! write out the adjoint source
+      ! OPTIONAL: A conservative choice is to filter the adjoint source,
+      !   since higher frequencies could enter from the tapering operations.
+      ! Note: time_window in mt_adj.f90 tapers the windows.
+      ! note also:
+      ! measurements are done on filtered synthetics F(s) and filtered data F(d), such that DeltaT
+      ! is given for filtered data & synthetics.
+      ! then kernels,
+      ! i.e. for a traveltime measurement: DeltaT = 1/N * int  F(d/dt s) F(ds)
+      ! should contain this filter as well.
+      !
+      ! when we construct the adjoint source here,it is initially a filtered version
+      ! as well F(s_adj) since we use/depend on filtered synthetics F(s).
+      ! however, for kernel simulations, we do run with a reconstructed forward wavefield,
+      ! which is unfiltered (only filter there is by source half-time), but we want to convolve
+      !  K = int F*(s_adj) F(s)
+      ! using the same (bandpass) filter F() as used for filtereing data & synthetics in the meausurements
+      ! We can write the kernel expression as K = int F*{F* (s_adj)}  s
+      ! thus we should apply the filter F() twice on the adjoint source
+      !
+      ! why is this important? the filter, like bandpassing, is usually acausal, that is, it can
+      ! introduce a slight phase-shift to the data. but, phase-shifts is what we are interested in
+      ! and invert for. so, filtering might affect our inversions...
+      ! we do use a bandpass filter here again on the adjoint source. this is slightly different
+      ! to the transfer function filter in SAC used initially to filter data & synthetics.
+      ! but this seems to be the best and fairly easy what we can do here...
+      call bandpass(adj_syn_all,npts,dt,fstart0,fend0)
+      ! cut and interpolate to match time-stepping for SEM
+      ! NOTE: This can leave a non-zero value to start the record,
+      !       which is NOT GOOD for the SEM simulation.
+      call interpolate_syn(adj_syn_all,t0,dt,npts,tt,dtt,nn)
+      ! Taper the start of the adjoint source, since cutting the record
+      ! may have left a non-zero value to start the record,
+      ! which is not good for the SEM simulation.
+      itmax = int(TSHORT/dtt)
+      call taper_start(adj_syn_all,nn,itmax)
+      ! output the adjoint source (or ray density) as ASCII or SAC format
+      print *, 'writing adjoint source to file for the full seismogram'
+      if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
+        call dwascii(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.density.adj',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
+      else
+        call dwascii(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
+      endif
+      !call dwsac1(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj.sac',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
+!!$    call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',tt,dtt,nn,adj_syn_all)
+!!$    !call dwrite_sacfile_f(trim(datafile),trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',tt,nn,adj_syn_all)
+    endif
+    !----------------------------
+    ! write out the CC-reconstructed data from synthetics
+    ! cut and interpolate, then write ASCII file
+    !call interpolate_syn(recon_cc_all,t0,dt,npts,tt,dtt,nn)
+    !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc',tt,dtt,nn,recon_cc_all)
+    ! write SAC file
+    call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc.sac',recon_cc_all,npts,t0,dt)
+    !if (nerr > 0) then ; print *, 'Error writing reconstructed CC file' ; stop ; endif
+    !call dwrite_sacfile_f(trim(datafile),trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc',t0,npts,recon_cc_all)
+  enddo ! npairs
+  close(11)  ! read: MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS
+  close(12)  ! write: window_index
+  close(13)  ! write: window_chi
+end program mt_measure_adj
+subroutine setup_weighting(chan_syn)
+  !
+  ! determines weights based on number of window picks on radial, transverse and vertical components
+  !
+  use mt_weighting
+  use mt_constants,only: NDIM
+  use mt_sub,only: get_sacfile_header,drsac1
+  use mt_sub2,only: TOL
+  implicit none
+  character(len=10) :: chan_syn
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: npairs,ios,ipair,iposition,ipicks
+  character(len=150) :: datafile,synfile !,dummy
+  character(len=4) :: comp_T,comp_Z,comp_R
+  integer :: picks_T, picks_Z, picks_R,npicks
+  ! sac header information
+  integer :: yr,jda,ho,mi
+  double precision :: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon,T_surfacewaves
+  character(len=10) :: net,sta,chan_dat,chan,cmp
+  double precision :: t01, dt1, t02, dt2, t0, dt, tstart, tend
+  integer :: npt1, npt2, npts
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: data, syn
+  ! initializes
+  picks_R = 0
+  picks_Z = 0
+  picks_T = 0
+  num_P_SV_V = 0.d0
+  num_P_SV_R = 0.d0
+  num_SH_T = 0.d0
+  num_Rayleigh_V = 0.d0
+  num_Rayleigh_R = 0.d0
+  num_Love_T = 0.d0
+  ! substrings (synthetics components)
+  comp_T = trim(chan_syn)//"T."
+  comp_R = trim(chan_syn)//"R."
+  comp_Z = trim(chan_syn)//"Z."
+  ! opens measurement windows
+  open(21,file='MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS',status='old',iostat=ios)
+  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error opening input file: MEASUREMENT WINDOWS' ; stop ; endif
+  read(21,*,iostat=ios) npairs
+  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading number of pairs of data/syn' ; stop ; endif
+  ! loops through windows
+  do ipair=1,npairs
+    ! reads in file names
+    read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) datafile
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows datafile' ; stop ; endif
+    read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) synfile
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows synfile' ; stop ; endif
+    ! read data and syn
+    call drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,t01,dt1)
+    call drsac1(synfile,syn,npt2,t02,dt2)
+    if (max(npt1,npt2) > NDIM) then
+        print *, 'Error: Too many number of points in data or syn'
+        stop
+    endif
+    ! check if t0 and dt match
+    if (abs(dt1-dt2) > TOL) then ; print *, 'Error: check if dt match' ; stop ; endif
+    dt = dt1
+    npts = min(npt1,npt2)
+    if (abs(t01-t02) > dt) then
+      print*,'data t0: ',t01
+      print*,'syn  t0: ',t02
+      stop 'Check if t0 match'
+    endif
+    t0 = t01
+    ! figure out station name, network name, component name, etc
+    call get_sacfile_header(trim(datafile),yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,net,sta, &
+                            chan_dat,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
+    chan = chan_dat
+    cmp = chan_dat(3:3)
+    ! theoretical surface wave arrival time
+    T_surfacewaves = dist / surface_vel
+    ! debug output
+    !print*
+    !print*,'debug: '
+    !print*,'  yr,jda,ho,mi,sec : ',yr,jda,ho,mi,sec
+    !print*,'  net,sta,chan_dat : ',net,sta,chan_dat
+    !print*,'  dist,az,baz,slat,slon : ',dist,az,baz,slat,slon
+    !print*,'  cmp          = ',cmp
+    !print*,'  dist           = ',dist
+    !print*,'  T_surfacewaves = ',T_surfacewaves
+    !print*
+    ! reads in window picks
+    read(21,*,iostat=ios) npicks
+    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows npicks' ; stop ; endif
+    ! loops/skips over picks (start/end times)
+    do ipicks=1,npicks
+      !read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) dummy
+      !if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading window pick' ; stop ; endif
+      read(21,*,iostat=ios) tstart, tend
+      if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading window pick: tstart and tend' ; stop ; endif
+      tstart = max(tstart,t0)
+      tend = min(tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt)
+      !nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1   ! see subroutine interpolate_data_and_syn
+      ! body wave picks
+      if( tend <= T_surfacewaves ) then
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) num_P_SV_V = num_P_SV_V + 1.d0
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) num_P_SV_R = num_P_SV_R + 1.d0
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) num_SH_T = num_SH_T + 1.d0
+      else
+      ! surface wave picks
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) num_Rayleigh_V = num_Rayleigh_V + 1.d0
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) num_Rayleigh_R = num_Rayleigh_R + 1.d0
+        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) num_Love_T = num_Love_T + 1.d0
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! determines all picks on a trace component
+    ! transverse
+    iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_T, .false. )
+    if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
+      if( cmp(1:1) /= "T" ) stop 'error T component pick'
+      picks_T = picks_T + npicks
+    else
+      ! radial
+      iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_R, .false. )
+      if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
+        if( cmp(1:1) /= "R" ) stop 'error R component pick'
+        picks_R = picks_R + npicks
+      else
+        ! vertical
+        iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_Z, .false. )
+        if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
+          if( cmp(1:1) /= "Z" ) stop 'error Z component pick'
+          picks_Z = picks_Z + npicks
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  enddo
+  close(21)
+  ! check with total number of picks per component
+  if( nint( num_P_SV_R + num_Rayleigh_R ) /= picks_R ) stop 'error R picks'
+  if( nint( num_P_SV_V + num_Rayleigh_V ) /= picks_Z ) stop 'error Z picks'
+  if( nint( num_SH_T + num_Love_T ) /= picks_T ) stop 'error T picks'
+  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
+    print*
+    print*,'weighting measurements: '
+    print*,'  picks T:',picks_T
+    print*,'  picks R:',picks_R
+    print*,'  picks Z:',picks_Z
+    print*
+    print*,'  picks P_SV_R: ',nint(num_P_SV_R)
+    print*,'  picks P_SV_V: ',nint(num_P_SV_V)
+    print*,'  picks SH_T  : ',nint(num_SH_T)
+    print*,'  picks Rayleigh_R: ',nint(num_Rayleigh_R)
+    print*,'  picks Rayleigh_V: ',nint(num_Rayleigh_V)
+    print*,'  picks Love_T    : ',nint(num_Love_T)
+    print*
+  endif
+  ! sets up weights based on picks
+  weight_T = 1.0d0
+  weight_R = 1.0d0
+  weight_Z = 1.0d0
+  ! weighting tries to balance love waves (tranverse) versus rayleigh waves (radial + vertical)
+  !if( picks_T > 0 ) then
+  !  if( picks_R + picks_Z > 0 ) weight_T = dble(picks_R + picks_Z)/dble(picks_T)
+  !endif
+  ! use normalization as weights
+  if( picks_T > 0 ) weight_T = 1.d0 / picks_T
+  if( picks_R > 0 ) weight_R = 1.d0 / picks_R
+  if( picks_Z > 0 ) weight_Z = 1.d0 / picks_Z
+  ! use normalization
+  if( num_P_SV_R > 0. ) num_P_SV_R = 1.d0 / num_P_SV_R
+  if( num_P_SV_V > 0. ) num_P_SV_V = 1.d0 / num_P_SV_V
+  if( num_SH_T > 0. ) num_SH_T = 1.d0 / num_SH_T
+  if( num_Rayleigh_R > 0. ) num_Rayleigh_R = 1.d0 / num_Rayleigh_R
+  if( num_Rayleigh_V > 0. ) num_Rayleigh_V = 1.d0 / num_Rayleigh_V
+  if( num_Love_T > 0. ) num_Love_T = 1.d0 / num_Love_T
+  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
+    print*,'  weight num_P_SV_R:',num_P_SV_R
+    print*,'  weight num_P_SV_V:',num_P_SV_V
+    print*,'  weight num_SH_T  :',num_SH_T
+    print*,'  weight num_Rayleigh_R:',num_Rayleigh_R
+    print*,'  weight num_Rayleigh_V:',num_Rayleigh_V
+    print*,'  weight num_Love_T    :',num_Love_T
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_constants.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_constants.f90	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_constants.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module mt_constants
-  ! number of entries in window_chi output file
-  integer, parameter :: N_MEASUREMENT = 5
-  integer, parameter :: NCHI = 3*(N_MEASUREMENT-1) + 8
-  ! constants
-  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
-  double precision, parameter :: TWOPI = 2.0 * PI
-  complex*16, parameter :: CCI = cmplx(0.,1.)
-  double precision, parameter :: LARGE_VAL = 1.0d8
-  ! FFT parameters
-  integer, parameter :: LNPT = 15, NPT = 2**LNPT, NDIM = 80000
-  double precision, parameter :: FORWARD_FFT = 1.0  
-  double precision, parameter :: REVERSE_FFT = -1.0   
-  ! phase correction control parameters, set this between (PI, 2PI),
-  ! use a higher value for conservative phase wrapping
-  double precision, parameter :: PHASE_STEP = 1.5 * PI
-  ! filter parameters for xapiir bandpass subroutine (filter type is BP)
-  ! (These should match the filter used in pre-processing.)
-  double precision, parameter :: TRBDNDW = 0.3
-  double precision, parameter :: APARM = 30.
-  integer, parameter :: IORD = 4
-  integer, parameter :: PASSES = 2
-  ! takes waveform of first trace dat_dtw, without taking the difference waveform to the second trace syn_dtw
-  ! this is useful to cissor out later reflections which appear in data (no synthetics needed)
-  logical:: NO_WAVEFORM_DIFFERENCE = .false. 
-  ! constructs adjoint sources for a "ray density" kernel, where all misfits are equal to one
-  logical:: DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE = .false.
-end module mt_constants

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_measure_adj.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-program mt_measure_adj
-  !  main program that calls the subroutines to make the MT measurements
-  !  and compute the corresponding adjoint sources
-  ! input parameter:
-  !  1. imeas = 1, normalized waveform difference. Adjoint source is constructed from the data
-  !                      only, with the form −d(t)/ || d(t) || 2
-  !  2. imeas = 2, waveform difference, s(t) − d(t).
-  !  3. imeas = 3, cross-correlation traveltime difference for a (banana-doughtnut) sensitivity ker-
-  !                       nel. The measurement between data and synthetics is not used in constructing the adjoint
-  !                       source.
-  !  4. imeas = 4, amplitude difference for a (banana-doughtnut) sensitivity kernel. The measure-
-  !                       ment between data and synthetics is not used in constructing the adjoint source.
-  !  5. imeas = 5, cross-correlation traveltime difference for an event kernel. The measurement
-  !                       between data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source.
-  !  6. imeas = 6, amplitude difference for an event kernel. The measurement between data and
-  !                        synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source.
-  !  7. imeas = 7, multitaper traveltime difference for an event kernel. The measurement between
-  !                       data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source. See multitaper_notes.pdf.
-  !  8. imeas = 8, multitaper ampltidue difference for an event kernel. The measurement between
-  !                       data and synthetics is used in constructing the adjoint source. See multitaper_notes.pdf.
-  use mt_variables
-  use mt_constants
-  use ascii_rw       ! dwascii()
-  use mt_sub2        ! fft(), fftinv()
-  use mt_sub         ! mt_measure(), mt_adj()
-  use mt_weighting 
-  implicit none
-  character(len=150) :: datafile,synfile,file_prefix,file_prefix0,file_prefix2,measure_file_prefix,adj_file_prefix
-  integer :: num_meas, j, ios, npt1, npt2, npts, nn 
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: data, syn, adj_syn_all, tr_adj_src, am_adj_src, recon_cc_all, syn_dtw_cc
-  double precision :: t01, dt1, t02, dt2, t0, dt, tstart, tend, tt, dtt, df
-  double precision, dimension(NCHI) :: window_chi
-  double precision :: fend0, fstart0, fend, fstart
-  !double precision :: TSHORT, TLONG   ! mtm_variables.f90
-  ! sac header information
-  integer :: yr,jda,ho,mi
-  double precision :: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
-  character(len=10) :: net,sta,chan_dat,chan,cmp,chan_syn
-  double precision :: tshift, sigma_dt_cc, dlnA, sigma_dlnA_cc, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
-  double precision :: tr_chi, am_chi, cc_max, T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
-  !double precision :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2
-  double precision, dimension(NPT) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, err_dt, err_dlnA, syn_dtw, data_dtw
-  complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: trans_mtm
-  integer :: nlen, i_left, i_pmax_dat, i_pmax_syn, i_right, i_right0, istart, &
-        ipair, npairs, nwin, itmax 
-  logical :: use_trace 
-  !double precision :: trbdndw, a
-  !integer :: iord, passes
-  integer :: ipick_type
-  double precision :: T_surfacewaves
-  !********* PROGRAM STARTS HERE *********************
-  ! read in MEASUREMENT.PAR (see mt_sub.f90 and write_par_file.pl)
-  ! most variables are global (see mt_variables.f90)
-  call read_par_file(fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt,nn,chan)
-  ! uses weights to balance love and rayleigh measurements
-  ! we do a normalization of P_SV, P_SH, Love, Rayleigh with the number of measurement picks
-  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
-    call setup_weighting(chan)
-  endif
-  ! input file: MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS
-  open(11,file='MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS',status='old',iostat=ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error opening input file: MEASUREMENT WINDOWS' ; stop ; endif
-  read(11,*,iostat=ios) npairs
-  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading number of pairs of data/syn' ; stop ; endif
-  print *, 'reading in the data and synthetics...'
-  ! output files
-  open(12,file='window_index',status='unknown',iostat=ios)
-  open(13,file='window_chi',status='unknown',iostat=ios)
-  nwin = 0
-  do ipair = 1, npairs
-    data(:) = 0.0
-    syn(:)  = 0.0
-    adj_syn_all(:) = 0.0
-    recon_cc_all(:) = 0.0
-    ! reads in file names for data and synthetics
-    read(11,'(a)',iostat=ios) datafile
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows file' ; stop ; endif
-    read(11,'(a)',iostat=ios) synfile
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows file' ; stop ; endif
-    ! read data and syn
-    call drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,t01,dt1)
-    call drsac1(synfile,syn,npt2,t02,dt2)
-    !print *, npt1,t01,dt1,NDIM    ! check: double precision
-    ! user output
-    print *
-    print *, 'data: ',trim(datafile)
-    print *, '  min/max: ',minval(data(:)),maxval(data(:))
-    !print *, '       ',data(1:5)
-    print *, 'syn:   ',trim(synfile)
-    print *, '  min/max: ',minval(syn(:)),maxval(syn(:))
-    !print *, '       ',syn(1:5)
-    if (max(npt1,npt2) > NDIM) then
-        print *, 'Error: Too many number of points in data or syn'
-        stop
-    endif
-    ! check if t0 and dt match
-    if (abs(dt1-dt2) > TOL) then ; print *, 'Error: check if dt match' ; stop ; endif
-    dt = dt1
-    npts = min(npt1,npt2)
-    ! check
-    if (abs(t01-t02) > dt) then
-      print*,'data t0: ',t01
-      print*,'syn  t0: ',t02
-      stop 'Check if t0 match'
-    else
-      print*,'  time:',t01
-      print*,'  dt:',dt
-      print*,'  npts: ',npts
-    endif
-    ! apply bandpass filter to data and synthetics, if desired
-    ! http://www.iris.washington.edu/pipermail/sac-help/2008-March/000376.html
-    ! Access to the kidate, xapiir, and getfil is not simple and not
-    ! supported under the current state of the SAC code base.
-    t0 = t01
-    if(.not. RUN_BANDPASS) then
-       t0 = t01
-    else
-       !call interpolate_syn(syn,t02,dt,npt2,t01,dt,npts)
-       t0 = t01
-       call bandpass(data,npts,dt,fstart0,fend0)
-    endif
-    ! figure out station name, network name, component name, etc
-    call get_sacfile_header(trim(datafile),yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,net,sta, &
-                          chan_dat,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
-    ! theoretical surface wave arrival time
-    T_surfacewaves = dist / surface_vel
-    ! synthetics always have the form BH_ or LH_, but the data may not (HH_, LH_, BL_, etc).
-    cmp = chan_dat(3:3)
-    chan_syn = trim(chan)//trim(cmp)
-    file_prefix0 = trim(sta)//'.'//trim(net)//'.'//trim(chan_syn)
-    file_prefix2 = trim(OUT_DIR)//'/'//trim(file_prefix0)
-    print *
-    print *, trim(file_prefix2), ' --- '
-    ! note: MT measurement could revert to CC, but still keep the MT suffix
-    write(adj_file_prefix,'(a,i2.2)') trim(file_prefix2)//'.iker', imeas0
-!!$    if (imeas == 0) then
-!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.ik'
-!!$    else if (imeas == 1) then
-!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.mtm'
-!!$    else if (imeas == 2) then
-!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.cc'
-!!$    else if (imeas == 3) then
-!!$      adj_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix2) // '.bdcc'
-!!$    else
-!!$      print *, 'imeas = ', imeas
-!!$      print *, 'Error: imeas must be 0, 1, 2, or 3'
-!!$      stop
-!!$    endif
-    ! reads number of measurement windows
-    read(11,*,iostat=ios) num_meas
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading num_meas' ; stop ; endif
-    do j = 1, num_meas
-      ! reads in start and end time of measurement window
-      read(11,*,iostat=ios) tstart, tend
-      if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading tstart and tend' ; stop ; endif
-      ! checks start and end times of window compared to trace lengths
-      tstart = max(tstart,t0)
-      tend = min(tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt)
-      nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1   ! see subroutine interpolate_data_and_syn
-      ! body wave picks
-      ipick_type = 0
-      if( tend <= T_surfacewaves ) then
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) ipick_type = P_SV_V
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) ipick_type = P_SV_R
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) ipick_type = SH_T
-      else
-      ! surface wave picks
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) ipick_type = Rayleigh_V
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) ipick_type = Rayleigh_R
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) ipick_type = Love_T
-      endif
-      ! write values to output file
-      nwin = nwin + 1       ! overall window counter
-      write(12,'(a3,a8,a5,a5,3i5,2f12.3)') net,sta,chan_syn,chan_dat,nwin,ipair,j,tstart,tend
-      ! add taper type to file prefix
-      write(file_prefix,'(a,i2.2)') trim(file_prefix2)//'.', j
-      if (is_mtm == 1) then
-        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.mtm'  ! multitaper taper
-      elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
-        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.ctp'  ! cosine taper
-      else
-        measure_file_prefix = trim(file_prefix) // '.btp'  ! boxcar taper
-      endif
-      print *
-      print *, ' Measurements No.', j, ' ... '
-      ! initialize the measurements
-      window_chi(:) = 0.
