[cig-commits] r19312 - in seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk: EXAMPLES EXAMPLES/attenuation EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort src/specfem2D

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Tue Dec 27 13:24:26 PST 2011

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2011-12-27 13:24:26 -0800 (Tue, 27 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 19312

added a cleaned version of the 2D attenuation example from our 1999 GJI paper (Figure 16)

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/Par_file_attenuation_2D
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/Par_file_attenuation_2D	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/Par_file_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# title of job
+title                           = Test for 2D attenuation 1999 GJI paper
+# forward or adjoint simulation
+SIMULATION_TYPE                 = 1   # 1 = forward, 2 = adjoint + kernels
+NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY                = 0   # 0 = earthquake simulation, 1/2/3 = noise simulation
+SAVE_FORWARD                    = .false.  # save the last frame, needed for adjoint simulation
+# parameters concerning partitioning
+nproc                           = 1              # number of processes
+partitioning_method             = 3              # SCOTCH = 3, ascending order (very bad idea) = 1
+PERFORM_CUTHILL_MCKEE           = .true.         # perform inverse Cuthill-McKee (1969) optimization/permutation for mesh numbering
+ngnod                           = 4              # number of control nodes per element (4 or 9)
+initialfield                    = .false.        # use a plane wave as source or not
+add_Bielak_conditions           = .false.        # add Bielak conditions or not if initial plane wave
+assign_external_model           = .false.        # define external earth model or not
+READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE          = .false.        # Read external SEP file from DATA/model_velocity.dat_input, or use routine
+TURN_ATTENUATION_ON             = .true.        # turn attenuation on or off for solid medium
+TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON         = .false.        # turn viscous attenuation on or off
+Q0                              =  1             # quality factor for viscous attenuation
+freq0                           =  10            # frequency for viscous attenuation
+p_sv                            = .true.         # set the type of calculation (P-SV or SH/membrane waves)
+# time step parameters
+nt                              = 1500           # total number of time steps
+deltat                          = 7.5e-4          # duration of a time step
+USER_T0                         = 0.0d0          # use this t0 as earliest starting time rather than the automatically calculated one
+# source parameters
+NSOURCES                        = 1              # number of sources [source info read in CMTSOLUTION file]
+force_normal_to_surface         = .false.        # angleforce normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
+# constants for attenuation
+N_SLS                           = 2                      # number of standard linear solids for attenuation
+f0_attenuation                  = 5.196152422706633      # (Hz) relevant only if source is a Dirac or a Heaviside, else it is f0
+# receiver line parameters for seismograms
+seismotype                      = 1              # record 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
+generate_STATIONS               = .true.         # creates a STATION file in ./DATA
+nreceiverlines                  = 1              # number of receiver lines
+anglerec                        = 0.d0           # angle to rotate components at receivers
+rec_normal_to_surface           = .false.        # base anglerec normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
+SU_FORMAT                       = .false.        # output seismograms in Seismic Unix format (adjoint traces will be read in the same format)
+# first receiver line
+nrec                            = 2             # number of receivers
+xdeb                            = 1400.d0
+zdeb                            = 1500.d0
+xfin                            = 1500.d0
+zfin                            = 1500.d0
+enreg_surf_same_vertical        = .false.         # receivers inside the medium or at the surface
+# display parameters
+NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO      = 100            # display frequency in time steps
+output_postscript_snapshot      = .true.         # output Postscript snapshot of the results
+output_color_image              = .true.         # output color image of the results
+imagetype                       = 1              # display 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
+cutsnaps                        = 1.             # minimum amplitude in % for snapshots
+meshvect                        = .true.         # display mesh on vector plots or not
+modelvect                       = .false.        # display velocity model on vector plots
+boundvect                       = .true.         # display boundary conditions on plots
+interpol                        = .true.         # interpolation of the display or not
+pointsdisp                      = 6              # points for interpolation of display (set to 1 for lower-left corner only)
+subsamp_postscript              = 1              # subsampling of color snapshots
+factor_subsample_image          = 1              # factor to subsample color images output by the code (useful for very large models)
+POWER_DISPLAY_COLOR             = 0.30d0         # non linear display to enhance small amplitudes in color images
+DRAW_WATER_CONSTANT_BLUE_IN_JPG = .true.         # display acoustic layers as constant blue in JPEG images, because they likely correspond to water
+sizemax_arrows                  = 1.d0           # maximum size of arrows on vector plots in cm
+US_LETTER                       = .false.        # US letter paper or European A4
+USE_SNAPSHOT_NUMBER_IN_FILENAME = .false.        # use snapshot number in the file name of JPEG color snapshots instead of the time step
+gnuplot                         = .false.        # generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
+output_grid                      = .false.        # save the grid in a text file or not
+output_energy                   = .false.        # compute and output acoustic and elastic energy (slows down the code significantly)
+output_wavefield_snapshot       = .false.        # output Ux,Uy,Uz text file for each output time (big files)
+# velocity and density models
+nbmodels                        = 1              # nb of different models
+# define models as
+# I:   (model_number 1 rho Vp Vs 0 0 QKappa Qmu 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
+# II:  (model_number 2 rho c11 c13 c15 c33 c35 c55 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
+# III: (model_number 3 rhos rhof phi c kxx kxz kzz Ks Kf Kfr etaf mufr Qmu).
+# For istropic elastic/acoustic material use I and set Vs to zero to make a given model acoustic, for anisotropic elastic use II,
+# and for isotropic poroelastic material use III. The mesh can contain acoustic, elastic, and poroelastic models simultaneously.
+1 1 2000.d0 3000.d0 2000.d0 0 0 27. 20. 0 0 0 0 0 0
+# external mesh or not
+read_external_mesh              = .false.
+# absorbing boundary active or not
+absorbing_conditions            = .false.
+# for horizontal periodic conditions: detect common points between left and right edges
+ADD_PERIODIC_CONDITIONS         = .false.
+# horizontal periodicity distance for periodic conditions
+PERIODIC_horiz_dist             = 0.3597d0
+# grid point detection tolerance for periodic conditions
+PERIODIC_DETECT_TOL             = 3.3334d-6
+# data concerning mesh, when generated using third-party app (more info in README)
+# (see also absorbing_conditions above)
+mesh_file                       = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_mesh_file   # file containing the mesh
+nodes_coords_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_nodes_coords_file   # file containing the nodes coordinates
+materials_file                  = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_materials_file   # file containing the material number for each element
+free_surface_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_free_surface_file   # file containing the free surface
+absorbing_surface_file          = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_absorbing_surface_file   # file containing the absorbing surface
+tangential_detection_curve_file = ./DATA/courbe_eros_nodes # file containing the curve delimiting the velocity model
+# file containing interfaces for internal mesh
+interfacesfile                  = interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat
+# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
+xmin                            = 0.d0           # abscissa of left side of the model
+xmax                            = 2000.d0        # abscissa of right side of the model
+nx                              = 44             # number of elements along X
+# absorbing boundary parameters (see absorbing_conditions above)
+absorbbottom                    = .false.
+absorbright                     = .false.
+absorbtop                       = .false.
+absorbleft                      = .false.
+# define the different regions of the model in the (nx,nz) spectral element mesh
+nbregions                       = 1              # nb of regions and model number for each
+1 44 1   44 1

