[cig-commits] commit: Move install info out of documentation.tex into INSTALL and remove documentation.pdf

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Thu Dec 29 13:00:32 PST 2011

changeset:   62:437133fc9231
tag:         tip
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Thu Dec 29 13:00:29 2011 -0800
files:       INSTALL latex/documentation.pdf latex/documentation.tex
Move install info out of documentation.tex into INSTALL and remove documentation.pdf

diff -r e2fc88984d20 -r 437133fc9231 INSTALL
--- a/INSTALL	Thu Dec 29 12:59:43 2011 -0800
+++ b/INSTALL	Thu Dec 29 13:00:29 2011 -0800
@@ -1,15 +1,63 @@ You will need GMT and Proj.  You probabl
-You will need GMT and Proj.  You probably want a fast fft library,
-like FFTW or MKL.  To configure, run
+Before building Relax, you must have
+  GMT
+  Proj
+  Python 2.4 or greater
+A fast fft library, such as FFTW or MKL, is also highly recommended.
+An implementation of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm is included, but
+it will be significantly slower.
+The first step in building Relax is to configure the build system.  Relax uses Waf
+  http://code.google.com/p/waf/
+for configuration and building.  To configure, run
   ./waf configure
-If that works, run
+To get basic help and a list of configuration options, run
+  ./waf --help
+Once configuration works, build Relax with the command
+As one example, to compile the code on Mac OS X with the Intel fortran
+compiler, the MKL libraries, and the Fink-provided GMT and Proj
+libraries, we configured with the command
-The valid environment variables are slightly different from autoconf.
-Specifically, they are
+  ./waf configure --proj-dir=/sw --gmt-dir=/sw --mkl-libdir=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/084/Frameworks/mkl/lib/em64t/ --mkl-incdir=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/084/Frameworks/mkl/include --check-c-compiler=icc --check-fortran-compiler=ifort
+As another example, to build Relax on Caltech's CITerra, we first built and
+install gmt and proj into /home/walter/src/relax/relax-bin.  We then
+configured Relax with the command
+  CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/netcdf-4" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64" ./waf configure  --proj-dir=/home/walter/src/relax/relax-bin --gmt-dir=/home/walter/src/relax/relax-bin/ --mkl-incdir=/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.1.107/mkl/include/ --mkl-libdir=/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.1.107/mkl/lib/intel64/ --check-c-compiler=icc --check-fortran-compiler=ifort
+Depending on how your libraries were built, you may have to set
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac) so that Relax can
+find them.  For example, on Mac OS X using Fink, you may have to run the command
+  export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/lib:/sw/lib/netcdf-gfortran/lib
+You can generate a doxygen interface with the commands
+  mkdir doc
+  doxygen ./doxygen
+Environment Variables
+The valid environment variables for Waf are slightly different from
+autoconf.  Specifically, they are
diff -r e2fc88984d20 -r 437133fc9231 latex/documentation.pdf
Binary file latex/documentation.pdf has changed
diff -r e2fc88984d20 -r 437133fc9231 latex/documentation.tex
--- a/latex/documentation.tex	Thu Dec 29 12:59:43 2011 -0800
+++ b/latex/documentation.tex	Thu Dec 29 13:00:29 2011 -0800
@@ -203,129 +203,44 @@ Both the post-processing and the storage
 The output of the simulation can be projected on the fly to geographic coordinates, which is convenient to communicate results to others in a global coordinate system. In RELAX, this is performed with the proj4 library. It is recommended to install these libraries on your system.
-\subsubsection{Installation from the source files}
-The compilation procedure, written by Walter Landry, uses Waf, a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications. To obtain more information about this installation script, type
-{\color{orange}> ./waf --help}
-in a terminal from the source directory. To compile a binary file form the source code, the general procedure is to configure the project first, then compile. For example, to use the FFTW Fourier transform library, use
-{\color{orange}> ./waf configure --use-fftw
-> ./waf}
-On Pangu, the supercomputer of Caltech's GPS Division, you have to configure \verb'waf' to use the intel compilers and specify the location of the MKL, the GMT, and the PROJ libraries:
-{\color{orange}> CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/netcdf-4" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64" ./waf configure 
---check-c-compiler=icc --check-fortran-compiler=ifort
-> ./waf}
-To compile the code on a Mac OS X platform with the intel Fortran compiler, the MKL Fourier transform library, and the GMT and PROJ libraries installed with Fink, use
-{\color{orange}> ./waf configure --proj-dir=/sw --gmt-dir=/sw 
---check-c-compiler=icc --check-fortran-compiler=ifort
-> ./waf}
-To have a closer look at the code, one can generate an \verb'html'-based interface that can be browsed with the \verb'doxygen' program (\verb'http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/index.html') with the command
-> mkdir doc
-> doxygen ./doxygen}