-      ! compute integrated waveform difference, normalized by duration of the record
-      ! NOTE: (1) this is for the FULL record, not the windowed record
-      !       (2) for comparison with waveform_chi, we include the 0.5 factor
-      !       (3) we might want to include dt as an integration factor (also for waveform_chi),
-      !           but the ratio (d-s)^2 / d^2 avoids the need for dt, nstep, or length of record
-      window_chi(17) = 0.5 * sum( data**2 )
-      window_chi(18) = 0.5 * sum( syn**2 )
-      window_chi(19) = 0.5 * sum( (data-syn)**2 )
-      window_chi(20) = npts*dt
-      ! get the starting frequency to avoid measuring long periods not present
-      !fstart = fstart0  ; fend = fend0
-      !call mt_measure_select_0(nlen,dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
-      ! make measurements
-      ! also compute reconstructed synthetics for CC (and MT, if specified) measurements
-      call mt_measure(datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,&
-            istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc,&
-            i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right0,trans_mtm,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,err_dt,err_dlnA)
-      i_right = i_right0
-      i_left = 1
-      ! period of the max power of the synthetic record
-      T_pmax_dat = (dt*NPT) / dble(i_pmax_dat)
-      T_pmax_syn = (dt*NPT) / dble(i_pmax_syn)
-      ! adjust measurements for MT adjoint source
-      if (is_mtm == 1) then
-         fstart = fstart0  ; fend = fend0
-         call mt_measure_select(nlen,tshift,i_pmax_syn,dtau_w,err_dt, &
-                              dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
-         print *, 'fstart0/fend0 :', fstart0, fend0
-         print *, 'fstart/fend   :', fstart, fend
-         print *, 'Tpmax         :', T_pmax_dat, T_pmax_syn
-         ! if MT measurement window is rejected by mt_measure_select, then use a CC measurement
-         if(.not. use_trace) then
-            !stop 'Check why this MT measurement was rejected'
-            print *, 'Reverting from multitaper measurement to cross-correlation measurement'
-            imeas = imeas0 - 2
-            is_mtm = 3
-            call mt_measure(datafile,measure_file_prefix,data,syn,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend,istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,&
-                  tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc,&
-                  i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right,trans_mtm,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
-            use_trace = .true.
-         endif
-      else
-         use_trace = .true.
-      endif
-      ! check that the CC measurements are within the specified input range
-      if (imeas >= 5) call cc_measure_select(tshift,dlnA,cc_max)
-      ! write frequency limits to file
-        df = 1./(dt*NPT)
-        open(71,file=trim(measure_file_prefix)//'.freq_limits')
-        write(71,'(6f18.8)') fstart0, fend0, df, i_right0*df, fstart, fend
-        close(71)
-      endif
-      ! compute adjoint sources and misfit function values and also the CC-reconstructed records
-      if (use_trace) then
-        ! banana-doughnut kernel (needs only synthetic trace)
-        if(imeas == 5 .and. trim(datafile) == trim(synfile) ) then
-          print*,'cross-correlation measurement:'
-          print*,'  only synthetic file: ',trim(synfile)
-          print*,'    without traveltime difference/uncertainty'
-          print*
-          ! uses imeas == 3 for adjoint sources without time shift and uncertainty scaling
-          ! (pure cross-correlation adjoint source for banana-doughnuts)
-          imeas = 3
-        endif
-        tr_chi = 0.0 ; am_chi = 0.0    ! must be initialized
-        call mt_adj(istart,data_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,dt,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc,&
-             dtau_w,dlnA_w,err_dt,err_dlnA,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,i_left,i_right,&
-             window_chi,tr_adj_src,tr_chi,am_adj_src,am_chi)
-        ! KEY: write misfit function values to file (two for each window)
-        ! Here are the 20 columns of the vector window_chi
-        !  1: MT-TT chi,    2: MT-dlnA chi,    3: XC-TT chi,    4: XC-dlnA chi
-        !  5: MT-TT meas,   6: MT-dlnA meas,   7: XC-TT meas,   8: XC-dlnA meas
-        !  9: MT-TT error, 10: MT-dlnA error, 11: XC-TT error, 12: XC-dlnA error
-        ! WINDOW     : 13: data power, 14: syn power, 15: (data-syn) power, 16: window duration
-        ! FULL RECORD: 17: data power, 18: syn power, 19: (data-syn) power, 20: record duration
-        ! Example of a reduced file: awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$31,$32}' window_chi > window_chi_sub
-        write(13,'(a14,a8,a3,a5,i4,i4,2e14.6,20e14.6,2e14.6,2f14.6)') &
-           file_prefix0,sta,net,chan_syn,j,imeas,&
-           tstart,tend,window_chi(:),tr_chi,am_chi,T_pmax_dat,T_pmax_syn
-        print *, '    tr_chi = ', sngl(tr_chi), '  am_chi = ', sngl(am_chi)
-        ! uses weighting to balance love / rayleigh measurements
-        if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
-          ! weights by transverse/radial/vertical
-          !if( cmp(1:1) == "T") then
-          !  tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_T
-          !else
-          !  if( cmp(1:1) == "R") then
-          !    tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_R
-          !  else
-          !    if( cmp(1:1) == "Z") then
-          !      tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * weight_Z
-          !    endif
-          !  endif
-          !endif
-          ! weights by phase types
-          select case(ipick_type)
-            case( P_SV_V )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_P_SV_V
-            case( P_SV_R )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_P_SV_R
-            case( SH_T )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_SH_T
-            case( Rayleigh_V )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Rayleigh_V
-            case( Rayleigh_R )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Rayleigh_R
-            case( Love_T )
-              tr_adj_src(:) = tr_adj_src(:) * num_Love_T
-            case default
-              stop 'error ipick_type unknown'
-          end select
-        endif
-        ! combine adjoint sources from different measurement windows
-        if (COMPUTE_ADJOINT_SOURCE) then
-            if (mod(imeas,2)==1) then
-               adj_syn_all(:) = adj_syn_all(:) + tr_adj_src(:)   ! imeas = 1,3,5,7
-            else
-               adj_syn_all(:) = adj_syn_all(:) + am_adj_src(:)  ! imeas = 2,4,6,8
-            endif
-        endif
-        ! combine CC-reconstructed records
-        recon_cc_all(istart:istart+nlen-1) = recon_cc_all(istart:istart+nlen-1) + syn_dtw_cc(1:nlen)
-      endif
-      ! CHT: (re-)set to multitaper parameters, if originally specified
-      if (is_mtm0 == 1) then
-         imeas = imeas0
-         is_mtm = is_mtm0
-      endif
-    enddo ! nmeas
-    !----------------------------
-    ! write out the adjoint source
-      ! OPTIONAL: A conservative choice is to filter the adjoint source,
-      !   since higher frequencies could enter from the tapering operations.
-      ! Note: time_window in mt_adj.f90 tapers the windows.
-      ! note also:
-      ! measurements are done on filtered synthetics F(s) and filtered data F(d), such that DeltaT
-      ! is given for filtered data & synthetics.
-      ! then kernels,
-      ! i.e. for a traveltime measurement: DeltaT = 1/N * int  F(d/dt s) F(ds)
-      ! should contain this filter as well.
-      !
-      ! when we construct the adjoint source here,it is initially a filtered version
-      ! as well F(s_adj) since we use/depend on filtered synthetics F(s).
-      ! however, for kernel simulations, we do run with a reconstructed forward wavefield,
-      ! which is unfiltered (only filter there is by source half-time), but we want to convolve
-      !  K = int F*(s_adj) F(s)
-      ! using the same (bandpass) filter F() as used for filtereing data & synthetics in the meausurements
-      ! We can write the kernel expression as K = int F*{F* (s_adj)}  s
-      ! thus we should apply the filter F() twice on the adjoint source
-      !
-      ! why is this important? the filter, like bandpassing, is usually acausal, that is, it can
-      ! introduce a slight phase-shift to the data. but, phase-shifts is what we are interested in
-      ! and invert for. so, filtering might affect our inversions...
-      ! we do use a bandpass filter here again on the adjoint source. this is slightly different
-      ! to the transfer function filter in SAC used initially to filter data & synthetics.
-      ! but this seems to be the best and fairly easy what we can do here...
-      call bandpass(adj_syn_all,npts,dt,fstart0,fend0)
-      ! cut and interpolate to match time-stepping for SEM
-      ! NOTE: This can leave a non-zero value to start the record,
-      !       which is NOT GOOD for the SEM simulation.
-      call interpolate_syn(adj_syn_all,t0,dt,npts,tt,dtt,nn)
-      ! Taper the start of the adjoint source, since cutting the record
-      ! may have left a non-zero value to start the record,
-      ! which is not good for the SEM simulation.
-      itmax = int(TSHORT/dtt)
-      call taper_start(adj_syn_all,nn,itmax)
-      ! output the adjoint source (or ray density) as ASCII or SAC format
-      print *, 'writing adjoint source to file for the full seismogram'
-      if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
-        call dwascii(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.density.adj',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
-      else
-        call dwascii(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
-      endif
-      !call dwsac1(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj.sac',adj_syn_all,nn,tt,dtt)
-!!$    call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',tt,dtt,nn,adj_syn_all)
-!!$    !call dwrite_sacfile_f(trim(datafile),trim(adj_file_prefix)//'.adj',tt,nn,adj_syn_all)
-    endif
-    !----------------------------
-    ! write out the CC-reconstructed data from synthetics
-    ! cut and interpolate, then write ASCII file
-    !call interpolate_syn(recon_cc_all,t0,dt,npts,tt,dtt,nn)
-    !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc',tt,dtt,nn,recon_cc_all)
-    ! write SAC file
-    call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc.sac',recon_cc_all,npts,t0,dt)
-    !if (nerr > 0) then ; print *, 'Error writing reconstructed CC file' ; stop ; endif
-    !call dwrite_sacfile_f(trim(datafile),trim(file_prefix2)//'.recon.cc',t0,npts,recon_cc_all)
-  enddo ! npairs
-  close(11)  ! read: MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS
-  close(12)  ! write: window_index
-  close(13)  ! write: window_chi
-end program mt_measure_adj
-subroutine setup_weighting(chan_syn)
-  !
-  ! determines weights based on number of window picks on radial, transverse and vertical components
-  !
-  use mt_weighting
-  use mt_constants,only: NDIM
-  use mt_sub,only: get_sacfile_header,drsac1
-  use mt_sub2,only: TOL
-  implicit none
-  character(len=10) :: chan_syn
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: npairs,ios,ipair,iposition,ipicks
-  character(len=150) :: datafile,synfile !,dummy
-  character(len=4) :: comp_T,comp_Z,comp_R
-  integer :: picks_T, picks_Z, picks_R,npicks
-  ! sac header information
-  integer :: yr,jda,ho,mi
-  double precision :: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon,T_surfacewaves
-  character(len=10) :: net,sta,chan_dat,chan,cmp
-  double precision :: t01, dt1, t02, dt2, t0, dt, tstart, tend
-  integer :: npt1, npt2, npts
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: data, syn
-  ! initializes
-  picks_R = 0
-  picks_Z = 0
-  picks_T = 0
-  num_P_SV_V = 0.d0
-  num_P_SV_R = 0.d0
-  num_SH_T = 0.d0
-  num_Rayleigh_V = 0.d0
-  num_Rayleigh_R = 0.d0
-  num_Love_T = 0.d0
-  ! substrings (synthetics components)
-  comp_T = trim(chan_syn)//"T."
-  comp_R = trim(chan_syn)//"R."
-  comp_Z = trim(chan_syn)//"Z."
-  ! opens measurement windows
-  open(21,file='MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS',status='old',iostat=ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error opening input file: MEASUREMENT WINDOWS' ; stop ; endif
-  read(21,*,iostat=ios) npairs
-  if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading number of pairs of data/syn' ; stop ; endif
-  ! loops through windows
-  do ipair=1,npairs
-    ! reads in file names
-    read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) datafile
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows datafile' ; stop ; endif
-    read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) synfile
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows synfile' ; stop ; endif
-    ! read data and syn
-    call drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,t01,dt1)
-    call drsac1(synfile,syn,npt2,t02,dt2)
-    if (max(npt1,npt2) > NDIM) then
-        print *, 'Error: Too many number of points in data or syn'
-        stop
-    endif
-    ! check if t0 and dt match
-    if (abs(dt1-dt2) > TOL) then ; print *, 'Error: check if dt match' ; stop ; endif
-    dt = dt1
-    npts = min(npt1,npt2)
-    if (abs(t01-t02) > dt) then
-      print*,'data t0: ',t01
-      print*,'syn  t0: ',t02
-      stop 'Check if t0 match'
-    endif
-    t0 = t01
-    ! figure out station name, network name, component name, etc
-    call get_sacfile_header(trim(datafile),yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,net,sta, &
-                            chan_dat,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
-    chan = chan_dat
-    cmp = chan_dat(3:3)
-    ! theoretical surface wave arrival time
-    T_surfacewaves = dist / surface_vel
-    ! debug output
-    !print*
-    !print*,'debug: '
-    !print*,'  yr,jda,ho,mi,sec : ',yr,jda,ho,mi,sec
-    !print*,'  net,sta,chan_dat : ',net,sta,chan_dat
-    !print*,'  dist,az,baz,slat,slon : ',dist,az,baz,slat,slon
-    !print*,'  cmp          = ',cmp
-    !print*,'  dist           = ',dist
-    !print*,'  T_surfacewaves = ',T_surfacewaves
-    !print*
-    ! reads in window picks
-    read(21,*,iostat=ios) npicks
-    if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading windows npicks' ; stop ; endif
-    ! loops/skips over picks (start/end times)
-    do ipicks=1,npicks
-      !read(21,'(a)',iostat=ios) dummy
-      !if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading window pick' ; stop ; endif
-      read(21,*,iostat=ios) tstart, tend
-      if (ios /= 0) then ; print *, 'Error reading window pick: tstart and tend' ; stop ; endif
-      tstart = max(tstart,t0)
-      tend = min(tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt)
-      !nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1   ! see subroutine interpolate_data_and_syn
-      ! body wave picks
-      if( tend <= T_surfacewaves ) then
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) num_P_SV_V = num_P_SV_V + 1.d0
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) num_P_SV_R = num_P_SV_R + 1.d0
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) num_SH_T = num_SH_T + 1.d0
-      else
-      ! surface wave picks
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "Z" ) num_Rayleigh_V = num_Rayleigh_V + 1.d0
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "R" ) num_Rayleigh_R = num_Rayleigh_R + 1.d0
-        if( cmp(1:1) == "T" ) num_Love_T = num_Love_T + 1.d0
-      endif
-    enddo
-    ! determines all picks on a trace component
-    ! transverse
-    iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_T, .false. )
-    if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
-      if( cmp(1:1) /= "T" ) stop 'error T component pick'
-      picks_T = picks_T + npicks
-    else
-      ! radial
-      iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_R, .false. )
-      if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
-        if( cmp(1:1) /= "R" ) stop 'error R component pick'
-        picks_R = picks_R + npicks
-      else
-        ! vertical
-        iposition = INDEX( trim(synfile), comp_Z, .false. )
-        if( iposition > 3 .and. iposition < len_trim( synfile) ) then
-          if( cmp(1:1) /= "Z" ) stop 'error Z component pick'
-          picks_Z = picks_Z + npicks
-        endif
-      endif
-    endif
-  enddo
-  close(21)
-  ! check with total number of picks per component
-  if( nint( num_P_SV_R + num_Rayleigh_R ) /= picks_R ) stop 'error R picks'
-  if( nint( num_P_SV_V + num_Rayleigh_V ) /= picks_Z ) stop 'error Z picks'
-  if( nint( num_SH_T + num_Love_T ) /= picks_T ) stop 'error T picks'
-  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
-    print*
-    print*,'weighting measurements: '
-    print*,'  picks T:',picks_T
-    print*,'  picks R:',picks_R
-    print*,'  picks Z:',picks_Z
-    print*
-    print*,'  picks P_SV_R: ',nint(num_P_SV_R)
-    print*,'  picks P_SV_V: ',nint(num_P_SV_V)
-    print*,'  picks SH_T  : ',nint(num_SH_T)
-    print*,'  picks Rayleigh_R: ',nint(num_Rayleigh_R)
-    print*,'  picks Rayleigh_V: ',nint(num_Rayleigh_V)
-    print*,'  picks Love_T    : ',nint(num_Love_T)
-    print*
-  endif
-  ! sets up weights based on picks
-  weight_T = 1.0d0
-  weight_R = 1.0d0
-  weight_Z = 1.0d0
-  ! weighting tries to balance love waves (tranverse) versus rayleigh waves (radial + vertical)
-  !if( picks_T > 0 ) then
-  !  if( picks_R + picks_Z > 0 ) weight_T = dble(picks_R + picks_Z)/dble(picks_T)
-  !endif
-  ! use normalization as weights
-  if( picks_T > 0 ) weight_T = 1.d0 / picks_T
-  if( picks_R > 0 ) weight_R = 1.d0 / picks_R
-  if( picks_Z > 0 ) weight_Z = 1.d0 / picks_Z
-  ! use normalization
-  if( num_P_SV_R > 0. ) num_P_SV_R = 1.d0 / num_P_SV_R
-  if( num_P_SV_V > 0. ) num_P_SV_V = 1.d0 / num_P_SV_V
-  if( num_SH_T > 0. ) num_SH_T = 1.d0 / num_SH_T
-  if( num_Rayleigh_R > 0. ) num_Rayleigh_R = 1.d0 / num_Rayleigh_R
-  if( num_Rayleigh_V > 0. ) num_Rayleigh_V = 1.d0 / num_Rayleigh_V
-  if( num_Love_T > 0. ) num_Love_T = 1.d0 / num_Love_T
-  if( DO_WEIGHTING ) then
-    print*,'  weight num_P_SV_R:',num_P_SV_R
-    print*,'  weight num_P_SV_V:',num_P_SV_V
-    print*,'  weight num_SH_T  :',num_SH_T
-    print*,'  weight num_Rayleigh_R:',num_Rayleigh_R
-    print*,'  weight num_Rayleigh_V:',num_Rayleigh_V
-    print*,'  weight num_Love_T    :',num_Love_T
-    print*
-  endif
-end subroutine

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,2082 +0,0 @@
-module mt_sub
-  use mt_constants
-  use mt_variables
-  use mt_sub2
-  use ascii_rw
-  implicit none
-  ! =================================================================================================
-  ! subroutine mt_measure()
-  ! Boxcar/Cosine/Multitaper estimates of the transfer function between data and synthetics
-  !
-  !  Input:
-  !        is_mtm -- taper type: 1 for multitaper, 2 for boxcar taper, and 3 for cosine taper
-  !        datafile -- original data file in SAC format
-  !        file_prefix -- the output file prefix (usually in STA.NT.CMP.N format)
-  !        dat_dt(:), syn_dt(:) t0, dt, npts -- original data and synthetics array
-  !        tstart, tend -- start and end of the measurement window (can be from Alessia's code)
-  !  Output:
-  !        istart -- starting index of the windowed portion of  original trace
-  !        dat_dtw(:), syn_dtw(:), nlen -- windowed and shifted data, windowed synthetics
-  !        tshift, dlnA, cc_max -- time shift and amplitude cross-correlation measurements
-  !        i_right -- the maximum reliable frequency estimate index
-  !        trans_w(:) -- estimates of transfer function
-  !        dtau_w(:), dlnA_w(:) -- estimates of travel-time and amplitude anomaly
-  !        err_dt(:), err_dlnA(:) -- error bar of the travel-time and amplitude estimates (MT only)
-  !
-  !  original coding in Fortran77 by Ying Zhou
-  !  upgraded to Fortran90 by Alessia Maggi
-  !  organized into package form by Qinya Liu
-  !  modifications by Carl Tape and Vala Hjorleifsdottir
-  !
-  ! =================================================================================================
-  subroutine mt_measure(datafile,file_prefix,dat_dt,syn_dt,t0,dt,npts,tstart,tend, &
-         istart,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,syn_dtw_cc, &
-         i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn,i_right,trans_w,dtau_w,dlnA_w,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,err_dt,err_dlnA)
-    implicit none
-    integer, intent(in) :: npts
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dt,syn_dt
-    double precision, intent(in) ::  tstart,tend,t0,dt
-    character(len=150), intent(in) :: file_prefix,datafile
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift,sigma_dt_cc,dlnA,sigma_dlnA_cc,cc_max,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
-    complex*16, dimension(:), intent(out) :: trans_w
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: dtau_w,dlnA_w,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_cc
-    integer, intent(out) :: nlen,i_right,istart,i_pmax_dat,i_pmax_syn
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: err_dt,err_dlnA
-    !double precision, intent(out), optional :: sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: syn_vtw, syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt, &
-         syn_dtw_cc_dt, dat_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_h, dat_dtw_h
-    double precision :: sfac1,fac,f0,df,df_new,dw, &
-         ampmax_unw,wtr_use_unw,ampmax,wtr_use,wtr_mtm,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa !omega
-    integer :: ishift,i,ictaper,j,fnum,i_amp_max_unw,i_amp_max,i_right_stop,idf_new,iom
-    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: syn_dtwo, dat_dtwo, syn_dtw_ho, dat_dtw_ho,  &
-                                  top_mtm, bot_mtm, trans_mtm, wseis_recon
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: wvec, ey1, ey2, dtau_mtm, dlnA_mtm, &
-         phi_w, abs_w, err_phi, err_abs, phi_mtm, abs_mtm
-    double precision :: eph_ave,edt_ave,eabs_ave,eabs2_ave,eph_iom,edt_iom,eabs_iom,eabs2_iom
-    double precision, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tas,phi_mul,abs_mul,dtau_mul,dlnA_mul
-    character(len=150) :: filename
-    logical :: output_logical,display_logical
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------
-    if ( tstart < t0 .or. tend > t0+(npts-1)*dt .or. tstart >= tend) then
-       print *, 'tstart, t0, tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt:'
-       print *, tstart, t0, tend, t0+(npts-1)*dt
-       stop 'Check tstart and tend'
-    endif
-    ! initializes i_right
-    i_right = 0
-    ! LQY -- is this too small ???