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/README
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/README	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+This default example creates the 2D attenuation example of Komatitsch and Tromp (1999, Figure 16).
+0. Read the user manual in SPECFEM2D/doc/manual_SPECFEM2D.pdf
+1. in the SPECFEM2D root directory, configure, e.g., 
+   ./configure FC=gfortran
+2. compile:
+   make all
+3. cd EXAMPLES/attenuation/
+4. execute script to run mesher and solver for the PSV case:
+   ./process.sh
+5. check out the output files in the local directory OUTPUT_FILES
+Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp, Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-D seismic wave propagation, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 139, p. 806-822 (1999)

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/SOURCE_attenuation_2D
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/SOURCE_attenuation_2D	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/SOURCE_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#source 1.  The components of a moment tensor source must be given in N.m, not in dyne.cm as in the DATA/CMTSOLUTION source file of the 3D version of the code.
+source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
+xs                              = 1000.          # source location x in meters
+zs                              = 1000.          # source location z in meters
+source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
+time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
+f0                              = 18.0           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
+tshift                          = 0.0            # time shift when multi sources (if one source, must be zero)
+angleforce                      = 0.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
+Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
+factor                          = 1.d10          # amplification factor

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# number of interfaces
+ 2
+# for each interface below, we give the number of points and then x,y for each point
+# interface number 1 (bottom of the mesh)
+ 2
+ 0 0
+ 5000 0
+# interface number 2
+ 2
+    0 2000
+ 5000 2000
+# for each layer, we give the number of spectral elements in the vertical direction
+# layer number 1 (bottom layer)
+ 44

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/process.sh
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/process.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/process.sh	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# script runs mesher and solver (in serial)
+# using this example setup
+echo "running example: `date`"
+echo "(will take a few minutes)"
+# sets up directory structure in current example directoy
+echo "   setting up example..."
+mkdir -p OUTPUT_FILES
+mkdir -p DATA
+# sets up local DATA/ directory
+cd DATA/
+cp ../Par_file_attenuation_2D Par_file
+cp ../interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat .
+cp ../SOURCE_attenuation_2D SOURCE
+cd ../
+# cleans output files
+rm -rf OUTPUT_FILES/*
+# compiles executables in root directory
+cd ../../
+make > tmp.log
+cd $currentdir
+# links executables
+rm -f xmeshfem2D xspecfem2D
+ln -s ../../bin/xmeshfem2D
+ln -s ../../bin/xspecfem2D
+# stores setup
+# runs database generation
+echo "  running mesher..."
+./xmeshfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_mesher.txt
+# runs simulation
+echo "  running solver..."
+#./xspecfem2D > OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
+# stores output
+echo "see results in directory: OUTPUT_FILES/"
+echo "done"
+echo `date`

Property changes on: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/attenuation/process.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# title of job, and file that contains interface data
-title                           = Test for Abel Balanche UMR 6538 Brest
-interfacesfile                  = interfaces_Abel_Brest_bathymetry.dat
-# data concerning mesh, when generated using third-party app (more info in README)
-read_external_mesh              = .false.
-mesh_file                       = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_mesh_file   # file containing the mesh
-nodes_coords_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_nodes_coords_file   # file containing the nodes coordinates
-materials_file                  = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_materials_file   # file containing the material number for each element
-free_surface_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_free_surface_file   # file containing the free surface
-absorbing_surface_file          = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_absorbing_surface_file   # file containing the absorbing surface
-# parameters concerning partitioning
-nproc                           = 1              # number of processes
-partitioning_method             = 1              # ascending order = 1, Metis = 2, Scotch = 3
-# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
-xmin                            = 0.d0           # abscissa of left side of the model
-xmax                            = 10000.d0        # abscissa of right side of the model
-nx                              = 134             # number of elements along X
-ngnod                           = 9              # number of control nodes per element (4 or 9)
-initialfield                    = .false.        # use a plane wave as source or not