-in the code source directory.
 \subsubsection{Running the program}
-When using external libraries, it is required to add to the environment variables \verb'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' the location of the dynamic libraries. For example, on a Mac OS X platform, with libraries installed by Fink, the \verb'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' variable should contain
+The binary packages provided on the CIG website contain everything
+needed to run simulations.  After unpacking the packages, open a
+terminal (or, in Windows, a Command Prompt) and run the setup script
+{\color{orange} source setup.sh # Linux and Mac}
+{\color{orange} setup.bat       # Windows}
-On shared memory machines, such as most modern laptops, it is possible to run the code in parallel using \verb'openmp'. The number of CPU used is the maximum number of threads allowed by the machine, or the number found in the environment variable \verb'OMP_NUM_THREADS'. To change the value, type
+You should get the response
-{\color{orange}> export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4}
-on the command line. This command affects all other programs running in this session. To set the number for a specific run, prepend the variable definition to your command
-{\color{orange}> OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 relax --option}
+{\color{orange}Ready to run Relax.}
-Some examples of simple calculations are provided in the \verb'examples' directory. For instance, to run the first example, just type
+On shared memory machines, such as most modern laptops and desktops, it is possible to run the code in parallel using \verb'openmp'. The number of CPU's used is the maximum number of threads allowed by the machine, or the number found in the environment variable \verb'OMP_NUM_THREADS'. To change the value, type
-{\color{orange}> cd examples
-> ./run1.sh}
+{\color{orange} export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # Linux and Mac}
+{\color{orange} set OMP_NUM_THREADS=4    # Windows}
+on the command line. This command affects all other programs running
+in this session. On Linux or Mac machines, to set the number for a
+specific run, prepend the variable definition to your command
+{\color{orange} OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 relax --option # Linux and Mac}
-\subsection{Installation from the binary files}
-The binary files can be downloaded from the web at \textit{www.geodynamics.org/cig/software/relax}. On a Mac platform, open the \verb`.dmg` bundle (for example, \verb`Relax-Mac-1_0_0.dmg`) and copy the files to a local directory of your choice (\verb`dir`). Then, open a terminal or \verb`X11` window and type the following
+Some examples of simple calculations are provided in the \verb'examples' directory. For instance, to run the first example, change into the \verb'examples' directory and run
-{\color{orange}> cd dir
-> source setup.sh}
-The Relax software is ready to be used. For example, in the same terminal window, type
-{\color{orange}> cd examples
-> ./run2.sh}
+{\color{orange} ./run1.sh  # Linux and Mac }
+{\color{orange} ./run1.bat # Windows }
-On Windows Vista and Windows 7, uncompress the .zip file to a local directory of your choice. Then, execute the setup file (\verb`setup.bat`). To run an example, go to the 'examples' directory and execute the \verb`run1.bat` script.
-On a linux platform, download the compressed tar package to the directory of your choice (dir), then Open a terminal or X11 window and type the following
-{\color{orange}> cd dir
-> tar -xzvf package.tgz
-> source setup.sh
-\section{Creating stand-alone executable files}
-\subsection{Mac OS X}
-From Fink, install gmt, fftw, proj, gfortran, and gcc4.6. Then, copy the static libraries from the system directories to the current location:
-{\color{orange}> cp /sw/lib/gcc4.6/lib/libquadmath.a /sw/lib/gcc4.6/lib/libgfortran.a 
-/sw/lib/gcc4.6/lib/libgomp.a /sw/lib/libgmt.a /sw/lib/libnetcdf.a 
-/sw/lib/libproj.a /sw/lib/libfftw3f.a /sw/lib/libfftw3f_threads.a .}
-Configure and compile the static code with
-{\color{orange}> CC=/sw/bin/gcc-fsf-4.6 CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/netcdf-4" ./waf configure 
---proj-dir=/sw --gmt-dir=/sw --fftw-dir=/sw --use-fftw
-> ./waf}
-and then recompile the executable
-{\color{orange}> cd build
-> /sw/bin/gfortran relax.f90.1.o types.f90.1.o ctfft.f.1.o fourier.f90.1.o 
-green.f90.1.o elastic3d.f90.1.o friction3d.f90.1.o viscoelastic3d.f90.1.o 
-writevtk.c.1.o writegrd4.2.c.1.o proj.c.1.o export.f90.1.o getdata.f.1.o 
-getopt_m.f90.1.o input.f90.1.o mkl_dfti.f90.1.o -o ../relax -L.. -lgmt 
--lnetcdf -lproj -lfftw3f -lfftw3f_threads -lgomp -lquadmath -lgfortran 
--Wl,-search_paths_first -static-libgcc}
-To verify that everything goes well, check the output with the command 
-{\color{orange}> otool -L ../relax}
-which should print
-        /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current ver
-sion 125.2.11)}
-The code should depend only on this external standard system library, which is available on all Macs.
+Alternately, on Windows, you can double-click on \verb'run1.bat' from the file browser.
 \section{Modeling a deformation scenario}

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