-    wtr_mtm = 1.e-10
-    filename = trim(file_prefix)
-    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'_data',dat_dt,npts,t0,dt)
-       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn',syn_dt,npts,t0,dt)
-       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'_data.sac',dat_dt,npts,t0,dt)
-       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.sac',syn_dt,npts,t0,dt)
-!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_data.sac',t0,npts,dat_dt)
-!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.sac',t0,npts,syn_dt)
-!!$      !call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'_diff_dms.sac',t0,npts,dat_dt-syn_dt)
-!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'_data.txt',t0,dt,npts,dat_dt)
-!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'_syn.txt',t0,dt,npts,syn_dt)
-    endif
-    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! window and interpolate data and synthetics
-    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! interpolate data and synthetics, and also extract time-windowed records
-    call interpolate_dat_and_syn(dat_dt,syn_dt,tstart,tend,t0,dt,NPT,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,istart)
-    if (nlen <= 1) stop 'Check the length of the data and syn arrays'
-    if (nlen > NPT) stop 'Check the dimension of data and syn arrays'
-    ! some constants
-    sfac1 = (2./dble(nlen))**2   ! for Welch window
-    ipwr_t = 10                  ! for time-domain cosine taper: 1 - [cos(t)]^(ipwr)
-    ! pre-processing time-domain taper
-    do i = 1,nlen
-      !fac = 1.                                         ! boxcar window
-      !fac = 1 - sfac1*((i-1) - dble(nlen)/2.)**2       ! welch window
-      fac = 1. - cos(PI*(i-1)/(nlen-1))**ipwr_t        ! cosine window
-      syn_dtw(i)  = syn_dtw(i) * fac  ! syn, windowed
-      dat_dtw(i) = dat_dtw(i) * fac  ! dat, windowed
-    enddo
-    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-       print *, ' NPTs = ', NPT, '  new nlen = ', nlen
-       call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.sac',dat_dtw,nlen,tstart,dt)
-       call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.sac',syn_dtw,nlen,tstart,dt)
-!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.sac',tstart,nlen,dat_dtw)
-!!$      call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw)
-    endif
-    ! save a copy of the windowed data
-    !dat_dtwc(:) = dat_dtw(:)
-    !------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements
-    !------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! compute cross-correlation time shift and also amplitude measurmement
-    ! NOTE: records have already been windowed, so no information outside windows is considered
-    ! LQY: Ying suggested to align them at relatively long periods
-    call compute_cc(syn_dtw, dat_dtw, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift, dlnA, cc_max)
-    ! compute velocity of synthetics
-    do i = 2, nlen-1
-      syn_vtw(i) = (syn_dtw(i+1) - syn_dtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
-    enddo
-    syn_vtw(1)    = (syn_dtw(2) - syn_dtw(1)) / dt
-    syn_vtw(nlen) = (syn_dtw(nlen) - syn_dtw(nlen-1)) /dt
-    ! acceleration
-    !do i = 2, nlen-1
-    !  syn_atw(i) = (syn_vtw(i+1) - syn_vtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
-    !enddo
-    !syn_atw(1)    = (syn_vtw(2) - syn_vtw(1)) / dt
-    !syn_atw(nlen) = (syn_vtw(nlen) - syn_vtw(nlen-1)) / dt
-    ! deconstruct data using (negative) cross-correlation measurments
-    call deconstruct_dat_cc(filename,dat_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen, &
-        ishift,tshift,dlnA,dat_dtw_cc)
-    ! reconstruct synthetics using cross-correlation measurments (plotting purposes only)
-    call reconstruct_syn_cc(syn_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,ishift,tshift,dlnA,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
-       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc.sac',syn_dtw_cc,nlen,tstart,dt)
-       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc_dt.sac',syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,tstart,dt)
-!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_cc)
-!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_cc_dt.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
-!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_cc)
-!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_dt)
-    endif
-    ! compute the estimated uncertainty for the cross-correlation measurment
-    sigma_dt_cc = 1.
-    sigma_dlnA_cc = 1.
-    call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc)
-    ! write cross-correlation measurement to file
-    call write_average_meas(filename,imeas,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc)
-    !========================================
-    ! CHT: if you want a simple waveform difference, then return
-    if (is_mtm == 0) return
-    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    !  set up FFT for the frequency domain
-    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! calculate frequency step and number of frequencies
-    f0 = 0.
-    df = 1./(NPT*dt)
-    dw = TWOPI * df
-    fnum = NPT/2 + 1
-    ! calculate frequency spacing of sampling points
-    df_new = 1.0 / (tend-tstart)
-    idf_new = df_new / df
-    ! assemble omega vector (NPT is the FFT length)
-    wvec(:) = 0.
-    do j = 1,NPT
-      if(j > NPT/2+1) then
-        wvec(j) = dw*(j-NPT-1)   ! negative frequencies in second half
-      else
-        wvec(j) = dw*(j-1)       ! positive frequencies in first half
-      endif
-    enddo
-    ! create complex synthetic seismogram and CC-deconstructed data seismogram
-    syn_dtwo = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    dat_dtwo = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    !syn_dtwo(1:nlen) =  syn_dtw(1:nlen)
-    !dat_dtwo(1:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen)
-    syn_dtwo(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw(1:nlen))
-    dat_dtwo(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen))
-    call fft(LNPT,syn_dtwo,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-    call fft(LNPT,dat_dtwo,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-    ! index of the freq of the max power in the windowed data
-    ampmax_unw = 0.
-    i_pmax_dat = 1
-    do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
-      if( abs(dat_dtwo(i)) > ampmax_unw) then
-        ampmax_unw =  abs(dat_dtwo(i))
-        i_pmax_dat = i
-      endif
-    enddo
-    ! water level based untapered synthetics
-    ! used to determine the i_right values (maximum frequency for measurement)
-    ampmax_unw = 0.
-    do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
-      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) > ampmax_unw) then
-        ampmax_unw =  abs(syn_dtwo(i))
-        i_amp_max_unw = i
-      endif
-    enddo
-    wtr_use_unw = cmplx(ampmax_unw * WTR, 0.)
-    ! index of the freq of the max power in the windowed synthetics
-    i_pmax_syn = i_amp_max_unw
-    i_right = fnum
-    i_right_stop = 0
-    do i = 1,fnum
-      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) <= abs(wtr_use_unw) .and. i_right_stop==0 .and. i > i_amp_max_unw ) then
-        i_right_stop = 1
-        i_right = i
-      endif
-      if( abs(syn_dtwo(i)) >= 10.*abs(wtr_use_unw) .and. i_right_stop==1 .and. i > i_amp_max_unw) then
-        i_right_stop = 0
-        i_right = i
-      endif
-    enddo
-    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-      print *, 'Frequency of max power in windowed synthetic (Hz):'
-      print *, '  i_pmax_syn = ', i_pmax_syn, ', f_pmax = ', sngl(i_pmax_syn * df), ', T_pmax = ', sngl(1./(i_pmax_syn*df))
-      print *, 'FFT freq spacing df = ', sngl(df)
-      print *, 'measurement spacing df_new = ', sngl(df_new)
-      print *, '  i_right = ', i_right, ', stopping freq = ', sngl(i_right * df)
-      ! write out power for each signal
-       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power',abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
-       call dwascii(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power',abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
-       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power.sac',abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
-       !call dwsac1(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power.sac',abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)),i_right,df,df)
-!!$      call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'.obs.power',df,df,i_right,abs(dat_dtwo(1:i_right)) )
-!!$      call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(file_prefix)//'.syn.power',df,df,i_right,abs(syn_dtwo(1:i_right)) )
-    endif
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! single-taper estimation of transfer function
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! assign number of tapers
-    if (is_mtm == 1) then
-      ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
-    else
-      ntaper = 1
-    endif
-    allocate(tas(NPT,ntaper))
-    ! calculate the tapers
-    if (is_mtm == 1) then
-      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
-    elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
-      call costaper(nlen, NPT, tas)
-    elseif (is_mtm == 3) then
-      call boxcar(nlen, NPT, tas)
-    endif
-!!$    if (is_mtm == 1) then
-!!$      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
-!!$    elseif (is_mtm == 2) then
-!!$      call costaper(nlen, NPT, tas)
-!!$    elseif (is_mtm == 3) then
-!!$      call boxcar(nlen, NPT, tas)
-!!$    endif
-    ! initialize transfer function terms
-    top_mtm(:)   = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    bot_mtm(:)   = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    trans_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    do ictaper = 1, ntaper
-      syn_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.) ! note: this has to be initialized inside the loop
-      dat_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-      ! apply time-domain taper
-      do i = 1, nlen
-        syn_dtw_h(i) = syn_dtw(i) * tas(i,ictaper)     ! single-tapered, windowed syn
-        dat_dtw_h(i) = dat_dtw_cc(i) * tas(i,ictaper)  ! single-tapered, windowed, shifted data
-      enddo
-      syn_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-      dat_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-      ! apply FFT to get complex spectra
-      call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-      call fft(LNPT,dat_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-      ! compute water level for single taper measurement by finding max spectral power
-      ! in the tapered synthetics record
-      ampmax = 0.
-      do i = 1, fnum   ! loop over frequencies
-        if( abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) > ampmax) then      ! syn, single_tapered
-          ampmax = abs(syn_dtw_ho(i))
-          i_amp_max = i
-        endif
-      enddo
-      wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * WTR, 0.)
-      !print *, ' wtr_use :', wtr_use
-      ! calculate top and bottom of MT transfer function
-      do i = 1, fnum
-        top_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) + dat_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))   ! uses data and syn
-        bot_mtm(i) = bot_mtm(i) + syn_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))   ! uses syn only
-        ! calculate transfer function for single taper measurement using water level
-        if (is_mtm /= 1) then
-          if(abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) >  abs(wtr_use)) trans_w(i) = dat_dtw_ho(i) / syn_dtw_ho(i)
-          if(abs(syn_dtw_ho(i)) <= abs(wtr_use)) trans_w(i) = dat_dtw_ho(i) / (syn_dtw_ho(i)+wtr_use)
-        endif
-      enddo
-      ! for cosine or boxcar tapers only -- SEE COMMENTS BELOW for the multitaper case
-      ! NOTE 1: here we are using trans_w, not trans_mtm
-      ! NOTE 2: The single-taper transfer function should give you a perfect fit,
-      !         but it is not relevant from the perspective of obtaining a measurement.
-      if (is_mtm /= 1) then
-        ! phase, abs(trans), travel-time and amplitude as a func of freq for single-tapered measurements
-        call write_trans(filename,trans_w,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
-             phi_w,abs_w,dtau_w,dlnA_w,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa)
-        call reconstruct_syn(filename,syn_dtwo,wvec,dtau_w,dlnA_w, &
-             i_right,tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-        !call check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
-        !call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
-        !call write_average_meas(filename, imeas, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA)
-      endif
-    enddo  ! ictapers
-    ! for single taper, pass back the transfer function
-    if (is_mtm /= 1) return
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! multitaper estimation of transfer function
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! water level for multitaper measurements
-    ampmax = 0.
-    do i = 1, fnum
-      if( abs(bot_mtm(i)) > ampmax) then
-        ampmax =  abs(bot_mtm(i))
-        i_amp_max = i
-      endif
-    enddo
-    wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * wtr_mtm**2, 0.)
-    !wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * WTR, 0.)
-    ! calculate MT transfer function using water level
-    do i = 1, fnum
-      if(abs(bot_mtm(i)) > abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) /  bot_mtm(i)
-      if(abs(bot_mtm(i)) < abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) / (bot_mtm(i)+wtr_use)
-    enddo
-    ! multitaper phase, abs, tt, and amp (freq)
-    call write_trans(filename,trans_mtm,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
-        phi_mtm,abs_mtm,dtau_mtm,dlnA_mtm,dtau_wa,dlnA_wa)
-    ! apply transfer function to the syn
-    call reconstruct_syn(filename,syn_dtwo,wvec,dtau_mtm,dlnA_mtm, &
-        i_right,tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-    ! check quality
-    !call check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift, tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
-    ! CHT: estimate error using the same procedure as for the cross-correlation error estimate
-    !sigma_dt = 1. ; sigma_dlnA = 1.
-    !call compute_average_error(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
-    sigma_dt = sigma_dt_cc  ;  sigma_dlnA = sigma_dlnA_cc
-    ! write average multitaper measurement to file
-    call write_average_meas(file_prefix, imeas, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA)
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! multitaper error estimation
-    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if (ntaper > 1) then
-      ! save a copy of the control logicals
-      output_logical = OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES
-      display_logical = DISPLAY_DETAILS
-      ! avoid I/O output for MT error estimates
-      DISPLAY_DETAILS = .false.
-      ! allocate Jacknife MT estimates
-      allocate(phi_mul(NPT,ntaper))
-      allocate(abs_mul(NPT,ntaper))
-      allocate(dtau_mul(NPT,ntaper))
-      allocate(dlnA_mul(NPT,ntaper))
-      do iom = 1, ntaper
-        top_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-        bot_mtm(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-        do ictaper = 1, ntaper
-          if(ictaper.eq.iom) cycle
-          ! apply ictaper-th taper
-          syn_dtw_h(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
-          dat_dtw_h(1:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
-          ! complex tapered series
-          syn_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-          dat_dtw_ho(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-          syn_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-          dat_dtw_ho(1:nlen) = cmplx(dat_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-          ! apply f.t. to get complex spectra
-          call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-          call fft(LNPT,dat_dtw_ho,FORWARD_FFT,dt)
-          ! calculate top and bottom of Jacknife transfer function
-          do i = 1, fnum
-            top_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) + dat_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))
-            bot_mtm(i) = bot_mtm(i) + syn_dtw_ho(i) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho(i))
-          enddo
-        enddo ! ictaper
-        ! water level
-        ampmax = 0.
-        do i = 1, fnum
-          if( abs(bot_mtm(i)).gt.ampmax) then
-            ampmax =  abs(bot_mtm(i))
-            i_amp_max = i
-          endif
-        enddo
-        wtr_use = cmplx(ampmax * wtr_mtm ** 2, 0.)
-        !  calculate transfer function using water level
-        do i = 1, fnum
-          if(abs(bot_mtm(i)).gt.abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) / bot_mtm(i)
-          if(abs(bot_mtm(i)).le.abs(wtr_use)) trans_mtm(i) = top_mtm(i) /(bot_mtm(i)+wtr_use)
-        enddo
-        call write_trans(filename,trans_mtm,wvec,fnum,i_right,idf_new,df,tshift,dlnA, &
-            phi_mul(:,iom),abs_mul(:,iom),dtau_mul(:,iom),dlnA_mul(:,iom))
-      enddo ! iom
-      !----------------------
-      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.err_ph')
-      open(20,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dt')
-      open(30,file=trim(filename)//'.err_abs')
-      open(40,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dlnA')
-      ! CHT: Since all freq. domain points are used in constructing the
-      !      adjoint source, we also want to show the entire sigma(f) functions,
-      !      not just the sub-sampled version.
-      open(50,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dt_full')
-      open(60,file=trim(filename)//'.err_dlnA_full')
-      err_phi  = 0.
-      err_dt   = 0.
-      err_abs  = 0.
-      err_dlnA = 0.
-      do i = 1, i_right
-          eph_ave   = 0.
-          edt_ave   = 0.
-          eabs_ave  = 0.
-          eabs2_ave = 0.
-          do iom = 1, ntaper
-            eph_iom = ntaper*phi_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*phi_mul(i,iom)
-            eph_ave = eph_ave + eph_iom
-            edt_iom = ntaper*dtau_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*dtau_mul(i,iom)
-            edt_ave = edt_ave + edt_iom
-            eabs_iom = ntaper*abs_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*abs_mul(i,iom)
-            eabs_ave = eabs_ave + eabs_iom
-            eabs2_iom = ntaper*dlnA_mtm(i) - (ntaper-1)*dlnA_mul(i,iom)
-            eabs2_ave = eabs2_ave + eabs2_iom
-          enddo
-          eph_ave   = eph_ave   / (ntaper)
-          edt_ave   = edt_ave   / (ntaper)
-          eabs_ave  = eabs_ave  / (ntaper)
-          eabs2_ave = eabs2_ave / (ntaper)
-          do iom = 1, ntaper
-            err_phi(i)  = err_phi(i) + ( phi_mul(i,iom) - eph_ave)**2
-            err_dt(i)   = err_dt(i)  + (dtau_mul(i,iom) - edt_ave)**2
-            err_abs(i)  = err_abs(i) + ( abs_mul(i,iom) - eabs_ave)**2
-            err_dlnA(i) = err_dlnA(i)+ (dlnA_mul(i,iom) - eabs2_ave)**2
-          enddo
-          err_phi(i)  =  sqrt( err_phi(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
-          err_dt(i)   =  sqrt( err_dt(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
-        ! set the error bar for the first point corresponding to
-        ! static offset to be large, which makes no contribution to
-        ! the adjoint source
-          if (i == 1) err_dt(i) = LARGE_VAL
-          err_abs(i)  =  sqrt( err_abs(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
-          err_dlnA(i) =  sqrt( err_dlnA(i) / (ntaper * (ntaper-1) ) )
-        ! only write out the errors for the 'independent' freq-domain sampling points
-        if (mod(i,idf_new) == 0) then
-          write(10,*) df*(i-1), phi_mtm(i), err_phi(i)
-          if (i > 1) write(20,*) df*(i-1), dtau_mtm(i), err_dt(i)
-          write(30,*) df*(i-1), abs_mtm(i), err_abs(i)
-          write(40,*) df*(i-1), dlnA_mtm(i), err_dlnA(i)
-        endif
-        ! CHT: write out the entire dt(f) and dlnA(f) for adjoint sources
-        write(50,*) df*(i-1), dtau_mtm(i), err_dt(i)
-        write(60,*) df*(i-1), dlnA_mtm(i), err_dlnA(i)
-      enddo ! i_right
-      close(10)
-      close(20)
-      close(30)
-      close(40)
-      close(50)
-      close(60)
-      ! pass the MT transfer funnction
-      trans_w = trans_mtm
-      dtau_w = dtau_mtm
-      dlnA_w = dlnA_mtm
-      ! reset the control parameters
-      OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES = output_logical
-      DISPLAY_DETAILS = display_logical
-    endif
-    !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    !     End error calculation loop
-    !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  end subroutine mt_measure
-  ! =====================================================================================================
-  ! subroutine mt_adj()
-  ! Compute cross-correlation travel-time/amplitude/banana-donut travel-time/banana-donut amplitude
-  ! adjoint sources by assimulate the measurements passed from mt_measure()
-  !
-  !    Input:
-  !      imeas -- adjoint source type: 0 for waveform, 1 for multitaper, 2 for cc, 3 for cc banana-doughnut
-  !      istart -- starting index of the windowed portion of  original trace, used to generate adjoint
-  !                source that correspond to the original synthetics
-  !      dat_dtw(:), syn_dtw(:), nlen, dt -- windowed data and synthetics
-  !                                           with length nlen and sampling rate dt
-  !      tshift, dlnA -- cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements
-  !      dtau_w(:), dlnA_w(:), err_dtau(:), err_dlnA(:), i_right -- traveltime and amplitude measurements
-  !                and corresponding error bars as a function of frequency (1: i_right)
-  !
-  !    Output:
-  !      tr_adj_src(:), tr_chi -- travel-time adjoint source and chi value
-  !      am_adj_src(:), am_chi -- amplitude adjoint source and chi value
-  !      window_chi(:) -- all available scalar measurement values and chi values
-  !
-  !    original coding by Carl Tape, finalized by Qinya Liu
-  ! ======================================================================================================
-  subroutine mt_adj(istart,dat_dtw,syn_dtw,nlen,dt,tshift,dlnA,sigma_dt_cc,sigma_dlnA_cc, &
-         dtau_w,dlnA_w,err_dtau,err_dlnA,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA,i_left,i_right, &
-         window_chi,tr_adj_src,tr_chi,am_adj_src,am_chi)
-    implicit none
-    integer, intent(in) :: istart, nlen, i_left, i_right
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dtw, syn_dtw
-    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift, dlnA, sigma_dt_cc, sigma_dlnA_cc, sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dtau_w, dlnA_w, err_dtau, err_dlnA
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: tr_adj_src, am_adj_src
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tr_chi, am_chi
-    double precision, dimension(NCHI), intent(inout) :: window_chi
-    !double precision, dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: am_adj_src
-    !double precision, intent(out), optional :: am_chi
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: syn_vtw, syn_vtw_h, syn_dtw_h, ey1, ey2
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: ft_bar_t, fa_bar_t, fp, fq, wp_taper, wq_taper
-    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: d_bot_mtm, v_bot_mtm
-    integer :: i, i1, ictaper, ntaper
-    double precision :: df,Nnorm,Mnorm,fac,ffac,w_taper(NPT), time_window(NPT)
-    double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tas
-    complex*16, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: syn_dtw_ho_all, syn_vtw_ho_all
-    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: pwc_adj,qwc_adj
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: dtau_pj_t, dlnA_qj_t
-    double precision :: dtau_wtr, dlnA_wtr, err_t, err_A
-    double precision :: waveform_chi, waveform_d2, waveform_s2, waveform_temp1, waveform_temp2, waveform_temp3
-    ! waveform adjoint source is passed by tr_adj_src and tr_chi
-    !if (imeas == 0 .and. (present(am_adj_src) .or. present(am_chi))) stop  &
-    !   'am_adj_src and am_chi are not needed for imeas = 0 (waveform adjoint source case)'
-    ! check the window length
-    if (istart + nlen > NDIM) stop 'Check istart + nlen and NPT'
-    ! waveform
-    if(imeas==1 .or. imeas==2) then
-       print *, 'computing waveform adjoint source'
-    elseif(imeas==3 .or. imeas==4) then
-       print *, 'computing banana-doughtnut adjoint source'
-    elseif(imeas==5 .or. imeas==6) then
-       print *, 'computing cross-correlation adjoint source'
-    elseif(imeas==7 .or. imeas==8) then
-       print *, 'computing multitaper adjoint source'
-    endif
-    ! ----------------------
-    !      TAPERS
-    ! ----------------------
-    if( is_mtm == 1 ) then
-      ! frequency-domain tapers
-      ipwr_w = 10
-      w_taper(:) = 0.