-add_Bielak_conditions           = .false.        # add Bielak conditions or not if initial plane wave
-assign_external_model           = .false.        # define external earth model or not
-TURN_ANISOTROPY_ON              = .false.        # turn anisotropy on or off for solid medium
-TURN_ATTENUATION_ON             = .false.        # turn attenuation on or off for solid medium
-# absorbing boundaries parameters
-absorbing_conditions            = .true.	 # absorbing boundary active or not
-absorbbottom                    = .true.         
-absorbright                     = .true.
-absorbtop                       = .false.
-absorbleft                      = .true.
-# time step parameters
-nt                              = 3000           # total number of time steps
-deltat                          = 1.d-3          # duration of a time step
-# source parameters
-source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
-xs                              = 4000.          # source location x in meters
-zs                              = -7000.          # source location z in meters
-source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
-time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
-f0                              = 8.0           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
-angleforce                      = 0.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
-Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-factor                          = 1.d10          # amplification factor
-# constants for attenuation
-N_SLS                           = 2                      # number of standard linear solids for attenuation 
-QKappa_attenuation              = 136.4376068115         # quality factor P for attenuation
-Qmu_attenuation                 = 136.4376068115         # quality factor S for attenuation
-f0_attenuation                  = 5.196152422706633      # (Hz) relevant only if source is a Dirac or a Heaviside, else it is f0
-# receiver line parameters for seismograms
-seismotype                      = 4              # record 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
-generate_STATIONS               = .true.         # creates a STATION file in ./DATA
-nreceiverlines                  = 2              # number of receiver lines
-anglerec                        = 0.d0           # angle to rotate components at receivers
-# first receiver line (in the ocean)
-nrec                            = 11             # number of receivers
-xdeb                            = 2000.           # first receiver x in meters
-zdeb                            = -2000.          # first receiver z in meters
-xfin                            = 8000.          # last receiver x in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
-zfin                            = -2000.          # last receiver z in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
-enreg_surf_same_vertical        = .false.         # receivers inside the medium or at the surface
-# second receiver line (in the solid)
-nrec                            = 11             # number of receivers
-xdeb                            = 2000.           # first receiver x in meters
-zdeb                            = -4500.          # first receiver z in meters
-xfin                            = 8000.          # last receiver x in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
-zfin                            = -4500.          # last receiver z in meters (ignored if onlyone receiver)
-enreg_surf_same_vertical        = .false.         # receivers inside the medium or at the surface
-# display parameters
-NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO      = 300            # display frequency in time steps
-output_postscript_snapshot      = .true.         # output Postscript snapshot of the results
-output_color_image              = .true.         # output color image of the results
-imagetype                       = 1              # display 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
-cutsnaps                        = 1.             # minimum amplitude in % for snapshots
-meshvect                        = .true.         # display mesh on vector plots or not
-modelvect                       = .false.        # display velocity model on vector plots
-boundvect                       = .true.         # display boundary conditions on plots
-interpol                        = .true.         # interpolation of the display or not
-pointsdisp                      = 6              # points for interpolation of display (set to 1 for lower-left corner only)
-subsamp                         = 1              # subsampling of color snapshots
-sizemax_arrows                  = 1.d0           # maximum size of arrows on vector plots in cm
-gnuplot                         = .false.        # generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
-outputgrid                      = .false.        # save the grid in a text file or not
-# velocity and density models
-nbmodels                        = 2              # nb of different models
-# define models as (model_number,1,rho,vp,vs,0,0) or (model_number,2,rho,c11,c13,c33,c44)
-# set vs to zero to make a given model acoustic
-# the mesh can contain both acoustic and elastic models simultaneously
-1 1 1020 1500 0 0 0
-2 1 2500 5500 3175.5196 0 0
-# define the different regions of the model in the (nx,nz) spectral element mesh
-nbregions                       = 2              # nb of regions and model number for each
-1 134  1 44 2
-1 134 45 84 1