-      do i = i_left, i_right    ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
-        ! type of filter in the freq domain
-        !w_taper(i) = 1.                                       ! boxcar
-        !w_taper(i) = 1. - (2.0/nw)**2 * ((i-1) - nw/2.0)**2     ! welch
-        w_taper(i) = 1. - cos(PI*(i-i_left)/(i_right-i_left))**ipwr_w    ! cosine
-      enddo
-      ! compute normalization factor for w_taper
-      ! note: 2 is needed for the integration from -inf to inf
-      df = 1. /(NPT*dt)
-      ffac = 2.0 * df * sum(w_taper(i_left:i_right) )   ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
-      if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'Taper normalization factor, ffac = ', ffac
-      ! wp_taper and wq_taper are modified frequency-domain tapers
-      ! Notice the option to include the frequency-dependent error.
-      wp_taper(:) = 0.
-      wq_taper(:) = 0.
-      dtau_wtr = WTR * sum(abs(dtau_w(i_left:i_right)))/(i_right-i_left)  ! CHT i_left
-      dlnA_wtr = WTR * sum(abs(dlnA_w(i_left:i_right)))/(i_right-i_left)  ! CHT i_left
-      do i = i_left, i_right    ! CHT: 1 --> i_left
-        if (ERROR_TYPE == 0 .or. DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
-          ! no error estimate
-          ! only adds normalization factor
-          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac
-          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac
-        elseif (ERROR_TYPE == 1) then
-          ! MT error estimate is assigned the CC error estimate
-          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (sigma_dt ** 2)
-          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (sigma_dlnA ** 2)
-        elseif (ERROR_TYPE == 2) then
-          ! MT jack-knife error estimate
-          err_t = err_dtau(i)
-          if (err_dtau(i) < dtau_wtr)  err_t = err_t + dtau_wtr
-          err_A = err_dlnA(i)
-          if (err_dlnA(i) < dlnA_wtr)  err_A = err_A + dlnA_wtr
-          wp_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (err_t ** 2)
-          wq_taper(i) = w_taper(i) / ffac / (err_A ** 2)
-        endif
-      enddo
-!!$    open(88,file='ftaper.dat')
-!!$    do i = 1,i_right
-!!$       write(88,'(5e18.6)') df*i, w_taper(i), dtau_w(i), dtau_w(i)*w_taper(i), dtau_w(i)*wp_taper(i)
-!!$    enddo
-!!$    close(88)
-    endif ! is_mtm == 1
-    ! post-processing time-domain taper
-    ! NOTE: If the adjoint sources will be band-pass filtered at the end,
-    !       then perhaps time_window is not necessary (i.e., use boxcar).
-    !       However, if you are using a waveform difference, then you want
-    !       to make sure that the endpoints of the windows are at zero, since
-    !       you would NOT apply the post-processing band-pass filter.
-    time_window(:) = 0.
-    ipwr_t = 10
-    do i = 1,nlen
-      fac = 1.                                           ! boxcar window
-      !fac = 1 - sfac2*((i-1) - dble(nlen1)/2.0)**2       ! welch window
-      !fac = 1. - cos(PI*(i-1)/(nlen-1))**ipwr_t          ! cosine window
-      time_window(i) = fac
-    enddo
-    ! ----------------------------------
-    ! ----------------------------------
-    if( (imeas >= 3).and.(imeas <= 6) ) then
-      ! compute synthetic velocity
-      do i = 2, nlen-1
-        syn_vtw(i) = (syn_dtw(i+1) - syn_dtw(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
-      enddo
-      syn_vtw(1)    = (syn_dtw(2) - syn_dtw(1)) / dt
-      syn_vtw(nlen) = (syn_dtw(nlen) - syn_dtw(nlen-1)) / dt
-      ! compute CC traveltime and amplitude banana-dougnut kernels
-      ft_bar_t = 0.
-      Nnorm = dt * sum( syn_vtw(1:nlen) * syn_vtw(1:nlen) )
-      ft_bar_t(1:nlen) = -syn_vtw(1:nlen) / Nnorm
-      fa_bar_t = 0.
-      Mnorm = dt * sum( syn_dtw(1:nlen) * syn_dtw(1:nlen) )
-      fa_bar_t(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) / Mnorm
-    endif
-    ! -------------------------------
-    ! -------------------------------
-    if ( (is_mtm == 1).and.COMPUTE_ADJOINT_SOURCE ) then
-      ! allocate MT variables
-      ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
-      allocate(tas(NPT,ntaper))
-      allocate(syn_dtw_ho_all(NPT,ntaper))
-      allocate(syn_vtw_ho_all(NPT,ntaper))
-      ! get the MT tapers
-      call staper(nlen, NPI, NTAPER, tas, NPT, ey1, ey2)
-      d_bot_mtm = 0.
-      v_bot_mtm = 0.
-      ! compute the bot required to compute p_j's and q_j's
-      do ictaper = 1,ntaper
-        ! tapered synthetic displacement
-        syn_dtw_h(1:nlen) = syn_dtw(1:nlen) * tas(1:nlen,ictaper)
-        ! compute velocity of tapered syn
-        do i = 2, nlen-1
-          syn_vtw_h(i) = (syn_dtw_h(i+1) - syn_dtw_h(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
-        enddo
-        syn_vtw_h(1)    = (syn_dtw_h(2) - syn_dtw_h(1)) / dt
-        syn_vtw_h(nlen) = (syn_dtw_h(nlen) - syn_dtw_h(nlen-1)) /dt
-        ! single-tapered complex synthetic displacement and velocity
-        syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) = 0.
-        syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) = 0.
-        syn_dtw_ho_all(1:nlen,ictaper) = cmplx(syn_dtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-        syn_vtw_ho_all(1:nlen,ictaper) = cmplx(syn_vtw_h(1:nlen),0.)
-        ! apply FFT get complex spectra
-        call fft(LNPT,syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper),FORWARD_FFT,DT)
-        call fft(LNPT,syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper),FORWARD_FFT,DT)
-        d_bot_mtm(:) = d_bot_mtm(:) + syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) * conjg(syn_dtw_ho_all(:,ictaper))
-        v_bot_mtm(:) = v_bot_mtm(:) + syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper) * conjg(syn_vtw_ho_all(:,ictaper))
-      enddo ! ictaper
-      ! compute p_j, q_j, P_j, Q_j and adjoint source fp, fq
-      fp = 0.
-      fq = 0.
-      do ictaper = 1,ntaper
-        ! compute p_j(w) and q_j(w)
-        pwc_adj(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-        qwc_adj(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-        do i = 1, i_right
-          pwc_adj(i) =  syn_vtw_ho_all(i,ictaper) / v_bot_mtm(i)
-          qwc_adj(i) = -syn_dtw_ho_all(i,ictaper) / d_bot_mtm(i)
-        enddo
-        ! compute P_j(w) and Q_j(w)
-        ! NOTE: the MT measurement is incorporated here
-        !             also note that wp_taper and wq_taper can contain uncertainty estimations
-        if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
-          ! uses a misfit measurement dtau, dlnA  = 1
-          pwc_adj(:) = pwc_adj(:) * cmplx(1.0,0.) * cmplx(wp_taper(:),0.)
-          qwc_adj(:) = qwc_adj(:) * cmplx(1.0,0.) * cmplx(wq_taper(:),0.)
-        else
-          ! adds misfit measurement dtau, dlnA
-          pwc_adj(:) = pwc_adj(:) * cmplx(dtau_w(:),0.) * cmplx(wp_taper(:),0.)
-          qwc_adj(:) = qwc_adj(:) * cmplx(dlnA_w(:),0.) * cmplx(wq_taper(:),0.)
-        endif
-        ! IFFT into the time domain
-        call fftinv(LNPT,pwc_adj,REVERSE_FFT,dt,dtau_pj_t)
-        call fftinv(LNPT,qwc_adj,REVERSE_FFT,dt,dlnA_qj_t)
-        ! create adjoint source
-        ! applies taper to time signal
-        fp(:) = fp(:) + tas(:,ictaper) * dtau_pj_t(:)
-        fq(:) = fq(:) + tas(:,ictaper) * dlnA_qj_t(:)
-      enddo
-    endif ! MT adjoint source
-    ! -------------------------------------
-    ! -------------------------------------
-    tr_adj_src = 0.
-    am_adj_src = 0.
-    ! integrated waveform difference squared
-    waveform_temp1 = 0. ; waveform_temp2 = 0. ; waveform_temp3 = 0.
-    do i = 1,nlen
-       waveform_temp1 = waveform_temp1 + ( dat_dtw(i) * time_window(i) )**2
-       waveform_temp2 = waveform_temp2 + ( syn_dtw(i) * time_window(i) )**2
-       waveform_temp3 = waveform_temp3 + (( dat_dtw(i) - syn_dtw(i) ) * time_window(i) )**2
-    enddo
-    ! NOTE: does not include DT factor or normalization by duration of window
-    waveform_d2  = waveform_temp1
-    waveform_s2  = waveform_temp2
-    waveform_chi = waveform_temp3
-    ! compute traveltime and amplitude adjoint sources
-      do i = 1,nlen
-        i1 = istart + i
-        ! waveform
-        if(imeas==1 .or. imeas==2) then
-          tr_adj_src(i1) = -dat_dtw(i)/waveform_d2 * time_window(i)
-          am_adj_src(i1) = ( syn_dtw(i) - dat_dtw(i) ) * time_window(i)
-          ! consider normalizing this by waveform_d2
-          ! use pure data waveform in time window
-          if( NO_WAVEFORM_DIFFERENCE ) then
-            tr_adj_src(i1) = dat_dtw(i) * time_window(i) ! waveform misfit
-          endif
-        ! banana-doughnut kernel adjoint source (no measurement)
-        elseif(imeas==3 .or. imeas==4) then
-          tr_adj_src(i1) = ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-          am_adj_src(i1) = fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-        ! cross-correlation
-        elseif(imeas==5 .or. imeas==6) then
-          tr_adj_src(i1) = -(tshift / sigma_dt_cc**2 ) * ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-          am_adj_src(i1) = -(dlnA / sigma_dlnA_cc**2 ) * fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-          ! ray density
-          if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
-            ! uses a misfit measurement of 1
-            tr_adj_src(i1) = - (1.0) * ft_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-            am_adj_src(i1) = - (1.0) * fa_bar_t(i) * time_window(i)
-          endif
-        ! multitaper
-        elseif(imeas==7 .or. imeas==8) then
-          tr_adj_src(i1) = fp(i) * time_window(i)
-          am_adj_src(i1) = fq(i) * time_window(i)
-        endif
-      enddo
-    endif
-    ! -------------------------------------
-    ! -------------------------------------
-    ! CHT: compute misfit function value and measurement value
-    ! Note: The taper functions for MT may include error estimates.
-    ! 1: multitaper, TT
-    ! 2: multitaper, dlnA
-    ! 3: cross-correlation, TT
-    ! 4: cross-correlation, dlnA
-    !window_chi(:) = 0.
-    ! misfit function value
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(1) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (dtau_w(1:i_right))**2 * wp_taper(1:i_right) )
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(2) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (dlnA_w(1:i_right))**2 * wq_taper(1:i_right) )
-    window_chi(3) = 0.5 * (tshift/sigma_dt_cc)**2
-    window_chi(4) = 0.5 * (dlnA/sigma_dlnA_cc)**2
-    ! measurement (no uncertainty estimates)
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(5)  = sum( dtau_w(1:i_right) * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(6)  = sum( dlnA_w(1:i_right) * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
-    window_chi(7) = tshift
-    window_chi(8) = dlnA
-    ! replaces misfit function values
-    if( DO_RAY_DENSITY_SOURCE ) then
-      ! uses misfit measurements equal to 1
-      ! misfit function value
-      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(1) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (1.0)**2 * wp_taper(1:i_right) )
-      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(2) = 0.5 * 2.0 * df * sum( (1.0)**2 * wq_taper(1:i_right) )
-      window_chi(3) = 0.5 * (1.0)**2
-      window_chi(4) = 0.5 * (1.0)**2
-      ! measurement (no uncertainty estimates)
-      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(5)  = sum( 1.0 * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
-      if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(6)  = sum( 1.0 * w_taper(1:i_right) ) / sum(w_taper(1:i_right) )
-      window_chi(7) = 1.0
-      window_chi(8) = 1.0
-    endif
-    ! estimated mesurement uncertainties
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(9) = sigma_dt
-    if(is_mtm==1) window_chi(10) = sigma_dlnA
-    window_chi(11) = sigma_dt_cc
-    window_chi(12) = sigma_dlnA_cc
-    ! for normalization, divide by duration of window
-    window_chi(13) = 0.5 * waveform_d2
-    window_chi(14) = 0.5 * waveform_s2
-    window_chi(15) = 0.5 * waveform_chi
-    window_chi(16) = nlen*dt
-!!$    open(88,file='testing.dat')
-!!$    do i = 1,i_right
-!!$       write(88,'(5e18.6)') df*i, dtau_w(i), dlnA_w(i), wp_taper(i), wq_taper(i)
-!!$    enddo
-!!$    close(88)
-    if(imeas <= 2) then           ! waveform
-      tr_chi = 0.5 * waveform_chi
-      am_chi = 0.5 * waveform_chi
-    elseif( (imeas >= 3).and.(imeas <= 6) ) then  ! cross_correlation
-      tr_chi = window_chi(3)
-      am_chi = window_chi(4)
-    elseif( (imeas==7).or.(imeas==8) ) then       ! multitaper
-      tr_chi = window_chi(1)
-      am_chi = window_chi(2)
-    endif
-  end subroutine mt_adj
-  !==============================================================================
-  !==============================================================================
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine bandpass(x,n,delta_t,f1,f2)
-    ! modified from FLEXWIN subroutines on 26-July-2009
-    implicit none
-    integer, intent(in) :: n
-    double precision, intent(inout),  dimension(*) :: x
-    double precision, intent(in) :: delta_t,f1,f2
-    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: x_sngl
-    allocate(x_sngl(n))
-    x_sngl(1:n) = sngl(x(1:n))
-    !  delta_t_sngl = sngl(delta_t)
-    ! old version - uses old SacLib
-    ! does band-pass filter
-    !call xapiir(x_sngl,n,'BU',sngl(TRBDNDW),sngl(APARM),IORD,'BP',sngl(FSTART),sngl(FEND),delta_t_sngl,PASSES)
-    ! new version, uses subroutines in libsac.a
-    ! does band-pass filter
-    ! BU - butterworth
-    ! BP - bandpass
-    call xapiir(x_sngl,n,'BU',TRBDNDW,APARM,IORD,'BP',f1,f2,delta_t,PASSES)
-    x(1:n) = dble(x_sngl(1:n))
-    deallocate(x_sngl)
-  end subroutine bandpass
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine drsac1(datafile,data,npt1,b1,dt1)
-    ! read sac file and convert to double precision
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*),intent(in) :: datafile
-    real, dimension(NDIM) :: dat_sngl
-    double precision, dimension(NDIM), intent(out) :: data
-    integer :: npt1, nerr
-    real :: b1_sngl,dt1_sngl
-    double precision :: b1,dt1
-    ! read file as single precision
-    call rsac1(datafile,dat_sngl,npt1,b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,NDIM,nerr)
-    if (nerr > 0) then
-       print *, 'Error reading sac file', trim(datafile)
-       stop
-    endif
-    ! return double precision quantities
-    b1 = dble(b1_sngl)
-    dt1 = dble(dt1_sngl)
-    data = dble(dat_sngl)
-  end subroutine drsac1
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine dwsac1(datafile,data,npt1,b1,dt1)
-    ! convert to single precision, then write sac file
-    ! --> includes an option to add minmax values to sac file,
-    !     which are used in the plotting scripts
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*),intent(in) :: datafile
-    integer, intent(in) :: npt1
-    double precision, dimension(npt1), intent(in) :: data
-    double precision, intent(in) :: b1,dt1
-    logical, parameter :: minmax_header = .true.
-    real, dimension(npt1) :: dat_sngl,ti_sngl
-    real :: b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,xmin_sngl,xmax_sngl
-    integer :: nerr,i
-    ! convert to single precision
-    b1_sngl = real(b1)
-    dt1_sngl = real(dt1)
-    dat_sngl = real(data)
-    if (minmax_header) then
-       ! get time vector
-       ti_sngl = 0.
-       do i = 1,npt1
-          ti_sngl(i) = b1_sngl + (i-1)*dt1_sngl
-       enddo
-       !call newhdr()  ! create a new header
-       ! set minmax values in sac file
-       xmin_sngl = minval(dat_sngl)
-       xmax_sngl = maxval(dat_sngl)
-       call setfhv('depmin',xmin_sngl,nerr)
-       call setfhv('depmax',xmax_sngl,nerr)
-       call setnhv('npts',npt1,nerr)          ! sets number of points
-       !call setfhv('b',ti_sngl(1),nerr)       ! sets begin
-       !call setfhv('e',ti_sngl(npt1),nerr)    ! sets end
-       !call setlhv('leven',.false.,nerr)        ! sets un-even sampling
-       !call setihv('iftype','itime',nerr)          ! sets file type: time file
-       ! write file with headers
-       call wsac0(datafile,ti_sngl,dat_sngl,nerr)
-    else
-       call wsac1(datafile,dat_sngl,npt1,b1_sngl,dt1_sngl,nerr)
-    endif
-    if (nerr > 0) then
-        print *, 'Error writing sac file', trim(datafile)
-        stop
-    endif
-  end subroutine dwsac1
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine cc_measure_select(tshift,dlnA,cc_max)
-    ! CHT: If the CC timeshift is for some reason larger than the allowable max,
-    !      then effectively eliminate the window by zeroing the
-    !      cross-correlation traveltime and amplitude measurements.
-    ! See subroutine compute_cc in mt_sub.f90.
-    implicit none
-    double precision, intent(inout) :: tshift, dlnA, cc_max
-    if( (cc_max < CC_MIN) .or. (tshift < TSHIFT_MIN) .or. (tshift > TSHIFT_MAX) &
-                          .or. (dlnA < DLNA_MIN) .or. (dlnA > DLNA_MAX) ) then
-       ! zero the CC measurments
-       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-          print *, 'Fail if ANY of these is true :'
-          print *, ' cc_max      : ', cc_max, CC_MIN, cc_max < CC_MIN
-          print *, ' tshift      : ', tshift, TSHIFT_MIN, tshift < TSHIFT_MIN
-          print *, ' tshift      : ', tshift, TSHIFT_MAX, tshift > TSHIFT_MAX
-          print *, ' dlnA        : ', dlnA, DLNA_MIN, dlnA < DLNA_MIN
-          print *, ' dlnA        : ', dlnA, DLNA_MAX, dlnA > DLNA_MAX
-       endif
-       ! zero the CC measurments
-       tshift = 0.0
-       dlnA = 0.0
-    endif
-  end subroutine cc_measure_select
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine mt_measure_select(nlen,tshift,i_pmax_syn,dtau_w,err_dt, &
-                                dt,i_left,i_right,fstart,fend,use_trace)
-    ! an important subroutine to determine whether an MT measurement should be rejected,
-    ! in which case a CC measurement is used -- several choices are made here
-    implicit none
-    integer, intent(in) :: nlen, i_pmax_syn
-    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dt
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: dtau_w, err_dt
-    double precision, intent(inout) :: fstart, fend
-    integer,intent(inout) :: i_left, i_right
-    logical,intent(out) :: use_trace
-    double precision :: df, fvec(NPT), f_pmax, T_pmax, Wlen
-    integer :: i_right_old, i_left_old
-    integer :: j,ntaper
-    !logical :: stop_freq
-    use_trace = .true.
-    df = 1./(dt*NPT)
-    f_pmax = df * i_pmax_syn
-    T_pmax = 1./ f_pmax
-    Wlen = dt*nlen
-    if( NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW * T_pmax > Wlen ) then
-       print *, 'rejecting trace for too few cycles within time window:'
-       print *, ' T_pmax : ', T_pmax
-       print *, ' Wlen : ', Wlen
-       print *, ' NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW : ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
-       print *, ' REJECTION: ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW*T_pmax, Wlen, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW * T_pmax < Wlen
-       use_trace = .false.
-    endif
-    !write(*,'(a8,4f12.6)') 'fstart :', fstart, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/(Wlen), NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW, Wlen
-    !write(*,'(a8,4f12.6)') 'fend :', fend, 1./(2.0*dt), dt
-    ! DECREASE the frequency range of the measurement (and adjoint source)
-    ! --> note NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW and window length
-    ! We subjectively state that we want at least 10 frequency points for the multitaper measurement.
-    fstart = max(fstart, NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen)
-    fend = min(fend, 1./(2.0*dt))
-    ! number of tapers (slepian tapers, type = 1)
-    ntaper = int(NPI * 2.0)
-    if( ntaper > 10 ) ntaper = 10
-    if( ntaper < 1 ) ntaper = 10
-    if( use_trace .and. fstart >= fend - ntaper*df ) then
-       print *, 'rejecting trace for frequency range (NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen):'
-       print *, '  fstart, fend, df, ntaper : ', fstart,fend,df,ntaper
-       print *, '  NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW, Wlen : ', NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW,Wlen,NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW/Wlen
-       print *, '  REJECTION fstart >= fend - ntaper*df : ', fstart, fend - ntaper*df, fstart >= fend - ntaper*df
-       use_trace = .false.
-       !stop 'testing rejection criteria'
-    endif
-    ! assemble frequency vector (NPT is the FFT length)
-    fvec(:) = 0.
-    do j = 1,NPT
-      if(j > NPT/2+1) then
-        fvec(j) = df*(j-NPT-1)   ! negative frequencies in second half
-      else
-        fvec(j) = df*(j-1)       ! positive frequencies in first half
-      endif
-    enddo
-!!$    stop_freq = .false.
-!!$    do j = 1, i_right
-!!$      if (stop_freq) exit
-!!$      print *, j, dtau_w(j),stop_freq
-!!$      if (abs(dtau_w(j)) > 3 * abs(tshift)) then
-!!$        dtau_w(j) = 0
-!!$      else if (j /= 1) then
-!!$        stop_freq = .true.
-!!$      endif
-!!$    enddo
-    ! determine the indices that denote the new frequency range (CHT)
-    if (1==1) then
-       i_left_old = i_left
-       i_right_old = i_right
-       do j = i_left_old, i_right_old
-          if (fvec(j) > fstart) then
-             i_left = j-1
-             exit
-          endif
-       enddo
-       do j = i_left_old, i_right_old
-          if (fvec(j) > fend) then
-             i_right = j-1
-             exit
-          endif
-       enddo
-       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-          write(*,'(a24,2i6,2f14.8)') 'Old frequency bounds :', i_left_old, i_right_old, df*i_left_old, df*i_right_old
-          write(*,'(a24,2i6,2f14.8)') 'New frequency bounds :', i_left, i_right, df*i_left, df*i_right
-       endif
-    endif
-    ! update the frequency limits
-    fstart = (i_left-1)*df
-    fend = (i_right-1)*df
-    ! if the cross-correlation time-shift is <= a time-step, set dtau(w) to zero
-    ! NOTE: this should probably be a user parameter
-    if ( abs(tshift) <= 1.01*dt ) then
-       dtau_w(:) = 0.
-       use_trace = .false.
-       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-          print *, 'rejecting trace for too small a time shift:'
-          print *, '         dt = ', dt
-          print *, '  tshift = ', tshift
-       endif
-    endif
-    ! within the frequency range of interest, check various criteria
-    ! CHT: dtau_w(j) --> abs(dtau_w(j)) for the first criterion
-    do j = i_left, i_right
-       if (use_trace .and. (abs(dtau_w(j)) > 1./(DT_FAC*fvec(j)) .or. err_dt(j) > 1./(ERR_FAC*fvec(j)) &
-            .or. abs(dtau_w(j)) > DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift))) then
-          use_trace = .false.
-          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-             print *, 'rejecting trace (T leads to rejection):'
-             print *, '  f = ', fvec(j), j
-             print *, 'DT_FAC (lower) : ', abs(dtau_w(j)), 1./(DT_FAC * fvec(j)), abs(dtau_w(j)) > 1./(DT_FAC * fvec(j))
-             print *, 'ERR_FAC (lower) : ', err_dt(j), 1./(ERR_FAC * fvec(j)), err_dt(j) > 1./(ERR_FAC * fvec(j))
-             print *, 'DT_MAX_SCALE (lower) : ', abs(dtau_w(j)), DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift), &
-                  abs(dtau_w(j)) > DT_MAX_SCALE*abs(tshift)
-             !stop 'testing MT trace rejection'
-          endif
-       endif
-    enddo
-  end subroutine mt_measure_select
-  !==============================================================================
-  !        subroutines used in mtm_measure() and mtm_adj()
-  !==============================================================================
-  subroutine interpolate_dat_and_syn(data, syn, tstart, tend, t0, dt, NPT, dat_win, syn_win, nlen, istart)
-    implicit none
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: data, syn
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: dat_win, syn_win
-    double precision, intent(in) :: tstart, tend, t0, dt
-    integer, intent(in) :: NPT
-    integer, intent(out) :: nlen, istart
-    integer :: ii, i
-    double precision :: time, t1
-    nlen = floor((tend-tstart)/dt) + 1
-    istart = floor((tstart-t0)/dt)
-    ! limits array bounds
-    if( nlen > NPT ) nlen = NPT
-    do i = 1, nlen
-      time = tstart + (i-1) * dt
-      ii = floor((time-t0)/dt) + 1
-      ! checks out-of-bounds
-      if( ii >= NPT ) cycle
-      t1 = floor((time-t0)/dt) * dt + t0
-      dat_win(i) = data(ii) + (data(ii+1)-data(ii)) * (time-t1) / dt   ! data
-      syn_win(i) = syn(ii) + (syn(ii+1)-syn(ii)) * (time-t1) /dt       ! syn
-    enddo
-  end subroutine interpolate_dat_and_syn
-  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine compute_cc(syn, data, nlen, dt, ishift, tshift, dlnA, cc_max)
-    ! time shift MEASUREMENT between data (data) and synthetics (syn)
-    ! CHT: modified the subroutine to resemble the one used in FLEXWIN
-    implicit none
-    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: syn, data
-    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
-    double precision, intent(in) :: dt
-    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift, dlnA, cc_max
-    integer, intent(out) :: ishift
-    double precision :: cc, norm_s, norm ! cr_shift
-    integer i1, i2, i, j, i_left, i_right, id_left, id_right
-!!$    ! these choices will slide the entire windowed record past the other
-!!$    cr_shift = nlen*dt
-!!$    i_left  = ceiling( -1.0 * cr_shift / dt )
-!!$    i_right = floor( cr_shift / dt )
-!!$    ! cross-correlation
-!!$    ishift = 0
-!!$    do i = i_left, i_right, 1
-!!$      cc = 0.
-!!$      do j = 1, nlen
-!!$        if((j+i) > 1 .and. (j+i) < nlen) cc = cc + syn(j) * data(j+i)
-!!$      enddo
-!!$      !if(cc > cc_max) then
-!!$      ! CHT, 07-Sept-2008: Do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input
-!!$      if(cc > cc_max .and. abs(i*dt) <= BEFORE_TSHIFT ) then
-!!$        cc_max = cc
-!!$        ishift = i
-!!$      endif
-!!$    enddo
-!!$    tshift = ishift*dt
-    ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
-    ishift = 0
-    cc_max = 0.0
-    ! index of window limits
-    i1 = 1
-    i2 = nlen
-    ! length of window (number of points, including ends)
-    !nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
-    ! power of synthetic signal in window
-    norm_s = sqrt(sum(syn(i1:i2)*syn(i1:i2)))
-    ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
-    ! NOTE: This looks OUTSIDE the time window of interest to compute TSHIFT and CC.
-    !       How far to look outside, in theory, should be another parameter.
-    !       However, it does not matter as much if the data and synthetics are
-    !          zeroed outside the windows.
-    i_left = -1*int(nlen/2.0)
-    i_right = int(nlen/2.0)
-    ! i is the index to shift to be applied to DATA (data)
-    do i = i_left, i_right
-       ! normalization factor varies as you take different windows of data
-       id_left = max(1,i1+i)      ! left index for data window
-       id_right = min(nlen,i2+i)  ! right index for data window
-       norm = norm_s * sqrt(sum(data(id_left:id_right)*(data(id_left:id_right))))
-       ! cc as a function of i
-       cc = 0.
-       do j = i1, i2   ! loop over full window length
-          if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.nlen) cc = cc + syn(j)*data(j+i)  ! d is shifted by i
-       enddo
-       cc = cc/norm
-       if (cc > cc_max) then
-          ! CHT: do not allow time shifts larger than the specified input range
-          ! This is an important criterion, since it may pick TSHIFT_MIN or TSHIFT_MAX
-          ! if cc_max within the interval occurs on the boundary.
-          if( (i*dt >= TSHIFT_MIN).and.(i*dt <= TSHIFT_MAX) ) then
-             cc_max = cc
-             ishift = i
-          endif
-       endif
-    enddo
-    tshift = ishift*dt
-    ! The previously used expression for dlnA of Dahlen and Baig (2002),
-    ! is a first-order perturbation of ln(A1/A2) = (A1-A2)/A2 .
-    ! The new expression is better suited to getting Gaussian-distributed
-    ! values between -1 and 1, with dlnA = 0 indicating perfect fit, as before.    
-    dlnA = 0.5 * log( sum(data(i1:i2) * data(i1:i2)) / sum(syn(i1:i2) * syn(i1:i2)) )
-  end subroutine compute_cc
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine compute_average_error(data_dtw,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt,nlen,dt,sigma_dt,sigma_dlnA)
-  ! CHT: Estimate the uncertainty in the CC measurement
-  !      based on the integrated waveform difference between the data
-  !      and the reconstructed synthetics.
-  ! NOTE: We implement the exact equations that are in the Latex notes.
-    implicit none
-    double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: data_dtw, syn_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_cc_dt
-    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
-    double precision, intent(in) :: dt
-    double precision, intent(inout) :: sigma_dt, sigma_dlnA
-    double precision, dimension(nlen) :: syn_vtw_cc
-    double precision :: sigma_dt_top, sigma_dlnA_top, sigma_dt_bot, sigma_dlnA_bot
-    integer i
-    ! compute synthetic velocity (shifted and stretched)
-    do i = 2, nlen-1
-      syn_vtw_cc(i) = (syn_dtw_cc(i+1) - syn_dtw_cc(i-1)) / (2.0*dt)
-    enddo
-    syn_vtw_cc(1)    = (syn_dtw_cc(2) - syn_dtw_cc(1)) / dt
-    syn_vtw_cc(nlen) = (syn_dtw_cc(nlen) - syn_dtw_cc(nlen-1)) / dt
-    ! estimated uncertainty in cross-correlation travltime and amplitude
-    sigma_dt_top   = sum( (data_dtw(1:nlen) - syn_dtw_cc(1:nlen) )**2 )
-    sigma_dlnA_top = sigma_dt_top
-    sigma_dt_bot   = sum( syn_vtw_cc(1:nlen)**2 )
-    sigma_dlnA_bot = sum( (syn_dtw_cc_dt(1:nlen))**2 )
-    sigma_dt       = sqrt( sigma_dt_top / sigma_dt_bot )
-    sigma_dlnA     = sqrt( sigma_dlnA_top / sigma_dlnA_bot )
-    if(0==1) then
-       print *, ' sigma_dt   : ', sigma_dt
-       print *, ' sigma_dlnA : ', sigma_dlnA
-       open(88,file='tshift.dat')
-       do i = 1,nlen
-          write(88,'(5e18.6)') (i-1)*dt, data_dtw(i), syn_dtw_cc(i), syn_dtw_cc_dt(i), syn_vtw_cc(i)
-       enddo
-       close(88)
-       stop 'testing'
-    endif
-    ! make final adjustments to uncertainty estimate
-    if (ERROR_TYPE == 0) then
-       ! set uncertainty factors to 1 if you do not want to incorporate them
-       ! into the adjoint sources and the misfit function values
-       sigma_dt = 1.0
-       sigma_dlnA = 1.0
-    else
-       ! make sure that the uncertainty estimates are not below the water level;
-       ! otherwise, the adjoint sources will blow up unreasonably
-       if( sigma_dt < DT_SIGMA_MIN) sigma_dt = DT_SIGMA_MIN
-       if( sigma_dlnA < DLNA_SIGMA_MIN) sigma_dlnA = DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
-    endif
-  end subroutine compute_average_error
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine write_average_meas(filename, imeas, dtau_meas, dlnA_meas, dtau_sigma, dlnA_sigma)
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-    double precision, intent(in) :: dtau_meas, dlnA_meas, dtau_sigma, dlnA_sigma
-    integer, intent(in) :: imeas
-    character(len=40) :: stlab, suffix
-    if ( imeas == 7 .or. imeas == 8 ) then
-       stlab = 'Multitaper' ; suffix = 'average'
-    else
-       stlab = 'Cross-correlation' ; suffix = 'cc'
-    endif
-    if ( imeas .ge. 3 ) then
-       if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-          print *, trim(stlab)//' average measurements:'
-          print *, '   traveltime :', sngl(dtau_meas), ' +/- ', sngl(dtau_sigma)
-          print *, '   amplitude  :', sngl(dlnA_meas), ' +/- ', sngl(dlnA_sigma)
-       endif
-       ! write average error estimates to file
-          open(71,file=trim(filename)//'.dt_'//trim(suffix))
-          write(71,*) dtau_meas, dtau_sigma
-          close(71)
-          open(72,file=trim(filename)//'.dlnA_'//trim(suffix))
-          write(72,*) dlnA_meas, dlnA_sigma
-          close(72)
-       endif
-    endif
-  end subroutine write_average_meas
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine write_trans(filename, trans, wvec, fnum, i_right, idf_new, df, tshift, dlnA, &
-       phi_wt, abs_wt, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt, dtau_wa, dlnA_wa)
-    ! The transfer function maps the synthetics to the CC-deconstructed data;
-    ! the CC measurements then need to be applied to match the original data.
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-    complex*16, intent(in) :: trans(:)
-    double precision, intent(in) :: wvec(:), df, tshift, dlnA
-    integer, intent(in) :: fnum, i_right, idf_new
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: phi_wt, abs_wt, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt
-    double precision, intent(out), optional :: dtau_wa, dlnA_wa
-    integer :: i, j
-    double precision, dimension(NPT) :: fr
-    double precision :: smth, smth1, smth2 ! f0
-    abs_wt(:) = 0.
-    phi_wt(:) = 0.
-    ! note that with the idf_new value, these files are SUB-SAMPLED
-      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.ph')
-      open(20,file=trim(filename)//'.abs')
-      open(30,file=trim(filename)//'.dlnA')
-      open(40,file=trim(filename)//'.ph_cor')
-      open(50,file=trim(filename)//'.dt')
-    endif
-    ! loop to calculate phase and amplitude
-    do i = 1, i_right
-      phi_wt(i) = atan2( aimag(trans(i)) , real(trans(i)) )
-      abs_wt(i) = abs(trans(i))
-      fr(i) = df*(i-1)
-      if (mod(i,idf_new).eq.0 .and. OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES) then
-        write(10,*) fr(i), phi_wt(i)
-        write(20,*) fr(i), abs_wt(i)
-        write(30,*) fr(i), log(abs_wt(i))
-      endif
-    enddo
-    ! NOTE: the CC measurements dT (tshift) and dlnA are BOTH included
-    dtau_wt(1) = tshift
-    do i = 1, i_right
-      if (i > 1 .and. i < i_right) then
-        ! check the smoothness (2nd-order derivative) by 2*pi changes
-        smth  =  phi_wt(i+1) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
-        smth1 = (phi_wt(i+1) + TWOPI) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
-        smth2 = (phi_wt(i+1) - TWOPI) + phi_wt(i-1) - 2.0 * phi_wt(i)
-        if(abs(smth1).lt.abs(smth).and.abs(smth1).lt.abs(smth2).and. abs(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1)) > PHASE_STEP)then
-          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'phase correction : 2 pi', sngl(fr(i)), sngl(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1))
-          do j = i+1, i_right
-            phi_wt(j) = phi_wt(j) + TWOPI
-          enddo
-        endif
-        if(abs(smth2).lt.abs(smth).and.abs(smth2).lt.abs(smth1).and. abs(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1)) > PHASE_STEP)then
-          if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'phase correction : - 2 pi', sngl(fr(i)), sngl(phi_wt(i) - phi_wt(i+1))
-          do j = i+1, i_right
-            phi_wt(j) = phi_wt(j) - TWOPI
-          enddo
-        endif
-      endif
-      ! add the CC measurements to the transfer function
-      if (i > 1) dtau_wt(i) = (-1./wvec(i)) * phi_wt(i) + tshift
-      dlnA_wt(i) = log(abs_wt(i)) + dlnA
-      !dlnA_wt(i) = log(abs_wt(i))
-      !!dlnA_wt(i) = abs_wt(i) - 1.
-      if(mod(i,idf_new).eq.0 .and. OUTPUT_MEASUREMENT_FILES) then
-        write(40,*) fr(i), phi_wt(i)
-        write(50,*) fr(i), dtau_wt(i)
-      endif
-    enddo
-      close(10)
-      close(20)
-      close(30)
-      close(40)
-      close(50)
-    endif
-    ! average values of the transfer functions (optional output argument)
-    if (present(dtau_wa) .and. present(dlnA_wa)) then
-       dtau_wa = sum( dtau_wt(1:i_right) ) / i_right
-       dlnA_wa = sum( dlnA_wt(1:i_right) ) / i_right
-    endif
-!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-!!$      print *, ' Taper traveltime measurement average : ', sngl(dtau_wa)
-!!$      print *, ' Taper amplitude measurement average : ', sngl(dlnA_wa)
-!!$      print *, ' i_right : ', i_right
-!!$      !f0 = 0.
-!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.dt_full',f0,df,i_right,dtau_wt(1:i_right))
-!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.dlnA_full',f0,df,i_right,dlnA_wt(1:i_right))
-!!$      !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.transfer_full',f0,df,i_right,abs(trans(1:i_right)))
-!!$    endif
-  end subroutine write_trans
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine deconstruct_dat_cc(filename,dat_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,&
-       ishift,tshift,dlnA,dat_dtw_cc)
-    ! Using CC measurements, map the data to the synthetics;
-    ! because the windows are picked based on the synthetics,
-    ! we apply the transfer function from the synthetics to the
-    ! CC-deconstructed data.
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: dat_dtw
-    integer, intent(in) :: ishift, nlen
-    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dlnA, tstart, dt
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: dat_dtw_cc
-    integer i
-    ! apply time shift (-dT) to OBSERVED seismogram
-    dat_dtw_cc(:) = dat_dtw(:)
-    do i = 1, nlen
-      if ((ishift+i) > 1 .and. (ishift+i) < nlen ) dat_dtw_cc(i) = dat_dtw(i+ishift)
-    enddo
-    ! fill the missing time window with the endpoint value
-    if (ishift < 0) dat_dtw_cc(1:-ishift+1) = dat_dtw_cc(-ishift+2)
-    if (ishift > 0) dat_dtw_cc(nlen-ishift:nlen) = dat_dtw_cc(nlen-ishift-1)
-    ! apply cross-correlation amplitude measurement (-DlnA) to OBSERVED seismogram
-    dat_dtw_cc(:) = dat_dtw_cc(:) * exp( -dlnA )
-    !if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-    !   call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,'windowed_shifted_data.sac',tstart,nlen,dat_dtw0)
-    !endif
-  end subroutine deconstruct_dat_cc
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine reconstruct_syn_cc(syn_dtw,tstart,dt,nlen,ishift,tshift,dlnA,syn_dtw_cc,syn_dtw_cc_dt)
-    ! reconstruct the synthetics using cross-correlation measurements:
-    !    (1) apply dT to get syn_dtw_cc_dt
-    !    (2) apply dT and dlnA to get syn_dtw_cc
-    implicit none
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(in) :: syn_dtw
-    integer, intent(in) :: ishift, nlen
-    double precision, intent(in) :: tshift, dlnA, tstart, dt
-    double precision, dimension(NPT), intent(out) :: syn_dtw_cc, syn_dtw_cc_dt
-    integer i
-    ! shift synthetics by tshift (in the main program, we shift the data instead)
-    ! ishift = tshift * dt
-    syn_dtw_cc_dt(:) = syn_dtw(:)
-    do i = 1, nlen
-      if ((i-ishift) > 1 .and. (i-ishift) < nlen ) syn_dtw_cc_dt(i) = syn_dtw(i-ishift)
-    enddo
-    ! fill the missing time window with the endpoint value
-    if (ishift > 0) syn_dtw_cc_dt(1:ishift+1) = syn_dtw_cc_dt(ishift+2)
-    if (ishift < 0) syn_dtw_cc_dt(nlen+ishift:nlen) = syn_dtw_cc_dt(nlen+ishift-1)
-    ! apply cross-correlation amplitude measurement
-    syn_dtw_cc(:) = 0.
-    syn_dtw_cc(:) = syn_dtw_cc_dt * exp( dlnA )    ! based on dlnA = ln(Aobs/Asyn)
-    !syn_dtw_cc(:) = syn_dtw_cc_dt * (1. + dlnA)   ! based on first-order approximation of dlnA
-  end subroutine reconstruct_syn_cc
-  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine reconstruct_syn(filename, syn_dtwo, wvec, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt, &
-       i_right, tstart, dt, nlen, syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-    ! reconstruct the synthetics using multitaper measurements:
-    !    (1) apply dtau(w) and dlnA(w) to get syn_dtw_mt0
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-    complex*16, dimension(:), intent(in) ::  syn_dtwo
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: wvec, dtau_wt, dlnA_wt
-    integer, intent(in) :: i_right, nlen
-    double precision, intent(in) :: tstart, dt
-    double precision, dimension(:), intent(out) :: syn_dtw_mt, syn_dtw_mt_dt
-    complex*16, dimension(NPT) :: wseis_recon
-    integer i
-    double precision omega
-    ! apply transfer function to synthetics (phase and amplitude)
-    syn_dtw_mt(:) = 0.
-    wseis_recon(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    do i = 1,i_right
-      omega = wvec(i)
-      wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * exp(dlnA_wt(i)) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
-      !wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * (1.+ dlnA_wt(i)) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
-      !wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * trans_mtm(i) * exp(-CCI*omega*tshift)
-    enddo
-    call fftinv(LNPT,wseis_recon,REVERSE_FFT,dt,syn_dtw_mt)
-    ! apply phase shifts only
-    syn_dtw_mt_dt(:) = 0.
-    wseis_recon(:) = cmplx(0.,0.)
-    do i = 1,i_right
-      omega = wvec(i)
-      wseis_recon(i) = syn_dtwo(i) * exp(-CCI*omega*dtau_wt(i))
-    enddo
-    call fftinv(LNPT,wseis_recon,REVERSE_FFT,dt,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn.sac',syn_dtw_mt,nlen,tstart,dt)
-       call dwsac1(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt.sac',syn_dtw_mt_dt,nlen,tstart,dt)
-!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_mt)
-!!$       call dwrite_sacfile_f(datafile,trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt.sac',tstart,nlen,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt)
-!!$       !call dwrite_ascfile_f(trim(filename)//'.recon_syn_dt',tstart,dt,nlen,syn_dtw_mt_dt)
-    endif
-  end subroutine reconstruct_syn
-  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!$  subroutine check_recon_quality(filename,dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,dt,tshift,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,cc_max)
-!!$    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
-!!$    double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dat_dtw_cc, syn_dtw, dat_dtw, syn_dtw_mt
-!!$    double precision, intent(in) :: dt, tshift
-!!$    integer, intent(in) :: nlen
-!!$    double precision, intent(out) :: tshift_f1f2, cc_max_f1f2, cc_max
-!!$    double precision :: f1,f2, dlnA_f1f2
-!!$    ! Using Alessia's subroutine
-!!$    !     First the shifted_obs_win vs the synthetic
-!!$    call f1f2_calc(dat_dtw_cc,syn_dtw,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$    cc_max = cc_max_f1f2
-!!$      open(10,file=trim(filename)//'.quality')
-!!$      write(10,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
-!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$    endif
-!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) then
-!!$      write(*,*) '<--------- F1 ------ F2 ---- tshift -- cc_max --- dlnA -->'
-!!$      write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'Before',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$    endif
-!!$    !     Then the obs_win vs the reconstructed obs
-!!$    call f1f2_calc(dat_dtw,syn_dtw_mt,nlen,1,nlen,dt, f1,f2,tshift_f1f2,cc_max_f1f2,dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$      write(10,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$      close(10)
-!!$    endif
-!!$    if (DISPLAY_DETAILS) write(*,"(a,5F10.5)") 'After ',sngl(F1),sngl(F2),sngl(tshift_f1f2),sngl(cc_max_f1f2),sngl(dlnA_f1f2)
-!!$  end subroutine check_recon_quality
-   subroutine interpolate_syn(syn,t1,dt1,npt1,t2,dt2,npt2)
-     implicit none
-     double precision, dimension(:),intent(inout) :: syn
-     integer,intent(in) :: npt1,npt2
-     double precision,intent(in) :: t1,dt1,t2,dt2
-     double precision :: syn1(NDIM), time, tt
-     integer i, ii
-     ! initializes trace holding interpolated values
-     syn1(1:npt2) = 0.