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_attenuation_2D
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/Par_file_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# title of job, and file that contains interface data
-title                           = Test for M2 UPPA
-interfacesfile                  = interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat
-# forward or adjoint simulation
-SIMULATION_TYPE                 = 1   # 1 = forward, 2 = adjoint + kernels
-SAVE_FORWARD                    = .false.  # save the last frame, needed for adjoint simulation
-# data concerning mesh, when generated using third-party app (more info in README)
-read_external_mesh              = .false.
-mesh_file                       = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_mesh_file   # file containing the mesh
-nodes_coords_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_nodes_coords_file   # file containing the nodes coordinates
-materials_file                  = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_materials_file   # file containing the material number for each element
-free_surface_file               = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_free_surface_file   # file containing the free surface
-absorbing_surface_file          = ./DATA/Mesh_canyon/canyon_absorbing_surface_file   # file containing the absorbing surface
-tangential_detection_curve_file = ./DATA/courbe_eros_nodes # file containing the curve delimiting the velocity model
-# parameters concerning partitionning
-nproc                           = 1              # number of processes
-partionning_method              = 3              # ascending order = 1, Metis = 2, Scotch = 3
-# geometry of the model (origin lower-left corner = 0,0) and mesh description
-xmin                            = 0.d0           # abscissa of left side of the model
-xmax                            = 2000.d0        # abscissa of right side of the model
-nx                              = 44             # number of elements along X
-ngnod                           = 4              # number of control nodes per element (4 or 9)
-initialfield                    = .false.        # use a plane wave as source or not
-add_Bielak_conditions           = .false.        # add Bielak conditions or not if initial plane wave
-assign_external_model           = .false.        # define external earth model or not
-READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE          = .false.        # Read external SEP file from DATA/model_velocity.dat_input, or use routine
-TURN_ATTENUATION_ON             = .true.        # turn attenuation on or off for solid medium
-TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON         = .false.        # turn viscous attenuation on or off 
-Q0                              =  1             # quality factor for viscous attenuation
-freq0                           =  10            # frequency for viscous attenuation
-p_sv                            = .true.         # set the type of calculation (P-SV or SH/membrane waves)
-# absorbing boundaries parameters
-absorbing_conditions            = .false.	 # absorbing boundary active or not
-absorbbottom                    = .false.         
-absorbright                     = .false.
-absorbtop                       = .false.
-absorbleft                      = .false.
-# time step parameters
-nt                              = 1500           # total number of time steps
-deltat                          = 7.5e-4          # duration of a time step
-# source parameters
-NSOURCES                        = 1              # number of sources [source info read in CMTSOLUTION file]
-force_normal_to_surface         = .false.        # angleforce normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
-# constants for attenuation
-N_SLS                           = 2                      # number of standard linear solids for attenuation 
-f0_attenuation                  = 5.196152422706633      # (Hz) relevant only if source is a Dirac or a Heaviside, else it is f0
-# receiver line parameters for seismograms
-seismotype                      = 1              # record 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
-generate_STATIONS               = .true.         # creates a STATION file in ./DATA
-nreceiverlines                  = 1              # number of receiver lines
-anglerec                        = 0.d0           # angle to rotate components at receivers
-rec_normal_to_surface           = .false.        # base anglerec normal to surface (external mesh and curve file needed)
-# first receiver line
-nrec                            = 2             # number of receivers
-xdeb          =1400.d0        
-zdeb          =1500.d0      
-xfin          =1500.d0     
-zfin          =1500.d0    
-enreg_surf_same_vertical        = .false.         # receivers inside the medium or at the surface
-# display parameters
-NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO      = 100            # display frequency in time steps
-output_postscript_snapshot      = .true.         # output Postscript snapshot of the results
-output_color_image              = .true.         # output color image of the results
-imagetype                       = 1              # display 1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure
-cutsnaps                        = 1.             # minimum amplitude in % for snapshots
-meshvect                        = .true.         # display mesh on vector plots or not
-modelvect                       = .false.        # display velocity model on vector plots
-boundvect                       = .true.         # display boundary conditions on plots
-interpol                        = .true.         # interpolation of the display or not
-pointsdisp                      = 6              # points for interpolation of display (set to 1 for lower-left corner only)
-subsamp                         = 1              # subsampling of color snapshots
-sizemax_arrows                  = 1.d0           # maximum size of arrows on vector plots in cm
-gnuplot                         = .false.        # generate a GNUPLOT file for the grid
-outputgrid                      = .false.        # save the grid in a text file or not
-OUTPUT_ENERGY                   = .false.        # compute and output acoustic and elastic energy (slows down the code significantly)
-# velocity and density models
-nbmodels                        = 1              # nb of different models
-# define models as 
-# I:   (model_number 1 rho Vp Vs 0 0 QKappa Qmu 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
-# II:  (model_number 2 rho c11 c13 c15 c33 c35 c55 0 0 0 0 0 0) or
-# III: (model_number 3 rhos rhof phi c kxx kxz kzz Ks Kf Kfr etaf mufr Qmu).
-# For istropic elastic/acoustic material use I and set Vs to zero to make a given model acoustic, for anisotropic elastic use II,
-# and for isotropic poroelastic material use III. The mesh can contain acoustic, elastic, and poroelastic models simultaneously.
-1 1 2000.d0 3000.d0 2000.d0 0 0 27. 20. 0 0 0 0 0 0
-# define the different regions of the model in the (nx,nz) spectral element mesh
-nbregions                       = 1              # nb of regions and model number for each
-1 44 1   44 1

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_Abel_Balanche_bathy_source_solid	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# source parameters
-source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
-xs                              = 4000.          # source location x in meters
-zs                              = -7000.          # source location z in meters
-source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
-time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
-f0                              = 8.0           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
-t0                              = 0.0            # time shift when multi sources (if one source, must be zero)
-angleforce                      = 0.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
-Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-factor                          = 1.d10          # amplification factor

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_attenuation_2D
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/SOURCE_attenuation_2D	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#source 1.  The components of a moment tensor source must be given in N.m, not in dyne.cm as in the DATA/CMTSOLUTION source file of the 3D version of the code.
-source_surf                     = .false.        # source inside the medium or at the surface
-xs                              = 1000.          # source location x in meters
-zs                              = 1000.          # source location z in meters
-source_type                     = 1              # elastic force or acoustic pressure = 1 or moment tensor = 2
-time_function_type              = 1              # Ricker = 1, first derivative = 2, Gaussian = 3, Dirac = 4, Heaviside = 5
-f0                              = 18.0           # dominant source frequency (Hz) if not Dirac or Heaviside
-tshift                          = 0.0            # time shift when multi sources (if one source, must be zero)
-angleforce                      = 0.             # angle of the source (for a force only)
-Mxx                             = 1.             # Mxx component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mzz                             = 1.             # Mzz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-Mxz                             = 0.             # Mxz component (for a moment tensor source only)
-factor                          = 1.d10          # amplification factor