-     ! loops over number of time steps in complete trace
-     do i = 1, npt2
-       ! sets time (in s) at this time step:
-       ! t2 : start time of trace
-       ! dt2: delta_t of a single time step
-       time = t2 + (i-1) * dt2
-       ! checks if time is within measurement window
-       ! t1: start time of measurement window
-       ! npt1: number of time steps in measurement window
-       ! dt1: delta_t of a single time step in measurement window
-       if (time > t1 .and. time < t1 + (npt1-1)*dt1) then
-         ! sets index of time steps within this window: is 1 at the beginning of window
-         ii = floor((time-t1)/dt1) + 1
-         ! time increment within this single time step to match the exact value of time
-         tt = time - ((ii-1)*dt1 + t1)
-         ! interpolates value of trace for the exact time
-         syn1(i) = (syn(ii+1)-syn(ii)) * tt/dt1 + syn(ii)
-       endif
-     enddo
-     ! saves interpolated values to output trace
-     syn(1:npt2) = syn1(1:npt2)
-   end subroutine interpolate_syn
-   subroutine taper_start(syn,npt,itmax)
-     implicit none
-     double precision, dimension(:),intent(inout) :: syn
-     integer,intent(in) :: npt, itmax
-     double precision :: Wt
-     integer :: i !,imax
-     !imax = maxloc(abs(syn),dim=1)   ! index of the max value
-     !Wt = TWOPI / (2.0*(imax-1))    ! period of the taper
-     Wt = TWOPI / (2.0*(itmax-1))    ! period of the taper
-     if(DISPLAY_DETAILS) print *, 'tapering start of record from index 1 to index ', itmax
-     ! apply a cosine taper from the start to the max value,
-     ! such that the starting point is exactly zero
-     do i = 1, itmax
-        syn(i) = syn(i) * ( 0.5*(1 - cos(Wt*(i-1))) )
-     enddo
-   end subroutine taper_start
-   subroutine read_par_file(fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt,nn,chan)
-     implicit none
-     double precision, intent(out) :: fstart0,fend0,tt,dtt
-     integer, intent(out) :: nn
-     character(len=10), intent(out) :: chan
-     integer :: ios
-     ! input file MEASUREMENT.PAR -- see write_par_file.pl for details
-     OUT_DIR = 'OUTPUT_FILES'   ! default
-     open(10,file='MEASUREMENT.PAR',status='old',iostat=ios)
-     read(10,*) tt,dtt,nn
-     read(10,*) imeas0
-     read(10,*) chan
-     read(10,*) TLONG, TSHORT
-     read(10,*) RUN_BANDPASS
-     read(10,*) DISPLAY_DETAILS
-     read(10,*) TSHIFT_MIN, TSHIFT_MAX
-     read(10,*) DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX
-     read(10,*) CC_MIN
-     read(10,*) ERROR_TYPE
-     read(10,*) DT_SIGMA_MIN
-     read(10,*) DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
-     read(10,*) ITAPER
-     read(10,*) WTR,NPI
-     read(10,*) DT_FAC
-     read(10,*) ERR_FAC
-     read(10,*) DT_MAX_SCALE
-     read(10,*) NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
-     close(10)
-     imeas = imeas0
-     ! check the read-in values
-     print *, '  tt, dtt, nn : ',tt,dtt,nn
-     print *, '  imeas : ',imeas
-     print *, '  chan : ',chan
-     print *, '  TLONG, TSHORT : ',TLONG, TSHORT
-     fstart0 = 1./TLONG ; fend0 = 1./TSHORT
-     print *, '  fstart, fend : ', fstart0, fend0
-     print *, '  RUN_BANDPASS : ',RUN_BANDPASS
-     print *, '  DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX : ',DLNA_MIN, DLNA_MAX
-     print *, '  CC_MIN : ',CC_MIN
-     print *, '  ERROR_TYPE : ',ERROR_TYPE
-     print *, '  DT_SIGMA_MIN : ',DT_SIGMA_MIN
-     print *, '  DLNA_SIGMA_MIN : ',DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
-     print *, '  ITAPER : ',ITAPER
-     print *, '  WTR, NPI : ',WTR,NPI
-     print *, '  DT_FAC : ',DT_FAC
-     print *, '  ERR_FAC : ',ERR_FAC
-     print *, '  DT_MAX_SCALE : ',DT_MAX_SCALE
-     !stop 'checking PAR file input'
-    ! old format way..
-    !  open(10,file='MEASUREMENT.PAR',status='old',iostat=ios)
-    !  read(10,'(a)') out_dir
-    !  read(10,*) is_mtm0
-    !  read(10,*) wtr,npi
-    !  read(10,*) iker0
-    !  read(10,*) RUN_BANDPASS
-    !  read(10,*) TLONG, TSHORT
-    !  read(10,*) tt,dtt,nn
-    !  read(10,*) DISPLAY_DETAILS
-    !  read(10,*) INCLUDE_ERROR
-    !  read(10,*) DT_FAC
-    !  read(10,*) ERR_FAC
-    !  read(10,*) DT_MAX_SCALE
-    !  read(10,*) NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
-    !  read(10,*) BEFORE_TSHIFT, AFTER_TSHIFT
-    !  read(10,*) DT_SIGMA_MIN, DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
-    !  close(10)
-    !
-    !  out_dir = adjustl(out_dir)
-    !  iker = iker0
-    !  is_mtm = is_mtm0
-    !
-    !  ! check the read-in values
-    !  print *, 'INPUTS FROM MEASUREMENT.PAR :'
-    !  print *, '  is_mtm : ',is_mtm
-    !  print *, '  wtr, npi : ',wtr,npi
-    !  print *, '  iker : ',iker
-    !  print *, '  RUN_BANDPASS :',RUN_BANDPASS
-    !  print *, '  TLONG, TSHORT : ',TLONG, TSHORT
-    !  fstart0 = 1./TLONG ; fend0 = 1./TSHORT
-    !  print *, '  fstart, fend :', fstart0, fend0
-    !  print *, '  tt, dtt, nn : ',tt,dtt,nn
-    !  print *, '  out_dir : ',trim(out_dir)
-    !  print *, '  INCLUDE_ERROR :',INCLUDE_ERROR
-    !  print *, '  DT_FAC :',DT_FAC
-    !  print *, '  ERR_FAC :',ERR_FAC
-    !  print *, '  DT_MAX_SCALE :',DT_MAX_SCALE
-    !  print *, '  NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW :',NCYCLE_IN_WINDOW
-    !  !stop 'checking PAR file input'
-    ! apply filter (this should EXACTLY match the filter used in the windowing code)
-    !trbdndw = 0.3
-    !a = 30.
-    !iord = 4
-    !passes = 2
-     ! ray density
-     ! assign additional parameters and stop for certain inconsistencies
-     if (fstart0.ge.fend0) then
-        print *, 'Check input frequency range of the signal'
-        stop
-     endif
-     if (nn > NDIM) then
-        print *, 'Error: Change interpolation nn or NDIM'
-        stop
-     endif
-     ! for CC kernels, ITAPER must be a single taper (2 or 3)
-     if ( (ITAPER==1) .and. ((imeas.ge.3).and.(imeas.le.6)) ) then
-        print *, 'Error: Change ITAPER to 2 or 3'
-        stop
-     endif
-     if ( (imeas==1).or.(imeas==2) ) then
-        is_mtm0 = 0
-     elseif ( (imeas.ge.3).and.(imeas.le.6) ) then
-        is_mtm0 = ITAPER     ! 2 or 3
-     elseif ( (imeas==7).or.(imeas==8) ) then
-        is_mtm0 = 1          ! multitaper required for MT adjoint source
-     else
-        print *, 'Error: imeas must by 1-8'
-        stop
-     endif
-     is_mtm = is_mtm0
-     print *, '  is_mtm :',is_mtm
-   end subroutine read_par_file
-  subroutine get_sacfile_header(data_file,yr,jda,ho,mi,sec,ntw,sta, &
-                                comp,dist,az,baz,slat,slon)
-    implicit none
-    character(len=*),intent(in) :: data_file
-    integer,intent(out):: yr,jda,ho,mi
-    double precision,intent(out):: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
-    !real*8,intent(out):: sec,dist,az,baz,slat,slon
-    character(len=*),intent(out) :: ntw,sta,comp
-    !real*8 :: tmp
-    real :: tmp
-    integer :: nsec,msec !,i,klen
-    integer :: nerr
-    !  integer header variables
-    call getnhv('nzyear',yr,nerr)
-    call getnhv('nzjday',jda,nerr)
-    call getnhv('nzhour',ho,nerr)
-    call getnhv('nzhour',mi,nerr)
-    call getnhv('nzmin',nsec,nerr)
-    call getnhv('nzmsec',msec,nerr)
-    sec=nsec+msec/1000.0
-    ! string headers
-    call getkhv('knetwk',ntw,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: knetwk'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    call getkhv('kstnm',sta,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: kstnm'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    call getkhv('kcmpnm',comp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: kcmpnm'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    ! decimal headers
-    call getfhv('dist',tmp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: dist'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    dist = tmp
-    call getfhv('az',tmp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: az'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    az = tmp
-    call getfhv('baz',tmp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: baz'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    baz = tmp
-    call getfhv('stlo',tmp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: stlo'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    slon = tmp
-    call getfhv('stla',tmp,nerr)
-    if(nerr .ne. 0) then
-      write(*,*)'Error reading variable: stla'
-      call exit(-1)
-    endif
-    slat = tmp
-!!$    !  integer header variables
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzyear', yr)
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzjday', jda)
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzhour', ho)
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzmin',  mi)
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzsec',  nsec)
-!!$    call saclst_iheader_f(data_file,'nzmsec', msec)
-!!$    sec=nsec+msec/1000.0
-!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'knetwk',ntw,klen)
-!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'kstnm', sta,klen)
-!!$    call saclst_kheader_f(data_file,'kcmpnm',comp,klen)
-!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'dist',dist)
-!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'az',  az)
-!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'baz', baz)
-!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'stlo',slon)
-!!$    call dsaclst_fheader_f(data_file,'stla',slat)
-  end subroutine get_sacfile_header
-end module mt_sub

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_sub2.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-module mt_sub2
-  use mt_constants 
-  implicit none
-  double precision, parameter ::  TOL=1e-7
-  subroutine fft(n,xi,zzign,dt)
-! Fourier transform
-! This inputs AND outputs a complex function.
-! The convention is FFT --> e^(-iwt)
-! numerical factor for Plancherel theorem: planch_fac = dble(NPT * dt * dt)
-      complex*16, dimension(*) :: xi
-      integer :: n
-      double precision :: dt
-      double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
-      complex*16 :: wk, hold, q
-      double precision :: m(25)
-      double precision :: zzign,zign,flx,v
-      integer :: lblock,k,fk,jh,ii,istart
-      integer :: l,iblock,nblock,i,lbhalf,j,lx
-      ! sign must be +1. or -1.
-      if(zzign >= 0.) then
-        zign = 1.
-      else
-        zign = -1.
-      endif
-      lx = 2**n
-      ! checks bounds
-      if( lx > NPT ) stop 'error fft increase NPT, or decrease n'
-      do 1 i=1,n
-    1 m(i) = 2**(n-i)
-      do 4 l=1,n
-      nblock = 2**(l-1)
-      lblock = lx/nblock
-      lbhalf = lblock/2
-      k = 0
-      do 4 iblock=1,nblock
-      fk = k
-      flx = lx
-      v = zign*2.*PI*fk/flx         ! Fourier convention
-      wk = cmplx(cos(v),-sin(v))   ! sign change to -sin(v) 17-Nov-2006
-      istart = lblock*(iblock-1)
-      do 2 i=1,lbhalf
-      j  = istart+i
-      jh = j+lbhalf
-      ! checks bounds
-      if( jh < 1 .or. jh > NPT ) stop 'error fft bounds'
-      q = xi(jh)*wk
-      xi(jh) = xi(j)-q
-      xi(j)  = xi(j)+q
-    2 continue
-      do 3 i=2,n
-      ii = i
-      if(k < m(i)) go to 4
-    3 k = k-m(i)
-    4 k = k+m(ii)
-      k = 0
-      do 7 j=1,lx
-      if(k < j) go to 5
-      hold = xi(j)
-      ! checks bounds
-      if( k+1 < 1 .or. k+1 > NPT ) stop 'error fft k bounds'
-      xi(j) = xi(k+1)
-      xi(k+1) = hold
-    5 do 6 i=1,n
-      ii = i
-      if(k < m(i)) go to 7
-    6 k = k-m(i)
-    7 k = k+m(ii)
-      ! final steps deal with dt factors
-      if(zign > 0.) then       ! FORWARD FFT
-         do i = 1,lx 
-            xi(i) = xi(i)*dt   ! multiplication by dt
-         enddo
-      else                     ! REVERSE FFT
-         flx = flx*dt
-         do i = 1,lx 
-            xi(i) = xi(i)/flx  ! division by dt
-         enddo
-      endif
-  end subroutine fft
-  subroutine fftinv(npow,s,zzign,dt,r)
-! inverse Fourier transform -- calls fft
-      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
-      !dimension r(4096*4)
-      !complex s(4096*4)
-      complex*16, intent(in) :: s(*)
-      double precision, intent(out) :: r(*)   ! note this is REAL
-      double precision :: dt,zzign,zign
-      integer :: npow, nsmp, nhalf, i
-      nsmp = 2**npow
-      nhalf = nsmp/2
-      call rspec(s,nhalf)   ! re-structuring
-      zign=zzign
-      call fft(npow,s,zign,dt)    ! Fourier transform
-      do i = 1,nsmp
-        r(i) = real(s(i))     ! REAL part
-      enddo
-  end subroutine fftinv
-  subroutine rspec(s,np2)
-      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
-      !complex s(4096*4)
-      complex*16 :: s(*)
-      integer :: np2,n,n1,i
-      n = 2*np2
-      n1 = np2+1
-      s(n1) = 0.
-!     s(1)  = 0.
-      s(1)  = cmplx( real(s(1)),0.)
-      do i = 1,np2
-         s(np2+i) = conjg(s(np2+2-i))
-      enddo
-  end subroutine rspec
-  subroutine staper(nt, fw, nev, v, ndim, a, w)
-!$$$$ calls tsturm, root
-!  Slepian - Thomson multi-taper procedure
-!  Slepian, D.     1978  Bell Sys Tech J v57 n5 1371-1430
-!  Thomson, D. J.  1982  Proc IEEE v70 n9 1055-1096
-!    nt    the number of points in the series
-!    fw    the time-bandwidth product (number of Rayleigh bins)
-!    nev   the desired number of tapers
-!    v     the eigenvectors (tapers) are returned in v(.,nev)
-!    a, w  work arrays dimensioned at least nt long (nt+1, nt odd)
-!    a(1..nev) contains bandwidth retention factors on output.
-!  The tapers are the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix sigma(i,j)
-!  [see Slepian(1978) eq 14 and 25.] They are also the eigenvectors of
-!  the Toeplitz matrix eq. 18. We solve the tridiagonal system in
-!  tsturm for the tapers and use them in Slepians eq 18 to get the
-!  bandwidth retention factors (i.e. the eigenvalues) Thomson's
-!  normalisation is used with no attention to sign.
-      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
-      !dimension a(*),w(*),v(ndim,*)
-      !parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0,r2=1.414213562373095d0)
-      integer :: nt, nev, ndim
-      double precision :: fw
-      double precision :: v(ndim,*), a(*), w(*)
-      double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d+00
-      integer :: i,j,k,m
-      integer :: nxi, lh, lp1, neven, nodd, ntot, kk, kmax, nlow, nup
-      double precision :: r2,om,com,hn,asav,rbd,dc,sm,s,sn,vmax
-      !-------------------------
-      r2 = sqrt(2.)
-      if(nt < 2) return
-      nxi=mod(nt,2)
-      lh=(nt/2)+nxi
-      lp1=nt+1
-      om=2.*PI*fw/nt
-      com=cos(om)
-      hn=0.5*dble(lp1)
-      do 10 i=1,lh
-        a(i)=com*(i-hn)**2
-   10   w(i)=0.5*dble(i*(nt-i))
-      if(nxi == 0) then
-        asav=a(lh)-w(lh)
-        a(lh)=a(lh)+w(lh)
-        rbd=1./(a(lh)+w(lh-1))
-      else
-        asav=w(lh-1)
-        rbd=1./(w(lh)+w(lh-1))
-        w(lh-1)=r2*w(lh-1)
-      endif
-      do 15 i=1,lh
-        a(i+lh)=w(i)*rbd
-        w(i)=a(i+lh)**2
-   15   a(i)=a(i)*rbd
-      neven=max0((nev+1)/2,1)
-      nodd=nev-neven
-!  Do the even tapers
-      call tsturm(nt,lh,a,a(lh+1),w,neven,v,ndim,w(lh+1),0)
-      do 20 i=1,neven
-        k=2*i-1
-        if(nxi == 1) v(lh,k)=r2*v(lh,k)
-          do 20 j=1,lh
-   20     v(lp1-j,k)=v(j,k)
-      if(nodd <= 0) goto 34
-!  Do the odd tapers
-      if(nxi == 0) then
-        a(lh)=asav*rbd
-      else
-        a(nt)=asav*rbd
-        w(lh-1)=asav*asav
-      endif
-      call tsturm(nt,lh-nxi,a,a(lh+1),w,nodd,v,ndim,w(lh+1),1)
-      do 30 i=1,nodd
-        k=2*i
-        if(nxi == 1) v(lh,k)=0.
-          do 30 j=1,lh
-   30     v(lp1-j,k)=-v(j,k)
-   34 ntot=neven+nodd
-!  Calculate bandwidth retention parameters
-      dc=2.*com
-      sm=0.
-      s=sin(om)
-      w(1)=om/PI
-      w(2)=s/PI
-      do 35 j=3,nt
-        sn=dc*s-sm
-        sm=s
-        s=sn
-   35   w(j)=s/(PI*(j-1))
-      do 55 m=1,ntot
-        vmax=abs(v(1,m))
-        kmax=1
-        do 40 kk=2,lh
-          if(abs(v(kk,m)) <= vmax) goto 40
-          kmax=kk
-          vmax=abs(v(kk,m))
-   40     continue
-        a(m)=0.
-        nlow=kmax-1
-          do 45 j=1,nlow
-   45     a(m)=a(m)+w(j+1)*v(nlow+1-j,m)
-        nup=nt-nlow
-          do 50 j=1,nup
-   50     a(m)=a(m)+w(j)*v(nlow+j,m)
-   55 a(m)=a(m)/v(kmax,m)
-      return
-  end subroutine staper
-  subroutine tsturm(nt,n,a,b,w,nev,r,ndim,ev,ipar)
-!$$$$ calls root
-!  Uses bisection and Sturm counting to isolate the eigenvalues of the
-!  symmetric tridiagonal matrix with main diagonal a(.) and sub/super
-!  diagonal b(.).  Newton's method is used to refine the eigenvalue in
-!  subroutine root then direct recursion is used to get the eigenvector
-!  as this is always stable.  Note  ipar=0 for even tapers   =1 for odd
-!  tapers
-      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
-      !parameter (epsi=1.d-15,epsi1=5.d-15)
-      !dimension a(*),b(*),ev(*),w(*),r(ndim,*)
-      double precision, parameter :: epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15
-      double precision, dimension(ndim) :: a, b, w, ev
-      double precision, dimension(ndim,*) :: r
-      integer :: nt,n,ndim,nev,ipar
-      !double precision, dimension(ndim) :: bb
-      double precision :: q,el,elam,u,umeps,x,ddot,rnorm
-      integer :: i,j,ik,iag,m,jk,jm1
-      !-------------------------
-      if(n <= 0.or.nev <= 0) return
-      umeps=1.-epsi
-      do 5 i=1,nev
-    5 ev(i)=-1.
-      u=1.
-      do 1000 ik=1,nev
-      if(ik > 1) u=ev(ik-1)*umeps
-      el=min(ev(ik),u)
-   10 elam=0.5*(u+el)
-      if(abs(u-el) <= epsi1) goto 35
-      iag=0
-      q=a(1)-elam
-      if(q >= 0.) iag=iag+1
-      do 15 i=2,n
-      if(q == 0.) x=abs(b(i-1))/epsi
-      if(q /= 0.) x=w(i-1)/q
-      q=a(i)-elam-x
-      if(q >= 0.) iag=iag+1
-      if(iag > nev) goto 20
-   15 continue
-      if(iag >= ik) go to 20
-      u=elam
-      go to 10
-   20 if(iag == ik) go to 30
-      m=ik+1
-      do 25 i=m,iag
-   25 ev(i)=elam
-      el=elam
-      go to 10
-   30 el=elam
-      call root(u,el,elam,a,b,w,n,ik)
-   35 ev(ik)=elam
-      jk=2*ik+ipar-1
-      r(1,jk)=1.