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_bathymetry.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_bathymetry.dat	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_bathymetry.dat	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# number of interfaces
- 3
-# for each interface below, we give the number of points and then x,y for each point
-# interface number 1 (bottom of the mesh)
- 2
- 0 -10000
- 10000 -10000
-# interface number 2 (shape of the ocean bottom, "middle" of the mesh)
- 200
-  0.000000000000000E+000  -3000.00000000000     
-   50.2512562814070       -3000.00000000000     
-   100.502512562814       -3000.00000000000     
-   150.753768844221       -3000.00000000000     
-   201.005025125628       -3000.00000000000     
-   251.256281407035       -3000.00000000000     
-   301.507537688442       -3000.00000000000     
-   351.758793969849       -3000.00000000000     
-   402.010050251256       -3000.00000000000     
-   452.261306532663       -3000.00000000000     
-   502.512562814070       -3000.00000000000     
-   552.763819095477       -3000.00000000000     
-   603.015075376884       -3000.00000000000     
-   653.266331658292       -3000.00000000000     
-   703.517587939699       -3000.00000000000     
-   753.768844221106       -3000.00000000000     
-   804.020100502513       -3000.00000000000     
-   854.271356783920       -3000.00000000000     
-   904.522613065327       -3000.00000000000     
-   954.773869346734       -3000.00000000000     
-   1005.02512562814       -2999.99999999999     
-   1055.27638190955       -2999.99999999999     
-   1105.52763819095       -2999.99999999997     
-   1155.77889447236       -2999.99999999994     
-   1206.03015075377       -2999.99999999987     
-   1256.28140703518       -2999.99999999973     
-   1306.53266331658       -2999.99999999943     
-   1356.78391959799       -2999.99999999882     
-   1407.03517587940       -2999.99999999755     
-   1457.28643216080       -2999.99999999498     
-   1507.53768844221       -2999.99999998982     
-   1557.78894472362       -2999.99999997957     
-   1608.04020100503       -2999.99999995939     
-   1658.29145728643       -2999.99999992011     
-   1708.54271356784       -2999.99999984439     
-   1758.79396984925       -2999.99999969997     
-   1809.04522613065       -2999.99999942731     
-   1859.29648241206       -2999.99999891786     
-   1909.54773869347       -2999.99999797578     
-   1959.79899497487       -2999.99999625159     
-   2010.05025125628       -2999.99999312854     
-   2060.30150753769       -2999.99998753006     
-   2110.55276381910       -2999.99997759768     
-   2160.80402010050       -2999.99996015856     
-   2211.05527638191       -2999.99992985604     
-   2261.30653266332       -2999.99987774717     
-   2311.55778894472       -2999.99978906879     
-   2361.80904522613       -2999.99963972340     
-   2412.06030150754       -2999.99939082149     
-   2462.31155778894       -2999.99898031417     
-   2512.56281407035       -2999.99831033156     
-   2562.81407035176       -2999.99722827654     
-   2613.06532663317       -2999.99549897317     
-   2663.31658291457       -2999.99276419917     
-   2713.56783919598       -2999.98848470935     
-   2763.81909547739       -2999.98185836178     
-   2814.07035175879       -2999.97170619229     
-   2864.32160804020       -2999.95631628237     
-   2914.57286432161       -2999.93323311997     
-   2964.82412060302       -2999.89897802111     
-   3015.07537688442       -2999.84868431144     
-   3065.32663316583       -2999.77562971313     
-   3115.57788944724       -2999.67064821178     
-   3165.82914572864       -2999.52140516632     
-   3216.08040201005       -2999.31152324080     
-   3266.33165829146       -2999.01955359034     
-   3316.58291457286       -2998.61779730828     
-   3366.83417085427       -2998.07099698650     
-   3417.08542713568       -2997.33493763956     
-   3467.33668341709       -2996.35502005601     
-   3517.58793969849       -2995.06489714776     
-   3567.83919597990       -2993.38529361747     
-   3618.09045226131       -2991.22315897430     
-   3668.34170854271       -2988.47133045741     
-   3718.59296482412       -2985.00890186138     
-   3768.84422110553       -2980.70250213323     
-   3819.09547738693       -2975.40867928914     
-   3869.34673366834       -2968.97755639549     
-   3919.59798994975       -2961.25787379407     
-   3969.84924623116       -2952.10345386256     
-   4020.10050251256       -2941.38102223754     
-   4070.35175879397       -2928.97919641565     
-   4120.60301507538       -2914.81831610901     
-   4170.85427135678       -2898.86065004476     
-   4221.10552763819       -2881.12038422109     
-   4271.35678391960       -2861.67269193906     
-   4321.60804020101       -2840.66112160371     
-   4371.85929648241       -2818.30252836067     
-   4422.11055276382       -2794.88883085730     
-   4472.36180904523       -2770.78500039549     
-   4522.61306532663       -2746.42288541601     
-   4572.86432160804       -2722.29073097341     
-   4623.11557788945       -2698.91855430598     
-   4673.36683417085       -2676.85986065549     
-   4723.61809045226       -2656.67050006428     
-   4773.86934673367       -2638.88574560987     
-   4824.12060301508       -2623.99688702652     
-   4874.37185929648       -2612.42875590047     
-   4924.62311557789       -2604.51961216496     
-   4974.87437185930       -2600.50471905680     
-   5025.12562814070       -2600.50471905680     
-   5075.37688442211       -2604.51961216496     
-   5125.62814070352       -2612.42875590047     
-   5175.87939698492       -2623.99688702652     
-   5226.13065326633       -2638.88574560987     
-   5276.38190954774       -2656.67050006428     
-   5326.63316582915       -2676.85986065549     
-   5376.88442211055       -2698.91855430598     
-   5427.13567839196       -2722.29073097341     
-   5477.38693467337       -2746.42288541601     
-   5527.63819095477       -2770.78500039549     
-   5577.88944723618       -2794.88883085730     
-   5628.14070351759       -2818.30252836067     
-   5678.39195979900       -2840.66112160371     
-   5728.64321608040       -2861.67269193906     
-   5778.89447236181       -2881.12038422109     
-   5829.14572864322       -2898.86065004476     
-   5879.39698492462       -2914.81831610901     
-   5929.64824120603       -2928.97919641565     
-   5979.89949748744       -2941.38102223754     
-   6030.15075376884       -2952.10345386256     
-   6080.40201005025       -2961.25787379407     
-   6130.65326633166       -2968.97755639549     
-   6180.90452261307       -2975.40867928914     
-   6231.15577889447       -2980.70250213323     
-   6281.40703517588       -2985.00890186138     
-   6331.65829145729       -2988.47133045741     
-   6381.90954773869       -2991.22315897430     
-   6432.16080402010       -2993.38529361747     
-   6482.41206030151       -2995.06489714776     
-   6532.66331658292       -2996.35502005601     
-   6582.91457286432       -2997.33493763956     
-   6633.16582914573       -2998.07099698650     
-   6683.41708542714       -2998.61779730828     
-   6733.66834170854       -2999.01955359034     
-   6783.91959798995       -2999.31152324080     
-   6834.17085427136       -2999.52140516632     
-   6884.42211055276       -2999.67064821178     
-   6934.67336683417       -2999.77562971313     
-   6984.92462311558       -2999.84868431144     
-   7035.17587939699       -2999.89897802111     
-   7085.42713567839       -2999.93323311997     
-   7135.67839195980       -2999.95631628237     
-   7185.92964824121       -2999.97170619229     
-   7236.18090452261       -2999.98185836178     
-   7286.43216080402       -2999.98848470935     
-   7336.68341708543       -2999.99276419917     
-   7386.93467336683       -2999.99549897317     
-   7437.18592964824       -2999.99722827654     
-   7487.43718592965       -2999.99831033156     
-   7537.68844221106       -2999.99898031417     
-   7587.93969849246       -2999.99939082149     
-   7638.19095477387       -2999.99963972340     
-   7688.44221105528       -2999.99978906879     
-   7738.69346733668       -2999.99987774717     
-   7788.94472361809       -2999.99992985604     
-   7839.19597989950       -2999.99996015856     
-   7889.44723618090       -2999.99997759768     
-   7939.69849246231       -2999.99998753006     
-   7989.94974874372       -2999.99999312854     
-   8040.20100502513       -2999.99999625159     
-   8090.45226130653       -2999.99999797578     
-   8140.70351758794       -2999.99999891786     
-   8190.95477386935       -2999.99999942731     
-   8241.20603015075       -2999.99999969997     
-   8291.45728643216       -2999.99999984439     
-   8341.70854271357       -2999.99999992011     
-   8391.95979899498       -2999.99999995939     
-   8442.21105527638       -2999.99999997957     
-   8492.46231155779       -2999.99999998982     
-   8542.71356783920       -2999.99999999498     
-   8592.96482412060       -2999.99999999755     
-   8643.21608040201       -2999.99999999882     
-   8693.46733668342       -2999.99999999943     
-   8743.71859296482       -2999.99999999973     
-   8793.96984924623       -2999.99999999987     
-   8844.22110552764       -2999.99999999994     
-   8894.47236180905       -2999.99999999997     
-   8944.72361809045       -2999.99999999999     
-   8994.97487437186       -2999.99999999999     
-   9045.22613065327       -3000.00000000000     
-   9095.47738693467       -3000.00000000000     
-   9145.72864321608       -3000.00000000000     
-   9195.97989949749       -3000.00000000000     
-   9246.23115577889       -3000.00000000000     
-   9296.48241206030       -3000.00000000000     
-   9346.73366834171       -3000.00000000000     
-   9396.98492462312       -3000.00000000000     
-   9447.23618090452       -3000.00000000000     
-   9497.48743718593       -3000.00000000000     
-   9547.73869346734       -3000.00000000000     
-   9597.98994974874       -3000.00000000000     
-   9648.24120603015       -3000.00000000000     
-   9698.49246231156       -3000.00000000000     
-   9748.74371859296       -3000.00000000000     
-   9798.99497487437       -3000.00000000000     
-   9849.24623115578       -3000.00000000000     
-   9899.49748743719       -3000.00000000000     
-   9949.74874371859       -3000.00000000000     
-   10000.0000000000       -3000.00000000000     
-# interface number 3 (ocean surface, top of the mesh)
- 2
-    0 0
- 10000 0
-# for each layer, we give the number of spectral elements in the vertical direction
-# layer number 1 (bottom layer)
- 44
-# layer number 2 (top layer)
- 40