-      r(2,jk)=-(a(1)-ev(ik))/b(1)
-      ddot=1.+r(2,jk)*r(2,jk)
-      jm1=2
-      do 45 j=3,n
-      r(j,jk)=-((a(jm1)-ev(ik))*r(jm1,jk)+b(j-2)*r(j-2,jk))/b(jm1)
-      ddot=ddot+r(j,jk)*r(j,jk)
-   45 jm1=j
-      rnorm=sqrt(nt/(2.*ddot))
-      do 50 j=1,n
-   50 r(j,jk)=r(j,jk)*rnorm
- 1000 continue
-      return
-  end subroutine tsturm
-  subroutine root(u,el,elam,a,bb,w,n,ik)
-      !implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
-      !parameter (epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15)
-      !dimension a(*),bb(*),w(*)
-      double precision, parameter :: epsi = 1.d-15, epsi1 = 5.d-15
-      double precision :: u,el,elam
-      double precision, dimension(*) :: a,bb,w
-      integer :: n,ik
-      double precision :: an,b,bm,bn,del,x
-      integer :: i,iag
-      !----------------------
-    5 elam=0.5*(u+el)
-   10 if(abs(u-el) <= 1.5*epsi1) return
-      an=a(1)-elam
-      b=0.
-      bn=-1./an
-      iag=0
-      if(an >= 0.) iag=iag+1
-      do 20 i=2,n
-      if(an == 0.) x=abs(bb(i-1))/epsi
-      if(an /= 0.) x=w(i-1)/an
-      an=a(i)-elam-x
-      if(an == 0.) an=epsi
-      bm=b
-      b=bn
-      bn=((a(i)-elam)*b-bm*x-1.)/an
-      if(an >= 0.) iag=iag+1
-   20 continue
-      if(iag == ik) goto 25
-      u=elam
-      goto 30
-   25 el=elam
-   30 del=1./bn
-      if(abs(del) <= epsi1) del=sign(epsi1,del)
-      elam=elam-del
-      if(elam >= u.or.elam <= el) goto 5
-      goto 10
-  end subroutine root
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!  Alessia Maggi, May 2005
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!  $Id:$
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!  Implementation of the Ritsema & van Heijst 2002 quality checking
-!  technique.
-!  Calculation of two quantities:
-!  F1 = sum_t [ d(t) - s(t)]^2 / sum_t [d(t)]^2
-!  F2 = min[A1,A2] / max [A1,A2] 
-!  A1 minimizes : sum_t [ d(t) - A1*s(t)]^2
-!  A2 minimizes : sum_t [ (1/A2)*d(t) - s(t)]^2
-!  Inputs:
-!  -------
-!  d	: data timeseries array
-!  s	: synthetic timeseries array
-!  npts	: number of points in the two timeseries
-!  Outputs:
-!  --------
-!  F1, F2,dlnA,cc_max	: defined above
-!  Calls numerical recipies routines :
-!  mnbrak, golden
-!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!!$      subroutine F1F2_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,dt,F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA)
-!!$      double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) ::  d, s
-!!$      integer, intent(in) :: npts,i1,i2
-!!$      double precision, intent (in) :: dt
-!!$      double precision, intent(out) ::  F1,F2,tshift,cc_max,dlnA
-!!$      double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: s_cor,d_loc
-!!$      double precision :: cr_shift, cc
-!!$      integer :: n_left,n_right,ishift,npts_win, i, j
-!!$      real ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,f1_min,f2_min,f1_top,f1_bot,A1,A2
-!!$      real golden !f1,f2
-!!$      npts_win=i2-i1+1
-!!$!     allocate memory for s_cor (the corrected synthetic)
-!!$      allocate(s_cor(npts_win))
-!!$      allocate(d_loc(npts_win))
-!!$      d_loc(1:npts_win)=d(i1:i2)
-!!$!     do cross-correlation:
-!!$      call xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
-!!$!      n_left = int((-1.0) * cr_shift / dt)
-!!$!      n_right = int(cr_shift / dt)
-!!$!      ishift=0
-!!$!      cc_max=0.
-!!$!      do i = n_left, n_right
-!!$!        cc = 0
-!!$!        do j = 1, npts
-!!$!          if((j+i).gt.1.and.(j+i).lt.npts) cc = cc + s(j) * d(j+i)
-!!$!        enddo
-!!$!        if( cc .gt. cc_max) then 
-!!$!          cc_max = cc
-!!$!          ishift = i
-!!$!        endif       
-!!$!      enddo   
-!!$      tshift=ishift*dt
-!!$!     apply time shift to synthetic seismogram
-!!$!     write(*,*)'shift synth seismogram by ', tshift, 'seconds'
-!!$      do i = 1, npts_win
-!!$        s_cor(i) = 0
-!!$        if( (i1-1+i-ishift) .gt. 1 .and. (i1-1+i-ishift) .lt.npts ) s_cor(i) = s(i1-1+i-ishift)
-!!$      enddo
-!!$! DEBUG: output 
-!!$!      open(unit=11, file='DEBUG_calcF1F2.dat')
-!!$!      do i = 1, npts_win
-!!$!        write(11,'(4(e12.4,1x))') b+(i-1)*dt, s_cor(i), s(i1-1+i), d(i1-1+i)
-!!$!      enddo      
-!!$!      close(11)
-!!$! calculate dlnA
-!!$      dlnA = sqrt( ( sum( d(i1:i2) * d(i1:i2) )) / (sum( s_cor(1:npts_win) * s_cor(1:npts_win) )) ) - 1
-!!$!     calculate F1, the least squares misfit
-!!$      f1_top=0.0
-!!$      f1_bot=0.0
-!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
-!!$        f1_top=f1_top+(sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-!!$!        f1_bot=f1_bot+sqrt(sngl(d_loc(i))**2*sngl(s_cor(i))**2)
-!!$        f1_bot=f1_bot+sngl(d_loc(i))**2
-!!$      enddo
-!!$      if ( f1_bot .gt. 0.0 ) then
-!!$        F1 = dble(f1_top / f1_bot)
-!!$      else
-!!$        write(*,*) 'Sum d(t)**2 = 0 : empty observed seismogram.'
-!!$        F1=0
-!!$        F2=0
-!!$        return
-!!$      endif
-!!$!     do fa1 minimization to find A1
-!!$      ax=1e-3
-!!$      bx=1e3
-!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa1)
-!!$      f1_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa1,sngl(tol),A1)
-!!$!     do fa2 minimization to find A2
-!!$      ax=1e-3
-!!$      bx=1e3
-!!$      call mnbrak(ax,bx,cx,fa,fb,fc,fa2)
-!!$      f2_min=golden(ax,bx,cx,fa2,sngl(TOL),A2)
-!!$!     calculate F2
-!!$      F2=dble(min(A1,A2)/max(A1,A2))
-!!$!     Turn F1 around
-!!$      F1=1-F1
-!!$      deallocate(s_cor)
-!!$      deallocate(d_loc)
-!!$  contains
-!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!!$      real function fa1(a1)
-!!$      real a1
-!!$      if (abs(a1).lt.TOL) then
-!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a1 close to zero : ', a1
-!!$       stop
-!!$      endif
-!!$      fa1=0.0
-!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
-!!$        fa1=fa1+(sngl(d_loc(i))-a1*sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-!!$      enddo
-!!$      end function
-!!$!  -----------------------------------------------------------------
-!!$      real function fa2(a2)
-!!$      real a2
-!!$      if (abs(a2).lt.TOL) then
-!!$       write(*,*) 'value of a2 close to zero : ', a2
-!!$       stop
-!!$      endif
-!!$      fa2=0.0
-!!$      do i = 1,npts_win
-!!$        fa2=fa2+((1/a2)*sngl(d_loc(i))-sngl(s_cor(i)))**2
-!!$      enddo
-!!$      end function
-!!$    end subroutine F1F2_calc
-!!$!  --------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!$  subroutine xcorr_calc(d,s,npts,i1,i2,ishift,cc_max)
-!!$  ! inputs:
-!!$  ! s(npts) = synthetic
-!!$  ! d(npts) = data (or observed)
-!!$  ! i1, i2 = start and stop indexes of window within s and d 
-!!$  double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: s,d
-!!$  integer, intent(in) :: npts, i1, i2
-!!$  ! outputs:
-!!$  ! ishift = index lag (d-s) for max cross correlation
-!!$  ! cc_max = maximum of cross correlation (normalised by sqrt(synthetic*data))
-!!$  integer, intent(out) :: ishift
-!!$  double precision, intent(out) :: cc_max
-!!$  ! local variables
-!!$  integer :: nlen
-!!$  integer :: i_left, i_right, i, j
-!!$  double precision :: cc
-!!$  ! initialise shift and cross correlation to zero
-!!$  ishift=0
-!!$  cc_max=0
-!!$  if (i1.gt.i2 .or. i2.gt.npts) then
-!!$    write(*,*) 'Error with window limits: i1, i2, npts ', i1, i2, npts
-!!$    return
-!!$  endif
-!!$  ! length of window (number of points including ends)
-!!$  nlen = i2 - i1 + 1
-!!$  ! left and right limits of index (time) shift search
-!!$  i_left=-1*int(nlen/2)
-!!$  i_right=int(nlen/2)
-!!$  ! i -> shift (to be applied to d in cc search) 
-!!$  do i = i_left, i_right
-!!$    cc=0
-!!$    do j = i1, i2 
-!!$      if((j+i).ge.1 .and. (j+i).le.npts) cc = cc + s(j)*d(j+i)
-!!$    enddo
-!!$    if (cc .gt. cc_max) then
-!!$      cc_max=cc
-!!$      ishift=i
-!!$    endif
-!!$  enddo
-!!$  cc_max=cc_max / sqrt(sum(s(i1:i2)*s(i1:i2)) * sum(d(i1:i2)*(d(i1:i2))))
-!!$end subroutine xcorr_calc
-!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-!     subroutine costaper(ipoint, ndata, tas)
-!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine costaper(ipoint, ndata, tas)
-      implicit none
-      integer ipoint, ndata
-      double precision tas(ndata,*)
-      double precision sum, pi
-      integer i
-      pi = asin(1.0d0)*2
-      sum = 0.
-      do i =1,ipoint
-      tas(i,1) = 1 -  cos( 2*pi*i/ipoint)
-      tas(i,1) = tas(i,1) / sqrt(1.5)
-      enddo
-      return
-      end subroutine costaper
-!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-!     subroutine boxcar(ipoint, ndata, tas)
-!     ------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine boxcar(ipoint, ndata, tas)
-      integer ipoint, ndata
-      double precision tas(ndata,*)
-      integer i
-      do i =1,ipoint
-      tas(i,1) = 1.0
-      enddo
-      return
-      end subroutine boxcar
-end module mt_sub2

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_variables.f90
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_variables.f90	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/mt_variables.f90	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-module mt_variables
-  use mt_constants
-! multi-taper measurements
-! Ying Zhou: The fit between the recovered data and the data can be improved
-! by either increasing the window width (HWIN above) or by decreasing NPI.
-! In her experience, NPI = 2.5 is good for noisy data.
-! For synthetic data, we can use a lower NPI.
-! number of tapers should be fixed as twice NPI -- see Latex notes
-! See write_par_file.pl and mt_measure_adj.f90
-  character(len=150) :: OUT_DIR
-  double precision :: TLONG, TSHORT
-  double precision :: DT_SIGMA_MIN, DLNA_SIGMA_MIN
-  integer :: ntaper, ipwr_t, ipwr_w, ERROR_TYPE
-  integer :: imeas0, imeas, itaper, is_mtm0, is_mtm
-end module mt_variables
-module mt_weighting
-! module for weighting/normalizing measurements
-  logical,parameter :: DO_WEIGHTING = .false.
-  ! transverse, radial and vertical weights
-  double precision :: weight_T, weight_R, weight_Z
-  ! body waves: number of picks on vertical, radial and transverse component
-  double precision :: num_P_SV_V,num_P_SV_R,num_SH_T
-  ! surface waves: number of pick on vertical, radial and transverse
-  double precision :: num_Rayleigh_V,num_Rayleigh_R,num_Love_T
-  ! typical surface wave speed in km/s, to calculate surface wave arrival times
-  ! Love waves faster than Rayleigh
-  double precision, parameter :: surface_vel = 4.0
-  ! wave type pick
-  integer, parameter :: P_SV_V = 1
-  integer, parameter :: P_SV_R = 2
-  integer, parameter :: SH_T = 3
-  integer, parameter :: Rayleigh_V = 4
-  integer, parameter :: Rayleigh_R = 5
-  integer, parameter :: Love_T = 6
-end module mt_weighting

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_measure_adj.csh (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_mt_measure_adj.csh)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_measure_adj.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_measure_adj.csh	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\rm -rf PLOTS/SYN
+\rm -rf PLOTS/DATA
+\rm PLOTS/*pdf PLOTS/*jpg PLOTS/*ps
+cp window_chi PLOTS
+plot_win_adj_all.pl -l -10/200 -m ../CMTSOLUTION_9818433 -n BH -b 0 -k 7/1 -a STATIONS_ADJOINT -d DATA -s SYN -c RECON -w MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS -i m16 -j 6/30
+cd ..

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_mt_measure_adj.csh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_mt_measure_adj.csh	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/run_mt_measure_adj.csh	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-\rm -rf PLOTS/SYN
-\rm -rf PLOTS/DATA
-\rm PLOTS/*pdf PLOTS/*jpg PLOTS/*ps
-cp window_chi PLOTS
-plot_win_adj_all.pl -l -10/200 -m ../CMTSOLUTION_9818433 -n BH -b 0 -k 7/1 -a STATIONS_ADJOINT -d DATA -s SYN -c RECON -w MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS -i m16 -j 6/30
-cd ..

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_measure_adj.pl (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_measure_adj.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl
+#  Carl Tape
+#  19-Oct-2009
+#  This script prepares the data and synthetics for running in the measurement code.
+#  At the moment, it is somewhat tailored to the SoCal dataset.
+#  INPUT:
+#    itest          MEASURE_TEST or MEASURE
+#    iplot          process data and synthetics for plots
+#    iwindow        grab records from windowing directory
+#    Tmin/Tmax      bandpass periods for filtering data and synthetics
+#    prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl m16 0 1 0 6/30 9818433
+if (@ARGV < 6) {die("Usage: prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl smodel itest iplot iwindow Tmin/Tmax eid\n");}
+($smodel,$itest,$iplot,$iwindow,$Ts,$eid) = @ARGV;
+# iwindow: controls where the data, synthetics, and windows files are
+# 1: grab everything from the windowing directory
+# 0: grab everything from a general output directory
+#$iwindow = 0;
+# label for directory
+($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
+$sTmin = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmin);
+$sTmax = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmax);
+$Ttag = "${sTmin}_${sTmax}";
+if ($itest == 0) {
+  $dir_syn  = "SYN"; $dir_data = "DATA"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE";
+} else {
+  $dir_syn  = "SYN_TEST"; $dir_data = "DATA_TEST"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE_TEST";
+  if($iwindow==0) {die("Exit: must have iwindow = 1 for TEST option.");}
+$dir_cmt = "/home/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_16/v16_files";
+$cmtfile = "${dir_cmt}/CMTSOLUTION_${eid}";
+if (not -f $cmtfile) {die("check if cmtfile $cmtfile exist or not\n")}
+# directories for data, synthetics, and window files : MUST BE CHANGED FOR EACH USER
+if ($iwindow==1) {
+  # windowing code run directory
+  $dir_win_run = "/data2/SVN/seismo/3D/flexwin_run";
+  $dir_win_run_syn  = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_syn}";
+  $dir_win_run_data = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_data}";
+  $win_in = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}/MEASUREMENT_WINDOWS";
+  $par_in = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}/PAR_FILE";
+  #$dir_win_run_meas = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}";
+} else {
+  $dir0 = "/home/carltape/RUNS/$eid/$smodel";
+  $dir1 = "$dir0/WINDOW_${Ttag}";
+  $dir_win_run_syn  = "$dir1/SYN";
+  $dir_win_run_data = "$dir1/DATA";
+  $win_in = "$dir1/MEASUREMENT_WINDOWS_${eid}_${Ttag}_${smodel}";
+  $par_in = "$dir1/PAR_FILE";
+  #$dir0 = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D";
+  #$dir_win_run_syn  = "$dir0/SYN/model_m0/${eid}/PROCESSED";
+  #$dir_win_run_data = "$dir0/DATA/FINAL/${eid}/PROCESSED";
+  #$dir_win_out = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/WINDOWS/model_m0/";
+if (not -e ${dir_win_run_syn}) {die("check if ${dir_win_run_syn} exist or not\n");}
+if (not -e ${dir_win_run_data}) {die("check if ${dir_win_run_data} exist or not\n");}
+if (not -e ${win_in}) {die("check if ${win_in} exist or not\n");}
+if (not -e ${par_in}) {die("check if ${par_in} exist or not\n");}
+# directories for measurement code
+$dir_meas_syn  = ${dir_syn};
+$dir_meas_data = ${dir_data};
+#$dir_meas_meas = ${dir_meas};
+# write the C-shell script to file
+$cshfile = "prepare_mt_measure_adj.csh";
+print "\nWriting to $cshfile ...\n";
+# remove folders in the measurement directory
+print CSH "\\rm -rf ${dir_meas_syn} ${dir_meas_data}\n";
+#print CSH "mkdir ${dir_meas_syn} ${dir_meas_data}\n";
+# copy ALL data and synthetics into measurement directory (BHZ,BHR,BHT)
+# NOTE: copy the whole directory, because the list might be too long for using cp
+#       Another option is to LINK the data and syn directories to the local run directory.
+print CSH "echo copying files into the measurement directory...\n";
+print CSH "cp -r ${dir_win_run_syn} ${dir_meas_syn}\n sleep 2s\n";
+print CSH "cp -r ${dir_win_run_data} ${dir_meas_data}\n sleep 2s\n";
+#print CSH "cp ${dir_win_run_syn}/* ${dir_meas_syn}\n";
+#print CSH "cp ${dir_win_run_data}/* ${dir_meas_data}\n";
+print CSH "\\rm CMTSOLUTION*\n";
+print CSH "echo $cmtfile\n";
+print CSH "cp $cmtfile .\n";
+# process data and synthetics for the PLOTTING figures (NOT required for adjoint sources)
+# We checked that the processing used in the Perl scripts matches what is used in
+# both the windowing code and in the measurement code.
+if ($iplot == 1) { 
+  # synthetics
+  $syn_dir_plot = "PLOTS/${dir_syn}";
+  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
+  print CSH "cp -r ${dir_meas_syn} ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
+  #print CSH "cd ${syn_dir_plot} ; mv_files.pl -x \"*sac*\" \"*sac\" ; cd -\n";  # remove extensions
+  #print CSH "mkdir ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
+  #print CSH "cd ${dir_meas_syn}\n";      
+  #print CSH "process_trinet_syn_new.pl -S -t $Ts -d ../${syn_dir_plot} *sac.d\n"; 
+  #print CSH "cd -\n";
+  # data
+  $data_dir_plot = "PLOTS/${dir_data}";
+  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${data_dir_plot}\n";
+  print CSH "cp -r ${dir_meas_data} ${data_dir_plot}\n";
+  #print CSH "cd ${data_dir_plot} ; mv_files.pl -x \"*sac*\" \"*sac\" ; cd -\n";  # remove extensions
+  #print CSH "mkdir ${data_dir_plot}\n";
+  #print CSH "cd ${dir_meas_data}\n";
+  #print CSH "process_cal_data.pl -t $Ts -d ../${data_dir_plot} *sac.d\n";
+  #print CSH "cd -\n";
+  # remove any old plots in PLOTS directory
+  print CSH "\\rm PLOTS/*pdf PLOTS/*jpg PLOTS/*ps\n";
+#  # make a set of SYNTHETIC stations lists sorted by: station, distance, azimuth
+#  @tags = ("sta","dist","az");
+#  $fall = "${syn_dir_plot}/*";
+#  for ($ij = 1; $ij <= 3; $ij = $ij+1) {
+#    $tag = $tags[$ij-1];
+#    $ofile = "PLOTS/STATIONS_${tag}";
+#    print CSH "\\rm -rf $ofile\n";
+#    print CSH "saclst kstnm knetwk dist az f $fall | awk '{print \$2\".\"\$3,\$4,\$5}' | uniq | sort -g -k $ij > $ofile\n";
+#  }
+## this version allows for flexibility for the name of the window file
+#if ($iwindow==1) {
+#  $win_in = "${dir_win_run_meas}/MEASUREMENT*";
+#  @files = glob("${win_in}"); $nfiles = @files;
+#  if ($nfiles != 1) {die("check if ${win_in} exist or not\n");}
+#  print CSH "\\cp @files ${win_out}\n";
+# check that the number of records matches the first line of the file
+# NOTE: this is important when manually removing windows
+($nseis,undef,undef) = split(" ",`grep DATA ${win_in} | wc`);                    # number of listed data records
+open(IN,${win_in}); @lines = <IN>; close(IN); $nlist = $lines[0]; chomp($nlist); # header number
+print "$eid -- nlist = $nlist, nseis = $nseis\n";
+if($nlist != $nseis) {
+   print "${win_in}\n";
+   die("check window files\n");
+# copy windowing file and PAR file
+$win_out = "./MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS";
+$par_out = "./PAR_FILE";
+print CSH "\\rm ${win_out}\n";
+print CSH "\\cp ${win_in} ${win_out}\n";
+print CSH "\\rm ${par_out}\n";
+print CSH "\\cp ${par_in} ${par_out}\n";
+# copy the windows file to PLOTS
+if ($iplot == 1) {print CSH "cp $win_out PLOTS\n"}
+# empty the output files directory
+print CSH "\\rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES\n";
+print CSH "mkdir OUTPUT_FILES\n";
+# compile the measurement code
+print CSH "make clean\n make\n";
+system("csh -f $cshfile");

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-#  prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl
-#  Carl Tape
-#  19-Oct-2009
-#  This script prepares the data and synthetics for running in the measurement code.
-#  At the moment, it is somewhat tailored to the SoCal dataset.