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_flat.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_flat.dat	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_Abel_Brest_flat.dat	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# number of interfaces
- 3
-# for each interface below, we give the number of points and then x,y for each point
-# interface number 1 (bottom of the mesh)
- 2
- 0 -10000
- 10000 -10000
-# interface number 2 (shape of the ocean bottom, "middle" of the mesh)
- 2
-    0 -3000
- 10000 -3000
-# interface number 3 (ocean surface, top of the mesh)
- 2
-    0 0
- 10000 0
-# for each layer, we give the number of spectral elements in the vertical direction
-# layer number 1 (bottom layer)
- 44
-# layer number 2 (top layer)
- 40

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/interfaces_attenuation_analytic.dat	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# number of interfaces
- 2
-# for each interface below, we give the number of points and then x,y for each point
-# interface number 1 (bottom of the mesh)
- 2
- 0 0
- 5000 0
-# interface number 2
- 2
-    0 2000
- 5000 2000
-# for each layer, we give the number of spectral elements in the vertical direction
-# layer number 1 (bottom layer)
- 44

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/topo_rouen_aniso.dat
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/topo_rouen_aniso.dat	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/EXAMPLES/unused_older_examples_DATA_to_sort/topo_rouen_aniso.dat	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-0 0.06d0
-1 0.06d0

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90	2011-12-27 13:25:19 UTC (rev 19311)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90	2011-12-27 21:24:26 UTC (rev 19312)
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
   !--- local variables
@@ -180,6 +179,14 @@
   integer :: ifirstelem,ilastelem
+! this to avoid a warning at execution time about an undefined variable being used
+! for the SH component in the case of a P-SV calculation, and vice versa
+  sigma_xx = 0
+  sigma_xy = 0
+  sigma_xz = 0
+  sigma_zy = 0
+  sigma_zz = 0
   ! compute Grad(displ_elastic) at time step n for attenuation
      call compute_gradient_attenuation(displ_elastic,dux_dxl_n,duz_dxl_n, &

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