-#  INPUT:
-#    itest          MEASURE_TEST or MEASURE
-#    iplot          process data and synthetics for plots
-#    iwindow        grab records from windowing directory
-#    Tmin/Tmax      bandpass periods for filtering data and synthetics
-#    prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl m16 0 1 0 6/30 9818433
-if (@ARGV < 6) {die("Usage: prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl smodel itest iplot iwindow Tmin/Tmax eid\n");}
-($smodel,$itest,$iplot,$iwindow,$Ts,$eid) = @ARGV;
-# iwindow: controls where the data, synthetics, and windows files are
-# 1: grab everything from the windowing directory
-# 0: grab everything from a general output directory
-#$iwindow = 0;
-# label for directory
-($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
-$sTmin = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmin);
-$sTmax = sprintf("T%3.3i",$Tmax);
-$Ttag = "${sTmin}_${sTmax}";
-if ($itest == 0) {
-  $dir_syn  = "SYN"; $dir_data = "DATA"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE";
-} else {
-  $dir_syn  = "SYN_TEST"; $dir_data = "DATA_TEST"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE_TEST";
-  if($iwindow==0) {die("Exit: must have iwindow = 1 for TEST option.");}
-$dir_cmt = "/home/carltape/results/SOURCES/socal_16/v16_files";
-$cmtfile = "${dir_cmt}/CMTSOLUTION_${eid}";
-if (not -f $cmtfile) {die("check if cmtfile $cmtfile exist or not\n")}
-# directories for data, synthetics, and window files : MUST BE CHANGED FOR EACH USER
-if ($iwindow==1) {
-  # windowing code run directory
-  $dir_win_run = "/data2/SVN/seismo/3D/flexwin_run";
-  $dir_win_run_syn  = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_syn}";
-  $dir_win_run_data = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_data}";
-  $win_in = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}/MEASUREMENT_WINDOWS";
-  $par_in = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}/PAR_FILE";
-  #$dir_win_run_meas = "${dir_win_run}/${dir_meas}";
-} else {
-  $dir0 = "/home/carltape/RUNS/$eid/$smodel";
-  $dir1 = "$dir0/WINDOW_${Ttag}";
-  $dir_win_run_syn  = "$dir1/SYN";
-  $dir_win_run_data = "$dir1/DATA";
-  $win_in = "$dir1/MEASUREMENT_WINDOWS_${eid}_${Ttag}_${smodel}";
-  $par_in = "$dir1/PAR_FILE";
-  #$dir0 = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/socal/socal_3D";
-  #$dir_win_run_syn  = "$dir0/SYN/model_m0/${eid}/PROCESSED";
-  #$dir_win_run_data = "$dir0/DATA/FINAL/${eid}/PROCESSED";
-  #$dir_win_out = "/net/sierra/raid1/carltape/results/WINDOWS/model_m0/";
-if (not -e ${dir_win_run_syn}) {die("check if ${dir_win_run_syn} exist or not\n");}
-if (not -e ${dir_win_run_data}) {die("check if ${dir_win_run_data} exist or not\n");}
-if (not -e ${win_in}) {die("check if ${win_in} exist or not\n");}
-if (not -e ${par_in}) {die("check if ${par_in} exist or not\n");}
-# directories for measurement code
-$dir_meas_syn  = ${dir_syn};
-$dir_meas_data = ${dir_data};
-#$dir_meas_meas = ${dir_meas};
-# write the C-shell script to file
-$cshfile = "prepare_mt_measure_adj.csh";
-print "\nWriting to $cshfile ...\n";
-# remove folders in the measurement directory
-print CSH "\\rm -rf ${dir_meas_syn} ${dir_meas_data}\n";
-#print CSH "mkdir ${dir_meas_syn} ${dir_meas_data}\n";
-# copy ALL data and synthetics into measurement directory (BHZ,BHR,BHT)
-# NOTE: copy the whole directory, because the list might be too long for using cp
-#       Another option is to LINK the data and syn directories to the local run directory.
-print CSH "echo copying files into the measurement directory...\n";
-print CSH "cp -r ${dir_win_run_syn} ${dir_meas_syn}\n sleep 2s\n";
-print CSH "cp -r ${dir_win_run_data} ${dir_meas_data}\n sleep 2s\n";
-#print CSH "cp ${dir_win_run_syn}/* ${dir_meas_syn}\n";
-#print CSH "cp ${dir_win_run_data}/* ${dir_meas_data}\n";
-print CSH "\\rm CMTSOLUTION*\n";
-print CSH "echo $cmtfile\n";
-print CSH "cp $cmtfile .\n";
-# process data and synthetics for the PLOTTING figures (NOT required for adjoint sources)
-# We checked that the processing used in the Perl scripts matches what is used in
-# both the windowing code and in the measurement code.
-if ($iplot == 1) { 
-  # synthetics
-  $syn_dir_plot = "PLOTS/${dir_syn}";
-  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
-  print CSH "cp -r ${dir_meas_syn} ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
-  #print CSH "cd ${syn_dir_plot} ; mv_files.pl -x \"*sac*\" \"*sac\" ; cd -\n";  # remove extensions
-  #print CSH "mkdir ${syn_dir_plot}\n";
-  #print CSH "cd ${dir_meas_syn}\n";      
-  #print CSH "process_trinet_syn_new.pl -S -t $Ts -d ../${syn_dir_plot} *sac.d\n"; 
-  #print CSH "cd -\n";
-  # data
-  $data_dir_plot = "PLOTS/${dir_data}";
-  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${data_dir_plot}\n";
-  print CSH "cp -r ${dir_meas_data} ${data_dir_plot}\n";
-  #print CSH "cd ${data_dir_plot} ; mv_files.pl -x \"*sac*\" \"*sac\" ; cd -\n";  # remove extensions
-  #print CSH "mkdir ${data_dir_plot}\n";
-  #print CSH "cd ${dir_meas_data}\n";
-  #print CSH "process_cal_data.pl -t $Ts -d ../${data_dir_plot} *sac.d\n";
-  #print CSH "cd -\n";
-  # remove any old plots in PLOTS directory
-  print CSH "\\rm PLOTS/*pdf PLOTS/*jpg PLOTS/*ps\n";
-#  # make a set of SYNTHETIC stations lists sorted by: station, distance, azimuth
-#  @tags = ("sta","dist","az");
-#  $fall = "${syn_dir_plot}/*";
-#  for ($ij = 1; $ij <= 3; $ij = $ij+1) {
-#    $tag = $tags[$ij-1];
-#    $ofile = "PLOTS/STATIONS_${tag}";
-#    print CSH "\\rm -rf $ofile\n";
-#    print CSH "saclst kstnm knetwk dist az f $fall | awk '{print \$2\".\"\$3,\$4,\$5}' | uniq | sort -g -k $ij > $ofile\n";
-#  }
-## this version allows for flexibility for the name of the window file
-#if ($iwindow==1) {
-#  $win_in = "${dir_win_run_meas}/MEASUREMENT*";
-#  @files = glob("${win_in}"); $nfiles = @files;
-#  if ($nfiles != 1) {die("check if ${win_in} exist or not\n");}
-#  print CSH "\\cp @files ${win_out}\n";
-# check that the number of records matches the first line of the file
-# NOTE: this is important when manually removing windows
-($nseis,undef,undef) = split(" ",`grep DATA ${win_in} | wc`);                    # number of listed data records
-open(IN,${win_in}); @lines = <IN>; close(IN); $nlist = $lines[0]; chomp($nlist); # header number
-print "$eid -- nlist = $nlist, nseis = $nseis\n";
-if($nlist != $nseis) {
-   print "${win_in}\n";
-   die("check window files\n");
-# copy windowing file and PAR file
-$win_out = "./MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS";
-$par_out = "./PAR_FILE";
-print CSH "\\rm ${win_out}\n";
-print CSH "\\cp ${win_in} ${win_out}\n";
-print CSH "\\rm ${par_out}\n";
-print CSH "\\cp ${par_in} ${par_out}\n";
-# copy the windows file to PLOTS
-if ($iplot == 1) {print CSH "cp $win_out PLOTS\n"}
-# empty the output files directory
-print CSH "\\rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES\n";
-print CSH "mkdir OUTPUT_FILES\n";
-# compile the measurement code
-print CSH "make clean\n make\n";
-system("csh -f $cshfile");

Copied: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_measure_adj.pl (from rev 18825, seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_mt_measure_adj.pl)
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_measure_adj.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  run_mt_measure_adj.pl
+#  Carl Tape
+#  19-Oct-2009
+#  This script runs following prepare_mt_measure.pl.
+#  It executes mt_measure_adj and then ouputs a complete set of
+#  un-rotated adjoint sources for SPECFEM3D as well as STATIONS_ADJOINT.
+#  It also provides the option of making a set of plots by
+#  calling plot_win_adj_all.pl.
+#  INPUT:
+#     smodel           index label for model
+#     lcut             cut times for plotting records
+#     itest            use DATA_TEST/SYN_TEST or DATA/SYN
+#     iplot            make plots of data, syn, windows, and adjoint sources
+#     iboth            plot both MT and CC adjoint sources (=1) or not (=0)
+#     ...              see write_par_file.pl
+#  EXAMPLE (T = [6s, 30s]):
+#     run_mt_measure_adj.pl m16 -10/200 0 1 0 -0.585/0.011/18200 7 BH 6/30 0/1/1/1 -5.0/5.0/-1.5/1.5/0.7 1/1.0/0.5 1/0.02/2.5/2.0/2.5/3.5/1.5
+if (@ARGV < 13) {die("Usage: run_mt_measure_adj.pl xxx\n")}
+($smodel,$lcut,$itest,$iplot,$iboth,$tvec,$imeas,$chan,$Ts,$iparbools,$par1,$par2,$par3) = @ARGV;
+$pwd = $ENV{PWD};
+$plot_adj_dir = "PLOTS/ADJOINT_SOURCES";
+#$iboth = 0;   # option to plot both cross-correlation and multitaper adjoint sources
+($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
+(undef,undef,undef,$iadj) = split("/",$iparbools);
+#$cmtfile = "CMTSOLUTION_9818433";
+#$stafile1 = "EXAMPLE_2/STATIONS_CHT";
+$stafile1 = "STATIONS_TOMO";
+$stafile2 = "STATIONS_ADJOINT";
+# a CMTSOLUTION file should have been copied here from prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl
+$cmtfile = glob("CMTSOLUTION_*");
+print "\n-- $cmtfile --\n";
+if ($itest == 0) {
+   $dir_syn  = "SYN"; $dir_data = "DATA"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE"; $dir_recon = "RECON";
+} else {
+   $dir_syn  = "SYN_TEST"; $dir_data = "DATA_TEST"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE_TEST"; $dir_recon = "RECON_TEST";
+$plot_recon_dir = "PLOTS/${dir_recon}";
+# write the C-shell script to file
+$cshfile = "run_mt_measure_adj.csh";
+print "\nWriting to $cshfile ...\n";
+# empty the output files directory and compile the measurement code
+# (this is done in prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl)
+#print CSH "\\rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES ; mkdir OUTPUT_FILES ; make clean\n make\n";
+# choose ipar1 based on the values used in the windowing code PAR_FILE (Feb 2009)
+# This is a more sensible option, since you guarantee consistency with FLEXWIN.
+if(1==1) {
+   # Allow for some "loosening" of the parameters, since the exact nature
+   # of the measurement in the measurement code may exclude some input windows.
+   $dt_fac = 0.5;      # in seconds
+   $cc_fac = 0.02;     # from 0.0 to 1.0
+   (undef,undef,$tshift_base) = split(" ",`grep TSHIFT_BASE PAR_FILE`);
+   (undef,undef,$tshift_ref) = split(" ",`grep TSHIFT_REFERENCE PAR_FILE`);
+   (undef,undef,$dlna_base) = split(" ",`grep DLNA_BASE PAR_FILE`);
+   (undef,undef,$dlna_ref) = split(" ",`grep DLNA_REFERENCE PAR_FILE`);
+   (undef,undef,$cc_base) = split(" ",`grep CC_BASE PAR_FILE`);
+   $TSHIFT_MIN  = $tshift_ref - $tshift_base - $dt_fac;
+   $TSHIFT_MAX  = $tshift_ref + $tshift_base + $dt_fac;
+   $DLNA_MIN    = $dlna_ref - $dlna_base;
+   $DLNA_MAX    = $dlna_ref + $dlna_base;
+   $CC_MIN = $cc_base - $cc_fac;
+   if($CC_MIN < 0) {$CC_MIN = 0}
+   $par1_old = $par1;
+   $par1 = "${TSHIFT_MIN}/${TSHIFT_MAX}/${DLNA_MIN}/${DLNA_MAX}/${CC_MIN}";
+   print "Updating values from PAR_FILE:\n";
+   print " old -- $par1_old --\n new -- $par1 --\n";  
+# create MEASUREMENT.PAR file
+#$wtr = 0.02; $npi = 2.5;   # "default" values
+#$itaper = 3;
+#print CSH "write_par_file.pl OUTPUT_FILES $ibp $Ts $tvec $itaper $imeas $wtr/$npi $iparbools $par1 $par2 $par3\n";
+print CSH "write_par_file.pl $tvec $imeas $chan $Ts $iparbools $par1 $par2 $par3\n";
+# run the measurement code
+print CSH "mt_measure_adj > run_file\n";    # output to file
+#print CSH "mt_measure_adj\n";
+if ($iplot == 1) {
+  # copy adjoint sources into PLOTS
+  if($iboth==0) {print CSH "\\rm -rf ${plot_adj_dir}\n mkdir ${plot_adj_dir}\n";}
+  print CSH "cp OUTPUT_FILES/*adj ${plot_adj_dir}\n";
+  # copy reconstructed records into PLOTS
+  print CSH "cp OUTPUT_FILES/*recon.cc* ${plot_recon_dir}\n";
+  # copy chi values into PLOTS
+  print CSH "cp window_chi PLOTS\n";
+  # convert to SAC files (creates *.sac files)
+  #print CSH "ascii2sac.csh ${plot_adj_dir}*.adj\n";
+if ($iadj == 1) {
+  # create adjoint sources and STATIONS_ADJOINT file for SPECFEM3D
+  # prepare_adj_src.pl dumps the ZEN adjoint sources into $adj_dir
+  $adj_dir = "ADJOINT_SOURCES";
+  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${adj_dir}\n mkdir ${adj_dir}\n";
+  print CSH "prepare_adj_src.pl -m $cmtfile -s PLOTS/$stafile1 -o ${adj_dir} OUTPUT_FILES/*adj\n";
+  print CSH "cp STATIONS_ADJOINT ${adj_dir}\n";
+# make plots of (filtered) data, synthetics, windows, and adjoint sources
+if ($iplot == 1) {
+  print CSH "cd PLOTS\n";
+  print CSH "plot_win_adj_all.pl -l $lcut -m ../$cmtfile -n $chan -b $iboth -k $imeas/$iadj -a $stafile2 -d $dir_data -s $dir_syn -c $dir_recon -w MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS -i $smodel -j $Ts\n";
+  print CSH "cd $pwd\n";
+system("csh -f $cshfile");

Deleted: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_mt_measure_adj.pl
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_mt_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:21:10 UTC (rev 18825)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/measure_adj/scripts_tomo/run_mt_measure_adj.pl	2011-08-12 23:26:38 UTC (rev 18826)
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-#  run_mt_measure_adj.pl
-#  Carl Tape
-#  19-Oct-2009
-#  This script runs following prepare_mt_measure.pl.
-#  It executes mt_measure_adj and then ouputs a complete set of
-#  un-rotated adjoint sources for SPECFEM3D as well as STATIONS_ADJOINT.
-#  It also provides the option of making a set of plots by
-#  calling plot_win_adj_all.pl.
-#  INPUT:
-#     smodel           index label for model
-#     lcut             cut times for plotting records
-#     itest            use DATA_TEST/SYN_TEST or DATA/SYN
-#     iplot            make plots of data, syn, windows, and adjoint sources
-#     iboth            plot both MT and CC adjoint sources (=1) or not (=0)
-#     ...              see write_par_file.pl
-#  EXAMPLE (T = [6s, 30s]):
-#     run_mt_measure_adj.pl m16 -10/200 0 1 0 -0.585/0.011/18200 7 BH 6/30 0/1/1/1 -5.0/5.0/-1.5/1.5/0.7 1/1.0/0.5 1/0.02/2.5/2.0/2.5/3.5/1.5
-if (@ARGV < 13) {die("Usage: run_mt_measure_adj.pl xxx\n")}
-($smodel,$lcut,$itest,$iplot,$iboth,$tvec,$imeas,$chan,$Ts,$iparbools,$par1,$par2,$par3) = @ARGV;
-$pwd = $ENV{PWD};
-$plot_adj_dir = "PLOTS/ADJOINT_SOURCES";
-#$iboth = 0;   # option to plot both cross-correlation and multitaper adjoint sources
-($Tmin,$Tmax) = split("/",$Ts);
-(undef,undef,undef,$iadj) = split("/",$iparbools);
-#$cmtfile = "CMTSOLUTION_9818433";
-#$stafile1 = "EXAMPLE_2/STATIONS_CHT";
-$stafile1 = "STATIONS_TOMO";
-$stafile2 = "STATIONS_ADJOINT";
-# a CMTSOLUTION file should have been copied here from prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl
-$cmtfile = glob("CMTSOLUTION_*");
-print "\n-- $cmtfile --\n";
-if ($itest == 0) {
-   $dir_syn  = "SYN"; $dir_data = "DATA"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE"; $dir_recon = "RECON";
-} else {
-   $dir_syn  = "SYN_TEST"; $dir_data = "DATA_TEST"; $dir_meas = "MEASURE_TEST"; $dir_recon = "RECON_TEST";
-$plot_recon_dir = "PLOTS/${dir_recon}";
-# write the C-shell script to file
-$cshfile = "run_mt_measure_adj.csh";
-print "\nWriting to $cshfile ...\n";
-# empty the output files directory and compile the measurement code
-# (this is done in prepare_mt_measure_adj.pl)
-#print CSH "\\rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES ; mkdir OUTPUT_FILES ; make clean\n make\n";
-# choose ipar1 based on the values used in the windowing code PAR_FILE (Feb 2009)
-# This is a more sensible option, since you guarantee consistency with FLEXWIN.
-if(1==1) {
-   # Allow for some "loosening" of the parameters, since the exact nature
-   # of the measurement in the measurement code may exclude some input windows.
-   $dt_fac = 0.5;      # in seconds
-   $cc_fac = 0.02;     # from 0.0 to 1.0
-   (undef,undef,$tshift_base) = split(" ",`grep TSHIFT_BASE PAR_FILE`);
-   (undef,undef,$tshift_ref) = split(" ",`grep TSHIFT_REFERENCE PAR_FILE`);
-   (undef,undef,$dlna_base) = split(" ",`grep DLNA_BASE PAR_FILE`);
-   (undef,undef,$dlna_ref) = split(" ",`grep DLNA_REFERENCE PAR_FILE`);
-   (undef,undef,$cc_base) = split(" ",`grep CC_BASE PAR_FILE`);
-   $TSHIFT_MIN  = $tshift_ref - $tshift_base - $dt_fac;
-   $TSHIFT_MAX  = $tshift_ref + $tshift_base + $dt_fac;
-   $DLNA_MIN    = $dlna_ref - $dlna_base;
-   $DLNA_MAX    = $dlna_ref + $dlna_base;
-   $CC_MIN = $cc_base - $cc_fac;
-   if($CC_MIN < 0) {$CC_MIN = 0}
-   $par1_old = $par1;
-   $par1 = "${TSHIFT_MIN}/${TSHIFT_MAX}/${DLNA_MIN}/${DLNA_MAX}/${CC_MIN}";
-   print "Updating values from PAR_FILE:\n";
-   print " old -- $par1_old --\n new -- $par1 --\n";  
-# create MEASUREMENT.PAR file
-#$wtr = 0.02; $npi = 2.5;   # "default" values
-#$itaper = 3;
-#print CSH "write_par_file.pl OUTPUT_FILES $ibp $Ts $tvec $itaper $imeas $wtr/$npi $iparbools $par1 $par2 $par3\n";
-print CSH "write_par_file.pl $tvec $imeas $chan $Ts $iparbools $par1 $par2 $par3\n";
-# run the measurement code
-print CSH "mt_measure_adj > run_file\n";    # output to file
-#print CSH "mt_measure_adj\n";
-if ($iplot == 1) {
-  # copy adjoint sources into PLOTS
-  if($iboth==0) {print CSH "\\rm -rf ${plot_adj_dir}\n mkdir ${plot_adj_dir}\n";}
-  print CSH "cp OUTPUT_FILES/*adj ${plot_adj_dir}\n";
-  # copy reconstructed records into PLOTS
-  print CSH "cp OUTPUT_FILES/*recon.cc* ${plot_recon_dir}\n";
-  # copy chi values into PLOTS
-  print CSH "cp window_chi PLOTS\n";
-  # convert to SAC files (creates *.sac files)
-  #print CSH "ascii2sac.csh ${plot_adj_dir}*.adj\n";
-if ($iadj == 1) {
-  # create adjoint sources and STATIONS_ADJOINT file for SPECFEM3D
-  # prepare_adj_src.pl dumps the ZEN adjoint sources into $adj_dir
-  $adj_dir = "ADJOINT_SOURCES";
-  print CSH "\\rm -rf ${adj_dir}\n mkdir ${adj_dir}\n";
-  print CSH "prepare_adj_src.pl -m $cmtfile -s PLOTS/$stafile1 -o ${adj_dir} OUTPUT_FILES/*adj\n";
-  print CSH "cp STATIONS_ADJOINT ${adj_dir}\n";
-# make plots of (filtered) data, synthetics, windows, and adjoint sources
-if ($iplot == 1) {
-  print CSH "cd PLOTS\n";
-  print CSH "plot_win_adj_all.pl -l $lcut -m ../$cmtfile -n $chan -b $iboth -k $imeas/$iadj -a $stafile2 -d $dir_data -s $dir_syn -c $dir_recon -w MEASUREMENT.WINDOWS -i $smodel -j $Ts\n";
-  print CSH "cd $pwd\n";
-system("csh -f $cshfile");

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